For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Congressional Sales Office U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402 COMMITTEE ON RULES


Hugh Nathanial Halpern, Staff Director Miles M. Lackey, Minority Staff Director Monica K. Chinn, Chief Legislative Clerk


H-312 Capitol Washington, D.C. 20515 202-225-9191



TABLE OF CONTENTS...... iii COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP ...... 1 Committee on Rules ...... 1 Subcommittee on Legislative and Budget Process...... 1 Subcommittee on Rules and Organization of the House...... 1 HISTORY OF REPORTED LEGISLATION ...... 2 Rules Granted...... 2 Original Jurisdiction Measures Reported...... 30 MEASURES REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE ON RULES...... 31 House Resolutions...... 31 House Bills...... 35 House Joint Resolutions ...... 37 House Concurrent Resolutions ...... 38 MEMORIALS, PETITIONS, AND EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS...... 39 INDEX OF ADDITIONALLY REFERRED LEGISLATION...... 40 RECORD VOTES...... 48 PUBLICATIONS AND HOUSE DOCUMENTS...... 83







HUGH NATHANIAL HALPERN, Staff Director MILES M. LACKEY, Minority Staff Director



ROB WOODALL, Georgia, Chairman VIRGINIA FOXX,NorthCarolina ALCEE L. HASTINGS, RICHARD B. NUGENT, Florida Subcommittee Ranking Member, Florida DANIEL WEBSTER,Florida JARED POLIS, Colorado MICHAEL C. BURGESS,Texas

JANET ROSSI, Subcommittee Staff Director LALE M. MAMAUX, Minority Staff Director




HARRISON LEWIS, Subcommittee Staff Director KEITH STERN, Minority Staff Director



RULES GRANTED Asterisk (*) denotes rules on matters of original jurisdiction


H. Res. 23 been adopted. Any Member may demand a separate vote in the House on any amendment Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 152) adopted in the Committee of the Whole to the making supplemental appropriations for the fiscal bill, to the amendment in the nature of a year ending September 30, 2013, and for other substitute printed in part A, or to amendment purposes. number 1 printed in part C. The rule provides Date Introduced: that each such amendment printed in part B and January 14, 2013 part C of the report may be offered only in the Sponsor: order printed in the report, may be offered only Mr. Cole of Oklahoma by a Member designated in the report, shall be Granted a structured rule for H.R. 152. The rule considered as read, shall be debatable for the provides one hour of general debate equally time specified in the report equally divided and divided and controlled by the chair and ranking controlled by the proponent and an opponent, minority member of the Committee on shall not be subject to amendment (except as Appropriations. The rule waives all points of specified in the report), and shall not be subject order against consideration of the bill. The rule to a demand for division of the question. The provides that the amendment in the nature of a rule provides one motion to recommit with or substitute printed in part A of the Rules without instructions. Committee report shall be considered as an Finally, the rule directs the Clerk to, in the original bill for the purpose of amendment and engrossment of H.R. 152, add the text of H.R. shall be considered as read. The rule waives all 219 as passed by the House as a new matter at points of order against the amendment in the the end of H.R. 152; conform the title of H.R. 152 nature of a substitute. The rule makes in order to reflect the addition of the text of H.R. 219, as only the amendment printed in part B of the passed by the House, to the engrossment; assign report to the amendment in the nature of a appropriate designations to provisions within substitute. The rule waives all points of order the engrossment; and conform cross-references against the amendment printed in part B. The and provisions for short titles within the rule provides that after the disposition of the engrossment. amendment printed in part B, the Chair shall January 14, 2013: put the question on the amendment in the Orderedreportedbyvoicevote. nature of a substitute in part A. Report filed, H. Rept. 113–1. The rule provides that if the amendment in the January 15, 2013: nature of a substitute printed in part A is not Adopted by record vote of 367-52, after agreeing adopted, the Committee of the Whole shall rise to the previous question by record vote of 293- and report that it has come to no resolution on 127. the bill. If the amendment in the nature of a substitute is adopted, the amendment in the nature of a substitute shall be considered as the H. Res. 39 original bill for the purpose of further Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 325) to amendment. ensure the complete and timely payment of the The rule makes in order only those further obligations of the United States Government until amendments printed in part C of the report. May 19, 2013, and for other purposes. The rule provides that at the conclusion of Date Introduced: consideration of the amendments printed in part January 22, 2013 C, the Committee shall rise and report the bill to Sponsor: the House with such amendments as may have Mr. Sessions of Texas


Granted a closed rule for H.R. 325. The rule provides be subject to a demand for division of the one hour of debate, with 40 minutes equally question. The rule waives all points of order divided and controlled by the chair and ranking against the amendments printed in the report. minority member of the Committee on Ways and The rule provides one motion to recommit with Means and 20 minutes equally divided and or without instructions. controlled by the chair and ranking minority February 4, 2013: member of the Committee on House Orderedreportedbyrecordvoteof9-3. Administration. The rule waives all points of Report filed, H. Rept. 113–8. order against consideration of the bill. The rule February 5, 2013: provides that the amendment printed in the Adopted by record vote of 228-189, after agreeing Rules Committee report shall be considered as to the previous question by record vote of 229- adopted and the bill, as amended, shall be 188. considered as read. The rule waives all points of order against provisions in the bill, as amended. H. Res. 66 The rule provides one motion to recommit with Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 273) to or without instructions. eliminate the 2013 statutory pay adjustment for January 22, 2013: Federal employees, and for other purposes. Orderedreportedbyrecordvoteof9-3. Date Introduced: Report filed, H. Rept. 113–2. February 13, 2013 January 23, 2013: Sponsor: Adopted by record vote of 234-190, after agreeing Mr. Woodall of Georgia to the previous question by record vote of 232- The Committee adopted the Oversight Plan of the 193. Committee on Rules for the 113th Congress.

H. Res. 48 The Committee granted, by a record vote of 7 to 4, a Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 444) to closed rule for H.R. 273. The rule provides one require that, if the President's fiscal year 2014 hour of debate equally divided and controlled by budget does not achieve balance in a fiscal year the chair and ranking minority member of the covered by such budget, the President shall submit a Committee on Oversight and Government supplemental unified budget by April 1, 2013, which Reform. The rule waives all points of order identifies a fiscal year in which balance is achieved, against consideration of the bill. The rule and for other purposes. provides that the bill shall be considered as read. Date Introduced: The rule waives all points of order against February 4, 2013 provisionsinthebill.Theruleprovidesone Sponsor: motion to recommit. Mr. Woodall of Georgia Section 2 provides that during any recess or Granted a structured rule for H.R. 444. The rule adjournment of not more than three days, if in provides one hour of general debate equally the opinion of the Speaker the public interest so divided and controlled by the chair and ranking warrants, then the Speaker or his designee, after minority member of the Committee on the consultation with the Minority Leader, may Budget or their respective designees. The rule reconvene the House at a time other than that waives all points of order against consideration previously appointed, within the limits of clause of the bill. The rule provides that the bill shall be 4, section 5, article I of the Constitution, and considered as read. The rule waives all points of notify Members accordingly. order against provisions in the bill. The rule Section 3 provides that it shall be in order at any makes in order only those amendments printed time throughout the legislative day of February in the Rules Committee report. Each such 15, 2013, for the Speaker to entertain motions amendment may be offered only in the order that the House suspend the rules, as though printed in the report, may be offered only by a under clause 1 of rule XV, relating to a measure Member designated in the report, shall be condemning the government of North Korea and considered as read, shall be debatable for the its February 12, 2013 test of a nuclear device. time specified in the report equally divided and Section 4 provides that on any legislative day controlled by the proponent and an opponent, during the period from February 16, 2013 shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not through February 22, 2013 the Journal of the


proceedings of the previous day shall be the bill shall be considered as read. The rule considered as approved and the Chair may at waives all points of order against provisions in any time declare the House adjourned to meet at the bill. The rule provides that an amendment in a date and time, within the limits of clause 4, the nature of a substitute consisting of the text section 5, article I of the Constitution. of Rules Committee Print 113-2, if offered by the Section 5 provides that the Speaker may appoint Majority Leader or his designee, which shall be MemberstoperformthedutiesoftheChairfor in order without intervention of any point of the duration of the period addressed by section order, shall be considered as read, and shall be 4.Granted a structured rule for H.R. 444. The separately debatable for 20 minutes equally rule provides one hour of general debate equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an divided and controlled by the chair and ranking opponent. The rule provides one motion to minority member of the Committee on the commit with or without instructions. Budget or their respective designees. The rule The Committee also populated, by unanimous waives all points of order against consideration consent, its subcommittees as follows: of the bill. The rule provides that the bill shall be The Subcommittee on Rules and Organization of considered as read. The rule waives all points of the House: As Majority members—Mr. Nugent, order against provisions in the bill. The rule Chairman; Mr. Bishop; Mr. Webster; Ms. Ros- makes in order only those amendments printed Lehtinen; and Mr. Sessions. As Minority in the Rules Committee report. Each such members—Mr. McGovern, Ranking Member, amendment may be offered only in the order and Mrs. Slaughter. printed in the report, may be offered only by a The Subcommittee on Legislative and Budget Member designated in the report, shall be Process: As Majority members—Mr. Woodall, considered as read, shall be debatable for the Chairman; Ms. Foxx; Mr. Nugent; Mr. Webster; time specified in the report equally divided and and Mr. Burgess. As Minority members—Mr. controlled by the proponent and an opponent, Hastings of Florida, Ranking Member, and Mr. shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not Polis. be subject to a demand for division of the February 26, 2013: question. The rule waives all points of order Orderedreportedbyvoicevote. against the amendments printed in the report. Report filed, H. Rept. 113–10. The rule provides one motion to recommit with February 27, 2013: or without instructions. Adopted by record vote of 414-9, after agreeing February 13, 2013: to the previous question by record vote of 229- Ordered reported by record vote of 7-4. 196. Report filed, H. Rept. 113–9. February 14, 2013: H. Res. 99 Adopted by record vote of 227-192, after agreeing Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 933) to the previous question by record vote of 229- making appropriations for the Department of 194 and agreeing to consider the resolution by Defense, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and voice vote. other departments and agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013, and for other purposes. H. Res. 83 Date Introduced: Providing for consideration of the bill (S. 47) To March 5, 2013 reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act of Sponsor: 1994. Mr. Cole of Oklahoma Date Introduced: Granted a closed rule for H.R. 933. The rule provides February 26, 2013 one hour of debate equally divided and Sponsor: controlled by the chair and ranking minority Mr. Nugent of Florida member of the Committee on Appropriations. Granted a structured rule for S. 47. The rule The rule waives all points of order against provides one hour of debate equally divided and consideration of the bill. The rule provides that controlled by the Majority Leader and the the amendment printed in the Rules Committee Minority Leader or their respective designees. report shall be considered as adopted and the The rule waives all points of order against bill, as amended, shall be considered as read. consideration of the bill. The rule provides that The rule waives all points of order against


provisions in the bill, as amended. The rule Granted a structured rule for H.R. 803. The rule provides one motion to recommit with or without provides one hour of general debate equally instructions. divided and controlled by the chair and ranking March 5, 2013: minority member of the Committee on Education Orderedreportedbyrecordvoteof9-4. and the Workforce. The rule waives all points of Report filed, H. Rept. 112–12. order against consideration of the bill. The rule March 6, 2013: makes in order as original text for purpose of Adopted by record vote of 212-197, after agreeing amendment an amendment in the nature of a to the previous question by record vote of 227- substitute consisting of the text of Rules 188. Committee Print 113-4 and provides that it shall be considered as read. The rule waives all points H. Res. 107 of order against the amendment in the nature of a substitute. The rule makes in order only those Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 890) to amendments printed in the Rules Committee prohibit waivers relating to compliance with the report. Each such amendment may be offered work requirements for the program of block grants to only in the order printed in the report, may be States for temporary assistance for needy families, offered only by a Member designated in the and for other purposes. report, shall be considered as read, shall be Date Introduced: debatable for the time specified in the report March 12, 2013 equally divided and controlled by the proponent Sponsor: and an opponent, shall not be subject to Mr. Cole of Oklahoma amendment, and shall not be subject to a Granted a closed rule for H.R. 890. The rule provides demand for division of the question. The rule one hour of debate equally divided and waives all points of order against the controlled by the chair and ranking minority amendments printed in the report. The rule member of the Committee on Ways and Means. provides one motion to recommit with or without The rule waives all points of order against instructions. consideration of the bill. The rule provides that March 13, 2013: an amendment in the nature of a substitute Orderedreportedbyrecordvoteof7-4. consisting of the text of the Rules Committee Report filed, H. Rept. 113–16. Print 113-3 shall be considered as adopted and March 14, 2013: the bill, as amended, shall be considered as read. Adopted by record vote of 226-191, after agreeing The rule waives all points of order against to the previous question by record vote of 225- provisions in the bill, as amended. The rule 191. provides one motion to recommit with or without instructions. March 12, 2013: H. Res. 122 Orderedreportedbyrecordvoteof7-4. Providing for consideration of the concurrent Report filed, H. Rept. 113-15. resolution (H. Con. Res. 25) establishing the budget March 13, 2013: for the United States Government for fiscal year Adopted by record vote of 233-194, after agreeing 2014 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels to the previous question by record vote of 233- for fiscal years 2015 through 2023; providing for 195. consideration of the resolution (H. Res. 115) providing for the expenses of certain committees of the House of Representatives in the One Hundred H. Res. 113 Thirteenth Congress; and for other purposes. Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 803) to Date Introduced: reform and strengthen the workforce investment March 18, 2013 system of the Nation to put Americans back to work Sponsor: and make the United States more competitive in the Mr. Woodall of Georgia 21st century. Granted a structured rule for H. Con. Res. 25. The Date Introduced: rule provides four hours of general debate with March 13, 2013 three hours confined to the congressional budget Sponsor: equally divided and controlled by the chair and Ms. Foxx of North Carolina ranking minority member of the Committee on

5 HISTORY OF LEGISLATION — RULES GRANTED the Budget and one hour on the subject of The rule provides that each day during the economic goals and policies equally divided and period addressed by section 2 of the resolution controlled by Rep. Brady of Texas and Rep. shall not constitute a calendar day for purposes Carolyn Maloney of New York or their designees. of section 7 of the War Powers Resolution (50 The rule waives all points of order against U.S.C. 1546). consideration of the concurrent resolution and The rule provides a closed rule for H. Res. 115. provides that it shall be considered as read. The The rule provides one hour of debate equally rule makes in order only those amendments divided and controlled by the chair and ranking printed in the Rules Committee report. Each minority member of the Committee on House such amendment may be offered only in the Administration. The rule waives all points of order printed in the report, may be offered only order against consideration of the resolution. by a Member designated in the report, shall be The rule provides that the resolution shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the considered as read. The rule provides one time specified in the report equally divided and motion to recommit without instructions. controlled by the proponent and an opponent, March 18, 2013: and shall not be subject to amendment. The rule Orderedreportedbyvoicevote. waives all points of order against the Report filed, H. Rept. 113–21. amendments printed in the report except that March 19, 2013: the adoption of an amendment in the nature of a Adopted by record vote of 224-189, after agreeing substitute shall constitute the conclusion of to the previous question by record vote of 223- consideration of the concurrent resolution for 189. amendment. The rule provides, upon the conclusion of consideration of the concurrent H. Res. 140 resolution for amendment, for a final period of Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 678) to general debate, which shall not exceed 10 authorize all Bureau of Reclamation conduit minutes equally divided and controlled by the facilities for hydropower development under Federal chair and ranking minority member of the Reclamation law, and for other purposes. Committee on the Budget. The rule permits the chair of the Budget Committee to offer Date Introduced: April 9, 2013 amendments in the House pursuant to section 305(a)(5) of the Congressional Budget Act of Sponsor: Mr. Bishop of Utah 1974 to achieve mathematical consistency. The GrantedamodifiedopenruleforH.R.678.Therule rule provides that the concurrent resolution provides one hour of general debate equally shall not be subject to a demand for division of divided and controlled by the chair and ranking the question of its adoption. The rule provides that on any legislative day minority member of the Committee on Natural during the period from March 22, 2013 through Resources. The rule waives all points of order April 8, 2013: (a) the Journal of the proceedings against consideration of the bill. The rule provides that the bill shall be considered as read. of the previous day shall be considered as The rule waives all points of order against approved; (b) the Chair may at any time declare provisions in the bill. The rule makes in order the House adjourned to meet at a date and time, only those amendments that are submitted for within the limits of clause 4, section 5, article I of the Constitution, to be announced by the printing in the Congressional Record dated at Chair in declaring the adjournment; and (c) bills least one day before the day of consideration of and resolutions introduced during the period the amendment and pro forma amendments for the purpose of debate. Each amendment addressed by this section shall be numbered, submitted for printing may be offered only by listed in the Congressional Record, and when the Member who submitted it for printing or the printed shall bear the date of introduction, but Member’s designee and shall be considered as maybereferredbytheSpeakeratalatertime. The rule provides that the Speaker may appoint read if printed. The rule provides one motion to members to perform the duties of the Chair for recommit with or without instructions. the duration of the period addressed by section 2 April 9, 2013: of the resolution as though under clause 8(a) of Orderedreportedbyvoicevote. rule I. Report filed, H. Rept. 113–31.


April 10, 2013: Committee on Intelligence. The rule waives all Adopted by voice vote, after agreeing to the points of order against consideration of the bill. previous question by record vote of 236-189. The rule makes in order as original text for the purpose of amendment an amendment in the H. Res. 146 nature of a substitute consisting of the text of Rules Committee Print 113-7 and provides that Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1120) to it shall be considered as read. The rule waives prohibit the National Labor Relations Board from all points of order against the amendment in a taking any action that requires a quorum of the nature of a substitute. The rule makes in order members of the Board until such time as Board only those further amendments printed in the constituting a quorum shall have been confirmed by Rules Committee report. Each such amendment the Senate, the Supreme Court issues a decision on maybeofferedonlyintheorderprintedinthe the constitutionality of the appointments to the report, may be offered only by a Member Board made in January 2012, or the adjournment designated in the report, shall be considered as sine die of the first session of the 113th Congress. read, shall be debatable for the time specified in Date Introduced: the report equally divided and controlled by the April 10, 2013 proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject Sponsor: to amendment, and shall not be subject to a Ms. Foxx of North Carolina demand for division of the question. The rule Granted a closed rule for H.R. 1120. The rule waives all points of order against the provides one hour of general debate equally amendments printed in the report. The rule divided and controlled by the chair and ranking provides one motion to recommit with or without minority member of the Committee on Education instructions. and the Workforce. The rule waives all points of April 16, 2013: order against consideration of the bill. The rule Orderedreportedbyvoicevote. provides that an amendment in the nature of a Report filed, H. Rept. 113–41. substitute consisting of the text of the Rules April 17, 2013: Committee Print 113-6 shall be considered as Amendment agreed to by voice vote. adopted. The bill, as amended, shall be Adopted by record vote of 227-192. considered as read. The rule waives all points of order against provisions in the bill, as amended. The rule provides one motion to recommit with H. Res. 175 or without instructions. Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1549) to April 10, 2013: amend Public Law 111-148 to transfer fiscal year Orderedreportedbyrecordvoteof7-3. 2013 through fiscal year 2016 funds from the Report filed, H. Rept. 113–32. Prevention and Public Health Fund to carry out the April 11, 2013: temporary high risk health insurance pool program Adopted by record vote of 226-194, after agreeing for individuals with preexisting conditions, and to to the previous question by record vote of 226- extend access to such program to such individuals 192. who have had creditable coverage during the 6 months prior to application for coverage through H. Res. 164 such program. Date Introduced: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 624) to April 23, 2013 provide for the sharing of certain cyber threat Sponsor: intelligence and cyber threat information between Mr. Burgess of Texas the intelligence community and cybersecurity Granted a structured rule for H.R. 1549. The rule entities, and for other purposes. provides one hour of general debate equally Date Introduced: divided and controlled by the chair and ranking April 16, 2013 minority member of the Committee on Energy Sponsor: and Commerce. The rule waives all points of Mr. Woodall of Georgia order against consideration of the bill. The rule Granted a structured rule for H.R. 624. The rule makes in order as original text for the purpose of provides one hour of general debate equally amendment an amendment in the nature of a divided and controlled by the chair and ranking substitute consisting of the text of Rules minority member of the Permanent Select 7 HISTORY OF LEGISLATION — RULES GRANTED

Committee Print 113-8 and provides that it shall debatable for the time specified in the report be considered as read. The rule waives all points equally divided and controlled by the proponent of order against the amendment in a nature of a and an opponent, shall not be subject to substitute. The rule makes in order only those amendment, and shall not be subject to a further amendments printed in the Rules demand for division of the question. The rule Committee report. Each such amendment may waives all points of order against the be offered only in the order printed in the report, amendments printed in the report. The rule maybeofferedonlybyaMemberdesignatedin provides one motion to recommit with or without the report, shall be considered as read, shall be instructions. debatable for the time specified in the report April 24, 2013: equally divided and controlled by the proponent Orderedreportedbyvoicevote. and an opponent, shall not be subject to Report filed, H. Rept. 113–47. amendment, and shall not be subject to a April 25, 2013: demand for division of the question. The rule Amendment agreed to by voice vote. waives all points of order against the Adopted by record vote of 231-177. amendments printed in the report. The rule provides one motion to recommit with or without instructions. H. Res. 198 April 23, 2013: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1406) to Orderedreportedbyrecordvoteof9-2. amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to Report filed, H. Rept. 113–46. provide compensatory time for employees in the April 24, 2013: private sector. Adopted by record vote of , after agreeing to the Date Introduced: previous question by record vote of . May 6, 2013 Sponsor: H. Res. 178 Ms. Foxx of North Carolina Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 527) to Granted a structured rule for H.R. 1406. The rule amend the Helium Act to complete the privatization provides one hour of debate equally divided and of the Federal helium reserve in a competitive controlled by the chair and ranking minority market fashion that ensures stability in the helium member of the Committee on Education and the markets while protecting the interests of American Workforce. The rule waives all points of order taxpayers, and for other purposes. against consideration of the bill. The rule Date Introduced: provides that the amendment in the nature of a April 24, 2013 substitute recommended by the Committee on Sponsor: Education and the Workforce now printed in the Mr. Bishop of Utah bill shall be considered as adopted and the bill, Granted a structured rule for H.R. 527. The rule as amended, shall be considered as read. The provides one hour of general debate equally rule waives all points of order against provisions divided and controlled by the chair and ranking in the bill, as amended. The rule makes in order minority member of the Committee on Natural only the further amendment printed in the Rules Resources. The rule waives all points of order Committee report, if offered by Representative against consideration of the bill. The rule makes Gibson of New York or his designee. The in order as original text for the purpose of amendment shall be considered as read, shall be amendment an amendment in the nature of a separately debatable for 10 minutes equally substitute consisting of the text of Rules divided and controlled by the proponent and an Committee Print 113-9 and provides that it shall opponent, shall not be subject to amendment, be considered as read. The rule waives all points and shall not be subject to a demand for division of order against the amendment in a nature of a of the question. The rule waives all points of substitute. The rule makes in order only those order against the amendment printed in the further amendments printed in the Rules report. The rule provides one motion to recommit Committee report. Each such amendment may with or without instructions. be offered only in the order printed in the report, May 6, 2013: maybeofferedonlybyaMemberdesignatedin Orderedreportedbyvoicevote. the report, shall be considered as read, shall be Report filed, H. Rept. 113–51.


