N° 95 — August/September 2019

Accessions Strategic Objectives Accession Strategic Focus  Domestic reform instrument  Systemic update Comoros: Newly appointed Minister of progress on technical work, including the  Market access expansion Economy, Investments and Energy, signing of all remaining bilateral market Mr. Houmed M'Saidié, visited Geneva to meet access agreements.  International cooperation for trade with WTO Director-General Roberto Azevêdo on 10 September. Minister M'Saidié, who is The Comoros hopes to hold the next meeting of the Working Party in December, following Inside this issue: also the Chief Negotiator for WTO accession, reiterated his Government's commitment to the circulation of all necessary inputs in the • Accession Strategic Focus: Comoros, conclude the accession process by the 12th coming weeks. These inputs include the The Bahamas, , and Bosnia and Ministerial Conference (MC12). Referring to a replies to questions raised by Members, a Herzegovina letter received from the Chairman of the Legislative Action Plan, issue-specific Action • Accession State of Play: Working Party, Ambassador Luis Enrique Plans, and a questionnaire on state-trading.  LDCs Accessions: Sudan Chávez Basagoitia (Peru), the Minister noted that the legislative actions identified by the  Non-LDC Accessions: Iraq and Chairman will be addressed in the near future. • Expression of interest: More specifically, he mentioned the expected • Technical Assistance and Outreach activities: elimination of "other duties and charges", the Upcoming activities: adoption of a copyright law, the finalization of  2019 Public Forum—Session on “The Road a new draft law on external trade, and the to Nur-Sultan: Eurasian Perspectives on the drafting of an amendment to the Customs Future of the Multilateral Trading System”, Code. DG Azevêdo stressed the importance of 8 October 2019, 16:00—17:30 Comoros adopting the relevant WTO-related legislation on a priority basis, while making  2019 Public Forum—Session on “Trade for DG Roberto Azevêdo and Minister Houmedi Peace through WTO Accession: M'Saidié (Comoros), Geneva, 11 September 2019 Presentation of Global Peace Index 2019, 9 October 2019, 10:00—12:00  WTO-IMF- Coherence Event, Washington DC, 16 October 2019 The Bahamas: Our thoughts go to our friends Members. Belarus has begun submitting  Geneva Peace Week and Peace and colleagues from The Bahamas during this responses to those questions. The Secretariat Forum, November 2019 difficult time following the devastation caused will prepare a revised Draft Working Party  Training Course on Goods Schedules for by hurricane Dorian in the early days of Report on the basis of the new inputs. Belarus WTO Accession, 18-22 November 2019 September. has expressed its intention to hold the next  8th Round Table, Moscow, meeting of the Working Party in December. Ambassador Andrew Staines (UK), Chairman 4-6 December 2019 of the Working Party, was in contact, over the  3rd Regional Dialogue on WTO Accessions : Bosnia and summer, with the newly appointed Minister Herzegovina concluded its technical exchange for the Greater Horn of , of Financial Services, Trade & Industry and 4-7 February 2020 with the Secretariat regarding the verification Immigration, Mr. Elsworth Nathaniel Johnson. of the ITA Schedule, which was circulated to • 2019 DG Annual Report on Accessions In the course of their correspondence, the participants in the ITA Committee on • Condolences: Ambassador Chiedu Osakwe, Minister Johnson reiterated the Government's 25 September. Technical work continues on a former Director of the Accessions Division commitment to reforms through advancing limited number of issues in the draft Report of the accession process. • WTO Accession Progress Tracker and Evolving the Working Party. The Secretariat has started

Work Programme th the preparatory work for the consolidation of Belarus: Following the 12 Meeting of the the draft Schedules pending the finalisation of • Accessions Anniversary Dates — Article XII Working Party, which took place on 12 July, Members — September and October the last outstanding bilateral market access Belarus has received written questions from 7 agreement. • Accessions Toolbox

