The Most Holy Name of Proper Prayers of the Mass in the Extraordinary Form Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus HE SECOND SUNDAY after the heaven! No name is so amiable, none T Epiphany, which recalls the is so powerful. Every knee in Marriage feast of Cana, was at first heaven, on earth, and in hell, bows in chosen as the day on which to honor adoration at hearing this Name! And the most holy Name of Jesus. It is on yet, who can pronounce it, and not the Wedding Day that the Bride- feel love spring up within his heart? groom gives his Name to the Bride, The feast of the Holy Name is of and it is the sign that, from that day comparatively recent origin. Its first forward, she belongs to him alone. promoter was St. Bernardine of The Church, therefore, wishing to Siena, who lived in the fifteenth honor a name so precious to her with century. This holy man established a special feast, could find no day the practice of representing the Holy more appropriate for it than that of Name of Jesus surrounded with rays, the Marriage at Cana. But now she and formed into a monogram of its has chosen for the celebration of this three first letters, IHS. The custom august Name, a day closer to the spread rapidly through Italy, and was Anniversary on which it was given, zealously propagated by the great St. “after eight days were accomplished, John of Capistrano, who, like St. his name was called Bernardine of Siena, was Jesus”; she leaves, how- of the Order of Friars ever, the commemoration Minor. The Holy See gave In the Name of Jesus let every knee bow, of those of the Sacred Nuptials to its formal approbation to that are in Heaven, on Earth, and under the Earth.

Originally prepared for the faithful of St. Stephen Church, 1930 West 54th Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44102 USA ( with gratitude to Fr. S. Michael Franz and Fr. John Wessel of the Diocese of Cleveland in Ohio, Fr. Bede Kotlinski, OSB of St. Andrew Svorad Abbey in Cleveland, and Fr. Frank G. Godic, Pastor of Immaculate Conception Church in Cleveland. Edited by Gerald A. Monroe Jerry Monroe. Usus Antiquior Catholic Traditional Latin Mass Propers Proper Prayers of the Mass in the Extraordinary Form Holy Sacrifice of the Mass vetus ordo novus ordo the Sunday of which it this manner of honoring [email protected] Padre Pio Academy Lakewood Ohio Lyceum School South Euclid Cleveland Ohio Ecclesia Dei Pope Benedict XVI Summorum Pontificum Missale Romanum 1962 Pope St. John XXIII Roman Missal AMDG Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam Priest proper prayers of the mass in the extraordinary form feast of theOriginally most holy prepared name of for jesus the infaithful the name of St. of Stephen jesus let Church, every knee 1930 bow West of 54ththose Street, that are Cleveland, in heaven Ohio on earth 44102 and USA under ( the earth. Introit (philip. 2. 10 with 11) gratitude in nomine to jesuFr. S. omne Michael genuflectatur Franz and caelestium Fr. John Wessel terrestrium of the et Diocese of Cleveland in Ohio, Fr. Bede infernorum et omnis lingua confiteatur quia dominus jesus christus in gloria estKotlinski, dei patris. OSB Psalm. of St. Domine Andrew dominus Svorad noster Abbey quam in Cleveland, admirabile and est Fr. nomen Frank tuumG. Godic, in universa Pastor terra!of Immaculate Gloria patri Conception et filio et spirituiChurch sancto. in Cleveland. Sicut erat Edited in principio by Gerald et nuncA. Monroe et semper Jerry et Monroe. in saecula Usus saeculorum. Antiquior Catholic Amen. InTraditional nomine. InLatin Mass Propers Proper Prayers the name of jesus let every knee bow of those that are in heaven on earth and ofunder the Massthe earth in the and Extraordinary let every tongue Form confess Holy Sacrifice that the of lord the jesus Mass vetus is ordo in the novus glory ordo of god the father. Ps. 8. 2. O lord our lord [email protected] how admirable is thy name in the Padre whole Pio earth! Academy Glory beLakewood to the father Ohio and Lyceum to the School son and South to Euclid Cleveland Ohio Ecclesia Dei the holy ghost. As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world withoutPope end. Benedict Amen. In XVI the Summorum name. Collect Pontificum deus qui Missale unigenitum Romanum filium tuum 1962 constituisti Pope St. John humani XXIII generis Roman salvatorem Missal AMDG et jesum Ad Maiorem vocari jussisti Dei Gloriam concede Priest propitius; proper ut prayers cujus sanctum of the mass nomen in the veneramur extraordinary in terris form ejus feast quoque of the aspectu most holy name of jesus introit (philip. 