May 7, 2013: Sponsor: Adopted by record vote of 228-199, after agreeing Mr. Burgess of Texas to the previous question by record vote of 230- Granted a closed rule for H.R. 45. The rule provides 198. two hours of debate equally divided among and controlled by the respective chairs and ranking H. Res. 202 minority members of the Committees on Education and the Workforce, Energy and Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 807) to Commerce, and Ways and Means. The rule require that the Government prioritize all waives all points of order against consideration obligations on the debt held by the public in the of the bill. The rule provides that the event that the debt limit is reached. amendment printed in the Rules Committee Date Introduced: report shall be considered as adopted. The rule May 7, 2013 provides that the bill, as amended, shall be Sponsor: considered as read. The rule waives all points of Mr. Sessions of Texas order against provisions in the bill, as amended. Granted a structured rule for H.R. 807. The rule The rule provides one motion to recommit with provides one hour of debate equally divided and or without instructions. controlled by the chair and ranking minority May 15, 2013: member of the Committee on Ways and Means. Orderedreportedbyrecordvoteof8-2. The rule waives all points of order against Report filed, H. Rept. 113–59. consideration of the bill. The rule provides that May 16, 2013: the amendment in the nature of a substitute Adopted by record vote of 226-192, after agreeing recommended by the Committee on Ways and to the previous question by record vote of 228- Means now printed in the bill shall be 193. considered as adopted and the bill, as amended, shall be considered as read. The rule waives all points of order against provisions in the bill, as H. Res. 216 amended. The rule makes in order only the Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1062) to amendment printed in the Rules Committee improve the consideration by the Securities and report, if offered by Representative Camp of Exchange Commission of the costs and benefits of its Michigan, or his designee. The amendment shall regulations and orders. be considered as read, shall be debatable for 10 Date Introduced: minutes equally divided and controlled by the May 15, 2013 proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject Sponsor: to amendment, and shall not be subject to a Mr. Sessions of Texas demand for division of the question. The rule Granted a structured rule for H.R. 1062. The rule waives all points of order against the provides one hour of general debate equally amendment printed in the report. The rule divided and controlled by the chair and ranking provides one motion to recommit with or without minority member of the Committee on Financial instructions. Services. The rule waives all points of order May 7, 2013: against consideration of the bill. The rule makes Orderedreportedbyrecordvoteof5-2. in order as original text for purpose of Report filed, H. Rept. 113–52. amendment an amendment in the nature of a May 8, 2013: substitute consisting of the text of Rules Adopted by record vote of 226-199, after agreeing Committee Print 113-10 and provides that it to the previous question by record vote of 227- shall be considered as read. The rule waives all 199. points of order against the amendment in the nature of a substitute. The rule makes in order H. Res. 215 only those further amendments printed in the Rules Committee report. Each such amendment Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 45) to maybeofferedonlyintheorderprintedinthe repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care report, may be offered only by a Member Act and health care-related provisions in the Health designated in the report, shall be considered as Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010. read, shall be debatable for the time specified in Date Introduced: the report equally divided and controlled by the May 15, 2013 9 HISTORY OF LEGISLATION — RULES GRANTED

proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject May 21, 2013: to amendment, and shall not be subject to a Orderedreportedbyvoicevote. demand for division of the question. The rule Report filed, H. Rept. 113–88. waives all points of order against the May 22, 2013: amendments printed in the report. The rule Adopted by record vote of 228-185, after agreeing provides one motion to recommit with or without to the previous question by record vote of 223- instructions. 194. May 15, 2013: Orderedreportedbyrecordvoteof8-2. H. Res. 232 Report filed, H. Rept. 113–60. Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1911) to May 17, 2013: amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to establish Adopted by record vote of 223-180, after agreeing interest rates for new loans made on or after July 1, to the previous question by record vote of 222- 2013, and for other purposes. 181. Date Introduced: May 22, 2013 H. Res. 228 Sponsor: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3) to Ms. Foxx of North Carolina approve the construction, operation, and Granted a closed rule for H.R. 1911. The rule maintenance of the Keystone XL pipeline, and for provides one hour of debate equally divided and other purposes. controlled by the chair and ranking minority Date Introduced: member of the Committee on Education and the May 21, 2013 Workforce. The rule waives all points of order Sponsor: against consideration of the bill. The rule Mr. Webster of Florida provides that an amendment in the nature of a GrantedastructuredruleforH.R.3.Therule substitute consisting of the text of Rules provides 90 minutes of general debate equally Committee Print 113-12 shall be considered as divided among and controlled by the respective adopted. The rule provides that the bill, as chairs and ranking minority members of the amended, shall be considered as read. The rule Committees on Transportation and waives all points of order against provisions in Infrastructure, Energy and Commerce, and the bill, as amended. The rule provides one Natural Resources. The rule waives all points of motion to recommit with or without instructions. order against consideration of the bill. The rule Section 2 of the rule directs the Clerk to, in the makes in order as original text for purpose of engrossment of H.R. 1911, add the text of H.R. amendment an amendment in the nature of a 1949 as passed by the House as a new matter at substitute consisting of the text of Rules the end of H.R. 1911 and make conforming Committee Print 113-11 and provides that it modifications in the engrossment. shall be considered as read. The rule waives all Section 3 of the rule provides that on any points of order against the amendment in the legislative day during the period from May 24, nature of a substitute. The rule makes in order 2013, through May 31, 2013: the Journal of the only those further amendments printed in the proceedings of the previous day shall be Rules Committee report. Each such amendment considered as approved; and the Chair may at maybeofferedonlyintheorderprintedinthe any time declare the House adjourned to meet at report, may be offered only by a Member a date and time to be announced by the Chair in designated in the report, shall be considered as declaring the adjournment. read, shall be debatable for the time specified in Section 4 of the rule provides that the Speaker the report equally divided and controlled by the may appoint Members to perform the duties of proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject the Chair for the duration of the period to amendment, and shall not be subject to a addressed by section 3 of the resolution. demand for division of the question. The rule Section 5 of the rule provides that the waives all points of order against the Committee on Appropriations may, at any time amendments printed in the report. The rule before 6 p.m. on Wednesday, May 29, 2013, file provides one motion to recommit with or without privileged reports to accompany measures instructions. making appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014.


Section 6 of the rule provides that the under section 302(a) of the Congressional Budget Committee on Agriculture may, at any time Act of 1974. before 6 p.m. on Wednesday, May 29, 2013, file a June 3, 2013: report to accompany H.R. 1947. Orderedreportedbyrecordvoteof9-2. May 22, 2013: Report filed, H. Rept. 113–95. Orderedreportedbyrecordvoteof7-2. June 4, 2013: Report filed, H. Rept. 113–89. Adopted by record vote of 227-194, after agreeing May 23, 2013: to the previous question by record vote of 229- Adopted by record vote of 224-193, after agreeing 193. to the previous question by record vote of 224- 195. H. Res. 256 Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1960) to H. Res. 243 authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2014 for Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2216) military activities of the Department of Defense and making appropriations for military construction, the for military construction, to prescribe military Department of Veterans Affairs, and related personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, other purposes; and providing for consideration of 2014, and for other purposes; and providing for the bill (H.R. 1256) to direct the Securities and consideration of the bill (H.R. 2217) making Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures appropriations for the Department of Homeland Trading Commission to jointly adopt rules setting Security for the fiscal year ending September 30, forth the application to cross-border swaps 2014, and for other purposes. transactions of certain provisions relating to swaps Date Introduced: that were enacted as part of the Dodd-Frank Wall June 3, 2013 Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Sponsor: Date Introduced: Mr. Webster of Florida June 11, 2013 Granted open rules for H.R. 2216 and H.R. 2217. Sponsor: The rule provides one hour of general debate on Mr. Nugent of Florida each bill equally divided and controlled by the Granted a general debate rule for H.R. 1960. The chair and ranking minority member of the rule provides one hour of general debate equally Committee on Appropriations. The rule waives divided and controlled by the chair and ranking all points of order against consideration of each minority member of the Committee on Armed bill. The rule waives points of order against Services. The rule waives all points of order provisions in each bill for failure to comply with against consideration of the bill. The rule clause 2 of rule XXI, except for section 563 of provides that no further consideration of the bill H.R. 2217. The rule provides that each bill shall shall be in order except pursuant to a be considered for amendment under the five- subsequent order of the House. minute rule. The rule provides that the Chair Additionally, the rule provides a closed rule for may accord priority in recognition to Members H.R. 1256. The rule provides one hour of debate, who have pre-printed their amendments in the with 40 minutes equally divided and controlled Congressional Record. The rule provides one by the chair and ranking minority member of the motion to recommit each bill with or without Committee on Financial Services and 20 minutes instructions. equally divided and controlled by the chair and In section 3, the rule provides that pending the ranking minority member of the Committee on adoption of a concurrent resolution on the Agriculture. The rule waives all points of order budget for fiscal year 2014, the provisions of against consideration of the bill. The rule House Concurrent Resolution 25, as adopted by provides that the amendments recommended by the House, shall have force and effect in the the Committee on Financial Services now House as though Congress has adopted such printed in the bill shall be considered as adopted concurrent resolution, and the allocations of and the bill, as amended, shall be considered as spending authority printed in Tables 11 and 12 read. The rule waives all points of order against of House Report 113-17 shall be considered for provisions in the bill, as amended. The rule all purposes in the House to be the allocations provides one motion to recommit with or without instructions.


In section 3, the rule provides that the chair of printed in part B of the report not earlier the Committee on Agriculture is authorized, on disposed of. Amendments en bloc shall be behalf of the committee, to file a supplemental considered as read, shall be debatable for 20 report to accompany H.R. 1947. minutes equally divided and controlled by the June 11, 2013: chair and ranking minority member of the Orderedreportedbyvoicevote. Committee on Armed Services of their designees, Report filed, H. Rept. 113–104. shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not June 12, 2013: be subject to a demand for division of the Adopted by record vote of 239-184. question. The original proponent of an amendment included in such amendments en H. Res. 260 bloc may insert a statement in the Congressional Record. The rule provides one motion to Providing for further consideration of the bill (H.R. recommit with or without instructions. 1960) to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2014 June 12, 2013: for military activities of the Department of Defense Orderedreportedbyvoicevote. and for military construction, to prescribe military Report filed, H. Rept. 113–108. personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for June 13, 2013: other purposes. Adopted by record vote of 238-189, after agreeing Date Introduced: to the previous question by record vote of 233- June 12, 2013 195. Sponsor: Mr. Nugent of Florida Granted a rule providing for further consideration H. Res. 266 under a structured rule for H.R. 1960. The rule Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1947) to provides no additional general debate. The rule provide for the reform and continuation of makes in order as original text for purpose of agricultural and other programs of the Department amendment an amendment in the nature of a of Agriculture through fiscal year 2018, and for other substitute consisting of the text of Rules purposes; and providing for consideration of the bill Committee Print 113-13, modified by the (H.R. 1797) to amend title 18, United States Code, to amendment printed in part A of the Rules protect pain-capable unborn children in the District Committee report. That amendment in the of Columbia, and for other purposes. nature of a substitute shall be considered as Date Introduced: read. The rule waives all points of order against June 17, 2013 that amendment in the nature of a substitute. Sponsor: The rule makes in order only those further Mr. Foxx of North Carolina amendments printed in part B of the report and Granted a general debate rule for H.R. 1947. The amendments en bloc described in Section 3 of the rule provides one hour of general debate equally resolution. The rule provides that the divided and controlled by the chair and ranking amendments printed in part B of the report may minority member of the Committee on be offered only in the order printed in the report, Agriculture. The rule waives all points of order maybeofferedonlybyaMemberdesignatedin against consideration of the bill. The rule the report, shall be considered as read, shall be provides that no further consideration of the bill debatable for the time specified in the report shall be in order except pursuant to a equally divided and controlled by the proponent subsequent order of the House. and an opponent, shall not be subject to Additionally, the rule provides a closed rule for amendment, and shall not be subject to a H.R. 1797. The rule provides one hour of debate demand for division of the question. The rule equally divided and controlled by the chair and waives all points of order against the ranking minority member of the Committee on amendments printed in part B of the report or the Judiciary. The rule waives all points of order against amendments en bloc as described in against consideration of the bill. The rule Section 3 of the resolution. provides that an amendment in the nature of a In Section 3, the rule provides that it shall be in substitute consisting of the text of Rules order at any time for the chair of the Committee Committee print 113-15 shall be considered as on Armed Services or his designee to offer adopted and the bill, as amended, shall be amendments en bloc consisting of amendments considered as read. The rule waives all points of


order against provisions in the bill, as amended. amendments en bloc consisting of amendments The rule provides one motion to recommit with printed in part B of the report not earlier or without instructions. disposed of. Amendments en bloc shall be June17, 2013: considered as read, shall be debatable for 20 Orderedreportedbyvoicevote. minutes equally divided and controlled by the Report filed, H. Rept. 113–114. chair and ranking minority member of the June 18, 2013: Committee on Agriculture or their designees, Adopted by record vote of 232-193, after agreeing shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not to the previous question by record vote of 229- be subject to a demand for division of the 196. question. The original proponent of an amendment included in such amendments en H. Res. 271 bloc may insert a statement in the Congressional Record. Providing for further consideration of the bill (H.R. In Section 4, the rule provides one motion to 1947) to provide for the reform and continuation of recommit with or without instructions. agricultural and other programs of the Department June 18, 2013: of Agriculture through fiscal year 2018, and for other Orderedreportedbyvoicevote. purposes. Report filed, H. Rept. 113–117. Date Introduced: June 18, 2013: June 18, 2013 Adopted by record vote of 239-177, after agreeing Sponsor: to the previous question by record vote of 233- Mr. Sessions of Texas 187. Granted a rule providing for further consideration of H.R. 1947 under a structured rule. The rule provides no additional general debate. The rule H. Res. 274 makes in order as original text for purpose of Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1613) to amendment an amendment in the nature of a amend the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to substitute consisting of the text of Rules provide for the proper Federal management and Committee Print 113-14, modified by the oversight of transboundary hydrocarbon reservoirs, amendment printed in part A of the Rules and for other purposes; providing for consideration of Committee report. That amendment in the the bill (H.R. 2231) to amend the Outer Continental nature of a substitute shall be considered as Shelf Lands Act to increase energy exploration and read. The rule waives all points of order against production on the Outer Continental Shelf, provide that amendment in the nature of a substitute. for equitable revenue sharing for all coastal States, The rule makes in order only those further implement the reorganization of the functions of the amendments printed in part B of the report and former Minerals Management Service into distinct amendments en bloc described in section 3 of the and separate agencies, and for other purposes; resolution. Each amendment printed in part B providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2410) of the report may be offered only in the order making appropriations for Agriculture, Rural printed in the report, may be offered only by a Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Member designated in the report, shall be Related Agencies programs for the fiscal year ending considered as read, shall be debatable for the September 30, 2014, and for other purposes; time specified in the report equally divided and providing for proceedings during the period from controlled by the proponent and an opponent, June 29, 2013, through July 5, 2013; and for other may be withdrawn by its proponent at any time purposes. before action thereon, shall not be subject to Date Introduced: amendment, and shall not be subject to a June 25, 2013 demand for division of the question. The rule Sponsor: waives all points of order against the Mr. Bishop of Utah amendments printed in part B of the report or Granted a structured rule for H.R. 1613. The rule against amendments en bloc as described in provides one hour of debate equally divided and section 3 of the resolution. controlled by the chair and ranking minority In Section 3, the rule provides that it shall be in member of the Committee on Natural Resources. order at any time for the chair of the Committee The rule waives all points of order against on Agriculture or his designee to offer consideration of the bill. The rule provides that

