La Bataille de Friedland

Règlements Exclusif Pour les Règlements de l’An XXX et Les Règlements des Marie Louises V1.5 Feb 2017

Copyright © 2016 Marshal Enterprises V1.4_Jan16

Rules marked with an eagle or are shaded with a grey background apply only to players using the Règlements de l’An XXX.

All rules herein take precedence over any rules in the series rules which they may contradict.

1.0 INTRODUCTION La Bataille de Friedland is a tactical Napoleonic game of the battle fought at the crossing of the Alle Fluβ on June 14 1807. The engagement at Friedland was a strategic necessity after the Battle of Eylau earlier in 1807 had failed to yield a decisive verdict for either side. The battle began when Bennigsen noticed the seemingly isolated corps of Marshal Lannes at the town of Friedland. Thinking he had a good chance of destroying these isolated French units, Bennigsen ordered his entire army over the Alle River. Lannes held his ground against determined Russian attacks until Napoleon could bring additional forces onto the field. By late afternoon, the French had amassed a force of 80,000 troops on the battlefield. Napoleon concluded that the moment had come and ordered a massive assault against the Russian left flank, hoping to roll up the and press them against the river behind. Unable to withstand the pressure, the Russians broke and started escaping across the Alle, where many died from drowning. The Russian army suffered horrific casualties at Friedland, losing at least 30,000 men, while the French lost about 10,000 soldiers.

2.0 RULES QUESTIONS Check the La Bataille forum at Consimworld:

3.0 GAME COMPONENTS A complete game of La Bataille de Friedland includes the following components: 1. Four 34” x 22” maps 2. A lot of counters 3. Two Series Rules books (Règlements de l’An XXX, et la Règlements des Maries Louises) 4. One Exclusive Rules Book 5. Charts and tables 6. Two organizational displays 7. Game Turn Record Track 8. Terrain Effects Chart 3.1 Additional Leaders Cossack2 & Cossack3 have an iniative rating of 2, for creating Light MU.

4.0 TERRAIN 4.1 Mühlen Fluβ The Mühlen Fluβ runs mostly west to east through the middle of the battlefield. This is a freshwater stream which had steep banks and a deep fast current. The stream separated the two engagements of the battle, and it was considered a formidable barrier to formed troops. No combat unit or personality may cross the stream between the Alle Fluβ and the first hex of the Village of Posthenen, without using one of the Russian Foot Bridges. 4.2 Pontoon & Foot Bridges On the evening before the battle the Russians placed 3 pontoon bridges over the Alle Fluβ and 4 foot bridges over The Mühlen Fluβ. The 4 foot bridges may only be used by types or personalities, and the movement costs are contained upon the movement chart. 4.2.1 The 3 pontoon bridges placed across the Alle Fluβ may only be used for Infantry or personalities as well, and again the movement costs are on the movement chart. Cavalry and must use the permanent bridge or a ford to cross the Alle. 4.2.2 If a combat unit is on a pontoon bridge and is the target of a fire attack, a step loss by the Infantry will also result in an increment of damage on the pontoon bridge. When the bridge takes 3 increments of damage it is removed from play. If an Infantry unit is on the bridge when it is removed from play, the Infantry unit is considered to be eliminated as well. 4.2.3 Pontoon or Foot bridges may be destroyed by either side if they are adjacent to them. During a player’s movement phase, simply make the statement I am eliminating this bridge, and pick it up off the map. 4.3 Fords There is the possibility of the Russians locating 2 fords across the Alle Fluβ during the battle. 4.3.1 Once an hour either a Cossaque above the Town of Friedland (south side) or a below the town the Friedland (north of town) may attempt to locate a ford across the Alle. This is done by placing the unit on a hex adjacent to the River and rolling 2 dice during the hourly command phase. The unit must be rested and not plus grande disorder in order to roll. 4.3.2 A single attempt may be made each hour, no more. If the die roll is 11-26 a ford is located and may be used as soon as the next friendly movement phase. If a roll is 31 or above the Cavalry loses one increment to the river and are Plus Grande Disorder. Further the unit is exhausted following his attempt regardless of success. 4.3.3 The Cossaques may begin making their attempt west and south of Sortlack beginning at the 11:00am Movement. may begin making the attempt north of Friedland beginning at the 5:00pm Movement. La Bataille de Friedland

4.3.4 Units which cross a ford must check morale. If they fail, the unit loses 1 increment to the river, and adopts a Plus Grande Disorder morale state, and make a rout move back to the side of the river they started the movement phase on. 4.3.5 Once located with the successful roll, any unit may use a ford. 4.3.6 Only a single ford may be found north of the permanent bridge in Friedland, and only a single Ford may be found south of the permanent bridge in Friedland. This is a total of 2. 4.4 Towns, Villages and Hamlets The following are designated as towns: Friedland, and Heinrichsdorf. All other hexes which contain buildings are considered Villages. A single hex by itself is considered a Hamlet. 4.5 Cegielnia This hex is a Brickworks; where bricks were manufactured and fired. 4.5.1 Only infantry types may enter this hex, and they must adopt either General or Skirmish Order. 4.6 Assaulting and Occupying Friedland All hexes of Friedland have the following modification of the basic rules. 4.6.1 When a unit is defending in General Order in Friedland it does not make a pre-melee morale check if attacked. 4.6.2 Further infantry may freely move from one enemy zone d’ influence to another if they have the movement points to do so. The movement will provoke an opportunity fire attack, by the non-phasing player. 4.6.3 Infantry does not have to stop movement when they enter an enemy zone of influence if that hex is a hex of Friedland. 4.7 General Order The following terrain requires formed units to enter General Order when entering:  Town/Hamlet/Village  Woods  Garten  Cegielnia 4.8 Depots French: The west map edge. Russian: The east map edge 4.9 Terrain and Artillery Ricochet Artillery fire which targets the following hexes terminates in them. Ricochet fire may bounce into, but not through the following hexes.  Town/Hamlet/Village  Woods  Garten  Cegielnia  Alle Fluβ NOTE: Artillery Ricochet only applies to the Règlements de l’An XXX.

5.0 COMMAND The Organization and Display Charts reveal the command structure of the armies. Refer to them as necessary. 5.1 French  Command Points: The French receive CP’s for Napoleon, Bessieres, Victor, Ney, Mortier, Lannes, Grouchy o Grouchy’s CP may only be used by the Reserve Cavalry o The Saxon Brigade is part of the Reserve Cavalry (detached from I corps) o Laiboissiere may manoeuvre The Artillerie de la Garde as a . o Senarmont may create a brigade of all of the artillery of the I Corps.  MU Size: The largest MU which the French may create is an Infantry Corps, Cavalry Division or Artillery Division.  Light Cavalry MU: o Beaumont (I), Colbert (VI), Fresia (VIII)  Artillery Leaders of Special Ability: Napoleon, Pernety, Labroissiere, Senarmont  Cavalry Leaders of Special Ability: Bessieres, Colbert NOTE: Special Abilities only applies to the Règlements de l’An XXX.

5.2 Coalition  Command Points: The Coalition receives CP’s for Bennigsen, Bagration, Docturov, Gortchakov I o Starting at 13:00pm the Coalition should roll a die on each hour, on a 1 or 2, Bennigsen leaves the battle ill. Essen I takes over as Army Commnder (but does not geneate a CP)  MU Size: The largest MU the Coalition may create is a Division. o Koutaissov may create an Artillery Division with upto 10 batteries from the Centre of the Army.  Light Cavalry MU: o Lambert (C), Lourkovski (R), Platov(R), Cossack2, Cossack3 La Bataille de Friedland

 Artillery Leaders of Special Ability: Koutaissov  Cavalry Leaders of Special Ability: Platov NOTE: Special Abilities only applies to the Règlements de l’An XXX.

