Table 5

Newer 501(C)(4) Federal Election Programs (2007-2008 Cycle)

MCFL Related Related Notable Activities Organizations Group? PAC? 527?

Has begun an $8-9 million “Bush Legacy Project” to define President Bush’s legacy and portray presumptive Republican presidential nominee John McCain as an extension of Americans United for those policies. Recent national TV ads have stressed the similarity of Bush and McCain NN N Change policies towards Iraq at costs to health care and the economy. The group is headed by Brad Woodhouse whose previous position was spokesman for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

Recently announced planned spending of $1 million+ on “McSame” TV ad showing that McCain is “McSame” as Bush on health care, the economy and Iraq. The ad has already appeared in Ohio (resulting in reporting of $141,000 in TV/ radio electioneering communications within 30 days of a primary) and Pennsylvania. Known to have received Campaign to Defend YN Nthus far $1.3 million from two Section 527 Democratic-oriented groups, $1 million from America The Fund for America and $300,000 from American Family Voices Voters' Alliance- Individual Account. Run mainly by former Washington Director Tom Mattzie and MoveOn co-founder Wes Boyd, this group, observers speculate, could play a leading role boosting Democrats in the upcoming election.

Currently suing Federal Election Commission in order to use undisclosed funds to pay for ads to promote a film critical of which “discusses her Senate record, her White House record during President ’s presidency, and her presidential bid. Some interviewees also express opinions on whether she would make a good president.” Citizens United also envisions a potential film about Barack Obama. The film ads, and Citizens United N Y Y possibly other ads mentioning federal candidates, would be broadcast during the weeks leading up to presidential primaries and the general election when “electioneering communications” must be publicly divulged. An affiliated Republican-oriented 527, The Presidential Coalition, has donated $243,000 to Citizens United so far in this cycle . The group is headed by David Bossie, a veteran conservative political activist who drew public attention as a Republican Congressional investigator during the Clinton scandals. Table 5

Newer 501(C)(4) Federal Election Programs (2007-2008 Cycle)

MCFL Related Related Notable Activities Organizations Group? PAC? 527?

For its debut, this new affiliate of a leading free market-oriented PAC and 527 spent Club For Growth Y Y Y $157,000 in a successful bid to replace a House incumbent with a more conservative candidate in the Republican Primary. All of the money went for TV ads.

Has run automated “push poll” robocalls in several Republican presidential primaries through its TrustHuckabee affiliate. These “personalized educational artificial intelligence polls,” as the group calls them, provided potential voters with information about other candidates’ positions compared with presidential candidate Mike Huckabee’s that might lead them to prefer the latter. A central objective of the calls was to identify Huckabee supporters for the group’s related get-out-the-vote campaigns. Common Sense Issues Common Sense YN Nhas also run ads critical of the positions of the Democratic Senate candidate in Colorado. Issues Common Sense Issues has reported $102,000 in Independent Expenditures but acknowledges that the overwhelming majority of its telephone communications expenditures have not been reported because the group defines them as “issue advocacy.” This organization is directed by Patrick Davis, a veteran Republican operative, who has served as Political Director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

Insiders talk of a $200-$250 million election year program focused on such national “critical issues” as Iraq, Iran and the war on Terror, advancing a conservative agenda and market-based solutions. A spokesman recently indicated, “Ideally we will find areas where those issues intersect with political dynamics.” The group sponsored TV electioneering communications (costing $79,000) the weekend before a December 2007 Freedoms Watch N N N special House election in Ohio’s 5th District. These ads suggested that “liberal” legislators are soft on illegal immigration and accused the Democratic candidate of supporting free health care for immigrants. The group’s 2008 issues campaign will be run by Executive Vice-President Carl Forti, longtime communications director for the National Republican Congressional Committee and recently national political director of the Mitt Romney presidential campaign. Table 5

Newer 501(C)(4) Federal Election Programs (2007-2008 Cycle)

MCFL Related Related Notable Activities Organizations Group? PAC? 527?

Did phone banks and fliers advocating for Barack Obama in the California Democratic presidential primary. Also supported Obama in several other primaries through ground communications, radio and newspaper ads targeted at African-American and Latino voters. Has thus far reported costs of $822,000 for Independent Expenditures and $1,032,000 for Electioneering Communications. The group has also conducted Y Y Y “nonpartisan” voter registration campaign directed at African-Americans in several Southern primaries. The founder-president is Steve Phillips, former President of the San Francisco Board of education and civil rights lawyer, and a major player in national progressive groups including the Democracy Alliance, of which his father-in-law and mother in law, Herb and Marion Sandler, are co-founders.

The Fund seeks to mobilize unmarried women not yet in the political process in order to expand the progressive base. Has spent $142,000 in Independent Expenditures for get Women’s Voices out the vote phone calls and mailings in this year’s Democratic primaries, mainly for two Women Vote Action YN N House races in Maryland and Illinois. A separate entity conducts a national nonpartisan Fund voter registration and get-out-the-vote program. The organization is led by Page Gardner, a veteran senior political and issue campaign strategist.