~~it~~ Chinese Progressive Association Realizing the Vision I j- *~ :E~ ' ~ ~ ~ • ~~ ~ J1 ~ Itt llf ~ El il

A Fund raising B~nquet for CPA's Permanent Home and Organizing Center Banquet Sponsors ·~t~~1t ll/J;t

Hon. Thomas M. Menino, Honorary Chair ··~~±·*~-·~~±'··~$

Empowerment * Jw il James Lee and Marian Tse Kate and Phil Villers Chia--Ming Sze and Diane Sze Wei Weil Gotshal and Manges LLP

Unity * Ill .~t Citizens Bank Tetsuo and May Takayanagi

So1 i darity * ···p~-1:- ~Ji.. Chinese Merchants Association China Pearl Restaurant Andrew Leong & Chi Chi Wu HongW.Lee LYC Financial Group South Cove Community Health Center Suffolk Construction United Commercial Bank (formerly Asian American Bank)

Community * {±I& Blue Cross Blue Shield Chinatown Neighborhood Center Mass Pike Tower Tenants Association Tufts--New England Medical Center .Table of Contents

Letters and Proclamations

~-! fj _i. 1$ J!k ~~ A Few Words from Our Chair - Suzanne Lee

Jt ~ J.YJl ~ ].JJj- ~ Realizing the Vision Page 10~11

b ~ "11. lk kk ~ ~ El /X. .I.. 'IF fa, J) Mission Statement & Programs Page 12~15

-k-fJ&8t 2005 Accomplishments Page 16~17 f;~*{i The People of CPA Page 18

*{i~~1t A ward Recipients

Tie .:n:- -tt ~ ~ ~b J.@_ ~ ~ ~ ~ if-A Capital Campaign Page 22~29

Ji.. ~.I.. Volunteers Page 30

~1t~~M~ Partnerships & Assistance Page 32 EDWARD M. KENNEllY MA~t.e~~usnr~

WASHINGTON ~ DC 2051~21'01

~1arch 24, 2006

Chinese Pti;)gressive Association 1 33 Harrison ~\vem..te~ 3 d Floor Boston ~ ~1A 02111

Dear Friends:

I arn delighted to extend greetings and congratulations to aU those gathered this evening to celebrate Realizing the Vi.sion, a fu.ndraising campaign for a pennanent hotne in Chinatown. Chinese Progressive Association~ along \Vith several other distinct organizations~ deserves our thanks and appreciation tbr aU its efforts on behalf of the Asian con1munity in the New England area as \veH as 1:or its ontstanding _contributions to the City of Boston.

The goal uf Realizing the Dream is to help acc(mlplish the $.15 n1iHion in order to r.naterialize the dream ofrnoving into the lvletropolitan project on Pared C. \Vith your help and contributions, CPi\ hopes to coJnplete the project and the n1ove in by this sun1n1er, Together, \Ve are all working to\vard.s the launch of bilingual Chinese and Vietnan1ese baUots in Boston~ as \VeH a,") advances and encouragernent of m()re Asiru1 I\.rneric.an political participation.

You should a.U take great pride in the tnany accomplishments of your \VOnderful association. I know that the future \ViH be tilled vvith even greater successes as you. continue your in1portant \Vork

\Vh.h best wishes,

2400 JFK Federal Building Boston ~ ~1~A 02203 \\hJShing1on. Office~ t530 ltmqttof!tl Billk.tng Cmnmittee- oo ?inancwJ ~nik::ru~ Washing\lJn, O.C, 2Xl5.15{t!t1S 202·225·$111 Commit!:®;~ on Trat~st.tmatioo & Fa,;(:: 2Ul ·, ~: ::W·$;;\;ti: Jtdras1tut:tt..Hu Oarrmctat0 Staertrg S Polic:.y Ois:trlet Ottiee$: Commm~ i 10 Hmi $;n11!H CatTibrid~, MA tar41 C()Ilgress <.)f tl1e li11ited States €17-621 "e2na riouse of Representatives FAX: $1I·SZ1·$SV.8 RP::

~tarch 13 ~ 2006

Chinese :Progressive Association 33 Harrison t\venue~ :;rd floor Boston~ f\.1A 02111

Dear Chinese Progressive Association Supporters:

\Velcome to the Realizing the Vision fundraising banquet.

It has been an honor to serve on this capital c

I appreciate your attendance at this evening~ s event Thank you for your support

Again~ 'velco.tne to the banquet! PRQCLAMATI:ON

:The Cliinese Progressive Associati.t.m ltas been a grassroots comntunity organization jor 1JCarly 3{) years workingjor thefoll equalit)' ojthe Cht11ese cQtnft~Uility~· AlYD ·

Tile Chinese Progressive Association has 'Worked with the City of Boston to provide Chinest: and Vietnamese bltingualballots beginning in 20fJ6~· AlvD · · ·· ·

WBBRBAS: .The Chinese Progressive Associat:iol{ has nwde important strides in voter regjstration and voter education ofthe Chinese .American community in BostQ.n;· ANJ)

TheChi11ese .Progrt!Ssive Ass(J(;iatton ·nas provided ·· s:upport to Chinatown tettants*. residetits:t ChituJ&f! immigrant . wor~rs: )'Outlts, attdfamilies in the are(i$ ()j•workers; rights~ tenant . riglzts~ and co.mmwtity develoQtttentr N.()Jf'

i Thomas .M. Menitto~ Mayor qfthe City ofBoston~ do hereby join with the entire Bostoti ·'CorpmunilY·i:n pr()claittl!IJg_ktarch ·24~ 2.0(}6 CHINESE IBOGUSSIVE · ASSOCIA:FION DAY

~~:the City ofll0$ton a:nd.J . urg.~ all of'tnyfellow Bostonians tojain me itt•honoring ar1d: .congratUlating the canttibut.i:ons oft.his ol;gan,Jz4ticm to lne City of/JfJ#J(!n. Proman Workers Rally AEI Workers Strategy Meeting Proman 4t;R..:r..~ iJ-Jfx.ft-ft f1t~JJ 7t~~~ -t ~..:r..~* t~J-t~A

Chauncy House Rent Struggle Victory Party Broken Promises at Boston City Hall *J ~~~ kJt iJ-Jfx. -f--l-~!1.~ ~;f1/!~JL-t 1±.ilt ± ~Jt rf1 JM- ~ aq " 1t i , ~ -t1t ~JJ

Get.. Out.. The.. Vote Street Theater Petition Solicitation for Chinatown Branch Library " ili *-{i ~ " 1it jJ! ~t- 41 ~~ ~tf.ffi:fj:_{~~ ~-"fJ*-11 t" ft ~1r,9!t~I¥:/f~B~ 30~7 ,~a~ '~w8"J~1r, 1ft/\+& -t+~1~~jiJJJ mG~lli* ,@¥U ffd: ~ ~ ft~=m:9!tmt 0 ~1r,1~18 , zp:J¥.;A.fuf1~2J<:~§a~ ~15fJJffd:~~ 0

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8 - A Few Words from Our Chair

When we founded CPA almost thirty years ago, As we work to improve the living and working some of us were young people coming out of the standards of Chinese Americans, our local strug.. movement of the Sixties and Seventies, returning gles need to build strength in order to challenge to the community to make a difference. We our misplaced national priorities. believed in ordinary people changing their own lives and society. We came out of the movement thirty years ago, and today we have an important role to play in Now, it's no longer a fashionable thing, but it's still rebuilding the movement. As CPA's work has what we believe in-the importance of putting grown, we have more responsibility to connect ordinary people at the center of creating change. with other communities and organizations to make an impact. Together, we can build a new move.. · And when we look back over the years and try to ment for change and ensure that working people assess what impact we have had, we can honestly will have a place in Boston. say that we have helped people make a difference in so many ways: translation for unemployed workers, interpretation at city hearings, bilingual ....suzanne Lee, Chairperson ballots, greater political clout, and the chance for the immigrant working class core of Chinatown to survive as the neighborhood develops.

Across the country, many Chinatowns have been gutted or wiped out by urban renewal and gentri.. fication, but here in Boston, Chinatown still has the chance to remain a place where people can live. This is the direct result of resident organiz.. ing, as well as the crucial support from the broader community that wants working people to have a place in the city. We still have a long way to go, but we are confident that Chinatown has a fight .. ing chance to survive and grow.

These are the accomplishments of thousands of ordinary people, not just of one organization.

At the same time, CPA represents that organizing center that people need.... to lend experience, back them up, and believe in their leadership. That's why it is so important for CPA to be Building a Center for Grassroots Leadership.

9 § 1985 if.~ 1994 if. , ¥A..M~Wl"W¥t¥m-=f _t ~A..±~•&~ - oo~•~~mc~~"~* ~~-~~~~ o ~~oom~~~~,Mm&~ ±4!JJrtJ~m7 -1m~~ c tili,§~~~wrrm~{J\~&J! ~ 0

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10. · Realizing the Vision

From 1985 through 1994, the Chinese Progressive Association (CPA) and thousands of others in Chinatown organized to oppose three successive proposals for a parking garage on Oak Street's Parcel C. In the course of this struggle, the community and the City developed a vision of a community center on Parcel C.

More than a decade after successfully preserving Parcel C for community development, the Metro... politan sits on Parcel C, with 251 units of mixed... income housing and the permanent homes of three non... profit agencies.

This summer, CPA will finally move into our own We are realizing yet another vision as we o~le ... permanent home and organizing center on Parcel brate our community's political coming... of... age, c. with the citywide record for increased voter tum... out, the start of bilingual Chinese and Vietnamese Tonight, while we raise the funds to complete our ballots, and the city's first Asian American elected three... and... a ... half year capital campaign, we are official. realizing the vision in more ways than one. By this summer, Parcel C will house a family multi... service As we celebrate these accomplishments, we wish center, a community development corporation, a to honor not only this year's awardees but also the youth center, and a grassroots community organiz... many thousands of unrecognized individuals, as ing center. well as the generations that preceded us and paved the way for our progress. But the struggle for Parcel C was more than a bricks ... and... mortar vision. Over twenty years, Finally, as CPA nears our thirtieth anniversary, we thousands of Chinatown residents and Chinese are realizing the responsibility that comes with community members signed petitions, rallied, increased leadership and are renewing our made themselves heard in a community referen... commitment to grassroots organizing for justice, dum, and then participated in several years of democracy and equality. We thank you all for open, bilingual community meetings to plan for supporting us in this endeavor~ development of the land. The passionate involve... ment of many Chinatown residents over these years led to the founding of the neighborhood's ...... Lydia Lowe, Executive Director first resident association and a new wave of civic engagement that continues to push us forward today.

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Mission Statement: Programs:

The Chinese Progressive Association is a Adult Education Program grassroots community organization, The goal of the Adult Education Program is to which works for fuU equality and promote the participation of Chinese immigrant empowerment ofthe Chinese community adults in the social, cultural, economic, and politi.. in the Greater Boston area and beyond cal mainstream of US society and to promote self.. Our activities seek to raise the living and sufficiency by providing English language, eco.. nomic literacy, and civic participation instruction working standards ofChinese Americans to immigrant adults. In the past year, the program and to involve ordinary community served 156 adult learners. members in making decisions that affect our lives.

