itettriMMl Peopk Kick ( tW * Tbr ordinanrr iatroduevd hr Ctnin* Cawiuinair Wiaatea ReHed oa Pruaawuttoy Attorury Smith made WHI Ik Uperaltd by tke Ekctrk tJiiw day iaat week, a trai ip waa ar* Eagle*i I ciluuui llanler pruridiiia that the ril- hia acml*aonual report thia week tu reaud In a nearby town Ton Proptdy PIcM Franchiie Qrantcd. i lagr pay ■ purtltin of thr ooat of w Pro miiet. the avcrctary of atate, ouverlufr the Ligirt PiMt. hniught befote the judicial throne t*>l Ycttcftkiy. ' inrnt waikh paaav«i at the mertlnir period from January* llrat to July answer to the charge uf i-agrancy. j .Monday oiahU Six>fuut walk^ are tu ; ttrat. Ihirinir thia aix muntha, 7J caiea There la nothing parti*ntiarir strange; I In * rwiulnuT and tbr pr«»wrty «»»nier j were dlapuav«i of. and out of thia ahont tintt. for saeh an aflAir ia of ; I uunfttnictlnK a cement walk will grt a number .T7. or over half, wrere drunka *laily (ieenrren*M* in every town. And I ItfHICN MELTED LINE llllllE SHOW The other oaam. are claaaitlr«l aa fol* QREAT EXPENSE 18 FEARED •if i-uurae he was tintd. That la also j WMT BRAND NEW ONE PASSED , wniun aduiuiy 3. viuiat* common enough. Hut thia tramp | FUN AM HEAT M ABUMAHK ounxiderrd Ui be about «tnr-quarter of ______- inir the liquor law 1. aaaault with In* wore a woo*len leg, which la n*H so the coat. It U aaid that other rillaarx ; tent to commit the crime of murder 1, oonimun. Ami again, what ia still and citlea in thr atatr liear all thr aaaault and battery 1, hurirlary 1. W«rfd Cam more uneoaimun, whk from a hid-len reeeptacle the would lemi to leea oonfuaiuu If a injury tu property I. ubtaininK sum of fsau. paid his fine, repiaoNi atipulAtrd aiuount were namrtl than mooey under falar preAenae ?, defraud tlM* remainder, and calmly screwed the it would to ktand Imck of varloua bar* Ing hotel 3. vagranojl 3, violation of leg in poaition and atumprd out uf iraina that property iiwnera mi|rht the game law 1. SMpcftMRwieMt WlMlilMf Naffc a Toar c*oart. It ia the Hrai time on record Chaafts are Asked by the make. While thr ordinaner oaiU for when it waa found profitable to pull a nre Works la tke Btrcatag Wltaessod viui In alxty oaaea. Proe ecutor Smith ool a aix'foot walk. It la aaid to hr thr DUappalated bat Takes Hts Defeat of laapcctlMi 10 Aiccruia C tramp’a leg. and ao the fact ia men* fUay Who Drore la for Ikat Aloac. Trolley Company. Mwurrd either a conrirtion or a plea Intrntion of thr inunoil tu leaur per* Very Fkllosopiilcally. i of guilty. Five of tha uaaea were aet* ti*in*Ni in order that the local author- mitk for nrr*fuot walka in caara where tJe«l on payment «if coata. There were itias may be on tlte lixAcout for that It can lie %huwn that a eix-foot walk I hat two aci|uittala. anti twti caaaa I man. It might Iw well to adviar ail would lie (langeroUK tu thr life of were nolle pnwiaetl for want of evi* The Electric Light ami Water Com* woo*len*l

Dr. W. C. Walker FIVE SOLID OUT-IMd 900 ’ J.LCASE TW BtniMit Up—liAt, ol l)Kro*t,ll4ik., kmavriy of Svw York, will mak* Um followiair Kapvlar Monthly rinit : OUMET^ Threshiig liciriie CHRMiy

Munulartuiv tuid *a4i .'i.lMMi RILEY. HafMinttunt edrh Wbila Thrrahrrtiien nrr awarr that tim ‘S!aap” ia the iirni nuM^iidr Too late fur Ihnt wtark. madr, it may intrrrat thm tn .Mr*. J. llulTmaii in ropurUMl much know that ibiMu* •.xrrllrot liupr»ire«l, IcrMNla ary aokl thr • iMmiwat. mm tirant WilUatuti. of tiwoaiMt. eiaitcHl thrf’aay lytmiMiny arr niakiaic hi* friend* here laat weok. nrariy all of their own aupitliaa. Mra. Iiu*h. of Wacouktu. i* viaitinif hy iNut ekillml mrt-haniea. of her *^ nil eatw-e of a*thma, so Ibi* diaea*.-, a $1,275*00 ffirfnitin« Known to tiM when not etiinpletely cure.!. 1* rob. lat(«t M«>dit-tU «io«l Inm I «if all it. terr«»r* by tlii* irreal It will |iHy to iiivtwtiffatf .Suniieal Mkill. retuvnlv. liefnrt- huyine tiiH«*hiii«'w or *u|»- (lliea. Dr. Walker will not treat any OLIVE. unless Tbere is a Possi ­ Mr* .\liiv McCartbv i* *till 4|uite bility ol a cure, and ill. Ileiirv .Swender spent Sumiay at the will so inform you. Capitol City. H.T tlM> iMtral roMwrrbM Imlh by •Mr. anti .Mr* .Hweiider visite«i Inaininkrat. ita*! wrthtMl. thr L. GRANT, Agent. Durtor !• »o«bl*Hl t«» lb.- tn»r nainr* ’ David Uanisey'* last Suiitiay (rfibr •tlMSMT. Mtl tbr .>raan nr Clyile .Hhatttf. of .St. .lohii*. inatle aflorttal and many ilUpaar. nml rtonpll- ratluaa which hacf hcrsoforv pr«»vr«i mi*«t hi* (Hirent* a vihit ta*t week. olMtiaalc i«» IIh* Mctllcat l*r« *iwat«»n yield .Mr. .MtS'ourler. nf ’ ldtiiiir*biinr, vl** IUp bmmO ’ under hi. .kill and .y.iemlc Itetl at Kolwrt VerlMaiiok ’* Frlilay. freatnaeal WACOUSTA. EUREKA. It Snvetl III* la-R. Tbere 1. ao uee«l to lire In nia.tant uilaerr. .Mr*. .1 Uaiii*ey. «»f .'*1. .Itihn*. rlait- It cttei. nolbinte in i^e hlia. It»r r«»n.Mltatl*»n P A. Dunforth of 1^ ttratiRt-. tin.. U fteeaad hi. iiricra tor treat tuent are within e«I her *on, .VIviti Uaiiiney. ]a*t week. the reach of all lie I. a friend t«i the atHIct- Ttni latf ftir la*t wtt-k. .Mi** l-klith Finch 1* vi*itintr her sulTentI for *i.x iminth* with a frijfhl- ed and will lorn n«»nr awar unaided The Ilayiiiir i* till- onier «in- tin hi* Icr: hut A. Faliiier ha* a tine erop all neeiiretl. Ikirn, tf* .Mr anti Mr*. .Mb* Park*, nMfebaui inln«lee with the aritiMSU while n ilauifhtcr. ■Ml** Anna t'rawfonl. tif St .lohn*. write* that Itucklen'* .\miea Halve Mwhliuc rellel at hi. hand, and hundred* are .Mr*. .Mntnrit' Vanlmr visiUnt her wholly eureti it in live tlay* Ftir IM- cortal every year Will Keith, of*in}r. eallt-tl at i* vi*itin^' friemt* here. |Mirent*. .Mr. and .Mr* .Swender la*t ' cer*. Wtfuntl*. Pile*, it’* the In -*1 week. tii-o. liali * over Sumiay. Dale Finch of .Ht. .lohn*. *}N-nt la*t I *alvt- in the wtirld. Cun- trnaranteetl. READ WHAT THE .Mr liitik*>in ami liaufrhter «r«- vi*- week w'itii ill* father. I. Finch (tinly .’.'k .’ H«»hi hy Flltlew a Millnian. WEST RILEY inir .'It Dr. .1. K. Hink*on ‘*. Fellow*hip meeting at theChri*tian ell* will ijuettc, are t-aillitfr toi flrenti* lien- The W. C, T. r will meet with Vit-kahurK.— Ftillowiiijj an* the new Mia. .\nnM Keehan. eeii I riel thi* week. tSarliN'k with .Mr*. LeClear 'rhtir*tlav. .luly P.’. ' Hive* an- a terrihle ttu-tm-nl li» the for a looK time Iwfotr appiyitut to you for .\nthon\ Kreklei ha* )Miii(Pht a lot .lohn Wuiiiroti i* at hoim- fttr tlo- Th latiit-s’ t'|iri*tiNn aid *ociety will lilt it* f rec«»vrr> remark- I Ka*iiy etinti. Doan * tiintinent never aide. You may |iut>llah thi. In tlo- Ht lohne in Fowler ami will loiilii a lioue on it Miiniuer vaeatii*n. lie e.x|N-et* «»l re im-et with .Mr* Ktlith WuR'tier tin pa|>er. for I want all ail1lcte*l one. to know SiHOl turn to Y|M>ilanti lu the fall. WetIneMiav. -luly 11. in tin- after- fail* ln*tant n-lief. iM-rmnin-nt the icrrat ic rail at my home of lami in the vieinity of l.raml Kev lluell. Frank .1. Wtmieii ami Mr* Ceiintla Prii-<- ami ilaiiRhter. iiatl Tin- Huron Trihiuie lia* di*- quick, easy and convenient service. It rHiane.!] MIHH AN.SA KKKIIAX. Farie l.tH’kw«MNt Ikith art- much e*- 1 Jl l-lural Ave.. Ht John. Mich l.etlif*' Pearl tianlm-r. of Fulttm. an- vi*itin^' : t-tiniiiiin-tl it* iuiit-w»wk etiitiou iiDtl will tet-inetl yoiinf? |N*»ple. wh«» have the is plainly Ur. K«lwln a|>em . a well kntiwu rlllten of .Mr* Ktdtl*. .Mr* ,Mar\ Turner ami : ii|i|>eiir tiiily It* « Neekiy In-reufter Ht. John., .ay..'M 'wl.h to puhllrlly etpremi Ite*! wisht-* «*f a i»«i*t tif friemt* Iiii- t»tln-r friend* hen- my irratliude to Itr. Walker for the tcreai inetiiatt'ly Jifter their marnaift-. they I Diphtherin n*lit-v«-tl in twenty min- cMMi I hate pefelvr.1 thmutth hi. treatiaeot. ^ A left for their httim- in .Ht .Lihn* .Mi anti Mr*. C. K. VanSickii-. stm ! ute*. .\lnn>*t iniraeulon*. Dr. tor Clinton County and bad lieen all1lcle«l with catarrh of the head, Karl anti tlaiiRhtei hklith. tif Hi .loim*. |Thoina*' KeU-ctrieiMI .\t any tiriitr fthroat, and .loiiiach tar year. linvlnx Tile lioine ttf .Itihn X‘»ur*«- wa* thi- were Suntiav Rite*!