Hip- Student's experiences Recognize Wildcats drop Hop's call others to protect World AIDS Rattlers in Florida 'Main' free speech Classic Day 1994 Flava

.II)S IP~tv I & 5 Inlrtinmeni I Opinion i 'Sports 12 The Iamuan DECEMBER 1,1994 1 The Voice of Florida A&M University - Tallahassee, Fa. Vol. 80 - No. II ~~" H" Woman set afire while /b- sleeping Police have a warrant out for her husband uwhom they haven't found. By Tracee N. Williams I Staff Writer She said her husband poured kerosene around their bed and on her L body as she lay there sleeping. The Famuanl KALI MEEKS Then, Kim Rinkins told police, get a taste of some ice cream at a booth during the Allistir Hayes (left) and Stacy Greenwtod set her on fire. recent Campus America tour. he took a match and The Tallahassee Police Department said Rinkins, a 25-year- old physical education student, is in Students can play a key role critical condition at Shands Hospital Film actress in Gainesville with second- and third- degree burns over 60 percent of her in Public Agenda forums body. to hold Tonight's meeting will Gale Workman, a professor at Police are still looking for FAMU and a moderator for the event Michael Rinkins, 35, her husband of give students a chance six months, who is suspected of set- workshop said, "It (the first meeting) was good concerns. beyond our expectations." ting his wife on fire after she told him to voice that she was divorcing him. Tyra Ferrell will discuss By Miranda Fleener She said she was delighted by the of FAMU students who stood up According to Officer Phil Correspondent number black women and film and made comments during the session. Kirocofe, TPD public information Students now. have the chance to Joe Ritchie, coordinator of the officer, there is a warrant out for By Walter Cooper express their concerns for Tallahassee at FAMU portion of the Public Agenda and Michael Rinkins arrest. Staff Writer tonight's community forum. journalism professor, said the two main "When he is apprehended he will Called Public Agenda, the forum is reasons for FAMU's involvement is be charged," Kiracofe said On Saturdayp - -i designed to discuss community concerns, research and a future community newslet- Wednesday. "She's burned from in Charles Winter- including crime, race relations and the ter. cheekbone to feet," said a relative of wood Theatre. environment, said Cathi Lees, agenda "What we are envisioning is to estab- Kim Rinkins who did not want to he Tyra Ferrell, vsh program assistant. lish a public editor at The Faimuan," identified for fear of reprisal. "She starred in 'Boyi For those who missed the first Public Ritchie said. looks terrible, I don't even know why Agenda forum held last month, they can The editor would be responsible for she would want to live- her whole "Poetic JusticLc catch another community dialogue today detininc issucs, setting up forums on epidermis, the outer layer of skin, is "\Vvhite Men Can gone and some of her dermis." at 6:30 p.m. at Bethel AME. Church,Se Agnap e2 Jump." at _ Lees said.Se Ag dap e2 Tallahassee Police Lt. Al Brown "Jungle Fever erl said, "Officers thought she had on will be conducting a burnt clothing, but later w~e found out workshop describing the political Panel cannot confirm Tait's that it was actually her skin coming importance of black women and their dowsn." role in films. According to police, after talking Ferrell spoke briefly after the first claims of police mistreatment about getting a divorce Nov. 24, Kim movie showing at her film festival at dent Larry Tait va' mistreated by the Rinkins went to bed, leaving her hus- Florida State University's Screening Spokesman said FAMU police department on Oct. II,' band sitting on the couch. At approx- Center Tuesday and Wednesday about there was a "window of said the Rev. Adam J. Richardson, chair- imately 1:30 am. he entered the bed- her career and why she chooses the man of the committee and pastor of room and set the fire. Kim Rinkins roles that she does. opportunity." Bethel AME. Church at a press confer- said in a statement to police. "To me it's not about taking any- By Elysia L. Richardson ence Monday. "She woke up because of his thing or any part that come.s my way, Staff Writer The committee, appointed by movements and she remembered him just to get autographs and stay in the Humphries. was formed to investigate wsatching her on fire for a while be beneficial spotlight. I take what will An informal fact-finding committee Tait's allegations that he w~as mistreated before he ran out." Browsn said. to me and my race." has ruled there is not enough evidence to and injured by acting police chief Charles Then Michael Rinkins ran out- Ferrell also talked about race play- determine if Student Government W. Hobbs. after he w~as detained for side yelling that the house wsas on fire film industry. ing a very big role in the Association president Larry Tait was obstruction of an officer and resisting and no one saw him after that, wsit- blond and blue-eyed I'd be "If I was assaulted by the university's police w~ithout violence. nesses said. all the time. But since getting scripts department during an on-campus lecture. "There w.as a window of opportunity Moments later, witnesses said I'm black I have to be careful about "Speaking on behalf of the commit- for the alleged incident to have taken the\ 4av Kim Rinkins run out of the so that I bring a what role I portray tee, we have concluded there is not suffi- See Tait page 2 See Rinkins page 2 good image out on the screen." cient data to substantiate that SGA presi- 2 The Famuan I December I , 1994

Public Agenda from page I The forum, sponsored by the Tait from page I press conference. campus and getting students involved Tallahassee Democrat, WCTV 6, Florida place, however, there is simply no body of Hobbs could not be reached at press with the election process. State University's Center of Professional data to prove that it did occur," time. "I think students who do participate Development and FAMU School of Richardson said. "A meeting was scheduled with Dr. stand to gain the appreciation of public Journalism, Media and Graphic Arts, takes Tait said he testified that he had been Humphries and Tait on the morning of the life...[the] best antidote for student apa- the form of discussion, not debate, assaulted while in custody of FAMU's press conference, but the president fell ill thy," Ritchie said. Workman said. police department. and it was canceled," Jackson said. Workman said Tallahassee's student The focus of today's meeting will be "As a result of him choking me, 1 had The committee acted on its own when population makes up nearly 10 percent of to provide possible solutions to communi- a sore throat and my neck was badly they called a press conference to the city's population, and that's why ty problems. bruised. I still have a mark from where he announce its findings. agenda coordinators strongly encourage (Hobbs) nicked my neck with his finger- A press release said the five-member students to attend. nail," Tait said. committee heard more than 10 hours of I Other injuries Tait said he suffered testimony, reviewed more than 400 pages were a knot on his head and soreness to of documents including transcripts, Rinkins from page I warrants for violation of probation and his back after being thrown against a wall administrative inquiries, sworn testimony yellowandt-rowouse into the street, possession of cocaine. He was still at and the floor. and newspaper articles. screaming, her skin dropping away from large by The Famuan's press date. Richardson said that medical reports 4"Nothing I said is reflected in those her body. She ran across Gibbs Street to Michael Rinkins, originally from do not substantiate Tajt's allegations. reports," Tait said. "So what was the point Michael Rinkins' cousin's, Charles Quincy, now living in Miami, was visit~ Tait said he was not contacted about of testifying? It was a cursory job at best. Roberts', driveway. ing his wifc for Thanksgiv4 the committee's decision before the press I don't blame them (the committee) She was on Roberts' driveway Kim Rinkins was a quiet person and conference was held. because they are not investigators." when the officers arrived. had recently attended a student leader- He said he should have been among Tail, who had been attending an on- "Earlier that day, I heard him say, '1 ship conference in Orlando, said Clarke the first to know because he brought forth campus lecture by poet Sonia Sanchez, don't care whatcanybody says, that's my Byrd1 an office manager in the division the allegations. had positioned himself to block a tow wife!"' said a neighbor, "and I remem- of healh$ physical education -ndrccre- 'That shows the disrespect they have truck from towing a car on police orders. ber wondering why he shouted like that, ation Herxelati* described her as "fun for students here," said Tait, who was not According to the committee's report, but I didn't see anything." loving and happy-go-lucky.", surprised by the ruling. there were three police officers working Police said that Michael Rinkins "TFn just trying to forget it," si Eddie Jackson, director of university the evening of the lecture. FAMU police was already wanted on two outstanding Roberts, looking visibly shaken. "I just relations, said neither Tait nor Hobbs was were called to Gore Educational Complex warn to forget all about this." notified about the decision before the in response to a burglary alarm. FAMU police officer Shuronnie McNealy requested that a tow truck be called to I N remove the cars when his car was blocked after responding to the alarm. ""This situation in our estimation could have been life-threatening. Emergency vehicles could have been blocked," Richardson said in his Monday statement. "A university police cruiser was actually blocked. "Tait responded to that situation in an effort to prevent the removal of cars on O e00ential behalf of students. While his effort was Tw noteworthy, perhaps even an attempt at ingredients0

