September 26, 2008 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 16 22505 Sensor integrated with GPS location data and the last year, has helped more than 43,000 IN RECOGNITION OF THE ABILITY real time processing capability. Americans who are blind or who have severe ONE PROGRAM Requesting Member: Congressman DUNCAN disabilities gain skills and training that ulti- HUNTER. mately led to gainful employment; The HON. JOE KNOLLENBERG Bill Number: H.R. 2638. AbilityOne Program. OF MICHIGAN Account: Other Procurement, Navy. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Cubic The AbilityOne Program, formerly known as Corporation. the Javits-Wagner-O’Day Program, harnesses Thursday, September 25, 2008 Address of Requesting Entity: 9333 Balboa the purchasing power of the Federal Govern- Mr. KNOLLENBERG. Madam Speaker, I Avenue; San Diego, CA. ment to buy products and services from par- rise today to recognize the AbilityOne Program Description of Request: $1.6 million would ticipating community-based nonprofit agencies for its success this past year in helping 43,000 provide Communications Data Link Systems to that are dedicated to training and employing blind and disabled Americans gain skills and Navy flagships. individuals with disabilities. This program af- training necessary to be successful in the Requesting Member: Congressman DUNCAN fords Americans with disabilities the oppor- workforce. HUNTER. tunity to acquire job skills and training, receive The AbilityOne Program provides much- Bill Number: H.R. 2638. Account: Research, Development, Test & good wages and benefits, and gain greater needed employment opportunities by using the Evaluation, Navy. independence and quality of life. This comes purchasing power of the Federal Government Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Navy in a segment of the population that has suf- to buy products and services from participating Health Research Center. fered from significant unemployment. But pro- community-based nonprofit agencies that are Address of Requesting Entity: San Diego, grams such as AbilityOne have come a long dedicated to training and employing individuals CA. way in helping to bring people with disabilities with disabilities. New Horizons Rehabilitation Description of Request: $2.4 million will im- into working society. Services, Inc., a community partner in the plement a clinical trial of this vaccine for pros- AbilityOne program within my own district, I recently had the pleasure of visiting with a tate cancer patients at the Veterans Medical stands as a shining example of why this pro- community partner in the AbilityOne program. Center, La Jolla, CA. gram is a winning proposition for all parties in- Cottonwood Industries, located in Lawrence, f volved. KS, employed 53 people last year, manufac- This past year, New Horizons employed SUPPORT ’S REQUEST TO turing products utilized by the Department of over 70 individuals with severe disabilities THE UNITED NATIONS GENERAL Defense in the continued protection of our through AbilityOne contracts. With the help of ASSEMBLY TO PARTICIPATE country. Beyond AbilityOne, Cottonwood fur- AbilityOne and other programs, New Horizons MEANINGFULLY IN THE ACTIVI- ther employed another 185 individuals with supported over 2,500 individuals in the com- TIES OF 16 UNITED NATIONS disabilities in other community opportunities. munity. SPECIALIZED AGENCIES Cottonwood offers a range of services beyond The direct impact of these organizations on employment to Americans who are in need of the lives of disabled Americans cannot be HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH assistance. Community agencies like Cotton- overstated. For an individual with a severe dis- OF CALIFORNIA wood are very important to those who directly ability who has never had the opportunity to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES utilize them, but also to society as a whole. hold a job, be independent, participate in the Thursday, September 25, 2008 It is with great pleasure that I extend my community, or play an important role in soci- Mr. RADANOVICH. Madam Speaker, Octo- support to the AbilityOne Program. I also want ety; the AbilityOne program and organizations ber 10 marks the National Day of the Republic to commend the dedication and commitment like New Horizons are invaluable. Madam Speaker, I commend the efforts of of China. Due to its democratic system, Tai- of Sharon Spratt, Executive Director of Cotton- the President and CEO of New Horizons Stan