By Jose Toller

Source 1: Dear Editor, April 20, 1887 How can we sit by, saying nothing while the foundations for this ridiculous are being poured? ’s tower, meant to be a to the upcoming 100-year anniversary of the will be an eyesore. It will look like a big black smokestack. I for one agree with the letter published by our city’s painters, sculptors and architects. Who better to understand beauty? They see this tower for what it is – a useless thing. Listen to them! We must rid our city of this iron monster. And what about the birds that fill our skies? Won’t this big, black iron tower stop them from filling our skies with their song? Citizens of to stand up! Unite against this iron beast that is growing in our city! Rise up and say NO! No to the . It isn’t too late. The foundation isn’t finished! We can save our city still! From, A Concerned Citizen

Source 2: Daily News: Eiffel Tower Turns 130 Years Old!

One of the most easily recognized in the world is the Eiffel Tower in Paris . This monument turned 130 years old on March 31, 2019. There is nothing more beautiful than the Eiffel tower, during the day or at night. How strange that this symbol of France was thought to be an eyesore by some before its construction. In 1889, the World’s Fair was going to be held in Paris. Something new and special needed to be built for visitors. was asked to design a tower that would impress visitors. His idea was to build a tower taller than any other building in the world. He designed the tower to be wide at the bottom and narrow at the top so that strong winds wouldn’t be able to knock down the tower. The tower would be the entrance to the World’s Fair. It took about two years for the tower to be completed. The tower, which gained the The Eiffel tower sways 2-3 inches side to side in strong nickname “Iron Lady” stands 1063 feet tall and is made of 7,300 tons of iron. winds. It can shrink up to 6” in height during cold Today there are many other buildings that stand taller than the Eiffel Tower, weather. however visitors from all over the world continue to visit. Visitors can climb up stairs to the first two levels or take a lift which also has access to the third and highest level. Visitors are amazed at the beauty of the iron structure, and the city of Paris seen from its heights. At night, visitors can delight in the Eiffel tower twinkling with millions of lights.

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Use the passage The Eiffel Tower to answer these questions.

1. Which sentences from the text show that not everyone was in support of the Eiffel Tower’s construction? Use details and information from the text to support your answer.

2. Think about the design of the Eiffel Tower. How does the design of the Eiffel Tower contribute to its stability?

3. Summarize one of the sources. Include the main points, but leave out unnecessary information.

4. Look closely at the two sources. How does both authors’ points of view affect what the reader learns from the text?

5. The author of Source 1 is against the building of the Eiffel Tower. What reasons does the author give to support her belief?

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: • Source 2 provides some specific information about the Eiffel Tower. What information is missing from the article that would be important to know about the tower?

• The author of Source 1 is against construction of the Eiffel Tower. Why might she change her mind once the tower is built?

• The two articles have different opinions of the Eiffel Tower, yet still teach the reader about the Eiffel Tower. What information can be found in both articles?

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