* of their *i*ler. trle.1 a nuialier of other d»ictor. without any BALD I *ttire I The Route *eem- *if a happy iratheriiiir la*l Wt-t1 iiermanent pellet I tlerlde«l to ron.nll l>r. With- •Mr* L A JefTerv* Central Michigan travel Walker, who hei|>eratiier»-tl thert-. Th«- titm* ’rin-re will Ih- no servli-,-* nt tin- For the reason that direct connections health I .beerfullt recomroenti the •hwtor Chri*ttan ehiireh m-.xt .Hiiinlax a* the ; tn-H*iiry Mt tin* t*lo<*»- of th* liiM*nl ytiir] bald spot wa* *|N-nt in viaitin^' A iMiiintiful j HnliirtUy wiw- ♦k'.-lhl ..’■k'.7.4.’l. The Iml- to all almllnrly aiJ11«-te«l. siirne«l, tlinner wa* -aTVt-tl. mee na-ker wa* |>M*tt)i. Itev. U. li. LotiR. anti wife, can be made at Durand with the through KI»W|\ .H|•^.ltlt^ {Hiitv- on thi* liaie out- vi-itr i»ko wa* Ht. John., Mich.. never lefl .»* a Ittken of thi-ir e*tt-em will vi*it frienti* tn tthio HiimlnN M-hiMil at the u*ual tiim-. ' ♦! .4ill/,ii.’».’».7ii. Th»- iliffereuei- I* ovt-r trains. In other words, any passenger The Itev. W li \aiillurKer, who realde. grows Horn, to .Mr ami Nlr* II. \Vt-*l,T .'i . .H| ,INNI,INHI III htvor of the pnwent yetir. •ear Lalnir.lHtrs, Mich, vtdnniarllj oiler, The M{*m— Ktliy' Finch ami Fnnnii- the follow tna leeilmoidal lor piihitcallon. smaller. Min. for the east who takes the QRA.ND He .ay. 'I hav*-t»een a .uflrrer for year, ( liHpiii. wa* oelt-hrnle«l in tin- Inline i»f Ml** Finch'* father. Ir­ TRUNK TRAIN at St. Johns need make f«»r the pa.I year have Iteeu oervooe and thi* viila^e win Fiin-h. fnun >ntunlav tti ^|omiay. have tremld*.! .o I 'ould M-arcely hithi a spread- M tirtimer Town*«-ntl i-allt-ti on iii* but one change, that is at Durand where lMH»k or pa|ier «tea*ly enough to Pmtl and Ut-v T .M. limidle anti fainil\ liavt- couhl not write with a 1*01 I lelt .Ick all - ^ ^ ^ >ng, until *i*ter tlie itlln-r tlay. over and wa. entirely unfit for tni*lne*. jfone tt» Kvart. ttM-«-oln etiunty. tin* he will not have to walk twenty-five After three month, treatment with Mr W t’. ^ at last your friends / I’liiltlreii * Day'i-.\eriri*e* wert- In-ltl w«-ek. ftir a month * visit with Waikir. of Itetroli, all dllVrenl and 1 am in iMtth t-hiirrhe* la*t '*untla,\ feet. Me may then enter the very coach lietier than I have lieen In .li year. Am < sty, “ How bald he is ^ frieml*. Tht-re will I*- a supply for workIbK eierv day and iireachlnic every Mr* llert Kliiier I* «»n the *iek li*t. tin- I’. It pulpit, eacli t»f the Ihn-t- on the NtihiJar AJI tiiaak. to Ur, Walker. ^ getting.^. hut I* Miim-what iH-tti-r at thi* time Hiindny* >>{ hi* ah-M-mt- (Hlcne.ll W «!. Va NBI'IU.K.II I, Until UttM- ha* ^oiie tti •\*hlt-\ tti Am £tmmAm0o l»rf r of Not easy to cure WEST RILEY. Mr*, f*. w H im*, of itvid. riire.1 ol ratarrti *pentl a e>»uj>lf <»f week* witli her Amtm^mvmi froddi Tm fftm «>f the etomach of fifteen year, .landlnc ^ an ol(| baldness, but *i*ter*. .kmoOK the iiumer.iu. te.timontai.. none .Ittsepii Miller i* ^.^ratlually failing: Laftmt O^iam, JWMha iierhaiH. feel m.»re cralefnl l*. l*r Malher easy to stop the first The ftnurrt-tfatltinal eltureli -t-wlnir The Lehigh Valley Railroad I had for the paat 10 yearn pre- I than Mr. < ha.. Todd, .d llatiihurc. I.lvlnc *«a-it-ty will meet at llr .1 K Mink- l,eniy Ik-nin-tt * eliiltin-n an- ill •ton c«»unty. MIchIcan hIm .av. • AI mmiI thinning, easy to with tin* ineasle* rioua to the fall of 'W paid hun- four vear. aco mv ir.»uhle laacan T'e Min’* thi* afteriitMOi drrda of dollara and taken medi ­ Which will carry him directly into New doctor, ralle.1 mV dl.ea.e cow.limpttoll oltbe check the first falling Tin- i-ntt-rtaininrnt jftven la*l .'*Ht- bowel., trolu llie time I wa. tlrat taken I .Mr*. <• E’ iilm-leatl. of ttakville cine from eminent phyaician* in ■teadlly crew w«»rwe In .fdte of metllcal ahl. out. " Used In time, urtiav niifht hy the .lapaiie*«- latiy wa* tinturni. will n-turn to In-r homt* thi* Detroit and at aanitariuma, and York City. No other road can take care I reatlenl I wa. fin the ileellne and that Hm-. t-*(»eeiall\ tin- talk upon-the .lap- week my caae warn pronounced cancer of death wa. .talilie me lu the lace. In tht. bald- aiieM- nml their fiiatfUii* of people from this section of Michigan oodiilon I went l Harry .Shiiarf* younjfyat liautfhter Kvt-rhanl wt-n- marrit-. havlnc Irlwl a nniaber ut other It always restores very rine inaRir lantern and phi»ni»- daator. without reeelvine any permanent re­ Mr* .lame* Walker ami ehiltlreii. lief. I .aw the a.lvertleetneat ""**nd I be ilorior t.. all itl*. formerly ttf thi* place, *pent la»t W. II. ( aldwell. aAleted oaeo. liealth to the hair. week with Iter friend* and *eht*d- Dear Sir.— I take Rreat pleasure in ntffaed. MiiH Martha khi .i.kk UNRIVALLED SCENERY. mate* hen*. atidinR mv testimtmy aa to the efficacy i Secadd-lfaud Ladies' Mr*. 1,. f*eari, wa.i iiy.* near Ht. JohM. Hair TlaBrawi Mr. anti Mr*. It. S Parker and Al­ tif Dr. Caldwell ’* Syrup Pepain a* naeti aiao .ay. Alter treailae with l»r Malher wtm l^^feava in our IlfNiie, We uav it in all oaae* «»r one month I hare not lieea •• well lar » of It, aad yat len .Ailam* *penl the latter part tif the Including historic valleys, mountain nAstT* week with Mr. ami .Mr*, llert Ctile- tif Cfinatipatitm and IndiReation. Bicycles ii exchaife as Ml* I’. M. Htatrman mre«l **l Bbe.1 aad tnan. of Wheeler. Heapectfullv. heights, rushing rivers and placid lakes. ■ktn dim we* of twetr* year* aiaadlne. Kva. J. Sweet. Xurae, part piyneil mi This Is the route of the Mr*. I,. K. Lambert cured of vartcoae EAGLE .Httidiera ’ Wlthtwa’ llttme. aiwri on limb. Mr. anti Mr*, .lohn Hunter riaitetl Had .txe.—The Had .^*e liiRh SelMNtI CRAiNLESS OR Mla* EUa rvaa* cared of Hroaehtal tmnht* ttyaa da am .4iutnni aaMM-mtion haa haan in axiateure relatirea at Charlotte Fritlay. aad laac d teiaee. liiyearaand haa a mamherahip of HTt. BLACK MANOND EXPVESS MIm R H. cared of Ihmalr weahae*. afWr The emuMier* clow their ineetinir* Tha aew offittata are' |•rea•denl. Jt*bn fl. CRAIN WHEELS. i iMtaa treated by many note.! phyelciaae at thi* place the tlrat t»f the week. t'iarfc: arerafary and traaaurrr. Kd aaaa Between Buffalo, New York, Philadel­ Hr. WalherSi adraarml methtMlc tor the Mina HalHe Hill. t»f Chlcwin>. I* the M. Mefionnafl. Ii sundries oar Liie' treatamat aad carr of tl»eaeee peralUr to Rueat tif her al»ter. Mr* K. Jemww. phia—the handsomest train In the world Haniki Hnwrn. of ImnninR, viaiteti Wiiat’* the «ecret tif happy. viRornn* isCmdflete. All through day trains carry dining cars. relwtiee* and friend* at thi* place laat health ' Simply keepinR the hnwel*. | ______^______- the Mtimaeh. the liver ami kidnera' all trMiie.1 hy the hnat meihade kanwa In week. iTr erW^. I ..anal! the apertaket that slrttnR anti active Mtirduek HI ^ RAS LAIPS$L2. For Illustrated descriptive books on Mla* MhUfle Temple, of Imn*! !3; Hitter* tloe* it. •pent h part of laat week with frie A Cmaplete Liie tf this route or information as to rates of HBMSMMIV l»r. Walher haa made a -a*. at thla place. Pttrt Hiimo.->Rennlur sarvin tm the Halty of rhroalc Meiaem for many ream., \A’m. IVnninirton. of ('hariotta, la Rapid Railuar hetwevxi this city awl st fare, etc., send your address, with four aad Me eawaae 1* yratl hanwa. NEWUFETEA mllinR oti old frlanda ami neiirhhora Clair Ima been inaumvrated. Catchers' Hits fr«m ISc.' cents in stamps to ^^1 yrtll «tru earrlai atteatio* tn dMkaM AhdNITH OUfMd 'at thi* place. ram* aad !«• cMee other phyehtahe hare tall. . The Appetite of a Utmt ad to -are Haak i»Mrearm. ^___ 'The la«Hea of the rnieeraallai ■P- r iT le- ai^ytaa far traatawat irfll pla^ I COMSTIPATIOIH, chnreh will aerre iee cream at the l« enviad hr all whose Mnsaaeh au*d •Hm from tyro to foar oaaeae of nrlaa, drat town hall 'mtnidar eeenlair. July T. pMaad la tha maralaa. h»r aaalrafe ; Liver are t>ut nf order. Hut •ueh inoice5Tiofi, The Infant *nn of Mr. and Mr* should know that Dr. Klnm ’a Xetv |CHA5. 5. LEE, MaaaMaa hlaaha aaat oa ito- ! Haaeataamfttrr^y. thoaa aaahta «a mm, John ’Tlllotaron died on Tneadnv. June Life Pills irire a splendid apMfte. Mm loHar aaa addfiM. 2d. after a rery brief illnaaa. Funeral sound difrvstifm and a rapnlar Wdlly 0. fi. Pkiakett, w. c. WALKER, D. 353Srt«r26ir;f ML ' ■erricaa urure ('ondueted nt the M. E. habit that Insures perfedi henith awi m. dK chnreh on Wednendny. Rue. Ward RTunt ensryi'. fhilr Me at Ktidew A I oSMatlnff. MIlInMo's sttW ST. JOHNS. nCH. TM ST. TOMS HEWS, AFTHWOOK. JtTLT 5, tSM.