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The National Health Service Corps is a program of the U.S. Public Health Service U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

Public Health Service . Health Resources and Services Adrnnstraton Burea of PH mary Health Care 4 The Famuan/December I, 1994

, Debate continues about the AIDS origin Scientists, caregivers and people with the virus remain divided on the issue

"However, there will probably be a lot of gullible people instance, and that AIDS and HIV are epidemic. By Gary Moskowitz Staff Writer who will believe what he says." There are members of the community who believe Scarbough has received much feedback from stu- that HIV does not necessarily cause AIDS and support A group ot prize-winr dents who have Philpott com- 4. ID sors,doctors including and university a FAMUI pro attended. pletely. A "M r . Acquired krnua Tallahassee resi- Philpott's first afficiecy Syndrorne KpaS fessor, wants to disprove Cac for the dent who's tat e of Rorida . notionFurthermore, that HIV causes ALiI seminar created daughter is HIV- Pacici!:u Ack& /Addecer* Cases White. Not I-lispaic 1 positive says she quite an uproar, 18258(44) Philpott, a FAMU chemi because he basi- told her daughter Iack, Not I-1panc 16.699 (41) professor, and the 300 members of The Group For' cally contradict- Nt1ic that having the 6.057(15) Re-Appraisal Of The AIDS Hypothesis say that the 1 ed everything we l-iar 'fic I". virus is not a 59(0) ularly held notion that HIV causes AIDS is servind teach our stu- A.irvacI death sentence. hold positive AIDS research back. 23t0) "One-million people are HIV-antibody positiv( dents," said / "Most peo- 11(0) ple find out and America, but do not have AIDS," Philpott said, at Scarbough. "He Uorc :v'i t of Reaith J ehtEtaUve ervicec is blatantly dis- give up, but I am AIDS awareness seminar held in the College of Pharn seminating false The Famuan/Heatheur Malone doing my best to auditorium last month. Philpott has had four seminar information, but make sure my FAMU and two at Florida State. people tend to daughter does not believe what they want to hear." give up," said the mother. REAPPRAISING AIDS "In many ways, it's a death sentence, if you don't have a supportive family," said the mother. "It is always Philpott is a graduate student in pre-medicint A DIVIDED FIELD difficult to get to the truth, because of money. It's all and Florida State University and the Tallaha FAMU Phil Reichert, the HRS District 2 AIDS Program about money and power." She and her HIV-positive representative for the San Francisco-based ADS Manager, has attended one of Philpott's seminars and has daughter embrace Philpott's theory and are continuing appraisal Group. spoken with him on several occasions. research on their own. This group claims that HIV, the human immunod ciency syndrome, does not cause AIDS, but is mere "Philpott is keying in on the rare cases that disprove The premise behind Philpott's presentation is common accepted knowledge of AIDS," said Reichert. twofold. First, HIV is a constant and not a new virus. The coexisting factor, and AIDS is non-contagious and "The only fact in science is that there is no absolute." statistics, found in data collected by government funded able. The group also believes that the prescribed tr Reichert feels that Philpott is not presenting information research and recorded in medical journals, show that HIV ments for AIDS are causing AIDS rather than curing about what usually happens, but what hardly ever hap- remains a constant, and the levels do not significantly rise "Western Orthodox medicine is really symp pens. or fall. Medical journals will show that one out of a hun- management," said Philpott. "We (taxpayers) are gii Virginia Robson, Executive Director for Big Bend dred people in Florida are HIV positive, and one in every the government more and more money for lies, and CARES has been researching AIDS and educating AIDS 250 people in the reported AIDS cases, will never get a payback." patients since 1984, and believes Philpott is going to con- however, are rising at an epidemic rate, Philpott says. Of HIV-positive men who have AIDS in the Un fuse the public. "(AIDS) is a life and death disease, and if he is lead- States, only 10 percent have any traces of HIV int AIDS AND DRUGS semen, Philpott said, and even in those cases, the le ing people to believe that AIDS is not infectious, he's Philpott said AIDS is an epidemic that corresponds don't pose a threat. wrong," said Robson. every exactly with the rising epidemic of drug use. And he has 1,000 Robson added that HIV turns into AIDS, in Data collected from the Journal of the American pages of reports, most I Medical Association shows parallels between the rise of of which were funded cocaine use and cocaine-related hospital emergencies by the government, since 1980. This rise in cocaine use is considered epi- that he says support his claims. ,:=:;,i.:,! ,. demic by Philpott, which coincides with the spreading ReportedAIDCavecb §tate of the AIDS epidemic, he said. "I challenge any The primary approved drug used for AIDS patients medical doctor or sci- a Adul Adoen Ac of3/V is AZT, which Philpott and members of The Re- entist to debate this Appraisal Group believe kills AIDS patients rather than with me, at any time, cure them. under any format," said Philpott said that AZT, not the HIV infection, Philpott. "I asked all leaves patients helpless when disease enters their body. the FAMU professors "...Arthur Ashe surived two triple by-pass surg- to challenge my pre- ,K eries and brain surgery, while described as HIV posi- sentation and no one4 tive. It wasn't until he took AZT that he died, two years responded?. mni later," Philpott asserted. tors at the FloridaCai Philpott also said that AZT is a drug which the body has trouble dealing with just as much as any other AIDS Hotline says$ drug. HIV is the sole cause "AZT is a drug. Any drug introduced into the body of AIDS, and that with- is going to have ramifications," said Philpott. out HIV you can not Milford acknowledges AZT's possible shortcom- get AIDS. e. ings but said that it can help in AIDS treatments. "AIDS is proven "AZT has had limited success," said Milford. "It is to be contagious, and definitely not for everybody. However, physicians there is no cure for often use combination therapies of various pharmaceu- AIDS," said one hot- ticals to help destroy the virus." line telephone monitor. Reporti-g g Robson agrees that the present pharmacueticals are ____ tQOLCaies Of Total Robert Scarbough, t~oJe York 71.188 20 not very effective. "The hope for finding a cure for AIDS is not assistant dean of acade- c~uiforria 68.829 19 great," said Robson. "But the more minds that look for mic affairs, said he was Florida 36.444 10 a cure, the better." unaware of Philpott's Texa 26.916 7 seminars or challenges, raow Jersey 20,885 6 but assures that the col- 11761 3 lege does not agree r'ennsy'lvan'i Dm You KNow? with his statements. Georgia a 10.597 10.340 23 Most children that have been born with "I hope that no one MacacF-s 2 {lts 8.060 HIV are African American. assumes the College of Remaidr . 99.846 27 Pharmacy advocates rc enter for Diease C.t-rol Source&STAT OF FLORA WARTNT OF NALTh his findings," A RNIIUTATIVESERVICES Scarbough said. The Famuan/IeathCr Malone I~O The Famuan /December I, 1994 5 WORLD AIDS DAY 1994 Health educator encourages abstinence or 'safer sex' By Jacqueline Love " Safer sex involves the use ot barni- News Editor Acit AD Cace& reported in Florida through Sep. 30. ers, gloses, finger cots or dental dams for ptack. rnot I-kp~ic Fee use with oral/anal contact. Latex because -omocexuaL'bcoxuaI 2.834 (25%) virus can pass though natural (lamb skin) hjection drug uce (1W). 