Accessions Newsletter Team: Accession State of Play — LDCs  Maika Oshikawa, Editor-in-chief  Andrei Suse, Editor Sudan: Dr. Abdalla Hamdok, a former Deputy Executive Secretary of the  Mariam Soumaré, Deputy Editor Economic Commission for Africa, was appointed Prime Minister on 21 August. Following the  Souda Tandara-Stenier, Editorial Coordinator, Prime Minister's appointment, a new Cabinet was sworn-in on 8 September. Mr. Madani Abbas page layout design, photographer Madani has been appointed as the new Minister of Industry and Trade. The appointment of the new Chief Negotiator for WTO Accession is still pending. with contributions from Accessions Division staff


N° 95 — August/September 2019

Accession State of Play — Non-LDCs

Iraq: Following the joint World Bank – WTO 5 Members. On 5 September, Uzbekistan Workshop on the Accession of Iraq, which took submitted 5 additional annexes to the MFTR. place in Beirut on 25-26 July, the Secretariat, the Uzbekistan is currently working on the replies to World Bank and the Government of Iraq are the questions and other negotiating inputs, such working towards organizing a High-Level as the Legislative Action Plan, the Agriculture Conference on the WTO Accession of Iraq, in Supporting Tables, the various checklists and Baghdad, at the end of November. The conference questionnaires, as well as the market access is intended to facilitate the formal reactivation of offers. The Government aims to formally resume the accession process. A visit to Baghdad by the the Working Party process by the end of the year. Accession of Iraq— DG Roberto Azevêdo and Chairman of the Working Party, Ambassador Omar Ambassador Alkhateeb (Iraq) - 20 August 2019 The Working Party last met in 2005. Hilale (), is envisaged to take place at the same time as the conference. The Secretariat delivered a training activity on trade in services in Tashkent, on 11-12 September. Uzbekistan: Following the circulation of the Uzbekistan has requested additional technical Memorandum on the Foreign Trade Regime (an assistance on the TRIPS Agreement, on trade in updated version of the 1998 MFTR) on 25 July, services, and on trade in agriculture. Uzbekistan has received questions from

Accession of Iraq— Meeting with Ambassador Alkhateeb— Geneva, 8 August 2019

Expression of Interest: Turkmenistan

At the invitation of the Government of work of the Commission, which held its first Turkmenistan, the Secretariat participated in the meeting on 30 July, ahead of the National Seminar First Caspian Economic Forum, on 10-13 August, in Avaza. Mr. Hajiyev informed the Secretariat that in Avaza, Turkmenistan. On the margins of the the Commission planned to submit, in the event, the Secretariat delivered a National following weeks, recommendations to the Cabinet Seminar on WTO Accession to members of the of Ministers with respect to Turkmenistan's Government Commission on WTO Accession. potential application for observer status and The objective of the seminar was to facilitate the accession. Moreover, he requested the WTO's internal discussions on Turkmenistan's potential assistance in equipping the Commission's application for WTO observer status and Secretariat with information that would facilitate Meeting with Minister of Finance and Economy, Mr. Batyr Bazarov — Avaza, Turkmenistan accession. the internal consultative process.

In addition, the Secretariat held bilateral meetings On 6 September, Mr. Maksat Chariyev, Head of with the Minister of Finance and Economy, the Foreign Economic Cooperation Department of Mr. Batyr Bazarov; the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Executive Economy and Foreign Economic Relations, Mr. Secretary of the Government Commission on WTO Karar Mammedov; and the Deputy Minister of Accession, visited Geneva and met with the Foreign Affairs and Chairman of the Government Accessions Division to further discuss Commission on WTO Accession, Mr. Vepa Hajiyev. Turkmenistan's potential application for observer During his meeting with the Secretariat, Mr. status and accession. Hajiyev highlighted recent developments in the

Meeting with Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Chairman of the Government Commission on WTO Accession, Mr. Vepa Hajiyev — Avaza, Turkmenistan

Meeting with Executive Secretary of the First Caspian Economic Forum, 10-13 August 2019, Avaza, Turkmenistan Government Commission on WTO Accession— Geneva, 6 September 2019


