2680. And Robert Atkinson, of , near of them, for collecting, conveying, conducting, im- , in the county of York, Overlooker, pounding, and storiug of water, as well for the pur- and Thomas Brearey, of the same place, Joiner, poses aforesaid as for the compensating the owners, have given the like notice in respect of the lessees, and occupiers of any lands, mills, engines, invention of " improvements in loom pickers." and other works, situated upon the several becks, As set forth in their petition, recorded in the said streams, or rivulets proposed to be diverted, or office on the 20th day of October, 1857. upon the rivers Wharfe and Aire, into which such becks, streams or rivulets directly or derivatively 2757. And William Clark, of 53, Chancery-lane, flow, for the loss of water, to be taken or used by in the county of Middlesex, Engineer and the Corporation, together with.such banks, doughs, Patent Agent, has given the like notice in sluices, pipes, conduits, bye channels, waste weirs, respect of the invention of " improvements in gauge weirs, overfalls, valves, wells, tanks, drains, tackle blocks."—A communication. residuum-lodges, filters, and other works and con- As set forth in his petition, recorded in the said veniences as may be proper and necessary for effec- office, on the 30th day of October, 1857. tually securing the said objects ; that is to say,— 2819. And Henry Bessemer, of Queen Street- 1. An aqueduct, conduit or pipe, commencing— place, New Cannon-street, has given the like by a junction with the intended main or principal notice in respect of the invention of " improve- aqueduct or conduit from Sandbed Beck, to the in- ments in the manufacture of malleable iron and tended Heaton reservoir, authorised by the Brad- steel, and also in the manufacture of railway ford Water Works Act, 1854,—in a field in the bars, and other bars, plates, and rods from iron said township and parish of Burusall, numbered 14 or steel so manufactured." on the Parliamentary plans of the Bradford Water As set forth in his petition, recorded in the said Works, deposited with the Clerk of the Peace for office on the 6th day of November, 1857. the said West Riding, and with the parish clerk of the said parish of Burnsall, in the month of Novem- 2849. And Edward Halliday Ashcroft, of the ber, 1853, and near to Waterspout Beck, otherwise State of. Massachusetts, of the United States Joy Beck there, and terminating in the village of of America, has given the like notice in respect Burnsall, near to the north -west corner of the of the invention of " an improved mode of pre- churchyard there, with a branch therefrom, to com- venting the overheating and bursting of steam mence at the point where a certain footroad crosses boilers."—A communication from John Abster- Mill Lane, about seventy yards north-westward of dam and "William Burnett, foreigners, residing Burnsall Mill, and to terminate in the said village in the aforesaid State of Massachusetts. near to the Red Lion Inn or Public House there, As set forth in his petition, recorded in the said which aqueduct, conduit, or pipe and branch con- office on the llth day of.November, 1857. duit, will be wholly within the said township and parish of Burnsall. And notice is hereby further given, that all 2. An aqueduct or conduit commencing in the persons having an interest in opposing any one township of , in the parish of Kildwick, of such applications are at liberty to leave particu- about midway between Middle Marchup and the lars in writing of their objections to such applica- Blackburn, , and Cockingend turnpike tion, at the said Office of the Commissioners, road, at the fence or boundary between the fields within twenty-one days after the date of the numbered 4 and 5 on the Parliamentary plans of Gazette in which this notice is issued. the Bradford Water Works, deposited with the said Clerk of the Peace and the parish clerk of the said parish of Kildwick, in the month of November, Bradford Corporation Water Works. 1853, and terminating at or near to the south-east corner of a reservoir authorised by the said Brad- (Works for improving the mode of obtaining and ford Water Works Act, 1854, to be constructed, distributing supply of Water to Bradford and and now in course of construction near to Chelker other neighbouring places ; Powers to borrow House, in the township of Draughton, in the parish Additional Capital; to extend the period for of Skipton aforesaid, and which said aqueduct or completion of Works ; to sell Water in bulk; conduit will pass from, in, through, or into the said to confirm agreement with Wharfe^Mill Owners townships of Silsden, Addingham, and Draughton, in respect to the Construction of Compensation and the said parishes of Kildwick, Addingham, Reservoir on River Dibb ; Amendment of Acts.) and Skipton. OTICE is hereby given, that application is 3. The altering, raising, and strengthening of N intended to be made to Parliament, in the the embankment of the intended reservoir autho- next session of 1858, for leave to bring in a Bill rised by the said Bradford Water Works Act, 1854, for effectuating the following, or some of the fol- to be constructed upon the Stubden Beck, or Car- lowing objects, (that is to say) :— perley Beck, a quarter of a mile or thereabouts I. To enable the Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses above Hollin Hall, in the said township of Thorn- of the borough of Bradford, in the West Biding of ton, and altering the bye-channel, residuum lodge, the county of York (hereinafter termed the Corpo- waste weir, and other subsidiary works connected ration), to supply more effectually with water the therewith, such intended new work or works being said borough of Bradford, and also the townships situate wholly in the township of Thornton, and and places following (being near to the said borough, parish of Bradford aforesaid. or to the existing or intended waterworks), that is 4. The altering,. raising, and strengthening of to say—Burnsall, Addingham, Draughton, Silsden, the embankment of the intended reservoir, autho- Morton, , , Wilsden, Thornton, rised by the said Bradford Water Works Act, 1854, Clayton, Allerton, Heaton, , North Bierley, to be constructed upon the Denholme and Carperley , Tyersall, Pudsey, Eccleshill, Calverley-with- Becks, at their confluence near Doe Park, snch in- Farsley, and Bolton, in the several parishes of tended new work being situate wholly in the town- Burnsall, Addingham, Skipton, Kildwick, Bingley, ship of Thornton and parish of Bradford aforesaid. Bradford, Birstall, and Calverley, in the West 5. An aqueduct, conduit, or pipe commencing in Biding of the county of York, or some of them. the township of Thornton, and parish of Bradford II. For the purposes aforesaid, to empower the aforesaid—by a junction with an intended aqueduct Corporation to construct and maintain the conduits, authorised by the Bradford Water Works Act, aqueducts, pipes, mains, and other proper worka 1854, to be made from an intended reservoir on and conveniences hereinafter mentioned, or some Stubden Beck, about a quarter of a mile above