: , Pern, Song of Ice and Fire, Memory, Sorrow and Thorn,... > Doc < GRCFCEEZPW

Legends: Discworld, Pern, Song of Ice and Fire, Memory, Sorrow and Th orn, W h eel of Time

By -

HarperCollins Publishers, United Kingdom, 1999. Paperback. Book Condition: New. 176 x 110 mm. Language: English . Brand New Book. Rich new works by the very best known creators of fiction, each set in the special universe of the imagination that made that writer famous throughout the world. : Discworld: THE SEA AND LITTLE FISHES: Fruit, vegetables and deadly rivalry between witches. Anne McCaffrey: Pern: RUNNER OF PERN: A young Runner on her first journey, dreaming of dragons and glory. George R.R. Martin: : THE HEDGE KNIGHT: A self-made knight, his honour, his horse, his squire, his luck. : Memory, Sorrow and Thorn: THE BURNING MAN: Dragon s blood and ancient hatreds on the Road of Dreams. : Wheel of Time: NEW SPRING: Storm and battle in the shadow of the Blight.as the wheel turns.



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The best book i at any time read. I am quite late in start reading this one, but better then never. I realized this publication from my dad and i advised this book to understand. -- Raina Simonis

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