Kai-Fu Lee | 272 pages | 25 Mar 2019 | Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company | 9781328546395 | English | , United States AI Superpowers : China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order PDF Book

His Solution? From a marketing communications perspective, this is a fairly well-crafted sales document, one worthy of study. A chain of logic in this case, rather tenuous is used alongside the emotional button-pushing, driving the sale. Forgot password. The benefit of AI for China may not be as great as Lee envisions. AlphaGo did just that, but it took no pleasure in its success, felt no happiness from winning, and had no desire to hug a loved one after its victory. While this will create an exponential increase in productivity across nearly every industry, it will also extend unemployment lines, concentrate wealth in the hands of a few, and create a genuine threat of social and political unrest, even collapse. AI will create a world of plenty, and human beings will, for the first time in history, be freed from the toil of Adam, and be able to live more fully by devoting more love to those around us. Will it automate away your job? Alongside the narrative and the data, these really hammer home this disparity between AI professionals in. Armed with two knives, the cousins robbed three consecutive convenience stores only to find that the owners had almost no cash to hand over—virtually all their customers were now paying directly with their phones. Also, note that I barely scratched the surface of the book. We learn how Chinese startups embraced a copycat mentality, took inspiration from American business models, and then fiercely competed against each other to adapt and optimize for Chinese users. He notes that our AI future will be created by us and reflect the choices we make and actions we take together. Sign in with Facebook Sign in options. Kai-Fu proposes another solution that would support a positive future with AI — one that reinforces the message: "It took efforts from people all across society to help us reach this point of abundance. Compelling content on AI makes this a must read. By using cutting-edge AI tech — what Lee calls grid-based AI — even low level developers can produce innovative products. Internet AI is already a big part of our lives today — rooted in the recommendation algorithms that learn our preferences and idiosyncrasies to serve hand-picked content that keeps us online and consuming a wide range of products and services. This, in turn, will increase demand for jobs, shrink supply, and depress wages even further. It suffocates the one thing that gives us true life: love. AI Superpowers paints a potentially bleak picture of the upcoming AI revolution. I just finished a fantastic book on artificial intelligence and the evolutionary path of China and the U. Welcome back. Partway through our meal, he turned to me with a blunt question. Existing occupations are likely redefined and entirely new professions created. He describes how economic incentives, public policies, and cultural dispositions have disadvantaged compassion-filled professions. In Dr. Others believe that reducing work hours is the answer, spreading the jobs that do remain over more workers. For instance, the images of: Dorms that cut off their electricity at hours — and students who venture outside en masse to study under street lights Chinese entrepreneurs engaging in bloodthirsty, all-out warfare to win Government-funded smart cities built from scratch, in a matter of years Future roads flooded with self-driving cars and skies swarming with AI-powered drones Put all this together, and it seems the US is facing a juggernaut bent on AI dominance. Most experts already acknowledge that AI will have a devastating impact on blue- collar jobs. Care work could include parenting of young children, attending to an aging parent, assisting a friend or family member dealing with illness, or helping someone with mental or physical disabilities live life to the fullest. Submit Search. Firms that seek to operate in both countries will have major headaches trying to cope and reconciling the two approaches. At the end of the day, Lee's book is a call for compassion to see AI as a tool that benefits humanity as a whole rather than as the agent of a dystopian future rife with economic inequality and global unrest. Join Goodreads. All that matters is whether you can execute it to make a financial profit. AI Superpowers : China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order Writer

