Great people

Jamil HASANLI Doctor of History, Professor Alimardan bay Topchubashov


Alimardan bay Topchubashov

limardan bay Topchubashov Muslims and participated in the Arabic, Persian and Turkish, and the was born on 4 May 1863 in Crimea war. His grandfather Mirza Ja- East’s rich literature from him. The ATifl is.1 His father Aliakbar bay far Topchubashov was a well-known Topchuogullars, which had settled was a serviceman, served in the orientalist in Russia and many world in Tifl is, were originally from Ganja, cavalry regiment of Transcaucasian famous Russian orientalists learnt and his great grandfather Alimar-

1 A. b. Topchubashov’s birth certifi cate. 6 April 1870 // St Petersburg Central Historical Archive (SPb. MTA), f.14, s.3, i. 24308, v.4


Heritage_2_(13)_2013_LAST.indd 16 4/22/13 2:11 PM dan bay went by the surname of Topchuba shov because he was chief of an artillery regiment in the court of the Georgian kings Irakli II and George XII.2 In 1868, Alimardan lost his father and then his mother and was brought up by his grandmother. He received his fi rst education in a Muslim school, studied in the Russian-language fi rst Tifl is classical gymnasium and en- tered the St. Petersburg Imperial Uni- versity in 1884. Alimardan bay gradu- ated from the university’s faculty of law with excellent marks and with his dissertation, he was given a degree A. b. Topchubashov among participants of the as a candidate of sciences. Alimardan, Second All-Russian Congress of Muslimcs who began his career at Tifl is County Court, moved to Baku together with Muslims and share his impressions other reforms in the and his family in 1896. Muslim business about his journey with readers in got permission for the publication of circles found Alimardan bay as their Kaspi newspaper. Hayat daily to be published in Turkic.3 real defender. Although he was new At a gathering of the Muslim in- This newspaper gave a new lease of to Baku, he gained most of the vote telligentsia and bourgeoisie held in life to Turkic public opinion and the in the fi rst stage of the elections to Baku in March 1905, a decision was idea of national identity. the City Duma held in October 1897. made to submit to the government A gathering of Azerbaijani, Kazan Topchubashov was appointed as in St Petersburg a document called and Crimean Tatar intellectuals in St publisher and editor of the Russian- “The current situation concerning Petersburg in April 1905 considered language newspaper Kaspi, which the needs of Muslims”, which had it necessary to establish Ittifagi Mus- belonged to the prominent Azerbai- been prepared by Alimardan bay. limin or a Union of Russian Muslims.4 jani philanthropist Haji Zeynalabdin The document focused on increas- Topchubashov submitted a report, Tagiyev, and was elected chairman ing the rights of Muslims in city ad- which said that the authorities had of the Nijat enlightenment society ministrations and improving welfare an indiff erent attitude to the Cau- and a member of Muslim charitable and education for the people. Ali- casus Muslims, did not trust them societies and cultural centers. mardan bay presented this docu- because they were not Christians, In 1900, Alimardan bay went on ment to Interior Minister A. Bulygin Muslim representatives faced dis- a European tour and visited Sofi a, in St Petersburg. During his meeting crimination in government agencies Belgrade, Budapest, Vienna, London, with the new governor of the Cau- and were sidelined from solving the Liverpool, Belgium, Germany and the casus, Count Vorontsov-Dashkov, he problems of cities where they lived, world exhibition in Paris. He tried to said that it was necessary to conduct to Governor Vorontsov-Dashkov in learn Europeans’ view of Russian administrative, court, land, tax and Tifl is.5

2 Toptchibachy Ali Mardan bek Ali Akbar bek oglou. 1931.// Archives d’Ali Mardan-bey Toptchibachi. Le Centre d’Etudes des Mondes Russe, Caucasien et Centre-Europeen (CERCEC), l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Ciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris, p.1; A. Tahirzada. Alimardan bay Aliakbar bay oglu Topchubashov (4.5.1863, Tifl is-7 November 1934).// Azərbaycan müəllimi, 2012, 16 March. 3 Topcubashi Alimardan bay. 16 December 1951. Archives d’Ali Mardan-bey Toptchibachi, carton n° 3. CERCEC, EHESS, p.8 ; Biographical information about A. b. Topchubashov. Part 1. Brief Summary. // Archives d’Ali Mardan-bey Toptchibachi, carton n° 6/2. CERCEC, EHESS, p.7. 4 The National Archive of the Tatarstan Republic (NATR), f.199, s.1, i.722, v.13. 5 Petition de musulmans du Caucase au gouverneur general Vorontsov-Dashkov. Juin 1905. // Archives d’Ali Mardan-bey Toptchibachi, carton n° 8. CERCEC, EHESS. 17

