H 5738 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 8, 1995 United States of America, we thank H.R.— Coker, Todd D. Connor, Richard A. Consul, you Capt. Paul A. Fortunato, and the Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Keegan B. Cotton, Mary K. Derr, Courtney rest of the brave participants in this resentatives of the United States of America in M. Duncan, and Tristan A. Durst. heroic and spectacular rescue mission. Congress assembled, That the Expedited Funds Joseph F. Eddy, Micheal D. Ellison, Tatum America is infinitely proud of you, Availability Act (12 U.S.C. 4001 et seq.) is C. Evans, Kristin M. Francis, Robert C. Gates, Rebecca M. Geraci, Jennifer C. Ge- and forever grateful. amended— (1) in section 602(20) (12 U.S.C. 4001(20)) by rard, Carolyn J. Gereau, William J. Heaton, f inserting ‘‘, located in the United States,’’ Joseph R. Hill, Erica L. Hogue, Anna M. after ‘‘ATM’’; Holder, Molly K. Hooper, Sarah C. Jackson, EXCHANGE OF SPECIAL ORDER (2) in section 602(21) (12 U.S.C. 4001(21)) by Francie J. Julien, Kathleen A. Kelly, Karly TIME inserting ‘‘Guam, American Samoa,’’ after A. Kevane, Debrorah L. Kinirons, Lisa N. Mr. EMERSON. Mr. Speaker, I ask ‘‘Puerto Rico,’’; Konitzer, and Ross C. Maradian. unanimous consent to exchange my 5- (3) in section 602(23) (12 U.S.C. 4001(23)) by Rene Marcano, Katharine J. Mills, Abigail M. Moon, Kristina M. Motulewicz, Joel T. minute special order with that of the inserting ‘‘Guam, American Samoa,’’ after ‘‘Puerto Rico,’’; and Niedfeldt, John S. Parker, Jeffrey A. gentleman from Florida [Mr. GOSS]. (4) by adding at the end of section 603(d) (12 Pojanowski, Kathleen E. Quinlan, Alison J. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there U.S.C. 4002(d)) the following new paragraph: Rabb, Lindsay E. Rosenfeld, Marianne E. objection to the request of the gen- ‘‘(3) EXTENSION FOR CERTAIN DEPOSITS IN Royster, Vanessa M. Ruggles, Nick T. Ryan, tleman from Missouri? GUAM AND AMERICAN SAMOA.—Notwithstand- Timothy P. Scharf, Allison M. Sessions, There was no objection. ing any other provision of law, any time pe- Serena M. Sherrell, Tatiana I. Sohrakoff, f riod established under subsection (b), (c), or Jennifer T. Sontag, Kelle L. Stanforth, Josh- (e) shall be extended by 2 business days in ua K. Stello, Todd J. Stonewater, Xaviera M. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION the case of any deposit which is both— Vanegas, Brooke E. Wagner, Matthew R. Wil- TO INCLUDE AMERICAN SAMOA ‘‘(A) deposited in an account at a deposi- liams, and Calvin W. Winchester. AND GUAM INTO THE EXPE- tory institution which is located in Guam or Mr. Speaker, it may interest my col- DITED FUNDS AVAILABILITY American Samoa; and leagues, if you do not know it, al- ‘‘(B) deposited by a check drawn on an ACT originating depository institution which is though I am very proud to talk about (Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA asked and not located in the same State as the receiv- this, and it may interest the pages if was given permission to address the ing depository institution.’’. they do not know it, that I am the only House for 1 minute and to revise and f sitting Republican in the House of Rep- extend his remarks.) resentatives who was actually here the Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Mr. Speaker, SPECIAL ORDERS last time we Republicans controlled I rise today with my colleague the gen- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under the House. tleman from Guam [Mr. UNDERWOOD], the Speaker’s announced policy of May b 1630 to introduce a bill to include the U.S. 12, 1995, and under a previous order of territories of American Samoa and the House, the following Members are I was not a Member at that time. It Guam into the Expedited Funds Avail- recognized for 5 minutes each. was as a page that I served here in the 83d and the 84th Congresses, and I want ability Act. f Mr. Speaker, for as long as I have to say also that I have always—I have been doing my banking in American TRIBUTE TO DEPARTING PAGES long regarded, since I underwent the experience, that having been a page Samoa, getting access to funds rep- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a was probably the finest, most objec- resented by checks drawn on banks previous order of the House, the gen- tive, educational experience of my life. outside of American Samoa has taken tleman from Missouri [Mr. EMERSON] is I’ve said many, many times that you literally weeks. Banking customers recognized for 5 minutes. learn as a page by doing and observing throughout the United States had simi- Mr. EMERSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise, and participating and that is just an lar problems, and in response Congress as chairman of the Page Board, to ad- awfully lot different than reading passed the Expedited Funds Availabil- vise my colleagues that today marks about it in the textbooks. ity Act in 1987. The 50 States, the Dis- the end of the school year for our pages So I hope to the pages—let me say I trict of Columbia, the Commonwealth