Humans and machines can indeed create a world of great human flourishing. Meine Mediathek Hilfe Erweiterte Buchsuche. Sign in with Facebook Sign in options. Op voorraad. Real-world applications of AI will translate into productivity gains on a scale not seen since the Industrial Revolution. When it comes to shaping the future of AI, we aren't passive spectators; we are the authors. Press Releases. Geschreven bij AI Superpowers Geweldig boek. Business AI is also fast becoming a part of daily transactions. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. In this environment, the country that adopts AI with the greatest effectiveness will harvest the most value. For example, in Political Order and Political Decay , political scientist and historian Francis Fukuyama states that one of the factors that could impede the development of China in the age of InfoTech is its lack of freedom and corresponding inability to nurture true innovation. Taal: Engels. He argues that AI will likely replace white-collar jobs but poses less of a threat to blue-collar jobs. However, today, many of these companies including ofo have since ceased services around the world, leaving a massive number of unclaimed bikes littered all over the cities in which the formerly operated. Despite his optimistic overall appraisal of the power of AI to transform our lives for the better, Lee also earnestly alerts readers of the looming threat of AI replacing human labour and disrupting current socio-economic and political structures. If we start from there, the rest will begin to fall into place. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Every divergence between Chinese preferences and a standard global product has and will become an opening that local competitors attack. The stipend would be a government salary given to those involved in activities that promote a kind, compassionate, and creative society, including: care work, community service, and education. The author effectively presents all the common arguments on both sides of this polarized discussion. Talent Transformation Day. The Black Swan 12, Will our need for power be conquered by our capability to love in the age of AI? Copying ideas or product features is frowned upon as a betrayal of the zeitgeist and an act that is beneath the moral code of a true entrepreneur. You are commenting using your Twitter account. Battle tested entrepreneurs, incomparable amounts of data, and a supportive policy environment are the reasons AI leadership now favors China. Despite his optimistic overall appraisal of the power of AI to transform our lives for the better, Lee also earnestly alerts readers of the looming threat of AI replacing human labour and disrupting current socio-economic and political structures. AI Superpowers : China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order Reviews

It shows its growth and the potential disruption that may occur in the future. About the Author Dr. In a short amount of time, I put these two together to create an app that: Recognizes Japanese text from an image from Vision API Parses it Retrieves individual word translations from Google Translate API Stores and displays all of this information on a single page The result: you have immediate access to the phonetics and English meanings of a Japanese text. While a path to socially productive activities is desired, emerging platforms leveraging an AI foundation have a natural affinity for winner-take-all economics, eroding the competitive mechanisms of markets in the process. You are commenting using your WordPress. As robot-operated factories relocate closer to customers in large markets, the ladder that developing countries climbed up on their way to prosperity disappears. China's greatest natural resource may be its data. Indeed, as the US-Sino AI competition begins to heat up, Lee urges the US and China to both accept and to embrace the great responsibilities that come with significant technological power. The journey from here to this possible future is complex. Read The Book. Kai-Fu Lee. For example, when illustrating the possible deployment of facial recognition perception AI , Lee describes a pleasant shopping experience set in a future shopping mall where AI-powered shopping carts greet customers by name and sort out their shopping list based on their individual consumer habits. His book leads with it and is centered around the bleak potential future that it could lead to. Enabled by large amounts of data, increases in computing power, and the invention of deep learning, the author sees AI evolving in four waves:. In AI Superpowers , he outlines how millions of suddenly displaced workers must find new ways to make their lives meaningful, and how government policies will have to deal with the unprecedented inequality between the "haves" and the "have-nots. The Chinese government will see these difficult concerns as important topics to explore but not as a reason to delay the implementation of technology that will save tens if not hundreds of thousands of lives. This latter impact to jobs is not accounted for in the various projections. It raises important concerns about the cataclysmic disruptions AI might cause, and avoids the naive techno-utopianism that reigns on both sides of the Pacific. Every divergence between Chinese preferences and a standard global product has and will become an opening that local competitors attack. Nathan T Warne is a copywriter and marketing creative. Kai-Fu Lee. Kevin Phillips on Building Them Up. Game changing innovations come rarely, once every few decades at best. Throughout the book, we learn about China. Leslie August on Workplace Toxicity. In addition, U. We could build an amalgamation from AI's ability to think and our innate ability to give care, love, and compassion. The author effectively presents all the common arguments on both sides of this polarized discussion. In Dr. A great read for anyone interested in AI or international business — or both. During my years as Chief Security Officer at Dell, Michael Dell was always good about sharing with us whatever he discovered in the way of a good read. He authored 10 U. Intelligent automation of the twenty-first century operates differently than the physical automation of the twentieth century. Lee has been in artificial intelligence research, development, and investment for more than 30 years. Internet AI is already a big part of our lives today — rooted in the recommendation algorithms that learn our preferences and idiosyncrasies to serve hand-picked content that keeps us online and consuming a wide range of products and services. In AI Superpowers, Kai-fu Lee argues powerfully that because of these unprecedented developments in AI, dramatic changes will be happening much sooner than many of us expected. Kai-Fu Lee has been at the epicenter of the AI revolution for 30 years and has now written the definitive guide. Forgot password. December 13, CNBC. This is likely to play out across many industries with a skill bias that divides the job market and squeezes out the middle class. Reinventing Organizations by Frederic Laloux. As Lee says, it will apply a great deal of pressure across a spread of industries. There is no contemplation about how such a technology could also empower a super surveillance state, and no discussion on what might happen when such technology is deployed by an authoritarian government like China with no checks or balances on its power. Eric recently stepped away from a CEO role where he worked to build a SaaS company into a multi-million-dollar international assessment software business.

