
The Uncertain Unit Root in Real GNP

The impulse and propagation mecha- from a steadily growing trend (e.g., John Y. nisms of business cycles have long been Campbell and N. Gregory Mankiw, 1987; debated; however, until recently, economists Peter K. Clark, 1987). The long-run trend of were in fairly broad agreement that busi- these DS representations is not fixed, as in ness fluctuations could be studied sepa- a TS model, but stochastic; indeed, in the rately from the secular growth of the econ- typical DS model, almost all fluctuations in omy. This separation was justified because, output represent permanent shifts in trend to a first approximation, the factors underly- rather than transitory movements in cycle. ing trend growth were assumed to be stable From another perspective, the essential dif- at business-cycle frequencies. Indeed, the ference between the two models can be common practice of macroeconomists of all found in the persistence of their dynamic theoretical persuasions was to model move- responses to random shocks. In the DS ments in real GNP as stationary fluctuations model of output, the effect of a shock per- around a linear deterministic trend (e.g., sists forever because the disturbance Finn Kydland and Edward C. Prescott, 1980; changes the trend component and thus af- Olivier J. Blanchard, 1981). Such a trend- fects the level of output in all future peri- stationary (TS) model of real GNP was the ods. In contrast, the impact of a shock in canonical empirical representation of aggre- the TS model is transitory and is eliminated gate output until the early 1980's. quite quickly as output reverts to its steady In contrast to previous work, much of the trend. research of the last ten years has assumed a The widespread acceptance of a DS model unit root in the autoregressive representa- for aggregate output was based on evidence tion of real GNP, which is inconsistent with that the hypothesis of a unit root in real a TS model of output. A model with a unit GNP could not be rejected.' Although this root, commonly termed a "difference- evidence was extremely robust across vari- stationary" (DS) model, implies that any ous data samples and unit-root testing pro- stochastic shock to output contains an ele- cedures (see e.g., Charles R. Nelson and ment that represents a permanent shift in Charles I. Plosser, 1982; Rent2 M. Stulz and the level of the series. If real GNP is best Walter Wasserfallen, 1985; James H. Stock represented by a DS model, the traditional and Mark W. Watson, 1986; Pierre Perron separation between business cycles and and Peter C. B. Phillips, 1987; Perron, 1988; trend growth is incorrect. In the usual em- George W. Evans, 1989), the distinct con- pirical versions of the DS model estimated trast between traditional TS models of out- for real GNP, output behaves more like a put and recent DS models led many re- than like transitory deviations searchers to challenge the unit-root tests. In particular, some questioned the power of these tests, that is, their ability to reject the unit-root null hypothesis when it is indeed *Board of Governors of the Federal Resenne Sys- tem, Division of Monetary Affairs, Washington. DC 20551. I thank two anonymous referees for comments as well as Bill Bell, Frank Diebold, Steve Durlauf, Spence Krane, Doug Steigenvald, and David Wilcox. h his acceptance was not generally shared by gov- Michelle Phillips and Rpberto Sella provided research ernment and business economists. For example, the assistance. The views expressed are my own and are official series on potential output, which is used in not necessarily shared by the Board of Governors or its policy and budget deliberations, has remained a smooth staff. nonstochastic trend. 265 VOL. 83 NO. 1 RUDEBUSCH: UNCERTAIN UNIT ROOT IN REAL GNP false.* However, the indictment of low tween these particular TS and DS represen- power against unit-root tests has not been a tations. Thus, the unit-root test has low decisive criticism. The fact that unit-root power against a plausible TS model that is tests may have low power against certain TS not local in economic terms to a plausible alternatives does not necessarily compro- DS model. Section I11 extends the basic mise the results from those tests. It would argument to account for small-sample bias not be at all surprising if unit-root tests had in the estimated model coefficients. little power against TS alternatives that mimicked a DS model and reverted to trend I. DS and TS Models of Real GNP extremely slowly; all statistical tests have low power against alternatives that are "lo- Two obvious candidates for plausible TS cal" to the null. The failure to reject near- and DS representations of the data generat- unit-root TS alternatives is of little eco- ing process for real GNP are simply the nomic importance, however, because these OLS estimates of these models from the alternatives are indistinguishable in eco- available data sample. The data consist of nomic terms from the DS null over the time quarterly observations on U.S. postwar log horizons of practical macroeconomic inter- real GNP per capita (denoted Y,) from est (say, shorter than 10 years). Critics of 1948:3 to 1988:4. Assuming second-order unit-root tests must instead make the dependen~e,~the sample OLS estimate of stronger claim that unit-root tests have low the TS model of aggregate output with a power against plausible TS alternatives that linear deterministic trend is display substantially different macroeco- nomic behavior than a plausible DS null model. Simple power studies are not well suited to answering this question. This note addresses the argument that unit-root tests have low power only against local alternatives. The goal is to select the most plausible DS and TS representations for output, determine whether these repre- (standard errors of the coefficients appear sentations have different short-run persis- in parentheses).4 I will refer to this specific tence properties, and then examine whether model estimate for the sample as the TSoLs unit-root tests can distinguish between these model. models. In the next section, I examine the Under the assumption of a unit root, the ordinary least-squares (OLS) estimates of a DS model for this data sample is estimated TS model and a DS model for the postwar in first differences as sample of real GNP. These models are plausible representations of the data gener- (2) AY, = 0.003 + 0.369AY,-, + D, ating process and yet imply very different (0.001) (0.074) economic dynamics at the horizons of eco- nomic relevance. In Section 11, I examine simulated data from these models and show that a unit-root test cannot distinguish be- This particular sample DS model will be denoted as the DS,,, model.