6.0 SPECIAL RULES 6.1 Russian Cossaques The Russian Cossaque Regiments that are present at Danzig are irregular cavalry. Based upon that premise please apply the following series of adjustments to their use and interaction with other units within the structure of the game. 6.1.1 The Cossaques will check morale whenever they are fired upon by a unit that is not disordered. It does not require the result of a casualty to force the morale check. In additional if the Cossaque suffers a casualty due to fire it routs. 6.1.2 Further Cossaques may not charge infantry that is in good order from any orientation or unlimbered artillery into a front hexside of the enemy. 6.1.3 Note: Cossaques have a different movement rate in the forest than other cavalry. 6.2 Polska and Romanov Infantry Melee The Soldiers fighting for a free Poland saw the declarations by the French Republic and their Emperor as the Polish people’s only hope for an independent state. After participated in the partition of Poland, the Russian Army and had been especially harsh on the population. To the Polish soldier the choices were victory with revenge or slavery. Therefore to simulate the commitment of the Polish Armies please use the following rules if they engage in any combat with the Russians: 6.2.1 After a melee result with a numerical result, including zero, then role a single die, a 1 or 2 result would mean each side would lose another increment. 6.2.2 All other results are as indicated on the Assualt a’ Melee Table 6.3 Russian Jaegers Russian Jaegers deployed into buildings unlike their Infantry counterparts. 6.3.1 Therefore Russian Jaegers in a village hex must be in skirmish order, never General Order. 6.3.2 The entire unit deploys into the number of built-up hexes detailed by the phasing player. 6.3.3 They have no rear or flank hexsides while in a village. 6.3.4 The Jaegers however do count for stacking if a unit stops in the hex. Units that move through the village will not be over stacked as a result of the Jaeger’s increments. 6.4 Sassen Infantry These troops have been trained and have fought under the Prussian system for several generations. Their Officers and NCO know of no other way. It was only last year they were fighting in the Prussian Army/. 6.4.1 When in line formation, infantry is plus 3 to the die roll for any morale check. and Fusiliers have no modification. 6.4.2 When moving in line, for each three movement points expended, an additional movement point is required to redress the lines. 6.5 Elite Infantry Troops Well trained and experienced infantry troops were able to refrain from firing until it had its most devastating impact. This rule reflects the discipline of Elite troops and their ability to hold fire to the critical moment of an assault. 6.5.1 Elite infantry troops are defined as those with a printed morale, without modification, of 11 through 16. 6.5.2 The effect is that all the attacking units in this case suffer a minus to the roll to close check. The exact minus is determined based on the morale of the defending unit. A 15 or 16 morale is minus 6, a 13 or 14 minus 9, a 11 or 12 is a minus 12. These minus values are applied as modifiers to the attacker’s morale for each increment the attacker lost due to the Defensive Fire Attack. 6.5.3 When an Elite unit attacks, the opposite is true. The defender all the defending units are impacted utilizing the relationship identified above. 6.5.4 When an Elite unit is the attacker against an elite unit, this rule does not apply. In the event of an Elite vs an Elite, the attacker has the standard modifiers. 6.6 Russian ’s Ability The Russian had a demonstrated ability to fight as more than a mounted wave of assault troops. The Russian Dragoons have a “Sk” on the top of the specific side of their counter. This value permits them to adopt an infantry type skirmish mode in 2 hexes. 6.6.1 When they are sitting on a hex side with their specific side facing up, a Dragoon Regiment of 6 increments or less will assume to have 2 increments in each of the two hexes. A Dragoon Regiment of 7 increments or larger will assume to have 3 increments in each of the two hexes. The Dragoon has a fire value equal to 2 factors per increment. Combine all factors which are firing on a single target hex. This is not a “cavalry skirmisher” formation as defined in the Cavalry Tirailleurs. 6.6.2 For all fire aspects the unit is assumed to be infantry in skirmish order. The dragoon unit may not charge, reaction charge, opportunity charge, or melee in any fashion. If an enemy cavalry unit charges the dragoon, or attempts to melee the dragoon, the Russian checks his morale, at the moment of contact. If successful, the Russian Dragoon then may retreat up to his movement value away from the enemy, and at the end of this movement assumes a column formation. If unsuccessful the Russian Dragoon will rout it full movement away from the enemy. 6.6.3 This special ability may only be used when the Dragoon is in either clear or pine forest terrain. La Bataille de Friedland 6.7 French Grenadiers / Voltigeurs (combined elite companies) The French combined elite companies which form the 1ere Division of the Reserve Corps, have been assembled by combining 4 elite companies from different regiments into ad hoc battalions for the campaign. General of Division Oudinot leads these battalions. Many of the battalions have the ability to skirmish and many are elite infantry. 6.8 Foreign Confederation Infantrie in French Service The Allied states of Saxony (Sassen) and Wurzburg have embraced the cause of liberty, joining with the French Army to secure their sovereignty against their aggressive neighbors. The Poles are fighting to re-create a country destroyed by the partitioning of their homeland. For purposes of the game these units are all considered as Foreign Allies in French Service. 6.9 Scenario Reinforcements When reinforcements are directed to be deployed during the Reinforcement Chit the arriving reinforcements may not be placed in an enemy Zone of Influence. If the reinforcements are unable to comply with this rule displace them towards the friendly depot until the can be placed on the map and outside of enemy Zones of Influence. 6.9.1 Imperial French Reinforcements – All Imperial French Reinforcements will arrive on the map in road march order on the Straße nach Prüßisch- Eylau. 6.10 Cavalry Skirmish Order Even though there is a row for cavalry skirmishers on the Fire Defense Chart and a column on the Movment Chart, this applies only to players using the Règlements de l’An XXX.

9e Hussar Regiment 7.0 Scenario One – La Grande Bataille 1ere Provisoire Grenadier Division, Reserve Corps d’Armee (part) (Largely historical) 1ere Provisoire Grenadier Regiment (1er & 2e btns) 2e Provisoire Grenadier Regiment (1er & 2e btns) 7.1 Introduction The whole battle. French: Within 5 hexes of FG e 7.2 Time 2 Dragoon Division Général de Division Grouchy Thirty-Six turns beginning with the 9:00am and finishing with the 3e Dragoon Regiment 8:40pm turn 6e Dragoon Regiment 7.3 Boundary 10e Dragoon Regiment 11e Dragoon Regiment Use all 4 maps. 7.4 Command French: Within 5 hexes of FF The French recive VIII Corps d’Armee Legere Cavalrie Brigade CP’s for Napoleon, Bessieres, Victor, Ney, Mortier, Lannes Général de Brigade Fresia (when on the map) 2. Nederlandse Hussar Regiment Beaumont (I), Colbert (VI), Fresia (VIII) may roll to create a 2. Nederlandse Kuirassier Regiment ere Light Cavalry MU. 1 Polska Chasseur à Cheval Regiment e The Army of the Romanovs (Русский императорской армии) is 2 Polska Regiment divided into a center and two wings. 2. Nederlandse Horse Battery The Coalition receive CP’s for Bennigsen, Bagration, Docturov, Gortchakov I French: Within 5 hexes of FB Starting at 13:00pm the Coalition should roll a die on each hour, Sassen Kavalrie on a 1 or 2 Bennigsen leaves the battle ill. Oberst Besser Lambert (C), Lourkovski (R), Platov (R), Cossack2, Cossack3 Leib Kuirassier Regiment may roll to create a Light Cavalry MU. Karabinier Regiment Prinz Johann Chevauleger Regiment 7.5 Starting Positions 1ere Provisoire Grenadier Division, Reserve Corps Coalition: Alle Fluß d’Armee (part) The Russians may place 3 pontoon bridges over the Alle Fluß (river) 7e Provisoire Grenadier Regiment (1er & 2e btns) to provide an additional means to cross the river to and from 8e Provisoire Grenadier Regiment (1er & 2e btns) Friedland. These are placed prior to the placement of any troops and may not be moved once placed. French: Within 5 hexes of FO in Road Order. ere Coalition: Mühlen Fluß 1 Provisoire Grenadier Division, Reserve Corps The Russians may place 4 foot bridges over the Mühlen Fluß d’Armee (part) (stream). These bridges may only carry infantry and personalities. Général de Division Oudinot These are placed prior to the placement of any troops and may not be 3e Provisoire Grenadier Regiment (1er & 2e btns) moved once placed. 4e Provisoire Grenadier Regiment (1er & 2e btns) Reserve Corps Artillerie Reserve (part) French: Within 5 hexes of FR 1ere Co / 1ere Artillerie a Pied Reserve Corps d’Armee, Staff and Assets 5e Co / 1ere Artillerie a Pied Marechal d’Empire Lannes Aide de Camp General de Brigade Marbot French: Within 5 hexes of FN La Bataille de Friedland 1ere Heavy Cavalry Division Pskov Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Général de Division Nansouty Tenguinsk Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) st nd rd 1ere Carabinier Regiment Kostroma Musketeer Regiment (1 , 2 & 3 btns) 2e Carabinier Regiment Staroskolsk Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) 2e Cuirassier Regiment Moskva Grenadier Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) 9e Cuirassier Regiment  3e Cuirassier Regiment Coalition: within 5 hexes of R2 L2 12e Cuirassier Regiment Second Division 4e Co / 2e Artillerie a Cheval GL Count Ostermann Pavlov Grenadier Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) French: Within 5 hexes of FD Rostov Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) 1ere Division, VIII Corps d’Armee Petersburg Grenadier Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Général de Division Dupas Jelets Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) 4e Légère Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) Position Battery #3 15e Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) Position Battery # 4 58e Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) Light Battery #4 Garde de Paris Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) Light Battery #5 Würzburg Infantry Regiment (1. & 2. btns)  7e Co / 1ere Artillerie a Pied Coalition: within 5 hexes of LKC 8e Co / 1ere Artillerie a Pied Left Wing Cavalry GM Kogine Coalition: In Friedland Kiev Dragoon Regiment Russian Army of the Fourth Coalition, Staff Tartar Uhlan Regiment General der Kavallerie Leontii Leontievich Freiherr von Bennigsen Ekaterinoslav Cuirassier Regiment GL Essen I Little Russia Cuirassier Regiment GM Steinheil Horse Battery #2 MG v. Chilebowski  MG Lowenstern Coalition: within 5 hexes of RiG Col. Vasily Sergeyevich Trubetskoi First Division Imperial Russian Guard, Center Note: MG Koutaissov is detached with the Reserve Artillery Position of the Army Center Position of the Army Staff GL Mallutin GL Docturov Preobrazhenskoi Guard Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Colonel Zapolskoi Semenovski Guard Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Velikaluka Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Coalition: with any friendly formation of the wing Pernau Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Left Wing of the Army Ismailov Guard Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) GL Prince Bagration Guard Grenadier Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Aide de Camp General Prince Shakhovski Kexholm Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Guard Position Battery #1 Coalition: within 5 hexes of AGB Guard Position Battery #2 Advanced Guard Division Baggavouth, Left Wing of  the Army Coalition: within 5 hexes of RiC GM Baggavouth Imperial Russian Guard Cavalry, Center Position of 3rd Jaeger Regiment (1st & 2nd btns) the Army 4th Jaeger Regiment (1st & 2nd btns) GL Kollogirvov 7th Jaeger Regiment (1st & 2nd btns) Garde a Cheval Cuirassier Regiment 24th Jaeger Regiment (1st & 2nd btns) Chevalier Guard Cuirassier Regiment St Petersburg Guard Militia Battalion Emperor Cuirassier Regiment Pavlovgrad Hussar Regiment Guard Hussar Regiment Guard Uhlan Regiment Coalition: within 5 hexes of AGR Guard Cossaque Regiment Advanced Guard Division Raevsky, Left Wing of the Guard Horse Battery #1 Army Guard Horse Battery #2 GM Raevsky  5th Jaeger Regiment (1st & 2nd btns) Coalition: within 5 hexes of R3 20th Jaeger Regiment (1st & 2nd btns) Third Division, Center Position of the Army 23rd Jaeger Regiment (1st & 2nd btns) GM Titov II 25th Jaeger Regiment (1st & 2nd btns) Tauride Grenadier Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) 26th Jaeger Regiment (1st & 2nd btns) Lithuanian Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Guard Jaeger Regiment (1st & 2nd btns) Kaporsk Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Grodno Hussar Regiment Mourmansk Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Horse Battery #1 Tchernigov Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Dnieper Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Coalition: within 5 hexes of AGM Position Battery #11 Advanced Guard Support Division, Left Wing of the Position Battery #12 Light Battery #9 Army Light Battery #10 GM Markov I La Bataille de Friedland