13 HISTORY OF LEGISLATION — RULES GRANTED the amendment in the nature of a substitute clause 2 of rule XXI, except for sections 717, 718, recommended by the Committee on Natural 740, and specific provisions contained in section Resources now printed in the bill shall be 719. The rule provides that the bill shall be considered as adopted and the bill, as amended, considered for amendment under the five-minute shall be considered as read. The rule waives all rule. The rule authorizes the Chair to accord points of order against provisions in the bill, as priority in recognition to members who have pre- amended. The rule makes in order only the printed their amendments in the Congressional further amendment printed in Part A of the Record. The rule provides one motion to Rules Committee report, if offered by recommit with or without instructions. Representative Grayson of Florida. The In section 4, the rule provides that on any amendment shall be considered as read, shall be legislative day during the period from June 29, separately debatable for 10 minutes equally 2013, through July 5, 2013: the Journal of the divided and controlled by the proponent and an proceedings of the previous day shall be opponent, shall not be subject to amendment, considered as approved; and the Chair may at and shall not be subject to a demand for division any time declare the House adjourned to meet at of the question. The rule waives all points of a date and time to be announced by the Chair in order against the amendment printed in Part A declaring the adjournment. of the report. The rule provides one motion to In section 5, the rule provides that the Speaker recommit with or without instructions. may appoint Members to perform the duties of Additionally, the rule provides for a structured the Chair for the duration of the period rule for H.R. 2231. The rule provides one hour of addressed by section 4 of the resolution. general debate equally divided and controlled by In section 6, the rule provides for consideration the chair and ranking minority member of the of concurrent resolutions providing for Committee on Natural Resources. The rule adjournment during the month of July. waives all points of order against consideration In section 7, the rule provides that the of the bill. The rule makes in order as original Committee on Appropriations may, at any time text for purpose of amendment an amendment in before 6 p.m. on Wednesday, July 3, 2013, file the nature of a substitute consisting of the text privileged reports to accompany measures of Rules Committee Print 113-16 and provides making appropriations for the fiscal year ending that it shall be considered as read. The rule September 30, 2014. waives all points of order against the June 25, 2013: amendment in the nature of a substitute. The Orderedreportedbyvoicevote. rule makes in order only those further Report filed, H. Rept. 113–131. amendments printed in Part B of the Rules June 26, 2013: Committee report. Each such amendment may Adopted by record vote of 235-187, after agreeing be offered only in the order printed in the report, to the previous question by record vote of 228- maybeofferedonlybyaMemberdesignatedin 194. the report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent H. Res. 288 and an opponent, shall not be subject to Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2609) amendment, and shall not be subject to a making appropriations for energy and water demand for division of the question. The rule development and related agencies for the fiscal year waives all points of order against the ending September 30, 2014, and for other purposes. amendments printed in Part B of the report. Date Introduced: The rule provides one motion to recommit with July 8, 2013 or without instructions. Sponsor: Additionally, the rule provides for an open rule Mr. Burgess of Texas for H.R. 2410. The rule provides one hour of Granted an open rule for H.R. 2609. The rule general debate equally divided and controlled by provides one hour of general debate equally the chair and ranking minority member of the divided and controlled by the chair and ranking Committee on Appropriations. The rule waives minority member of the Committee on all points of order against consideration of the Appropriations. The rule waives all points of bill. The rule waives points of order against order against consideration of the bill. The rule provisions in the bill for failure to comply with waives points of order against provisions in the


bill for failure to comply with clause 2 of rule July 9, 2013: XXI. The rule provides that the bill shall be Orderedreportedbyrecordvoteof9-4. considered for amendment under the five-minute Report filed, H. Rept. 113–147. rule. The rule authorizes the Chair to accord July 31, 2013: priority in recognition to Members who have pre- Resolution tabled by H. Res. 322. printed their amendments in the Congressional Record. The rule provides one motion to H. Res. 295 recommit with or without instructions. Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2642) to July 8, 2013: provide for the reform and continuation of Orderedreportedbyvoicevote. agricultural and other programs of the Department Report filed, H. Rept. 113–144. of Agriculture through fiscal year 2018, and for other July 9, 2013: purposes. Adopted by record vote of 226-178, after agreeing Date Introduced: to the previous question by record vote of 220- July 10, 2013 182. Sponsor: H. Res. 292 Mr. Sessions of Texas Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 761) to Granted a closed rule for H.R. 2642. The rule require the Secretary of the Interior and the provides one hour of debate equally divided and Secretary of Agriculture to more efficiently develop controlled by the chair and ranking minority domestic sources of the minerals and mineral member of the Committee on Agriculture. The materials of strategic and critical importance to rule waives all points of order against United States economic and national security and consideration of the bill. The rule provides that manufacturing competitiveness. the bill shall be considered as read. The rule Date Introduced: waives all points of order against provisions in July 9, 2013 the bill. The rule provides one motion to Sponsor: recommit. Mr. Bishop of Utah July 10, 2013: Granted a structured rule for H.R. 761. The rule Orderedreportedbyrecordvoteof9-4. provides one hour of general debate equally Report filed, H. Rept. 113–149. divided and controlled by the chair and ranking July 11, 2013: minority member of the Committee on Natural Adopted by record vote of 223-195, after agreeing Resources. The rule waives all points of order to table the appeal of the ruling of the chair by against consideration of the bill. The rule makes record vote of 226-196. in order as original text for purpose of amendment an amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of Rules H. Res. 300 Committee Print 113-17 and provides that it Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2668) to shall be considered as read. The rule waives all delay the application of the individual health points of order against the amendment in the insurance mandate; and providing for consideration nature of a substitute. The rule makes in order of the bill (H.R. 2667) to delay the application of the only those further amendments printed in the employer health insurance mandate, and for other Rules Committee report. Each such amendment purposes. maybeofferedonlyintheorderprintedinthe Date Introduced: report, may be offered only by a member July 16, 2013 designated in the report, shall be considered as Sponsor: read, shall be debatable for the time specified in Mr. Burgess of Texas the report equally divided and controlled by the GrantedaclosedruleforH.R.2668.Therule proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject provides one hour of debate equally divided and to amendment, and shall not be subject to a controlled by the chair and ranking minority demand for division of the question. The rule member of the Committee on Ways and Means. waives all points of order against the The rule waives all points of order against amendments printed in the report. The rule consideration of the bill. The rule provides that provides one motion to recommit with or without the bill shall be considered as read. The rule instructions. waives all points of order against provisions in


the bill. The rule provides one motion to maybeofferedonlyintheorderprintedinthe recommit. report, may be offered only by a Member The rule also provides for a closed rule for H.R. designated in the report, shall be considered as 2667. The rule provides one hour of debate read, shall be debatable for the time specified in equally divided and controlled by the chair and the report equally divided and controlled by the ranking minority member of the Committee on proponent and an opponent, may be withdrawn Ways and Means. The rule waives all points of by its proponent at any time before action order against consideration of the bill. The rule thereon, shall not subject to amendment, and provides that the bill shall be considered as read. shall not be subject to a demand for division of The rule waives all points of order against the question. The rule waives all pints of order provisions in the bill. The rule provides one against the amendments printed in the report. motion to recommit. The rule provides one motion to recommit with Section 3 of the rule directs the Clerk to, in the or without instructions. engrossment of H.R. 2668, add the text of H.R. July 17, 2013: 2667, as passed by the House, as a new matter Orderedreportedbyrecordvoteof8-4. at the end of H.R. 2668 and make conforming Report filed, H. Rept. 113–158. modifications in the engrossment. The rule July 18, 2013: provides that upon the addition of the text of Adopted by record vote of 230-190, after agreeing H.R. 2667, as passed by the House, to the to the previous question by record vote of 232- engrossment of H.R. 2668, H.R. 2667 shall be 192. laid on the table. July 16, 2013: Orderedreportedbyrecordvoteof6-4. H. Res. 312 Report filed, H. Rept. 113–157. Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2397) July 17, 2013: making appropriations for the Department of Adopted by record vote of 232-183, after agreeing Defense for the fiscal year ending September 30, to the previous question by record vote of 230- 2014, and for other purposes; and providing for 192. consideration of the bill (H.R. 2610) making appropriations for the Departments of Transportation, and Housing and Urban H. Res. 303 Development, and related agencies for the fiscal year Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 5) to ending September 30, 2014, and for other purposes. support State and local accountability for public Date Introduced: education, protect State and local authority, inform July 22, 2013 parents of the performance of their children's Sponsor: schools, and for other purposes. Mr. Nugent of Florida Date Introduced: Granted a structured rule for H.R. 2397. The rule July 17, 2013 provides one hour of general debate equally Sponsor: divided and controlled by the chair and ranking Ms. Foxx of North Carolina minority member of the Committee on Granted a structured rule for H.R. 5. The rule Appropriations. The rule waives all points of provides one hour of general debate equally order against consideration of the bill. The rule divided and controlled by the chair and ranking provides that the bill shall be considered as read minority member of the Committee on Education through page 157, line 2. The rule waives points and the Workforce. The rule waives all points of of order against provisions in the bill for failure order against consideration of the bill. The rule to comply with clause 2 of rule XXI. The rule makes in order as original text for the purpose of makes in order only those amendments printed amendment an amendment in the nature of a in the Rules Committee report, the amendment substitute consisting of the text of Rules described in section 2 of the resolution, and Committee Print 113-18 and provides that it amendments en bloc described in section 3 of the shall be considered as read. The rule waives all resolution. The rule waives all points of order points of order against the amendment in the against amendments printed in the Rules nature of a substitute. The rule makes in order Committee report and against amendments en only those further amendments printed in the bloc described in section 3 of the resolution. Rules Committee report. Each such amendment Each amendment printed in the Rules


Committee report shall be considered only in the designated in the report, shall be considered as order printed in the report, may be offered only read, shall be debatable for the time specified in by a Member designated in the report, shall be the report equally divided and controlled by the considered as read, shall be debatable for the proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject time specified in the report equally divided and to amendment, and shall not be subject to a controlled by the proponent and an opponent, demand for division of the question. The rule may be withdrawn by the proponent at any time waives all points of order against the before action thereon, shall not be subject to amendments printed in Part A of the report. amendment, and shall not be subject to a The rule provides one motion to recommit with demand for divisions of the question. or without instructions. July 22, 2013: The rule also granted a structured rule for H.R. Orderedreportedbyrecordvoteof8-4. 1582. The rule provides one hour of general Report filed, H. Rept. 113–170. debate equally divided and controlled by the July 23, 2013: chair and ranking minority member of the Adopted by record vote of 226-194, after agreeing Committee on Energy and Commerce. The rule to the previous question by record vote of 229- waives all points of order against consideration 190. of the bill. The rule makes in order as original text for the purpose of amendment an H. Res. 315 amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of Rules Committee Print Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2218) to 113-19 and provides that it shall be considered amend subtitle D of the Solid Waste Disposal Act to as read. The rule waives all points of order encourage recovery and beneficial use of coal against the amendment in the nature of a combustion residuals and establish requirements for substitute. The rule makes in order only those the proper management and disposal of coal further amendments printed in Part B of the combustion residuals that are protective of human Rules Committee report. Each such amendment health and the environment, and providing for maybeofferedonlyintheorderprintedinthe consideration of the bill (H.R. 1582) to protect report, may be offered only by a Member consumers by prohibiting the Administrator of the designated in the report, shall be considered as Environmental Protection Agency from read, shall be debatable for the time specified in promulgating as final certain energy-related rules the report equally divided and controlled by the that are estimated to cost more than $1 billion and proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject will cause significant adverse effects to the economy. to amendment, and shall not be subject to a Date Introduced: demand for division of the question. The rule July 23, 2013 waives all points of order against the Sponsor: amendments printed in Part B of the report. Mr. Burgess of Texas The rule provides one motion to recommit with Granted a structured rule for H.R. 2218. The rule or without instruction. provides one hour of general debate equally July 23, 2013: divided and controlled by the chair and ranking Orderedreportedbyrecordvoteof8-4. minority member of the Committee on Energy Report filed, H. Rept. 113–174. and Commerce. The rule waives all points of July 24, 2013: order against consideration of the bill. The rule Adopted by record vote of 232-188, after agreeing provides that the amendment in the nature of a to the previous question by record vote of 224- substitute recommended by the Committee on 191. Energy and Commerce now printed in the bill shall be considered as original text for the purpose of amendment and shall be considered H. Res. 322 as read. The rule waives all points of order Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 367) to against the amendment in the nature of a amend chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, to substitute. The rule makes in order only those provide that major rules of the executive branch further amendments printed in Part A of the shall have no force or effect unless a joint resolution Rules Committee report. Each such amendment of approval is enacted into law; providing for maybeofferedonlyintheorderprintedinthe consideration of the bill (H.R. 2009) to prohibit the report, may be offered only by a Member Secretary of the Treasury from enforcing the Patient


Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health In section 3, the rule provides that H. Res. 292 is Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010; laid on the table. providing for proceedings during the period from In section 4, the rule provides that on any August 3, 2013, through September 6, 2013; and legislative day during the period from August 3, providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2879) to 2013, through September 6, 2013: the Journal of provide limitations on bonuses for Federal employees the proceedings of the previous day shall be during sequestration, to provide for investigative considered as approved; the Chair may at any leave requirements for members of the Senior time declare the House adjourned to meet at a Executive Service, to establish certain procedures for date and time to be announced by the Chair in conducting in-person or telephonic interactions by declaring the adjournment; and bills and Executive branch employees with individuals, and resolutions introduced shall be numbered, listed for other purposes. in the Congressional Record, and when printed Date Introduced: shall bear the date of introduction, but may be July 31, 2013 referred at a later time. Sponsor: In section 5, the rule provides that the Speaker Mr. Cole of Oklahoma may appoint Members to perform the duties of Granted structured rule for H.R. 367. The rule the Chair for the duration of the period provides one hour of general debate equally addressed by section 4 of the resolution. divided and controlled by the chair and ranking In section 6, the rule provides that each day minority member of the Committee on the during the period addressed by section 4 of the Judiciary. The rule waives all points of order resolution shall not constitute a calendar day for against consideration of the bill. The rule makes purposes of section 7 of the War Powers in order as original text for the purpose of Resolution (50 U.S.C. 1546). amendment the amendment in the nature of a In section 7, the rule provides that each day substitute recommended by the Committee on during the period addressed by section 4 of the the Judiciary now printed in the bill modified by resolution shall not constitute a legislative day the amendment printed in part A of the Rules for purposes of clause 7 of rule XIII (resolutions Committee report and provides that it shall be of inquiry). considered as read. The rule waives all points of In section 8, the rule provides a closed rule for order against that amendment in the nature of a H.R. 2879. The rule provides one hour of debate substitute. The rule makes in order only those equally divided and controlled by the chair and further amendments printed in Part B of the ranking minority member of the Committee on report. Each such amendment may be offered Oversight and Government Reform. The rule only in the order printed in the report, may be waives all points of order against consideration offered only by a Member designated in the of the bill and provides that it shall be report, shall be considered as read, shall be considered as read. The rule waives all points of debatable for the time specified in the report order against provisions in the bill. The rule equally divided and controlled by the proponent provides one motion to recommit. and an opponent, shall not be subject to In section 9, the rule provides that upon passage amendment, and shall not be subject to a of H.R. 2879, the following bills are laid on the demand for division of the question. The rule table: H.R. 1541, H.R. 2579, and H.R. 2711. waives all points of order against the July 31, 2013: amendments printed in Part B of the report. Orderedreportedbyrecordvoteof9-3. The rule provides one motion to recommit with Report filed, H. Rept. 113–187. or without instructions. August 1, 2013: In section 2, the rule provides a closed rule for Adopted by record vote of 223-189, after agreeing H.R. 2009. The rule provides one hour of debate to the previous question by record vote of 222- equally divided and controlled by the chair and 191. ranking minority member of the Committee on Ways and Means. The rule waives all points of H. Res. 339 order against consideration of the bill and Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2775) to provides that it shall be considered as read. The condition the provision of premium and cost-sharing rule waives all points of order against provisions subsidies under the Patient Protection and in the bill. The rule provides one motion to Affordable Care Act upon a certification that a recommit.

18 HISTORY OF LEGISLATION — RULES GRANTED program to verify household income and other rule waives all points of order against the qualifications for such subsidies is operational, and amendment in the nature of a substitute. The for other purposes. rule makes in order only those further Date Introduced: amendments printed in the Rules Committee September 10, 2013 report. Each such amendment may be offered Sponsor: only in the order printed in the report, may be Mr. Burgess of Texas offered only by a member designated in the Granted a closed rule for H.R. 2775. The rule report, shall be considered as read, shall be provides one hour of debate, with 40 minutes debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the chair and equally divided and controlled by the proponent ranking minority member of the Committee on and an opponent, shall not be subject to Energy and Commerce and 20 minutes equally amendment, and shall not be subject to a divided and controlled by the chair and ranking demand for division of the question. The rule minority member of the Committee on Ways and waives all points of order against the Means. The rule waives all points of order amendments printed in the report. The rule against consideration of the bill. The rule provides one motion to recommit with or without provides that the amendment printed in the instructions. Rules Committee report shall be considered as September 17, 2013: adopted and the bill, as amended, shall be Orderedreportedbyrecordvoteof8-2. considered as read. The rule waives all points of Report filed, H. Rept. 113–214. order against provisions in the bill, as amended. September 18, 2013: The rule provides one motion to recommit with Adopted by record vote of 231-190, after agreeing or without instructions. to the previous question by record vote of 229- September 10, 2013: 192. Orderedreportedbyvoicevote. Report filed, H. Rept. 113–206. H. Res. 351 September 11, 2013: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 687) to Adopted by record vote of 228-195, after agreeing facilitate the efficient extraction of mineral resources to the previous question by record vote of 227- in southeast Arizona by authorizing and directing an 196. exchange of Federal and non-Federal land, and for other purposes; providing for consideration of the bill H. Res. 347 (H.R. 1526) to restore employment and educational Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 761) to opportunities in, and improve the economic stability require the Secretary of the Interior and the of, counties containing National Forest System land, Secretary of Agriculture to more efficiently develop while also reducing Forest Service management domestic sources of the minerals and mineral costs, by ensuring that such counties have a materials of strategic and critical importance to dependable source of revenue from National Forest United States economic and national security and System land, to provide a temporary extension of the manufacturing competitiveness. Secure Rural Schools and Community Self- Date Introduced: Determination Act of 2000, and for other purposes; September 17, 2013 providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3102) to Sponsor: amend the Food and Nutrition Act 2008; and for Mr. Bishop of Utah other purposes. Granted a structured rule for H.R. 761. The rule Date Introduced: provides one hour of general debate equally September 18, 2013 divided and controlled by the chair and ranking Sponsor: minority member of the Committee on Natural Mr. Sessions of Texas Resources. The rule waives all points of order Granted a structured rule for H.R. 687. The rule against consideration of the bill. The rule makes provides one hour of general debate equally in order as original text for the purpose of divided and controlled by the chair and ranking amendment the amendment in the nature of a minority member of the Committee on Natural substitute recommended by the Committee on Resources. The rule waives all points of order Natural Resources now printed in the bill the against consideration of the bill. The rule makes provides that it shall be considered as read. The in order as original text for the purpose of

19 HISTORY OF LEGISLATION — RULES GRANTED amendment the amendment in the nature of a against consideration of the bill. The rule waives substitute recommended by the Committee on all points of order against provisions in the bill. Natural Resources now printed in the bill and The rule provides one motion to recommit. provides that it shall be considered as read. The September 18, 2013: rule waives all points of order against the Orderedreportedbyvoicevote. amendment in the nature of a substitute. The Report filed, H. Rept. 113–215. rule makes in order only those further September 19, 2013: amendments printed in part A of the Rules Adopted by record vote of 231-193. Committee report. Each such amendment may be offered only in the order printed in the report, H. Res. 352 maybeofferedonlybyaMemberdesignatedin Providing for consideration of the joint resolution the report, shall be considered as read, shall be (H.J. Res. 59) making continuing appropriations for debatable for the time specified in the report fiscal year 2014, and for other purposes, and equally divided and controlled by the proponent providing for consideration of motions to suspend the and an opponent, shall not be subject to rules. amendment, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question. The rule Date Introduced: September 18, 2013 waives all points of order against the amendments printed in part A of the report. The Sponsor: Mr. Cole of Oklahoma rule provides one motion to recommit with or Granted a closed rule for H.J. Res. 59. The rule without instructions. provides one hour of debate equally divided and Additionally, the rule provides a structure rule for H.R. 1526. The rule provides one hour of controlled by the chair and ranking minority general debate equally divided and controlled by member of the Committee on Appropriations. The rule waives all points of order against the chair and ranking minority member of the consideration of the joint resolution. The rule Committee on Natural Resources. The rule provides that the amendment printed in the waives all points of order against consideration Rules Committee report shall be considered as of the bill. The rule provides that an amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the adopted and the joint resolution, as amended, text of Rules Committee print 113-21, modified shall be considered as read. The rule waives all by the amendment printed in part B of the Rules points of order against provisions in the joint resolution, as amended. The rule provides one Committee report, shall be considered as motion to recommit with or without instructions. adopted and the bill, as amended, shall be In Section 2, the rule provides that it shall be in considered as read. The rule waives all points of order at any time from the calendar day of order against provisions in the bill, as amended. The rule makes in order only those further September 26, 2013, through the calendar day of amendments printed in part C of the Rules September 29, 2013, for the Speaker to entertain Committee report. Each such amendment may motions that the House suspend the rules and that the Speaker or his designee shall consult be offered only in the order printed in the report, with the Minority Leader or her designee on the maybeofferedonlybyaMemberdesignatedin designation of any matter or consideration the report, shall be considered as read, shall be pursuant to this section. debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent September 18, 2013: and an opponent, shall not be subject to Orderedreportedbyvoicevote. amendment, and shall not be subject to a Report filed, H. Rept. 113–216. demand for division of the question. The rule September 19, 2013: waives all points of order against the Supplemental report filed, H. Rept. 113-216 amendments printed in part C of the report. The Part 2. rule provides one motion to recommit with or Adopted by record vote of 230-192, after agreeing without instructions. to the previous question by record vote of 232- Finally, the rule provides a closed rule for H.R. 193. 3102. The rule provides one hour of debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and H. Res. 361 ranking minority member of the Committee on Waiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII Agriculture. The rule waives all points of order with respect to consideration of certain resolutions 20 HISTORY OF LEGISLATION — RULES GRANTED reported from the Committee on Rules, and relating provides one hour of debate on the motion to consideration of the Senate amendment to the bill equally divided and controlled by the chair and (H.R. 2642) to provide for the reform and ranking minority member of the Committee on continuation of agricultural and other programs of Appropriations. The rule provides that the the Department of Agriculture through fiscal year Senate amendment and the motion shall be 2018, and for other purposes. considered as read. The rule waives all points of Date Introduced: order against consideration of the motion. The September 26, 2013 rule provides that the question of adoption of the Sponsor: motion shall be divided between the two House Mr. Sessions of Texas amendments. Grantedarule,whichwaivesclause6(a)ofruleXIII In Section 2, the rule provides a closed rule for (requiring a two-thirds vote to consider a rule on H.R. 3210. The rule provides 40 minutes of the same day it is reported from the Rules debate equally divided and controlled by the Committee) against certain resolutions reported chair and ranking minority member of the from the Rules Committee. The rule applies the Committee on Appropriations. The rule waives waiver to any resolution reported through the all points of order against consideration of the legislative day of September 30, 2013, relating to bill and provides that it shall be considered as any of the following: (1) A measure making read. The rule waives all points of order against continuing appropriations for the fiscal year provisions in the bill. The rule provides one ending September 30, 2014; and (2) a measure motion to recommit. relating to the public debt limit. September 28, 2013: In Section 2, the rule provides that the House Orderedreportedbyrecordvoteof8-4. concurs in the Senate amendment to H.R. 2642 Report filed, H. Rept. 113–238. with an amendment consisting of the text of September 28, 2013: H.R. 2642, as passed by the House, modified by Adopted by record vote of 231-191, after agreeing the insertion of a new title IV consisting of the to the previous question by record vote of 229- text of H.R. 3102, as passed by the House, with 192. designations, short titles, and cross-references conformed accordingly. H. Res. 367 September 26, 2013: Providing for consideration of the Senate Orderedreportedbyrecordvoteof9-3. amendment to the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 59) Report filed, H. Rept. 113–231. making continuing appropriations for fiscal year September 28, 2013: 2014, and for other purposes, and waiving a Adopted by record vote of 226-191. requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from H. Res. 366 the Committee on Rules. Providing for consideration of the Senate Date Introduced: amendment to the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 59) September 30, 2013 making continuing appropriations for fiscal year Sponsor: 2014, and for other purposes, and providing for Mr. Sessions of Texas consideration of the bill (H.R. 3210) making Granted a rule, which provides for the consideration continuing appropriations for military pay in the of the Senate amendment to H.J. Res. 59. The event of a Government shutdown. rule makes in order a motion offered by the chair Date Introduced: of the Committee on Appropriations or his September 28, 2013 designee that the House recede from its Sponsor: amendments and concur in the Senate Mr. Sessions of Texas amendment with the amendment printed in the Granted a rule, which provides for consideration of Rules Committee report. The rule provides 40 the Senate amendment to H.J. Res. 59. The rule minutes of debate on the motion equally divided makesinorderamotionofferedbythechairof and controlled by the chair and ranking minority the Committee on Appropriations or his designee member of the Committee on Appropriations. that the House concur in the Senate amendment The rule provides that the Senate amendment to H.J. Res. 59 with each of the two amendments and the motion shall be considered as read. The printed in the Rules Committee report. The rule