3.272)29%) (2(8(814%) condoms. -omocexual/bic.exuaI 1W 790 (7%) " Using a condom consistently and I.mrophiiac/coagulatiori dicorder 21 10%) 4 10%) correctly with each sex act. A woman can -1etrOcexu contact: use the female condom to protect herself if with IVA 1.006 (9%) 987 (9%) her partner doesn't want to use a condom Name: Lynn Vinson other heterocexua( contact 768 (7%) (.0(9 19%) or one of them may be allergic to it. F born in pattern-II country 0 (0%) 0 (0%) " Use of a spermicide containing Title: Health Trancfucion recipient 1)4 (1%) (29 (2%) L.. Educator Nonoxynol-9. Tests have shown in labora- OtherA..deterrnrned 2.611)23%) (325 125%) tories that it kills the virus in test-tubes- Wthat are popular misconceptions peo- 11,46 100%) 5.282(100%) scientists aren't sure of the effects on ple have about HIV and AIDS? TOTAL (6.689 (41% of population) humans Nonoxynol-9 also protects Scajre Fcrida Dparmrr t o i trt ,a acKe fatv v c- against other sexually transmitted dis- Some people want to link it to one eases. group. It is an equal opportunity disease I I " Using lubricants with Nonoxynol-9 The Famuan/Heather Malone that affects all races, colors and creeds. It may help with condoms in preventing breakage (friction) and the drying out of is what a person does that puts them at sex tor money for drugs. Drugs suppress HI V/AIDS? the vaginal area to avoid tearing. risk, not who they are. the immune system. If someone is exposed Lubricants are said to help prevent injury. Another misconception people have to the virus they are put at a higher risk of Participating in unprotected sex: oral, They must be wsater-based. No no's to is that it "won't happen to me-I'm going anal or vaginal. Sharing sex toys or getting the virus. to live forever." Crisco, Vaseline and lotions because those objects. The virus is in vaginal secretions types of products will tear down a con- With what has happened to African and semen and blood-basic body fluids in What is safer sex? Americans in the past with health care, dom. its highest concentration. There is not " Avoiding all drug use, especially especially with the older generation - It's called 'safer sex' because no sex enough of the virus in tears, saliva and during and before sexual activity. they couldn't trust physicians at times - percent way to be sweat to transmit the disease. It is passed is safe. The only 100 " Being disciplined and highly moti- tends to make African Americans appre- sate is to choose abstinence. Abstinence is through sex, injection and IV drug use (not vated. You have to be motivated to buy the hensive about even taking the test. not safe sex, it's a choice, a method of necessarily into the vein, but right under products and disciplined to use them. There are still general misconceptions the skin, also known as 'popping,' puts behavior. It doesn't mean never having about getting HIV when giving blood. sex. It may mean waiting until you're mar- you at risk, too). Students con tmake appointmnent with You can't get HIV when giving out blood. ried or until you find the person you want Any drug use may increase your Vinson about safer vex, stress manage- Since 1985 all blood has been screened for chances of getting the virus. Many people to settle with. HIV. Its only a small percentage of people ,nent, diet, nutrition, fitness or anything do things under the influence that they the' wat h can he contacted at 599- still getting HIV from transfusions. What are the best ways to safeguard would not normally do. They might not 3777. remember to use a condom or how to yourself when having sex? What behaviors put people at risk for properly use a condom or they may trade Students still know 'little about AIDS-

By Lisa Marie Vilardi is to learn as much as they can about 15.000 Contributing Editor AIDS. TH@ numtor of we can do is educate people," Some people still believe you can con- "All A1E29cacc in Vinson said. She said students need to tract it by kissing a person or that you can being faithful liho top 10 wash it away. learn the ABCs- abstinence, 2.000 and condom use. But denying the presence of AIDS florida countioc But Kandy Woods, a third-year respi- could be the most dangerous misconcep- ratory therapy student, said it will take tion of them all, health educators said. vvhoro AMU more than that. Many students still have misconcep- 9,000 ctudnriL armfrom. tions about the "It's going to take for someone close virus. to them to get the disease for them to see ID) "They don't the reality of it," she said. think that they Vinson agrees that the more students (fQQQ can get it," said are touched personally by the disease, the Lynn Vinson, more they will realize the seriousness of it. health educator Others said that students are beginning to listen. at FAMU Student Health Services. "They c.ooo listening because it has think they"'11 live forever." "Some are said Delicia However, teens and college-age stu- become so widespread," Walker, a sophomore physical education dents are becoming a growing part of that number. Twenty percent of reported AIDS student. I I 1 1 i I 1 i 1 Vinson said more and more students cases in Florida are people between ages taking notice of AIDS. She has noticed 13 and 29. according to a September study are taking time to read posters and by the Centers for Disease Control. W it h people information on the walls. these statistics, efforts have been made to Plus, Vinson said, student organiza- educate students on the seriousness of sororities and fraternities have par- AIDS. Yet, despite these efforts, many stu- tions, in presentations and helped pass dents are still uncertain about the disease. ticipated But one way for students to ease fears out condoms. The Faruan Heather Malone

WI-tAT: ctudont V1oalth 9rvicc AIfl dcpaj. WI-i: Th £udcnt Union Wi-EN: Today at 10 am. Wt-r'C. Thoro will bo a RAI'U Town MoUng ati 2 pm. in tho Grand Paliroorn foatuing procntationc byj AI1 roarchor Pr. Ridolph E. Jackcon and Adult lnfoctouc Picoac pocialic.t Pr. 9cott Folk. I 1994 The /ecemeramun , 194 60 TheIThie raFamuanF-l-mmI n I IDecember fl IIhr I Tu e e 1 OPINION beyond. His years on the federal bench FAMUAN EDITORIAL BOARD Just listening reinforced this, and that is exactly what Dana Thompson, Editor In Chief Rashida M. Clcndening. Assoc iate Editor obtained for him his first judgeship Question of Peter McKay. Opinion Editor man Hulin, Assistant Opinion Editor under Reagan and his subsequent can help friend appointment to the highest olf the feder- (FAMU al courts under Bush. Were he a liberal the week activist, he would never have been through pain named. FAMU student Paul Philpott has been He is not a Thurgood Marshall, and conducting seminars and lectures pur- Protect free speech or risk losing it '10 'tilE I)I'FOR has never tried to impress anyone with porting that the HIV virus does not seem rejected. Philpott wasn't admitted because he didn't those of the American Medical Association at THEOA. counterfeit activist trappings. He is an cause AIDS. This week, The Famuan any at FAMU just cannot Architects need role models But the story does not end there. Over the have a bachelor's degree in an applied science any FAMU-sponsored event including as intelligent, articulate man, a credit to poses to its readers one of the major to learn what free speech is. HAM ITER JR. summer, Philpott finished by correspondence and had not completed the requisite science an audience member. It has been said that FAMU's his nation and his race. Instead of questions Philpott has asked: Look at Paul Philpott's his master's work at GIT, where the anti- courses. Kirby says that he only told Philpott not School of Architecture was set up so attempting to "Uncle Tom" him, Jones experiences here. During his involved in some Confederate flag movement had become But Philpott believes differently. to interrupt other people speaking about She said we needed to talk. To me that our university president could boost the should emulate him, for, I believe, he college career, he has been Do you think that mainstream. He then applied for admission to Since borrowing a book on AIDS last AIDS and that in the future he would even translates into "you need to hear w~hat I have to enrollment of white students here, and will in the next 40 years go down as controversial activities, and now he says he conducting a certain the FAMUIFSU College of Engineering's semester from a fellow engineering student, help Philpott procure a room in the Student say." I didn't know what my new tnend had to that this is the only reason that the one of the foremost of our justices on has been "banned" from the public is being denied doctoral program. Philpott has researched extensively the ques- Union to conduct his forums in the proper for- say, but she had already said more than I could school even exists. the high bench, and will be thought of lecture at FAMU and that he was But, despite his GIl master's degree, his tion of whether or not AIDS is really caused mat. handle. I knew a little about the beatings, the The truth is that the School of as a true legal intellectual. misled about the acceptance to two academic programs 1440 Graduate Record Examination score (on by the HIV virus. He says he has come to "1 realize that a lot of people are trying to hatred, attempted suicides, running away, the Architecture was set up to produce Nobody owns this man. Therefore, because of politics. of As these situations develop, a turn this into a free speech thing," rapes... African-American architects for a soci- he could not "sell out." Perhaps, next contraction I was terrified. I didn't want to face the challenge to all our rights is being Kirby said. "But as someone with a ety that historically has not had the time, before launching an attack, Jones reality of this teenage girl's life. I tred to stall AIDS? issued, and it cannot be ignored. To aw degree, I would be the first to pro- opportunity to produce great numbers will investigate a little