



W. W. EOWLER, D.Sc, M.A., F.L.S. G. T. PORRITT, F.L.S.

J. J. WALKER, M.A., R.N., F.L.S.




I said that " all the years invent

Each month is various to present

The vrorld with some development."

Tennyson —'TAe Two Voices."


GURNEY & JACKSON (Mb. Van Vooest's Successors),


1905. LONDON



tl 04^00 TwSeo^ 1 — ;

1905. 145

West, Lehia cyanocephala and L. chlorocephala from Box Hill. Mr. Edwards, a number of species of the S. American groups of Papilio, Endoporion, Hectoriden, and Paridea. Mr. Kaye, long series of Jleliconius numafa, showing extensive vari- ations, in the hind-wings particularly; and also pairs of H. sylrana and K. novatns

(?) ; all from British Q-uiana. Mr. Turner, cases of saturntella on broom. Mr. Sich read a paper, entitled, " The Spot we stand on," and illustrated it with lantern slides. Ht. J. Turner, Son. Secretary.

Entomological Society of London: May 3rd, 1905.— Mr. F. Merrifield, President, in the Chair.

Mr. J. Butterworth, B.Sc., was elected a Fellow of the Society.

Mr. M. Jacoby exhibited a series of Xenarthra cervicornis, Baly, from Ceylon,

and drew attention to the curiously complicated structure of the antennae of the

British species except Tephrosia punctulata. Mr. J. J. Walker, (1) two specimens of the very rare Staphylinid, Medon ca.sfaneus, Grav., taken in the Oxford district of sexes of the giant during the last week of April, 1905 ; (2) several examples both flea, Systriehopst/lla talpie, Curtis, from field-mouse nests in the same district and (3) the type-specimen of the Bostrichid beetle, Dinoderux ocellaris, Steph. (taken by the late Prof. Westwood at "Little Chelsea" previous to 1830), from

the Hope Collection at Oxford. Prof. E. B. Poulton read a note on " Heliotropism

in Pararge and Pyrameis," communicated by Dr. G. B. Longstaff. Prof. L. C. Miall communicated a paper on " The Structure and Life History of Psychoda sex- punctata, Curtis," by John Alexander Dell, B.Sc. Dr. D. H. Hutchinson gave an

address on " The Three-colour Process as applied to Photography," illus-

trated by lantern slides of British and Indian Rhopalocera ; the exhibits showing

a marked advance in excellence to anything yet shown at the Society's meetings.

The President at the close of the proceedings heartily congratulated Dr. Hutchinson upon the results of his work. —H. Rowland Brown, Hon. Secretary.



Miss Fountaine, tbe records of whose butterfly-collecting ex-

periences in many countries must have been read with delight by all entomologists, had the kindness to take for me in Algeria during the past summer a large number of Neuroptera. These were sent forward by post from time to time and the perfect condition in which they 146 [June, arrived compares most favourably with almost anything I have seen in the wav of Neuroptera sent from abroad, and speaks of most care- ful collecting and handling, I would like to express here my thanks to Miss Fountaine for the courteous and ready way in which she has assisted me in this matter.

The collection proves to be of much interest, as it adds, as far as I can ascertain, two or three species to the Algerian fauna, and es- pecially it comprises a fine series of the genus Ischnura^ including a species that is certainly new. I propose to describe this new species now, and at the same time to give an annotated list of the other species of Odonata taken—22 in all.

In connection with the following notes it will be found useful to refer to the paper by the late Mr, McLachlan, " Odonata collected by the Eev. A. E. Eaton in Algeria," &c. (Ent. Mo. Mag., xxxiii, July,

1897, pp. 152 — 157). There is a considerable difference in the com- position of the two collections. In point of numbers Miss Fountaine's captures compare well with those of Mr. Eaton — considering that they represent the result of but one season's collecting by one who had no previous knowledge of the Order. There is, however, an absence of some important forms of Mediterranean or North African type. This may be due in part to the fact that Mr. Eaton's came largely from the eastern province of Constantine, while much of Miss Fountaine's collecting was done in the province of Oran, which Mr. Eaton did not visit.

Subfam. Libellulinje.

St/mpetrum fonscolombn, Selys. —The (? of this species when fully udult is in life a beautiful insect, and it much attracted Miss Fountaine, who sent a fine series of it from Sebdou, taken from June 26th till August 8th. It also occurred at Tlemcen, July 12th.

S^mpefrum striolatum, Charp.—T^niet-el-Haad, June 15th and 18th ; Sebdou,

July 1st ; evidently less commonly met with than the next species.

Sympetnnn meridionale, Selys. —Teniet-el-Haad, June 14th and 18th ; Sebdou, from June 27th till August 9th ; also Tlemcen, July 13th.

Crocothemis erythrxa, BruUe.—Biskra, April 2nd and 3rd. McLachlan {I. c.) remarks on the great variation in size and in intensity of colour. The latter no doubt depends on age. These Biskra examples are rather small. Orthetrvm ramhurii, Selys. — Biskra, April 2nd, and Hammam E'Irha, April 11th, about half a dozen specimens, all teneral but one. I think, however, they are certainly all ramburii.

Orthetrnm nitidinerve, Selys. —Teniet-el-Haad, June 8th, 10th, and 17th ; Sebdou, June 23rd to 3()th, and odd specimens on till July 23rd. 1905.] 147

Subfam. Gomphin^.

Onychogomphus furcipalus, L. —Sebdou, June 30th and July 2vA, 2 $ 9 •

Onychogomphus uncatus, Charp. —Teniet-el-Haad, June 13th ; Sebdou, June 24th, 25th, and 30tli. A species apparently of rather western distribution, not taken by Mr. Eaton. On the other hand. Miss Fountaine unfortunately missed O. costie and O. genei, which occurred to Mr. Eaton in the more eastern districts of Algeria in April, May, and June, and which formed a very interesting feature of

his collection.

Oomphus lucasii, Selys. —Teuiet-el-Haad, June 14th and 18th ; two

two ? . A ? from Sebdou, June 25th, remains a little uncertain.

Cordulegaster annulatus, Latr. — Sebdou, June 29th and July 9th ; Tleincen,

July 14th ; one S on each date. Believed to be new to Algeria, although previously striking — jirobably extreme of var. immacuUfrons, known from Morocco ; a form the

Selys. They may almost merit a distinct name, but iny southern material is too small to allow me to pronounce as to this, being confined to a few ^ $ from Digne, Basses Alpes. Subfam. ^schnin^.

JSschna mixta, L.^Teniet-el-IIaad, June 18th, one ? fully mature ; certainly mixta, notwithstanding the early date.

Boyeria Irene, Fonsc. — Sebdou, June 26t]i till July 8th, a few S S and one $ ;

Tlemcen, July 18th, one c? ; a'so new to Algeria. An interesting insect, of build somewhat like the tropical genera Qynacantha and Acanthagyna. Its known range appears to be rather restricted ; Selys, in his 1887 list, gives Southern , the Iberian peninsula, and the Mediterranean islands. I am not sure what the last may comprise, but the species occurs in Sardinia.

Subfam. Caloptertgin^.

Cahpteryx hsemorrhoidalis, Van der L.— Sebdou. A series in mature and

perfect condition, chiefly taken on June 25th, but single specimens are dated July 6th and August 6th and 13th.

Calopteryx exul, Selys. — Sebdou, June 25th. A single (J , slightly imperfect, of this most interesting Algerian form.

Subfam. Ageionin^.

Platycnemis subdilatata, Selys.— Sebdou, June 25th, 26th, and 30th. A varied series (compare Mr. McLachlan, I. c, p. 156, on the subject of the variation of this species). Miss Fountaine was especially struck with the delicate beauty of the white form, the $ of which has a reddish-brown head and thorax.


black. Post-ocular spots moderate. Posterior (J . Head above bronzed margin of prothorax with the central lobe small and rounded. Thorax bronzed blackish, humeral lines obsolete or obsolescent. Abdomen above daj-k, blackish or sides of these segments pale greenish-black : segments 1 and 2 with metallic sheen, blue; segments 3 to 7 bronzed black, 8 pale blue, 9 and 10 black above. In . .

