Korean War Project USMC-00122553


Korean War

Korean War Project Record: USMC-1184

CD: 15

United States Marine Corps History Division

Quantico, Virginia

Records: Marine Corps

Unit Name:

Depository: National Archives and Records Administration

Location: College Park, Maryland

Editor: Hal Barker

Korean War Project

P.O. Box 180190

Dallas, TX 75218-0190

http://www.koreanwar.org DECLA_SSIFTF.D Korean War Project USMC-00122554

Oo'T I!! / H01lt• :. R~~:· !nit Pate '~· ;sees !Date irnn !"~;:- in.o: In1t Date ,. Date lrn1t I"~:: •· Asst CMG I I Admi,.; :: Mil secy j j ;ions \Legal Alde ' ' I AdmJ.nistrat 5ve I AAA G/M · /Av1at1on . . '!!: Cml fH1stc·r1oa1 \ ! · :ion Naval ~u•u ••·• \

lnans & Policies · . 4vht1nn j

I Public Info Schools :

'R• Publications : R• Trng Dept Artillerv j Women ., VlVl,ilON 0>' f).Ai 1 r v.· l.'-' .. Exec ! v. I : Gen "' ,, 1 v' Motor Trans . ' A&R ·.u...· P.dmin & Stat

_Off Per s F 1

____ .ApJ.:rova l Inf'ormat ion __Corq: l j a nee Recommendati0n Hetul'n ______Preparation letter

DECLASSIFTF.D DECL/~SSIFTF.D Korean War Project USMC-00122555 i. " 0699/9'1!5

C;;;;;;;rndi.ng Qwlere.l, Zleet li!.i.rill.& :ro:r-oe., Paoitic o--~~'i"iAe~·t ot t.b.e Marin;; Ocr¥=


lo The problems in mine wartare now being 8DCOuntered tiT the let Marine Division are considered ind1cati 1'e ot probleDUI that will be encountered to an even greater degree i~. event of eontl:i.et w.i.th a major power possessing a bi&h mine warre.ru potential. Curren~ m.v~hed.;; for mine detection and rtiiiiOval ar-a iu.a.de~quatG 1 and a.e indicate-! in the baaio correspou.denue, are r...,;,a ... :J.n.s: empl.o.r~e.nt ot ~'""'m.O!": ~..B lo~ a.$ ' mine detection and. remo ¥::::.2. must be partclnn~ by exposed perso!l!lel uains laborl.ou.e !l.alld In.9thod~.; the use o:!' e.m.or in its primary role as a sb.oc;l£: ~l~~nt ! s severa1y lim!tedo W!:t:!.le the aotion ot the let MArine Division !n attamptina to devise locally measures tor mine re­ moval !!! commendable, it is considered t;ha.t the problem is ot such scope as to warrant ~11 employment ot J~esearol:l and devel.opment agenciea.

2. In prepar1118 speci:rio co!lllllents on m:i.ne detection and ruworai, ti:i.i;; headquarters is restricted throUgh abswwe ot illfo:rmation pa~:;.ainill& to research prog:rw:n.a 1:u tliis fi6ld. It irJ raco.zm~e.n.ded the.t Ree..!quart*rs. u. s. Marine Oo • .lls prepare a teeh.IU.eal 1tulletin on the ~ubj3ct fo-.c ptJ.be lioation to tho Fleet 14ari.n.e :foro&: !-~o1~ or..ly w1 1_!_ this :!.ntormatioa by b~~ng field uni ta up to '!-:.t35 b'l.lt develo~ent! mAY be a.ooelere:t.a. ii"JJ.pplam&ntar.; t:teld. experimentation as ind1cate0. in the baaio oorres­ pc~..:aenoe.,

Lfi~. C. :. ·ltJ'Hl~ U; Copy to:

., ..., §lfeti&J: .... \~ -"'·

'-SEcR&T J /-. r ~ ... ..:


.....-- '"' - . SECH~T ("""""""" AI a TEAR 1• tt l~. _ Headquarters JiiUIIm Jf1E1111 IE.IIsst Harine Division (Reinf) FHF 5/edt ' II® Dill ~2Qttl c/o Fleet Post Office Al2 San Francisco, California Ser: ()OJ7'1(8)-sl . 3 SEP 1951

From: Commanding General To: Commandant of the l-tarine Corps Via: Commandint; General, , Pacific Subj: Type "C" Special Reports, submission of Enol: (1) Type "C" Special Report, Period 28 lfuy - 15 July, Mine Removal Operations, 1st Engineer Battalion (2) Type "C" Historical Report, period 31 May - 15 June 1951, 1st Tank Battalion 1. Enclosures (1) end (2) are apecl.al reports prepared by the tank and engineer units of this Division on the su'bject of ex­ perience w1 th enemy mines, their detection and removal. z. During the period covered by the enclosures, enemy forces_l. engaged with the 1st Har1ne Division employed !:linea extensively 1 and with great effect. The Division has undertaken contihuous l study of the practical aspects of the problem including the 1 fabrication of special devices and the employment of experi- I mental techniques. As will be discerned fror:1 the contents of J the enclosures, progress to date has not been encouraging. In- · j tensive investigation w1 11 continue and will be accompanied by 1 reports of progress. 1 i ! I 1 i I i l


. ·~ ·-r. •'·

DECLASSIFIED DECLA_SSIFTF.D Korean War Project USMC-00122557 : JVK/ ji•Ji CO IJF l DiE.~ l'J.iU. 1-Il?J\DQUJLBT EiiS 1 Ft'l 1 SNnii,iS~~H BAtr:·ALIOh Al2 1ST MARINE DIVIt>:W,,, FlW cio f'L.s,:T FuST OFFICE Sai:J FRAr~CISCV, CA.LIFCR:::ui

From: Coti"i!unnd.lne; Officer To: Com~:cndafit of the MRrine nor~a Vii'.: (1) Cowiifi!l6inf. lieneral, lst harine Division (2) Comr:.nndinv r.eneral, F:(.eet l'lia.r1ne Force, Pacific

Subj: Tj"~Je iic,; 3Declal Re9ort, Period 2d 1'-:ay-15 Jt~.ly, l~iine .H.er~1ove..l Opura tlons, Subalission of~

Ref: (~-~) D.ivlclon l. .-l;r~cral Order 1:urnber ~9~ ( u) ~~1-·I~Pnc OP.neral C::r·d€1' ~·Ju~1Jber 21 ~ (c) ParB.fT'El')h 11401, Marine Corns lf.nnua1.

Ncns: KCJRlcJ\. AL:3 L?01 l:oO,UGO

ucl: (l) E.i.t~e :t.c:n~oval O~c~.:.-rlet,y (:..::) ·~il::c(,uf -~ (;J) ?l:otog;re:ohs 't-!i th E..xplHDft-~ory :.rote a,

l. In neccP(}.

T: "ir~ re ·,ort covers the.t ueriod of ti:.• e ;-.;hen tL.e lat Haririe Division c.r·vsc:ed tlJ.e SUYANG-GAi~G, drlvlnL tl..e ene;,:,)· ~lr·:r·L:.~\i£i..!'6.. tLrouvh tl~e oc..­ tLe YA~~:::!GU orea t::nd .northe.~:st of tl..e HVIACIION R~~S.':!~FtVOIR; until

1 re- cu.:JV. t.Lu1;. ~- flC consolidf' t;ion of ·th~· 'HF.(!\·:N LI:~rB~. and the subsequent leise of t::c l8L ~-~F~rir:te Divlsion to 1;he X Coi~ps reserve. ~

Dul'-Lll{ this Jer1od mines, em1)lO) ed as a dela, ir,g to.ctic by the euemy, ,.,,ere e!icountered in· ·numbers f11r exceedinp any previous ex­ uerience iu K0.i1.l£A. F'urthermore, the enem~'' s tec:-1.-Jique ol' ,nine ins·,.a.:J.- ' in tb.is 8.tion ll"cJve:6 llir:j ~o be n most clever o.nd :r·esour·ceful O'J•;onent ty ·:.e ... f \·.Tr ~r:.re. Tl.te mDjori ty or -~1:6 mines encou.nte:::··ed 1'.'el"'e of the 1 11 1 8 ~~~~~;r ~~C ~1 ~~ jJ ~i s~~;~~;~~ a~~ ~~d~~~-~~~~ in T.! ;~~l~;~;: (~)· ~ imR~~~;:~~ly: tLc Cl~c;~.~· l·.J.<)8 vers 1 uc;O knov·:rleC.f.'e of' our o·:_.eratione_l met ods~ He of ,,lJ.o\:rs L::.;;t L~le Ko::r~r'.~.:ll roR..C!s e.re too narro'tt' t:---. HlJ.cYw P-A8V "{}aesi .. u-· ;e:n<~if,P.. Conseauenti:,. llt' o)l2Ctu~ the rood s.re Dl.so mlned. On

- l - , ':':Ci:VAL$f -, '~'··~~~I DECLASSIFIED DECLA_SSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00122558

• • J1fK/ ,j t·ii Al2

:l.n "Locations ~.rhere ti1ere other iw.m', tile enem;y also ol "ces mine e. In sur,1~~.1F..;rv. mines are li~~:e~­ 1s no 2 rJcrerlt justific;:·tion tr._r!:u~tsoeVt~.. ttern or ryerticuln.r d.ens i ty. ls to be enc· ·untered <:'_OJ' Where ~--:rl thou t ·:·:n he.s adopted tlte precut­ 7'o ciic]:e the mine Dore c'eG.dly the enemy tL.e ot~1er·. Iious Loclier, t.s fr·r 28 ;_;')c reet. I th£tt in OOl":",c i!1~.~tar1cee the en­ ':'~lcrc 1~c (:lr.:;o oocl ~-n~_j_rvtlons ro80_ by clic_~:' i:l:~ in -f'rnrP the shoulder. emy L1c~ )l···ce(=J r!t:'_nes unL:{er the l.Jose e.o:::rth c-;_~or the r1ilne Lhicn I tlJ·:.c ·n~'Y ·L:.:.cre i.s :1c- te1l-tPle cEn be ·_'et.::ctcCt v:is11 _:_, .._.r 0r by probinc:. Intell1g>;nce sourc.es Rnd t:.>s tl'lidenceQ by 1-ilso, cr~ rel)ortec~ from tacti c>s -·nee, there is inClic.:\"Li.on that by infi1 trc-1ticn ~""'ct.ur-1_ ex·H--~Pi cleLred. t~e cne~y h~·s re-mined roads Jreviously r.:nd c.rJnstruction ... the box ty-oe A~, l-l...ou:· L el•u{:e in t.··:~~_:;c.:-~,l·.::·_rlce ':P21e very im.:J·~rfections ·whic~ \-T8 e"re 1.~. ..:·: i} .. ,J:'•] ;icC V(!I'J·' er oec ti "\_~c. t;·,ine served to .incrersc tLe effect- -orone tu :r.·c·: El""C [: :;; cru_~~~.t='· Lsve L'ctuc.l1.r· The box litin.e l:.er.-) r: l:;ooden l1i~~30C. ·,_Jressure iv-elle~-~- ·Jf ~-1i18 ~~:ine. A v.1ooden :)Sed to rest on the nresgure ty"JO fuse. f]__~_:) ll:icl~ i.s su~~ t-·}l1en the r!1inc Lolds tJ:::e flao off' t.:.~.e fc.se, is ir.tserteci slr't~ ,.·llic~.~. 6.eton.:.-.tion takes :Jl ..-· .. ce enou[-)1 pre,_.sure iB L.~:>ec~ ."!:'c..r ~'L~c:..-t_);nk.. i3efore Actua.llJr, clu~~ to itr.oerfect con= ·oe C'!_\··~·liecl to breek the slut, G~ust fuse ,,_'ellj t~1e f'lP1J £tnd to vnriBtions in the deutl1 of' tl:..e stru0tion of the fuse even ">'~i th the !J(>:":" t.;J.r1e s doeu (1ot touch tlle to!_: on i:lo r. t be -,)P.rtiell.Y crushed. be:t'ore sle: out. ~~his TCc.l.CL:J -::lle~t tr.. e 'box ~nust tLe t·:ood.en box sl·~ells 1..1hen burled for the m}Jle l.'i1L cleton.;'te~ A~so the !Jlhic rn·rellinr~ v-;ill so:neti:r.e0 cause lut1 ·-,cr:l.D(iu in :noi:~t eerth. mo: ... e \Jres,~~ure is reouireCJ to c1eto- r·es~:ure f1r·YJ to be t1~:llt so the.t 0 o:z Jlc..5 .. n ·v:h:. the bo;c .nin0 ll.c:_s bE~.ffled 11t- ~..e Lbc ~,:_:_:-:c. ~her:€· f ct0rB bee.n cor.1-r"_)elled to cone '''i th it in E nO f'ru.~_d~.T·,~' Lr~d :::;o .ncn~r t-.'ilo hD_ve :feel ccrtatn tha.t thc:rv 1-l,::·ve cor,J­ tLe fir-:lc~. -:n.1e eni irH~ers cc:.r.. n~·ver of detonal;i.t!~; ·-)robr~bly i oes ~-;le~~cl:-: clc·· reC ~,~· c-.rE·e. The ~)rocess v8lliclt. or ~rchiclcc ser-ve so· ct1_id' like the folloFint(· tl1.e fi.r·st mlne.. SucceeC:.in('· vcl::.ieles bec;in to to co;::;~Jt·ct the c:. rt:--1 over the ldst unfortunv ..ce t,_:~:;., truclr: or erufl~l the box t;.ntll :t'lnAll,y tl.:.e dt.:--I.:O:l.c~tin t.hf.:' r:".m,ne. .l.,~_((''·\r~ _1i1.st u .ie:.p o:-Gse.:; over• Df 164288 t0 DT 165~G4 no ~·rticulsr Prce rlo£If the roed t.-_-; friendly fo:::·c1.2s cl.urinF tLe neriod. ll"'o·~r,·cJ .:;· r<.. :.c'v~l..crlJ.r C·'~£.l.sterous i.1 tills re-,-Jort. z::u(l is ;·oJ--·til,y 0f ~,'l')eC"i;~l note of the ?th L-·:;.rineG O'Ier tile subj E:c~t :Jectlon iJurirE tilt~ ~:r:lv~"1ce role in executiLL;-', their norTnal nu _::orting of ro,: d, tLe Glli'i;1eers ins:.:;cC.t;-i_on}. probing ·, rr:inen t);-.r L:1e t:_u·'..lti.l t:·~ct:~ot~s of Vi6:.:r~.l l'e;JJ07c::.~-l these me-'"'·Jures, ho't_,rever_. tnO ::-:c clcctronle ~~~:ine Cetcc~t-r. De~-:Jitc:


DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00122559

~ ~ JVK/ jHi ,A.l 2

several tan; s and o tlwr vehicles \•Jere severely damaged alont; tl;:il seet_,_ou or r·oad, Consequently it 1·.c:e decic~eection c1 rin uninc the Exolosi·re (lrdw:wce Disposal Section, iiead­ quarters Uomunny, this Eattalion,

TlH::: l·O£H:t "t·n•.s si·lep~: 1·_ritll mine ttetcctors and. probed for e. dist­ del.g.yeCt Cd.I.'Y'-' u.J.. _._, ..... :.c. y.2rd.s in four days. S1<·.rGeping ope.rB.tions l·Jere on t'L'O occ!Hilons 1dli.le Etrtiller·y fire fell_ ln the vicinity of the roPcJ~ ~·t.·_:el~tv=five 11ative leborers ~~re::-ae usecl to div sus-oicous uoints \••;,:i_le rieteetlon Cr'en; 1:or•ked on ahee.OV&cl part~ "'aS divicl,,,r· l.·:11JJ i'''rJ tcms. T.tese terms 'I.'Ould alternate and res1·1eep eech otl'~el'D I'Ol"J. cB ,, ciouole check. v::i.tt. chis s~·stem ot operetions 1) r~ines ,,;ere reuoved. l':~1is nhase ,,:a_s oomnlete6. on 29 June 1951.

wlncB. Hoh'c~vei"', ;;.. r~-.i.en EtBked by te.nk b.;:ttalion uersonnel Fa to Hhet.l:.t­ ~JF" t~_c;lion "'!t.rould €_:UF.lrentee s;-._f'ety for their tc:T1~ retrievers t.?.nLs Blon§-, the roBd., the E!ns'l!rer could only be ner:-rtive tber'efore ~ecided to t~ke even more extreme meas- ures~

TLe ;Jlc.·n de('icieC L:i.pOn vas sim~;l:l ·Lo blo\·? Ll'J tl1e l:'oc.:.d, I.n ·che next four d~ys t'1!.10 'Lrencl1es 11 feet <)art and two feet deen, ,,Jer·e dug 1J.'' u· t.i.ve lF·bor r::nc-: cL.t=in chr.;rges of ·cct.rytol \::ere claced in these trc:nc~·.es. Tllc t1·cnches ~·ere then bac:~ filled e:1C the chcrr. es de ton= Lted. ...u.. d. rf··rn~:iu~ .. nf tu.ine ,,_roulG. be de·ton,~"tt=:.-d b~· s~·mogthetic aeton.st­ ion. Tl":e:; c.ro11n1 of t!.:t-~ road 1-:c.1s t~.1en :lozed over b.\"' A tBD.l:;:. dozer to uncover ~·n~- mines tLP-t mr,y h··-ve surviveO.. So far 2.s coulC oe deter­ ,,,~r)ed. JW rui,lec ,,,,ere cletonnted i1' 'this ;nanner. ho1,:evcr, U,is method C::.icl s81··vE· to e:.:F:se ~c.he ralnd.. f~ of tL.e nercons usine': the rood.

I '

In cc'r'j_ ~ion ~o GLe methods of detection outlined above. this ar•~nizE.tlc>n has exneric,ented with mechanical means of mine.removal, A ,nine C'WCcu•tor ,.,,_,s iJuil t as con at\mulcl not be lO:J·•; eLective and 1.'ou1d subject the O"

()F,Q rn"'lr,.::.o ~.•",·P..~A ~~-~··~..::! -...... ~ ;...., --1 -··- .: ...... ::l..-..+- ...... !l": -:.....,. ..._...,..,.,,...... ,,_....a. f1\ W;j .H.h :illU'·lJ. .LJ..L UC'I.Jef,..l.,.l. l.I:J 'CUI..o..LVQU..J.~ \~IJ ""''-'•J •u..a..uuu - - l."';;;llli..J!.'~~\ t;lli r:; ba,t tel ion during the period covered by ·thia re~::ox·t ~ 1'he se m:tnes Fere located b~· usine; v.isue..l inspection, probing and the electronic ~~-tlfH~ r-::f~t~~t(Jr!-

- 3 -

DECLASSiFiED Korean War Project USMC-00122560 '

AJ thour<> 1;he enem:· does not use o standard or t'cern in le.~·inf :r.L'IEE:, lie i 1oeE; nlr.:ce them vlth considerr-ble lo;···ic, A thorourL': under­ stondinf o:· the enemy's methods of laying mines by sJ.J, drivers rnd e~ul•)f!JOh.t oncr,('_'tors Pould r·educe tl!ine cesue.l\iies.

"'.>h-\ ni-\ ..-.on nr-T ' -~ ' ' ,- ' '-"-''' ,,,, w ....' _ .1.. l J.l.. is 2 slow f.rld d.elil)ers.te orocess \'''-''....!...'-•-'--'- t;.e Lur··'iec'. Al1 unit c.orrw~ender~~ sl-::.ould be 9.'t.•~S>.re oft his feet. He­ lisnce oF:nnot be rJl<>ced on 'r,; one metLod of mine clearance. all ;,;e!'ns shoulc1 be ern 1loyec1 to the liml t of tl,eir eeoabili ties. ty i~llf:_ineer nel"'sonnel 1~:orking a·t m5_ne removB.l develo•"J E~ fPmiliari ' '·1 tll the en em~-' methods ~~rhich ma.ny times enables tb.etc; to oeroel ve the locction of enemy mines. ·ThlB 8b111 ty should be utilized b;.v [!'eat- er use of' the. Ts.nk-InfBntrjr-Sngineer Team. Ue.u&lly ,9 f'oux-: me_n tetHn is sufficlenL Lo ac eurnnr~ns £: tan11: '7 . /, <~,/·' :~;r;.:;. 7. ',J,_ , ..i.-<. ""-? JOHN 1f, Xli:LSE'\' {

- 4 -


Al2 I

c:nc_:_o;_::~:d for in.sp~--cti.ofj ~ A rc·capi.t1;,_la.ti6n of m'in:~. d.:~mages dur­ in~ -~:~·is )-:::rio(· i~ L'n¢los::-·d and 1K:il1 pr~~sent an E?:e_sJly rrasp:.~o ovc:;_"-'-· i l .·ictL:_r __ ; oi' ·;~he I~;_ine c13.Ji::3.LGS, and a previei·. of probable :f'vtl~~·· ~ u~-;ses l nd.f·r ~~mila::.:'_ operat:itl;G; cot?.dit:i.ons.

<::. " '' olution to tr,is, problem do,cs not :­ f~i~)siv~- ;·:- iiaClJ.- c.\i::- i~hese·- id-:·o.~ has b·:·en t(~~stcci in comb8.t prior to the, orran conflict, ·and their effectivercess is doubtful. To date, e;.I.lo;;ives rem.:tin the most ef,·Dct:Lve detection/destruction means avn_ LL:_"h~:_e.

It i!:'. realized l.i1d. t i,!.:t.! l~;roUltjlt! rsla ted in this report is net. Lni:.,v.·.~: to ti;is v.nit nor to -tLis operation. L'owever, the 1 f.!ri 1 r_.lir:: efi\.:ct :;:;f the enerny s mine J.ajting activities on tLis uni ~~ n:JL only il:lpairs th.s c :.wba t efficiency of tt:_e tank battalion bltt, ~-n nddition; s~_riousl~ reduces thG fighting potential of the Tlivi_~i.;n lY'v rlAnyinc armor to attaclcine: infantrv. 'ihe comolica- ti~;;~-,l~;d -~a;;;irio;;,:{ions--of tank lo:sses therefore are reflected directly in the' 11 pur:cbing 11 pow:"r o:r the Pivision in the attack. It r.c.1s, t!h:refore, CC!l sidered to i.J•:l a problem of suuJ.cieno.Ly sericL::. c:mseqwcnces to warr·an~ Lh.Ls p.[·esentat:Lcn and reitera­ ti~jl:~ in t:-.~.e fcl''Jent hope th.ut (1) an awareness of the problem be crcD.. tc-c1 in the 1iiit1ds o:f others and (2) that steps be taken _, <.:<.n;- develo a positive c:_etection 1.11 1:lctr:.L;in1 expori.::n.(:.;nta·cion to ar.. d/ or re;noval device~


~-~~ttl,~'' i~-~.:, --~~ """~" . ....-i ! 5 SECRET

DJCCLASSIHJW DECLA_SSIFTF.D ---· Korean War Project USMC-00122562 ~ ~ ·I:kadquarters W:JF:mm lst. l'ank Ba,ttalibn Al2 ls t ~ :ar in~ Divis i en, F'Llli' S.er 00/=51 c/q Flet;t l:os~ Off'ice · 17 Jul~, 1951 Sar1 FrQncisco, California

l 1'rom: Som:,:c'u· ding Of'licer Gulll !1andant oi' thu i-.arine Cc::t•ps ·~rJ·_•,"vi.~i rH! f1 '\: r'ro. "· •••-J-r·., ~"'~·-...., .... ~, __l~t _ .l,L~_~,.. ·.;.·. 2,..... ""-',,n_- _ ~ ~----- Via: \...I-I VVJJ.u.c.....L.L...... ~ \.

11 11 of, period ~ubj: .,.,. r:c· t: '''i'; ,;orica1 ficr.ort Sp~.cial subnission ji' 1~:ay-- i5 J'un<: 195'1 · ~· - Hef: (;:c) Division 'lemo Fo. l'(l-~;l (b) Dlvi~io:n Gent::ral Order ;}-31 of 17 ~-~o.y 1951 (c) ~~~ .F }"'_Q.C G:.:_;nCl'c~l Or:iE·I' ;~~21 of ~/ l'.'D.y 1951

( \ '•!..1 no ii•:.Pl'~("C!I r>h·..l ,.~- (:~) 0~~;;1;;· "~r-l;~~:~lons or enem: dnes exrloded by this o·cc<:niztt ·;ion C;) tnrm1gh (10) ILotograplls of tc,~ni~s c'L.mag,_d b~ JJlinos

' '"" "1 '-" .L1 ,co,, . - - ,,, "-- -- . ~~na ~Ci, t....t.1G ..l.. O.L..LO'"YVlng 1. ln accordanc(:. v·:J.lJn r:..;.LE='I'ences l,c-L), UJ) of ,.ttis command r.aratr.:.. ~rL~. c.:.;nLc.~~nin:;. c -::u:!cnts on t~-1c opel~ation~: sub.:~Li tted; .:.:.n LO.~.i .A ell,:, ring th·_ ::·ubj cc:t period are hereby

c:f ·_·ect:LvcneE~ s ~ t:::ch.~ i(lUe of em~)lOYTI€nt ~ o.• .,_-llC.:;;,y 1~-~nd diYl(~S; .. "" · :.:tnd. .. nc_· '! :r.Jl~ sis of t::-~~- 1~rolJloc1~ · (l) Problem I.

(u) ;}lLI'ing tltB perior_~ /~a:r.•c:h. throv.gh ;_:~a_;~ , wl~ich wo.s q; ·this battalivn advanced inC.'-\..-.c:.c~·(;_ :~11 tht: lfULJ.rterly 'l'ype n i{e1_·,o:rt., f"'1.~""'""...., ,..,.; M'7',-.1•· +r--.. ~-",-..l"li""_"f"lif"'lrJ ---- .. .l..L~.-,.~,,,•,... ':'".--n;--r.',--,r,;.-; -1~,-, ~a._,,!:"-.. '-''-' .!- •• '--'-''-t_.-....~L'-' .. , ·· ,... U!l..l..'VI.J.L,ll. ,i.J.V.<.lG ...... :r..lvu uy ...... HctL~Jl-.L!.J...; ~.-rom._ l~OO!lt_!;)Ull.t included the su_b­ t~· .:'.d i;o G.:'LtU'1.cL_orl, .-1nd to "·~·•. actJ.Oll~ The~ report Seventeer. (17) mines sc;_~-l ~•t J.:'(J\,I'02::ra{te lYJVevent to Hor..gchon; Cor~sidering the small' ..-.-ere-. r~ci:;;n_:-d:ed bv tanl-Ls dlJl"i nr~ this t'eriocl. -.nonth- perl.Od it •vi!J:'i!l i C'1:icrl!J!.:~; ~,;- ."ili!leS enCOl 1 Dter~-d -dt1rin; jliS tbre da ..agE:s bej-'vt"lU -i~:-,o-.. ,_:_'l~ ~, __t·~=_t tl:lis bctt-L:;aJ.ion had not c:-[per.iencE:d G fif'tee-p (15) days of :c ___ ;::·_;-:;c~l~.~-k_;l:' expect-:J.tions. EovJcver, th~~ firs "~V.':.i·nty-six (2(;) t.J.n}:s J·LIJl r:_.l j_lilY be as~;u~aed t:tat "'~ ,~ would. have been .!lVJ.c ;, coJ,tinved ··"h'. atts.ck .:·.ur :cosses ito minos -~\cr ~ 1. : __ >;ricr.

