THE XEW EEFOR&I BILL .: WINDING Tjp Editok ,—I ain stron gly of opinion , ;- - ¦«; "' \fjjt - 'A -£..- ,-i ic i:i "--iijSM •:., .,« it" the }>C°P]e do not > previous to the close that" the-• 'mmmss^MiNB- Qomf kKt out some unmist akeable in- .. ; ¦*- T ' • • ¦¦ ¦ •; 0f the year , giv? - .Wis -* ii. LJ;- • - . *.;' ».' kind of measure they stand • OP dicati ons of the APP OIKT M^f OFFICIAL ^alfAGER. better representa- jo need of, as resp ects their of Commons iixed fo tion in the Hous e , the amended j ^ ^ ^ ^j ^ ^ - tJie 0Fr to be introduced b the first Lor d ^ ^ ^ jlef brm BUI y ' N f ' the Treas ur y in 1852, will be but of little FICI ^ ivf lSS^Uli " to whomb " will be con- of m *a i *i x£>\. °P ' of ^ service towards the enfranchisement of the th5s much calum- nutedS ^at tempt * "When I say, I believe thatit will be "' io lmpr 0Te the condition 0( masses. AND tne -Liabou niig NATIONAL TRADES' JOTIfflflf! Classes . a trul y Whig proposal, if allowed to mature Wo h&ve made , a itself, it is equivalent to proclaiming it as one vv — rran gements to she, lease everybod *' in next week's ' Nor ther Star ' calc ulated to disp y (the Mini str y VOL. HV. P. 724. L0HD0K, SATHBDAY*, SEPTEMBER 20 „Ftve ghiUih ,d , a vtrbatim = —_^1851. J ^s, a^***»™SixpeMce per°< Quarte Report vf the proceed ings? an d its supp orter s excepted) , and to be useless befor e th e Maate if a subsequent letter ; but simply content myself by on this important occasion.- , for the accomplishment of the great end in statin g, that whilst I would not advise tbe working CfjavtiBt SnteiUttttttt Nation al Hfliro ' Tho people, therefo re arom pami Cft $taqMttt view. , must make the classes to oppose this modification of the Suffrag- *ntt« if NATIONAL CHAR TER ON; C tetm Bill, and they only, they are reall y sincere law , vet I would earnes tly entreat them to receif ASSOCIATI (.for I opine nateedc9tablishmen fcs«>i» of the remov- write to the absent members to attend a special , Lawre nce, Stubbs , and others took part , it him. , a process resu lting from of ' ' pr ospective happi ness people, by gatherer , that will be to him insurmou ntable. The to be the .mou thpiece of the whole- fraterni ty ) - tce^aotiwri the yoltJae meetin g on Wedne sday was »Hggested that on the ensuin g Sunday evening, T current ;, where by a' ing from them one just cause of complaint , "Na tional Reformers " may doubt this—perh aps evening, September the tenor of which place* the fac t metal iffluf 1** deposited oa at Golden -lane, a committee of tffei»ty-OBe persons, that Jfo Ainger , any flrm sronductirr g surfa ce^ wfea ' viz. :—their present Political TJnenfranchise- deny that any such impediments would pres ent 24th , the Commi ttee adjourned . J»ndidai e8 |br ; a Tolta ic cm> chosen fr om tbe different districts < the .office, of. Official rent is transmi tted throu gh a metallic caent. Short of th is, all proposals are ahams themselves ; but I say, that if they were acquaint ed Signed on behalf of the Committee , of the metropolis , M»iSL ^5 solution. in an offi- should be elected *e Lan£ PeP>any. has beev,pnt!for. iSince the" commencemen t cf^' coutwe many with the workings of the present system, .John Abnott Gen. jSec. to wa tch over the artereata of tbe if £ in> —mere thin gs for the day, that as the morrow that whilst , ward by th«u beyond tot, and that provemen ta1 have .been made , w4iiefcf\Jk» brought it cial way, they would be obliged to admit , BBPORT OF BRNEST JOKEs' iharehold ers. Mr. Stratton pointe d out the tdvan- A show* no they dawnsu pon society, so theirinefficiences become s TOUR. have been in bis' fa^ to its- preseo t beautiful and pwfecfcstste , and has* the system of rating is in vogue, as the test for On Tuesday , September 9t h I lectured t» a large ttgea the shar eholders would derive from joinin g mm&m0Oi& \m " laced on the list 'the , jfcfeiB S ahwbeen cawied out in varj mjia forte *,, ia fact into- app arent to all men. proving a man's rig ht to be p , audience at the Hall of Science Tho the National Loan Society, and explained its several »ff; b«in* been , , Sheffield. MiliJW i^'^. alF 9bBstaii oe»«*ich, requ ^-'«l)rerin *,1ie)j a»r *foif To publ ish to the middle , and upper classes enfranchisement of the people will be practically Cha rtist movement is taking firm root here provisions. Jfe also ' strongl y ^ ^ % ^ ^ ^ #«« »f=J n : ^ b or , and urged up *a hta andli affixing signature s to his ornamen t or u*. Tbe professor ooflcthded Ins very determination of the workers to accept defeated . the flourishing locality of real Democrats ence the proposal. the Stanhope ' s ideas ©rep resentation , that general advantages of co-opera tion. Mr. I, for one entertaini ng and instructive discourse &y giving a My Lord meets in Steelhouse .lane, n , am obliged to BJr. M'Grath Jar his - of Ivo-co mpromhse in this ^reap *!*, is a saored will be found in anothe r part of is dail y extendi g ita in- Pickers gill, while agreeing in the general views of minute nnd Iticsd explanation of ttie differen t pro * (whose propo sals fluence. I enrolled thirty members defensive epistle, because , takes in connexion with obligation ; and it must be done with an ' I cannot believe will ever , and the above- the Society, objec ted to some of tbe ar guments iCQseesof electroi yping in copper , in ailfer andin gold , this week s impression), nam ed locality disposed of twent y cards besides. the prece ding acts of tbe mana gers of this and a vigour worth y of so great a be received with a view to their adoption. They esed by M r. Stratt on. Mr. Wheeler Company , illustratin g his- subject throug houfrwitn numerou s) energy On Thursda y 1 was at the little agricultural town gave further it will, I hope , pr oduce 1 wort hy of th eir ori ginator , bu t they cer- a feeling of caution in my beautiM and appropriate experiments; .which were declarati on, may be of Newpor t Pagnell , Bucks. Tbe amount elucidation of the views of the Loan Society. bro ther-shar eholders that of the nation. The very men- of , and teach tn«m to be on their mani pula ted wi ft& grea t precision and effect. We There are ways of doing this effectively, tainly are not ignoranc e, prejudice , and Messrs. French , Darliston , Sturgeon , and others were distinct classes of represent atives , is petty hostility entertained guard agains t the machinations of those to whom happy to see so lar ge an audien«K30llccted to are open to all ; and, just , in pro- tion of five by the emp loyers and the dissenting body in this gave their opinions in favour of the benefit s to be hear this and they weakness of the prop osal , as they owe so much misfortun e; aad may possibly doctor lecture , All appeared ^ highly to* enoug h to expose the place, is perfe ctly astonishin g, The latter are de« derived from tbe Society. The meeting adjourned ' portion as these ways are truthfull y followed, a plan introduce d for the better government of tbe prevent the appointment of one appreciate the doctor s talen t and labour vto please* eided oppon ents, even of the temperance move- at a late hour until , who, if elected go will be the success attained. Manhoo d The days of Class Distincti on in a Jfa- the following Sunday evening, Official Man ager and 'instruet. country. ment—and used every means to prevent a nu- , mus t necessaril y, ©ut 0f gra t i t ude is to be gained b numerous and well tional House of Commons are gone ; never to re- at 26, Golden-lane ; and it was furth er agreed that , for Suffrag e y merous attendanc e. The hall, however, was services rendered in pr ocuring his , be, ST. . JAMES 'S turn again without a counter-revol ution. Ind epen- af that bad taken place , a mee t ing should be THEATRE; . att ended meeting s, both in and out of doors ; tolerably well at tended , and the Democratic feeling at least , inclined to glance with too favoura ble an The youthful artistes dent of which , the centesimal distribution of the h''d every Sunda y evening, at the Whittington and , Kate and Ellen •3hieman f the former in preference , vrhsretae authorities of the workin g men was soon made unmistakeable. eye upon tbe past conduct of his supporters and made> their appearance on Monda y night in a new" members , giving 100 members to each of the five Being invited Ct. become feverish ; tho latter in ail places where to deliver a lec'ure on the Charter this , let me add , for men placed as these ex-dire ctors vnndeville, entitled . The Swiss Cottage ; or, Why classes, is a palpable injust ice ; for whilst the at North Crow ley, a little village assembla ge can be made imposing, with- about three and are, is no trif le, but real ly worth a strug gle. Don' t She ilarry ? Kate was the coquettish pea- the " owners and occupiers of land " in tbe United a-half miles fromEewpor t Edinbur gh sant g , 1 remained , on Friday , —A special meetin g of this I t is impossible for any unprejudiced mind to read irl , Lise t ter and little Ellen the bashful lover, out spreadin g undue alarm ; and by petition ing Kingdom do not number half a million ; the persons for that purpo se. I was well rewarded for having Aatz Teik. in agriculture , in branch was held in the Roman Eagle Hall , atten tively the evidence given before the The little trifle is cxtremary well parl iament. "We must always remember , that " employed in daily labour , done so—since, in this little squire-parson-farmer Committ ee ad apted for " certainl y cannot be pro- , Land Market , on Tuesda y evening—Mr. A. Of the House of Commons display ing to the best advantage the are the ackno wledged channels throu gh manufa ctures , or in trade, and lawyer-ridden village a locality was formed without feeling a strong great versatility and these millions being six , Walker in the chair. The following conviction extra ordinary comic powers of nounced to be less than three , which promises to be a nucleus for all the surroun- resolutions that O'Connor ' s main fault was intrusti ng these clever children. The which good may ultimatel y flow. Let us not the niisundertakings of the times the forme r numbers ; and yet both classes, ding district. I enrolle d twenty-three members , a were adopted. Moved by Mr. Berk et, and carryin g out of a most magnificent design , and lovers ar e finall y ad lain against them , because they have so mentioned , are to ju sted by the interposition of comp notwi thstanding the disparity Council was formed , Mr. Geor ge Line was seconded by Walter Pringle « That this one which ought to have created an eiysium for the Lisette' s brother p a and with such little ben efit j have each 100 representat ives ! Again the part :— , Cor oral M x, repr esented by long been tried , , chosen Secretar y, Mr. James Reed , Treasurer ; a poor man , (as compared with his presen t Mr. JBaleman , pert who made system for recording the votes meeting has every confidence in the honesty wretched , his bow to- . the or that they are not of the required power , ballot and part open weekly night of meeting was appointed , and the stit",) to men of the audience , and received very modestly the plaudits tbe working men ; and ability of Thomas Price, Esq., and pledges stamp and chara cter , and so whence the desired end can be made to would act most injurious ly upon Council disposed of 20 addition al cards . This totall y unfit which were awarded to him, -virtue from grinding masters itself to support that gentleman. Moved by , as our Directors have proved them- evidently in of for the ballot voters , by some , makes an incre ase to the ranks of the Asso- his paternit y. The performance was a issue. The trutbis , they are all-sufficient , as Chartists and of course , selves. To what is the fail ure of this great under- repetition would be regarded as , ciation of 1,181 members ; and, I am happy to say, Walter Pringle, seconded by Mr. Chernie j— of their pr evious triumphs means, if honestl y used. I believe that it is takin g to be at tributed , if not to the , a crowded audttory Revolu tionist s; tbe publication of the list of persons tha t I have received letters from several localities 'That no names be inserted in the petition mode in which greeting with roars of laug declare In , it was mana ged hter , shouts of app lause , only for the millions of workmen to who voted upon the pres ent plan always being tbe informin g me that the enr olment is progressing except those signed by the shareholders them- . ? Look at the inextricable confu- and a shower of boquets enough to bury the clever ' s test of the political tenets of his em- sion in which the accounts were involved favour of the Suffra ge, by peaceable demon - employer rapidly . selves, and that the signature s be attested by , and the lit tle mites beneath them , tho comic drolleries and ployed. No ' The ballot must be the only system The experience gleaned from this tour is of a unb nsiness-like manner with which the whole affairs the strations , and by exerc ising their privile ges of the chairm an.' Moved by David Chernie , quaintnesses of Ellen , and the precocious pru- of voting, not an option al regulation. As for allow- most encouraging character . Notwithstandin g were conduc ted and then derie s petiti oning, as Eng lishmen , in order to secure the seconded b J ohn Gowan :— ; , let me ask , whe ther suc- and coquetries of the elder sister. ing men to vote by proxy , that is too absurd to be apparent inactivity, y 'That this meet- cess was ways m the neglect in subscribin g f unds within t he boun ds of possibility ? I assert , their political freedom. Othe r ay be noticed. The remainder of the Nine Resolutions I and organisin g, ing stand adjourned till Tuesda y, the 30th , QUEEN 'S it is evident that a democrat ic under- " and I fear not contrad iction , that no scheme, how- THEATRE. devised , the goal being the same ; but I would pass over ; merel y observing, that they are entitled current is at work beneath the surf ace, a t at Mr. Buchanan 's Coffee-hou se, High-street , The Kajftt War continues to attract ' w i ing ever pure the intenti ons of i ts founder , and however good houaes . earnestl impress upon every man the abso- to be read , as showing my Lord Stanhope s ideas but for the coming commercia l crisis, to roll for the purpose of wat ching This piece is f ollowed by the amu sing farce of / y its the interests of easy of application it might be, could thrive an right demea- upon the gener al princip les of representat ion. wares in the broad agitation of a Chartis t move- ' , or be beg You won' t Mention It. The entertainments con- lute necessit y of preservin g up the Edinburgh branch. It is hoped that all any thing like fairl tested Look where we may, we can find no propos al like ment. Now, ind eed, there is little actios—but y , whilst subject to such clude with the domestic drama of Susan Hopley, or nour , by respe cting the conscientious objec- members will attend , and look after their superintende nce. our own for its justice and practic ability. Every there is all the more thou ght. the Trials of a Servant Maid. The plot of ' fchi'9 of his nei hbour , and mental ly resolvin g interests. tions g well-meaning man ackno wledges that to Manhood The theories are consolidating now, which the Wi th the question whether the signatures to Mr. drama is well known , and abounds in democratic to act faithfull y by the cause put forth—viz. , Suffrage th e nation must eventually come. And nezt fall in work and wages will reduce into action. Nottin gham, —On Triday last , the 12th inst., Ainger s proposal are genuine or not , I have nothing sentiments. Mr. E. Green (the ac tive stage This is the to win why not now ? Those who say that the people are a public meetin g Manhood Suffrage. way It is absolut ely necessarjjthat this feeling should be of members was held in the large to do; I care not which way the fact may turn out ; man ager), imper sonated Remorden , a dissi pated not sufficiently educated , should tell us when they the battle, by proving oursel ves to be good cultivated—it can be done only by lectures and room at the Seven Stars. Mr. James Sweet havin g I am quite content to leave the investi gation of that character while rich , and a villain when redu ced to will be ? And add to their information , by saying tracts poverty with his usual ability soldiers , knowin g onl y one thing, and that is, . Both are important—but tbe lectur e is by been called upon to preside , opened the business by matter to the master , with the most perfect con- and sangfroid. Mrs. what they mean by the words " sufficiently edu- J. Paw y, as Mable Walters far the more important of the two for the agricul- observin g that they were met for the purpose of fidence that he will admini ster 'j us tice' to all , the Gipsy, sustained- our duty as Citizens , for it is our Country that cated. " Give us some idea of the standard whereby tural ; nor the character she has maintain ed districts ) at least. It needs an impetus in discussing the merits of the various candidates put will I troubl e myself about the since her recent we serve. we can measure a man' s capacity of mind 1 If a the latt er for the formation of localities. Such the merits of John accession to the company. Miss C. Gibson made in nomina tion for the office of Windin g-up Mana ger Shaw ' The political wheel, it would seem, makes knowledge of reading , such, for example, as to be per sonal presence of the missionary can alone be- s adver tisement , althoug h I thank him for the an excellent Sally Gimp, a servant attracted by the ibly to others a chapt er in the of this unfortuna te Company. Mr. Shaw , of service it has rend ered us in producing Mr. but one evolution in twent y years. Three ap- able to read intelli g sto w. He is necessar y, as a pioneer , to prepare the alternate powers of love and mischief ; and Mias Bible or such a profic iency in writin g as to be com- London , then addressed the meetin g at considerable M'Gratb' s let ter, My business , at present , is with Roger s, as Susan Hopley, con tributed prenticeshi ps is a long while to wait to remed y ; machinery by which the reception of tracts and greatl y to- petent to write one' s autograph ; or such a compre- their distribu tion ore rendered possible. Now, it length , explaining the position in which the mem- our ex-directors alone, and to them 1 say— 'Upri ght wards the deserved success of the p iece , Tho other a defect, which a want of unanimity amongst as to be able to hension of the use of integers , is impossible. It is no use writing in papers that bers were placed, and urg ing upon them the neces- and honest men , placed in your position , having done char acters were well susta ined . This piece is well pr operl said to hare occa- Addition and Subtraction ; I ourselves may be y master the rules of are not read , or discussing in tracts that are sity of shakin g off their apath y, and doing their own their duty to their fellow-beings , would have re- put upon the stage, and the scene representing come—the and amount of knowledge is to sioned. The time for action ha s say if this kind never seen. And our tra cts and papers alike will work. At the close of his address , which was lis- frained from supporting any one of the present can- Waterloo Bridge by night , received the marked be considered as the meaning of the amb iguous find no way to t o a t approbation of the audience. work to be done is before us ; it is our own in h rur l dis ricts, unless lecturer s tened to most attentively, the following resolution dida t es, (except , per haps , with their own votes,) or words mentioned , then I say that the majo rity of have been there to ' prepare the mind for their re- work to benefit our class and countr y ; we was moved by Mr. Saunders , of the New Radford they would have placed the names of all such can- persons, (males, of course ,) commencing from the ception, and by the formation of localities to orga- STANDARD THEATRE . oursel ves or it will certai nl not be Branch , and seconded by Mr. Liggett of Not- didates before their must do it , y age of eighteen upwa rds , alre ady are in possession nise a means by which tracts can be t share holders , without comment , The perform ances this weeK commenced with a got into he tingham :¦— leaving done. of the required informa tion. Parliamentary , and rural villages, and , when there, distribut ed among every one free to support whichever he new pantomimic and dram atic spectacle , called the Before the year 1872 is numbered on School stati stics place this beyond equivocation ; their inhabitants. That we, the members of .the National Land Company thoug ht fit. You hats adopted a different poHcy, Brigand s of Barcelona. It abounds in scenic illu- away, so the fact I have resident in Nottingham and its vicinity , are determined to the Ca lendar ,—the hand that writes, the and as every year passes Experien ce convinces me that there is scarcely a and your motives must be tested by your acts.' sions , and from the manner in which it was received increasing ly apparent. If , then, use our best exertions to secure the return ef Mr. Price as bids fai r to have the mind that receives stated becomes rur al town or village in England and Wales, in the official manager fur the Winding -up l have no connexion wi th Mr. O'Connor , or any a long run. The second piece is tongue that read s, and millions of men are alrea dy quali- of this Company , the Hungarian drama of Taromeer tne Yager ; or the four out of seven which if a Char tist missionary were sen t down a having no confidence in the person nominated by the other ' part y' whatever. I became , a shareholder , this well-intentioned appeal may be pulseless, f i kind of justice is that which says, that Hungarian William Tell. Many of the incidents ap- ed , what Chartist locality, and a flourishing one too, might Board of Directors—or even in the Directors themselve s ; and paid my money, because I believed (as I do earthl y silent, passed away ; but , in the mean - until you can show the whole of the seven to be we, therefore, call upon our brother members throughout plying to the present posture of affairs in that coun- not be formed. In the agricultural districts the now) the project not only capable of being carried while, the wrongs and the degra dations which as well informed as the four millions are , six out movement would spread with the r apidity of fire. the country to forward their votes immediately, addressed try, were greeted with marked applause. Mr. Gastoa must be kept without a vote in the to Thomas Price , Esq., 5, Lincolns Inn-fields , London , as out, but , I felrconvinced , that, if worked with as Count Hartesmen the Eng lish labourer is now subj ected to, will of the seven The agricultural classes have hitherto had no voice the question will speedily be decided. , the Viceroy of Hun gar y ; Mr. good government of their country ? Really, such for their grievances , no union in whi ch to embod y ordinary business-like regular i ty and integrity, it FT . Howard as Yaro meer ; and .Master Brock as O tto, remain as before. And, wherefo re, by our talk seems to be so childish that those who would their discontent. They would seize on Char tist The resolution on bein g put was carried unani- would become the means of removin g gradu ally our Ynromcer 's son, played with a true con ception of the present apath y, should we bequeat h this duty say so, must be either insane or in their second organisation with avidity. Let us for one moment mously. Thanks wer e then given to Mr. Shaw for working popula tion from its present degraded stat e spiri t of the piece. Mr. Dolphin as S pat z, th e Court of enfranchising the people to our childre n, dotage ! reflect how import ant would be the results. How his address , and to the Chairman for his services , to one of health , comfor t, and happ iness. My an- Jester , but secretly the friend of the patrio ts, and worth y of a JSew Reform Bill ", Mr. II. Le wis \fhen we are are all sensible of our power , and The people are parson , lawyer , and landlord would be paral ysed. when th e meeting dispersed , evidently pleased wi th ticipations have not, unfor tunately, been realised , , as Nibble, an Englishman , but a cor- would act a wise part , in the coming p oral in the Hungarian Body Guard , who is longing hence ought to be prep ared to work out the and if they Democracy, which now centres wholly in a few ma- the proceedings. for the reasons before ad verted to, and I have long they would declare , in as forcible a manner for the Beef of old England , by their jests and hu- as well as for our suc- cri sis, nufacturing towns , would be a vast motive power , Roch pale.