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At the fi rst congress of Russian by about 800 Muslims. The central Caucasus and regulation of land is- Muslims which opened on a leased issue at the congress, where Topchu- sues in the South Caucasus. Once he ship in Nizhniy Novgorod on 15 bashov was elected chairman, was was released from prison, he received August 1905, Topchubashov was to adopt the program of the Union numerous congratulatory telegrams elected chairman and made a report of Russian Muslims he had prepared. from various Muslim cities of Russia. on the political, economic, cultural At the third congress, Alimardan bay During celebrations to mark the and religious problems of Russian was endorsed as chairman of the 25th anniversary of Tarjuman newspa- Muslims. “This historic report by Ali- Union of Russian Muslims and chair- per in Bakhchesaray on 2 May 1908, a mardan bay had a great impact. Most man of the commission for political local imam addressed the ceremony, of the participants could not hold aff airs.8 which was attended by numerous back their tears.”6 The congress was Alimardan bay, whom the guests from Crimea and other places, a decisive step in the organization of government deprived of the right and asked participants to pray for the Russian Turks and their formation as to be elected to the Second State well-known public fi gures Alimar- an independent single political force. Duma, prepared a program regu- dan bay Topchubashov and Ahmad The second congress of the Union lating the activities of the Muslim bay Agayev and wish them strong of Russian Muslims (January 1906) faction as chairman of the religious health and good luck. At the end of discussed the program and statute commission of the Muslim faction in his speech, the imam said: “Glory to of the “Muslim Union” submitted by the State Duma.9 them!” The thousands of people who Topchubashov. The second congress The Muslim faction in the Third participated in the ceremony said: confi rmed Alimardan bay’s growing State Duma, which began on 1 No- “Let them live a long life!”10 infl uence among Russian Muslims vember 1907, consisted of only eight In order to promote the ideas of and his growing role in the country’s people. Although Kutluk Muhammad civil, religious and political freedoms political life. Tevkelov was offi cially chairman of among Russian Muslims and unite Topchubashov was among the the faction, his work was led by Ali- them around the Muslim Union, Ali- lawyers elected to the First State mardan bay, who had become the mardan bay went on a two-month Duma from in 1906. At the most prominent political fi gure of tour of Muslims centers in the Volga fi rst session of the lawyers elected Russian Muslims. Region, Orenburg Region, Siberia from Muslim regions, he was elected Along with three months’ im- and other places together with K. M. head of the Duma’s Muslim faction. prisonment for those who signed Tevkelov, the chairman of the Mus- The tsar issued a decree to dissolve the Vyborg Declaration, the special lim faction of the Third Duma. Upon the First State Duma, and in protest department of St Petersburg Court return to Baku, Topchubashov was at this decision, Topchubashov and a also deprived them of the right to placed under stringent police sur- number of other lawyers signed the be elected to the Duma and other veillance. A gendarmerie report on Vyborg Declaration and were thus elective bodies again. Topchubashov him said: “Juror Topchubashov takes found guilty of calling on the Rus- was also among those punished, and a prominent place among pan-Is- sian population for disobedience. 7 while in Kresty Prison, he prepared lamists in Baku. In terms of his devel- While the investigation was under his notes on such issues as educa- opment, he is a well-known person way, Topchubashov was the main or- tion for Muslims, the organization of among local Muslims… Currently, ganizer of the third congress of Rus- a spiritual department for Muslims, Topchubashov continues his activi- sian Muslims, which was attended the application of zemstvos in the ties in the pan-Islamist movement…