further and not and avoid our "talk," but the moment finally understand Philpott's situation and ect a student's First Amendment of professionals in this field. African be motivated purely by her prejudices arrived. how it relates to the rest of us, we rn 7 7 I " V ights." Americans, for the most part, have not or political preferences. As we sat outside in the cool night air, I must go back some time into his past. moMw Philpott is now enrolled as a biol- had role models in architecture. There Daniel Frazier told her that I didn't know what to say. I didn't Randolph, Mass. agy undergraduate student and is are those who are great black architects, FAMU Student Philpott, 26, attended the have the solutions to her problems. I did not Music education appealing his Ph.D. rejection. Georgia Institute of Technology as a problems. but that number is limited and rarely '~Senior even understand the depth of her graduate mechanical engineering stu- We do not attempt to challenge brought to the attention of the commu- "Yes. I think the med- The only thing I could do was listen. dent from the Fall of 1990 through the any college or department's sover- nity. Bible contains homosexuality ical community is all She told me everything about herself, ev.en Summer of 1991 and during that time eignty here. It should remain their White society on the other hand is about making money the unspeakable things completely beyond was in an organization that aimed to right and their duty to evaluate appli- at the opposite end of the spectrum; not While a recent Time/CNN poll with the government comprehension. For two hours she shared all remove the Confederate stars and cants based on nothing more or less There are no only have they had opportunities, but shows the gay lifestyle was called involved. The informa- of the details of her tragic life. bars from Georgia's state flag. than academic abilities and accom- words to describe the pain- there shouldn't they have publicized the good architects acceptable by 52 percent of Americans tion given is intended Philpott participated in burnings plishments. be. No one should ever know that type of ugli- in their society and have created many - up from 35 percent in 1978 a to make sex taboo again'" However, based on Philpott's engi- white male role models. majority still said that gay relationships of the state flag on the steps of the ness. It was hard just to listen. neering credentials, he would seem to Afterward, I wasn't sure what she expect- So when President Frederick are wrong. Such moral condemnation is Antone Wright Georgia State Capitol, the GIT stu- dent center, Stone Mountain and rise to the top of any pile of Ph.D. ed of me. What was I supposed to do? I want- Humphries goes on recruiting trips and based on a misinterpretation of the Fort Myers applicants. True, he did not originally solve her problems, right the wrongs, asks high school students what they Bible. CNN Center. He also sold T-shirts ed to '. Respiratory therapy report his CIT work, but he rightly erase the memories and protect her trom evil. want to study, the majority of black stu- There are positive homosexual that read, "Dixie is a dirty word." Junior asserts that the main purpose for H-ow could I possibly help when doctors, dents say physics, pharmacy. business affairs reported in the Bible, such as the Not surprisingly, Philpott, a "All the information requiring applicants to report previous lawyers, ministers and therapists had all tailed? or law. Why"? Because that is where the one between King David and Saul's white student who once attended 4 givers have valid work is to prevent the covering up Qf Silence. She had finished her life story. role models are. son, Jonathan, in 1 Samuel 18:1-4, Prairie View A&M University, began S information, but you shoddy records. He, however, did well What should I say? As FAMU continues to graduate 20:41-42, and 2 Samuel 1:25-26; and to feel uncomfortable around GIT and have to decide for at GIT. More silence. I was stuck in thought when outstanding black architects, the role between Naomi and Ruth in the book of decided to come to FAMU to com- yourself what to As for the AIDS seminars, whether she smiled and replied, "Thanks for really lis- models will be placed in the African- Ruth. King Solomon even wrote homo- plete his master's. At the time, he think" Philpott's assertions are correct or not, tening." American society. As this happens, you erotic poetry in the Song of Solomon wanted "a fresh start" and did not he has the right to present them. If What I didn't realize is all she wanted was GIT coursework - in can look for the School of Architecture 5:4-8, 5:10-6 and 8:1-3. even report his someone to listen. She didn't want my solu- ~ Canton Williams anyone has tried to ban him, that per- to become more like the university Inhis book, "Zoar and Her Sisters: which he earned a 3.3 grade point tions or my commentary. She didn't want my Rockville, Md. son is 100 percent wrong. every day. the Bible, Homosexuality and Jesus average to FAMU. my acceptance. She Obviously, Philpott's and Kirby's judgment. She wanted R.J. Slade Christ," author Arthur Frederick Ide Biology Because it was a black college to trust someone again. She wanted me 9 stonies about what happened conflict. wanted FAMU Student even portrays Jesus as a gay male who Senior like Prairie View, Philpott, who grew ,4 Ash /A( 95/ .s fr to know her memories, bruises, scars, burns Regardless of what has gone on in the lived nearly exclusively in the company "There is medical evi- up in a black neighborhood and and all. She wanted me to continue to be her past, though, the important thing is of men and even had a beloved disciple I t denice that supports attended an AME church as a child, friend and not reject her because of the past. Justice Thomas not a sell out that at this point Kirby backs who was allowed to lay his head on the medical communi- thought he would be more warmly /7-:, We all have a past. We all have things we Philpott's right to lecture. Philpott After reading Deidra L. Jones' Jesus' chest while they ate and talked, accepted at FAMU. are proud of and things that we are not so proud ty. Other reports are (WHENE should consult Kirby for future lec- Nov. 10 column on Supreme Court as described in John 11:36, 13:25, 21:7 just theories used to But he became a founding mem- 4 of. It is a part of who we are. But to be loved 7~j~~Avp / he wants to present. Kirby Justice Clarence Thomas, I am again and 21:20. validate AIDS as a ber of the Black College Defense () tures that for all you are is extraordinary. That is what should keep to what he has said and moved to put pen to paper. Even the word sodomy is a mis- genocidal disease for African Americans Force and participated in the spring friends are for. i itV is 2not, that controversy should readily be put than I The title of the essay itself was evi- nomer. In Matthew 10:14-15 and Luke and homosexuals." sit-in at the FAMU/FSU College of ffand believe J-since the It is odd but she helped me more spring,c Ehe has to rest. dence that Ms. Jones lacks the knowl- 10:10-12, Jesus stated that Sodom and Engineering. When he came to FAMU origi- a 1600 scale) and his 3.5 GPA at the College helped her. I learned to overcome the initial at FAMU regard- On a day-to-day basis, most of us don't edge required of a journalist to write Gomorra were destroyed because of nally, he also had interests in studying medi- of Engineering, he was not accepted. made several presentations urge to try and solve someone's problems, give much thought to our right to speak freely asked- listen. She coherently about this subject. "Supreme their inhospitality to strangers. Ide cine, and the College of Engineering worked The college's explanation: When they ing the subject. instead doing what they Arlena Jackson interests and beliefs at FAMU. However, those who would usurp that I didn't need to have solutions to Court voting history proves Thomas is a charges that, "The Sodom story is a ruse out an arrangement to pay for both his engi- found out about Philpott's GIT work, they He claims that these taught me MemphisTenn. biology program, that right relish the fact that such a mentality life's complex problems, just a caring heart and sell-out." Quite the contrary. to cover the incest of Lot and his daugh- neering and his pre-med coursework. said that the fact that he had not mentioned it iled to his rejection by the Business phar- exists, because it's precisely what allows a listening ear. Through Thomas' entire record of ters" in Genesis. As his BCDF activities advanced, in his master's application showed a lack of Iand he says that several people in the administration in them to censor as they please. Our first long conversation took place four public service, he is depicted as rela- Jim Senyszyn though, he was told that there had never been academic integrity. macy school, student health services and Freshman That's why it's important to protect years ago. Since then, our relationship has tively conservative. He was such in his Highland Park, N.J. an arrangement to pay for his pre-med work. After that, Philpott, who had been taking the division of student affairs have taken steps "No. However, I think our rights