r0rAr70 * BtGr.{lttlTAMIYI\ : -. ;" 1 1 2 B=iÄtt [l'rEinr :ltlii't':J*1, : ;'" sca1r \o.I l^|)1 -;;- ;;;

l,,l2d rT70NTKII{41S. t0tAITllMH|[

.h,nsed Iron an oDenrop ro ti. closed'lop rype wiih hallcircle rdol in conplianc. with FIA Daytona 24 r On Feb.uary 2nd 1969 !t 3pm $€ r€sulaliois. l,las solid iwinaube mnocdqüe lour race,ih. 6rs1 oI tüe 1969 Manulnqture.'3 lDbc oI a box' vin cüassis *as used. A light metrl ChamDionsh,o rrcee, c,be to ai end. Th. sitü a built in fuel iänk {as TT0I|klllB, like cross seclion ner v;s rh€ Dfllat.ly enered ljla fixed on both sides ol .ockpit. Tle 1*inruhe Öücl( Parsons. ariven by Märk Donohu. iDd irself *as conneded to and fasren€d by lour *as .ompl€tely unpredicted,parli.' fiis r$ult bulkheadg situared respecrirely at tlF lront Po.sche h'd entered Dlarly as the {or[s r.im suspeis'on,the Dashboard,tie r€!r of rle.oclpit less tkn liv€ 9039. Two Ford CT 40s *ere tu 6nd ai rh€ euspens'or secnone li,l3oüäd aleo these seven .rrs *ere cle.. r.rr ertered rnd round mdep€nd.nr strspeis'on. fie hotri sts pl,.esi the all favourit.s lor rt lerst the 6rsi sii Densio! lae r dotrbl. rishhone € uenr a .oil. Fords mre so, in view oI th.ir i.vinc b.en y.!r ;Dflns r h ! builrii damper with a rdrsiofrbrr iüe top .a. the belore. süspeneon ,rs a so.rlled As ihe w!5 questionäble wh.tüe. ir si,b'ir*. Rd. for bla,it loimula iype which supporred tüe üprisit with finisü,l.tabn€ win, The hla Mklll, *ould even both uppe! I.irhs and lower räverse A arss fasr, hrd sho although erbemely From ther€, two npper and lower trailins r.ms po*.r in rud.3,particularly oe.r lons dist!n.es. Eic! aro.dby rerc extended lorwlrd and Iixcd ar their .e- süo.t rrces, however, n had mhieved ran, tswer 6 iorque ri.dush irs large capacity. In spective ends to tie chßsis in orde. ro hold intoductioi in 1967. btr h wls siturred betv.en rhe rear dle and ile doM l.rslh*isc th. noverurr dl lle $heels, gen€r5lly speaking was a di.rpoinlrenl- The .ockpü The cüassis consisted of t{in tubes it Cirlins ventilared dislbrakes were ftied ro M k lllB. developed lron theMarlm,hd iis wnh a b.x liL€ Üoss section. si tu !t ed at borh race Dayiona and naturäUy astounded sjdss connecied hy f.ont d re bulk. fi.sr .r "lilst Disc hrak$ lre .ommonpllce eqdpment in Pre everybody by ns ei.tory. l€'ds Ii shor! n $as a hvin tübe oI seni s€nr d6y rrc'ns{rrs b* !r Lhe I'me rhese our of 62 monocoqu. consl.üdion, the fir* oI ils tyoe The race *as a reallv toupi ba[le hrares $ere a re6l iinovation Tie disc brrke sta.iers, onlr 23 linished. Tne favou.jres, the produced in the *orld rnd d.'el"ped by E.ic Broadley hinsell was oriparlt deleloped for use on reroplan€s 53 conprren Eirh rhe sensalim wh€n nrde li radlai€5 lirrh hdr fie Ldli GT {as . it .urretrrlv that rioe a.bur ri tüe bnd"' Räcins Car Sho* in arün nD. brtke us.d its loses etrrc,rmv as it rudßres nore düe to its advanced cüassis desiF. Tra hiier r9ß nairly high arti.Iide feäture sas rh. Fo.d Moior C.hpanv who ana nole hear Tlüs,1le t{owever. it sbons poid BRM {ere we.e by this nacüire. ar llai oI the dis.brake i3 its mo* att.icied nse disc.br.lcs in 1951 in tleir tine Ford, who had a leen eye on the the li.st to -oi.. F1 1952.1he Jasar-Crype cärs lollo*.d sm.!s ,ield.ürd been Fying hard to buy fer.ari .ar.ln Forde and the Po.schss aud.opped out fte to suit. Since then dislbrakes rlpidly 3pread inro hreskdoms. Ev.n the winnins o;e of !h. nosr hmous firns i this lield in rccidenis and n,ll'oi orh€r rlcins .ars Ho$€v.r, demrtrd for nee Lola had 31 Dn dops atrd a lot oI libe lr:ly. R€porredly, Fords frd ,üd 2 less radßiion 'rs pur.hase,buL thls can. and hetrer brälcs $ilh f3r ieat $ßkd otr ru;ins r€p,irs Ho$ever this !'n dollarE ro spend on tie aid whirh .ould st.nd nu.I Larde. üs€ {ere Lo nothinp vhen Enrsuo E.rrari, pr€sid.trr of ras hiphly s'nili.r rfier rhe Lolr's previous a5 rle sp€ed ol r!.itrs.ars be cdmpany, stubüornly retused rheir soon reqrr?d the h.lian ed d'sc.br,[es rhai ofsr. Ford,tierelore,ofter.d ro buy the devel' ranr h