MAPLE RAPIDS. DEWITT. FOB WOBAFS TTBALTW lieurgr Wright has a position with Mr. Hamuel Taakcr ha* a new aad E. BMBMt UattSM ftanWaoMii I ('tmrls Jk Hayt. phaeton. ■aav «* Miifi OM. Uaviad of P«tn t>y Mrs. PtnkhMn. Kev. U. II. l^ong ha* been granted Miss

paat two years they have been paying BUSIWnS LOCALS. The St. Johns News off their mnrtfagTti aad uoafldaaer in ”Wa hoi to for — our way throogh IMatarr framaz made to order at loans there seaats to have baaa ru- long —tch— of dao — Mrcfa scrub od - d — a liomJag sou aad wtthoot ■ B. 1. HnIPa aturad, aa eighty aix of the ooontiea br—tb of wind to door awny the moa hare refunded their boada, radaolnff eleventh yeajk . UUiH AND DHOW FAT. qoltooa. They —ttlad ou every partlda H. T' Morris* the rate of intereet from seeati or at axpaoad fioah. and tha thoofsada eight per cent to five or, in wMae in- Do Ul Morris fur your fumitura . rv»ui:AT«oii Umrs. WaU«r Mi. Kaai. who failed to find room there eo varvd ■tanasi to as low as three and oae- THE MODERN PHOTOGRAPH, WASN'T AFRAID. DIDN'T MAKE A SALE. our cape aad baf’ka till the color of the Wool dusters from luc to tl.igi at doth warn nearly blddeo. hr half per cent. 'This will eaase a sav­ K. I. Httirs. ing of tlt.^.ulln a year on the boade«l Ctow Maslly Be ‘ftohaa WHbaat ttoa II 1 W sally NIs usva Baa— “We r—clied camp at 11 o ’cloek a. OMB TEAK______•* w Hesaeaae •< tlw aatoieeZ. Teaabis HHtoM. Atlav All. m. tbomuglily dnae np. aad evao tbea Baby carriages and gu-oarts at ■IX MOXTHH------»® debt of Kansas, which ia upwarci of The lady aii«t the pho(ugra|»her. Pro —cottng Attorney Wbaoter Ca—p- ”What we’re aftar is yoor tohao — are cuokl not sleep, our blood lialag — B. 1. Hull's. THRBi: MO.HTHH------M iA,ouu,uou. This revolution from The Ljuly—t worbaiaaabtplaraaf- The l*hotogrmpher Full face, quar­ **Aie yaa afraid that oala — ctila fim awab or aonff It We can fit yoa out. aMaad of tba btgh—t iiaaltty. enough coUeettug g —r and guos to Dr. Walker’s next visit to .Mt. Johns A4rarttorf atlaat lo lb* rxcaltoat mmrrt^ Thr roagnitudr of Saturday ’s tire ter fare, {•nittlet feodaut la r—traincsl by law ha will do fit you right and guarantee every pack- carry, ami expected to be borne houra will br .Satunlay, .luly 7. rial - ‘ by Taa .Saws. It« rtrraUttoa to horror at llubukrn and thr uni<|ur The Imdy- .All of tlwm. Theo 1 <t«armplier—Very well, mad pro —rutlng wtfa—. who waa a gtal* r—tau" smiled tlie little old lady at the fects soon pass ttt. appetiser. THURSDAY, JULY 5, HNWi. call fur iximnarnt. And yet what am. Will you sit now? wart man, almoat twice tba al— at tha other akk* of the sill. "I have no mer­ “A mixture uf italf turpentine and comment can br tnadr iieyond thr The Lady -Merry, no! I'm ttot pre- man ba bad awom oat tba paaeu war* cy oo ctgareU —. Not a Mt! Not a bit! half olive oil Is aku nsefnl in ordinary A large line uf I’botngrapher- Y'ea. ma4tajn. yxMi the qneatlon again, ao you'll uader- Ue aorepted and for Ifi mlnuteo di ­ one In a million nor any of his ancea- is a convenient phrase for the inotm- haa for may yeara hvionirrvw but it ia none the lea* a irood ariyu* trial lot clieap and then put tbam on I It is liard to drscrilM* a shudder. A notice that oue of iny ears is a Itttk* "Not ef—«f~-oat ef I kin gtt a fk’r Ciilasa* Ttosataea. M .N'^ibto Huraett’s Mtuiv, Mt. J^thas. . MiiPAIII. Phyetclao and Mar- sane from few moments' sight of brows •lark<*ned ami my e.n *laahea bit afraid ckf the prisoner and didn ’t you ’re mistaken. Not ttuit I didn ’t which existetl in KnglamI at the Dm# Oeun. ilfltoe eerua^l M«M>r (llatuB blork, yean* old and they conalder them- DMt Johaa. Mlrhlsau. lengtlienetl aiul a sort of fieacli Idoucn areni to eare who knew It. have chancea enough, and slater, too, j of Hhakeapeare. Tbew is oo aceoery. aelea at leaat ycara uhead of the them. Imt’’— ! finish giA-en t«i ttu* enttn* fare. **What did yoti get this {wacv war* ami ronsMinently the succe— of tte / • ILI.AM A HI.KKlilT. PhyalrlsBssad Mar- weat. China, he ••aya. haa ipine Tb«* fhoUignipher Aiid may I aak, “Madam. Pm selllag on enmmi—Ion. plaee depemts entirely on the acting, ""Y seose. 4*SN*rsaw- to get an amirate likeness? "I jes' wanted —jea* wanted. ” ha ex­ ago “ And lie made long strklea to ­ .Arfresses do not exist in (Thlna. for sltuatetir he was half a block women's voliNes. gait ami general <*an sit In .A'our place srlth Juat aa trrapha tiiey coiiid ioiy them. The was unaffected. —I’luliirah Kuo. the iami. which supplies them with all I'ekin it i* yet m«in* shallow. satl*fa«*fory n*sults that is neetlful for fumi and clothing. lUixer -Jiya: Wliereuimn tla* imly sniffs and H a n M I ea area. Ttiere are no natlre factories, lodns- ATTORNEYH. •‘Now theae iieiufr our cln*uroatnnc- Until within ten year* I’nlle*! States flounces tNit. —t'leeehiiMl Ilalii Itoaler. ”IIe h— a wonderful commami of tiies being still In the cottage stage, e*. you of the weatern W€»rld mme to KWIK MKVKItA.VCt:. A. H.. AlluravT. tnMips never saw fon*ign service ex- langtmge for ao young a mau.” and agricultim* employs more people J •'nusaet^ir su'l Mutlrltor. Mt, J^thna. Mtoh. Ub with what y<»u call ytiur new ideaa. lept n bit in .Mexici». Now they an* HU HoMtr silahdr I'nUsaas. “.” nnswereolHer's Week­ "He's AXHir biisliand. lau't be. mad- j tPAI'I.IH.MI. .VdItTO.V A iMMII.I.Mi. IM- Yon iirintr ua your n*li(rion. an infant in l'«irto ilieo. Cuba. Hawaii, the “Ami a taat4* fur economic atudlea.” ly. ______I Ore urrr Nslloasi lissk. am? .Ami h«* iMMimlwl you. •iidiit be?” “I've uotlcnl It.” of I.'.aio yeara Y«» m invite ua to luilld I'hillppines and China. Titarwe aaM Brymm. **Yea. your lionor. but If yxui will let I ”.Aud reutarkalile self po —eaalou in KIIKWA a tVAl.ililllNiK. Attumeya st railways a«» tiiat we may fly fnmi When AA’lilUim Jennings Hryan first I.SW. •illlrt* •tver •'•iraer lima store. him off this tliiM* I •hHi’t think lie’ll do , facing nn aitdlence.'* F place to plan* at a spee«l which ft»r ua China is now thn*atening to “stag ­ went to Nebraska, he was hiretl to taka It again. If you lim* him. I'll liave It to "Heiujirkahle.” II.I. H. HIlt'.NMii.N, .Attoraey st l.sw, haa neitiier net*eaalty nor oiiarm. You the stump against Thayer, who waa vv .Ml. Juhsa, MIrhtasii. IU4 ger humanity." if presses! hy the liay, your liomir." “I shouldn't Ik * surprtse«l If be ta* want t«» t»uild iiiilla anti fac’toriea *,0 runulng for governor, aii«l sahl some •Ither nati«ins. Ikiubtli*** tlie forcign- “Wliat Is AXHir iiaiiM*. inailam?*' j came a great iMillticiau." II, M. Pkhmix . P K. Pi:mmi.\, .A. J. IIalmwix , hani things against Dm* •'andldate. aa to lieitaa*- our lieautiful arta an*our l»om»r.” ”I doubt H. lie's liable to keefi so :i:itl.\M A HALHU'I.X. Attumeya st “Thayer was elected." Hryan is quoted I.SW su , rest es- crafta. and pniduce taw4lry Mnery in smell of the opium j«ilnts will »K*stHg- ’’.Viinn IVxile? Well, ail apfieal of busy tliluktug tintughts ami talking rtste itaenia, r^inveyssrrra xn^l wuaer l•»sa. as saying In the Clilcagn Tlmea-ller- place of tlir tteautiful textura^ and this kind moves iih*. Ill not tlm* him, | latiguagi* that lie'll forget nil aliout tha “Poor man! I suppose you ’ve bean a era, rtsmlBr title*, usy tn(i*a. pKprntP IKMI- gereil. aUL “After he t«K»k tlie governor's altin (NllierB sn^l mssr •*ullerti<>Sa. All ImmI- my grer ('bspmsii'a Mhur M|i>m. 11 airea of experiment, Y«*stenia,\ Hurst enteitxl the Iie51 at a lMiiu)uet at whicli 1 was set «lown Cllntun srenue. Mt. J^thna, Mirhiasb. Cbtcago Tribune. W’ashiugtou Star. “Dh. DU. holy. Pm a •wafaDn man .Yirainat all this we pmteat \Ve • if joiiriialisiii in ri»i»*ag«i. While it an wunst 'ad a nargyment wtv a for a s|M*«*cli. I dhl not care to go to MIIWI.X H. I.YuX, .tit^irney st I.SKr. Mt, [L J^ihna, MIrhIasii. want to Ik * let abuic. \V«- want t«» Ik * i* not ••\jie**te«l that .xny of the iiapers la IZmalM. of It For J«ae«rt ahark." Ally Slo|K*r. that tiaitquet. 1 did not wish to meet free to enjoy our »K*autlful ituintry in that I'ity will siispeiui puhliratioii Mrs. Newns-ks- I tlsuight you said ' Rlhlis—liuw is It Jones Itas thrown | the governor. I rememlwred all that 1 It. MAIITIi, .til^tmrf st I.SW, .Ml. Johaa. an

II NEWS IN BRIEF. Paul Malbart, of IViatlaa. spent Urn lanviB a Fourth In Mt. Johns. * — * the ihiwnt. If vaty tight, and MylMh iB Hitv with I). L. Ilnnt. Mlaa HayoMP Ackley, of Caraoa City, coUara generally are. It afferta the m- H E. liartMa wa* In loala Matnr* la the irnest of Mias Ikira Moiart thla cal cowhi and «nuaea a contractloo of «lay. week. WOMAN AND lONE the fatty tisane, thos mining the chann- C. C Vauirbaii «ra» in loaia Tu<^> J.U. McColl. of KnuavHle, Tannsaee, log contonr of the throat; alau. tha high is a irarst in the home of .Mr. and day. collar merrlleaaly ralis ami weniu tha .Mrs A. J. Italdwln. L. K. UirhnHHHi »prnt Monday in hair at the nape of the ueek into an J. II. r«dHns and Mias Hunt, of Fowirr. ihowtug an auUie want of care aafl uolieorHnlng fHnge of mggeil endn ‘IW OwiMMMt. vtrerr ifuests of Mr. ami .Mrs. WOMAN’S WOELD. frtsinriiily It la the her litHae in Hetndt this evenina, Hog of your own voire in jmur ««f«? rapklly giving way to llnaa and auglaa. .AD okl pmverti aujra, ’’flhocnMlkcr, The {lerpendlcular able lines of tha Sharift Itunn wa* in Port Huron (Ni after spendiiiir a few