'I., DECLASSIFIED DECLA_SSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00122563

- ~\' Dl-? : trilll Al?

and tanks did not pX'Of::::l"·.~_ss 0'. .,. -:: i_.]_E! ~::Ltl: Lio~.:. \a::::~ s·;~s.bilizc;C~ 5 ·in· natt.... re, fr;:t·:. ~ ·-'· - 1·.-l :;e_r~· opcl,~:i_tior',s \.~.ro c.i.bJIIusive oi' en(~L~.y n~ines en­ ....' . nc.l~.: ::·.::..~.. _;.l' the types ,;u;ci cc-r·struction v.-ill pr cstr~.t a clear c~:--... ~-l ~e.!' ci since tLc: ad-w.e.nce from ~~_r..:-(.Lgs.ont; ~~-- ' . c-.nd efJ.';:-ctive .... l·i c "i.;l~:~-, (; o~~- the- u.~·.. ny dif,~ferent mine·s encGL Ftcr·-.:d l"!.C . .SS tu · 1(: e:-~poc-c;~_-:Q:: ·

.• use_¢.~_ip (l) ;.:;.o.rtfLcrw~P\-rf~ j:J.r::: ~_ .. a£ .. ~he t~:pc ____ q0~'l!filO!JJ t ... 1.vil.I'1. -!:_:t-~rjc.:~·n_-J.,_l--:T._ v;ith a tota·~oc-J1asher n:~~-'-"_-':.:Is ccC or~ ..L-, is difficult when the Cl.z v::.:Li~'' ·.·:~st:lts. Detection of this ;1;ino iS l.:~scd,,__ __ '---·-- lac-·t-:·ic-,_,__.__ i'u·_;·;.. ·-- Tl:.... ~; .. -::~_:"_. n·-:,,_ r},-·-la~'.:-,. captur,.. d from LI': fore~-;~-! ho es Limatc (2) LS. _..--.-~L~~ines of' can bC- l"i5ri .isht:cl bcc;u.. l)_;::e 1 t is PcJ.i::_.vc;_; ~hat none clct;_ ct. these unc of -~)"JGSe mint.~s, -:c:.n

of ( ___ ,) I 1 ::_ c:-:~i.§_££1 Air m~~~~... s_ cons i s t inc of' a cluster sh~ .Lls buri;ccJ r~qs.. e-pn-:- This i' 01 l' u · _-:.._·-:;_ v_: :J.ri. i ·_! 1 er\· or b.. E-aV)! mortar < newy is retreating ra- ~- 2"" ·_;-,_-~~~.-~.t~.. - -:ui.r7-~;·-~:~.:ncral1y used '\;hen the S't.l.ri'acc and is uasi.­ l :L(~~. :.c~" .l.c'Wl. "l.y ·,;.::.~ buri~u ju8t beneath 'the or b:~.- prcbing. ·Little Ol' slitht da­ ..l-..:- L__ L(__ ·cue·(>"·:~ b~- eyo, c~8-G(.c ~or, bloc};::s an~:, t.~.-.-o t.o :four end Ehf;E.! k-~ -,'JC L:;.-~;.._;ctu.~. One or two track no d ... d;J.&[E· 1"':..:.:1 1 ted. c n: -~- cc:'Loi·;:; \ ·E:r8 cl·~,.r-~ac f:·d cr C.cs Lr·oy ed, son1~·tir~1es ~g ; 0~1~-o;~~~ :~;~~: ~ i r ?-.:,·_;;_ ~+~7\1t~~~,_.. ~~-iJ~l\: ~ ~·~1J~caf~:-~;~c·;,~;_·,:-i;si~?Ji_ '~',:iD ...... l·_·, -:. ._. \~-~...... ~~ ~_'{t~ ' six track blochs 3.nc d.~.rt18.L>>d _:_·~_i:.. . tJl. ·'--:::.::..:•-~\ll: dc.~-tro:,;. ·cl ~;hree to D S0cl sin~:ularly. One ·Of' these -n: c_:.:;.·, t·... ·:; r: t_,;::: ur r' o~~d'V.'h els' ~ V!_hc.:n "-..i~::. .:·.sc::.::.p;_; titch illto the tar.:.L. .; Y!(_:- j_~·: .::.ot c~,_-,._. DJ~ (_Jf i:;lol·.-:~.ilt-: a COli1l'1leLe fr(.JLt l.<:-C. :~V.1 0 oi:- ti~rC--:0 tof·;etber the:/ t.u.ve blO\Vl2 ·.. 11·11 of 125 yards, ~~nd ir._l-~ (i(~~0.r whGL·l~ ~~:d ·~-Ivot arJJls) a distance vl' road i/,•heels, t.-~.-o ~-l--l:J:__.ox•t. rol- c.-;.. ~.~: .l ~; tiL!O c!.~~ ::,'i.;royG:. Lv;·o 2e L:::: h ~~ ~ s~J_nd ... lc r , ~:· _·~--~~ ~~c~~~ ,~r-~~ ..c~\-~-~J;~~L~~-I: ~1-~v:~~ ~{~~~-~ 1 ~~ ~-~t~ oi-~ t~inl~~i :;·:~~ (,1 ~-- ' i.Jr"· ;_;.d) > 1 ' . . ,. ,. ' -· ~---- ~ ' '., l r O"l·U.: ::·· 1-·:;: ul-l-·',~.l.l'---.._-..-,_~,. s ;-,c•.ve :wt been fo1md ~.1.:•nted of one to ..--.,.-,...... 'tOJl of a stact

., c.


WDF': r!"~ .. t A.l2 Scr CO'i-:il

caus E:d by t;:,e tllrt uo:. type mines. Da·nage was .similar to ·Gr:a" of -~Lis nine is no-~ d.ifi= to:...- ~\-·!;~ ••..:.ne corr:.bj_na..tion. lJetec·Lion Cl' lt ~~., .. ~

C;) £i.ptur,cq_.. _L:,_ .. "l)f-:UJ.~~J-_qpt: 11 or ·improyiscd L..&--u.eil..Qr..§ Lilri.:_~d j.ust uryJer tl:.e ro2.d sur= to:::,r~~-:·~·~<.?!2£. ·.Ll-, se J.-::::tvc 1J e:n fottnd The~... have ·bor:n l'uzed for -~'- cc c,I' ~-.;·.in; in tLo· open on Lh·· ro<::.d. VJiT'E!S is c~t.r· ~·-id tO dE:~t;.ctioD. OlCCGr.ica_,i_ fi.I'.L/;,_,, ~-Ud t.he T·I':.:sr::O!J.CG Of cat-:.se the person ,~_,ho \\as st-.p- u '·'·-, ; ~: 1 .·.vc b ::-n da.:.gc:d thr;s:! ~,-, ·u ... ~1is }.ost or v;t_s cli~'linclted. 1.o;::·0 vO .·i..r~·:n:.-Le ,,L·~·-- tdther d:':.sert-.:~G t~'pe '\'tas C.isal"tw.:d b:J cutting j_.c<·~~·.;tj_oL is r;ol~ clj_f .··Jcult c~n, tl:.is tlLc J.J.'i. lcaC:l:Lr:;.. t:,o the deton:-:.tor. abovE:. 7hi.s bo..t~ (\.~,) ;~·· o:i:' sever:J.. cambi.n:l-Llunu of the several uf' the nJ..:.J.ny t~:..l~~cll.·: ;l~~~ cJ·~co~t .t.~t~ each of tbt: ,:i_·Dove Ea~u 1 , o:~· si1< .<'.' r(,or:forceuer.t conLbinationc..

1 ~~~·ir .. prer.sents our forces ~J .....·~,, snc, .. y ::: t, ci.._nic;t'€ tc ~.J.ethod::·. of eneJH:\T ;,-d,_nc;layinr in rc,cocniz:Lnt: the I:lio-B;nitude cL ~ .. ,, ._,,;·_;ic'c-1 ~ituG.tions rill 2.:cd ol" -~n/ cc( ·:~.,:~~tion -~··ro-ule~n. pattern or prcf'G-rs not h.1: J·~-~~·. <.!.·;tl:1 l:;h __ nc;iJY ilas no corL~i::itcnt ~:_,. l-.~c ta1'-es .o.dvl;i:nto.ce of th,:; natt;.r;.:~l ~)r: in Ja~,/inc: b.is :.;_uL T'A ·co l.;·:~f~ 4~"~.,-:::• K~c,,., ,,;-rTc-"l"c- r·v , .. , .·, .. ,., f.: .. ,- ,r,, .. .!~ \.A-';;}-' -.!-u~ ..... , ~ ... -" ...... - --- \..!..•··;• ~i..-<::..<.:..1~· •J'-'~-·'"'t..~..LL:~.;..w,".:. .... j -\,;EJ.'i',J.:..ll ,_,!~l..c.. i.C.Ll.:;) i''"·ines -t~l , ...... ~. r ,...... ~,y. ..1\ 1,,, rni· ,.,·.c::i·-;n..-· . -.....--"-- .1...1. ' ··-~--, ''" -· _. ~·!. • .!..!.'-~/ ••.v· ... J...,-.; ~,c _ _,.,_ __ C -, L ..l.VC.L J~ \_ ..;~' <.ll.~.G. · '• c .. ~J:-'.J' L·· ;·_~E.:-L~ 1'0(;.' cll:idg-e bJ·- r-cs·-:-.rj.c·~::: ..• o1.rc._~;~-r:-~ sL-_ch as nar::~··o;_· dei'ilcS, a:~cept·'".d as l:l'<:.:pc·r sit~~s for .i: -='·;· .. c:~, 2J.l :1. c: ::·.itf=:£; l>.:1iversa.lly 9.:L~ lo:, ,.. ,ent ends at ttis point. .,,:~r:eL':lt··"~(: :. I.IOY.cvcr, conver: ;:.ional o:::- i'ort~· (4-C) uine:s of se­ It.· c~ rL.rrc'," (c£'il(· t;hore ~·.llay be c~ne (l~ in .no conceivable ~pattern -._-rc:·.s.l ~_,~ rc: o.nc. c·:x·_-:·J~· nE'.tl.ons, rl;::.nt<..:;d 1 ~~ : ~';!: ::~, ~ l::L:o~~~~r fr~ ;~: f~~ r ,:,~~~~e~~~n~:l:' t,~~~~:~;:t :::~ ~~~~:~~ :~\~l!~o; 1 1 ~rhc saJl0 t:J.nLs, u1on ... ict :,j. ..., ·~:r. .. ot:~c:c :in t.Y: i .. Jl .. ·c:-i~lte vicinity. safe route av,ay froa ,~~.:.'. f~:::st ~i:'l.~. _·ne.;. cliseove:e th,~ c)nly "it._;-:~- lt ::.·ill be:: evi- -c: e :~_:~c: ~ C>l~lC! iJc ·;~J··, . l~ot·:·(:C l;:.; '."::LLch t.i·112y ~-.n~bcrcd. rout(:· tna;: noL.. bt:~ ~~.af'c~. C:.c:·nt ].:1.--. r in tl.is re:.ort th"t even tLis I'OctdS', b:-' 1-as::,cs, bli::J.d ~··~;.n-,;_. ~·.1.·c i'urnd in riVqr l.)e s, rj_ce :;addies, of t.ills. ln ;~eneral, G.r .. '.'.. ::~, st.~·cc·:.-. cro;:..sirlt;S, c., no. even on slopes ... - art"_- a ~":here 0'Yle .. j" c o~r· :;.:nder.s f .;el it; :_~-lljCJ.rs ·G!.-~.c"~.; ~:Ll"'C l;lLlCC~d in .:1n~ ·G. ~-L~.: J:. J' i.. .::1J·,... ~:-~ :·~t .e::1r ~~ ore:catio-n.