148 [June,'lf>05.

segment 3 the bronze is broadest in front, then narrows, ex|jancUng again towards

the liind margin ; 4 and 5 rather narrowly black widening towards the hind margin, and in 6 the black becomes rapidly broader, 7 being entirely black above ; the lateral posterior part of 7 and tiie sides of 8, 9, and 10 blue ; under-side of abdomen mainly yellow. The bronze on the upper surface of the middle segments

seems to be rather narrower than in the other species.

In the (f the dorsal tubercle of segment 10 is little raised, but tlie excision is wide. The superior appendages are produced into a long process turned inwardly, these processes being closely approximated but not crossing ; these appendages are blackish above, but beneath they are whitish or pale testaceous. The inferior

appendages are large, nearly vertical, with an acute black tooth turned inwards, in

some aspects traces of one or two minute teeth ; excepting the teeth, all whitish.

In the only $ which can be associated with the $, the posterior lobe of the prothorax is distinctly raised somewhat triangular, the apex, however, almost

truncate. Segment 1 of abdomen witli an almost square bronzed mark ; 2 with the

bronze sliglitly narrowed behind.


Biskra, 2nd April.

Apparently very distinct from all the other species of Isclinura found in Europe and Northern Africa, the inferior appendages of the

cJ being especially different. It differs from /. graellsii in the absence of the dorsal tubercle on the second segment of the abdomen,

this tubercle being a character of Isclinura maroccana also {cf. Kolbe,

Berliner Ent. Zeitschr. Ed. xxviii, 1884, p. 133). McLachlan (Ent. Mo.

Mag., XXV, p. 349), expressed the view that these two species were the

same. Be that as it may, neither has anything to do with the present

species, and I. lamellata, Kolbe, seems to be equally excluded.

Ischnura graellsii, Rbr. —Sebdou, various dates, June 23rd to 3Uth. The examples are very similar to others before me from several Spanish localities (received from Father Navas).

Ischnura sp. ?— Biskra, April 2nd. I am unable to satisfy myself with regard to this form. I submitted two $ to Dr. Ris, who inclines to the view that they do not differ specifically from graellsii. The appendages are very similar, yet I think there are slight differences. Then the posterior margin of the prothorax shows converging pale crests separated by a slight excision, in this respect different from graellsii. The peculiar structure noticeable on the dorsum of the 2nd abdominal segment is also much less pronounced than in graellsii {cf. McLachlan, Ent. Mo. Mag., XXV, p 349). These must remain doubtful until an opportunity arises of studying Isch. genei, to which species, it seems to me, they are allied.

Fyrrhosoma tenellum, Vill. —Sebdou, August 8th, I ^

Agrion mercuriale, Charp. — Sebdou, June 25th, 1 J

Agrion cserulescens, Fonsc. —Sebdou, June 23rd, 2*ith, and 30th. Both sexes.

Personally I have not seen Agrion scitulum from Algeria, although it is recorded .

July, 1905. 149

from that country. I have, however, received cmrulescens from Algeria under the

name of scitulum ; the two species are, without doubt, often confused.

Lestes viridis, Van der L. —Sebdou, August 3rd and 8th. A fine series of both sexes.

Si/mpycna fusca, Van der L.—Teniet-el-ITaad, June 16th ; Sebdou, June 25th and 26th.

Explanation of Figures (Ischmcra fountainei)

1. Apex of abdomen from behind. 2. Superior appendage viewed more from above (more enlarged). 3. Apex of abdomen from above.

4. Apex of abdomen from side.

13, Blackford Road,

Edinburgh : IWi February, 1905.



{Continued from page 132).


I did not detect any ordinary parasite affecting H. hyerana. No larva afforded any ichneumon cocoons or Dipterous pupse, and apart from a few casualties, every larva that spun up produced a .


Special Indkx {cnntinued)— coniributors . Lepidoptcra x General Index Neuroptera xiii — Special Index Orthoptera : xiii Aphaniptera vi Genera and Species new to Britain xv Coleoptera vi ,, „ ,, ,, ,, Science xiv Diptera viii Explanation of Plates xvi Hemiptera "x Hymenoptera x Errata xvi I

INDEX TO CONTRIBUTORS. PAGE Adams, P. C, F.Z.S 94,138,236 Fletcher, W. H. B., M.A., F.E.S 276 Andrews, H. W 71 Fowler, Rev. Canon W. W., D.Sc, M.A., F.E.S 280 Arnold, G 211,261 Gibbs, A. E 117 Attlee, H. G 69 Giles, Lt.-Col. G. M., I.M.S 129 Austen, E. E 57, 276 Green, E. E., F.E.S 28 Bagnall, R. S., F.E.S 86, 135, 162, 258 Grimshaw, P. H., F.E.S 173, 239, 245 Bailey, J. H., M.B 21,90,207 Harwood, B. S 262 Bankes, E. R, M.A., F.E.S 70, 71, 89 Harwood, P. 117 Barraud, P. H., F.E.S 43 H Holland, 257 Barrett, C. G.,jun 117 W Jeffrey, W. 235 Beare, Prof.T. Hudson, B.Sc, F.R.S.E., &c. R 18, 19, 117, 176 Jones, A. H., F.E.S 254

Bed well, E. C, F.E.S 67, 159, 256, 279 Joy, N. H., M.R.C.S., F.E.S 16, 184, 209, 257, 274 Bignell, G. C, F.E.S 214 Knaggs, 211 Billups.C.R 185 H. 0., M.D Long.staff, G. B., M.D., F.E.S. .44, 69, 112, Bloomfield, Rev. E. N., M.A., F.E.S 41, 184 43,93 Mrs. 10 Bryant, G.E. 69,159 Mann, H.E Mathew, G. F., R.N., F.L.S 132 Burr, M., B.A., F.L.S 84, 185 77, Cameron, M., M.B., R.N., F.E.S 179 Meyrick, E., B.A., F.R.S 226 Morice, Rev. F. D., M.A., F.E.S 63 Capper, S. J., F.E.S 237 Carter, A. E. J 163 Morley, C, F.E.S 47, 118, 214 E. Champion. G. C. F.Z.S 15,66,88, 161, Morse, W 93 179, 210, 224, 235, 236 Mortimer, C. H 261

Chapman, T. A., M.U., F.Z.S. ...18, 100, 129, Mot-ton, K. J., F.E.S 1, 33, 145 149, 211 Nevinson, E. B., F.E.S 21, 22 Chitty, A. J., M.A., F.E.S. 47,66,91 Newbery, E. A 69, 93, 115, 162, 279 Crawshay, Rev. G. A., M.A 8, 159, 223 Porritt, G. T., F.L.S 47, 211, 236 Cruttwell, Rev. Canon C. T., M.A., Reuter, Prof. 0. M 64 F.E.S 209, 259 Rollo, D 158 Day, F. H., F.E.S 20 Rothschild, Hon. N. C, M.A., F.L.S...60, Distant, W. L., F.E.S 94 139, 255 Donisthorpe, H. St. J., F.Z.S 19, 256 Rowland-Brown, H., M.A., F.E.S. .23, 49, 76, EUiman, E.G 20 98, 122, 145, 186, 264, 282 PAGE PAGE Saunders, E., F.R.S 212,213,262 Walker, J. J., M.A., H.N., F.L.S. ...138, 180, 216, Sharp, D., M.A., M.B., F.R.S lis, 271 228,234,265 Walsiughaui, Rt. Hon. Lord, M.A., LL.D., Sharp, W. E., F.E.S 87,92,280 F.R.S 37, 124 Sopp, E. J. B., F.E.S 46, 49, 142, 165 Waterhousc, E. A 234 Taylor, J. K 27,4(3,257,280 VVaterhouse, G. A., F.E.S 13 Thuniall, A 260 Wesch^ W., F.R.M.S 227

Toiiilin, J. R. le H., M.A., F.E.S. . 20, 37, 69, 142, 165, 235, 252 VVhitaker, G. S 235 VVillsou, Turner, H. J., F.E.S 22, 74, 98, 123, 143, T. I) 260 166, 186, 237, 264 Wood, J. H., M.B 5 Verrall, G. H., F.E.S 50, 81, 1U8, 167, Wood, Rev. Theodore, F.E.S 280 ls8, 247, 279