rule waives all points of order against appropriations for the National Institutes of Health consideration of the motion. for fiscal year 2014, and for other purposes; In Section 2, the rule waives clause 6(a) of rule providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3230) XIII (requiring a two-thirds vote to consider a making continuing appropriations during a rule on the same day it is reported from the Government shutdown to provide pay and Rules Committee) against any resolution allowances to members of the reserve components of reported from the Rules Committee through the the Armed Forces who perform inactive-duty legislative day of October 7, 2013. training during such period; and providing for September 30, 2013: consideration of motions to suspend the rules. Orderedreportedbyrecordvoteof9-4. Date Introduced: Report filed, H. Rept. 113–239. October 2, 2013 September 30, 2013: Sponsor: Adopted by record vote of 225-204, after agreeing Mr. Woodall of Georgia to the previous question by record vote of 229- Granted closed rules for H.J. Res. 70, H.J. Res. 71, 198. H.J.Res.72,H.J.Res.73,andH.R.3230.The rule provides 30 minutes of debate on each H. Res. 368 measure equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Relating to consideration of the joint resolution (H.J. Committee on Appropriations. The rule waives Res. 59) making continuing appropriations for fiscal all points of order against consideration of each year 2014, and for other purposes. measure and provides that each measure shall Date Introduced: be considered as read. The rule waives all points September 30, 2013 of order against provisions in each measure. The Sponsor: rule provides one motion to recommit each Mr. Sessions of Texas measure. Granted a rule, which provides that the House In Section 4, the rule provides that it shall be in insists on its amendment to the Senate order at any time through the calendar day of amendment to H.J. Res. 59, the Continuing October 6, 2013, for the Speaker to entertain Appropriations Resolution, 2014, and requests a motions that the House suspend the rules and conference with the Senate thereon. that the Speaker or his designee shall consult In Section 2, the rule provides that any motion with the Minority Leader or her designee on the pursuant to clause 4 of rule XXII relating to H.J. designation of any matter for consideration Res. 59 may be offered only by the Majority pursuant to this section. Leader or his designee. October 2, 2013: September 30, 2013: Orderedreportedbyrecordvoteof9-3. Orderedreportedbyrecordvoteof9-4. Report filed, H. Rept. 113–241. Report filed, H. Rept. 113–240. October 2, 2013: October 1, 2013: Adopted by record vote of 228-198, after agreeing Adopted by record vote of 228-199. to the previous question by record vote of 227- 197. H. Res. 370 Providing for consideration of the joint resolution H. Res. 371 (H.J. Res. 70) making continuing appropriations for Providing for consideration of the joint resolution National Park Service operations, the Smithsonian (H.J. Res. 75) making continuing appropriations for Institution, the National Gallery of Art, and the the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for United States Holocaust Memorial Museum for fiscal Women, Infants, and Children for fiscal year 2014, year 2014, and for other purposes; providing for and for other purposes; providing for consideration of consideration of the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 71) motions to suspend the rules; waiving a requirement making continuing appropriations of local funds of of clause 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to the District of Columbia for fiscal year 2014; consideration of certain resolutions reported from providing for consideration of the joint resolution the Committee on Rules; and for other purposes. (H.J. Res. 72) making continuing appropriations for Date Introduced: veterans benefits for fiscal year 2014, and for other October 3, 2013 purposes; providing for consideration of the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 73) making continuing 22 HISTORY OF LEGISLATION — RULES GRANTED

Sponsor: during a lapse in funding authority for fiscal year Mr. Cole of Oklahoma 2014, and for other purposes, providing for Granted closed rules for H.J. Res. 75, H.J. Res. 76, consideration of the bill (H.R. 3273) to establish a H.J.Res.77,H.J.Res.78,H.J.Res.79,H.J.Res. bicameral working group on deficit reduction and 80, H.J. Res. 82, H.J. Res. 83, H.J. Res. 84, and economic growth, and providing for consideration of H.J. Res. 85. The rule provides 40 minutes of the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 90) making continuing debate on each joint resolution equally divided appropriations for the Federal Aviation and controlled by the chair and ranking minority Administration for fiscal year 2014, and for other member of the Committee on Appropriations. purposes. The rule waives all points of order against Date Introduced: consideration of each joint resolution and October 8, 2013 provides that each joint resolution shall be Sponsor: considered as read. The rule waives all points of Mr. Sessions of Texas order against provisions in each joint resolution. Granted a closed rule for H.J. Res. 89. The rule The rule provides one motion to recommit each provides 40 minutes of debate equally divided joint resolution. and controlled by the chair and ranking minority In Section 3, the rule provides a closed rule for member of the Committee on Appropriations. H.R. 3223. The rule provides 40 minutes of The rule waives all points of order against debate equally divided and controlled by the consideration of the joint resolution. The rule chair and ranking minority member of the provides that the joint resolution shall be Committee on Oversight and Government considered as read. The rule waives all points of Reform. The rule waives all points of order order against provisions in the joint resolution. against consideration of the bill. The rule The rule provides one motion to recommit. provides that the bill shall be considered as read. The rule also provides a closed rule for H.R. The rule waives all points of order against 3273. The rule provides 40 minutes of debate provisions in the bill. The rule provides one equally decided and controlled by the chair and motion to recommit. ranking minority member of the Committee on In Section 4, the rule waives clause 6(a) of rule Rules. The rule waives all points of order against XIII (requiring a two-thirds vote to consider a consideration of the bill. The rule provides that rule on the same day it is reported from the the bill shall be considered as read. The rule Rules Committee) against any resolution waives all points of order against provisions in reported from the Rules Committee through the the bill. The rule provides one motion to legislative day of October 21, 2013. recommit. In Section 5, the rule provides that it shall be in In section 3, the rule directs the Clerk to, in the order at any time through the calendar day of engrossment of H.J. Res. 89, add the text of H.R. October 20, 2013, for the Speaker to entertain 3273, as passed by the House, as a new matter motions that the House suspend the rules and at the end of H.J. Res. 89 and make conforming that the Speaker or his designee shall consult modifications in the engrossment. The rule with the Minority Leader or her designee on the provides that upon the addition of the text of designation of any matter for consideration H.R. 3273, as passed by the House, to the pursuant to this section. engrossment of H.J. Res. 89, H.R. 3273 shall be October 3, 2013: laid on the table. Orderedreportedbyrecordvoteof9-4. Finally, the rule provides a closed rule for H.J. Report filed, H. Rept. 113–242. Res. 90. The rule provides 40 minutes of debate October 4, 2013: equally divided and controlled by the chair and Amendment agreed to by unanimous consent. ranking minority member of the Committee on Adopted by record vote of 222-183, after agreeing Appropriations. The rule waives all points of to the previous question by record vote of 223- order against consideration of the joint 184. resolution. The rule provides that the joint resolution shall be considered as read. The rule H. Res. 373 waives all points of order against provisions in the joint resolution. The rule provides one Providing for consideration of the joint resolution motion to recommit. (H.J. Res. 89) making appropriations for the salaries October 8, 2013: and related expenses of certain Federal employees Orderedreportedbyrecordvoteof9-4.


Report filed, H. Rept. 113–243. Report filed, H. Rept. 113–244. October 8, 2013: October 11, 2013: Adopted by record vote of 227-186, after agreeing Adopted by record vote of 223-189, after agreeing to the previous question by record vote of 226- to the previous question by record vote of 219- 186. 193.

H. Res. 380 H. Res. 385 Relating to consideration of the House amendment Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3080) to to the Senate amendment to the bill (H.R. 2642) to provide for improvements to the rivers and harbors provide for the reform and continuation of of the United States, to provide for the conservation agricultural and other programs of the Department and development of water and related resources, and of Agriculture through fiscal year 2018, and for other for other purposes. purposes, providing for consideration of the Date Introduced: resolution (H. Res. 378) expressing the sense of the October 22, 2013 House of Representatives regarding certain Sponsor: provisions of the Senate amendment to H.R. 2642 Mr. Webster of Florida relating to the Secretary of Agriculture's Granted a structured rule for H.R. 3080. The rule administration of tariff-rate quotas for raw and provides one hour of general debate equally refined sugar, and providing for consideration of the divided and controlled by the chair and ranking resolution (H. Res. 379) expressing the sense of the minority member of the Committee on House of Representatives regarding certain Transportation and Infrastructure. The rule provisions of the Senate amendment to H.R. 2642 waives all points of order against consideration relating to crop insurance. of the bill. Date Introduced: In section 2, the rule makes in order as original October 11, 2013 text for purpose of amendment an amendment in Sponsor: the nature of a substitute consisting of the text Ms. Foxx of North Carolina of Rules Committee Print 113-24 and provides Grantedarulethatmakesinorderamotionoffered that it shall be considered as read. The rule by the chair of the Committee on Agriculture or waives all points of order against that his designee that the House insist on its amendment in the nature of a substitute. The amendment to the Senate amendment to H.R. rule makes in order only those further 2642 and agree to a conference with the Senate amendments printed in the Rules Committee thereon. The rule waives all points of order report and amendments en bloc described in against consideration of the motion. Any debate section 3 of the rule. Each amendment printed in on the motion is pursuant to clause 2 of rule the report may be offered only in the order XVII. printed in the report, may be offered only by a TherulealsograntsaclosedruleforH.Res. Member designated in the report, shall be 378. The rule provides one hour of debate considered as read, shall be debatable for the equally divided and controlled by Representative time specified in the report equally divided and Pitts of Pennsylvania or his designee and an controlled by the proponent and an opponent, opponent. The rule waives all points of order shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not against consideration of the resolution. The rule be subject to a demand for division of the provides that the resolution shall be considered question. The rule waives all points of order as read. against the amendments printed in the report or Lastly, the rule grants a closed rule for H. Res. against amendments en bloc. 379. The rule provides one hour of debate In section 3, the rule provides that it shall be in equally divided and controlled by Representative order at any time for the chair of the Committee Ryan of Wisconsin or his designee and an on Transportation and Infrastructure or his opponent. The rule waives all points of order designee to offer amendments en bloc consisting against consideration of the resolution. The rule of amendments printed in the report not earlier provides that the resolution shall be considered disposed of. Amendments en bloc shall be as read. considered as read, shall be debatable for 10 October 11, 2013: minutes equally divided and controlled by the Orderedreportedbyvoicevote. chair and ranking minority member of the


Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure considered as read. The rule waives all points or their designees, shall not be subject to of order against provisions in the bill, as amendment, and shall not be subject to a amended. The rule makes in order only the demand for division of the question. The original further amendment printed in the Rules proponent of an amendment included in such Committee report, if offered by Representative amendments en bloc may insert a statement in George Miller of California or his designee, the Congressional Record immediately before the which shall be considered as read, shall be disposition of the amendments en bloc. separately debatable for 20 minutes equally In section 4, the rule provides one motion to divided and controlled by the proponent and recommit with or without instructions. an opponent, shall not be subject to October 22, 2013: amendment, and shall not be subject to a Orderedreportedbyvoicevote. demand for division of the question. The rule Report filed, H. Rept. 113–251. October 23, 2013: waives all points of order against the Adopted by record vote of 271-147, after agreeing amendment printed in the report. The rule to the previous question by record vote of 225- provides one motion to recommit with or 194. without instructions. In section 3, the rule provides that a motion to proceed with regard to a joint resolution of H. Res. 391 disapproval specified in section 1002 of the Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 992) to Continuing Appropriations Act, 2014, may be amend provisions in section 716 of the Dodd-Frank offered even if the joint resolution has not Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act been reported or discharged, shall be in order relating to Federal assistance for swaps entities, and only on the legislative day of October 29, 2013 providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2374) to or the legislative day of October 30, 2013, and amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to shall be debatable for one hour equally divided provide protections for retail customers, and for other purposes. and controlled by the proponent and an opponent. Date Introduced: October 28, 2013 In section 4, the rule provides that on any Sponsor: legislative day during the period from October Mr. Sessions of Texas 31, 2013, through November 11, 2013: the Granted a closed rule for H.R. 992. The rule Journal of the proceedings of the previous day provides one hour of debate equally divided shall be considered as approved; and the among and controlled by the chairs and Chair may at any time declare the House ranking minority members of the Committee adjourned to meet at a date and time to be on Agriculture and the Committee on announced by the Chair in declaring the Financial Services. The rule waives all points adjournment. of order against consideration of the bill and Finally, in section 5, the rule provides that the provides that it shall be considered as read. Speaker may appoint Members to perform the The rule waives all points of order against duties of the Chair for the duration of the provisions in the bill. The rule provides one period addressed by section 4 of the motion to recommit. resolution. In section 2, the rule granted a structured rule October 28, 2013: for H.R. 2374. The rule grants one hour of Orderedreportedbyvoicevote. debate equally divided and controlled by the Report filed, H. Rept. 113–253. chair and ranking minority member of the October 29, 2013: Adopted by record vote of 226-193, after agreeing Committee on Financial Services. The rule to the previous question by record vote of 230- waives all points of order against 188. consideration of the bill. The rule provides that an amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of Rules H. Res. 403 Committee Print 113-23 shall be considered as Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2655) to adopted and the bill, as amended, shall be amend Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil


Procedure to improve attorney accountability, and H. Res. 413 for other purposes, and providing for consideration of Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3350) to the bill (H.R. 982) to amend title 11 of the United authorize health insurance issuers to continue to States Code to require the public disclosure by trusts offer for sale current individual health insurance established under section 524(g) of such title, of coverage in satisfaction of the minimum essential quarterly reports that contain detailed information health insurance coverage requirement, and for regarding the receipt and disposition of claims for other purposes. injuries based on exposure to asbestos; and for other Date Introduced: purposes. November 14, 2013 Date Introduced: Sponsor: November 12, 2013 Mr. Burgess of Texas Sponsor: Granted a closed rule for H.R. 3350. The rule Mr. Woodall of Georgia provides one hour of debate equally divided and Granted a closed rule for H.R. 2655. The rule controlled by the chair and ranking minority provides one hour of debate equally divided and member of the Committee on Energy and controlled by the chair and ranking minority Commerce. The rule waives all points of order member of the Committee on the Judiciary. The against consideration of the bill. The rule rule waives all points of order against provides that the bill shall be considered as read. consideration of the bill and provides that it The rule waives all points of order against shall be considered as read. The rule waives all provisions in the bill. The rule provides one points of order against provisions in the bill. The motion to recommit. rule provides one motion to recommit. November 14, 2013: The rule grants a structured rule for H.R. Orderedreportedbyvoicevote. 982.The rule provides one hour of general debate Report filed, H. Rept. 113–265. equally divided and controlled by the chair and November 15, 2013: ranking minority member of the Committee on Adopted by record vote of 228-189, after agreeing the Judiciary. The rule waives all points of order to the previous question by record vote of 225- against consideration of the bill and provides 193. that it shall be considered as read. The rule waives all points of order against provisions in the bill. The rule makes in order only those H. Res. 419 amendments printed in the Rules Committee Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1965) to report. Each such amendment may be offered streamline and ensure onshore energy permitting, only in the order printed in the report, may be provide for onshore leasing certainty, and give offered only by a Member designated in the certainty to oil shale development for American report, shall be considered as read, shall be energy security, economic development, and job debatable for the time specified in the report creation, and for other purposes, and providing for equally divided and controlled by the proponent consideration of the bill (H.R. 2728) to recognize and an opponent, shall not be subject to States' authority to regulate oil and gas operations amendment, and shall not be subject to a and promote American energy security, demand for division of the question. The rule development, and job creation. waives all points of order against the Date Introduced: amendments printed in the report. The rule November 18, 2013 provides one motion to recommit with or without Sponsor: instructions. Mr. Bishop of Utah November 12, 2013: Granted a structured rule for H.R. 1965. The rule Orderedreportedbyvoicevote. provides one hour of general debate equally Report filed, H. Rept. 113–264. divided and controlled by the chair and November 13, 2013: ranking minority member of the Committee Adopted by record vote of 223-194, after agreeing on Natural Resources. The rule waives all to the previous question by record vote of 224- points of order against consideration of the 195. bill. The rule provides that an amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of Rules Committee Print 113-26 shall be

26 HISTORY OF LEGISLATION — RULES GRANTED considered as adopted and the bill, as November 18, 2013: amended, shall be considered as read. The Orderedreportedbyvoicevote. rule waives all points of order against the bill, Report filed, H. Rept. 113–271. as amended. The rule makes in order only November 19, 2013: those further amendments printed in part A of Adopted by record vote of 222-196, after agreeing the Rules Committee report. Each such to the previous question by record vote of 223- amendment may be offered only in the order 194. printed in the report, may be offered only by a Member designated in the report, shall be H. Res. 420 considered as read, shall be debatable for the Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1900) to time specified in the report equally divided provide for the timely consideration of all licenses, and controlled by the proponent and an permits, and approvals required under Federal law opponent, shall not be subject to amendment, with respect to the siting, construction, expansion, or and shall not be subject to a demand for operation of any natural gas pipeline projects, and division of the question. The rule waives all for other purposes. points of order against the amendments Date Introduced: printed in part A of the report. The rule November 19, 2013 provides one motion to recommit with or Sponsor: without instructions. Mr. Burgess of Texas Granted a structured rule for H.R. 1900. Provides Additionally, the rule grants a structured rule one hour of general debate equally divided and for H.R. 2728. The rule provides one hour of controlled by the chair and ranking minority general debate, with 40 minutes equally member of the Committee on Energy and divided and controlled by the chair and Commerce. Waives all points of order against ranking minority member of the Committee consideration of the bill. Makes in order as on Natural Resources and 20 minutes equally original text for purpose of amendment an divided and controlled by the chair and amendment in the nature of a substitute ranking minority member of the Committee consisting of the text of Rules Committee Print on Science, Space, and Technology. The rule 113-25 and provides that it shall be considered waives all points of order against as read. Waives all points of order against the consideration of the bill. The rule provides amendment in the nature of a substitute. Makes that an amendment in the nature of a in order only those further amendments printed substitute consisting of the text of Rules in the Rules Committee report. Each such Committee Print 113-27 shall be considered as amendment may be offered only in the order adopted and the bill, as amended, shall be printed in the report, may be offered only by a considered as read. The rule waives all points Member designated in the report, shall be of order against provisions in the bill, as considered as read, shall be debatable for the amended. The rule makes in order only those time specified in the report equally divided and further amendments printed in part B of the controlled by the proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not Rules Committee report. Each such be subject to a demand for division of the amendment may be offered only in the order question. Waives all points of order against the printed in the report, may be offered only by a amendments printed in the report. Provides one Member designated in the report, shall be motion to recommit with or without instructions. considered as read, shall be debatable for the In section 2, the rule provides that on any time specified in the report equally divided legislative day during the period from November and controlled by the proponent and an 22, 2013, through November 29, 2013: the opponent, shall not be subject to amendment, Journal of the proceedings of the previous day and shall not be subject to a demand for shall be considered as approved; and the Chair division of the question. The rule waives all may at any time declare the House adjourned to points or order against the amendments meet at a date and time to be announced by the printed in part B of the report. The rule Chair in declaring the adjournment. provides one motion to recommit with or In section 3, the rule provides that the Speaker may without instructions. appoint Members to perform the duties of the