2. 10, perfruamur in caelis. Per eundem dominum nostrum jesum christum filium tuum…o11) in god nomine who jesudidst omne constitute genuflectatur thine only-begotten caelestium sonterrestrium the savior et infernorumof mankind et and omnis didst lingua bid him confiteatur be called quia jesus dominus mercifully jesus grant christus that we in gloriawho venerate est dei patris. his holy psalm. name domine on earth dominus may fully noster enjoy quam also admirabilethe vision of est him nomen in tuum in universa terra! gloria patri et heaven. Through the same our lord jesus christ thy son. Lesson from the acts offilio the et apostlesspiritui sancto. 4. 812. sicut In those erat daysin principio peter filledet nunc with et the semper holy ghostet in saecula said to themsaeculorum. ye princes amen. of the in nomine.people and collect ancients deus hearqui unigenitum if we this day filium are tuum examined constituisti concerning humani the generis good deedsalvatorem done toet thejesum infirm vocari man jussisti by what concede means propitius; ut cujus sanctum nomen he hath been made whole be it known to you all and to all the people of israel thatveneramur by the namein terris of ejusour lord quoque jesus aspectu christ of perfruamur nazareth whom in caelis. you per crucified eundem whom dominum god hath nostrum raised jesum from thechristum dead evenfilium bytuum. him lessonthis man from standeth the acts here of the before apostles you whole. 4. 8-12. This in diebus is the stoneillis petrus which repletus was rejected spiritu by sancto you the dixit principes populi et seniores audite si builders which is become the head of the corner neither is there salvation in anynos other. hodie For dijudicamur there is no in other benefacto name hominisunder heaven infirmi givenin quo to iste men salvus whereby factus we est must notum be saved.insit omnibus diebus vobis illis et petrus omni plebirepletus israel spiritu quia sanctoin nomine dixit domini principes nostri populi jesu et christi seniores nazareni audite quem si nos vos hodie crucifixistis dijudicamur quem in deus benefacto suscitavit a mortuis in hoc iste adstat coram hominis infirmi in quo iste salvus factus est notum sit omnibus vobis et omni plebivobis israel sanus. quia hic in estnomine lapis domini qui reprobatus nostri jesu est christi a vobis nazareni aedificantibus quem vos qui crucifixistis factus est inquem caput deus anguli suscitavit et non aest mortuis in alio inaliquo hoc istesalus. adstat nec coramenim aliud vobis nomen sanus. est Hic sub est caelo lapis datumqui reprobatus hominibus est in a quo vobis oporteat aedificantibus nos salvos qui fieri.factus gradual est (ps. 105. 47) salvos fac nos in caput anguli et non est in alio aliquo salus. Nec enim aliud nomen est sub caelodomine datum deus hominibus noster et in congrega quo oporteat nos denos nationibus salvos fieri. ut confiteamurGradual (ps. nomini 105. 47) sancto save tuous oet lord gloriemur our god in andgloria gather tua. ( from 63. among16). tu dominethe nations pater that noster we may et redemptor give thanks noster to thy a saeculoholy name nomen and maytuum. glory alleluia in thy alleluia. praise. (ps. (isa. 144. 63. 21). laudem domini loquetur os 16). Thou o lord our father and our redeemer from everlasting is thy name. Alleluiameum alleluia. et benedicat (ps. 144. omnis 21). caroMy mouth nomen shall sanctum speak ejus. the praisealleluia. of continuationthe lord and oflet the all fleshholy gospelbless his according holy name. to st. Alleluia.salvos luke 2. 21. in facillo temporenos domine postquam deus noster consummati et congrega sunt diesnos deocto nationibus ut circumcideretur ut confiteamur puer vocatumnomini sancto est nomen tuo et ejus jesus quod vocatum est ab gloriemur in gloria tua. Tu domine pater noster et redemptor noster a saeculo nomenangelo tuum.priusquam Alleluia in uteroalleluia. conciperetur. Laudem domini offertory loquetur (ps. 85.os meum12, 5) confiteboret benedicat tibi omnis domine caro deus nomen meus sanctum in toto corde ejus. meoAlleluia. et glorificabo Gospel continuation nomen tuum of inthe aeternum holy gospel quoniam according tu domine to st. Lukesuavis 2. et21. mitis At that es et time multae after misericordiae eight days omnibus invocantibus te. alleluia. were accomplished that the child should be circumcised his name was called jesussecret which benedictio was called tua clementissime by the angel before deus qua he wasomnis conceived viget creatura in the sanctificetwomb. quaesumus illo tempore hoc sacrificium postquam nostrum consummati quod sunt ad gloriam dies octo nominis ut circumcideretur filii tui domini puer nostri vocatum jesu christi est nomenofferimus ejus tibi jesus ut majestati quod vocatum tuae placere est ab possit angelo ad laudem et nobis proficere ad priusquam in utero conciperetur. Credo. Offertory (ps. 85. 