Broldley- 11 is locat.d in Slolsh. sdne lortv l' 196a, B.drdhy,tie. hatk itr Enshnd, i..edr kilon€tsrs west of London *here othe. p.oni areb sLa ed con*ructidn ol . n€" mod€l rd nent conranies in car mcing rre to be found. .".;r"i"d thu Lol, T?0. tie .ar nade t5 de. These indude the Johr Wire Aüomorive Engi b in 1965 rt ü. tirdon Rr.iig Car Show ne.ring Co,, {ho hrve conbibuled to rhe suc. Tüe ne$ macüine Fas basicallv ar inproved .ess€s ol Ford, Pors.h. and T..n in vcrshn .l rhe LoI: GT bur difier.d lrom the both Fornul! I and Csn An .aciü, AlBo Honda laxer in rhat ft üad an opeitop body had thei. heaaqua.ters tüere wüilsr pa.ticips! Itschlssis {äs a rwin inbe ins ü Fl .rcing in Europe. tiotr rhih ile engine *as either the Ford VB Ensland is tüe hüb oI the doto. ncinc Norld d3 Lnre or the larger Chev.oler V3 6 Lirre and rh.re one linds some of lhe nost tanous .iPr. The fio inbedi'telY pr trD*ed m consbuctors. Th. nrin all orer EnRl,trd Po!ered bv drive.s atrd ra.ing car ^;,"'" "äres reasons are rhe great posuhrity of car räcing ihe larse 6 Libe encine ii wß hishly suc.ess amonsst the public änd rhe very lrrse lhdunl Iul in vies of jls extrenely üish speed aßd the oI anateur r&ins.viich is also easerly followed, excellenl drivins oI 1966 was These amareür meetings are very lreqDent and ale : good y.ar lor bla. Tley wotr ihe U.S They lnd,aDrDol,. 500 m rr.e r Loli 90 rsitrB i {ell supporred all aroüd tie coüniry. k 'n have in the past provided lhe tale't Iör pro' Ford 13 4 Z L re enRine * h Graian Hill d Iessional racins,md hdve helped rh. d.velopnent rh€ *hecl.1966 also saw the tegiinins ol Canam ol haDy small crr con.bu.tors From rhese rßina. a great lestivrl of nonster hachines, D 7 crrs. hlld at varrcus cir(uils locded beginnings Lrh emergsd. 'r q Eric Broadtey buili üis first crr in 1956 Lr i. *" u.s -a C*'a' Lola ent€red tiF T?0 ll70.c formula rucing. Läter in 1953 he built MkIlB,an inDroeed ve.sion oI lle T70 and won a neN car aid Dsed the C4vent.y Clind SOHC five out ol six räces in rhis ereni Vi.rorv at 1.1 Litre ersire. Tl1js car {r5 yer} successful assu.es the naker oI r sut and cav. hin coNiderable püblicity. As a resdi d; ül i.-** in Blles of their cars Thus, ie siärt€d to p.odü.e crrs which he sold to nore tüan hrll rhe !,rlicipating cars the anaieur racing enliusii s tnder tüe name o{ lollo*ing year'e crian Series' races turncd't