tbotn wm appn enmiy name arg nmabt. ran up the stairway three stofm at a bnt evebtually tbe oAcer xeent oC. Jam|i. He sex*mx*xl to Is* In a hurry. lending tbe man by tbe ana. dsepHe Mr. Ilanies luisii*uex| aftxw him. for a his contloueil pro taeta. while Mora train xxas approai-ldiig. Hi* was eoni- ReadThesel^^^ looked after them with a omlle. |N*l|ex| lu lakx* tile risk of liellig seen. CATARRI Mr. Ilaraes saw and comprebemlod hy list uim*h x’aiitlou In- sIhui Ix I all that had taken place Ue amlled Usn* Ills man aliogether. Itut. though alsa In* was sx-an-ely ix*u fex-t In-hlml him. Baw raoMat what a dso^naotod. oholhMAs xUoano* CaiHfh la. rg ■dhsKltaiai THE CENTUHY. thn noon awd thrant, Uttk or no attanhan is gi ran H. Bat. hown* iaoifniflennt it I at ftsol, II Hick The News “You may dispone of that man. my as they |MsxM*x| the tlx*ki*i cho|»|ier Mura iaaotiona and far raarhit in Its raonha. boy. bat DOW you bnxre Jack llaiaea to tmtk uo noth*** of Idiu, not even look ­ il’iiMlinttr.l trout |N*af 'll Tha foal oacratkMW tariim tho rirralatinn poia an th* entira Tba kidaoya— ia Zanibor frateftil to you for that. Well. 1 am deal w1tli,“ he muaed. ing liax*k. Mr. Ilann-s. liowx-x-x*r, stefe font oU tba amana— fad th* «fnct of this ratal ihal poiaon, and wl thaU Itoaurraw Job not. I ant Ofrt KoUty. and 1 defy all This la what bad occ urrad. Whoa |M-x| Inix* a illfferx-id x*ar. At Ith-ex-ker laranAd and oastracthr*. and flaoUy anda hi oononnKilton. Aiti-trist aueb detvctlrea aa this Mr. Bamao Mora left Mr. Mltchel’s huuoa. Mr. strx-et. tin- Very m*xt station. Morn left It fraqnontljr hoppana that tho aaaaaaaf hoathigawd ■nallarataipartoraatitnlTlaM, thaaoft h Ilamee was satisfied that as he Jumped the train, thus again proving Ids anx ­ tha nosa aatan into and d aatroyad, rand ng iatanaa aJkrinK and gr aatly didRpMrtng tha faca. Whilo Itere.” wnahaa and raiara my gjxro temporary raliof, no pof anant boaaBleaa boagpoctedfrara rach trai bWMdRMf Departaeit “You uuiy defy me as much as you Into bis oab hs merely exclaimed iety iMiw to n ’ax*h Ids desiluatlon. fur “IlfMnA.-.“ for he seemingly uttered bat I Ih- Iuii I takx-ii tin* i*|x*x'aitN| naiil for a TURNS OUT like.** MiUl Mr. Ilamee hotly, fzasper* Mit Btetl tiy tb** «-ootoiii|>tuoua words which a single word. Mora lielng a man of rixlx* of lexNi than lialf a iiillx*. Itesx-emI* luul lawn used. **l»ul you liave admit* wealth, tbe detective had rightly Imag- lug to tin* street. In* waikx-xi rapItHy CITMM R t CMSrmiTNMl It HMt MflUI. Flexible. luetl that he would coum ' to tbe house i*astxx'anl. nml Mr. Itamx-s liegan to i EUstic. ted that slnro thi* inunler yiHi had the plahl AUlt in your itnaiuauilou and that In a cab. To be prr|MtraU against all siispei't that he was m>w going to tin* and far boyxmd tho raadi of taara looal r«ntedi*a. Tboao who rdy npoa thom for a core loan ralnahte that, matt wRh dlHp» om Inckstructibic. you altemifted to dUiuiac of It. That t'mergeucles lie had conasquently sta­ hoiisx- In KsMfX Stieet. which surmise pointment and olioor tba di**aa* to teko fir—r hold. Only a rani M ramady caa ranch thiatreubteaoni n and dan g«ro ua(‘’ Docc it promptly tioned a x'Sh within reasonable dle- provisl i*x»rrex*t. 8. 8. 8 enraa Catarrh hranaa it Brat riaanaaa and bndda no tha blood, pnnfioo it. makra it fkh and haalthy, atlmala The Be5t you will Olid vt*ry ditflcult to i-xplaln.** pats now life into tk* aiuggiah wora-ont urpaiH, and thus rdWvaa tha ayatem of ail pnimnnut i and everything “1 aluiuld iiox'cr tiu|M* tliat any ex* tance. IIm> (Mx*u|Miut of which was one The IsiMeinx ’nt of fids ohl fnshlonx*x| Black Paint of his spies. When lie saxv tbe se«.*uud lioiisx- hail l•x•*•n I'oiiveriisl Into a small Mrs Joatgktas FolklU. of Da*Dm 'Won, k. C, xrrkeas “| kaiOaUfTh. x*k*ch hac—a so dsey is conducted in a plaiiatiun of mini* xvould latnetratH aaatsd that 1 xsssaniiraly Osaf la ona aar. anxi all UmMs of ay aoa*. lacteiHag part of th* Boa t. Hade. your thick akulL'* Mihl Mora, * ‘and 1 cab go by. tlierefure. lie Mt assured shop. xx'Ideli xvas at lids time iN-eupIx-xl ■loxM ktil off. Wkso tb* diaaaasno kaxl g on* iMo far tk* pkyainaa paa* w* ap as lacxwsMs. 1 business-like that, even though he might liave made hy u IsikxT. mill It was lido tin* linker's 4«t*Tan—d to tty g. S- S. sa a last rwo it. aoxi trgsa lai|i*so * at ona*. It amaMd to gM at tka Water Prooi. would not attcropt It t-XL-ept that per* sssi of lb* tU>Msa, aail after s faw xsaaka* traafaot 1 xsa* ■allrsly catao, and far aser* than manner. ’ iiaiis your frlciwl lien* la linin' reaaon- a mistake. Mura wouki he watched. On shop. Iiistx-nd of through Ihx* main en- ***** yaars hsa* haxl ao Mg* of th* di*aaaa. “ Spark Proof. the supposition, hoxvever, that he was tmiii-x*. that -Mr. Ilanies was suriirls*-x| Rust Proof. Full Eq -ipment ahli* thau yourself niul might ifemoade 8. 8. 8. is mada of roots, herbsand barks of wondarfnl toakal and pnrifyiim you of the stupidity of hax'lng me ar* correct he liad taken tlie clevaletl road, to sx*** Morn go. .\iixlous to learn. If propartiaa. It is tbe only vraetablo blood pnrifler known, and a certain and sara Warranted not to of restni. whl<*h. I pn^auiiu-. Is the next which liad euahldl him to gx-t to the IHissIhle. xx’lint his ohjx***t was. Mr. cure for all Idood tronble*. ^nd for our boxA on Blood and Skin Diaaaass, and at Blister. Peal. house ahead of tlie vehicles. Tliat he Itanix-s wx*id near tlix* xx’lndoxx ’ nml the sanw time xerite our physicians about yonr case. 'Tber arill cbaatfuUy ghrs yon Scale or Crack. Btefi which you •'uuteiuplale.** Modern Ns- •*Xn itther potirw* would lu* o|ien to luul been compelled to xvalt so long |M-x*|Ms| lix-f\x*i*x*n tin* hugt- li>ax'x-M of any iafonnatton or adxrios xaanted. Wn make no choifc )or tkia. SWIFT SFfCIFlO 00^ ATUMTA* Guaranteed me unless you can a(*c«>uui for your anniexl lluit Mora must have stupiied lirx*nxl whii’li almost olis4.uii*xl thx* for five chinert and rery suspicious actluu,” n>|ilie.XI.b.—Delimit harms Iixm -ii 010:0:0:0 Years. words with his spy. who xvas being led anil n*ad. and then, turning, x-niiie out W lUMile in Ihi- •'••niilllmis i.l a iH—rlsase. ' Type “.\li things an* suspicious to those eixs iiieii by fMwIii * Xlarshull niul' iirrle X who suspect.* ’ saki Mura. Tltcu, turn ­ off by tiu* itulioeman. SX) iiidi ’kly that Mr liiirni*s woiihl have Xli4r"hixll Io f'ri-ilerli k il-iialer. i|ale.| .Xllgilel L fiRANT, to accomplish It xx’as t'vUleni that Mora liad iiotlceil had III! i'haui*x* to is.m-enl hinisx*|f haxi gli. I "'•r. aiiil reronleil In Ibe the ing to Mr. Mitchel, he ninttiiuod: “This lli'glsler ol De*- lab.*.. In lllier *•** of 44 Jesse Granger. rid himself of the spy hy having him xvhlch then* was not lb* illil H h* next luoriKiikre, on .'Mil. lilx ll inorlMixSi- my clothing It xx'aa lieeaua*- he wlthi'd was illlly (MwlaiH-ii llereii.lM-r III. I by k liest thing, xvhlch was txi xrnik iixx*ay as wriY.... me to lie susiiectnl. Very well. Ufsiii arraoted. That I * couki liaxN* any sus­ salil freilerli-k Ilei.uler In Porter K I errin ^ ^ this sum i.S12l \vi* ma-st\ .follsr* ami nlnei 4 ■! lim- ifiitm. CtinPANV killing luy father In* n*turtie«l them to 4 his man In sight for the n-«t of tlie Mom i-aiight up xvith him. touclixsl Idin lM-"bb-« an altorne fee of nfleeri •lollars! oil*. tin* ('loai*t from xx'hU*li lie luul token •I l|••ilale.| III sabt niortuaK- to l•e|l•|•|■ho||llj PEERLESS day. on the shiiuider and caused him to turn '1114 liriH .s-lllliirM Im- lakl-n to fore loae "HI,I II X.-* I...... iticiii liiiugtuc iny isMdttou If my con* See Our Lisrht Double Harness. U'rltifii uiKimiiii* inoriR.iire anil no >i)ii or |iro-.-eiliiiK at law MI.MIIKIiS tiectloii xvith the Inaisi* luid Im*(‘|i U*am- Young Mom then xx'eiit Into his lious*-. anil fni-e him. or in l•|Mllr Iia4lnic lieen ineliltllexj to. with Httflt {tIoM All hand made from the E)est oak tanned leather. ed and the cUilhes riiutnl 111 iny cloa«‘t. and xrerx' Mliortly after Mr. llariies oh- I .. Im- . rf-i'o 4-r ail) iiart oi it.e.lel.t ■ws-urxMl 1.4 >n |,| Nerv«<«1 tliat thi* shutter of oik * of the inorlirair. Then-fore, by ilrltie ..f the Bench & • \rii \i. \Mi with the IiIismI oil tlM*iii. On fludllig {...werof >ale In salil raorigoMe i-onialneil. Whips, dusters, fly nets, etc. Repairing: “♦••iidilv in<'n*.'i>.ini; tiiciii I wan terrllii*«l. and I hist my xviiuloxvH of Hie itarlor xvas slightly It's a iiiislaki* to iiiiagiiii- that itch­ ami of Hie sliitule In Miifh t mmf nioib' alni pro 4 bleii. iiotln- Is bereby sixeti tbnl on .Inly , Dromi^old t anfiil •.•l•Tlioll III head I iiuiih* the gn*:il inUinke of o|M*iu* iniikio till" thf tion and told till* tnitli. 'rhi- truth will PiiUTIJ: K PP.IMtlN l»n.i and "ai'-.i Till* shutter xvii" -MMiii l•lo"*■l| ug.-xln. for file nse .tf Pllsiiit Perrin, Maud S wind mill with full line of steel Disc and Hoe alxv.*iy* [in'vall. «»nly In thx" ln-AtaiKN'”— Xss|»tiee tirain Uiill ai II l■oln)•llnv. III lie<"ii|, xvith iioihiug pi:i!i:i Ns .X it.xi.Dxx i.N. and wooden tools. .XItoriiers for Xsslitne.- j-j44 JiIh*’** oil Btof»|N*«I, leaving tin* ''•uiteiici* Iticoni* III hri’uk the iiioitotoiiy of the \«>il<'li. tniil .'iiitif.tiu-- pleli- a hi*it "iidileidy thi* iliNir wu" o|M-tii*il. pUiiit.XTI. iilIDKl: Slat, of Xln-|,|icnn. tioii j'liiintnt.ofi. Chas.B. a>"l a man taiiu* uut and xvalkiil rap A ' ouni\ of I Union, s. vf .es«b,|, ,,t ; Ren’t spend voor monev until von see what I have. “uuIy lu this Insuuio* the truth waaao Ibl- Probate f-,.urt for the • onniy of <'Union. ■ Impndiahle that the police might hax’e Idlx down the strii*t .Mr. Ilatues xvas A xrscant chair and a |»rtrait on the boliieli nl Ibe Probate linire. in I b«- X’lllaKi- ' oil the jioliir of hurrying after him xvall -strange sxtnliols of ancccaa ! Yet. of-SI Johns, on Thiirs.lav the 7lb t••|•|H•l|. just in in many .v home these are the sx’mtioU of the sucrxws of the tnsu who dixl not i'res.-nt.i barles XI xierrill, Jn.lai- of Pro- SI-C. puiic of IdulV." said .Ml. .MItrhel. llalah- ball j tliiK' to previ-iii hiiiisi’lf from iiassiiig timl time to eare for hi" health, or neg- St. JohnN. Ing It for him. "Is tluii y«»ur l-yoUi1 the proto, tloll of the •|IH N iiioiui-iit*- and then at tin* xarioiis xxin- stomach is ’’ rveak” im-nl .,l s"n| <|.s«-as.-.| iimi Is-i4.|nilll.-.| to Hicxcl.i: oi ;t." wish you gentlemen a very goml mom* doXX" of the hoU*e o|i|tii«|ti and fooil is imjier- probnli-nml I liat tli.-4 ..r soui. olber suit ; tog. ” and hurrh**! fmm the afuirtment. .ibb- |M-rs..n niii. Im* np|..tinl>- 4l •-41-. iiiors ..f ; , A—. Aw - -a.