Chair for the duration of the period addressed by debate equally divided and controlled by the section 2 of the rule. chair and ranking minority member of the November 19, 2013: Committee on Financial Services. The rule Orderedreportedbyrecordvoteof8-4. waives all points of order against Report filed, H. Rept. 113–272. consideration of the bill. The rule provides November 20, 2013: that an amendment in the nature of a Adopted by record vote of 225-194, after agreeing substitute consisting of the text of Rules to the previous question by record vote of 223- Committee Print 113-29 shall be considered as 195. adopted and the bill, as amended, shall be considered as read. The rule waives all points H. Res. 429 of order against provisions in the bill, as Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3309) to amended. The rule makes in order only the amend title 35, United States Code, and the Leahy- further amendment printed in part B of the Smith America Invents Act to make improvements Rules Committee report if offered by and technical corrections, and for other purposes; Representative Maloney of New York or her and providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. designee. The amendment shall be considered 1105) to amend the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 as read, shall be separately debatable for 10 to provide a registration exemption for private equity minutes equally divided and controlled by the fund advisers, and for other purposes. proponent and an opponent, shall not be Date Introduced: subject to amendment, and shall not be December 3, 2013 subject to a demand for division of the Sponsor: question. The rule waives all points of order Mr. Nugent of Florida against the amendment printed in part B of Granted a structured rule for H.R. 3309. The rule the report. The rule provides one motion to provides one hour of general debate equally recommit with or without instructions. divided and controlled by the chair and December 3, 2013: ranking minority member of the Committee Orderedreportedbyrecordvoteof8-3. on the Judiciary. The rule waives all points of Report filed, H. Rept. 113–283. order against consideration of the bill. The December 4, 2013: rule makes in order as original text for Adopted by record vote of 229-185, after agreeing purpose of amendment an amendment in the to the previous question by record vote of 220- nature of a substitute consisting of the text of 194. Rules Committee Print 113-28 and provides that it shall be considered as read. The rule waives all points of order against that H. Res. 438 Providing for consideration of the Senate amendment in the nature of a substitute. The amendment to the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 59) rule makes in order only those further making continuing appropriations for fiscal year amendments printed in part A of the Rules 2014, and for other purposes; providing for Committee report. Each such amendment may consideration of motions to suspend the rules; be offered only in the order printed in the providing for proceedings during the period from report, may be offered only by a Member December 14, 2013, through January 6, 2014; and designated in the report, shall be considered for other purposes. as read, shall be debatable for the time Date Introduced: specified in the report equally divided and December 11, 2013 controlled by the proponent and an opponent, Sponsor: shall not be subject to amendment, and shall Mr. Woodall of Georgia not be subject to a demand for division of the Granted a rule that provides for the consideration of question. The rule waives all points of order the Senate amendment to H.J. Res. 59. The rule against the amendments printed in part A of makesinorderamotionofferedbythechairof the report. The rule provides one motion to the Committee on the Budget or his designee recommit with or without instructions. that the House recede from its amendment and The rule also provides a structured rule for concur in the Senate amendment with the H.R. 1105. The rule provides one hour of amendment printed in part A of the Rules 28 HISTORY OF LEGISLATION — RULES GRANTED

Committeereportasmodifiedbythe applicable; and the Chair may at any time amendment printed in part B of that report. The declare the House adjourned to meet at a date rule provides 70 minutes of debate on the motion and time to be announced by the Chair in with 60 minutes equally divided and controlled declaring the adjournment. by the chair and ranking minority member of the In section 8, the rule provides that the Speaker Committee on the Budget and 10 minutes may appoint Members to perform the duties of equally divided and controlled by the chair and the Chair for the duration of the period ranking minority member of the Committee on addressed by sections 6 and 7 of the rule. Energy and Commerce. The rule waives all In section 9, the rule provides that each day points of order against consideration of the during the period addressed by section 6 and 7 of motion and provides that the motion shall not be the resolution shall not constitute calendar days subject to a demand for division of the question. for the purposes of the War Powers Resolution. The rule provides that the Senate amendment In section 10, the rule provides a closed rule for and the motion shall be considered as read. H.R. 3695. The rule provides 40 minutes of In section 2, the rule provides that the chair of debate equally divided and controlled by the the Committee on the Budget may insert in the chair and ranking minority member of the Congressional Record at any time during the Committee on Agriculture. The rule waives all remainder of the first session of the 113th points of order against consideration of the bill. Congress such material as he may deem The rule provides that the amendment printed explanatory of the motion specified in section 1. in part C of the report shall be considered as In section 3, the rule provides that in the adopted and the bill, as amended shall be engrossment of the House amendment to the considered as read. The rule waives all points of Senate amendment to House Joint Resolution order against provisions in the bill, as amended. 59, the Clerk may conform division, title, and The rule provides one motion to recommit with section numbers and conform cross-references or without instructions. and provisions for short titles. In section 11, the rule waives clause 6(a) of rule In section 4, the rule provides that the chair of XIII (requiring a two-thirds vote to consider a the Committee on Armed Services may insert in rule on the same day it is reported from the the Congressional Record at any time during the Rules Committee) against any resolution remainder of the first session of the 113th reported from the Rules Committee through the Congress such material as he may deem legislative day of December 13, 2013. explanatory of defense authorization measures December 11, 2013: for the fiscal year 2014. Orderedreportedbyrecordvoteof9-3. In section 5, the rule provides that it shall be in Report filed, H. Rept. 113–290. order at any time on the legislative day of December 12, 2013: December 12, 2013, or December 13, 2013, for Adopted by record vote of 226-195, after agreeing the Speaker to entertain motions that the House to the previous question by record vote of 227- suspend the rules and that the Speaker or his 195. designee shall consult with the Minority Leader or her designee on the designation of any matter for consideration pursuant to this section. In section 6, the rule provides that on any legislative day of the first session of the 113th Congress after December 13, 2013: the Journal of the proceedings of the previous day shall be considered as approved; and the Chair may at any time declare the House adjourned to meet at a date and time to be announced by the Chair in declaring the adjournment. In section 7, the rule provides that on any legislative day of the second session of the 113th Congress before January 7, 2014: the Speaker may dispense with organizational and legislative business; the Journal of the proceedings of the previous day shall be considered as approved if




Original jurisdiction measures have not yet been reported during the 113th Congress.





H. Res. 11 H. Res. 16 Amending the Rules of the House of Representatives Amending the Rules of the House of Representatives to reinstate the "Gephardt rule". to prohibit the consideration of any bill or joint Date Introduced: resolution carrying more than one subject. January 3, 2013 Date Introduced: Sponsor: January 3, 2013 Mr. Welch of Vermont Sponsor: January 3, 2013: Mr. Schweikert of Arizona Referred to the Committee on Rules. January 3, 2013: Referred to the Committee on Rules. H. Res. 12 Amending the Rules of the House of Representatives H. Res. 36 to require that any extension of the public debt limit Establishing a select committee to investigate and only be considered in a standalone bill. report on the attack on the United States consulate Date Introduced: in Benghazi, Libya. January 3, 2013 Date Introduced: Sponsor: January 18, 2013 Mr. Welch of Vermont Sponsor: January 3, 2013: Mr.WolfofVirginia Referred to the Committee on Rules. January 18, 2013: Referred to the Committee on Rules. H. Res. 13 Amending the Rules of the House of Representatives H. Res. 88 to require that general appropriations for military Amending the Rules of the House of Representatives construction and veterans' affairs be considered as to prohibit the consideration of any bill or joint stand-alone measures. resolution that appropriates foreign assistance for Date Introduced: more than one country. January 3, 2013 Date Introduced: Sponsor: February 27, 2013 Mr. Gingrey of Georgia Sponsor: January 3, 2013: Mr. Poe of Texas Referred to the Committee on Rules. February 27, 2013: Referred to the Committee on Rules. H. Res. 14 Amending the Rules of the House of Representatives H. Res. 119 to permit Delegates and the Resident Commissioner Amending the Rules of the House of Representatives to the Congress to cast votes in the Committee of the to establish the Committee on the Elimination of Whole House on the state of the Union. Nonessential Federal Programs. Date Introduced: Date Introduced: January 3, 2013 March 15, 2013 Sponsor: Sponsor: Mr. Hoyer of Maryland Mr. Duncan of South Carolina January 3, 2013: March 15, 2013: Referred to the Committee on Rules. Referred to the Committee on Rules.


H. Res. 160 firearm are listed in the National Instant Criminal Amending the Rules of the House of Representatives Background Check System, and provide a to require authorizing committees to hold annual responsible and consistent background check hearings on GAO investigative reports on the process. identification, consolidation, and elimination of Date Introduced: duplicative Government programs. June 12, 2013 Congressional Oversight to Start Taxpayer Savings Sponsor: Resolution Ms. Esty of Connecticut Date Introduced: June 12, 2013: April 15, 2013 Referred to the Committee on Rules. Sponsor: Mr. Gardner of Colorado H. Res. 269 April 15, 2013: Providing for the consideration of the bill (H.R. 1947) Referred to the Committee on Rules. to provide for the reform and continuation of agricultural and other programs of the Department H. Res. 213 of Agriculture through fiscal year 2018, and for other Establishing the Special Committee on Sexual purposes. Assault and Abuse in the Armed Forces to conduct Date Introduced: oversight, ensure accountability, and report on the June 18, 2013 activities of the Department of Defense to prevent, Sponsor: reduce, prosecute, and provide victims' services for Mr. Braley of Iowa cases of sexual assault and abuse in the Armed June 18, 2013: Forces. Referred to the Committee on Rules. Date Introduced: May 14, 2013 H. Res. 287 Sponsor: Amending the Rules of the House of Representatives Ms. McCollum of Minnesota to permit absent Members to participate in May 14, 2013: committee hearings using video conferencing and Referred to the Committee on Rules. related technologies and to establish a remote voting system under which absent Members may cast votes H. Res. 225 in the House on motions to suspend the rules. Raising a question of the privileges of the House. Date Introduced: Date Introduced: May 20, 2013 June 28, 2013 Sponsor: Sponsor: Mr. Grayson of Florida Mr.SwalwellofCalifornia May 20, 2013: June 28, 2013: Referred to the Committee on Rules. Referred to the Committee on Rules.

H. Res. 231 H. Res. 306 Establishing a Select Committee on POW and MIA Providing for the consideration of the resolution (H. Affairs. Res. 36) establishing a select committee to Date Introduced: investigate and report on the attack on the United May 22, 2013 States consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Sponsor: Date Introduced: Ms. Bachmann of Minnesota July 18, 2013 May 22, 2013: Sponsor: Referred to the Committee on Rules. Mr. Stockman of Texas July 18, 2013: Referred to the Committee on Rules. H. Res. 258 Providing for the consideration of the bill (H.R. 1565) to protect Second Amendment rights, ensure that all individuals who should be prohibited from buying a


H. Res. 323 H. Res. 374 Amending the Rules of the House of Representatives Amending the Rules of the House of Representatives to observe a moment of silence in the House on the to allow Delegates and the Resident Commissioner first legislative day of each month for those killed or to file, sign, and call up discharge petitions. wounded in the United States engagement in Date Introduced: Afghanistan. October 8, 2013 Sponsor: Date Introduced: Mr. Pierluisi of Puerto Rico August 1, 2013 October 8, 2013: Sponsor: Referred to the Committee on Rules. Mr. Jones of North Carolina August 1, 2013: H. Res. 376 Referred to the Committee on Rules. Providing for the consideration of the bill (H.R. 233) to amend chapter 31 of title 31, United States Code, H. Res. 330 to provide for an orderly process by which the debt Expressing the sense of the House of ceiling is increased. Representatives that until the United States Date Introduced: southern border is secured as confirmed by the October 10, 2013 governors and the legislatures jointly of the four Sponsor: southern border states, the House of Representatives Mr. Honda of California shall not bring any legislation including any October 10, 2013: conference report regarding immigration to the floor Referred to the Committee on Rules. of the House for a vote. Date Introduced: H. Res. 412 August 2, 2013 Sponsor: Amending the Rules of the House of Representatives Mr. Gohmert of Texas to require a reading of the names of members of the August 2, 2013: Armed Forces who died in the previous month as a Referred to the Committee on Rules. result of combat operations.

H. Res. 350 Date Introduced: November 14, 2013 Establishing a select committee to investigate and Sponsor: report on the surveillance operations of the National Mr. Cartwright of Pennsylvania Security Agency. November 14, 2013: Date Introduced: Referred to the Committee on Rules. September 18, 2013 Sponsor: Mr. Rokita of Indiana H. Res. 424 September 18, 2013: Prohibiting the consideration of a concurrent Referred to the Committee on Rules. resolution providing for adjournment unless the House has adopted a conference report on the budget resolution. H. Res. 372 Date Introduced: Providing for the consideration of legislation to November 20, 2013 reopen the Government. Sponsor: Date Introduced: Ms. Slaughter of New York October 4, 2013 November 20, 2013: Sponsor: Referred to the Committee on Rules. Mr. Van Hollen of Maryland October 4, 2013: Referred to the Committee on Rules.


H. Res. 442 Directing the House of Representatives to bring a civil action for declaratory or injunctive relief to challenge certain policies and actions taken by the executive branch. Date Introduced: December 12, 2013 Sponsor: Mr. Rice of South Carolina December 12, 2013: Referred to the Committee on Rules.




H.R. 201 April 10, 2013 To rescind the unobligated funding for the Sponsor: Emergency Mortgage Relief Program and to Ms. Jenkins of Kansas terminate the program. April 10, 2013: Emergency Mortgage Relief Program Termination Referred to the Committee on Rules and the Act Committee on the Budget. Date Introduced: January 4, 2013 H.R. 1713 Sponsor: To establish a procedure to safeguard the surpluses Ms. Lee of California of the Social Security and Medicare hospital January 4, 2013: insurance trust funds. Referred to the Committee on Rules and the Social Security and Medicare Protection Act Committee on the Budget. Date Introduced: April 24, 2013 H.R. 326 Sponsor: To amend the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to Mr. Murphy of Pennsylvania establish a point of order to prohibit the extension of April 24, 2013: the public debt limit unless a concurrent resolution Referred to the Committee on Rules and the on the budget has been agreed to and is in effect. Committee on the Budget. Budget Before Borrowing Act of 2013 Date Introduced: H.R. 1868 January 22, 2013 To amend the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to Sponsor: establish joint resolutions on the budget, and for Mr. Lamborn of Colorado other purposes. January 22, 2013: Legally Binding Budget Act of 2013 Referred to the Committee on Rules and the Date Introduced: Committee on the Budget. May 8, 2013 Sponsor: H.R. 381 Ms. Black of Tennessee To amend the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to April 24, 2013: require long-term cost benefit analyses of introduced Referred to the Committee on Rules and the bills. Committee on the Budget. Reinvesting and Ensuring America's Ability to Lead Act of 2013 H.R. 3273 Date Introduced: To establish a bicameral working group on deficit January 23, 2013 reduction and economic growth. Sponsor: Deficit Reduction and Economic Growth Working Mr. Fattah of Pennsylvania Group Act of 2013 January 23, 2013: Date Introduced: Referred to the Committee on Rules and the October 8, 2013 Committee on the Budget. Sponsor: Mr. Sessions of Texas H.R. 1475 October 8, 2013: To amend the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to Referred to the Committee on Rules. provide for supplemental estimates of certain revenue bills or joint resolutions that incorporates the macroeconomic effects of that measure. Date Introduced:


H.R. 3592 To amend the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to require a jobs score for each spending bill considered in Congress. Job Score Act of 2013 Date Introduced: November 21, 2013 Sponsor: Mr. Cicilline of Rhode Island November 21, 2013: Referred to the Committee on Rules.




No House Joint Resolutions have yet been primarily referred to the Committee on Rules.




H. Con. Res. 9 Prohibiting the House or Senate from adjourning for a period of more than 5 days during a fiscal year unless the House involved has adopted a concurrent resolution on the budget for such fiscal year and has approved legislation to provide funding for the operations of the government for the entire fiscal year. Govern Before Going Home Resolution Date Introduced: January 22, 2013 Sponsor: Mr. Rigell of Virginia January 22, 2013: Referred to the Committee on Rules.




Executive Communication 2173 A letter from the Clerk of the House of Representatives, transmitting annual compilation of financial disclosure statements of the members of the members of the Office of Congressional Ethics, pursuant to Rule XXVI, clause 3, of the House Rule; (H.Doc.No.113-43). Date Introduced: June 28, 2013

Memorial 165 A memorial of the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, relative to House Resolution No. 456 urging the Congress to establish a special committee to investigate and report on the National Security Agency's Surveillance program. Date Introduced: December 19, 2013




COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE Mr. Wilson of South Carolina [No legislation primarily referred to the Committee on Agriculture was additionally referred to the Committee H.R. 1202 on Rules.] To prevent a fiscal crisis by enacting legislation to balance the Federal budget through reductions of COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS discretionary and mandatory spending. One Percent Spending Reduction Act of 2013 [No legislation primarily referred to the Committee on Armed Services was additionally referred to the Date Introduced: Committee on Rules.] March 14, 2013 Sponsor: Mr. Scott of Georgia COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES [No legislation primarily referred to the Committee on H.R. 1270 Armed Services was additionally referred to the To provide for greater transparency and honesty in Committee on Rules.] the Federal budget process. Honest Budget Act of 2013 COMMITTEE ON THE BUDGET Date Introduced: H.R. 372 March 19, 2013 To amend title 31, United States Code, to eliminate Sponsor: Ms. Roby of Alabama the requirement that the President submit a budget to the Congress each year, and for other purposes. Budget or Bust Act H.R. 1624 Date Introduced: To safeguard the Crime Victims Fund. January 23, 2013 Crime Victims Fund Preservation Act of 2013 Sponsor: Date Introduced: Mr. Broun of Georgia April 18, 2013 Sponsor: H.R. 607 Mr. Poe of Texas To delay until 2016 provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act scheduled to take H.R. 1654 effect in 2014 or 2015 and to delay the application of To improve the accuracy and transparency of the sequestration until 2014. Federal budget process. Date Introduced: Budget Process Improvement Act of 2013 February 8, 2013 Date Introduced: Sponsor: April 18, 2013 Mr. Thornberry of Texas Sponsor: Mr. Renacci of Ohio H.R. 879 To provide for a biennial budget process and a H.R. 1715 biennial appropriations process and to enhance To establish procedures for the expedited oversight and the performance of the Federal consideration by Congress of the recommendations Government. set forth in the Cuts, Consolidations, and Savings Biennial Budgeting and Appropriations Act report prepared by the Office of Management and Date Introduced: Budget. February 28, 2013 Expedited Consideration of Cuts, Consolidations, Sponsor: and Savings Act of 2013


Date Introduced: Sponsor: April 24, 2013 Mr. Price of Georgia Sponsor: Mr. Peters of Michigan H.R. 2518 To increase the long-term fiscal accountability of H.R. 1762 direct spending legislation. To provide a biennial budget for the United States Truth in Spending Act of 2013 Government. Date Introduced: Biennial Budgeting and Appropriations Act of 2013 June 26, 2013 Date Introduced: Sponsor: April 25, 2013 Mr. Kinzinger of Illinois Sponsor: Mr. Thornberry of Texas H.R. 3059 To provide a biennial budget for the United States H.R. 1869 Government. To establish biennial budgets for the United States Biennial Budgeting and Appropriations Act of 2013 Government. Date Introduced: Biennial Budgeting and Enhanced Oversight Act of August 2, 2013 2013 Sponsor: Date Introduced: Mr. Whitfield of Kentucky May 8, 2013 Sponsor: H.R. 3149 Mr. Ribble of Wisconsin To amend the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to provide for a debt stabilization process, and for other H.R. 1870 purposes. To amend the Congressional Budget and Pay Down the Debt Act of 2013 Impoundment Control Act of 1974 to provide for a Date Introduced: legislative line-item veto to expedite consideration of September 19, 2013 rescissions, and for other purposes. Sponsor: Expedited Legislative Line-Item Veto and Rescissions Mr. Peters of California Act of 2013 Date Introduced: May 8, 2013 COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND THE Sponsor: WORKFORCE Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin H.R. 3412 To establish the Higher Education Regulatory H.R. 1873 Reform Task Force, to expand the experimental sites To require greater accountability in discretionary initiative under the Higher Education Act of 1965 to and direct spending programs, and for other reduce college costs for students, and for other purposes. purposes. Review Every Dollar Act of 2013 Date Introduced: Date Introduced: October 30, 2013 May 8, 2013 Sponsor: Sponsor: Mr. Gowdy of South Carolina Mr. Chaffetz of Utah COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND H.R. 1874 COMMERCE To amend the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to provide for macroeconomic analysis of the impact of H.R. 45 legislation. To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Pro-Growth Budgeting Act of 2013 Act and health care-related provisions in the Health Date Introduced: Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010. May 8, 2013 Date Introduced:


January 3, 2013 July 24, 2013 Sponsor: Sponsor: Ms. Bachmann of Minnesota Ms. Blackburn of Tennessee