Bur *anted a stillmre powerlüI, lr .lüuarv. 1967. Lila rrrodu.ed r orotoiJpe hul.heaDe. enpine.rnd Ie foünd this in Anedcr, rrourtn,* rh. Lrdon n'ciis i lew V3. So in 1963 iüe lamous Lola CT ap c"."oor"."i,+" S[os Ldh plann.d io *h the MrtruGc D. €d @uered by iie Ford Fairl,n€ v3 47 rur€rt clanpionslip wid rhis nes ma.hine. i'he enen€. !hi.h ,lthousi not quire !p io rhe Needless 1o say,rhe nachine {ds an inproved perlornance ol Eu.dpeai ensines, nd€ up i! "...ü. "l rhe Loh T7oMkliB. The bodv wls , TAMTYA coudBy by: Niceßha(c, G€phio), Pubrshtr

consis.ed ol t'o thin disc-holrde wilh bliy cone into stn place,dd in tle 6ml Ausr.ali4 d.cutruhting th€ lLhest nunne. of points ov.r smll pi.c.s iis..tdd in h.tw..n in d revolving GP .v.nt it cme in s.ddod, lts ole.rll Doints direciidi jus. like r ure. mill. As tle disc rdded up r. 20, givins ii llird pläce ro Porsch. A h.iel 3nmrry of th. rpDendir J FowiDc is r.volrcs, rir is drasn itrlo !üe säp bet{een 11. rd Ford in rü. Maiüncrürersi clubpionship. r*o hor.ds lo cool the whole bFldis Dechmkn, nris result .!s nost iDprcssirc, considerins B.a[. cooling is an .ver p..s€nt probl€n lo. tl.r rriv.te t.an5 .lone, rorking .t g.err di.- tle car dssigner, In rhe ljh a unique wrJ to rdverrge agrinsr rh. pow€rftl *orks 1€r4, had solv. t[e prohl€m was rdopted: Tle dis. a3 a.hiev€d tbis tiird position ,nd particrllrly [.pl .t j$t enouen dbt.nc. Iron tIe wh.el to lorciis F.rrlri inlo lourth pllce. hsve a coDstDt .ir.llo* in b.rv.en. To inp.ov. Durina th€ 1970 s€ison howev.r, tlF l,la Mä.lr tle cdoliig efiect still tu.rhe., e airdDcl 10 nB h.s Dot rpp.!r.d so oft€D. Fivc yea.s old blov rir ars added. Standard ensine wÄs the now,it hß been oüldatcd br m.e ädvdc.d de. 2 AiÄ Ch.*ol.t or Ford v& Thus itry tein elich sisnE .nd k no lon!.r .ealu corp.tittue. No* " a;n purchrsed 3 T?oMtm had rh. cioice of €nsine l,h lre corc.nr.rtins on dev€loping a !e* hest suited b ib ne.ds, vhich could be luned c€mb cr.. Bur it is to h. boped th.t lrla to indease De.Iomrnce caprbiliies as rcqnir€n. Nill rsain in the futrre coDpet. lor tn. MsDü- Al th€ s,m Ldiddn Racins'.,rshd* rs th.Do Mkll b.de its debtl,! \4 s Litre DOHC €nein. made by Asron Mlrtin, hnous fo. hish.chss 9----- sporrs.cs.si was also on disDlay. The eisiie, About the Manutactur€s' Chämpionship I 9 26 nsing tour donhle.cldle dom drrudt webbe. This chrnpionship *as *tlblished fo. rop l€vel carburetlo.s d.dit.d rith 420 hors.pofler. spo.ts car .lcing siDih. !o F-1 rrcing,wiich LL s Factory'G t.!m s[nned b nrv. this .nsire also hrs a points sysreü coveriia . lixed pro. mDnted in ns cr. Io. r[€ Mmufrctu.e.s Chm sFb of r.ceg. However thc Miufrcinr.