—The Rochdale Branch held a ge- been waiting an opportunity of making known , obligation for ourselve s express their meaning, that the only hearing, heard felt, from one end of the countr y to mour kept the audience in a roar of laughter. The or as words can , neral meeting on Sunday last , for tbe purpose of throug h your columns , my sen timents regarding the cessors ? I say, sensible of our power—f proposal which they will accept is that which has , tbe other . It would be irresistible. Will the ma- Trials and Triumphs of Temperance is the concluding nominating an Official Manager to Wind-up tbe causes which have produced so lamentabl e what force known to Englishmen is that *hich for its foundation , the ri ght of every male adult to nufac turing districts help to achieve this victory ? a result ; piece, and still at tracts a crowded house. Land Company. Mr. It. Gill , the Secretary for tbe and , thanks to Mr. M'Gra th be has opened the could with stand the call of tbe British ar - a voice in the governm ent ot his country ; in For they must not lose sight of this fact in con- , word s—Manhoo d Suffra ge. Branch , opened the busin ess by reading from the way for me. I shall therefor e certainl y esteem it a tisans , when expressed in unity with the re- other nexion with tho rural districts—Democracy must Robbkrt or Valuable Pro pert y. — On Thurs- Censob. be taken to them if Democracy is to expect succour ' Star ' the proceedings of the Chancery Court rela- favour if you will insert this in your next issue. cognised laws of huma nity ? It is because we day inform ation was received at the different polica from tbem. Th e material is this ; oppression , po- tive to the appointment of the Official Manager , I am , Sir , your obedient servan t, ba re hitherto spoken in nooks and cran nies, stations of the following robberies : Earl y on the verty, and discontent ; but it is grop ing among the and also correspondence which he had received on A Shareholoeb in the Nati onal morning of the 15th instant the premises of So. 1, in localit ies, and sympa- NATIONAL LOAN SOCIET Y. raised our voices d arkness of ignor ance , prejudice , and super stition . the subject. Af ter the discussion , rela tive to the Land Company. Cha pel-street West , May -fair were entered , and a us that we have We must let in the light upon them . Chartist s ! thised onl y with those about , the Secretary signatures for Mr. Ainger , tbe shareholders pre- Worthing, Sep., 15tb. set of diamond studs—a largo one in the centre and At the usual meeting of this body, will you do so? If you mean it, you must enable spent our breat h in vain. This, too, as re- sent unanimously stated that thev had not au tho- P. S. I have jus t heard a rumour that it is the four small ones in blue enamel ; a gold pencil-case , read an immense amount of correspo ndence from the Execu tive to send lecturers forth , and to shower spects those only who have alread y moved. in- rised any person to give their signatures in favour intention of each of our late Directors to claim a large a silver snuff-box , aud a quantity of silk handker- the count ry, containing scrip, and in several tr acts upon their course. chiefs of various patterns. About the S'ime time But their name is legion who have, np to this of any one. It was agreed tha t we recommend amount for salary. I trust there is no truth in stances paid-up £1 sh ares. Mr. Wheeler stated Ernest Jokes. another robbery was committed at No. 35 Gurzon- cul pable silence ; and it Mr. Price as a fit person to be appointed to the this '. at all events , I war n tbem to desist from such , moment , preserved a that severa l scrip belonging to the bonus, redemp - street , May-fair , and a qu antity of pinto , consisting band—mi hty in point of num - office of Manager to wind up the Land Company, a proceeding, and urge them to act in future with is this mighty g tion, and othe r funds , had been sent to him , and Poli tical victims' Associat ion.—T is of tablespoons , f orks, descrtsp oons, teaspoons , fish- we have yet to enlist in our corps, and that tbe Secretar y proce ed to take the signa- prudence and hones ty towards those who have so bers—that the Manag ers decided that it would be adva nta- met on iSunda y evening at Mr. D d- slice , a soupladle , and gravys poons. They all bore deser vedl appre- body tures of those desirous of signing to tha t effect , and much to complain of in the past ; otherwise , I pro- the crest of a lion ram pant. On in order to mak e our wishes y geous both to the Society and the sharehol ders to ' the previous day dridge s—Mr. Gurne y in the chair. Mr. likewise that he be requested to wait on the share- mise tbem no res t , and that they shall most as- the house, o Mo ntpetier-s quare ciat ed. receive such scri p. The Secretary stated he had N . 1, , Brompton , Martin 's motion relatin g to honora ry members presen t to get their decision . I t was suredly find me an Operative Junius. was entered , and a large quantit y of property Tho duty before us all is, th en, to be intent been compelled to break the rule authorising him holder s not who are to be allowed in futur e to vote and then agreed that all communications for the Roch- stolen. npon rea lizing, within tbe next twelve months , to deposit scrip when it mounted to £100 with the Thk Alleged Hobbehi - on Board the Earl op speak upon all questions , but not to preside dale Branc h should be addressed to the Secretar y, The Gazette des Tribunaux has the following : , the enfran chisemen t of Trustees , as during the past week he had received dea Ca«dioan ' s Yach t. —The robbery reported a given object— viz. nor sit in committee , was carried. It was Robert Gilt, 24, Henry-street , Rochdale. —" A tradesman of the ^uswtier Lombards to have adu lt in the United Kingdom ; to scrip to the value of upwards of £300. An ar having cause to suspect th e fidelity of his wife, re- taken p lace on board the Earl of Card igan ' s yacht , every male also agreed that persons desirous of becoming Harves t Hom e at 0'Connorvii ,le.—On Mon- h the agency of tracts , ran gement was made for its immediate deposit . solved to put it to the proof. He pretended that he at Southampton , has been satisfactorily cleared up. demonstrate , thro ug member s, be proposed and seconded 15th inst., the occupan ts of the above the Owing to the absence of some of the managers , bu- honorary day, the had occasion to go to London with respect to some The property was onl y mislaid. b meetin gs, and public manifes tations , letion of their four th by y siness of an important nature was adjourned until by the committe e. A deputation fro m the estate celebrated the comp articles sent by nim to the E xhibi t ion , and having Suicide a Lunatic .—Ou Thursday an inques ju stice of an immediate acquiescence with the social tea par ty , at the school. Mr. G. was held on the body of one of tho t Wednesday evening, at seven o' clock . National Reform League waited upon the As- harvest by a obtained a passport a few days ago , went away. patients of tlu This can be done with he f ollowing A number of social and pri vilege here state d. Several members were enrolled , and the Share- sociation , to exonerate themselves from giving W. Wheele r in the chair. At about one o' clock Tuesday night , ho secretl y let Gloucester County Lunatic Asylum, whose death with effect ; but it will ' had just occurred under melanchol y reason, with truth , and any countenance to Mr. Dick's interrup tions, democratic sen timents were responded to in the himself, into his house, and proceeding to his wife s circumstances. holders of the Land Company are urgently requested The deceased was a clergyman of the Established never be accomp lished by class warfare , by course of tbe evening by several of the allottees , chamber , found her in bed with a man. The woman to attend the general meetin g, at 26, Golden-lane, and also suggested the propriety of our calling and her accomp lice thought C hurch , the Rev. James Thoma s exaggerated state- and , at the close of the proceedings , Mr. Parria that thieves had en- Ilatton , and he meanin gless abuse, or by on Sunday evening tbe 21st. upon the Executive to ascertain the cau se why tered the house , and the former , losing her wits, h ad been an inmate of the asylum for the last ftis.- ; and propo sed ' Health f long life, and prosperity to our ments. First princi ples are immutable they continue to neglect their notices of shouted , * Mur der I thieves V whilst the man rushed teen or seventeen years. He was subject to tits alone champ ion, Feargus O'Connor , and may he speedily these, whenever fair ly appealed to, are TO TUB EDITOR OF TUB NORTDEBN STAR. meeting. The Association agreed to do so, upon tbe husband and attempted to secure him. during which he was uncontrollable , but at other —As chairman of the meeting held at be relieved from all hia difficulties. ' Mr. Parris, in sufficient for the work. Adheri ng to them we Dear Sie, and three members were nominated for that The husband , furious with rage , cried , ' This is times was quito r ation al and quiet , and required no Gale 's-row , Strai ght ' s Mouth, on Monday, Sept. an abl e addre ss, show ed the many advanta ges tha t restraint his chief occupation being reading works we are.longe r disposed to 5, purpose , to meet the Executive on Wednes- your last hour! ' and ho produced a dagger. But , shall ho safe; but if Sth, (not Sunday 7th), when Air. Stratton explained gentleman had conferred on the working classes in when about to strike his resolution failed him. and on theolog ical subj ects, a nd occasion a ll y singing heed them not or to sacrifi ce them in a feeling day next. , the objects, means, Arc, of the National Loan genera l, and on the allot tees in par ticular. Mr. perceiving that his wife's cries had begun to alarm psalms, lie had been dischar ged at one time from others , Wan- of hatred and enmity against Society, I beg you will correct the following mis- Blyth.— The fourth district meeting of Wheel er also supported the same views, showing the neighbourhood , he suddenly changed his inten - confinement , but according to the testimony o?bue of our re- tar of Sunday last :— " A hood Suffra ge will never be the bas is represe ntation in the -S the northern district was held at Blyth on that the difficulties they bad had to contend with tion. • Fear nothing, madame ,' said ho, li ghting a medical superintenden t he had since voluntarily re- took place after- the lecture , in which turned to the asylum. His sleeping-room was. four presentative system. discussion Sunda y last. The following delegates were were either the work of his and their enemies , or candle , ' it is I! You have been very guilty, but I Shaw , Hewitt , Robinson , Fussell , and ' stories in height, and was forty feet from tho- area. It is whispere d, probabl y with some tr uth , Messrs. pre sent :— Mr. A. Gann , Newcastle ; Mr. the r esult of adv erse season , which it was not in still love you enou gh to pardon you. As for you, others took par t ; a feeling was created in favour of he said to the accomplice , whom he recognised as At an early hour on Saturday morning last one of or Amended Keform Bill is to William R obinson South Shields ; Mr. 's power to control that the New society, and members enrolled. " , that gentleman , and instanced a' clerk f ormer ly in his service, ' dress yoursel f the "keepers " of the establishmen t , liamci Mat- ei ht the ht comprise four alteration s, namel y—An g In. the first place, Mr. Fussell was not present ; Thompson , North Shields ; Mr. Joh n Robin- the renewed appear ance of the potato blig , which, quiokl y—be off—and all shall be forgotten. ' The thews , hearin g a. cmb. of g\as», pxoceciieiV to the , pound rate of suffra ge ; a non-pr operty qua - secondlv , with the exception of Mr. Foxwell who son, and James Charlton , Secretar y, Blyth . by its ravages within the last fortni ght , had de- clerk , glad to get away so easily, began to dress deceased 's room , and found it tenan tless, tho un- whole of the lification for members of parlia ment ; the approved and enrolle d himself, the Mr. John Robinson , presided. The following stroyed their reasonabl e hopes of a comfortable and the husband undressed. When the latter had fortunate inma te having wrench ed off a piece of tho g were decidedly opposed to the scheme. winter ' s main tenance and thrown a damp over got all his clothes off , and resembled a man who had cover of a night commode with which he had broken extension of the right of votin g to lease- meetin resolutions were unanimousl y adopted :— , Tru sting tha t you will , in justice to all partie s, their evenin g' s proceed ings. The par ty then se- just quitted hi s bed , ha seized the clerk by the his window , and leaped throu gh it into the area be- holders of £20 and upwards ; and the dis- • That the localities be requested to carr y out insert this in your next Star, parated , al l present expressin g their determi nation throat , arid shouted * Thief ! murder! ' By this low . When picked up he was found to be dread- certa in small boroug hs, for Yours resp ectfully, the system of classes, the said classes to con- ot* f ull franchisement of I am, Dear Sir, te r enew their exertions to make this a successful time the guard and some the neighbours had ar- y injured , and he died in about two hours after- the pur pose of constitutin g new and more JA M.K8 Bligh. sist of five member s each.' ' That Mr. Gan n, rived , and t he husband , giving the clerk into their wards. The jury returned a verdict " Tha t the de- Mr. experiment ,' and pu t up with any priva t ion , rather Supp osing such emendat ions 1, Norris 's Place, Greenwic h, Newcas tle ; Mr. Joh n Robi nson , Blyth ; custod y, said , this is on e of the thieves that has ceased had destroyed himself while in a state of eular ged ones. than see this, the first-born of the Land Plan, aban- insanity. what good, Sept. IS, 1851. William Robinson , South Shields ; and Mr . broken into my house. I could only seize this one " as those mention ed to be propos ed, doned to the tender mercies of those capitalists who ' Ra pid Chap man Sunderland , be appoi nted distric t —the oshers have escaped. Tho poor clerk was _ Brick Machine. —Soma wfcile since pub- may I ask , will they effect for the nation at , would gladly destroy this and every * for- « othe r effort at taken off to the guard-house , and the next day the lic at tention was drawn to a most eJioient bri ck- Obviously but little , if any. And The Hun garian Refugbbs.—Tbe Refugees lecturers. ' That the nex t district meeting large ? ten- social and political emancipa tion ; and they hope husb and declared that he had broken into his house , making machine , the invention of Mr. Hart , of the ¦ ° crying evil than that merly locat ed in Turnmi ll-street , respe ctfully be held at Sunderland, on Sunday, November and had robbed him. But the clerk told the true Atlas Work s Borou gh-road , which is now very Vet can there be a more Nor thern their brother shareholders will assist them to pre- , ar- der their than ks to tbe readers of the 2nd and that a public meeting be held on the story, and the examining mag istrate , havin g ascer- senerall y adop ted , no t onl y thro ughout which shuts out from the representat ive during their , vent such a consummation. Gteat Star for tbe assistance rendered tbem at that , on the same day. ' tained it to be exact , compelled tho husband to Britain and the Colonies, bat in Fran ce of the country, six male adults out h their expulsion from Town Moor, place , Spain , ran gements exile, and regre t, that throug pro- withdraw the charge of housebreakin g, and to G ermany, &c. This machine , which we examined rem ove thi s wrong, the re- claim pub- Resolutions were then drawn up to be of every seven ? To France , they are compelled once more to Extensive Confla gration at the Eastern make one of adul tery . This be did , and included but now, and intended for Calcut ta , is capa ble will be scar cel when they at an open meeting, to be held on the , with ducti on of the £lOrate to £8 y lic sympathy for a few weeks longer , posed Coumibs Railwa y.— On Thursday morning, shortly his wife in the complaint also. The wife and clerk the mere aid of two men and six boys, and with ever- two o' after which tbe tend ing to this end ; will all leave Eng land , carrying with them Bly th Links, at clock , after three o' clock, a f ire, attended with a vast de- are now in custod y awaiting their tri al for violation one-horse power , of turnin g out from 20J1 Q0 wor thy of noti ce, as nobly to not touch the lasting grat itude to those friends who so meetin g- was dissolved. struction of propert y, brok s out in a spacious tim- of Art, 338 of the penal code." 30,000 bricks '-compact , shar p, and perfectly whil st the other changes will misfort une. They regret to ' formed. come forward in their ixsteu. —This locality which some ber yard , situate on either side of the Eastern Pk ivate Bills IN Pamu mbnt. — On Wednesday H ow all this is done we have no space Whene ver such proposals posi- Westm minutel y to complain t at all. sta te that Mr , Brown is in a very precariou s York- Counties R ailway, and extendin g from North-str eet a parliamentar y retnrn was des cribe , but the princi ple is desired , that not time since held its meetings at the printed , from which that of aa endless are made , it is much to be tion , throug h having become responsible for severa into London-street , Bethn al-green held by Mr . it appears that in tho late sessi bills chain , which appears faultless in its results the Assembly Rooms, has continue d to , on 217 private , ai.d by onl will they not be accep ted , bat that debts, under the impression ef money arriving f rom street Robinson , a mahogan y merchant. The arches of were introdu ced ; the number brou ght from the its simplicity affords the assurance y : house of one of its mem- of the impos- indignation t he cont nent , which , throug h the tyranny of their meet weekly at the t he railway, numberi ng respectively TO , T7> 78, 70, Lords was 2S. Of the bills 110 received the Itoyal aihiUw of tb. * machine Hsei f countr y will properl y express its of their satelites has : get ting out of action. enemies and the intrig ues , bers ; and at the last meeting it was resolved were used as storehou ses by the same gentleman , assent. There were 128 treated as opp osed or Bricks b y it are thus redu ced at the qua cker y submi tted for its app roval. most earn estly ap- full one-half in ex- been stopped . We, theref ore , prac tical system of orga nisation and at the time of the outbrea k were full of maho- classified in groups by the committee of selection. pense , while grea ter solidity Charter of the Wa lmealey par ty br ethren and sisters to rally —' That as a and an unerr ing ahaue The Little peal to our Democratic determine d effor t gany and other timbe rs ; whils t piles of deals and The number of private bills r eferred to the chair- is secured , and their productio n scheme enemies have the op- had been completed , that a is not made dtmen- is, of course, much in advance of the once again, and not let our this pines towered high above the railway walls. Bar- man of the committee of ways and means by tho dan t upon any be made to resuscitate the movement in pre-acqui rcd knowled 6ge of thosetuuac now in the process of incubat ion. portunity of exulting in our misery and wretched- ; tlet t, a police sergeant who first perceive d the fire , committee of selection was 82. Of th o bills which em ployed. supposed to be for your happ iness will be district . It was also agreed , lan will enfra n- ness and our prayer densel y populat ed raised an al arm immediate l and ende avoure d to received the royal assent 01 related to r ailway s, 20 The Loss of tub Nir Joshu a pret ends tha t his p ' Two of our countrjmen have l -miVAlwn on. y, Steamku Paciu .—The telc- ever bre athe d by us. — That the members mak e ft subdue the flames, but in less than five minutes the to roads and brid ges 7 to wat er-works , 5 to ports , 4,000,000 of men. I join issue whom is taken b , chise nearl y received work this week—one of y Sunda y morning nex t, to invite the Democrats whole range of premi ses including a number of p iers , harbours and docks ; 3 to canals and navi- ht upon this question, we have severa l , , ndS60m taI c j with the galla nt knig the good men of Norwich—and meeting to be held on hig h piles of timber , as well as the stores under the gation ; 8 to churche s, chapels, and bur ymg- '" ' n'P>»'y ' Bfca owr of Westminste r to a *X it th.¦? CM™C 'ni a 8 causeiJ » most painful* n nr. d he will sladly plishing this Mr . Robinson ' s property was , the tele- Fins at the Clarence Hot el, Aldehsoa te- rati ng clause, under his regime, " , will receive On Fr i- destroyed Tnu Gre at Cabik for the TEtscGitA pn betwk k^ i« his plan. The Reynolds, Rider, and Arnott The Cr ystal Copfee-House.— graph burned down e age don e to street. —On Wednesday evening an ala rmin g disfranchisem ent Messrs! , and s rious dam lire ENGLAN D AS!) PnAS CK. —On Wedn esday the great wwild be equivale nt to the ssistance for us. . . . Mr. William Worseldi ne de four of the railwa y arches, broke out on the premises of Mr. H enry »nv a desirous of givic* the day evening, tow or five h0USC8, Cook cable twenty-four miles long, and destine d , when of nr- arl two out of every three men supp osed WaIt^ l*iP£S.—Parties eloquence ot belong ing to Mr. Foulkes in London-street are Clarence Hotel , Aldersgate-street , City, y , are earnestly re- livered a lecture on ' the Life and , , ltappears sunk between Dover nnd Calais , to 'hnn the k ey f or i «L» nric o for wast e paper also severely damaged as well as the dry coopee- that tho smoke was first discover ed t<> be made voters thereby; for the difficulties applicafwva for bits reticles.' , issuing from electric commun icatio n and correspo ndence between qualification would *o ffi»kc the 8P eedies age of Mr . Burke total loss must the coffee-room', when an alarm was ^scparab' eto proving a distinct , SfiSSu an loan iPersons may be ac , Ko. lb arch. The immediately thi s country and the Euro pean continent , w as com- ' numbers Ol M ^Sew Austri . of at amount to some thousands of pounds. How the raised. A good supply of water being vf such a magnit ude as to deter large least Seven Mil- The Leeds To wn-Council have decided to build a obtai ned the pleted at tho works of t he Submarine Telegraph * jd ^ nn Hited to the amount misfortun e enveloped in fire was extinguished , ' a- ii fro-ii troubling themselves about making go' oominoaat eu i" i.;„n *rv All nliponsreiiiriona Town Hall and corpo rate offices , at an expense 01 occurred is .at present after much cuttin g awa v of Company , Wapping, the last coil being securely Come early. So bigot ry !' AH I mystery . the floorin g. ° ' liirir respective cinuus. I shall not atay Aer o to Ss the site, or of £31,000 with. tivcumnexe d at about four o' clock, Hf £22,000 without 6i.!.-.r»e u«on this objection , as 1 intend to do, so in take n ia.—f« ^ hmmu THE NORTH ERN STAR. iO, i»i, 2 IN SEVEN iANGUAG Mr. Winckle, Brigjj «Iam happy to inform you my EsT^5 newspjper of Martini que has been seized for Illustrating the improved mode of the Fren ch , actuall y condemned to irons for periods of twent y A hair has very much improved since using your Pomade/ treatment and tnmtigenct police. In presence of this affirma tion an ar ticle of M. Scbcelcher , who is to be Mr. Canidng, 129 Northgate, Wakefield.—' I have found ad opted by Lallemand, Rieordy Det dforeian which facts and twenty-five yean some men for whom tbe copying lnnH g. '*l will undoubtedly confirm, no person can pro secuted for the authorship. your Pomade the best yet, The only good about the others others, of the Hopital des Veneriim a now be German public prosecuto r only asked a alight correctio nal is their singular names.' /few/ ^ FRANCE. justified in seeking to fix upon tbe number of councillors-general in France is now uniformly practised in this country by at libert y. After being responsibility sentence. The Mr. Yates, hair dresser , Malton.—' The young man has ^ M. Marc bais has been aet Agitatio n Society of London the 827. Of these, 1,794 have voted in favour of the now a good pair of.whiskers. I want you to send me two WALTER DE ROOS, M.D. attached to it, and The ' Genoa Gazette ' of the 12th inst. quotes 2, interro gated , it appeared tha t nothing could be laid which has been sought to be ion of the constitution, 673 against, 405 ab- pots for other customers ,' Member ot the Facultd de Medicine de His letter to Ledru-Rollin , which absolute manner. the following under date Nice, tbe 10th :— revis Parj. «0 his charge. so which it repud iates in the most staine d or wer e absent . 35, El* Place, Homjorn Hili, disappeared in Jud ge Carre 's presence , In the name of the Agitatio n Society of London , ' At about eleven o' clock on Satu rday night, a , LIQUID HAIR DYE. Loudon mysteri ously peasan ts from the Tbe inauguration of the statute of Joa n of Arc PURE rpHE MEDICAL read by tbe commissioner of police, who . ' Charles Tacsknat ;.' band of forty -eight county of Nice Princess MADAME COUPELLB feels the utmost confidence ADVlSEi> had been Broe, a Fr ench to the work of Louis Philippe's daug hter , the in recommending her LIQUID HAIR DYE, which is un- JL Improved edition, written in a popular stvln a extra ct from it, but neither in the extra ct Park , Sunda y.—The ' Moniteur ' contains , a were returning from village, close any , e 0l' made an the frontier , with a quantity of salt , the price of Mari e, has taken place at Orleans , without dpufrt edly the most perfect and efficient one ever dis. of technica lities and addressed to all thoss «-i,oari? L J the commissioner 's memory could any un- decree placing the department of the Ardeche in covered, It is a pure liquid that changes hair of all Ing from Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness «; '*• aor in Prance is one-half less than Piedmont. ceremony or speech, but the inhabitants appeared various disqualifying forms of lawful matter be found. M, PUhetle , formerl y se- a state of eiege. M. Leon Faucher developes In which la in colours in three minutes to any shade required, from light premature decav r? i ^ which render The Custom s officers, to the numbe r of thirty-eig ht , deep ly interes ted in the event. auburn to jet black, so beautifully natural as to defy de-' from infection and youthful abuse, that most di ir'S cretary to M. Delescluse, has also been discharged an address to the Presiden t the motives natio nal guar! of , is most easil applied, practice by which the vigour and manliness of his opinion. : having opposed their passage, a dr eadful collision A. M. Bastide , a captain in the taction ; it does not stain the skin y life are '' from custody. Thus two out ef the very few names this tyrannic al measure necessary in 1 condemne d to two years 'i m- and free from any objectionable quality. It needs oaly to vated and destroyed, even before nature has fulh* ' uting a judicial inquiry ensued, in which twelve of the peasants were Vang irard, has been Persons whe bllshed the powers and stamina oi the eita of any prominence iu the list of so-called conspira- The intention of instit a beggar, and a 1 cheat . !.e used enee, producing a permanent dye. constitution ' , jud the Court of tilled." " Some of the Customs 'officers were slightly pris onmen t as a vagabon d, have been deceived by useless preparations ( to It contains also an elaborate and carefully Wt. into the affair of M. Carre ge of poet in the ceunt of the anatomy and physiology of the tors are already erased from it. the scandalous wounded. ' This unluck y man was a repu blican the head, hair, &c), will find this dye unexceptionable. organs of I'"" ,' of the Appeal, has been dropped. Thus ¦ * ' a weekly P rice 3«. 6d. per bottle. Sent post free on receipt of sexes, liiLiUOAiiALXiij ui nuiubituus vOLODRPni?"1 It it stated in the ' Journal d'Arge nton GERMANY. < time of Louis" Philippe , and publish ed • CRAVINGS with the Author Sl the republic in insinuations of the * Pat rie' against that legal func- ' From 1834 to 1838 he forty-eight postage Stamps by Madame Coupelle. ' , 's observation on maJr! 8th instant , that the procureur of appoin ted by M. , The '.Hanover Zeitung ' communi cates the follow- satire called ' Tisiphone. Erg., .