beginning with those of every grown and we've become better triends. She educational years, undergraduate and ~ Shortly after the sit-in, the two years of undergraduate biology and chemistry classes, to keep him from making the presentations, the medical community obtaining individual before they are taken away. doesn't have many friends, it's still hard for her funding the College of Engineering had guar- applied to the biology graduate program so including efforts to keep him from and the media are to make and trust them. I consider myself to gain an that his funding could be taken care of Ia room. At one point, he said that FAMU emphasizing too much anteed him ran out, and his efforts lucky to be counted among them. Her life has- supple- through it. He also was not accepted there. Assistant Vice President and Dean of Student additional year of funding based on n't always been a happy one, but one she EDTRIAL Poi' OF THE Fiu~v on specifics. which is Chebium B. Subramanyam, chairman SAffairs Henry L. Kirby told him he could not mental lectures he was presenting were met shared with me. Shared happiness is douhle The Famnuin opinion pages express positions taken bsthe papers editorial board on behalf of The emeritus of FAMU's biology department, said Iexpress any views not in accordance with Unsigned editorials on with minimal cooperation and ultimately happiness and shared sorrow is halt sorrow Famuan C.olumns and letters witbylines or names represent the opinions of the wrnters and do not necessarils reflect the ievwsof The Famtuan or its staff The Famnuanwelcomes submission of columns, letters and ideas from anymember of the FA.MUcommunity. tetters should beconcise (no more than 250)words) and include the writer s name, signatuire and phone number Unsigned letters sill not be accepted. We resere the right to edit all submiss ions

FAML.NSr~ The F'auuan History of Greek organizations steeped in racism and division Managing Editior PA.ss~tMi'Gsnc Vol. 80- No.bI gods in all the leadine universitites ot the 'ArlJ brand Ill thex are dilne is icknov ledetne that News Editor J~cQ~cuss 10. THE FAMUAN is published weekly on Thursdays dunrig the fail arid ternity like other Greek organizataons. Greeks did to our ancestors. In support of this intellectual worship. these Also, they are alienating thems'elves frm thex still want to be !ax es. Asat. News, lifestyles Editor spring semesters, except for holidays, by students at Florida A&M Kappa Alpha Order, founded at According to George G.M. James, author Universiry. We welcome the views and opinions of our readers, but institutions bave organized what are known as the multitude of people when they' only' let col- Blacks "must relinquish membhership trom INOEJOM~oLiETox reserve the right to edit all material Deadline for submitting opinion (bJIMMIE College in 1865 by a group of of Stolen Legacv, 'Alexander the Great inv ad- Washington and sororities Enertainment Editor JENEarNScssscs articles and letters to THE FAMUAN is 2 p m. Monday for tthefollow- in 333 B.C. and ransacked and looted Greek-lettered fraternities and sororities, as the lege students join. all Greek lettered fraternities Florida Confederate veterans, is dedicated to the prin- ed Egypt Sports Editor ten Co.ceiks ing week of publication. Submit materials to THE FAMUAN, Finally, why would Kappas, Omegas, and ..must abolish all Greek-lettered fraterni- A&M University, Tallahassee, FL 32307, to THE FAMUAN offie at DAVIS JR. ciples of Robert E. Lee, whereas other Greek the Royal Library at Alexandria and carried off symbols of Greek intellect and culture." AsMi.Sports Editor Bts HLTs 309 Tucker Hall (904) 599-3159. fax number (904) 561-2570. The actions of the black Greek fraternities Sigmas and rither fraternity members put hot ties and sororities from all colored colleces funded by revenues and by activities and fraternities are dedicated to Greek intellectuals. a booty of scientific, philosophic and religious Photo Editor: Scr Psi THE FAMUAN is partialty they base been a source of the promo- service fees paid by all students and administered through the books... and sororities are totally counterproductive, irons against their flesh? Brands are put on ant- because Assi. Photo Editor \osuj WaclicYOuc an P1)- Louis Davits is a black student from Tampa I cannot understand why this brother Student Government Association. THE FAMUAN was named because they create nothing but dissension mals so their owners can distinguish them. tion of inferiority complex and of educating the Copy Desk Chief Msw Rovois American college newspaper by the Associated Collegiate Press in who attends the Universtty of Florida. What is would pledge into this organization. "In this way the Greeks stole the legacy of the Associated black people against themselves." James said. GraphicsPsge Desigiet Hmrttts sM'orNs 1991-92 and 1992-93. THE FAMUAN is a member of it their own. among each other when they talk about each It is just like a cow getting mixed up with Press arid subsertes to the Collegiate Press Service. alarming is that Davis has pledged into a As a matter of fact, blacks should not the African continent and called Page Designer Elco aFi~as of other like trash. And they' have an identity' eri someone else's herd and the only way' to iden- named Kappa Alpha. pledge into Greek organizations - fraterni- "This has led to the false worship Wr Editor StCxu.'E Cusreii Dg. Louise REtaRrrcseE Confederate fraternity and Aristotle as intellectual sis. What are they' African Americans or tify the master's property is to look for his AcMt.Wire Editor Ls .M.sa Vnsxcs ADvisER Kappa Alpha is an "order," not a mere fra- ties, sororities or otherwise - after what the Socrates, Plato 8 The Famuan /December I , 1994 CAMPUS NOTES Donate food, clothes seniors majoring in business-related and worldwide agencies caring for the Faith Presbyterian Church. fields. They must also have a minimum needy. The event will take place Saturday, Student Activities is having a Christmas grade point average of 3.4 and demon- at John Wesley United Methodist Church food and clothing drive for needy families, Greeks raise money strated leadership in extracurricular activ- from 9 am. to 4 p.m. and at 1738 Old St. from now until Dec. 13. Bring items to The Beta Nu Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha ities. Applications can be obtained from Augustine Road from 10a.m. to 4 p.m. on Student Activities office in the Union Fraternity, Inc. would like to thank FAMU the Graduate School, Suite 400, Tucker Sunday. Plaza. for making this years Jog-A-Thon to help Hall. fight Sickle Cell Anemia a success. Business fellowships Church holds sing-along Proceeds from the event will go to the Market features gifts The Tallahassee Music Guild is sponsor- Sickle Cell Foundation in support of their The State Farm Companies Foundation is The Eighth Annual Alternative Christmas ing the Sixth Annual Messiah Sing-Along efforts to give financial assistance to accepting applications for $3,000 fellow- Market will take place this weekend. The on Tuesday at 7 p.m. There is a $4 dona- FAMU students with the disease. ships. Applicants must be juniors or Market features gifts that support local tion suggested and it will take place at

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Coll1ege0 Student The Famuan 1 December 1, 19'94 9 Hobbs receives new hearings, but declines some senators still want to endure the process again. used Thoughts Magazine, which he wrote Hobbs' qualifications for secretary of However, He can be named acting director for, as the basis for determining his con- communications were questionable. oppose Hobbs' appointment. without a confirmation hearing. firmation. "I felt as though he [Hobbs] was not "I will be named as the acting direc- However, Senator Davin Suggs, who as qualified to be secretary of communi- Tacuma Roeback By tor of communications," Hobbs said. "I sits on the Elections and Appointments cations as was the current deputy secre- SGA Beat Reporter will also get paid for it." Committee that determined his status as tary of communications," said Quinton The conflict started when Hobbs secretary of communications said Hobbs' Washington, the parliamentarian for the William Ashanti Hobbs, appointed argued that his confirmation was not Thoughts involvement was irrelevant. student senate. secretary of communica- but unconfirmed proper and time-efficient. "A substantial "I voted 'no' for Hobbs, because I felt However, two senators viewed the tions, was granted a new confirmation amount of time lapsed between confirma- some of his signs that publicized SGA decision not to confirm Hobbs in simpler hearing by the Student Government judi- tion and when the application was submit- events were of poor quality," Suggs said. terms. cial branch at a Nov. 22 meeting. ted," Davis said. More than two weeks "In prior dealings with him as a senator I "The nigger didn't even know how to appointed by SGA President Hobbs, lapsed. didn't like his attitude." use a computer," said Oliver Gilbert, a Larry Tait early in the semester, sued SGA statutes state that people are "During the confirmation hearing he senior senator. Senate President Janice Lindsey and automatically confirmed if the