^ A- riHhii. “Vou devli: ’ he mutti-risl half aloud. fectly ihgestexl anil • ii|.| i-siwie. i dbiAMtetehlteMiinka Mr. .Mtlchei wall'll for Mr. llamea to sssimilateil. it i» M..;, iltii “You almost eaiight im* that itim* So! I bt-reni on ll I- .r.|.-r.s| tbnl 'XTIUDAX. speak first, and x*ery Msm the detoctire only a <|ux:»tiun of Ibe 7th D.XX III .iri.\,.X. D.. I’llMI. Ml ,,||e Vou'xe itleMseil y olir \ alet Up III Voiir • • i-I.M-k III Ibe ...... Im assimi.Mi f,,r ib.- askeil ttmi- until Uu- elothi*!* and s**nt him out to Im- followi-il hi-.-iring .ll snbl |M*tlilon. iml tbat Hi hi-irs , 6E0. R. •'W**ll, .Mr. Mitchel, xxluil ilo you lireak-xloxxm comes. It Ia4* ..I sni.i-..-.•.-ns.-.l .iml all hy any spy who may Im- alMoit Well, • fber |M-rs..i.s iiiier.'-i-'f xx ho uDeii I.. tbe |M-rs.iii. Infer.-sfe.i In sal.D-st it.-, I’ierce’s itohlen of Ibe Ifemlelt.'I - .f Ibe benrllli; Ibere.,f, |>4 III th. pre!UM*4l. I think x*viur caa** Is getting calm out of the house dteoMsf pi to­ to lie Inieitaelx Interesting. .Vnd I Mexlical Ihscox-ery .-'tnsli.K a . .«|i4 ol Ibis ..nli-r t.. Is- pnl.||"b.-.| tally din.'lellt attire lb "•-i-meil to In Ibe'r .I..H .» Nl ms, 4 new s|>a|M.r |iiliile.| Bicycle think that I will take a walk—alone — cure" ■lisr.-xses of .iii.l . Ir. nintiiiK In siibl I ..niiix ..I * Im- ailoici-thi-t at i-iis.- and to Im* eare- the «ti>Tnsch ami llirxs .ti.-.-e..|4r w.s-k- prex I..-IS I., sal.I <1/4 4 If you will cxcUM* iuc.‘* less whethel ili-ti-i 11 \ es W.-ri-alMilIt or other organ.*! of di ­ • iX bearinti . STATE BANK OF ST. JOHNS. Hwliiiir- ... Livery ' II xiti.i.s XI xiKisi:ii.i.. riot, for w:thout h;iste and v.'lthoiii gestion .iml nutn- X ir'i.-i'..p4 In.lir. ..I Prob.ii. t'H.VlTI’.Il vm. I .lw :i .11. ..!• ‘ _ t I; liMiktilg baek he I|inetly walk.-il up the ! tion. It merrasr!* Ordrs for any amount up to $10 for 5 ents. irn. iiAitM .H .XT wiiiiK. ! ii. stri-i I j the supply of pure, M’lirn young Mom left the onai) an nch hliiciil, ,xml Ml I U'l •. X' • I i s X I.l. I'.-Innlt b.iilitif im .-i. Ordrs for any amount above $10. 10 ents a “Shall I folloxv hitn or his man?” i ' I iiia.i.' in III... ..iiiitlloiis .1 iiiorl.:a 4(i' suddenly. Mr. Itanu's. iHifun* naktng jjixf-" the lixuly ex.s' 1.4 I're*! XX riiflii. rsarnb Xnn XX riirbt. thought Mr It.iiiies * ‘1 Ih-Iiov .- that hundrd. Cooper for -Mr. .Mltchel's opinhui. luul hurrtoil •trengtli to xxith- I.iliii XX-itfbl, llerib.i XX ritfbt in.l Im-ii.i Xnnes hi Is the sort who xvoiild lu-xi-r ttiake Istsml the strain Im-44|. !•. Xlin-r U Trin- l ii.'IXDiy J. 1 "*..*,. to the xvlndow and hatl so itlacx'il him* ..iMi iiii.iiilion u eoiitidaiit of any otie Tin vale: was put ujam It lix’ the 11 .1.11111.4 . in Xfl. blunii ..ii to !iiriii»T» mid Makes but a de..»y til i-ase I liad .’mother spy stmggle for suc­ X|it_4 •» |s-.i.*,, Ill I.iImt ss ,if niorltf tires .tn m.*ind«*e|f cess |..i»r' -71 ..It w 111. ll lll••rlt{lllte liter.- 1- out ot town • ImIIIi.sI Io In - -In.- tl lit. -blti- ■ tills Itollie SAFE, CHEAP AND EASY. hluxM’ir w«*ll Kcr<***in*hv«i<-i HI- Uilol In rfet a cufi ■ wrilr* Mr I.. l.a p...i ll. l.if" i.-s. ..ii<| niortiriiM- -iii-i m. sim ..r, I. .**. .At Jollll* fottli ami iM-gaii 'iiadoxviiig Mora with lirons-.liiiir til III 44 .tr in e.inin liiolni- Ims-h ! •*d. .\s the x-ehich* w.*i" ilrlveii nxvay lie M.i ll.»» 4*1 "Ssixnc -I mv svmjHom- were JJ EHHILL. niih. tie 'kill of .4 \.-ieian In tie 'i.le •iirene— lii J.XI ..f sXiititach fullnes* tirnl feel •n-iltni.-I Io iss .t4er .iii4 p.iri oi Hi.--ii.lit , asked Ills 1 1.4 s.tiil iti..rltf;i.r. 'I lier.-lor.-. l.- 'r , stre.'l he kept "O fat lit th*' Teal .Hid inK iunsXit>alMn mrarttme* «i-renr«" w'-.wel- •winir -nr reri>ininrnitr.l mr HI. ..I III. |"i44.'t ..I sal.- 0. smM nioriiraire alxx.iys S-* le-ar .i d.sir oi .t ir*'- l« takr Dr l*)rrre « ( Ueiiwsl Di»»-.»rrr>, • .iml ol in.- siatniein su. * -ns. f l.ot-|. -llul prii4 |i|e.|. ||•■t 'iir I’feaiMint l-rllet- can Htiil ..It XUKIIsl I, |.Mt.i ,1 .11". o'i'bii k ill lb.- ' STITGUIlifST.JOIIS. Bicvclcs. ilI.rii.M.ii tl lb. 44.-si tr..|it iloor ol Ibe "o •lUlekty le- Would haxe s.-.-n .\b ••4 t .Irnvnl ntorr Iwnrfil Imm ihrm than any the first. Ilx this time .Mr. .Mitchel Imu I . ..iiri li.itisi-ii.r • iiiiloii . ..Hilly In X|i. blitaii. I Uaruc" • tn ltio,idwa> wheh lle-y -Xhrr mrf-n.lui' to iiiel BUSH answer* the thoroughfaio ma*«iii do tsit desin* ray -inar'er ••-.■ii.iii ..l^lil.-eii. !ii t.. .4 i.s-.ip | proa< It i<"i ttetii stock of rompniiliuishlp Well, tliat Is sailsfac* —-4.-n iiorlli of 'aim. on.- 44i si Xllr|it.;.u, 1 Ami so tlti-y p,isse.| on ilowti Hrotid l>ali--l, XI n 4 "■ 1 'Mio lory, for I Is-llexe I can iW* xrfuit muat XIIMIl: l; rifiv K xvux tite ilelis tlx. itlujiys k.s’iniig tlls- nr.Feooer'sflQLDBiKLlff . Ao. A. aA "■ A- A- OM Bicycles and Is' ilom* iu»w with m • I-If XI01 l^.ltfe. Sundries if IJw lie imuMs] ns ttuaigli cx|M*<*tlng .Mr. .Mora xx.-tit in ami. taking a '.-at .it a INFLAMMATION 8 MItcliel to s|M*ak. hut ttuit giuilleman lIrteiBMv tte* • 9 ItelAMfrat, T«w'll|a table Hear the wtielow, sttit'h.-il Vlr. r •« n. ■ 1 mlnm.i, i ..i.| s.... - I.l. a... i. * C U"i’.xri "i:iH. ( sTxri. Ill xiD Ml We offer coiihl not imve lie»*n oitruiux to know lluilii-s by hi" aetloii that It.- no |ongi*r Pli.ii, ' -.Hilly •< ■ rii..n. -« Xf ,i - —...n ..f what tlie «U*t«*ctlx’e e«uiu*jnplaip<1. for CUW8 AKY PAlTnfltoll OR ODT Ml. I‘l-•l. |l.. I I |.>r M...... iiMx ' . Iliilf.ii iiup|M.s«'i1 that h« xxas xv.iteh.-d What ­ fi..l.|.-ti III lb- l'|.■I..H.- -.f*-. . Hi ifi.- XI I tir- I.f Ik * rcmaln«*4l silent. Mr. Hnmes ther^ NNDNIGHT FLYER ever the huslliess XX Ith'll had . .llleil llilll Ur '"-■t-Tr Th« jOi-. M** Ly 004.4 I'rwl. ? ix n v. S| .l..btl-, r .Ills.1.14. Mu* J>tl. .|j|4 tif fore at oon* t'sik his U’OX’e .Inn. . ;ii Ml.- 4. ,*r ■ .its M-xml nln.-| Sinfle tube out. le* '•-•-ne-it to Im- III le* lia'te for pr.-'.-tit I irl.— .M. Xl.-rrfl! .Imiu. ..f In the street Is* stiMsI -.till a moment, he tiMik III' time oxer hi' luie'li.*oU. C*lil»li»M>.*« FaaM«li BtMMaa koosA Pr. .1.111.- looking after tlie txro enh.-x. xxrhlcfi were Iii M..- iiaM.-r .1 Ml" •..t. -if Xf XllTII.X Xf tires Iltell t-alletl some a. •lUalntlllle.*' w le.lll XI.Dill' If. .|"..-,i.".| still In sight, lie then \valk«*<1 rapkl* ftmiYROYBL PILLS • Ml r. iiiUiiu ami liUnu M,.- llli-ni -liiD Ik* rei’itgnl**'! and ordere*1 xxlie* and ■ „«4Es. nHatwwiaooxiwernMMiaw. ▲ TO ST. ly In the upiHisIti* dln*ctloii for a cou ­ . ••.. r-ii>s.x xaai.* wk 4rrlli.-l. -.f Kllllaiii -X XMrti'- prayliiu Miat Loms clgam. xvhieh they all d|s.*us«e*l to $2.(H) ple of hlocka xvheii lu* ttiritwl aiid hur* iitwxHX •• I’w.i.i-. rs«-.4 /s. jwax Ifi-tiry .1 P.iMi-r«.iii .ir •.uin- -iMi.r still il.l.- gelher until mot.- than txv.< hour' hail . . asssl la H"* M.I ..-IX Ml".- |M-r-..ii 111.14 u ipp..|tit"I • *. 4Ii • 1 ok* 4^y -II it "sl.-ll. PLyiKOT. rteil to th<* iM-arest statum of the e|^ i-iap«4*d. Tlieii. sudd.-iilx liM.klitg at his M.".. X."... S. .".W'*l" ▼ x-ate«l rallrxHut 'IXeeiny minute* later .". *1 i-«€r-s. M«a*aw I li.-r. 11 ••n il i-■ir.|"r»-.|. I'bal I'III U'D X X . Rouble tube xx ’nteh. le* '*»*ene-tl sutpiis«sl to ttiel It '«• 1, M.r ...... 41.' I .' -sMOKI. I III. Ji. Ml D X X Ml Jfl.X . X D .I•«Ml.w|..fw Via the Wabash Road. _ -Hoilvr »b* kx M.a»w Phoiorrapher Ik * was staotllng In the dtMtrwaj near- late, for hi a feW’ w-otils i*. hi' fr llwll tx.,a*x. t-wis 'in "aM. K»-- . .-l-M-i. Ill M--.ifti-rii.Min I"' as-l*ii.'-l fur Miw ly op|Hisltf* to tiM* .Mora mansUMi. Here till." .»»x ifa.t."M Owra In-arltiu -if snlil Im-IIIi.iIi, it lb.- Pr.ibaf" • tires friends. Iltell liiirrtisl oxit and eni'sisl I - . M. .. •• ••HII.XI**.. I-A • »mr-". Ill lb: X illiiMi-at liibiis Xml ll i« he wnlte«l so long that. (MtU'nt detect ­ 'iirfbrt iir'IrMsI. miHrx-l"'.rli.-iil.ili| I'I :i|. . .if Ml. Illm- O . ;iiul alter juiu’.“) a new \Vaha>li train will of isiurse kept hliii III sight iind tiMik -lli'l pini • .i( "Ml.I In-arluic l.y • .lllslti,: M . ..p.i $ 2.25 restive ami would come from his bid ­ Ml-"-.r.U*r •.. Is-p'lbii'ii.'l tn ibr .--t lnii\« St. Johns. Mich a strx'ct »*ar folloxviug tie* oie- into Pacal Bahn Cured Theat it WARNER’S ing place, gaxe 'julckly up arwl down Nl'. 1 nr w »|.ii|M-r |irfni*-.| m.l .iriiilillnK ! • ivf Chicairo ;it 1 1 :.'’0 p. in. jiiul arrive at St. which .Mom Innl jum|M-i|. H««v t wkai ll rrM* “(jMarrti In >.ii.| . ..iiiity I.f I Uni..ii for ibr*-i-'Urrraalx " MUSIC STORE tin' street and tlK*n hurry tMck to his Much to the surprise of the ileti-etlVC. ■d HMriiria* ” ‘ ticraeaU Rvakas wi-"ka pis-iloii" to'a|.| -laI ot b"iirlliir retreat hetwxH'n the Inner and outer hsoAoil;" “Caiotrb oi Skotaacb ca*«d;'* “Pilw lat • IfXUl.Ps XI XltlUUll.l.. I.iMii> a. m : rcturuiiii:. tlu> tniiu will leave Mom allghte«l at tin* .lefTersou Market twmmtr romn («r*d. “ C«r** .\M X rrn"i'..pi • .In.lai- ..f Probaf.- ilonm. I i^aika. Im.’l |Mi||ee statliMi and xvent Into tin* eourt- Croa*. (jain* 4, kroacbitai. did i SyynWte At last the sound of wtieels satlsIWil laros. Bonw. Acaigaml tetn iMaaaa Baatlaa^ St. I"Oui> 1 1 p. in. and arrive at Cliieagii Ices^ rooiii. At the risk of lielng ohsf.rvfsl oaa* kmmmm Usad laiosaaUr and oawvaany. him. and he slipped liehintl a door, be­ Mr. Ilames folloxx'isl as far a* the Pro* MoiaA* froai dragew** Wva* sS c«a.. *•*• ► ^ p^. Fasal BakD OaTsTLoai* Mick. ing thus completely hidden, though ilnnrway, where, xvith a msl to the a. in. Two other t'asi trains via the Wahnsh if through tiH* crertce he could still ob ­ pollceiiMiii on guard, he plaeeil himself > tomrfOm*. i."!". ""a and serve the Mom dwelling. •o titat bx’ I'oxikl i*ee|» In. M .xaaxxai tm *■ this does not -inil yon. .MI eipiipnient np-to- The cab drove up. sml young Mora ■ ■il.« la MM I* "•••. *•• Very soon 1h* underatowl Mom ’s ___ Creams. alighted. lie pnkl his fate, and then errand He had visitexi the place to •Mora* tiM f ainf. •. date .Write or eall for maps and time ichednle. tie dkl a aomexvtiat strange thing. Ils la.kib* iwhio* ot uxMv. makx* a charge against the spy whom •*««•• » puwlllrr iri."