—' I have tried your its duties and hinderances. The prevention and m,?ffi has instituted a tionary , merely because he was After James Thompson, 'stricture ' the arrondiseement of Mor tagne ing resolution of the Bund , under the , date of the was many times in prison for political libels. invaluable dye, and find it to answer the highest expecta- plan of treating gleet, , Syphilis, &c. p)a|n yN Garnie r Pages, the former Cremieux , fall to the ground. the Club of • ¦ ' tions for the attainment ' of health, vigour and 6** prosecution against M. 23rd of August :— The Federa l February , 1848, he was presid ent of tions.' - rn 58 , for demago- The number of municipal magistrates lately sus- ' Assembly demands Killinick, Wexford.—* Your liquid is a quent happiness during the full period of tune allnS * member of the prov isional governme nt Friends of the Republic,,and had influence Mr. J. N. Clarke, our species. red <0 in the neighbour- pended of dismissed is so great that it has become im- of the several federal governme nts to examine the the most excellent and immediate dye for the hair, tar pre- gical speeches lately made by him institutions that have been called enough to procure bis election as a captai n of na purchased. * The work is illustrated by the detail of oases, «°"eu«Wfl possible for the chronicle r to keep pace with the into existence ferable to all other I have its name indicates, thus hood. It does not .pp ** *!' «" S^ since 1848 • and , if they should tional guards. He has lately been in great distress , dering it what tho silent but frim!?' custody , bnt he has been sub- governmen t, and to keep an accurate account of not be found in advisor of all who may be suffering from the consenuoS lj tieman is ia actual harmon y with tbe constitution of the make and , accord ing to the accusa tion against him , has UPERFLUOUS HAIR may be removed of early error and vice—a work which may 1 inter roga tory. them. The whole local adm inistration of France is Bund , to small quan- be codsuh iected to a long state , for dismissal are in almost the requisite alterations without delay. In case any obtained subscri ptions for poems which he never in- S in two minutes, by the application of ft without exposure, and with every assurance of comn Prefe ct of the Boucbes-du-Rhon e, by an edict in a of confusion his arrest he tity of MADAME COUPELLB'S DEPILATORY.—By this success and benefit , lle t« The wearing or exhibiting every instance followed by numerous resignations. governme nts should meet with hindran ces in carry- tended to publish. On the day of ii'mple, rap id, and obtained in a sealed envelope of Sept. 2, ha« prohibited tbe of a wine merchant to prevent process the removal of hair becomes so May be through all baal-.j calculated to pro pa- In the Cote d'Or two lads , employed in repairing ing out this object in a constitut ional way, the y borro wed forty sous safe, that it supersedes everything else of the kind. lers, 2s. Sd.,or to avoid difficulty, will be sent direct from in public of any sign or symbol , according to uncertainty, and above all, the a or to troubl e tbe public the.roof of an inn at Reneve, amuied themselves will have to consider whether , it will be .necessary him fro m selling bis uniform , which Hitherto the tediousness, Author, bypsit (free) for forty postage stamps. "* gate the spir it of reb ellion, ' deposited as poisonous properties of the agents employed as depilatories OPINIONS OK THE P11ESS. caps , red girdles or by scratching upon the chimney ' Vive la re publi. to have a commission from the Bund to effect their one witness , he had ver y freque ntly have greatly limited their use ; an easy and safe method containing which may be seen peace , such as red bonnets or The papers at Dr, Be ]>UOi„. stuff about the neck or on the que d. s.' Two sharp-sighted gendarmes found purpose. . Tbe Bund has determined to appoint a security for money. in removing super fluous hair will therefore be very accept , establishment. cravats, pieces of red Interior Has with- distinctiv e party sign. out tbe seditious inscription , and forthwith hauled committee to make a report on such cases, and also The French Minister ot the able and useful. Extract from the Medical Gazette and Times :_ • jw breas t, or any other booksellers from Lecomete de Price 4s. per bottle, sent post free, with directions, on nately for our country, a more efficient (because precautio ns are taken up the young democrati c tilers before the 'juge de with all expedition to draw up the plan of a feder al drawn the license as Coupelle, ccrta ?I While auch extraord inary Denis. The receipt of fifty-four postage stamps by Madame mode of treating these deplorable complaints i3 at last i„ perilous red , the immacu- pais? ' who forthwith drew up a proces verbal of law of the press to oppose and corre ct the at presen t Beaumon t and Leblan d, 149, Rue St. and to be had through all venders. troduced ; and we hail the. time as not fur distant in the provinces against the section St. Sauveur the stamp round each package , i , wh»« colour finds more favour in . M. the crime, in tbe presence of the mayor and tbe prevailing abuses of the press. ' Two or three am- commissary of police of N.B.—See to such diseases shall be comparatively unheard of- » late white it The Dr. Ure.—' I have analysed your four preparations, would earnestly recommend all persons afflicted ' the Quai d'Orfevres , and gardechamp etrc. The mayor of the neighbourin g bassad ors , tbe Hanoverian paper adds , pleaded want closed their shop, and affixed his seals on . Pomade and Solvent and with aa Mtcol ci, the bookseller of promote the viz. — Depilatory, Hair Dye, , kind of generative derangemen tto avail themselves of "S commune of Jauci M. Robinet , thoug ht the of instruc tions for not acceding to this resolution. crime of these bookseller s has been to find all of them excellently adapted for their various pur- information contained in almost every page of M. Jans on, his printer , have been tried for publish- gny, ¦ -¦ Dr n, Manifesto of a Legitimist ,' story rather a funny one, and repeated it as a thing The protest of Count. Furstenburg, against tbe sale of democratic works. v t •_ ees.' Roos's werk, which we unhesitatingly pronounce the lin ing a placard entitled ' department m Rome Do not Cut yonv Coins but Cure them. < extant.' by Viscount le Serrec de Kervilly, ornamented with to laugh at; he was immediatel y suspend ed by the convocation of the Diets, appe ars to have made The expenses of the police Rhine t year have been increased by 3,360 Soft and hard Corns and Bunions may be instantly re. ' THE MEDICAL ADV1SEB. is indeed a boon to the pub. the Bourbon lilies. The legal description of this pre fect, M. Jean Debry. The same pr efect sus- great sensation in tbe country. This protest for the curren lieved, and permanently cured in three or four days, by lie, as it has tbe two-fold advantage of plainness, and beii the publication ef seditious emblems pended M. Guillemin , Mayor of Ruffey-lez -Echirey, has been followed by another , that of M. Bethm an seudi (17,100/r.) Madame C-.otbiae's SOLVENT. It is sent post free on written by a skilful and duly qualified man, who eTid«nS offence was was his subiect'— IF. Times The counsel for the tor having declined to legalise certain doubtful Hollweg. Count Furstenburg is known as almost Saphir, the well-known Viennese , receipt of thirteen postage stamps. well understands . ' tending to provoke rebe llion. Rev. WVS. Clifton , West Willow, Romsey :—«Pound it ' Many a man, who unmarried and miserable, is now$j, pleaded the whole history of France , which , signatures to a petition for revision. For such a an ultra-conservative , which greatly increases the arrested some day s ago for writing a funny artic le ' defence constitution. eradicate expeditiously, and without pain, his Corns of daring in silent sorrow the penalties of former folly (perL, he said , proved that the « fleur-de-lys ' could never heinous crime as this , however, suspension—to significance of bis protes t, and a correspondence on the recent ordinances abolishing the thirty years' standing, after all the other professed reme- committed in ignorance,) had he possessed such a book!. be the symbol . of disorder. This arg ument pre- which alone the powers of a prefect extend— from Cologne asserts that this act which was. an- He bas already been tried and sentenced to three dies had failed.' , this, would hare been a happy husband, a honoured nare{. this himself , nounced at the Count' s own request in tbe ' Cologne months ' imprisonmen t and three months ' suspension Mr. S. Stanford , Footfcray :- * Tour cure for Corns and and useful member of society.'—!?. A x Dispatch. vailed, and both the prisoners were acquitted. was not enough. The mayor felt Bunions is the best I ever tried.' _ Lasting benefit can only be reasonably expected at ifo The ' Moniteur ' contains a decree promulgating and tendered his re signation. The zealous prefect Gazette ,' to which publication he had been formerl y of his journal the ' Humorist .' Mr. E. Barnes, West Parley, Wimbourne :—'My Corns hands of the intelligent and practical physician, who, de. Holiness the are all cured by your Sol. parting from the routine of general practice, devotes the convention of February 5, 1848, between bis refused to accept it, but wrote to Pa ris for a unfriendly , has greatl y augmented the opposition to A letter from Rome states that his of twenty five years' standing, , % ,000 seudi (24,000fr.) to Naples vent ' wholeoi his studies to this class of diseases the lamentalk then Majes ty, Louis Philippe , and the free Hansea- decre e of dismissal, which was insta ntl y sent the Diet in the Rhine provinces. In Cologne out of has sent 4 of the above will be sent (free) per return ot neglect of which by ordinary medical men, and ita electors only sixty have appeared. for the relief of the victims of ihe late earthquake N.5b.—Any mercury and otlier tic town of Hamburg,for the reciprocal extradition as requested. Three municipal councillors re- one thousand post on receipt of the prlte in postage stamps, by MA- futile attempts at cure by equal]. , AUSTRIA. in Basilicata. Ely-place,, London, Jangerous medicines, have produced the most alarming J of fugitive criminals in France and Hamb urg. signed. DAME CODPEL-LE, - Presi dent on Monday laid the foundation VIENNA , Sept. lS.—Dispatches have been re- Five prisoners lying in the hospital at tbe bagne where she may be consulted on the above matters daily, suits. Another decree directs tha t rough cast iron The from two till five o'clock. From the great extent ot Da. De Roos's practicefor man into machi- the central market places proposed to be ceived from Pa ris announcing that the French Go of Toulon lately died of poison , in consequence of years, and his former connexion with the various instita (* fonte brute /) destined to be made up stone of London and Paris, for tho xportation , shall hereaf ter be admitted erected in Paris. His reception is said to have vernment intends to send to the frontier the -Aus an error committed by the bead apothecary of tie tibns.'both in relief of those at nery for re-e in order flicted with Debility, Syphilis, Secondary Symptoms, Sw, into France duty free, whether arriving by sea or been , on the whole, of a nature gratify ing to him. trian subjects implicated in the late plot ,' establishment , who had placed on one bottle a di* ! Teneral and Scorbutic that their own Governmen t may deal with them SECRET SORROW ! CERTAIN HELP tuxes, Gleet, eruptions, &c. of tha land, and whether in French ships, or the ships of self. The conclusion of his short speech was as rection intended for another. Four of the patients Mode of Treatment which face and body ; he has had perhaps unusual facilities ft, Immense Success of the New the peculanties and consequences of each the expor ting country. In the latter case a decla- follows :—' In laying this first stone of an edifice according ly. There is mention made of a vote ad- died that night , and tbe fifth next morning. has never failed. observing m^ year the cular stage. Hence ne is.enaoiea conhdently and COnscien, ration of tbe origin of tbe iron trill be required. of which tbe destina tion is so eminently popular , I dressed to tbeEnglish Governmen t by all the powers During three months of the present undertake the removal of plots of the ALFRED BARKER , 48, Liverpool tiously to every svmptom (n M Sufficient security must be given for the re-exporta- deliver myself with confidence to the hope that, relative to the dangers arising fro m the mount ed police in Bohemia arrested no less than DE. s Cross, London. " • excepting the most inveterate or long standing) in as show Street, King' consistent with safety or tion, or replacement in bond of the weight of metal with the support of good citizens, and with the refugees in London. fifteen thous and persons , and were praised for their From many years' experience at the various hospitals in a time as is return of money; , is enabled to toeat with Country, patients wishing to place themselves unto imported. protection of Heaven , it will be given to us to lay TURKEY. efficiency by the government. London and on tbe Continent, be minute in the detail of Kossuth. —The Paris correspondent of the in opposition , we sup- the utmost certainty of cure, every variety of disease treatment will their cases an! The ' Pain e * states that it is in contemplation to upon the soil of France some foundations where- His Neapolitan Majesty, solitary habits, excesses, and infections, such to prevent treuble, no letters from strangers will be rejfa y solid ' Daily News' says :— gran ted arising from they contain £1 in cash, or b extend the new regulations concerning foreigners to upon will be erected a social edifice sufficientl pose, to the policy of Piedmon t, has lately as gonorrhoea, gleet, stricture, and syphilis, or venereal to unless y Post-office Order < I may mention that Kossuth is expected to land some the Roman stages, which, owing to neglect or im- payable at the Holborn Office , for which the necessar, every depar tment of Franc e. to offer a shelter against the violence and mobility of the many demands made by disease, in all their medicines will be sent. 'i humour for pro tecting society by of human passions. at Southamp ton on the 6th of October , the anniver - Church to punish offences of religion—such .as ab- proper treatment, invariably end in gravel, rheumatism, advice and ' M. Garl ier ' , debility, skin diseases, pains in the kidneys, Patients in-.the country corresponded with till cured sary of the murder of Count Latour at Vienna , of confessional , non-observanc e of indieestion At home for consultation, daily, from IS till 1 crammin g tbe cells of the Sue Mazas has burst out Another son of Victor Hugo has been condemned sence fro m the back, and loins, and finally, an agonising death ! Xhe , and S tjfl the butchery of Louis Battbiany at Pestb • medical men ia 8, (Sundays excepted,) unless by previous arrangement, into fresh activity. A regular razzia has been made to nine months' imprisonment , and fined 2,000f. , and of featas , the! mass, &c, &c—I n fact , a Holy lamentable neglect o£ these diseases by ¦¦ and their futile attempts to cure Address, Walteb de Koss, M.D., 35, Ely-place, Holliora. pon the hab itations o! the thir ty Hungarians who for an article on the expulsion of forei gners from tbe other ' Hun garian generals at Arad. Kossuth Office ' will be instituted in' Naples , and a power general is well known, Hours, 10 till 1 and 4 till 8. S by the use of these dangerous medicines—mercury, co- hill, London. , muUi,,. reside in Paris. The apartments of M. Vukovicz, Fr ance. M. Erdaa , director of the paper the will embark at the port near Broussa. As the given to the church which hitherto the sovereigns produced very distressing results. cepted unless by previous arrangement. ¦ paiba, cubebs, &c, have betvefre ' Kossuth's Minister of Justice , have been visited ' Evenement ,' is condemned to a like punishmen t , American steamer destined to convey this liberated have resisted. AH sufferers are earnestly invited to apply at once to Dr. Brother Chartists of youthful Ten Shillm with the minutes t scrutiny ; all his papers seized and the paper itself suspended for a month. patriot to England is out of repair, he will embark Barker, who guarantees a speedy and perfect cure, and Quail's iltho imitaU this Advertisement. ' of every sympton, whether primary or secondary, without threatened with ex- condemnation of the Evenement ' has on board an English steamer. n PAINS-IN'THE HACK, GKATEL, Urn, rod examined) and he himself Th e ' A tAix fellow, who was dressed like a Beama > any of the above medicines, thus preventing the psssibi- ex- LIBERATION OF KOSSUTH , This truth has been esta- BAGO, Rheumatism. Oont, Indication pulsion ; bnt , nothing appearin g against hiro , he caused more excitement than might have been swallowed, the other day, the whole stock of an litv of any after symptoms. Debility; Sliicliue, ttleet, etc. ' A letter from Malta, dated 12th of September , blished in manythousands of cases, and as a turther gua- has been left unmolested further. Colonel Kiss de pected from the apath y displayed on so many occa- oyster seller, about 250, together with two inveterate case in as says—'By the French steamer which arrived yester - rantee he undertakes to cure the most CAU'f ION.—Ayouthfulself-slyled ten smiling doct Nemeskir , who commanded at Bnda for the Diet sions of the kind , as it is observed by M. de Girar- quarts of milk and¦ ¦ a glass Of ru m;—Liverpool Al- is consistent with safety, without hindrance " - - short a time as (unblushing impudence being his only qualification) ia no" previous to WindWc hgra tzi's occupation of that for- din. The following journa ls have within a short day from Constantinop le we have recei ved the wel- bion. from business, change of diet, Ac, or return the money. under the assumed name of an eminent expected at the advertising pkv tress, has been arrested in his lodgings, and con- time been prosecuted and punished :—The ' Re- come intelli gence of the liberation of Kossuth and Lasting benefit can only be reasonably sician, highly injurious imitations of these medicines, auj hands of the duly qualified practitioner, who, departing an useless abbreviated copy of Dr. De Itoos' celebrate veyed to the pre fecture of police. Colonel Kiss has forme,* the ' People,' tbe ' Vote Universel,' tbe his companions from Kutajah on the 1st inst. The general practice, devotes the whole of * « ' Mississippi had arrived safely at Constan tinople. CURES FOR THE UNCUltED ! from the routine of Medical Adviser, (slightly changing its title); suffer! been very quietly pursuing the study of his profes- • Presse , the ' Siecle/ the Republique , the his studies to this neglected class ef diseases. Country will therefore do well to see that the stamp round « detail of their cases, as that tacS sion as military engineer ; his arrest has thrown his Charivari ,' and the ' Opinion Publique. ' Other Its cabins were fitted up in the most elegant man- UOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. patients will be minute in the box or bottle is a bona fide government stamp (not a ba.« ¦"¦-*- Ail mwaoramary vurt oj acrojma ,or mng s will render a personal visit unnecessary. To prevent counterfeit), and to guard against the truthless state' friends and fellow countrymen into consternation , journals have been either threatened or prosecuted ner , so as to accommodate Kossuth , his family, and be replied to, un all bis:party . A Turkish steamer , was to leave at Evil. , trouble, no letters from strangers will metis of this individual, which are published only for tfc? and the greater part of them tremb le under the ap- without effect. As for the ' Evenement / it counts - less they contain Ten Shillings in postage stamps, or by basest, purposes of deception on invalids and fraud on tl; once for Giemeleck to take them on board and con- Extract of aletter from Mr. J. H. Alllday, 209 High-street, post-office order, for which the necessary advice and medi- prehension of a similar blow. He was seized as four editors in prison , amongst whom are the two Cheltenham, dated January 22hd, 1850, Proprietor. . .. . president of the Hungarian committee. This posi- sons of Victor Hugo. It is rumoured that vey them to the Dardanelles, where the Mississippi cines will be sent. Patients corresponded with till cured. young 8m,—My eldest son, when about three years of age, Females on all occasions attended to with the most honour- r\R. DE ROOS' COM P OUND RENAL tion was held by Count Teleky, who is absent , and soms other departments are to be declared in a state was to be in readiness to receive them. Nothing was afflicted with a glandular swelling in the,neck,.which able secresy and delicacy. At home tor consultation " *-' PILLS, as their name Uenal (.or the Kidneys)indi. has since devolved upon M. Vukowicz. Colonel of siege. could exceed the kindness , the attentions of the after a short time broke out ' into an ulcer. An eminent daily from 10 till 1, and 4 till 8, Sundays excepted. Post- cites, have in many'instances effected a cure when all Kiss was obliged to pass the night in confinement at ITALY. Turkish government. Tbe Pacha of Broussa , in ac- medical man pronounced it as a very bad case of scrofula, Office orders payable at the General Post Office. Ad- other means had failed, are now established by tfe and prescribed for a considerable time without effect. The dress, Dr. Alfred Barker, 43, Liverpool-street, Kwg s consent of the FACULTY, and every person who haa Wed file Prefecture ; was submitted to a searching inter - Naples.—A correspondent sends the following cordance with orders forwarded to him from Con- disease then for years went on gradually increasing in Cross, London. All those' deemed incurable are particu- them, as the most safe and efficacious remedy ever da. rogatory the following morning as to bis connexion letter from Naples, dated tbe 4th inst. : stantinop le, sent no less than fifty carria ges to con* virulence, when besides the ulcer in the neck, another larly invited. covered for the above dangerous complaints, DIS. and a third under the eye with schemes for revolutionising Euro pe, and then ' Whilst the attention of civilised Europe is turned vey the exiles to the point of their embarcation. formed below the left knee, , be- CHA1VGES OF ANY KISD, and diseases of the kidat5! sides seven others on the left arm, with a tumour between SKIN DISEASES. NERVOUS DEBILITY, SCROFULA, and urinary organs generally, whether resulting fron liberated with the intimation that he would receive with mingled indignation and pity towards the Among those mentioned as likely to accompany the eyes which was expected to break. During the whole of GLANDULAR SWELLINGS, &c. imprudence or otherwise, which, ifnsglected, frequcnil] orders to quit Paris I in three days. Several other Neapolitan government , and its miserable agents , Kossuth , we find the well-known names of the two the time my suffering boy had received the constant advice end in fistula, stone in the bladder, and a lingerie of the most celebrated-medical gentlemen at Cheltenham, BARKER 'S COMPOUND death!. Hun garians are menaced with immediate expulsion. the grand criminal court has again been the scene Percz els, of Vissowski, a general , and ot Asboth. at the General Hospital DR. h besides being for several months INDIAN EXTRACT is a safe and permanent restora- For gout, sciatica, rhematism, tix doloreux, erysipelas, Ail foreigners who are without families, or whose of fresh injustice and cruelty. I have alread y re- His secretary and p ysician will also go with bim. where one of the surgeons said that he would amputate tive of manly vigour, whether deficient from residence in dropsy, scrofula , loss of hair or teeth, depression of spirits, means of existence are doubtful , must quit France ferred to the2trials , called " the 5th of September ," Count Batthiany ' s movements ' are uncertain. His the left arm, but that the blood was so impure, that i) hot or cold climates, or arising from solitary habits, youth- blushing, incapacity for society, study or business, m, that limb were taken off it would be then even impossi- ful delusive excesses, infection, &c. It will also be founda fusion, giddiness, drowsiness, sleep without refreshment in twenty-four hours after receiving notice to that when the camaril la sent a priest , with a mob of state of health is such that he is anxious to get to In this desperate state I deter- , Pari s, in order to consult some of the French ble to subdue the disease. speedy corrective of all the above dangerous symptoms. fear, nervousness, and even insanity itself, when (as i effect, Already a great number among them have paid lazzaroni into the streets shouting, " Down with mined to give your pills and ointment a trial; and after Weakness of the eyes, loss of hair, disease and decay of often the case) arising from, or combined with Urinaq been subjected to this alternative. The faub ourg of the constitution. " The men who opposed this re- faculty. The Countess Batthiany has been using all two months pel severance in their use, the tumour began the nose, sore throat, pains in the side, back, loins, «5sc. Diseases, they are unequalled. By their salutary actiso perceptibly to disappear , and the discharge,from all. the Obstinate diseases of the kidneys and bladder, gleet, stric- on acidity of the stomach, they correct bile and info St. Antoine presents at this moment a piteous spec- volutionary band (that is tbe leaders) have received her endeavours with the French Ambassador to decreased and at tbe expiration of tacle. Oar readers are aware that the jour neymen obtain permission for this change in ulcers gradually , ture, seminal weakness, los* of memory, nervousness, tion, purify and promote the renal secretions, thtrrii their final sentence from those who jud ged Poerio his destina- eight months they were perfectly healed, and the boy headache, giddinesss, drowsiness, palpitation of the heart, preventing the formation of stone, and establishing in cabinet makers in that populous and democratic and his companions , and twenty-five are condemned tion.