6 М.Дж.Бигиев. Основы реформы (İslaxat asasları). Петроград, 1917, c.176; Г.Ибрагимов. Татары в революции 1905 года. Пер. с тат. Г.Мухамедовой. Казань, 1926, c. 149-150; A. b. Topchubashov. Muslim congresses in Russia. // Archives d’Ali Mardan-bey Toptchibachi, carton n° 7. CERCEC, EHESS, p.8; А.М.Топчибаши: документы из личных архивов. 1903-1934 гг. Сост., предисл. и прим. С.М.Исхаков. М., 2012, с.11. 7 А.М.Топчибашев. Мусульманская парламентская фракция. Баку, 1907, с.25-26. П.Н.Милюков. Воспоминания. М., 1991, c.272- 273. 8 III Congres des musulmans de Russie // Archives d’Ali Mardan-bey Toptchibachi, carton n° 7. CERCEC, EHESS. A. b. Topchubashov. Muslim congresses in Russia. //Archives d’Ali Mardan-bey Toptchibachi, carton n° 7. CERCEC, EHESS, pp. 17-18. 9 Программа Мусульманской группы во 2-ой Государственной Думе. СПб. 1907, с.1-16. 10 И.А.Керимов. «Живая» история Гаспринского. По материалам газеты «Терджиман» 1883–1914 гг. Симферополь, 1999, c. 180.


Heritage_2_(13)_2013_LAST.indd 18 4/22/13 2:11 PM A. b. Topchubashov in the presidium of the Third All-Russian Congress of Muslimcs

He is a very careful person and since he has gained great trust and confi - dence, he conducts party business only through personal meetings and negotiations.”11 Alimardan bay resumed his work as a lawyer, was the main initiator of the establishment of zemstvos in the Caucasus and engaged in enlighten- ment activities as chairman of the Ni- jat society and honorary chairman of the Saadat madrasa.12 On 15-25 June 1914, the fourth congress of the Union of Russian Muslims was held in St Petersburg. In his speech at the congress, Alimar- dan bay described all the aspects of the government’s preconceived at- titude towards Muslims. Saying that of revolutionary events. On 27 March, On 1 May, the congress of Rus- being a Muslim is not a sin, he stated the provisional executive committee sian Muslims opened in Moscow that “we have been Muslims, are Mus- of the Baku Muslim National Council and Topchubashov was elected to lims and will remain Muslims (these was set up and Topchubashov was its presidium.15 In his speech, Alimar- words were met with rapturous ap- a member of the board of this orga- dan bay said that Muslims expected plause during the congress – J. H.). nization. The committee promoted from the provisional government We also believe and will continue to national-political ideas. that their countries would become believe that the religion we profess In April 1917, the Baku congress free. After the congress, Alimardan – the Islamic religion – is a universal of Caucasus Muslims demonstrated bay went to Petrograd and from religion and does not contain any- that Turkic Adami-Markaziyyat party there, to Baku and then to Tifl is to thing against statehood”.13 led by Nasib bay Yusifbayli in Ganja continue his activities as an advisor The revolution that began in Feb- and the party operating in for national aff airs, and at the end of ruary 1917 resulted in the overthrow Baku played a leading role in national June, he returned to Baku. In Baku, of the tsarist government. Alimardan democratic processes after the vic- Topchubashov was elected chairman bay spent the entire month of March tory of the . Ali- of the Muslim National Committee. in 1917 on squares. Alimardan bay mardan bay, who was elected chair- He led the political movement of took a number of organizational man at the fi rst meeting, touched on Caucasus Muslims. steps for the Muslim population of Russia’s traditional “divide and rule” In order to stabilize the situa- Baku to appear on the political scene policy and noted the importance of tion in Russia, the provisional gov- and gradually started leading politi- establishing peace among Caucasian ernment led by A. Kerenskiy held a cal processes against the background nations.14 state meeting in Moscow in August

11 Colonel Pastryulin’s report to the chief of the province’s gendarmerie department. Confi dential. 22 June 1911 // The Political Documents Archive of the Offi ce of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic (PDA OPAR), f.276, s.8, i.394, v.24-25. 12 The Baku Police Department’s report on A. b. Topchubashov. 1913 // The State Archive of the Russian Federation (SARF), f.102, s.276, i.609, v.48. 13 Topchubashov’s fi nal word at the 4th congress of Russian Muslims. 25 June 1914.// Archives d’Ali Mardan-bey Toptchibachi, carton n° 8/23. CERCEC, EHESS, pp.1-5; О.Н.Сенюткина.Тюркизм как историческое явление (на материалах истории Российской империи 1905-1916 гг.). Нижний Новгород, 2007, с.457; Biographical information about A. b. Topchubashov. Part 1. Brief Summary.// Archives d’Ali Mardan-bey Toptchibachi, carton n° 6/2. CERCEC, EHESS, Paris, p.17-18; Topchubashı Alimardan bay. Biography. 16 December 1951. // Archives d’Ali Mardan-bey Toptchibachi, carton n° 3. CERCEC, EHESS, p.11; Toptchibachy Ali Mardan bek Ali Akbar bek oglou.// Archives d’Ali Mardan-bey Toptchibachi, carton n° 6/2. CERCEC, EHESS, p.3; 14 Каспий, 1917, 18 апреля. 19

