Die approbierte Originalversion dieser Diplom-/ Masterarbeit ist in der Hauptbibliothek der Tech- nischen Universität Wien aufgestellt und zugänglich. http://www.ub.tuwien.ac.at

The approved original version of this diploma or master thesis is available at the main library of the Vienna University of Technology. http://www.ub.tuwien.ac.at/eng

A Workflow for Efficient Data Collection and Simulation in Hospital Environments

Jelena Đorđić Master’s Thesis 2017 Die approbierte Originalversion dieser Diplom-/ Masterarbeit ist in der Hauptbibliothek der Tech- nischen Universität Wien aufgestellt und zugänglich. http://www.ub.tuwien.ac.at

The approved original version of this diploma or master thesis is available at the main library of the Vienna University of Technology. http://www.ub.tuwien.ac.at/eng

Die approbierte Originalversion dieser Diplom-/ Masterarbeit ist in der Hauptbibliothek der Tech- nischen Universität Wien aufgestellt und zugänglich. http://www.ub.tuwien.ac.at

The approved original version of this diploma or master thesis is available at the main library of the Vienna University of Technology. http://www.ub.tuwien.ac.at/eng

Master’s Thesis A Workflow for Efficient Data Collection and Simulation in Hospital Environments

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the academic degree Master of Science in Architecture MSc

Supervisor Privatdozent Dipl. Ing. Dr. Gabrial Wurzer

259.1 Institute of Architectural Sciences, Vienna University of Technology Digital Architecture and Planning

Author Jelena Đorđić Registration number 1229144 Vienna University of Technology, 2017

Master’s Thesis In thiswork,wetriedtoimprovecurrentworkflow, especiallytheprocessofobtainingdataandtheirpreparationforsimulation. extracting andeditingnecessaryinformation isinevitable. drawings, with depicted everything not and simulation the for plans the from information few a only needs one Since adjusted. be to need plans digitized the and process slow a also is scanner regular or handheld with drawings the Scanning form. paper in probably most plans the find can he archives, the access to permission gets one When charge. time. in some authority take may process The For simulation, one needs to obtain usable and complete building plans, which requires permission from owner and further request at a completelynewbuildingorrenovation,currenti.e.oldplansonecannotobtainifheworks outsideoftheresponsibleoffice. it is matter No possession. in plans building the has project a in involved is that office architecture Only simulation. the for necessary better control over the project. Simulation can also be used for scientific purposes but the problem usually arises from the lack of data much achieve he variables, as user and time employs that simulation as such media, other trough also but rendering and drawing uisites that have a strong foothold in organizational processes and functional flows. If an architect can work and think not only trough pre-req recommended of set a from arises function, and form of combination concise a as building, Hospital methods. and software Simulation is very useful tool in a planning process. Architects can use it to present their design but also to test them through various Abstract 2017 TU Wien - page 5 Master’s Thesis 2017 TU Wien

page 6 Master’s Thesis 4. ImprovedWorkflow 3. RelatedWork 2. ComputerSimulationasaPlanningTool for Architects 1. Introduction Table ofContents 2017 TU Wien . 4.4.2. Adjacency matrix . 4.4.1.Schemataand DoorOpenings .4.4. Presets . 4.3.1.Potrace .4.3. Vectorization .4.2. Adjusting the Plans . 4.1.3.Photographing FireEscapePlans . 4.1.2.OnlineResources . 4.1.1.Scanning Building PlansfromBooks andMagazines .4.1. Availability of Building Plans .3.2. Recognitionof Floor Plans .3.1. Early-StageHospitalSimulation .2.4. Vectorization of Architectural Drawings .2.3. Indoor Mapping asSourcesofBuilding Plans .2.2. Input Data .2.1. Simulation Toolkit ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 67 66 64 55 53 50 47 46 44 44 42 37 36 36 31 28 26 22 20 12

page 7 Master’s Thesis 5. CaseStudyBaden 2017 TU Wien 10. References 9. Glossary 8. ListofFigures 7. A BuildingDatabaseforSimulationRequiring Schemata 6. FinalReview . 5.3.2.Pathwayofapatient admittedto outpatient´s treatmentandexamination . 5.3.1.Pathwayofapatient admittedin theemergencydepartment .5.3. Treatment chains .5.2. Obtaining building plansandtheirfurther editing .5.1. Milestones .4.5. Simulation Software .5.4. NetLogoUserInterface .5.8. Visual language .5.7. ProgrammingTreatment Chains .5.6. Setting Agents inMotion .5.5. NetLogoProcedures ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������� 106 101 117 116 112 110 99 96 93 91 89 88 87 79 78 76 71

page 8 Master’s Thesis I dedicatethisworkto myfamilyandmentor, whohad enoughpatientandkindnesstosupport me alongtheway. Dedication 2017 TU Wien

page 9 Master’s Thesis 2017 TU Wien Introduction Chapter 1

page 10 Master’s Thesis 2017 TU Wien Introduction Chapter 1

page 11 Master’s Thesis scheduling). (with sub-trackssuchascapacity planning,simulationofemergencydepartmentsandpatient existing simulationconferenceto date,whichhasanowntrackforhealthcareapplications 1 halls - hospitals stand out for their complexity in functional terms. structurally, much more complex - such as stadiums or industrial are that buildings of types in are tasks there Although complex architecture. most the of one is hospital a Planning 1. Introduction 2017 TU Wien building whereitisbeingusedasmeansof analysis. at the planning stage or later during the utilisation phase of a to collect and visualize data related to hospital planning either from its structure. As a planning tool, simulation can be used arising problems potential detect to also but performance system’s a on information provide to only not to is goal The work. systems complex how into insight an offers it within admission times. and waiting reduced workflows, efficient efficiency, cost guaranteeing for tools planning valuable as identified been have methods simulation Computer See e.g.theWinterSimulationConference (http://informs-sim.org/),thelargest 1 Modelling our physical world and behaviour patterns behaviour and world physical our Modelling in ordertodimensionspacesmoreadequately. possible to determine e.g. the most crowded areas and so forth, be would it way, this In simulation. through testing perform could they if planners of types other and architects for useful very be would it plan, suitable (seemingly) a elaborated having After operation. for needed are functions what serving spaces which stating plan allocation space a on based is Planning structure ofthehealthinstitutioniscreated. these predominantly numerical and descriptive data, the physical the health profile of a region, topography and local climate. From regulations, building local community, the of profile economic and social the as such constraints, external of multitude a consider to has also planning hospital factors, internal these to affect the structural and spatial concept of a building. In addition directly that factors consider to necessary is it planning, When Introduction Chapter 1

page 12 Master’s Thesis hospitals are not build from scratch but refurbished. In order to order In refurbished. but scratch from build not are hospitals - which is one of the goals that this thesis tries to achieve. Most this is a pity since it could be used as design tool in its own right to a means of analysis that facilitates future planning. However, role its reduces which completed, been has building the after only made is simulation cases, extreme In level. fundamental a on design the influence to able be to planning the within late However, such simulation studies are typically conducted far too designed aswell. carefully be can building the within movement that so duration, their as well as trajectories the of lengths analyse cross), materials soiled and clean where (paths junctions eventual resolve to as so forth), so and materials of flow flow, patient (e.g. flows expected of consideration in design a test virtually to possibility the in lies simulation of advantage further One 2017 TU Wien regulations authority reserves the right not to provide access to the cases, all In example). while 37, Magistrate the at facilities is possible to request to take a look into plans of private or public in Germany; regulations can even vary county-wise: in Vienna, it Act, while the Informationsfreiheitsgesetz has a similar function public to documentation access (in the U.S., there is the Freedom of Information regulating laws have countries Many data (Figure1c). that obtain to permissions special demands inspection building bureaus (Figure 1b) do not provide information easily, while the though: Architectural them, obtain to hard very is it Otherwise, and an amount of information that resources contain (Figure 1a). and magazines but their usability depends on the drawing scale books in found be can plans necessary.Sometimes are plans hospital actual setting, that in simulation credible a out carry Introduction Chapter 1

page 13 Master’s Thesis 2017 TU Wien Figure 1 Datainquirya)Publiclibrary b) Architecture officec)Municipal building inspection Introduction Chapter 1

page 14 Master’s Thesis 3 2 planning documentation to make space in their archives. Building dispose often libraries city availability: its in lies documentation historical of shortcoming Another that. to adaptations add to and plan base historical a obtain to option an not often is it that so missing), fragments paper, decayed blueprints, (old inadequate largely are plans these of quality the However, stated aspectofpublicsafetyisgenerallynotanissue. the since plans, the obtain to easier somewhat is it buildings, Flächennutzung) with a specific statutory fee. In caseof historic und Stadtteilplanung 21 Magistratsabteilung the by performed is function this Vienna, In possible. also is formats large of scanning i.e. Digitalization spot. the on plans the copy or scan to necessary is it issued, permit the on based archive the to access gives magistrate the When inevitable. still is owner the of consent the but purposes, scientific for viewed be also can owner.the by plans authorization property the Public on based only issued is permit the facilities, private to comes it When information thatwouldpossiblyjeopardizepublicsafety. 2017 TU Wien own surveyoffloorplansinGoogle MapsconductedinJune2017 http://maps.google.com However, in this case the plans are mostly incomplete and only architecture. present-day for even source good a seem would plans can also be found in various books or publications, which universities ormuseumscanbefoundthere. Maps. plans will be published on web mapping services such as Google hospital where future the in scenario a imagine to possible is It to scaleproperlybecauseoflackingmapscales. it difficult to vectorise the image. The result might also be difficult and there is a loss in quality due to the printing process, making small very are books in drawings that is difficulty additional An show segments of work that are most suitable for presentation. much time and effort must be spent on subsequent processing of domain of problems that need to be tackled after digitisation. How manual drawing. Summarizing, it is fair to say that there is a large present, and the plans might already contain inaccuracies due to be may symbols (non-standardised) Different plans: digital published than problematic more even are plans Hand-drawn 2 For now, mainly shopping malls, train stations, airports, stations, train malls, now,shopping For mainly 3 Introduction Chapter 1

page 15 Master’s Thesis significant manuallabor concerningthoseforsimulation. also and data appropriate find to order in time and energy of lot a requires it because complicated and slow relatively is process of obtaining and preparing building plans for simulation 1 Chapter comparison withthecurrentworkflow. in way simple more a in data necessary extract/adjust and structure) (Work if necessary. data representation (scanned books, exported digital drawings), richer to also methods presented the apply to possible always escape plans will serve as basis for my approach. However, it is (requiring permission of the building owner), photographs of fire office regulations local the through plans gathering tediously of Instead process. overall the to improvements quality some providing time same the at while plans, floor digital obtaining of process the simplify to is project diploma my of aim The for subsequentsimulation. the quality of scan and what details need to be captured as input plans ultimately depends on the inherent quality of the drawings, 2017 TU Wien nrdcs h polm ttmn. h current The statement. problem the introduces The goal of my work is to find building plans building find to is work my of goal The of input data are we seek for and possible methods how we can which software packages can be used in the process, what kind Chapter 2 The current State of Art is given in the reach thosedata. 6 Chapter 5 Theoretically derived solution is tested trough Case Study in the improvement thatsavestimeandreducesmanual labour. an offers and knowledge previous and methods used already consideration into take solutions Suggested vectorization. and adjustment their plans, building obtaining workflow: current 4 Chapter the in suggested is problem stated the on answer possible A to recognitioni.e.digitizingbuildingplans. second section offers an insight in some previous works related process that derives from various approaches and methods. The simulation very the concerns section first The Plans. Floor of Recognition and Planning Hospital Early-Stage sections: two . Figure2illustratesthe aforementionedworkstructure. . Discussion and final revieware givenin the discusses the work environment. Here will be shown I cnetae t te an tp tns n the in stones step main the to concentrates It . Chapter 3 . It is divided in Introduction Chapter Chapter Chapter 1

page 16 Master’s Thesis 2017 TU Wien Figure 2 Structure of the Master’s Thesis “AStructure oftheMaster’s workflowforefficientdatacollectionandsimulation ofhospitalenvironment” Introduction Chapter 1

page 17 Master’s Thesis 2017 TU Wien Computer SimulationasaPlanning Tool for Architects Chapter 2

page 18 Master’s Thesis 2017 TU Wien Computer SimulationasaPlanning Tool for Architects Chapter 2

page 19 Master’s Thesis Google MapsconductedinJune 2017 2013, KoninklijkeBrillNV, Leiden,ISBN: 0169-8958,p.1203 4 Pompeii of ruins the in found paintings the of Some Rome. ancient from probably most comes century eighteenth and first Greece. ancient of art the and BC century fifth to back date drawings perspective of means by buildings depicting for Methods Tool for Architects 2. ComputerSimulationasaPlanning 2017 TU Wien architectural designrequireslesseffort. of function and aesthetics of comprehension that such arraignments spatial and relations structural on information provide to is representations richer these of all of goal The hand-sketches. or drawings perspective/isometric as such representations three-dimensional with concerned been have architects centuries, the Over plans. floor dimensional two- on based purely building a imagine to difficult is It Performance inGreekandRoman Theatre, GeorgeW.M.Harrison, Vayos Liapis, 4 Oblique perspective, used by Chinese artist between artist Chinese by used perspective, Oblique own surveyoffloorplansin Oxford UniversityPress,ISBN:0553089854, p.25 7 accessed 16.07.2017 6 1497842697, p.457 5 written around300BC. Optics Euclid´s used perspective linear on works own their in described. formally today,were use in still are which perspective, of laws underlying the until renaissance the until took it However, time. their for perspective and realism remarkable a show energy andsoforthrequireafourthdimension -time. understand fully a building’s operation: Aspects of work routines, to aesthetic aspects of a building. This is not enough, though, to the development of to floor plans, in order to address questions related parallel in prepared are changed Renderings has significantly: workflow the addition, In hand-drawings. replaced largely have techniques digital decades, few last In Catching theLight: The EntwinedHistoryofLight andMind, Arthur Zajonc,1993, Britannica, Linearperspective,https://www.britannica.com/art/linear-perspective, Pompeii: ItsLifeand Art, August Mau, 2014,LiteraryLicensing,LLC,ISBN: 6 Renaissance artists such as Brunelleschi and Dürer Computer SimulationasaPlanning Tool for Architects 7 Chapter 2 5 page 20 Master’s Thesis 2017 TU Wien Figure 3 Mediums ofarchitecturalexpression Computer SimulationasaPlanning Tool for Architects Chapter 2

page 21 Master’s Thesis and notonthesimulation itself. and resources can be devoted to an analysis of certain problem of data collection as well as the model used. In this manner, time act the both simplify to imperative is it Therefore, debatable. is requires extensive resources, its benefit for the design process and time-consuming unreasonably is simulation if However, process. order to obtain images of a building before or during construction in architects by used tools current depicts 3 Figure operation. that can inform a design on dynamic aspects that are crucial for and air conditioning [HVAC]; flows of building users and material) flows over time (e.g. physical flows used for heating, ventilation software or Geographical Information Models [GIS]), it computes [BIM] Modelling Information Building [CAD], Design Aided context (two- or three-dimensional plans coming from Computer- spatial a on Based dimension: fourth this on built is Simulation 2017 TU Wien Harvard UniversityPress,p.31 8 2.1. SimulationToolkit eia eupet moe a eti ro lyu, design- layout, room certain a imposes equipment medical (2.) and pre-defined usually are plan allocation space and (NIA) Area Internal Net (GFA), Area Floor Gross building’s a (1.) that Given function. of logic strict the only using allocation, space to given is priority design, and structure layout, a of development simultaneous of Instead design: with common in much not has planning hospital approach we way the Indeed, firmatis (durability), utilitas (utility) and venustatis (beauty). venustatis and (utility) utilitas (durability), firmatis (on architecture) defines the principles of good architecture as The Roman architect Vitruvius in his treatise De Architectura demands, aswellquestionsofoperation. structural and functional e.g. by restricted severely is space design the since - one architectural than mathematical a rather field this is or - planning hospital about said be same the can criteria, these by characterized is architecture If The tenbooksonarchitecture,Vitruvius, translated byMorrisHickyMorgan,1914, Computer SimulationasaPlanning Tool for Architects Chapter 2 8