N° 95 — August/September 2019

Technical Assistance and Outreach Activities — Upcoming events

2019 Public Forum – Session “On the Road to Bank is laid down in two separate cooperation The 8th China Round Table, Moscow, 4-6 Nur-Sultan: Eurasian Perspectives on the Future agreements approved by the General Council in December 2019 of the Multilateral Trading System”, 8 October, November 1996. In the context of accessions, 16:00-17:30 (Room D) cooperation has been largely carried out on an The thematic focus of the 8th China Round Table informal ad hoc basis. on WTO Accessions, which will take place in The Permanent Mission of and the Moscow, will be "Accessions and WTO Reform: Accessions Division will organize, in the context The objectives of the conference are: (i) to on the Road to MC12". The Round Table will of the 2019 Public Forum, a session entitled “On provide an overview of WTO accessions and provide an opportunity for dialogue among all the Road to Nur-Sultan: Eurasian Perspectives on issues of common policy interest for the three acceding governments and selected Article XII the Future of the Multilateral Trading System”. institutions; (ii) to review current practices and original Members on topical issues related to The session will provide a platform for Eurasian concerning the inter-institutional cooperation in WTO accessions, such as: (i) contributions of governments and their key trading partners to three acceding countries – namely, Belarus, accessions to WTO Reform; (ii) implications of exchange views on: (i) the contributions of the and Uzbekistan – which will be regional integration for the multilateral trading Eurasian economies to the Multilateral Trading represented at the conference by both their system; and (iii) sharing of accession-related System; (ii) the lessons learned from the finance and trade teams; and (iii) to discuss experiences. Eurasian countries' accession to the WTO and overall cooperation efforts. The Round Table will be followed by a Special their membership experience; and (iii) topical Geneva Peace Week and Paris Peace Forum, issues related to MC12, including WTO Reform. Meeting of Acceding Governments, on 6 November 2019 December, which will serve as a preparatory 2019 Public Forum side event "Trade for Peace meeting for the first ministerial gathering of Through WTO Accession: Presentation of Global The Accessions Division was invited to organize acceding governments on the margins of MC12. Peace Index 2019", 9 October, 10:00–12:00 an event during the Geneva Peace Week, Invitation will be sent shortly. scheduled for 4-8 November, as well as a series (Room C) rd of activities during the Paris Peace Forum, The 3 Regional Dialogue on WTO Accessions The Accessions Division and the Institute for scheduled for 11-13 November. The focus of the for the Greater Horn of Africa, 4-7 February Economics and Peace will organize a session on Division's contributions to these events will be 2020 "Trade for Peace through WTO Accession". "Trade for Peace Through WTO Accession: rd Presentation of Global Peace Index 2019", as a More details will be provided shortly. The 3 Regional Dialogue on WTO Accessions for side event of the 2019 Public Forum. Mr. Serge the Greater Horn of Africa has been postponed Training Course on Goods Schedules for WTO and will now take place on 4-7 February 2020. Stroobants, IEP Director of Europe and the Accession, 18-22 November 2019 MENA Region, will present the key outcomes of The event is being co-organized by the WTO Secretariat, the International Trade Centre (ITC), the 2019 Global Peace Index report. This will be The Secretariat is organizing a 5-day training followed by a discussion on the impact of WTO the World Bank, the United Nations Economic course on Goods Schedules for acceding Commission for Africa (UNECA) and the accession on peace and security, in particular governments, which will take place from 18 to with respect to peacebuilding, domestic reforms Government of Ethiopia, under the theme 22 November 2019. The first edition of this "Export Diversification through WTO and economic transformation, with the course took place in March 2017. participation of representatives from fragile and Membership and AfCFTA Implementation". conflict affected countries with WTO accession The main objective of the training is to enhance experience. The session will be moderated by the participants' understanding of the practical Ambassador Alan Wm. Wolff, WTO Deputy aspects of bilateral market access negotiations 2019 DG Annual Report on Accessions Director-General. on goods, as well as the technical aspects of The thematic focus of the 2019 edition of the goods schedules. The course will have both a Director-General's Annual Report on WTO-IMF-World Bank Coherence Event, theoretical component and a practical Accessions will be "Greater Coherence in Washington D.C., 16 October 2019 component, including a 2-day simulation Global Economic Policymaking: The Case of exercise on market access negotiations. Although WTO Accession". The thematic section of the The WTO Secretariat is organizing, in partnership the course is principally targeted at acceding report will aim to draw attention to the with the IMF and the World Bank, a conference governments, participation is also open to relevance of inter-agency coordination for entitled "Greater Coherence in Global Economic Members. Interested acceding governments are WTO accession and to raise awareness about Policy-Making: The Case of WTO Accession", invited to nominate candidates by 4 October. the international community's efforts to which will take place in Washington D.C. on provide coherent policy advice to acceding 16 October, on the margins of the Annual governments. Special focus will be given to Meetings of the IMF and the World Bank. accession-related cooperation between the The basis for institutional cooperation between WTO and the IMF and the World Bank. the WTO Secretariat, the IMF and the World