'~mongmany others, Bennett T. McCallum (19861, Francis X. Diebold and Rudebusch (19911, and David N. DeJong et al. (1992) have warned of the low power 3~heanalysis was repeated assuming that the order of unit-root tests. Other challenges have been made by of the model was four, six, and eight. Similar persis- DeJong and Whiteman (1991) from a Bayesian per- tence and power results were obtained. spective and by Perron (1989) in a framework with 4~helast two quarters of 1948 were used as fixed structural breaks. initial conditions. 266 THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW MARCH 1993 The estimated models (1) and (2) both DS models may be quite similar or quite appear to fit real GNP per capita fairly well; different depending on the values taken by the standard deviations of their residuals the parameters of the models. Thus, the are quite close, and plots of the residuals presence of a unit root determines whether suggest no obvious outliers. In addition, Q c, is positive or zero, but it does not deter- computed from the fitted residuals mine all of the model properties of eco- provide little evidence against the null hy- nomic interest. It is in this sense that, as pothesis of no serial correlation at a variety noted in the introduction, focusing solely on of lags. the existence of unit roots and on the power However, the estimated TS,,, and DS,,, of unit-root tests against arbitrary TS alter- models have very different implications for natives is insufficient. What is of economic the persistence of the dynamic response of relevance is the ability of unit-root tests to output to a random disturbance. To mea- recognize when data have been generated sure this persistence, consider the moving- from TS models that differ substantially average representation for the first differ- from the DS model at short horizons (i.e., ence of output implied by a TS or DS the ability to identify economically nonlocal model: alternatives). Consequently, a comparison of the persistence properties of the estimated TS,,, and DS,, models at relevant hori- AY, = k + E~ + alEtPl+ a,&<-, + . . . (3) zons is required. The estimated model responses are shown where k is some constant and E< is the in Table 1, with standard errors in paren- innovation of the model. In this form, the these^.^ The impulse response of the DS,,, sum of the ai's measures the model re- model implies not only shock persistence sponse to a unit inn~vation.~A unit shock in but shock magnification. The effect of an period t affects AY,,, by a, and affects innovation is not reversed through time, and Y,,!, by c,=l+a,+ ... +a,. Thus, for it eventually increases the level of real GNP various horizons, the cumulative response by more than one and a half times the size c, answers the question: how does a shock of the innovation (c,, = 1.59). In contrast, today affect the level of real output in the the TS model exhibits fairly rapid reversion short, medium, and long run? With quar- to trend, with 85 percent of a shock dissi- terly data, for example, c,, measures the pated after five years (c,, = 0.15). Thus, the impact of a shock today on Y, five years cumulative impulse responses of these two hence. models, each estimated from the same data In the limit, the effect of a unit shock sample, imply very different economic dy- today on the level of output infinitely far in namics at cyclical frequencies. Because the the future is given by c,. For any TS series, TS,, and DS,, models of aggregate out- c, = 0, because the effect of any shock is put have such different persistence proper- eliminated as reversion to the deterministic ties, it would be useful to have a test capa- trend eventually dominates. For a DS se- ble of distinguishing between them. The ries, e,# 0; that is, each shock has some next section explores the ability of one com- permanent effect. However, the impulse re- monly used unit-root test to accomplish this sponse of real output at an infinite horizon task. is of no practical economic significance; in- deed, horizons of less than 10 years are usually of greatest interest. At these short 6~hesestandard errors are calculated as follows. horizons, the dynamic responses of TS and Let the cumulative impulse response at horizon h be given by c, = F(p,,...,pk), and let f denote the vector of partials of F with respect to the parameters; then, the standard error equals m,where Z: is the esti- au his measure of persistence is described further mated variance-covariance matrix of the autoregressive in Campbell and Mankiw (1987) and Diebold and parameters. The standard errors account for parameter Rudebusch (1989). uncertainty but not for unit-root uncertainty. VOL. 83 NO. I RUDEBUSCH: UNCERTAIN UNIT ROOT IN REAL GNP