Light Battery #11 Position Battery #2  Light Battery #1 Coalition: within 5 hexes of R7 Light Battery #2 Seventh Division, Center Position of the Army Light Battery #3 GL Essen III Ekaterinoslav Grenadier Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Coalition: within 3 hexes of R14 Moskva Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Fourteenth Division, Right Wing of the Army Vladimir Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) GM Somorov Voronej Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Riazan Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Position Battery #5 Ouglich Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Position Battery #6 Sophia Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Light Battery #6 Tula Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Light Battery #7 Wilna Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Light Battery #8 Position Battery #13  Light Battery #12 Coalition: within 5 hexes of R8 Light Battery #13 Eighth Division, Center Position of the Army GM Engelhard Coalition: within 5 hexes of RLH Schusselburg Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Cavalry of the Right Wing Staff Old Ingermanland Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) GL Uvarov Polodsk Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) GM Yurkovskoi Position Battery #7 Hussar Division, Cavalry of the Right Wing Position Battery #8 GM Lourkovski Position Battery #9 Soum Hussar Regiment Position Battery #10 Elizabethgrad Hussar Regiment Lithuanian Uhlan Regiment Coalition: within 5 hexes of CLH Horse Battery #5 Cavalry of the Center Staff GL Prince Galitzin Coalition: within 5 hexes of RZD RDD Colonel Bezobrazov Dragoon Division, Cavalry of the Right Wing Hussar Division, Cavalry of the Center GM Dolgorouky GM Lambert Kazan Dragoon Regiment Alexandrov Hussar Regiment Riga Dragoon Regiment Isoum Hussar Regiment Courland Dragoon Regiment Olivopol Hussar Regiment Horse Battery #6 Horse Battery #3 Platov may deploy with any of the 3 groups of Cossacks (Left Wing, Coalition: within 5 hexes of CZD Right Wing. Reserve-Alle Fluß). The other two leaders deploy with Dragoon Division, Cavalry of the Center the other 2 groups. GM Muller-Zakomelski Platov Cossacks, Cavalry of the Reserve (part) Pskov Dragoon Regiment Ataman Platov Moscow Dragoon Regiment Cossack Leader 2 Military Order Cuirassier Regiment Cossack Leader 3 Polish Uhlan Regiment Horse Battery #4 Coalition: within 5 hexes of LCOS  Left Wing Cossaques Coalition: on the East side of the Alle Fluß Sissoiev #2 Don Cossaque Reserve Artillery, Center Position of the Army Grekov # 4 Don Cossaque MG Koutaissov Popov #7 Don Cossaque MG Koutaissov with any 10 position batteries selected from the Center (above) on the East side of the Alle Fluß. These must be Coalition: within 5 hexes of RCOS deployed in a limbered state. Cossaque, Cavalry of the Right Wing Gordeiev #2 Don Cossaque Coalition: at Cegielnia Grekov # 8 Don Cossaque Right Wing of the Army Staff Popov #9 Don Cossaque GL Prince Gortchakov I Colonel Yusupov Coalistion: Any three regiments from Platov’s Cossacks (below) must remain east of the Alle Fluß. They may look for river fords. The Coalition: within 5 hexes of R6 remainder and Platov may be reinforcements. Sixth Division, Right Wing of the Army Platov Cossacks, Cavalry of the Reserve GM Lovov Ataman Platov is deployed with any of the 3 groups of Cossacks (Left Belosersk Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Wing, Right Wing. Reserve-Alle Fluß). Nisov Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Ataman Cossaque Revel Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Illowaiski #2 Cossaque Bialostock Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Illowaiski #4 Cossaque Vilna Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Illowaiski #5 Cossaque Position Battery #1 Illowaiski #8 Cossaque La Bataille de Friedland

Illowaiski #9 Cossaque 3. Sassen Batterie a Pied Sissoiev Don Cossaque Malachov Don Cossaque French: At 11:40am Andronov Don Cossaque La Grande Armée, Staff The Don Cossack Artillery is a reinforcement. Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, King of Italy 7.6 Reinforcements Grand-Marechal du Palais, Général de Division Duroc Marechal Berthier, Prince de Neuchatel All Imperial French Reinforcements will arrive on the map in road- General de Brigade Sanson march order on the Straße nach Prüßisch-Eylau. Général de Division Savary French: At 9:00am Général de Division Reille e 4 Dragoon Division Général de Brigade Mouton Général de Division Lahoussaye Général de Brigade Bertrand 17e Dragoon Regiment General de Brigade Pannetier 27e Dragoon Regiment Général d’Artillerie Pernety 18e Dragoon Regiment Emperor’s Escort e 19 Dragoon Regiment Gendarmes d’Elite Regiment e e 3 Co / 2 Artillerie a Cheval French: At 12:20am French: At 9:20am 1ere Division, VI Corps d’Armée VI Corps d’Armée Legere Cavalrie Brigade Général de Division Marchand Général de Brigade Colbert 6e Légère Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) e 3 Hussar Regiment 69e Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) e 10 Chasseur à Cheval Regiment 39e Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) e 15 Chasseur à Cheval Regiment 76e Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) ere 1 Provisoire Grenadier Division, Reserve Corps d’Armée (part) French: At 12:40am 5e Provisoire Grenadier Regiment (1er & 2e btns) VI Corps d’Armee Staff 6e Provisoire Grenadier Regiment (1er & 2e btns) Marechal d’Empire Michel Ney Aide de Camp Général de Brigade Du Taillas French: At 9:40am 2e Division, VI Corps d’Armée e 2 Division, Reserve Corps d’Armée Général de Division Bisson General de Division Verdier 25e Légère Infantrie Regiment (1er, 2e & 3e btns) 2e Légère Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) 27e Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) 12e Légère Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) 50e Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) 3e Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) 59e Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1er, 2e & 3e btns) 72e Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) French: At 1:00pm Coalition: At 9:40am 3e Division, VI Corps d’Armée Two Cossaque regiments enter from the south map edge of 1c within Général de Brigade Brun 7 hexes of Grunhoff. 31e Légère Infantrie Regiment (1er, 2e & 3e btns) VI Corps d’Armee Artillerie Reserve Coalition: At 10:00am 9e Co / 1ere Artillerie a Pied Don Cossaque Horse Battery #1 10e Co / 1ere Artillerie a Pied & two Cossaque regiments; all enter north edge of map 2 within 7 12e Co / 1ere Artillerie a Pied hexes of Dittrichwalde. (Roll for each regiment or battery and roll one 1ere Co / 2e Artillerie a Cheval die: 1, 2 on time; 3, 4; one turn late; 5, 6; two turns late.) They may be 5e Co / 2e Artillerie a Cheval voluntarily delayed.

French: At 1:20pm French: At 10:20am 1ere Dragoon Division VIII Corps d’Armee, Staff Général de Division Latour-Maubourg Marechal d’Empire Edouard Casimir Joseph Mortier 1ere Dragoon Regiment Aide de Camp Général de brigade Godinot e e 2 Dragoon Regiment 2 Division, VIII Corps d’Armee 4e Dragoon Regiment Général de Division Dombrowski 14e Dragoon Regiment e er e 2 Polska Regiment (1 & 2 btns) 20e Dragoon Regiment e er e 3 Polska Regiment (1 & 2 btns) 26e Dragoon Regiment e er e 4 Polska Regiment (1 & 2 btns) 2e Co / 2e Artillerie a Cheval e 3 Polska Artillerie a Pied French: At 1:40pm French: At 10:40am I Corps d’Armee Legere Cavalrie Brigade 3. Sassen Division, Reserve Corps d’Armée Général de Brigade Beaumont GL Polenz 2e Hussar Regiment Bevilaqua Sassen Infantrie Regiment (1. & 2. btns) 4e Hussar Regiment Cerrini Sassen Grenadier Bataillon 5e Chasseur à Cheval Regiment Sussmilch Sassen Grenadier Bataillon 1ere Co / 2e Artillerie a Cheval Reserve Corps Artillerie Reserve (part) 2. Sassen Batterie a Pied French: At 2:00pm La Bataille de Friedland 1ere Division, I Corps d’Armée 1 arrive 20 minutes late Général de Division Dupont 2 arrive 40 minutes late 9e Légère Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) 3 or 4 no change 24e Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1er, 2e & 3e btns) 5 arrive 20 minutes early 32e Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) 6 arrive 40 minutes early 96e Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1er, 2e & 3e btns) These results are not revealed to the Coalition unless the Coalition 6e Co / 1ere Artillerie a Pied has light cavalry or cossaques within 12 hexes of the Straße nach 11e Co / 1ere Artillerie a Pied Preußch-Eylau entry hex. 7.6.2 Friedland - Russian Optional Deployment Chart French: At 2:20pm Prior to the first turn of the battle, the Russian player rolls 1 die and e 3 Division, I Corps d’Armée consults the following table: Général de division Villatte 1 no change 27e Légère Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) 2 The Russian Player may elect to deploy two infantry 63e Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) divisions on the east side of the Alle Fluß. The 14th already 94e Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) starts there and the Russian player must choose another. If the 95e Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) two additional divisions remain on this side of the river for 2e Co / 8e Artillerie a Pied the entire game, the Russian Victory Condition is improved 3e Co / 3e Artillerie a Cheval by one level. 3 The Russian may deploy the 6th division at any start location. French: At 2:40pm The Russian Dolgorouky Dragoon Division has been delayed I Corps d’Armee, Staff on a scouting mission. It arrives on the on the East Side of the Général de Division Claude Victor-Perrin Alle Fluß on the Road to the Friedland Bridge at 12: oo am. Aide de Camp Général de Brigade Maison 4 Russian Player may not start with any position batteries on Général d’Artillrie Senarmont the west side of the Alle Fluß. They may be moved during the 2e Division, I Corps d’Armee game to the west side The right wings receives two additional Général de Division Lapisse Cossaque regiments starting anywhere on the East side of the 16e Légère Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) Alle Fluß. 45e Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) 5 Four Cossaque regiments are removed from play and are sent 8e Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) off map to locate Murat and Davout. 54e Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) 6 Essen I replaces Bennigsen as overall commander. The 1ere Co / 8e Artillerie a Pied morale of the any Russian leader is improved by 2. st 2e Co / 3e Artillerie a Cheval Bennigsen is removed from play. The Russian 1 Division starts in Friedland (any town hexes) and must stay within 7 French: At 3:20pm hexes of a Friedland town hex. Imperial Guard 7.7 Victory Marechal d’Empire Jean-Baptiste Bessieres, duc d’Istrie Empire of the French Aide de Camp Général de Brigade Roussel  Marginal – Hold all hexes of Sortlack until the end of the Cavalrie de la Guard, Imperial Guard scenario Général de Division Walthier  Substantial – Put the Russian left wing on level one and hold 6 Grenadier à Cheval Regiment hexes of Friedland until the end of the scenario Chasseur à Cheval Regiment  Decisive –Hold the church hex in Friedland, all hexes of Empresses Dragoons Regiment Sortlack and the Cegielnia at games end. Mamelouk Coalition  Marginal – Hold the Church hex in Friedland until the end of French: At 3:40pm the scenario Artillerie de la Guard, Imperial Guard  Substantial – Place Ney’s Corps d’ Armee on Level Two at any Général de Brigade Laiboissiere time ere 1 Co / Artillerie a Cheval de la Guard  Decisive – Hold a hex of Sortlack until the end of the scenario e 2 Co / Artillerie a Cheval de la Guard and place Ney’s Corps on Level Two at any time; or kill or e 3 Co / Artillerie a Cheval de la Guard capture Napoleon e 4 Co / Artillerie a Cheval de la Guard The Coalition may improve their victory level by one if at any time e 5 Co / Artillerie a Cheval de la Guard they occupy, even for a turn, hex 1D or 2C 6e Co / Artillerie a Cheval de la Guard