H.R. 132 H.R. 2900 To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010. Reconciliation Act of 2010; to amend the Internal ObamaCare Repeal Act Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the percentage floor Date Introduced: on medical expense deductions, expand the use of January 3, 2013 tax-preferred health care accounts, and establish a Sponsor: charity care credit; to amend the Social Security Act Mr. King of Iowa to create a Medicare Premium Assistance Program, reform EMTALA requirements, and to replace the H.R. 567 Medicaid program and the Children's Health To amend the Social Security Act to replace the Insurance program with a block grant to the States; Medicaid program and the Children's Health to amend the Public Health Service Act to provide Insurance program with a block grant to the States, for cooperative governing of individual and group and for other purposes. health insurance coverage offered in interstate commerce; and for other purposes. State Health Flexibility Act of 2013 Offering Patients True Individualized Options Now Date Introduced: February 6, 2013 Act of 2013 Date Introduced: Sponsor: August 1, 2013 Mr. Rokita of Indiana Sponsor: Mr. Broun of Georgia H.R. 779 To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the health care-related provisions in the H.R. 2916 To require congressional review of certain rules Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of promulgated by the Environmental Protection 2010 and to amend title 5, United States Code, to Agency. establish a national health program administered by the Office of Personnel Management to offer Federal Domestic Energy Production Protection Act of 2013 employee health benefits plans to individuals who Date Introduced: are not Federal employees, and for other purposes. August 1, 2013 Access to Insurance for All Americans Act Sponsor: Mr. Shuster of Pennsylvania Date Introduced: February 15, 2013 Sponsor: H.R. 3121 Mr. Issa of California To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and related reconciliation provisions, to promote H.R. 2300 patient-centered health care, and for other purposes. American Health Care Reform Act of 2013 To provide for incentives to encourage health insurance coverage, and for other purposes. Date Introduced: September 18, 2013 Empowering Patients First Act of 2013 Sponsor: Mr. Roe of Tennessee Date Introduced: June 6, 2013 Sponsor: H.R. 3165 Mr. Price of Georgia To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care H.R. 2809 Act and to take meaningful steps to lower health To delay the application of the Patient Protection care costs and increase access to health insurance and Affordable Care Act. coverage without raising taxes, cutting Medicare Date Introduced: benefits for seniors, adding to the national deficit,

42 INDEX OF ADDITIONALLY REFERRED LEGISLATION intervening in the doctor-patient relationship, or COMMITTEE ON FINANCIAL SERVICES instituting a government takeover of health care. H.R. 3218 Common Sense Health Reform Americans Actually To delay increases in flood insurance premium rates Want Act under the national flood insurance program until Date Introduced: completion of the pending study regarding the September 20, 2013 affordability of such rates and congressional Sponsor: consideration of reforms to make such rates Mr. Latham of Iowa affordable, and for other purposes. Flood Insurance Fairness Act of 2013 H.R. 3355 Date Introduced: To increase the competitiveness of American September 28, 2013 manufacturing by reducing regulatory and other Sponsor: burdens, encouraging greater innovation and Mr. Nugent of Florida investment, and developing a stronger workforce for the twenty-first century, and for other purposes. H.R. 3370 Reducing Employer Burdens, Unleashing Innovation, To delay the implementation of certain provisions of and Labor Development Act of 2013 the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of Date Introduced: 2012, and for other purposes. October 28, 2013 Date Introduced: Sponsor: October 29, 2013 Mr. Guthrie of Kentucky Sponsor: Mr. Grimm of New York H.R. 3622 To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care H.R. 3511 Act and provide for comprehensive health reform, To delay the implementation of certain provisions of and for other purposes. the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of Patient Centered Healthcare Savings Act of 2013 2012, and for other purposes. Date Introduced: Keeping Flood Insurance Affordable Act of 2013 November 22, 2013 Sponsor: Date Introduced: Mr. Duffy of Wisconsin November 15, 2013 Sponsor: H.R. 3784 Mr. Capuano of Massachusetts To repeal the Affordable Care Act unless the initial enrollment target for Exchanges has been met, and for other purposes. COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS Nullifying Unconstitutional Mandate By Evaluating H.R. 383 Results Act To amend the War Powers Resolution to limit the Date Introduced: use of funds for introduction of the Armed Forces December 16, 2013 into hostilities, and for other purposes. Sponsor: War Powers Reform Act Mr. Yoho of Florida Date Introduced: January 23, 2013 H.Con.Res.45 Sponsor: Expressing the sense of Congress that President Mr. Gibson of New York has violated section 3 of article II of the Constitution by refusing to enforce the employer H.R. 1793 mandate provisions of the Patient Protection and To establish a framework for effective, transparent, Affordable Care Act. and accountable United States foreign assistance, Date Introduced: and for other purposes. July 10, 2013 Global Partnerships Act of 2013 Sponsor: Date Introduced: Mr. Garrett of New Jersey April 26, 2013


Sponsor: COMMITTEE ON HOUSE Mr. Connolly of Virginia ADMINISTRATION H.R. 1922 H.R. 884 To require Members of Congress to disclose To limit assistance to Iran, North Korea, Syria, delinquent tax liability and to require an ethics Egypt, and Pakistan, and for other purposes. inquiry into, and the garnishment of the wages of, a FAULT Act Member with Federal tax liability. Date Introduced: Members of Congress Tax Accountability Act of 2013 May 9, 2013 Date Introduced: Sponsor: February 28, 2013 Mr. Gosar of Arizona Sponsor: Mr. Chaffetz of Utah H.R. 3065 To repeal the War Powers Resolution. Date Introduced: COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY September 9, 2013 H.R. 109 Sponsor: To require Congress to specify the source of Mr. Garrett of New Jersey authority under the United States Constitution for the enactment of laws, and for other purposes. H.R. 3766 Enumerated Powers Act To amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 to require Date Introduced: congressional approval of agreements for peaceful January 3, 2013 nuclear cooperation with foreign countries, and for Sponsor: other purposes. Mr. Gingrey of Georgia Date Introduced: December 12, 2013 H.R. 367 Sponsor: To amend chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, to Ms. Ros-Lehtinen of Florida provide that major rules of the executive branch shall have no force or effect unless a joint resolution H.J. Res. 60 of approval is enacted into law. To amend the War Powers Resolution. Regulations From the Executive in Need of Scrutiny War Powers Amendments of 2013 Act of 2013 Date Introduced: Date Introduced: September 11, 2013 January 23, 2013 Sponsor: Sponsor: Mr. DeFazio of Oregon Mr. Young of Indiana

H.R. 1831 COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY To preserve the constitutional authority of Congress H.R. 2220 and ensure accountability and transparency in To provide for operational control of the legislation. international border of the United States, and for Read the Bills Act other purposes. Date Introduced: SMART Act of 2013 May 6, 2013 Date Introduced: Sponsor: June 3, 2013 Mr. Bentivolio of Michigan Sponsor: Mr. Poe of Texas H.R. 3417 To prohibit the consideration of any bill by Congress unless a statement on tax transparency is provided in the bill. Date Introduced: October 30, 2013 44 INDEX OF ADDITIONALLY REFERRED LEGISLATION

Sponsor: H.R. 319 Mr. Johnson of Texas To amend the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to provide for an expedited process for increasing the H. Res. 137 statutory limit on the public debt. Recognizing the security challenges of convening Date Introduced: government officials in one specific place and January 18, 2013 directing the House of Representatives to take Sponsor: appropriate steps so that the House of Mr. Issa of California Representatives can meet in a virtual setting. Date Introduced: H.R. 530 March 21, 2013 To establish the Independent Government Waste Sponsor: Reduction Board. Mr. Pearce of New Mexico Government Waste Reduction Act of 2013 Date Introduced: COMMITTEE ON NATURAL RESOURCES February 6, 2013 H.R. 787 Sponsor: Ms. Bustos of Illinois To greatly enhance America's path toward energy independence and economic and national security, to rebuild our Nation's aging roads, bridges, locks, and H.R. 899 dams, and for other purposes. To provide for additional safeguards with respect to Infrastructure Jobs and Energy Independence Act imposing Federal mandates, and for other purposes. Date Introduced: Unfunded Mandates Information and Transparency February 15, 2013 Act of 2013 Sponsor: Date Introduced: Mr. Murphy of Pennsylvania February 6, 2013 Sponsor: H.R. 1165 Ms. Foxx of North Carolina To greatly enhance the Nation's environmental, energy, economic, and national security by H.R. 1954 terminating long-standing Federal prohibitions on To amend chapter 7 of title 31, United States Code, the domestic production of abundant offshore to require the Comptroller General to assist supplies of oil and natural gas, and for other Congress and the President in eliminating agencies purposes. and programs in Executive departments that no Maximize Offshore Resource Exploration Act of 2013 longer serve a public need, and for other purposes. Date Introduced: Sunset Wasteful Executive Expenditures and March 14, 2013 Programs Act of 2013 Sponsor: Date Introduced: Mr. Calvert of California May 13, 2013 Sponsor: Mr. Hudson of North Carolina COMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT AND GOVERNMENT REFORM H.R. 2250 H.R. 292 To require the head of each executive agency to To provide for the admission of the State of New submit a report on the implementation of Columbia into the Union. Government Accountability Office reports on New Columbia Admission Act reducing duplication, achieving savings, and Date Introduced: enhancing revenue within the Federal Government. January 15, 2013 Spending Reduction Act Sponsor: Date Introduced: Ms. Norton of the District of Columbia June 4, 2013 Sponsor: Mr. Owens of New York


H.R. 2506 Date Introduced: To amend the Pay-As-You-Go-Act of 2010 to create February 14, 2013 an expedited procedure to enact recommendations of Sponsor: the Government Accountability Office for Mr. Denham of California consolidation and elimination to reduce duplication. Duplication Elimination Act of 2013 Date Introduced: COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS June 26, 2013 H.R. 37 Sponsor: To repeal portions of the Patient Protection and Mr. Dent of Pennsylvania Affordable Care Act, to reduce Federal Government spending and to reduce the salaries of Members of H.R. 2675 Congress, and for other purposes. To establish the Commission on Government Business and Government Operations Improvement Transformation to make recommendations to Act improve the economy, efficiency, and effectiveness, of Date Introduced: Federal programs, and for other purposes. January 3, 2013 Government Transformation Act Sponsor: Mr. Barrow of Georgia Date Introduced: July 11, 2013 Sponsor: H.R. 233 Ms. Bustos of Illinois To amend chapter 31 of title 31, United States Code, to provide for an orderly process by which the debt H.R. 3645 ceiling is increased. To require the Comptroller General of the United Date Introduced: States to submit a legislative proposal to Congress to January 14, 2013 reorganize executive branch agencies, and for other Sponsor: purposes. Mr. Honda of California EASE Act Date Introduced: H.R. 243 December 3, 2013 To adopt the seven immediate reforms recommended Sponsor: by the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility Ms. Kuster of New Hampshire and Reform to reduce spending and make the Federal Government more efficient. Bowles-Simpson Plan of Lowering America's Debt COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION AND Act INFRASTRUCTURE Date Introduced: H.R. 335 January 14, 2013 To ensure that amounts credited to the Harbor Sponsor: Mr. Ross of Florida Maintenance Trust Fund are used for harbor maintenance. RAMP Act H.R. 351 Date Introduced: To repeal the provisions of the Patient Protection January 22, 2013 and Affordable Care Act providing for the Sponsor: Independent Payment Advisory Board. Mr. Boustany of Louisiana Protecting Seniors' Access to Medicare Act of 2013 Date Introduced: January 23, 2013 H.R. 695 Sponsor: Mr. Roe of Tennessee To decrease the deficit by realigning, consolidating, selling, disposing, and improving the efficiency of Federal buildings and other civilian real property, and for other purposes. Civilian Property Realignment Act


H.R. 352 To terminate the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. Tax Code Termination Act Date Introduced: January 23, 2013 Sponsor: Mr. Goodlatte of Virginia

H.R. 1040 To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide taxpayers a flat tax alternative to the current income tax system. Flat Tax Act Date Introduced: March 11, 2013 Sponsor: Mr. Burgess of Texas

H.R. 3146 To take steps to reduce the deficit of the Federal Government. SAVE II Act Date Introduced: September 19, 2013 Sponsor: Mr. Murphy of Florida

H.R. 3372 To provide a process for ensuring the United States does not default on its obligations. Date Introduced: October 29, 2013 Sponsor: Mr. Honda of California





Record Vote No. 1 Date: January 4, 2013 Measure: The Committee on Rules’ rules for the 113th Congress Motion by: Mr. Polis Summary of motion: Would require that any bill or substitute amendment considered by the Committee on Rules be accompanied by a cost estimate from the Congressional Budget Office. Result:Defeated3-9. Record vote no. 1 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Cole………………………….. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... Nay Mr. Burgess……………………... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Nay

Record Vote No. 2 Date: January 14, 2013 Measure: H.R. 152 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #48, offered by Rep. Tierney (MA), Rep. Markey (MA), Rep. Pingree (ME), Rep. Young (AK), Rep. Keating (MA), Rep. McGovern (MA), Rep. Courtney (CT), Rep. Kennedy (MA) and Rep. Shea-Porter (NH). Amendment to FRELINGHUYSEN: Increases funding for fisheries disaster assistance by $145 million, the level approved by the Senate, and reduces Commerce/NOAA funding that is not specified for Hurricane Sandy relief. Result:Defeated4-9. Record vote no. 2 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Cole…………………………...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………...... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster……………………...... Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... Nay Mr. Burgess……………………...... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..... Nay

Record Vote No. 3 Date: January 14, 2013 Measure: H.R. 152 Motion by: Mr. Polis Summary of motion:


To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #73, offered by Rep. Gardner (CO), Rep. Tipton (CO), Rep. Lamborn (CO), Rep. Perlmutter (CO), and Rep. Polis (CO). Amendment to ROGERS: Provides $125,000,000 for the Emergency Watershed Protection Program for watershed restoration and to protect infrastructure to any area designated as a major disaster declared pursuant to the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act. Result:Defeated4-9. Record vote no. 3 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Cole…………………………...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………...... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster……………………...... Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... Nay Mr. Burgess……………………...... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..... Nay

Record Vote No. 4 Date: January 22, 2013 Measure: H.R. 325 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated3-9. Record vote no. 4 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Cole………………………….. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………... Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... Nay Mr. Burgess……………………... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Nay

Record Vote No. 5 Date: January 22, 2013 Measure: H.R. 325 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule Result: Adopted 9-3. Record vote no. 5 Ms. Foxx...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Cole…………………………...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall……………………...... Yea Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Webster……………………...... Yea Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... Yea Mr. Burgess……………………...... Yea Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..... Yea


Record Vote No. 6 Date: February 4, 2013 Measure: H.R. 444 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #7, offered by Rep. Van Hollen (MD), which replaces the entire sequester for 2013--which would cause deep cuts to domestic priorities and defense--with savings from specific policies that reflect a balanced approach to deficit reduction. Protects our most vulnerable citizens, asks those earning over $1 million per year to contribute more, eliminates agriculture direct payments, and cuts subsidies for large oil companies. Result:Defeated3-9. Record vote no. 6 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Cole…………………………...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………...... Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster……………………...... Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... Nay Mr. Burgess……………………...... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..... Nay

Record Vote No. 7 Date: February 4, 2013 Measure: H.R. 444 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule Result:Defeated3-9. Record vote no. 7 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Cole…………………………...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………...... Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster……………………...... Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... Nay Mr. Burgess……………………...... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..... Nay

Record Vote No. 8 Date: February 4, 2013 Measure: H.R. 444 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule Result: Adopted 9-3. Record vote no. 8 Ms. Foxx...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Cole…………………………...... Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall……………………...... Yea Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Webster……………………...... Yea Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... Yea 50 RECORD VOTES – FULL COMMITTEE

Mr. Burgess……………………...... Yea Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..... Yea

Record Vote No. 9 Date: February 13, 2013 Measure: H.R. 273 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #9, offered by Rep. Van Hollen (MD) and Rep. Slaughter (NY), which replaces the entire sequester for 2013--which would cause deep cuts to domestic priorities and defense--with savings from specific policies that reflect a balanced approach to deficit reduction. Protects our most vulnerable citizens, asks those earning over $1 million per year to contribute more, eliminates agriculture direct payments, and cuts subsidies for large oil companies. Result:Defeated3-8. Record vote no. 9 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Cole…………………………...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall……………………...... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster……………………...... Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... NV Mr. Burgess……………………...... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..... Nay

Record Vote No. 10 Date: February 13, 2013 Measure: H.R. 273 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule Result:Defeated3-8. Record vote no. 10 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Cole…………………………...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall……………………...... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster……………………...... Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... NV Mr. Burgess……………………...... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..... Nay

Record Vote No. 11 Date: February 13, 2013 Measure: H.R. 273 Motion by: Mr. Polis Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #4, offered by Rep. Bera (CA), Rep. Delaney (MD), Rep. Loebsack (IA), Rep. Edwards (MD), Rep. Moran (VA), Rep. Bustos (IL), Rep. Connolly (VA), Rep. Lynch (MA), Rep. Van Hollen (MD), and Rep. Cummings (MD), which severs the pay raise for Members of Congress from the remainder of federal employees, so that only Members of Congress would be affected by the underlying legislation. Result:Defeated3-8.


Record vote no. 11 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Cole…………………………...... Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………...... Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster……………………...... Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... NV Mr. Burgess……………………...... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..... Nay

Record Vote No. 12 Date: February 13, 2013 Measure: H.R. 273 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule Result: Adopted 7-4. Record vote no. 12 Ms. Foxx...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Cole………………………….. Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall……………………... Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Webster…………………….. Yea Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... NV Mr. Burgess……………………... Yea Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Yea

Record Vote No. 13 Date: February 26, 2013 Measure:S.47. Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #5, offered by Rep. Moore (WI) and Rep. Conyers, Jr. (MI) and Rep. Jackson Lee (TX) and Rep. Slaughter (NY), which offers the Senate-passed version of the Violence Against Women Act, a comprehensive update to the successful law which offers protections for all victims of violence. Result:Defeated2-6. Record vote no. 13 Ms. Foxx...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Cole………………………….. NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………... Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... NV Mr. Burgess……………………... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Nay

Record Vote No. 14 Date: February 26, 2013 Measure:S.47 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida


Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #1, offered by Rep. Van Hollen (MD), which replaces the entire sequester for 2013--which would cause deep cuts to domestic priorities and defense--with savings from specific policies that reflect a balanced approach to deficit reduction. Protects our most vulnerable citizens, asks those earning over $1 million per year to contribute more, eliminates agriculture direct payments, and cuts subsidies for large oil companies. Result:Defeated2-7. Record vote no. 14 Ms. Foxx...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Cole………………………….. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………... Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... NV Mr. Burgess……………………... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Nay

Record Vote No. 15 Date: March 5, 2013 Measure: H.R. 933 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated4-9. Record vote no. 15 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Cole………………………….. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... Nay Mr. Burgess……………………... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Nay

Record Vote No. 16 Date: March 5, 2013 Measure: H.R. 933 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 9-4. Record vote no. 16 Ms. Foxx...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Cole………………………….. Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall……………………... Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Webster…………………….. Yea Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... Yea Mr. Burgess……………………... Yea Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Yea


Record Vote No. 17 Date: March 12, 2013 Measure: H.R. 890 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated4-7. Record vote no. 17 Ms. Foxx...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Cole………………………….. NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... Nay Mr. Burgess……………………... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Nay

Record Vote No. 18 Date: March 12, 2013 Measure: H.R. 890 Motion by: Mr. Bishop of Utah Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 7-4. Record vote no. 18 Ms. Foxx...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Cole………………………….. NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………... Yea Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Webster…………………….. Yea Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... Yea Mr. Burgess……………………... Yea Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Yea

Record Vote No. 19 Date: April 10, 2013 Measure: H.R. 1120 Motion by: Mr. Bishop of Utah Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 7-3. Record vote no. 19 Ms. Foxx...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Cole………………………….. Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall……………………... Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Webster…………………….. Yea Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... NV Mr. Burgess……………………... Yea Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Yea


Record Vote No. 20 Date: April 16, 2013 Measure: H.R. 624 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #11, offered by Rep. Schiff (CA), Rep. Eshoo (CA), Rep. Holt (NJ), Rep. Schakowsky (IL) and Rep. Thompson (MS), which requires that private entities sharing information with the government or other private entities under the bill make ‘reasonable efforts’ to remove Personally Identifiable Information of persons unrelated to the cyber threat. Result:Defeated4-9. Record vote no. 20 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Cole………………………….. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... Nay Mr. Burgess……………………... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Nay

Record Vote No. 21 Date: April 16, 2013 Measure: H.R. 624 Motion by: Mr. Polis Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #31, offered by Rep. Amash (MI), Rep. Radel (FL), Rep. Broun (GA), Rep. Massie (KY), Rep. Polis (CO) and Rep. DeSantis (FL), which permits an entity to provide through enforceable contract that it will not share personally identifiable information with the federal government. Result:Defeated5-8. Record vote no. 21 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Cole………………………….. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………... Yea Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... Nay Mr. Burgess……………………... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Nay

Record Vote No. 22 Date: April 16, 2013 Measure: H.R. 624 Motion by: Mr. Polis Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #20, offered by Rep. Polis (CO) and Rep. Amash (MI), which limits the federal government's use of data only for cybersecurity purposes pursuant to the title and purpose of the bill. The amendment also narrows the law enforcement exception to only instances of `imminent' danger; and amendment #23, offered by Rep. Schakowsky (IL), Rep. DeGette (CO), Rep. Jackson Lee (TX), Rep. Schiff (CA), Rep. Polis (CO) and Rep. Thompson (MS), which requires that the first point of sharing information with the federal government must be with a civilian agency, ensuring that the U.S. military or defense agencies do not directly collect or receive cyber information on American citizens. Result:Defeated4-9. 55 RECORD VOTES – FULL COMMITTEE