. Campaign to Protect Chinatown The Campaign to Protect Chinatown works to ensure the survival and growth of Chinatown as a working class, family neighborhood and social, political, economic, and cultural center for the Chinese American community through organizing for democratic neighborhood decision.. making, tenant rights, increased political clout, and city.. wide policy reform. Last year, we helped bring citywide attention to the problem of unaffordable "affordable" housing and worked with tenants in seven Chinatown.. area developments to help them stay in their homes and improve their quality of life. 14. Community Empowerment Project Chinese Youth Initiative The Community Empowerment Project works to The Chinese Youth Initiative provides mecha... increase the civic participation and political clout nisms for youth to develop their leadership roles of the Chinese community. Our strategy is to through discussion and hands ... on organizing combine issue... based organizing with broad... based projects, including a 7 ... week summer internship voter education activities, expand our political for six high school... aged youth and a year... round base citywide, and build coalitions with other dis ... youth committee. CYI members continued to enfranchised communities. Last year, Chinatown bring attention to the call for a Chinatown branch scored the highest increase in voter registration library and involved 256 youth in its year... round and turnout of any Boston neighborhood. CPA activities. has. gradually expanded our outreach citywide with 34 voter education workshops last year in Chinatown, South End, Kenmore, Allston, and Mission Hill.

Membership & Community Services CPA provides drop... in information and referral services on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturday mornings. In the past year, we provided drop... in service to 2,762 individuals in the areas of consumer rights, workers' rights, tenant and housing issues, Chinese passport and document assistance, government benefits, legal referrals, and other issues. Membership activities included Workers Center biweekly "tea hours", field trips and social gather... The Workers Center combines workers' rights ings, and a variety of know... your... rights work... education, leadership development training, and shops. support for collective action to develop the roles of immigrant workers as leaders in their work... places, in the CPA, and in the community. In the Citywide Work past year, the Workers Center provided work... CPA helped build and participate in citywide or place rights counseling to 108 individuals, sup... regional coalitions such as the Asian Pacific ported employees from 60 different workplaces to American Agenda Coalition, Asian Pacific Islander take follow ... up action, and involved 223 immigrant Movement Building Group, Boston Tenant workers from ten workplaces in organizing for Coalition, Civic Engagement Initiative, Commu... their rights. In three manufacturing plant shut... nity Labor United, the Fair Wage Campaign, 1m ... downs, 121 workers organized and won over migrant Workers Center Collaborative, New Ma... $400,000 in severance pay and increased access to jority, and Whose Boston. job training programs. 15 * ~1J~}f;(fJ-JJ?.fflG~~~~§2&1~±4!JfftJflgf~~~~~B'j~~ o*Jl*i-~~~~~ 1~1r5 EJ a~~s'j~JfBt~ o~~ rtf-~~~~1~~§1f~Wji3f4 &1£-:t¥ ,1¥1~ 'l

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* Worked to give Chinatown the highest percentage increase in voter registration and turnout of any neighborhood in the city. Organized Chinese American voters to articu-­ late their own issues platform. Provided bilingual voter education materials to Chinese American voters citywide and 34 voter education workshops to subsidized housing tenants in Chinatown, South End, Kenmore, Allston, and Mission Hill. * Helped Chinese--speaking citizens take a stand for their voting rights, and worked with both the City of Boston and the Department of Justice to provide increased multilin-­ gual assistance and bilingual Chinese and Vietnamese ballots beginning in 2006. * Worked with tenants in seven Chinatown area developments, totalling 513 housing units, to keep Chinatown residents in their homes and improve their quality of life. * Helped bring citywide attention to the problem of unaffordable affordable housing. * Worked with Chinatown residents and ri).e broader community to influence the official call for development of Parcel 24, to advocate for more deeply affordable housing, and to call for new alternative plans for the Silver Line. * Organized 121 dislocated immigrant workers from three manufacturing plants to win more than $400,000 in severance pay and to advocate for special federal funding for extended job training. * Participated in community--labor coalition--building to strengthen immigrant worker organizing citywide. * Worked with Chinese American youth to highlight the· demand for a Chinatown branch library. * Provided English and Citizenship instruction to 156 adult learners, drop--in services to 2,762 individuals, tea--time discussions and activities for elderly members, and commu-­ nity involvement opportunities for youth. Added 201 new members and 181 new donors in the past year. * Raised up to $1.2 million in our capital campaign for CPA's permanent office and organizing center, including pledges from one thousand individuals and families.

17 f; f1tr ltf~ People of CPA ~

Staff ll~~

Stella Wai.. Ping Chan 2006--2007 ~t '~~ ff- Steering Committee ~t_L~ Karen Yu .. zhen Chen

•~mlf!'tfJt1t~ ~ 't ~~#} Amelia Huibin Chew

~il~ Roddy Dow ~*1: Wan Cheung t~~p Helen Hui Mi~ll Nancy Chew ~Jf-X. Lawrence Joe MI~::t Ying Choi Chiu ~4-~f! Marilyn Lee.. Tom 11/j•9 ~f!' • MeeLenHong *Y:X. Alice Leung ~~~'f Kin Chung Lam ·~ ~1£1~ LydiaLowe · 4--tfJ Suzanne Lee ~-'-ll~ ,.. Fiona Yu '&;-~ Pong Louie ~;fk* Chau Wah Tang ~~* )ian Hua Tang -}f ~ 1-. Ann Har.. Yee Wong _I_,~* Patrick Wong

18· ~ ~ ~ h:it ~ Unsung Hero Award

Sik--Lun Yan

Sik.. Lun Yan, or Yan ...Baak, likes to sit outside on warm nights in front of his home at Quincy Towers and chat with the neighbors. His relaxed, friendly manner belies the activist dynamo within.