page 22 Master’s Thesis accessed 16.07.2017 9 all are example, for design, furniture and colours Materials, in regards to design, functionalist guidelines are being followed: architecture focuses on the workflow of its building users. Even hospital workers, and machines shelter to enough large space enclosed provide to is task main the where buildings, industrial to Similar requirements. functional and standards sanitary setting, economic traffic, e.g. demands, of set a from derived is Form architecture: hospital to approach standard the still is Louis Sullivan’s modernist mantra ‘form (ever) follows function’ becomes evenmoreunderstandable. health facilities, the functional character of hospital architecture of size average the consideration in take we If requirements. is completely neglected, but strongly influenced by rigid utilitarian to residential buildings. This does not mean that building design e.g. comparing when moderate quite are manipulations driven 2017 TU Wien Britannica, LouisSullivan,https://www.britannica.com/biography/Louis-Sullivan, 9

memo1938.pdf, accessed5Mai2017 ics, Universityof Twente, Enschede.ISSN1874-4850,p.4,http://doc.utwente.nl/76144/1/ Mark andHulshof,PeterJ.H.,2011, Memorandum1938, Departmentof Applied Mathemat 10 focus The forth. so and occupancy times, waiting patient personal, and patients for time travelling total analyse to able are planners scenarios, diverse using By work]): [related 3 Various efforts have been made in past years (see also section intersections inspaceandtime. - aspect first the only the with deals that simulation computer a developed have we layout, planning while intersections these through dependencies between disciplines). In order to analyse (e.g. giving care of space information abstract more the in also can happen not only in physical reality (i.e. space and time) but This care. of pathways multidisciplinary of intersection the by Elements of a design - such as the circulation - are determined level. on a strategic conducted capacity and efficiency on thoughts of result a be can layout hospital’s a even that find we mindset, same that In doctrine. this of influence the under A framework forhealthcareplanningandcontrol,HansErwinW., Houdenhoven, Computer SimulationasaPlanning Tool for Architects Chapter 2 - 10 10 page 23 Master’s Thesis Simulation Conference250-252. ings ofthe34thconferenceonWinter Simulation:exploringnewfrontiers(WSC‘02).Winter 11 interactively). visualized are care-givers and (patients [ABS] agent-based is FlexSim that say also could one although queues), with units (serving approach [DES] discrete-event a uses software The a in specialised version called FlexSim HC - FlexSim for Healthcare). (especially design patient-centred for possibilities intuitive and controls drag-and-drop with environment 3d a in FlexSim. used inpracticeare: being implementations commercial of examples Some stage. proof-of-concept a in experimental mostly are these however, tools; into implemented been have methods these of Some patients. for times waiting reducing time same the at patients), walk-in less appointments, scheme(more scheduling appropriate an downsizing resources or increasing their utilization, elaborating i.e. - planning capacity on lies tasks analysis these of all in 2017 TU Wien William B.Nordgren.2002.Flexsim: Flexsimsimulationenvironment.InProceed 11 FlexSim is a user-friendly software that operates that software user-friendly a is FlexSim - Models are built using an object-based approach, with different programming. for need without environment modelling 3D Simio. Englewood Cliffs NJ1981,ISBN0-13-661983-5. 13 Simulation Conference(WSC‘09). WinterSimulationConference314-321. 12 The modelling paradigm of Simio is similar to Petri Nets Healthcare). for Simio - Simio-HC (e.g. fields different for elements library a queueandserver. which are interconnected to form a discrete-event network, e.g. on a very crude level. The used metaphor is a library of elements and Simio, it is purely 2D-based and does only involve animation FlexSim to contrast In queues). and (servers simulation event Simul8. also qualifyasanagent-basedsimulationmodel. of objects undergoing processes, so the approach would perhaps carries the state. Simio also has an (animated) 3D visualisation through that activity sequence using a process token, which also transitions instance process Each activities. of sequence as object may carry out a set of processes. Processes are defined James L.Peterson:PetriNet Theory andtheModelingofSystems. Prentice-Hall, . DennisPegdenandDavid T. Sturrock.2009.IntroductiontoSimio.InWinter 12 Simul8 is a software focusing especially on discrete- on especially focusing software a is Simul8 This software package provides a true object-based true a provides package software This Computer SimulationasaPlanning Tool for Architects Chapter 2 13 : Each

page 24 Master’s Thesis nected LearningandComputer-Based Modeling,NorthwesternUniversity 14 develop a simulation model (components are available via drag- to able be to programmer a be to need not does generally one Customizing the software is possible by programming. However, post-step. a in 3D in animated and visualized be simulation the have to possibility the is two- there though even generally dimensional, is interface The [SD]). dynamics system agent-based, discrete-event, using model can (one metaphor AnyLogic. analysis. of stay analysis, optimize patient flow and perform supply chain simulated and animated. As result, one can perform e.g. a length is which environment, 3D a in defined are queues and servers that in FlexSim, of that unlike not is metaphor modelling The warehouse operationamongmanyotherfields. and manufacturing logistics, for also but Health) Pro (SimCad domain healthcare the for only not intended is It environments. SimCad. 2017 TU Wien Wilensky, U.1999.NetLogo.http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/. CenterforCon This software is used for simulating process-based simulating for used is software This Ayoi i a otae ht fes multi-model a offers that software a is Anylogic . Evanston,IL. - o acietr sc a My o 3sa ae nedd for intended are 3dsMax or Maya as such architecture for packages software 3D used commonly Some packages. Other and-drop). One of these platforms is platforms these of One level. programmer professional to programming no from - knowledge programming of levels different requiring toolkits Additionally, there is quite a wide range of agent based modelling better (throughrendering)whatsimulationpackagesprovide. useful in designing process since visual results are significantly (scripting a custom simulation as means) - which would be very development simulation for used be also could they However, animation purposes rather than professional simulation analysis. have chosentouseitforthedevelopmentof thisthesis. I why is which documentation, and library models extensive an with comes that software open-source an is NetLogo software simulation healthcare proprietary to contrast In environment. modelling 3D) and (2D integrated and language programming Computer SimulationasaPlanning Tool for Architects Netlogo , 14 which is an agent-based an is which Chapter 2

page 25 Master’s Thesis UK, architectureofficesarerequired tosubmitaBIMmodelforthepublicsector 15 • plans. architectural of photographing or scanning through conducted be can process The digitized. be to need drawings the since • form. plans Architectural 2.2. InputData 2017 TU Wien

requires appropriateinputdata. simulation chapter,a previous the in mentioned already As form. (currently printouts). process regulatory the by required is what submit only and issues, copyright / property intellectual of because data this provide not generally do bureaus Digital form is nowadays the standard, however, architecture This mightchangewiththeadaptation ofBuildingInformationModels(BIM):Inthe use computer explicit for inappropriate is form Paper 15 Thus, this thesis still targets digitizing the paper the digitizing targets still thesis this Thus, can be found in either a paper or digital or paper a either in found be can . Figure 4 Data requiredforhospitalsimulation inNetLogo Computer SimulationasaPlanning Tool for Architects Chapter 2

page 26 Master’s Thesis in order to obtain digitized data. Fire evacuation plans are an are plans evacuation Fire data. digitized obtain to order in scanners, large with ending and smartphones with beginning having towaitforpermission plans floor convenient find to manage we If approach: previous the to alternative an is or building existing an within Photographing plans. photographed scanned either with initiated is workflow simulation A section 2.4fordetails). see (also images multiple combining and skewing scaling, cropping, by adjusted be then must drawings or photographed scanned The case). that in employed is (photography plans of amount large a for slow prohibitively is this however scanner, handheld a use to is case that in option best The scanning isusuallypossible). the plans on the spot (no borrowing of the plans for professional all mandatory permissions had been issued, it is possible to scan After Vienna). of city the to (referring 37 Magistrat in archived commonly are plans The challenging. very is scanning i.e. scale 1:100. Considering such large paper sizes, photographing In general, building plans should be submitted to authorities at the 2017 TU Wien outside theMagistrate , we can use any technical means technical any use can we , and without The The photographed plans must still be prepared for vectorization. plans. recent most the show usually and laws) regulation (fire available be must they since setting, that in choice excellent based on current online data. We can access statistic reports statistic access can We data. online current on based frequencies precise establish to possibility no is there system, the to access an have not do we if but system, information hospital from obtained be could flow patient on Information . flow personal/patient of intensity regarding departments hospital between relations give They simulations. for input matrices Adjacency building. hospital a in room every to access an need would we that however,smartphones; consider we if process tedious a is this using by plans floor construct to order in made already been has attempt Manifold description). detailed a for 2.3 see forth; so and scanning laser reconstruction, photogrammetric (i.e. Another technique of providing building plans would be surveying workflow, whichisthemethodusedthroughoutthisthesis. suitable for this task. In Chapter 4 we discuss details of the latter is software editing photo equivalent any or Gimp Photoshop, Computer SimulationasaPlanning Tool for Architects oeie as sre s necessarily as serve also sometimes Chapter 2

page 27 Master’s Thesis well. 17 (2015), 6pages. differential equation”;ProceedingsofMathMod2015,IFAC OnlineConferencePaper Archive, 16 planning. established by experts or with reference to literature on hospital adjacency matrices stating intuitive frequencies between departments are reason, this For combining. or comparing for suitable not are online gather can we that information The that he/shehasaheartcondition. fact the on only based department pneumatology theor laboratory visit also will he/she if tell cannot we but department, cardiology the in treated be will he/she that assume can We provide informationwhichdepartmentssuchpatientvisits. not does conditions heart with patients admitted of number flow.patient on conclusion any derive cannot we but level, state the on diagnosis patient admitted on 2017 TU Wien cf. e.g.Neufert,EandP (2012), Architect’s Data(4thEdition),Wiley-Black W Lorenz,M.Bicher, G.Wurzer: “Adjacencyinhospitalplanning-UsingNewton´s 17 16 For instance, the exact the instance, For - 18 yet tobefoundonthelistofmappedbuildings. hospitals no is there well, as visitors for but architects for only Although indoor mapping of hospitals would be very useful not 2.3. IndoorMappingasSourcesofBuilding overcome manychallenges. to need still creators but mapping indoor concerning proposed already been have schemes tagging Several world. the of map editable and free a creating aims (VGI) information geographic OpenStreetMap (OSM), an outstanding example of volunteered the numberofcreatedlocationsisstillverylow. but well, as maps indoor viewing/editing for option offersan maps Google environments. indoor into insight general a information. On the other hand, there is no service that offers spatial outdoor provide Maps Google as such Services as perJune2017,see:https://support.google.com/maps/answer/1685827?hl=en Computer SimulationasaPlanning Tool for Architects 18 Chapter 2

page 28 Master’s Thesis 2017 TU Wien Figure 5 Indoor-mapping projects and navigation. The WUVienna hasindoormaps and maps. Administration Indoorrouting Economics andBusiness Vienna Universityof Le Coudoulet,Orange inside ofbuildings,splitinlevels. web mapwhichdisplaysthe Open LevelUp Westbahnhof, Wien specific features. indoor, 3Dandofcoursestation map railwaystationswithrouting, OpenStationMap University ofVienna Maps. Vienna addedto One ofafewbuildingsfrom isaninteractive Google Indoor isaprojectto nomto o sail raiain f ulig (serviceOpenStationMap for example is successful project to map railway buildings of organization spatial on information depict to attempts independent already are there However, 19 hospital-mapping sub-projecttothebestofourknowledge. no still however, is, There mapping). indoor including stations, diitain nor otn poie aiain information navigation provide routing indoor Administration Business and Economics of University Vienna or Klagenfurt projects. Individual projects such as The Alpen Adria University mapping indoor global as develop they or demands specific to respond to try efforts Individual OSM. of outside communities other or companies by activities different also are there OSM, to related mapping indoor of projects numerous find we While on volunteeractivitiesofthenonprofessionalcommunity. mapping, projects linked to buildings interiors are mostly based outdoor for services to Opposing debatable. still is usability their developed, been have mapping indoor for approaches various Although OSM. to related projects shows 5 Figure as perJune2017 Computer SimulationasaPlanning Tool for Architects Chapter 2 19

page 29 Master’s Thesis Figure 6 community (digitalplans/indoormaps). the for benefit major a be would what and plans) (non-digital This thesis thus tries to bridge the gap between what is available for planningwork. basis as also but purposes, simulation for only not crucial are For architects and hospital planners, such readily-available maps navigation systems,e.g.forway-findinginhospital(Figure6). own their have already world the around hospitals many hand, other the On hospitals. not but universities, and decks parking as airports, railway stations, museums, schools, shopping malls, such buildings of kinds certain on focused are mapping indoor for projects that current out found we briefly, Summarising can alsoadd/editbuildingfloorplansandinformation. users Maps Google or Anyplace mapping. global of systems larger develop Bing or Google Anyplace, as such services projects, mentioned previous to Opposing campuses. their on 2017 TU Wien Indoor mappinginhospitals Indoor MapsfromMicello Mount ElisabethHospital,Singapore St. OlavsHospital, Trondheim University Hospital Indoor MapsfromMazeMap Computer SimulationasaPlanning Tool for Architects Chapter 2

page 30 Master’s Thesis point, colours are also swapped with hatching, which significantly changes depending on materialization. Most importantly, at some thickness line and colour walls’ the develops project the As grey or black fill, having black bordersof consistent thicknesses. preliminary design stage, walls are commonly depicted with white, the In scale. to related closely is drawing of style graphic The 2.4. Vectorization of Architectural Drawings 2017 TU Wien from 1:10to1:1). is drawings component for scale (recommended 1:50 scale a to drawings final and 1:200 of scale a to drawn usually are designs Preliminary used. are scales drawing diverse drawings, in the range of sketch to final plans. Consequently, of classes several are there that, Besides style. graphic different have often teams different office, single a within Even plans. architectural of language universal no is There Building plans use various types of graphical representations. (as isoftenthecaseinpractice) rect, however, thedrawingsweexpecttoscanmight pre-dateorpartlyneglectthesenorms 20 adopted, thereisnoaconsensusonthistopic. widely been has types material different for hatches particular of use the Although drawing. the of appearance the influence plans re-drawn,etc.). outcomes of less quality (details have to be deleted, parts of the produces complexity of levels higher since important, very is ones detailed fully and plans preliminary between difference HVAC, electro installations and fire safety (e.g. sprinklers). The for layers contain additionally might They detailed: more far are stages later at Plans extent. certain a to lines dimension and furniture descriptions, room walls, coloured only contain stage this at Designs simplicity: visual their considering choice best the be would designs preliminary simulation, for plans building of types various between choose to possible were it If the argumentthattherearenorms forgraphicalsymbolsanddrawingstylesiscor Computer SimulationasaPlanning Tool for Architects 20 Chapter 2 - page 31 Master’s Thesis 167-174. DOI=http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1815330.1815352 International Workshop onDocument Analysis Systems(DAS‘10). ACM, New York, NY, USA, A system todetectroomsinarchitecturalfloorplanimages.InProceedings ofthe9thIAPR 22 ICDAR.2013.252 Document Analysis andRecognition,Washington, DC,2013,pp.1245-1249. doi:10.1109/ pervised Wall Detectorin Architectural FloorPlans,”201312thInternationalConference on 21 constrains of network and matching graph attributed matching, usually executed by following a rule-matching model. Template- is Recognition primitives. geometrical of consist that symbols graphic of extraction by followed is circles. This and arcs lines, as such elements basic of identification with begins shapes geometric CAD or hand-drawn of extraction and Recognition graphic segmentation, as well as discovery of graphic symbols. and text are issues particular issues. These certain to referring either a comprehensive approach or undertakes restricted tasks approaches or scanning by produced photographing architectural drawings. A quick image, survey of current raster a is input The aim istoidentifyandextractgraphicelements. analysis can be seen as a specialisation of image analysis: The increase efficiency of floor plan recognition systems. Floor plan to made been have attempts various years, 30 past the Over 2017 TU Wien Sébastien Macé,HervéLocteau, ErnestValveny, andSalvatore Tabbone. 2010. L.P. delasHeras,D.Fernández,E.Valveny, J.LladósandG.Sánchez,“Unsu 21,22,23 shows that the scientific community is following - match features, understanding of semantic relations embedded to used method the of Regardless decades. past the over developed been have that methods, matching the of some are Architectural FloorplanImageUnderstanding&ModelGeneration. 23 or Potrace Trace, Easy Magic, Vector as such Software low fidelityphotoetc.). high/ logo, line drawing, (technical artwork of types specific for options tracing pre-specified provide that pre-sets and image) source and image source with outlines outlines, outlines, with result tracing result, (tracing style graphic for options output several between choose to possible is it Additionally,trace”. “image choosing by simply traced be can data Draw.Imported Corel or Illustrator Adobe as such software by command in built- a is objects of recognition i.e. Tracingtools. user-friendly commercial, using by performed be also can Vectorization knowledge isveryofteninevitable. domain-specific certain a as well as drawings architectural in Chang, M.M.,Or, S.,Wong, K.,& Yu, Y. (2005).Highly Automatic Approach to Computer SimulationasaPlanning Tool for Architects Chapter 2

