2004 2007 South Authority No. 6 Amendment 2004


Arrangement of Provisions

1. Short title and commencement 4. Chairperson and quorum 2. Interpretation 5. Seizure of material etc 3. Membership of the Authority ______

2004, No. 6

AN ACT to amend the Authority Act 2002. [21st January 2004]

BE IT ENACTED by the Legislative Assembly of in Parliament assembled as follows:

1. Short title and commencement-(1) This Act may be cited as the 2007 South Pacific Games Authority Amendment Act 2004 and shall be read with and form part of the 2007 South Pacific Games Authority Act 2002 (the Principal Act). (2) This Act shall commence on the date of assent by the Head of State. (3) Notice of commencement of this Act shall be published in Samoan and English in the Savali and one other newspaper circulating in Samoa. 2004, No. 6 2007 South Pacific Games Authority 5 Amendment 2004

2. Interpretation – Section 2 of the Principal Act is amended: (1) By deleting the definition of “Minister” and substituting the following: “Minister” means the Minister assigned responsibility for the Authority by the Prime Minister;” (2) By amending the definition of “Media Rights” by inserting the words “or elsewhere” after the words “in Samoa”. (3) By deleting the definition of “Secretary”.

3. Membership of the Authority – Section 4 of the Principal Act is deleted and the following substituted: “4. Membership of the Authority-(1) The Authority consists of the following persons: (a) The Minister, who shall be Chairperson; (b) The Minister of Education, Sports and Culture, who shall be Deputy Chairperson; (c) The Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry of Works, Transport and Infrastructure; (d) The Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture; (e) The President of SASNOC; (f) Two persons nominated by the Minister to represent SASNOC; (g) The Attorney General; (h) The Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry of Finance; (i) A person nominated by the Ministry to represent the Park and Sports Facilities Board; (j) Two persons nominated by the Minister to represent business; and (k) One person nominated by the Minister to represent the community. (2) If the Minister is unable to chair a meeting of the Authority, the Minister of Education, Sports and Culture shall act as Chairperson. 6 2007 South Pacific Games Authority 2004, No. 6 Amendment 2004

(3) The Authority may co-opt other persons from time to time to attend and participate in its deliberations but such persons shall not have the power to vote on any matter.”

4. Chairperson and quorum – Section 7 of the Principal Act is amended by: (1) Deleting the word “Chairman” in subsection (3) and substituting the words “Minister (when the Minister is in Samoa) and by the Minister of Education, Sports and Culture (when the Minister is absent from Samoa)”. (2) Deleting the expression “six (6)” in subsection (4) and substituting the expression “seven (7)”.

5. Seizure of material etc – Section 19(4) of the Principal Act is amended by deleting the number “15” and substituting the number “18”.


The 2007 South Pacific Games Authority Amendment Act 2004 is administered by the 2007 South Pacific Games Authority.

Printed by the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, by authority of the Legislative Assembly.