gap was slouching against the door," Suggs "Larry gave him that job," Gilbert President pro tempore Douglas Kelly over between the time an application is submit- said. "By his facial expression and tone of said. his confirmation. ted to when someone is confirmed voice I knew he had an attitude with Kelly said he plans to appeal the deci- However, Hobbs said he won't pur- exceeds two weeks. Senate." sion. he did not sue the new hearing because Also, Hobbs argued that the senate Other student senators said that Faculty committee joins on-going parking debate Flamer said during a faculty forum on $36 million to $40 million, said Robert The parking committee first suggest- parking last month that the traffic adviso- The committee suggests Goodwin, director of facilities planning. ed gated lots in 1990. ry committee put reducing reserved spaces eliminating most of the Garages will be located adjacent to "I think administration had a delay high on its priority list. The committee Bragg Stadium, Dyson Pharmacy building with bidding and construction," Motter school's reserved parking. consists of two faculty members, two staff and the School of Business and Industry. said. "(Dr. Richard) Ramer's (vice presi- dent of student affairs) office claims he's members and two students. By Dana Thompson However, Juanita Brooks-Coats, a looking for a way we can get the gating." Brooks-Coats also wants a standard Contributing Editor professor who earlier this semester took faculty parking card to be used to enter parking complaints to the governor, said Brooks-Coats supports the idea. out all other people gated lots and safer parking areas for fac- Spending 15 to 30 minutes circling improvements should not be set for five "You can keep have any real reason to be here ulty members who teach at night. FAMU's limited parking lots can under- years from now. who don't (on campus)," she said. Faculty members' parking concerns mine the performance of many faculty "We (faculty members) can't wait parking spaces are also of also stretch to student parking. members. five years. We have to solve the immedi- Reserved to the committee. Goodwin and Motter said the parking At least that's what Wendell Motter ate problem," she said. concern The parking committee said it wants committee is working to have a shuttle said. The committee has several sugges- have the nearly 300 faculty reserved service provided for students who park at Motter, a mat professor and chair of tions for alleviating the faculty's parking to spaces reduced to about 50, for top-level Bragg Stadium. Brooks-Coats also wants the five-member faculty senate parking problems. university officials. The Patch parking lot to be paved. committee, said many changes are needed A magnetic gate system installed at to improve the parking system. lots near south of the Foster Tanner build- But the university administration said ing, the School of Business and Industry, that everything is being done, including a Perry-Paige and north of the Black The Distinguished plan to build multi-tiered parking garages Archives has been suggested. within the next 10 years. Each gate could cost from $10,000- Lecture Series The garages will cost an estimated $12,000, Motter said. proudly presents

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Leadership Excellence Starts Here 10 The Famuan /December I, 1994 ENTERTAINMENT Wayans gets 'Dirty' as new comedic action hero A viexser may go to see the movie change. It is a shame that with all of the tal- [P Ur R~viow with great expectations of laughter and Drug enforcement agent Rothmiler ented actors in the movie, stereotypes are Movie: 'A Low Pown [ir ~ satirical humor, a known trait of the (Charles Dutton) retains Shame to track rampant. cKarn~ Wayans clan, including brothers Damon down Angela Flowers (Sallie Peaches, for example, is extremely and Marion and sister Kim. But what the Richardson), a missing informant and irritating and contrived. Pinkett's viewer walks away with is a feeling that Shame's love. She has also stolen attempt to promote a black woman from just maybe the modern-day action movie $20 million from drug lord and former the streets comes across as a stereotypi- can have a hero of color other than lover, Ernesto Mendoza. Richardson cally annoying, loud and melodramatic Wesley Snipes (no offense Wesley). played Mario Van Peoples' love interest character. At times, the moviegoer prays Fou OUT OF FI Popcorm "Shame" is set in a typical metropo- in "Posse." she will just hush. Keenan Ivory Wayans catches you lis, known for its upper-echelon crime Shame takes the job for the money Another disappointing part of the off guard in his new movie "A Low Down activity, you know, dirty money and dia- and as an opportunity to clear his bad movie is the comedy. The movie does Dirty Shame." mond smuggling. name. Eventually, he faces off with have its funny moments, but it is kind of The surprise is not in his comedic, Andre Shame (Wayans) is a down- Mendoza (Andrew Divoff), the same drug difficult to laugh at the same scenes directorial or writing abilities. He proved on-his-luck private investigator with a lord he thought he killed in the failed drug played countless times in trailers and pro- he is capable of those tasks in weakness for pretty women. He was a bust. Shame is assisted by his ambitious mos. "Hollywood Shuffle" and "I'm Gonna good cop who was kicked off the police side-kick Peaches (Jada Pinkett), a loyal, The plot of "Shame" is predictable, Get You Sucka." The surprise is in his force after a botched bust of a drug ring. young and eager woman from the streets. but as an open-minded viewer, the pre- ability to come off as a modemrn-day action Shame is trying to cope with his past by She is also Shame's devoted secretary and dictability should not be anymore trau- hero. taking on suicide missions for small admirer. matic than any other film of this kind. Duo's second effort " weaves love, hip-hop He has had plenty of practice since his last album, producing tracks for such popular I af ler Review hip-hop artists as Nas, Heavy D, and Lords CD: "ThoeM rainInqredienU" of the Underground. But what makes this album different from previous efforts is the dreamlike, acoustic feel. Rock ignores 00000 the big band this time and makes more use ~Y: JAtM i-I. ThOMA III of samples from Roy Ayers, Earth, Wind Ramsey Lewis. Xylophones FlV OUT OF Five CD & Fire and cascade down dark walls of bass guitar. is the mythical sandman oft This dreaminess is further punctuated by Pete Rock and CL Smooth the music industry. cool cymbals and lively drums. Just as the majority of hip-hop fans But producing is not the only way this one from "The Sun Won't Come sions of lust, however, as the song were being put to sleep by uninventive Rock has grown. This album finds the Out": "Carmel City" is a tasteful ode to matters beats and boring rhymes, along he came, Chocolate Boy Wonder taking on more "I woo chicks off acoustics / watchin' of the flesh. stealing into their speakers, reaching into rhyming responsibilities. Check out "In the Knicks / We up 10...we need to stop The album's only drawbacks are the his magic bag of funk and sprinkling their the House," where he shares the mike shootin' bricks." interludes between songs, which are much eyelids with grains of jazzy soul. The with CL Smooth, and "Escapism," where This realism extends to CL's ballads, too funky to fade out as soon as they do. result is music that sounds as if it could Rock represents his verbal skills by him- such as the first single, "I Got A Love." There is nothing more frustrating than only exist in a dream. self. CL admits this song is "a universal thing." having to keep hitting the rewind button On his new album, "The Main If Pete Rock is the sandman, giving "I'm talking about a woman I love every 10 seconds. Pete Rock fans will be Ingredient," he and partner CL Smooth the listener sweet dreams, then CL Smooth and leaving her and going through the startled to find that his trademark jazzy raise the standards of hip-hop production must be the morning sun, waking up the good and bad times." horn samples are mostly absent. yet again. The sequel to their 1992 album, listener with clever lyrics and metaphors. Whereas the last album, their first "The Main Ingredient" disc is a good "Mecca and the Soul Brother," which was His lyrics paint pictures of urban exis- full-length recording, established their investment, although this music was named Album of the Year by The Source tence; of lazy romantic moments, of presence in the hip-hop arena, this album designed to be played in a dimly lit base- magazine, shows the duo's professional human grief. But the emphasis is on real- affirms it. Love is still the album's domi- ment rather than in a Pathfinder. All lovers growth production-wise and conceptually. ism. Every once in a while, just to assure nant theme, seen in such songs as "I Got A of quality music are encouraged to give up "Music gets better as it goes along for the listener that he's a real brother, too, CL Love," and the hypnotic "Searching." The $12.99 and let Sandman bring them a me...more challenging," explains Rock. throws in a snippet of New Yorkism like group does allow itself healthy expres- musical dream.