Waiuwright, C. J., F.E.S 48, 72, 141, 199


Abraxas grossulariata var. varlejata, at Huddersfield ... 211

Acrognathus niandibularis, Gryll., &c., near Woking ...... 161

Algeria, Odonata from ...... 145

Algerian Micro- ...... 37, 124

Amara anthobia, Villa, a British insect, 87 ; at Chatham, 117 ; compared with

familiaris and lucida, 159 ; on the Lancaohire coast ...... 2o7

Anisotoma, Illig., On the Coleopterous genus ...... 257

Anisotoma furva, Er., at Skegness, 93 ; oblonga, Er., Synonymical notes ... 198

Antipodean Field Notes, III : a sketch of the Entomology of Sydney ... 216, 228, 265

Apion astragali, Payk., at Oxford, 257 ; brunnipes. Boh. (^^ laaviyatum, Kirby), in Suffolk 256

Aphodius, 111., The genus, in the Isle of Man ...... 90

Aplecta nebulosa, Hufn., two pupse in same cocoon ...... 71

Apteropeda orbiculata. Marsh., and its food-plants ...... 210

Argyresthia illuminatella, Zell., in Britain ...... 226

Atenieles emarginatus and Claviger testaceus in N. Wales ...... 20

Baris T-album, Linn., and B. pilistriata, Steph...... 224

Berkshire, Coleoptera from...... 209

Bledius femoralis, Qyll-, near Wellington College ...... 280 Callimyia elegantula. Fall., and Agathomyia boreella, Zett., in Herefordshire... 5

Ceuthorrhynchus cochleariae, Gyll., with 6-jointed funiculus ...... 69

Cimbex connata, Schr...... 214

Clinocara tetratoma, Thoms., in Dei'byshire ...... 46

Cnephasia communana, H.-S., in Surrey ...... 260

Coccidae, Some Javanese, with descriptions of new species ...... 28

Coenonympha pamphilus, Note on larva of ...... 18

Coleophora lixella, Z., remarkable larval case ...... 70

Coleoptera, Captures of, 280 ; Recent captures of, 235 ; at Kannoch, 18 ; in

Sutherlandshire and at Aviemore, Inverness-shire, 209 ; in the I'lan- Tring, nan Islands, 19 ; at 20 ; casual captures in 1904, 67 ; in the

Oxford district, 180 ; Manx, 252 ; from Berkshire, 209 ; in the New

Forest, 235 ; Three species new to Britain...... 274 ;

111. PAGE

Cncpliasia communana, H.-S., in Surrey ...... 260

Criocephalus rusticus, ]Jej., another new British Longicorn ...... 15

Dermaptera, Dcvscriptions of five new, 84 ; Exotic, wanted ...... 185

Diboha cynoglossi, Kocii, Food-plant of ...... 256

Dicliroramiilia flavidorsana, Knaggs, ^ D. questionana, Zeller, at Folkestone... 211

Dlptera, an addition to the British list, 227 ; in New Forest, 93 ; in 1904, 71,

138 ; rare, in 1903, 72 ; Terminology of the leg bristles of 173

Dipterous enemy of English hot-house grapes, A ...... 276

Dolichopodidee, List of British, with tables and notes ... 50, 81, 108, 167, 188, 247

Dolichopodidae, two species taken in Scotland ...... 279

Douglas, The late J. W., as a writer on CoccidsD...... 262

Dragon- iiunting in Eastern ...... 1,33

Ectropis (Tephrosia) consonaria, lib., ab. nigra, nov. ab...... 89 Editorial 27

Elater ajthiops, Lac, of British collections ...... 210

Emergence, Curious dates of ...... 211

Erigone, Two additional British species of the Dipterous genus ...... 57

Epursea longula, Er., and other Nitidulidaj in the Derwent Valley ...... 162

Euloba, Westwood, On the Heteropterous genus ...... 236

Eupitheeia estensaria, Note on ...... 260

Flannan Islands, Coleoptera in the ...... 19

Flea, A new British, Ceratophyllus farreni (spec, nov.), with a plate ...... 255

Formica fusca, race gagates, in the New Forest ...... 211

Geometer from Hong Kong, A new ...... 184

Gnorimus nobilis, L., at Woolwich ...... 159

Gyrophaena pulchella, Heer, in Scotland ...... 92

F., Harpalus discoideus, and Metcecus paradoxus at Leighton Buzzard, 45 ; honestus, Duft., at Streatley, Berks ...... 257

Hastula hyerana. Mill, (with plates). Some observations on ... 100, 129, 149

Heniiptera in Miller's Dale, Buxton, and Sherwood Forest ...... 27

Herefordshire, Diptera in ...... 5

Hertfordshire, Notes on a light-trap in ...... 43

How fade ...... 118

Hydrobius fuscijjcs, L., var. ajneus, Sol...... 138

Hydroporus bilineatus, Sturm, British form of ...... 66

Hydrotaea, The British species of ...... 245

Hymenoptera, Some Welsh, with note on Oxybelus mucronatus and its prey

also relationship of Osmia xanthomelana and Sapyga ...... 261

Hymenoptera and Hemiptera in the Mendips ...... 212

Hymenoptera Aculeata at Lyme Regis, 21 ; during 1904, 117 ; in the New Forest 261

Jumping beans, The movements of ...... 158

Lsemosthenes complanatus, Dej., in Sheppey ...... 234

Larva of Coenonympha pamphilus ...... 18

Ledra aurita, Note on ...... 214

" Lepidoptera of the British Islands," The late Mr. C. G. Barrett's ...... 117

Lepidoptera. Micro-, in Algeria, 37, 124 ; taken in a moth-trap at Ditching-

ham, Suffolk, 10 ; iu Hertfordshire, 117 ; at Mortehoe, North Devon,

in 1904, 69 ; Suffolk, in 1904, 41 ; in Scotland 259 .


Leptothoras tiiberiiin, Note on the behaviour of. .. 22

Leptusa aiialis, GjlL, &c., in Teesdale, Co. Durham 258

Leucania favicolor, Barrett, Life history of, and notes on, 77, 1U4, 132 ; and Epichnopteryx reticella, Newni, in Suffolk 43

Libellula fulva at Colchester ...... 262

Libythea geoffroyi nicevillei, Ollifl 13

Limnophilus elegans in the Isle of Man ... 47 Limotettix stactogala, Fieb., at Ryde 47

Locusta viridissima, &c.. Abundance of, at Deal ... 236

Longitarsus curtus. All., in Kent ... 92

Lophosia ftisciuta, Mg., in the New Forest 236 Lycsena argus, L., var. hypochiona, Ramb., on the North Downs 254 Lymexylon navale, Linn., in the New Forest 179

Macropterous Nabis, &c., at Colchester ... 262

Malachius barnevillei, L^i Put., an addition to the British list, ; Dinosus, Er.,

66, 88 ; vulneratus, Ab., in Sheppey 234 Manx Coleoptera, Further notes on 252 Medon castaneus, Grav., near Oxford 138

Megacronus formosus. Or. ... 279

Meligethes obscurus, Er., in the Isle of Man, with notes on the flowers it

frequents ... 21

Microglossa, Notes on three species of ... 184

Myelophila cribrella on the Kentish Rag near Ashford ...... 235

Nebria gyllenhali, Sch., The British variation of...... 280

Neoclytus erythrocephalus, F., in Lancashire ... 92

Neuroptera in Switzerland ...... 1,33

New Forest, Coleoptera in, 235 ; Diptera in 71, 93, 138

Obituaeies :— Barrett, C. G., F.E.S., 25 ; Beaumont, Alfred, F.E.S., 95 ;

Brauer, Prof. F. M., Hon. F.E.S., 73 ; Buckton, G. B., F.R.S.,

282 ; Cambridge, Frederick O. Pickard, 97 ; Daltry, Thos.