* thoroughly restored to the blessings of health, to the as- indigestion, lowness of spirits, lassitude and general pros- life the healthy functions of all these organs. OMETRIil tonishmentof a large circle of acquaintances who could tration of strength, usually resulting from neglect or im- will convince the most prejudiced of their surpisiug pa quarter are almost all Germans or Belgians ; tho:e to various periods at the galleys, which , put to- By the Growler, which arrived this (Thursday ) miraculous case. Three years among them whose employers will morning, we have heard that Kossuth and his com- testify to the truth of this proper treatment by mercury, copaiba, cubebs, and other perties. guarantee their gether , makes 500 years in irons ; the only offence have now elapsed without any recurrence of the malady, deadly poisons. ,. Way be. obtained with directions, &c, at la. lld„2s.Si mora lity, or who declare that they will no longer being a fight with a mob of men who ought pr e. panions were all safe on board of .the Mississippi, and the boy is now as healthy , as heart can wish. Under From its peculiar properties in creating new, pure, and 4s. 6d., lis., and 33s. per box, through all Medicine Vernier; employ them, are expelled without indul gence. cisely, according to law, to occupy their places and and that she had left tbe Dardanelles with them on these circumstances I consider that I should be truly un rich blood (thereby cleansing and strengthening the whole or should any difficulty occur, they will be sent (free) ti Crowds of them may be seen directi ng grateful were I not to make you acquainted with this won- system), it removes barrenness, and soon restores the receipt ot the price in postage stamps, by Dr. De K«i their steps wear their chains. But this is not all—observe the the 7th inst. for Avaericasr-EveningSun. derful cure, effected by your medicines after every other organs to sound health, even after aU other remedies 35, Ely-place, Holborn-hill, London. towards tbe barrier s with knapsacks on their backs illegality. On the 25th of Augu st, the presi dent . means had failed.—(higned)—J. H. Allidat.—To Professor (which have usually a depre ssing tendency) .have failed ; TESTIMONIALS. and tears in their eyes. Several democratic trad es- Ju dge Navaro was ill. As there were supplement ary THE GOLD EXCITEME NT.—NEWS PROM OMHR. HotiowAY. hence its universal success in female complaints. To test the truth of which. Or. De Roos solicits inquirj 1 Rheumatism of FourYears Standing. Sold in bottles, p*ice 4s. 6d., and lis. each, by every from the persons themselves. men and men who had been amnest ied have been judges the sentence might have been delivered We have received advices f rom Sydney to the Cure of Acute direct from the Jin January Chemist in the Kingdom, .or wiU be sent T. Webster, Esq., Sealford, near Mowbray, the object of domiciliary visits, and have been put without the notorious polluter of justice 2nd June . Every arrival , and every letter from Extract of a Letter from Mr. John Pitt, Dudley, establishment, securely packed, on receipt of the amount. Gth, 1851).—' Having read your advertisements, I feltai- . But no— 1850. into prison. Navaro knew his companions were divided , and he Batburst , confirms the productiv eness of the mines, 19th, sured your Renal l'ills would be of service to some ofnj Sir,—It is with the greatest pleasure that I writs to neighbours. I have had twelve boxes, and they have & The Democr atic papers publish a declaratio n of to be present . There were out of the eight and the excitement which has revolutionised Bat thank you for the oeneht I have received from youv pills fatns in the Back, Gravel, Lumbago, Rheumatism , wished Qonorrhaa Stricture , rived great benefit from taking tbem. One man bai l Ledru Rollin and others , dated the 9th , giving the four for acquittal. One of these men , Amato , un- hurst has extended to Sydney. Numbe rs have set and ointment which hare completely cured mo of the Gout, Indigestion , Debility, , 4s. Gd. bottle of your Life Drops, and he very earnest most emphatic back rheumatism, .under which I suffered for . the last four Gleet, etc. solicits more, it did him so much good. I have and stall and explicit denial to the absurd willing to sell his conscience, either was ill, or off for the mines, and thoug h -many come years, at times I was so bad as hardly to he able to walk ; allegations of the privileged press, with exhausted means, other recruits are constantl y continue to recommend your valuable Pills to all mj which attribut e feigned illness, whereupon Navaro , who had now I had tried every kind of medicine that was recommended DR. BARKER'S PURIFIC PILLS friends.' to the editors of the ' Voix du Present ,' and the recovered , appo inted Morelli in his place—a man setting out. Opbir is the grand subject of conver- without receiving any being. I at last thought I would are the most safe and efficacious remedy ever dis- John Andrews, Abersychan, Pontypool.—'After takinj leading member s started for give your medicine a trial, and purchased from Mr. Hollin, covered for discharges of any kind, and diseases of the a box of your Pills, I am so much better thntl annate*) of the centr al democratic com- conspicuous for what is here termed "loyalty." The sation , and those who have not already Chemist of this town two boxes of pills and two of oint- whether resulting mittee in London , an intimate connexion the mines, have engaged in speculat ions connected , , , Kidneys and Urinary Organs generally, to send for another.' with the presid ent had now his majori ty, and the result was m ent, and in three weeks, through them and the blessings from imprudence or otherwise, which, if neglected, fre- Mr. Miltou, Welch, Furness.—' Your Ilenal Pills are ftl pretended Fre nch-German plot. This document , a condemnation of twent y, with the supp ly of tbe mines. One advertises of God, I was restored to health and strength; and am now quently end in atone in the bladder, and a lingering only medicine I have ever met with that have beenofsr- as I have stated above as well able to walk as ever I was in my life. I am well states that the only editor of tbe ' Voix du five to irons. These unhappy men are all of the cradles , another shovels, a third magnets , and the death } For Gout and Rheumatism, Depression of Spirits, vice.' Proscrit * papers are filled with announcements rela tive to the known in this parish, having been sixty-five years in it, Fxcitement, Blushing, Dislike of Society, Incapacity for Mr. T. Bloem, Limekiln-street, Dover.—' Please toieni present in Fran ce has been arrested , to- lower class. the exception of ten years I served in the 24th regi- Study or Dusiness, Loss of Memory, Confusion , Giddiness, a few more of jour wonderful Pills. My wife feels jkk gether with the persons whom chance broug ht to May 15th , 1848, have advanced a subject of all absorbing interest. nventoffoot.—(Signed)—John Pitt.—To Professor Hollow- Blood to the Head, Drowsiness, Sleep without Refresh- relief already.' ' The trials of WA¥. bis office at the moment of the visit of the police. step. I should observe , this group of prisoners , CUBA. ment, Groundless Fear, Indecision, Wretchedness, Nervous- Mr. Westmacott, 4 Market-street, Manchester.-' Ton (hat Semi- Cure of a Bad Leg of more than Sixty YearsStanding. ness, and even Insanity itself, when (as is often the case) medicines are very highly spoken of by all who hare pm- The list of suscribers and the accounts and com- been in dungeons for nearly Advices up to the 4tb inst. state Urinary Diseases, they are some of whom have Mr. Barker, of No. S, Grabam arising from, or combined with chaded them of me.' mercial correspo ndence were seized under the ty.five individuals ; two official accounts received fro m Washington staie 's-place, Drypool, near unequalled. By their salutary action on Acidity of the person pre- two years , consists of for Hull, had ulcers on his leg from tho age of eighteen until Mr. Smith, Times OmcE. Leeds.—One i* text that the « Voix du Pros crit ' was the soul the government possess information that , on tbe Stomach, they correct /Jile and Indigestion, purify and forms me that your Renal Pills are worth a guinea ! and were ministers of the crown , and the rest were upwards of eighty, and although for many years he had thereby preventing the chief engine 25th Aug., Lopez had been able to maintain him- sought the first advice in the promote the Renal Secretions, box.' of the preten ded plot. Meanwhile members of parl iament and men of property. Tbe country, nothing was found fbrmarion of Stone and establishing for life the healthy the provisional gerant of self, but with very reduce d force ; not one Creole to cure them. He very often suffered most excruciating , tbe paper was ar rested at Atto di Accusa charg es them with " conspiring pain for long periods together functions of all these organs. St. Amand , and conveyed to Paris of the state , for the had joined him , his prospects were desperate ; it is , which incapacitated him May be obtained at Is. ljd., 2s. 9d., and 4s. Gd. per box, handcuffed ; and against the internal securit y from attending to his business. He had given up nil hopes dom or should the sister of M. Chotteau a persona l stru ggle for his own and the lives Of his of gettinu a cure, through all Medicine Vendors in the King , , the gerant, now in de- purpos e of destroy ing or chang ing the actual form when at last he was persuaded to try any difficulty occur they will be sent free on receipt of the tent ion at Doual for a press offence few remaining followers ; no reinforcements have IMtoway's Pills and Ointment, which he did, and however , was conduced of governmen t, by exciting the subjects and in- wonderful it may appear price in postage stamps by Dr. Barker. to the prison of Valenciennes, for ar m themselves against gone from New Orleans , and the government is suc- , tho leg was thoroghly healed by To prevent fraud on the public by imitations of these resisting the habitants of the kingdom to their means, and by continuing to use the Pills alone after s Honourable Commis- brutal attempts of the having actually pro- cessfully exerting itself to prevent any. Tbe col- his leg was weU, he has become in wonderful medicines her Mujesty' gendarmes to search her tbe royal authority, as well as re- health so hale and sioners have ordered the name of the Proprietor, to be on- person. Ledru Eollia and his colleagues declare war between the inhabitants of the same lector of customs at New Orleans has been hearty as now to be more active than most men ef fifty.— duced civil N.B.—The truth of this extraordinary graved on tho stamp affixed to all bis medicines, without that their political acts have been confined to publi- popul ation—offe nces consumm ated in the capital on moved from office for alleged indifference in Cuban statement can be which none is genuine. matters. vouched for by Mr. J. C. Beinhardt, 22, Market-place, cations in the journal , which the French govern- the 15th of May, 1848, accordi ng to tbe penal laws Hull. February 20th, 1850. ALGIERS htieth Thousand Price Is. Gd. ment is vainly strivi ng to extinguish ; that they 123, 129." Does it ever occur to the members of . Cure of a Desperate Case of Ringwormof Six Years J ust Publislied, Eig , Tbe last letters from Algiers state that a new - have never had the least relation with the ' German the Neapo lita n governmen t, that this accusation Standing . THE CLOSET COMPANION. Committ ee ' of Paris , accused bv the police of would precise ly apply to them selves, as de jure they chief, named Mohamed ben AbdalJah , is going One of the most eminent surgeons in Lima (the capital ENLARGED EDITION. through some of the provinces of the south, en- of 1 aru) had a child covered with ringworm for more than Devoid of technicalities, addressed to all those who are being one of tbe wheels of this pretended plot ; are constitutional ministers who, for more than two six years ; in vain lie exhausted all deavouring to rouse the population against the his art in lus endca. suffering from Spevmaiorrhasa or Weakness, and the and that they defy the government to produce any years , have systematicall y " destroyed and changed vourg to effect a cure. Not succeeding, he consulted among various disqualifying forms of premature decaj resulting impeach able the actual form of government." French. Troops have been sent to arrest him and his brethren, the most celebrated medical practitioners oi from infection and youthful abuse document emanating from them but the city, , the most delusive prac- the articles published in their paper. The assertion His Neapolitan Majesty very narrow ly escaped bis partisans. but nothing was found to do the child service. tice by which tlie vigour and manliness of life are de- When he was persuaded by Mr. Joseph P. Hague, the strojed, even before nature has fully established the DARE'S P I L L that documents of importance had been seized at Saturday last. The king was driving some kny p - English chemist LIFE . . !; death on and druggist, residing at No. ti, Calle de powers and stamina of the constitution. i- are acknowledged to be the be£t Medici's* in - the house of M. Ledru Rollin is aridiculous blunder , members of the royal famil y in the vicinity of the jfam' ' 1 aiacio, to try Holloway's Pills and Ointment, which was It contains al?o an elaborate and carefully written ac- world, crn -mfectnang. done, and after using six large pots of tho Ointment, with count of the for his habitation is in a country where the police Caser ta Kail way, and was about to cross the line, a proportion of the Pills • Anatomy and Physiology of the Organs of 30,000 boxes sold weekly _ ,. , the child was radically cured, to both Sexes,' (illustrated by numerous cases, bo.,) with the this m{- do not invade private domiciles at the bidding of a not observing a train was rap idly advanc ing. A A hoax upon a large scale, the surprise of the whole medical profession. The name The tine balsamic and invigorating powers of which might have led Author's observations on Marriage, its duties and hind- cine are wonderful will carrj "- foreign government—even supposing there were countryman rnsbed forward and held the horses ' to serious consequences ot the parent, from motives of delicacy, is withheld.— rances. The : a trial of a single dose - , was per petrated on Sunday Lima, 13th of November modern plan of treating Gleet, Stricture, viction that they are all that is neeessai v to iavigoraw any compromising paper , which there is not, in his heads , to tbe great consternation of his Majesty , , 1849. Syphilis, «fcc. Plain directions for the attainment ot feeble lW at tbe barri er of Cuvette , near the Pontde Crenelle , The Pills should b2 used conjointly with the Ointment in , restore the invalid, to health, and do 8 V „i: who, not perceiving the danger, imagined a hostile health , vigour , and consequent happiness. Thus runderini : cases, l'he heads always have ««•» • roosis to seize. Finall y, the more the French go- Paris. The directo rs of the futu re—or pretended most of the Mowin g cusps •— it what " of families should - its name indicates, the Companion ot ail who may the house, as they may, greatest couhuWf vernmen t proves , by its persecution of the ' Toix inten tion on the par t of the man who was in fact future—national fetes had erecte d an embryo model , Bud Legs Corns (Soft) Ilheu maasm be suffering from the consequences of early error—a work with the Bad Breasts Cancers • Scalds resorted to at any time or in anv case. ., c,rtS| da Proscrit / its dread of the principles and policy saving his life. near the brid ge of a grand trium phal , which may he consulted with every assurance of complete Bilious Disordebs Parr Pills are »>' P"1™' ,„ 1 ar ch which , Burns Contracted and Sore Nipples success and benefit. 's Life advocated by that journal , the more its editors will Late accounts from the scene of the terrible according to their 10 m removing the distressing symptoms attendant «* pr ogramme , is to adorn the Sl™ ^, . Stiflyoints Sore Throats; May be obtained in a sealed envelope through all Book- s»»»u d deem it their duty to devote themselves to the task earthqu ake by no means diminish the accredited Bite ofMoschetoes Elephantiasis bilious obstructions, disordered state of tlie ,k. Champs Elysees during the fetes. Not more than Skin-diseases sellers, at is. Gd., or to avoid difficulty, will be sent direct of sign A of providing that policy with an organ. This task extent of loss of life and property. Up to the and Sand-flies Fistulas Scurvy bowels—such as pains in the head, dimness .-j^ pre- 100 carpenters had been employed upon this work. Coco-Pay from the Author, Post free for twenty-fourPostage Stamps, ness, oppression of spirits, " they trust 10 accomplish Gout Sore-heads Address the chest, lowness of ""' 0I ni iua few day s. This state- sent moment the government is unable to publish Daring six days of last week a man Ciuego-ioot Glandular , Dr. A lvked Baiiker, 48, Liverpaol-struet, tion for active employment, and various otlier 5M|^wUi ment is signed b , repre senting Swel- Tumours King's-cross, London. at all am y Dnpont , L?dru Rollin , Deles- the returns, as excavations continue. Every as- himself to be an agent of the direct ors , Cliilblains linys ' Ulcers times troublesome, and uotuiitYequemly ' .m\ cluze, was insta lled Chapped-hands By taking two or three ills, the SJ' and Rihayrolles. Another document , signed sistance has been offered to the sufferers, and we in an eating-house near the br id ge, Lumhiigo "Woun doses of these f tei by Bratiano , for the Centr al Euro pean and enaaged all Piles Yaws above described are speedily removed , an "''f"'" Committee, have concerts and theatrical representations in aid tbe workmen that he could meet SKIN MKITPTIWIV.*!, NEKVOUS SJ S2B3. of serenity slomach»,Ml ^* declares that it is completely false with . To even Bold by the Propriet ,Ui, Strand, (near Temple Bar, pervades the mind , the .'r vi> that documents of tbe inhabitants of Melfi , so many of whom are one he gave a card and number London, and by all respectable Vendors IjB'&'Y, Scrofula, JMseases of the lioues and restored to their natural functions, and reWimo° - emanating , directing him lo of Patent Me possession of any compromisin g papers , such are using artful exertions to buy up if possible everyone ingl N.B.-D:rections for U GUTTiE V1TJE (or Life Drops) denominated Liver Complaints „,;ritu* u3 y, on that day about 4,000 artis ans assembled the guidance of Patients are affixed is as its name implies buted to exerei»e-^;I the work of men who have never belonged , fir or who has any connexion with the press. As they <--ac.i Pot or Box. a safe and permanent restorative of manl cold—anxiety—want of s aK at the brid ge. The great contra ctor and tbe eating - y vigour, whether drinks—excessive use of mercury, «tc.. t| ,ese,„f.,niij»te near, to the committee. It concludes by defying have taken up a line of defence concient irom long residence in hot or cold climates or , you may expect any house keeper bad both disappeared , and arising from solitary powerfu lly on the Liver , and obstruct the du eper R aC document tbe armv oi habits, youthful delusive exeeVM. ofits 1 the French government ta publish any amount of falsehood. "Why did not Mr. Gladstone " II mil also I)e natural functions and secretions, »»" '"* ,,1 ..eieU workmen were dispersed by an arm ed force , t« E L HAM - onT™* found40 a 8Peeu>' corrective o tion of inmortance to <«f - establishin g a connexion betw een tbe European go to tbe King ?" is the cry of the . WHIS KERS , a eda^ Ke ous the liver is of such vital ^ camarilla. Mr. whom, however , they appear to have offered not the B S™ t ay b with wrtah,* chained frL nf w ". / . ^P ™. weakness of the eyes, health, that these interruptions not aitew* ^ rt5 Committee and the pretended French-German plot. B. Cochrane bVusm™£T™',i°" ?. ?' . a teeth if occur ctf did go to the King.' slightest resistance. As to the motive Port,oa of ROSALIE CODPELLE'S sore throatS* di8ea3e and decay of the often terminate fatally. Should Jaundice for this ex- PARISIAN POMADEP&r?nr , every morning, lES nfJJ , pams- in- the' side, back, loins, &c; obstinate"0^ { e j^ A third document , signed by M. , for tbe ' P.S.—The latest accounts from the island of traor dinary proceeding , nothing i. Vi? instead of any oil di eases of the kid„ey ' to remove all doubts with respect to U»s "? „«];«. (i" is known. It is 0"* suie 8 ftnd bWder, gleei ttrietu e fe three f or a *«" Society of German Agitation at London, repudiates Iscbia states that Poerio is still in bed s in e XwT ^"W't' inwill , in mo/t in! nesfl 2oss of old I'abb's pills every nigfit , " „f $& , chained to sugges ted that the only feasible one must have been PropertfcH producing , of meraory> nervousness, headache restore 't'iie c?u the cuic S?ling W>\ maiierskL« JFT^tf and SLl? " w -' e toh , the patient to perfect health- ; Dc cou«'> least knowledge of the pretended plot in the the wall. His companion , Pironti, is rquallj cruelly the hope , oh the part of some , Hair, i c., at any aee, from whaitT*? •^^to^^ »rt. &uise8tlon diseases are before as a matt" politi cal party or cause deficient ; as also SiS ^Spint? • ^J ^"tt8itn B andfr specified, whicb, following ter ms :— treated. This is the mode of punishing cheeking eresness &c For chii 9?reS°/ 1¥ * WMMl Prostrationor oi should be carefully avoided. eS' prisoners another , that an insurrection might gro w out of a 1 ousts of , lSUaUy resul^DB °m neglect ,. 1h« * The French paper the , and with it whose only offence was that of tZ^V^T™?' ?»»*W^e a heawuhi treatmpnr1^J improper COPT, BlIEtJiUTISM, BlIEUJUTlC Gokt, *»"} (l) ajj " Debats " believing in the large disconten ted assemblage. A cur ious trial took V and l'end !rinS tl,e «se of the small mercurr» copaiba, cubebs, and other all the react ionary n^ly>v 'p ! comb in poisons! deadly citing causes of these complaints may be trf ourcis papers of Paris , takin g for their King 's solemn . Pio Nono is the special ad- place recently in Paris. On the 26th ??rs.0119 *h° Iwe been deceived bv ridieu. freqnto* f text the of June last, d, f From its nrnnerHpo in »omA«;«» v , .. general derangement of the system ; , (tee 0r manifesto recently published by the viser of Ferdinando II., and Fer dinando is the as the Pr esident was returning ' fthl8 Poraade wiU di wel to (iKm-rlcc „*' wifiV » t?, "."""" 8 uui-i-eniiess ana all their appearance are, Colds, Bruisess Sprains . from a review loud SZwrfs" *"geUU °- 18 pr6 aration jnwm of aHAH&™ jucli as leucoirhcoa i ^({D ^ German Agitation Society of London , seek to con- cries of' Vive la Republique' evw regre" " P '' which they will , or "the gence in nine, spirits , and highly-spic ed foods ii special favouri te of the Pope ! Birds of a feather- were Uttered on the * he u-»che> BhWhuaa, Indigestion, palpitation ever an cases oi» ^ # nect it with the pretend ed conspiracy, fnce 'is. per pot, sent pos rfaS * ? established fact, that in nine llf for which a let us say , fiends of a feather , &c * Pont de Jena. A man named Leger answered these t free with instructions &t> C0Ugh lQwneS9 of 8PWts, &e., &c. is hereditary, thus proving, that before a «nr* or01iiit»; great numbar of German « It ulihF^irabl y^adai1 ted t0' that DB citizens have just been NAPLES.—The infamous Pecchemeda , the cries by shouting 'No republic ;' Down with the by Madar creatp a , cla8s * sufferers, as it fected a totul change oi the syshin must Lr iie5fr»*" it* a«ainst evefy insinuation of this secutes his war of vengeance against constituti onal card showing bim to be a member S t0 H0UIld , will bvn few lttls ZZ\ o We of the society of J«*^?i, , health even after all other remedies taking- two or three daily at dinner, inlaiu"1) r er gre may be the dexteri ty the 10th of December was found iwmch have usually a depressing pwt ; - " of opinion with a vigour worthy of a better cause. upon his person. tendency) have failed ; bappyjehauge. .(fc ctiansa5 ^tlca > ltc«»»>t establish &"*^±2SS, mo8t unParalelled success. ervoi« t^ 'iw \ 2??w 'ha existence of More illegal arres ts, and fresh degradations of tbe On his trial for the utterance of illegal cries ad- ^*£& ?r 1 HiMAK Complaints.—Head-ache, n th-s imaginary complicity. hi* ««»^ -ay he seen .J! $f.» obtained with directions, &c., at is., Bs., and lis. irregularities of the system depression at *: It i» «* to Par is that courts of justice, followed each other ' hot and vocate urged that he was an honest w £S6&i^^^ at 0r , °{LUC.7, 1pais fte society direc ts its action and its orkman, the d»iSS?i i f0 %}ls' 9««nti«i «s in one large bottle f or 83j. . Cpmj8exion , ic-take two or three Parr's gcea^ pr ^ganda fast.' A man named Aversans , one of the con- father of a family, often out of work , but • ' wM le sm > through aU Medicine Vendors, or time, re which, a ¦ P* alwa\ s the sut,enor w • .Sfn?be ^ gularly for a week, utter f; aBd CUiZe03 atKsted at Pa s « the demned of tbe trials called those of September 5, defender of order , andas such he had met with.' anything of tho kind I ever yjnu tenlsecurelypackedfrom the Establishment, onre- may require, which will soon restore a heaitw^ iZ£Loccas on «¥*of lbs" prete oded * been wounded prio e by Order payable at the mle conspiracy, they are declared in the public court-yard of the prisoners, at the barricades. The advocat e-general oil Fort -°M jr$ rery muco.' ' twckene« »nd darkened^ my hair postage stam ps to the establishment. 