French: At 4:00pm 8.0 Scenario 2: The Königsberg Road Infantrie de la Guard, Imperial Guard Général de Brigade Dorsenne 8.1 Introduction 1ere Grenadier à Pied (1er & 2e btns) The Coalition army of Bennigsen was not expecting to engage most 2e Grenadier à Pied (1er & 2e btns) of the French Army on the day of the battle. When French heavy 1ere Chasseur à Pied (1er & 2e btns) cavalry was encountered, Uvarov commits his regiments to out flank 2e Chasseur à Pied (1er & 2e btns) the French Army and open the road to Königsberg. Grouchy is given Fusilier Chasseur (1er & 2e btns) the task to hold the area around Heinrichsdorf with Dragoons and Fusilier Grenadier (1er & 2e btns) other cavalry elements. The Cossaques prove to be an elusive foe to 7.6.1 Friedland - French Optional Arrival Chart pin and destroy. Napoleon will have difficulty assaulting Friedland unless this flank is secure. One hour before individual formations of troops are to arrive, roll one die to establish the arrival time. Troops arriving at 9:00am to 9:40am are not affected. La Bataille de Friedland 8.2 Time GL Prince Galitzin Colonel Bezobrazov Fifteen turns beginning with the 9:20am and finishing with the 2:00pm turn Dragoon Division, Cavalry of the Right Wing GM Dolgorouky 8.3 Boundary Kazan Dragoon Regiment Maps 2 Riga Dragoon Regiment Courland Dragoon Regiment 8.4 Command Horse Battery #6 The French recive CP’s for Mortier (offmap) and Grouchy Coalition: At 10:00am enters east edge of map 2 Fresia (VIII) may roll to create a Light Cavalry MU. Hussar Division, Cavalry of the Center The Coalition receives GM Lambert CP’s for Uvarov (Gortchakov), Galitzin (Docturov) Alexandrov Hussar Regiment Lambert (C), Lourkovski (R), Platov (R), Cossack2 may roll to Isoum Hussar Regiment create a Light Cavalry MU. Olivopol Hussar Regiment Horse Battery #3 8.5 Starting Positions French: Within 5 hexes north of FG Coalition: At 10:00am enters east edge of map 2 e 2 Dragoon Division Sixth Division, Right Wing of the Army (part) Général de Division Grouchy GM Lovov 3e Dragoon Regiment Bialostock Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) 6e Dragoon Regiment Vilna Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) 10e Dragoon Regiment Light Battery #1 11e Dragoon Regiment Coalition: At 10:00am enters enter north edge of map 2 east within 7 French: Within 5 hexes of FN hexes of Dittrichwalde (Roll for each regiment and battery. Roll one 1ere Heavy Cavalry Division die: 1-2 on time; 3-4 one turn late; 5-6; two turns late). They may be Général de Division Nansouty voluntarily delayed. 1ere Carabinier Regiment Platov Cossacks, Cavalry of the Reserve (part) 2e Carabinier Regiment Ataman Platov 2e Cuirassier Regiment Illowaiski #2 Cossaque 9e Cuirassier Regiment Illowaiski #4 Cossaque 3e Cuirassier Regiment Illowaiski #5 Cossaque 12e Cuirassier Regiment Illowaiski #8 Cossaque 4e Co / 2e Artillerie a Cheval Don Cossaque Horse Battery #1

French: Within 5 hexes of FF French: At 10:00am on the southern edge of Map 2. Committing this VIII Corps d’Armee Legere Cavalrie Brigade Brigade lowers the French victory condition by one level. Général de Brigade Fresia Sassen Kavalrie 2. Nederlandse Hussar Regiment Oberst Besser 2. Nederlandse Kuirassier Regiment Leib Kuirassier Regiment 1ere Polska Chasseur à Cheval Regiment Karabinier Regiment 2e Polska Uhlan Regiment Prinz Johann Chevauleger Regiment 2. Nederlandse Horse Battery Coalition: At 10:20am enters east edge of map 2 Coalition: Within 5 hexes of RC Imperial Russian Guard Cavalry, Center Position of Cossaque, Cavalry of the Right Wing the Army (part) Leader Cossack2 GL Kollogirvov Gordeiev #2 Don Cossaque Guard Uhlan Regiment or Guard Cossaque Regiment (one of the two) Grekov # 8 Don Cossaque Popov #9 Don Cossaque French: At 12:00am, enter within 3 hexes of hex 2c on the southern 8.6 Reinforcements edge of map 2 ere Coalition: At 09:20am enters east edge of map 2 at GL, 4 hexes due 1 Division, VIII Corps d’Armee (part) East of the RCos Général de Division Dupas 58e Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) Cavalry of the Right Wing Staff Garde de Paris Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) GL Uvarov GM Yurkovskoi Coalition: Anytime the Coalition enters a hex of Heinrichsdorf, with Hussar Division, Cavalry of the Right Wing GL Kollogirvov and Guard Uhlan / Guard Cossaque, the remaining GM Lourkovski regiments of the Russian Imperial Guard Cavalry division are released Soum Hussar Regiment and may enter at the east edge of map 2 next turn. Elizabethgrad Hussar Regiment Imperial Russian Guard Cavalry, Center Position of Lithuanian Uhlan Regiment Horse Battery #5 the Army (part) Garde a Cheval Cuirassier Regiment Coalition: At 09:20am enters east edge of map 2 Chevalier Guard Cuirassier Regiment Emperor Cuirassier Regiment Cavalry of the Center Staff Guard Hussar Regiment La Bataille de Friedland

Guard Uhlan Regiment or Guard Cossaque Regiment (see above) 3. Sassen Batterie a Pied

8.7 Reinforcements French: both within 10 hexes of Grunhoff None 1ere Provisoire Grenadier Division, Reserve Corps 8.8 Victory Conditions d’Armee (part) ere er e Empire of the French 1 Provisoire Grenadier Regiment (1 & 2 btns) 2e Provisoire Grenadier Regiment (1er & 2e btns)  Marginal – Capture two hexes of Heinrichsdorf at the end of

the scenario French: within 6 hexes of hex 1D  Substantial – Capture four hexes of Heinrichsdorf at the end of ere the scenario 1 Provisoire Grenadier Division, Reserve Corps  Decisive – Capture six hexes of Heinrichsdorf at the end of the d’Armee (part) scenario Général de Division Oudinot Coalition 3e Provisoire Grenadier Regiment (1er & 2e btns)  Marginal – Exit 12 increments (not Cossaque) off the board on 4e Provisoire Grenadier Regiment (1er & 2e btns) the Route de Königsberg  Substantial – Capture six hexes of Heinrichsdorf at the end of French: within 5 hexes north of Posthenen to the scenario boundary. the scenario 2e Division, Reserve Corps d’Armee (part)  Decisive – Exit 12 increments (not Cossaque) off the board on General de Division Verdier the Route de Königsberg and capture six hexes of Heinrichsdorf 2e Légère Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) at the end of the scenario 12e Légère Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns)

