Barns Green & Neighbourhood Plan Survey Report:

Itchingfield Parish District

July 2016

Barns Green & Itchingfield Neighbourhood Plan Survey 2016


Introduction ...... 5

Methodology ...... 7

2.1 Methodology ...... 7

2.2 Survey response rate ...... 7

2.3 Presentation of the responses ...... 7

Key Findings ...... 9

Results...... 15

Appendix 1 – Survey Covering Letter ...... 53

Appendix 2 - Survey Questionnaire ...... 55

Appendix 3 - Q4 If you work outside of the Parish, please identify the location where you work most often ...... 63

Appendix 4 – Q5 What do you value most about living in Itchingfield Parish? Number 1 (top priority) answer ...... 67

Appendix 5 – Q5 What do you value most about living in Itchingfield Parish? Number 2 (middle priority) answer ...... 74

Appendix 6 – Q5 What do you value most about living in Itchingfield Parish? Number 3 (low priority) answer ...... 80

Appendix 7 – Q6 What do you most dislike about living in Itchingfield Parish? Number 1 (top priority) answer ...... 86

Appendix 8 – Q6 What do you most dislike about living in Itchingfield Parish? Number 2 (middle priority) answer ...... 92

Appendix 9 – Q6 What do you most dislike about living in Itchingfield Parish? Number 3 (low priority) answer ...... 97

Appendix 10 – Q8 Please outline how you would like Itchingfield Parish to be in 15 years’ time ...... 101

Appendix 11 – Q9 Are the following groups currently adequately catered for by facilities in the Parish? Facilities for children under 5 years old ...... 110

Appendix 12 – Q9 Are the following groups currently adequately catered for by facilities in the Parish? School age (5 – 16 years) ...... 111

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Appendix 13 – Q9 Are the following groups currently adequately catered for by facilities in the Parish? Young Adults (16-25 years) ...... 112

Appendix 14 – Q9 Are the following groups currently adequately catered for by facilities in the Parish? Adults 25+ ...... 114

Appendix 15 – Q9 Are the following groups currently adequately catered for by facilities in the Parish? Older people (Aged 65+) ...... 115

Appendix 16 – Q9 Are the following groups currently adequately catered for by facilities in the Parish? Those with a disability or impairment ...... 116

Appendix 17 – Q11 What is the nature of your business? ...... 117

Appendix 18 – Q12 How many people including yourself work within the parish? ...... 119

Appendix 19 – Q13. Which of the following elements would be of benefit to your business and facilitate its growth? ...... 121

Appendix 20 - Q14. If you think that you may need additional or alternative business premises please indicate below what sort of premises and the time frame when you may need these...... 122

Appendix 21 – Q17 The Neighbourhood Plan may seek to identify sites as potential for development (housing or something else). Are there any sites which in your opinion, would be appropriate for future development? Answer 1 ...... 123

Appendix 22 - Q17 The Neighbourhood Plan may seek to identify sites as potential for development (housing or something else). Are there any sites which in your opinion, would be appropriate for future development? Answer 2 ...... 128

Appendix 23 – Q17 The Neighbourhood Plan may seek to identify sites as potential for development (housing or something else). Are there any sites which in your opinion, would be appropriate for future development? Answer 3 ...... 130

Appendix 24 - Q18. What type(s) of housing should be built in the Parish in the next 15 years? Other ...... 131

Appendix 25 – Q20 Please identify whether the following services in the Parish meet your current needs? Water supply ...... 132

Appendix 26 – Q20 Please identify whether the following services in the Parish meet your current needs? Electricity ...... 133

Appendix 27 – Q20 Please identify whether the following services in the Parish meet your current needs? Gas/Oil ...... 134

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Appendix 28 – Q20 Please identify whether the following services in the Parish meet your current needs? Sewerage ...... 136

Appendix 29 – Q20 Please identify whether the following services in the Parish meet your current needs? Mobile phone reception ...... 137