A longtime Chinatown resident and member of CPA, Yan ...Baak is more than an advocate for resi.. dent concerns. He keeps his neighbors informed about important issues-from the proposed Parcel C parking garage to the locations of safety cameras to the upcoming development of the Chinatown tft1~- Gateway area-helping to organize lunch.. room ~££M , ~A.lfi1ttr~~lL18 , 1±~f7C~1~~ , ~~1± workshops at Quincy Towers and bringing people to community meetings at the Quincy School, ~~-~,W~@~7C o ~~A.~W,+~ft~, Posner Hall, or St. James Church. 1Jf5~~Dill1tfr:Jt~ ~ ®Jfitj:5J'~ , 1±¥t¥mA.fii~F 'm'1§ffl 0 As one of the co.. chairs of the Chinatown Resident Association, Yan ...Baak seldom seeks the limelight, but pitches in and handles whatever is needed at ~ffi~-~~~M@~,~-A.~~~~~ o ~ the moment, whether that be dishing up food or ~•m@~~H~®~~,~~~@~&~®~ introducing local elected officials. During the fall, ~~r~~~~o: &~ttt:ctfu~~911~Jllt~ ~ff~¥t¥~ Yan ...Baak is the familiar face at every voter's door in his building, encouraging neighbors to learn ~~---~~~~~,~~~~0091®¥~ about the elections and then to come out and vote. Gateway tfu~®~~~ o 1tfrm!il11£~~-a&~*fi*-~ utf~fJI& ~~JIM ~~tt~ ± 1J \~ .Posner /frl~&~ CPA often takes pride in Chinatown's record for increased voter registration and turnout, but the ~P&±t3(~tfjfrtffr±~~~ 0 real credit goes to grassroots heroes like Yan ...baak, a permanent resident who has never naturalized ~m¥~@~~®~~~rrt,~m~~~ce~~ but who every day shows us the true meaning of ~ ' {B ~F'm'~;[J\ ' j}f):f_l:ff~~ ' 1tfrgttfj)J ' ~~JfU~ "citizenship." Jt~~~'~km*~®~~g~,~~~~* o 1±~~m?fi:ff~~~~~~~~1s ,~¥u~~ ,~1sgt te:t5!1±1ttr1r~~ r~~ , n~V1ttr 1r~~r&~~~®~~ & te3Kt~~ 0

~~~m¥t¥®~~~§ci&*®~1Jo , &t~~A. ~~~•®•~,~-~~~*~•~~m~m ~*~~~~,@~~~@~'~*A~'tB~~ iij7CpfffmJG®mt~~1mfffil:JE "0~"~~i'B 0 19 ntr if! }G if-~ Pioneer for Progress Awardees

Maria Altreche HoenGinNg *Jl-if SongBoXu "tft=-tAiJt Tse Ngar Cho t-t-# TruyNguyen SumMingYu ~1-lf~ TuHue ~A' J.tt~ Siu Ching Tsang 'If**~ Fung Kam Yung SJ~ ,.. 7 Yan Hui tf~~p Wing Yuen Tse ~~iJt Li Fang Zhang ~*-At*

In 2003, several Chinese immigrant voters stepped for .. :t± 2oo31¥ ,19:1!t!l•f.t~~~E~J9f~rmte , ~ mHt:P.fr~:t± ward to describe problems they had faced at the polls, 1~~ftr!l8"J-®*~~E<.Fo5~ , 11Qfr~7@ ~~~-~x~~E<. -5 ranging from struggles with English language ballots and ~~,U~~~~~* ~E<.~~~M®I~A~~ signs to improper questioning and interference by poll workers. Although anxious about the potential risks of m o B~ , ~:t1t§f~tr~~8"JA~~~M' 8E<.JIU5'~, 1Ei criticizing people with power and influence, they believed ~, i~fB"§a~~tt:tf:!JJ·Iw~m~, rm~~2)(~~~ in their rights and the importance of speaking up in order s"JtrfU , ~zr:J1Uq~ , W\~?f:'ttm~s"J o to seek improvements for all voters. These individuals went on to create detailed declarations ~® AF7fltzil1i!&~*ffi8"J §2~ , 'N1f1'F1~ , t8Hrlt11Qfr~s"J*~ describing their experiences, which became the founda .. ~ , ~gxm~JE:rt}~gHB"J~W , ~~:ftrt.J , 1 \ 1\IE<.~~*~ tion for complaints and investigations of voting rights at the city, state, and federal levels. In 2005, these immigrant s"JMOO*gfijJ*~~tr~ 2005 1f , ;it{-!QffdJ~ks"J• o:ft voters were joined by others from the Chinese, Latino, -,~T~E<.--~~,~~~~gru®~OO,W\~ and Vietnamese communities, all of whom shared similar A. 1:S:37U , mP.J~~*~PJ$ff~F~1~gHfffi1'F~~ , {-!Qfr~J:5Ji~1§ obstacles and provided information to the US Depart.. ment of Justice. They also shared the belief that speaking ~zr:J1Uq~, ~*5m*~¥~§a 'ili~M=*ffrr~MII up and working together could make a difference, not w*2)(~ 0 ~®~~1JoA.ffrr~».rt.J~J!:fmOS¥il~~:g~ only for themselves but for the broader community. These voters, joined by many community and city leaders, ~ , *1:*~~!&1il~.:Y E<.1~~trfU o . called for multilingual ballots to ensure political access and voting rights.

Mayor Menino responded by establishing an Elections 1'F*Ji , § 8"J~2)(~~§tf~.:Y~~ , E<.fii1:*1~~trfU o Task Force made up of community representatives with 1~±f[rt.Jr&H~fBWI&7m~s"JF7fln~& ~ , m1LT?¥JT1~ the goal of improving multilingual access and ensuring ±f[A¥JJ¥$J1& , 1~~§fi § *ME1'F0F7fl~~E<.~l&~z voting rights. In previous years, the City of Boston had }ij o made important steps to opening up city government by establishing an Office of New Bostonians and providing a system for multilingual access to public meetings and :t± 2oo5 1fnjj , m~~$~».~~~*~PJ 1!ff~r~ -m'N hearings. 1w , ~g:t£m1~r9rJI3fx~~7} , ~:Vocf=lxEz.MI¥jx In September of 2005, Mayor Menino and the US Depart.. ~~ , t~:bo~§tffjjh!l}JE<.~;tq. , iaff!W.~~§tiU , 1:*§1f~ ment of Justice jointly announced an agreement to pro.. rJT~~~tlfU£~1JD1*§i o vide Chinese and Vietnamese bilingual ballots, in addition to Spanish, increased multilingual assistance and informa.. tion, and plans for election monitoring to ensure in.. creased protection of all voters' rights. r&®mw o ~~te~m o 0~~.:YE<.~JE0~~~® The historic voting rights agreement, which makes Bos .. 0 0 ~Bh txfr~P.J~®~~~~tr~)fc~mm171r¥5z~ ton a nationwide model for multilingual political access, demonstrates both the power of grassroots civic engage-­ ment and the dynamism of true civic leadership. Our sa .. lutes go to these immigrant voting rights activists for pav.. ingthe way. 20 Rtr if! jc if-~ Pioneer for Progress Awardees

Sam Yoon

As the Asian American community organized to increase voter turnout and visibility over the past few years, activists and pundits alike looked to Chinatown and Dorchester for an Asian American to take the plunge into electoral politics, and Sam Yoon stepped forward.

A first .. time candidate and relative newcomer to Bos .. ton politics, Sam Yoon nonetheless soon showed the ..::fl- ~ ~&.. city that he had the drive, the savvy, the resources, and TrllJl the appeal to run a viable citywide campaign. Sam made economic development, public education, afford .. lE ¥5:2~1±~~~1f* , ~*lJJ~ t@ 1JO j!.§!J!i~~ § & able housing, and public safety the centerpieces of his ~-~Nz~,m•A±&•~~w~~1±-~&~ campaign, and fully embraced the Asian American po.. ffltttjf ~=lf~~~5:2~WJ-1!i~j!$~ 1-Et ,J.Jtt1± 1Its~ ,-pmJf litical platform developed through a series of commu..

0 nity meetings coordinated by the Asian Pacific Ameri.. f~~ fffi te can Agenda Coalition.

ke*~~~~~±~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ f ~~ s -:A~ JZ!S ;.x{;x 't!_....3it. JJ:)<.. {~ .It!:! K_n ' r ffi ..R'"'~ 1:± On November 8, 2005, Sam Yoon made history as m~~ffBEJt~ , ~1t:f=r~JJ , ttJ5 , ~•*-lr- , ~g~-y~m Boston's first Asian American elected official, coming ~~~~~ o f3"mJi~j!~m@~m~~~~~ , 0~ in third in the at.. large city council race. f~W ,EJ~tim~&0~~~ , ?J}5G~ 1;R*-P3 Ef:L51:t:~­ Born in Seoul, South Korea, Sam came to this country ~ - M~S~ - $M~WJ"-$Mg~~~~~~~ with his parents when he was only ten months old. f~ 0 Sam's parents instilled in him a strong sense of commu.. nity and a commitment to education. Sam earned his 1± 2005 1f 11 Jj 8 B ' PmJlw;tE U @T~~ , ~mtEz± bachelor's degree from Princeton University, and a ;f';[5A-A- j J.....-;:n::;:=¥£ Frf_'BB~ = -J-r-2:>...-'-T_L,}. '66 1Einh-'-=:¥;A--'6 B ft!}:;t$ - tlL~:u::.~~~ § _R ' 1:±::£ ri1 "1"7J ~ L!lli 1=1~ rtJ~~Wf:iz!s Master's degree in public policy from Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government, where he focused on ~%3~$ ~37 U !ft=-fffi&j! o , community economic development and affordable housing. He has worked as a public school teacher in -pmJf:ttm•~~ce~ , :tt~~+MJj*~w~a­ New Jersey and in non.. profit real estate development ~~~~~ , i~~~af~~ ,~ffd: WJ-&f~W~~$?.!~ 8-JJ¥\ with the Community Builders and the Asian Commu.. ti of3"-mJi:fr Princeton *~1[SZf~~±~ fli '1±0E- 1~*~ nity Development Corporation, with projects in Cambridge, Somerville, Newton, the Cape, as well as ~~@~m~~®m0~~m~±, ~~$m~M~ Dorchester, Roxbury, and Chinatown. ~~~~&EJ~ttm~ ,®~am~~ffi0~~~~ grp , ?J} f~~:O~~f:$-~ !Jtfu j£~~0 PJtz Dffd:~9!§~~ &5:2 Sam has been involved in the New Majority, VietAID, ~ffd:~~~taWJ- ' ~71± Cambridge , Somerville , Fields Comer Main Street, and Bethany Presbyterian Church in Brookline. Sam, his wife Tina, and their two Newton ' Cape W Dorchester , Roxbury & $t¥~~~I children live in the Fields Comer neighborhood of fj_ 0 Dorchester. f3"mJl~~1JD*JT8"J~IJ: , ~:ti , Fields Comer ±f!f&:fr Brookline 8'9 Bethany Presbyterian f~';§:t ' PmJlW~+ &~~-T:tz: fJ:1±~ fflt!tjf~fd)~8"J Fields Comer o 21 ~ *' \ I ·A~~~B~A~~~~-~~~,~~~ftW' 1t .lk!l!c Jt-fili~if!~X l mB&~~~~~~B·~~~~,*~~~~~ I mf¥1f?!gtJmtt1fno , fEl~ , ~~ YE~~s'j~fi!§Jta~ , =tf?g 1968 *t¥ffr±mJEI.~f.S1*~1±J.¥1ti 34-36 5ms-Jttm ~n~:r~ I t~~§j~JJ~t'CB* 0 tfFfEP , 1±~1~1& , ffi*t¥ffr±l£1cp{J\ft!lffl o 1978 ~1FmtfFff~JlfUgH!i 199 5m 'ffr±il!*fl*llm* '1*~~~ I'IJ AJW~ift 1![tN~Jlflt tj:l ;[.-:JE~@JJIDfifti 3241 ZjS}J~ ~m , ~J~ff~1~ , !1Xf.SiEt±iHJ[2~~if£:;tm~r.£${;' I RE!'jitfjffltt!ff1®1L~fll' ttJB§~¥h¥0~8"J1ID{i)tf Boston Asian Youth Essential Services (BAYES) ~ 1985 *A-IWJ1!1f , *t¥ffctl£1cp,[;<&;tt1~*fl*ll&t1-flm1± I 1JD7 33% 0 f,f~~~8"JI ff3K~ 0 ~= II c tili,E~_t,&~Wjms-J*t¥ffr±l£1cp,[;,tl*~ox!i~~t$j

~~-~Jc{~-~ 0 1 ? I ~i¥Jtf:1 G'1rtBtf1tM1'Fffl 1987 ffr±l£1-¥f*fl*llflli*1*i*rl¥1iit1* ,at~i:t~tU1:R: ·iw i: -1'F~f5f1:itr•t¥~th8"J-&m ±~m~~rei¥mti*&~~~~~~U-ftW~ -m~1tm~~*tlt1E~x 'A*irJI *t¥ffr±1£1r::p,[;, 0 ~PJif , w±il!m=~~JLu::.:tE c tili.E~~

-f~SY®tili~r5~w4~4$-T 1~-~~~~jj 0 -~ ~IAf!zWI 1'F~r5 1990 1± 1990 if '*t¥ffctl£1~116tiUH:i~#~ c fili~*-21*A­ -li*l~:lL]l[f.N0 .§!;~-T IWJ!it , *t¥ffr± 1£1 cp ,[;,,&;tt{~n flmt~HMf'Ff.Sffct 1£1 r::p -*H8"Jffrr ~~V!tr:W mrt&xli*§c~f!