Heritage_2_(13)_2013_LAST.indd 19 4/22/13 2:11 PM Great people A. b. Topchubashov among participants of the Fourth All-Russian Congress of Muslimcs

1917. Alimardan bay was sent to Muslim population, is the national all Russian Muslims. this meeting by the Baku Commit- question. Alimardan bay specially The Bolshevik coup d’etat in Oc- tee of the Muslim Public Organiza- addressed foreign representatives, tober 1917 presaged the end of the tion. The meeting was attended by particularly British and French rep- era of liberal reforms in Russia. On 34 representatives of Muslims from resentatives, who were sitting in the 15 November, the South Caucasus the Caucasus, Crimea, Volga Region box, and said that they should also Commissariat was set up at a meet- and Turkestan. They held a meeting, recognize the rights of their Muslim ing of South Caucasus political or- discussed the report prepared by subjects to free political life and self- ganizations attended by Alimardan Topchubashov on behalf of Muslims determination – “only in this case, will bay in Tifl is. Beginning from the au- and came to the conclusion that Ali- we solemnly say aloud ex oriente lux tumn of 1917, serious preparations mardan bay should speak on behalf – the sun rises in the east”.16 started among Muslims of the South of the Muslim organizations repre- The fact that Alimardan bay was Caucasus led by Alimardan bay for sented at the meeting. Alimardan asked to speak on behalf of the Mus- elections to the Council of Founders. bay addressed the Moscow meeting lims of the Caucasus, Crimea, Volga The Muslim National Committee and and said that in the current revolu- Region and Turkestan at the state the Musavat party set up an electoral tionary period, the main weakness of meeting in Moscow is graphic proof bloc and Topchubashov was includ- Russia, which has a 30-million-strong that he was known as the leader of ed on its list. At the same time, his

15 The fi rst bulletin of the editorial staff of the all-Russian Moscow congress of Muslims. May 1917. // Archives d’Ali Mardan-bey Toptchibachi, carton n° 6/II. CERCEC, EHESS, Paris, p.2; A. b. Topchubashov. Muslim congresses in Russia. // Archives d’Ali Mardan- bey Toptchibachi, carton n° 7. CERCEC, EHESS, p.28; Açıq söz, 1917, 23 May. 16 Государственное совещание (Стенографический отчет). С предисловием Я.А.Яковлева. М.-Л., 1930, c. 185-188; Biographical information about A. b. Topchubashov. Part 1. Brief summary.// Archives d’Ali Mardan-bey Toptchibachi, carton n° 6/2. CERCEC, EHESS, pp.20-21.


Heritage_2_(13)_2013_LAST.indd 20 4/22/13 2:11 PM A. b. Topchubashov’s badge of a parliament member and medals marking the opening of the parliament. National Musum of