Horizon (quarters) Model 1 2 4 8 12 16 20 30 40

TSoLs 1.33 1.38 1.19 0.73 0.43 0.25 0.15 0.04 0.01 (0.07) (0.13) (0.18) (0.23) (0.23) (0.20) (0.15) (0.07) (0.02) Note: Standard errors are given in parentheses.

11. Application of a Unit-Root Test However, the critical values provided by Dickey and Fuller (1981) for their aug- The augmented Dickey-Fuller unit-root mented test are only valid asymptotically. In test (David A. Dickey and Wayne F. Fuller, finite samples, the distribution of .j will 1981) is often used to try to distinguish a TS usually depend on the sample size and model from a DS model.' For the second- nuisance-parameter values (see e.g., Gene order models under consideration, the aug- Evans and Savin, 1984). These factors can mented Dickey-Fuller regression takes the be taken into account by examining simu- following form: lated data from the DSoLs model and calcu- lating the exact probability of obtaining the sample value of the test statistic from this particular null model. This ensures correct size for the test. More importantly, how- Under the unit-root (or DS model) null ever, by simulating the TSoLs model, the hypothesis, 6 = 1; thus, the DickeyFuller exact probability of obtaining .j,,,, from test gtatistic is simply the t test, .j = (6 - 1)/ this particular alternative model can also be SE(S), where SE(6) is the standard error obtained. This allows correct assessment of of the estimated coefficient. test power against what is arguably one of For the postwar real GNP data under the most interesting alternatives. consideration, the sample value of the The test-statistic probability distributions Dickey-Fuller test, which is denoted as .jSamp, conditional on the OLS models are exhib- is equal to -2.98. However, this statistic ited in Figure 1. The distribution of .j con- does not have the usual Student-t distribu- ditional on the DSoL, model is denoted tion, but is skewed toward negative values. fDS(.i), while the distribution of .i condi- At the 10-percent significance level, Dickey tional on the TSoLs model is denoted and Fuller (1981) calculate the appropriate fTS(.i). Each distribution is formed from asymptotic critical value to be -3.12. Thus, 10,000 realizations of the test statistic calcu- the evidence from this sample, in accor- lated from 10,000 simulated data samples dance with the findings of previous re- generated from the particular model.' The searchers, suggests that the DS model for actual sample value of the test statistic real GNP cannot be rejected at even the (.is,,, = -2.98) is shown as a vertical dotted 10-percent level. line.