o:(£-=. 0 ~ t~ ,~ ~&*l1*i~~£7-fs:~f!£~:)[A8"J·A~.§!; :B-1m~ :t31±$ Jfft11~ftf:7f\~B'J~~i cp I iFJW ' --TJG!llGPJI.B'91~~1l~:~lm~1\11l 0 ~7( ' 1999 2~~ml:t73blt Asian Community Development Cor­ ~ ~~~~~m~~~:tEm@*~'~m~-~A~ poration (ACDC) ,& Edward A. Fish Associates~~ II PJ 1~A8"J1j~j:~,Wg o~ f§J8"Jt~ff~~1if1tJC 'm~!Z]+ ~~~jj1£ c tili.E~mJJI~~ 0 l mA±B'9~hliRmm o ~ 2002 f6~*llfif£1± c fili,E~IJJ± , 6tiU~:t3~ 251 @f± ¥ flz '*t¥ffi± 1£1 cp ,[;,~Jf±J[ ,~Jf!3'9 1Et±iHJ[2~~if£:;t 1:1 ~1F~w~1~t1%tt}J*1~~~m1~~tli ~i~ §~r.£r::p,[;,jlf1Et±iHJ[m~~*217 8o iffE*~ ,2~~ml: ~ ~~}L]j[f_N~][:fffi cp' G\t~ff~P}m;justice@ cpaboston.org t73b1f~ff¥JJ¥0~&-.A!WJ!fr~f:$fU1®1L¥f1z 0 ~ ~m; Marilyn Lee-Tom 617-851-1302 ~ ,~~f£1~ 617- 2005 2~~ml:t73b1f ' *t¥ffi±l£1cp{J'&1Et±~2~~if£ :;t§~r.£r::p,[;,~Ji, *A-IWJtt-tt1± c tili,E~~~t~)k~wr 11 259-1503 ° ~: ±J[ 0 ~~) w~ *A-IWJ1!1fffl1Fm.Jiffi~*llf o 22 . Building a Center for Grassroots Leadership

The Chinese Progressive Association (CPA) has reached Email: [email protected] a new stage of growth. Our education, organizing, and Metropolitan/Parcel C Historical Timeline leadership development programs have _expanded in breadth, and our capacity to influence decision.. making in 1968 The community organizes and saves buildings at the citywide arena has increased. Yet this potential can 34 .. 36 Oak Street, later renovated and used by the only be realized with adequate infrastructure. Boston Chinatown Neighhborhood Center (BCNC). 1978 199 Harrison A venue is scheduled for demolition. CPA's new Center for Grassroots Leadership consists of The community organizes, saves the building, and 3,241 square feet of ground.. floor commercial condo renovates it into the former home of Boston Asian space, a 33 percent expansion compared to our current Youth Essential Services (BAYES). office. · 1985 CPA, BCNC, and other groups organize to oppose building a parking garage on Parcel C, adjacent to What will the new center mean for our work? the BCNC building and tot lot. .. Anchoring the Campaign to Protect Chinatown .. Two classrooms to expand our English/Citizenship 1987 The community again mobilizes to save the Oak program Street buildings and wins a court challenge as the BRA sells the Oak Street buildings and adjoining .. Comfortable space for year.. round youth involvement playground to BCNC for $1. That same year, the .. Workspace for immigrant worker education community stops the second Parcel C parking .. Continuing to build grassroots civic engagement garage proposal. .. A new gallery for community art and documentation projects 1990 The 1990 Chinatown Community Plan designates .. A chance to upgrade our technology Parcel C for a community center involving BCNC, .. Wheelchair and stroller accessible CPA, and five other agencies . 1993 CPA leads the third and final 18 .. month campaign to CPA has raised $12 million in pledges toward our $1.5 oppose the parking garage on Parcel C, organizing a million goal. As the only non.. profit agency which has had community referendum in which 1,692 people vote to purchase space in the Metropolitan, CPA's acquisition against the garage. Parcel C is preserved for required a major mortgage loan. We need to complete community development. the campaign this spring in order to finish our bufld .. 1998 CPA organizes residents for a voice in creating the out without additional borrowing, pay down our mort.. Parcel C vision, calling for a mixed .. income project gage principal, and thus be able to maintain and expand with an open courtyard, a large multi.. function our operations and programs. room, and non.. profit space to fulfill the community center vision. The City holds open, bilingual Our progress is particularly significant for a small grass .. community meetings to develop the vision, and all roots organization whose membership, constituent base, elements are incorporated into the City's Request and ·board consists primarily of low.. income Chinese.. for Proposal. speaking immigrants. Three years ago, we had no more 1999 The Asian Community Development Corporation than six donors at the $1,000 level or above. Today, (ACDC) and Edward A. Fish·Associates propose to we have more than a hundred donors at this level and build the new project on Parcel C. · over a thousand individuals who have given to the cam.. 2002 The Metropolitan project breaks ground on Parcel paign. Yet our highest individual pledge of $50,000 comes C, including plans for 251 units of housing, BCNC's from over 40 individuals who pooled their resources new community center, a new home for BAYES into one large gift. with an 80 .. year lease from the BRA, new offices for ACDC, and nonprofit condo space for CPA. We need you to help us close the gap. 2005 ACDC, BCNC, and BAYES move in, and CPA To make a contribution to: purchases its permanent home on Parcel C. Bullding a Center for Grassroots Leadership 2006 CPA gets ready to move into the Me·trotJolltan Contact-Marilyn Lee.. Tom (617) 851 .. 1302 Lydia Lowe (617) 259.. 1503

23 Chinese Progressive Association Capital Campaign Donors

Thank You for Building a Center for Grassroots Leadership! Leadership ($100,000 level) Chinatown Trust Herman & Frieda L. Miller Foundation Anonymous

Justice ($50,000 level) CI, Associates David & Gon Yee Wong Memorial Fund (31 contributors) Hyams Foundation Anonymous

Equality ($25,000 level) Citizens Bank Donald Lowe & Tani Barlow Suzanne Lee & Tak Matsusaka LISZ Foundation Anonymous

Empowerment ($10,000 level) Unity ($5,000 level) Anonymous Anonymous (1) Access Strategies Fund Cathay Bank Foundation Carmen Chang Fleet Philanthropic Trusts Lawrence Cheng In Honor of Kim Wong Clipper Ship Foundation Don Lee Margaret Chin & Perry Pong LYC Associates Kenneth & Tamara Ho Regina Lee & Reinaldo Rivera Brian Lacey South Cove Community Health Center James S. Lee & Marian A. Tse Suffolk Construction Andrew Leong & Chi Chi Wu Tetsuo & May Takayanagi Catherine Lin United Commercial Bank Lydia Lowe & Frank Mark Har Yee Wong & Ping Kam Chan Lowe Family Michelle Yee & Wesley Wong Marilyn Lee... Tom & Doug Tom Jeffrey K. Young Mark Family Allan G. Rodgers Teruhisa & Mioko Matsusaka Dr. and Mrs. Wing... Ar Moy Kate & Phil Villers W eil Gotshal & Manges LLP Katherine Wong 24 Chinese Progressive Association Capital Campaign Donors ~~ t~t *A-m if! t- il -t £. ~ .t~ ;¥x ~ Solidarity ($1,000- 4,999) Anonymous (9) Susan Yan Fung Margaret & Kenneth Mcintosh Alex Goldfeld & Mariel C. Gonzales Francine & Benjamin Hiller Mass Pike Towers Tenant Association Janet Axelrod & Tim Plenk Hilton Hotels Corporation DonMisumi Blue Cross Blue Shield AlexHing AnnMoy Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center Anna Faith Jones David Moy & Carol Lee Doug Brugge & Phyllis Fonseca Marie Kennedy & Chris Tilly New England Medical Center Paul Chan Minette Kwok Karlo Ng & Andrew Shin Thomas Chan Zenobia Lai Chew Chin Phua & Weng Cho Chew Nick & Eva Chau HongW.Lee George Pillsbury & Mary Tiseo Rocky Chin & May Ying Chen ChunChuLee Richard Siu Jill & Hung Cheng Lily & Andrew Lee Wenda Tai & Wesley Ward China Pearl Restaurant MaeQ.Lee Chris Tiongson Chinese Merchants Association Amy Leung Souyan & Jeffrey Wong Andovish Dadgar Alice Leung Serene Wong Victoria Denninger Deena & Mitchell Lew BakFun Wong Jean Entine Zhi S. Liang David Yamada Xue Fang & Yan Huo The Agnes M. Lindsay Trust Jacob Smith Yang & James K. Marko Frank A. Flynn Samuel Lowe & Lucia Chen.. Lowe Richard Yee Susan Fung Michael Liu & May Louie Yuk Ping & Cheuk Yee Rick Jurgens & Diane Stephenson Pong Louie John Young Stephanie Fan Tom Louie & Annie Chin.. Louie

Community (under $1,000) Anonymous (71) Caroline Chang Cecilia Chen Hing Man Cheung Velma Akinaka ChiWaiChan Ching In Chen Nan Ying Cheung Edith Allen Chi Ying Chan CuoQiuChen Wan Cheung Henry and Tish Allen Chui Ping Chan DanXinChen Shiu Han Cheung Felix D. Arroyo & Elsa Montano-­ Chun.. Fai Chan Ding Xi Chen Cindy Chew Arroyo Connie Chan FenAiChen Lisa Chew Rose Lee Askin Fanny Chan Fu Pei Chen Nancy Chew WingKiAu KwokChan GuiDi Chen Yun Ping Chiang Atlantic Properties john Chan HaoXiuChen Gordon Chin & Sharon Huang james Babson Ho Ping johnny Chan Hong Dong Chen King Pong Chin Rebecca Backmender Hoover Chan Iris Chen Lily Chin & Steve Ng Patricia Baker ImFongChan jimmy Chen Neil Chin David Bassett Kin Kwon Chan Karen Yu~Zhen Chen Steven & Nancy Chin PamBasuk Git Yee Chan & Wan Wen Chen No LiChen Sik Mui Ching Kelly Bates & Paul Facklam LokChan TinFuChen Sao Cheng & Ying Choi Chiu Louise Baxter Patsy Chan Xiang Zuo Chen MingChiu Barbara Beatty Priscilla Chan Xiao Ying Chen Siu Mie Tung Chiu Leslie Belay Pui Quan Chan XieWenChen Yiu W. Chiu john Bell & Trudi Cohen Shui jin Chan XinFunChen ChoFamily Libby Benson SoMingChan XinMinChen Cam Tai Choi Fred Bennett Stella Chan & Kin Heng lu XiuLinChen KamChoi Lawrence Blum Tat Wei Chan & Tao Won Chan Xue Ying Chen Merle Chong Warren Briggs Tin Chan Xue Zhen Chen Yee Won Chong Xavier Briggs Tin~ Yan Chan YanCiChen Cary & Roberta Chow Frances Burke WaiSunChan YanFuChen Chong Y. Chow Marcia Butman Yuk Hing Chan Yan Lian Chen DacSunChow Sui Zhong Cai Diana Chang Yan YaoChen joe Chow XiaoE.Cao Donna & Kenneth Chang Yao Huang Chen Kris & Alan Chow Boston Carmens Union Local 589 So Ming Chang Yue Xia Chen & Yan Fu Chen Wai Chan Chow jim Campen & Phyllis Ewen Lily & Sylvester Chao Zhang Xiong Chen Yick Hay Chow Cargo Service Center Kwan Pong Chau ChunCheng jennifer Chow Chan Robin E. Carton TungChau Ying Kin Cheng ElenaChoy Mr. Chan Aijin Chen Zhi Fang Cheng Angela Chu Angela Lee Chan & Eddie Chan AiShaoChen Weikun Cheng & Xiaping Lei ChongChu 25 Chinese Progressive Association Capital Campaign Donors