candidacy to the Council of Founders was put forward not only from the Caucasus, but also from Syrdarya Region. In the elections held on 26- 28 November, Alimardan bay was elected to the Majlisi-Muassisan.17 The Bolshevik government abol- ished the Majlisi-Muassisan, but the representatives elected from the South Caucasus set up the Transcau- casian Seim as a regional legislative body in Tifl is. At that time, Alimardan bay, who was bedridden for a long time due to acute heart pain, was 12,000 Muslims were killed on the “After the March pogrom, I found out unable to participate in the work of pretext that they were counter-rev- that Alimardan bay Topchubashov the Seim. olutionaries. Alimardan bay, who wit- had been arrested. He was held in a The massacre of Muslims commit- nessed the events, noted that “armed small room in one of the schools in ted in the city by Armenian-Bolshevik Armenians invaded Muslim houses the city together with Colonel Baron forces in March 1918 in order to take and had no mercy for anyone – old Osten-Saken. Armenian guards had power in Azerbaijan was a manifesta- people, women and even children… been put up in a big room. They tion of the attitude of Soviet Russia even Muslims who belonged to left- behaved audaciously, clicked the and Bolsheviks, who had proclaimed wing parties were killed.”18 rifl e’s trigger all the time and sang the self-determination of peoples, Despite his illness, Alimardan and even shouted all day and even towards Azerbaijan. Alimardan bay bay, who saw that Muslims were in in the evenings. I know this because was literally shaken by “the sudden a desperate situation, and several I personally visited the place where transformation into Bolsheviks of the Azerbaijani intellectuals signed a Topchubashov was held.” After one Dashnak Armenian National Party truce agreement on the recognition month in prison, Bolsheviks released which had invited Muslim represen- of Bolshevik rule in Baku and on the Alimardan on parole, but several days tatives to discussions on the joint dissolution of Muslim military units later, he was sent to the Bayil prison fi ght against Bolsheviks ahead of the with members of the Armenian Na- again at the insistence of the Arme- events: One day before the events, tional Council with the participation nians. Smirnov recorded: On the fi rst on 29 March, they invited Muslims, of Iranian consul Habibollah Khan at day of his imprisonment, he was not including Alimardan bay, to discuss the Hotel Astoria where the Revolu- given any food, and he is still hungry. a joint plan against the Bolsheviks. tionary Defense Committee of the Another 30 people, who are also in However, the Dashnaks’ betrayal re- Bolsheviks was headquartered.19 On prison with him, are hungry too… sulted in bloodshed and during the 3 April, Alimardan bay was arrested The prisoners are being guarded only Baku tragedy, which began on 30 by Armenian soldiers. Baku lawyer by Armenians who behave auda- March and continued for three days, Yakov Nikolayevich Smirnov wrote: ciously all the time.”20 After two and

17 Каспий, 1917, 28 ноября; Biographical information about A. b. Topchubashov. Part 1. Brief summary.// Archives d’Ali Mardan-bey Toptchibachi, carton n° 6/2. CERCEC, EHESS, Paris, p.21; Topchubashı Alimardan bay. Biography. 16 December 1951. // Archives d’Ali Mardan-bey Toptchibachi, carton n° 3. CERCEC, EHESS, Paris, p.13.; Kurtuluş, 1934, sayı 2, s.49. Açıq söz, 1917, 1 noyabr. 18 The report of the member of the Extraordinary Commission of Inquiry, A. E. Kluge, to the chairman of the commission, A. b. Khasmammadov, about the violence committed against the Muslim population of Baku. July, 1919.// PDA OPAR, f.277, s.2, i.27, v.18. Biographical information about A. b. Topchubashov. Part 1. Brief summary.// Archives d’Ali Mardan-bey Toptchibachi, carton n° 6/2. CERCEC, EHESS, Paris, p.22. 19 Бюллетень КРО г. Баку и его районов. 1918, 4 апреля. 20 Minutes of the questioning of witness Yakov Nikaloyevich Smirnov by the Extraordinary Commission of Inquiry. 13 November 1918. // PDA OPAR, f. 277, s. 2, i. 13, v. 154–156; С. Рустамова-Тохиди. Март 1918 в Баку. Азербайджанские погромы в документах. Баку, 2009, c.435; Topchubashı Alimardan bay. Biography. 16 December 1951. // Archives d’Ali Mardan-bey Toptchibachi, carton n° 3. CERCEC, EHESS, Paris, p.14. 21

Heritage_2_(13)_2013_LAST.indd 21 4/22/13 2:11 PM Great people Opening of the Azerbaijani parliament, 7 December 1918