Appendix 30 – Q20 Please identify whether the following services in the Parish meet your current needs? Broadband Speed...... 142

Appendix 31 – Q20 Please identify whether the following services in the Parish meet your current needs? Refuse collection/recycling ...... 146

Appendix 32 – Q20 Please identify whether the following services in the Parish meet your current needs? Drainage ...... 147

Appendix 33 – Q21 What should we request of future building standards? Other responses ...... 149

Appendix 34 – Q22 Are there any additional elements/infrastructure developments that you would like to see delivered in the Parish? Other responses 151

Appendix 35 – Q25 Do you have a family member, of any age, who would prefer to remain living in the village, but has been unable to do so due to cost and/or suitability. If yes, please give details ...... 153

Appendix 36 – Q29 Which buildings and man-made features in the Parish do you feel that it is important for the Neighbourhood Plan to seek to preserve? ...... 155

Appendix 37 – Q30 Which natural features in the Parish do you feel that it is important for the Neighbourhood Plan to seek to preserve? ...... 164

Appendix 38 – Q32 Are there any locations in the Parish where you consider parking to be a particular problem or issue? Please give details: ...... 173

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1.1.1 This survey was developed and undertaken by the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee working in conjunction with Itchingfield Parish Council.

1.1.2 The process of developing the Neighbourhood Plan provides an opportunity to:

 Develop a shared vision for the community;  Influence where new homes, shops and other developments should be built;  Influence the type, design and layout of new developments;  Identify important amenities such as green spaces and ensure they are protected;

1.1.3 Neighbourhood Plans represent a new planning mechanism which provides communities with the opportunity to shape the future of their locality. A Neighbourhood Plan must take account of both current development needs and those which are likely to develop in the future. These needs and aspirations will be developed into a planning document which will outline what needs to be developed (housing, facilities and services), where they need to be developed and what form they should take.

1.1.4 To do this, it must consider a wide range of issues, such as; wildlife, environmental protection, shops, housing and services and assess how these issues can be balanced against the development needs of the community. A fundamental part of the process is ensuring that the community play a full and detailed part in determining both what is important currently, what will be important moving forwards and in what form any changes need to be delivered.

1.1.5 The purpose of this survey is to engage residents at the outset of the process and encourage them to identify the issues affecting the Neighbourhood Plan area. The results from the survey will assist in the development of the Neighbourhood Plan by providing an initial insight of the process of those assets and elements that residents consider to be important, the problems and challenges that the community faces and how people would like to see change implemented in the future.

1.1.6 It is important to stress that the survey represents only one component of a broader suite of consultation techniques that will be employed throughout the process of developing the Neighbourhood Plan. As such, the results obtained should be used alongside that gathered by the steering group through focus groups, meetings and other consultation processes.

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1.1.7 Section 2 outlines the methods used to distribute, collect and analyse the questionnaire. It also provides information on the response rate, which can be used as a general measure of how reflective the survey is of the wider population.

1.1.8 Section 3 outlines the key themes and messages observable in the survey responses.

1.1.9 Section 4 provides a breakdown of the answers provided to the questions asked in the survey. These are structured and organised with reference to the themes outlined above.

1.1.10 The appendix provides details of the responses provided to the open-ended questions which were included within the survey. These allowed respondents to explain their answers, provide examples or to identify answers not provided within the list proposed.

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2.1 Methodology

2.1.1 The survey was conducted using a questionnaire consisting of both closed and open-ended questions. This mix allows questions to focus on obtaining specific pieces of information tailored at responding to certain issues or themes (closed questions), whilst allowing a degree of freedom in the responses which people provide (open questions).

2.1.2 It is important to support objective information with contextual and subjective reasoning in order to fully understand certain issues and to allow people to explain their reasoning or preferences.

2.2 Survey Response rate

2.2.1 A total of 680 survey forms were distributed by post (Royal Mail) to each household in Itchingfield Parish. Each household received a copy of the questionnaire (see Appendix 1), together with a covering letter from the Parish Council/Neighbourhood Plan Steering group (see Appendix 2)and a prepaid self-addressed envelope.