N° 95 — August/September 2019

CONDOLENCES - Ambassador Chiedu Osakwe

We are deeply saddened by the passing of the former Director of the Accessions Division, Ambassador Chiedu Osakwe. Chiedu served as Director of the Accessions Division from 2009 to 2016. In this capacity, he oversaw the conclusion of numerous accession negotiations, in particular , Samoa, the Russian Federation and in 2012; Lao PDR and in 2013; Yemen in 2014; and Kazakhstan in 2015; and and Afghanistan in 2016.

As a firm believer in the value of economic integration, Chiedu was a tireless advocate for WTO membership, which he saw as a unique vehicle for modernizing domestic institutions, promoting economic growth, and gaining international recognition. His drive to foster greater transparency in the work of the WTO Secretariat led to the establishment of various new processes, procedures and communications tools, including this Accessions Newsletter.

He published extensively on a range of subjects, including two seminal books on WTO accessions from Cambridge University Press: "WTO Accessions and Trade Multilateralism: Case Studies and Lessons from the WTO at Twenty" (co-edited by Uri Briefing session on WTO Accessions to Regional Dadush) in 2015, and "Trade Multilateralism in the Twenty-First Century: Building the Groups — October 2014 Upper Floors of the Trading System Through WTO Accessions" (co-edited by Alexei Kireyev) in 2017.

Prior to his work on accessions, Chiedu held several senior management positions in other areas of the WTO Secretariat over an 18- year career spanning back to 1998. In particular, he led the DDA Special Duties, Textiles, and Technical Cooperation Divisions and also served as the Head of the Inter-Agency Working Group for the Integrated Framework for LDCs.

Chiedu was celebrated for his commitment to safeguarding and strengthening the multilateral trading system - both in his work in the WTO Secretariat and as a trade diplomat for , where he spent the early and latter parts of his career. After leaving the WTO, Chiedu was instrumental in establishing the Nigerian Office of Trade Negotiations, where he served as Director-General and Chief Trade Negotiator. His historical contribution in chairing the Negotiating Forum of the from June 2017 to March 2018 led to the conclusion of the Agreement Establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area, and leaves a lasting legacy for the future of trade policy on the African continent.

Chiedu's passing leaves a big void in the international trade community and in the lives of those who knew him. Those of us who had the fortune to work with him benefitted greatly from his wealth of knowledge and experience and could draw inspiration from his passion for pursuing the ideals of multilateralism. His boundless energy, professional dedication, and wit will be sorely missed. We send our deepest condolences to his family and loved ones.