- Inm't fail tn uit ** lookexl up ajul «lown the street until he liad eatiseil t«i he am**tx-x|. anxi txi nH- a Inal wtifui Mlfx J. II -xXX’XllTMl’r. his cah Ium I turned Into the avenue and .Mr. Ilsmx-s’ eltagiin his lunii was fir.xsl vou want "oiii*- dIaappMirrAl. Then be xvent up his (W»oa oxMy tor l*>i — ■* * Iteaioaof tk*i rival* ron* Xlalkrrti.n Xlirh thinu in thM liii" fin for annoying Mr. Mom and was. Kv**y h«v !• x»a«TMi*a. *chy by «iraest' R. S. Greenwood, ay okallnarotwiM ntaftovWW* aadlSTU whirfi i« iMn-iiai" stoop ami bid Itehlnd the outer door moreover, wamexi not to rr|irat the WII.UAM* MTH Prm.*- CI-KVI and htatlthful. I of his own house, exactly as Mr. ofleuse. TEACHERS' EXANINATIOItS .\lieli. Pans. '.*7 .\daniN St. Chieakro. U".' th»* tiMut fnill names was biding opposite. The de ­ Mr. Ilarnexi fouml a hiding (ilace tective xronderMl what this maneuver i»:«i.Kii IN lliivorinir" and turn which sr?wx*ned lilni while Mttm passexi t hill farther n..|»xa- Taax’hx-r*. Iltatnl out nothing hat might mean, tuit he Noon dlecorersd. out. hut the young mail m>w walkeil so nail.ih" will la* b"4i| f-Ul.iw* Prash. Salt th«' l«"«t TrV it Two or three mlniitan ha*l etopeed lllab M-h.Mil r.M.iN. *«t .liihn", iblnl Thara- and !"• ■ f»nx’itnAi|. mpixU) tliat Mr. Ilaniea fx-ared txi take ■iat an.| Fiiila.t ..I Xu«tt"l AMI wlien a man slowly paseed who looked the tlnix- to have a few wonts with Ids • b.iaox-. *it l.ihn", thlril TharoHay aharply Into th«* Mora tiouee. In ­ an.l Prf.lay ..f i »riiila-T Smoked *1aata man. whti was imytng Ids tine, lest be A arnK RKUitr to wmmax tar **1 Jt.lii,". lo«| ri.aa.lay Ilf XIarrh Emmmq PhIMMIM Candies stantly young Mora r- I ail traaMa* y**\ lar to k*r aas. |^*a**d ky • hiiwa". Ml Ji.hiia, thir.l riiMfadar oani: AM »i«ii seised him. at tin* aaim* time toncblog aad I'li.lay i>t Jana full IIIH* taln tlMt bx- liaxl remalnexl up town I wall or rraw oar Atout. Bl.OO te' tea • artiarair" ..I all gra.foa will to- grantxMl at EMOTliO mVNMMrN the fleet He iNitloo which summoned Ik aHA.AfiN Ilf all kinds. I’rrali narely to kx’ep this x-ngageiiienl at tIh* mmmm, oc..hfitw cuiiun. om tba a«amliiatli>aa at *>t Jubw" In Xnanai ami Batlar tkan a riano. Onnm. xw MnsAr IVxi, fnr It sing* ami telka as w«4| m ixlars, ami bis hntler. )lr. Ilnmee oould tnnke March I'x-rHIlraiaa .if iIh- •a"..nil nml Iblnl ••r**rx dax \o ohi pxdtrx- court, hut tliat miw. iIh* affair I’ K Van 'irr-klx-, .'ll. John*. Michigna. vraMo" will Io. vrantoil at all nibor atnial* •Axei’tonatm much. It rvprtalucvMlIianiiMicol anrirntruinanl —Iwad ororrlMaira —tetto tinii" «hi«-h r»A|iiir». out by his gestlculatloa that the new­ being setUexI anxI the s|iy onlen-xl md nnllx.mi •txiriOB and sAnga —I ha t4»l familiar hy mm aa wall a* tlw* tanmUfon g * It teal way* rratljr. a "hala*- hnmtner comer was iirotestlng. tuit Mora held All rianklnallona ••llllioalti at a ii’rbo-k A Haa that Mr Kilbain ’a "ignaiara la un avary marhlna. Oai^ to follow him. Ih* wxiiikl Iwsixui to ai- M •♦dll at our •tor^ tegnss of all xlonAar*. or MATIONAL PtMMUQMAHN • jg Awa.« Now Vonlb a him firmly, gtrtng some ovxWra to bis tenxl lx> that widxh lie was so unwill ­ R. M XMvnTMN. C(k. mUl un*W thf iruHM* iri serxrant which sent that worthy hurry- I ••nkin)M.>nar xtf wabiMila, ••n»a«l.v.” ing to have any oih * wltax-s* lug 'town tbe street xrltbout waiting 'Tberx- I* a ■lallon of tin* tdevatx-x| O. G. PLUNKETT, Agent to get a hat. A few mlnutee later tbe mad only a few stefis away from tin* WL SLUE. man returned wttb a pellfenian. Tben JHfemno Market rourttmuse, anxi Mom Tn News Linrs. ST. joms. ncH. THE ST. JOHNS NEWS. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 5. 1900.

ELSIE. I ksauw. kuw waterpfafar.UMvHadadaanaam. MIMM HUBBARD8TON. Nu lIlaMraMd Huiiiajr rkimriiapBri ur tma* ■0 MBDT ■qUAU PBUJlAp “THH MO MW’ I or laaauu balm- No oraaa oi^iaw*. ao iiwaa , leuotos •eakulaa- aot weak »my way, M. L D. Ilur\*h. of Dontiae.'is in town. NKAII HV HKV. IU»aK AT PIO- wliat did wv for aaorrl No doily, waaidy or aomWOBHI ALLMS: io r«*(*rtiliy uli liuaiitt***. Mra. Harriet l•railaul ir quite ill at iiUly iwpar or waaariaas. Nt» tolaaraeh. SMMM MKHTINt*. teiapli aortal aard* awil oarriWr. I»rlia IM. rM>u. of MiUonl. U rUtt- present. No rnmmareiai FOR TILLERS OF THE SOIL ln|r hrr ImttlM'r. Auitrt-%* M**adu.ait. Mrs. J. \. Damon, of Weidmau. oevobtoas. nu post ana -tamp lu link sbiia yon mmmm wa.a tbiaklac of ytmr ssnieklisart far away. mfmmmmmmmm Pratt AMtauifli amt ariff art* •.iirrd. ia in town. But iastaad a sbaot uf font snap, fakna and un- inif a miiplr of w« Ike laiaiiy ul Mr. SoMts and Ctml# tkam wunldldalivor It tu iter BROOM CORN. JaMe M*ae. .\ Ian Irtaad* wars saaawktad at a Mra. Miiiuit* Vaiiltrua^u. of Slcltaiu, Mias Jennie Hariiqr returned to in k ur '• waaki -ale and ssomd ia Tifeitiiiif at tht* lioiu* ’ of .Mra. J. W. iaia tmar ot tka uiakl. latelly noaMa. tu natali Mwian usaahinns thani Yas, vtsu could bay Ithaca Wednesday. tk« "Ukt Vaae uat aad Ika .Nan tear la." tka tma than (ur tan cants. It wvssld entry aluMist Ia«( ttom rtwM Owe mt thm Curtik. latly ul tka Umam batac siek. ladaad, ouak aait tu .Mrs. Julia Ho|ran returne«l fnun Dr- any siaa thread aad taka at laaat una stiah a Ima Uealtsma stl tin t'mlimrw. kar bad. aad after waittaa ■aituasi) lur tka mlnnto mum if yuo worked smart- Yak with Mra. 'tophia VanlW*u*«ti and dauirfi* tndt WevinetMlay. Han Year it na« ■aimiineait tu tka ospaciaat .Is a nanult of the lilKb price of trr, Faiinu*. an* vinitinii friviidk In that maahina muibar wunld make barsalf a .lames iCItrien. of i'ineinnatl, (ihio. oumpmuf tbat tka aan arrival waa a buy 1 At mssm ur a iuy a pair uf paau in a day awi broom ixirti luaiiy an* at-eklUB the nec­ .Sairinaw Uoa tba aucbar rajuiaail aad aaid. ”lt la nnllt avaniaa. and du bm brinaa wurk. milk tba enws, is liiuue for the siinimer. ba ntll ba a lauaaar!” feed tba pk«s and psit Use ehildrau in Imd. Ah. essary iDformatlou to t-uahle tlM-m to Mrk. I.oui^ t'haM* and Halit* an* Tma aauamb. lur luaia iiiaa years later, uaa IbrsM* wore aiurtuna (lays than. .Not su iPeel enter UlMiti the liiduxiry lu nectluua Fr. .lames Calialan, of llutisun, is aariy antcaiaa la A|Mil, MK>. tkia buy bad aotnu apvndiiiir a ft’tt v«t*«'•■! Iieeu tried. in WfbiMcrrilU*. in town for several weeka. as* lama tbat t»a Uadi bia amt bar, (laaviac bt» fur iba me kina uo tba mo d em maebina. fatbar tu lulban latari, ibina hrutbar* tddar Lesik abruaJ, wbat du you -aa’ Here, witara Tlitme, ami |M*rlin|w ri'sukir trruwem as .Miaa Merrill, of < ail iliac, ia the than biaMail. ibraa -latars yuonaar, aad sat uut ■M«lmn. TI* ■mm nssM Tliair nmaam- Suloiutiii Itaiini ha» lutivrtl with hia in 'Si tbara was uu state id MichiMu only just a Well, may hml deairmhk* i;.uiter lu tbe family t«» tthio, whfn* they will re- Ifueat uf .Mias Ktta Sltsldanl. for tba "far nest. The avaai aaliad meal bar torrilory with its swam|w and marsnm. it- Alaa Mana Mka mt Irwismtkmm. many uf tba aaar iiatektsiia tu Idd ibam lara- animals and Iwtlans. and its santterad irdtla fullowtnx from the hn.uin i-oru n*slua aide fur the futim* The Misses Kva Harris and Klla Tim­ wall. aapaatiuc tu *aa tliair faces nu muea. siaaa Colonitki potato Imt-tlm an> fopvctally monte of a fr»w tbousand whilas all told. Now of llllmiU, prewntetl hy tihio Funner: A. Ueyiudda and wife of Denver, lin wen* In CaiMin t Ity Sunday. tbay ware icotae way <>lt tu Micliieati Our mat- llw Afth stale ia tba I'nbm witli it* naariy Utrea artlvi* Iwfon- the pluuta axyim* toto lilo» .Miss Julia Ikiolini;. of Chirairo. is tayaaaa waa a laavbar waeua. arttboui apriaas. million pauolat liar damtu a an asm tba muat IlnatiJi com vvua xrowii aa an Indus ­ •nr viaitiiiif at the littmen of I'haa imt wiUi Ika raawiatuitt wluia auvar, su oum aiun mlturml aisif raAnad in tba lanat. witli a purer- aom. 'Tb^y are deatmytad bj araanlol Sddey and .1. Craven. the truest of Mias Mary tCllrieu. lu ibuaa days. It will ba lamambaml tiiat litara uur and a »Uiia lantslatnre that imats all eraa- polaooa iparta Kreen. etc.). The In- try Ural In .New York, utid only within ware no Iran raUrands treat uf Albaa) at ti at turn lur iutallipnnce aadaetminny. Herr where tbe laat "J.’i yearn liaa iLi* imluair}’ Im*- .Mr. and Mr^ llulluck. of lli»well. Thomas MHiee. of Cansui City, waa tiaw. bnl this was mweb inlAad about awl aarta are ao ouiiM^ua aotl nnmlpraMnt . , i ' tlmn vra land imly wild tuibrrakari frarosts. nuw coiue om- of any euiiatderahle prapor- were ualiera at the home of l.uther in town Tuesday and Wetinesday. eraat enriuaiiy was fall Ui sea "• A® 1 laamiua elib a impnlaliun lira laaat fmi and that aotuf «laiiutt;i* la practirally on- Miaa Haaan Wyaar, taaehar la nay. iMfwavar, t*a luwnd a railruadruM host iuaosod of any in tba wsarld ; ibe boM forms tlotia. Tlie erop lute Im**-u ralat*d to Etldy Thuratlay laat. .'Several fnun liere attended the Sun ­ kind, i/umiae ibraweb tba lUnak arotdalile. but nlort* tlielr attacka larfa- Btehmond sehool, Ohloago, IlL, wTttaa Hsa iat-si raaads, ibis best farm bnildinps ami aoiiM- extent 111 (ihiu, ami alao lu Mla- .Miaa Chriatine Thtera. of Mt. I’leaa- day schtMil eonventitm at Mathertun swam|>. we louwd abuui M miles of rnll*rua«l. impismentaa. tba fairest, iba -martosl awi tba Ij pre<*mle tin* r*titlral period In Uia tha following latksr to Dr. Bartthan ra* .Sunday. Tbi. was ismstructad by layina fawae rails iiesl wire- and alaimblor* (aaund any wbaresince aourt, Kuuaaa a ml .N’ehmaUa. hut oow ant. la a|>endintr a week at the home aar*M#«Im* i«iardl- scbaeai baMtsa with its raaupbf unplaiaod.iaaards crop la amall. pruvldlui; timely uaa Is know what a bisaaing It la to ba able to itinir their daughter. Mia tMirer Me- tal lake. uary dirt raad was in erary way abaaii uf tba fur .riliiap ■ leeks aaul tiaa Hat side uf an oak loani) aoil wtilluhk* for the most sue- flad lallaf la Pe-ra-aa. This baa baao rall-rtmd'. .Yl tins sba kiiMlIy baited tba laaai Quiatiun, of South l.yona. Fr. Win. Haydyn eelebrateil hla tirat slab fur a seat awi the ferair or Mroli pad for I'eaaful Knivvih of Imllau com Is also my ezparlaaoa. A Maad in need la a mass p* St. .loiin ’s chureii Wv*«ineaday and let lua out uf itia wanuu fur a restful walk. alosciultne. .Now Iba well apfi'aialeal sohoul tlie soil liest ailapletl tu Its di*velu|y- Miaa Kthyl Finch, of .St. .lohna. ’Tba juurnay (itim iMaulmii cunalv, H. Y.. lu iatiilaiinpheakiup mofe like a church lliau m frlaad Indsad, aad avaay botUa of Po-np haa Iteen luakinK « abort riait with morninir Wssklanaw ouwuly, Midi., was mmaa in St 'lays. scImsiI iHait-e. in aeory mral district awi the liieut. * iMKir*. m minulas aud M«ara nacuwds. pmah-*l ur tiiph scbaMal ill evary rlllapo Tire na I avar bought proved a good Maod her aunt. Mra. .1. It. tV.adey. Wm. Rohinauii and Chas. liraiit My fatbar s uaeta. wb«> liad uracwiad u* uwa The xroiiml ahoiihl la* pn>|Mir*xl lu tlie to me.