DIRECTORY.] 215 STRATFORD. [.] Roper Mrs. 4 Westbury road Sweeting Richard, 1 Maryland villas, Watson Josh. 19 Richmond ter. Chob­ SampsonWm.Thornton vi!s. rd Levtonstone• road ham road, New town Snnson John Dowding, Gurney road, Talboot George, 7 Richmond villas, Watson William Charles, 2 Melrose New town Chobham road, New town villas, Ham Frith rd

Sarling Mrs. 2 N orris pi. High street Taylor• Mrs. 6 Grove ter. The Grove Watton Thomas, I Cuba villas, Buxton Saunders Mrs. 8 Saunders terrace, Taylor Mrs. 1 Manbey Park vils.Grove road, New town Chobham road, New town Taylor Thos. Westbury vil. Westbury rd Waugh Miss, 3 Alpha cottages, Saunderson Charles, 4 Vicarage terrace, Taylor William Poole, 18 Water lane, Gurney road, New town Romford road Manbey park Wayland Jas.ll Upton pl. Romford rd Savill E. Green, Romford road Terry William, 178 High street Webb George Samuel, 6 Upton place, Scannell Rev.Antonine [Roman Catho- Tharp W. H.Norton ho.Leytonstonerd Romford road lic], The Grove ThomasJames,4Cardigan ter.Gurney rd W ebb Mrs. 1 Grove terrace, Grove Scott Edwd.2Glamorgan vils.Buxton rd Thompson Miss, 3 Green, Romfmd rd Webb Mrs. Lay cott~g-t>, !'tont> rd Scott E!lwd. Benj. 1 Grove villa, Grove Thompson Mrs. Ham Frith road Webster Richard, 41\Ielrose villas, llarn Scott George, Romford road Thompson 1\Irs. Orkney villa, Buxton Frith road Scott George Tickell, Edinburgh villa, road, New town Weightman Fre!lerick James, 4 Rose­ Ham Frith road ThompsonWm. Hollv lo. Leytonstone rd land terrace, Chobham rd. New town Scott Joseph, Green, Romford road Thorman Edward Henry, Union street Weir Thomas, 2 Chobham terrace, Scott Robert Lamb, 6 Waddington Thorn George, Ha velock terrace, Chobharn road, New town terrace, Windmill lane, New town Chobham road, New town Wend en Thomas, Rose cottage, Gurney ScuttsWm.Nicholas Mercer,TheGrove; Thornbes J os. H y .3Grove viis. The Grove road, New town & 2 Darn by terrace, Rosherville, Kent Thornhill Mrs. The Elms, Romford rd Wheatley Mrs. 5 Havelock terract>, Searby John, Lincoln vil. Ham Frith vil Tborp Henry, 3 Atherstone terrace, Chobham road, New town Searle F. Oxford villa, Romford road Buxton road, New town White James Edward, 176 High street Serlgwick R. 2 Maryland point TindellAlex. Belgrave villas, Romford rd White Mrs. 5 Vicarage terrace, Ram­ Self George, 4 Grove, Romford road Tipping W. R. 31 Maryland point ford road SettlesWm.Stork ho.Green, Romford rd Tollman Mrs. 3 Earlam terrace, Gur- White W. Green, Romford road Sewell Wm. Henry, Green, Romford rd ney road, New town Whitehouse Thomas Gill, M.D. 7 Mary­ Sharp William, Gurney road Tomkins John, 2 Crownfield place, land point Sbeppard James, 4 Chohbam terrace, Leytonstone road . Widdicomb John, Grove Chobbam roaJ, New town Tomlin Frederick, 1 Sycamore villas, Wilcockson William, 3 Ellen cottages, Simmonrls Henry, 1 Melrose villas, Leytonstone road Chobham road, New town Ham Frith road Tomson George, 2 Lanqdown terrace, Wilcox J ames Richard, 2 Emanuel Skeen Alfred, 3 Buscott villas, Buxton Gurney road, New town · villas, Rornford road road, New town Tonge Thomas Georg-e, 2 St. John's ter­ Willett Thomas Grey, 2 Lansdown Slee Benry, 3St.John's ter. Romford rd race, Romford road villas, Romford road Small Geo. Wm. Eva vil. Le\ tons tone rd Troup George, 2 Grove viis. The Grove Williams Henry, 1 St. Katherine cot­ Smellie Wm. Ivy cottage, ·Romford rd Tucker Uobert, Cromwell villas, Mar- tages, Gurney road, New town Smith Mrs. 1 Elizabeth villa~, Buxton gery park road \,Yiltiams William, 7 Haddiugton ,ilJas, road, New town TurnerJhn.Labumum vil.Ham Frithrd Romford road Spooner Thomas, 10 Buxton road Turner Wm. Augusta house, Burton rd Wil5on l\I rs. 2 Stanley villas, Chobham Springall John, 6 Grove, Romford road Turner William, 2 Gurney road road, New town Squires Hy.2 Buxton vil.Leytonstone rd Uffindell Wm. Ham ho. Ham Frith rd Wilton Leonard, 2 Haddington villas, Stanford John, Henniker cottage, Vallence T. J. The Grove Romford road Chandos road, New town Vane William Hamilton, 2 Epping Winney Henry Collingwood, 5 St. Stanton Mrs. Green, Romford