Community (under $1,000) JohnnyChu Kim Geron Hui Xian Huang Chi Xing King KenChu Tracy Giang Jie Ying Huang Fang Chin King Stanley & Cassie Chu Pang Gin & Pang Tin Git Juan Fang Huang Virginia Ko Walter Chu Daniel Glaser Judy Huang Wendy Ko & Koon Hung Lai WilliamChu Lenore Glaser Ming Deng Huang Susan & Charles Knight Fidel Chui Warren & Marcy Goldstein.. Gelb Shu Y.Huang Zhen Jun Kuang Wing Sum Chui Ira Gorfinkle SuOinHuang TzeYenKwan Zheng Xiang Chun Alison Gottlieb Vivian & Thomas Huang Sue Fong Kwok Myrna Chun.. Hoon Simon B. Gottlieb Xiu Feng Huang Stephen & Donna Kwock HoWahChung Greater Boston Labor Council YaCaiHuang PeterKwon Mei Huang Chung AFL.. CIO Ying Lun Huang Ken Kong & Alice Kwong QiWenChung Norman & Judy Elovitz Greenberg Yong Jian Huang Tong Sum Kwong Tom Lun.. Nap Chung Richard Greene Zheng Mei Huang Lawrence Kuo Wan Chung HonGu Zhong Xing Huang Cheryl LaFleur & Bill Kuncik Chun Ming Jewelry Wei YingGu Bark Jew Huey Pui Ying Kwan Co Co Head Hair Studio & Co. Chui Ying Guan Mrs.Hui ChanLoLai Martha Cody.. Valdez Li LiGuan Ci Yu Hui Goon Lai Matina Colombotos Qing Jing Guan Dora & Carrie Hui Ha TangLai Community Mgmt Assistance Corp Suan Tan Guang JunXieHui Lai On Lai Kerry Costello Zhu Lun Guang Lian Guan Hui Laura & Him Mark Lai Claire Croghan FuiGuo Lian Yin Hui Mui Yu Lai QiCui Jennifer Jacobs .. Guzman & Pedro Ming Liang Hui Wait Sing Lai Wendell & Aileen Dang Guzman PingLiu Hui Lam Family Wei Man Deng & Qi Yuan Guan Monica Halas Sam & Helen Hui Chek Man & Guo Lam SueGoonDer Alice Hall XuHuangHui Dang T. Yen Lam BanBaoDiep Dona Hanaike YunCaoHui Emily Lam VungDiep LeeLaiHan ZhiJie Hui Kin Chung Lam E. Disch Jane Hans Molly Huynh Norman Lam KhuongDoan Amy Harris TuyB.Huynh Margaret Lam Sau King Dong Philip Haughey In Family Joseph Landry Yim Liang Dong EnciHe Alice Ip Feng Ying Lau Rita L.Dow KunRanHe Ellen I. Israel Wai P.Lau Cui TangDu Maggie He David Jackson Weng Ming Lau Carl Dreyfus SuZhenHe OiJen Helen Lauenstein Lydia Eccles Gerald & Eileen Heng Peter Humin Ji Leona & Paul Lauenstein Nia Chang Eng Vivie Hengst Cai Hua Jiang Van Amanda Le Niao Chang & Fen Qin Eng RayHing GuoJuJiang Ben & Pamela Tau Lee Xie Un Fa & Li Ying Huang AlmaHo QunMaiJing Cai Len Lee De Sen Fang Jessie Ho Run Mei Kiang Chau Sim Wong.. Lee Iris Feng KwanHo Melvin & Joyce King Ching Lee LiJin Feng RosaHo Shu Qing Kuang Edna & Rev. Thomas Lee MeiYing Feng QuinnHo Bao Liang Kwang Florence Lee Qun Guan Feng TungKinHo Ai HeJin Gan Toy Lee Tingj. Feng MeeLenHong Jian HuiJin Gene & Katherine Lee N. Ferraro Fiora Houghteling Qiu CaiJin HaiSin Lee Anne Ellsworth & Paul Foley Genevieve K. Howe Qiu WuJin JoeHoLee BenFong XiaoXiaHu So LiJin Kam YunLee Jeffrey Fong CaiWenHua WenZhouJin Kan Wan Lee HA.C. Forbes WesleyHua Lawrence Joe Kim Lee Raymond & Elizabeth Frick Audrey Huang & Chris Bradford Myong J. Joun KimSuLee Helene Friedman Bing Rong Huang Financial Services Kit Lee & Yun.. Jun Lee David & Nancy Fung Bing Tang Huang ShuiMakKa Kwok Chan Lee Susan Yan Fung De Qing Huang Charlotte Kahn Linda Lee GBLS Attorneys' Union Fu Yin Huang JoannaKao MaiSau Lee FanQuiGao Gordon Long Guang Huang Howard Katz Ping Chueng & Sin Lee Rui YuGao Gui Xing Huang John Keough Robert Lee Arthur & Betty Gee Hong Ha Huang Dan Kesselbrenner Sam Lee Janet Gee Hui Fang Huang K& AKeving ShuetLee Peter Gee Hui Han Huang Sophia Kim Shun Choi Lee LeungK.Gee Hui Ping Huang WanaKim Steve Siu Lee

26 Chinese Progressive Association Capital Campaign Donors

Community (under $1,000) Tsiu Leng Lee Hong Yu Liang ChanLy Juliette Nguyen Wendy Lee Mei Liang Thien Kiet Ly Thomas & Beverley O'Malley Xiu MeiLee Mr. Liang M. Brinton Lykes Terri Oshiro YatLee Peter Liang David & Sandra Lyons Wallace Oshiro YimFunLee Qui Shan Liang AiCiMa John Ota Yuk Ching Lee Yao Pa Liang ChowPingMa Bao Tin Pan ZiKing Lee Yue Yi Liang RutTaoMa Hannah Pang Jessica Lei Zhu Bai Liang WeiLinMa Fang Huang Pei Sut !eng Lei Li HongLiao MuDanMa Hua Li Pei Wei Xi Lei Peggy Liao Marilyn& John MacDougall Kun Zhang Pei Zhuang Gui Lei Ren Kuan Liao HelenMah Warren Pepicelli Leung Family Joan & Ramsay Liem Kim YeeMah Frances Perkins & Charlie Andrea Leung Alice Lin SunKeyMarh Rosenberg Elaine Leung BangRui Lin Yoke Chew Mah Ann Philbin & Tim Cross Jessica Leung Bin Lin John Maher & Ellen Sarkisian Javier Piedad Kwok Wing Leung Kay Ching & Kuen Jing Lin Guo YanMai Lonnie Powers Wei YiLeung Jenny Lin Yuling Mai Jason Pramas & Maria Figueiredo Richard Levy Jia Hua Lin Kwan & Lishan Mak Michael Prokosch Bui Li Jin Lin Man Li Restaurant Mariella C. Puerto CaiMei Li Qiao Yun Lin Dan Manning & Ellen Glazer Lin Yu Qiao Cheuk Hang Li Quan Lin Gordon Mar Chester & Paula Quan CindyLi Shi KaLin Warren Mar & Susie McDonough SueKamQuan DaZhongLi YanAi Lin ShowL.Mar Yick Sau Quan Frank Li & Luo Zhu Cen Hung & Gigi Ling Jiro Marubayashi Bin Ruan Qing GangLi Tim TaiLing Kathy & Mark Masaoka Chan Huang Qing Giles Li Xiu Juan Ling AFL~CIO Tong Lei Qing HuaNanLi Ai Li Liu James & Mindy Mazur~McDonnell RSA Security HuaiChunLi HongLiu Peter McNeff Melody & Jay Ritt HuanAnLi Jen & Pamela Liu BingFuMei Ann & Paul Rockwell James Chien~Chung Li Kay Ching Lin & Kuen Jing Liu Chang Tan Mei Jay Rose & Melanie Malherbe Jian Li MarkV.Liu E.ChenMei BoChauRuan Jie Hua Li Qun Liu FannyMei GanGouRuan Jing Guang Li RuiShan Liu FenFangMei TimRuan Jing Shao Li Shi Ron Liu GongMei Juan Yu Rui JingWen Li Sue Liu HeKungMei LongTanRui JunJie Li TakChanLiu Jin ChenMei Robert & Sloan Sable MunYingLi Theresa Liu KingTomMei Raymond &Yin Yu Salvador Na Xie Li r-Yan Chang Liu Lian Yang Mei Ed Scribner Oi YingLi YauFongLiu Lin Liang Mei Emily Seong RongZhenLi YiHongLiu MeiQ.Mei Hong Seto So Yee Li Ying Xiong Liu RumanMei Fan Tsui Shuk Sue Ping Li Yu Qiang Liu TangMei Yee Chan Shuk Xia Ping Li Junnie Lo Ye Situ Mei Jin Li Shun Xia Ye Li KwaiHanLo Ying Chen Mei YuChenShun Xiu Qun Li Sou PongLo Yu HuangMei Owen Sin XuZhenLi YuChauLo Zhen Chen Mei Jennifer & Raj Singh XueLi QunDiLok Ming's Market BoYan Situ Xue LingLi Lawland & Veronica Long Donald Misumi Ru Xin Situ YanHuanLi GilbertLoo TianminMo Yao Situ YiWuLi Drs. May & Anthony Lorenzo MarieMoy Lam Lee Siu YouChengLi Adrienne Lowe SiuMeiMoy ManChanSiu YuQinLi ChianLu Wayne & Pearl Moy Elizabeth & Robert Smith Zhan & Chao Li NeiLu ChuWanMui Linda Smith Zhen He Li Xiu Yu Lu MuiXiao Mui John & Susan Soong ZhenKongLi Elaine Luc Rocky Chung Yin Mui Donna Southwell ZiHuan Li David Ludlow & Joann Gu YanLiMui ChiJing Su Ba Liang FatYuenLui KwokWaNg Edwin Sun Cai Ling Liang Richard Lui & Helen Chin Lui Kwong Chow Ng Xian Sun Gao Hua Liang Siu Yee Lui LauchiNg YiJu Sun Hao Yin Liang Julie Lung MaryNi Ying Xiong Sun He Jion Liang Luong Family 'Woo Chun Ng~Leung Sheung K. Sung 27 Chinese Progressive Association Capital Campaign Donors

Community (under $1,000) JeanneTai Rui Xian Weng Quan Huang Yan Qiao Zeng & Song Nian Cai BigWunTam RuoBiWeng SikLun Yan Shu Ling Zeng Colleen Tam Kevin Whalen & Kathy Brown XiuXu Yan Yan Feng Zeng BoTan Leverett Wing YaoChen Yan Aiping & Bing Zhen Zhang Fei Tan Lyle (Butch) & Jean Yonemura YiChen Yan Holly Zhang HuanXia Tan Wing ZhengYan Hong Chao Zhang Soh H. Tan Kalloch Hong Kan Wing Evonne Yang MaHuaZhang XueHua Tan LunWuWing Lian Cai Yang Mei Ling Zhang Yen Ling Tan Margaret Woo Shun Mei Yang Ping Zhang Ai Zhong Tang James Woolman & Zenub Kakli Yao Rong Yang & Lian Gui Su Wong Yun Zhang Alex Tang Mrs. Barbara Wong & Family Mrs. Yao Zhen Fei Zhang Betty Tang Chow Fong Wong MengGen Yao Chao Xiang Zhao Chau Wah Tang David & Min Zhou Wong Yau's Marketing XiongRen Zhao Da Tang Joe Wong FoYau Liang Bao Zhen Eddie Tang Judy Wong Lian F. Ye XueXiaZhen Gong Tang Julie Wong Yong Li Ye Jie Mei Zheng Jian Hua Tang Kwok Wai Wong Yee Family Xiang Chun Zheng Shun Yee Tang Leslee Inaba Wong & G.T. Wong Christina Yee Yao Rong Zhong Sun~Chul & Ernestine Tayabas~Kim Linda Wong Cynthia Yee Ying Kin Zhong Victor Tang Michael Y. Wong Douglas Yee BuiZhou YukMuiTang Patrie Wong FaGuangYee Chung Chuan Zhou Siu King Tang~Lo Po Sin Wong Hal & Millie Yee DuQuanZhu Joyce Tavon & Rick Caruso Reggie Wong HenryYee Lun Guang Zhu Denise Teraoka RongWong John Yee NiNaZhu Debbie Thompson SoYungWong Ken and Genny Yee Ran Huo & DonLan Zhu Brian & Matthew Tom Tek PuiWong Sueng Pok Yee RuYuZhu Jessica & Lauren Tom WaiPun Wong Wei Sun & Hoy Yee XingFaZhu Dr. & Mrs. K.S. Tom Walter Wong Tyrone Yen YuRuiZhu Lawrence Tom & Mary Shaffer~ Tom Wan Bung Wong Yuk Chun Yeung Zhen Liang Zhu MeiKingTom William Wong Gloria Yong Zhu YingZhu Susan Tom Wing Cheung Wong Sam & Tina Yoon Xiu Juan Zhu~Li Zi Ming Tong & Jin Zhu Zheng Yuet Fong Wong Eva Young YiuMingZi Van Nghia Tran Yun Zhang Wong LingWai Yu DeYingZuo Ma Due Thrinh James A. Woolman MeiNa Yu Zi Ming & Jin Zhu Tong Bai Yao Wu CuiO. Yuan Elizabeth Toupin Dr. Jennifer Wu Chi Ming Yuen ' Mary Truong Jian Wu ChingYuen Siu Ching Tsang Li Yi Wu Hong G. & Gordon Yuen AntonioTse JinJi Wu BiZhen Yu Lorraine Tse Joanne & Art Wu CaiZiYu Ting Wing & Mei Kam Tso Shao YingWu DaQuanZhu Shuk Fun Tsui Stephen Wu DannyYu Cai Shi Wah Song,MeiWu Fiona Tsui Yu Wah May Restaurant SongYaoWu Hin SangYu Tsoi Wai Stephen Wu HoiYu WaiF. Wai YingLiu Wu KamYu CheukHiWan YongCongWu KokW.Yu YukFunWan YueXian Wu Lai Mui Yu Yong Kang.Wang ZiJin Wu Qiu Qing & Hui Lin Zhi Yun Wang ZiRui Wu SanChu Yu ZhuoQ.Wang Weng Kiu Xian XiaoMan Yu John B. Ward, Jr. JuanLi Xiao XiaoTingYu Paul & Gloria Watanabe Ling Feng Xiao YeZhen Yu Chang Pang Wei Na Huang Xiao YuLanYu LinMa Wei ChuXie Hong G. & Gordon Yuen SenXiu Wei Fang Fang Xu Wong Yuet Yuen John]. Weltman & James C. Atkins, Jr. JiaXinXue Mei Shi Yun SiWingWen David Yan Ou Yung XieWen Jing Ying Yan Min YiZeng XueWen LiXin Yan CaiZeng

28 - Building a Center for Grassroots Leadership