Wm., M.A., F.L.S., 215 ; Douglas, J. W., F.E.S., 221 ;

Fry, Alexander, 119 ; Johnson, W., 237 ; Saussure, Henri

L. F. de, Hon. F.E.S., 119 ; Walker, Rev. F., D.D.. 97

Ocladius from Perini, Description of a new species 179

Ocyusa maura, Er., and O. picina, Aubd ... 91 Odonata collected by Miss Fountaine in Algeria, with description of a new

species of Ischnura ... 145

Orchestes sparsus, Fabr., as a British insect, 115 ; in the New Forest 20

Osphya bipunctata, F., near Peterborough 209

Oxytelus fulvipes, Er., in Sherwood Forest 279

Phytobius muricatus in Cumberland 20

Pocota apiformis, Schrank, at Colchester .. 262 Pselaphus dresdensis, Herbst, near London 159

Psocidse at Woking ...... 213

Ptinus pilosus, Boield., Synonymic note ...... 93

Pulex cheopis, Rothsch., at Plymouth ... 139 addition to the Quedius xanthopus, Er., at Sherwood, 80 ; variabilis, Heer, an of, in Suffolk 279 British list, 197 ; nigrocoeruleus, Rey, Re-occurrence " :" Reviews : PracHeal Hints for the Field Lepirlopterist, part iii by J. W. Tiitt, F.R.S., 73; "The Hemiptora of Suffolk:" by Claude Morley, F.K.S., 120; "Monograph of the Anopheles Mos- quitoes of India :" by S. P. James, M.B., I. M.S., and W. Glen Listen, M.D., I. M.S., 122; "Queen Hearing in England, with notes on a Scent-producing Organ in the Worker Bee. The Honey Bees of India, and Knemies of the Honey Bee in :" " South Africa by F. W. L. Sladen, F.E.S., 140 ; Report of Work of the Experiment Station of the Hawaiian Sugar

Planters' Association, Division of Entomology. Bulletin i,

pt. 1. Leaf Hoppers and their natural enemies (Pt. i, Dry- :" inidsB) by R. C. L. Perkins, 185 ; Ditto, ditto (Pt. iii,

Stylopidse), 2H3 ; '' Entomologen-Addressbuch. The Ento- mologist's Directory, Annuaire des Entotnologistes ;" W. " Junk, 237 ; A Study of the Aquatic Coleoptera and their surroundings in the Norfolk Broads District," by Frank Balfour Browne, M. A., F.R.S.E.. F.Z.S 263

Rhamphomyia tenuirostris. Fall., taken in the New Forest ...... 94

Rhizotrogus ochraceus, Knoch, a good species, 16 ; solstitialis, L., Flight of 46

Rhopalomesites tardyi, Curt., in the Isle of Man ...... 207

Satyrus semele. The attitude of, at rest ...... 44

Sawflies, Three new British ...... 63

Scents of the males of some common English butterflies ...... 112

Schizoceros furcatus, Vill., at Chattenden Roughs ...... 47

Scotland, Coleoptera at Rannoch, 18 ; in Sutherlandshire and at Avieniore,

209; Diptera in, 163 ; Lepidoptera in ...... 259

Scymnus livid us, Bold, a synonym of S. testaceus. Mots...... 162

Silvanus mercator, Fauv., a species of Coleoptera new to Britain, 37 ; at

Merton, Surrey ...... 69

Societies : Birmingham Entomological Society, 48, 141, 164 ; Entomological Society of London, 23, 49, 76, 98, 123, 145, 186, 264, 283; Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society, 48, 142, 165 ; South London Entomological, &c., Society, 22, 74, 98, 122, 143,166,186,237 264

Stephanocircus dasyuri, Skuse, and simsoni, sp. n. (with a plate) ...... 60

Strangalia aurulenta. Fab., in Devonshire ...... 69

Stratiomyiidse, Larvae of the : an appeal ...... us

Suffolk Lepidoptera in 19U4, 41 ; at Ditchingham, 10 ; Leucania favicolor and Epichnopteryx reticella in ...... 43

Switzerland, Neuroptera in...... 1^33

Tachinid, Note on a...... 72

Tachinidae, Notes on, I ...... 199

Tenthredinidse, Three new British ...... 53 Esher, sp. at Tetropium castaneum at 69 ; ?, Leighton Buzzard, 223 ; Species

of, that have been found in Britain ...... 271

Tortrix pronubana, Hb., a species new to the British list, in Sussex ...... 276 Triplax bicolor, Gyll., a species of Coleoptera new to the British catalogue,

86, 135 ; The European species of the genus, with notes on the British species ...... 175

Tropideres sepicola, F., at Colchester ...... 262

Urostylinse, Dr. Reuter on the ...... 94

Urostylis instructivus, a new species of the family Urostylidae...... 64

Vanessa antiopa in Kent ...... 26O

vulgaris, large of ...... Vespa A community ...... g Harris, occurring in Xanthandrus comtus, May ...... X85

flavieollis. Marsh., its varieties ...... Zeugophora and ...... 225 ;


APHANIPTERA. PAGK PAGR Bryaxis wiiterbou>;ei 68

Ceratophj'llus favreni (sp. n.), 255 ; hilli.. 60 Bytbinus curtisi 182 Pulex clieopsis 139 Calliceru'; obscurus, 181 ; rigidicornis, 69, 235

Stephanocircus dasyuri (sp. ii.), simsoni .. 61 Callidinm variabile, &c 235 Carabus glabratus 68 COLEOPTERA. Catops sericatus 181

Ceocepbalus interiiatus, 268 ; tenuipes .. 268 Abdera flexuosa 258 C'epbalodesmius armiger 269 Achthosus westwoodi, laticornis 269 Ceuthorrbyncbidius borridns, 181; daw- 161 Acrognatbus mandihnlaris soni 68 Adelium geniale, poi'catum 269 Ceuthorrbyncbus cochlearia% 69 ; hirtu- Enigma iris 267 lus, 210; resedae, viduatus 183

Agathidium convexum, &c., 182 ; nigri- Cbffitocnema sablbergi 68 penne 182, 209, 258

(!Iholeva grandicollis, 20 ; spadicea 182

Aleochava brevipennis, 183 ; cuniculorum, Chrysninela didymata, 183; goettirigensis 280 67, 181 Cicindela ypsilon, mastersi 270 Amara antbobia, 87, 117, 159, 257 ; con- patricia, sularis, 181 ; curta, 279 ; C'is bilamellatus 280 182, 257 Cistelaatra 280 Ampbicyllis globus 182 Olaviger testaceus 20 Amphotis marginata 209 Cleonus sulcirostris 279 Anisodactylus pojciloides 234 Clerus foi'inicarius 19

Anisotoma algirica, anglica, 198 ; badia, Clinocara tetratonia 46 182; ciliavis, &c.,257 ; cinnamomea, Coiiopalpus testaceus... 182 ; heydeni, 182, 198 furva, 93 ; grandis, Creopbilus erythrocephalus 270 lucens, oblonga, 198 ; punctulata, 182: rugosa 181 Crepidodera nitidula 182 Anitys rubens 68 Criocepbalus rusticus 15

... Anobium denticolle 67 Cryptophagus populi, 181 ; pubescens, Anoplodera sexguttata 68 182; vuficornis 68 Anthaxia nitidula 68 Cychrus rostratus 181 Antheropbagus pallens 209 Cyrtotriplax bipustulata 235 Apbela algarum 270 Dacne fowleri (sp. n.) 274 Dendropbilus punctatus 184, 234 Apbodius granarius, 271 ; lapponum, 68, Dibolia cy noglossi 258 ; lividus, 271 ; porcus, &c 90 256

Apion affine, 183 ; annulipes, 20 ; astra- Dicrocbile gigas, goryi 269

gali, 257 ; brunnipes, 256 ; filirostre, Donacia tbalassina, &c 183

; limonii, 68 pallipes, pubescens, 182 ; Dorcatoma flavicornis ... 68 sanguineum, schonberri 181 Elater n?tbiops, 210 ; elongatulus, 68, Apteropeda orbiculata 210 lythropterus, 235 ; nigerrimus, 210 brevis 267 Arthropterus pomonae, 235 ; sanguinolentus 280 Asemum striatum 19, 210 Elmis volkmari 68 Atemeles emarginatus 20 Encepbalus complicans 181 sodalis 20 Badister Enicmus testaceus, 182 ; brevicornis 275 Bagous glabrirostris 253 Epicosmius australis 268 Balaninus betulse 209 Epitrix atropse 182