wan has been able to flourish economically wood Industries, and her staff, for helping indi- Gramke, his staff, and the AbilityOne Program and socially as we have seen over the past viduals who are blind or have a disability find for their dedication and commitment to helping decades. Taiwan is now one of the world’s employment. Their work helps Kansans to live blind and disabled citizens find employment, leading economic powers. fuller lives and become more active members live fuller lives, and become active members To help us celebrate all the accomplish- of society. I also commend each AbilityOne ments of our friends in Taiwan, I urge my col- of society. I would also like to commend every program employee who works every day to AbilityOne Program on a job well done. leagues to support Taiwan’s latest request to improve their lives and make our country a the United Nations General Assembly to par- better place to live. f ticipate meaningfully in the activities of 16 TRIBUTE TO BILL FORD United Nations specialized agencies. I know f leaders in Taiwan have worked tirelessly for Taiwan’s participation in the United Nations HON. JAMES P. McGOVERN NATIONAL DAY OF THE REPUBLIC OF MASSACHUSETTS and Taiwan’s international participation will OF CHINA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES certainly encourage cross-strait dialogue and lead to permanent peace in the Asia-Pacific Thursday, September 25, 2008 region. HON. DONNA M. CHRISTENSEN Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, on June Madam Speaker, congratulations to the peo- 1, 2008, a great man passed way—William ple of Taiwan, their president, Mr. Ma Ying- OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS Patrick Ford, human rights advocate and the jeou, and their Washington representative: IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES brother of martyred Sister, . Ambassador Jason . Jason is an experi- I had the privilege of knowing Bill Ford for enced diplomat and he will be an effective Thursday, September 25, 2008 many, many years. I was honored to call him bridge between Taiwan and Washington. my friend, but he was also someone who I ad- Mrs. CHRISTENSEN. Madam Speaker, I f mired, respected, and looked to as a model of rise to congratulate the Republic of China on how a man should live his life. Like so many RECOGNIZING COTTONWOOD IN- the occasion of Taiwan’s National Day on Oc- outside of Bill’s family, I first came to know Bill DUSTRIES AND THE ABILITYONE tober 10, 2008. On behalf of my constituents, PROGRAM because I became active in seeking to bring to I extend best wishes and warm greetings to justice those in responsible for or- Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou and Taiwan dering and carrying out the murder of Bill’s HON. JERRY MORAN Representative Jason Yuan. sister, Maryknoll Sister Ita Ford, and three OF KANSAS I also extend a warm welcome to the Tai- other American churchwomen in December IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES wanese to visit our Virgin Islands shores and 1980. Bill was a very skilled lawyer, who Thursday, September 25, 2008 I look forward to continued good relations be- worked for an important Wall Street law firm. Mr. MORAN of Kansas. Madam Speaker, tween our two countries for many years to But he lived his life humbly, fully, and with in- today I rise to recognize a program which, in come. tegrity. He understood in the marrow of his

VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:40 Apr 05, 2011 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR08\E26SE8.000 E26SE8 jdjones on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with BOUND RECORD 22506 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 16 September 26, 2008 bones the meaning of compassion, justice and Ford’s sister, Ita, a Maryknoll sister; an- decades pursuing justice after his sister and mercy. other member of the same order, Maura three other American churchwomen were Every year, Bill would faithfully travel to El Clarke; the Ursuline sister ; murdered in El Salvador, misidentified the Salvador to visit Ita’s grave, sometimes alone, and a lay missionary, Jean Donovan, were religious order of one of the slain women, and more often in the company of other Ford abducted, raped and shot to death. The next Dorothy Kazel. She was an Ursuline sister, day, peasants discovered their bodies beside not a Maryknoll sister. family members or relatives of another of the an isolated road and buried them in a com- murdered churchwomen. On