AI Superpowers : China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order Read Online

Job Displacement. One may thereby feed a lot of examples of a given phenomenon - pictures, sounds - and let the networks themselves identify patterns within the data, the less interference the better. I recommend reading this book from cover to cover. Lastly, the redistribution camp believes in more radical redistribution schemes like UBI to support unemployed workers and spread the wealth created by AI. Contact Us. If Lee is correct in his judgements, then this book not only makes a case for AI-friendly policies but also perhaps unwittingly? Enabled by large amounts of data, increases in computing power, and the invention of deep learning, the author sees AI evolving in four waves:. Notify me of new posts via email. Silicon Valley vs. For example, self-driving cars in India need to learn the way pedestrians navigate the streets of Bangalore, and micro- lending apps in Brazil need to absorb the spending habits of millennials in Rio de Janeiro. If we believe that life has meaning beyond this material rat race, then AI just might be the tool that can help us uncover that deeper meaning. AI algorithms will impact jobs before intelligent robots do, therefore knowledge work in the west is likely impacted before blue collar work in China. A letter said it all. The gap between the global haves and have-nots will widen, with no known path toward closing it. Add your thoughts here He views them largely as technical fixes or tweaks to policy and business models that seek to smooth the transition but do not actually shift the culture. We learn how Chinese startups embraced a copycat mentality, took inspiration from American business models, and then fiercely competed against each other to adapt and optimize for Chinese users. A peek into the history and culture of China helps us to understand their journey, mindset, and aspirations. He recounts his brush with cancer, how it affected his worldview, and then offers his solution to the upcoming AI conundrum. As the author describes, AI has a much higher localization quotient than earlier internet services. Meine Mediathek Hilfe Erweiterte Buchsuche. Notify me of new posts via email. To get a sense for the policy differences, here is an example articulated by our author: American politicians, weary of the societal implications of autonomous vehicles may pump the brakes on deployment. He reports on the various estimations made by other experts, evaluates their relative credibility and provides convincing analysis of his own. As opposed to terminator-based apocalyptic scenarios, the author focuses on the real underlying threat posed by artificial intelligence: large-scale social disorder and political collapse stemming from widespread unemployment and gaping inequality. In the meantime, here is a summary organized by several key themes. Enabled by large amounts of data, increases in computing power, and the invention of deep learning, the author sees AI evolving in four waves:. Subject alert. Article Navigation. He argues that AI will likely replace white-collar jobs but poses less of a threat to blue-collar jobs. There are so many great books on artificial intelligence out there, but this one in particular was of great interest as it looks at AI from a Chinese, not US, perspective. These trends should logically force us to rethink wealth distribution via a revamped taxation system involving taxes on AI while enabling humans to continue creating value for society. This reflects a natural symbiosis between humans and machines: AI handles optimization, humans bring empathy, creativity, and a compassionate touch. Their technology ecosystem in the physical world gives algorithms eyes into the content of daily lives, while mobile payments generate the richest maps of consumer activity the world has ever known. Jan 22 Existing high paying professions take a different path towards the same end. Kai-Fu Lee covers each of these aspects in depth in order to support his narrative that competition over AI is at the heart of wider US-China competition and that the skillful application of AI will be China's chance to surpass the US. In addition, U. Finally, the book really fails to acknowledge and provide solutions to AI-related issues of privacy and ethics. Recent Posts See All. From a data standpoint, the immersion in the details of the offline world enabled Chinese companies to create the Saudi Arabia of data: the fossil fuel that powers this emerging era. As the author describes, AI has a much higher localization quotient than earlier internet services. The technology of this era — and the innovation of the emerging era — has a skill bias in favor of high-skilled workers. Throughout the book, we learn about China. 960.pdf