N° 95 — August/September 2019

Tribute to Ambassador Chiedu Osakwe

Accession of Tajikistan — Signing Ceremony — Geneva, — December 2012

Accession of Lao PDR — Signing Ceremony — Geneva, Switzerland — October 2012

Accession of Yemen — Signing Ceremony — MC9 Bali, — December 2013


N° 95 — August/September 2019

Accession of Seychelles — Signing Ceremony— Geneva, Switzerland — December 2014 Accession of Kazakhstan— Signing Ceremony — Geneva, Switzerland — July 2015

Accession of Liberia — Signing Ceremony — MC10 Nairobi, — December 2015

Accession of Afghanistan— Signing Ceremony — MC10 Nairobi, Kenya — December 2015


N° 95 — August/September 2019

Special meeting of the Informal Group on Accessions — June 2016

Accessions Division Retreat —June 2016


N° 95 — August/September 2019

WTO Accession Progress Tracker

Multilateral Process

Memorandum on the Working Party Factual Summary of Draft Working Party Report Foreign Trade Regime Established Points Raised (MFTR) • • Bahamas • • Andorra (No documents submitted) • Ethiopia • Belarus • Iran • Sudan • Bhutan • Iraq • Bosnia and • South Sudan Herzegovina • Timor-Leste • Comoros • Equatorial • Uzbekistan • Lebanese Republic • • Serbia • Sao Tome and Principe • Somalia Bilateral Process • Syrian Arab Republic Initial Goods and Revised goods and Draft Goods and Services Offer services offer (Market Services Schedules Access Negotiations)

• Andorra • Algeria • Ethiopia • Azerbaijan • Uzbekistan • Belarus • Bhutan • Bosnia and Herzegovina • Comoros • Lebanese Republic • Serbia

Informal Group on Accessions Meeting — 28 May 2019


N° 95 — August/September 2019

WTO Accessions 2019 — Evolving Work Programme

Accession WP WP Establishment Last WP Meeting State of Play Upcoming Activity

1. Algeria (DZA) 17 June 1987 14WPM, - Preparation of updated Chair: H.E. Mr. José Luís CANCELA 31 March 2014 inputs (replies, LAP, AGSTs, GÓMEZ (Uruguay) LEG) 2. Andorra (AND) 22 October 1997 Inactive 3. Azerbaijan (AZE) 16 July 1997 14WPM, - Preparation of updated Chair: H.E. Dr Walter 28 July 2017 inputs (replies, LAP, AGSTs, WERNER () LEG) 4. The Bahamas (BHS) 18 July 2001 4WPM, - Preparation of updated - 5WPM (Q3) Chair: H.E. Mr. Andrew STAINES 5 April 2019 inputs (replies, EDWPR) (United Kingdom) 5. Belarus (BLR) 27 October 1993 12WPM, - Preparation of updated - 13 WPM (Q4) Chair: H.E. Mr. Kemal 10 July 2019 inputs (replies, LAP, LEG, MADENOĞLU (Turkey) AGST) 6. Bhutan* (BTN) 6 October 1999 4WPM, No activity since 2008 Chair: H.E. Dr. Elisabeth TICHY- 30 January 2008 FISSLBERGER () 7. Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) 15 July 1999 13WPM, - Preparation of updated - Next/final WPM to be held in Chair: H.E. Mr. Atanas 7 February 2018 inputs (replies, LAP as well as 2019 (TBC) PAPARIZOV () DWPR) 8. Comoros* (COM) 9 October 2007 4WPM, - Preparation updated inputs - Circulation of updated inputs Chair: H.E. Mr. Luis Enrique 28 March 2018 (replies, LAP as well as DWPR) - 5WPM (Q3) CHÁVEZ BASAGOITIA (Peru) 9. Equatorial Guinea (GNQ) 5 February 2008 No WPM held to date - Preparation of MFTR - Secretariat's TA mission to Chair: Pending Malabo (TBC) 10. Ethiopia* (ETH) 10 February 2003 3WPM, - Preparation of full range of - 4WPM, Q4 2019 (TBC) Chair: 27 March 2012 updated inputs (LAP, LEG, H.E. Mr Morten JESPERSEN AGST, all questionnaires and () checklists, MA offers, as well as FS) 11. Iran (IRN) 26 May 2005 No WPM held to date - Preparation of updated Chair: Pending inputs (MFTR and MA offers) 12. Iraq (IRQ) 13 December 2004 2WPM, - Updated MFTR circulated in - TA Mission in Baghdad (TBC) Chair: H.E. Mr. Omar HILALE 2 April 2008 Feb. 2018. (Morocco) - Preparation of full range of updated inputs (replies, LAP, LEG, AGST, checklists and questionnaires, MA offers) 13. Lebanese Republic (LBN) 14 April 1999 7WPM, - Updated inputs (AGST, LAP, Chair: Mr. Jean-Paul THUILLIER 28 October 2009 LEG, checklists and (France) questionnaires, as well as DWPR) circulated to WP in April-June 2017 - Preparation of updated MA offers 14. Libya (LBY) 27 July 2004 No WPM held to date Inactive Chair: Mr. Victor ECHEVARRÍA UGARTE () 15. Sao Tome and Principe* (STP) 26 May 2005 No WPM held to date - Preparation of MFTR Chair: Pending 16. Serbia (SRB) 15 February 2005 13WPM, - Preparation of updated - 14WPM (TBC) Chair: H.E. Mrs Marie-Claire 13 June 2013 inputs (AGST, LAP, LEG as well SWÄRD CAPRA () as DWPR) 17. Somalia* (SOM) 7 December 2016 No WPM held to date - Preparation of MFTR - Circulation of MFTR Chair: Pending