2.2.2 The addresses were provided for this process by Council and were taken from the Council Tax register. Additional forms were made available on request for any household that failed to receive a copy.

2.2.3 A total of 281 responses to the survey were received, which provides the survey with a response rate of 41.3%.

2.2.4 Residents were asked to return their forms by the 15th July 2016 so that the results could be analysed.

2.3 Presentation of the responses

2.3.1 Actual response figures and percentage breakdowns are provided for each question. These represent the number of responses received in relation to each answer as a proportion of all those responding to that particular question. This may not reflect the total number of responses received to the entire survey.

2.3.2 Please note – Not all of the respondents provided answers to all of the questions; therefore the numbers of responses for each question will not necessarily match the total number of respondents. Similarly, some questions allowed more than one answer to be provided (i.e. tick all that apply) and may again not tally with the total number of respondents to the survey. In addition, not all percentages may round up to 100.0% due to rounding.

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2.3.3 Where respondents can provide more than one response in answering a question, the percentages shown represent the number of responses for each answer as a % of the total number of respondents to the question, not the total number of responses. Consequently, percentages may add up to more than 100%. 2.3.4 Open-ended responses are provided in individual appendices at the end of the report. These comments were initially taken unaltered from the survey forms. The free-text comments made by those who responded to the survey have been reproduced in this report in full, except where those comments referred to individuals who were, or could be, identified or where comments were offensive, possibly defamatory or otherwise potentially contrary to law. 2.3.5 Links to the appropriate appendix are provided next to each question. Please note that due to illegible or indecipherable handwriting, these are on occasion best guess interpretations.

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Key Findings

3.1.1 A total of 281 responses were received to the survey. This represents a response rate of 41.3%.

3.1.2 150 (36.9%) of those living in respondents households were aged between 41 and 64, with 109 (26.8%) aged 65 and over, 52 (12.8%) under 16, 50 (12.3%) aged between 25 and 40 and 45 (11.1%) aged between 16 and 24.

3.1.3 105 (38.5%) respondents had lived in Itchingfield Parish for 25 or more years, with 66 (24.2%) for less than 5 years, 34 (12.5%) for 5 to 10 years, 26 (9.5%) for 10 to 15 years, 22 (8.1%) for 20 to 25 years and 20 (7.3%) for 15 to 20 years.

3.1.4 147 (56.3%) respondents who indicated that they were in employment did not work in Itchingfield Parish, with 35 (13.4%) indicated that they were in employment and did work in the Parish. 79 (30.3%) respondents indicated that the question was not applicable to them.

3.1.5 When asked whether ‘A rural feel and access to the countryside is fundamental not only to our quality of life and community identity, but also to many aspects of the economy’, 235 (84.2%) respondents indicated that they Strongly Agreed with the statement, with 39 (14.0%) Agreeing, 3 (1.1%) Disagreed, 2 (0.7%) indicated No opinion or Didn’t know and 0 (0.0%) Strongly Disagreed.

3.1.6 With reference to the facilities currently available in Itchingfield Parish:

 128 (47.8%) respondents indicated that they didn’t know whether facilities for Children under 5 years old were currently adequate, with 119 (44.4%) indicating that they felt they were adequate and 21 (7.8%) that they were not adequate;

 115 (43.6%) of respondents indicated that facilities for School age (5-16 years of age) children were currently adequate, with 115 (43.6%) indicating that they didn’t know and 34 (12.9%) indicating that they were not currently adequate.

 150 (56.8%) respondents indicated that they didn’t know whether facilities for Young Adults (16-25 years of age) were currently adequate, with 63 (23.9%) indicating they thought that they were adequate and 51 (19.3%) indicating they were not adequate.

 167 (64.2%) of respondents indicated that they thought that facilities for Adults (25 years plus) were currently adequate, with 73 (28.1%) indicating that they didn’t know and 20 (7.7%) that they were not currently adequate.