.-. ,--, -, ; W:JF: LUH 0 -~·._-'-'- ·~-' u .. Al2

as the t:/L-e .... \;, .. ods '-'~ ~l:::ntihb thr:.::;:;:.c ,.. llncs v;:Lr~, ::..2 mu~:1 1 is buriod o.f: .UlT:_e;_·.; a.ilablc. J.'he hast·;_:-. iLtE:·rovisec mine \J.SUallv 'l.-nuc1· l:h.: sur:~·acc with oi1iy- hB.~:ty atte.:-npts r:1ad8 a't concE:;al­ jv~.t is tl-is tbat _.tent. _·;,e dc)_i!Jcra te is some chin;: C.ifferent, and it A· co.t:bination of or,e CG1J~;c,; c. .:c. difi'icc::l t dctinc~:· ,___ L- .f.. I . .; ; - • ~ ' -. ~ ' --'---' ., . ,.. - ·. - • . ' • LJ rJ:( ':.. Ot_; G lil-"lGT; O'L~r c; ~-ll~.rs ' Gl1B fL:.J..l.S ll0.LU.ll'1.[; LH& ete ._; on::·l t ')1.' . ~·1<.1 , ~J OiilC 1"+r"!'r\P .... .:,..._..F.~ ~,-l+rt '"', t•.,-.o:-,c·~ ,., ...... ,..., ..... , '.J-lr(· ().' ~->·o'--r uut..,.L.J.l.t...l ~·J-'-'...-lll• cr:.Jl.l't:'iv.:...a.rc~; :~..!.!.r';;;l ··--..!..1 ..e...,8o._:t.u· \'."J..L.L arol-Dd an i;<..~r ~.::-; :_)~ .. 1-J:<.L_cn cun·"E"':r:~n.ers; &.l:.d 11-kE; i-·::en.c:, scat--.>_.-red mint-~s nearby. r:.Cl-d.s C.l'C;:. ,_, s..:·rve to ind.icatF: the: pres.;:~ncc of' of inforrr.ation. F'or j_s ~)_\../-~ :;.:. l-1::·.. :::'0. a.nd ·~·:)st rule but useful bit u:Jcleter!lir:cci. :reason as a1any c·.::: fifty (50) tanks have so·•·c ;c-:'t t":;_int::;, l:he tra:v _l(_-_(. C",~8r a uinod are: a vdthout E~xrlod1B1g- ~~- sine;J.e pa~~s over the 111ine mi(-_ht fir~;t, ~:.d_· :.t, t.v:c~·~tiet>l, t.~tc., ve•. icle to to de-t·._cG tLe c.Lc:t l'i .. ·,tej_t. c.t Sltch n depth it :Ls noL }:ossibJ_..:; 0 d -v;::ereby engin::..-er , lJJr ;:. b., lJ:coDln£. ~ an~i ins'l:anccs arc on rtcoJ. 1 ~~:~~:~: ,_·)~;~~~-~~~c,~~, u~-~{;c ·~·~ 0 }:~~~~~~E -~,~~~cJf~;~~-~ r~~;~~-;L f;~ ~l;~~-; i ~e~~~~:~~,_.·~n Jninef"i~ld, locatr:.. d in th9 Ol' tL:cE~ · ~-.ets C!i' r;:)s..dshet":)_-" Ur~c. l[.r[~e l'l.. obeU" e.nd checked B.t 1-;j_v~:.~.::.~;' ~.: ~:J:--~ r;ent Z/A., h::.ts bet=::n SY, .. E:nt. co.r:lp,St.r:i 12S. Ti'"le ·i~'-_ti::3 c s..L:: tl!'tle:;:·, in Cert::.·.in e:.reo.s ~ b~- {v.-0 1:;;n[,iileer company ioca~od some :_·(rc ::~.;· a:;_~c.:: 11c't :. (d; clear • t~· __ ct,:::h E~8.cl:l.- enr;int.. er :~.anL .lines ~Lo.t 'l:llc. other coiaJ:&n:v- rc.issed" ;.cO r0tr1eve a di~?-bled of road to n dept:·::. of :.;_t \,:;~._:: rc..c(:~ssar~-' (;.::;, blo\;i 2. 300-yc1._l_;d swcretch locatc~d nines b~r UlltJ.-l·talf ft:!(j t; • ;:.;o~netime;-..; the cncinesr-s "GY."C ~--L~ :.inr::inE:r;_r prooJL_, ln f:eom the f~:icle. of -~J:J.c road,_ :.;;.n:.er the shcrlder. l1~.:.v'~' the ·;.-.issir_~~n of !'line ~~1:i ~ .. -; 'wJ~ u : 1andl~; ·:lUl"C' of t:·1sse r~:~l:::_e;,:~.,. .J.i:d do.:: v·!'LCtion, nnd s:.re r:torc f'a_:l:;_lio..r VJith the problems, dEtCc~J .. Cnl efforts · arc ~,; ,., lvE" s1of 'rine- lossro'"' r' :o, ito tb.C'ir excellent ~l ·-;cJ ·. ~-; :!u,,;·.- 1i.sh.r.£nts ~ and ·Gyp(:. of .1 ,,., is dif'l'icL:lt to deter .. iEC ;uhat e-o.:rbi.::-::J.tion frag:r:-.;nt so,:~etiilles ... ine '\_r,_~:- c-.c~ton:J.t .. :ci b~l n _-:~arJ-:. :·B.rL:Ln:: s on ar-.· drav:n i'rcm t._he icl(_- "J (· l;) .. _ to..J.-.. Ls sin·.:·.c that .--:- u~·.::~ .. ~-,.- t]:::.c. J..o ..-:at_.ons of all ~·,i_nes hit cxplanatior.~s, are r J. cJ·c:l.o~:cd l·~erey;::i.tl·~. FhotocrSI.phs, with

4 8~CRET


~ ~

, ,

.. ..

.. ..

1'"~ 1'"~

, ,


l=;l l=;l ~~;, ~~;,

1::, 1::,

c'~ c'~

I'·' I'·'

1· 1· 1•!1 1•!1

C,'i C,'i

I""' I""'

tb:L:; tb:L:;

, ,

• •

o:f~ o:f~

IJ.:i.nEtj; IJ.:i.nEtj;

10 10

•• ••

11 11 4• 4•

u~:li:·or€ u~:li:·or€

by by

t,!onk. t,!onk.


o·iter o·iter o.:c•e~;1. o.:c•e~;1.

a a

JJ.:i.UEl. JJ.:i.UEl.

~:L;;i~:1eor~•. ~:L;;i~:1eor~•.

,... ,...

:it :it

• •

ares ares

o,re~~· o,re~~·

J-.. J-..

o~1er o~1er

SI:~CHi::T SI:~CHi::T

ta:nlq; ta:nlq;


.arE~ .arE~

arE3a arE3a

. .

H H lst lst

'50,,.+,::.,. '50,,.+,::.,.


t.he t.he

l,tine l,tine

ov-er ov-er


mil£m mil£m

& &

-.~ri·ever -.~ri·ever

• •

s::1oulcl•er s::1oulcl•er

p.as::.ed p.as::.ed

.,.,...,,~ .,.,...,,~

"~"''""'' "~"''""''

:i.'£.:; :i.'£.:;

i'~ i'~

chec:ked. chec:ked.

chee.ke~a. chee.ke~a. clleekE:6.. clleekE:6..

chee.ke:d. chee.ke:d. cheeked. cheeked.

t"ra'i'aJ.cC: t"ra'i'aJ.cC:

c.heclke•d. c.heclke•d.

p:;:s~wf p:;:s~wf

over over

r; r;

chockecl chockecl

_pal3S1:ld _pal3S1:ld

:re2~ :re2~

OV•~;r OV•~;r

,:..~u-~:D ,:..~u-~:D

.. ..

.d~:i.:.:iYIB .d~:i.:.:iYIB


bad bad

che·c~lced che·c~lced

a,:rea. a,:rea.

c.lso~<:c~;6 c.lso~<:c~;6

chedrHd chedrHd

a a

;;;atE,r_; ;;;atE,r_;

..,,... ..,,...

a a

• •

" "

Gross Gross

.,.. .,..


i.~~-dL' i.~~-dL'

hue' hue'

t.o t.o

81• 81•

cheeked cheeked lua.C. lua.C.

• •

,. ,.

by by


1:Lad 1:Lad

had had

.:E3e:i·l .:E3e:i·l

to to

,....,. ,....,.


over over


p~~.s;:::eC p~~.s;:::eC

;;;~. ;;;~.

,li,:1ru:ily ,li,:1ru:ily

•• ••

:~;c.:~3Se6 :~;c.:~3Se6

·l;3nk:::; ·l;3nk:::;

"orc "orc

.. ..

nk nk

U-I..I<,,V.~ U-I..I<,,V.~

,,,...... ,,.. ,,,...... ,,..

.. ..

haec haec

t.allk t.allk c:.heekecl c:.heekecl

t.anks t.anks

pre,riollii:ly pre,riollii:ly

pre pre

t.raveJ.ed. t.raveJ.ed.

p:reviousl;r p:reviousl;r

i:(:.. i:(:..

p:ro,ric~u::;ly p:ro,ric~u::;ly

previou::~ly previou::~ly

~l~-'c ~l~-'c

p:reviously p:reviously p:rmriotlf:ly p:rmriotlf:ly

hL.G. hL.G.

l:tmiBr l:tmiBr

ono ono

·,;;:,,:;; ·,;;:,,:;;

t~:Dk t~:Dk

ts ts

:-;l~;;.t~)on :-;l~;;.t~)on

tt1nk tt1nk

= =

::,a1vage ::,a1vage


Get Get

tc.~-~':.;3 tc.~-~':.;3

n, n,

.~ .~

·ea ·ea

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.. ..

• •

· ·

rua rua

an1: an1:


,; ,;

]$t ]$t

11~l:tb 11~l:tb exploCled. exploCled.

Previously Previously

U.ne U.ne

l..ll5tny l..ll5tny

road. road.

:3rd :3rd

tc;(llkS. tc;(llkS.

~:t:"C~l ~:t:"C~l ~>rea ~>rea

tank tank 7 7

St-h St-h '.:.'<--

Prec::eE!{.ieri Prec::eE!{.ieri minE~. minE~. :l.

~ ~

AJ;··ea AJ;··ea HOllE! HOllE!

Area Area A:Jo·ea A:Jo·ea t.~:~i~; t.~:~i~;

:... :...

One. One. Bnt;.;ine·era Bnt;.;ine·era

£..:c·ea £..:c·ea

~:·ea ~:·ea

l;:J:~.ine~~r:~; l;:J:~.ine~~r:~;

Severa.l Severa.l

.b.:::· .b.:::·

pa:t"tf) pa:t"tf)

VOi::.O VOi::.O


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L:lght L:lght


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Korean War Project USMC-00122566

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Sll.bjl I:De "((• Qrelal IQPftSJ SlltldiAC. of

1. tu poltl... a -.. wutue - lltrbl •• r.eaMnt lilr ._ ln lia.l"lu Di:l111l• ue eault..a lllllieQi'N et p:JD\1.. tM• wUl H __...... - ...... b...... - ICiatun .... •JOI' ,.._ pill II Sal.. a )l1lll ...... ~ }lftiE*fS) o OUftM MIIIIDU rv -.. tn..U• at l'tts'Ml ..,. tMfiJ u, u4 u :lllllionet u. \lie U lilule 01»11'~4 •••, &I'D lPWai'UIIa 0 1 II ' of ._, M lc.i -.. .-..uoa ul. I'IIPIWl .n be lllll'ftMef 1111 ....,..., peiiiM11 v.lllac ldnaou -.a ...... tM ue et .,... u. l\.1 ,..• .,. IOl8 u 1ft a lllllHir: ~-- 1a ~ Ulli..,, •u.. \lie ..ua et tiM Kutae DlU.Il• b. .,._..liW to uu.a Jnr')¥ ...... tu .u. ... Jlllnal 1a s mhble, U 1s eaul&..a t.aiU til8 Pl'Hl• 1a et -.ll .....,_... MOpe u w _, ..U ~ et naouu 1111& &~

a. xa. p~ apeat.tla s n"• oa .u.. AftMtloa u4 I'IISI'Ml, *• a•4qllaft- t.a J"OUld..., tlalo p .-• ..,. et Wo-.U• ,_..,...... to Nllttftk Pl'tP S b. .W.s tl.U.o U is J'RI m'el tlilln u. a. 1lulu onpe pJ"eJJUe • tnH.-1 wuaa ...... UJMt tw ,._ u..._ to tu n.- llulu ...... -.. a17 wtu *• illtO_.._ br.l.. tlel4 ai\s q to ...._ at teftJ.?J h _, M ...._, .. lilr ...,_ •IIPl•poaA-. ak17 tl.U. ~"- u 1JIIU.eatet b. tAe llaalo

cow to: eel, l.sf''uDI:r0 J'IIJ

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con BUJlQ.t1U.lUI ,, ..., h\ llarho Dl.rteioa ( ..int) PIIJ' AU o/o J'l.. , , .., omoo kl't OO)T~(B)-51 Sa J'rQOhOO, CAUton.ta '- 1951

l'rflll Co•lllldiag l)e.. ral !o1 Co:nmandaut of tho Ma:-1ne Corpa Th: Com ... HDdilll; Geurel, Jloe' ).larbo J'w.. , P ..ltlo SU.bJr T;'J» •c• SJeolal :t.Jerh, lllllillholoa ot Zaol; ( 1) 'l'yp. •c• lptcial hJert., Perhl. 2S llq • 15 hl.r, ll1ao ._.,Ill OJeraUoaa, b\ .,panl' Ja".Uoa ( 2) f7Je •c• lfh,arloal leJIIri, ,.r1K ll •"'7 - 15 .,_ lJ;il, la\ 'f.U J&Ualloa

1, .laoloavoe ( 1) aa4 (2) aro OJeOial l'I!'H'h poparel'. 117 \lie t.U aad •acl&Hr uUa at t.hh Dl.rtdoD oa tba •'~"' at n)lerleaoo vUlt. ."'.., alaoo, t.llelr aataotioa aa4 rae~. 2. lluiac tho Je1'1e4 coftN4 '117 tile ••loouot, ....,. luou ....., vUil t.ho h\ Mar1ao tllThba •J1o:ro4 alut oahaolftl7 ... wUia eNd oft'oot, tho JllTh1oa ll.aa u4or'*- ••Ua11101la ,_, at \Ja. Jhlltloal aopooh of lllo )1'0111• 1aol'dill& 'llo fallriuUoa ot tJHial twlno •• •• .-ple;raoa\ of oaJeJ'laodal hobN.-•· AO wll111o 41-I'IIM r.... tllo ..., .... ot tho ODClonr.. , pro&n .. to 6aW baa .., 1loea OllilloU.P.!!:• la\eatlTO iaToatlcaUoa wlll eoatta• ad wlll 1lo -•peato4 'r NJII'h of ,....,...,,

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DECLASSIFIED DECLA.SSlFlED Korean War Project USMC-00122569

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r ._, 1 'ft~titm G'~!\ePA~- ::·: 1'6-•~ ~r·.!!l~!~ as~ j.'l~:~- .us 0~11~:* ... ' (:~!:::- i!~~ "21. ·A '?.l~- 11-401, U.e.rt~~ C ~::~ H~-r~ •

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~..;..,; ; J.ne ;,etJo'Wnl o-rtt"f'~q. ( ;;) ·;.:li.rougf.& (Q) Fho'lo-~hs >rri.th

~;.-:trtl~-:ee wli-l~ ':::--!ff'fi •. .-1¢;, (a), ;,.;;.~ ~4~J•-e' nam.=l o:r_.erat1on~ ,_...... , .

· ~'··" a Y-ery ~od kne~l ,.,1~~ of eur operat!.enu: kOO'. ~ t; .. t.he .i'-:...'1~]}1''1 . ;: ' !"t'J~l~ ~~ k~:: r:.ari=ew ~ «.J.. low rJ:.:~ . :~-!.tlg vf V-:'~}~i ~~ ... ;-. ~ ne ~~run n.t.l.t; l~ i:~~f.:m ,1;-iQ., !.n .i.1kcl.t turnc·:t.,:· "f!, l:te 1 .. ys ;;,;~::·:-~ ~~: ;,;::~~ • !~ !:.Jn~.~.:· tl';.t~ ~~-. ;{flO'" !. -~t, '~ .t liihp. 1j~ a';!! VA~~i_ .,,t~ C)P c.r... st\t'l near th• ,.,.IJ!!I nre ~1M -'n~.


