Students Find Inspiration at March by KAT¥ MURPHY a Bomb Scare Wednesday News Writer Morning Caused Distress and Confusion in the City

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Students Find Inspiration at March by KAT¥ MURPHY a Bomb Scare Wednesday News Writer Morning Caused Distress and Confusion in the City Friday, January 24, 1997 • Vol. XXX No. 76 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Students find inspiration at march By KAT¥ MURPHY a bomb scare Wednesday News Writer morning caused distress and confusion in the city. A man Students returned from the running from the Mayflower March for Life in Washington hotel carried a suitcase which D.C., yesterday morning, feel­ exploded outside of the Planned ing rejuvenated and inspired Parenthood office. He fled the about their cause, according to scene and is now in custody. students who ------------ Updates attended the were given march. throughout the "I was im­ 'Abortion is like the day concerning pressed by the Holocaust of little the nature of number of peo­ children, but by going the bomb, ple there - the though as of whole attitude to the protest, this is now there are of singing and our way of stopping the no details. A praying. There flashbomb, or was such a Holocaust in our own fake explosion, sense of peace society.' is a possibility you just felt that since the bomb you were doing carrier was the right thing," Erin Donnelly apparently not junior Bonny ------------ hurt at all. Young said. Wilkie People of many different reli- explained, however, that the gions and ages took part in the scare had a surprisingly mini- March. mal impact on the March. "J think the more vocal part "We were in a very support- of the movement is the radical ive and joyous environment. It Christian right, but I think that seemed very far removed from there's support from all parts where we were," she said. "I of the political spectrum. The don't think it has anything media will portray (it) as the specifically to do with the pro­ radical right, but if you look at life movement." the people and the groups Many students said their there, there was representation strong anti-abortion sentiments from all types," said sophomore were further strengthened by Catriona Wilkie, the vice presi- their experiences in dent of the Notre Dame-Saint Washington. Mary's Right to Life group. "I think that's one of the "It was a good mix of political greatest tragedies in American The Observer/Bridget O'Connor support and spiritual reinforce- society. I compare it to slavery Notre Dame students joined thousands from across the nation at this week's March for Life in Washington, ment," Wilkie said. D.C. Many students returned with a renewed sense of dedication to the fight for the rights of th~ unborn. Although no one was harmed, see MARCH I page 4 Theologians examine Friday Feature homosexuality, doctrine A gathering of minds By DEREK BETCHER Among the specific observa­ By TATUM MENGYAN Assistant News Ediror tions that surfaced was the Assistant Saint Mary's News Editor questionable validity of theo­ Four members of Notre logical justification against Since 1991, the Play of the Mind Conference Dame's theology department allowing a Notre Dame gay has been a developing tradition at Saint explored homosexuality, and lesbian student group. Mary's, exploring both intellectual life and church doctrine, and campus Examining homosexuality in leadership at women's colleges across the gay and lesbian issues in a the bible and other Christian nation. · roundtable discussion yester­ texts, associate professor of Last evening, students, .faculty, administra­ day evening. theology Mary Rose D'Angelo tors, and student development professionals Emphasizing Christian ideals was the panel's first speaker. from 23 women's colleges gathered together of compassion and under­ She argued that certain writ­ in O'Laughlin Auditorium to kick off the open­ standing, the panel concluded ings have been taken out of ing of this year's Play of the Mind Conference. that there is little ecclesiasti­ context and largely misinter­ "The purpose of such a conference can be cal or moral support for preted to support homophobia tound primarily in its name. The Play of the homophobia or gay discrimi­ As an example, D'Angelo . Mind is always a combination of interaction, nation. pointed out that Bible sections creative thinking, fun, and intellectual "Homophobia is at least as condemning homosexuality engagement," said Patrick White, associate large an ethical problem for also ban mules and fabric dean of faculty and director of the Center for the Church as is homosexuali­ blends. She offered that criti­ Academic Innovation at Saint Mary's College. ty," said Father Richard cism of homosexuality in the "The primary goal, to remind us all, both McBrien, professor of theolo­ faculty, students, and student development gy. see THEOLOGY I page 4 professionals alike, that intellectual life can present itself in a variety of shapes, colors, and experiences that we may not