- Coming Disc tackles safe sex, life with AIDS MUSIC REVIEW consciousness, "... and my realities have inspirational. Carleen Anderson belts out New Releases turned into a stone configuration of Miss the lyrics like butter on a furnace. Music By Travis Bolden Liberty as she stands on the corner of the The piano intro builds things up for Last Week Correspondent world selling her HIV-infected self to the something wonderful. When Anderson Slick Rick Combining luscious jazz of Herbie world or anyone who doesn't wear con- sings: "Faith has shown me trouble don't Spice 1 Hancock and Brandford Marsalis with doms." last always...hope lead us on," the listen- Redman delicious hip-hop flavors of Digable In "The Rubber's Song," Pharcyde er wants to fly, sing, dance and persevere Chante Moore Planets, Guru and the Pharcyde, "Stolen delivers safe sex advice and brings hip- all at once. Moments: Red Hot and Cool" is a chari- hop junkies to their knees begging for "Stolen Moments" also offers a Tuesday bonus CD with three more jazz tracks. On Mary J. Blige table musical compilation raising money condoms. for AIDS research. In one line, Pharcyde stresses the use the bonus CD, Brandford Marsalis per- Dec. 6 The final dish is a jazz/ hip-hop of condoms "'cause like a dolphin we can forms his rendition of John Coltrane's "A Black Sheep fusion that soars so high, sounds so get caught in the tuna net." Love Supreme." Also featured are Alice Motown Comes smooth, speaks so passionately and drops Musician Michael Franti and rapper Coltrane and Pharaoh Sanders. Home Compilation such conscious knowledge that you're Spearhead bring to life the realities of "Stolen Moments" message of the left mesmerized. people with HIV with a spicy jazz/ hip- dangers of AIDS and unprotected sex is Movies CONSCIOUs KNOWLEDGE hop groove. Over a hip-hop beat, pertinent to all on this earth. Get your Sneak Preview Saturday of Spearhead chants, "How am I gonna live credit cards, cash if you have it, check- Lmar Bin Hassan and Abiodum "Disclosure." starring Demi Moore my life if I'm positive? Is it gonna be a books, boyfriend's wallet or girlfriend's Oyewole's (formerly of the Last Poets) and Michael Douglas purse ready to make a conscious invest- track with jazz artist Pharaoh Sanders negative? at the Oak Lake Theatre. It will be ment by purchasing the album. shown calong with "Interview With mixes poetry with pure jazz. INSPIRATIONAL MOTIVATION the Vampire" The song drops pulsating lyrics of Trouble Don't Last Always" is :1 The Famuan /December I, 1994 II SPORTS Black hockey players break the ice

COMMENTARY a.I - Learning the game early helped one Tiger Shark get ahead. By Scott P. Price Contributing Editor Robert Haddock, Chris Nelson and Shawn Wheeler are men of color who have something in common. All are men who have persevered. All are athletic pioneers. These men compete everyday with odds stacked against them. Haddock, Nelson and Wheeler skate on ice, slap a vulcanized black rubber disk and check people into the "boards." They are some of the few blacks play- ing pro hockey, and these men see their position as unique. Life as a minority professional hock- ey player is interesting and very frustrat- ing at times. The players say they realize they will The Famuanl SCOTT P. PRICE in a recent game. not be liked in every city, but that doesn't Robert Haddock (22) and Shawn Wheeler (27) battle for position stop them. They only play one way and Learning at an early age obviously hockey. a sport that everyone could play for travel that is hard! paid off. Haddock's talents took him to "I tried to be the best brother on the reasons," Wheeler, who was born in Mt. "(I'm) not respected as a player first, Colgate College in upstate New York. ice," Haddock said. Vernon, N.Y., said. "My older brother but judged by color, not play. It shouldn't Now a multi-position player for the Haddock and Nelson never met each played so I played too." be that way," said Wheeler, a player/coach Tallahassee Tiger Sharks, Haddock has other until that night in Detroit when they Wheeler was recruited by the top for the Charlotte Checkers. proved that he can be an offensive threat, played for the National Championship. hockey colleges in the Midwest. But it Ken Carlos, a former amateur hockey the first T-Shark defense man to score a They said that their parents were mis- was the No. 3 ranking of University of player and friend of Nelson's said there is goal ever. taken for each other's throughout the Wisconsin-Stevens Point that sealed the a higher standard for African-American It was in New Hampshire that Nelson, game. deal. hockey players. born in Philadelphia, started to play as a "People thought that his parents were "I could receive a good education and "You have to be the Micheal Jordan youngster. my parents," Haddock said with a smile. play hockey every year on a minority of hockey to play in the NHL (National Nelson, now a Nelson's mother got scholarship," Wheeler said. Hockey League) if you are black," Carlos player for the "You have to be the a kick out of the two When I first interviewed Haddock in said. Nashville Knights, young black men early November he hardly got the ice time "Chris (Nelson) was the state of chose to go to the Micheal Jordan of playing hockey that that he is getting now. He was showing Michigan's best player and also the MVP University of night. that he can play offense as well as aggres- of the Olympic Festival, but he is still up Wisconsin, a tradition- hockey to play in the "Mom got excited sive defense. there in Nashville instead of Atlanta (IHL) al college hockey about him According to Haddock, there's some- or one of the NHL teams," he added. power. NHL, if you are black." (Haddock) being out thing in hockey for everyone to enjoy. Unlike basketball, where all that's Knowing that he there," Nelson said. "It's as fast as basketball but as hard- needed is a ball and some shoes, Haddock Nelson's team pre- hitting as football. Chances are that they was probably the only - Ken Carlos said hockey's cost has traditionally kept black hockey player vailed that night. (FAMU fans) will like hockey," Haddock blacks off the ice. ever at Wisconsin, Former Amateur Player Haddock, referring said. It can cost $1,200 to outfit a young Nelson said that it was to his runner up ring, Wheeler said that is just plain addic- player. Lessons and camps can run in difficult at first. said of Nelson's tive. excess of $1,500 to $3,000 per season. "It was very tense on campus," he championship ring, "He's got the real "Witnessing hockey for the first time, But Haddock from Montreal, has one." seven out 10 people would be hooked if been playing for more than 20 years and Nelson's Badgers played Haddock's Wheeler, a player with more than 20 they saw it," Wheeler said. started at 3 years old. Colgate team. years on ice, said his parents influenced "Different sport, high paced, rough, "My brother would take me to prac- Haddock was proud to see two black him to take up hockey. lots of speed and action," Nelson said. tice and to the games. His coach told him men playing for a championship ring in "My mother said that we had to pick to keep on bringing me," he said.