7~imilarresults to those below were also obtained he samples are generated with normal indepen- with the Dickey-Fuller normalized-bias and dently and identically distributed errors with sample likelihood-ratio tests, as well as with the generalized size and initial conditions that matched those in equa- Phillips test (Phillips and Perron, 1988). tions (1) and (2). THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW MARCH 1993

There are two areas in Figure 1 of special model of equation (1). This probability is interest. The hatched area under f,,(F) denoted as and to the left of F,,,, represents the prob- ability of obtaining a value of the t test TS,,, p value equal to or smaller than -2.98, conditional =- prob (? 2 ?,,,, l TS,,, model). on the DS model of equation (2). This p value, is denoted as For real GNP, the TS,,, p value is 0.22, so DS,,, p value one would not be able to reject the esti- mated TS,,, model at even the 20-percent significance level.9 -= prob(? 5 <,, l DS,,, model) In short, the sample statistic for the aug- mented Dickey-Fuller test does not provide strong evidence against either the estimated and represents the marginal significance DS,,, model or the TS,,, model for real level for rejection of the null hypothesis for GNP. Earlier papers that are unable to the DS,,, model. This probability equals reject a unit root in output provide only one 0.15; that is, given the sample test statistic, side of the relevant evidence for inference one could not reject the DS model at any- regarding the DS model. The other side, thing less than the 15-percent level in a namely, the inability to reject a plausible TS classical hypothesis test. This is consistent model that exhibits transitory cyclical dy- with the usual inability to reject the DS namics of a traditional nature, is at least as model for real GNP at conventional signifi- convincing. cance levels. The other area of interest is the shaded region under f,,(.i) and to the right of F,,,,. This area represents the probability of 'An equivalent statement of this result is that the i obtaining a value of the t test equal to or test at the 15-percent significance level has power greater than -2.98, conditional on the TS against the TSoLs alternative of only 78 percent. VOL. 83 NO. 1 RUDEBUSCH: UNCERTAIN UNIT ROOT IN REAL GNP


P1 Statistic 0.40 0.60 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00

Note: Each column is based on 10,000 samples (each with 160 observations) drawn from an AR(1) with an autoregressive coefficient equal to p,.