6-street; Edwards, St. Paul's Co. Bow Church -yard * Sangw 151, Oxford- " Haattay pndCo., 0 ,:, rSfT jjR. , ^, .. _ • 1T®^*mftft .fte£^MM%"~r^~r^, -^ J7 ~> . ^J',...... /\^K 3 to'conceive a bad opinion of'her ; •'because " she ¦ Mnto In , Session of 1851. ' 'A peep at a Coal-pit and vS£ ' tIds *ay a lar ge por tion of the THE FRENCH PRES S. ccttg. continued; " you yOiirself are the occasion of it: I l d,8i- sed of tempore canard "duck " the People in it,' -is an exceedingly .well writ- i l V* P° - and carried 6ff% the vil! , or , as it is termed, is trul y ^ would never act .against him. to gr atify my own a P™IU S ln the course of admi rab le. . We were much amused by reading in LOUIS KOSSUTH. ten and interesting paper, on a class of our LrL d l°£hT , *he niSbtf Fellows The newspaper , th at political weat hercock —that TO priva te revenge. " She did not conceal the object a French evening paper the other day how, owing p , whose occupation is of the utmost moral barometer—that . intellectual teleg ra ph, of to she had in view—an obj ect : which was attained two opulation tbem8 trunl£S some egg-shells being thrown down in the street , shall we welcome thee, whose name ¦ Knt^ » boxes, or writing. civilised ilife—varies ,! like its producers and con - an unfor flow months after the murd er of Darnley, by BothweU's importance ' to the nation, while it entails ' en th «w thoirco ntents tuna te cab-horse fell down , and hit fe tt hear d oh every tongue ? %£> A ^^ °P - sumers, in form and features , according to tho lo. sliding out Is divorce fro m Lady Jane Gordon , and marriage to peculiar privations, and, to a certain extent, cality in which- it flourishes. In Turkey it is in opposite directions, broke all . four legs ¦How shall we welcome tbee, whose fame *¦ an 0 1 herself . • The ori ginal plan of condu cting isolation, from the rest of the world upon p,at S» J ewelB» p other , valuables .they m«t "P, * ' " The knacker," continues the duok- Throug h all free lands bato rung ? Sf «nnioL ° infant ; in Russia and Austria it is a slave ; in Italy Wa8 h the King to Crai gmillar had been abandoned , be- - 00res of B Allows, / „ .»roanely sent for, to put tho poor ruler of a glorious land, those engaged in it. Though their means of ffk - W ^ i 5 J iro°S3 deaa it is a dwarf ; in Spain it is a muffled desperado ; animaani™ l out of The cause he had evinced great repugnance for the amo°g the spoil , shorin g ns agony ." Whereupon follows a The laurel round thy brow ; intellectual and moral improvement; are but ^ S ^ ^ W?u * in Northern Germany it is a pipe : laugh not, we e Ion on be wi place, But he had consented to remain at Kirk Wf ? and ooze of the trodd en and soddefi beseech Si tSL ?v . *. «k«d "e«s of thr owing egg- Theh&Qiehedfrom thy Sttnenanu , are in- you i—a pipealwa ys puffed at , always going sheila into the street , whk h of x*ield until his health should be completely re- scanty, we are glad to learn that they ' a wwd the sat urnalia of robbery and to more confidinl ret Kutayehs ' exile voir. '•¦* ISmJS ^" ? • ' out, always being lighted anew. Again : in ders must have proved hi stored . This house had formerly belonged creasing, and that a decided change for the | " S , «»* "P und er the pre tence of liberty America it is a ghly edifyings *»and'« «"""wm- and refor m.' The prize-fi ghter ; and in California it mendable. — Chambers' Journ al. Sow shall we welcome th ee, whose life to the prebendaries of the Kirk of Field ,, and was observable among the colliers of the prime movers of all, these atro- is—a first-rate * better is Cities were a set of speeulation . But in En gland it is Saoh changing scenes hath known ? not at all ada pted for tbe receptio n of a King and genera- skulking conspirators , stran gers a manufacturer , while In * Proudhon calculates seventy-fite battle-strife-. present day, when contrasted with the to the tow n until France everybody knows ccuti mes-a fractiw The seat of power—t he Queen. Small, confined , and lU-furnuhed , it con- , Educa- within the last month-mob - it is a soldier to tho backb one. beyond sevenpence per head per diem. fortre ss alone. sisted only stories one of which contained a tion immediately preceding them. f D WI h a Kutaye h's of two , K. fefi ?T J * genius for propellin g Generally speakin g, in England a newspaper is at bail th advent her e and the other a gallery tional facilities are still, however, but. slenderly otners_ into mischief and How shall we y. , cellar and another room , withdrawing themselves bottom an investmen t of . capital ; in hearts and free ? , and a bed-chamber domestic consequenc eB. Their France it is Among true which extended above the ceUar supplied ; while the sanitary and i 1^ 5- machinations were more essentiall y a defensive and offensive engine— fc'anns'B or with echoing cheer corres ponded with the room on the ground ^ agni In silence, , which arrangements of,a collier's village are gene- tabIe' a tlie ni ht 30th. a sort of intellectual catapult or balister for ' s servant when he arrived K&Sfl hey acted uponB„ 'a preconc? erted & ^ t^ throw- Say, shall we welcome thee? floor. Kelson , Darnley , from being satisfactory, system , by which ing hard words and pointed invectives at the Con. —When does a man look like a cannon-bal l was about to prep are the Duke of rally far d 1° d the g«»tesfc leaders ? at Kirk of Field, « ' ld S iK ^ ? . amount of dama ge of the enemy. In England a paper abuses a man —When he looks round. ' reception of his The Working Man s Way in the Wor 8h0P a ime on . silence deep yet eloquent Chatelherault s house for the REfSri - »i, ' *** they disappeared princi ple, and stri ctly as a matter of busines s ; in " So far , so good ," as the little boy said when he la master. But the Queen prevented bim, and directed continues an aut obiogra phywhich carr ies tbe likemagic when theA idama ge was done first gaze upon Ms face, , and the Fr ance it is, passion th at furnish es the powder bad finishe d the first pot of bis mother ' s jam. ' ' the necessary alon g with the narrator. In f ,U8t C a8 afc Ien th , and yfho strove with him to Balfour s house, whither reader pleasantly 2 S S , , i i7. « shea thed , hope of revenge the bullet to an editorial The Shootin g Season. — Abetdien Journal patriot zeal to raise and which BothweU had leaving their deluded followers charge. The The Ma gyar race. furniture was conveyed , the pre sent number he is somewhat sudden ly to brook the sum! Your Britain uses his artillery . systemat ically, says that a sportsman on Deeside opened his 12th of evidently chosen that he might carry out his mur- mary vengean ce of the law. ' Of the real ring- Think of his land down-trodden , ' called from a scene of rural peace and quiet , and spares-his ammuniti on ; your Gaul loads to the August by bag ging a sheep. derous intentions with gre ater facility. Darnley leaders of the Bristol riots not one ever faced a muzz e of his His home deserted now in printing, for pri vate urT T gun , and cares little if he bur st his French Money.— Franc s and half-franc pieces . was established on the first floor , where his three where he is engaged l ;.. .to for emost and most active of their will- And sadly, silently entwine , barrel in the explosion. Your venal journal ist in ar e now freque ntly palmed upon the London trades * servants . ylor, , and Edward Simons circulation , the sermons of a kind old clergy- ing tools and agents wer e captured , and " numbers The cypress round his brow. Ta Nelson lingbind lsa stur dy speculator-a man who knows men as shillings and sixpences. which served at once to take pa rt in the memorable Bristo l were imprisoned , trans ported , and banged-the ^ occupied the gallery, man, how to make a book ,* and " hed ge" scientifically; The familiar parting expression !" Then let Britannia's welcoming The cellar on the f Reform heroic contri vers vanishi ng as they in France , " Good bye as a wardrobe and cabinet. JRiots prev ious to the passing o the •We, without he is a reckless soldier of f onuue-o means " God be with ye!" " Adieu !" signifies Bing out—che er after cheer,— ground floor was transformed into a kitchen , and ' beat of drum. condoitiere Bill. The pleasant life led at the villa—th e , a bri gand. In England it is the journal To God," or •• God protect you." Europe shall catch the echoes, prepared for herself in as a house of " . the Queen had a bed its inmates— the The other articles are ' A Hint to the Dumb, ousiness tha t succeeds ; in France it "Well , Robert how much Tyrants and serfs shall hear. in which the kindly and regular habits of is the man , did your pig weigh?" the room immediately below that 'The Last Stage-Coachman , the leader of a party, who trium phs, —"It didn ' t weigh so the door fisher y excursions , and the various other at- ,'i-a paper full in much as 1 expected , and I Before bis true nobility Sing slept She also directed that of humour, i &ng lwwt the proprietor is rarely editor ; in always though t it wouldn ' t." l et earth' s great names bow down ; at the foot of the staircase , which commu- tractions be found in the doctor 's quiet resi- quaint aad racy—A.vindication of Fran ce the editor Harry Hotspur' 4 is gener ally proprietor . In Ene- An Untimelt End,—An ordinary domestic clock An exile, yet a conqueror,— nicated between the ground floor and the upper dence, seem to have made the writer somewhat s Popinjay,'—in which the rofe33 3 t0 fop is made S^ rll ST ^ P , "P™™* . in bailee having unfortunately run down , it was observed Bring forth the laurel crown. rooms, should be removed. Thus installed, harsh in his jud gment as to the charac ter and a gentleman, and honest Harry- hey pretend to fo rm, public opinion. In England that it had come to an * B. B. P Darnley's side, she wear s untimely end \~Funch . though very uncomfortably, by motives of those who took part in the excesses something like a rough, uncultivated grazier a mask ; in France it displays a Extremes. —Some persons have so great an aver- passed several nights under the same roof with or butcher—the cockade. An English journ al , utters the ideas of a' sion to pre and the mani- he chronicles. But he shows the same power ' Temple Laundress,' — a tension or affectation , that they are apt to him. Her assiduity, her atte ntion, class or a party ; a French journal procl aims the neglect polish KerjittDQ of her affection, of description as he did in his account of the sketch by one evidently acquainted with that sen- , in their abh orrence of varnish. fold proofs which she gave him timents ofaman or a clique. The English p Wha t is contentme nt dispel his fears. Whilst peculiar species of the feminine ress ? To sit at home and see were all well calculated to barricades , which preluded the placing of gender. A Re- forces the ruling powers to pacific submission ; the other people stuck in Historyo f Mary Queen of Scots. By F. have returned to herfo rmer view of the mud. In other words , to The Mary Stuart seemed to Louis Philippe on the Throne of France in the new volume of the 'Life of Br. French press conspires thei r downfall and destr uc- be a little better off than your neig JfaGNE T. VoL L London : Bentley. affection for Darnley, Bothwell was occupied in tion. The hbours. A. 1831. Accordin g to his account Colonel Bre - Chalmers,' supplies some very agreeable gossip Englishman war ns, the Fren chman Reason aU preparations for the murder. In , threatens. .Lastl for a Dark House.—"Wfav don't you The sex, the fascinations, and the misfortunes making due about celebrities, both y, in England the unsucce ssful knock a hole in the wall and let ?" addition to those accomplices of high rank, whose reton showed great want of coura ge and dis- metropolitan and pro- speculator becomes the light in we Mary Stuart, as veil as the probableinflu- vincial bankru pt; in France the un- said to a poor Irishman . *• Faith , your honour, of co-operation he had secured at Craigmillar, and on cretion ; and by his conduct, in effect, mainly , and shows the great Presbyterian luck y redacteur gets shot. The I ence of her deposition, imprisonments, and Preacher in a forme r is ruined by am not fit to be seen in it ," was the reply. subsequent occasions, in order that he might carry pr oduced .the lamentable destruction of life very agreeable light as a good the capital , the latter killed by the bullet of his Vert Lik elv.—" I wonder (said , in shaking the superstitious reverence out his design with impunity, he had procured a a Scottish death and property in the outbreak originally pro- humoured and lively journalist and corres- rival. - maiden) what my brot her John sees in the lasses number of subaltern assistants , to put it into ex- , for authority, and originating the-modernde- pondent. The article entitled ' Italia Mill- In other respects the contrasts between the two that he likes them sae well ; for my par t I wad na ecution. His chamberlain Dal leish, his tailor Wil- voked by Sir Charles Wetherell's inopportune mocracy, have attracted more attention to her g presses are equall y striking. The English press is gie the company o' ae lad for twent y lasses." , visit to Bristol. Here is part of the descrip- tans' relates, on the authority of Dandalo and son, his porter Powrie, Laird James of Ormiston free, yet preserves almost invariably a certain tone Bad Exam ple.—A dandy, t gar in his story than to that of any modern or even an- and two men-at-arms Hay Mazzini , some of the more prominent events wi h a ci and his brother Robert , , tion, on the approach of the second and closing of moderation and conventional politeness ; the mout h, en tered a menagerie, when the proprietor cient monarch. Mary has not, like her pro- of Tallo and Hepburn of Bolton , whose courage of the Lombafdian "War night of the riot :—. and the causes of French press groans under the most absolute bond- requested him to take the weed from his mouth , totype Cleopatra, been depicted by Shake- and devotedness he had amply test ed during his its melanchol e i age, being subject to fines By this time ni y t rminat on, notwithstanding guaranteed by the de- lest he should learn the other monkeys bad habits. gpere, but she has been , the theme of more border warfare , were admitted into his confidence , ght was fast approaching, and the posit of a large caution-money—f or a daily Lazy state of affairs began to assume a rather terrific the undoubted patriotism and bravery of many paper a A Youth. —A lazy, over-fed lad , return- and romancists than any other histori- and unhesitatingly became his instruments. He had thousand pounds , which, y poets and alarming aspect. The volumes of red flame of those actively engaged in the struggle for if diminished b a fine, ing from dinner to his work one day, was asked by false keys made , by means of which easy access must be made up again before the rea ppeara nce his cal personage; her history has been treated that arose on all sides in tbe damp and drizzly air Italian nationality of master , " if he had no other motion than that/ ' could be gamed into Balfour s house ; and he sent and independence. Mr. th e journal—an d to seizure by the police. " by authors of every cast and calibre j the do- served as beacon-fires to the disaffected in the It is " Yes, rep lied the.youth , drawling out each letter , to Dunbar for a barrel of gunpowde r, which was to Scratchley's work on * Assurance,' which has under the most arbi trary regulations , as to sale. «• but it's slower. " cuments professing to illustrate it surpass any be placed underneath the King ' s apartment , and to neighbouring towns and villages, and through every been unanimously accepted as the text-book For example, no Liberal avenue to the town hordes of desperate ruffia ns paper is allowed to be sold Spare Moments. —Spare moment s are the gold collection upon any other historical subject, destroy the house and its inmates by its explosion on that in the streets where , the monarchic al pri nts are of rushed to augment the gangs of plundering incen- subject, f orms the basis of a valuable dus t time ; and Young was penning a true as where the events were not patent to the world The assistance of the Frenchman Paris , whom he permitted to hawk their treason against the Re- diaries now mad with their unlocked for success and practical paper on ' Industrial Investment well as a strikin g line, when he wrote , " Sands make had placed in Mary Stuart ' s service, was indi spen- , . public unmolested. Such inconsistency under a at the time of their occurrence or recorded in Half a dozen soldiers had been left to guard the in Land and Houses.' Altogether, this is a moun tains , and mountains make the year. " sable to him, for the purpose of ascertainin g whe- Republican governmen t appears almost incredi ble ; Like , and Not Like. public muniments. Mansion-house , and. during the excesses of the af- very —A Daguerreotppe-taker ther the false keys were exactl y similar to those in excellent and varied number of this nevertheless ther e is not an inhabitan t of Paris , of recentl y exhibited a likeness of a lad y which he had The author Las availed himself of the latest use, and of placing the powder in the room occu- ternoon, which drew off numbers to other places , popular magazine. any party, who will this mere show ef military prote ction enabled the not bear witness to the fact, taken to her husband , and asked him if it was not a material!which modem industry has brought pied by the Queen, below Darnley's bed-chamber. let the Evenement, a Republican evening paper very good body of specials within to prevent farther injury to , one. " Very, " was the reply, " and I to light upon the subject, and added some in- * * He enabled BothweU to compare the keys of 1 has a larger sale than all the/oumatu ; de soir of the only wish the edifice. But when darkness bad set in , and the The Girlhood of Shakespear e a Heroines. my wife was like it—silent. " the house with the false ones he had had made , and reaction put together. It has a splendid office on An economical friend seeing some egg powder ad- formation of his own, derived from inedited and mob, which all day had remained in the square in Tale 10. Juliet , the White Dove of Vero na. Spanish documents. These relateto different promised to introduce Hay of Tallo, Hepburn , the Boulevards , nearl y opposite the Chaus see ver tised , " One packet warranted equal to six eggs," Ormiston into the Queen's chamber on the evening drunken riot and frolic, were increased by the re* By Mar y Cowben Clar ke. W. H. Smith d'An tin—a luxur y in which none of its opponen ts subjects reported to the Spanish Court ; bnt turn of the immense gangs who had carried fire and bad the audacity to take three pac Kets to Dr. Can- appointed for the execution of tbe murder, that and Son. indulge. Again La Pr esse, the great Republican telo, and ask how long he should have to wait for the their chief noveltyregards the negotiations for they might deposit the powder there whilst the ruin to all quarters of the city, it soon became too morning paper Mansion-house was doomed The circumstan ces which produced an es- , is beyond all comparison the most eighteen chickens 1— The Month. the marriage between Mary and the unfortu- Queen was with Darnley. BothweU had forbidden plain that the . The tran gement between th e popular and widely-circulated journal in Fran ce. A Foul Calumn y.—At the Preston County ' under few soldiers present made no attem pt to prevent parents of Juliet for Paris to place the Queen s bed immedia tely The indisputable success of these organs would Court, last week on e of the witnesses was asked if nate. Don Carlos, son of Philip the Second of the fire , but looked on complacentl y while a ruffian man y of the earl y years of her life, and their , that of the King, because he intended to have lead a dispassionate observer to believe that Re- the sta tement was true that he was a teetotaller. Spain. The book thus contains the pith of all deliberately climbed a gas-lamp, lighted his cand le, effects upon her character the powder strew ed there. Paris did not attend , are imagined with publicanism has a broader basis in Franco than "No ," was the indi gnant reply, "it 's a foul the new information upon Mary's career, and to this; and when Mary Stuart came into the and, carrying it to the cellar, of which the mob had that fine sense of probability, and that delicate English journals usually admi t hours ; for , after all, why calumny J" What an instance of injured inno- of the evidence » against or in . favour of her room in the evening', - she herself ordered him to had possession for some , effectuall y fired the discriminatioa of the subtle influence of the should the number of stamps consumed by the cence ! * character. change the posit ion of the bed. The night of Sun building. It was hardly seven o'clock when the Presse and the Evenement so far exceed reek from the cellars, and the black volumes minutest circumstances in the formation of that used by Of Two Eviw choosk the Least. —The Montrose The historian's conclusions on this .vexed day the 9th of February, was fixed for the execu- of any other mornin g and evening paper s, unless there Standard tells us of a drouthy constituent of Mr. tion of the. horrible design . Mary Stuart 's con- smoke ascending- heavily from the -lower floors, character which we have already so frequently existed in various parts of the country a Republican question are put forth -with a calmness ap- follow the example of the Recorder noted as the distinguishin g Hume, afflicted with a sore leg, who was admonished duct , when tbe time for the murder drew near , is warned us to , characteristic of class of readers to subscribe to the m ? Again ; any by his medical attendant that he must renounce proaching to indifference, but withtbe decision and take care of ourse lves. We escaped without ' but too well calculated to confirm the accusations this admirable series of tales. We see, how- one who will take the trouble to inquire on the whisky or lose his limb. " Cut it aff," was the much trouble over the roofs in the rear , and follow- of a judgment or a verdict. Mary's impru- which result from the depositions of the witnesses, ever, less of the heroine than her parents and Bourse at Paris , will find that shares in La Prern promp t decision of tho patient : "Icanna want my dence and levity before her marriage with the confessions of the perpetrators , and her own ing the directions of a gentleman who, in expecta- are at a considerable premium, while those of calamity, had been their associates in this tale, though we are made dram !" letters. Kelson says that she cause d a bed of new tion of the coming employed nearly every royalist and imperialist joined are at a A Wit. —Finn , the witty comedian , was carving Darnley,her adultery with BothweU, her pro- King s apartm ent with a companion in cutt ing the pictures from their to feel const antl y the tendency of the events bable complicity in her husband's murder, and velvet to be removed from the , fearful discount . These simple facts, which are a goose at supper when John Everett, tbe ex-minis* and substituted an old one in its place. Paris de* frames, and removing tbem to a place of safety, we upon her mind. The course of the story, stated quite independentl y of all political views, are ter ' s brot her , called out fro m the other end of the her connivance at BothweU's abduction, are dares that she also removed from her own chamber made our way as fast as possible to an office in Col- however, affords Mr^ Clarke opportunities of worth y of remark , as they afford a clue to esti- table lege-green, almost adjoining the Bishop's palace. , " Wha t sort of a fowl is that brother of yours ratherreceived as evidence than treated as mat- a rich coverlet of fur, which she was, doubtless, depicting Italian life in the middle ages, of matingthe present conditi on of our neighbours, not Finn ?" — " I t is almost as great a goose," responded ters requiringargument to prove. Her alleged desirous not to leave there on the evening of the ex* Here were assembled the magistrates and the com- to be found in the passionate polemics of opposing the wit, " as I Ever-et .'" manding officer , expecting an immediate attack which she fully avails hers elf ; and the result guilt withRiccio, and someother mean persons plosion. On the Sunday she came to spend the even- factions, " Rathkp. Cutk."—A chap from the country ing with the King, whom she had assured that she upon the Palace, and consulting upon the means of is one of the best stories we have yet had from Notwithstandin g is left unsettled, though the charges are her pen. the restrictions above alluded to having visited the Great Exhibition, thought he would remain in Balfour 's house dur ing the night. meeting it. The attack came before any decided —to return to our point of contras t—the French would treat himself to a French repast at Soyer'a stated. Whilst she was talkin g familiarly with him in the Elan could be formed. The Colonel met it as he press indulges in the most menacing and inflam- Symposium. Upon the bill of fare being handed to M. Mignet gives a minute account of the room upstairs , the preparations for his death were ad met the form er manifestations . of the good- The Countess of Rudolstat. By Geokoe matory attacks upon men , ministries , and parties ; him by the waiter, he remarked that he " didn't circumstances connected with the murder of actively going on below. On the previous evening bumoured mob, that is, with his avowed sanction Sand. (Parlour Library.) London : Simms and thoug h in England the anonymous system pre- were hastil y care 'bout reading now—he'd wait till after dinner 1" Hepburn had broug ht the barrel containing the and countenance. We desired to join and M'lhtyre. vails, while in France every article is now signed TB1HQ3 WU1CH MR. HOU BS 18 AT PBOTBCT Darnley, the Queen's husband, founded on a a division of specials advancin g from the Council- careful examination of the papers, which powder into the nether hall of the lodging occupied Cohsuelo, of which the ' Countess of Rudol- (by law) with the name of its writer , personalities LIBEHTr TO PICK. by Bothwell in Holyrood Abbey. Before evening house. The Colonel drew up his soldiers in two in French journals runs much higher than in our To pick all the undeserving lords aud ladies out of lines in front of the entr ance. Between ' these we stat' is a continuati on, has been pronounced by bear strongly against the Queen as an ac- on Sunday, Bothwell bad assembled all his accom- own prints. the pension list . complice in the murder. The estrangement plices in that same room , had concerted his plans entered the building, which was already on fire, all her critics the finest production of this im- Another curious difference : in France there is no To pick the locks of the prisons that confine Abd- ruffi ans occup between them commenced with the favour with them, and had allotted to each the part he and swarming with ied m plunder. passioned and highly gifted writer. Probably, dut y on advertis ements ; yet that vast engine of el-Kader , Kossuth , and the poor Hun garian exiles. We succeeded iu extinguis hing the fire and plied shown by the Queen to Riccio, whose assassi- was to perform in the nocturnal tragedy. At about , that is the reason why she has been induced traffic is there in its infancy compared with its gi- To pick the padlocks that fetter political prisoners ten o'clock in the evening tbe sacks of powder our heavy staves among the thieves in a manner to give a continuation of a work which has gantic expansion in Eng land , where so onerous a to felons and criminals at Naples. nation, in her presence, added bittterness to i Powrie that surp rised a few of them , and strewed the floors were carried across the gardens , by Wilson , insured so wide and so lasting popularity. tax is levied upon every announcement of our wants To pick a capital out of Europe that contains as her previous apathy. andDalgleish, as far as the foot of Blackfriars Wynd , with their cowardly carcases—scores of them fall- and wiahesr ~Bu£ indeed , what is trade in France many bad statues and monumen ts as London. ing without being touched. ' Continuations,' however are proverbiall Then arose in her mind a fatal passion for were they were received by Hay of Tallo, Hepburn , , y compared with trade in Great Britain ? What idea Britawnia Rulin g thb Waves at Cowes.