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 124 (46.8%) respondents indicated that they thought that the facilities for Older people (Aged 65+) were currently adequate, with 107 (40.4%) indicating that they didn’t know and 34 (12.8%) that they were not.

 204 (78.5%) respondents indicated that they didn’t know whether the facilities for those with a disability or impairment were currently adequate, with 38 (14.6%) indicating that they were not and 18 (6.9%) that they were.

3.1.7 224 (82.4%) respondents indicated that they do not run a business from a premises located in Itchingfield Parish, with 48 (17.6%) indicating that they did.

3.1.8 With references to changes that would be of benefit to businesses and facilitate growth, the greatest number of respondents indicated that:

 Changes in Planning Legislation (e.g. to allow for small office extensions) were Unlikely to be useful (15 – 28.8%) or Would not benefit my business (15 – 28.8%);

 An Affordable local small office Would not benefit my business (21 – 39.6%);

 Space and associated amenities for meetings Would not benefit my business (19 – 35.8%);

 Improved Mobile Phone coverage and Broadband Speed Would really help (48 – 88.9%);

 Being part of a local business network May be useful (21 – 41.2%);

3.1.9 For those respondents indicating that they may need additional or alternative business premises, the greatest number of respondents indicated that

 8 indicated that Combined work-space and accommodation of any size may be needed in 1-5 years and 1 indicated it may be needed in 6 to 10 years;

 13 indicated that Small office space (up to 50m2) may be needed in 1 - 5 years and 1 indicated that it may be needed in 11 to 20 years;

 1 indicated that Medium office space (51m2 to 500m2) may be needed in 1 – 5 years and 1 may be needed in 6-10 years;

 5 indicated that Small retail or Commercial unit (up to 50m2) may be needed in 1 – 5 years and 1 may be needed in 6 – 10 years.

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3.1.10 25 (50.0%) respondents indicated that they have traded from the Parish for over 10 years, with 8 (16.0%) for between 6 and 10 years, 6 (12.0%) for less than 1 year, 6 (12.0%) for between 1 and 2 years and 5 (10.0%) for between 3 and 5 years.

3.1.11 In terms of respondent’s preferences for where new housing in the Parish should be built:

 162 (59.1%) indicated that Brownfield sites (land with derelict/unused buildings) should Always be developed;

 141 (52.8%) indicated that Within the current built-up area should Sometimes be developed;

 93 (34.2%) indicated that the Adjoining current built up area should Sometimes be developed;

 211 (79.0%) indicated that Greenfield Sites should Never be developed;

 254 (94.8%) indicated that Conservation Areas should Never be developed;

3.1.12 With reference to the types of housing should be built in the Parish in the next 15 years, of the 260 respondents completing the question:

 47 (18.1%) indicated Low cost rental properties under private ownership;

 85 (32.7%) indicated Housing Association for rent and/or shared ownership;

 171 (65.8%) indicated Low cost, small houses for owner occupation;

 149 (57.3%) indicated Family homes for owner occupation;

 160 (61.5%) indicated Properties suitable for the elderly e.g. retirement homes, bungalows etc;

 52 (20.0%) indicated Nursing or residential homes;

 31 (11.9%) indicated other options.

3.1.13 With reference to any future development in the Parish, the greatest number indicated that:

 Design in keeping with nearby houses was very important (169 – 64.3%);

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 Having a garden was very important (123 – 46.9%);

 Keeping existing trees and hedges was very important (189 – 70.0%);

 Off-street parking was very important (214 – 78.7%)

3.1.14 With reference to the current provision of services in the Parish and whether they met resident’s current needs, the 278 respondents to the question provided the following responses:

 262 (96.3%) indicated that the Water Supply met their current needs, with 10 (3.7%) indicating that it did not;

 247 (90.1%) indicated that the Electricity supply met their current needs, with 27 (9.9%) indicating that it did not;

 198 (78.6%) indicated that the Gas/oil supply met their current needs with 54 (21.4%) indicating that it did not;

 229 (88.1%) indicated that the Sewerage system met their current needs with 31 (11.9%) indicating that it did not;

 229 (85.1%) indicated that the Mobile phone reception did not meet their current needs with 40 (14.9%) indicating that it did;

 145 (56.2%) indicated that the Broadband Speed did not meet their current needs with 113 (43.8%) indicating that it did;

 251 (93.3%) indicated that Refuse collection/Recycling met their current needs with 18 (6.7%) indicated that it did not;

 180 (68.2%) indicated that Drainage met their current needs with 84 (31.8%) indicating that it did not.