a half months in distressing captivity the Foreign Ministry. of the Armistice of Mudros. Accord- during the bloody March events, Ali- At a time when fi ghting for Baku ing to the terms of the treaty, Brit- mardan bay was released on parole. was under way, on 18 August, the ish troops were to enter Baku; on 4 On 28 May, the Azerbaijan Re- Azerbaijani government sent one November, Topchubashov issued a public was established in Tifl is. After of the most prominent politicians of protest note to the foreign minister the Azerbaijani government came to the time and member of the Azer- of the Ottoman government in con- Ganja, Alimardan bay was appointed baijani government, Alimardan bay nection with the part of the agree- minister without portfolio in the sec- Topchubashov, to Istanbul as pleni- ment concerning Azerbaijan. ond cabinet, which was established potentiary and extraordinary ambas- Based on Alimardan bay’s pro- on 17 June, as it was impossible to sador in order to establish diplomatic posal, it was important to establish a get in touch with him. As the Islamic relations with the Ottoman Empire. parliamentary government system in Army gained a victory on the Baku Topchubashov reached Istanbul order to establish a contact with Eu- front in the summer of 1918, Alimar- at the end of September. Topchu- ropean democracy. The Azerbaijani dan bay fl ed Baku with diffi culty and bashov was separately received by parliament opened on 7 December. managed to hide in one of Absheron Turkish Prime Minister Talat Pasha, After serious debates, the extraor- dachas. As the Islamic Army reached Foreign Minister Ahmet Nesimi and dinary representative to Turkey, Ali- the suburbs of Baku at the end of War Minister Enver Pasha. However, mardan bay Topchubashov, who June, Alimardan bay came to the on 8 October, Talat Pasha’s cabinet re- was appointed foreign minister on headquarters of Turkish troops at the signed and Izzet Pasha’s cabinet was 6 October 1918, was elected chair- Khirdalan station. In early August, he formed. Izzet Pasha, the new Foreign man of the parliament. Alimardan was already in Ganja. On 13 August, Minister Nabi bey, the Turkish educa- bay Topchubashov, who was not a Prime Minister Fatali Khan Khoyski tion minister and the newly-elected member of any political party, was wrote to Alimardan bay in Ganja that sheikh ul-Islam separately received a prominent politician and diplomat he should replace him in the post of Topchubashov. of the time and a democratic intel- chairman of the Council of Ministers However, on 30 October, Turkey lectual who had a broad world out- and temporarily lead the activities of was forced to sign the diffi cult terms look. American historian F. Kazimza-


Heritage_2_(13)_2013_LAST.indd 22 4/22/13 2:11 PM Azerbaijani delegation attending the Versailles peace conference. A. b. Topchubashov seated in the center

da writes: Topchubashov who was elected president of the parliament was a highly-educated lawyer, toler- ant in his views and far from narrow- minded nationalism.”21 In November and December 1918, Alimardan bay held a num- ber of useful meetings with Turkish leaders and representatives of allies visiting Istanbul and discussed the situation that developed in the world after the end of the war and issues related to Azerbaijan’s situation.22 On 28 December, the Azerbaijani government endorsed the compo- sition of the Azerbaijani delegation led by Alimardan bay Topchubashov, which would attend the Paris Peace Conference. The Azerbaijani delega- tion, which reached Paris on 9 May, recommended that the demands gratitude for your hard work which was received by US President Wood- of Azerbaijan be submitted to the played an important role in such a row Wilson on 28 May. Alimardan secretariat of the Peace Conference. good and long-awaited successful bay recorded: “The meeting of our The offi cial demands were prepared result.” General Ibrahim aga Usubov, delegation with President Woodrow in English and French and were col- who was having negotiations in Italy Wilson should be regarded as a great lected in a printed 50-page booklet.25 to buy military equipment, wrote in event, because like heads of Entente The strenuous eff orts of the Azerbai- his telegram to Alimardan bay: “Your states, he does not receive delega- jani delegation led by Alimardan bay presence at the conference created tions either.”23 Events taking place in proved productive. On 11 January a new era in the political life of Azer- Azerbaijan were described in a mem- 1920, the High Allied Council recog- baijan, which is dear to all of us. A his- orandum prepared in the historical- nized Azerbaijan and Georgia de fac- toric event happened and from now political context and submitted to to.26 Prime Minister Yusifbayli wrote in on, Azerbaijan has the right to exist Wilson during the meeting, and the his letter to Alimardan bay. “Dear Ali- as an independent state. The country US president, as one of the heads mardan bay! Taking this opportunity, is indebted to you as a participant of the Versailles Peace Conference, I congratulate you and all members in this great achievement in its life. was presented with the demands of our delegation on the recogni- Your crystal clear name has already of the Azerbaijani representatives.24 tion of Azerbaijan’s independence become eternal: this name, which During the negotiations, Wilson by Entente. Please accept my sincere is written in golden letters, will take