Baris pilistriata, T-album . : 224 Epuraea longula, obsoleta, parvula, 162 ; Bembidium fluviatile, &c 209 pusilla 19

Bledius femoralis, 280 ; talpa 280 Eryx ater 209 Bolboceras proboscidium 269 Eubria palustris 183

Bracbytarsus varius ...., 182 Euconnus denticornis 182 ; ;


PAGE PAGE Eiiplectus ainbignns 253 Lymexylon navale 179 Gempylodes tmetus 268 Macrogyn;s oblongus 271

Geodiomicus globulicollis 209 Malachius barnevillei, 15 ; ruficollisi, 280 Gnathoncus nannetensis 234 spinosus, 66; vuliieratus 88, 234 Gnorimus nobilis 159,235 Mantnra matthewsi 182

Graphoderes ciiiereus 263 Mecynotarsus albellus 270

Gyranusa bvevicollis 253 Medoii castaneus 188 Megacronus formosus 279 Gyrophaena pulchella, 92 ; strictula 181 Ha}nionia appendiculata 183 Megatoma undata 67 Haliplus confinis, var. pallens 183 Melanopbthalma distingueiida 275 Haplocnemus nigricornis 182 Melanotus castanipes 19 Melasis buprestoides 183 Harpalus discoideus, 45 ; honestus 257 Meligethes obscurus 21,162 Helluo costatus ... 268

Helops coeruleiis 67 Mesosa nubila 235

Heptaulacus villosus 181 Methypbora postica 270 Hololeius nitidulus 269 Metoecus paradoxus 45 Homalosoma cyaneum 267 Miarus plantarum 182

Honiffiodytes scutellavis 269 Microglossa gentilis, 185 ; marginalis, nidicola, 184 puUa 181,184 ; Homalota cambrics, 253 ; clavigera, 20 ; Miscodera arctica 68 insecta, 183 ; intermedia, 20 ; lan-

guida, 183 ; scapularis, 181 ; vali- Monotoma rufa, &c 234 diuscula 20 Mordella fasciata 182 Hydnobius puiictatissimus, stiigosvis..l8'2, 209 Mordellistena abdominalis, lateralis 182

Hj'drobius fuscipes, var. aeiiens 138 Myrmedonia collaris 183 Hydroporus bilinea'us, var. hopffgarteni, Mystropomns subcostatus 268 6'^; scalesianus 263 Nacerdes melanura 280 Hylesinus oleiperda 182 Nebria gyllenhali, and vars 68, 280

Hypocyptus seminulum 182 .. Neoclytus caprea, 93 ; erythroceplialus 92 181 HypophloBus bicolor 68, . Neuraphes angulatus, 253 ; elongatulus . 20

Ilybius fenescens 67 Ocladius walkeri (sp. n.), Cameron 179 Ips quadriguttata 162 Ocypus pedator 68 Ipsaphes bicolor, mserosus 268 Ocyusa maura, picina 91 Ischnomera ccerulea, sanguinicollis 235 Omosita depressa lf'2 bimaculatus, 68 monilis... Lfemophloeus ; 275 Oncomera femoi-ata 280 Laemosthenes complanatus 234 Onthophilus sulcatus .. 182 Lampriraa .senea 269 Opilo mollis 97,235 Lamprinus saginatus 181 Orchesia micans 279 Lathrobium filiforme 183 Orchestes sparsus 20,115 Lebia chlorocephala 183 Orobitis cyaneus 182, 253 Lemidia hilaris 270 Orthocbsetes setiger 182 Leptinus testaceus 182 Osphya bipunctata 209 Leptura scutellata 235 Oxytelus fairmairei, 20 ; fulvipes 280 258 Leptusa analis Pamborus alternans 268 Liparochrns silphoides 269 PanagDeus 4-pustulatus 182 Liosomus ovatulus, var. collaris 182 Patrobus assimilis, 68, 254 ; septentrionis 68 Lissonotus nebulosus 269 Pheropsophus verticalis 268 Litargus bifasciatus 68, 275 Philonthus corvinus, 20 ; fucicola 280

agilis, curtus, 92 ; dis- Longitarsus 182 ; Pliyllobrotica quadriraaculata 182

; flavicornis, 183 tiuguendus, 20 Phymatopterus piceus 267

holsaticus, 182 ; tabidus 20 Phytobius muricatus 20 Lyctus brunneus 280 ;

Till. PAGE niPTERA. Phytoecia cylindrica 18'2 PAGE Phytosus balticus, iiigriventris 235 Acbalcus ciiiereiis flavicollis 172 Platydema 4-spilotuin 269 Acidia lycbnidis 7,139 Platystethus nitens 280 Actia frontalis 7,207 Pselaphus dresdensis 20, 159 Agatlioniyia boieella, 6 ; viduella 5 Psylliodes hyoscyami 182 Alloeoneui'us 193 Ptinus tectus 93 Aiiepsiomyia flaviveiiti'is 248 Ptomaphila lachvymosa 270 Anthrax civcumdata 72

Quedius lateralis, 20; nigrocoeruleus, 279 ; Aphrosylus celtiber, 249 ; forox, raptor .. 250

variabilis, 197 ; ventralis, 67 ; xan- Argyra, 82 ; argyria, atriceps, confinis, thopus 80 elongata 83 Rhagium indagator 19 Atlierix crassipes, 72, 139 ; inarginata...71, 139 Rhantus adspersus, 263 pulverosus 270 ; Atylotus fulvus , 71, 93 Rhizophagus dispar, 162; perforatus 163 Bathycranium bicolorellum 247 Rhizotrogus ochraceus 16 Callimyia dahlbomi, 8 ; elegantula 5 Rhopalomesites tardyi 207 Callipbora erythrocephala 175 interpunctatus 182 Rhynchites Cauipsicnemus, 193 ; annatus, curvipes, Rhyncolus ater 19 loripes, magius, 194 ; pectinulatus,

picticornis, pusillus, scambus .. 194 ; Saprinus australiifi, 270 metallicus, 279 ; 195; virescens 181 Ceroplatus tipuloides 139

Sartallus signatus 270 Chilosia bergenstammi 139

Scaraphites macleayi 268 Chrysochlamys ruficornis 139

Scymnus lividus, 161 ; mulsauti 162 Chrysotimus concinnus, molliculus 248

Seirotrana catenulata 269 Chrysotoxum arcnatum, 163; elegans ... 94 Silvanus mercator 37,69 Chrysotus, 53; amplicornis, 55; anguli-

cornis, ; blepharoscelis, ; cilipes, Staphylinus fulvipes, 18 ; pubescens 253 56 55

54 ; cupreus, 55 ; feraoratus, gra- Stenus atratulus, civcularis, loiigitarsis .. 183 54 ; mineus, 56; laesus, 55; melampodius, Strangalia aurulenta 162 microcerus, monochsetus, 66 palus- Telephorus figuvatus, var. scotieus 209 ; tris, 55 ; pulchellus, 54 ; varians ... 57 Tetratoma fungovura 46, 181 Ccelom^'ia moUissima 164

Tetropium castaneum, 69 ; crawshayi (sp. Conops ceriiformis, vesicularis 94

n.), fuscum, gabrieli, 271 ; gracili- Craspedothrix vivipara 207 corne, 272 ; luridum, 271 ; parcuin Ctenophora ornata 139 (sp. n.), 272; ? sp 223 Thalycra sericea 161 Cynomyia alpina 163 Diaphorus dorsalis, Throscus carinifrons 161, 182 cyanocephalus, 81; halteralis, 82; hofFmanseggii,- nigri- Trachys minuta, 182; pumila 181, 182

cans, oculatus, tripilus, 81 ; winthemi 82 Ti-iarthron markeli 161 Didea alneti, 72 ; fasciata, intermedia ... 94 Trichius fasciatus 19 Dolichopodidai 50, 81, 108, 167, 188, 247