3.1.15 With reference to future building standards in the Parish:

 113 (41.1%) of the 275 respondents to the question indicated that it should include Solar Panels;

 94 (34.2%) of the 275 respondents to the question indicated that it should include Ground or Air Source Heat Pumps;

 226 (82.2%) of the 275 respondents to the question indicated that it should include at least 2 off road parking spaces for full sized cars per dwelling;

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 233 (84.7%) of the 275 respondents to the question indicated that it should include Energy efficient homes;

 168 (61.1%) of the 275 respondents to the question indicated that it should include a Contribution to community funds;

 167 (60.7%) of the 275 respondents to the question indicated that it should include Affordable housing;

 36 (13.1%) of the 275 respondents to the question indicated that it should include other options.

3.1.16 With reference to any additional elements/infrastructure developments that respondents or members of their households would like to see delivered in the Parish, of the 260 respondents to the question:

 112 (57.1%) indicated they would like to see Cycle parking outside village facilities with 84 (42.9%) indicating that they would not;

 96 (54.5%) indicated that they would not like to see More allotments with 80 (45.5%) indicating they would;

 153 (72.9%) indicated that they would like to see a Multisport surface e.g. redevelopment of the tennis court and/or basketball area with 57 (27.1%) indicating that they would not;

 170 (79.8%) indicated that they would like to see Redevelopment of the play area to include more items for primary school children with 43 (20.2%) indicating that they would not;

 145 (68.4%) indicated that they would like to see Teenager/adult outdoor fitness equipment with 67 (31.6%) indicating that they would not;

 121 (55.0%) indicated that they would like to see Units for small businesses with 95 (45.0%) indicating that they would not;

3.1.17 137 (49.5%) respondents indicated that it was Very important that residents brought up in the parish should be able to stay living in the parish, with 95 (34.3%) indicating that it was Quite important, 33 (11.9%) Not very important and 12 (4.3%) that it was Unimportant.

3.1.18 223 (83.2%) respondents indicated that they did not have a family member (of any age) who would prefer to remain living in the village, but has been unable to do so due to cost and/or suitability with 45 (16.8%) indicating that they did.

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3.1.19 144 (56.0%) respondents indicated that they didn’t know whether they would in favour of a Community Land Trust (CLT) for local people, with 92 (35.8%) indicating that they would and 21 (8.2%) indicating that they would not.

3.1.20 119 (43.3%) respondents indicated that they Agreed that the Parish of Itchingfield has a unique and distinctive architectural and rural heritage, with 117 (42.5%) Strongly Agreeing, 23 (8.4%) had No opinion/Didn’t know, 15 (5.5%) Disagreed and 1 (0.4%) Strongly Disagreed.

3.1.21 261 (94.6%) respondents indicated that the maintenance of the significant green buffer between the main residential areas within the parish and the neighbouring built-up areas was Very important, with 11 (4.0%) indicating that it was Quite Important, 3 (1.1%) that it was Not Very Important and 1 (0.4%) that it was Unimportant.

3.1.22 145 (52.7%) respondents indicated that they used the network of public footpaths and bridleways in the Parish on a Regular (Daily to weekly basis), with 55 (20.0%) using them Quite Often (weekly to fortnightly), 38 (13.8%) using them Occasionally (fortnightly to monthly), 29 (10.5%) using them Infrequently (monthly to annually) and 8 (2.9%) Never using them.