— and Ormiston , and conveyed into Balfour ' s house by In less than half-an-hour the palace was on fire dangerous things in literature; and though we have the monopolists and pedlarsjof that young Re- Bothwell, which her courtiers readily under- and an immense volume of clear The result of the contest for the Royal Yacht Squad - removal'^ tbe assistance of Paris . As soon as the powder in every part , fully appreciate the geniu s, the artistic tastes , public of the burning fever of competition which ron Cup at the Cowes Regatta redounds much to our stood. They offered by Darnley's ' flame covered with a canopy of black smoke, the had been strewed in heaps oxer the floor of the , and the practiced skill of Madame Dudevant, drives the golden current through the veins of maritime glory ; for the America ra n clean aw ay to prepare the way for a marriage with room, }ust beneath the King's bed, Ormiston went greete d by a demon roar from twenty thou sand rab- British industry and enterpise I Franco is follow- announced the admirable humour of as well as the ardent love of liberty displayed from her British competitors. It would be better , new favourite. The Queen told them to do away, but Hepburn and Hay of Tallo remained ble throats , ing rapidly in our footsteps. She is already the however, if we possessed a yach t that s good friends and well-wishers . in every, page of her new work we cannot would be likely nothing ' by which any spot might be laid on with their false keys in the Queen 's bed-ch amber , the Colonel' , second commercial state in Europe , and far in ad- to catch her if it ran after her. —Punch. engage d all her When aU was r eady Paris went up into the King' s place it beside the record of the early life and vance of all others in wealth and prosperity. Let , When to Invite your her honour. ' Bothwell By tbe time we had returned to the square the Fbibmds. —A funn y room, aud the Queen then recollected that she had development of the noble Zingora, she has however , the following statistics , taken from a writer advises that when your friends Mends and connexions in the plot :—bnt the Mansion-house was in a state of ruin ; the whole ar e laid up prom ised to be present at a masqu erade , given in has taken for her recent work on political economy, or rather poli- with the rheumatism , always press them nsenting party ? M. fron t had fallen in bodUy, and buried a number of hero. Much of the ground to come Queen, was she a co Holyrood Palace, in honour of the marriage of her tical comparative anatomy, convey some notion of over and take tea with you. While such the drunken wretches who had wroug ht its destruc - over which the reader is taken resembles that acts of Mignet thus answers the question :— servant Bastian with Marg aret Harwood , one of the gulf which still separates the two countries in a kindne ss entail no expense, they procure for beneath the wreck. But the large amount of which Scotts ' Anne of Geierstein' has ren- you a retain ed feelings of distrus t and her favourite women . She therefore took far well tion, financi al and progressive point of view :— larger reputation for sympath y and nei ghbourl y k ind- She still timber employed in its construction , the solid floor- animosity towa rds Darnley, whom she now accused of the Kin g, left the house with her suite , includ- dered familiar to English readers. We are Great Britain , it is calculated , has an income negg. With proper discrimination , there is nothin g n and the massive furniture with which it was conspiri ng against her life. Accord ing to state- ing BothweU , and proceeded by torc hlight to Holy- i gs, introduced to one of those formidable secret of about £550,000,000. Her taxes are abou t that pays a better profit than " goodness of hear t." of stocked , supplied fuel to the flames for many hours ; ments attribut ed to William Hiegate and William rood. Darnley beheld her departure with grief societies, which, in the olden times, were the £50,000,000 or one-eleventh of her total revenue. News.—The newer the country , the more hospi- as though and it burned fiercely till long after midni ght, to France has an income of £320 000 000 onl a Walcar, two serva nts of the Archbishop of Glas- and secret fear. The unhappy Prince , retributive agents of humanity upon the , , y with table the people are. Whe re houses are as far apart denied when they were inter- for eboding the mortal dange r by which he was the immense satisfac tion of the mob, who cheered taxation of £70,000,000, or more than one-fifth of as countries , a stranger is as welcome asa newspaper, gow, but which they vigorous ly as the different masses fell successively tyrants who openl oppressed the masses. the Sing had resolved to threate ned, sought consolation in the Bible, and y her total revenue. That is to say, France produces and is commonly used as one. The moment he ar- rogated and confro nted, to the ground. The whole sk Prince his son, to read the 55th Psalm , which contained many pas- y was now in every The nature of their organisation, the cere- rather more than one-half what Great Bri tain pro- rives he is " put to press," and what is more seize the person of the yonng , direction a red and glowing arch like the fiery , kept lay, and to govern in sages adapted to his peculiar circumstances . After , monies which preceded admission into the bro- duces, and is taxed more than doubl y in proportion there till all the news that has happen ed for the last have him crowned without de vault of Pandemonium resounding with the frantic chimerical plot the his devotion he went to bed, and fell asleep, Tay- , to her means 1 six months is thor oughly squeezed out of him, his name. Oat of fear of thi s , shape. The rain therhood, and the great object for which it and Royalf rom Stirl ing to lor, his young page, lying beside him in the same yells of fiends in human , as it still To return to the advertisement department of the bottled up for future use. Queen removed the Prince drizzled down fell literal ly in warm dro ps upon was formed, 'Liberty, Equality, and Fra- had expres - , press—a department so important with us, so in- The Acts of th e Apostles.—A Con stantino- Edinburgh. * * The day after she apartment a as we stood beneath the shelter of a half- ternity, '* are full described. That triune severity of our f ces, y significant in France. At a rough guess we should ple letter in a French journal states that a savant as- sed herself with such suspicious Meantime, the old halls of Holyrood rang leafless tree contemp lating the disgusting r to lavish marks , f eaks watchword of the free can now be spoken say that there are at least one hundred times as ser ts that , from ancient Gree k manuscripts , Darnley, she set out for Glasgow, with gaiety and dancing. But the fatal hour and orgies of the crowd. About ten o' clock the he has of the strongest affection upon him whom she openly, though yet far from being realised ; many advertisements annually printed and pub- discovered an indication that _ the original of the and detested so thoro ughly. had arrived ; and the murderers were pre- Colonel arrived at the square with his detachment but that we are nearer to that end is to be lished in London as in Paris. From this conscien- " Acts of the Apostles " is buried in an island in the judged so unfavoura bly, of automatons , who, wrapped up snugly in their who was still an inval id, was great ly sur- pared for their work :— tious gwa the reader may form some dim notion of Sea of Marmora. His application to the Turkish. Darnley, warm cloaks, he paraded up and down among bis ascribed to the labours and the sufferings oi the vast dispa rity prised at this unexpected visit. He knew that for some time at the ball, but between the two countries in that Government for leave to make researches after it is Bothwell remained drunken , plundering proteges for some ten minutes , those, who in more terrible and trying times, part icular walk of literature. Mary Stuart had recent ly spoken of him in very midnight to join his confedera tes. opposed by the Greek Patriarch from the fear that stole away about and then , to leave them unmolested in their further preserved the pure creed of Liberty, * and It is impossible to estimate the effect of the abo- harsh terms, and he had received some vague He changed his rich costume of black velvet and _ the discovery of this important document may lead conspiracy. He did stuff ; and left his diversions, marched every trooper off the spot, and nourished a Holy Faith in the ultimate eman- lition of the naturally-detested advertisement-duty to schisms in the Church. warnings of the Craigmillar sati n, for a dress of went home himself to supper and to bed , from from the Queen, but , cipation of our race from tyranny and priest- in this country, which would put us in that respect Cucsskn 's New Knittin g Machiner y.-* not conceal his apprehensions apartments, followed by Dalglekb, Paris, Wilaon which neither the sense of dut y (supposing him to M. learn ed from the Laird of att en- on a level with the French. Probably, if our hypo- In the counties ef Notting ham, Leicester , told her that he had and Powrie. In the hope of attracting less have had any), nor all the messages and remon- craft. Consuelo, after many trials—the object and sign a paper which which led from thesis be at all near the mark , tha t the number of Derby, but principall y in t he former, there are Jlinto, that she had refused to tion , he went down the staircase strances of the magistrates of which is to purify, enlighten, and authorisi ng his seizure, bis , now driven to their British advertisemen ts is now as a hundred to one above four thou sand circular stocking frames at had been presented to her, Holyrood into the Queen' s garden, and directed , could induce him to stir till the mornin assa ssination , lie added gate. The two senti- wit's end g. strengthen her mind—finds the husband in France , the ratio would not then fall much belo w work. Some of tbe machines are so constructed and if he resisted, his course towards the southern He and his red jackets had not been long off the one thousand ! thinS that she, who Tras his nels on guard seeing a party of men coming along to whom she was united on his supposed death that a girl fifteen or sixteen year.a of age ia suable,! that he would never ground when the mob, now in admirable humour , As a. sort of counter poise to its political bond- own proper flesh, would do him any hurt; and this unusual path at so late an hour , challeng ed bed, restored to her, improved and more per- with ease to work four feeders at a time ; and the and increased by fresh arrivals , commenced a sys- age, the stamp on a newspaper is only one half that ' then, with more vanity than confidence , he de- them : " Who goes there ?" —" Friends !' an- fect and more loveable than before ; and the produce of her ordinary day s labour from such a to injure tematic course of destruction and plunder upon imposed in England , and paper duties are unknown . clared that if any others shou ld inten d swered Powrie. —" Whose friends t" demanded one private property. Beginning at the east end of the novel ends in happiness, not so much derived frame is material sufficient for twenty dezen pairs of nnless they took Iiord Bothwell I" Hence arises a further important distinction be- stockings. him, he would sell his life dear, of the sentinels. —" Friends of north side of the square , they first plundered and bun ot pro- from external influences as the noble, trust- tween the pres s of France and that of her island ty Dog. him sleeping. Mary in her turn remin ded was the answer. —On this they were allowed to gutted and then fired successively, s Sagaci of a —The New York Tribune and of the the , every hou e, ful, aud loving natures, who have triumphed neighbour. There are several daily newspapers bis intention to retire to the Cont inent , ceed, and going up to the Canongate , found that the dwelling of reformer or anti-reformer indiscri- notices a case of remarkable sagacity in a dog. A and Walcar . by which they intended to leave over both temptation and weakness, and published in Paris, edited and contributed to by gentleman had two dogs one a and the other project attributed to him by Hiegate Nether -bow gate, minatel y. Infirm old men , women, and half-naked , never been serious in his the city, was shut. Wilson immediately awoke John come out from the ordeal purified and en- the most distinguished men of the day, t he price of a large half-bred deer hound. The spaniel was Be affirmed that he had children were driven forth from their houses to which is only t wo sous, or one penny tho number. and denied the second charg e Galloway, the gate- keeper , calling on him to " open playing with the gentleman's little boy, when the threa ts of departure , aeek a shelter from the accumulated horrors of the nobled, Iu the early part of the book there Three sous is the price of the more expensive ¦withvehemence. After havingrepro aehed him with the port to friends of Lord Bothwell. " Galloway, lad accidentally fell into a large cistern. Tbe were doing out of night at the hospitable hands of strangers. Furi- are some graphic sketches of the great journals. Their sale is of course proportional to but before she his fears and suspicions, and evinced moregen tleness in surprise, inquired what they ous bands of Irish savages burst in the doors and mother saw the accident from above , They made no an- Ferdinand of Prussia, his Court, and his their price, and their influence consequentl y much t tt had run to and less aversion towar ds him tha n usual , Mary their beds at that time of night. and loading themselves with booty of every had time to reach her boy, he li le dog on. Continuing his route as windows, Castles for prisoners, thrown off with the cha- more extended than in England , where a daily the large one and induced him to go to the cistern had no difficulty in regaini ng allher form er influence swer, but passed * * sort , piled it in heaps beneath the trees , or round paper is a luxury absolutely forbidden to the poorer oyer him. far as Blackfriars Wynd, BothweU leit Powrie, the Statue in thecentreofthearea. Others , for racteristic ease, aud high finish of Madame and pull the child out . Dalgleish at th is point , and procee ded and working classes. Hence the French , as a Aktificial Leather. —A steam engine of sis ou comes to the conclusion that— Wilson, and drink , rushed to th e cellars , and soon, mad with the Dudevant's pencil ; and though we prefer a The author to Kirk of Field , where he waited n tion, are much further advanced in political eigh t horse power is erected at Abington , Mass., for with Paris alone fumes of wine, raged franticly through the rooms , Consuelo as a whole, it must not be understood ri and obedient to the ferocious and Hay of Tallo in Balfour 's garden. knowledge , ght or wrong, than the English ; and grinding up the chips and shavings of leather which Blinded by passion, for Hepburn burningan d destroy ing, roaring and yelling, till the that we do not recommend the Countess of far more excited and impatient on the subject of re- and abitious -will of her lover , Mary Stuart went to It was at this moment , we have every reason to be- had kindled licked are cut off by the shoe and boot makers, and which manifes- concealed within the ascending flames themselves lludolstat. Contrasted with any other no- forms whi ch the dominant class—that is to say, the have her e burnt or thrown away . These Glasgow to gain Darnley's confidence by lieve, that the two murderers them into the glowing abyss beneath , where they tofore been the aid of th eir bureaucracy— naturally delay and oppose by every are ground to a powder resembling coarse snuff ting a hypocri tical interest in his conditio n, that house perpetrated their crim e. By perished miserabl y. The conflagration now ex- vel which has recently been published, its , into the King s means in their power. and this then mixed with certain gums she might place him in the hands of his enemies. false keys they gained access ceeded all that had gone before . Many of tbe cel- superiority is incontestible ; it is only when it powder is apartment. On hear ing the noise, Darnley jumped irits and the fierce is tried b the hi s a the Now in France at least one adult in ten is either and other substances , so thoroug hly th at the whole And here is a chain of the circ umstantial avoured lars were stocked with bonded sp , y gh t ndard, set tip by out of bed in his shirt and pelisse and ende h the a soldier, a placeman, or a police spy. No wonder mass becomes a kind of melted leather. In .1shorts which he supp orts that opinion :— led rush of the fiery columns that rose throug author of Consuelo, that we find any cause to evidence by to escape. But the assailants seized and strang when the fire that tbe revolution sits en permanence in the brains time this dries a little, aud is rolled out to the de* man- black shells of some of these houses hint a falling off. and the hearts of French Bothwell had placed in her service, as valet, a him. His page was put to death in the same irit-casks was truly terrific to of French philosophers, sired thickness—perhaps one twenty-fourth of an a sma ll had reached tho sp poets and patriots when a tenth of the population Frenchman name d Hicolas Hubert , who had been ner ; and thei r bodies were car ried into witness. About midnight , the Custom- house was , inch . It is now quite solid, and is said to be en- and who was found on consume more than a fifth of the total revenue of a tirel y waterpoof. —The Builder. his own serrant for very many years, orchard near at hand , where they were attacked , the officers , to the number of fifty, sum- _ The Atiohskt and the Tax Collector. —A the country in which the result of an l division of talk lately usually called Paris, from the place of his birth. the next morning, unscathed by fire or powder, marily turned out. and the building fired at once in limb of the law in this town was lately waited upon equa Finu Arms. —There has been much musket This Paris, who was one of the agents employed by King covered by his shirt only, and the pelisse laces. While the flames were raging, a at rather an early hour in the morning by a collec- property would give about sevenpence* a day to of the new Prussian invention for loading a twen ty p with only his old master in the executio n of the plot against lying by his side. After the execution of this dark insane miscreants sat down to gorge and tor ef church rates. The lawyer made is ap- every citizen shareholders. at the breech , and the American revolver, from Edin- band of It is said that there is the Kind' s life, accompanied the Queen deed, Hepburn lighted the match which communi- and were buried alive or pearance at the door minus several of his upper Thus the want of abuses to attack or propose one barrel , instead of six. guzzle in a lower room , remedies for is not one of the misfortunes of a nothin g either, and that specimens of each , burgh to Glasgow when she paid Darnley her Jate cated with the gunpowder in the lower room, and dead dru nk in the midst of their org ies by the fali- garments , but he very politel y invited the collector new in arrival Mar y Stuart sent flourish are exhibilod to the public in tha TOit TWO days aft er her , tho house was blown up, in order completely to ing-in of the roof. Some were seen expiring ID to walk in and take a seat. He protested that a French journalist, and newspapers accord- 200 years old , with a letter which attests at , ingly. Austrian armoury , at Vienna. —In China the screw- him back to BothweU obliterate all traces of the murder. Bothwell agony on the pavement , having leaped from the man who did not pay his taxes must be looked upon she felt for BothweU and On the other hand, the great, unstamped press, have been known for ages 1 So once the affection which Hepburn, Hay of TaUo, and the other bandits went windows of the flaming houses ; one impaled him- with great suspicion, apologised for being out so propeller is said to his siniste r designs. which in England does so much for the education is it with most of our cleverest and most modem in- the part which she took in to a little distance to await the explosion, which on the iron spikes of the railing in front, where he often when the tax collector called , and expressed " Being departed from the place where I left my occurred about a qua rter of an hour afterwards , be- fel- a hope that no one had seen the taxman enter the and civilisation of the people, is entirel y unknown ventions ; if there be any thing of sterling merit in was wriggled in torture to the infinite mirth of his in Fr ance owing heart ,5 she said, "it is easy to be ju dged what tween two and three o' clock in the mornin g, with a house. The collector replied that he believed no , to the police restrictions thrown tbem , be sure that the Chinese, or some other long- given him an ac- low patriots. . round everything connected with prin t and paper decayed inheritors of anti que enligh tenment , know my counten ance." After having fearful noise. detestably brutal scenes enacted ro the one had seen him . This assurance appe ared for and having de- Of the in that Republic of contradictions . The place of all about it. count of her journey to Glasgow, then re- square during the transaction of these the time to relieve the mind of the lawyer , who mistrust and It is too true that Mary screened, area of the retired to an ad these amusing and instructive periodicals is feebly Four Poixts.—There were four good habits a wise scribed to him Darnley 's fearfu l disgracef ul atrocities it is hardl y possible to give an joining room. He soon reappeared they are ment ioned warded, aud afterwards married the murderer with a fine razor supplied by the/eufttcton of the daily papers (week- aud «ood man earnestly recommended in his counsels affectionate demonstrations , as adequate idea by description alone. Arou nd the and strop in his hands and conti- , Crawfor d (a gentleman of her husband. It was impossible for her nued for some lies are rare—they suit not the fervish progress of and by his own example , and which he consider ed in the deposition of Thomas statue of King William 111. immense quantiti es ot seconds to sharpen the instrument. Lenno x, to nonl therefo re not to become involved in suspicion : He seemed a little events in a revolutionary state.) In these are pub- essentially necessary for the happy mana gement in the service of tbe Earl of * costly furniture, the plunder of the burn ing houses, ner vous, and after a few ques- ot his interview with t he tions and answer s lished tales , literar y and dramatic critisism , and ar- temporal concerns ; these are , punctuality, Darnley communicated —yet, considering her contem pt for Darnley, were flung in disorderly heaps. But with a view had passed between him and the accura cy, say " I have never seen e e collector , the lawyer no ticles of various kinds , by the belletristic writers of steadiness , and dispatch . Without the first , Queen), she went on to ,— and the strength of her passion for Bothwell , to an hour ' s luxurious enjoyment, tables w r said , "Are you quite sure time is I had not and one saw you come in France. But as the novels of Alexander Dumas wasted ; withou t the second , mistake s the him better, or speak so humbly ; and if th is is not incompatible with a belief in her spread and heap ed with viands of all sorts , V The collector , who began most that his heart is as soft as all not to like the absorb the greater portion of the /euittaon s of the hurtful to our own credit and intere st known from experience wine and spirits in plentiful array. The hungry looks of the man of legal attain- , and that o£ 1 should almost innoc ence of deliberate comp licity in th e pre- ments , beat circulated journals , they offer small field either others, may be committe d wax and mine as hard as diamond , wretches despatched the provisions as fast as they replied, " Oh , I'm quite sure no one saw ; witho ut the third , him. However, fear not hing. pa ratio n of his murder. Her subjects, how- mere. me come in." —" Then " i , drawing for literary as piration or for popula r instruction . nothin g can be done ; and without the fourth have taken pity on were supplied , and loudly clamoure d for , sa d the lawyer are at pre son^ so , oppor- She was nevert heless disgusted at the per fidy which rose again st her and the murder er ; aud ana naKea the razor across the strop more savage ly, ''I 'll However, all classes in France tunities of advantag e ar e lost which it is impossible ever, Fiends in feminine form, drunk with wine, busy seeking wha t they call a solution in politics , her passion induced her to practice , and which she of romantic adventures whose gprgon take good care no one sees you go out." The to recall. after a serie s , losses, to tho waist—hideou s bacchanals , that they do not perha ps feel very keenly the want caUed her JuUeful deliberation. " You constr ain me her fli matured in the fil th and squa lor of Bristo l s collector hecame alar med , and looked about for a Sagacious Sparrow. —The other day, we noticed victories, and escapes, ght across the ugliness, •« of lighter nutriment for their minds on the one so to dissimul ate," she added , " thatl am horrified , darke st dens and slums of slime and excrem ent , was way of retreat. — Stop till I get a bucket ," a sparr ow perfor m an action indicative of great in- taki ng refuge in England fro m the hand, or more enduring literature on the other . seeing that you do not merel y force me to play the border, keeping with the seething hell of riot and said tho attorney ; " I'll not have any dirt here, genuity , and of considerabl e reasoning powers. The own countrymen , brings us down in strict but I'll The writers of French journal s are simp of part of a tra itoress. I pray youremember that if rage of her rapine around—gave volub le and vocifero us utt er- soon put you from going out. " As he ly all the bird was hoppin g about , apparen tly in search desire to please you did not force me, I would to the close of M. Mignet's first volume, ance to language which no pen can tr anscrib e or spoke the lawyer retir ed , and began to shout to his men of note and talent in Franco , who rarely fail water, when it observed a pipe giving forth the de- rather die than commit these things ; for my heart tongue repeat, and urged and goaded their dru nken servan t to bring a bucket. The collector was in to defend with their pens in a newspaper the pri n- sired element , not in abundance , but in drops, and despair upon a bleeds to do them. In brief, he will not come with h Magazine. September. culls and bullies to more remorseless deeds of ruin , and as soon as his supposed assaila nt ciples they have advocated with their lips in the that slowly. The sparrow perc hed itself Tail' s Edinburg uu tpe me unless upon tiiis condition, that l wUl promise and ravage. Here a brawny miscreant , mounted t urned his back, he rushed out at the door, and Hou se of Assembly. Even the very subs and penny- stone, near the end of the pipe , a:id watc hed ndon: Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. never a-liners as we should call flew up ana to use in common with him a single table and the Lo on a table put up the stolen goods to auction , and again trou bled the lawyer for church rates. — , them in England , are dro p was formed, when it sugaeiously Castle ' comes to a satisfactory , ambitious «» «» same bed as before ; and that I shall not leave him ' CraisaUan sold them too, knockin g them down general ly to Liverpool Mercury. mostly thou gh penniless young adven« caught the precious globule just as >» »" present number, which opens the Airs. Br owning ' Casa Gui di turers, whose futur e it is not a un ber "f 1 3 so often ; and that if I wiU do this , he wiU do aU I conclusion in the the first bidder , and receiving and pock eting s noble poem of " often easy to point of falling. This i t rep eated 1" . '" !, ' spoken exposition smash Windows " has into Italian by prophesy . Thoi r boldn ess of when \it flew a*ay wish, and wiU follow me." - Carried away by the with a vigorous and plain money. If a biddi ng could not be obtaine d, been translated invention when a until it had quenche d its thirst , that she shivered Mazzini. corner is to be filled up at all hazards Review. ¦violence of her love, she told BothweU of the worthlessness of the ' Parliamentary went the unsaleab le article to the ground by an ex- chirping. —Hhnti osc would obey him in aU things ; and begged him not 8-T A;R ¦ ' *v .