Ricky Davis led the Rattlers with 13 Wilson's 58th catch came on a six- yard WESTERN DIVISION points, while Israel Smith posted 12 reception. 1. San Diego SPORTS points for the night. Davis and Smith Sha-meil Simpkins moved into third 2. Kansas City were the only players in double digits. place as an all-time single-season ru sher. 3. Denver The Rattlers will host Palm Beach Simpkins, going into Saturday's mat ch in surpassed Amir Rasul BRIEFS Atlantic tonight in Gaither Gym. The fifth place, and NATIONAL CONFERENCE game is slated to begin at 7:30 p.m. Tony Barber. Simpkins ended the se ason with 1,079 yards. EASTERN DIVISION RILEY CONSIDERED FOR POSITION 1. Dallas RATTLERETTES WIN ON THE ROAD Ken Rile,'. FAMU athletic director, was 2. Philadelphia Kathy Robinson led the Rattlerettes NFL STANDINGS among the candidates to fill the vacant 3. N.Y. Giants coaching position for Georgia Tech. with 22 points to lead the team to a 90-46 AMERICAN CONFERENCE men's basketball team. victory over Tuskegee Saturday night. EASTERN DIVISION The Rattlerettes will hit the road this CENTRAL DIVISION Bill Lewis, former head coach, resigned 1. Miami 8-4 1. Chicago after last year's loss to Florida State. weekend to participate in the Purdue 2. N.Y. Jets 6-6 2. Minnesota George O'Leary was named to the posi- University Invitational. The Rattlerettes 3. Buffalo 6-6 3. Green Bay tion. will compete against Purdue, Toledo and UNLV. CENTRAL DIVISION WESTERN DIVISION YELLOWJACKETS STING RATTLERS 1. Cleveland 93 1. San Francisco Georgia Tech Yellowvjackets routed the RATT.ERS BREAK RECORDS 2. Pittsburgh 9-3 2. Atlanta basketball team 112-56 in Robert Wilson broke Ray Alexander's FAMU Rattlers 3. Cincinnati 2-10 3. New Orleans the Rattlers' season-opener Saturday single-season record of 57 catches during night. FAMU's loss against Bethune-Cookman. i 12 The Famuan / December I, 1994 THE ClAssic '94 Wildcats claw FAMU B-CC comeback wins the Tampa Classic Rattlers end their season the lead back and they did. yards to set Cameron up for a 45-yard fought back harder and began scratching game with a 6-5 overall record. Tony Kerrin's quarterback sneak field goal attempt. Cameron's FG was and clawing their way back into the from the one-yard line was set up in suc- blocked by B-CC's John Cutter. by running the ball directly at the Rattler By Bernice Young cessive runs by White and passes to Ken Willie Ogelsby scooped up the foot- defense. White cut up the middle for a Staff Writer Monette, John Jones and Les Hewitt. ball and outran the Rattlers' defense for a total of 51 yards and Kerrin passed to Mays' PAT was no good. 65-yard touchdown. Mays PAT kick was Morris Nobles for the game-winning TAMPA -- The Bethune Cookman good, giving the Wildcats a six-point lead. touchdown. Wildcats' band would strike up its fight "That was devastating," Joe said. "I was telling coach that I could beat OVER song tune over the course of the ballgame THE RATTLERS TAKE "We just didn't block down. Our left him (Keino Taylor) all day," said Nobles. and fire their team up to a 27-24 victory It was the Rattlers turn to ride the see- guard (Skillen) didn't block 'zone.' "Bethune-Cookman played an excel- over their arch-rival Rattlers in the 15th saw but they were knocked off by the Evidently, he blocked 'man' and their guy lent game," said Joe. "I don't see where Annual Florida Classic before a crowd of Wildcat defense. The Rattlers' Darrin (Cutter) came through." they made a lot of mistakes and they knew 36,813. Ford successfully booted a 44-yard punt. that they could crowd us." "This was a great victory, I don't care The Rattlers' defense contained the what kind of way you cut it," said Wildcat Wildcats' offense deep irntheir own terri- THE RATTLERS STRIKE Head Coach Jack "Cy" McClairen after tory by shutting down the run and their With 44 seconds remaining in the A RACE AGAINST THE CLOCK his team's stunning win over the Rattlers. passing attack, forcing the Wildcats to third quarter the Rattler offense went to FAMU took over with only 40 sec- The Rattlers' finish 6-5 overall and 2- punt from their own 15-yard line. the option and moved the ball down field onds and no time outs. Cooper passed to 4 in the Mid-Eastern Atlantic Conference. After a 17-yard punt by Stacy on B-CC's defense. Vidal ran a sweep-left Tony Bland for 16 yards and scrambled "We may be 6-5, but this is now a los- O'Neal, FAMU's quarterback Ernest from the one-yard line for a Rattlers' for 16 yards himself putting the Rattlers in ing season as far as I'm concerned," said Cooper took control of his offense on the touchdown. Cameron's PAT was good for field goal range to send the game into quarterback Ernest Cooper. Wildcats 31-yard line. On a third-and-24 a point and lead. overtime. Yet, instead on going for the "Every time we play Bethune regard- situation, Cooper dropped back and con- "Perhaps we should have gone to the field goal with 12 seconds remaining less of what their record is (4-6 before nected with Robert Wilson for a 32-yard option a little earlier," Joe said after the Coach Joe wanted to go for the win. defeating FAMU), they come ready to reception and touchdown. The Rattlers game. As a second option, Joe would have play and the best man won Saturday," would then take a one-point lead into half- The Rattler defense did not allow the Cooper throw the ball away in case there said running back Sha-meil Simpkins time. Wildcats to respond to their previous was not anything open. The move would after playing in his last college career drive and forced them to punt the ball then send Cameron in to put the game in punt and overtime. game. DEFENSE away. Jay Young received the OFFENSE VERSUS sprinted up the field 44 yards, giving the However, Cutter had other ideas and THE RIVALRY BEGINS The spotlight was on both defenses in offense excellent field position. sacked Cooper and all hopes of a Rattler The Wildcats scratched their way the third quarter because both defenses Vidal rumbled for 31 yards and victory over the Wildcats. onto the scoreboard on their second pos- were not allowing the offenses to get off. Cooper gained two yards on the drive to "We were hopeful that if it didn't session on a 10-yard rush from Wilmer The teams exchanged punts several times set up Cameron for another field goal work out we could get the field goal unit White after a 73-yard drive. The extra before line-backer Earl Holmes intercept- attempt from B-CC's 22-yard line. on," said Joe. "I want to know why he point was good by Reggie Mays. ed Kerrin's pass and ran for 20-yards Cameron's attempt was good for three (Cooper) held the ball. In a situation like of the The Rattlers answered the call before a Wildcat defender could bring him points and a four-point lead over the that... you just don't do that." Wildcats when Simpkins raced for 28 down giving the Rattlers field position on Wildcats with 4:28 remaining in the game. A move that would cost the Rattlers yards and a touchdown. Senior place- B-CC's 45-yard line. the game. kicker Tim Camron's PAT was good and Simpkins slashed up the field for "We just worked hard and stayed FIGHT BACK tied the score at seven. eight yards, Kwame Vidal rumbled for 12- THE WILDCATS within ourselves," said Kerrin. "We knew The Wildcats were determined to get yards and Reggie Glover tacked on two The Wildcats, refusing to run away, we could do it." Joe, team surprised at loss to B-CC By Robert Scott II A: Well, we kind of settled down; we we went back, Tony [Kerrin] just threw it Staff Writer were a little excited at the beginning and and I made an everyday catch. of mistakes, but then After falling short to the Bethune- started making a lot and I think Q: Robert Wilson (FAMU wide receiv- Cookman Wildcats 27-24 in Saturday s we settled down at half-time er), many people are blaming Cooper 15th annual Florida Classic, FAMU's we came on through. for not throwing the ball away and the head football coach Billy Joe, B-CC's (FAMU running offense for not kicking the field goal. head football coach Jack "Cy" McClairen Q: Sha-meil Simpkins you and the What would you say to those people? and players from both teams gave insights back), did you think that on team performances from "The Rattlers had the game won? A: You really can't blame him or any Classic. A: Yeah, we had the game. It's a do or player. We never should have been in that situation. Yes, we could have had this one, Q: What happened when B-CC's die game, though. If we had gone for the but that's the way the cookie crumbles. Morris Nobles caught the game-win- field goal, we would have tied [the game] ning touchdown, coach Joe? and gone into overtime. I wanted to go for the win! Q: Coach Joe, talk about B-CC's last drive with 4:28 left in the game. A: I really don't know what happened. I line- do know their receiver was dancing on the Q: John Cutter (B-CC defensive A: They (B-CC) just negotiated the ball sideline. He made a great catch. man), you sacked Cooper for an eight- yard loss and game-saver for B-CC. down the field on our defense. Every time we rushed, Wilmer White would just run Q: Why didn't you kick a field goal Did you expect FAMU to go for the win? past our linemen and gain yardage and run with 12 seconds left and go into over- the clock down. time, coach Joe? A: I wasn't surprised that they (FAMU) were going for the victory. We needed to Q: You ended up losing on B-CC's 16 A: Well, we wanted to get one more play suck it up one more time and we did and yard-line. If you had to do it all over to see if we could get the victory. We were (subsequently) I made a big play. again, Coach Joe, What would you have hopeful that if the ball wasn't caught, that & Q: Morris Nobles (B-CC wide receiv- done differently? it would just be an incomplete pass. We off the could then go for the field goal because we er), how did you manage to pull A: We should've run the option a little had 12 seconds up there. Instead, he game-winning catch, a pass that was going out of bounds? more because B-CC had a hard time stop- [Ernest Cooper] went down with the ball clearly ping it. Then, you tend to think that and you just don't do that. A: Coach McClairen just called the maybe we should have kicked that field goal with 12 seconds left protection and Q: Coach McClairen, how did you feel right route because they were overplaying field goal protection wasn't good. We did about the way your team played the right routes all day today. I guess he the most intelligent thing by going for the With Coach Billy Joe FAMU? [Keino Taylor] thought he had some more and team members room at the back of the end zone. When win. It just didn't work out.