Triplax senea, 178 ; bicolor, 86, 135, 178 ; Dolichopus argyrotarsis, 279 ; clavipes ... 164 lacordairei 178 Drosopbila ampelophila, melauogaster ... 276 Tropideres sepicola 262 Ectomus alpinus 195 Tropiphorus elevatus 19 Erigone, 57, 204 ; appendiculata, 58, 204 Trox australasiae, 2.0; sabulosus 181 consobrina, 60 ; intermedia, 58 ; ue- Trypodendron lineatum 19 morum, 205; pectinata, 57; rudis, 60, Tychius scbneideri 68 205 ; strenua, 69 ; truncata 58, 204 Zeugophora flavicollis 225 Eristalis cryptarum, 72, 94, 139 ; rupium 163 Exorista agnata, antennata, fugax, gliriua, grossa, intermedia 206

Gymnopternus assimilis, 62 ; clialybseus, metallicus 53 ; ;



Hercostomus atrovirens, 51, 250 ; chry- Phytomyptera nitidiventiis 207 soz3'gos, 51 ; cretifer, 50 ; fulvi- I'ipizella flavitarsis 163 caudis, germanus, 51 gracilis, 50 ; Pipunculus arimosus 7 nigriplantis, parvilainellatus, plagia- Pocota apifovrais 262 tus 51 Porphyrops, 109; antennata, 110; consob-

Hoinalorayia difficilis, 7 ; monilis 164 riiia, 112; cvassipes, 111; discolor, Hydi-ophorus bipunctatus, bisetus, 192 112; eloiigatula, 111; fascipes, 111, borealis, 193; litoveus, 192; nebu- 251 ; gravipe.s, 110, 279; longilamel- losus, 193; pi-iEcox, 192; rufibarbis, latns. 111, 279; micans, nasuta, 112; 193; viridis 192 nemorum, patellitarsis, patula, pec- HydrotsBa, 239; ciliata, 243; cyrtoneurina, tinata. 111 ; peiiicillata, prserosa,

deiitipes, ; palius- 244 occulta, 243 ; riparia, 110; rivalis, 111,279; simp- trica, 245; pilipes, 164, lon- 246; lex, spinicoxa, 110 ; tenuis 112 daiiii, 246; similis 164,245 Prosopaja sp 72 Hyetodesia pallida... 163 Ptilops nigvita 206 Hypoderma lineata 94 Rbamphomjda tenuirostris 94 Hypophyllus discipes, obscurellus 52 Uliapbium loHgicorne 108 Icterica westennanni 94 Roeselia, 202 ; antiqua, pallipes 203 Lainpro';broraus elegaus 53,251 Scellus dolichocerus, notatus, spiniraanus.. 191 Leptomorpbus walkeri 139 SchoBnopbilus versutus 249 Leucostola vestita 83 Scoliocentra villosa 139

Liancalus . lacustris, 193; viiens ... 164, 193 Sphegiiia clunipes 139 Limnobia aiiDuIus 93 Sympycnus ajneicoxa, cirripes, nigriti-

Liraiiophora solitaria 163 liialis, spiculatus 196 Lophosia fasciata 236 Syntormon biseriatus, denticulatus, 171

Macbaeriura maritimsB 108 sulcipes, 172 ; tarsatus, 171, 252 Machimus rusticus 72 zelleri 172 Maci'ostomus 94 Syrpbus arcticus, compositarum 163 Systenus, Mallota cimbiciformis 94 169, 251 ; adpt'opinquans, bi- paititus, Medeterus, 188; apicalis, 189; dendvo- leucui-us, 170, 251 ; scholtzii, bsenug, 191; diadema, flavipes, 190; 169, 251; teller 251

; Tabanus cordiger, 139; sudeticus inicaceus, 189 obscurus, 190 ; pal- 71, 163

lipes, 189; petrophilus, 191; tristis. . 189 Teuchophorus calcaratus, 195 ; monacan-

thus, pectiuifer, ; Melangyna quadrimaculata ... 94 196 signatus, 195 ; Melanostolus melancbolicns 81 simplex 196 Melanostoma mellinuiu 151 Thereva annulata 261

Metopia amabilis, leucocephala 163 Thinopbilus, flavipalpis, ruficornis 249

Micromorphus albipes 248 Thrypticus bellus, 83 ; divisus, smarag- diiius, sp 108 Micropalpus coraptus, fulgens, 200 ; lia;- Thryptoccra frontalis 207 morrhoidalis, 201 ; irapudicus, 202 ;

pictus, 199,202; pudicus, vulpiiius .. 200 Tricbolyga major 206 Mydffia longitarsis 7 Ulidia nigripennis 227 Myiocera carinifrons 164 Varichaita 205

Myiolepta luteola 94 Viviania cinerea ... 206 Nemoraja 205 Volucella inanis 94

Oncodes gibbosus 94 Xantbandrus coratus 94, 150, 185 Orthochile nigrocccrulea 52 Xantliocblorus ornatus, tenellus 248 Oxycera pulchella 93 Xanthogramma citrofasciatum 94

Palloptera laetabilis 7 Xiphandrium aiictura, 168 ; brevicorne,

Paragus tibialis 163 169; fasciatum, 168 ; fissuin, lanceo- latum Pedicia rivosa 93, 139 169

Xylota floriim, 139 ; lenta Phortica variegata 139 94 ;

HEMIPTERA. PAGE PAGE Sapyga quiuquepunctata 261 31 Aonidia javaneiisis (sp. n.), Oreeu Schizoceros furcatus 47

Asciodeina fieberi -. 212 262 Stelis octomaculata, 22, 262 ; pb;coptera..

Aspidiotus piistulans (sp. 11.), Green 31 Vespa vulgaris .. 8

Chioiiaspis dilatata, 29 ; hedi'otidis, litzese, 30; vavicosa, vitis 29 Calocoris striatus 27 Euloba 23G LEPIDOPTERA.

aspidistias, drac83iise 29 Hemichionaspis Abraxas grossulariata var. varleyata, 211 Ledra aurita 214 ulmata 238 Lepidosaphes ciawii. lasiantbi, pinnas- Acentropns niveus 42

formis, 28 ; ungulata (sp. n.), Green 29 Acidalia emarginata, 12 ; emutaria, 12, Leptopterna dolabrata 262 42; iramutata 12 Limotettix stactogala 47 Acherontia atropos 42,70 Macrocoleus bortulaiius 212 Aciptilia galactodactylus, 117 ; spilo- 262 Nabis brevipeiinis, lativenfcris dactylus 44

javanensis (sp. n.), Green ... 28 Opuiitiaspis Acronycta tridens 11, 26t 27 Pentatoma juniperinura Agarista glycine 229 iustructivus (sp. n.), Reuter ... 64 Urostylis Aglossa cuprealis 98 27 Zicrona coerulea Agrotis agatbina, 42; aquilina, 11; asb-

wortbii, 75, 123 ; cinerea 44

Alloclita francoeuria; (sp. n.), Wlsm., HYMKNOPTKRA. 126; vecisella 127

261 Amphysa gerningaiia 259 Agenia bircana, 263 ; variegata 212, Anaitis paludata 142 Amauronematus inoricei 63 Anesychia decemguttella 13,43 Andrena battoifiana, 21 ; lapponica, 117 ; 117 Ulceus, 21 ; proxima Anosia plexippus 220 Astata stigma 262 Antberaea eucalypti 229

Calicurgus byalinatus 21 Anticlea rubidata, 12 ; sinuata (cucul-

Cilissa baemorrboidalis 117 lata) 117 Ciinbex connata 214 Apamea ophiogramma ^4

Crabro capitosus, 212 ; cetratus, panzeri, Apatura iris 34,282 signatus 262 Apbomia sociella 12, 44 Didineis lunicornis 21 Aplecta advena, 11 ; nebulosa 71,74 Formica fusca, race gagates 211 Aponoea (gen. n.) Wlsm., obtusipalpis ... 125 moricei 283 Panurgus Aproaerema acantbylHdis (sp. n.), Wlsm., Leptothorax acervorum 22 40; deverra; (sp. n.), Wlsm., 124;

Lygseonematus psedidus 64 raitrella (sp. n.), Wlsm., 39 ; thau-

Methoca icbneumonides 261 malea (sp. n.), Wlpm., 41 ; zona- Mutilla epbippium 261 riella (sp. n.), Wlsm 39 Mimesa dahlbomi 262 Argyresthia arceutbella, 259; curvella, illuminatella, Zell., 226, 265 Noniada obtusifrons 262 43 ; ; mendica 43 Nysson trimaculatus 21 Asteroscopus sphinx 44 Odynerus melanocephalus, 212; reni- formis 261 Aventia fiesnla 44 Osmia xanthomelaua 261 Biston hirtarius, vars 187