**—ffnaan Wyiaav. wen* at t rystal lake We«tnes«iay and I .kpricultural rullapa. tlie Htale Normal* end Mile, .\nnie Finch leavea thia week year, was urciiur uwr ramina aad priHnimsI us Hie prawl Htale I'nlrersitv with lie SAUO aaiiie way aa for Imllau m. except Mrs. Margaratha Daabao, 1214 North fora riait witli in r couain, .Mra 11. Thursday. tiia upper -lory uf bis Ituuaa till wa eiMUd iNtibl. I BtuabNi- anal iis ample enas tnauur iius. It asiawlail tiM*us. I seliuui- .Albmu. Alma. Ulirel. Ililledala and Biiiootli ami tiM*lk»w‘ for hrooui com. ** I faal so wall and good ai^ hAPPy now Huuifhtaliiifr risite«i in Maple Rapids andsiif miles lu every 'hraetiun and was as bud* KaiamaxiMi. Tlaaeo all bava a slawliae aud h Rev. II. 1). .akinuer and chil»ln*n as Ilia -tarry Iraavetts. Mis buaae was uf uu- wblrb atiouki Ih* tiriiltal Hi. Tu to isi that pan cannot daserlbs It. Po-rn-nala hare n*tiirnt**l from a wet*k ’a riait .satuniay. iirestaurr lhal lalacoe unr stale in Ha# fniul rank liawit lu«.. Mt^it feat, una story bkii*, witii flat fur .nleillpai.ce and usefulna*-. .Y ihI llie-e ae**«lk to the txal. Tiai mm‘li care cau- svarytblng to ms. I have takaa seearal with friend* in liiirhani county. Krnest Kemp and family, of lireeii* n*of ouvaraii with sliakas four feat tusui. The •upplimmslad elth unr refiirmalur) iustilu- upper story wa bovs uaed to rerMli by dimbinrc mit In * taki*u In iIh* aeletilou uf tbe bottles of Po-rn-na for fsmals complalah Miaa Kdiia IIilia left Klaie Tin*ailay ville. wen* in town TecMlay ami Ihans, chwrchaa. Hnnday eclMitds awl mi-*iunary III* tba r«>rnars aixi side*, wlterr are raised raiu urpaniutiuns we four w* rumparteuu. ses*il. Kx|M*iiemx* pn»vea tluit It |iaya to I am In the change of Ufa and ltdoaa mt far Y|>aiianll. wliere alie will piiraiie W»*«lnes4lay. wlien we liad iMdbiaa aise lu ilu. Ttx* tiuor uf Nor must are furpot liial durinp unr pmtiaoi huy only what Is km>wn tn be xoud tire raorn imlow was made uf planks ur split days a- a stair*, ibopraal puJitieal party whiela good.** Pe-rn-na baa no aqnal In all ol the atudy at tnuaic durinif the aiiiniiier .Mr* Walter Taisir ha* returned lua*. Itewii wltlt a ctsnmun liaiwi ax. Fur cbim- se**tl, pro|M*rty aelected aud aav*ed. I Hit montha. iw*re iliaia aay ur all othar- lias sliapa-i the the Irragalarltlas and emargaoel aa pw from «in*envine iind will spend tin* uay. a buie tbrauali ibe rauf at una <*ornar uf |Ms|iry and ruotraioai Ibe •lasliay of uwr cunatry seetl lu a vessel of water ami reject all siiiiiiuer ben*. tlie iiulldiaa: wiwiadus, anwilwi 16 sunls. and 16 uanriy fall aruwu can we ever furpai that tu Ibr* husls of iMible the amount iinaliH'ixl haa ltet*n found a aix weeka' murae at tile aiiiuiner I'li'asaiit .satuniay. for a wet*k ’s visit Inslias a* well, for litiua. rmiina aud sleapiua. moti wImi want f^b frum amr midst is larmiy Address Dr. Hartman, Coiiimbaa, Oh Normal. witli relatives. Wa wars a lull) Ud anti sueial-iiks. In Ibi* say aloe tba fact that luday we hare bui une nap. tu rcault iictweeu Hit* platiHnx** of (pjotl tor a free book for woman only. wa livarl tbrsaur four mualbs till unr utru bouse tiatllr lorn awl bloaei siainaal. and uoa paopla. aud iMwr aeetl. 'ITie Tenness ee Ever- A. Currier and wife left Klaie Tiiea- Tile fidlowintr families have ^one was built one brutiaeriauaei. one lawi day for u few daya' riait ivltli th»* lat- to Crystal lake for tlie summer. iVn . Wa anieratl lisa state fraw lira -ualbaast. III liS'i wa trad tndrew Jaakeun for prasuiaai. IfTcen Ik the var1i*ty luost xcnerally rrtwsiBC by llta way uf Tacamsaii, .tnii .trbur wre wa bare lots of lii* litb iXHtslii- wIhi wiNil*i xrowu. ami its yield Is lartP’ atMl of ter’a luotlier. .Mra. I). I.. Wilkinaon. >V«irthy. Chas. Worthy. Warren .''harp and liaxier. Ttirse ware mara tiamlat* ibaii a like lu be presialaol, iinl the Michipau buy- of Ithaca. and Mrs. H Johnson. slurs, a lavaru and blacksmith *liup awi tbrae uhlacled k year-apu anal -u we bare vVilliaai. gootl quality. Tbe Missouri Everxreen. CHEAP EXCURSION ur fuur (Iwaliiturs. TIra raatof tba IS miia* ws and be has alone *ti arall tbat ibare is much talk aa xrowu in Illloola. yields a aome- Mra. Dr. iiillaiu^ and *iater. Mra. Fnil Dell. «iiir (ft*nial en*amery fun*- fulluwad an Indian trail, rrusslna craak* awi uf askiDp him tu laolai aiU till Im ope n s that liuur \V. II. Itruiiaon. of St .lotiiia. wen* man, eleehnit«*4i lnde|iendence Itav in marsba* as hast wa eunld. Kaaeninrc uncla's into ('kina aud hrinps uut a rlrast or twuuf lea. wliat lluer ami mure pllahle quality of RATES TO COLORADO the tfueata iif their aiat«*r. .Mra .! It mansion, wa fuuad a baaatilul rvmiitr) , mtistly lu as we have saen the ruwairy bad iiu brush whicti xnidea liett»*r for what Is a queer wav. Hi* wa* iiiarrinJ to oak i>panimr«.erMy tu daar aad at envainaiant teiepraplis, no leieplmna*. wa snlr-manue (In July *1, HA 17, and .tug. 1, 7 A 21 WtMilcy the latter jiart of iaat wi*ek. .Miss .Mahle \VIImui . of Cars<»n City. priea. tl.S^ par aera rablas. at* iraiis-enatliieolal rail road*, imi sold sa “earr^t stock.** tickets from (’hiciigu to Ih-iiver.Colorado Miaa lintaa, ac*canii*r invan- ROCK ISLAND ia a|M*iu\ln^ the aunitiier with her MAPLE RAPIDS. faaiilla- wots tdiliaati tu ramp unt by tba ruad- ttuus. must taf tbam u-sful Ira civillxatlam and deterrent. The Imnleaux paiia mreen tanct*. 'Die black seetl may lie plantetl •ida fur tba nurhtTiarausa tbara was no rtMim at aunt. Mra. .1. D Sickela mrasl taf lltam hraupht a ehe waa returninir home from Out in I * wtaid* of a >uwlay mornimr a Italf fur uauplitT .Nu. they test frum their labau-- beeUea. Tlila In laryp'ly Iwtauat* tbefr brush. tvvelvi* yi*ars old, he came with lii* •hmau iaiy« of us ware play ilia. Matclieii with awi tlmir waark* aha fulhaw liiaam awi hiassawi ha For Round Trip tiriil the latter part of the week. pan*nts'to this state and settliii in tuieuf tbaiK wa wrastlati: I fall under, awi Haair menMary, I will rh-m by pivioar the aald attacka an* tuiMt aeven' at or hood aft­ The seetl la rather skvw In a|»rouHnx tVilliaoii Wiadl. of Detndt, ia inak- sliau pttllati up by uur rumpnuiun*. one uf tiiuae piaattaer- lamant in In* aawn liumhle aartards. and In tts early xrnwth. nml the xrnuml Itelurn Limit (k-tolicr .’11. I'.mhi. l-.-nawev* ^•ounty. when* he >rn*w to rsptiias Imd struck hi* poisont*u- fana* inbt my er tbe critical iierlml lU tbe derclop- intr Klaie frieiida a aiiort riait Ilia maiiliiMNi III Isi.’.. he marrii*«l .Mrs maiehlass measure sbtmkl be well liamtwetl .xml worketl mate * iaa We iiasianatl btime with hiai, witare Tlie plamaaur awi -trile aaf thi- life i* past, meut of tlie (lotnto. When Imdly eitten wife anil -.on. who an* riaitiiitr in Mary l». .Miller Removing.' to Clin ­ ba sullereti many weak* in areat aau'*r. and the ll* amhitiam* awl laope* .ieiaarteai; at tbla Hun . eiipeclally If tbe wvatber wlilh* tlie plants art* small nml tbe SPECIAL TRAINS (traiid Rapida. will reach thia plaet* next summer aistul Ilia -ama tiase tlie attack ton county. -Mr. Klli* settl»*il ii|Sin the ratnrnaii. bis imdy larnati spotlad like itie Tve renchaal three score aud ten at last. la dr 3'. tin* plaut never n*coveni. -Yr- sneetia kept «lown iluHI It la wHI start- Friday ne.xt. for a riait of ai.x w**eka Haai and hraken liearteil One night out to Colorado will leave farm when* In* dieil. He was inarri»*ein^' sbatles the xi'oumi as tn anitvther the of July '.(iiml IT, uiid .Yuguat Ist.^Tick- Miss Telia Tn*aster To tin- Hrst While ilie pnvaUtins were many anti often Wlien my atraceful son wa- -iiininp: quate protection, 'nie eutnlduatlou of Mrs. 11. 1.. Keiiiirick ami saiu, of St. a.aal. yal llie ftrti year- id uur uas iHicna It lias iaaeo a life nf up- awi down- weetls. *0)0 cutting ahoiihl lie done ets iilwi gtMMl oil n*gulur trains. .lohna. have la-en s|a*ndln^' a few diiya union wi*n* Isirn four cliilren. ail of .\nd enals in sari repioilnr. araeoltiHi witb lionltaux mixture dosw amid-l the forest of Hiiwar* In summer awi the ONLY DIRECT LINE TO COLORADO with her mother. .Mra .*» Kildy. pn*- wtioiii survive. Fernando, wlio resides sutiw- awl frost* uf sAiitar. ware amuna tha .twi yal. fnam afar. I taear a vtaice aervr* to ItiHfp off Uiew peata. Kxpe- after tbe lieatlx an* fully out. hut be­ SPRINfJS AND HANITfR:. near tin* iioiiie. Kliner of Diiiidi*«*. ha|ipie-l •lay - of my life. Hweei, meiudiaau- eallinps: rleoct* liaa alao hIhiwd tiiat lavnleaux fore tbe seed fully rt|M*on. If year*, wtiat miahli II iihls me inisl His slreupth tri keep. New York, when* alu* intends s|»end- ,Moiion* miiiity. Nathan of i;n*i*nhush. dianas* ‘ Tlian. Detroit cxiuid -eareely lia rai- My wauvry feet (rtun falhup. mlztun* alone la aiitlirient iirotectton until tbe seetl Is ripe, the Imish will Take uitviiiitugc ol thets* rlieap rale- und Injr a few wi*eks with n*latives and Fn*il of Kiilton, tiratlot «*oiinty ie.1 a city : *lia l>ad uu system uf water works. uot keep tbe gtiml green cnh>r which In M|H*tid your vurution in Colorado. SH*e|>- iMi-awsraae. no street ears, mt aas tialit*. fas I see a liaitd tital iaecnau- me aau. in practice. Tlirei* new pianos and two ortraiis Mr. Kills was iiiadt* a .Mason in .MapU* churdta-, awi w> saloons ur rtaarettes. St* Tia Ibe -uul'- -weei. laiosi ely-ian. It la neceaaary to make acveral appll- deslretl ami whlcti Is of Itnisirtance, aa iiig I'ur Hswrvutiuns iiiity Im* nmile aovv Rapids laMltre in I**'**, and his i*oniiei*- Awi a harm, wtw appears i liave liehtre kwaau, Were unloMdi*4i at tin* defait laat Jarkstiu wbara imtl iaiys rviuhi flwl a luHne: ut* *Ha* manly, -u walile iu VIsiaau caticna of araenIcaJ iiolaona to tbe po ­ tbe cokyr la !