ß' piorsnip. John Sütc€s wß to b. tle nrn[er cürnpioNiip is to. rhe nrnufacrü.$ *Ios. cr. on. driv.. Io. tlis .veni hh on this occasio4 perlorE b..1 ov.. t[€ ..isoi, *hile in F.1 therefore.wäs r r.ue B.irish tem: The Dr.liDe ilciü th. driver conperes lor tl. clhbpionsüi!, jts wa tüe 'G Britishrade, hdi. Dd. br This clänpionship wrs fiHt srr.ted in 1953 but British "Agtd Mftin" cohpany md lastlyi its hls süce nnde.goDe naDy ci&s€s. Ils fuI.s, driveaJohn Su.t€es wis llso British- Natu.ally, roq are ratter .onplicrled. TIE so.crlled British ncing hDs pinned their hopes on tlis "Mrnufdctur.ß ChüpioNhip" nc€s are held Lla bio lor the M,nufrdure.s' chrbpionship. ji .dnlo.niry to Appendix J oI rh. Inreridtionll Spo.r Gde, d.aM np by tle CsI df tlF FIA Clrs d.fined üder this dcnominölion are th€. 'swni.h have b..n "Drnufactu.ed in s@ll Th€ Lola T?0Mkfll on th€ R.ce Course (Fedefrtion of Internalionäl aurohobils) as the int.rnltidn constitrtion ol re3rlrrions nmhers to ncei tle cnsroDe.s d€dand lor l[e Tle h.st dc€ lor tlte T?oMkll *'s ll'e BelgirD sovern, coDlort regr.dless ot ing sporrs.ca. .aciig thmughoü! rhe vorld. hishest pe.Iornmc. lid Spa Grmd Prü rlce held oD Mlt I,1967. T[is econonic eyaluation", rcquir€d appendix J .overs enormom de- esr dnd It is *as also cllled tlF _Spr FrrDcorcblhps ,n nuober of €venl tliled .ules lor y.hicl€s pr.ticipating in rll thit il l.!st over 5m shonld he tHuhctued 1,000lr" .i.e. Tüe cüs rrce a.onnd r 11-09 12'nonrü p€riod (for G.oup linds oa motor.spo.ts .ac*, These nles *er. du.ins r cons.qulive lm ci.cuit ?1 tih.s to conpläie tle nce. Tüe 1,000 nrde to do a*ay *irh tüe härdi.,p sysreqrhn. 3, this nDbbe. wil be incr.Ged to over T?OMklll .quipp.d *i!h : Chevrol.t ensine $d esnrins salety rnd pracricrlity. A! of lron 1971) rnd eäcl' car msr hav. nor. lhan by tüe Privrr. r.m ol ?. Havkins sd lg?qtlo drivei .hanpjonshiF crist unde. lIe Msühcrurers two s.rrs. In this Group. !üe Fe.rari ,5 CTB J, EFtcin ndde rn auspicions s1a.t, by codirg tüe 7 litre Ch.v.olel Corvete, tle Honds 5300 {rh. D.spit. tlis sood hesimins, [owever, the ol Japan and the Flirlady Z üe tncluded. Ac. hh *as to hiv€ ns dificullies. The Works The lnternational Ch.rpionship tüally it .ppes.s rhat this .rce will h€ aor cfs t€!4th.n Dr.ticipar.d in the C.mrn "Nurburs. that ir. älsd nsed Io. p.iv*. mlorins on d.