one of those oc- mon grave. The van they had been driving WILLIAM PATRICK FORD OBITUARY— casions when Bill was making his annual pil- when they were stopped at a military check- MARYKNOLL SISTERS, JUNE 3, 2008 grimage to his sister’s grave when I happened point turned up 20 miles away, burned and Ford—William Patrick, (Bill) beloved hus- to be in El Salvador on congressional work. I gutted. band of Mary Anne, devoted father of Mir- asked Bill if I could accompany him on his trip The killings came as the was iam, Bill, Ruth, Elizabeth, Rebecca and John to the remote Chalatanango province where beginning a decade-long, $7 billion aid effort and adored grandfather of Samuel, Thomas the gravesites of the four churchwomen are lo- to prevent left-wing guerrillas from coming and Carolina Marth, Billy, Maggie and Mary to power in El Salvador, and the case quick- cated. This was during the middle of the Sal- Ita Ford, Anna and Alex Esteverena, son of ly became the focus of a bitter policy debate the late William Patrick Ford and Mildred vadoran civil war, I might add. It was one of about Central America. O’Beirne Ford, brother of Irene Coriaty and my most memorable days in El Salvador, and ‘‘This particular act of barbarism,’’ a 1993 of the late Ita Ford, Maryknoll missionary. I will treasure the memory of our conversation State Department report said, ‘‘did more to He died in the arms of his family after a cou- during that long, often anxious, jeep ride. inflame the debate over El Salvador in the rageous 17 month battle with end-stage In December 2005, I joined the families of United States than any other single inci- esophageal cancer. Born on April 28, 1936, he Sisters Ita Ford, Maura Clark and Dorothy dent.’’ was a graduate of Brooklyn Prep, Fordham Kazel, and of lay missionary Jean Donovan at In 1984, four national guardsmen were con- University (B.A. 1960) and St. John’s Univer- events throughout El Salvador commemo- victed of murder in El Salvador and were sity (LLB 1966). Bill married Mary Anne rating the 25th anniversary of the church- sentenced to 30 years in prison. After 17 Heyman on Feb. 4, 1961, whose decision to years of silence, the guardsmen said they marry him, he later said, made him ‘‘the women’s deaths. Nearly 300 people from had acted after receiving ‘‘orders from luckiest man alive.’’ He served in the U.S. around the world came to El Salvador to take above.’’ Their admissions were made to a del- Army from 1957—1958, and again in 1961. He part in these reflections, and hundreds more egation from the Lawyers Committee for was a clerk to Federal Court Judge Richard Salvadorans participated. I was honored to Human Rights, including Mr. Ford. Levet, a founder and senior partner of Ford walk in the footsteps and recall the lives and For years, Mr. Ford lobbied politicians and Marrin Esposito Witmeyer and Gleser, re- contributions of these four remarkable Amer- made speeches, charging that the Salvadoran cipient of honorary doctorates from Ford- ican women. And there, at the emotional cen- government had failed to conduct even a ru- ham University, St. John’s University , the ter of it all, were the families, and for me, es- dimentary investigation into the murders. In College of St. Elizabeth and Niagara Univer- pecially Bill and his wife, Mary Ann. 1981, he pressed his case with the American sity and claimed his greatest successes as Madam Speaker, Bill passed away in his ambassador to El Salvador, Dean Hinton, the births of his six children and eight and the Salvadoran president, Jose´ poleo´ n grandchildren. Bill served as an Essex Coun- home, surrounded by his family—Mary Ann Duarte. ty Democratic Committeeman. An active and their children William, John, Miriam, Ruth, Mr. Ford also criticized the Reagan admin- member of St. Cassian Church in Upper Elizabeth and Rebecca, and their eight grand- istration. The government, he said, ‘‘is so ob- Montclair, NJ, he was a founding trustee of children. He will be missed, and he will always sessed with the East-West confrontation that the North Jersey Inter-Religious Task Force be remembered and cherished in our memo- they are willing to tolerate the murder of on Central America and a member of the ries of him. American citizens in El Salvador.’’ The Sal- Commission on Justice and Peace for the [From The New York Times, June 3, 2008] vadoran junta had killed more than 30,000 Archdiocese of Newark. After the December people, he said. 2, 1980 murder in El Salvador of his sister Ita WILLIAM P. FORD, 72, RIGHTS ADVOCATE, DIES It was an unusual stance for a lawyer who and her companions, Bill tenaciously sought (By Dennis Hevesi) had been on the staff of the New York law to bring those directly responsible for the William P. Ford, a former Wall Street law- firm where Richard M. Nixon and John deaths of his sister and her three religious yer who spent more than two decades seek- Mitchell had worked before Mr. Nixon be- companions to justice. For over 22 years, Bill ing to bring high-ranking military officials came president and Mr. Mitchell became the worked unceasingly to hold those in com- to justice after his sister and three other attorney general. A year after his sister’s mand positions responsible for the death of American churchwomen were murdered in El murder, Mr. Ford said he had been his sister and so many Salvadoran victims. Salvador’s civil war in the 1980s, died on ‘‘radicalized’’ by American support for a gov- His efforts laid the groundwork for the even- Sunday at his home in Montclair, N.J. He ernment ‘‘which is no more than a group of tual successful prosecution of two Salva- was 72. gangsters in uniform.’’ doran generals. His personal courage, integ- The cause was esophageal cancer, his son William Patrick Ford was born in Bay rity and undying love of family are the hall- William Ford III said. Mr. Ford’s efforts eventually led to a $54.6 Ridge, Brooklyn, on April 28, 1936, the son of marks of a life well lived. He will be forever million liability ruling against two former William and Mildred O’Beirne Ford. Besides remembered by the quiet kindnesses he did Salvadoran generals in a 2002 civil trial in his son William, Mr. Ford is survived by his for so many. May his soul rest in peace. Visi- , where the generals were living after wife of 47 years, the former Mary Anne tation Tuesday, June 3 from 2–4 and 7–9 PM being granted residence by the United Heyman; another son, John; four daughters, at the Hugh Moriarty Funeral Home, 76 Park States. Miriam Ford, Ruth Ford, Elizabeth Ford and Street, Montclair, NJ. Mass of Christian Although the ruling was not directly con- Rebecca Ford; a sister, Irene Coriaty; and Burial will be celebrated Wednesday, June 4 nected to the murders of Mr. Ford’s sister eight grandchildren. at 10:30 AM at St. Cassian Church, 187 Belle- and the other women, it resulted largely Mr. Ford graduated from Fordham Univer- vue Avenue, Upper Montclair, NJ. In lieu of from his long and tenacious campaign. The sity in 1960 and earned his law degree at St. flowers, donations may be made to federal court jury found Jose´ Guillermo John’s University in 1966. He was a law clerk Maryknoll Sisters, Box 39, Maryknoll, NY Garcı´a, El Salvador’s former defense min- to a federal judge and later a founding part- 10545 or Cristo Rey NY High School, 112 East ister, and Carlos Eugenio Vides Casanova, its ner of the law firm Ford Marrin Esposito 106 St. NY, NY 10029. former National Guard commander, liable Witmeyer & Gleser. f for lasting injuries suffered by three Salva- Litigating securities and product-liability doran immigrants to the United States who cases took a back seat for Mr. Ford after EARMARK DECLARATION were tortured under the generals’ command. that day in 1980. Of the American govern- ‘‘We pursued the case, with Bill in the lead,’’ ment, he said a year later, ‘‘You can’t take HON. JOHN L. MICA seriously the inscription at the base of the Michael Posner, president of Human Rights OF FLORIDA First, said on Monday. ‘‘In an extraordinary Statue of Liberty if at the same time you are IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES way, he went beyond simply grieving the loss sending arms, ammunition, trucks and police of his sister; he became a leading advocate equipment to a junta which is murdering its Thursday, September 25, 2008 own citizens.’’ for justice in El Salvador.’’ Mr. MICA. Madam Speaker, pursuant to the Mr. Ford had been an influential figure in This article has been revised to reflect the the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, following correction: Republican Leadership standards on ear- which in 2004 became Human Rights First. Correction: June 4, 2008. marks, I am submitting the following informa- On the night of Dec. 2, 1980, shortly after Because of an editing error, an obituary on tion for publication in the CONGRESSIONAL the start of El Salvador’s civil war, Mr. Tuesday about William P. Ford, who spent RECORD regarding earmarks I received as part

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