French: no closer than 6 hexes from FR 9.0 Scenario Three - Sortlack Wood 2e Division, Reserve Corps d’Armee (part) This is a conflict between the light elements of both armies in difficult 3e Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) terrain. Posthenen becomes the focus of the French and the Coalition. 72e Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) If Bennigsen can push troops up the Straße nach Prüßisch-Eylau, Napoleon will have difficulty deploying his army. French: enter on the height between hex 1D and FD VI Corps d’Armee Legere Cavalrie Brigade 9.1 Introduction Général de Brigade Colbert The Coalition army of Bennigsen was not expecting to engage most 3e Hussar Regiment of the French Army on the day of the battle. When French heavy 10e Chasseur à Cheval Regiment cavalry was encountered, Uvarov commits his regiments to out flank 15e Chasseur à Cheval Regiment the French Army and open the road to Königsberg. Grouchy is given the task to hold the area around Heinrichsdorf with Dragoons and French: within 3 hexes of 1d in road march order other cavalry elements. The Cossaques prove to be an elusive foe to 5e Provisoire Grenadier Regiment (1er & 2e btns) pin and destroy. Napoleon will have difficulty assaulting Friedland 6e Provisoire Grenadier Regiment (1er & 2e btns) unless this flank is secure. 9.2 Time French: three hexes west of FD. 1ere Division, VIII Corps d’Armee (part) Nine turns beginning with the 10:20am and finishing with the 1:00pm Général de Division Dupas turn 4e Légère Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) 9.3 Boundary 15e Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) Würzburg Infantry Regiment (1. & 2. btns) Maps 1 and 3. Boundary south of the Mühlen Fluß (Mill Stream) and

Mühlen Fluß west to the woods (three hexes of FD). Coalition: within 8 hexes of AGR 9.4 Command Advanced Guard Division Raevsky, Left Wing of the The French recive Army CP’s for Mortier (from offmap), Lannes GM Raevsky Colbert (VI) may roll to create a Light Cavalry MU. 5th Jaeger Regiment (1st & 2nd btns) The Coalition receives 20th Jaeger Regiment (1st & 2nd btns) CP’s for Bagration 23rd Jaeger Regiment (1st & 2nd btns) Platov may roll to create a Light Cavalry MU. 25th Jaeger Regiment (1st & 2nd btns) Koutaissov is always in command 26th Jaeger Regiment (1st & 2nd btns) st nd 9.5 Starting Positions Guard Jaeger Regiment (1 & 2 btns) Grodno Hussar Regiment French Starting Positions - All units west of the stream from Horse Battery #1 Grunhoff through Posthenen. Coalition: within 8 hexes of AGB French: all within 5 hexes of Posthenen Left Wing of the Army Reserve Corps d’Armee, Staff and Assets GL Prince Bagration Marechal d’Empire Lannes Aide de Camp General Prince Shakhovski Aide de Camp General de Brigade Marbot e Advanced Guard Division Baggavouth, Left Wing of 9 Hussar Regiment the Army Reserve Corps Artillerie Reserve ere ere GM Baggavouth 1 Co / 1 Artillerie a Pied rd st nd e ere 3 Jaeger Regiment (1 & 2 btns) 5 Co / 1 Artillerie a Pied 4th Jaeger Regiment (1st & 2nd btns) 2. Sassen Batterie a Pied La Bataille de Friedland

7th Jaeger Regiment (1st & 2nd btns)  Decisive – Capture FO and hold at the end of the scenario 24th Jaeger Regiment (1st & 2nd btns) St Petersburg Guard Militia Battalion Pavlovgrad Hussar Regiment 10.0 Scenario Four - Ney’s Late Afternoon Attack on Friedland Coalition: within 10 hexes of LCOS Platov Cossacks, Cavalry of the Reserve (part) 10.1 Introduction Ataman Platov After beating back all the Coalition’s attempts earlier in the battle, Left Wing Cossaques there is a lull in the battle. Napoleon is ready for the final assault. He Sissoiev #2 Don Cossaque orders MdF Ney forward. However, the Coalition is not finished yet. Grekov # 4 Don Cossaque Additional French infantry divisions are committed to force the Popov #7 Don Cossaque capture of Friedland itself.

Coalition: within 3 hexes of AGM 10.2 Time Advanced Guard Support Division, Left Wing of the Ten turns beginning Start 4:00pm finish 7:00pm Army 10.3 Boundary GM Markov I Maps 1 and 3. Boundary south of the Mühlen Fluß and Mühlen Fluß Pskov Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) west to Posthenen Tenguinsk Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Kostroma Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) 10.4 Command Staroskolsk Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) st nd rd The French recive Moskva Grenadier Regiment (1 , 2 & 3 btns) CP’s for Victor (off map), Ney Colbert (VI) may roll to create a Light Cavalry MU. Coalition: within 3 hexes of R2 L2 The Coalition receives Second Division CP’s for Bennigsen (from offmap), Bagration GL Count Ostermann Platov (R), Cossack2 may roll to create a Light Cavalry MU. Pavlov Grenadier Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Koutaissov is always in command Rostov Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) If the Left Wing goes on a morale level, then the Russian Guard and Petersburg Grenadier Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) 14th Division are also placed on that level. Jelets Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Position Battery #3 10.5 Starting Positions Position Battery # 4 Coalition: Alle Fluß Light Battery #4 The Russians may place 3 pontoon bridges over the Alle Fluß to Light Battery #5 provide an additional to cross the river to and from Friedland. Once placed, the pontoons may not be moved. Coalition: within 3 hexes of LKC Left Wing Cavalry French: within 3 hexes of IV. If any units, except for the divisional GM Kogine artillery, are moved, then the final victory condition for the French are Kiev Dragoon Regiment lowered by one. If fired upon; charged; or the enemy moves within 5 Tartar Uhlan Regiment hexes; then the division is released with no penalty to the victory Ekaterinoslav Cuirassier Regiment conditions. Little Russia Cuirassier Regiment 3e Division, I Corps d’Armee Horse Battery #2 Général de division Villatte 27e Légère Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) Coalition: on the height, east side of the river (between AGM and 63e Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) Friedland) 94e Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) Reserve Artillery, Center Position of the Army 95e Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) MG Koutaissov 2e Co / 8e Artillerie a Pied Guard Position Battery #1 3e Co / 3e Artillerie a Cheval Guard Position Battery #2 French: within 2 hexes of 1A 9.6 Reinforcements I Corps d’Armee, Staff (part) Général d’Artillrie Senarmont None 2e Division, I Corps d’Armee (part) 9.7 Victory Conditions 1ere Co / 8e Artillerie a Pied 2e Co / 3e Artillerie a Cheval Empire of the French

 Marginal – Hold all hexes of Posthenen at the end of the French: Within 4 hexes of DU scenario ere  Substantial – Put the 2nd Russian Division on Level One at any 1 Division, I Corps d’Armee time Général de Division Dupont 9e Légère Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns)  Decisive – Capture all hexes of Sortlack and hold at the end of 24e Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1er, 2e & 3e btns) the scenario 32e Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) Coalition 96e Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1er, 2e & 3e btns)  Marginal - Capture Posthenen and hold at the end of the 6e Co / 1ere Artillerie a Pied scenario 11e Co / 1ere Artillerie a Pied  Substantial – Capture 1D and hold at the end of the scenario La Bataille de Friedland French: within 2 hexes of 1D hexes Advanced Guard Division Baggavouth, Left Wing of e 4 Dragoon Division the Army (minus 4 increments on Level One) Général de Division Lahoussaye GM Baggavouth 17e Dragoon Regiment 3rd Jaeger Regiment (1st & 2nd btns) 27e Dragoon Regiment 4th Jaeger Regiment (1st & 2nd btns) e 18 Dragoon Regiment 7th Jaeger Regiment (1st & 2nd btns) 19e Dragoon Regiment 24th Jaeger Regiment (1st & 2nd btns) 3e Co / 2e Artillerie a Cheval St Petersburg Guard Militia Battalion Pavlovgrad Hussar Regiment French: within 2 hexes of VIA VI Corps d’Armee Artillerie Reserve Coalition: within 3 hexes of AGM e ere 9 Co / 1 Artillerie a Pied Advanced Guard Support Division, Left Wing of the 10e Co / 1ere Artillerie a Pied 12e Co / 1ere Artillerie a Pied Army (minus 3 increments on Level one) 1ere Co / 2e Artillerie a Cheval GM Markov I st nd rd 5e Co / 2e Artillerie a Cheval Pskov Musketeer Regiment (1 , 2 & 3 btns) st nd rd Tenguinsk Musketeer Regiment (1 , 2 & 3 btns) st nd rd French: within 3 hexes of VIA Kostroma Musketeer Regiment (1 , 2 & 3 btns) Staroskolsk Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) VI Corps d’Armee Legere Cavalrie Brigade Moskva Grenadier Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Général de Brigade Colbert

3e Hussar Regiment Coalition: within 3 hexes of R2 L2 10e Chasseur à Cheval Regiment 15e Chasseur à Cheval Regiment Second Division (minus 2 increments) GL Count Ostermann st nd rd French: within 2 hexes of BR Pavlov Grenadier Regiment (1 , 2 & 3 btns) st nd rd e Rostov Musketeer Regiment (1 , 2 & 3 btns) 3 Division, VI Corps d’Armee Petersburg Grenadier Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Général de Brigade Brun Jelets Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) 31e Légère Infantrie Regiment (1er, 2e & 3e btns) Position Battery #3

Position Battery # 4 French: within 2 hexes of BI e Light Battery #4 2 Division, VI Corps d’Armee Light Battery #5 Général de Division Bisson 25e Légère Infantrie Regiment (1er, 2e & 3e btns) Coalition: within 7 hexes of AGB and AGM e er e 27 Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1 & 2 btns) Imperial Russian Guard Cavalry, Center Position of 50e Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) 59e Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1er, 2e & 3e btns) the Army (part) GL Kollogirvov French: within 2 hexes of MA Garde a Cheval Cuirassier Regiment Chevalier Guard Cuirassier Regiment ere 1 Division, VI Corps d’Armee (less 4 increments) Emperor Cuirassier Regiment Général de Division Marchand Guard Hussar Regiment 6e Légère Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) The Guard Horse Battery #1 & #2 are detached with MG Koutaissov 69e Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) Guard Uhlan & Guard Cossaque Regiments are absent 39e Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns)