DECLASSIFIED DECLA_SSlFlED Korean War Project USMC-00122570

__ :_211 -

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JVIiJw! Al2 othe!' he..n.A., t!~e en&iii1 &.liu plao•• 11JLaea in 1-oaa:ttftn• wn ..... t:h•'"* i• no ~~m~~ent __ JYet!f1oat~cn Vh~tscu;~. Iii IU.lbl~i;, ly to ·;iiJ;., -~; .. 111<9- ua enci"';un•el'eo. ft!lf'WJ:J.ttre ~! 't-hout na tt•=-n or l>a.r-t1vu1..ue diiliii t7.

'ne ·Jt;,l··t1oular q_rea 11lon~: the rr-tt.d DT 16418! to OT 1~5:;1;'}4 nrovPd. n··-r·ticul~rtr dianatarcnJi to :ta•i•ndl:r toraen d.ur'\nr th• ~•r1o4 anrl i.o "~r•or1;h;v 0t spe.Qi.~l n¢te 1r~ t..'1111 :"8t"l'()~.


JVIiJ'W! Al2

sPPJ'fSJ:r.t:<.l t:~n 1,$ ~nf\ other vehiole~ "'~ert1 ll•Yerel,.y d!U!agel! f'...lont tid! iivctio•• of road. ConsequenUf itl wa11 deoidn •o ooYer t.his 1mul'e ,. :ee tion !~g~:1n ua.1n~. tha ·r:xplo$1 vv 02"-fln.;:u:;.ne T>1sooas.l :Je-ot.l\.'JH 1 1aad­ :··~-~·~rte·l',.E! r,omnrHI~Y, thiH ~~~~t!.ul1on.

·~~ J~ond 'H~U? iHt"F: 't•1tl~ m.1Ii.t) •iw1;ectors and pvot~od :for c l.llt::;t­ t·~ ~~· .i.., f.·tA) .)rnrd.~ .in :rotlt' dE~:.re,. 3\~-e~p!.ng: ope~&tion! wer·e ~~lHyed on r;:-~~ :)c'P1'·Slnno ,,'fil.le a.rtil1~try f'il'~' fell 1n tne: viein!t~- (';f th~!. r~u.(~.:. .~~, .. ~uty·-tlit"'"H fU~ti.vs i.f.\Uol"t:r"" •...u:re utHJ<:'! to lf]iJ~ StH'iTiC~:>\.IH t);Jinta •..• -:;.1~-~ : 1 ,::~;c·c:~1on el"~·-~ :~ 1-:·Jr.keC crl .a!~"lr~e~·. ~rna r.n1ne ramovr;i ..~~: ... ~~iJ . ...,...aa (l_l,;'idt:~i·: ~.nt("') tWt.' tf!Ptnm~ 'T'her~~tr ter.l';ls wou.ld ,ll.l,•rnf·t~ 9n~ r~~$\.-:('l_::n ~:~oh ~) t:. :.~..r··;-: f:t s ; ' r1oll.Ole ch6!o~t. ._,,it..-~ this m:yotem of rvl~T.... til"."~n~l 1 :· ;,e!:C.n '"1..,,.,•.•., ,,.,,,... ,..,,...,..,.,~~·1..,..+-~".1,~ ...... ·='f~ 'f",,...,~,, ,,:,·:,, \" .... '1.11 l ~'~n t·'·•l'"'- ~1.1 :•.p.p "'V~.UI.I.Lr. W

d f:~\f~irj ~Jl:n:n .t.t!l:~·f1 U,;y t$.JJJ:·. L:o·jttt:.li(:Ht ·:~e:rHo!lf~{.:l f~ v~ '.:-heth­ ::·.~~11JH1 ~-cul._.r, f.t.-.r:rnntcc aa1'e't;1· for thoir t, n· .r·,:;-:,J \c\rnri-1 ! ;. ' ·!·. t{1n _,"'. $).C!H -~h~ rr!!tld• th,~ ~H"!A~r' 01.~1Jl~~ ':~i '1 ~-· ~)f.l

\J.J., ~: . ' •

~ ··n ·s t'1"'··~~- trt-.:n.Ch•~h 1.1 f-c·fot ~;:.:ir-t. ii(.-.1 t·.~o ;'t~·.. ·t ·:l•=:: .. -., \.t:::.l"~"1 ~Jilg t•. :1 ·, ~ iJt·:. ! !',L~~:r ,~rH1 ch-""i.n ~h ~:rL~~Hl of tetryto1 t<-;er::. [•l::~Oe\:· i::t t.b.~·ee tl:--!':t:w;.i·: L~~ ,_ht:~ trHnchflP- -w-ere then b:i(~k t·~1.1· ed ;,nd the r.H .. ·~·ro~ ·~!; (;£t:rJn- '"' "':.,.~(; . 1. •')H • rr· ~:thoU ~ 1 ~ ·' 1 ' .• J'. ; . '" ' ·-..~-·.... 'J: ·' "' tt.."· •~r_:.n::: the ,;;tnc~.-~ (,r thf' ··•·'"uonf; un!nr; tl~e .!'"')- .~

.J:'(,~.jr:Jct ".;.'!.\ eo:.:H!l~'i!>teC nr1 ~::.Jul. 1·:·_::51. ~~ltLt-".;Lr;,,;.v,nCi. f.:ll.ll':'i­ ·:(1\.l>'lSi?. ot ~.x~>Jooivtll~ \·'rtl"'f-1 tlX .. '·ijn.(:on. 'rh10 :·r-oJt:''et ,:'t.-· ·;.11r1::·~ "1... ,,•:·'\ + ~~;JQ l<:it•n d•.' ya { koreun ! ~:.~.J>rrJ:.'B J. .J'Jr:losure:a I . J JhHSdu or 1.Litl ::Jroject i.o ;:1'.,")~(:/ r· h •. ~ ~.:ith

'.~ 1 tlr:~n v~ t;.·· ::n:_ th·'"d.i:~ ,..,f de:tuct1otl outl.lneri :: ovc~ ti~i.s ''l"' I' ''t',i h,:•. r~ ~-r~<::i~.lr'l'!~Hl\.E:!'f1 '1-riti.~ .:r.~ir.~h,:..;,j11c;~l ""'(l!!~ ,)f' •:·\ln,~ 1'~J.fiC'!Pl. .;.. 1,-•lu .. : ·.~<~.,,:.tor w·•:e b-ui1t ~s ·-:n t~t·,.~:.ch:nt·nt ~!-l ~: '1!;.;-l·; ~~··:·~cr ~-:r~.-.1 it.: .::-·I~cil~ ::. l;n(~l• su.r~~~J {?)-(Sf). Lt 1a t;he tl·~1nlnn ·':'it~ ·:J·ilD ~;r-';_.;_. lj:-n ·-"''"".-..- ,.,, .•• '1-i ...... + 1~. '"I 't.:''•!·~ ..,.,,..,_ ...... -.-... •'•""'A .,..•. ,~~..:~ ,,,\·.f,.. ,.,i.. t .. ~, .... ·~'V.L~;r; ~-,~?t.

·.JI''), n enclo•u.rv ( 1). ~-- ~~; miil{"~n ·\,·t~:r-·:2 ... '" \ . "'. ~ ,J, \ ;,-.- t t r: l i::n~ ~~.u rtn~· :,,ctr1od ocv>Crrf!tfl. b·:-: ..,.... t-ift rH~,or-t. . ~T't- .~.{~ .. , tt~d ~"!;' 1}8\t\,.; . - ~- ~ .. ·-., -----·~;· .;, l.J'j, ~· L. ··· t~:1·-~


JVI/Jw1 Al2 .. AJ_ thou,_, ;;he en•y does not use a etocnd.r;rd T'' ttern in l

·1ne cleAr~cnce 1s &. slow r-nd r1elther~te "Jl"OOPIIB wi1l~•- Q&n not :or. hurr-ied. i-.ll 1.1Alt COIIIm'-'n~ers ehQuld be aware C\f t hie Let. rut- 111•ncot o~nnnt be !)lRO(«l on . ny oae aethod ot 1111ne cl"!Arano,.. All -,,.,;me shoul•: be ltll!c.•loyed to the 111111 t c t thltil' CA"fltl11 ttea. ;J;ng1neer neraonnt;l working a\ !!liM l'e!IOY!i.l develo" f••m111ur1 ty c·1th the ene:a)' methods wh1cm IR>iDJ taefl enables them to nerufllve the loooti~n of ouem:v m1nee. 'lhis ability should oe utl.l1?,ed o.v , rent- .. u•e of' the 'l'ank-Intan1:ry-!Cngtneer 'l'el'lm. ·.:nunlly '' four ~1en t;eaa ia nnf::'ic i rmt to accompany '·· tank ,)l&toon.

JC :tN v • ;_j ~ ..• s r:r


i:\ilihf ~~:WJ.iot.i~·,;~~ft- co, i ..., ..., ...... _ .. ~- .;.. , ..... f,JA •~ =a-N.(I)-ol .r· 4 .~ lw&l "Uii ._ __ 0 r;t~dl-= Qc I __ _..._. --1 • n--. l!e!l!!!! ,..L4'!e G •••• -... liarille u-p•

.1. f"""'_. ~-- iii ifilH ...... JIH ...... ir ... l... ~... _.. .U&t~L:&= a.-c =...... --.. t=t•'llww Gt·ra~ '~'.an M ·eee•e•·m n M M ~ ...... 4~ .l!! ~ t!t ee--ll.!e! -~ a -.tor"'""'" 1/0.... UIIil • l:lip. llliu ••~ ,_.._.au .. ~ ._. .... :. Nlaav ._.efiiw -'·· ....-e-:-..1 •• 1-.a--i--w. Nli .. i.Mi•t.• ia ... ~a!-e _ear~~==-•• a::e ~M.l:aa ~;;lev-~ vf ~. ~~• J.wiii .. Jllae dld.MUen. u.nd ~-.l -.&'t'il. ba !!:J!A•r.a....& W aa .... 1~.. ,... •• , ------·--· - .. ------~-- ·--- .... -~- ... -----~ ..... -. --...... - .....-- "' ___ .,..._ llliilifi l•lle.ti-...... -. ~wl,hi•, u. ... •llf -.- 1a lae ~.,. ...,. • a === Ill~ 1a --~ u~'-· :~J.,w .... iiVHWii - ... 1ft ~-.P.L.~e IM'!Se!ee. !~ ..\t.~!!tc ~..- ~Yle! 1.-..ta, ===.-= lc.=r =&.= ;:= ..--1 ia M"Mdellie0 1' u. ••·~llio!NI4 .-.. ~ p!!I!!N.- !• 141 ...,. ••p;; u w iliOU"nwil i.'uU ...,.1111'-' oit ....,.,... ui ••~ und-.

le lft ,..,.... -~!fie .!"~~ tt~ta !d._. ~...Z.:t!ec Ud --1!e.l. \IrA= ll•il~tu.I'Mn L• Nlil'llllin.i 'll.lcltlllia ..._ ut S..!d':o,_u. - ·~" _._ ___ _.... ~------.__ ... .._ ...... __...... , .. ·- ~~~ . --" _....._.:. ~~·-.::---...... ,.._ - ~ ...... ia.A.-· •.• ... •••• - ·- ...... v. ~- .,._.. ~ :1)..-e~-. • t~-d=-1 ._.,...,_._ oa V.. a•J.r. ti. ,._ ll.n•l.- I.e ~ J'U~ ••l'll$10 Fat"""• "'"' ~ !ill!! ~!! !!!t'*-LA.e llr>.• fhu u.Mh •u w ---. illlli a...;LI!IIII •• _, w _.._.... ir _ • ._...... _ __ ,,_..._.._ -'""...... t· ... -•.--•&- ...... Jl ..._ ...... ·- A.L.- ....___.. __ 'tiiiFii'iOioo _,...... •"# ··~ ...... ,...... ,... •• ·-·--- •• _.. --- .. a a a ~IM!M~

CD!IJ toOl w. 1.-M·!l.Jii'j, Y. .; .,.


ttt1c11r ~!!I! Col.,l.~andlng Mi.rine Oohii 7ot 0}Jtll~tmr.dwit e-t tP,.e D1Y1a1on Gel'l!~trU .. li~ it&;~::~ J1'ao1t1e Vial (1) 0."i••ion vt. ,.:.• ~~JOvltl

& (G) • tlt'i! !oll~wing (b) th. 1·• nu.'L~l t t~d her-end.

by the a. d~la..yi.n.g tr113tlc rotnett, emplfijiid- •• $xper- Tluri.a ~ thin pcr!od ~xo~i'Mi1~ H...&y pre!!ou~ in n.WMC;ar: ~·a.r o·r n11ne ~nwtall­ l'~liU•l&~Y.!. · .. (;';~'o .. :\~~o~u~~·J"eci en~J~~Y·· • "Ceuhn.... ~..te r·urthe'r~r~, !M O'(·p-onen.t 'l.n thttt 1eno,··, )..~~ -i~U1\.t.:l~ o:l.tt't'tlt;~ arJl ~#SO\!PI9t~ul _;d. ;111i~ to be a ;r.:rJ~-; t·rare o-r the a\lon ~~·"'·,~v maJ-eri t.y ut tt\w =S.nn! ~J'kOOUftier~ '11-Je .:::ti\ :,~f,i.i·'f~tr-e. Thr~ •in.ffa and 1f~~x~c~tied lt4'1RJ oaJflu.n.-4 U.s. .:i-·: "rYJ'h• altttaOUgh nUN (l). J...p:Jarenily, Ru··~:·d ..'):·J .ae 1radicatft4 !n ~nolo U• 'tJl:lf11 \~f:H:'Q ~tl~~ d!.eOOYftr«tti ov eperat1oaal :r:etho6.e~ ~->ri krvwl~d;e ef of: ~~-:~my ":t~H~ :!. •~rJ a.ll.ov &f4':'-r 4'l"·~1ng -t.he AT& 1:oo f'..!l"!'OV to th:J Jels ~--!l!i ,..+ .. ~ t'!'"'" .u.dnetL in ithe -"'-"""'-"' _.~ ~.., '·'., ·'"-•·"-' r.~~t··'l S-;;r.; la¥5 ...... 11!!1•- ._, 1--~••,;r 1~.: beds; t:·~o~:~:,fo:t·~, -t_t... l) .:· y·-'" • c·',.....,,,, ~a.-~.• \:!,:!',... • _....,,, .p ... -...... ullJ. , • , --'&li'f l..ei~0-&1 vW't-- ;f .;...'\ ..']:Iii 1<~4.11 ··,.., 'bJ"•})'U.i&tua. r:',. • .u'\<:.!-i~r 1-c.c:ation to• ~~i1nes any ·praet.1.oal on the bri.ll~r:;r .. b..t: ~- are al.iG =tned. -· . r-~ ai \ea nwar ""-• park.1.a1·: .t~r4r-&.il or c~