Oxybelus mandibularis, 261, 262 ; mucro- Boarmia repandata var. conversaria 74 natus 261 Bomby X rubi , 259 63 Painphilius gyllenbali Bradyepetes amataria 12 262 Pemphredon morio Calamia phragmitidis 11 283 Heriades fasciatus Calligenia miiiiata 11 Prosopis dilatata, 21 genalis 117 ; Calopbasia baraifera 211 ; ;

PAGE alniaria, 12 Caiuptogramma fluviata 24,42 Ennomos ; erosaria, 12 ; fus- cautaria Catocala iiupta, 265; fraxini 42 .12, 42 Catoptria expallidana, fulvaua 13 Epliestia ficulella 12,42

Ceriira furcula 11 Epigrapliia steinkellneriana 43 Cliaraxes sempvonius 227 Epione advenaria 238

Chelepteryx collesi 230 Erebia ffitbiops, 282 ; alecto var. nicboUi, 124; evias, 49; glacialis. var. nicholli, Chrysoclista flavicaput ... 43 gorge, gorgoiie, lefebvrei, 283 melas, Chrysophanus phlaaas var. eleus, vir- ; 121; palarica, 49; scipio, 264; stygne 49 gauveffi var. miegii 76 Eromene ocellea 237 Cidaria picata, 42; sagittata, 12, 42; si- terata 117 Eucbelia jacobene var 186 Cledeobia angustalis 12,42 Eudorea angustea (coarotalis), 70, 117: cembra;, pallida, resinea, Cnepliasia altevnaiia, 13; communana, 12; 42; ulmella 260; pascuana 13 12 Coenonymplia pamphilus 18 Eucbeira socialis 124 Euplrea corinna 220 Coleopliora fabriciella, 13, 43; laricella, Enpoecilia degreyana, ciliella, 13, 43; 22 ; liraosipennella, 264 ; lixella, 70 ;

seyeriana, 43 ; mussebliana, 26 ochrea, 259 ; vibicella, 22 ; virgau- reae 23 vectisana 43 Enpitbecia expallidata, 23; extensaria, CoHas edusa, 70, 74, 234 ; eurytheme var. 258 belveticaria, eriphyle, 186; hyale 74 ; 259 ; irria:uata, 12 ; satyrata, Coremia quadrifasciaria 12, 4! 259 ; succenturiata, val- erianata, 12; virganreata 259 Cosmia difBnis, pyralina 44 Eurymene dolobraria 44 Crambus alpinellus, ; falsellus, 42 42 12, ; geniculeus, 12; selasellus 12 Entbemonia russula 75 Euzopbera pinguis 44 asteris, 234 ; lychnitis 167 Cupida minima 122 fialleria mellonella 44

Cymatopliora duplaris 23, 75, 259 Oa^itropacba quercifolia 11,44

Danais petilia 220 Gelechia fraternella, fugitivella, berman- ella,43; lutulentella, Dasycampa rubiginea 42 13,43 ; mouffe- tella, muscosella, rufescens, 43 Dasydia tenebravia var. wockearia 124 solutella, 259; tseniolella, 43; tar- Delias nigrina 229 quiniella 25 Deilephila livornica 42 (rpometra papilionaria 12,44 Depvessaria ciliella, liturella, 13; pul-

Gracilaria eloneella, 259 ; tringipennella.. 259 cherrimella, 43 ; thapsiella, 1 67 yeatiana 43 Graellsia isabellse 186 (rrapbolita campoliliana, 259; naevana, Diaseraia literalis 26 13, 259 Dianthoecia albimacula, 23 ; capsophila, Hadena contis:ua, 238; genistas, 25; carpophaga, 11; conspersa, 11, 44;

glanca, 258 ; suasa 42; cucubali, 11; luteago, 25, var. 11 ficklini 23 Harpipteryx scabrella 43 Dichelia grotiana 12 Hastula byerana, 100, 129, var. margi- nata 131, 149 Dichrorampha flavidorsana, 211 ; plumba-

Hecatera Serena . 11 gana, 259 ; saturnalia, 42 ; tanaceti .. 259 Doratifera vulnerans 229 Heliconius numata, silvana, vetusta 283 Dyschorista ypsilon 11 Heliopbobus cespitis 11

Ectropis (Tephrosia) consonaria ab. nigra, Hemeropbila abruptaria 24 89, 145 Hesperia lineola 142

22'* Elachista eleochariella, 259 ; luticomella, Heteronympba banksi, merope, mirifica .. 43; kilmunella, 259; taeniatella 13 Homceosoma nebulella, nimbella 12 Emmelesia unifasciata 12 Hydrilla arcuosa 11 Euicostoma lobelia 13 Hylopbila bicolorana 44 Xll.

PAGE PAGE Hj'pochalcia ahenella 44 Ortbosia suspecta 44 Hypocibta euphemia 228 Ortboticiiia antiquaiia, 13, 42 ; sparga- Hypolimnas bolina, 220; niisippus ...99.220 nella, 13, 43 ; striana 13,42

Hyponomeuta vigintipunctatus 43 Oxyptilus teucrii 60 lalmenus evagoi-as, ictinus 228 Papilio anactus, 219 ; bluinei, 122 ; erech- Incurvaria oehlmanniella 2^9 tbeus, 219 ; besperus, 99 ; lycaon,

Junonia vellida 227 219 ; maoleayaiius, 123, 220 ; sar- Larentia autumnata 142 pedon, sthenelus 219 Laverna ochraceella 13,43 Paraponyx .^tratiotalis 12 Pentbina diinidiana, 258; marginana, Leioptilus lienigianus, 42, 167 ; micro-

dactylus 13,42 259; ocbroleucana, 44 ; sauciana ... 259

Leptogvamma literana 42 Pericallia syringaria .. . 12, 42, 44

Leucania favicolor, 24, 42, 43, 77, 104, Peronea mixtana 259 description of larva, 106, 132; ob- Pbibalapteryx fluviata, vitalbata 12 soleta 42 Pboxoptei-yx biarcuana, myrtillana, 258 ; Libythea geofFroyi nicevillei 13 uncana, unguicana 259

Ligdia adustata 12 Phycis betube .. 44

bastiforrais (,sp. n.), Limenitis sibylla 34 Pleurota Wlsm., 128 ; Limnas chrysippus 124 nitens 127

Lithocolletis frolichiella, hegeeriella, spin- Plusia moneta .42,44 Plutella annulatella, dalella, por- olella, stettinensis 260 259 ; rectella 43 Lithosia caniola, 25 ; griseola var. stra-

Poecilocampa populi ... 259 mineola, 11 ; quadra 42 Lobopbora viretata 42 Pcfidisca sordidana 42

Luperina cespitis 44 Polia flavocincta, 11 ; xanthomista 23

Lycsena argus var. hypocbiona, 254; orbi- Pseudacraia poggei 124

tulus, var. obertburi, pberetes, py- Psyche reticella .. 43 renaica 283 Pterophorus tetradactylus 71

Madopa salicalis 2) Pterostoma palpina 11

Melanargia lachesis var. canigulensis, Me- Pygaera curtula 44

litaea aurinia var. iberica 283 Pyralis glaucinalis 12

Melanitis leda 228 Retinia piiiicolana 42 76 Mesosemia eumene Rbodopb;ea advenella, 42, 44 ; formosa,

Metoptria monogramraa 166 12, 42, 4t ; marmorea, suavella 12, 42

Metura elongata 229 Rivula sericealis 11 Morpbo adonis 124 Sarotbripus uiidulanus 44

Myelopbila cribrella 12, 235 Saty rus semele 44, 70

Nemophora piliella 259 Scardia arcella, 43 ; cloacella 13 Netrocoryne repanda 229 Scodiona belgiaria 258 Neuria saponariffi (reticulata) 11,42 Scoparia (Eudorea) angustea (coarctalis), Nola centonalis, strigula 42 70,117; ceiubras, pallida, 12; resinea, Nonagria geminipuncta 42 42; ulmella 12 Notodonta dictaeoides 44 Scopula decrepitalis 260 Nudaria senex 11 Selenia lunaria 12,44 Ocbsenheimeria vacculella 96 Scboenobius forficellus, mucronellus 12, 42 convolvuli, pinastri 42 fficopbora subaquilella 259 Spbinx 70 ;