page 32 Master’s Thesis simplified -nothingtorecognizeapartfrom room boundaries). need semantic recognition if plans are preliminary (thus already not do we and software free-source is it because Potrace use For recognition of architectural drawings from images, we will still or GISenvironment,disposingwith1500vectorcommands. (EDM) Management Document Electronic CAD, modern a into drawings paper legacy bringing for system drawing vector and connect shapes and so forth; GTXImage CAD is a similar raster corners, detect to lines, arcs, curves, layers, text recognize to able is that software specialised a is Scan2Cad these, to which have no semantic understanding of floor plans. In contrast However, these are examples of general vectorisation packages, bitmapped imagesintovectorgraphics. of conversion for particularly designed are ImageTracer 2017 TU Wien Computer SimulationasaPlanning Tool for Architects Chapter 2

page 33 Master’s Thesis 2017 TU Wien Related Work Chapter 3

page 34 Master’s Thesis 2017 TU Wien Related Work Chapter 3

page 35 Master’s Thesis files/PubDat_209962.pdf, accessed 5Mai2017 Simulation forHealthCare,ISBN978-88-97999-13-3,p.157-162, https://publik.tuwien.ac.at/ Lorenz W.E., PferzingerM.,2012,inProceedingsoftheInternational Workshop onInnovative 24 quantity integer an as given is spaces of capacity The system. (ERP) Planning Resource Enterprise underlying the or (HIS) System Information Hospital the from obtained are data Such Wurzer’s work generally uses patient flows given as spreadsheets. 3.1. Early-StageHospitalSimulation 3. RelatedWork 2017 TU Wien not fullyformulatedyet. is building the of form the where stage concept preliminary the at developed are They space. each for areas/locations approximate give which schemata, architectural on based built is simulation The workflows. understand to clients and staff planners, helps simultaneously and process writing tender a facilitates which planning hospital of phase early Wurzer et al. Pre-Tender HospitalSimulationUsingNaiveDiagrams As Models,Wurzer G., 24 suggest simulation-based visualization in the 27 Lorenz, W, 2013, inProceedingsofIWISH2013,pp.22-27. 26 White E.T., 1986, Architectural Media. 25 (e.g. over-utilized,wellutilizedandunder-utilized). such as the colour of a bubble may depicts qualitative measures throughput. the to corresponds bubbles Additionally,properties two between edge each of size the and space the of usage diagrams capacity; queueing model). The results are visualized e.g. bubble > (utilisation queues of formation the to leading time, over spaces these of utilisation and arrival the computes simulation The parallel. in served be can patients many how stating underlying basis and environment for the simulated occupants simulated the for environment and basis underlying (e.g. meetings, presentations) of office users are simulated. The Tabak 27 User SimulationofSpaceUtilisation, Tabak, V, 2008,PhD Thesis, TU Eindhoven. From QuantitiestoQualitiesinEarly-StageHospitalSimulation,W Space Adjacency Analysis: DiagrammaingInformationfor Architectural Design. has developed an occupant simulation in which activities 25 where the size of each bubble corresponds to the to corresponds bubble each of size the where 26 urzer, Gand Related Work Chapter 3

page 36 Master’s Thesis eCAADe 2012(Volume 1),pp.525-532. Based ModeltoSimulateHuman BehaviourinBuiltEnvironments,Proceedingsof 30 Khan, A, 2010, Proc.SimAUD2010,8pages. 29 Eindhoven :University of Technology, 2008.15pages. Support Systemsin Architecture andUrbanPlanning/Ed.H.J.P. Timmermans, B.deVries. - B, Dijkstra,J,2008,Proceedingsofthe9thInternationalConference onDesign&Decision 28 multiple actorscomingtogetherforatask. between activities complex for also framework a provided al. et Simeone one. (task-based) simplified a is follow In these approaches, the logic that simulated building occupants generating fictionalschedulesfromcalibrationdata. al. et Goldstein by provided later was schedules occupant obtaining for procedure simplified Abuilding. real a validated and surveyed were which schedules, occupant in lies approach this of core The areas. two between passage is given by a network graph, which is also used to compute the 2017 TU Wien Simeone, D.,Kalay Y.E., Schaumann, D.,andHong,S.W. (2012). An Event- Schedule-Calibrated OccupantBehavior Simulation,Goldstein,, Validating anofficesimulationmodelusingRFIDtechnology, Tabak, V, de Vries, 29 Tessier, A and , based on based , 30 have 28 for 3.2. RecognitionofFloorPlans document/201647/, accessed8Mai 2017 ence onPatternRecognition,ISBN0-8186-2910-X,p.660-663,http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/ Koutamanis A. And MitossiV., 1992, inProceedingsofthe11th IAPRInternationalConfer 31 Architectural recognized. are primitives these of consist that and chain coding. Consequently, two-dimensional closed shapes following edge by achieved is arcs or lines are such primitives elements and spatial articulation. The identification of geometric architectural shapes, geometric of levels the at occur can Koutamanis et al. approaches havebeendevelopedovertheyears. Many representations. analogue of out plans digital getting for recognition drawing use to possible also is it that, from can either be re-drawn from scratch or obtained digitally. Apart proper plans, which form the environment for a model. These of provision the in lies simulation for pre-step important An Architectural computervision:automatedrecognitionofarchitectural drawings, 31 argues that recognition of digitized drawings Related Work Chapter 3 -

page 37 Master’s Thesis http://www.cs.ust.hk/~taicl/papers/CADrecognitionmodel.pdf, accessed 7Mai2017 Tai, FengSu,ShijieCai,2005,Computer-AidedDesignVolume 37,Issue10,p.1053-1069, 32 al. et Lu matching imagesegmentstopre-definedprototypes. example of a known object. Recognition is therefore the task of i.e. prototype a is templates. Atemplate recognition of use the architectural plans. Certain standardization of elements enables most common graphical methods that are employed to illustrate predefined parameters. Additionally, it is possible to establish the Other architectural elements can also be classified according to stair treads. to relation its and travel of line detecting by correspondingly, traced be can Stairs wall. a probably most represent distance short a at lines parallel long, two instance, For group. one visual characteristics, which may be applied on elements within common some identify to possible is it standards, accepted visual representations. However, although there are no generally elements such as walls, door or windows show a wide range of 2017 TU Wien A newrecognitionmodelforelectronicarchitecturaldrawings, Tong Lu,Chiew-Lan 32 have developed algorithms that identify architectural identify that algorithms developed have numerous advantages, especially if we take into account the account into take we if especially advantages, numerous shows approach an Such features. visual than rather relations semantic oninternal based is identification This elements. org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=547268, accessed7Mai2017 Conference onPatternRecognition, ISBN0-8186-7282-X,p.747-751,http://ieeexplore.ieee. Aki Shio,Hiroyuki Arai andKazumiOdaka,1996,inProceedingsofthe13thInternational 33 for line segment extraction and other for closed region extraction. floor plan into a CAD drawing by using separate algorithms, one hand-sketched a converts automatically that system prototype ambiguity and shape distortion. Aoki et al. positional by characterized generally are sketches plan Floor forth. so and columns) the following (by beams discover will It lines. grid of junctions as columns afterwards and lines dimension or grid recognize will it instance, For elements. architectural other knowledge, domain on subsequently, morebased and regular are that components detects initially system Their which canappearinthedrawing. number of possible elements and their graphic representations, A PrototypeSystemforInterpretingHand-SketchedFloorPlans, Yasuhiro Aoki, 33 have developed a Related Work Chapter 3

page 38 Master’s Thesis document/6065434/, accessed6 Mai 2017 Analysis andRecognition,ISBN978-07695-4520-2, p.864-869,http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/ cus Liwicki,MarkusWeber, Andreas Dengel,2011, InternationalConferenceonDocument 35 ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6195390/, accessed6Mai2017 al Workshop onDocument Analysis Systems,ISBN 978-0-7695-4661-2,p.339-343,http:// Sheraz Ahmed, MarcusLiwicki,MarkusWeber, Andreas Dengel,2012,10thIAPRInternation 34 components outsideoftheouterwalls. of elimination the enables that feature by extended been has It manner. simpler a in symbols) walls, self-supporting walls, (bearing types different of information retrieve to helps method a differentiation between thick, medium and thin lines/walls. The extraction of graphical elements from floor plans, by introducing al. et Sheraz descriptions. useful of capturing enables which analysis, Semantic subjected are layers Text plans. floor from information semantic as well as structural both extracts that system a developed have al. et Ahmed digital. to analogue from conversion the of part important an also is labelling room i.e. recognition Text drawn alonggridlines. location manner, considering that architectural plans are usually grid- nearest in resolved is ambiguity positional and regions, closed of matching template by corrected is distortion Shape 2017 TU Wien Improved Automatic Analysis of Architectural FloorPlans,Sheraz Ahmed, Mar Automatic RoomDetectionand RoomLabelingfrom Architectural FloorPlans, 35 also propose a method for method a propose also - 34 -

concrete drawings. If the template is not elastic, extraction will extraction elastic, not is template the If drawings. concrete from extent some to deviates template every that terms in Template-matching based object recognition shows weaknesses, 323, http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6529506/, accessed9Mai2017 Pervasive ComputingandCommunications Workshops, ISBN978-1-4673-5077-8, p.321- Floor-plans, Moustafa Alzantot, Moustafa Youssef, 2013,IEEE InternationalConferenceon 37 http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=791830, accessed7Mai2017 Conference onDocument national p. 483-487, Analysis andrecognition,ISBN0-7695-0318-7, ten Architectural Drawings,ErnestValveny, EnricMart,1999,inProceedingsofthe5thInter 36 shape, numberofrooms,theirlocation,shape etc. traces from different visitors of a building to detect its floor-plan motion traces. CrowdInside receives and processes the motion accurate automatically construct to sensors smartphones the automatic construction of buildings floor plans. The system uses propose a crowdsourcing-based system (“CrowdInside”) for the al. et Alzantot plans. building acquiring toward oriented In addition to presented methods, there are also other prospects image, butpreservingreasonablesimilaritytotheidealshape. target the to adjustment the aiming rules, of set predefined to conforming altered is symbol, a of shape ideal an represents of deformable template matching. An initial image/ template, that cause unpredictable results. Valveny et al. Demonstrating CrowdInside: A Systemforthe Automatic ConstructionofIndoor Application ofDeformable Template MatchingtoSymbolRecognitioninHand-writ 36 thus propose a use Related Work Chapter 3 - - 37

page 39 Master’s Thesis 2017 TU Wien Improved Workflow Chapter 4

page 40 Master’s Thesis 2017 TU Wien Improved Workflow Chapter 4

page 41 Master’s Thesis we still need to invest some certain time and effort in order to order in effort and time certain some invest to need still we simple to develop a simulation from that basepoint. At this point, very be would it layers, separated with drawing digitized fully had we If extent. full to automated not still is itself process The such anapproachhelpssavingtimeandeffort. how and possible, is reduction a such why argue will section four.this to of seven rest from The plans digitised obtaining for steps necessary of number the reduced have we contribution, main As workflow. improved and current compares 7 Figure 4. ImprovedWorkflow 2017 TU Wien effort spentonthesimulationitself. logistics processes ensures more time for data analysis, i.e. the data collecting and preparation phase. Time efficiency in simplify to order in approach better a with up come to tried when resorting to photographing fire escape plans. We have extensive amount of time that could be considerably reduced permission and scanning plans at the Magistrate requires an for asking of workflow current the mentioned, already As Vectorization performs later automatically after we upload the upload we after automatically later performs Vectorization perform a simple flood-fill operation on every recognized space. we where one, new a offers previousit Instead, operations. mentioned two skips one improved workflow, standard to distinction In proceeding. logical only the as features complete add/ and vectorization significant sees workflow Standard a improvement. shows step next The necessary. again are scaling and with stitching Cropping, plans. photographed/scanned disposes workflow improved i.e. scenario Second handheld scanner. crop, stitch and scale plans, especially if they are scanned with to have workflow, we standard i.e. scenario first the to on hold we If scenarios. both in performed be must adjustment Plan we will photograph/scan building plans from available resources. collecting. Instead of applying for permissions by city authorities, data – phase first the with begins process the in Improvement transpose inputdatatorequestedform. Improved Workflow Chapter 4

page 42 Master’s Thesis 2017 TU Wien Figure 7 Current andimprovedworkflow Improved Workflow Chapter 4

page 43 Master’s Thesis collection of space polygons optionally carrying some attributes. a containing schemata to down comes which building, a define roughly that elements architectural basic some to reduced be can need we information the project, planning the within point If the phase in which the simulation acts as tool is set at an early 4.1. Availability ofBuildingPlans in aspreadsheetwillbethanuploadedtothedatabase. between colors and attribute for instance. The connection given We can assign specific attributes to areas by making connection the final step, either interactively or by uploading a spreadsheet. in added also be can features Additional database. into plans 2017 TU Wien tool intheplanningprocess. view,of point a as simulation of purpose the identify can we architect’s an From seek. we that information of type and purpose simulation resources, of availability on depending Multiple methods and input.tools can be used to collect plan data, an as plans building simplified uses Simulation authorities for viewing/coping building plans. This step usually step This plans. building viewing/coping for authorities for simulation is schemata initiated with requiring a permission from appropriate such obtaining for workflow standard The books thatcontainarchitecturaldrawings areavailableinbookstoresaswell. 38 to reachsucharepresentation. by fire escape plans, books or architectural magazines is enough provided information space), of type the stating colours of form simulation requires only attributed polygons (attributes e.g. in the scanning/photographing drawings from literature. As early-stage or by plans escape fire photographing by improved be can requires more time than all other phases together. The process 4.1.1. ScanningBuildingPlansfromBooksand The most complex issue concerning use of building plans from plans building of use concerning issue complex most The many designs(Figure8). with concerned are ones other the while detail, in project various printed publications. Some books elaborate only one through projects their present architects that rare not is It As platformsforfindingdata,weusetheinternetandlibraries. Inaddition,many 38 Improved Workflow Chapter 4

page 44 Master’s Thesis 39 readability. keep to plans the up clean to needs he/she format), book’s a publish a building plans at an extremely small scale (caused by to wants publisher a When space). of outlines (i.e. information characteristic some only but details many need not do we presented content can thelead to additional problems. For in simulation, detail of levels different scale, improper from Apart drawings without reference objects can lead to significant errors. building plan, the scale is often extremely small; enlargement of complicate the process: Even if a book presents an appropriate deeper level of detail. Furthermore, different drawing scales may contrast, publications that include only one project usually offer a In type. building common a of projects of number a present that articles of case the in true especially is This presented. parts of a project and not the project as an ensemble are typically books and magazines is lack of data, as only the most interesting 2017 TU Wien drawings do not contain room labels, we need some clarification if example, For plans. the describe that information additional some have we if only use can we which data filtered only give otherwise,smallpartsasfurniture ortextwilllooklikeinkstains 39 Therefore, building plans from literature commonly Figure 8 Building plansscannedfrom books plans mucheasier. 13080 makesaninterpretationof Color-coding accordingtoDIN c) Extremelyreduceddrawing b) Lowlevelofdetails a) Satisfyinglevelofdetails Improved Workflow Chapter 4

page 45 Master’s Thesis 2017 TU Wien Figure 9 Klagenfurt provincialhospital, DietmarFeichtinger Architects such plansforfurther(functional)analysis. cannot determine a function of rooms and hence we cannot use we labels proper Without drawing). a as or text a as (either its locallanguagesaswell,outcome willbequitethesame 40 pcs n mk te goal oln aalbe Fr now, For available. online globally them make and spaces As already stated in chapter 2.3. there are efforts to map indoor 4.1.2. OnlineResources projects, projects, hospital plans are almost impossible to find online. complete project plans is a real rarity. In contrast to housing downloading and finding nevertheless designs, other than building plans. Housing projects seem to be more accessible full of instead data filtered present often resources Online reverse-engineering approach as is presented in this thesis. a from benefit thus could services mapping that and point, can say is that hospital plans are not publicly available at this we All audience. broader a of needs the recognising not in or firms architecture of competitiveness the in lies retention information such for cause the if determine to hard is It evenifweincludesearchengines ofothercountriesandtypeinahospitalname