21 F.Kazemzadeh. The Struggle for Transcancasia (1917-1921). New-York, 1951, p.167. 22 Дипломатические беседы А.М.Топчибашева в Стамбуле (записи чрезвычайного послан ника и полномочного министра Азербайджанской республики). 1918-1919 гг. Баку, 1994, с 33-88. 23 A report by the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the Azerbaijan Republic A. b. Topchubashov. 1919.// Archives d’Ali Mardan-bey Toptchibachi, carton n° 6/1. CERCEC, EHESS, Paris, p.3 ; A. b. Topchubashov’s report to the chairman of the Azerbaijani Council of Ministers, N. b. Yusifbayli, about his meeting with US President Woodrow Wilson. 28 May 1919.// ARDA, f.970, s.1, i.143, v.7; Conversation of A.M. Topchibashov, Head of Delegation of the Azerbaijan Republic at Paris Peace Conference with W. Wilson, President of the USA. 28.05.1919 // Archives d’Ali Mardan-bey Toptchibachi, carton n° 4/ I. CERCEC, EHESS, Paris, pp. 29–30. 24 А.М.Топчибашев. Письма из Парижа. Баку, 1998, с.38. 25 La Republique de l’Azerbaidjan du Caucase. Imprimeur P.Harambat. Paris, 1919, p.52; Claims of the Peace Delegation of the Republic of Caucasian Azerbaijan Presented to the Peace Conference in Paris. Paris: Imp. Robinet – Houtain, 1919, p. 52; Archives d’Ali Mardan-bey Toptchibachi, carton n° 2/ I. CERCEC, EHESS, Paris, pp. 1–54. 26 Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States. The Paris Peace Conference, Vol.IX, p.959; Bulletin d’Information de l’Azerbaidjan. Paris, 1920, 17 Janvier, №7, p.1. 23

Heritage_2_(13)_2013_LAST.indd 23 4/22/13 2:11 PM Great people Azerbaijani emigration. A. b. Topchubashov on the roght, Paris, 1920

fi rst place in the annals of Azerbaijani history.” The Azerbaijan Republic, which was recognized only by the Versailles High Council, was occupied by So- viet Russia on 27 April 1920. There was not a single place in Europe that Alimardan bay had not appealed to in connection with Azerbaijan’s oc- cupation. He sent notes and appeals to the High Allied Council, the rep- resentatives of great powers in Paris, the newly-founded League of Na- tions and a number of international organizations. But it proved impos- sible to change the Western powers’ silent attitude to the occupation of Azerbaijan. After the Bolsheviks occupied the whole of the Caucasus in 1921, Alimardan bay appealed to represen- tatives of the Caucasus in Paris and suggested setting up a Caucasus Union. According to a declaration conference specifi cally noted the ori- anne on behalf of Soviet Republics. signed by the Caucasus republics gin of Azerbaijan, their formation as a The coming of socialists to power amongst themselves under the lead- nation, the readiness of the republic in France in 1924 and Laborists in ership of Topchubashov, representa- for independent life, the occupation Britain created conditions for improv- tives of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia by Russia of the independent state, ing relations with the USSR. As the and the Mountain Republic in Europe which was recognized de facto by head of the Azerbaijani delegation, set aside their diff erences and stated the world community, and other is- Topchubashov sent an extensive that they would cooperate closely to sues.28 memorandum on the occupation of ensure the independence of the Cau- Azerbaijani immigrants in Europe the Azerbaijan Republic by the Bol- casus peoples, restore democratic demonstrated an active position at sheviks to the British ambassador in governments in these countries and the Allies’ Cannes Conference and Paris, Marquess of Crewe, and sub- ensure the prosperity of the region.27 the Genoa and Hague conferences mitted a copy of the memorandum In order to expand the propaganda which focused on Baku oil. In Ge- to the French government and 29 about Azerbaijan, the Sociology noa, Alimardan bay stated that So- foreign diplomatic offi ces in Paris.29 Society in Paris held an extensive viet Russia had no right to sell Baku Alimardan bay, who had moved to conference on the history, culture, oil. As a result of serious protests by Saint-Cloud near Paris because of ethnography, natural resources and governments in exile in Europe, the fi nancial diffi culties, noted that “fi rst economic situation of Azerbaijan on Western allies rejected Soviet Russia’s the Italian and British governments the initiative of Alimardan bay. The attempts to sign the Treaty of Laus- removed us from the diplomatic visa

27 Déclaration Représentants des Républiques d’Arménie, d’Azerbaïdjan, du Caucase du Nord et de Géorgie. Classé le 15 juin 1921.// Ministère des Affaires Etrangère de France, Archives Diplomatique, vol. 639, folio 205-206. 28 Conference on Azerbaijan held on the initiative of the Sociology Society. 9 May 1923.// Archives d’Ali Mardan-bey Toptchibachi, carton n° 9/13. CERCEC, EHESS, Paris, pp.1-2. 29 A Son Excellence Monsieur Marquis de Crewe Ambassadeur de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande Paris - A.M.Toptchibachef Président de la Délégation de Paix de la République d’Azerbaïdjan, le 31.01.1924.// Archives d’Ali Mardan-bey Toptchibachi, carton n° 9/19. CERCEC, EHESS, Paris, pp.1-5.