12 5) i will praise theesalutem. o lord myper god eundem with mydominum whole heartnostrum. and prefacei will glorify of the thy nativity name forvere ever dignum for thou et justum o lord artest sweetaequum and et mild salutare and plenteousnos tibi semper in mercy et ubique to all that gratias call uponagere thee domine alleluia.confitebor sancte pater omnipotens tibi domine aeternedeus meus deus in quiatoto percorde incarnati meo et verbi mysterium nova mentis nostrae glorificabo nomen tuum in aeternum quoniam tu domine suavis et mitis es et multaeoculis misericordiaelux tuae claritatis omnibus infulsit invocantibus ut dum visibiliter te. Alleluia. deum cognoscimusSecret benedictio per hunctua clementissime in invisibilium deusamorem qua rapiamur. omnis viget et ideocreatura cum sanctificet angelis et quaesumusarchangelis hoccum sacrificium thronis et dominationibusnostrum quod ad cumque gloriam omni nominis militia filii caelestis tui domini exercitus nostri hymnum gloriae tuae canimus sine jesu christi offerimus tibi ut majestati tuae placere possit ad laudem et nobis proficerefine dicentes. ad salutem. communion Per eundem (ps. 85. dominum 9, 10) omnes nostrum. gentes May quascumque thy blessing fecistio most venient merciful et godadorabunt by which coram every te creature domine etlives glorificabunt sanctify we nomen beseech tuum thee quoniam this our magnus sacrifice es which tu et facienswe offer mirabilia unto thee tu toes the deus glory solus. of the alleluia. name postcommunionof thy omnipotens aeterne has ever been the glory. son our lord jesus christ that it may be wellpleasing to thy majesty for thy praise and profit us unto salvation. Through the same our lord. Preface of the nativity vere dignum et justum est aequum et salutare nos tibi semper et ubique gratias agere domine sancte pater omnipotens aeterne deus quia the Name of our Savior, deus qui creasti et redemisti nos respice propitius vota nostra et sacrificium salutaris hostiae quod in honorem nominis filii tui domini nostri jesu christi majestati tuae obtulimus placido et benigno vultu suscipere digneris; ut gratia tua nobis infusa sub per incarnati verbi mysterium nova mentis nostrae oculis lux tuae claritatis infulsitglorioso ut dum nomine visibiliter jesu deum aeternae cognoscimus praedestinationis per hunc titulo in invisibilium gaudeamus amorem nomina rapiamur. nostra scripta Et ideo esse cum in angelis caelis. etper archangelis eundem dominum. cum thronis et dominationibus cumque omni militia caelestis exercitus hymnum gloriae tuae canimus sine fine dicentes is truly meet and just right and for our salvation that we should at all times and in all places give thanks to thee holy lord father almighty eternal god for through the mystery of the word made flesh new radiance from thy glory hath so shone on the eye of the that the recognition of our god made visible draweth us to love what is invisible. And therefore with angels and archangels with thrones and dominations and with all the host of the heavenly army we sing a hymn to thy glory evermore saying sanctus. Communion (ps. 85. 9 10) omnes gentes quascumque fecisti venient et adorabunt coram te domine et glorificabunt nomen tuum quoniam magnus es tu et faciens mirabilia tu es deus solus. Alleluia.all the nations thou hast made shall come and adore before thee o lord and they shall glorify thy name for thou art great and dost wonderful things thou art god alone. Alleluia. Postcommunion omnipotens aeterne deus qui creasti et redemisti nos respice propitius vota nostra et sacrificium salutaris hostiae quod in honorem nominis filii tui domini nostri jesu christi majestati tuae obtulimus placido et benigno vultu suscipere digneris; ut gratia tua nobis infusa sub glorioso nomine jesu aeternae praedestinationis titulo gaudeamus nomina nostra scripta esse in caelis. Per eundem dominum. O almighty and everlasting god who didst create and wonderfully redeem us look graciously upon our prayer and with a favorable and benign countenance deign to accept the sacrifice of the saving victim which we have offered to thy majesty in honor of the name of thy son our lord jesus christ that through the infusion of thy grace we may rejoice that our names are written in heaven under the glorious name of jesus the pledge of eternal In the Old Covenant, and, in the early part of INTROIT (Philip. 