¦^^^ ^¦0|P ;H^ 1tfe SePTD^ERQ20i1^1- ,7 AMD " Tho lame, THE CHEAPE ST- ^ ' WEEKLY . PERIODI CAf tant socialist publications ! mation ? ; causes which . have : pro- themielre*; and,'.ah0ve.all,.let Jn » : '--' -i& ' ©j i« ''**iiiiyv ''' -^ '' ;'. ' ' ...... j,-THis JOURNAL -' -, ., . -., - .-: section*: of the industrious classei. . The ag- unmistakeable.conclusion THE PLEASURES OF ENGAGED IS ? ' , that it is thei?? ^ ON wor ks, !»., each, bj pott ls. 60. vijv ' /PuWlsbeuruu WeeWy, Price Ow Fehst,. sad in monthly gressions of selfish Capitalists, and the expo- to unite their A series of popular ^ ^T ?S' &q *Jfcp « XOM NAL , < parts, price Fouhpence), scattered ranks iniorder to r & each. nmM X ft y.eekl y xSfSWme.'oT Instruction ; and Amusement , sure of their clasaitQ a reckless " St THE SEilCH TOR : has B'ow ohtadrta fbe 'lKrgest circulation of Txnlains tbe means by which the population oi the , dishonest, and the ruinous tendencyofithe system " SKJ ' any periodi cal pbiced withuui ew :and Tery superior cir- which fiyjOYMfcsVoF LIFE. to t ae worVi; faisale Wing upwardsfor the of 170,000 of each edU" «nrldWa y be unprincipled eompetition,. the sole end of which all its.phases, crushes labour to.the n ¦ BEGipHS; merit of. tbe nniVtance» , and provided with constant beneficial em- dust \l recreati on, «J«l rational use of time.' 70LAR; Vlon ^ •ufficieitt¦ ^arantee¦ publl- r and is to reduce the wages hitherto paid for their Coal. 6 'H ealth, REGENT VOYAcSirift ' ' :¦ ¦¦-¦ ¦:- • ¦- '¦¦ ' • v-- ' • '¦' ¦ V- . .; ployment, and thereby enabled to : enjoy, comfort . ¦ ¦ -Whippers alreadytbegin to perceir; i?. Contest s.—Ea rly rUaBfe }Spring an * Summer moVmngs, . cation. ' --" • ; • ,. l advantages ., an4 ibe ¦--¦- •¦• • .-¦• -•:.. .,. ,- , .. -.. .v. . ¦: . .»•.- ,- ', Rj PmK« One of the leftdws f«at ure »uoy? uUtin enMuisg tbe Sd auce,. aui .,great . socia ' labour. - ' Excursion s about the .rirens of I»andon—the , : Loh- diwt^nVbi;wb?ch,this.9hangc may be effected with Hflls, Forests, wads, High-roads, and othw plea- « - po*i JomufiL'ts ^n entir ely.netr;, replete yiith .in- 'Their, story is a short, but an-exceedingly the humblest labourer onfthe lanes. ^*i^ Sar* ^ ^ terest and pathos, entitled ' Amy Lawrence , the Free i FhmlZ ?! * tant places , Couuttp Trips and Rambles { tee Sea ; HMES BOSSJO BAVIS ^-TS ^ Tha addres ses on Oovernmerit , on Education , to the instructive one. . Twenty.yearfl ago,4here .was common cause. It is onl he at Night Evenings at Home ; Music ; the Dram a ; 0P Sffi mason's adigbter ,' a tale which should be read by every and on True y cessary that «, £ondo n % CaptainKdtott, to - . = lover ottbe pure and beautiful in domestic life. TiAeffatcs of AllUatlons to tbe World' s Fair , no regular system or organisation among .the and ereryflther !? i Drinkin g,Sleeping, Bathing, Air, Rest, Ease, commander Moore aad The nar- Keligion, which have lately appeared in the body of working men, tm Batng, or rative is rich ly illuatra ted by Engravings in the style of «nA False Coal Whippers.. -Their occupation is one ex- go a J* QccapatHn, &c Behring's Straits. which tbe London Jotonai. ' ' S 0f tkis'Journal, -have been reprinted in-the form of step further and form a excellence for hag .tint been and.yfillbe found to contain information Anal . n, and in. received .from diMingu i«hed.. - . ¦ .-, . ' :...... cheap pampblets,. . ceedingly variable and irregular in its nature, That is the means;% which ^ auJhenti c copyoTthe. dispatc hes interest. '. . : ..' ... 'aone -theVSL' "£RAGMtoS ER03I THE MOfcN'TAlNS. With an There are also now being published weekly a e nf-the deepest depending -greatl * the ; ! the 1 wind ei gompani seri s of Eleventh Monthly Part of tbis Journal is now ready, y upon • way ther present- an ^effeetnal resistance TWO.VOIS. . u «wwfc» the mm* m articles, instrucUve of ' How to Speak . the French Lan- Ihe ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦• ¦ 1 : thL .... . fie.K 5K£ ghly interestin g informa . ' • ' -' • '¦' l 1,r '- ' •'• -''i '' " ' . ' -. - , ' blows.' A'fnir one brings a fleet of Colliers aggression of to VriL 1.—Amstt to tbe L»ket j SkctrfnsfE dmbu rgn, Wi& other importa nt and hi guage Without the Aid of a Master ,' with popu lar and Price 4dV '" ' . capital, or make^the ReminiscenceB oi tion relative to the ExpeoiUoH und er - ,,. , moral 'Eraay a, ' Scientific Notices, Interes ting Also tbe Fir st sVolume, .Price 2i, 6d, ... ., into the voice «i X^ol. 2.—Tfca Lakes of KUlarney ; ^ Details.of pool, and forthwith trade becomes Labour heard ; hi our Legislative ^!)lin,^£c. ' adventure by flood and field.' find a. variety 6? papers on Halls m SIB JOHN FRANKLIN. subjects. •¦-, - OWEN'S PUBLICATIONS. brisk—Coal Whippers rise to a premium. present the landlord and;the' miscellaneous MR. profitrrionger. ^f In the page * of the Loudon Jotonal will also be found g Pamphlets , ' whicb haVe been, reprinted An adverse wind keeps the colliers beating all shades, are paramountI HOW TO BE HA^J- . • g. In the from artic les recently inserted in * Robert .Owen's Jour> about the mouth of the Thames,- and whippers ducers of .wealth are MCxenei to the low-spirite d Private Communications, Crystal Palace , accompanied by elaborate descriptidni. ' useful .for propagandist purpo ses. . 'looked upon Bimn]v bestowed in this nal ' will be very ^ are jat a discount. This irregularity brought machine^ from T* ssx Latb BOBER T HUISH , Esq. ' Much care has been depart ment to render which'the greatest amount SES OF ^^ TEB B* the drawings perfect ly accurate in every deta il : of DISEA tlOD iA , so that the LET TERS ON EDU CATION , into existence a class of middlemen' of the wealth is to be extracted ' bv OnCougu«, «M«. «OT8HmP ' LoNDeNJonEN Abmay, at a future period , be esteemed a them in th« One Penny eatn. work of reference of the Great Exhibition of 1851. ;- . t bugn ^ tff b'e. Addressed to the Teacbers worst description. - • The publicans who' had shbrtest'time ;' and;-so" it° ; Sow Publishing in Nos. at As itis, ¦ and asi ¦¦ wili^cniitihue to be TO . AND AVOID. London : G. Vickebs, 334, Strand } and aU booksellers in = ; ?. • ;of the Human Race.—2d. : • ' houses by the river side helped the whippers until the Proletarians " : ^EAT EAT, * ;; combine fof industii^J S anfllenA* our course may run. By the Authoress pf* The GirsEY GiSL. the kingdom. ' who lounged about them during the 8lack - V ^ H^ -- •Threeinree ™™score *jeaw , " ' protection and political' justice/ t -:eia.osti.verj form (cause and cure } • LETTERS ,ON G07ERKMENT, . , . _ .; enfeebled consfitnt iou Each Pehst Number of this Novel will conta in Sixteen times. The shippers applied to these '.publi- . i£ZS£&dehuTw elnnS aSu Pages of solid print. As it is, and as it ought fo be. . Addressed to the Govern- ' ' ^K l ftTS bewts the man of pleasure , bos:- Central Co-operative Agency, ment of tbe British Emptee.—2d. cans when they wanted men,—they, in turn^ ; I WAR WITH THE POPE AND : ; " INSTITUTED UNDER TRUST TO' COUNTER- employed none but those who were regular _ ' ' DESPOTISM. dfet sud physical regulation of e«ry^ay TRIALS OF LOVE; AT W Me THE I ¦ ' ACT THE SYSTEM OF ADULTERATION TO THE DELEGATES OFt THE WORLD, customers ; and,. as t the- wages' were\alway s " OB, AND •;¦ •; ^ife. AN'S REWARD: FRAUD NOW PREVAILING IN THE TRAD& THE WORLFS FAIR. paid at these houses,; the greater part somep : XEBHM,HeaSL , AKB TOBE iSIC. WOM ¦ , ;A great and 'sweeping revolution advances .. ' BY . AND TO PROMOTE ,TUE PRINCIPLE X)F To which are added ,a Petition of Robert Owen to both TII . Letter to the Editors .of times the whole of them, were spent in drink. with giant strides upoirthe eohtinent. ¦ ' MEN Mrs. H. M. LOWNDES, -CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION. , ,. ,,; . t Houses of Parliament , and' a , ; It mav LECTC?KE TO YOUNG the Christi an'Social ist'.' —3d. The Coal Whippers. were, therefore, always commence next week * US IKFB EJ QEMWTS . ,) . Trustees— Edward Vansittart Neal , .Esq., ' , or next month, or OH CH4SH EE 4HP (Latb HANNAH MARIA JONES (Found er of the ' ' be « jou og man is bi« strength. —Pswv. In stitution ).; and Thomas Hughes, Esq., (one of the Con- in debt to the publicans,. who supplied them deferred by circumstances till ihext Tbeglor / of a Authoress of ' Emily Moreland,'«Rosaline Woodbridjce,' ' , . - ¦ ;, . RELIGION CONTRASTED, year ; but expoaiiim of the laws and Pur poses of ''Scottish Chief tains,' 'Forged A'ote,* tributors}. - . i TRUE. AND FALSE scantily with necessaries when they were ouii the f orces A. friendly z , and fjoa- ' fiipsey Jfother , Commercial Firm—Lechevalier , 'Woooin : ' ¦ . Price Id. are mustering, the materiflls of war- *^ ian life • showb« kow to atta in high health, 4 Wedding King,''Strangers of the Glen,, ' Victim . , Jone s, and Co of work and the - consequence •that in ' to realis e the brightest of earth s Central Establisbment-76¦ , Charlo tte-street¦ Fitzrov - .; was, • fare are provided,. the train is laid, e«raWe manHDes s-j *»w of Fashion,*' Child of Mystery,' etc. ¦ • ¦ ¦¦ •' :¦ ¦ • .. ¦ ~ : and but marital efficiescy, and how secure in perpetuat ion equare , London. ' * ' The previous more recent works are:-— spite of high wages when they were em- waits for the i ' j,opes, Branch^ EstabliBbmentB—35 , Great gniting spark 'fb cause a uni- tte same advantages to those -wbofollow us. OTINIONS ON THIS VfOBK. Maryl ebene-gtreet THE REVOLUTION - IN THE MIND AND ployed, they were a drunken, disorderly, and versal losion heartil y . Portland place, 13, Swan-street , Man' exp over Europe. vui. ' After a long silence we again welcome—most Chester. London ; and - . PRACTICE, DISEASES. welcome—this delightf ul Authoress , who comes before ue poverty-stricken body of men. We know not, and need not know OS SPECIAL The agency is instituted for a peri od of 100 years . 8vo., with Supplement, 9s. Gd. People's Editio n, ls. , anything - TKEATStENT. of those heart-stirring, soul-exciting Tales, that The evil grew to such a hei ht that legisla- of 3XEB KATOBE AND with one Its objects are to countera ct the sy&tcn of g any conspiracies or plots against existing the casualties of licentiousn ess none but herself can produce. When we say that the adultr ation ComBrising, orinci paUy fascinating write r and fraud now preva iling in the tr ade ; to deal as agents CATECHISM OP THE RATIONAL SYSTE M, . tive interference was deemed necessary. At governments, to enable us to state this. Tbe dissipation ;; IUostrated by 250 Engravings and Pre- Tbials of Love equals anything that this and « we are uttering the highest prai se that for the consumers in purchasing the arti cles for their con- Price Id. the time it took place, the devil's doctrine of immense scri ptions, and -entitlt d The Gree n Book.' has yet produced , sumption , and for the producers in selling their armies collected by these governments can be given.' .. produce • FAREWELL ADDRESS-ld. ' Let alone > had delightful narrative to promote the progress of the principle of Association : to not obtained the ascendancy —the wild fury with which) in their panic-fear, OF 'We rise from the perusal of this find employmen t LIGHTS AM) SHALE^ MARRIED LIFE. mingled pleasure and pain. The early part for co-operative associations by tbe col- in Parliament and in the Cabinet it has since. they strike at the ' with feelings of lection^ of orders to be executed Watson , Queen's Head -passage , Paternoster-row , and all people in all directions, and •To be,-or uot to be ; tba t ta fhequesfion. , which details the sad history of Amy . Mor- under , especial guarantee id Attain- of the volume to the customers. Booksellers. There were still some remains of the stup trample on the purest and noblest instincts Subject—Happy and Frnitful Alliances—their excites the sympathy of the reader toi a painful of timer , , A commercial firm , acting under the per manent old prejudice in favour of bringing intelli- humanity, ment and Maintena nce ; Infelicitous and Infertile Ones— deeree. '1 *8 hap less girl , friendless and euthusiastis control are warrant sufficient for the truth the ir Cause , .Deviation , and Conversion ; many ennous from which, springs a chain of of trus tees, has been found the safer and mere acceptable Family Colonisation Iioan Society gence and forethought to the regulation and of the forms an imprudent union, mode of carr ying out :these objects accordin g statement. If MazzIOT, KoSSUTH, and Cases and Correspondence. sorro ws which the Authore ss works into a narrative of to law. The . Ori ginated by Mas. - Chisholm. controul of human affairs. The hew fangled Happily as all ultimatel y ends , agency consists, therefore , of trustees ,, contri butors , sub- Ledku Rollin werein their graves to-morrow, jur passing pathos. we scribers , and a commercial partners hi l them drift rudderlessj -slasher; itretha, and rectum. must confess that reeret .for the fate of the unhappy Ann ¦ p. Committee of the FAMILY Colo- phi osophy of letting the revolution would less-certain, especially at the The capital required for the wholesale and retail busi- THE its olv Their diseases add treatment ; comprising Mor timer is the pr edominant feeling iu our mind nisation LOAN SOCIETY informs all parties who exposed to the mercy of every passing breeze— ject not-less clearl defined; its result not Derangements , Constipati on, and Haemor rhoids. of this most interesting tale.' ness having been supplied by the founder and the first con- httVG been approved of for passag es-to Adelaide.and Port y less Urinar y close tributors , no express call is made ' the variable shifting of every tide on a sea of to be XL XII. XUl, XIV. « Welcome a8 the flowers in spring is a new work by at present ,' either , in the ATHENIAN , A 1, ol 673 tons register , that depended upon. The despots have There is no living Authoress to for contributions of subscri ptions . The ' capital will be Philip still a theory, though FOR THE MTJiLI02f , Hannah Mabia Jones. — she will leave the East India Docks, BlackwaU. on W£D- selfish competition-—was banded themselves against God as developed PAMPHLE TS whom the public is indebted for so large a share ef inno- further incr eased after the public have been made ac- kesdat the 24th inst., ;at, eleven o' clock, at which hour 2d. each, by posted., entitled , , rapidly ripening into a. policy. The Legisla- in his highest work " cent and moral reading as to Hannah Maria Jon es. Finely quainted with the objects of the institution , and hare ex- the passengers . are, . re quested to be on board. The Ship _ , Humanity. They cannot The Recluse. When and whom to Marry. perienced its' mode of dealing, .-. ' ture of the day took Hheir stand in the ,old J Years. as her plot is woven, exquisite ly as her characters are de- will be read y for View bn 'Mohday , the 15th: No baggage eradicateits instincts any more than thev Far t?Homages. 1 How to lire 100 this Authoress never loses sight of the moral Customers , af ter three months ' regular dealing, are en- ; on Saturday, - can of every month a serial (16 pages ), lineated , can be received on bourd after i-ur o'clock, ways '-—they formed an elaborate machinery pluck the sun from its course " Xasfly, «n the 1st , which it is her object to inculcate. The steps of Amy titled to a bonus, to be fixed according to the amount of tbe 20th inst. Mrs. Chisholm will be on board three hours ; in their mad •r ice J}d\, stamped 3d., of domes tic, recreative , phiioso- is by temptations and diffi- their transac tions by the council of the agency/ consisting for regulating the employment of Coal and iiiserisate career therefore ter ature , t . Mortime r—surrounded as she ¦ -¦ ¦ daily, from Monday, the 8tb, to Wednesday, the 24th , , they have en- Shica l, and HygeinicU entiled culties, and great as are some of the errors into which her of the trustees and par i ners. ;. •,- • ' (Saturday s and-Sundays 'excepted. ) Whippers—the men ' were all registered—re- gaged ma warfare *^ LEISURE M03 1ENTS. After , payment of all expenses - salaries , profits ,: and in which armies can be of youth and inexperience lead her—never once depart .from , N.B The sHiF will leave Gravesend on Saturday, 27th. gistered men had a preference by law, ,and, no 'Few words to fair faith. ' —Shakspeabe. the straight path of duty, and she makes her election , to bonuses returned to contributors , subscribers , and regula r C. CHISHOLM. ultimate service. ' They can' provoke but The author of the above publication s is a qualified t s -part ;no. other parties ' do that which is right,' although her so doing causes the cus omer , the general profits are to be accumulated , until ; they were employed, riot overcome resistance',' and - successful resis- sieinber -of the pr ofession, being a Doctor of Medicine destruction of her own future comfort .' to form a reserve fund , and part to promote ce-operatiye ¦¦ ¦ the Royal College of Surgeons of • ¦ • - . -. could be engaged to discharge cargoes of coal tance means ¦destruction lince 18U, a Member of ' After the deluge of trash—the out pourings of diseased associations. EPILEPSY, PITS, FALLING SICKNESS, OR ; to those who have England since 1827, and a Licenti ate of the Hall since ginations—that has flooded the literatur e Business transacted wholesale' and retail. ' Subscribers , INSANITY. in the Thames. There was no hardship, in provoked it. last twenty .fi?e and prurientima They have sown the wind, and 182* ; and moreove r, has been for the of these latt er times, it is trul y refreshing to meet with Co-operative Stores , Working Men' e Associations, Kegular this either to the owners and buyers of these ¦ pr actitioner in Lond on. DO0KRALL wishea, to inform all they must reap the whirlwind; years a residen t another of those simple, pathetic , and interesting tales, Customers , and tbe Public supp lied, MR. ' that he These writings are not the mere ephemeral senboh ngs of The Agency intend hereafter to' und ertake the execu- persons afflicted with the above complaints , cargoes,. or to other labouring. men, —it fixed What part shall who owes which have given a world wide reputation to the name of has returned to London , where he intends to remain for England take in the ap- the hour, but the study of their autho r's life, After a long silence she comes tion ef all orders for any ' kind of articles or produce j a price per ton, amounting to a comparatively and position- to the obser- Hannah Maria Jone s. a short time, and also that his address is at the Metro- proaching contest between the two contending liis present existence, heahh , before us with all her early freshness unimpaired , and in their operat ions for the present are restricted to GBO- . . would inculcate, of doing unto politan Cha -bers , Albert-street , Spita lfields. where he trifling per centage on the whole, cost , of -the ' vance of ihe maxims he her last work—The Tmals of Loye—still manifest all CERIES , , and ITALIAN ARTICLES , as a speci- principles of Liberty and Authority ? That as&e would wish to be done by, of Having af ter WISES ' can be consulted. Personal application is not necessary, article—protected the shipper or buyer against othe rs those high qual ities of head aud heart which have endeared mek of what can be done with tbe support of co-operative s case by letter,will suffice. is a momentous question which it is time natu re's Jaws, and of keeping- always on the sunny side of customers . - • ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦!/ A full account of tbe party ' was her to her readers, and have elevated her above ail other Mr. D's success oyer this dreadful affliction is so well es- overcharge - while, any one who was willing to asked and answered the people of this way writers , as one whose every production is replete with Hides have been framed and printed to enable any num- ' by couu. hey are to be had at Messrs. Sherwood' s, , Pater. iu any distriet of Londenj or tablished as to leave comment unnecessary. ' comply with the, regulations of the Coal T 23 truth , gentleness , and sensibility.' ber of families ofall classes , Mr. D. would take u male or female partn er, the latter try. We know there is a large and influen- aoster-w>w, Mann , 39, Cornhul ; Carvalhe , 1*7, Fleet. any part of the counfry, to form themselves into '.Friendly Whipping Act, and the rules of the Coal or direct from the Aut hor (by preferred , who would ' be instructed iu the treatmen t of tial party that will strai ghtway reply— ' Neu- Itre et, and aU booksellers ; SI COIAINS , 113, FLEET STREET , Societies ' fur , enjoying the benefit of Co-operative Stores. partner post or otherwise}, 10, Ar syle-place , Regent-street , where four stamps. ' Epileptics. It would be desirable that the pos- Whippers for their internal Government could tralit AND ALL BOOKSmHB. To be sent by post to parties forwardi ng . creatur e. All : com- * y : let lis leave foreign nations to settle Br. Culvenrell may be advised rath perso nally daily, from Particulars of the nature and objects of the Central Co- sessed a disposition, to' serve a fellow- become a member of the body. nine. t , P.P.-; and where answers ar e required , to their own internal affairs. The policy of non- leu tiH five, and in the evenings from seven till operative Agency, with a Digest of the Deed of Settlement , munica ions The result was, that the publicans who had Just Published are to be found in the printed report of a meeting enclose a postage-stamp. intervention is the true policy of Great Bri- , held at formerl lived by'plundering the Coal Whip- DO I0U WANT LUXURIANT AND BEAU- IN NOS. AT ONE PENNY EA« H, the Central Office of the Agency. To be sent by post to par- y tain.' There might have been a time when TIFUL, HAIIt, WHISKERS, «fcc. ties forwardin g four stamps. . . -j BOROUGH ELE CTION. pers were speedily deprived of the power they A list of articles with the wholesale prices for Co-ope- such was its true policy,' but that time has immense puhlic patronage bestowed THE EMIGRANT'S GUidTtO THE GOLDEN LAND rative Stores , and a detailed Catalogue for private ousto - THE ELECTORS AND- NON-ELEC- had so fri ghtfully: abused. The habits, the certainl THE TORS of-Bradford j Yorkshire , are respectfull y in- y now passed away. We cannot sever upon Miss Ellen Graham ' s UlOUKttKSE is sufficient n A L I F 0 R N I A , Will also be sent by post on paymen t ' of one post- morals, and tbe manners of the Coal Whippers ourselves from 1 evidence of its amazing properties in repr oducing the hu- mers and two for the Cat a- formed , that .George W. M. Reynolds , Esq., of London , will the continent in these days of VJ ITS PAST HISTORY ; ITS PRESENT POSITION ; age stamp for the Wholesale List, again .address ' them on Monday , Septei pber29 th , at twelve rapidly improved from the moment they were man hair , whether lost by disease or ualur 1 decay, pre- PROSPEC TS : logue. steam ships, railways, and electric telegraphs. ITS FUTURE 1 o'clock pr ecisely, when all Whigs, Tories , Radicals, Con- venting the hair falling ofi; strengthening weak ha-r, and WITH A MINUTE AND AUTHENTIC ACCOUNT OF Particulars , Rules, List, and Catalogue will bo for- liberated from the old debasing and depraved servatives and Chartists are invited to attend . We are insular no longer, but part and parcel check ing greyness. It is guaranteed to produce Whiskers , THE DISCOVERY OF THE O G N warde d immediatel y on receipt of ten postage stamps , _ , , bondage, ;¦ They were placed in a position to Voustachois, . . ¦ and enabling them, by such infamous and dis- Nombeb Twenti One, ished lust Wednesday¦.¦ ,) ; ." But, indeed, the question is not left wholl urious scent. Ihe stimuk nt is excellent.