- ring" r,oookn n.e. TIe Asron Mrrtin engiD. s Tiis chanpionship is lor v.hicl.s wbi.h ..ne pe.ro.Drnc€ v.s im!.ov€n by rcplacing lhe under rhe IoIoNiDs denominations ß dctined in w.bber caüur.tto.s will a hcas lu.l inj..tion ADpendix J: Ttc Croup 6 Sports Prototype d.vice, Althousl düring pra.rice,rhe bl' te'ü Cars (SP)r tlF C.oup s SDo.ts G.s (S)tnd The parricipating n.c[ine "5!ould be hisn-p.* (CT). i .me secondi in ti. linrli rh. c. rbe c.oup 3/d Grand Tourins Ca.s [email protected] ca. 6tt.d wnh €quipne wnh rhich sion ü.ole doM,lorcing its retiremn! I The Gra.d Touring Cr. cup a clr ruiling oD a pnblic road is nsulUy €!uiD. ci.cuils. TLe Dnfo.lunäte Wo.l rean rl'.n'$er en. This .ha$ioiEhip k ro. Grand Tourirs (CT) r€d .nd reqüi.ed io do so hy law". T[€ e4ine ter€d rhe Frenci Le Müs 24hnr ed rh. crrs. AU r.ce5 ro be leld und.r th.s. two cap.city is .€quir.d ro be belo' 5,000cc- h is Brirish BOAC 500 nile rrce hnt fäiled in borh. chrmpionships ue arrhorized each yea. by tle also stipülated rhat oyer 25 shorld be p.odu.ed heins forced to .e1j.e .DIy in €rci event. Illat CSI rnd .eqüi.ed to h:ve eithe. r Diiinüm ürins ! cor3e.Drivel2.bonll pedode,4cü beiDg yerr Private ieam ilso slow€n poor .6ulrs. lmün course r minimn 6 coDs€cutiv. d. .quipped wirh two s.ils iininün. Ra.ing cüs one retirenent ,Ite. rnorh.r ol both Works md hous ol d.ivins. ao. 19?0, tle lollowing 1t sDch äs rhe Ford CT 4q th. Porsch. 91?, the Priv:te teins rt va.ions ra.es soon srve rhe races üäve be.n lpproved bt tne CSL Fef.ri 5l2S ard the Loh ?oMllllB are ii. Llas a poor .eqütition lor siayiig po'er. For the 1963 s.isd, tlte TToMklll.wis r.cl$s. 1.Jan.3l-Feh.r Tüe Dryidna 24lFu race ilied Io. Group d sports.car ra.ing instead oI (to be hctd in U.S.) tüe lorner G.oup 6 prototype 3po.ls-car class. 2.Mar.20-21 : The Seb.iDg 12.hou.'e r!c. Cr.s in this Grou! slould be thds€ 't.ial.Drnu. (in la.tüed rrcins<3rs vhictr been esp€cirlly Wit! re c lrs silicat ion, lo{e uer, tle Work3 rhe U-s-) hve i[i. protruced Lol! hld Io give uD th€ ide. ol p..ticipating in : Tne B0AC,1,000kn .ace ro. spe.d snd dürabiliry ra.es h.ld on Iarer racins ev€nrs. Accordins to C..w ,l nl€s, r ci.cDil". Ensiie .rpacity is lihit.d to 3,000 rn engiie cäFciry of over 5 l-ikes was not 4.4tD.25 : Ile Mon:r lljmkh r.ce .c. But io otler particrl.rr st.ing€nr .equire. allo*ed. I1e cdDlcity ol th. Wo*s L,la's (in rlaly) d€nts :.. sp..itied dcepr one involins rhe Asron Mr.tin euine {as slightly over 5 Lir.