18. South Sudan* (SSD) 13 December 2017 1WPM, 21 March - Preparation of updated - TA WTO/ITC mission Chair: H.E. Mr. Mohammad 2019 MFTR, as well as other inputs - 2WPM (TBC) Qurban HAQJO (Afghanistan) (replies, checklists, LAP, LEG, initial MA offers) 19. Sudan* (SDN) 25 October 1994 4WPM, - Updated inputs circulated - 5WPM in 2019 (TBC) Chair: Mr. Katsuro NAGAI () 14 July 2017 (AGSTs, LAP, LEG, as well as FS) circulated in January 2019 20. Syrian Arab Republic (SYR) 4 May 2010 No WPM held to date Inactive Chair: Pending 21. Timor-Leste* (TLS) 7 December 2016 No WPM held to date - Preparation of replies on - Secretariat's TA mission to Dili, Chair: H.E. Mr. Rui MACIEIRA MFTR circulated in July 2017, 2019 (TBC) () as well as other inputs (LAP, - 1WPM, 2019 (TBC) LEG, initial MA offers) 22. Uzbekistan (UZB) 21 December 1994 3WPM, - Preparation of replies on - 4WPM in Q4 2019 (TBC) Chair: H.E. Ms PAIK Ji-ah 14 October 2005 MFTR circulated on 25 July as (Republic of Korea) well as other inputs (LAP, LEG, AGST, all other questionnaires and checklists, MA offers)

Notes: * LDC — AGST (Agricultural Supporting Tables); CVQ (Customs Valuation Questionnaire); DWPR (Draft Working Party Report); FS (Factual Summary of Points Raised); ILQ (Import Licensing Questionnaire); LAP (Legislative Action Plan); LEG (legislation); MA (market access); MFTR (Memorandum on the Foreign Trade Regime); Q1 (1st quarter); STQ (State Trading Questionnaire); TA (technical assistance); WP (Working Party); WPM (Working Party meeting).


N° 95 — August/September 2019

Accessions Anniversary dates — Article XII Members

Article XII Member Membership date SEPTEMBER Panama 6 September 1997 8 September 2000 OCTOBER 13 October 2004

WTO Building — Centre William Rappard

Accessions Toolbox

➔ Accession Working Parties ➔ Accessions Evolving Work Programme

➔ WTO Director-General's Annual Reports on Accessions ➔ Accession Commitments Database (ACDB)

➔ Handbook on Accessions to the WTO ➔ WTO Accessions Internship - "China Programme"

➔ Accession-Related Technical Assistance Activities ➔ Accession processes of Article XII Members, click here

➔ Accession Intelligence Portal (AIP) on the WTO Website ➔ WTO Accessions Newsletters (En, Fr, Es)

Previous WTO Accessions newsletters:

N° 94 — June/July 2019 N° 93— April/May 2019 N° 92— February/March 2019