DECLASS!!<1ED DECLASSWtED Korean War Project USMC-00122576

JVK/Jw1 l'.. l:!

c the:~ ~""~~n.d., tJ:~e enetQ¥ e\lao pl!.i.G-P m1ne& in lc·v~t1tn1a \i,t.. er~ tht;rrv 1 ia: nn "j '· tll.,t~nt Jut:ft1.!1o~.t,_!on w.h.:f!te~e't!'!•. In eum.r.·P~ry, !r.lrHH! ~~r~ like­ , 'tt to ht\ ~nc ·-un.4!-'-~f"t)(1 r-roywh-.re -h,1 thout .. ,t-~ tte-Pn. -r)r '"".n~t ten~ ."!tt iir:tfifli iY•• ·~~

t.· ...•. -:i; t!;.~ -~ ... ln~ :'~".e1re- de~.Cl:; t~~~' ~ir.=~Y hac. :dopte• t:uil' ~:~r~:. e\- io~) ;~ __ ';'>t·:~-l.~L ~~~o tJ.OO tli!l"'~~ "'ifl~ju onf! n.n. to-,. or the nt:·~e-r-.; -tllHte of tili :;CJr•t l"w'"e lllown wll,olo "'1<1 vnrious ~.rtu of eq~~;i ~tor,t ,,,nd '1..-..11 I - , r..-'UWJ.~·;-:

~~-tor~ ~-ot'Hl ind1r:at1on~~

8fr.)' . , r: ~; tl -~~(~~::- m:!..nes Utider th., rt.1-~d b.J d1M:l:1ft!4 1n frve;I thv S1Joulder. I t!, · ... ,,,.:,_~ tt.t~ra lt. no toll-t~l= loom# e."!,.J-'th over the- ~1ne- 't'·hl.ch -~-~t••Ptl·'·~' 'V" AU,1tl 1 'V n!'- bv Tll''•nbin~,i- .. • --- --~--- ' --- ··-- "'IP' ··- - ... ,------•• - ...

:~1~-.>·. , ~,.; n i~Er:·;.,~r-~a:-6 1•r-oii1 lniell1&~t.aoo ~,;ources t\nd -~t.t. e·ri~~~aol'td. \:f fo;tctu -·1 .. ,-._~~ ~~·~r·t '·nee, ther-~~ i.e !nd!~-~~-'t!.t'H~ t:ttnt by inf11 t.r·;.;t.1ru~ t··1ct1oa the Hlf; :·• ,..c, n re-mi.ned :rr.~ 11d s '"lt'ev louaLy ol t!IJ,J•.,a.

1o ··. .u.n:. cr-...1~1'1 1n f~ -'-~'PtH~r~nee !!fi(i aonetruo'$1on., tt~.~ ~~(}Y. t;:: :1a mine L.', ,, '''c' ",.,{' vH:rv "'f :·ae ttve. ThA vnr:v illmerfeotionll vri.lch we are pron<:: t· ~ rP~ r~rJ a.$ ~JT-u~it~ · ft.{;Vw &.otu~ll.Y $J&rved to ,J.Qo,:r-e~tH: t~H~ etre:ui­ 1VGH~· ···I , ..:..1~~. ml.n-a. 1'i'..e U.ox ,ni.;'il: ~1a~ ~ 1-.1'f.H".H'!en --.tlfEed p.:;-·~~«Hlrt' r,. {.,;_,; ~--Lie:~--~- :~.~ uun oeu~d t~) ree.t on the ;'t:r"4118-~~ 1Jt'Jft ru~~!' ~ ,F,.}t')ft•n al•··"t, .. :;·J.r~.~- i:t~ldB tL~e flap otf 1Jho t~l!Bt·.r. 1s lruler*•tl ~r;hwn tt1.e ;:u1n• 1n :..;t_.,::;,-: f'.;.oc :--.nt.l-tonk. :;;-1'or:; de-ton~. t1¢c \.~kes nl:~ee t.n{n!~-}t •"·-re~-\~ure iw.norf01~:~t ooo­ et·-nnro"f'_,.·,~·~ ~•'l(l ttf'"J trl·?r\~.t.'\._rttl1.1. ln th& df!l'llth Of the f'UI9 ¥tell! t..Hf~ fli•J) ""•,.~~··•·•·'"-'.., ··-·~~. -·- •~-:._:-· ·~..::.:··-.=~~--t.~ ·k~--:1..-r, ,....,.. .\,1.- tfltuOI!r....._ fiW,iiit'~, J._,:\-tw~l~ ...... on r~'-·:'!':t. :__ ,)~'( WlfHIR coett.: uv~o •vv"'"u ~..,.. uu:· v .. "'""'-.:-' ....,.. - ...... - -· fll~ (." -. ·;--:;;ls ;,~~-ilt-H·u~ th-ttt\ the tox ~uet be ':'~t:!l"'t-1~11: crt.. HJl!H'1 La~toH t!H· , .i.i, ,,,~tNI''t..,, Al!lo the ~rOoCien box. &l\'eila ~'h•n ourit>l'l far

nr~f'H;l~r~r ... to ba ti~.:Lt f.;;O 'Will\. ro(u... ~ ur.UcH.:ur• li re,~~u1re~·~ 1;(, de'W- nl~\.1'~ ~,:.t.;; ~:jJ.J!\1• 'I~heaA ~:.. ctnra o:x.~-tt•1n '... b,.'- the ~x m:1:u;i 1}.t~r.; b.~i.fflo~ ~~ulf) -r~~(;. :~.trr· tc(~ ~Jo t;'iP.f'~~ ~.:ho hnv€!' t~e~n eo1'~':.p11 et2 1-o C!OCttr '-'1 P! ! t 1.n thg f' :~ ~: ., lj .. o"tj"';'J(';QiiN Of' ~.6:tOU~'t1iJF '[Yr•Jl>r~bl,v ~ <'Ji;& ., ', • '"' +'lo· <'~ •1'~"~1 'I J""'f ·4! f'\t'· 1 !.< • , • I: .,,, ,f,. I,'\ ""~' \.i< .l '-'·•1>- .~ ·. • ..... <>!-~ •• T.ht~ :t'!.rJ:t. ve)'l.J..c:ltt or ~tf.·1 )/:1 ~P :t;(·:rve ~ (;t !,L{·: f!'-'ll"·tt:. (·V'~·n·~ tb.g r!:.tn•= ~u.ocee~1nr v~:h1i"\c~P t·.:-nvlrs to ,;;,.:, '""'x ,,nt.H fl.rH~lly the last unfortunate 1;€>.nk. true.•· ,,,. .'l;·~~::.t ~'- Ji>\:,·p :;··saGe over dt;to.n.e;.t1n tJ1~ ~~1n8. ~

'''·' , I·tl.c.u\•!l' "rr.Ht e.lomr til& r·NJd. DT l!Mii& to fl)' l ';'Jc•.i4 ~··ro-.J-d""i - J."tlo:.~l. ~~.rly (~1aMster-oU:r; to trtsrJ\117 tor-of.;& durin( t ..• i$ ·;~r-io4 1\-'in\'1 l-''l .. -,~ .. t~ .;f tjp:.. ·o!.r-:,1 :lote in th1s re~~ort.

r-;,_.:.~-:i~~i·. ·\.lH~ 8.dvonct


JVV../Jw1 Al.2

S6Vtr:r(U t 1r:t v~ B H.Rd o1iher VuhiGl4HI wer;e ••vorely d.Bn.~n~

···L::· r·:::J.d \;ne ~t~~~n: ~::1th ~;line detector! and probed tor h di!i­ ance of l. E,l)Q .'!1 ards in four daYIJ. Jwecmio~r. coera tiona were delaYid on tt.,ro oe0Au1ofiu while art1.lle~-~ f1re t&ll-1n~ the v1c1n1 ty of th& road. ::.·we.uty-=f'ive native l~..~t.·~...... ,rer: 1:-rere ueearty wa• divided into two te'IDB, othere 1·:or~; as r~. double oheok. V.'i t.h this sy;tem or oporat.lons 10 tplnea , er~ removei1.. Ffh!s nh,.se ""u:c.s oom:nleted:. on ~~9 .runeo 1S:.J;Jl. ~

It tH i-;,el1.Qv&d t:!;.-~t ~1; th1.& time 'the road vas ~.ctua.lL~· Cl$a:r-rjf ml.n~a. Hc"t.·ctver, "rifhen n=k~d. b~,. tank La.tt.al1on ner~~onael es to wheth­ er th1x (;"n1,.-~::al1.on woulD e;uart~ntee safet-y ror the1r tf·nL retrlf!tYera to rer.'lovo c~.~m~~god tnnj:s slou[ the ro'1

"!'L·'' ···lnn der·1c:htJ•} UpOit u~:~e oimply to blo~ un tha ro~.. d. In tlu; tlBXt foi.. il:,. d~:;ya tHo tl:'enohes 11. teet ::·part snd t·wo teet dee~::., Yere ~ug b. n· tlvu l<

•vtt .. ~ ,~ il: ,..,.., ~ "rl., ,(j;;, t.":~.h'l.'·_+,,,.,_,,i .... r'\ .. .,.~!!.--~ l!H.l -).l-'UJ'<:f'"~''--*--+ ...... ,,~.n l.··.,ou.;,:~..l.lll:li"loi~(L...... , ...... ''"" ...... ·.~L~, .&,..,:v.a.t_ ~+.~,_,. .. _.,k.._·.,-u•""''"'-f -....-- hundred ooun~a f'Jf" e.:not•ersJ. ~~nc.1.oaurea t21 'iii-o ~- ( ~~) fiiiO~ -vU:ri.ous )haaoa of thia projvc;t in ~.?ho'tcrr .-,he w1 th ex:ll ~~Ot-f tor·~· r.:at~:~tlon&.

J.1~ :..~J, l_tidti tc1 t!l..-~ rt:ftt.l1:;(Jf} of cJeteetiOn QUtliUed dLOV"f)i th1$ orrf.ni:.-,ht.l.~·:rtt b..r1s e:r;;erirnented 1-.:it.h mecU~:lOictJl mo~a.tHJ of J..;iine removf'...l. ;.,., uJJ.Jtc c:ll.-i.C:~-~~.toz~ t·••-~a truilt (;;f.i -~n b.t~tior-want on':.\' TD-1-j dvzwr and1a ehoHn ~.n ancl<•aur-vs {7)-(9). rt iS the o~:in1on o!' thie t:Jatte.l!on that aucn a dov1ee would not l.,e l.J~J;i etfent11fe !l.nd. W!!uld subjeot the oner!~~tor '{'nd 8qu1.0ment to con.s1d. .-.:ral:tle hea.-l*de

An r·~.J-lo-:..~n in data1' b.) cnelo-;ur; {1), :>:59 m1nf;a ,.;ere removed by tills ·bs.tt~lion t!ur1nv the oer!od OO'V'!iH«'' by 'Sh!.!! reQOrt.. '?tl&se mlnes were loea ted by usinf wileual i.A8t>•o1>ion, probing nnd the elec. tronio lliina

;;. •.


~ ...... * • r:-~ .'~-"'I '"'!:::--N·.:-.u.i.l., ,J 'i~.f _J";.{l...... __ .,.:_..... _., .. ,. ·~-'~;;;o.: •.;;;oll. AJ.·.'

·• ftl'll' ~n'l7tny i~f.\~g nnt Utii.e r~ 'Jt;~~-nr1flrf.t rl'•ttnrn in 1 ... -·~· (HJ ~~1£~-m l~d. th (l:(;..ns-1C:Ol' 1 Fd;il~ lt~·!,(1 ~ A th ~J>w_Hb undl!lr- 1~}n< t.·.d~~u:~;! n !~HiJ;_thoOr) ot' ln,tinf:: a.:itltt~i iJy

.,·,,_,,: ~-- 1 t,·n·:.~ ·.;:-ru1J1 r:: .. t~.,..,,, ;.~~Jd; :···:. n·u,··;.tl•:.!~...