€s. s-May 3 : The Tllsa Flo.io race s .ty oI the plrricipatins car itsell Cars in All lrte. edtries ,er. tlerelore left ro Priväre (in sicilv,Itdv) this g.oüping include rhe Pors.h. 9$, tno Fer. teans- Resrhs düina thtu yef f,€rc wors. 6.May 17 , T[e Spr 1,m0lD.ic. .r.i 312P rd r!. Älfa Roneo T33. thrn in rl'e previoß year. Sohe P.ivlte t.rns (in BelgiuD) eniered tüe Mauhdrre.s ChrnpionshiD, pa.. ?.May 31 : fie Ntrhurg.ing 1,0mkn Main Specitications of the Lola T70Mkm nces, hut, in only one did tlle ra.e (in W.sr Gerbrny) Ove.all lensth: 1m0m l,la nanise 10 pii d pldce. Tlis Näs in lhe 3.Jun.13-1.1 : The Le Mas 21.hür rac€ o,erall widrh: 1300m British BOAC. 500.nile ra.e {I€re J. Boiiier (in Fmnce) . Overall h.ight, 1010m sd S.Axelson c.me in 61i. LJul.ll-12 : The Wat[ins Cl€n 6.hou. Whe€l.hsse: 2{10m Fo. tle 1969 s.$on, the T?0MkUI *a3 remd race (in th. U.s.) ell.d inlo the T?oMkmB This wrs a mcl im. l0.Aus.3-9 : The CASC 6.hour rdcc proved car,.v.n its ou!w5.d appe,.in.e beins (h cän.di) Chev.ol€i V3 OHV s{61 er bele. sryled. This n..TToMkI]Biclieved j1s : Th€ Aushiln l,molo rr.e C!rbu..tto.: Wehbe.do*n.d.rughr,ddnhlr fi.st reai succ.ss at its debur in rh. Dlttdn: choke h qnrdruple equiph.nt ,.hour r!ce. Ir won 6rh pla.e rt its ndr ap. The lirst six .ms i1 elcl of lhe ab.v€ .!c.s Mqiruh sower, 460 HP/6300 rDm, Dear.nce in tlte Sehrin* 12!ou" .6ce a'd id wtll be cedir.d wi$ poinl. .s iouo*s: Firsr M:xinun speed: 3lokn/[+a tle ltrlirn Monz4 1,000kn race, it care sth. pla.e,q second,6; rhird, 4i lourrh, 3; IiItü,2r Tnnsmission: Hewt'ndtspeed Lrrer iD lhe Belgiän Spa G.and Prix, it rgrin sixth,1. Tte ctaDDionship i3 *on by ihe car Brake: Giiinsrcntillteddisc.b.alc. A caunols aFead @r€ldtty ano rurty understand th6 rnstructions b€rorc and/or ceDed (not hctud6d in rit) Use präsrrc cemenl cammercdg asseroty. A supetuisho ädul pa'nt and onty. us€ thom spahgty and v€nti,at€ shourd atso'oad lh6 nstrL.tions .t a ch.td as6fi6,6sthe rooh aKe€poutot r€äch otssal chid,en. aWhM assodbting rhis kit, toos inctLd,nq inives chid.en musr nor arc oe änowed to suck any pal. or pu,, v,nv, used. ExtEcareshourd be rak6n io ärcid personatrniufi oao over lh. aHead änd folo* ^e rnsrrucfions suppled wih dinis aFemove ptating tom ar€äs to be c€msnrad (FEAO AEFORE ASSEMBLYtr *study th6 $doirahtv 'nsrudions ö.td6 *D6r€ipäiting and !.ds d6@t .ootie- r ur.,. 825 r'on €c elr€d d' dun@ @nstud,;; ,nd Q "on"n,",.. ""'.0", srrourd b€ done 6l that üm€ *Pod6ß pnd6d blu6 rsurbs emtrr u$ c€n€nr sp. nory änd eon ab rmn Ht3 *4, Th; hai( donor.s @roß b Ds äpprsd. Pa ntsman oEdswhit6 th6v,,. ,i[ 6n rhe aEd ür.