111. Unbiased DS and TS Models timation bias implies that the sample OLS models used above probably understate the At first glance, the DS,,, and TS,,, actual amount of persistence in real output. models might appear to be the most plausi- Suppose, for example, that an AR(1) TS ble candidates for DS and TS representa- representation like equation (5) was fit to tions of the data generating process of real real output, and the resulting OLS sample GNP. However, although the OLS esti- estimate p^, was equal to 0.90; consequently, mates of these autoregressive models are the associated estimate of the 10-period cu- consistent and asymptotically normal, they mulative impulse response, t,,, would be are biased in small samples because the 0.34. Assuming that the OLS estimate was presence of lagged dependent variables vio- equal to its mean, E(p^,), then the true lates the assumption of nonstochastic re- parameter would be 0.95, and the actual gressors in the classical linear regression value of c,, would be 0.60. Thus, in this model. This bias is easy to illustrate for the case, the OLS sample estimate, on average, OLS estimate of the autoregressive parame- understates the amount of persistence. ter of an AR(1) process, Arguably, more plausible candidates than the TSoLs and DSoLs models for the data- generating process would correct the pa- rameters for small-sample bias." First-order approximate bias corrections can be calcu- Based on 10,000 samples of size 160 gener- lated for both the TS and DS models quite ated from equation (5), Table 2 provides the easily. The bias of the DSoLs model, which mean value of the OLS estimate, p^,, as well is an AR(1) model with an unknown drift as the proportion of estimates that are less parameter, is treated in F. H. C. Marriott than the true value of For example, if and J. A. Pope (1954). They show that, the true pl is equal to 0.95, the mean OLS ignoring second-order terms, the expected estimate is 0.90, and 89 percent of the esti- value of the OLS estimate p^, is given by mates are less than 0.95. The size of the autoregressive parameter bias that pushes the average OLS estimate below its true value varies with the value of the true pa- rameter, but it is most severe for near-unit- where T is the sample size. Substituting the root models (i.e., those with p close to 1.0). sample OLS estimate for its expected value A significant bias in the OLS sample esti- mates is potentially a serious shortcoming of the simulation methodology pursued in the previous two sections. In particular, the es- I I In this paper, I consider approximate mean- unbiased estimators of the TS and DS models. In Rudebusch (1992), I examine median-unbiased estima- tors obtained through repeated simulations, a proce- 'O~able2 is generated with p = -y = x,, = 0 and dis- dure which would lead to qualitatively similar results if turbances drawn from a standard normal distribution. applied to the data set in this paper. 270 THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW MARCH 1993 provides a bias-corrected estimator second-order TS,,, and TSBc models, a useful metric with which to judge their closeness to a nonstationary model is simply the sum of the autoregressive coefficients Note that, to a first-order approximation, (see e.g., Phillips, 1991). The sum of the this estimator is unbiased:12 OLS estimates 6, and 6, equals 0.933, while the sum of the bias-corrected coefficients 6, and 6, equals 0.955-a clear, though some- what small, shift toward nonstationarity.14 Applying (7) to the DS,,, model for post- More specifically, the implications of the war real GNP given in (2), where 6, = 0.369, bias correction for judging the persistence I calculate the autoregressive coefficient of of real GNP are given in Table 3, which the bias-corrected DS model (denoted as contrasts the impulse responses of the DSBc the DSBc model) to be 6, = 0.383. and TSBc models. The impulse response of Similarly, for the TS,,, model, which is the DSBc model implies a shock persistence an AR(2) with linear trend, the (first-order) that is virtually indistinguishable from that bias in the estimated parameters can be of the DS,, model, which is not surprising determined using the results in Robert A. given the trivial size of the coefficient bias. Stine and Paul Shaman (1989). Correcting Moreover, the TSBc model exhibits rever- for bias gives a TSBc model with autore- sion to trend only slightly less rapid than gressive coefficients: that of the TS,,, model. For the TSBc model, almost two-thirds of a shock is dissi- pated after five years (c,, = 0.37). Most im- portantly, it remains true that the DSBc and for the one-period lag, and TSBc candidates for plausible representa- tions of aggregate output have quite differ- ent implications about dynamic responses over fairly short horizons. for the two-period lag. For postwar real As a final step, one can ask whether the GNP, the TSBc model has autoregressive augmented Dickey-Fuller test can distin- coefficients 6, = 1.351 and 6, = -0.395. guish between these two models. Based on The bias-corrected DSBc and TSBc mod- 10,000 samples generated from the DSBc els both display somewhat greater persis- model,'' I obtain the probability of the sam- tence than the DS,,, and TS,,, models. ple test statistic as The bias correction embodied in the DSBc model is in the same direction and of the DSBc p value same magnitude as the one suggested by Table 2. In particular, because the root of -= prob(? I .is,,, I DSBc model) = 0.15. the associated lag-operator polynomial is so far from the unit circle, the bias of the In contrast, the probability of the test DS,,, model is quite modest.13 For the statistic under the bias-corrected alternative

