781 Squadron "Mock" Scholarship Selection Boards Sample Questions – 2013 – 14

2.3 Questions Specific to a Particular Scholarship

2.3.1 International Exchange

1. What do you think is the purpose of the International Air Cadet Exchange Program?

Answer : The candidate should touch on the following three themes:

i. Developing knowledge, interest and respect for different cultures

ii. Promoting international goodwill and friendship amongst Cadets around the world.

iii. An incentive for Cadet performance and excellence.

2. Why do you feel that YOU should be selected for this scholarship?

3. Tell us about a country you would be interested in visiting and why?

4. How do you feel that you personally will benefit from this scholarship and what are your future career goals?

5. How would you describe Canada, and the benefits of being a Canadian citizen, to someone in your host country?

6. Name an aircraft that is currently in service with the Canadian and provide a brief discussion about it?

(This question is not misplaced from the Pilot Scholarship questions - every lACE cadet is expected to know something about the Air of their own country. For example, pick the C-17 that Canada purchased and learn everything about it!)

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781 Calgary Squadron "Mock" Scholarship Selection Boards Sample Questions – 2013 – 14

2.3.2 Power/Gliding Scholarships

NB : Review your ground school notes before going to Boards, because you will be asked one technical question about flying during your board interview.

1. What improvements, if any, would you suggest relative to gliding and familiarization flying programs currently being provided through air cadets?

2. How does your squadron participate in the Provincial Gliding and Familiarization Program currently being provided through Air Cadets?

3. What are your thoughts on the Provincial Gliding and Familiarization Program?

4. If you could not get a job as a pilot, what other career in aviation would interest you?

Hint: Think Aircraft Maintenance, Avionics Electronics technician, Air Traffic Control, Airport Management, Aerospace Engineering, commercial Airline jobs, and Regional Airport Authority jobs.

5. What careers in aviation are you interested in? (See above)

6. Why is icing dangerous to flying?

Hint: Think about airframe icing, carburetor icing, propeller icing, pitot icing, rime ice, airfoil deformation, laminar flow disruption. This question has been on Boards for several years, so you should investigate it thoroughly

7. What are the primary control surfaces of a glider?

Answer: Ailerons, elevator and rudder

8. What, in your opinion, is the role of the Air element of the Canadian Forces?

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781 Calgary Squadron "Mock" Scholarship Selection Boards Sample Questions – 2013 – 14

2.3.3 Advanced Aviation - Aircraft Maintenance

1. You chose Aircraft Maintenance. Why?

2. Why do you think aircraft maintenance is so important that they have a special course for it?

Answer : If something breaks on a car, you pull over. That is not an option on an airplane.

3. Can you use automotive gasoline in a Cessna aircraft engine? Answer : No

4. Can you tell us the names, in order, of the four cycles in a four stroke internal combustion engine? Answer : 1. Intake, 2. Compression, 3. Power, 4. Exhaust

(Follow-up question)

Does a jet engine have the same cycles?

Answer : Yes, except that in a jet engine it is a continuous flow through the engine instead of each cylinder going through each stage and then repeating.

5. Define each of the flight controls from the descriptions that follow: a. Makes the aircraft's nose move to the left or to the right. Answer : Rudder b. Makes the nose of the aircraft move up and down. Answer: Elevator c. Makes the aircraft roll to the right or left. Answer : Ailerons

2.3.4 Advanced Aviation - Airport Operations

1. What do the numbers on the end of runways represent? Answer: The direction of the runway measured in degrees magnetic rounded to the nearest 10 degrees and the last zero omitted. Eg runway 09 points to 090°.

2. What colour are the lights on the sides of a runway? Answer : White

3. What colour are the lights on the sides of a taxiway? Answer: Blue

4. How can pilots tell how strong the wind is and which way the wind is blowing at an airport if there is no air traffic controller?

Answer : From the wind sock. The wind sock shows the direction and how strong it is by how full the wind sock is.

5. Which way do pilots turn in a standard airport traffic pattern? Answer: Left Page 3 of 6

781 Calgary Squadron "Mock" Scholarship Selection Boards Sample Questions – 2013 – 14

6. Can you spell your first name using the International Phonetic Alphabet?

A - Alfa J - Ju liet S - Sierra B - Bravo K - Kilo T - Tango C - Charlie L - Lima U - Uniform D - Delta M - Mike V - Victor E - Echo N - November W - Whiskey F - Foxtrot O - Oscar X - X-ray G - Golf P - Papa Y - Yankee H - Hotel Q - Z - Zulu I - India R - Romeo

2.3.5 Advanced Aerospace

1. What is the difference between a jet engine and a rocket engine?

Answer : Jets use air from the atmosphere to burn the fuel, rockets have to take their own with them.

2. Can you name two Canadian ?

Answers: , , Steven MacLean, , Thirsk, , , , , David Saint-Jacques

3. Can you name the first Canadian satellite in orbit? Answer : Alouette

4. Can you name two Space Shuttles that flew in space?

Answer: Columbia (re-entry crash 2003), Challenger (launch crash 1986), Discovery, Atlantis, Endeavour.

Enterprise never flew in space

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781 Calgary Squadron "Mock" Scholarship Selection Boards Sample Questions – 2013 – 14

No longer boarded, but still some good questions.

Leadership and Ceremonial Instructor

1. In your own words, how would you describe good citizenship?

2. Who, in your opinion, is a great leader, and what are some of his /her characteristics and traits?

3. Give us an example of your approach to problem solving?

4. What is the purpose of the Drill and Ceremonial Course?

Answer : The purpose of the course is to broaden the education of the cadets with respect to Service and Air Cadet League matters. To qualify them as Drill Instructors and to prepare them for future positions of responsibility with their squadrons. In order to achieve this goal, training is conducted to develop the knowledge level and capability of the trainee in the area of leadership, managerial, instructional and interpersonal skills

5. What makes you a good candidate for the Drill and Ceremonial Instructor course?

6. What specifically did you do to prepare for the Senior Leadership course?

7. What do you see as the short and long term benefits of attending the Senior Leadership Course?

3.0 Event Questions

1. For International Exchange Scholarships : What International current event have you been following? Hint: A top mark answer would be expected to address the following:

i. An overview of the issue

ii. The various people, countries & organizations involved

iii. The viewpoints on the issue from the perspective of the people involved; i.e. present both sides if it is a controversy

iv. Your opinion and comments on the issue; make sure you back it up with some detail to show you just didn't read the headlines that morning.

Know some detailed facts and information related to your issue. They may ask a small follow-up question on the event and you can overwhelm them with another round of detail. This single tactic allows you to form an opinion in the judge's mind that they will overlook many deficiencies in other areas. It uses psychology to your advantage.

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781 Calgary Squadron "Mock" Scholarship Selection Boards Sample Questions – 2013 – 14

2. For all other Scholarships : Tell us about a National, Provincial or Local issue, currently in the news and give us your opinion on this issue? Hint : If you want top marks and really impress your judges, do what an International Scholarship candidate would do. (see previous question).

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