@ "o""n*,."r,"n.,,""r^

H27 or o,o @ "on"n,",'on "o,"'n. 829


cco.o,uoion or u'o*r @ "vrina",

MakE slE io Efiach 825 io H12 and H 13 p.ior ro €sobtmq lhm. Asbb F9.

<-"-*"" @ ",-"**oo Asmbio pans H2, H3, H25_ H26 .nd Hz/ q@tutty @isrine b tns iludraron.

tcon"nuo,- a'n r,o,,,ner @ " Fl6r äft.ch pars Hg, H23, o, ."r'" H24.nd H1e (con'kudon or rhe snene tront lo.y'indor bb.r. and thon tu.h rh.,! @ "."",,*,.. e!rt) smbl€d tanht$ton dd 829 t6lt.

G2 oc-"-.-"**., GI B?4 t E 8 H18 G5 G9 821

H|| H28 847 G8

H7 , TAMTYA @<'*,*""*-.r .ot, t Iou lSSnnrong @ "t, "*o Ht6 ihs cyrrnder brock * shoM ar@ Hl6 & HlT röok aike. .Maka sur. drh€n B7


H3 (condrucüon d Puc cord)


K12 D2 D4

o' Ro.ke' covers) @,"-.-"* B t8 &mant 832 & 833 b th. €ngi., Ärach 70nn rons medium vinyr plp€ L 846 and 832

Fixihg of Carburettors

(con5ku ion or ca,hüdkß)

@<.,,*""."*..-, ..8 52 Bt9 B Bt9 cut vlnyL PiP. io the antth .s sho$ B2I viyrPpe (nedium)70hm



G l9


G2l c l3

iIrl|lIlI rlIll flHIrllIlll lIr lI I rlrrll 6l r..-"",'-., \t r',t. t tto*" @ iham io cübfdb (hsy rs u5ed b

(cu$^g out c,rbre or covats)

c25 G24 G23 G22 F12 Ft3

cnnrrfl,crion öl Frönt BLlkhead t,- c14 Ml() (]cP

@,"*"-"*,*-, **-, K l0 c12 by cemenrina K13 & Klo roeelh€r. @r..*"*"' @ '-r, r *-u Flt Fl5 in Klg, and rt sreerhe Jonts F8

(constuct on or uprsht) Ml2 Hl4 @ <.,* , +,u"r (Hl5) H22 (H2r)

Fn c23 6 c2l and tx io c12(cl3). Not.

@"', cl0

i., , u

Hl4 c21 TAMfXA

,,tr t *n""0 @ ".

Kl6 Bl5

F27 I

@.'*""",*'' K t5 Pass BB ihiough K15 & Kl6 and cemeni 7 ceneni Bl5 to ol3, and oll & Dl3 ro c23 -B

@(.'"'"""''",,^'') Fn Kr4 ro rh. pns oi upper wshbone r',,". or .,"0u,... and cercnt K14 ro rh€ bddy. @ B t5 ."* .' @ ","',,"'' Dl3 fisü.s c€nenr 831 to Kll, and cenenr cenent F25 ro Radiaror F2t and .etu D12 823 aso cerenr Bl & 85rorhe round groove @.,..t.""0o,'

a 13

(constuciion o{ co.kpit Burkhaad)


E t9 E l8

F26 F25 (F:inz or chassis Frame) t,' t chassis Frame conent Kl3 to rhs body lirst, and then fll ".

(connedion öl Rack and Pion)

@ a"*"-,**,

(:r:;'i*'!-'rB"dvc"i" @ @ ri"i.e * r,a r,.t

Pass Sh it Rod El6


E2t i6@ö\ E21 / L

oi Body center Part '@b @ "-",^",t" I o,---., OO \ l.( )66 | ero ls-ooIl _ (Fxiiz oi Body Bukhaad Pads) El30


E t6

E El4 TAMIYA (""".,..",.".,'."..) @ t o.-. E6 Fnst assenbre ght @ "o'"ru",,o" E5( E4) B I BI Hnses Br0 & BS td

o*-r 91b

("".,,,".,"" .,,,,",") @ ", "",.

ceftnr b iha body! h K20 auach 'nd

n",+ 6D <.-*-.'- "

9lh oi Rear Burkhead ".."r,,",..


K20 (constucrion oI Roar Damoer) c15 d4lllll,.'"^f\lF lvt I F2C19 cot sprins (..ee)

(R.'r wheeD Make 2 3€rs. **'",@Ü

F3t F32 F28 clt (coistuarion oi Rear suspensio^) B2(Br) c20

Re,r whser aid rh. rcund hol€s ot F30 rogether. Make slra ol prevenrins ce tt H I Fsl F30 H5(H4)

c8 (c9) H6 lt üch' Grey d chrcme sir€r ,o Rea. suspension J5 J4 Qb "or

c2 c4 hson c!(cs) ro Bukhaad and lir rea. danp€,b c3{co. c€mft R6e okrank c3, c{. and c, togdher and lir b rha body by demenring rha Inis pin on c4, vnyrpF (ihick),l0mm Ne[ cehenr Jl & J5 to rhe chß]s a3 rsnpör'rily laten c7 rö up ehr 6lne €rre .. c8 c 6,.,* r .*- *.* *"o, Fn Lower R'diß Rod cl to cg & c0, or Lo*er Radus Rod and cehent All & Al2 lrdm lpside. 9t .,,., c

(consitucto. or D.üa sh,ft) qchrcoe .r L eh, Grcy siwr {sxcessive elastc) on n. c€hedi4 ara.