~~~~h~ ,~ J!L ~ ~ifA.~ ~ El Capital Campaign Advisory Committee: Anna Faith jones, Co--Chair Suzanne Lee, Co--Chair Hon.MichaelCapuano Hon. Dianne Wilkerson Hon. Salvatore DiMasi Hon. Felix Arroyo Hon. Chuck Turner Janet Axelrod Assunta & George Cha Jean Entine Monica Halas MeeLenHong ~ ~ ~ ~hlT~, Johnnylp J!L - ~ ~ if"'- ~a~ ~ GishJen Capital Campaign Staff: Philip Johnston Peter Kiang Lydia Lowe, CPA Director Marilyn Lee... Tom,·Director ofCapital Campaign Melvin H. King Zenobia Lai Richard Lee Andrew Leong Alice Leung Long Nguyen Shirley Mark Warren Pepicelli George Pillsbury Allan Rodgers Robert Sable Paul Watanabe Vivian Wu Wong Michelle Yee

29 Thank You To Our Many Volunteers ~ t~t ~ 1r, i'JT 1f ag A _I.

AdamChu Eduardo Cavazos JingWen Li May Louie Steve Meacham AiFangRuan Elvis Ge JingWu Melissa Lo Su YueZhou AmeeChew Erin Fried Ji Wu Chen Meng Yuen Tsoi SumMingYu Andrew Troop Evonne Yang Jessica Tom Michael Liu Sun P. Lee Alex Goldfeld Faith Brehm John Tao Michael Segal Susanna Chan Allan Rodgers Fausto da Rocha Johnny Chan Michael Stone Suzanne Pan Andrew Cohen Hon. Felix Arroyo Johnnylp Michelle Yee Tali Rausch Anna Faith Jones FloraNg Jonathan Wong Mike Chen Terri Oshiro AnnaMak Fook Pui Chan Joyce Chen Mina Yu Thea Mark Andrea Leung Frances Burke Juan Leyton MinWu ThomasKu Andrew Leong Frank Mark Judith Gorton Monica Halas TimRuan Anthony Loui Fred Bennett Kam YunLee Nadine Cohen Tim TaiLing Arthur Cormier Fred Dow Kara Fitzpatrick Nan Chen Ting Wing Tso AshaAlex Fu PeiChen KarloNg Nui Liang Tobias Damm.. Luhr Baindu Coomber Fu Quan Zhang Katherine Wong Natalie Solomon Todd Lee Bark Jew Huey Fung Kam Yung Kathleen Devine OwenLi TomLuo BingRuan Gabriel Camacho Kathy Brown Patrick Wong Tong Sun Kwong Bao Lian Kwong Gary Chan Katie Li Paul McMahon TseNgarCho Bill Brauner George Chin Kay Ching Lin PaulNiwa TuNanNgo Billy Oreste George Choi KayaMark Paul Watanabe Tuy Binh Huang Bobbie Peyton George LeeJr Kelvin Ing Paul Yin Vicki Murphy - Bois Aubin George Pillsbury Kevin Whalen Ping Kam Chan Vicky Lee Brian E. Lacey, Esq GeraldHeng KhuongDoan PoChai Wong Vince Huang Bruce Liu Giles Li Kit Fun Tse Qing Chan Huang Vincent Lee BunkHengBe Glenn Magpantay Kuen Jing Liu QingHungHe Vivian Wu Wong Cai Ling Liang Gloria Yong Kwan Pong Chau QingMeiMei WaiSunChan Cai Hong Chen Guang Xun Tan KwanHuWong Qing Zeng--Treitler Wan Cheung Carrie Hui GuoJuJiang Kwok Cheuk Pong Qili QingYu Warren Chen Cato Hui Guo Shen Zhang Kyle Robidoux Quincy Chang Warren Pepicelli Chanelle Dow Hang Lee LaiMui Yu Ralph Hodgson Wei Cheng Pang Chao Hong Huang Helen Liu Lewis Lauren Tom Richard Lee Wendy Shea Chao Pan Helen Wong Laurence Louie Roddy Dow Wendy Szeto Hon. Charles Yancey HenryYee Lawrence Cheng Ruan Zhou Xing Wen.. Ti Tsen Cheryl Lawrence HiepChu Leah Tran Rui Liu Wen Zhen Chun Chia.. Ming Sze HoanChau Li Fang Zhang RuoyuGao Wesley Wong ChiChiWu HoenGingNg Liang F. Hsu SamMingYu Wilson Chou Ching.. Jn Chen Howard Wong LinaZhong Hon. Sam Yoon XiaoE. Cao Christopher Mirick Hui Lian Yin Linda Tsang Samuel Bell Xiao Hua Ruan Chong Chow Hui ~in LishenHe Sandra Lee Xing Ruan Zhou Chris Tiongson HungVoung Ling Fun Chan Sandy Yeung XuZhenLi ChuXie Ivan Vargas Lisa Clauson Sara Wu Xue Ying Chen ChungLau Yu Ivy Cheng LisaKwan Serene Wong Yan Qing Zhen Hon. Chuck Turner JackiChou Lisa Yau Shelia Martin Yao Huang Chen Claire Croghan Jamie McNeil LiZhenMei Shirley Cheng YatLee ChunMuChen Jamie Willmuth Li Zhen Zhang Shirley Kressel Yee Won Chong CyndiMark Janet Axelrod Louis Chan Shirley Mark Yick Siu Quan Dak He Liao Janet Gee Louis Elisa Shuk Yee Chan Ying Liu DanXinChu Janet Lin LunyanTom ShuyaOhno Yoke Chew Mah DannyChiu Jason Pramas LuzArevalo Shuyi Li YongCongWu DaZhongLi Jean Entine Lydia Eccles Sik.. Lun Yan YuChungLau Dave Grossman Jennifer Chou Lydia Lu Siu Ching Tsang YuRuZhu David Ortiz Jenny Lin Mac McCreight So YungWong Yu YiGao Dianne Truong Jie Hua Li MaiDu SongBoXu Yue Yi Liang Diego Low Jin Qiu Cai Maria Altreche Sophia Kim YuenMeng DennisMo Jin Yin Feng MarieMoy Sou PongLo Zenobia Lai DonMisumi Jin Sheng Liang MarkLiu Stephanie Fan Zhao Zhong Ho DoraHui Jing S. Zhou Mark Pedulla Stephanie Kung Zhu Bai Liang DougBrugge Jing Zhan Hui Maura Hennigan Stephen Chow • So mony f)('OfJ/c hm·c \'oluntecrcd that H'l' nwst apologi;e ((H·e accidentally h:fi out your nome + 1r 4- J A _s_ • ~o 1r 15- ~l% • ;_t .t1t fi ~t Thank you also to the following organizations that have provided important services and part... nerships to make our work possible: General Operating Support - R~ *if*& f Access Strategies Fund Anonymous Foundation + Alliance for Boston Neighborhoods Burgess Urban Fund + Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund C. Change • Asian Community Development Corporation Common Stream, Inc. + Asian Pacific American Agenda Coalition Hill Snowdon Foundation Hyams Foundation • Boston Chinatown Resident Association Sovereign Bank • Bostori Tenant Coalition United Way of Massachusetts Bay • Brazilian Immigrant Center + Center Support Immigrant Organizing t? Adult Education Program A A.~i n ~* :f£ • City Life/Vida Urbana Boston Adult Literacy Fund • City of Boston Bushrod H. Campbell & Adah F. Hall Charity Fund .. Department ofNeighborhooJ Development English for New Bostonians .. Election Department TJX Foundation .. Jobs and Community Ser\'ices .. Office ofNew Bostonians Campaign to Protect Chinatown 1*1tt :fi J$. if f/J • College ofPublic and Community Service, UMass/ Boston Foundation Boston Boston Tenant Organizing Program + Community Economic Dt:\'dopmcnt Assistance Cor.. Burgess Urban Fund poration Racial Justice Collaborative • Emerson College • Friends of the Gaiety Theater Community Empowerment Project ~.±.!& J'M ~fi it l 1J • Greater Boston Legal Ser. · i t t. ·~ Civic Engagement Initiative • Hale and Dorr Legal Ser.·it t.'" Center of Harvard Law School Chinese Youth Initiative -ff -f f/J fJ .1Jl El • Harry H. Dow Memorial l.t·g.tl Assistance Fund Haymarket People's Fund + Institute for Asian American Studies. UMass/Boston Merck Family Fund • Jobs with Justice + Lawyers Committee for Ci\'il Rights Under the Law Immigrant Leadership Development Initiative 1 + MassVOTE J~ .. #~4Jl~itl J Hyams Foundation • New Majority + The Chinatown Coalition Workers Center .I..A-3-JJ/J I\,; + Tufts University tF .. Building Bridges Program Chahara Foundation .. Community Research Center Community Foundation of Southeastern Connecticut .. University College of Citizenship & Public Service Lenny Fund .. Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning • US Department of Justice + W eil, Gotshal and Manges LLP tlt-± *if if.%~~ Boston Chinatown Re-sident Association

Congratulations on the Bilingual Voting Victory!

ffiS7!tf1JD_@~tf:~i¥1¥J1~ffifa~W , *it?-5~~(CRA) 1l~ 19991f. ~JL o ;!t~lfP~m~ $~@~~m~~,~-M$~~m-OOIA*~W~AI¥JH~o The Boston Chinatown Resident Association (CRA) was formed in 1999 to increase the resident voice on issues that affect Chinatown. Its mission is to advance the quality of life of Chinatown residents and preserve Chinatown as a neighborhood for working families and the elderly. fr[q!3:.frW #d±~ ~li]fb.~ taA fr:t Co-Chairpersons: Henry Y ce, Sik Lun Y an, Marie Moy Chinese Sect·etat"y: Baolian Kuang r:f:t?X:~~c .!I~Jfjj English Secretary: Serene Wong Jf[.ffil3jj ~3<:~~2 Treasurer: Chong Chow Mil&: J~I EU* Steering Committee ·Members: ¥A1=J~~ ~~· ** ' ! ~ 4'=*1T .IID~ w•ff~ Yoke Chevv Mah Qin Qing Yu Sun Peng Lee Siu Ching Tsang {~~!~ rEt13' rt+ti c,, fj};E!~f;R .Tian Hua Tang Claire Croghan Danxin Chen Tingwing Tso ~ ·X..k::?t;:. Phil Ng Frank Goon Wang Sum Chui ~~ 3~Ji ~7({~~ ~**- 1=Ji6c:Eff ~!ft~I~ AdministratiYe Director: Jun Xic