*t, U, sun aaf my love. U, iuy mM*<|uenHy affects tbe uoiis. He was an industrious citlreii •’(’(H.tHiADo thi: MAHNIFM r.NT’’- rlllaire or iinin«*iiiate vicinity. wiiil«* Jfdins with lier tieautlfnl court bouse awi eimr- Thy arrMUp batii left u- in sorrue, der tu irlve protectlno iiBaloat tht* (lota- prlct* of tbt* iiiarketahle article. If left at )i*ast one otiii*r fnaiio is l*<*in)f lie and built up from th<* w*il«l forest a Inc railruad. TTie .'laaiciaw Valley and all itie Hnt will meet Hire apaiu in repiaci* all tariphi. seiit tree. 1’. D. I.Y’tfN.T. I*. .\.. ll Fort north rttuniri , iMiw leamina with a mo-i nnlar- A lillle while after laamurntw. to liectle. Tile comiiit'rcial (irepara- too long licfon* cutting, H m* brush ban (Totiatt**! for. a very jtimhI sliowiiifr for i-oiiifortabb* hoiiiv*. anil although not j St. Wmt, Itetnyit, .Micfi. aiiioiiy,' the earliest M*ttlers. he may | pnsiwypupnlatitui. wa* then a lien-e wilder, O. ran it be that at lenptli I sliall -ee tlona uaetl. imrla (nx>eu, loudoii purple, u rrtidlsh cast. one wet*k na-s. ^leii lliara ware fas brnlae- uver llie TIae Kiiap In hi* iaeauly (rtrever. To raise ami (*an* for a crop of broom nro|s*rly la* siyhil a pioiiei*r .Mr ; aireams and waaun nmds ware mauab It* thi icoisl work . a scyllta. a araiii era- Kallonx vvaieri. Tlie allirht n*toalDlDK constnK*tion lM*lng w’lHi a view to tbe 5 dia,a hawi lake liiat I ufleii sisiiad har .Mr and .Mr* Will if oil Id are visit ■ any liaalli- from liluwina uul lire aa* wImmi se Mi** Fuiini** .Ilckul*. rif DiniuiidaU-, laat we»*k sent :u lasd. au truolila about tba coat Are m*- tbt* lime nml mo ratidcnal luimilea. BiNt iMMimls. H h* average stse lM*iug :irsi "Uggtwtetl uiid will design your houses iiqr in Itetroit thi* wi*f*k i* visitiiiir at tin* huiiit* nf hrr iiiit*li-. I'crry Darker is Inure fnun l-atisiiitf. inauot. never -sitre sliati pultiiirt ap sluve poumis. TIm.‘ Istles luust lie made different tu th«NM« thut htive Imwu doiM* .Mrs V Moiid ami Mrs A * urrii*r pipe (i. tlNMie were aissl lime- Ibeii ‘ AIU*n .Hrkel* ’Tip hum" lx eliaracterised liy tbt* when* he lias la-eii witii ills hnttiier vislti*il ill liwftsso last w»*ek Well, sliat liht we lia te lu ealT Nu laduwna deatli of tlie {Mitalo leavea at their tlpa squart* nml snuMitb. hy the other puilllers of the ritv. I Klinei. sinee last fall. •ausace wir Hamburicei dieesa. w* mliait rtloua dry, Homer i.«»v«*n had tin* niisfortum* l.aneiii(r. an* vieitiiiir lier parente.^.Mr. Mevea Halea mt Irrlwatlaa. .1 D Vaiilturirer is in n*ceipt t»f a to fall and fractiin* tbi«*i* of Ills rlie, *atait. in* lisnaiMis ur caunati pcadio* witb cake hbtcKt'O nml mil up tir hn*ak off. This anti cream, uu apples yiaariiaa. |>lamb-. |*aas ut and Mra Sloiiey. 45 years experience tine laix of cifrars fnuii his Min. Har­ this Week tmuhle •N'ctira duriOK tbe dry bot 1. TIm* inoix* «-ulHvaHoii the leas wa­ cultivated fruit uf any kiwi We liati lireiwi ttr ter la retiulml. itod will guuruntee Hrst Hues work or ry. who Is in tile I'hilippines. .Ml and .Mr> l^ewis .N|«*t ullouirhanil Jtdiaay rake |»tatiie- inrtian -auce, -uma- .Mr* .lelTr*rHoii Faldr returner! fri»in weatlier of luldauiiiUMT. 'Tip hum la no puy. I hnve iiniiiletl uud grainetl time-ranison ur ftsh wild barrias. mush awl Nt*tt Yi»rk *tatr* la*t where she 2. Irrigation furrows sliouhl general ­ J. CliafTet* and familv and .** liar- son. of I Irion, an* s|iendin(r the sum milk. ate. Dot cauaetl hy |Mmalllr futiffl- H Is >1' th** follnwiug hoilsee Homer Hale. haa Irren vieitint; ly not Im* over three Inches ileeii. rett and wife. *if Victor, visltnl at iner with her parents. Mr and Mrs. Wliat did sa wasrt Hare i- stiave tlia laimli trihutetl to iiDfnvorahle weatlier (xmdl- Orin Klee. C. l-umhs. W. Itiiss, W. .shr*!- coma* ID. I'p ia fSM* envner of llie runw -land 3. Do iHit h*t H h* water He around Itio Merle Meach s,indny aftertiiMui. T ( Avery raiih lire little sbsal ftir flax. anarn fur -iimamr. and refund the money on two 3A the front sliert* we eunld barti wtswi funr feet ly anrl hreakintr tin* huirify anrl harm*** er Inventetl by a (’olorado man which ia to Im* another social held in the the Reach Sunday lontf awi a belf nird at a lime. Tu Ibe rmim rent fHtttles or Imixcs of Ibixter'a Man ­ abuse we climbmi by amen* of a pule iathler. Miinr. Is very alniph* In construction, strong near fulun* NVatcii for the announce ­ Richard .Mism* and (fraiidsun Max. | drake llittera, if It fails to euro cun- ment as the pnitrratii that the .Mystic Thi- rtssn wviwltl he abcHit t feet at tba eaves ami durable ami has no I'asHnga. It Is i^lelirateii the iriorioiis Ffuirth at tliej awl I ttr a feel in renter. Hare ibe yuunder ntsst a ssms. ati|Mtion. hHiouaiieas. sick heailache, tirangx- carries out is well worth iro* sbivaraii awl slept in wtaterawl h*turbl rntteiai- a I'oiiihlnailon of Imum * frame, swinging jaundice, loss of appetite sour stom ­ Meaeh. j Wm offer 0|»e Hundrval Dollars Revvnr* Inir to hear. Irw- awl retirttats in summer. Carpel*' Bras* denick and atatloaary stambird. TIh* .^llss Tressie liristol. of Dontiac. I sets, i Ultra las. axmiaistor. No tach exirava* for any cases of Cutarrh Hiat can m>t I* ach. dyspepsia, liver compllaint. ur any of the ilisettMes* for which it is rec- \ was a (fuest of Myrtelle .Misirr over itani ftsdislinas- ilian. l*iastere*i walls, aieaiy currvl by llaH’s I’ntarrh fun*. standard Is tbe most novel feature Knerify ail Hsme*. ’ Headache'.’ pe parts I or fteseo ailt lloht ytinr hraatb ’ Nice ommemleti. It is highly re<*omtnendeti .'siimlay*. F. J. <'betwy A (Vi. I’miie., Tttleilo (i. about this machine. It serves tn short­ Stomach out of onler? Simply a east* ntry awi rbine dtsset* awi rich wardpiba*T as a tonic and hliHid puritier. Stdd of torpid liver. Hurdork III cents for either. (»ne package of Toil at the lb*ach Tues«lay for a twoj tiritan into tba same, a rttu^ii Imard siidf- him iierlectly hotinralile in all bueiiM— t>f either guarantceti to give satiafat** Ibreatir f*>nr uf ibaaa. une above Iba titbar and traiuoxctions nml ttnanHallyaldetocar*; weeks’ visit. I you havatbatr pantry. For eallar. a bote aa*dar tion or immey refiindetl ('. K. Van* ON THE MERIDIAN. Mr ami .Mrs liniwn, f»f Ml. Dleas- the Ibior witb a trap dtair where yim otmid nut -jiy olditroiions made hy tbetr ttrm Nickit*. FHdew .v MiHinaii. Travia A reach dwwn for ytier vMetabla- Ctstkina W'f^f A Tniax, Wholsseh* Dmguiei* ant. stopp^i at the Meaeh Tuesday sitive*. do yon sayT FTm. MeKiatay never Maker. Ward Vanl>ruaeu Is spending the ni(cht. They were enniute to <»hlo ■Ireamaii of a esmkiiMt stove tn IXKl ttr nay t^bav T'vktlo «!., M*aiding. Kinnaii A Marvtt, week at home helpinir his father with and ixyntrniplatevl inakinir the entire sirtve for tbat matter, W’e liati tmr stick cbim- Whokatek* Drttggieis Tolealn, (thi >. .Murshall.—’ll is stxiil that the tensus ot nor with its lud pole rbaia awi Imki A s ; rvtvarwi Halls f’ntarrh f'lirv* is taken int'-msll* hla harinir trip im their wheels. haWti kottla. loa kettle awl lonw-bandle fryirnr IImni will show a «k ersasi- in iMqmlatioo The ladies ’ ai«l s*ieiety of idive will pan. a few illsba*. ate Homs ftJks. awi Ibey Rcfing U)Min the bliMxl and mnetm* s-i TTF MTin or T«a mrATo Lgar. of 2tMl over tiiat of INIU. K. T Haire returnerl fnim .''t l^mis were artatocrals. bad stone or brick >ams tti meet with Mrs INivid .MrConker i**)***! of thesyetem. IbaceTur. iierliottie, fttates oatstde of small gardens. We June ^. where he had Iwen attendinir tboir ebimnoy*. and the rrane witb betnks. etc. .' weatem .Mr. ami Mrs Revmdda. of Denver. srlsors ami thirohles Neeilles will tin fivaa and Iba biakory aeimad. Ttiasa oven* lisir* Famdr IMIm are the HL.t would iiuld two nr three btaves. Tid* we piaaed states, notably ia (.*okyrad«>. Immsnaa Colorado, are spenriln# a few weeks In * furnished A mnlial invitation hafnvs a hfaxiaa (Ire end turned and turned llil rfaltinff hl» slater. Mra. Chas Kvhly. is extemWiI to all. tba broad was *'*bMW brawn.” That was a araal .Aom In Im MMetnaa-. crops of fiotatuea ate ralsetl upon Iffli- day. for tba lavanlor was aUfoatl ia iba land. gatetl land K. •*. Vanlteventer went U» Y pai- Frank Vretlenhurir svHI have one Tu roast a spare-rtb or a Turkey, wo snspan d ail I Imre openrtl inv ahttp again at the ■TAiniiAaty hat STAraM. SCROFULA inf the finest hank Iwms In theoounty it from a haam by a low siriad bafora tba Are. old *Uind and *hall he glatl to wel- In the I’aatern states proper attentkio lantl .Saturday, where he will «*o«i- and statinnori tma uf Iba smarkast uf Iba family, pivoted In the center of gravity, there­ niete the «*worea of atudlea at thestate when e<»mplete«t. Niar of tMrn, Pix otaar all my oUl anti a* many new ca*- to tbe accuoiiHaHoo of a stove of bti- sdtb tha ienddmndle spana In baska. while it. by minimising the power reqatred to Normal achtMil. k4, haaetnent 13 feet, with a fine stone Ilka tkm modem missionary, wont amnnd detaa totaenv as will t'all upt'n me. As Im- mns In the soil liy tbe oaon* frrqtwt You iMvo tlMiii In wall. 'lU f.wt from base to topof peak. fore. I shall citndnet a tinning and growth of clover, ftevinent tillage