Improved Workflow Chapter 4 40

page 46 Master’s Thesis way iftheprojectwas changed. accessible any in establish to have we or plans the use cannot building changed in the meanwhile and to what extent? If so, we the is question the arises simultaneously but book, in or online either plan a find eventually can We drawings. of to-datedness The further question that relates to printed literature as well is up- few examples are not especially helpful for an aimed simulation. these so one, specific but hospital any need not do usually we that simulation. is or problem analysis The of kind any for used color-coding and all floor plans given, the hospital can easily be known With plans. floors hospital of depiction detailed very a usually only segments with a few exceptions. Figure 9 illustrates As far as other online sources are concerned, we are able to find device connectedtotheinternet. systems available as mobile apps but visible also from any other navigating develop world in hospitals more and More systems. subject of custom-built activities on indoor routing and navigating a increasingly are however facilities Healthcare buildings. of types other some toward oriented are attempts these of most 2017 TU Wien 4.1.3. PhotographingFireEscapePlans building’s whiteprints. They are easy to find, always placed on placed always find, to easy are They whiteprints. building’s to contrast in accessible are plans those that fact, the from comes plans escape fire from information visual extract to idea 11).Figure ( building the The to entry main nearby plan a such entrance to complex ( Figure 10) and block type structures poses hospitals usually have an orientation plan placed near the main pavilion-type Additionally,points. meeting other and junctions hallway elevators, and staircases nearby levels, building to access main spot: noticeable commonly is position Exact classrooms, hospitalrooms),inhallwaysandstaircases. access. Evacuation plans are placed in rooms (hotel rooms, schools and any other high-risk buildings with or without public or hospitals as such purpose special of building theaters, as such places gathering usually are These plans. escape fire with equipped mandatory are buildings public Some Improved Workflow Chapter 4

page 47 Master’s Thesis only restricted areas. Hospital departments such as psychiatry as such departments Hospital areas. restricted only are problem The everyone. for reachable and spots prominent Figure 10 2017 TU Wien Orientation plan,Wilhelminenspital development takesthesecondcourse). suicide attempts in hospitals with locked-and open door policies, are sometimes locked (although after recent studies on risks of PIIS2215-0366(16)30168-7/supplemental, accessed25June2017 Psychiatry Volume 3No.9,p.842-849,http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanpsy/article/ Beine, Prof Andreas Heinz,ProfStefanBorgwardt,UndineELang,2016, The Lancet Kowalinski, DanielaFröhlich,Stefanie vonFelten,MarcWalter, MartinZinkler, ProfKarl policies: a15year, observationalstudy; DrChristianGHuber, Andres RSchneeberger, Eva 40 for evacuation plans. Different countries have their own legal own their have countries Different plans. evacuation for looking by only hours spend could we quickly.Otherwise, very those find to us help it stairs, the to close situated are plans escape fire that Knowing staircases. and elevators of location accurate discovers overview plan floor position), current our to simplified (it main task is to depict main departments in relation quite is plan orientation main the that mind However,in having obstruct thedirectuseoftheseplansforsimulationpurpose. accurate plan scale as well as extremely reduced level of detail overview. of plan lack floor The single shows 12 Figure (AKH). Figure 11 depicts the orientation plan in Vienna General Hospital nearby. plan orientation the and building the in entrance main blocks are easier to manage in terms of orientation. There is one We can use orientation plans as a base point. Hospitals built as Suicideriskandabscondinginpsychiatric hospitalswithandwithoutopendoor 41 Improved Workflow Chapter 4

page 48 Master’s Thesis Figure 11 2017 TU Wien Figure 12 Orientation plan, AKH Vienna Floor planoverview, AKH Vienna Austria is based on DIN ISO 23601 i.e. after the new naming new the after i.e. 23601 ISO DIN on based is Austria in plans rescue and escape of representation Visual plans. the of content and appearance visual control that regulations plans, it will be easy to a) remove the text or b) simply ignore it, adjust to need we when phase, next the In room. single a of inside written i.e. given information only the is utilization Space removed. are details unnecessary all 13, Figure on shown As simplicity. their is plans escape fire of feature important Very except those detail plans that depict already whole target facility. escape plane should contain also a general layout of a building, fire Every white. phosphorescent or white is color Background small facilities. for 1:100 and 1:250 is buildings big for plans of to A4. Ascale reduced be can size the which by rooms in those except (A3), mm 420 x mm 297 is plan escape of size Minimum etc. legend alarm, title, fire hose reels, fire extinguisher, fire of location route, escape second and main standpoint, include Plans safety plansisdefinedwith TRVB 121). fire of production hand, other the (on subject the to relating ISO 7010 because there is no Austrian standards or guidelines Improved Workflow Chapter 4

page 49 Master’s Thesis such as Adobe Illustrator, we do not need to remove anything remove to need not do we Illustrator, Adobe as such room. If we decide to draw polygons in a vector graphics editor, one of inside features unnecessary all remove firstly can we If we use the paint bucket tool, in for example, depending onasoftwarethatwillbeused. Figure 13 2017 TU Wien Fire escapeplan,Wilhelminenspital, Trauma SurgeryPavilion plans. extremely simplified in relation to standard project or submission described, already as are, plans escape Fire step. next the is data unnecessary Removing stretching. and skewing simple by distortions, these correct to order in application drawing raster any use can We type. binding on depending manner, proper a in book a unfold to impossible usually is it because deviation same the produce will scanner the Even angle. Figure 15 depicts typical deviation caused by improper camera after thetaskiscompleted,planscanbehiddenorremoved. from the plans. Polygons can be simply drawn on the plans and 4.2. Adjusting thePlans and wemustcorrectthose. inevitable are deviations some However, digitization. solid ensure will scanner easier,because even is task the books from plans use we If plan. image the to parallel relatively camera the keep to easy is it accordingly and wall) the on (hanged vertical are plans escape Fire adjustments. need plans floor building all photographing, i.e. collecting After Improved Workflow Chapter 4

page 50 Master’s Thesis cleaned fromunnecessaryfeatures. Figure 15 Figure 14 2017 TU Wien Figure 14 depicts typical deviation caused by improper camera some deviationsareinevitable andwemustcorrectthose. easier, because scanner will ensure solid digitization. However, even is task the books from plans use we If plan. image the to and accordingly it is easy to keep the camera relatively parallel adjustments. Fire escape plans are vertical (hanged on the wall) need plans floor building all photographing, i.e. collecting After Applying aflood-filloperationona)unalteredplanb) Orientation plan manner, depending on binding type. We can use any raster any use can We type. binding on depending manner, proper a in book a unfold to impossible usually is it because deviation same the produce will scanner the Even angle. Not only Photoshop, but also many other software packages software other many also but Photoshop, only Not applying thepaintbucket toolafterwards. and delete operation with content its deleting tool, selection rectangular with area specified a choosing by just performed task, simple a is information irrelevant Erasing 15b). (Figure door openings and room label, we achieve a much better result case this in features, unnecessary Removing 15a. Figure on shown as bumpy, and fuzzy quite is result plans, unaltered original, use we If 15 Figure the on shown is tool bucket paint further editing. Simple fill operation, performed in Photoshop with in case we use raster image editors (Photoshop for instance) for Nevertheless, some details such as room ID need to be removed plans. extremely simplified in relation to standard project or submission described, already as are, plans escape Fire step. next the is data unnecessary Removing stretching. and skewing simple by distortions, these correct to order in application drawing Improved Workflow Chapter 4

page 51 Master’s Thesis Using PassiveSystems,ISBN978-1-4244-2815-1, http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp. detection andtracking,Eva-Marie Nosal,2008,New Trends forEnvironmentalMonitoring 42 such as paint bucket even without serious previous knowledge. similar software packages is that everyone can use simple tools coordinates of targeted pixel. The advantage of Photoshop and and color exact know must user a GUI, Without task. easy an not is which algorithm, the of use facilitate to order in (GUI) interface user graphical create to necessary be would It it. of use any make cannot skills programming basic even without algorithms implemented within different platforms. However, laity of examples many find can we web, the On etc. C# C++, C, as such languages, also programming numerous be in implemented can They node. start a and color replacement a color, target a parameters: following takes algorithm Every structure. data stack or queue a use them of all but algorithms, array. an of elements related and neighboring connect to used is that algorithm flood-fill a stands tool small this Behind bucket. paint a as displayed tool such as Corel PaintShop, InkScape, Gimp or Paint have built-in 2017 TU Wien Flood-fillalgorithmsusedforpassive acoustic 42 hr ae eea tps of types several are There Figure 16 tool, Potrace. vectorization, which will be performed by using the open-source After polygons are obtained with flood-fill operation, follows the for programmers, to use one-click solutions such as Photoshop. the plan. From all these reasons, it is much easier, maybe even for instance, then we need also to extract colored polygons from a result we need only room polygons, so if we decide to use C# However,as C#. using by colored room one shows 16 Figure Execution ofaflood-fillalgorithminC# Improved Workflow Chapter 4

page 52 Master’s Thesis white image and b) keep in mind that all polygons should be should polygons all that mind in keep b) and image white and black into schema colored a) to need we images, 2-valued only handle Potrace Since algorithm. Potrace uses department. The vectorization, which follows in the next phase, one color, specified as an RGB or HEX value assigned to each and spreadsheet one within listed be should departments All tones inordertolabelseparatelyeverysingledepartment. red several use can we examination, to related departments all depicts that tone red one of instead instance, For show. to want we what on depending extended, be can legend The 4.3. Vectorization 2017 TU Wien stands onecolor. form of DIN 13080 (Figure 17), where for each area of activity department. As we said before, there is already a standard in hospital single every to color specific a assign to i.e. legend a have to necessary was polygons. it room stage, all this At In the previous step, one had to use flood filling in order to get Figure 17 database and vectorization follows automatically. In the process, working with database, colored schema will be uploaded to the are we Since process. vectorization a illustrates 18 Figure a built-inPotraceenginethatworksalsowith colorimages. has instance for IncScape images. color processing in Potrace use to possibilities also are there However, boundaries. room separated by at least one pixel, so that the conversion maintains Functional areasaccordingtoDIN13080 Improved Workflow Chapter 4

page 53 Master’s Thesis Figure 18 2017 TU Wien Vectorization process Improved Workflow Chapter 4

page 54 Master’s Thesis by using optical character recognition (OCR). It would be a be would It (OCR). recognition character optical using by obtained also be could feature handy quite as labeling, Room database. the to uploaded be should label room as such attribute some and IDs room containing spreadsheet a case, that In process. make use of the polygon IDs, assigned during the vectorization can we whole, a as department not and area functional a as room single request may one that Considering departments. single identify to colors use can we spreadsheet, using By effort especiallywhenitcomestoteamwork. been made in database is valid for all users so it saves time and each party by using web services for example. Change that has for data of analysis and access easy allows it that considering efficient and useful quite is database but NetLogo, in scheme The other possibility would be to import manually every table and we calldirectlyfromthedatabase. data necessary all NetLogo, in simulation forthcoming for code writing By database. the to uploaded also be will colors their and names department’s contains that spreadsheet color.The every converted room polygon receives correspondingly ID and 2017 TU Wien contain afewhundredofrooms). may hospital a of level single (a task exhausting extremely is faster process than making a spreadsheet with all labels, which h ifrain otn (oo dph pr ie characterize pixel per depth) (color content information the and pixels of number the parameters, two Only value. color a containing pixel each pixels, called cells aregular of mesh rectangular as defined data a is bitmap or graphics Raster 4.3.1. Potrace i.e. theabsolutedistancebetweenpoints. quality. This is because it’s based on mathematical functions, the losing without decrease or increase infinitely it can we without losses). As the vector graphic is not based on a grid (graphics Graphics Less Loss of name the by known is It define how the figure to be drawn and where it will be located. collection of figures, together with their data (parameters) that a as stored and represented is image graphics vector In equations. mathematical on based are which polygons, and images using geometric shapes such as points, lines, curves displaying of way a is design geometric or graphics Vector Improved Workflow Chapter 4

page 55 Master’s Thesis Most known editor for raster images is famous Adobe Photoshop. pixels. contour and shape of the bitmap, based on the difference color the following demands it because deal, big pretty a is format) In contrast, vectorization (rendering of the raster to vector image transposing vector images in raster form and it is rather simple. of process the is Rendering editors. Publishing) (Desktop DTP and designers graphic by used graphics Vector users. ordinary and photographers for graphics vector than practical more are graphics . vector with case the not is quality,of loss without enlarged which be cannot image Raster byte containsaspecially-definedcolor. each and pixel, each for bytes three contain image Blue Green each pixel is specifically defined so that (for example) RGB - Red and therefore use different types of compression. Each color of memory, of lot a require Pictures same. the of representation displayed, which means that it gives a better picture and credible be greater,is can depth shades color more the If image. raster a of quality the determine depth) (color pixel each for values of number the and (resolution) pixels of number total The them. 2017 TU Wien Potrace Potrace (Figure 19) is a program that converts raster images into ImageMagick, UleadPhotoImpactetc. GIMP,GrafX2, PhotoStudio, other: many are there course, Of Figure 19 curve segmentstogetherwherethisispossible. resulting curve is being optimized by joining consecutive Bezier polygon is converted into a Bezier curve. In the fourth step, the approximated by a corresponding polygon. In the third step, each is path each step, second the In areas. white from black divide possible fourth. In the first step, bitmap is dissolved in paths that a and steps three in place takes process This graphics. vector Original image(left),Potrace output(right) Improved Workflow Chapter 4