J~t.tl: (Add) : 33 Harrison Ave 3/F Boston MA 02111 rg !tr(Tel): 617-851-1701 rt!. rh i)(Email): info@;bostoncra.org ~ ~ ~tl t(Website): W\Vw.bostoncra.org Bike ... A ... Thon Fundraising Event AEP Students & Youth at Volunteer Luncheon oo it? I{_ ..J. • J. -1£ .J:J,.. '.$_ ~ JfL -T- -~ 1SL 1"~ ~ ff.A. i o i.IJ ~~~-~~~n~ft~~tR~-~

Karen Yu ... zhen Chen Amelia Huibin Chew Helen Hui Lawrence Joe Zenobia Lai Andrew Leong Suzanne Lee Marilyn Lee.. Tom Lydia Lowe Shirley Mark Ann Har... Yee Wong Howard Wong Jean Wu Vivian Wu Wong Paul Yin Invitation Design Cover & Invitation Photograph ~t ~ -t~ it ' ~~~f ~~aklf.t~fiJ&~t~fil Jt Paul Yin DougBrugge

Booklet Layout & Design Program Book Staff ~~~~J~f 1J,~~ifll-, 1t1t, ~rtf&-t~ ~ ~ .t~ f 1J_:r_ 1t A. J1 & -A _:r_ it Ping Kam Chan Wan Cheung Ping... Kam Chan Ann Har--Yee Wong Helen Hui · Lawrence Joe Paul Yin Lydia Lowe Ann Har... Yee Wong Paul Yin

Thanks to Corporations and Businesses for their Advertisements ! ~~m~*~~-& ?ll r Jt%1t Jl/J I WElL, GOTSHAL & MANGES LLP

Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP congratulates the Chinese Progressiv~ Association

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SIMMONS Learning with purpose froudl.~ supports the Chinese frogressive Association, our all~ and friend in social change, in _your 9uest to have a permanent hon1e on Fa reel C, to establish a Center- fot- Grassr-oots Leader-ship.

We congratulate 9our success in brin~in~ bilin~ual ballot to {)oston. '-· L '-·

Thank .You tor.your hard work and dedication in pronlotingjustice, democrac.y and e9uallt~~

GstCl bL[.shed L ~"l ~:~')S?S, the H C! YVtJ H. 1>0\.V r.. · 1. t~V--O(LOL Lega L. .:\ss.Lstttvl- C- 6 F u~r,,d c-ow.Y"'1.b~tovcr t e.s tAf.lssC!c.-h t..:.s etts,' ftrs.t .A.s·£Cl vi., .A¥\-t.erf.c.ay;. LCH-'i}jtt. O~t( VALSSL[Wv is to Si..-C')i}Ott-pn;gvnl'\;tf, b·,_. e)<'}Jt.-1;,-tdLvc-e ,..:..\drw" LvttU..-kLg r-c-!v.,ts;'' fl cce.ss t o the tee;td- StJSte:~·v, . t h(OIA.,3h c~

P.O. 'f3:,c>x: C-;204, Tsostov~.-, ,".A.A 0211 4- . dc/-,ft.(v, .. ;t@g V~iteii-l . covA, New Boston Urban Strategy America Fund

Jerry Rappa11ort & Kirk S)rkes

Are }1TOtid supporters of tl1e

Chinese Progressive Association ·

Working together to build stronger co1nnzzntities

One Brigha1n Circle Olmsted Green A Partnership with ivlission Hill CDC A Parh"J.ership \Vith Lena Park CDC

60 State Street, Suite 1.500FBoston, I\'1A 02109 P (617) 723-7760 F (617) 227-4727 W"\VW .usa-fund.con"l :~::1: 1# £::: 1: ::;:?..?, *~:;:: ff ft Wii

Chinese Progressive Association.

l.877.SOV.BANK (768.2265) sovereignban k.com 8sovereign Bank·

Betty Chan, Area Manager 61 Harrison Avenue, Boston, 617.292.2711 0 ~ south cove t !>!t!'"'lS I> I

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LOCATIONS: 885 WASHINGTON ST·~ BOSTON~ MA 02 lJ 1~ · 617-482-75 55 275 HANcocKST., QUINCY, MA 02171~ 617-745-0280

145 SOlM'H.ST.1 BOSTON, MA 02111, 617~521--6730 \VEDS1TE: ht :!IOW"\>\'Vf.SCchc,or

Best Wishes to the Chinese Progressive Association On Establishing a Permanent Home and Organizing Center

Mr. & Mrs. Hong Woo Lee and Family .fAlt3iit 31~ Mi ~I.Fflll ~ ll ,j(~ it~!~,I.Ri tp .c Happy New Year/ Congratulations to CPA on Your New Home & Organizing Center/

Asian American Resource Workshop Arts, Education & Activism 33 Harrison Ave. 3rd floor Boston, MA 02111-2008 (617) 426-5313 (617) 542-4900 Fax info@aarw. org www. aarw. org

TUFTS 1 University College l of Citizenship and Public Service

Education for Activ~ Citizenship Congratulations, CPA!

Congratulations to all at the Chinese Progressive Association on your successful capital campaign! Thank you for your leadership and vision for empowered communities and your willingness to work with and inspire Tufts students.

For more information visit vvww.uccps.tufts.edu or contact: Shirley Mark, Ojrector Lincoln Filene Center for Community Partnerships [email protected] or 617.627.3656

EDUCATION fOR ACTIVE CITilUSMIP ..j. *IE~W$.11JL cf=JX~f~ CHUNG WAH ACADEMY OF NEW ENGLAND 885 Washington ST. BOSTON, MA 02111 (i~±~ cp~#i.X ~~~~1!iJ\8J\ +E5.dV TEL: (617) 728-0089 Website: www . cwane. org Ema i I Address: Pr inc i pa I @cwane. org · *71 r r1-r 200 6 /~.v.. l .f:: 1t::1J-!:X ~ ~.w •• ~ §fll(1~·~I:,rr ( rh4£fiit§E ·) ( l) p.~JN\1 Jl . '"J' ...-, .:::><:. !:10 / (7).i'fiH}I : ~M-.¥ li 3 : 30 PM-5:30PM 1. ~ !,fLriH(t:JJ , r:p - ~ ; afH1 .! J\~) .tdfm .8 $250 .tH.HJJ)\1 :00 P.M.-4:00P.M. . ·,>.:Jtt Uh :r,t· . ~"J ·f···-'J\ ~11 ~ ;· Kent School ~/+- :;t=;m A . I.. 11/k l.!.:. ;.. 4.l • LL .. .. . f ·' -:rT -' '- £W38 10:00A.M.-1:00P.M. f~~ ,,. *~Sffi-~5CJ:fZ 8 t~](~* , Pft~~~l£t~F~& Ji. fli!;j JJ $150 r:flJg&Jxft~*fE ~ ·VRX• sso ft1~H~~1 r:flxiif 2. ?J!fsi?I(:t!J , r:p - ~ : afH1 .! J \ ~) (2)~BifrJUI'7'tf:l xf1I ( ~1¥i*~.¥;r:n~t;t) £Jf;g;\ 1:00 P.M . - 4:00 P.M. £W37\ 1:00 P.M.-4:00P.M. li{!m F3 $150 ~MB 10:00 A.M. -1:00 P.M. El3 r.~ fFm IHlB 3. ~Jijj~ I 1J\i!~I'lf (3)~~B~~U¥$3tf1I (~~Jt~BR~~tt) £:Jt~h1 :00 P.M.-4:00P.M.

~Jt~B 10:00 A.M. -1:00 P.M. £MB 10:00A.M. -1:00 P.M. 83-:¥1&~ WJ5.3Ut§t[' , 305J'ii $20 , 45trfi$30 (4) 1.JJcp:;;~&cf:Jxfli CMt?::f: ; ill&I~Bt?fillLJ=FJ , 4. · -~-r~~':

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~BB · ~~3, ~lBfif1+-s 2. £~7\ 1:OOP.M. ~4:00P.M.

£M7\ 1:15P.M. -3:45P.M. 3. £~810:00A.M. -1:00P.M. .. f -.. #JEJ::Iffi:l '+ § ') E. frmJ=3 $3oo ( j.:," )JZ IFx~.l::li.T, , c.,

tr.Jm-~~ ' J:WJ*IQ .::gj ,, For English Version, Please visit: ww.cvvanc.org ¥Rft~~*¥rJ :P.O. Box 981, Boston, !viA 02112 j~J]lHf! ·.Y;;;: Chung Wah Academy ofNew England ·rOLip

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T'he staff and students of • Uncia M. Smith, CPA, P.C. TilE LEGAL .Sl'i.'RT/J()E/3 CE1v7:EYr? congratulate .-ttwunting tmd .-'udttm1 Certified Public Accountants THE CHINESE PROGRESSIVE ASSOCIATION r,u: 1'-repi.traricn _ __,._. -~- -~·--~-··· ·"···--·~~····-~·-«·•·x-...... ····-· s~~~ in('u C.wr$ult1nt St/!rv#rs Small Sustnes~ • lndtvid\Jal • Non-profit for its efforts on behalf of C(~lifft'd . Qt~hklkwk$ Pm Ad~"hor\ liinitt::d-English spe.aking vot(~rs and its other outstanding work in the 81) Fhntkrs R~. Suitt zoo, Wt:stootoogh,. M.'\ 01581 community Hw-tnt' !)()8-&Jt-7173 • fAX ;)(}3-tPl·Jl N

...... Realizing the Vision Through the Solidarity of Community and Labor! Thanks CPA for all you do for working people!

Another World is Possible INSTITUTE (But not ~thout CPA!) ---for--- A S I "~ N


• research & policy onolys!s • community resources • compvs progrorns ond e\/enf-5 City LifeNida Urbana PO Box 117 (3313 Washington St.) Jamaica Plain MA 02130 Tel: (617) 524-3541 l 00 /v\orr lssey- Bou le\rctrd

Boston , l-AA. 02 ·1 25-3 393 Building solidarity to put people before profit.

Vv''v'Y'W , ioa s, um b , edu Creando solidaridad para que Ia gente sea primero. . .· ..· · .. Tufts-Ne\N Eng:land Medical Center/ • . . .· .• .· Floating Hospital for Children . . · .. · · lllllla••*'"IIJ!-&11·...... _ · If~ * Some of our bil.ingual p:roviders: 8Mittri Elo.tne Choi,. M.D. lniernoJ Medidne -~-~ P3M Myron Stu1 M.D. tntemo1 J\1\ec:Hdne • ._..$ ~M Sue Ponte. CPf'.IP Pediatrics RWf:11~1!11± §eM Julie lee;. CPN.l>~ MPH Pediatrics. ~ -iBI!!I± -'!:f~ Aslan Psychiatry Pro : grarn:!U!•.tL~IIIfii•: M

LK . ~Hw.MJl Pstmdt!SJ· UBttt ~li&IM ~w~UGN.~ cmcd~! \Vtd:e: BXMRii HJIIJ4 .bn'!e~ CRSO~Wcd:s- Til~ ~ .JII,IM

Asian Acces.s Prog:ram : 617-636-4579

Interpreter Services: :Da•••••61:'7-636-5331 U:.•H• • liS Office of Community Health Programs:: · 617-636-1626 ii:tfl(•••-t•· ·~-

~ Boston Chlnatown Neighborhood Center ifl±«.tJ ·if.~ . [& cp ~

Congratulations to the Chinese Progressive ...~ssociation for )lOUr Permanent Home and Organizing (;enter

\'Ve look forward to ha"\"ing y·ou as a neighbor and partner!