Record vote no. 22 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Cole………………………….. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... Nay Mr. Burgess……………………... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Nay

Record Vote No. 23 Date: April 23, 2013 Measure: H.R. 1549 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated2-9. Record vote no. 23 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Cole………………………….. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall……………………... Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... Nay Mr. Burgess……………………... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Nay

Record Vote No. 24 Date: April 23, 2013 Measure: H.R. 1549 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #1 offered by Rep. Pallone Jr. (NJ), which makes the same changes to the PCIP program that the underlying bill does, but is paid for through a 4 cent per pack increase in the tax on cigarettes; amendment #2 offered by Rep. Pallone Jr. (NJ), which makes the same changes to the PCIP program that the underlying bill does, but is paid for by continuing the solvency of the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund by increasing the per-barrel amount that oil companies are required to pay into the fund by four cents; amendment #3 offered by Rep. Schakowsky (IL), which extends funding for reopening enrollment under the Preexisting Condition Insurance Program (PCIP) through the modification of class life for corporate jets; amendment #4 offered by Rep. Capps (CA), which removes the public health and prevention trust fund as a pay-for and instead pays for the bill by ending the section 199 domestic manufacturing deduction for oil and gas production; amendment #5, offered Rep. Green (TX), which makes the same changes to the PCIP program that the underlying bill does, but is paid for by requiring a minimum term and a remainder interest greater than zero for new Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts (GRATs); and amendment #10 offered by Rep. Horsford (NV), which seeks to protect funds in the Prevention and Public Health Fund that are to be used for reducing health disparities in minority populations. Result:Defeated2-9. Record vote no. 24 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Cole………………………….. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall……………………... Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay


Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... Nay Mr. Burgess……………………... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Nay

Record Vote No. 25 Date: April 23, 2013 Measure: H.R. 1549 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 9-2. Record vote no. 25 Ms. Foxx...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Cole………………………….. Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall……………………... Yea Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Webster…………………….. Yea Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... Yea Mr. Burgess……………………... Yea Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Yea

Record Vote No. 26 Date: April 24, 2013 Measure: H.R. 527 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated2-6. Record vote no. 26 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Cole………………………….. NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall……………………... Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... Nay Mr. Burgess……………………... NV Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. NV

Record Vote No. 27 Date: May 6, 2013 Measure: H.R. 1406 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated3-9. Record vote no. 27 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Cole………………………….. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall……………………... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay


Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... Nay Mr. Burgess……………………... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Nay

Record Vote No. 28 Date: May 7, 2013 Measure: H.R. 807 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #4, offered by Rep. Grayson (FL), which adds obligations held by the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund (Medicare) to the list of eligible obligations on which the Secretary of the Treasury must continue to pay principal and interest when the statutory debt limit is reached. Result:Defeated2-5. Record vote no. 28 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Cole………………………….. NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall……………………... Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. NV Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... NV Mr. Burgess……………………... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Nay

Record Vote No. 29 Date: May 7, 2013 Measure: H.R. 807 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #3, offered by Rep. Grayson (FL), which adds obligations held by the Military Retirement Fund to the list of eligible obligations on which the Secretary of the Treasury must continue to pay principal and interest when the statutory debt limit is reached. Result:Defeated2-5. Record vote no. 29 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Cole………………………….. NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall……………………... Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. NV Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... NV Mr. Burgess……………………... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Nay

Record Vote No. 30 Date: May 7, 2013 Measure: H.R. 807 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #5, offered by Rep. Grayson (FL), which inserts the word `American' before `public' on p. 6, line 15, to ensure that the payment of debt obligations held by the American public are prioritized over debt held by foreign nationals and governments. Result:Defeated2-5.


Record vote no. 30 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Cole………………………….. NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall……………………... Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. NV Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... NV Mr. Burgess……………………... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Nay

Record Vote No. 31 Date: May 7, 2013 Measure: H.R. 807 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 5-2. Record vote no. 31 Ms. Foxx...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... NV Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Cole………………………….. NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall……………………... Yea Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Webster…………………….. NV Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... NV Mr. Burgess……………………... Yea Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Yea

Record Vote No. 32 Date: May 15, 2013 Measure: H.R. 1062 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #4, offered by Rep. Slaughter (NY), which delays implementation of the bill until the enactment of a law that requires the political intelligence industry to comply with the Lobbying Disclosure Act registration requirements and the Ethics in Government Act `revolving door' restrictions. Result:Defeated2-8. Record vote no. 32 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Cole………………………….. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall……………………... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... NV Mr. Burgess……………………... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Nay

Record Vote No. 33 Date: May 15, 2013 Measure: H.R. 1062 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter


Summary of motion: To strike all waivers of points of order in the rule. Result:Defeated2-8. Record vote no. 33 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Cole………………………….. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall……………………... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... NV Mr. Burgess……………………... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Nay

Record Vote No. 34 Date: May 15, 2013 Measure: H.R. 1062 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 8-2. Record vote no. 34 Ms. Foxx...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Cole………………………….. Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall……………………... Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Webster…………………….. Yea Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... NV Mr. Burgess……………………... Yea Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Yea

Record Vote No. 35 Date: May 15, 2013 Measure:H.R.45 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated2-8. Record vote no. 35 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Cole………………………….. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall……………………... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... NV Mr. Burgess……………………... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Nay

Record Vote No. 36 Date: May 15, 2013 Measure:H.R.45 Motion by: Ms. Foxx 60 RECORD VOTES – FULL COMMITTEE

Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 8-2. Record vote no. 36 Ms. Foxx...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Cole………………………….. Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall……………………... Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Webster…………………….. Yea Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... NV Mr. Burgess……………………... Yea Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Yea

Record Vote No. 37 Date: May 22, 2013 Measure: H.R. 1911 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated2-7. Record vote no. 37 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Cole………………………….. NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall……………………... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... NV Mr. Burgess……………………... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Nay

Record Vote No. 38 Date: May 22, 2013 Measure: H.R. 1911 Motion by: Mr. Polis Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #5, offered by Rep. Davis (CA), which would add a section of Congressional findings to the bill with projections of student loan interest rates; amendment #6, offered by Rep. Courtney (CT), Rep. Horsford (NV), Rep. Miller (CA), Rep. Tierney (MA), Rep. Welch (VT), Rep. Kuster(NH),Rep.Peters(MI),Rep.Sinema(AZ),Rep.Duckworth(IL)andRep.Titus(NV),whichextendsthe current 3.4% interest rate on subsidized Stafford student loans for a period of two years; amendment #9, offered by Rep. Edwards (MD), which reduces the cap on Stafford loans to 6.8 percent and PLUS loans to 7.9 percent in the underlying bill; amendment #10 offered by Rep. Edwards (MD), which reduces the Stafford loan cap in the underlying bill to 3.4 percent for students pursuing a degree in the fields of science, technology, engineering, or mathematics; amendment #11 offered by Rep. Miller (CA), which implements President Obama's revenue neutral student loan proposal and sets fixed variable interest rates to save students $30 billion in the next six years while expanding Income Based Repayment to support struggling borrowers. Result:Defeated2-7. Record vote no. 38 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Cole………………………….. NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall……………………... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay


Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... NV Mr. Burgess……………………... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Nay

Record Vote No. 39 Date: May 22, 2013 Measure: H.R. 1911 Motion by: Mr. Bishop of Utah Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 7-2. Record vote no. 39 Ms. Foxx...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Cole………………………….. NV Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall……………………... Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Webster…………………….. Yea Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... NV Mr. Burgess……………………... Yea Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Yea

Record Vote No. 40 Date: June 3, 2013 Measure: H.R. 2216, H.R. 2217 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To strike section 3 of the rule and insert the text of amendment #2, offered by Rep. Van Hollen (MD), which calls on the Speaker to follow regular House procedure and immediately request a conference and appoint conferees to negotiate a fiscal year 2014 budget resolution conference agreement with the Senate. Result:Defeated2-9. Record vote no. 40 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Cole………………………….. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall……………………... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... Nay Mr. Burgess……………………... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Nay

Record Vote No. 41 Date: June 3, 2013 Measure: H.R. 2216, H.R. 2217 Motion by: Mr. Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 9-2. Record vote no. 41 Ms. Foxx...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... NV Mr. Cole………………………….. Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV


Mr. Woodall……………………... Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Webster…………………….. Yea Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... Yea Mr. Burgess……………………... Yea Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Yea

Record Vote No. 42 Date: June 12, 2013 Measure: H.R. 1960 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated1-9. Record vote no. 42 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Cole………………………….. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall……………………... Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... Nay Mr. Burgess……………………... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Nay

Record Vote No. 43 Date: June 12, 2013 Measure: H.R. 1960 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #175, offered by Rep. Speier (CA), Rep. Schrader (OR), Rep. Castor (FL), Rep. Waters (CA), Rep. Braley (IA), Rep. Loebsack (IA), Rep. Pingree (ME), Rep. Bonamici (OR), Rep. Keating (MA), Rep. Gutierrez (IL), Rep. Clay (MO), Rep. Chu (CA), Rep. Garamendi (CA), Rep. Wilson (FL), Rep. Brownley (CA), Rep. Rahall II (WV), Rep. Kaptur (OH), Rep. Maloney (NY), Rep. Johnson (GA), Rep. Cohen (TN), Rep. Jones (NC), Rep. Lujan (NM), Rep. Farr (CA), Rep. McDermott (WA), Rep. Michaud (ME), Rep. Schakowsky (IL) and Rep. Van Hollen (MD), which requires that cases of sexual assault are taken out of the chain of command by giving prosecutorial discretion to the Office of Chief Prosecutor of each service rather than the commander. Result:Defeated1-9. Record vote no. 43 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Cole………………………….. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall……………………... Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... Nay Mr. Burgess……………………... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Nay

Record Vote No. 44 Date: June 17, 2013 Measure: H.R. 1797 Motion by: Mr. McGovern


Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated3-7. Record vote no. 44 Ms. Foxx...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Cole………………………….. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………... Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... NV Mr. Burgess……………………... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Nay

Record Vote No. 45 Date: June 17, 2013 Measure: H.R. 1797 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for the following amendments to H.R. 1797: amendment #1, offered by Rep. Conyers Jr. (MI), which amends the limited rape and incest exception in the Rules Committee Print to provide a rape and incest exception with no limitations; amendment #2, offered by Rep. Nadler (NY) and Rep. DelBene (WA) and Rep. Watt (NC), which amends the limited exception for endangerment of the life of the mother to provide a broader exception that includes health of the mother; amendment #3, offered by Rep. Jackson Lee (TX), which adds an exception if a pregnancy could result in severe and long-lasting damage to a woman's health, including lung disease, heart disease, or diabetes; and amendment #4 offered by Rep. Jackson Lee (TX), which provides a rule of construction that nothing in this Act shall limit the constitutional Right of Privacy. Result:Defeated3-7. Record vote no. 45 Ms. Foxx...... NV Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Cole………………………….. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………... Nay Mr. Polis...... NV Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... NV Mr. Burgess……………………... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Nay

Record Vote No. 46 Date: June 18, 2013 Measure: H.R. 1947 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #166, offered by Rep. Denham (CA) and Rep. Schrader (OR) and Rep. Campbell (CA) and Rep. Fitzpatrick (PA) and Rep. Cardenas (CA) and Rep. Meeks (NY), which strikes section 12314 of the bill and replaces it with the text of H.R. 1731, a bill to create a uniform national standard for housing of egg-laying hens. Result:Defeated3-7. Record vote no. 46 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Cole………………………….. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall……………………... Yea Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay


Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... NV Mr. Burgess……………………... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Nay

Record Vote No. 47 Date: June 18, 2013 Measure: H.R. 1947 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #65, offered by Rep. DeLauro (CT) and Rep. Kind (WI) and Rep. Petri (WI), which sets the government guarantee target for crop insurance company profitability at 12%, the target recommended in a study commissioned by USDA, and caps reimbursements of company administrative and operating expenses. Result:Defeated2-8. Record vote no. 47 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Cole………………………….. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall……………………... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... NV Mr. Burgess……………………... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Nay

Record Vote No. 48 Date: June 18, 2013 Measure: H.R. 1947 Motion by: Mr. Polis Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #162, offered by Rep. Sinema (AZ) and Rep. LaMalfa (CA), which requires the Secretary of Agriculture to provide technical assistance to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection on identifying produce marked with a trademark in violation of federal trademark law. Requires the Secretary of Agriculture to provide Congress with a report on produce marked with trademarks in violation of federal trademark law. Result:Defeated2-8. Record vote no. 48 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Cole………………………….. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... NV Mr. Woodall……………………... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... NV Mr. Burgess……………………... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Nay

Record Vote No. 49 Date: July 9, 2013 Measure: H.R. 761 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion:


To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #9, offered by Rep. DeFazio (OR), which assess a royalty fee of 8 percent for new hardrock mining operations and 4 percent for existing hardrock mining operations. Revenues would be used to reclaim abandoned hardrock mines. Result:Defeated4-9. Record vote no. 49 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Cole………………………….. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... Nay Mr. Burgess……………………... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Nay

Record Vote No. 50 Date: July 9, 2013 Measure: H.R. 761 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated4-9. Record vote no. 50 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Cole………………………….. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... Nay Mr. Burgess……………………... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Nay

Record Vote No. 51 Date: July 9, 2013 Measure: H.R. 761 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #4, offered by Rep. Shea-Porter (NH), which requires any person or corporation that is applying for a permit under H.R. 761 to disclose all electioneering expenditures made by them in the last five years. Result:Defeated4-9. Record vote no. 51 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... Yea Mr. Cole………………………….. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………... Nay Mr. Polis...... Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... Nay Mr. Burgess……………………... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Nay


Record Vote No. 52 Date: July 9, 2013 Measure: H.R. 761 Motion by: Mr. Bishop of Utah Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 9-4. Record vote no. 52 Ms. Foxx...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... Nay Mr. Cole………………………….. Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... Nay Mr. Woodall……………………... Yea Mr. Polis...... Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Webster…………………….. Yea Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... Yea Mr. Burgess……………………... Yea Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Yea

Record Vote No. 53 Date: July 10, 2013 Measure: H.R. 2642 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated4-9. Record vote no. 53 Ms. Foxx...... …. Nay Ms. Slaughter...... …. Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... …. Nay Mr. McGovern...... …. Yea Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …. Yea Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Nay Mr. Polis...... …. Yea Mr. Nugent...... …. Nay Mr. Webster……………………..…. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. Nay Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman……….…. Nay

Record Vote No. 54 Date: July 10, 2013 Measure: H.R. 2642 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 9-4. Record vote no. 54 Ms. Foxx...... …. Yea Ms. Slaughter...... …. Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... …. Yea Mr. McGovern...... …. Nay Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …. Nay Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Yea Mr. Polis...... …. Nay Mr. Nugent...... …. Yea Mr. Webster……………………..…. Yea Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. Yea Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Yea Mr. Sessions, Chairman……….…. Yea


Record Vote No. 55 Date: July 16, 2013 Measure: H.R. 2667 & H.R. 2668 Motion by: Mr. Bishop of Utah Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 6-4. Record vote no. 55 Ms. Foxx...... …. NV Ms. Slaughter...... …. Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... …. Yea Mr. McGovern...... …. Nay Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …. Nay Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Yea Mr. Polis...... …. Nay Mr. Nugent...... …. NV Mr. Webster……………………..…. Yea Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. NV Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Yea Mr. Sessions, Chairman……….…. Yea

Record Vote No. 56 Date: July 17, 2013 Measure:H.R.5 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated4-8. Record vote no. 56 Ms. Foxx...... …. Nay Ms. Slaughter...... …. Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... …. Nay Mr. McGovern...... …. Yea Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …. Yea Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Nay Mr. Polis...... …. Yea Mr. Nugent...... …. NV Mr. Webster……………………..…. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. Nay Mr. Burgess……………………... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Nay

Record Vote No. 57 Date: July 17, 2013 Measure:H.R.5 Motion by: Mr. Polis Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #24, offered by Rep. Polis (CO), which establishes a comprehensive federal prohibition of discrimination in public schools based on actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity. Result:Defeated5-7. Record vote no. 57 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... …. Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... …. Yea Mr. Cole………………………….. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …. Yea Mr. Woodall……………………... Nay Mr. Polis...... …. Yea Mr. Nugent...... NV Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... Yea


Mr. Burgess……………………... Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Nay

Record Vote No. 58 Date: July 17, 2013 Measure:H.R.5 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 8-4. Record vote no. 58 Ms. Foxx...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... …. Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... …. Nay Mr. Cole………………………….. Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …. Nay Mr. Woodall……………………... Yea Mr. Polis...... …. Nay Mr. Nugent...... NV Mr. Webster…………………….. Yea Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... Yea Mr. Burgess……………………... Yea Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Yea

Record Vote No. 59 Date: July 22, 2013 Measure: H.R. 2397 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated4-8. Record vote no. 59 Ms. Foxx...... Nay Ms. Slaughter...... …. Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Nay Mr. McGovern...... …. Yea Mr. Cole………………………….. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …. Yea Mr. Woodall……………………... Nay Mr. Polis...... …. Yea Mr. Nugent...... Nay Mr. Webster…………………….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... Nay Mr. Burgess……………………... NV Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Nay

Record Vote No. 60 Date: July 22, 2013 Measure: H.R. 2397 & H.R. 2610 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 8-4. Record vote no. 60 Ms. Foxx...... Yea Ms. Slaughter...... …. Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... Yea Mr. McGovern...... …. Nay Mr. Cole………………………….. Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …. Nay Mr. Woodall……………………... Yea Mr. Polis...... …. Nay Mr. Nugent...... Yea Mr. Webster…………………….. Yea Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... Yea


Mr. Burgess……………………... NV Mr. Sessions, Chairman………. Yea

Record Vote No. 61 Date: July 23, 2013 Measure: H.R. 2218 & H.R. 1582 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated4-8. Record vote no. 61 Ms. Foxx...... …. NV Ms. Slaughter...... …. Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... …. Nay Mr. McGovern...... …. Yea Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …. Yea Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Nay Mr. Polis...... …. Yea Mr. Nugent...... ….. Nay Mr. Webster……………………..…. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. Nay Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman……….…. Nay

Record Vote No. 62 Date: July 23, 2013 Measure: H.R. 2218 & H.R. 1582 Motion by: Mr. Bishop of Utah Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 8-4 Record vote no. 62 Ms. Foxx...... …. NV Ms. Slaughter...... …. Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... …. Yea Mr. McGovern...... …. Nay Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …. Nay Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Yea Mr. Polis...... …. Nay Mr. Nugent...... …. Yea Mr. Webster……………………..…. Yea Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. Yea Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Yea Mr. Sessions, Chairman……….…. Yea

Record Vote No. 63 Date: July 31, 2013 Measure: H.R. 367, H.R. 2009, H.R. 2879 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated3-9. Record vote no. 63 Ms. Foxx...... …. Nay Ms. Slaughter...... …. Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... …. Nay Mr. McGovern...... …. Yea Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …. Yea Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Nay Mr. Polis...... …. NV Mr. Nugent...... …. Nay Mr. Webster……………………..…. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. Nay


Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman……….…. Nay

Record Vote No. 64 Date: July 31, 2013 Measure: H.R. 367, H.R. 2009, H.R. 2879 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 9-3. Record vote no. 64 Ms. Foxx...... …. Yea Ms. Slaughter...... …. Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... …. Yea Mr. McGovern...... …. Nay Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …. Nay Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Yea Mr. Polis...... …. NV Mr. Nugent...... …. Yea Mr. Webster……………………..…. Yea Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. Yea Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Yea Mr. Sessions, Chairman……….…. Yea

Record Vote No. 65 Date: September 10, 2013 Measure: H.R. 2775 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated4-7. Record vote no. 65 Ms. Foxx...... ….. Nay Ms. Slaughter...... ….. Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... ….. NV Mr. McGovern...... …... Yea Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Nay Mr. Polis...... …... Yea Mr. Nugent...... ….. Nay Mr. Webster……………………..…. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. NV Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman……….…. Nay

Record Vote No. 66 Date: September 17, 2013 Measure: H.R. 761 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated2-8. Record vote no. 66 Ms. Foxx...... ….. Nay Ms. Slaughter...... ….. Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... ….. Nay Mr. McGovern...... …... NV Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Nay Mr. Polis...... …... NV Mr. Nugent...... …... Nay Mr. Webster……………………..….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. NV


Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..…. Nay

Record Vote No. 67 Date: September 17, 2013 Measure: H.R. 761 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #3, offered by Rep. DeFazio (OR), which assess a royalty of 8% for new hardrock mining operations on federal land. Revenue from royalty payments would be made available for reclamation of abandoned mine sites. Result:Defeated2-8. Record vote no. 67 Ms. Foxx...... ….. Nay Ms. Slaughter...... ….. Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... ….. Nay Mr. McGovern...... …... NV Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Nay Mr. Polis...... …... NV Mr. Nugent...... …... Nay Mr. Webster……………………..….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. NV Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..…. Nay