page 56 Master’s Thesis w w exist an edge, if the distance between v and w is 1, if an edge same color. Now let´s take two vertices v and w. Between v and the have don´t pixels fours if vertex called it´s and coordinates integer coordinates. Point p is adjacent to four pixels, has integer have pixel each of corners the where system, coordinate a in set is bitmap the that premise the from starts process The 21). Figure 20 the path is the first assignment of Potrace algorithm (Figure algorithm Potrace of assignment first the is path the from this directory and type as shown on the Figure 20.Creating are potrace.exe and mkbitmap.exe., open the command window (Figure 20) The easiest way is to simple navigate to folder where Starting Potrace on Windows will occur from command window. 2017 TU Wien Potrace commandwindow from v to w. Further, on, the path will be continuous sequence continuous be will path the w.Further,on, to v from distance the traveling when side right the on white and left, the on is pixel way,black such that in pixel, white from black splits is equal to the last one vn. Looking for the path will begin by begin will path the for Looking vn. one last the to equal is v0 vertex first the if closed is path the that say We edges. of Figure 21 p (vertex) Original image(left),Potrace output(right) v v v 27 28 29 v 26 w v 1 2 v v v v 24 25 2 3 v v v v 8 9 4 5 v v v 23 22 21 v v v 6 7 10 v v 20 19 Improved Workflow v v 11 12 v v 18 17 Chapter 4 v v v 15 14 13

page 57 Master’s Thesis Figure 22 What taken. be will turn which matter no created, successfully be will Path left. the to also but right the on extended be could path the option-when fourth a also is there However, straight. proceeding by expand path the option, second in or, shown as a choice on each corner: it is possible to take a right or left turn pixel stays on the left, and white pixel on the right side, we meet one vertices to another along the edge, in such a way that black from Traveling method. extension path shows 22 Figure The the Potracealgorithm. result is a set of closed paths to be passed to the next phase of and white pixels stay always on specified sides of the edge. The black the that way a such in path the follows just program the side and the white pixel on the right side of the edge. Afterwards left the on placed is pixel black the that so edge the observing by path the of direction the determine will Potrace edge. an searching a two pixels with different colors. Between them exist 2017 TU Wien The pathextension ? Figure 23 integer coordinates. Line segment Line coordinates. integer Let us observe two points would bedifferent isforsuretheshapeofpath. v p={v path a For 23). c point some exists there (v y 1 i wee =,.,−. hr ae or osbe directions: possible four are There i=0,...,n−1. where , 0 ,...v y 0 n ) if ) The pathextension d (v 1,0 y 0 1 - ,b)≤1/2 and d(v and ,b)≤1/2 y 0,1 x 0 0 0 ,...,v v v 18 20 n }, we say the direction at index at direction the say we }, a x 1 a i on v und n v ab 6 n -1,0 ,a)≤1/2 and for each i=1,...,n−1, each for and ,a)≤1/2 b such that such , which do not necessarily have x v v 1 - 5 4 x ab 0,-1 0 approximates the path the approximates v 0 d b (v Improved Workflow i ,c i )≤1/2. (Figure )≤1/2. Chapter 4 i is v is d d(v d d(v n 0 ,b) ,a)≤1/2 ≤1/2 i+1 − p page 58 Master’s Thesis b) non-straightpath Figure 24 2017 TU Wien v v 0 0 1,0 1,0 Straight andnon-straightpath: a)straightpath v v 1 1 1,0 1,0 v v 2 2 1,0 1,0 v v 3 3 0,-1 0,-1 0,-1 1,0 0,-1 0,-1 0,-1 1,0 v v v v v v v v 7 6 5 4 7 6 5 4 1,0 1,0 v v 8 8 0,-1 1,0 1,0 v v 9 9 1,0 -1,0 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 Figure 25 p line segment approximates it and not all four directions occur in some if straight called is path A(−1,0). and (0,1),(1,0),(0,−1), if j

v 0 =v n v i p p ij from ito j polygon segment ij is v is Improved Workflow i ,...,v v j j if i≤j, or i≤j, if Chapter 4

page 59 Master’s Thesis Figure 26 situation, it is necessary to choose an optimal one. The optimal that In 26). (Figure subpath same the to corresponds that It is clear that the algorithm is able to create a different polygons straight (Figure25). be still and directions both in point one by extended be can it if p define a possible segment from i to j if jϴi≤n−3 and the subpath path closed a from polygon a construct to order In 2017 TU Wien i − 1,j+1 is straight. A subpath corresponds to a possible segment Creating apolygonforpath path for apath polygon v 4 v 9 path p , we will we , and show a great deviation from a path. In such a circumstances, enough precise not are polygons such necessary.Sometimes not but segments fewer the with one the usually be would one v segment line a from (vertex) point single a of deviation the and On the other hand, we are dealing here with the Euclidean space from themean. is individual an distance typical the say might you or collection, that of mean the from deviates individual an amount typical a what indicates It trait. one on individuals of collection a among Standard deviation is a measure of how much variability there is Euclidean distancesofthepathpointsfromv v of length Euclidean the we associate every segment with so called penalty. It is equal to point of a path v path a of point every that way a such in segments from also consist polygon The polygon. corresponding the and path the have we Now greater asthepathpointstraysfromsegment. be to going is value The segment. line and points between distances Euclidean of deviation standard a calculate to need i v j (Figure 26). In order to describe a penalty and his value we value his and penalty a describe to order In 26). (Figure k has a corresponding vertex i vertex corresponding a has i v j , times the standard deviation of the of deviation standard the times , i v k j on the polygon. the on Improved Workflow . Chapter 4

page 60 Master’s Thesis Figure 27 that a that the coordinate plane not necessary of integer coordinates, such i vertex each to associate will we step next the In 2017 TU Wien polygon withadjustedverticesthatwecancalla v subpath to close reasonably is vertices i k is near the v the near is k Deviation ofasinglepoint from thelinesegment and i k+1 of the polygon the resulting line segment a polygon ik and such that, for any two consecutive two any for that, such and v j v i+3 v v ik i+1 i+2 ,...v d(v d(v d(v v ik+1 path i v k k k ,v ,v j ,v . a have we result, a As i i v v i v j j ) ) j ) v i 0 a k a point a point a k . k a k in k+1

curve (Figure 28). The simplest definition would describe it describe would definition simplest The 28). (Figure curve Bezier define to need we point this outline. At vector smooth a to step previous the from polygon a convert to is step last The Figure 28 points. Intermediatepointsareresultoflinearinterpolation. control “intermediate” ormore one by influenced curvature its with end, the to point start some from runs that curve as Bezier curve Improved Workflow Chapter 4

page 61 Master’s Thesis Figure 29 β are very close to zero. Because of that we can restrict the restrict can we that of Because zero. to close very are β and α when cases expecting similar extremely visually are row horizontal every in 0.2. curves of Bezier multiplies seems, it As Figure 30 depicts Bezier curves for all values of α and β that are α,β є[0,1]suchthatz parameters two following with defined uniquely is curve Bezier z points the interpolate let Now 0(0,0). and 1,0) z point the system, coordinate z and z that means which curves, convex to four control points, z with curve one observe will We given. already are that points two between point new a inserting but else, nothing is That 2017 TU Wien z 0 (-1,0) 2 lies between z between lies z 1 Process ofinterpolation (-1+α,α) 0 z 1 3 1 (-1+α,α)andz and 0. If we place a particular curve in curve particular a place we If 0. and , z , 2 and z 0 will have coordinates (-1,0), z (-1,0), coordinates have will 3 0(0,1) . Also, we will restrict ourselves 2 (1-β,β)(Figure29). 1 lies between z between lies z 2 (1-β,β 1 ) and z and z 0 3 and 0, and (1,0) 2 . Any . 3 ( Figure 30 Figure 31 is showing the last step in the process of converting of process the in step last the showing is 31 Figure an optimalcurve. problem by saying that α = β, which simplifies the task of finding polygon a a found we step previous the In graphics. vector to raster a A 2-parameterfamilyofBeziercurves o ,..a k . Let b o ,...b k be the midpoints of the edges of the Improved Workflow Chapter 4

page 62 Master’s Thesis Figure 31 tangents: a tree has it that constructed, so be will curve Bezier resulting L line the a around square unit the construct will we Next, polygon. 2017 TU Wien a i-1 b i-1 a i Smoothing i , that is parallel to b to parallel is that , i a i-1 , a i b i andL L i b i i . lines a tangent to thethree asa curve Bezier i-1 a b i+1 i and touches the square. The square. the touches and i b i-1, a i b i and L i b i+1 a i and i+2 Improved Workflow Chapter 4

page 63 Master’s Thesis 44 43 program his route of travel in such manner that an agent crosses department to another, he uses colors of polygons. Although we separated by at least one pixel. When an agent travels from one polygons colored from consists schema 32, Figure on shown As used. be can data pre-defined another schemata, Besides functional schemathathasbeenpreviously vectorized. NetLogo in import will we reason, that From consistent. remain relations spatial that sure be can we way That layout. a import to faster and easier much is it well, as environment the build to possibility the gives NetLogo simulation. Although for primarily developed NetLogo, as such package software use will we se, per model building not and simulation is goal main our If 4.4. Presets 2017 TU Wien of abuiltstructure. in/ simulating/animating of possibility the provide packages least. at libraries model or tools drawing have packages software simulation Many https://www.autodesk.com/products/3ds-max/overview https://www.flexsim.com/jsp?arnumber=4786975, accessed 1July2017 44

43 The same way, many drawing many way, same The a minimal distance, it is also important to define exact points exact define to important also is it distance, minimal a manually assigningattributes,whichmustbe doneotherwise. with comparison in process faster much is which example, for .csv as such format proper a in saved if spreadsheet this read IDs can easily be written in a form of a spreadsheet. NetLogo can room or departments between flow people as such Information that is to import pre-defined layout of door openings in NetLogo. do to way easiest the probably but another to room one from cross agents where points define to ways different are There walls. the through walking not is he i.e. credible is movement where he can pass from one room to another. Only that way his Improved Workflow Chapter 4

page 64 Master’s Thesis 2017 TU Wien a) c) a) Schemab) Table offrequenciesc)Layercontainingdooropenings Figure 32 b) Presets importedinNetLogo Improved Workflow Chapter 4

page 65 Master’s Thesis destroy destroy room boundaries if separation is smaller than one pixel. will 18) (Figure image white and black to schema a Converting polygons will be united in one single room with one single color. vectorization during so, not If pixel. one least at by separated described. One needs to keep in mind, that polygons should be A process of creating a schema from fireescape plan is already Figure 32a depicts a schema that consists of colored polygons. 4.4.1. SchemataandDoorOpenings 2017 TU Wien meaning agentsdonothavea‘world’ tosettle. environment built no is there them, Without simulation. a of part essential the are plans uploaded. building Anyhow,the previously are where database a from called be can plans which case those are stored on computer’s hard drive or the in manually, plans import can One tools. present using software, simulation a in directly plans the draw to even or import in a software package already prepared building plans can one simulation a for environment an create to order In A legend containing department’s colors and their color-coding their and Adepartment’scolors containing legend between A andB. distance the travel cannot agent an link, a Without B. point to Apoint from move can agent an so, Only (link). line a with other the with connected be must 3-dimensional point Each grid. in orthogonal placed points of set a imagine can We behind anagent’s movement. stands that logic certain a has NetLogo package software the later,described be openings. will door As contains layer useful manually.Another attributes all set to have would we where software simulation in clicks of hundreds a replaces attributes certain on information contains that spreadsheet one because NetLogo. These data save us a time and reduce a manually labor in import to ready and pre-defined be also should departments file. In addition, a spreadsheet that contains frequencies between should be written in form of a spreadsheet and exported as .csv Improved Workflow Chapter 4

page 66 Master’s Thesis 4.4.2. Adjacency matrix at thelocationprovidedwithlayerdooropenings. grid of links and waypoints, so an agent enters each room exactly one uses this layer in addition to schemata, creating a complete on, Later doors. mark that lines only contains which openings, door layer a create can one environment, realistic provide to order In areas. white cross that links create not do we i.e. wall the through go cannot agent an world, real the in As walls. as act which areas white by separated polygons color-coded a notice we 32a, Figure on illustrated schema the observe we If 2017 TU Wien separate units. between relations described as well as schedule room Planning health care facilities usually begins with pre-defined Regardless of how the first planning stage is initiated (by isinitiated stage planning first the how of Regardless Study_of_Social_Network_Analysis_in_Adjacency_Graphs, accessed03July2017 9789491207112, p.229-238, http://www.academia.edu/28066107/SpaceBook_A_Case_ and researchinComputer Aided Architectural DesigninEurope, At Oulu,Volume: 2,ISBN: Wolfgang E.Lorenz,2016,inProceeding ofthe34thInternationalConferenceonEducation 45 neutral=0]. desirable=0.5, [mandatory=1, numbers to mapped be can can be described as mandatory, desirable or neutral. This words simulate an environment. Connection from one area to another readable to NetLogo or any other program that we use in order to between organizational units must be translated into a language relations internal describes that data written/drawn Every that already suggests space arrangement in correct proportion. common that contractor gives to disposal a conceptual schema quite also is It fundamental. is relations spatial given of terms in contractor from input an requirements, specific has building every that fact the to due but 33) (Figure mechanisms those facility. In literature we can find numerous examples that illustrate care health of mechanisms internal on information essential provide to needs client contract), direct by or competition A Case StudyofSocialNetwork Analysis in Adjacency Graphs,Gabriel Wurzer, 45 Improved Workflow Chapter 4

page 67 Master’s Thesis 4173c0c51, accessed03July2017 org/paper/Adjacency-in-hospital-planning-Lorenz-Bicher/303864b5149247c17fa3dd08f56987f Wurzer, 2015,IFAC-PapersOnLine, ISSN:1474-667, p.862-867,https://www.semanticscholar. 46 environment. physical on information simultaneously reveal Closeness and distance are descriptive characteristics but they be, weintroduceamidpointdefinedasneutral connection. on how distant they are allowed to be i.e. how close they should Depending distant. be can or other each to close be must that spatial organization. We observe in this sense two departments close, distant and neutral. Relations between organizational units can also be described as Figure 33 2017 TU Wien Adjacency inhospitalplanning,Wolfgang E. Lorenz,MartinBicher, GabrielX. A linethicknessdepictsimportanceoftheconnectiona)