*—Dr. John ' ' - • -- An Old Refobjier. > y j Illustrated with . BV —Next week. . . graceful means, to refuse the concession , of Znorapeon , authorof a Treatise " on the Human Hair, and No. 1, and No. 3, will be The Polish and Hon gabun Refccees—T. Brown ' s List to our own decision. Already have we been Ixofessor of ENGRAV INGS. ' just and necessary constitutional , reforms- Chemistry. RICHLY COLOUR ED for three weekB. ^-Mr. Wheelliuuse , Is 6d—Donnell . assailed by the crafty and aggress ive despots For the Surser y it is invaluable, its balsamic properties And numerous Engr avings, all executed in the . most ERNEST JONES. 4s fid—J. Collfus , per Jfr. Iteyiiolde , 3s 6d.—Monies sent does not, in the slightest degree, invalidate in the pursuit of their ' being admirably adapted to infants' hair. style, will illustrate subsequent Numbers. (Consisting of forty, columns of close- prin t, besides . to Messrs, Arriott, Reynoldsl and Rider, are announced ' scheme of universal finished wrapper . . the good faith of the Coal Whippers. They , for by them ,.' ' • ' . -' ' :•- .. • domination, and that, too, in the most wily ' ' " : believed that the system which protected Freckles, Small-pax works, Snnbuvn, Rcd- Two Pence. - . and effectual shape. To have provoked open - Hess, Pimples, JBIaek *post, etc. Contains (besides 'De Brassir ,' ' Trades ' grievance *,' them and insured them a fair reward for their ¦ , hostilities with a nation whose treasures All these disfigurements of the skin are permanently THE CRYSTAL PALACE . :, t t t ,) v . ¦'.. : , and «ad icated by the application of MISS GItAHAM'S and eigh o her ar icles ! toil, was in danger, and they came forward, in The following Engravings of this unrivalled CO-OEEU A.TIOS I—1. What it is .• Its pernicious pre- NCKTICE whose Courage mainly defeated Napoleon's LOT ION. The only preparation extant that will have tbe this its defence. . desired effect, and give the utmost satisfaction . It was edifice, are now ready, and may be had at sent plan-BiMdford—Padihiim—London , etc. A better scheme of universal Empire; would have irit arising, as shown in Bingley and Bury. —-What it But, fashionable Political Economy and aever known to fail, is free from any injurious property, Offi ce :— sp to readers, sWscribers, AND marred the object they had in view. The and maybe used forinfan ts as well as adults. ought tobe ': Being a plan for the conduct of Co-o,. era tive , modern competition have small respect for - .. - . :-,? FRIENDS. pride and the anger of would have The lotion is sent to any part of the kingdom , on recei pt I —View of the Exterior of the Building; attempts. . 92 ., . such anti ated Observe 1 1^ " No. will contain A' Ckaetist • Totia, We have latel issued a. circular to all qu things as loyalty , or attach- ' «f forty-two postage stam p*, by Miss Graham , 14, Hand a magnifice nt print—two feet long—exquisitely ' : ' ¦ y been aroused, and in the struggle Despotism , Eaoji Observati ons on the Spot. ' : ment to national institutions. .Whether the Court Holborn, London. engraved ; from a drawing furnished by 'Messrs. our agents, intimating that, on and after must inevitably have gone to.the wall.' But tho Coal Whippers are contented or.not is a mat- Fox and Henderson ; and consequently correct B.—Nombeb One is now REPBiNTen. with a classified Saturday, the'30th ult.V the publishing ar- cunning conspirators'against national T.iqtticl Hair Bye. S. ' ' liberty in every respect. Prick only Sixpence. Index so arranged that) when the same ar ticle runs rangements, laced on ter of not the smallest consequence, compared The only perfec t one extant is Miss Gbahah 's. It is a , desirous of pos- of the ' Star ' would be p knew better than to make a demonstration dear liquid through several numbers , the reader with the saving of a quarter of a farthing per , that changes hair in three minutes to any II.—Proofs of the Same Print, printed on sessisng that article , may do so without purchasing the the same f ooting as those of all other metropo- which should have such an effect as this. The shade, irom light auburn to jet black , so natural as to defy thick Imp erial Drawing Paper. Price One hundred-weight in the delivery, of coals from detection, does not entire seriesi . . litan weekly journals. From that date no material aspects of aggressive tyranny have stain tbe skin, and is free from every Smmuo. V«—This Magazine will,- in future . be published every vessels in the Thames. To save a quarter of a , Objectionable qualit y. It needs only to be used once, pro- MO.VDAV, for each ensuing Saturday, so tha t Agents will papers would'be supplied except for cash. therefore, been carefully masked, and a more ducing a permanent dye for ever. Persons farthing the school of Melchisidec, .Isaacs, who have been Ill —The Same Print, Superbly Coloured ; have not the slightest excuse for keeping their customers In carrying put this arrangement, ;it is quite potent weapon employed for the two-fold deceived by useless preparations (dangerous to tbe bead , in arrear with the current number. and Co., would have no pur- will find this on extr a Drawing Pape r, and finished in the possible that, some of our readers may be dis- hesitation in making *c.) dye jierfect in every respect , and that Shimj sos Published Holy well-street , Strand , pose of distracting.our attention; while they • none but itself can he parallel. most exquisite style. Pkicb Two by J. Favey, 47, ' eternal smash' of all institutions and ? con- it* ' London: appointed :in receiving their papers for the pursue their relentless and deadly policy on Price 3s. seat free by post for thirty -six postage stamps , an d Sixpence. ' stitutions' in the world. Reli ion Morality, first week or two. . If so; ' they will know g , the continent, and of rendering us an easier b Miss Graham , t±. Hand Court , Holborn , London. Legality, Patriotism—all are comprised Trade and Dealers .. Price Is., : - , where the ,fault lies, and they can easily in the The usual allowanc e to tho Just Published, « prey in the event of their success. Why iVot Walk "With Ease ? Great Windmill Street , Haymarket. , -onl give their two magic words per centage." It is high Office, 16, N- Account of Several Cases- of . CON- remedy! it. / they have y to. No one who' haa given careful attention to Soft and Hard Corns -and Bunio ns may be instantly re- treason'against Mammon to find any body of ' A SUMPTION (one a Young , Nobleman) cured by orders to another news-agent, who is in the subject can doubt that tbe Papal Bull, b lieved and permanen tly cured by Miss Graham 's PLOlt- means of a Particula r Use of ItAISIN S AS FOOD , and working men who dare to call either- their y BDffi in three days . It is sent free for Thir teen Postage the habit of observing the trade rule, and which Hierarch without Medicine; forming a Guide , by which Consum e souls or bodies their own—or y was .created in this Stamps. PATRI OT KOSSDTB. the Persons may easily cure , themselves'. By Dr. S. sending his money with his orders to his whole- refuse to submit •It cured by corns like mag —Mr. Johns Hounslow. THE country,' claiming territorial titles and juris- ' , UoWBOTBAM, to such conditions as Messrs. Slop «My bunion has not appearedic. since. —Mrs. Sims, Truro. sale agent/ eitHer m London or in the country. , GRASPALL, ' To be obtained direc t from the Author , by sending 0»b diction, was a movement of-the Absolutist | 'Add ress, Miss Graham , , Hand Court , Holborn , Lon- , If no such , person bo available ' and Chicanery, choose to dictate in reference 11 The Portrait of this eminent man has Shilling, in Stamps, or otherw ise, to his Address , id, , a quarter s ' powers for. tho objects we have stated. That don. Gran t-street , Great Colmorc -street , Birming ham. payment in advance, or the remittance of the to wages. Hence, when the Coal Whipping ready for the heads pf tho Romish Church . had the re- been reprinted and is now. price of a single number .in postage stamps Act, under which such beneficial changes had THYSELF ! THE BEST OF ALL establishment.of their ecclesiastical power, and KNOWLEDGE. delivery. •' ".;.;",. weekly, will ensure the been effected , was, about to expire, and its O M A S O OOiP E- B paper regularly from the restoration of the ancient faith directly ' See yourself as others see you.' —Bcsss. ' persons TH : renewal , was askeil last session, It has heen . pronounced, hy Author of 'The Purga tory of Soicides,' tic, - this office by post. the Free iu their view, does not militate against the fact. EXTRAORDINARY NUMBER ; Trade and ' Devil take the Hindmost' party in AN to judge, to he a most admi- Delfvebs Oeations on the Foilowing Subjects :— It is an old maxim of of Testimonials from all classes, Philosophers , , well able Parliament vigorously, opposed such a, , to make men liter ary Persons and Divines of every denominationPeers, en- The Genius of Shaksp eare , as displayed iu his We hare noyr carried these resolutions into hetero- , rable likeness. It is exfjuisitely • Kecitations from and corporate bodies tools, through the instru- have been recei ved by the ORIGINAL GUAI'UIOLOGIST ' Hamle t ; with Head ings and tlie PJ ay, practice, and think that no inconvenience is dox piece of legislation. Messrs. Labouchere wto continues togive iier novel and interestin g DELINE- and is pirated oil thick royal tbe Music of Ophelia' s Songs, &c. The Life and Genius and Glad mentality of their passions,,prejudices, wants, graved, of Miltonr ; witn liecitationsfrom ' Paradise , ' &o. felt by either agents or subscribers. We have stone exerted themselves to the ATIO N'SOF CHAUACTUU from an examination of the Lost utmost to or ambition, and in inciting, the PorE to at- hand writin g, iu a style of description peculiarl y her own, Quarto paper. The Life and Genius of Burns ; with the Music of some of but to repeal*, jthat should any difficulty be felt . maintain the old position of the j his Songs, Kecitations of ' Tam O'Slianter ,' itc, The Lite tempt the spiritual. re-conquest of England ; fining four pages of a sheet of paper. Person s desirous by any one, a, direct application to our office Coal Whippers, but in .vain. Instead of pro- of knowing their true chara cter, or that of any friend in Price only Fourpence/ and Genius of Byron ; with Headin gs and Kecitations from while they flattered and gratified a not unnatural his Works. The life and genius of Shelley, with Headin gs , curing a perpetuation and extension Wiom they may be interested , must send a specimen of will no doubt enable usto suggest a remedy. of the , ' tb *-«ritin g, statin g ses a.»id age, or supposed age, (enclos- G-, Pavey and Recitations from his works. Civilisation : What it arrangements passion of tho ' Holy.See they at the sarao NonxnEitN Star Offi ce, and , it in , which experience had demon- O g fifteen postage stamp? ,) to Miss GK AH AM, and they ' wa s in the Past- ^what eftVcts for Man the present , strated to be time silently but surely sent forth an advanced will receive iu a few days a minute detail of the gifts de- t t, Strand. and the universal Human Hap piness it must produce, in We have this week printed a placard for so valuable, the bill .was greatly , Holywell S ree guard for promoting, their ulterior objects— fects, talents , tastes, affections, &c, of the writer , with the Future . The Eng lish Commonwealth ": Founders of the use of those agents who may, feel disposed altered , by. a Select Committee. . Instead of jj auy "other things hitherto wuuspected. the Strugg le—Coke, Selden, Elliot , P ,; Hampden , &c— ' na mely, the utter extinction of Constitutional NOW PUBLIS HING ym to aid the efforts wo are now making to in- being made permanent, it was made.a tempo- , Despotism of the King, and Tyranny - of Lau d—Civil Government, in the whole of Europe, and Just Published, ., Xut r.bers , Price Onlt One Pesst Each , War—Dea th of Hamp den—Battle of Naseby—Imprison- crease the circulation . of this rary measure ; all the additional powers were Price Is In Weekly paper. The the setting up of an ARE TOU IX LOVE ? A little Plain Advice to and Monthl y Tarts , l'riee Four pesce Bicn; ment , Trial , and Execution uf Charles 1st. The English placard is stamped refused, and clauses were introduced uncontrolled and irre- on th is interesting subject , sent post free by Miss Commonweal th : Government by Parliament and Council , and shall bo forwarded , the ex- 8H VALUABLE and POPULAR STANDARD press object of which sponsible tyranny in the hands of a few fami- grah am on receipt of tliirtceu postage stamps. CHEAPWoRKS. Illus trated with HBMJT1FUL STEEL of State—Cromwell in Ireland , arid in Scotlnnd —Bat tles free of cost to any one choosing to apply was to furnish loop-holes «A ' lies—crowned brigands who are to parcel out . grea t deal of sound advice in u small compass.'— ENGRAVINGS. of Dunb ar and Worceste r—Protectorate and Character of for it, and willing to exhibit it. through which those, who have long been en- AjUls. Oliver Crom wcll-'-Lessons to be derived from the ' jireat among themselves nations, as the spoils of ¦t '£h& people of its kind ' 1.—THE ARCTI C REGI ONS, or tbe Lost Mariners ; being le. The French Re volution deavouring, to break in upon the Coal Ship- best book for young —IIebaid. Commonwealth. Strugg of 1781) ; their crusade against Libert Humamtv. « We advise all our young friends who have so frequentl y a Seareh after Sir John Franklin , including an account of Its Causes , and Progress of Events from its commencement pers and beat down the price of labour, could y and Writte n to us f..r advice to get this book ; if they follow its all the Voyaees in Search of the Missing Ships, troth to tbe Execution of Lo: is 16th. The French Revolution of And we have fallen into the trap thus cun " and beautifully Illustra ted witU Portraits TIE NORTHERS STAR effect their purpose. Instead of confining the nrece.?ts, it will *ave them a world of tr ouble.'— Labiis' Instruc tive 178!) : Events from the Death of the King to the Fal l of the SATURDAY, ningl of Sir John franklin , , , Beecliey, Back ; Directory. The Life and Charac ter of Napol eon. SEl'lKMBER 20. 1851 occupation y set for us. For a . whole year, men of ifewe. * Parrr Ross The Life to registered Coal Whippers, pur- Address Ellen GKAHAM , 14, Hand Court , Holborn , VlfiWS ATP- and icign ol Louis Phili ppe ; with a Retrospect of the chasers all parties and creeds have raved, and spouted , —STURM 'S MORNING DEVOTIONS , for every Day - ; were empowered to employ ' their own 5 London. 2. in late Revolution. Columbus , and . the Discovery of THREATENED STRIKE OF OOALj and written about ' Papal Aggression, and the Year. America ; Cortez , and the Conques t of . Mexico. Fizard o ; servants,' without giving the registered men TOK'S PILL OF HEALTH. 3.—EVENING DEVOTIONS , for every Dav in the Tear. and the Conquest of Peru. Washl ngt- n ; and the Inde- WHIPPERS. priority, Parliament devoted to a foolish and futile hill FBAMP i—STURM'S CONTEMPLATIONS on the life and suf- at the prices they may please to. pay The' testimon ial is another proof of Ulc , pendence of America. William Tell ; and the Delivera nce the whole of its sittings. But Aggvef - ferings of Jesus Christ , in lustructive and Devotional the Tribune • these ' servants.' We need not describe the the ' great tfficacv of this medicine :— of Switzerland. lUenzi , and the ' Good Hs Among the memorable events of sion ' is not put down. The obnoxious titles •' VYinchmore-h ill, Middl esex, April IGth , ]851. Exercises. ta te.' Massaniello , the Fisherman of Naples , and • Cap- . the memo- consequences in detail. The barriers which 5.—BUNYAN'S PILGRIM'S PROGRESS , s (be 'Sir ,—!=. consideratio n ot the great benefit 1 have de- with bi lain of the People.' Kovcinsko ; and Strug gles for rable tenth of April, there was one over which are not placed in abeyance, the interference of Divine Emble ms. Polish Independence. Widtlifte ' , and the Lollards. fenced in tho Whippers from recklefis .competi- rived from taking Framjiton ' s Pill of Health , I feci it a —BUNY>N'S HOLY WAR The Losing and • Lut her , the Home Secretary, the Press, and the those who wear, them, with matters du ty thatl owe to you ajid the public to end jtm the fol- 6. , Takinff and the Reformation. Life, Character , and Influ ence of tion have been alread y, broken down; wages not only again of the Town of Mausoul. Cal vin ; including, a sketch of the Lite and 1 Special Constable , of fowing statement. For upwards of nine years I have ex- ' Characte r of ' class united in laudation have been largely reduced and seeing faith, but with such grave and important -; 7.—If. DE LAMARTLVE , the Great Republican of Serve tus. George Fox, aiid Quakerism . Muh ommed , nothing perien ced tLeiffieacy i.f tlii. excellent medicine. I had with a description of the and mutual congratulations. True it was , temporal and secular questions as the educa- been aftlictcd wit h headache and France , his interesting Travels , and Mahommed:m ism. Tho Age ot Chiva lry, and the but complete ruin starvation, and misery be- long previoesiy ha indi ces Kennington Common estah- fri ^i ving induced me to make a tri al lfoly Land. Crusado s. Sir Walter Raleigh, and the Age of Elizab eth. that was crowded on fore them, tion of the people and the ina 'itutioua tion, but a of S._VV)YAGES AND TRAVELS of Capt' s Pa rry, Ross, Court Influence , and the the Coal Whippers have com- ampton 's Pills, Ino»' inform you that a few doses gave Marlborough , Reign of Anne. that day. by tens of thousands of lished are Fr Franklin , Lynns , and Utlznnj, • as exemplified in the Chartists ; menced a vigorous counter- by the Legislature for that purpose, jne great relief :and during this long period of time Philanthr opy - Lives of Bern ard movement, in ; I have 0.—CAPTAIN COOK 'S VOYAGES round the World , but then the Coal Whippors of the too pal Cuues. taken them in preference to any other medicihe , and I Gilpin , Oberlin , and John Howard. Perseveran ce and In- Port of which they invoke the aid of pable and real. If ' Paul with his discoveries , a new and Superior Edition , illns- Charac ter, all the labourers happiuec jof sayi ng tha t I never had a better dependence of as exemplified in the Life- London had enrolled themselves in a body as Archbishop of h and Primate of all Iiave the tiatcd with Engravings on Steel, comprising Por traits , , tho author connected with the coal trade of the port of Armag State of health ,.whioi: I attribute to Frampton 's Pills. J struggle of Daniel Defoe of 'liobinson ' Special Constables.' There was no fear for Ireland,.' has will soon ' Views, Curiosi ties, Dress of Natives , etc. Crusoe ' The Life and Genius «f Sir Isaac Xewtoii. The London . They threaten a strike, not merely his own way, Ireland beg farther to add. tliat this medic ne - Two Orations—tho one delivered on tb e night fol- ; to the .applauding cheers freE o lH„a e 5 ^PP"* in any totte Pound s. have ne monopoly o? those quaii- tain that faith, and to worship God OXE TO THREE POUNDS PER WEEK WITH lowing tbe other-T hree which greeted these declarations. But it ap. tios iH Jf y '. ,,ns not f!,r manner that is their on B For ai. v number of Ora tions, delivered on successive °r^" , fro,n thl'ce II! lions most consonant with » S^&^ff«a«-««rtrf as the CERTAINTY REALISED. Shillings c»cl'. . pears of Ute, a change has corric over oKn?n ' T fc thcm ' " for children all a»a nielits , Tfa-tT ' ' the a IE . , - , > .the". «ave a caro what they convictions. It is with that Church »«? ^ ^ * ^J%g &2? **™vstb MR. ALLEN WOOD , who for Twenty- % Purkll ojr. Knightsbri dge , London. spirit of their dream.! The A5apleasan r, £alg, and casv A.^i» I. mtc. , loyal ex-Specials c political instrument of despo W u lYl three (superintended I 'j? jj AVIj cU the distance Irom London is great, and a h dc,1, { . in the hands recomcendatou d a miu <,LS ^ii, " Years an establishment em. have forsaken the truncheon, a d »'-. '-ears to the supply of, intriguers:.. «. _: .. . r -r t-. „== ..»:inii 7l ie raost uc ploying upwards of 200 persons (if bo h sexes iu var ious specia l jou rney has to be made Irom tho Metro polis-of emblem of civic tt bour ,.7 f may " ls. against Human Pr ogress cessiol effect , au4 regifn «, res Sof di - for extra travellin g expenses authority and powers, mid to throw lhc,nsclrcs out deal ment during the:.- Bj u * r co,lfiarl br anches , will ibirrard , by return of post , Six valua ble course , eoute allowanc e will embarked in an of work National Freedom alone that we have to o4 ISSSSS a;f d '" »ds of earning - v ordinary intlnstiy, one to three expected. ing to the ke zzdsu ^d /fcS'fe meti..' l'. hv agitation, in which they treat and f a,, {^ Sf; r week, ' the powers And it we say that the battle with Mita hie for every case, Jfi wfttrs e.T, that pounds £." without the outlay of a sovereign or a that be ' most adds a warning to Mr. Laboucheke ' J can be req uired • shilling iC' immunications inten ded to reach me to morrow disparagingl « the Absolutist is Wd for IXDEtlT PEOPLE tfeiy will be found to b» lisle. y-,^, their grio- against. Powers—of which it *J»f ' tile m.iUnust Addre ss Wood WO High-street Rochester , en- (Sundav ) or m-xt Monday, should be addressed , ' Care of ranees have made philandering with . Socialism , for ' comibrtibloby Medicine hitherto pienauj. , Mr. A. , , , some of them so < dielojal.' til at tool—i s not to bs fough t with such misern l)'* ^•fd T to-. closing a dir ected eilY0l'>Psi and thirteen postage-s tamps. Ai r. C. llar ker , Co-operative Society, Halifa x.' Tuesday or that they is an the bottom of the affair. ' . Pr out, -223 Stran d, don, Pri cj l=. ji d of Mr. Thomas Lazanb y, iVortli. oven talk of -bringing • their power paltry weapons thft Legis!" Wd Vs Sd , . , t. Up to this day. Sept •'#' • near One Hundred Testi- Wednesda y next. ' Care - Yet tllO , us those forged bv . p hvx m t V thtf Vend ers of Mtdi ciilts moniaU expressing great satis- gate. Wahc n eld.' Thursd ay, irrida y, Saturday ,«U!Xt , or to bear on the Sani G gchool of political economists geaer ajly tiisflu-hontr have been ricrived a" House of CommL,' ,JoZ' ture last session. W.e must face the nggressfl* , ihcKii.gauai5. . faction. ' Sunda y, the i'Dtli liisl., ' Cure of Mr. Jicnja min I'i?,|'"g', arc continuall telling Aefe f r fka^!p T0! g nil 0F jj-ftXlir, nnfl tibame ,re t0 us y U8 that they have no- on his own ter work at t c,:cw nwtbods ' me- Intending Grimsliaw Wtll . Padilinm , Laneasliire .' Mouday o " ^y )iko quotations thing ritory, and give him F,nw T^ ! and , mak.^e " UoFi nn old Chartistrf f-T m view bui the welfare of the labouring home fr CIfl *.vnaon , on ibo (jjn^rant st0Australia America sbu ;^ Mtbe without Tuesday, the '29th cr SOtli inst ,, 'Ca re of J . Watso n {" speeches. that shall effectually prevent him Guvtrnmen t stsnn p. Clayton-street. Colne, Lancash ire, ' , classes, nud that fci:e interests of and ' —T.C.l Vhat lias eil'ected this marvellous capital meddling with us. . " transfor- labour are identical . fcfc the facta mak for. If Lord PAuiKiisToN were really the acute tjul, sspTiigiffiB^^ -r „ „., ,, .. -. .. „„^ .. MPMSS^ _i __ - ,.- - - ::Klt^J. -s _ _^_j__ . • i-^ :. . Si ^^ _^ ^ ^ ^ —~~—j —~— . .. ¦ ¦- • _«Jll .,. 1 I I l ^ ^ . .. . ,. - . . ^_— J J ^ ._.J -.»^ vi . . *.... _ . -«.' I . ^T.mTnv.T I I l diplamalirt *isi admirenf prej arid possessing^tittlets of the power of immei NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OP aYe ggSw^ - fev stem Sf* *!?' ^rdi , themselves from too often happened that your, own rashness has he 1 *» E «"M»reb/> attached diate adaptation to exigencies as they arise, UNITED TRADES. ^- ;c - r u8tl p th, en- * ai tor is, if ^a* 3 the Nat?on!i"y ! » the instrumentality abled your masters to enlist the power of the law THE LATE POISONINGS AT WjrTgjeat caused--Constitutional Govern^ which is essential to all good government,the 1. S. Duhcojuu5, Esq.., M.P., President. , , • A?SOcla«o», of which they had been to ensur e their own triump h, and hence have been : WRIN.GT.ON, .. ._ " ' ' ''" ' S SS! * ear8 W aThe.himselfjayB he fy he would long Colonial administrationstood by no' means in Established lStf.;-!. '. : ,V; : " shoTO anvifJSr jneS9 ',in If the Committeeio had compelled to flgii t against the two-edged, sword of ont a W lbeir efforts found out a method;-of doing this. the good graces-gf the: peeple of P ° proper plan of national organisation to insure its raeecHesaand;prpFuse. expressions of sympathy^ which, are ; . ^ 6 JUry 8Upporfc 0f thi8 moD8trou8 success. before eleven o'clock. She was then at my , and spirited of sume to offer Duncombe, fndictmSSt.° , son' as in the, case of Hungary.. The ;desppts can and the most intelligent public any defence for Mr.. this J unaer8 a s house. I found her YWJ fi'c& an^ ®' ^ ' " hum- the settlers clearly understand, that until , the against the foul and slanderous attack of this ' t nd- to ho a national irell afford to laugh at all .that Bnd of or h^rDouy, ^Trand l must therefore presume that one of asked her if she had been given anything to and pre-eminentl ' That 'gnwant, desirous of misre. your mam ob bug balderdashY The/docttine of non- people govern as in the United /States,;they y vituperate journal. ; Ert ""he ^n jects will be the establishment of some take, and thoy said she had had some %**? lJi F at !ini Purposes ot the Assoeia- permanent machinery for intervention , is a capital : one - for them. can never hope to do justice to either. honourable gentleman's public life is ,a com- ' fa the regulation of Trades' gin. I sent to Mr. Chadwick, who §?ft ?£-?*f \ '% TO«r of the Editor of the matters and Trades' strikes. That that body shall Ifbey take care -to leave - it to the The ' Times' this week, in one of its bold plete and triumphant answer to the calum- StaS, to reprint the address of Mr. Dunconbe. de- 0n8tU ted ordered his dispenser to , uttendj which upon the oppo- and vigorous, leaders, baa. vividly ponrtrayed nies of this anonymoiUB scribbler; lieaving, atl01!al W h W6r Ve8ted in itS he did sentimentalists, and act ... ^ j !!?u M Coufefencei held on Mon- mmemom0mu!^ fto A hear allr, matters' " connectedP° ' .with a mixture —a spoonful the mh Grey and the Co- therefore he will h 8i5' t0 with trades se themselves.. When Austria,, was teateu ichief caused by Earl , Mr. Duncombe (if indeed tl\fZt?ti? > *M»h we- beg ^ invite business, and m all cases where the rights of any to be taken at a time. Mr. Chadwick saw lonial system under his superintendence and condescend to notice its impertinence), to"; deal * attentl0n of ^e trades-of England, as onejtrade are threatened by Hungary, .Russia .sent her armiM.. to ef S the