and those who are here with us today, hope that this experience has been as of Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Is- the pages here with us today, will be meaningful to you as it was for me, and lands were included in the act, but the replaced over the weekend by a new I wish all of you, and I know I do this territories of Guam and American group of pages who will be with us for on behalf of the entire House, I wish all Samoa were not. the summer. of you well in your life’s endeavors. While Guam and American Samoa For those who may be unfamiliar, we Some of you will be going off to col- are still the most distant territories, have school year pages and we have lege, others to the military, perhaps billions of dollars now move daily summer pages, so this is to advise that others to other things. But I hope this around the world at close to the speed the pages who are here today will not experience has served you well, will be of light. be here on Monday, and, second, Mr. a constant point of favorable reflection Mr. Speaker, thousands of years ago Speaker, I rise to pay tribute to the throughout your life and that you will the Samoans and the Micronesians car- very wonderful group of young people have much success and happiness and ried their currency across vast ex- who have served throughout this past good health in all of your undertak- panses of open ocean in heroic voyages school year. Not all of them have ings. in wind-driven canoes made of served the whole year. Some of them hollowed logs. I have sailed part of the have served only this last semester, So from me on behalf of the House to Pacific Ocean in a double-hull Polyne- but whether it is for the whole year or all of our department pages, ‘‘God bless sian voyaging canoe called the the whole semester, they have rendered you and Godspeed.’’ Hokuleian from Tahiti to Hawaii for 28 distinguished service, and I do not Let me at this time yield to the dis- days, and I think I could have carried want their parting to be unnoted. tinguished gentleman from California my currency in stones from one port to Mr. Speaker, I am inserting at this [Mr. DREIER]. Mr. DREIER. I thank my very good another faster than funds are now point in the RECORD a list of all the being made available by the Banks in pages who have served here in the friend, the former page from Cape American Samoa and Guam. This is spring of 1995. Girardeau, MO, for yielding to me, and the 95th year of this country, and I The list follows: I would like to first extend to him hope the banks in the Pacific will enter hearty congratulations for his stellar DEPARTING PAGES—SPRING 1995 this century before the rest of us move service. He served in the last Repub- Maria Grace Abuzman, Paulette M. Adams, lican Congress, and we certainly hope on to the next one. Seth A.G. Andrew, Angela S. Armstrong, I ask that a copy of the bill be print- Kathryn L. Ballintine, Alison J. Bell, Re- that these pages on the Republican side ed in today’s CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, becca A. Belletto, Joanna L. Bowen, Kirk D. who have blazed a trail will not follow and, Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues Boyle, Tamara L. Brewer, Nancy M. Brim, the precedent that my friend from Cape to support this legislation. Erin C. Carney, Carolyn A. Cassidy, Erin A. Girardeau established in seeing the June 8, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H 5739 other party control the place for 40 un- I am glad to yield to the gentleman Go out and become doctors and fighter interrupted years. from California [Mr. DOOLITTLE]. pilots and young female physicists. Do I believe that, as we look at the fine Mr. DOOLITTLE. I thank the gen- anything you want, you women. But work that these pages have done here tleman for yielding. I will just be very some of you, please run for office even for the past several months, it clearly brief. if you lose. Try and come back here so is an example that should be set for I say to the outstanding young peo- when I come in here in a wheelchair I many young people throughout the ple who are the pages, we thank you can visit with you about June 1995. rest of the country and the world. We for your service. It seems that the good Godspeed and, my God, bless you in so often see the negative side of young times always go very, very quickly, but your every endeavor, and may all of people. It makes the headlines and the you will be missed and remembered, your dreams come true. Well done. news, and very rarely is the attention and do not lose track. Come back, stay Mr. EMERSON. I thank the gen- focused on those who are providing in touch, and God bless you. Thank you tleman from California [Mr. DORNAN] stellar service as these pages have, and very much. for his contribution. I would simply like to join with my Mr. EMERSON. I am delighted to Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman colleagues here, and I know that every yield to the gentleman from California from Texas [Mr. GONZALEZ]. I am de- one of our colleagues would want to