"T i~··· • .J.!o , • H-'Lt t OC·i:: .:nndci~'S ol~cn.tl

'-~ \.

t t·'! __ ne r--'~t!!OV''.l { 1 ~~VI!f).(" f' ··'· j~~-lL.T! '-.Y -·· ·J... "'-' tl.Mtl!~ J;:!n(.,bl~n tl:aHr ·co -~'-r -:;-::.v.:. ~hw ~- _, •• , '1 ,;,H,l;U.j.. 1.! X·\"ii5't-

... ~' •• ,_ ~ "'! ' ':t: ' :JtH· _:, .-!., .,1 ;. 1.(H~.et la

DECLASS!!<'!ED DECLASSWtED Korean War Project USMC-00122579

ShCRE'T WDF;nun Al2 Ser (;07-5'1

enclos•d tor inspection. A recapii~ualtion or mine damages dnr• i..PI.g this period is enclosed arvi "Will. present an easily grasped ov.r-all picture of the mine damagus, and a preview or probable ---... ~ ...... _;,. ,."n.A-Ii+.in.Y\._ -~.-.,-.,- nn.-1.,-,., ;.:.i~'i'!;;;T' Ulo Volo&~& ""'"".. ,.._...,. ..,_...,...,..,_ • .,?-u--..-u- v ....o&-- J.·u- .. .,, ...,.. .,._ ., ..,. ·--• W)/V.L

:;L A ao1ution to this oroblem. ci1)eB .not appaar to be 1m.-rLin$nt. Several iueUi --.on mine det6otion ha'ttt been of:tered.. These !nolnde tooth arrangement JnO'!.Ltl'te~i on. a tank OJ' a bulldozer, a scarifier oon­ A ~hARnRf'nnt -r-oll.:~r ctevioe. a flail tank. conert:lte rollers on ~r;t;.:fiii.id ~ii- druMs· to be pus had. ahead or a vehicle, and ex­ plosives. t:C.ch of th8Se ~~e~s h~~ b~~·n teste~--1~ __ 5'~~~~~ pr:~r.~~~-- the Korean co!"..f'lict, and thel:r err4tc'&1Venel!ls J..» aouu .. J.u.c. ~v ..... ~.,, explosives remain the most etrect1,;e deteot1o..."l/deatru.ct1cn mc~ans available.

It is rfla.lized 1;nat vne problem related in this report is not uniQue to this unit nor to- this operation. HQ!!"evar i the orif··fl!ng effect of the enew.y 1 s min(~ laytng activities on this nnlv 1_mna:lrs thH combat eifioiency- of the tank battalion ,1n1t"-..... _... ---nnt- ----. - -.. ---- but. in addition; seriously reduce.s the fighting potential of the i nf"Antrv.. The aomolica- T'l..t __ J' ... .a -- ""'"r ~A~'tJ'~ nt'l' ..,,..ft'li"''.'Y'O +::,.., at:+:::~n'k"i nuo ------. - -· - ... J.J~V-.I.O>.I.V.LJ. UJ UQ.a..-., •~~{;. <.:.<..a....,,.,...., ..,..,. -----··--.... t1ons and ramificat1ons of· tank losses therefore are reflected db-ectlv in the •~vunchin.g« power o:f' th8 Divi~ion 1n the attack. conaidctred to be a problem or Sllf'f1o1ently It wai, ... there.forv ~ •----"-'--~-- - ·-~ ···- re~~era• seri~Ja consequences to warrant tJ118 presen~a~1on ana t1 nn in the .fervent haDE! that (l) ,sn awareness or the problem b;~~r;&ted-tfi-tne rndndi of othGrs ~r~ (2) t~At steps be taken in planning and experimentation to develop a positive detection and/ or removal d ElVi_ C:Hi~ ~

H. H. Lieutenant Colonel, U. s. M&~1ne corps Reserve Cc·mroaftdi.rll


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pl't1r.l.o,U!ily pl't1r.l.o,U!ily

pron:J.c,ua.l,r pron:J.c,ua.l,r

~l'la'r"J.ed. ~l'la'r"J.ed. proa1r.l.ous.~r proa1r.l.ous.~r

pl'li1'1r.l.c.u.:l.,:r pl'li1'1r.l.c.u.:l.,:r

oelr<>Joe oelr<>Joe

proi1'1r.I.G~a.Jor proi1'1r.I.G~a.Jor baoi baoi

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.• .•

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tanlt tanlt

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p1s1~>CII:I. p1s1~>CII:I.


1i41illka 1i41illka

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Korean War Project USMC-00122580

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((J ((J ...... ((J ((J DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00122581

SECRET Hecutquart4Jfi VVDFi iiiii let ~rank B=.t1~cn Al2 1~~-~,·~:~~! :~~!~-~~~i-~J«F S11:ro oo?.•i1 cr <11 .r ..~. • ., ., ~ os • w 1. ;a.uu i7- JUiY i§5l Ga.n I·tra.no1scc, C~a.l1tcrnia

F~m: CO"tr-£ll"Ai.'lg Ottieer TOI Qo!!!lill!indr.tnt or the l.~r~n• (;orP.• ·Via& (l} Couur:andina Gt:itneralt. lnt Marine U1vis1on (2) Commar..dini General~ F~Laet J:&r-ina Faroe, Pacific

Subj 1 ·r:vne nc•• Hillltarical. Rer:ori;' Special submission of, period 3l·1~ay - 15 June 19$1

(a) Division !.4emo :No. 171•• ;;'1 (b) Division General or48i~ ... f3l ot l? May 1951 (e) Fl::F Pae O=aneral Order 1;'21 c1' ? May 1951 Lncl1 Mine da maae chart ovarla.y ol locatiardl c:lf ana;y nrl.nea exploded by this orga.tl!ze.t!on (3) through (lO) Fhotographa of tanks li.:itmag;;:d by :nines

1. !n accordance 'W!th re!ereP...oea ~!!), (b) ~~ (e) i the follaw!nr. paragraphs containing comments on ,;n,, operat:J.ons or this ctOllll!lalld :Ln XCRLA. d.ur1rJ.t the subji:·et period are hereby &Ltbm1ttedi

a. tnemy land m.inef.q et' teot!TI!M&s, tE~chnique or employment, and c;vnel'"al analya1ii of th~:' :vrobl•rm.

(a) Dur.Ulg thii~ period l~reh t.""'~ougt~ May 1 which was inaluded i.n thr: quarterly !ype "C" .Report; this battalion e.d't~ncu,d from Hoengsong through Hongahon tel Ohaun-nit back to Hongohon, then to Chunuhon, ar!\1 to Hivaah®. fhe report 1.t1eluded the sub­ :equeut retrograde mcrrero('nt to Uongchcr1. SeYen·teen (17) mines were detoPAted b~ tanks during thlls period. Conaiderin_,g the smal,l number or mines encountered dur:l.ni: tn1u three-month veriod it 1rae thcrugbt tt".a.t this battalion had n()t ~pcr1cu:lCQd d.a.:r.aiea beycu"ld reas0!19.ble expeotat1oas. HoweYeru the f!rtt tiftt~en (15) da)'e or June ranici.lY altered this oninion,. for the twentY•si.x (26} tanks dau~>~d- by ffiinus durir.g thiS peri(~ presented thG fact· th8.t the e~e~ was b:_:comir~_ !n~eas1f2.:~r c~>r...scir)ua ~t th: ~ul~ PC?tent!e;l or mln& "~>"-rrare. J.n Vl.E~V~ or· 1:111.e J.arge numo.:'r or· t.aU.K!J aamag•:ca durints this period, r:av :f6jJorts • eu.td av1denvtZ: ut f""urth.;r IUi{d.rJi activit•~ to the D1V1oion1s- t"ont- "'t rna~ ~ a•sumed that nao. t.ne Div1siol1 continued thi' attawt~ Vt.l~ !.osf:Hl'S to mlnw.s wuu!! h.ava been f'ar heavier ..


WDF!!!!rl .&U SGr

However, tb-a •1tu~t1on \\!aS st&b1l1,;&d and tanks d.1ci not prog~•~uJ rc..~~rd and tarlk operations •ere d~~.ff:ns1ve in r""ltu.ro. An analysis of thl{-~ type:~ und Cilra;truat1o.n carv.ntered ot enentY mines en­ sina~ the ad-q_nc~ fro• ~~J!"4SSO...'lS will pz-t:;;~;e.Ot a clear p!ature of the many different rdnen ness to be expected: engmmt~red a..rtd ef.','ect1ve~

trom tffelvs (12) to tw·erl1;y (20) tJiuallY. one Qf $Xfl"'""-"''" or two a•te of roadwhc·(;ls, One or two suvpo:rt rollers and aiiht to twelve traok blo~ts wtre 1 f&rd! blown from twentY to thirty from the tar~. Sometimes a ~1vot arm ~as mine• are -Cii:tpu.bla err sp~Jng~ These blawir.g ·tne escape ha.tuhe·,• upwcu.•d inside the d:r1vir'i eoiii.])artm~jnt. Yihen this hafpens ueuall.; casualty results. at l~aat one {1) De·~aot1o.n ol this mine is dif1'!-oult when th: us, 8-second de!af; ~last!c tuza is uied. (2) tJS. iA-7 i!tlitJI _g&DtUNd .trol\ of dl!l!l!lge oe.n ur rgrge;. No ••tirtGte be -~n!;:£d b-.;cauiH1 lt is bt:J.1evea, 'that none of OUl' t.$Jiks struck one ot theSe minas ~.!.nee. I~:tliinvezs can detect these

(3) ;;;rorl;pfd !t :,, n;; ;_g,-e+!t+fllC ~ f fluster or f~ ~ £.l.Y!t.. IU'UHery t:' =lE!f -- - :=s:y or .. ,.'l ,;,..;.e ;;a.;v; I1Qi! MP: This mine, gt::ntn:-·aliy usea Wtl.OJl 'tn'~ enemy ie ret~a:!r~ r-a­ pid!)"~ It usually was buried just beneath ly detected thE sur:taoe and !s easi~ by eye, Qeteotor; or b~~~ Jiroblng. Little or Bli_ght-da­ .=;e =a.; D• expected. one or two t~PtUtk oonnectors blocks a.~d two tc, tour ertd ~ere damag~d or de&troymi, sometime• no damage resulted. {4) fU.•i~ _or Cbj.ntaea ~rh!s ~""let conta:ES R;..nutAQttartd -ggdgn J;QJ !JP• @tne. a:::;::\At 12::1:5 paunus oP exp.toalve !n a woOa'_en .,ox. this min• usu•lll' destr,orec! three to iU t:ravk one or block• and dama.ged two ae·i;a or ro.sdwhe<_:!s f 11ha!l tath~d :ingularJ.i. mines 1: not One or these Gapahli:' of blowi~ the escape luttoh into the tank. When uaed two or tl\re( toceth&r ther have idler blown a oom.r~l•t~ rront (idler wheel..~ and p!vot arms) a d1st&..i1U& at tha at 125' yards, and same time d·estroJed two sets ot road wheels, t:wo lers; fourteen tra.eli.: auppo:r-t rol­ bloe.ks ~ blotui t.be (:scape) ha toh (which 'Was :&.;W'}d• baa~ed) into the tatt.k and b9nt thCi PilOtofra.vtu:; dual contr.Jl& linka~~te. (Se~ appet1d~~). - · ( 5) yB h~ mtra. T'hc.t:a aines r.avw alone. One has not been .found planted usua..~.i:r peen J leoed on top o£ a steak or one {;o

.... '



three box t.,-·pe Jni nes. llam.-!age was ai.milar to that oaused by the bax tlrP~ mine combination. Deteotic!ft ot this cult. nd....."lf~ 1: not d1t1-



o•~'l"'t'tnr-m r:,v ru·,J. i\ Di' 1.111111 Al2 ser 007·51

I.!ethoci: ot ~'lantirt~ t.h4l1a~ rrJ.nc:~ va.ry as much aa tl"'& type ot m!nca ~va1labl~= ~he ha!t¥J i~~rov!sed m~e usually is ~~r!ed just under th•, suri"aee with atu...Y inali'l at temDtll mde n t c c>neeal­ ~nt. Th:# d:.;-liberatE< is aometb.l.ng different~ alld it is this tt-at aau~e• suoh d!!f1oult tiett.o·tion j)!' 1 :>blems. A co1:1binat1on ot O..."le to thrcu box t:vDe !nimrs maY be bur:led in a r0111.d to a denth of one to tl""~efl teet ..... Etlnct:i the ~>nlY me~i.l in -the_, tfdiies 18. roU.nd 1n the d~tor-~t~ and, S:?nteti.me~ t th,;; na1l:D holdir..g th .. bo.x together, 0"~ m1ne Qet:eotor -will not f!nd them~ Sometimes i b!te or gre.s·s ! 1 0pe 7 parts o! wooden oon cainers, and lijm i te.ns, scattered aromlli llll area rnay serve to ind1oa tv th;;: pr~.::iiWnce or rrJ.n-cs nvarb)~. This !a not a hard and fast rt..lle but ustttul bit or 1.r.!ormat1on. For some yet undeterr!lined rE:ason as manv Al!l fif'tv (i)Oi tanks have ·traveled vv"'. a .-.~i1ned arr.:a w1thov.t 8xi~-lodii-!K. a ~fiiflgle minE~. The first, eigb t, tv:entieth, etc., veh:Lcle to J;a:s 0'14S}r tho mine might detonate it. At l!llOh a det,·th 1t i!J not pOS!l.!bl~" to detect the mines by probim:. ManY inetanoee 1'" on rtocord whereby env.ineer per!lOllt.'18l had, 8f'ter vrobir&g and au·eepL-.g for mines 1 d.Uclared an area "olear", ortly to wa. tch the .f!~:'s t te.t~k to e.nter 1 t lose tlro or thr~·e sets of rcmdwheels~ One large lllind'ield, located l.n the Division's preseri't Z/A, tas b<:en i1V&Jft 9 probed, ar.td. ohuckwd at least six t1~s; .1n_ oerta~n a~~~u~, ~l' two engiileer companie:. The areas are no't yet cJ.e~, tt'!Ot:!f,J1 ca4:ll (!ng1n~er eomp&D_y 2ocated some W.nei that tha:, other Co.taP&fiY misse•i• To retrieve a disabl~·d tank it wa: n~oessa.ry ~o blow- a )oo-ya.rd streteh of' road to a da:pth ot two al\d 0!1J•l'urtlf :rot~·t# 6omet~s. 1 ~h~· engineers: locatt:d rr1!nes b)' probing in irom thr, sid•c of th<,, roud t under trw sb,oulder. Ingineer u.-.1 ta who tumdla more ot tr.as~.- proble;as t haV£' tl'i·~- rr~issio...t of mine deteetion and d~st!"1.1Ct1oni u.... r:td !l..re more f'a:n!liar 'tt'ith the problt'ms, are themselves stli'i'ering J.osaes den~·ite their e:x:aellent effort!!l and aocom~·:·lis:t.~.tt'Miints.