76e Ligne Infantrie Regiment (1er & 2e btns) Coalition: within 7 hexes of Friedland. The entire division must remain

within 7 hexes of Friedland. French: With any VI Corps d’ Armee Coalition Starting Positions First Division Imperial Russian Guard, Center VI Corps d’Armee, Staff Marechal d’Empire Michel Ney Position of the Army (part) Aide de Camp Général de Brigade Du Taillas GL Mallutin st nd rd Preobrazhenskoi Guard Regiment (1 , 2 & 3 btns) st nd rd Coalition: within 4 hexes of AGR Semenovski Guard Regiment (1 , 2 & 3 btns) Velikaluka Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Advanced Guard Division Raevsky, Left Wing of the Pernau Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Army (minus 4 increments) Ismailov Guard Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) GM Raevsky Guard Grenadier Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) 5th Jaeger Regiment (1st & 2nd btns) Kexholm Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) 20th Jaeger Regiment (1st & 2nd btns) The Guard Position Batteries #1 & #2 are detached with MG 23rd Jaeger Regiment (1st & 2nd btns) Koutaissov 25th Jaeger Regiment (1st & 2nd btns) 26th Jaeger Regiment (1st & 2nd btns) Coalition: within 4 hexes of R14. If moved before French are within 5 Guard Jaeger Regiment (1st & 2nd btns) hexes of Friedland, then that movement will lower the Russian victory Grodno Hussar Regiment condition by one level. Horse Battery #1 Fourteenth Division, Right Wing of the Army

GM Somorov Coalition: within 3 hexes of AGB Riazan Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Left Wing of the Army Ouglich Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) GL Prince Bagration Sophia Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Aide de Camp General Prince Shakhovski Tula Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) La Bataille de Friedland Wilna Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) 11.2 Time Position Battery #13 Light Battery #12 Sixteen turns beginning Start 3:40am finish 8:40am Light Battery #13 11.3 Boundary

Maps 1 and 3. Boundary south of the Mühlen Fluß and Mühlen Fluß Coalition: placed on the height, east side of the river, within 4 hexes of west to the woods (three hexes from FD). KOU Reserve Artillery, Center Position of the Army 11.4 Command MG Koutaissov The French recive Guard Position Battery #1 CP’s for Lannes Guard Position Battery #2 The Coalition receives Guard Horse Battery #1 CP’s for Bagration Guard Horse Battery #2 Platov (R) may roll to create a Light Cavalry MU.

Coalition: within three hexes of Sortlack 11.5 Night Combat Left Wing Cossaques Until the 5:00am turn, all fire values are reduced by one-third and Cossack2 morale values are increased by plus 3 to the printed value. Infantry may Sissoiev #2 Don Cossaque only attempt to form square at 2 hexes or less. Grekov # 4 Don Cossaque 11.6 Foraging Popov #7 Don Cossaque The Russian Army has been marching without proper forage and Coalition: within 7 hexes of AGR arrives on the field exhausted. At the beginning of the each turn, roll Platov Cossacks, Cavalry of the Reserve for each regiment. A roll below its morale number will prohibit that Ataman Platov regiment from moving that turn. Repeat every turn until the 7:00am Illowaiski #2 Cossaque turn when all units are free to move at the player’s discretion. Leaders Illowaiski #4 Cossaque do not affect this morale roll. Illowaiski #5 Cossaque Cossaques are always looting, so they are considered well provisioned and exempt from this rule. 10.6 Reinforcements 11.7 Starting Positions French: enter at 4:00pm on the road to BR off the Western map edge 1ere Dragoon Division French: all within 5 hexes of FO Général de Division Latour-Maubourg Reserve Corps d’Armee, Staff and Assets 1ere Dragoon Regiment Marechal d’Empire Lannes e Aide de Camp General de Brigade Marbot 2 Dragoon Regiment e e 9 Hussar Regiment 4 Dragoon Regiment ere 14e Dragoon Regiment 1 Provisoire Grenadier Division, Reserve Corps 20e Dragoon Regiment d’Armee (part) 26e Dragoon Regiment 1ere Provisoire Grenadier Regiment (1er & 2e btns) 2e Co / 2e Artillerie a Cheval 2e Provisoire Grenadier Regiment (1er & 2e btns)

10.7 Victory Conditions French: at the western edge of Map 1A on the Straße nach Prüßisch- Empire of the French Eylau  Marginal – Hold all hexes of Sortlack until the end of the 1ere Provisoire Grenadier Division, Reserve Corps scenario d’Armee (part)  Substantial – Place any three Russian Divisions on Level Two Général de Division Oudinot  Decisive – Hold any hex of Friedland and all the hexes of Sortlack 3e Provisoire Grenadier Regiment (1er & 2e btns) at game’s end. 4e Provisoire Grenadier Regiment (1er & 2e btns) Note the movement of the 3e Division and its effect on the victory Reserve Corps Artillerie Reserve (part) conditions ere ere Coalition 1 Co / 1 Artillerie a Pied 5e Co / 1ere Artillerie a Pied  Marginal – Hold all hexes of Friedland.

 Substantial – Hold all hexes of Friedland and not engage the Coalition: within 5 hexes of Posthenen Russian Guard.  Decisive – Hold a hex of Sortlack and all hexes of Friedland until Advanced Guard Division Raevsky, Left Wing of the the game’s end. Army (part) Note movement of the 14th Division and its effect on the victory Guard Jaeger Regiment (1st & 2nd btns) conditions Coalition: within 5 hexes of R2 L2 Left Wing of the Army 11.0 Scenario Five- Early Morning GL Prince Bagration Skirmish Aide de Camp General Prince Shakhovski Second Division 11.1 Introduction GL Count Ostermann This is an early morning skirmish between the light infantry of both Pavlov Grenadier Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) armies. Oudinot’s elitegrenadiers fought against the jaegers of Rostov Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Bagration. Neither side realized the impending desperate battle that Petersburg Grenadier Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) was yet to come. Jelets Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Position Battery #3 La Bataille de Friedland Position Battery # 4 12.0 Scenario Six – Bennigsen Withdraws Light Battery #4 Light Battery #5 12.1 Introduction

Coalition: within 5 hexes of AGR Despite his ailments, contracted through the social intricacies of the Advanced Guard Division Raevsky, Left Wing of the time, Baron Bennigsen has a clear moment and decides having an army divided by several waterways is not a good idea. He orders Essen I to Army personally ride to each wing commander and give the retreat order. GM Raevsky Essen I starts the scenario with Bennigsen, and therefore must find th st nd 5 Jaeger Regiment (1 & 2 btns) Bagration; Docturov; and Gortchakov I to deliver the retreat order. 20th Jaeger Regiment (1st & 2nd btns) 23rd Jaeger Regiment (1st & 2nd btns) 12.2 Time 25th Jaeger Regiment (1st & 2nd btns) Thirty-Six turns beginning with the 9:00am and finishing with the th st nd 26 Jaeger Regiment (1 & 2 btns) 8:40pm turn The Guard Jaeger Regiment is deployed within 5 hexes of Posthenen Grodno Hussar Regiment 12.3 Boundary Horse Battery #1 Use all 4 maps.

Coalition: within 5 hexes of 3B 12.4 Command First Division Imperial Russian Guard, Center The French recive Position of the Army CP’s for Napoleon, Bessieres, Victor, Ney, Mortier, Lannes, GL Mallutin Grouchy Preobrazhenskoi Guard Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Beaumont (I), Colbert (VI), Fresia (VIII) may roll to create a Semenovski Guard Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Light Cavalry MU. Velikaluka Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) The Army of the Romanovs (Русский императорской армии) is Pernau Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) divided into a center and two wings. Ismailov Guard Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) The Coalition receives Guard Grenadier Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) CP’s for Bennigsen, Bagration, Docturov, Gortchakov I Kexholm Musketeer Regiment (1st, 2nd & 3rd btns) Starting at 13:00pm the Coalition should roll a die on each hour, Guard Position Battery #1 on a 1 or 2 Bennigsen leaves the battle ill. Guard Position Battery #2 Lambert (C), Lourkovski (R), Platov (R), Cossack2, Cossack3 may roll to create a Light Cavalry MU. Left Wing Cossaques 12.4.1 Communications Ataman Platov No Russian division or brigade may move more than 3 hexes east of Sissoiev #2 Don Cossaque their starting position until Essen I has spent a complete turn with each Grekov # 4 Don Cossaque of these three commanders; and Bennigsen’s orders, issued in German, are clear to each Russian Commanders. After Essen I spends a 11.8 Reinforcements complete turn with the commander (right, center or left), Roll one die: 04:40am French: at the western edge of Map 1A on the Straße nach 1 or 2 orders understood, the retreat can begin Prüßisch-Eylau entering in road march 3 or 4 orders partially understood, retreat 2 divisions and roll again next tu 1ere Provisoire Grenadier Division, Reserve Corps 5 orders not understood, no retreat this turn d’Armee (part) 6 Russian commander refuses to accept orders and a duel is fought using the leader casualty table. If Essen is killed, Bennigse 5e Provisoire Grenadier Regiment (1er & 2e btns) another aide and repeat the process. If the Russian wing leader is 6e Provisoire Grenadier Regiment (1er & 2e btns) table, roll again next turn 12.5 Starting Positions 05:40am French: at the western edge of Map 1A on the Straße nach As Scenario 1 Prüßisch-Eylau entering in road march 1ere Provisoire Grenadier Division, Reserve Corps 12.6 Reinforcements d’Armee (part) As Scenario 1 e er e 7 Provisoire Grenadier Regiment (1 & 2 btns) 12.6.1 Imperial French Reinforcement Option 8e Provisoire Grenadier Regiment (1er & 2e btns) The French may elect to have Marchand with the 1ere Division force 11.9 Victory Conditions march around the Russian Left. Rather than entering at 12:20pm, the ere Empire of the French 1 Division would enter on the road to Sortlack on the southern edge  Marginal – Occupy any one hex of Posthenen at the end of the of map 3c. The entry times would be variable, based on rolling one scenario dice, once this maneuver was decided: 1 enter at 2:20pm  Substantial – Occupy all hexes of Posthenen at the end of the 2 enter at 2:40pm scenario 3 enter at 3:40pm  Decisive – Rout and or eliminate 8 Russian battalions at the end 4 enter at 4:20pm of any Russian morale recovery phase 5 enter at 4:40pm Coalition 6 enter at 5:00pm  Marginal – Occupy any one hex of Posthenen at the end of the Based on the roll, the French player may elect to accelerate the arrival scenario of the 1ere Division by one hour. However, each regiment entering  Substantial – Occupy all hexes of Posthenen at the end of the must check morale and roll under their morale number. If the roll scenario results in a failure of morale, the regiment would exit the board at the  Decisive – Occupy hex 1D at the end of the scenario hex it entered. In an hour the French player could roll for that regiment again. The roll result is not revealed to the Russians. La Bataille de Friedland