ex- [Mr. DORNAN]. lighted to yield to the gentleman. tend congratulations to them. Mr. DORNAN. I thank my dear col- Mr. GONZALEZ. Thank you very I thank you again, my friend, for al- league from the great ‘‘Show Me much because I have not failed on pre- lowing me to participate, and I hope State’’ of Missouri, and I am happy to vious occasions of this nature. From very much that these young people see one of the best clerks in history— my inception of a career here, the ques- have great futures ahead of them. We are watching the new one very tion of pages has always been foremost, Mr. EMERSON. I thank the gen- closely—Donnald K. Anderson on the and preeminently so. I believe I was tleman for his contribution. floor here, who has also been one of the the first to bring about the occasion of The gentleman from North Carolina. masters in inspiring these young pages. dipping into a segment of our popu- Mr. COBLE. I thank the gentleman I want to tell you pages something lation back in the Soutwest that had from Missouri [Mr. EMERSON] for hav- about my last page, where he is today. never had a page proceed from its ing taken this special order to honor I have got a page come in in the new midst, and very proud to say that it our pages. I thank the gentleman from class. Not every Congressman can get a was the beginning for him in which the California [Mr. DREIER] for his very ap- page every class, so it has been 5 years stimulus he received, and being that he propriate remarks. since I had a page. He was a son of a had never been out of the city of San As the gentleman from Missouri well good friend of mine, Andy Messing’s Antonio up to that point, enabled him knows, this is traditionally a bitter- son Eric. He spent his page time here. to chart a course that has resulted in sweet time, happy on the one hand for He set a record; I bet some of you have his carving a niche in our San Antonio the pages to return to their respective passed it: One of the swiftest couriers, society and his finding his place on a homes, some sadness on the other for male or female, I have ever seen, and professional level. having to leave this place that has he went from here to Annapolis, and he So I want to add my voice to the gen- been their home for the past year. graduated from Annapolis a few tleman’s in complimenting these young In closing I say to the gentleman months ago, went to a brief school, and ladies and young men who have taken from Missouri, and I say to the Speak- he arrived in the Mediterranean with time. Now, it does take dedication, and er, we will forever be in the memories our beautiful 6th Fleet just a few days it is a selected choice that each one of of these pages. They conversely will ago. I do not know where Eric Messing the individuals does. When you con- forever be in our memories. They have is. Maybe he is on the Kearsarge, and sider that not every youth is inter- indeed done well here, and, as they de- what a day it is to be on the Kearsarge. ested, we then have more reason to be part, we wish them Godspeed and Today, your day of graduation, a true grateful to them for their interest in smooth seas, and again I thank the story book place, better than any Hol- the most intimate aspect of the pro- gentleman from Missouri. lywood movie, and an ex-page may be ceedings of this great lawmaking body, Mr. EMERSON. I thank the gen- an eyewitness to this, on a U.S. carrier, and I again want to thank the gen- tleman from North Carolina. a Navy-Marine Corps carrier named tleman for his thoughtfulness. I am very pleased to yield to the dis- after one of our great battles. This Mr. EMERSON. I thank the gen- tinguished gentleman from California morning, June 8, two big giant H–53C tleman for his contribution. [Mr. CUNNINGHAM]. Stallion helicopters launched U.S. Ma- I think we should also note the gen- Mr. CUNNINGHAM. I thank the gen- rines as marines saved DUKE tleman from California [Mr. DORNAN] tleman from Missouri for offering this CUNNINGHAM out to rescue an Air Force alluded to it, that in the Chamber with special order. F–16 pilot, two Huey Cobra gunships us at this time is the distinguished As my colleagues know, quite often flying escort and two U.S. Marine former Clerk of the House, Mr. Donnald not only the pages but the staff mem- Corps ADAD vertical takeoff carrier K. Anderson, who has had a long-time bers on both sides of the aisle, the Re- jets flying cover, and they find our Air interest in the page program, he him- publicans and the Democrats; I see Force captain, Scott O’Grady. He self having been a page many years these young ladies and young men that comes running out of the woods, pistol ago. supervise these pages. I see them yell, in hand, jumps on one of the Marine Mr. Anderson, unfortunately, does ‘‘Snap to,’’ when the pages arrive, and choppers, rescue guys helping him on not have the privileges of the floor and I see all of them cry when they leave board, and a rocket-propelled grenade cannot speak, but he has prepared because it is like a big family here, and is fired at these massive helicopters as some