12Of course, reduced bias does not necessarily en- sure that 6, is a better estimator. However, Guy H. 14The bias correction in the AR(2) TS model may Orcutt and Herbert S. Winokur (1969) explore the appear to be surprisingly small in light of the large properties of this estimator through simulations and biases shown for the AR(1) model in Table 2. How- find that it often has a smaller mean squared error ever, as noted by Stine and Shaman (19891, the results than the OLS estimator. Theoretical results on this for the AR(1) model do not generalize to higher-order issue are provided in Hong-Ching Zhang (1989). models. Indeed, there are cases in which the bias (to a 13The bias in the DSoLs model is even smaller than first-order approximation) moves the roots of the lag- the one in Table 2 because a linear trend is not operator polynomial closer to the unit circle. estimated. With a linear trend, as in Table 2, the bias is 15The OLS estimates of the trend and intercept are given by E(p^,)- p, = -(2+4~,)/T. used in generating data. VOL. 83 NO. 1 RUDEBUSCH: UNCERTAIN UNIT ROOT IN REAL GNP


Horizon (quarters) Model 1 2 4 8 12 16 20 30 40

model is Rudebusch (1989), approximate estimates of such intervals are obtained by using a model TSBc p value of fractional integration that nests the TS and DS models. Stock (1991) also provides a -= prob(? 2 ?s,,,ITSBc model) = 0.24. step in this direction by obtaining confi- dence intervals for the largest autoregres- These probabilities provide further confir- sive root. mation of the inability of unit-root tests to In sum, the evidence in this paper and in identify plausible TS alternative models for other recent work, notably Lawrence J. real output that display low persistence. In Christiano and Martin Eichenbaum (1990), sum, the biases present in the OLS esti- suggests that a new consensus should be mates are not substantial enough to change formed that stresses the uncertainty about the conclusions from Section I and 11. the existence of a unit root in real output and the uncertainty about the amount of IV. Conclusion persistence of macroeconomic shocks.

Based on the usual unit-root tests, little can be said about the relative likelihood of REFERENCES the specific DS and TS models of real GNP given above. In particular, plausible TS al- Blanchard, Olivier J., "What is Left of the ternatives that fit the data cannot be de- Multiplier Accelerator?" American Eco- tected because of low test power. The ap- nomic Reuiew, May 1981 (Papers and Pro- propriate conclusion from unit-root tests on ceedings), 71, 150-4. this data sample is that the existence of a Campbell, John Y. and Mankiw, N. Gregory, unit root is uncertain. "Are Output Fluctuations Transitory?" Furthermore, the unit-root tests em- Quarterly Journal of Economics, Novem- ployed display low power against plausible ber 1987, 102, 857-80. TS models that display quite different eco- Christiano, Lawrence J. and Eichenbaum, Mar- nomic behavior than a plausible DS null tin, "Unit Roots in Real GNP: Do We model. If the TS models described above Know, and Do We Care?" Carnegie- correctly portray the persistence of real Rochester Conference Series on Public Pol- GNP, then the DS model does not provide icy, Spring 1990, 32, 7-62. a good approximation of the dynamic re- Clark, Peter K., "The Cyclical Component of sponse of output at even short-run cyclical U.S. Economic Activity," Quarterly Jour- horizons of, say, five years. nal of Economics, November 1987, 102, In light of the impulse responses of the 797-814. TS models, the appropriate confidence in- DeJong, David N., Nankemis, John C., Savin, N. tervals for estimates of short-term or E. and Whiteman, Charles H., "Integration medium-term persistence are much larger versus Trend Stationarity in ," than ones given conditional on the existence Econometrica , March 1992, 60, 423-33. of a unit root. This suggests the importance and Whiteman, Charles H., "Recon- of measuring the confidence intervals for sidering 'Trends and Random Walks in estimates of persistence without condition- Macroeconomic Time Series'," Journal of ing on the TS or DS model. In Diebold and Monetary Economics, October 1991, 28, 272 THE AMERICAN EC :ONOMZC REVIEW MARCH 1993

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