Uf any of the three Cossaque regiments east of the Alle Fluß, are within  Decisive – Cross the Alle Fluß within 6 hexes of Friedland with 5 hexes of the south edge of map 3c, the Russians will receive a one 100 increments hour notice of the arrival of Marchand’s division. They may also look Coalition for river fords at the same time  Marginal – Retreat 200 increments to the East Side of the Alle 12.7 Victory Fluß , all must be in good order  Substantial – Retreat 300 increments to the East Side of the Alle Empire of the French Fluß, all must be in good order  Marginal – Capture all the hexes of Friedland by the end of the  Decisive – Retreat 450 increments to the East Side of the Alle scenario Fluß, all must be in good order  Substantial – Put any three Russian divisions on Level Two and hold 6 hexes of Friedland until the end of the scenario

13.0 Bibliography Nafziger Archive: Le Bataille Friedland Marshal Enterprises

La Bataille de Friedland

FIRE EFFECTS CHART Line Column Square General Order Skirmish FRENCH Ligne x3 PRINTED x3 PRINTED NP Légère x3 PRINTED x3 PRINTED x3 Provisoire Grenadier 1 x3 PRINTED x4 PRINTED x3 Garde Grenadiers x4 PRINTED x5 PRINTED NP Garde Chasseurs and Fusiliers x4 PRINTED x5 PRINTED x4 Sassen x3 PRINTED x3 PRINTED NP Polska x3 PRINTED x4 PRINTED NP Wurzburg x2 PRINTED x2 PRINTED NP RUSSIAN Musketeer x2 PRINTED x2 PRINTED NP Jäger x3 PRINTED x3 PRINTED x3 Grenadier x3 PRINTED x3 PRINTED NP Guard Jäger x4 PRINTED x4 PRINTED x5 Guard x3 PRINTED x4 PRINTED NP 1. Oudinot’s Division

FIRE DEFENSE CHART Pine Clear Garten Hamlet Village Town Cegielnia Bridge Forest Infantry Column 6 6 ------3 Line 9 ------Square 43 ------Skirmish Order 12 14 14 12 12 14 16 - General Order - 10 10 10 10 12 14 - Disorder 14 16 16 16 16 16 16 - PGD 14 16 16 16 16 16 16 - Cavalry Column 6 ------3 Line 8 ------Skirmish Order4 12 14 14 12 12 14 - General Order - 10 10 10 10 12 - - Disorder 14 16 16 16 16 16 - - PGD 14 16 16 16 16 16 - - Artillery1, 3 Limbered 6 - 6 6 7 8 - 2 Unlimbered 8 - 8 8 9 10 - - w/Infantry5 6 - 6 6 7 8 - - 1. Artillery in Disorder is either unlimbered or limbered for the purposes of this table. 2. When Artillery is stacked with infantry use the fire defense of Artillery w/Infantry row of the table above. 3. Cavalry Skirmish Order only applies to players using the Règlements de l’An XXX. 4. Use whenever infantry and artillery stacked together is the target of a Fire Attack. La Bataille de Friedland

MOVEMENT CHART Cavalry Personalities Infantry Cavalry Artillery Skirmishers2 Skirmishers & Cossaques Clear 1 1 1 1 1 GO / Sk 3 3 3 3 3 Village/Hamlet Road Order 2 2 2 2 2 Pine Forest 2 5 NP 2 3 Garten 2 2 4 2 2 Slope +2 +3 +4 +2 +3 Road ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ Alle Fluβ 5 NP NP NP NP NP Mühlen Fluβ 4 NP NP NP NP NP Stream +3 +5 +4 +3 +5 Permanent Bridge 1 3 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 Pontoon Bridge 1 3 +1 NP NP NP NP Temp Foot Bridge 1 3 4 +2 NP NP NP NP Ford +6 +8 +4 +6 +8 1. Cost is in addition to the cost of the other terrain in the hex being entered. 2. Applies only to the Règlements de l’An XXX. 3. Only at a bridge or Ford in Road Order 4. No combat formation may cross a hexside of the Mühlen Fluss unless there is a temporary footbridge in place. This rule covers every hexside of the Mühlen Fluss from the Friedland Lake to the most northeastern hex of the Village of Posthenen. 5. See rules on finding Alle fords.

STACKING CHART TOWN CLEAR VILLAGE GARTEN CEGIELNIA REDOUBT HAMLET Any 1 regiment 3 or Any 1 battalion 1 battery Any 1 battalion Any 1 battalion 18 Column, Line, Square 6 General Order (& 1 infantry INFANTRY 3 Skirmish1 3 Skirmish1 3 Skirmish1,2 3 Skirmish1 battalion) Any 4 regiment 4 or CAVALRY 18 Column, Line Any 1 regiment Any 1 regiment Any 1 regiment Prohibited 3 Skirmish1,2 6 Limbered 1 battery 1 battery 1 battery ARTILLERY 6 Unlimbered (& 1 infantry (& 1 infantry Prohibited (& 1 infantry 1/3 Combined battalion) battalion) battalion) 1. Cavalry units in Skirmish Order, regardless of increments, are always deployed in two hexes may. References to units in two hexes apply only to the Règlements de l’An XXX. In the Règlements des Maries Louises units are always deployed in one hex regardless of size. 2. Units in Skirmish Order may move through other units or have other units move through them, but they may never remain stacked with other units. 3. In clear terrain no more than 3 infantry battalions may be stacked together, regardless of total 4. In clear terrain no more than 4 cavalry regiments may be stacked together, regardless of total number of increments in the hex

La Bataille de Friedland

SQUARE FORMATION TABLE French Form Square Disorder Rout 4 Hexes 11-66 - - Column 3 Hexes 11-66 - - Formation 2 Hexes 11-43 44-61 62-66 Adjacent 11-31 32-54 55-66 4 Hexes 11-64 65-66 - Line 3 Hexes 11-45 46-61 62-66 Formation 2 Hexes 11-32 33-55 56-66 Adjacent 11-22 23-53 54-66 FRENCH MODIFIERS Provisonal Grenadiers -3 Légère -3 Sassen Grenadiers 0 Other French Allies +3 Russian Form Square Disorder Rout 4 Hexes 11-55 56-64 65-66 Column 3 Hexes 11-42 43-56 61-66 Formation 2 Hexes 11-26 31-46 51-66 Adjacent 11-22 23-52 53-66 4 Hexes 11-66 - - Line 3 Hexes 11-66 - - Formation 2 Hexes 11-34 35-55 56-66 Adjacent 11-31 32-45 46-66 RUSSIAN MODIFIERS Jägers & Grenadier -3 MODIFIERS If a Personality is in the hex -6 Guard Batallions -6 If the cavalry stack is light +3 If the cavalry stack containers lancers +6 Attempting Units Morale Level, 3 per level +? Note 1: When modifying the dice any number greater than 66 is treated as 66.

MORALE LEVELS CHART FRENCH ROMANOV Morale Level Morale Level Bataillions Bataillons Corps (Bataillions) Wing (Bataillons) 1 2 3 1 2 3 Imperial Guard 12 2 5 7 Left 48 10 19 29 I Corps 26 5 10 25 Centre 60 12 24 36 VI Corps 21 4 8 12 Right 30 6 12 18 VIII Corps 16 3 6 10 Reserve 48 10 19 29 MORALE CHECK MODIFIERS Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 French Guard - -3 -6 French Reserve -2 -4 -6 French Corps --3 -6 -9 Romanov -4 -6 -8

DEPOT LOCATIONS French: The west map edge. Russian: The east map edge La Bataille de Friedland

CAVALRY RECALL TABLE ADDITIONAL Nationality Success French & French Allies 1-5 ROLL TO STAND MODIFIERS Russian Light Cavalry 1-4 CONDITION MODIFIER Russian Heavy Cavalry 1-5 If the target of an Assault exclusively by +3 CONDITION MODIFIER units across a stream. 1 If stacked with a leader with a cavalry If the target of an Assault exclusively by -1 +3 Mêlée Bonus units up slope. Stacked with a Cavalry Leadrer of 1. Including across a bridge -2 Spacial Ability ADDITIONAL ARTILLERY LIMBERING TABLE ROLL TO CLOSE MODIFIERS French Limbers CONDITION MODIFIER Garde Always If the assaulting stack is assaulting -3 A’Cheval 1-5 across a stream 1 a’Pied 1-3 If the assaulting stack is assaulting up a -3 Allied 1-2 slope Russian Limbers 1. Including across a bridge Guard 1-4 Horse 1-3 CAVALRY SKIRMISHER HARASSMENT Light 1-2 ( Position 1 TERRAIN TYPE DEFENSE FACTOR CONDITION MODIFIER Clear 2 Stacked with leader with artillery bonus -1 Village/ Hamlet, Town, Pine Woods 4 French Marechals (Berthier, Bessieres, Victor, Ney, Mortier, Lannes), -1 Modifiers to Basic Defense Factor: Bagration, Docturov and Gortchakov Cavalry Skirmishers +1 Retreating Before Combat +2 Artillery Leaders; Pernety, Labroissiere, -2 Cavalry or PGD +1 Senarmont, and Koutaissov Stacked with Napoleon -3


Corps Leader to Division Leader 6 Division Leader to Brigade Leader 6 Division Leader to Units 3 Brigade Leader to Units 2