necessarily regard as intellectual; from conversations among students in a residence hall to those between faculty and students in and out of the classroom. Intellectual life can be, and often times is, creative and playful," he added. This year's Play of the Mind brings together the largest number And largest variety of The theme of this year's conference, "Play women's colleges in the six year history of the of the Mind: The Women's College Promise," program. will attempt to explore the dialogue that "This year's conference could easily be binds all participants together while embrac­ called a national conference under the realm ing those qualities that make them diverse, of leadership experienc," said Georgeanna both as individuals and institutions. Rosenbush, director of Student' Activities at Participants will also work to model collabo­ Saint Mary's College. rative forms of leadership, those existing on see MIND I page 6 ...--------------~- -~--~-~- page 2 The Observer· INSIDE Friday, January 24, 1997 n INSIDE COLUMN • WORW AT A GlANCE Consutner: Likud, labor forage census between forces on Gaza strip JERUSALEM They dodge the key issue of Current status - Total Palesti~ian control They called them the Tuesday meetings. Palestinian civil control Palestinian statehood. And they insist A dozen Israeli parliament members - with Israeli security D Total israeli control on a united Jerusalem under Israeli Be an1used, half from the ruling Likud Party. half from control, an unthinkable concept to the the opposition Labor Party - gathered Palestinians, who want east weekly at a villa in an upscale Jerusalem Jerusalem as their capital. but be a-ware J5km ~Janin neighborhood. They sat around a wooden < - But for the Likud, the document table and tackled the seemingly impossi­ Tulka~m-- marks a clear departure fi·om its pre­ Time is money like never before. ble task of forging a consensus between . vious policy of trying to preserve Thirty seconds is going for 1.2 million dol­ Qalqilya....,. ....,._ N<ihlus future~ Israeli control over the West Bank and lars these days-that is, if we're talking in Israel's left and right on the of the Mediterrmtemq West West Bank and Gaza Strip. StQ Y Bank Jc~icho Gaza - and its departure marginal­ Super Bowl seconds. The document emerging after 13 weeks izes right-wing ideologues who refuse This year the Super Bowl is expected to is vague, non-binding, and already Ramallah~ i; to change with the times. attract nearly 140 million slammed by critics as a futile intellectual "The reality changed. and we have viewers, or so says ,jerusalem ---~ exereise. - Bethlehem __J;¥ to move on," said Michael Eitan. who Newsweek magazine. Nevertheless, these five pages could led th() Likud lawmak()rs in the discus­ And the audience is com­ guide Israel in final peace talks with the Hchron .:,__._;f sions. posed of men, women, Palestinians. lie and the other authors say they and children-rich and The authors declare that Israel will expect their document - to be pub­ poor alike. It's the adver­ Gaza ISRAEL agree to the establishment of a Palestinian Strip lished in full on Sunday - to guide tiser's dream audience. entity in part of the West Bank and Gaza Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu One hundred forty mil- and will seek to annex most Jewish settle­ 1- in talks with the Palestinians on a final lion Americans gathered Patti Carson ments. peace agrnement, set to begin in March. around the television Managing Editor spending the "Super -------­ Bowl American Holiday" doing exactly what this sports fanatic quasi-holiday entails-just Gingrich refuses to comment on fine Coke settles dispute over trademark sitting there and watching the tube-the game and the advertisements (which are as enter­ CHICAGO taining as the main event). Coke is going ahead with its Surge for the Super BowL Those companies which can afford to adver­ After days out of the public eye, Coca-Cola settled a trademark dispute Thursday with a tise-like Anheuser-Busch, Pepsi, Honda, and House Speaker Newt Gingrich re­ company that uses the name Surge for a cow-milking Paramount-are certainly willing to pay their emerged Thursday but declined to machine, clearing tho way for a Super Bowl ad blitz for a 1.2 mil per spot. If you had the cash, answer questions about his ethics case new high-calorie, high-caffeine soda with the same wouldn't you buy a spot? After all, we or plans for making a $:~00,000 pay­ name. Surge, a green-colored drink, is Coca-Cola's remember the commercials possibly in more ment ordered by the House. Gingrich answer to Pepsi's Mountain Dew, which has become one detail than we do the actual game. Who could said he would give a speech on the case of the nation's hottest-selling soft drinks. Babson Bros. forget the Baked Lays commercial with all of at an unspecified date and answer said it didn't want Surge, the name for its automatic the super models "eating like one of the questions at that time.
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