Ogy ris abrota, geno veva 228 Spilodes palealis 44

Opbiodes lunaris 166 Spilosoma (Arctia) urticae .. 75

Ornix loganella, scoticella 260 Stigmonota cognatana, cosmophorana ... 259

Orsonoba ortbogrammaria (sp. n.). Long- Strenia clatbrata 11 staff 184 Swammerdamia comptella, spiniella 43 ;


Symmoca calidella (sp. n.), VVlsni., Lestes diyas, 34 ; viridis 149 37 ;

molitor (sp. ii.), Wlsiu., obliterata Lt'ucorrbinia albifrons, 3, 34; candatus, (sp. n.), ponerias (sp. Wlsm., 38 ; 34; dubia, 35; pectoralis 34 n.), Wlsm 37 Libollula fulva 31,262 Tephrosia consonaria ab. nigra, 115 89, ; Liniiiopbihis elegans 47 consortaria 145 Nelialennia speciosum 1

Tethea retusa 1 , 42 1 Onychogomphus forcipatus, 4, 34, 117; Theclarubi 167,238 uncatus 4,147 Tinea granella, 117 lapella, seini- ; 43 ; Ophiogomphus serpentinus 34 fulvella 13,43 Oi'thetrum brunneum, 34 ; canccllatuni, Tisiphone abeona 22S 2,34; nitidinerve, ramburii 146 Tortrix diversana, 42 pronubana, ; 276 Panorpa cognata 98 unicolorana 100 alboguttatus 213 Trichiura cratsegi 41 Platycnemis pennipes, 75 ; subdilatata ... 147 Vanessa antiopa, 260; c-album, 25; car- Psocus bipunctatus, morio 213 dui, polycbloros 70 Pyrrhosoma tenellum 3, 148 Xanthia gilvago 44 Sympetrura fonsoolombii, 3, 146 ; meii- Xenica achanta, kliigii 228 dionale, 36, 146 ; sanguineura 134 Xylina petrificata, 70; seraibrunnea 117 Somatochlora alpestris, arctica. 3 > ; flavo- lithoriza 11 Xylocampa maculata, 33 ; metallica 34 Yponoraeuta vigintipunctata 13 Sympj'cna fusca 149 Ypthima arctous... 228

Zouosotna pendularia var. subroseata 74 ORTHOPTERA.

Acridium aegypticum 76 NEUROPTERA. Anechura torquata 85 ^schna isosceles, 2; mixta 75, 147 Anisolabis colossea, 233 ; annulipes 234 Agrion armatum, 187 ccerulescens, 148 ; ; Apterygida aracliidis, 187, 234; media hastulatuui, 2, 36; mei-cuviale 75 (albipennis) 22 Anax imperator, 2, 33, 75 parthenope ..2, 33 ; Chaitopsania capella 84 Boyeria irene 147 Porficula auricularia, ab., 2:i4; davidi, Csecilius dalii 213 interrogans 85

Calopteryx exul, hsemorrboidalis .. 147 Gomphocerus rufus 22,136 Chrysopa dorsal is 96 Labia laminata 84

Cordulegaster annulatus, 35, 147 ; biden- Labidura viparia 233 tatus 4 Leucopbiea surinamensis 143 Cordulia aenea 3 Locusta viridissima 236,238 Ectopsocus briggsi 213 Periplaneta americana 143 Elipsocus westwoodii 213 Phaneroptera quadripunctata 283 Epitheca bimaculata 34 Platycleis grisea 236 Gomphus lucasii, 147; pulchellus, 3, 34; Polyzosteria ferruginea 233 vulgatissimus 34,75 Stenobothruselegans,lineatus,236; rufipes sp. 265 Ischnura fountainei, n., 147 ; graellsii, Xipbidium dorsale 236 genei, 148 ; purailio 4,75 ADDITIONS TO THE BRITISH INSECT FAUNA BROUGHT FORWARD IN THIS VOLUME.

APHANIPTERA. PAGE PAGE Medeterus obscurus, Ztt 190

SPECIES. Palloptera Isetabilis, iitt. .. 7 farreni, 2ioi/;scA Ceratophyllus 255 Phytomyptera nitidiventris, JBraci 207 Pulex clieopeis, „ 139 Porpbyrops gravipes, SflZ 279

,, rivalis, iw Ill Ptilops nigrita, PZn 206

COLEOPTERA. Roeselia pallipes, ,, 203 SPECIES. Systenus bipartitus, Lw 170, 251

Amara anthobia, Villa 87 „ leucuriis „ 251

Anisotoma lucens, ^airw 198 „ scholtzii „ 169

Baris pilistriata, S^epfe. (reinstated) 224 „ tener „ 251

Crioeephalus rusticus, DeJ 15 Tachytrecbus ripicola „ (1904, p. 243). Dacne fowleri, Joy 274 Tricholyga major, Und 206

Lajmopliloeus inonilis, J?'a6r 275 Ulidia nigripennis, ii« 227

Malachius barnevillei, Futon, 15 ; vulner- Xipbandrium lanceolatum, Tiw 169 atus, Ab 88 Melanophthalma distinguenda, Com 275

Quedius variabilis, iZeer 197 Silvanus mercator, Fauv. 37 HYMENOPTERA. Tetropiura crawsliayi, Sharp, 271 par- ; SPECIES. cum, Sharp 272 Amauronematus moricei, ^o»oM> 63 Triplax bicolor, Gi/ll 86,135 Ijj'gffionematus paididus, jE'onow 64 Pamphilius gyllenbali, Dablb 63


Agathom^'ia boreella, Z

Erigone pectinata, G^JrscA 57

Exorista antennata, 5. (f- .B 206

J, fugax „ 206 „ glivina „ 206 „ intermedia „ 206



Ceratophyllus farrcni, Rathscli., Britain.. 255

Stephanocircus simsoui, ,, Tasmania 61

COLEOPTERA. SPECIES. Ocladius walkeri, Cameron, Island of Perim 179

Dacne fowleri, t^o.y, ^er^s/aVe 274

Tetropium cra\vslia3-i, Sharp, Britain ... 271.

„ parcum, „ „ ... 272

HEM IPX ERA. SPECIES. Aouidia javaneusis, Grreew, Jat>a 31

Aspidiotus pustulans, „ „ 31 Lepidosaphes ungulata, „ „ 29 Opuntiaspis javeiiensis „ „ 28

Urostylis iiistructivus, Renter, India ... G4i


Aponoea, Wlsm 125 —


Plate I. Stephanocircus simsoni, Rothsch. ^see pages 61, 62).

II. Hastula hyerana, Mill, (see page 157). III.— IV.— V.- VI.— VII.—

VIII.— Ceratophyllus farreni, Rothsch. (see page 256).


12, col. 2, line 4 from top, for "Timadra," read " Tiinandra."

12, ,, 3, ,, 7 „ bottom, _/or "contammana," read "contaminana."

19, li lie 17 from top,/or " ezample," read " example."

" " 44, 19 .. ,, „ spilodact^la," read spilodactylus."

49, bottom, for " ," read " Spain."

" 75, 19 top, ,, " Amphydasis" read Anvphidasys."

117, " 25 ,, ,, " literata," read siterata."

" 142, 18 ,1 „ " pyrrina," read pyrina."

181, 23 " " >, „ Sypophlxus," read Hypophlaeus"

182, 17 „ „ " Enconnus," read " Euconnus."

" 204, 23 ,, ,, "Erigine," read Erigone."

210, 4 „ „ " maculicollis,' read " maculicornis."

210, 11 bottom, „ " A. xthiops," read " E. sethiops."

223, 12 top „ " puctuation," read " punctuation."

232, 1, for " screechnig," read " screeching."

232, 22 from top, for " Coreid," read " Reduviid."

235, 21 „ „ „ " Mathow," read " Mathon."

P Je '08