For 36 years~ BCNC has served the community wlth the following programs: • Acorn Center for Early .Education and Care • Adult Education • Chinatown Summer Our lobby now houses a replica of the • Family Child Care Chinatown Mural. Please come .by tor a visit. • Family Services 885 Washington St. Bostonf MA 02111 • Oak Street Youth Center 38 Ash Street, Boston, MA 02111 • Red Oak After School 617-635-5129 www.bcnc.net • Recreation and Fitness Happy Chinese New Year

Mass Pike -Towers Tenants Association

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Is o. non-profit te-nants or­ for tts ull\-waver~~ co~Vt-tttVVLeV~-t to teV\.£111\-t go.ni:zatlon, it mi:a;lon h: to V\.d Vittet,xLV1AtzatL.o~ teVt.tit"-t belA.lfL-ts l Conceive and administer to eVVtpovveYVtAettt-t a crf pr~erve . affordc.ble housing in and around Mass Pike Towers and to improve the quality of life of the Chinatown •' 324 Tremont Street , ~,:. ··' Boston .. MA 02116 617-482-8900



W~ARREN PEPICEL.LI Mana.ger f Vice-President DESIST Some recent RESISTgrantees include: Ref1ect and Strengthen (Boston~ ?viA); 3rd Eye Youth Etnpm:vennent (Ne\v Bedford. !viA)~ National Asian Pacific ..,.11Vomen~s Fonun (San Francisco~ CA); Coalition for Asian Pacific .. A.:merican Youth (Boston, :tvL.i\); Providence Youth­ Student :rviovement (PrYSI\1) (Ptovidence~ RI): Progressive South Asian Exc:hange Net (New York~ :NY) Fo.r grant guidelines., Ne'i.vsletter subscnptions, or to make a donation, contact: RESIST 259 Eltn Street • Suite 201 Sotnerville. Fv1A 02144 vvvvw.resistinc.org; grantsif:!'!t·esistinc.org

Working with you is an honor and inspiration. Congratulations on an The best of success to your vision amazing year of community victories! ·Chinese Progressive Association from Haymarket People's Fund 2181 Washington Street, Suite 301 For information on giving to or Roxbury, ~/

Maria B. Wong john Bonifaz Agency, Inc. Dernoc:rat All Kinds of Insurance for Secretary of State Estllblished since 1986 itt~~ The right to 'lote is u n ive rsa I. It does, not speak only one langua,ge. Te-L: (617) 350-.7522 3388 Tremont Street VAArW _joh:n bon:ifaz .. com Fa.x: (617) 426-9490 Boston* MA 02116 83 ESSEX STREET, BOSTON, MA 73 - 79 ESSEX STREET, BOSTON, MA

TEL: (617) 338-8158 TEL: (617)482-0948 FAX: (617) 338-8258 .fj:-iS_~~.f"f (J:.-1=-B : 30.i.lf:_.l.4 : 00)

4t ~~ i~ iij: i~~ ~m lt ~1M£ JJ. {ft. ib l[i.1Jfi~ i( ~ *' ~}] i~ *& -ik ~ J-'6~~

GRAND CHAU CHOW RESTAURANT CHAU CHOW SEAFOOD RESTAURANT 45 BEACH ST, 699 MORRISEY BLVD BOSTON, MA 02111 DORCHESTER, MA 02122 TEL: (617)292-5166 TEL: (617)426-6266 • ••• 1115 ,. 00.~ $ii1J#'.'tt'1 mil·- iS. ® •••: %. ••( ~-~ *IllS?'/* . .B&· ·-M,:&CJ

•Biallll ••. $:?'. .. 00 • 'RII,t:t IL9'$t - ·E e• * ·• •* Ea:-'•*• " ···*" • • •RM IS,OOP-8 a• + II + ~ER~t~EM: ss. .w' Bll •a:•u: ~• •IIJRII M .S ·-m· ea:r• *a:•- ..· •ii•• *'-M

.,~:- _ ~:_ :• dl'_-_: .- -~---- -_ ·__ _ ·t:_· •.. .• -_._.,.- •••_- ·_:· a _•--_·_ · .·%._.,_ .7t.J. I~ tt ~ ~'" 111 ~·~

1_-_ - .---~_ ...... _...... ~~ M.•_.,.,. .i\ft -~. ~ - ~ ':f• .,J.. • ... -dr· tt· ~,~; "r ;r,

!CIIInD·:c ::a· ···•. :~o•· .. •. • St~, .. .. Boston,. MA 02·1~. -. ~ , S8C:i.....· .·2-0,72 ... ~uv-Wt*• > 11\t . ,. :Jb ··· ·~ · · ·· · · ..••. f· ~ii . ::.~t & • - • .. ~tiwt~ J:~~1.X;J Shanghai Printing Co.

16 Oxford Street Boston, MA 02111 Tel. (617) 482-5768 :tt. - ~~ - - -·-·· _·_ tt·._--- .31 -- It - - ~· ~ ·-·--··-•··~··· il · ·--··• W ...•.•. ---_.--_ -__ -----· . ~ .- ~«.§/ /~ > ~""~ ·. &\ ·..... ~-l· i •• .. -...... Jlr ·····~······~-····- ~ .. t•·it)··· ' .h .•._.... ··· ··-. tl .... •••...· .· .· .. __ T ;& - 7 ~ . 1> _- •_ •_. ...-_ ..lr,a<<·"'l···

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. ·ii

~ ' ' xc=. - ~ ;:.. .!a. !El 'I' · --~­,m_

HOY TOY NOODLE COMPANY -73-79 Essex Street, Boston, MA 02111 Tel: 426-·0247 · .W~tff~it-M-# · NAM BUK BONG. INC. CHINESE HERBS .ft&A~ ' .1.#51;:~ , n\Jl...t ~ - ~lfl...f.$"'- Z*~ i.Jt75it 15 Hamson Ave. Boston. MA 02111 Chinatovm Q:Jen.1 ·days a week Ttl~: (611) 426'"'227 . . ..J.a..~_· .•Ll•.. •.'..·. ·. ~ • · e~· . . ' . . ~ '"' QIU SH.AN LIANG Chairman

., . " Nha Thu8c Bac *4·iCI*--+ -t:· ft~- ­ NAM Bic IlANe t ii Tel:: ,(617) 426·4740 sanoo Lo:ai • ...... "'nw. ~..... ,.;..q' . ... . , . . Sim NllJOQ~ J, ~ uac* Tra •.Hai '/! lL!t .'r,.._ ... "'" - · · ~ mu Cv.a 7 Ngay Hang Tuan


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. lt.. ·. .· .. ~ ·· ··: ...... 5 · ·· ·· ··•·· ·•··· · L i

I Tel: (617) 451.-3478 42 Harrison Avenue Fax: (617) 451-6240 I Boston, MA 0.2111 Email:[email protected] Boston Chinatown Chinese Operated ...... ·· ·..• ••...... •A.. •. ..·· ··· ··>··· .···· _.···J&····· ·····.·· ... .. · ... Furniture Comre~~Y_ · n: : .... : ; . .... ' :. .: _·: .. ·: . _:· .. .. :_ :.. :_ . . '• .. · . . . :__ . . . . :· , ::·: :.• · ...... : .. :: ~ 65 ··203 HORIZON HOME FURNISHINGS LTD J.l*'~Bili M -: 611426-6337 t:::]· G 1'5:r! J:f.l 11 ;:r ~ .JJ!l! 1::<1\ '~ ·'JJ: r:l J JJJ&t.IIIIIJI IJ.l\.AtiiiET"••

fi.Atitl Xftlft·.arJ- ?lffJ£-i$¥A~~f*{l1}aJ ....,····-•n: •. ·.·...... ··. > &7lm··· ·.··.·· ,.C:.n; '""l'm· ·~ - ·~~ · If*• & THOM.AS CHAN

&=hfl~ '~AWT Attorae, at Law NettitJ* public 65 Harmon Aveit 1203 Boston, MA 82lll 31 Hanison Avenue~ Boston, MA 02111 Tel. 617·350..0128 Fax: ·617-35(M)099 p··~~ ,,i..,4l&4l3'' .·.··=·-*-·• *ltJlltf4 HAKKA. BENEVOLENT' ASSN •BMnBB Cluom Bestaanmt -~-IQJ811ll ...... _~ · ~tt••,.· •~ · .=.•u ••: 617-426--9529 ··~, ~, ...... 11 EDIN.BORO ST'REE.T, lf.'L t' BOSTON~ MA 02 J II ~- *..Jf{ · ~·--~- *.4R , &« tt · xa,MA, *M• & « Jl fl il lf1 . ~. 1i -~ ! ' -~-- -~ ---~ " .1ilf II m ·D.·.··__ .. _ . •_·.• ...· ·g·· ·.. · ._ u_·. ·.··.•·. ··'_·· _m-_... • ·.··.··.·•·.. ~. ·.·. ·.· ·.. · ·...... ·. ·.·.···. . sa :. :,~, ; .=:. ~ -:·. i ~: ~- - rv• : ~ 11 - ~ Avt,.(_,.oi~St.) •8osfoft (Q• .IitoMI};, .lM. Oit 11 ~W·=······--- Illl•~· ~MA··· . OiiU TIL;·117 35141$0 ....:fJ7~" :; ·ff ·61! ,..,. - J!l \JU 1~f11'11~ ltttfl ••··~--~-··• fl PETER WONG WING FOOK IFIUNERAL HOME Justice of the Peace &; Notary 13 GERARD ST * BOSTON, . MASS .~ • -.. ± • ¥4~t: · •• ·.n. + ::..a.::....M: Tel: 617~989·8 · 833 52 Kn~land St~ . 11ft Boston~MA ~o:n11~1914 U.S.A. Fax: 61.7-989-8835 'tti Tet:(611) ~8888 • it1Fax ~ (a ·17) 227;.!3797 . (241l\8f.ll · ~ Jill , •••, &'IIIII)

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'tlli"Jti (:~ntral C~i" .g.. ~~Qk C9..,. Inc. ~ 'iii Asia Travel 3-l!t 44 KNEELAND ST., (BASEMENT), 2 Boylston Street, Bosto~ MA 02116 BOSTON, MA 02111 "tit TeJ ~ : (617)482~0605 al±CI"-J$1eitlf44. (.±*) iJ.A Fax: (617) 482·2360 Tel: (617)4%6-fi88 Fax:. (617)426-0208

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finaocial Planner 400 (r.own Colony Orivet Swit~ fOS f1nanda~ S:Orvkes Exttuth'-e Quincy;~ MA 02169 CA. Jnwr•n

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~~ Citizens Bank Not your typJcal bank~ ~~it11t+ Chinese Progressive Association 33 Harrison A venue, 3rd Floor Boston, Massachusetts 02111 Telephone: (617) 357--4499 * Fax: (617) 357--9611