remarks that he would have de- quite often not enough of us pay atten- they lift off in victory. God plays a role livered if he could have said them. tion to what I call our critters that run at this point. Mere miss, and they are So, for the RECORD, I include at this about. You will see them here at 5:30 in all back on the Kearsarge now, toasting point a statement by Mr. Anderson: the morning going to school, you will one another. STATEMENT OF DONNALD K. ANDERSON, see them here at midnight, and I chal- Dr. O’Grady and Mrs. O’Grady, right FORMER CLERK OF THE HOUSE lenge any one of our Members to ever here, a physician in Alexandria, broth- I am grateful, indeed, to Congressman Em- see a page that did not look at them er Paul, sister Stacey, all happy. erson for the opportunity to share my and smile and say ‘‘hi,’’ and maybe What a country you young people thoughts on the occasion of the departure of sometimes all of us can take a note have just served, what a great blessed the House Page Class of 1994–5. from that. country, the United States of America, My roots in the Page Program are deep, be- But I want to thank you for the spe- and you have a Government experience ginning with my own appointment as a page in the Eighty-sixth Congress and graduation cial order and say, job well done, kids, in your youth second to none. Run for in the Class of 1960. For eighteen years as the or critters, and thank you very much. office, some of you. Come back here Manager of the Democratic cloakroom, I was Mr. EMERSON. I thank the gen- like several of our pages, like this gen- a page supervisor and during my eight years tleman from California. tleman, who are serving their country. as the Clerk of the House was a member of H 5740 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 8, 1995 the Page Board on which I continue to serve to Washington, DC, in extraordinary ALTERNATIVES TO OUR CURRENT as Member Emeritus. luxury at probably seven times the av- TAX SYSTEM The Class of 1995 is a splendid and remark- erage median price of houses for most able group of young Americans. They have The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a unfailingly distinguished themselves in Members of Congress, $750,000 for a lux- previous order of the House, the gen- every area of their page experience. Success- ury pallet for one general. tleman from Michigan [Mr. SMITH] is ful and useful lives are easily predictable. I recognized for 5 minutes. b 1645 am proud to have been a page and proud to Mr. SMITH of Michigan. Mr. Speak- be a friend of the Class of 1995. It is time that the generals in the er, I rise to discuss the need to change God bless you and stay in touch. Pentagon and the civilians in the Pen- the tax system. Now, with that, Mr. Speaker, that tagon entered into the real world, the Mr. Speaker, James Madison, one of concludes my remarks. Once again I world of limitations, the world where the architects of the Constitution, once want to thank the pages for their serv- you do not go first class-plus when you warned that we must keep our laws ice and extend every good wish to them are not on an urgent mission. And the simple. Our freedom is in danger, he ex- for their future success and for their GAO identifies that most of these mis- plained, when laws become so com- careers. sions were not urgent missions. plicated that no one knows what they f In fact, they also find that not only mean and change so often that no one can predict what they will be in the fu- THE SHOCKING AUDIT OF THE are these aircraft used to transport ture. OFFICE OF SUPPORT AIRCRAFT generals, as I said, every one-star gen- eral in the Pentagon can take a heli- Our Tax Code in the United States The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. copter and then get a private jet any provides an example of what happens KIM). Under a previous order of the time they want. They do not have to when we ignore Madison’s warning. House, the gentleman from Oregon [Mr. justify it or compare it to commercial Today, thanks to the bold leadership of DEFAZIO] is recognized for 5 minutes. rates. They do not even have to com- Chairman BILL ARCHER, we can now Mr. DEFAZIO. Today Senator GRASS- pare it to first class rates with a chauf- discuss fundamental changes in our LEY and I received a very important re- feur-driven limousine. They can just do Tax Code, including even the elimi- port from the U.S. General Accounting it, because it is there. And there are no nation of the income tax. Office. We asked for an audit of the Of- controls. As a former chairman of the Senate fice of Support Aircraft of the Depart- Finance Committee in Michigan, I had We not only use it indiscriminately ment of Defense, and what we received the opportunity to deal with several al- for Pentagon brass and for officials at in this audit is shocking. The Depart- ternatives to our current tax system. the Pentagon, we are carting around ment of Defense, which is required to Among these alternatives was a con- the cadets at our academies to football keep administrative aircraft adequate sumption