46 The mentioned approaches refer to show a personal/patient flow,we need to thinkabout frequencies introducing time and persons/agents as variables. If we want to without demands, functional with operate they However, Information that we as planners get from contractor or find in find or contractor from get planners as we that Information between departments. flow people of frequencies real discover to easy not is it that these organizational units is intensive. Our problem lies in a fact should be good, but it does not mean that patient flow between connection this reasons, functional pure From department. or close. It can be connection between maternity and emergency mandatory direct, as relation this mark would what other each to next intention!) (with planned are units organizational two instance, For relations. spatial from derive not do flow traffic departments and people flow between them are closely related, of arraignment spatial Although challenge. a meet we Here Frequencies canbedescribedashigh,mediumandlow. relations. spatial their than rather departments between Improved Workflow Chapter 4

page 68 Master’s Thesis patients and ofstaff moving between departments in order to number depict approximate assume only will we work, this In the data. is how much time we should invest in analyzing and structuring part of the solution. If we even get the information, the question information from the HIS of the old hospital. This is also only one as the replacement for the old one, so we can get all necessary building new the planning are we if or renovation of case the in possible is This System). Information (Hospital HIS from these create adjacency matrix with correct information would be to get to way Only etc. patient of number total region, hospital, a of size the on depends flow people because logical very is This not peopleflow. through adjacency matrix that describes spatial connections and given are hospitals of mechanisms internal on information famous architectural manual, Architect’s Data from Ernst Neufert, most the with Starting arrangement. spatial to refer literature 2017 TU Wien between two departments as reciprocal. It means that personal/ could be designed in a manner that we consider every interaction Matrix interaction. their and areas functional all systematically adjacency matrix(Figure34). in shown departments of pairs i.e. sublists contains list One (low, level frequency specific a for frequency). high or medium, each created, be will lists main three basis, that On NetLogo. the table as e.g. .csv file which is appropriate for further work with export we 0], or 0.5 [1, number a correspondingly them assign and spreadsheet a in departments hospital all put we After the matrixandpretendthatthisreciprocityisalwayscase. B to A. That can be true but not necessarily. Still, we will simplify patient flow from area A to B is exact the same as the one from Improved Workflow Chapter 4

page 69 Master’s Thesis Figure 34 2017 TU Wien Adjacency matrixgivenwith aspreadsheet,exportedinproperformatwhichNetLogo readsaslists Improved Workflow Chapter 4

page 70 Master’s Thesis July 2017 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2095263512000167?via%3Dihub, access Liang Chen,2012,Frontiersof Architectural ResearchVolume 1,Issue2,ISBN:p.166-177, 47 Chinese, Czech,Japanese andSpanish. in translated additionally is manual User use. and download to free models, library,community built-in user NetLogo are there the Beside models. sample of library large a with comes and tutorials. NetLogo supports GIS, can record movies of simulation and documentation extensive find can one homepage, its On for 3DislessdevelopedthantheoneNetLogo2D. support NetLogo’s though available are environments 3D and due to their modest knowledge about computer science. Both 2D Since non-programmer friendly, it is quite adoptable for architects OS. Mac on StarLogo run to attempt an in University Northwestern at Modeling Computer-Based and Learning Connected for Center the at developed originally was It 1999. Wilensky Uri by authored software ABM user-friendly is It NetLogo. in conducted is research simulation the above, outlined As 4.5. SimulationSoftware 2017 TU Wien 47

Agent-based modelinginurbanand architecturalresearch: A briefliteraturereview, The NetLogo world exist on the Cartesian coordinate system. coordinate Cartesian the on exist world NetLogo The 49 48 or any desirable shape that one can create directly in NetLogo. turtles move. A turtle can take shape of a person, car, tree, sheep which over ground static a as serve contrary the on Patches target. research main the represent to used Turtlesusually are turtles canhavedecimalcoordinates. while coordinates, integer always have Patches move. cannot patches that fact the is turtles and patches between difference main The agents. other with interact to ability the with agents components is given with the Figure 36. Turtles and patches are observer the and links, patches, turtles, from consists environment Simulation grid cells. Each patch is defined by the coordinate atits center. the physical center of the NetLogo world, which is composed of The center of the coordinate system (0, 0) is the origin located in http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/docs/ https://publik.tuwien.ac.at/files/PubDat_200771.pdf 49 (Figure 35). Brief description of these main these of description Brief 35). (Figure Improved Workflow Chapter 4 48

page 71 Master’s Thesis 2017 TU Wien position, color, sizeandmanyotherattributes. define which 37) (Figure variables built-in own their have links and patches Turtles, turtles. between connections are Links Figure 36 Figure 35 Main componentsinNetLogo Simulation environmentinNetLogo Improved Workflow Chapter 4

page 72 Master’s Thesis Figure 37 2017 TU Wien Built-in variablesinNetLogo Improved Workflow Chapter 4

page 73 Master’s Thesis 2017 TU Wien Case StudyBaden Chapter 5

page 74 Master’s Thesis 2017 TU Wien Case StudyBaden Chapter 5

page 75 Master’s Thesis renovations and reconstructions, simulation could help planners numerous during Namely, tool. planning a as used be could simulation a how example good a is Baden LKH 38. Figure the on depicted are building new the in included Departments 61,590 m². area floor gross the and m² 30,980 about is area net 16m. The from heights maximal and floors upper three has pavilion Each are beingbuilt,closebytheoldhospital,which isdemolished. polygonal towers and 352 beds. Since 2012, three new pavilions characteristic 2 its with 1983, in opened is building hospital new A times. few a renamed and expanded renovated, was building was extensively expanded. Over decades, the building Badner Krankenhaus with the capacity of 36 beds. In 1897, the Rath’sche as 1885 in built is (LKH) Baden Landesklinikum 5. CaseStudyBaden 2017 TU Wien example willbepresentedinthefollowingchapter. concrete a research, conducted contextualize to order In in everyphaseofthenewproject. on authentic information could show a weaknesses and strengths one. new the to next operating Accordingly,based simulation a was hospital old the years, 6 next the for and 2010 in started HIS of an old facility. The construction works on the new building the from taken be can patients, of number exact the as such data, input whereby better, much designs new their control to Case StudyBaden Chapter 5

page 76 Master’s Thesis 2017 TU Wien Figure 38 Departments inLKHBaden Case StudyBaden Chapter 5

page 77 Master’s Thesis Figure 39 5.1. Milestones 2017 TU Wien we manage to get plans directly from the architecture office. since together, plans stitching i.e. adjusting of phase a for shortened is 7 Figure the in previously shown workflow The simulation. the of completion the to beginning very the from The Figure 39 illustrates key milestones that we need to cross Case StudyBaden:Milestones manage andcoordinatetheassignment but at one point, we switched to DB, since it was much easier to DB instead. Test version of the project is conducted without DB of benefits use to b) and NetLogo in directly data import to a) After preparing necessary data for simulation, we had a choice: Case StudyBaden Chapter 5

page 78 Master’s Thesis whereby theresultisa bitpoor(Figure14a). bucket, paint a only employ can one Photoshop, a Using tool. filling a using room every recreate to needs one CAD With amount oftime. same the approximately take and simple equally are options any in order to re-draw the plans. The both package with the flood-fill tool or b) use any CAD application or drawing other any or Photoshop use a) could we point, this At further editing 5.2. Obtainingbuildingplansandtheir 2017 TU Wien necessary. as portable document format (PDF), further adjustments were photographing fire escape plans. As we got the hospital plans us a certain time that would be spent in hospital visiting and saved It building. the designed that office architecture from Nonetheless, we succeeded to obtain Baden project directly aforementioned. achieve to way fastest and practical most the as described is plans escape fire Photographing ways. As already mentioned, building plans could be found in various Figure 41 Figure 40 Polygons redrawnin Archicad Polygons redrawninPhotoshop Case StudyBaden Chapter 5

page 79 Master’s Thesis contains only door openings, which are used by patients and patients by used are which openings, door only contains layout One developed. are floor each for layouts separate two 4.4.1. Considering two main groups of users, patients and staff, Chapter the in described layout openings door a simulation the for use will we schemata, Besides layout) openings (Door Figure 43illustratestheresulti.e.schema. from scratch than to clean up all unnecessary details (Figure 41). in Archicad, since it was the easiest solution to redraw polygons however, completed, is Assignment minimum. a to operations surface areas in form of colored polygons reducing a number of all recreate to able is he as long as use one software which irrelevant is it Accordingly,times. thousand over repeated be pavilion, which is why every extra mouse click in one room should one in polygons 400 than more is there Baden LKH of case In furniture, dimensionsetc.(Figure42). considering many, is which surfaces, closed for looks always algorithm bucket Paint details. many with plans floor complex with works one when inappropriate rather is tool bucket Paint polygons (Figure40). redraw to order in tool rectangle use also can one Instead, 2017 TU Wien will beused. similar) (or Photoshop or application CAD if irrelevant is it so re-drawing, to comes problem manner that In instead. tool marquee a using by operation impede a finer result, it is better to clean up the plans ahead or todots) perform the red with (highlighted labels room and openings door furniture, Since flood fillingonly. Figure 42 h lyu cnit o lns ec pstoe eaty n the in exactly positioned each lines, of consists layout The room andpatientscannotenterstaff onlyareas. every enter way,can staffThat them. of all contains one other patients retrospectively. and staff for openings, door the of layouts the and schemata in NetLogo will ask for all these images. Figure 44 illustrates the write will we that accordingly.code Later,vectorized a and DB layouts will be saved as bitmaps in small resolution, uploaded to middle of a specific door symbol. As well as schemata, created

LKH Baden,floorplansegmenteditedinPhotoshop byusing Case StudyBaden Chapter 5

page 80 Master’s Thesis Figure 43 2017 TU Wien

Transition betweenoriginalfloorplanandschema Case StudyBaden Chapter 5

page 81 Master’s Thesis the input data fulfills the task. We chose a treatment chains treatment a chose We task. the fulfills data input the colors, fewer times three almost spreadsheets and 89 contain Although it leads to a certain mismatch, knowing that schemata contains the departments and corresponding colors (Figure 45). that spreadsheet the in listed is area functional 31 logic, same with one name in the table of frequencies (Figure 47). Using the It is done in a way that similar functional areas are simply covered areas, wedecidedtoworkwith31. of departments in a table of frequencies. Instead of 89 functional overload of NetLogo so it was a logical step to reduce a number unnecessary to lead outcomes many So 7832. is which itself) with department a of connection the neglect we because 89 (minus 89*89-89 is number this areas functional 89 of case In areas. functional between frequencies of number total the of adjacency matrix. By means of simple math, one can calculate This legend needs to be translated into a spreadsheet in a form corresponding areas are given with the legend on the Figure 45. which represent functional areas of the hospital. The colors and appropriate legend is established. Schemata contain 89 colors, reproduced, been have schemata Before Matrix) (Adjacency 2017 TU Wien could be solved by uploading updated schemata to the DB, but aforementioned mismatch do not impedes the task. that This problem way a in simulated be will that patients) of (pathways those wouldprovidelessinformationforanyfurtheruse. Case StudyBaden Chapter 5

page 82 Master’s Thesis Figure 44 2017 TU Wien

Layers importedinNetLogo Case StudyBaden Chapter 5

page 83 Master’s Thesis Figure 45 2017 TU Wien

The color-codedlegendof LKHBaden Case StudyBaden Chapter 5

page 84 Master’s Thesis 2017 TU Wien Case StudyBaden Chapter 5

page 85 Master’s Thesis Figure 47 2017 TU Wien

Table offrequencies Case StudyBaden Chapter 5

page 86 Master’s Thesis Figure 48 5.3. Treatment chains 2017 TU Wien examination • department • Simulation isimplementedfortwodifferent scenarios.

Pathway of a patien admitted to outpatient treatment and emergency the in admitted patient a of Pathway

Pathway ofapatientadmitted intheemergencydepartment Case StudyBaden Chapter 5

page 87 Master’s Thesis morgen, RobertWischer, HilleRau,KarlKrämerVerlag, 1988, ISBN:3782840011, p.90 50 Depending provided. is person injured severely of care initial an Room, Trauma In established. be to needs urgency of degree a where triage, with begins plan care task-oriented A with multipleinjuriesafteranaccident. scenario foresees a patient admitted to emergency department This situation. concrete a depicts 49 Figure example, given a contextualize to order In department. emergency to admitted patient a for pathway a of case general a illustrates 48 Figure emergency department 5.3.1. Pathwayofapatientadmittedinthe 2017 TU Wien information oneachpatientthroughHIS. points of each department. control trough ocure should ward nursing and departments intensice care. Contact between examination and treatment i.e. general to afterward and theater operating departmets, spezialized to transfer until chambers, treatment and examination in treated is patient The entrance. emergency trough hospital reach patients emergency general, In Das Friesen-KonzeptfürdasKrankenhaus undfürdasGesundheitswesenvon 50 Control points are provided with p.820 ,accessed02.07.2017 Volume 66,Issue5,1997,http://www.aornjournal.org/article/S0001-2092(06)62663-X/pdf, 51 necessary forhisrehabilitation asanoutpatinet. if hospital a visit only will he probably most but inpatient) an (as hospital in retention his during occure can examinations and treatment further His care. general to transferred is he stabil, is patient the When care. intensiv usually is which room, After the surgury is completed, the patient is moved to recovery help patientspreparefortheirsurgicalprocedures. should that interactions informative calming, for environment the provide which area, holding preoperative a in time spent Stationary patient i.e. patient scheduled for an operation usually room foranesthesia. a in prepared be will he theater.operation, operating Before to transferred is patient the established, and located are injuries all whereby diagnostics, completed After organs. internal of injuries severe or injuries head/brain/spine suspected if CT or Ultrasound X-Ray, to forwarded in patient picture, clinical on Responsibilities ofthepreoperative holdingareanurse,DunnD., Case StudyBaden AORN Journal Chapter 5

page 88 Master’s Thesis Multiple InjuriesafterCar Accident Figure 49 2017 TU Wien Assessment inthe EmergencyDepartmentforPatientswith outpatient´s treatmentandexamination 5.3.2. Pathwayofapatientadmittedto admitted tohospitalorcomeback. Patients withorwithoutreferral;patients withorwithoutappointment;patientsfirsttime morgen, RobertWischer, HilleRau,KarlKrämerVerlag, 1988, ISBN:3782840011, p.90 52 instructions will be given at central admission office. If they do they If office. admission central at given be will instructions further and admission appointment, an have not do they If already knowinmostcaseswhereshouldthey go. Outpatients, which come to a hospital for second time or more, forwarded tofurtherexaminations. to be examined from a front line clinician and then if necessarily a patient comes without any referral from a doctor, first he needs reason of visit, he will be forwarded to specialized department. If info point and proceeds to central admission office. Depending on A patient who is first time in the hospital receives information on depending on how they were referred to hospital. to referred were they how on depending categories, several into classified be can Outpatients previous mentionedcategories. 50 illustrates a standard procedure that varies depending on Das Friesen-KonzeptfürdasKrankenhaus undfürdasGesundheitswesenvon Case StudyBaden 52 Chapter 5 Figure

page 89 Master’s Thesis examination Figure 50 2017 TU Wien Pathway ofapatientadmitted tooutpatient´streatmentand iue 1 lutae cnrt eape a aha o an of pathway a example: concrete a illustrate 51 Figure center oftherespectivedepartment. control the at directly check-in can they appointment, an have treatments ifnecessary. or examinations further and circumstances on depending point control central or department´s over occurs return Patient´s afterwards. endoscopy and examination the is for pathway preparation the of step next The occur. may time waiting certain a department, respective in check-in before i.e. After of endoscopy. point control the to instructions/directions him gives and HIS in forwarded to central admission, which perform initial registration first time in hospital, his route starts with information desk. He is outpatient with a medical referral to endoscopy.As the patient is Case StudyBaden Chapter 5

page 90 Master’s Thesis Figure 51 2017 TU Wien Pathway ofapatientfrom information desktoendoscopy 5.4. NetLogoUserInterface h lgc eid hs il e xlie i te et chapter next the in explained be will this behind logic The can move. grid depicted with circulation, a ground base on which an agent These colorful cubes are waypoints and linking them one gets a (turtles) blocks of form in building the depicts raster option The • • • • display-what offers fourpossibilities: chooser next The model. one of inside simultaneously building gives an opportunity to work with different buildings the database where all input data have been stored. Chooser etc. First input field named serviceurl gives a web address of sliders switchers, choosers, buttons, create to one enables software The interface. user NetLogo illustrates 52 Figure geometry circulation raster none Case StudyBaden Chapter 5

page 91 Master’s Thesis Figure 52 2017 TU Wien NetLogo UserInterface Case StudyBaden Chapter 5