Record Vote No. 68 Date: September 17, 2013 Measure: H.R. 761 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 8-2. Record vote no. 68 Ms. Foxx...... ….. Yea Ms. Slaughter...... ….. Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... ….. Yea Mr. McGovern...... …... NV Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …... Nay Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Yea Mr. Polis...... …... NV Mr. Nugent...... …... Yea Mr. Webster……………………..….. Yea Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. NV Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Yea Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..…. Yea

Record Vote No. 69 Date: September 18, 2013 Measure: H.R. 687, H.R. 1526, & H.R. 3102 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated3-9. Record vote no. 69 Ms. Foxx...... ….. Nay Ms. Slaughter...... ….. Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... ….. Nay Mr. McGovern...... …... Yea Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Nay Mr. Polis...... …... NV Mr. Nugent...... …... Nay 72 RECORD VOTES – FULL COMMITTEE

Mr. Webster……………………..….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. Nay Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..…. Nay

Record Vote No. 70 Date: September 18, 2013 Measure: H.R. 3102 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #2 to H.R. 3102, offered by Representative Connolly (VA), which prohibits Members of Congress or their spouses from receiving benefits or subsidies from any agricultural program. Result:Defeated3-9. Record vote no. 70 Ms. Foxx...... ….. Nay Ms. Slaughter...... ….. Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... ….. Nay Mr. McGovern...... …... Yea Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Nay Mr. Polis...... …... NV Mr. Nugent...... …... Nay Mr. Webster……………………..….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. Nay Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..…. Nay

Record Vote No. 71 Date: September 18, 2013 Measure: H.R. 3102 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #4 to H.R. 3102, offered by Representative Conyers Jr. (MI) and Representative Lee (CA), which provides a one year extension of the thirteen percent benefits increase from the 2009 American Recovery and Restoration Act through the 2014 Fiscal Year. Result:Defeated3-9. Record vote no. 71 Ms. Foxx...... ….. Nay Ms. Slaughter...... ….. Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... ….. Nay Mr. McGovern...... …... Yea Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Nay Mr. Polis...... …... NV Mr. Nugent...... …... Nay Mr. Webster……………………..….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. Nay Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..…. Nay

Record Vote No. 72 Date: September 18, 2013 Measure:H.J.Res.59 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #2, offered by Rep. Van Hollen (MD), which funds the government until November 15, 2013 at the FY 2014 pre-sequester discretionary Budget Control Act caps that total $1.058 trillion and replaces the entire sequester--which will cause deep cuts to domestic priorities and defense for FY 2014--with savings from specific policies that reflect a balanced approach to deficit reduction. The


amendment protects our most vulnerable citizens, asks those earning over $1 million per year to contribute more, eliminates Agriculture direct payments, and cuts subsidies for large oil companies. Result:Defeated3-9. Record vote no. 72 Ms. Foxx...... ….. Nay Ms. Slaughter...... ….. Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... ….. Nay Mr. McGovern...... …... Yea Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Nay Mr. Polis...... …... NV Mr. Nugent...... …... Nay Mr. Webster……………………..….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. Nay Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..…. Nay

Record Vote No. 73 Date: September 18, 2013 Measure:H.J.Res.59 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #3, offered by Delegate Norton (DC), which permits the District of Columbia government to obligate and expend its local funds for all of fiscal year 2014. Result:Defeated3-9. Record vote no. 73 Ms. Foxx...... ….. Nay Ms. Slaughter...... ….. Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... ….. Nay Mr. McGovern...... …... Yea Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Nay Mr. Polis...... …... NV Mr. Nugent...... …... Nay Mr. Webster……………………..….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. Nay Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..…. Nay

Record Vote No. 74 Date: September 26, 2013 Measure:H.Res.361 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 9-3. Record vote no. 74 Ms. Foxx...... ….. Yea Ms. Slaughter...... ….. Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... ….. Yea Mr. McGovern...... …... Nay Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …... NV Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Yea Mr. Polis...... …... Nay Mr. Nugent...... …... Yea Mr. Webster……………………..….. Yea Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. Yea Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Yea Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..…. Yea

Record Vote No. 75 Date: September 28, 2013 Measure: H.J. Res. 59 (Senate Amendment) & H.R. 3210


Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 8-4. Record vote no. 75 Ms. Foxx...... ….. Yea Ms. Slaughter...... ….. Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... ….. Yea Mr. McGovern...... …... Nay Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …... Nay Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Yea Mr. Polis...... …... Nay Mr. Nugent...... …... Yea Mr. Webster……………………..….. Yea Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. NV Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Yea Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..…. Yea

Record Vote No. 76 Date: September 30, 2013 Measure: H.J. Res. 59 (Senate Amendment II) Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 9-4. Record vote no. 76 Ms. Foxx...... ….. Yea Ms. Slaughter...... ….. Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... ….. Yea Mr. McGovern...... …... Nay Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …... Nay Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Yea Mr. Polis...... …... Nay Mr. Nugent...... …... Yea Mr. Webster……………………..….. Yea Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. Yea Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Yea Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..…. Yea

Record Vote No. 77 Date: September 30, 2013 Measure: H.J. Res. 59 (Senate Amendment III) Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 9-4. Record vote no. 77 Ms. Foxx...... ….. Yea Ms. Slaughter...... ….. Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... ….. Yea Mr. McGovern...... …... Nay Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …... Nay Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Yea Mr. Polis...... …... Nay Mr. Nugent...... …... Yea Mr. Webster……………………..….. Yea Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. Yea Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Yea Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..…. Yea

Record Vote No. 78 Date: October 2, 2013 Measure: H.J. Res. 70, H.J. Res. 71, H.J. Res. 72, H.J. Res. 73, & H.R. 3230


Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To make in order the clean Senate Continuing Resolution so we can send it to the President for his signature today. Result:Defeated3-9. Record vote no. 78 Ms. Foxx...... ….. Nay Ms. Slaughter...... ….. Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... ….. Nay Mr. McGovern...... …... Yea Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Nay Mr. Polis...... …... NV Mr. Nugent...... …... Nay Mr. Webster……………………..….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. Nay Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..…. Nay

Record Vote No. 79 Date: October 2, 2013 Measure: H.J. Res. 70, H.J. Res. 71, H.J. Res. 72, H.J. Res. 73, & H.R. 3230 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 9-3. Record vote no. 79 Ms. Foxx...... ….. Yea Ms. Slaughter...... ….. Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... ….. Yea Mr. McGovern...... …... Nay Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …... Nay Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Yea Mr. Polis...... …... NV Mr. Nugent...... …... Yea Mr. Webster……………………..….. Yea Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. Yea Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Yea Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..…. Yea

Record Vote No. 80 Date: October 3, 2013 Measure: H.J. Res. 75, H.J. Res. 76, H.J. Res. 77, H.J. Res. 78, H.J. Res. 79, H.J. Res. 80, H.J. Res. 82, H.J. Res. 83, H.J. Res. 84, H.J. Res. 85 & H.R. 3223 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To add to the end of the rule the following new sections: `Section 6 Immediately upon the adoption of this resolution the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 59) making continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2014, and for other purposes, with the House amendments to the Senate amendment thereto, shall be taken from the Speaker's table and the pending question shall be, without intervention of any point of order, whether the House shall recede from its amendments and concur in the Senate amendment. The Senate amendment shall be considered as read. The question shall be debatable for 40 minutes equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking member of the Committee on Appropriations. The previous question shall be considered as ordered on the question of receding from the House amendments and concurring in the Senate amendment without intervening motion or demand for division of the question. Section 7 Clause 1(c) of rule XIX shall not apply to the consideration of H.J. Res. 59 as specified in section 6 of this resolution.' Result:Defeated4-9. Record vote no. 80 Ms. Foxx...... ….. Nay Ms. Slaughter...... ….. Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... ….. Nay Mr. McGovern...... …... Yea Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Nay Mr. Polis...... …... Yea


Mr. Nugent...... …... Nay Mr. Webster……………………..….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. Nay Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..…. Nay

Record Vote No. 81 Date: October 3, 2013 Measure: H.J. Res. 75, H.J. Res. 76, H.J. Res. 77, H.J. Res. 78, H.J. Res. 79, H.J. Res. 80, H.J. Res. 82, H.J. Res. 83, H.J. Res. 84, H.J. Res. 85 & H.R. 3223 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 9-4. Record vote no. 81 Ms. Foxx...... ….. Yea Ms. Slaughter...... ….. Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... ….. Yea Mr. McGovern...... …... Nay Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …... Nay Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Yea Mr. Polis...... …... Nay Mr. Nugent...... …... Yea Mr. Webster……………………..….. Yea Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. Yea Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Yea Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..…. Yea

Record Vote No. 82 Date: October 8, 2013 Measure: H.J. Res. 59 & H.R.3273 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To add to the end of the rule the following new sections: `Section 5 Immediately upon the adoption of this resolution the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 59) making continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2014, and for other purposes, with the House amendment to the Senate amendment thereto, shall be taken from the Speaker's table and the pending question shall be, without intervention of any point of order, whether the House shall recede from its amendment and concur in the Senate amendment. The Senate amendment shall be considered as read. The question shall be debatable for one hour equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking member of the Committee on Appropriations. The previous question shall be considered as ordered on the question of receding from the House amendment and concurring in the Senate amendment without intervening motion or demand for division of the question. Section 6 Clause 1(c) of rule XIX shall not apply to the consideration of H.J. Res. 59 as specified in section 6 of this resolution.' Result:Defeated4-9. Record vote no. 82 Ms. Foxx...... ….. Nay Ms. Slaughter...... ….. Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... ….. Nay Mr. McGovern...... …... Yea Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Nay Mr. Polis...... …... Yea Mr. Nugent...... …... Nay Mr. Webster……………………..….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. Nay Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..…. Nay

Record Vote No. 83 Date: October 8, 2013


Measure: H.J. Res. 59 & H.R.3273 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule Result: Adopted 9-4. Record vote no. 83 Ms. Foxx...... ….. Yea Ms. Slaughter...... ….. Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... ….. Yea Mr. McGovern...... …... Nay Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …... Nay Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Yea Mr. Polis...... …... Nay Mr. Nugent...... …... Yea Mr. Webster……………………..….. Yea Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. Yea Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Yea Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..…. Yea

Record Vote No. 84 Date: October 22, 2013 Measure: H.R. 3080 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To report an open rule Result:Defeated2-7. Record vote no. 84 Ms. Foxx...... ….. Nay Ms. Slaughter...... ….. Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... ….. Nay Mr. McGovern...... …... NV Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Nay Mr. Polis...... …... NV Mr. Nugent...... …... NV Mr. Webster……………………..….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. NV Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..…. Nay

Record Vote No. 85 Date: October 22, 2013 Measure: H.R. 3080 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #24, offered by Rep. Hahn (CA), which takes the receipts and disbursements of the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund `off budget,' and makes the full amount of the Harbor Maintenance tax collected each year available to the Army Corps of Engineers to be spent on ports without further appropriation. Result:Defeated2-7. Record vote no. 85 Ms. Foxx...... ….. Nay Ms. Slaughter...... ….. Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... ….. Nay Mr. McGovern...... …... NV Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Nay Mr. Polis...... …... NV Mr. Nugent...... …... NV Mr. Webster……………………..….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. NV Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..…. Nay


Record Vote No. 86 Date: October 22, 2013 Measure: H.R. 3080 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #46, offered by Rep. Brown (FL) and Rep. Frankel (FL) and Rep. Wilson (FL) and Rep. Roybal-Allard (CA) and Rep. Hastings (FL) and Rep. Wasserman Schultz (FL) and Rep. Garcia (FL) and Rep. Crenshaw (FL) and Rep. Posey (FL) and Rep. Murphy (FL), which authorizes projects that receive a final Chief of Engineers Report up to one year following enactment of the bill. Result:Defeated2-7. Record vote no. 86 Ms. Foxx...... ….. Nay Ms. Slaughter...... ….. Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... ….. Nay Mr. McGovern...... …... NV Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Nay Mr. Polis...... …... NV Mr. Nugent...... …... NV Mr. Webster……………………..….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. NV Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..…. Nay

Record Vote No. 87 Date: October 22, 2013 Measure: H.R. 3080 Motion by: Mr. Hastings of Florida Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #69, offered by Rep. Polis (CO), which requires the Government Accountability Office to carry out a study evaluating why the Olmsted Project has exceeded the budget for the project and reasons the project failed to be completed as scheduled, as well as a list of contract recipients, including the number of women and veteran owned businesses. Result:Defeated2-7. Record vote no. 87 Ms. Foxx...... ….. Nay Ms. Slaughter...... ….. Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... ….. Nay Mr. McGovern...... …... NV Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Nay Mr. Polis...... …... NV Mr. Nugent...... …... NV Mr. Webster……………………..….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. NV Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..…. Nay

Record Vote No. 88 Date: October 28, 2013 Measure: H.R. 992 & H.R. 2374 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To report open rules. Result:Defeated4-8. Record vote no. 88 Ms. Foxx...... ….. Nay Ms. Slaughter...... ….. Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... ….. Nay Mr. McGovern...... …... Yea Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Nay Mr. Polis...... …... Yea


Mr. Nugent...... …... Nay Mr. Webster……………………..….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. NV Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..…. Nay

Record Vote No. 89 Date: November 18, 2013 Measure: H.R. 1965 & H.R. 2728 Motion by: Mr. Polis Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #11 to H.R. 1965, offered by Rep. Polis (CO) and Rep. Napolitano (CA), which requires the Director of the United States Geological Survey to study and prepare a report regarding the potential impacts of oil shale leasing on the quantity and quality of water available for agricultural and municipal use in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming and amendment #6 to H.R. 2728, offered by Rep. Polis (CO), which eliminates a loophole in the Clean Air Act under which oil and gas exploration and production activities are exempt from complying with the Clean Air Act's aggregation requirement and adds hydrogen sulfide to the federal list of hazardous air pollutants. Result:Defeated3-9. Record vote no. 89 Ms. Foxx...... ….. Nay Ms. Slaughter...... ….. NV Mr. Bishop of Utah...... ….. Nay Mr. McGovern...... …... Yea Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Nay Mr. Polis...... …... Yea Mr. Nugent...... …... Nay Mr. Webster……………………..….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. Nay Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..…. Nay

Record Vote No. 90 Date: November 19, 2013 Measure: H.R. 1900 Motion by: Mr. McGovern Summary of motion: To report an open rule. Result:Defeated4-8. Record vote no. 90 Ms. Foxx...... ….. Nay Ms. Slaughter...... ….. Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... ….. Nay Mr. McGovern...... …... Yea Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Nay Mr. Polis...... …... Yea Mr. Nugent...... …... Nay Mr. Webster……………………..….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. NV Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..…. Nay

Record Vote No. 91 Date: November 19, 2013 Measure: H.R. 1900 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule.


Result: Adopted 8-4. Record vote no. 91 Ms. Foxx...... ….. Yea Ms. Slaughter...... ….. Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... ….. Yea Mr. McGovern...... …... Nay Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …... Nay Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Yea Mr. Polis...... …... Nay Mr. Nugent...... …... Yea Mr. Webster……………………..….. Yea Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. NV Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Yea Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..…. Yea

Record Vote No. 92 Date: December 3, 2013 Measure: H.R. 3309 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendments to H.R. 3309: amendments #10 by Rep. Jeffries (NY), which would create pleading parity between plaintiffs and defendants; amendment #23 by Rep. Perlmutter (CO), which delays subsection (a), (b), and (c) of section 6 until December 1st, 2015 to conform Congressional review of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure in accordance with 28 U.S.C. 2074; amendment #14 by Rep. Conyers Jr. (MI) and Rep. Watt (NC), which ensures that the PTO retains all of the user fees it collects; amendment #11 by Rep. Jeffries (NY), which leaves intact a applicant's ability to challenge the USPTO's denial of a patent in district court; and amendment #2 by Rep. Johnson (GA) and Rep. Conyers Jr. (MI), which strikes section 6 of the bill, which would require the Judicial Conference to promulgate certain rules and procedures. Result:Defeated3-8. Record vote no. 92 Ms. Foxx...... ….. Nay Ms. Slaughter...... ….. Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... ….. NV Mr. McGovern...... …... Yea Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …... NV Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Nay Mr. Polis...... …... Yea Mr. Nugent...... …... Nay Mr. Webster……………………..….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. Nay Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..…. Nay

Record Vote No. 93 Date: December 3, 2013 Measure: H.R. 3309 & H.R. 1105 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result: Adopted 8-3. Record vote no. 93 Ms. Foxx...... ….. Yea Ms. Slaughter...... ….. Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... ….. NV Mr. McGovern...... …... Nay Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …... NV Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Yea Mr. Polis...... …... Nay Mr. Nugent...... …... Yea Mr. Webster……………………..….. Yea Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. Yea Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Yea Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..…. Yea


Record Vote No. 94 Date: December 11, 2013 Measure:H.J.Res.59 Motion by: Ms. Slaughter Summary of motion: To make in order and provide the necessary waivers for the amendment #4 to the Senate amendment to H.J. Res. 59, offered by Rep. Levin (MI) and Rep. Van Hollen (MD), which would extend unemployment insurance for 1.3 million Americans who will stop receiving benefits, even though they continue to look hard for a job. The amendment is fully offset by reducing direct payments under the farm commodity program. Result:Defeated3-9. Record vote no. 94 Ms. Foxx...... ….. Nay Ms. Slaughter...... ….. Yea Mr. Bishop of Utah...... ….. Nay Mr. McGovern...... …... Yea Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Nay Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …... Yea Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Nay Mr. Polis...... …... NV Mr. Nugent...... …... Nay Mr. Webster……………………..….. Nay Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. Nay Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Nay Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..…. Nay

Record Vote No. 95 Date: December 11, 2013 Measure: H.J. Res. 59 & H.R. 3695 Motion by: Ms. Foxx Summary of motion: To report the rule. Result:Adopted9-3. Record vote no. 95 Ms. Foxx...... ….. Yea Ms. Slaughter...... ….. Nay Mr. Bishop of Utah...... ….. Yea Mr. McGovern...... …... Nay Mr. Cole…………………………..…. Yea Mr. Hastings of Florida...... …... Nay Mr. Woodall……………………...…. Yea Mr. Polis...... …... NV Mr. Nugent...... …... Yea Mr. Webster……………………..….. Yea Ms. Ros-Lehtinen…………...... …. Yea Mr. Burgess……………………...…. Yea Mr. Sessions, Chairman………..…. Yea


Title Date 1. Oversight Plan of the Committee on Rules for the 113th Congress. February 2013 Rules Committee Print 113-1. 2. S. 47—Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act. Rules February 2013 Committee Print 113-2. 3. H.R. 890—Preserving Work Requirements for Welfare Programs March 2013 Act of 2013. Rules Committee Print 113-3. 4. H.R. 803—SKILLS Act. Rules Committee Print 113-4. March 2013 5. Rules of the Committee on Rules for the 113th Congress. Rules March 2013 Committee Print 113-5. 6. H.R. 1120—Preventing Greater Uncertainty in Labor-Management April 2013 Relations Act. Rules Committee Print 113-6. 7. H.R. 624—Cyber intelligence Sharing and Protection Act. Rules April 2013 Committee Print 113-7. 8. H.R. 2549—Helping Sick Americans Now Act. Rules Committee April 2013 Print 113-8. 9. H.R. 527—Responsible Helium Administration and Stewardship April 2013 Act. Rules Committee Print 113-9. 10. H.R. 1062—SEC Regulatory Accountability Act. Rules Committee May 2013 Print 113-10. 11. H.R. 3—Northern Route Approval Act. Rules Committee Print 113- May 2013 11. 12. H.R. 1911—Smarter Solutions for Students Act. Rules Committee May 2013 Print 113-12. 13. H.R. 1960—National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year June 2013 2014. Rules Committee Print 113-13. 14. H.R. 1947—Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act June 2013 of 2013. Rules Committee Print 113-14. 15. H.R. 1797—District of Columbia Pain-Capable unborn Child June 2013 Protection Act. Rules Committee Print 113-15. 16. H.R. 2231—Offshore Energy and Jobs Act. Rules Committee Print June 2013 113-16. 17. H.R. 761—National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act July 2013 of 2013. Rules Committee Print 113-17. 18. H.R. 5—Student Success Act. Rules Committee Print 113-18. July 2013 19. H.R. 1582—Energy Consumers Relief Act of 2013. Rules Committee July 2013 Print 113-19. 20. Rules of the Committees of the House of Representatives for the August 2013 113th Congress. Rules Committee Print 113-20. 21. H.R. 1526—Restoring Healthy Forests for Healthy Communities August 2013 Act. Rules Committee Print 113-21. 22. H.R. 992—Swaps Regulatory Improvement Act. Rules Committee September 2013 83 PUBLICATIONS AND HOUSE DOCUMENTS

Title Date Print 113-22. 23. H.R. 2374—Retail Investor Protection Act. Rules Committee Print September 2013 113-23. 24. H.R. 3080—Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2013. October 2013 Rules Committee Print 113-24. 25. H.R. 1900—Natural Gas Pipeline Permitting Reform Act. Rules November 2013 Committee Print 113-25. 26. H.R. 1965—Federal Lands Jobs and Energy Security Act of 2013. November 2013 Rules Committee Print 113-26. 27. H.R. 2728—Protecting States' Rights to Promote American Energy November 2013 Security Act. Rules Committee Print 113-27. 28. H.R. 3309—Innovation Act. Rules Committee Print 113-28. November 2013 29. H.R. 1105—Small Business Capital Access and Job Preservation November 2013 Act. Rules Committee Print 113-29.