tax, a sales tax with our in- games and swim meets. We had one to meet the wartime needs of the Unit- dustrial processing exemption, and a football game in Hawaii. The Air Force ed States of America, made use of 48 flat-rate income tax. I would like to played the University of Hawaii. The such aircraft during the Persian Gulf simply make a few comments about taxpayers of the United States of war, maintains over 500 aircraft, 10 our experience in Michigan. America spent $270,000 to transport Air times what they used at the height of Michigan is the only State in the Na- Force cadets to the University of Ha- the Persian Gulf war and, last year tion with a consumption tax. We call it waii football game. Now, is that not they spent $378 million on these sup- the single business tax. It has been in wonderful? port aircraft. effect since 1975. A couple of points There are some notable problems My hometown university, the Univer- that come from this experience are, with their use of these aircraft. There sity of Oregon, went to the Rose Bowl first of all, if a consumption tax is is no centralized control. Each and this year, something that only hap- adopted at the national level, it must every service determines who and when pened once in the last quarter of a cen- include a deduction for capital acquisi- people will be eligible to use these air- tury. It is our second time. Nobody tion. That is full expensing of the cost craft. Frequently, one-star generals asked the State of Oregon to support of machinery and buildings. Michigan’s and lower-ranking civilian officials the students of the University of Or- capital acquisition deduction has been from the Department of Defense, in- egon or the alumni of the university of the most successful element of our con- stead of using their chauffeurs and Oregon and spend hundreds of thou- sumption task. It increases productiv- their automobiles, their limousines and sands of dollars to transport them. ity and encourages business and job ex- their drivers, to go to Andrews Air People made their own way. pansion. Force Base to catch a jet, opt to take But no, not when it comes to the Air Second, the tax base should be deter- a helicopter at the cost of $1,400 to Force Academy. Was it a particularly mined using a subtractive method of $1,600 an hour. According to the GAO, important game in Hawaii? Why did we calculation. Michigan uses the additive they save between 5 and 15 minutes in- spend $300,000 on transporting? It had method to get the value added, and it stead of spending $30 on a cab. They something to do the with the fact the has given us some problems. While it is spend $400 to $1,600 to operate a heli- game was in Hawaii. They spent a total going to yield the same base as the copter. I think it is more for their ego of $2 million transporting cadets to and subtractive method, it has created a than it is for any support purposes, and from sporting events last year, many great deal of confusion among busi- that is what the General Accounting times at the cost of $2,000 per student. nesses. The tax is viewed as our income Office has found. Those same students could have flown tax by many businesses and results in We also have the fact that we are first class and each student could have such questions as why can not I deduct providing now for the commander in had a chauffeur-driven limousine and wages? Why do I have to pay a tax even Korea, C-U-S-F-K, as he is called, a had their meals and hotels paid for, for though I do not have profit? These four-star general, we are going to pro- less than it cost to transport them, and types of questions would be eliminated vide him with a luxury pallet. That is this does not include the cost of the if the tax was calculated using the so- something which can be inserted into a crew on the ground and other inciden- called subtractive method. jet aircraft as this general is required, tal costs, wear and tear on the air- Third, the primary problem with a often, to come back to Washington, plane. These are only the actual oper- consumption tax is that the tax is hid- DC, to receive orders, and the current ating costs of the plane. den in the final price of the product. $350,000 luxury pallets—I think that So it is time the Pentagon came to This creates a danger that the govern- most Americans would like to live in a reality here. I have introduced with ment can raise the rate without indi- $350,000 house, but this general does not Senator GRASSLEY legislation that vidual taxpayers being aware of it. think that a $350,000 luxury pallet is would reduce the support aircraft to This is what has happened oftentimes adequate to put in an airplane so he that which is needed, truly needed by in Europe. However, our experience in can fly back in comfort to Washington, the military, 50 percent, save $200 mil- Michigan has been that since the busi- DC. No, he needs a $750,000 pallet so lion next year and every year there- ness tax rate has not been increased that this general can fly back and forth after. since 1976, it has not been a problem. In