2. 10, 11) predestination. Through the same our lord. the Name of God inspired the sixteenth century, IN NÓMINE Jesu omne genu- IN THE NAME of Jesus let every knee bow, fear and awe: nor was the Pope Clement VI, after flectátur, cœléstium, terrestri- of those that are in Heaven, on Earth, and honor of pronouncing it long entreaties, granted to um, et infernórum: et omnis under the Earth: and let every tongue granted to all the children of Israel. the whole Franciscan Order the lingua confiteátur, quia Dómi- We can understand this. God had not privilege of keeping a special Feast nus Jesus Christus in glória est confess that the Lord Jesus Christ is in the yet come down from heaven to live in honor of the Most Holy Name of Dei Patris. Psalm. Dómine glory of God the Father. Ps. 8. 2. O Lord on earth, and converse with men; he Jesus. Dóminus noster: quam admir- our Lord: how admirable is Thy Name in had not yet taken upon himself our Rome extended the same favor to ábile est nomen tuum in the whole earth! ℣. Glory be to the Father, poor nature, and become Man like various Churches; and, at length, the univérsa terra! ℣. Glória Patri, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto. Sicut ourselves; the sweet Name expres- Feast was inserted in the universal it was in the beginning, is now, and ever sive of love and tenderness, could Calendar. It was in the year 1721, at erat in princípio, et nunc, et not be applied to him. the request of Charles VI, Emperor semper, et in sǽcula sæcu- shall be, world without end. Amen. — In But, when the fullness of time had of Germany, that Pope Innocent XII lórum. Amen. — In Nómine … the Name … come—when the mystery of love decreed that the Feast of the Most was about to be revealed—then did Holy Name of Jesus should be kept COLLECT heaven send down the Name of throughout the whole Church; he DEUS, qui unigénitum Fílium O GOD, who didst constitute Thine only- “Jesus” to our earth, as a pledge of also chose the Second Sunday after tuum constituísti humáni gene- begotten Son the Savior of mankind, and the speedy coming of him who was the Epiphany as the day, but as we ris Salvatórem, et Jesum vocári to bear it. The archangel said have already explained, the feast is jussísti: concéde propítius; ut, didst bid Him be called Jesus: mercifully to Mary: Thou shalt call his Name now fixed for the Sunday following cujus sanctum nomen vener- grant, that we who venerate His holy Name ámur in terris, ejus quoque JESUS. “Jesus” means Savior. How the Circumcision. on earth, may fully enjoy also the vision of sweet will this Name not be to poor aspéctu perfruámur in cœlis. Commentary from The Liturgical Year Per eúndem Dóminum nostrum Him in Heaven. Through the same, our lost man! It seems to link earth to by Dom Prosper Guéranger (1805-1875) Jesum Christum Fílium tuum… Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son …

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LESSON SECRET From the Acts of the Apostles, 4. 8-12. BENEDÍCTIO tua, clementíssime MAY Thy blessing, O most merciful God, IN THOSE DAYS, Peter, filled with the Holy IN DIÉBUS ILLIS: Petrus Deus, qua omnis viget creatúra, by which every creature lives, sanctify, we Ghost, said to them: Ye princes of the replétus Spíritu Sancto, dixit: sanctíficet, quǽsumus, hoc Príncipes pópuli et senióres, sacrifícium nostrum, quod ad beseech Thee, this our Sacrifice, which we people and ancients, hear: If we this day are audíte: Si nos hódie diju- glóriam nóminis Fílii tui, offer unto Thee to the glory of the Name of examined concerning the good deed done to dicámur in benefácto hóminis Dómini nostri Jesu Christi, Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, that it may the infirm man by what means he hath been infírmi, in quo iste salvus offérimus tibi: ut majestáti tuæ be well-pleasing to Thy Majesty for Thy made whole, be it known to you all, and to factus est, notum sit ómnibus placére possit ad laudem, et vobis et omni plebi Israël: nobis profícere ad salútem. Per praise, and profit us unto salvation. all the people of Israel: that by the Name of quia in nómine Dómini nostri eúndem Dóminum nostrum … Through the same, our Lord … our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom Jesu Christi Nazaréni, quem you crucified, whom God