,h construction or onve shan const.ucton or r.,r P'ee (coNrudion or ral PPe) v ?Jf Fll

F23 c17 (G l5) F20


F24 Fl8 Ft9 TAMTYA ,-l:l (F', nc or o, codel) .'" o, coor", D8 D9 Dl0 fi "g o, J8 and .onsrucr oir-r.nk D3, D9, and Dto bserher and oenenr cap 815.

{cönstudtion orTraismssionol code, 836


) JI

9b .'.'n* o, ."" n"

6 ,.** *,,o,-,


Flxing ot Drive Shaft L{a) (F..e d D. * sMtut 826 rnse orive shalt 8nd r B2 & c20 in a 838

cem€nt a$ & 826 io or Tank 837 snd 837



B3 c20

vnlr Ppe (thnj30nn Dfl!€ shah

I irl Irll irl lIr IIIIlHHIuIrl tlll rrlllrlrll

11 @<"-"-"-'**r t ,-u Püi Kl ln Kg rr'i. Pß K4 throush K2 and hod Kg wiih @ "...,,*,.^ c€neni K3 & K5 tö Jack, and nr Kg

@<"*"-.*"*-'**' this ,ssenbly to Al0 Fx srul Lighr

K4 @rc-"-*-,*-,*,, Fk Mr8 b a5(ad bsroc €nsrhg rh€n ro Eo.! Body. Nsn cenefr Al0, s27,45, K2 6t) const,uct on oi Freadrichis fi1"."",-.,."'

Fl4 Ml8 B l7

B t7

t L4 6h r"-.-.u- .*'r " "*,

Jl3 & Jll should L4 AI{)

Construcrion of Fro.t coel iind lamE with c a.rOEnr.. al0

@ "*",-"t"" or Rear cowr q

J t4

M17 - - t"\, J t3

the ..rcir on Jr3 & Jr1 TAMTYA kl:l (Func or ra, P,DA5) . *,n. o, ruu coni€d c23 b Sbbilizer 43. c€nen1 fr "'0". rai Prpes ro Gr2(Gr3). aitar nsadine G6 & G7 ro Tar c23 B3 G7(c6)

.o., ,"*. (F,-B @ ", EU d rrs)

waher and ?r6nh sdrew cem€ spinner

l(l:! (cohDehon or Löb r ToM II) R3arBodycanbemovabreoPnolcosed

or surkhdad a7.

(pbpar€d two, rishi and €ft). censrt BodyKnockPinB2T'butdonotcemeni 823 a5 ir lorNs to

(f!l ...0rr." or LoLa r-7oMk rrl

A t5

L3 L9 A16 Lg & 816 {. dso used

828 *Ptans for the machine entered in 1967 Nurburgring l,OOOkm race (illustr.ted oh the box top)

siänds ror the *ord PRororYPE: rhe

' ' ' ', ', '',X.3

. x-?6


do!. |sh bdü€ aPplyng d4: o Dadr P ts (o and @ shourd be tordad insida thd body when 4dyis ecrat

D"-k E -d E id*b s. -, *.. cd on d@55üe p or o

E4ga," G -@-, e-,

'lt/ü, rhree decäs shourd io be aded TAMTYA @ ro*r. @ ennrs ll :*"

G)'o*'"C\:i::, &:*.x"", @ Gg*:. *o:*'. (3 ernrs "o*." Fe nlEli-EtEl-- l ffiJilI Fic{dd@ slirT El@ffifl .t-dffiHl[-re B ennrs E-t Fnl -: f-u La ta l @lo,"PI@= I@i@l@l G "o*ts tffiwq @,o"," GEf:. ß;n. ($ "o*," C\ x:t;,". &:*-

@ ennrs O

'ffiffi= O eenrs o fTI PARTS t-' G I Doo; triü m..d, P4c (oi; i.o ) a () o P L*ü Fdü5 !h co!{ knr I O eanrs

O eenrs @ "o"t. @,o*'" G*::*'- l*,r";

I PAFITS ttt''

t) ernrs

(1"o"'. O "o*ts lf"o*'"Q*x:1.:, fg;r