It is dif'f'1cult: to detfl!''''1ne \'•hat co!!lbHt<;;tion and type of' mine was detonated by a teull... Ma.rl(ings on fra.R:m·ents a om(:-; times identity the nd.rh: kr.J.t, u:u.all!f, Cc;ncl'Usians arC drawn from th(~ t)•pet and oc.~mh:tnat:tons located a!\..d ~:_-rtQYr;}d rrom t!:L: area. th.e enemY has i:U<.l!perienced th!! teo!<... 'liqu~~ !.-1 the Ya.'lg-g'J. area.. A US Arl!l-S' lllin~d:.'itJid rJlot wal! made ava:LlHble to eDAble the engin.ers to o.lt~tar an LiiR oi.. a tr1endly rn1net1~-~-d. Oi' som.L, iorty-J.'lus US 1u.inea appraxi=.tcly f

The beg!nJ:!!ng of O'.Jr hen'!'}' loeue!!! to min~e t'JOk _rlaCf: 0.11 il MaY v1ith the DivisicrJn1 a entrl' into th,: Yllllg-fU !ll'ea. An over­ ia.y showing th•:: locations of ali n-J .. nes hit by ta.r.tks uinoe tt~~At datE; is enclosed herewith. !··hotog~~aphs, w1 th explanations, are

DECL.c\.SSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00122585

of' iidn~ damages dur• inspection. A recu~p1t,~ltion gra1ped euclosed tor VJill present an easil)' period is enclosed and of J:~roba.ble Ln.g this onino dali!iai:eS, and a pravieY~ of the • picturE! 4 nond·i+·f,-.,n.,-. -...... _ over-all '"J -4'"t=o."r'!' ...,..,--~..-~~+·'Ina.... .,~. Ia ...... lP ~ ,,..~.,.·~~ nrrler- a<"'0ot rv11 .. .r of a v.:::~ll1ole, etnd ex­ d.ru1.ns to be j.i'U.shtXl ahead p'rior to orete-filletd -:~:tl t~Bsted L"l combat of th .. se id.c.:~as .h...as been To elate, plosives# '11-0t: eifoctive.nezs is dt..m.bt:tu..~... o.ont~lic~, and their means the f~or~~an most (.:f'.Cact1ve detectl.an/destru.otion exulos1vez: re:~!fl.5.t1 the·.

t:n ~ a ...v :~ <:l••-r.n.. ..t1. ~l-t.1 .., __ i.n thi:) J:=ii;·port its t;bat the J;>r-oblam related the It is realized th1e opex·ation. hOiiavcn.·, to t~his unit nor to on this not Ul'liq;ue •• min~ lafLlg activ!.t!es affect of thEt ;.;ne~a)' of the tank bcrttalion eriprling t!J,·· combat etficienoy the unit not only impairs fightinf }:1o~ential_ c::t !H1TiQusly r-educe~_ the. comr:l1C&• but, in a.dd.i ~ioni attackl.ng l..t:liantry. Tne by aenylng armor to a!'e reilt~ct€-4 Division or tar.lk lCiiiSes therefore t1ons and ram:tfic.u t1o...'1Er Divi&ion 1Jl the attack. th.e ttpunc.hingn pUiier c~r th~ directly in to tm a problem of· autfic1ently th~rei"o:re, e·.:)nside:;:·ad and reitera­ It v~u.s, y;,arrant tbis pre&errta.tian seriot.ls consequences to ot th€: problem hope that (l) an S.nreness taken tion in the !Grvt:1r1t and (2) that steps 'be i.."l thr~ :nind.s or others detection be ar;;:.s·ted to develot~ a rosi t-!vr.-~ in plar.1n1nt: .c-.nU oxper1ment:ati(>n andi o1~ ren~oval device.

Corps Reserve


DECLASSIFIED DECLASSttiED Korean War Project USMC-00122586


I I I ·ill"' • i • i i i I i i !...


a Ill Q ~~ !i &i II ii ~~ 2:~ 1! ~ .... ~ 4 ..• -., ;;].. ;,a =-a {'«'\ .... .~ ll)"l\ ...~ ~ "'f "'


lol~n,.,,.,n SF-CRR'J: .. ,..,... __ "'1..,.._4w+••-• v•;~~~,p WDi' lllllll lst l'anlr Ba t';allon ...... , ,,., ls t ;,,ar ine Divinion. ()f'l?-~1 .r.MF ---r:: .... __ , -.;- c/c Fleet Post ottioe 17 July 1951 san F'rancisoor C~ali.fornin

Fronu Commanding Officer 'l'no•v• Commandant ot tile Marine Corn!! Via& (1) Comn;a..-)ding Ganer-al, l.st iarine Division (2) Comma.nding Qeneralf Fl.eet Marine Force, Pacific Subj: Type "C" Historical Report. Special 1~ submission of; period

(a) During the period Mnrch th&ough May. whiroh was included in the qua:tterly Type '10" Report, trom th1& batta.l~Qil advanoed Hccngsor...g thro-ugh Ho.ngchon to Chaun•n1; back to Hong chon, then t.<4 Chunohon, ~"ld to Hwaohon. 'lb.& repor\ sequent inoludad the su~ retrograde I.!lOV@ment to Ho;ra~:chcn. Seventeen (l?) mines ware detonated by tanks during thi~:: ner!ocl~ Co..~s1dering the small number of mine: :ncotu~tar-ed during this thought three-month period it was that this battalion had not e.xpsr-ienued damages beyond reasonable expectations~ Howev.r, the first tiftesn J'tL718 rapidly (15} days ot altered this opi.n.ion, for the 'tlf$1!tl~-sLx (26) tank:· d~tunagt:ld.. by mines durir..g tbJ.; pcr:icQ presented the faat that t.)le ene~ was becoming ino~asi~~!Y ·conscious ot ot the full potenVial m1.r.e warfare. In view of the large nuab.::1r of tenks damaged du.rill_g this .p~ri_~, _Pf!N reports 1 and ev:tuence of turther m!.P..iK_ activity to 'tne U1V1S.ior.t's f'~'ont · ""t :r,a•r ~G &fSU.tr.ed D!vision tt.tet_ had \#. .ug­ continued the attack oul iosst.:~~ tJO nu.nes 'II'OUl.ct far heavier, nave been



WDFlll!!ll Al2 ser 077~51 However, the situ@tion was stabili•ed and tanks did not progress forward and tank operations were derens1ve in nature.

~n aJUl__ ly._s_.t_s_ of -chu tvDt.<; and construction ot un.eHtY mines en­ Cot.lntereci 5U1Qe the adv&fi-Ce from uo~~ngsoni will present a clear p1ct.ure of the many different mines eneou.. t'ltered and (!ffeQtive­ ness to be expectedt n~·~, 1& {1) Ir· ... rthenv&fi ;1;.:;. Qt 2 +-ne t~~ po!'!fnp~~ AAUve ho=;s; niled ~1Jl1/•M~"8°~r_;~-.. ~t~~ !:.~?~=~~~·~ ~ena 2renaae or • c~jUle~ up ~~·u~ af+-x_ ,u., ¥PPM ee e »z- £Mt~~ .. ~~!: ~~~":~n;i;~ ;~nt;;~~fi;o~a~A.:~~ !~~i~si!!~ u;;;lr;:-0;;_; --~r ~t.;~~ ;.tl~£-roadWh.tels-~. ooe or two SUf\Port rollers' &.nd --Ei1{&ht to twelve track blocks we~e -;>lawn !rom twenty to thirty yards from the tank. Sometimes a pivot arm was spruJ~. rnese mines are C(lnable of blowing the escape t-mtohes Up'iiard inside t.!'le drivir&g--compB.rtment. When tr~~ happen~ us~al~~ -~~ l!~st_ one ..

(2) US M:--7 r.;ne; ,...anbp~l'l f'pnm HR fioPges... NO ••timate of da.ruas~ oan b& rurnisned because -rt·l;b~Ii~ved ifwt--Iione ot our tanks struck one of these rrdnas. Engine8rs can detect these iiiL"'les easily.

(~) R"'"'i"n nP r. in•• ~·n aettll'ed w aden box e. Thill mine conta1ns aoauu J.4-J.' POWPB o.a. exp..a.os.,~.ve """ a wo- en this Wine US'"'ually dastro;ed thrO~ to :1; t;'e.ck_ bl~ks and damq:ed one or two sets of roe.dwhe:E:ls • wharl used, •1.ngu.1ar..ty. One of these ~ea is not caoable of blowii1g thE; escape hatoh L,to the t~r~. Wh6li u8ed two or tt'Li'ec toiethei- th:~Y h~!·e. blown a ~~~plet~ rr~~ idler (idler wt~els and pivot ar~JJ a 01$~anoe o~ ~~' yaras, ana at the same time destroyed two setliii ot road wheels 1 ~wo support rol~ i8rS-.-·r0Urteen track blOcks, blown ~he csca.,e ~t~~ .(Y~h!ch was sane~ .. ·baigSd) into the ta~i and bent the dUai con~ro~s ~1nK&ge. (See photographs appended). (5) U8 M-" m1na. These !l!i.nea have not been found planted One has usuailr been placed on top of a stack of one to

2 SECRI!.""'T

DECL-\SS!F!ED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00122589

YiDFamtn SECR~:T Al2 Ser 077-51 the mines. Damage was similar to that caused by three bOll type mine is not difi• box type mine combination, Detection. of this ouJ.t, ot blogk 2:~, (6) =~~·~3=~~~h• .J.l::E~~und§Noll!fiere damaged y band gra or causing ftih t of improvist'dne U: t :is belieYed capable ~sype depth or planting and the considerable dalll!l.ge 1 v11ryi.ng with the· tamping factor, Detection is difficult. 1fn~1sed t~mnga~or! {7) ca~yzed Y§ "~~~~~~~ o3 er the roa S"r• porped®!. These ve been ~i,ed us on the roacl, They have been fuzed for ace or ying in the open detection, and the presence ()f wires is an aid to electrical firing, person who was sup­ !io tanks have been damaged thusly, booause the them either desert<~d his post or was eliminated posed to detonate disarmed by C\ltting Detection is not difficult and this ·•ype was the wires leading to the detonator. cft!illjlt1ons;;9t the al!Sllf• This bat­ (8) ;\1 or sm~al severalo the many talion has enoouii ered eac of e above a possible reenforcement combinations. t0ohnique or m1nelayinB presents our forces b, the enemy's of mine detection. with a d1tf1cult and almost impossible problem methods of enemy minelaying practices to cover A discussion of the the magnitude general tactical situations will aid in recognizing ot the detection problem. enemy has no consistent pattern or prefers not A.pparently th''' of the natural to use one in laying his llli.nes. He takes advantage mounta.insides, deep rivers 1 extre­ terrain obstacles (i.e, steep 1n beds, and swampy gx·ound) by not wasting mines mely rockY river channels and areas of such places, He takes advantage of terrain as narrow dE,files, river fords, bridge by­ restricted movement such sites tor and all such sites universally accepted as proper passes, omployment ends at this point, minefields. However, conventional ot se­ defile ti.ere may be one (l) or forty (4C) mines In a narrow conceivable pattern and combinations 1 plantE,d in no veral types riTer or stream bed and in varying depths. Tanks Uling a shallow in th



SECRET • WDF:l!U!1 Al:i' aer 007-51

~•thods ot planting these mt~es vary ~s muon as the type of minas available. i:he hasty. imv:rovised. mine usually is 1:rwr1ad Juit under the surface with ~~iy l".B,:t~ "atte~pts ~~~ ~t c~:..neeal-_._ ment. The dclibera te is something •HfTaren't, ane1 1 't 1s "tin1s ~>nali causes such di.f':ricult detection prc:Jblems. A combination of one to ttu:ee box typ'e mines rnay be bUri.~d _1n. _~ r~d to~ a ~ept~ ?f ??~ to three i'eet, Since the onl.y metal 1n tne m1nes 1s rouna J.n line detonator and. sometiifl81 .. th~; .nails holdirag th1·: box together, '1-''·u; m1ne detector 'will not :rind them. ~5.omet!mes, bits of gras:- rope, parts or wooden containers, and 1 ikia 1 tet\S; s.oattered around an area may serve to indicate the prustnce ot mines nearby. This is not a har-d and fast rule but- use.t"u.l b1t or 1rlformat1o."l.. For sose yet tt.t'ldetermined reason as many as fifty (50) tanks have t:ravellllli over a mined area without &X!-loding a i!ingle nd.ne • fhe first, eight, twentieth, etc., veh1c18 to p&as over the m1n~_might det~~ate it.· At such a-depth it is not possibl~ to detect tne on engineer mines hv- .... nrt:~bimr. ------..... - Manv---.. instances are record whereby- --A persor~•l l~d, after probing and awe$p1ng for minas, declarv~ an 11 &rea "alear , ~only to· ntatch the .fi.;-st tar~ t«?~ e!l~er_1t ~o~e. tw~. or three sets of roadwhe.alf' feet • I:>O!!!et:!.Jae!! th: This Division "xpe:rinnced this technique in the Yaru:-Y.U area. A US ArmY minefield J;lot lnUl made available to er..a.bie- the engineers to oleG.r an USR or- a friendly minefield. Of some~ :f"orty-p!us US mines approxi!!!!!tely foV.!'tl"'>n had been rel!!!aved and planted elsewhere in the area. At leasL thr€e (3) or these missing .mines ware ttdisoo­ vered" when tar~s exploded them.

The bee:inr~ins: of our heavy loBses to minei took place on 31 JWiy with the Division • s antry ir.tto th~.; _Y~r•=t,U area. An over.... lay showlng thu loce.tioos o! e.ll mines h1t by tanks since tMt date is enclosed herewith. Fhotogz·aphs, with explana tlons, are

4 SEC REi'