La Bataille de Friedland Permission to Photocopy This Page

e Grand Armee 3 Division VIII Corps d‘Armee Reserve Cavalrie (Villatte)  ere Napoleon CP  2 x 27e Legere Mortier CP  1 Heavy Cavalry Division (Nansouty)  COS: Berthier α  2 x 63e Ligne ADC: Godinot γ  1ere Carabinier ADC: Sanson α  2 x 94e Ligne 2e Carabinier ADC: Savary α  2 x 95e Ligne ere 1 Division 2e Cuirassier ADC: Reille α  2e Co / 8e AaP (Dupas)  9e Cuirassier ADC: Mouton α  3e Co / 3e AaC 2 x 4e Legere 3e Cuirassier ADC: Bertrand α  2 x 15e Ligne 12e Cuirassier ADC: Pannetier α  2 x 58e Ligne Legere Cavalrie 4e Co / 2e AaC ADC: Pernety α  2 x Garde de Paris (Beaumont)  e 2 Hussar 2 x Würzburg Inf ere e ere 1 Dragoon Division Imperial Garde 4e Hussar 7 Co / 1 AaP e ere (Latour-Maubourg)  5e CaC Regiment 8 Co / 1 AaP 1ere Dragoon Bessieres CP  1ere Co / 2e AaC e 2 Division 2e Dragoon ADC: Roussel γ  (Dombrowski)  4e Dragoon Infantrie de la Garde 2 x 2e Polska Regiment VI Corps d‘Armee 14e Dragoon (Dorsenne)  2 x 3e Polska Regiment 20e Dragoon 2 x 1ere Grenadier à Pied Ney CP γ  2 x 4e Polska Regiment 26e Dragoon 2 x 2e Grenadier à Pied ADC: Taillas γ  3e Polska Artillerie a Pied 2e Co / 2e AaC 2 x 1ere Chasseur à Pied

2 x 2e Chasseur à Pied Artillerie Reserve Legere Cavalrie 2e Dragoon Division 2 x Fusilier Chasseur 9e Co / 1ere AaP γ (Fresia)  (Grouchy)  2 x Fusilier Grenadier 10e Co / 1ere AaP γ 2. Nederlandse Hussar Rgt 3e Dragoon 12e Co / 1ere AaP γ 2. Nederlandse Kuirassier Rgt 6e Dragoon Cavalrie de la Garde 1ere Co / 2e AaC γ 1ere Polska CaC Rgt 10e Dragoon (Walthier)  5e Co / 2e AaC γ 2e Polska Uhlan Rgt 11e Dragoon Grenadier à Cheval 2. Nederlandse Horse Battery

Chasseur à Cheval ere e Empresses Dragoons 1 Division Reserve Corps 4 Dragoon Division (Marchand)  Gendarmes d’Elite Lannes CP  (Lahoussaye)  2 x 6e Legere 17e Dragoon Mamelouk ADC: Marbot γ  2 x 69e Ligne 27e Dragoon 9e Hussar Regiment 2 x 39e Ligne 18e Dragoon Artillerie de la Garde 2 x 76e Ligne 19e Dragoon (Laiboissiere)  Artillerie Reserve 3e Co / 2e AaC 1ere Co / AaC de la Guard ere ere 2e Division 1 Co / 1 AaP γ 2e Co / AaC de la Guard e ere (Bisson)  5 Co / 1 AaP γ 3e Co / AaC de la Guard Sassen Kavalrie 3 x 25e Legere 2. Sassen Batterie a Pied γ 4e Co / AaC de la Guard (Besser)  2 x 27e Ligne 3. Sassen Batterie a Pied γ 5e Co / AaC de la Guard Leib Kuirassier 2 x 50e Ligne 6e Co / AaC de la Guard Karabinier 3 x 59e Ligne 1ere Prov Gren Prinz Johann Chevauleger (Oudinot)  I Corps d’Armee 3e Division 2 x 1ere Prov Grenadier Victor CP  (Brun)  2 x 2e Prov Grenadier e 2 x 3e Prov Grenadier ADC: Maison γ  3 x 31 Legere 2 x 4e Prov Grenadier Art: Senarmont γ  e Legere Cavalrie 2 x 5 Prov Grenadier e ere (Colbert)  2 x 6 Prov Grenadier 1 Division e 3e Hussar 2 x 7 Prov Grenadier (Dupont)  e e 2 x 8 Prov Grenadier 2 x 9e legere 10 CaC Regiment e e 15 CaC Regiment 3 x 24 Ligne e 2 x 32e Ligne 2 Division (Verdier)  3 x 96e Ligne 2 x 2e Legere 6e Co / 1ere AaP 2 x 12e Legere 11e Co / 1ere AaP 2 x 3e Ligne

e 2 x 72e Ligne 2 Division (Lapisse)  e 2 x 26e Legere 3 Sassen Division (Polenz)  2 x 45e Ligne 2 x Bevilaqua Sax Inf 2 x 8e Ligne 1 x Cerrini Sax Gren 2 x 54e Ligne 1 x Sussmilch Sax Gren 1ere Co / 8e AaP 2e Co / 3e AaC

CP = Generates a Command Point α = Army Asset γ = Corps Asset  = Leader not Replaceable La Bataille de Friedland Russian Army Center Position Center Cavalry Right Cavalry Docturov CP  (Galitzin)  (Uvarov)  Bennigsen CP  ADC: Bezobrazov γ  ADC: Yurkovskoi  ADC: Zapolskoi γ  ADC: Essen I α 

ADC: Steinheil α  Hussar Division Hussar Division Art: Koutaissov α  First Guard Infantry (Lambert)  (Lourkovski)  (Mallutin)  ADC: Chilebowski α  Alexandrov Hussar Regiment Soum Hussar Regiment 3 x Preobrazhenskoi Gd ADC: Lowenstern α  Isoum Hussar Regiment Elizabethgrad Hussar 3 x Semenovski Guard ADC: Trubetskoi α  Olivopol Hussar Regiment Lithuanian Uhlan Regiment 3 x Velikaluka Mter Horse Battery #3 Horse Battery #5 3 x Pernau Musketeer

Left Wing of the Army 3 x Ismailov Guard Bagration CP  3 x Guard Grenadier Dragoon Division Dragoon Division (Muller-Zakomelski)  (Dolgorouky)  ADC: Shakhovski γ  3 x Kexholm Musketeer Pskov Dragoon Regiment Kazan Dragoon Regiment Guard Position Battery #1 Moscow Dragoon Regiment Riga Dragoon Regiment Advanced Guard Guard Position Battery #2 Military Order Cuirassier Rgt Courland Dragoon Regiment (Baggavouth)  Polish Uhlan Regiment Horse Battery #6 rd 2 x 3 Jaeger Guard Cavalry Horse Battery #4 th (Kollogirvov)  2 x 4 Jaeger 2 x 7th Jaeger Garde a Cheval Cuirassier Cossaque Gordeiev #2 Don Cossaque 2 x 24th Jaeger Chevalier Guard Cuirassier Right Wing of the Army Grekov # 8 Don Cossaque 1 x St Petersburg Gd Emperor Cuirassier Regiment  Gortchakov I CP Popov #9 Don Cossaque Pavlovgrad Hussar Rgt Guard Hussar Regiment ADC: Yusupov γ 

Advanced Guard Guard Uhlan Regiment Cossaque (Raevsky)  Guard Cossaque Regiment Sixth Division Guard Horse Battery #1 (Platov)  2 x 5th Jaeger Regiment (Lovov)  Guard Horse Battery #2 Ataman Cossaque 2 x 20th Jaeger 3 x Belosersk Mter Illowaiski #2 Cossaque 2 x 23rd Jaeger 3 x Nisov Musketeer Illowaiski #4 Cossaque 2 x 25th Jaeger Third Division 3 x Revel Musketeer Illowaiski #5 Cossaque 2 x 26th Jaeger (Titov II)  3 x Bialostock Mter Illowaiski #8 Cossaque 2 x Guard Jaeger 3 x Tauride Grenadier 3 x Vilna Musketeer Illowaiski #9 Cossaque Grodno Hussar Regiment 3 x Lithuanian Mter Position Battery #1 Sissoiev Don Cossaque Horse Battery 1 3 x Kaporsk Musketeer Position Battery #2 Malachov Don Cossaque 3 x Mourmansk Mter Light Battery #1 Support Division Andronov Don Cossaque 3 x Tchernigov Mter Light Battery #2 (Markov I)  Don Cossaque Horse Bty #1 3 x Pskov Musketeer 3 x Dnieper Musketeer Light Battery #3 3 x Tenguinsk Mter Position Battery #11 3 x Kostroma Mter Position Battery #12 Fourteenth Division Light Battery #9 3 x Staroskolsk Mter (Somorov)  Light Battery #10 3 x Moskva Grenadier 3 x Riazan Musketeer Light Battery #11 3 x Ouglich Musketeer

Second Division 3 x Sophia Musketeer (Ostermann)  Third Division 3 x Tula Musketeer 3 x Pavlov Grenadier (Essen III)  3 x Wilna Musketeer 3 x Rostov Musketeer 3 x Ekaterinoslav Gren Position Battery #13 3 x Petersburg Gren 3 x Moskva Musketeer Light Battery #12 3 x Jelets Musketeer 3 x Vladimir Musketeer Light Battery #13 Position Battery #3 3 x Voronej Musketeer Position Battery # 4 Position Battery #5 Light Battery #4 Position Battery #6 Light Battery #5 Light Battery #6 Light Battery #7 Light Battery #8 Left Cavalry (Kogine)  Kiev Dragoon Regiment Eighth Division Tartar Uhlan Regiment (Engelhard)  Ekaterinoslav Cuirassier 3 x Schusselburg Mter Little Russia Cuirassier 3 x OI Musketeer Horse Battery #2 3 x Polodsk Musketeer Position Battery #7 Position Battery #8 Cossaque Position Battery #9 Sissoiev #2 Don Cossaque Position Battery #10 Grekov # 4 Don Cossaque Popov #7 Don Cossaque

CP = Generates a Command Point α = Army Asset γ = Corps Asset  = Leader not Replaceable