road villas, Romford road John's terrace, Romford road Stark George N. Atberton road Vause Robert, 1 Charlton villas, Bux­ Wire Benj. Manor house, Romford rd Steed J ames, 12 Buxton rd. New town ton road, New town Wood H ubert, 3 Vicarage, Rornford rd Stemson Frederick, Cambria ho. Grove Verhagen Rev. Francis [Catholic], The Wood Mrs. 2 Grove, Romford road Stevens Edward, 4 Buxton villas, Ley- Grove Wood Thomas, Ahna villa, Buxton rd tonstone road Vernon Rev. Charles [Baptist], 5 Wood Williarn, 1 Dora terrace, Buxton Stevens John Jeaves, 7 Upton place, Maryland point, Leytonstone road road, New town Romford road Volckman Charles, Atherton road Workman Rev. Edward [Wesleyan], 5 Stodart .Tames, 2 Harley ter. Gurney rd Wace Mrs. Atherton road The Grove 15tokes Mrs. I Earlam terrace, Gurney Walker Mrs. 20 Manbey grove Wri~?:ht Joshua Henry, 3 Havelock ter­ road, New town Walker William, 1 Lansdown terrace, race, Chobham road, New town Strong Joseph Bell, Longmoor villa, Gurney road, New Town Wright Thomas Eleazer, Suffolk lodge, Romford road Wall James, 92 Gurney road Leyton,.tone road Stuart Benjamin Henry, Melrose villa, Watkins Mrs. 164 High street Wright William, Ham Frith road Ham Frith road Watson John P. 5 Crownfield place, Wrig·ht William, 6 Roseland terrace, Sturdy Henry, 3 Surinam ter.Broadway Leytonstone road Chobham road, New town

COMMERCIAL. of roll ribbing, cisterns, baths, urinals, lavatories, pickling Abbott George, beer retailer, 121 High street tanks, brewers' vats; proprietors of the '' Permanent Abrahams Joseph, gas fitter, 5~ Gurnry road, New town Green" slates & manufacturers of special designs of red Adams & Glynes, farmers, Plashet hall, Romford road ridge tiles & blue Staffordshire goods. Also mauuf::w­ Ager William, shoe maker, Henniker road, New town turers of every description of marble & enamelled slate Akers John, tailor, 31 Broadway chimney pieces, inscription tablets, stoves, rangt"S, kit­ Alderson John, rope & twine ma. Marsh Gate lane, High st cheners, rain-water goods &c. &c.; patentees of the Alexander Frederick John, M.D. surgeon, Alexander place, "Lorne" cottage kitchener, " Coutts" model dwellings' The Grove; & Margery ball, Margery park range; ventilating grates made for the Metropolitan Alien & Hosking, photographers, 50 Grove Asylum; the "O:,borne "patent swinging panel ventibt­ Alien James, boot & shoe maker, Chapel street, High st ing grate. The " Abbotsford," the "Armstrong-Ahbots­ Alien William, house decorator, 38 Maryland rrl. New town ford," the" Thermosen," the" Harleston," the" Wharn­ Alment Ed.& Co. manufacturing & brewers' chemists, High st cliffe," & other patent hot-air econombing ref!ister Amos Richard, bookseller, Leytonstone road g-rates. Prize medal awarded, Paris Exhibition. 18G7. Andrews Charles, mason, The Grove Trade with shippers & dealers specially cultivated. Andrews John Gamble, corn dea !Pr, 9 Leyton rd. New town Architects, engineers & builders & shippers are invited to Angelo Vincent, tobacconist, 232 High street inspect show rooms at 14 & 15 Bury street, St. l\Iary AxP, Armer Joseph, shoe maker, Gurney road, New town Leadenhall street e.c.; head offices. for all colllmuni~ Armes Charles, baker, V•yton road, New town cations Ash Margaret (Mrs.), haberdasher, Leyton road, New town Astley Peter Hyde, tailor, 321\Iaryland point, Leytonstone rd Ashby Frederick, boot & shoe maker, 306 High street Austin Lewis Henry, furniture dealer, 23 Angel lane, Asbdown Charles William, house & estate agent, Lime Broadway cottage, Gurney road, New town Axten George, grocer, 5 Maryland point Ash ton & Green, works, Bow bridge, & Farringtlon Ayley Dorretta, Commercial hotel, .Martin street wharves, Stratford ; shipping & home wharf, Victoria Bacchus George, insuranl'e agent, Chapel street, High st (London) docks e; \V elsh works, Festiniog; slate depots, Badwell Henry Thomas, butcher, 2 l\Iaryland point Port l\larloc, Bangor & Carnarvon Baines Thomas Robert & Son, dairymen, The Grove Slate & slab merchants, quarry agents & manufacturers Baker Edward & Son, black lead manufactrs. 133 High l'>t