Heritage_2_(13)_2013_LAST.indd 24 4/22/13 2:11 PM list, and the French Foreign Ministry more than 40 years of productive wanted to take the same step, but it work experience and resolute politi- proved possible to restore the previ- cal position, he was greatly respect- ous rules.” ed everywhere. Alimardan bay was Alimardan bay was trying to keep a member of the Paris International in touch with Azerbaijan in various Diplomatic Academy, which was es- ways. In 1927, he wrote in connec- tablished in 1920s and where many tion with the mass repression against French diplomats had studied, and national forces in Azerbaijan: “Repres- of French-Caucasian, French-Asian, sion in all forms: arrests, searches and French Oriental Societies and other exiles have taken on an unusual na- authoritative organizations.31 ture and strengthened. According to Alimardan bay’s family lived in reports, many Azerbaijanis have suf- dire straits on the outskirts of Paris. fered in connection with Caucasian, Sometimes diffi culties in paying the including Azerbaijani organizations rent put him in a desperate situation. abroad.” “It is very diffi cult to be old in this In the autumn of 1920, members situation. I have been fi ghting this of Alimardan bay’s family also man- disease for more than a year. Our or- aged to come to Paris. There were ganization is in a bad condition and A. b. Topchubashov’s gravestone, St. Cloud cemetery, Paris certain problems in Alimardan bay’s our business is not good. I am only health. He wrote to Ali bay Huseyn- keeping myself alive only with the zada that he was suffering from hope that I might be needed to serve ever, the serious stroke he suff ered headache and heart defi ciency and my nation in Azerbaijan, Idil-Ural, on 5 November 1934 caused him to had signs of rheumatism in his fi n- Turkestan and other Turkic regions.” depart this world forever.32 After an gers, especially right fi ngers all the At his old age, Alimardan bay was try- imam of the Paris Muslim mosque time, because of a problem in his ing to follow all developments in the conducted a religious ceremony on liver. Although the diffi cult surgery immigrant movement and familiarize 8 November, a coffi n with Alimardan he had on 26 June 1922 removed himself with press outlets published bay’s body was paraded under the him from intensive political activi- by various immigrant groups. Arch of Triumph in the center of Paris. ties, Alimardan bay gradually recov- On 14 June 1934, the Caucasus This was a manifestation of respect ered and returned to active political republics signed the Pact on the for him as a prominent politician and struggle. Despite all these diffi culties, Caucasus Confederation. On behalf statesman of the Azerbaijan Repub- he wrote that “no extraordinary and of the Azerbaijan National Center, it lic. His funeral turned into a rally of diffi cult situation can turn me off the was signed by Alimardan bay Top- solidarity for all Caucasus, Central right path I have taken to serve my chubashi and Mahammad Amin Asian and Russian immigration. people as long as I have the power Rasulzada. Alimardan bay looked on Alimardan bay’s demise marked to do so.”30 At this moment, Alimar- this pact as the triumph of his idea the end of an interesting stage in the dan bay got rid of the ending “ov” in of Caucasus solidarity. Alimardan bay political movement of Azerbaijan. his surname and signed his letters, was looking to the future with hope With his political activities, he gave a press articles and offi cial appeals as and wished to unite all Azerbaijanis national nature to cultural awakening Topchubashi. Because of his intellec- and neighboring peoples under the and became one of the creators of a tual potential, broad world outlook, banner of the confederation. How- new Azerbaijan.

30 А.М.Топчибаши: документы из личных архивов. 1903-1934 гг., с.188. 31 Topchubashi Alimardan bay. Biography. 16 December 1951.// Archives d’Ali Mardan-bey Toptchibachi, carton n° 3. CERCEC, EHESS, Paris, p.17; Toptchibachy Ali Mardan bek Ali Akbar bek oglou. 1931.// Archives d’Ali Mardan-bey Toptchibachi, carton n° 6/2. CERCEC, EHESS, Paris, p.5. 32 Topchubashi Alimardan bay. Biography. 16 December 1951. // Archives d’Ali Mardan-bey Toptchibachi, carton n° 3. CERCEC, EHESS, Paris, p.19. 25

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