hath raised from vos crucifixístis, quem Deus PREFACE OF THE NATIVITY the dead, even by Him this man standeth suscitávit a mórtuis, in hoc VERE dignum et justum est, IT is truly meet and just, right and for our iste adstat coram vobis sanus. ǽquum et salutáre, nos tibi salvation, that we should at all times and in here before you whole. This is the stone Hic est lapis, qui reprobátus semper, et ubíque grátias agere: which was rejected by you the builders, est a vobis ædificántibus, qui Dómine sancte, Pater omnípo- all places give thanks to Thee, holy Lord, which is become the head of the corner: factus est in caput ánguli: et tens, ætérne Deus: Quia per in- Father almighty, eternal God: for through neither is there salvation in any other. For non est in álio áliquo salus. carnáti Verbi mystérium, nova the Mystery of the Word made flesh, new Nec enim áliud nomen est sub mentis nostræ óculis lux tuæ radiance from Thy glory hath so shone on there is no other Name under heaven given cœlo datum homínibus, in claritátis infúlsit: ut dum visi- to men, whereby we must be saved. quo opórteat nos salvos fíeri. bíliter Deum cognóscimus, per the eye of the soul that the recognition of hunc in invisibílium amórem our God made visible draweth us to love GRADUAL (Ps. 105. 47) rapíamur. Et ídeo cum Ángelis what is invisible. And therefore with SAVE us, O Lord our God, and gather us SALVOS fac nos, Dómine, et Archángelis, cum Thronis et Angels and Archangels, with Thrones and from among the nations: that we may give Deus noster, et cóngrega nos Dominatiónibus, cumque omni Dominations, and with all the host of the de natiónibus: ut confiteámur milítia cœléstis exércitus, thanks to Thy holy Name, and may glory in nómini sancto tuo, et glorié- hymnum glóriæ tuæ cánimus heavenly army we sing a hymn to Thy Thy praise. (Isa. 63. 16). Thou, O Lord, our mur in glória tua. ℣. Tu, Dó- sine fine dicéntes: — Sanctus. glory, evermore saying: — Sanctus. mine, pater noster et redémp- Father and our Redeemer: from everlasting tor noster: a sǽculo nomen COMMUNION (PS. 85. 9, 10) is Thy Name. tuum. OMNES gentes, quascúmque Allelúia, allelúia. ℣. Laud- ALL the nations Thou hast made shall Alleluia, alleluia. (Ps. 144. 21). My mouth fecísti, vénient, et adorábunt co- em Dómini loquétur os me- come and adore before Thee, O Lord, and ram te, Dómine, et glorificábunt shall speak the praise of the Lord, and let all um, et benedícat omnis caro they shall glorify Thy Name: for Thou art flesh bless His holy name. Alleluia. nomen sanctum ejus. Allelúia. nomen tuum: quóniam magnus es tu, et fáciens mirabília: tu es great, and dost wonderful things: Thou art GOSPEL Deus solus. Allelúia. God alone. Alleluia.

Continuation of the holy Gospel according to St. Luke, 2. 21. POSTCOMMUNION AT THAT TIME, after eight days were IN ILLO TÉMPORE: Postquam consummáti sunt dies octo, ut OMNÍPOTENS ætérne Deus, qui O ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, who accomplished that the Child should be circumciderétur puer: vocát- creásti et redemísti nos, réspice didst create and wonderfully redeem us, circumcised: His Name was called Jesus, um est nomen ejus Jesus, propítius vota nostra: et sacri- look graciously upon our prayer, and with quod vocátum est ab Angelo fícium salutáris hóstiæ, quod in which was called by the Angel before He priúsquam in útero honórem nóminis Fílii tui, a favorable and benign countenance deign was conceived in the womb. — Creed. conciperétur. — Credo. Dómini nostri Jesu Christi, ma- to accept the Sacrifice of the saving Vic- jestáti tuæ obtúlimus, plácido et tim, which we have offered to Thy Majesty OFFERTORY (Ps. 85. 12, 5) benígno vultu suscípere dignér- in honor of the Name of Thy Son, our Lord I WILL praise Thee, O Lord my God, with CONFITÉBOR tibi, Dómine is; ut grátia tua nobis infúsa, Deus meus, in toto corde Jesus Christ: that through the infusion of my whole heart, and I will glorify Thy sub glorióso nómine Jesu, Thy grace we may rejoice that our names meo, et glorificábo nomen ætérnæ prædestinatiónis título Name for ever: for Thou, O Lord, art sweet tuum in ætérnum: quóniam gaudeámus nómina nostra are written in heaven, under the glorious tu, Dómine, suávis et mitis es: scripta esse in cœlis. Per Name of Jesus, the pledge of eternal pre- and mild, and plenteous in mercy to all that et multæ misericórdiae ómni- call upon Thee, alleluia. bus invocántibus te. Allelúia. eúndem Dóminum … destination. Through the same, our Lord …

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