page 92 Master’s Thesis simulation. When on, the frames will be saved in a pre-defined a in saved be will frames the on, When simulation. the during frames of export enables is-export-on switcher A • • scenarios: two between choice the enables chooser Treatment-chain be alsodescribedlater. will styles visual different behind concept The leaves. he trace depicts one visual appearance of an agent in movement i.e. the different and the last one as a synthesis of all four. Every scenario four whereby possibilities, different five find can one chooser a of Inside scenario. chooser a is there style, visual to Related gets arealistic,fine-tunedmodelofbuilding. turtle-related appearance, by choosing an option geometry, one tiny lines (edges) that represent the walls. Instead of unrealistic It shows the building not trough turtles (cubes) but rather trough option, geometry, is concerned with graphical style of the model. the circulation is a requirement for movement of agents. The last choosing by see we grid the that mention to worth is although 2017 TU Wien pathway ofanambulatorypatient. pathway ofanemergencypatient These turtles are waypoints and openings that will be used later Figure 53 depicts building’s geometry in form of colored turtles. base forsimulationdepending onwhatdowewanttoshow. ground a be could them of one Each building. the of depictions different visually and functionally three are there mentioned, already As environment. simulation a creates import-building Procedure building. the of geometry the first discuss us Let 5.5. NetLogoProcedures easier to observe and set a simulation. A button setup builds the it makes and floors between distance a increases gap Aslider folder. scene, whilecreatecreatesagents. geometry andb)agent’s flow. building’s a) with deals NetLogo in written program The services. web use must one simulation for data these get to adjacency matrix are already stored in the database. In order building) (Import Schemata, personal/patient´s flow and flow personal/patient´s Schemata, Case StudyBaden Chapter 5

page 93 Master’s Thesis (NetLogo´s turtles) Figure 53 x to world NetLogo´s of limits the set already have We services. level), containing color-coded polygons is downloaded from web each for (one Schema grid. circulation a creating for base a as 2017 TU Wien min =-64 x Geometry ofthebuildinggiven trough3-dimensionalcubes ma x=64 y min =-64 and y max =64. NetLogo takes the schema NetLogo had difficulties to read files in bigger resolution. Figure illustrated, turtles are quite large but it was necessary since 3D As coordinates. given to it scales and image png a of form in 54 illustrates a circulation grid. An easy way to comprehend how Figure 54 A gridoflinksthatagentsuseformovement Case StudyBaden Chapter 5

page 94 Master’s Thesis ing theroom-polygons Figure 55 created. if turtles, surrounding eight of any toward position its surrounding fields. Likewise, an agentin NetLogo can move from eight of any toward field one from move can chess in queen table. Achess a imagine simple to is move NetLogo in agents 2017 TU Wien The geometryviewdepicts thegeometryofbuildingsbyredraw - created and linked in raster view are hidden in circulation view.circulation in hidden are view raster in linked and created Assumption is only that links between turtles are created. Turtles tion toanother Figure 56 Agent useslinksandwaypoints inordertomovefromoneposi Turtles inneighbourhood(waypoints) Links betweenwaypoints Case StudyBaden Chapter 5 - page 95 Master’s Thesis NetLogo, rasterandcirculation viewsarehidden. polygon (Figure 56). Geometry view is set as default. By starting trough simple lines (edges). Each line receives color of matching is built by connecting nodes holding corresponding coordinates building the of geometry coordinates. The these get to order in When one creates geometry view, he make use of web services is definedbyxandycoordinates. each polygon is determined with perimeter vertices. Each vertex database. At that point, vectorization took place and accordingly Let us remember a step where we have exported drawings to the vertical links. as designed are which elevators, need also we levels, five has building the Since neighbors. eight his only observe we plane, horizontal in motion in agent an set to order In well. as axis z the observe we if total, in 26 but plane, xy in neighbors eight explains only the movement on horizontal plane. One turtle has sketch The position. its change to agent an enables that logic a illustrates 55 Figure displayed. are them between links Only 2017 TU Wien o ec feuny ee, gns ewe departments contained in the corresponding list, will be created. For between example, agents level, frequency each For the list. from receives he that information an on based point end and starting his chooses agent an that manner a such in program movement. Knowing the color of each department, we write the with all necessary information that we need for setting agents in us provide database way, This colors. their and departments names and traffic frequencies, thereis another one that contains department´s contains that spreadsheet mentioned Beside 5.6. Setting Agents inMotion departments. between distance and closeness i.e. relations spatial on the Chapter 4.4.1. these numbers do not provide information frequency.in high mentioned the As describes which 1 and value frequency,middle lowest the the 0.5 for stands which people flow between departments. Three values are used: 0, stored in the database. The spreadsheet gives frequency of is which frequencies, of table a get we service, web a From Case StudyBaden Chapter 5

page 96 Master’s Thesis Figure 57 each department (Figure 45). The same we get the color of the for codes color contains that list the from department that of Based on agent´s starting point we get the information on color ends. travel his where department the and route his starts agent an where department the always us give lists Frequency departments fromlowfrequencylist(Figure57). in case of a low frequency we will create one agent between two 2017 TU Wien NetLogo convertsaspreadsheet savedas.csvfiletolists one list (List A). Afterwards NetLogo takes the second raw and (List raw list second one the A). takes NetLogo Afterwards in stored are information These listed. been have departments of names the where row first the takes NetLogo spreadsheet, the From NetLogo. to understandable are which lists, several into translated be to needs table This frequencies. and names Figure 57 illustrates a detail of the spreadsheet with department´s department wherethetravelends. Case StudyBaden Chapter 5

page 97 Master’s Thesis points known and a grid of links between them, NetLogo creates two With department. end to matching acolor the with waypoint picks NetLogo agent, an of path a calculate to order In of hisroute(Figure58). an array of turtles that should be crossed between start and end Every agent has an attribute named goals. The goals represents In a certain department with assigned color, an agent is created. process flowsuntilallrowsi.e.fieldsareread. as subsets in on of the lists LOW MEDIUM or HIGH. The same a number that it read (0, 0.5 or 1) the pairs of data will be stored that it reads a next field from the second row and depending on way a LOW.in list proceeds a NetLogo of subset a is which C, sub-list a in written are data two (list This A). row first the from from the first field of the second row and the department’s name that this number is zero. NetLogo takes the department’s name assume us Let level). (frequency list second the in department acorresponding have list first the from department Every represent frequencies of people flow toward other departments. field contains department’sname while theother fieldsin the row puts in a second list (List B) everything but the first field. The first 2017 TU Wien and high,withtheexceptionthatmoreagentswillbecreated. medium lists, frequency other two for valid is logic same The agent’s routeusingthemethodfromNetLogoNWextension. Figure 58 Path ofanagent Case StudyBaden Chapter 5

page 98 Master’s Thesis (which meansthatthey havethesamecolor)oneneedsto: department same the to belong rooms whereby 59), (Figure room to room a from traveling patient a show to wants one If approach. other need we 51 and 49 figures with given pathway detailed a for However, solution. programing color-based for input an A general treatment chain given with Figures 48 and 50 can be colors. different have they as long as departments two any between them. With such an approach, it is possible to make connection between frequencies and colors their names, department’s contain which spreadsheets, used We another. to point one from transition agent´s an described we chapter, previous In 5.7. ProgrammingTreatment Chains 2017 TU Wien diagrams toNetLogolanguage. the logic given with Figures 48-51, we translate the functional Following patient. emergency b) and patient ambulatory a) Chapter 5.3. Treatment Chains describes treatment chain for imaginary road, used by agents for movement. Without links, an the building. The links between turtles (waypoints) are the path, It is very important to have a proper grid of links on every level of the attributegoalsofagent. in turtle last the as well as turtles transition all sets and agent an of route a calculates NetLogo points, these all choosing By ends hisroute. agent an where department last the in turtle a end the at and room transition each in turtle one manually pick to needs One NetLogo). in turtles as (depicted waypoints transition several are there end and start Between room. i.e. department desired In order to define a starting point, one picks manually a turtle in We use the last option since it was the easiest one at the moment. important foranagent´smovementmanually. c) To choose points of start and end as well as all the midpoints b) Have an additional spreadsheet containing department’s IDs a) Have a spreadsheet with as many colors as there are rooms Case StudyBaden Chapter 5

page 99 Master’s Thesis Figure 59 door openings, drawn in a vector software package by losing its layer example, For well. as resolution reduced the of result the be can schemata. This on irregularities and artefacts produces agent cannot travel from one waypoint to another. Vectorization 2017 TU Wien Agent´s pathwayfromemergency entrancetowardOP Figure 60 from any other room or a corridor. These irregularities can be can irregularities These corridor. a or room other any from unapproachable schema, a within island an becomes room a quality, losses also a few lines that stand for doors. Without door, fixed manually in NetLogo, in a way that we pick two unconnected A pathwayofanambulatorypatient Case StudyBaden Chapter 5

page 100 Master’s Thesis do theworkmanually. every color with department/room that treatment chain requires or define he can always to needs one reason that From as longthecolormatches. coded departments), an agent will take his start point anywhere starting point taken based on color from the spreadsheet (color- with motion in agent an set to tries one If color. same the has For example, an entrance belongs to corridors and accordingly make thingswork. to order in legend broad very a needs one that clear very is it to the examination. If we observe his starting point i.e. entrance, Figure 60 illustrates a pathway of an ambulatory patient, admitted waypoints andconnectthembycreatingalink. 2017 TU Wien 5.8. Visual language trace of the other agent becomes a larger dot. The simulation The dot. larger a becomes agent other the of trace detects another agent in neighborhood his trace, as well as the agent an When crowdedness. on information visual provides 61b figure on illustrated sizes various in dots blue of form in trace Agent’s point. some at vanishes it that so trace the set allover the building (since many agents are moving around) we arrows highlihts his direction. In order to avoid a bunch of arrows These behind. trace certain a leaves that movement in agent an depicts 61a Figure only. flow people on based information of kind different provide to idea an lies scenarios these Behid developed andthefifthoneassynthesisofpreviousfour. been have scenarios four light, this It itself. movement their of turtles that fly over levels does not give any information but around, it would be hard to derive any conclusion from it. A lot let only agents, depicted as persons or other shapes to move visual language when showing a patient/personal flow. If we simulation takes place, it was necessary to develop a unique the where hospital the of layout and size a Considering Case StudyBaden Chapter 5

page 101 Master’s Thesis to depict a realistic treatment chain, it was also necessary to necessary also was it chain, treatment realistic a depict to wish we as long it. As ends he does where and movement his be hard to establish or at least to observe where an agent begins If one lets agents to move around without any features, it could departments. between flow patient and staff realistic a imitates Figure 61 2017 TU Wien Simulation´s graphicstyles appears at the place he “dies”. Dying of agents has nothing to nothing has agents of Dying “dies”. he place the at appears flag yellow route, his finishes he when and position start at yellow flags. When he initiate his motion, yellow flag is left behind with given are departments end and start agent’s 61c Figure the On task. given to correspond that style visual a develop Figure 62 All fourscenariossimultaneously Case StudyBaden Chapter 5

page 102 Master’s Thesis lines, start-enddepartmentsandheadingofagents. an observer collects visual impressions on crowdedness, travel way,simultaneously. That scenarios four all depicts 62 Figure his journey. lines show a whole route for one agent, from start to the end of green Striking lines. travel the with concerns 61d crowdedness a avoid to order in windows simulation from vanishes i.e. dies do with dying of patients. We made such a setup, that an agent 2017 TU Wien Case StudyBaden Chapter 5

page 103 Master’s Thesis 2017 TU Wien Final Review Chapter 6

page 104 Master’s Thesis 2017 TU Wien Final Review Chapter 6

page 105 Master’s Thesis ae td peetd n h ls catr hw an shows chapter last implementation ofoursolutioninoneconcrete situation. the in presented Study Case time andrequireslesseffort atthesametime. We suggested the solution that could significantly reduce a total actions inthewholeprocess. identified as the most problematic and the most time-consuming are adjustment further their i.e. plans floor building Obtaining 6. FinalReview 2017 TU Wien we paidattentiontocurrentStateof Art. an approach how to enhance weak links. During the process, developed and workflow current the of inside points critical creating a simulation in hospital environment. We have found in workflow improved the presented have we work, this In Possible applications other types of data, such as number of visitors and discovers and visitors of number as such data, of types other Simulation, different from other visual representations uses also with animation, because it gives insight to internal mechanisms. comparison in more even offers It renderings. and drawings dimensional two using was it than comprehensible more even becomes building a simulation, Trough ideas. his control to him helps that simulation a develops programmer, a with cooperation in architect an step, by step building, a Designing (early phase)withschemata. works already he since simulation, the for schemata produce to time extra some need not do architect an so development, plans in form of schemata. This is a standard phase in the project an architect can offer to programmer who develops a simulation Early phase of the project development. various situations. in used be can planning architectural of tool a as Simulation With new buildings, Final Review Chapter 6

page 106 Master’s Thesis usually manage to get all necessary data related to his project. his to related data necessary all get to manage usually he project, a on works office an in architect an If extent. full the mean of analysis. In this field finds our research its fulfillment to Scientific purposes. he can take pictures of every fire escape plan and use it further. access to every floor of the building (that should be renovated), already involved with the project, investor/owner can provide him is architect the Since plans. those from schemata get to i.e. plans are scanned, it requires still a lot of effort to make it useful building is quite old, plans are usually in bad shape and even if a If investor. from these get architect and exist plans building old the when cases are There building. older an of renovation isa solid implementation a find can workflow improved our building. a of Renovation/adaptation own designs. his on react to time enough has architect way That return. in between the building and the user and gives valuable information relations sets It design. current of strength and weaknesses 2017 TU Wien Simulation can be used also as a scientific Te iuto where situation The them aswesuggestedinpreviouschapters. edit and plans escape fire photographed the takes one point, mobile phone, can save a significant time andenergy. From this or camera a only taking building, the to visit simple a hand, other the On plans. building reach to difficulties have they and offices architecture to necessarily) not least (at connected not are They researches. before stands challenge biggest the But simulation. the for preparation i.e. editing further in invest one must work the question is in which condition these plans are and how much mentioned, already structure. As existing the of plans the gets If the project is about remodeling of an older building, he usually Final Review Chapter 6

page 107 Master’s Thesis the processwouldbe much faster. spreadsheet. For such a list, one needs a lot of time. With OCR another using colors of the torooms, which are also listed within room a one from move to agent an tells behind logic The listed inonespreadsheet. rooms the of names all needs he another, to room one from hospital a in agents of motion a simulate to wants one if point this At rooms. single of recognition for used also be can OCR automatically. listed and recognized be would areas organizational the of names of hospital departments manually. With OCR, the names with spreadsheet a produce to needs one Currently plans. the adjusting/editing of process the enhance can OCR Using or downloadthedata. schemata of form in plans building the upload could Everyone stored. be would plans floor hospital the where database, a be Requiring Schemata a one further step in the development could Simulation for Database Building Apaper the in described As Possibilities infurtherdevelopment 2017 TU Wien Final Review Chapter 6

page 108 Master’s Thesis 2017 TU Wien Final Review Chapter 6

page 109 Master’s Thesis 2017 TU Wien digital schema from an analog plan was thus our primary primary goal our thus was plan analog a an getting from schema for digital workflow the Improving exist. plans digital be not no which for buildings might existing with dealing when available these however, Services case), urban Mapping the for Web [WMS] and [GIS] Building Systems (i.e. Information models Geographical architecture; data-rich for [BIMs] Models from Information derived be could functions which may be used for analysis of a space space a of analysis for predicate used spatial program. be for may which allows functions (5.) furthermore the database provider, data as acting from Apart approaches. continuous- space and discrete both for used be can to they that so ability the (4.) form raster as well as vector in both schemata the download includes furthermore interface query The services. web as well as interface web per uploads queries and allows which database building embedded web-based are a into steps These attributes. by enriched further derive automatically schemata (2.) to and digitizing on the spent effort and time restructuring minimize (1.) to in as so workflow lies aforementioned contribution Our simulations). © 2017 SimAUD boundary as simply simulations represented (continuous-space be polygons to spaces simulations of need range that wide a for basis the form Schemata INTRODUCTION 1 GIS and databases Spatial / APPLICATIONS DATABASE H.2.8 Keywords ACM Classification Simulation Author Keywords occupancy (e.g. additional schemata with by that types work simulation targeted enrichment our specifically In have domain. we simulation work, and the fit to order features in information relevant of extraction further requiring simulation, for adequate be not still might representation resulting The office. regulations the at them vectorize and scan to necessary it making form, a getting with, take can plans begin construction submitted access To to permission challenging: is simulation in use for buildings existing of representations spatial Obtaining ABSTRACT el (iceesae simulations) (discrete-space cells A long time long 201 { firstname 7 

Building Database Building Schemata Requiring Simulations for Society for Modeling & Simulation International (SCS) technically achieved by the implementation of of implementation the by achieved technically  ; es f onay oyos hc (. cn be can (3.) which polygons boundary of sets .

Gab database May May Then these might only be available in analog analog in available be only might these Then Vienna, Austria . surname 22 1 riel Wurzer TU Wien - 24 ;

Toronto, Canada Toronto, spatial representation; w representation; spatial }@tuwien.ac.at


, Jelena Djordjic .

Such a representation representation a Such , ) work and egress egress and work or collections of of collections or

eb [email protected] services. services.

2 Moser Architects Vienna, Austria 2 olfgang LorenzE. , Wolfgang a 197

eu (e scin Socs'. e ute poie a (see provide approach our further concluding. before 'Discussion') section of limitations We outlines 'Showcase'). that discussion showcase section a using (see retrieval setup and import we both method, tested our of have applicability the for argue to order In web services and interface web via queries elaborate for allows and schemata into images process can that database building web-based different spaces. Dijkstra and Timmermans [1] have used a used have [1] Timmermans and Dijkstra spaces. different neighboring its to between navigation for used be then connected can network the nodes, Once node. network cell each a of into midpoint the transform and raster as spaces the schema get uses can we however representation network, circulation Our a than rather nodes. attaches he single which as to graph spaces circulation a actual uses [6] the Tabak recognition, for example, For differ: might used schemata for used representation technique from Apart interior the that assume out. simplyleft walls one are and shown polygonis we least if at reasonable is by which features pixel, different separate to needs user rule-based the bitmaps, monochrome on works it Since architecture. to specific knowledge a contextual no has which [5] algorithm employ vectorization polygon-based a use we others approaches, these to spatial while Incontrast 4]. [3, images plan floor in strategy vectorization infer sketches elements to building from of recognition tried semantic with is occupied already [2] work Koutamanis' data: have image from representations authors Many RELATED WORK 2   

providing a way for users and applications to to RetrievalInterface'). applications and Data and 'Query users section (see data the with interact for way a providing webservices, RESTful and interface web a of form the in interface retrieval data and query a devised Representation'), 'Database section (see media other and the tables attribute uploading by further enrich data us lets which web- database building a based into schemata resulting the incorporated carefully Digitization the Process'), section Automating (see plans, spent and effort 'Restructuring and time analog minimize to obtaining as so from steps individual automating and restructuring for workflow current schemata the at looked

3 In more detail, we have wehave detail, more . In IranUniv 1 and p oursaeed Vahid Poursaeed . of Science and Techn.. ofScience and Tehran,Iran _v @ arch.iust.ac.ir


magazines and books publishing contemporary buildings buildings contemporary publishing books and magazines since architecture, historical last for feasible the only seems option However, literature. printed in shown plans scan floor to (b.) or permission for fire asking the without plans photographing escape by (a.) this, circumvent to how in ways two are There step. permission initial the in challenge biggest our saw we workflow, current the improving When add attributes to certain features, e.g. room names (if not not (if on. so and names functions correctlyrecognized), room e.g. features, certain to to want attributes still add may One complete. is vectorization the that, With the features"). relevant "extract (task relevant of not are that part is geometry the features of parts deleting involves also which completing process, or restoring in work part in or only thus omitted recognized be can will geometry It some structures. that assumed older be safely for this typical are However, hand-drawn which to adapted geometry. plans be not restore might and lossy and is process identify which part, to vectorization the tries comes Next post-step. a in plans the stitched optionally and which photographed or scanned in be to have office regulations the to visit a in step lies we next the plans, Since non-digital with work permission". we that assume "obtain task lengthy supposedly with begins THE thus 1 Figure in left shown workflow current The building. a to of plans permission construction AUTOMATING submitted a the access need may one regulation, on AND Depending RESTRUCTURING 3 lattice-walking for goals intermediate agents. as the but served points), nodes decision of (network approach similar Figure 1. 1. Figure DIGITIZATION PROCESS DIGITIZATION PROCESS (left)

current workflow (right) improvedworkflow. . We expect that a bit of manual manual of bit a that expect We

se a

198 by upload of a spreadsheet. spreadsheet. ofa upload by documentation) which are registered on a per-building per-building a on registered basis are which documentation) uploaded stores the spreadsheets, images, (e.g. media other upload to possibility offers furthermore that It level. repository and building a per schemata as acts database The DATABASE REPRESENTATION 4 ...attributes... (color, form the of mapping a specifying by areas or spaces In to order in information. this extract file image the on conventions building. naming certain use a We of 1) (e.g. level certain (e.g. a name at certain "schema") a of layer vector as registered The is elements. result separate between pixel one least at is The there feature. resulting each to if found are features all that guarantees use we vectorization color and id an assigns it process, that In vectorization. automatic an performs which database the to uploaded now are images color-coded The which in way pixels all signif usedto ofcolors the range not in thatare clear to further is eliminated be A can details superfluous only boundaries. is schema with the since concerned beforehand cleared be may equipment) to doors, need (e.g. relevant not are that Details area) common one to belonging each as marked be to are space fill multiple we if colors, of set a (or color known a post-step, with package) drawing a a in operation flood-fill simple in (a space extracted features completing vectorizing and than Rather step: next the in comes improved workflow and current the between difference biggest The architecture recent step. inpost a together them stitch wemust at floor, whole aim we a not and areas contain since likely will photographs our Because 1) (see Figure plans escape in fire right photograph to - case first stick the we Thus, with levels. or areas certain only depict to tend files in their original formats. formats. original filestheir in Javascript containing (JSON) files Notation as Object represented is actual data The vector attachments. and layers buildings, concerning Tec a post-step, one may assign attributes to individual individual to attributes assign may one post-step, a hnically we use the sqlite database to store all metadata metadata all store to database sqlite the use we hnically . An graphical outline is given in Figure Figure given in is An outline graphical Figure 2 Figure ) or (feature id, (feature or ) . Database representation and linked files. , attachments are written out as as out written are attachments ...attributes... Final Review ) interactively or or interactively )

Chapter 6 2. y

spaces. spaces.

. . page 110 Master’s Thesis 2017 TU Wien Figure 3. Figure viewer. (b) Web service call with results shown online. online. with shown call service results Web (b) viewer. Figure 4. Figure viewer displaying the ground floor of our institute. institute. ofour floor ground the displaying viewer (a) Web-based query interface with 2D content content with 2D query interface (a) Web-based (a) Touched-up fire escape plans and (b) 2 (b) plans and escape fire (a) Touched-up (b) (b) (b) (a) (a) (a) (a)

D 199 interact with our database. withdatabase. our interact to opportunity the clients web-based of range wide a giving JSON, in given are call each of results The routines. service of range a to mapped and stack PHP a by received is which name}/parameter1/parameter2/.../parameterN {function our detail, technical form,through in RESTful called be to expects webservice more In client. the by supplied be to whichassumed is state, a not carry does queryinterface The systems. in GIS iswhich common (DE-9IM) Model nine-Intersection Extended Dimensionally in concerned realized are spaces), neighboring (e.g. which queries topological with predicates spatial in lies queries of attachments in spreadsheet form listing [color, [color, listing form (through spreadsheet attributes to ...attributes... in indices and colors attachments map to and map) raster a to geometries rendering (by forms raster and vector both in window) a by given portion, a extracting or geometry whole the scaling system(by coordinate client the to geometries mapping/transforming in lies interaction The 5b) to utilize a rich scale of options to choose from when when from choose to options of scale rich enabled a utilize to It 5b) milliseconds. and 5a of Figures in 3D Netlogo and Javascript (see order programs was form the raster and in vector instantaneous, in query data A plans. floor existing from building a imported we task, second the For 4b and 4a 'Discussion'). Figure (see course due in is discussed and in shown is data touched-up The floor. single a our outlining for of minutes plan 28 took which escape institute, own fire the scanned we task, first the For database. the in stored data access would that programs (2.) client writing and automatically fire digitized were using which input plans, gathering escape (1.) phases, two into split test was Our simulation. for ready a data gathered got the getting in and steps proposed involved effort and digitizing the spent time of terms in benefit of all we through method, gone our of have applicability the for argue to order In SHOWCASE 6 be to and data imported either forms, multiple in interfaced the offer on form, based vector predicates and spatial raster for both information in the extracts leveraging producing in lies the database of power building true The distinguishable. become these that some such with spaces) between data separation pixel image (1 constraints added vectorize to than more little does authors the by proposed workflow changed the now Until AND QUERY INTERFACE DATA RETRIEVAL 5 ternally through the use of an adapted form of the the of form adapted an of use the through ternally  

a web service which enables applications to to applications response and call service based enables which web- a for 3b Figure (see database with the interact service web a or 3a) Figure (see 2D in content view and query to end-users allows which interface web a through ] or [feature id, id, [feature or ] ...attributes... ).

]). Another area area Another ]). , the database. interface of same data the the via available at predicates spatial of and, set the use space time, coordinate own an into mapping Figure 5. Figure viewer accessing the database via web servives. webservives. via database the accessing viewer (a) Javascript [three.js] and (b) Netlogo 3D 3D Netlogo (b) and [three.js] (a) Javascript (b) (b) (a) (a)


6. 5. 3. 2. 1. REFERENCES the of insimulation. a data usage to acquisition data from steps all web conducting and interface web a by showcased was method our via of applicability The services. accessible is and annotating data that and transforming querying, for functionalities additional offers that database building a into integrated is obtaining for process proposed The images. workflowanalog from schemata digital improved an presented have We CONCLUSION 8 thefield. of development the for outlook good client a is to which databases, enabling connecting when code architecture their of service some scrap a to programs at aiming are system we proposed that, With the own. their on functionalities certain implement to having of simulation make freeing provider, content as vector that valuable a functions in additional features redrawing offers architecture service proposed by the however, program, concepts achieved mentioned the be of could some that clear is It method. the of contribution the in lies point discussion second The actively typically client is the where study plans. of theretrieval supports context simulation project a a in that conducted fact for the is building by strategy a optimistic driven of This plans. levels exit all fire enter photographing can we that we clear that is it presume assumptions, technical all from Apart DISCUSSION 7 4.

Thesis, Technical University Eindhoven, 2008. 2008. Eindhoven, University Technical Thesis, V. Tabak, March 2017. As of1st http://potrace.sourceforge.net/potrace.pdf. (2003). tracing algorithm polygon-based a Potrace: P. Selinger, Doc Analysis and Recognition 9 Recognition and Analysis Doc drawings ofarchitectural integration and analysis Automatic S. Yang,Yang, Cai, R., H., Lu,T., 426. Sketches Free-Hand in Elements ofBuilding Recognition A. Koutamanis, Construction performance, design of theassessment support to userbehavior simulated visualizing for model multi-agent a Towards H. Timmermans, J., Dijkstra, Images Plan Floor Architectural Roomsin SystemDetect to AS. Tabbone, H., Locteau, E., Valveny, S., Macé, 2010, 167-, 2010, Systems

9th IAPR Int. Workshop on Document Analysis Document on Workshop Int. IAPR , 9th User Simulation of Space Utilisation of Space UserSimulation 11, 2 (2002), 135–145 174 Proc. 26th eCAADe 26th . Proc. . . , 1 (2007), 31- Final Review Automation in in Automation , Int. Journal of , 2008, 419- , 2008, Chapter 6 47. , PhD PhD ,

page 111 Master’s Thesis Figure 16 Figure 15 Figure 14 Figure 13 Figure 12 Figure 11 Figure 10 Figure 9 Figure 8 Figure 7 Figure 6 Figure 5 Figure 4 Figure 3 Figure 2 Figure 1 8. ListofFigures 2017 TU Wien Datainquirya)Publiclibraryb) Architecture officec)Municipalbuildinginspection Klagenfurt provincialhospital,DietmarFeichtinger Architects Building plansscannedfrombooks Current andimprovedworkflow Indoor mappinginhospitals Indoor-mapping projects Data requiredforhospitalsimulationinNetLogo Mediums ofarchitecturalexpression Thesis “AStructure oftheMaster’s workflowforefficient data collectionandsimulationofhospitalenvironment” Orientation plan, AKH Vienna Orientation plan,Wilhelminenspital Execution ofaflood-fill algorithminC# Applying aflood-fill operation ona)unalteredplanb)cleaned fromunnecessaryfeatures. Orientation plan Fire escapeplan,Wilhelminenspital, Trauma SurgeryPavilion Floor planoverview, AKH Vienna List ofFigures 14 49 52 51 51 50 49 46 45 43 30 29 26 21 17 48

page 112 Master’s Thesis Figure 35 Figure 34 Figure 33 a) Schemab) Table offrequenciesc)Layercontainingdooropenings Figure 32 Figure 31 Figure 30 Figure 29 Figure 28 Figure 27 Figure 26 Figure 25 b) non-straightpath Figure 24 Figure 23 Figure 22 Figure 21 Figure 20 Figure 19 Figure 18 Figure 17 2017 TU Wien Simulation environment inNetLogo Adjacency matrixgiven withaspreadsheet,exportedinproperformat whichNetLogoreadsaslists A linethicknessdepictsimportanceof theconnectiona) Presets importedinNetLogo Smoothing A 2-parameterfamily ofBeziercurves Process ofinterpolation Bezier curve Deviation ofasinglepointfromthelinesegment Creating apolygonforpath Creating asegment Straight andnon-straightpath:a)straightpath The pathextension The pathextension Original image(left),Potraceoutput(right) Potrace commandwindow Original image(left),Potraceoutput(right) Vectorization process Functional areasaccordingtoDIN13080

59 65 59 54 53 72 70 68 65 63 62 62 61 61 60 59 58 58 57 57 56

page 113 Master’s Thesis Figure 57 Figure 56 Figure 55 Figure 54 Figure 53 Figure 52 Figure 51 Figure 50 Figure 49 Figure 48 Figure 47 Figure 45 Figure 44 Figure 43 Figure 42 Figure 41 Figure 40 Figure 39 Figure 38 Figure 37 Figure 36 2017 TU Wien Assessment intheEmergencyDepartmentforPatientswithMultipleInjuriesafterCar Accident Table offrequencies The color-codedlegendofLKHBaden Transition betweenoriginalfloorplanandschema NetLogo convertsaspreadsheet savedas.csvfiletolists Agent useslinksandwaypoints inordertomovefromoneposition toanother The geometryviewdepicts thegeometryofbuildingsbyredrawing theroom-polygons A gridoflinksthat agentsuseformovement Geometry ofthebuildinggiventrough3-dimensional cubes(NetLogo´sturtles) NetLogo UserInterface Pathway ofapatientfrominformationdeskto endoscopy Pathway ofapatientadmittedtooutpatient´s treatmentandexamination Pathway ofapatientadmittedintheemergencydepartment Layers importedinNetLogo LKH Baden,floorplansegmenteditedinPhotoshopbyusingfloodfillingonly Polygons redrawnin Archicad Polygons redrawninPhotoshop Case StudyBaden:Milestones Departments inLKHBaden Built-in variablesinNetLogo Main componentsinNetLogo . 80 89 86 84 81 97 95 95 94 94 92 91 90 87 83 79 79 78 77 73 72

page 114 Master’s Thesis Figure 62 Figure 61 Figure 60 Figure 59 Figure 58 2017 TU Wien All fourscenariossimultaneously Simulation´s graphicstyles A pathwayofanambulatorypatient Agent´s pathwayfromemergencyentrancetowardOP Path ofanagent

102 102 100 100 98

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