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Section 1: About you

Please provide us with the following information about you. This will help us to understand the pattern of response.

How many people of each age group live in your house, including yourself? (Please put correct number in each appropriate box):

Q1. Age in years:

Under 16 16-24 25-40 41-64 65+ 52 45 50 150 109

(12.8%) (11.1%) (12.3%) (36.9%) (26.8%)

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Q2. How long have you lived in Itchingfield Parish?

Less than 5 5 – 10 years 10 to 15 15 to 20 20 to 25 25+ years years years years years 66 34 26 20 22 105

(24.2%) (12.5%) (9.5%) (7.3%) (8.1%) (38.5%)

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Q3. If you work, do you work in the Parish?

Yes No Not applicable 35 147 79 (13.4%) (56.3%) (30.3%)

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Q4. If you work outside the Parish, please identify the location where you work most often?

160 Open ended responses were received – to see these please go to Appendix 3

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Section 2: Community

The Neighbourhood Plan gives us the opportunity to manage development in line with the needs, priorities and aspirations of the people who live here.

Q5. What do you most value about living in Itchingfield parish? Please list up to three in order of importance, with 1 being the most important.

1. 273 Open ended responses were received – to see these please go to Appendix 4 2. 262 Open ended responses were received – to see these please go to Appendix 5 3. 226 Open ended responses were received – to see these please go to Appendix 6

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Q6. What do you most dislike about living in Itchingfield parish? Please list up to three in order of importance, with 1 being the most important.

1. 258 Open ended responses were received – to see these please go to Appendix 7 2. 195 Open ended responses were received – to see these please go to Appendix 8 3. 133 Open ended responses were received – to see these please go to Appendix 9

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Q7. Barns Green & Itchingfield is a community at the heart of rural . A rural feel and access to the countryside is fundamental not only to our quality of life and community identity, but also to many aspects of our economy. Do you:

Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly No opinion / disagree don’t know

235 39 3 0 2 (84.2%) (14.0%) (1.1%) (0.0%) (0.7%)

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Q8. Please outline how you would like Itchingfield Parish to be in 15 years’ time?

255 Open ended responses were received – to see these please go to Appendix 10

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Q9. Are the following groups currently adequately catered for by facilities in the Parish?

Please tick the most appropriate box for each group. If you answer “no” please write suggestions for improvement in the box.

Yes No Don’t Suggestions for Improvement Know Facilities for 119 21 128 28 Open ended responses were children under 5 (44.4%) (7.8%) (47.8%) received – to see these please years old go to Appendix 11 School age (5-16 115 34 115 41 Open ended responses were years) (43.6%) (12.9%) (43.6%) received – to see these please go to Appendix 12 Young adults (16- 63 51 150 49 Open ended responses were 25 years) (23.9%) (19.3%) (56.8%) received – to see these please go to Appendix 13 Adults (25+) 167 20 73 23 Open ended responses were (64.2%) (7.7%) (28.1%) received – to see these please go to Appendix 14 Older People 124 34 107 35 Open ended responses were (Aged 65+) (46.8%) (12.8%) (40.4%) received – to see these please go to Appendix 15 Those with a 18 38 204 32 Open ended responses were disability or (6.9%) (14.6%) (78.5%) received – to see these please impairment go to Appendix 16

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Section 3: Local Businesses

Q10. Do you run a business from a premises in the Parish?

Yes No 48 224 (17.6%) (82.4%)

(If No, please continue to the Next Section)

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Q11. What is the nature of your business?

47 Open ended responses were received – to see these please go to Appendix 17

Q12. How many people, including yourself, work within the parish?

54 Open ended responses were received – to see these please go to Appendix 18

Q13. Which of the following elements would be of benefit to your business and facilitate its growth?

Would May be Unlikely to Would not really help useful be useful benefit my business Changes in Planning 11 11 15 15 Legislation (e.g. to allow for (21.2%) (21.2%) (28.8%) (28.8%) small office extensions) Affordable local small office 7 12 13 21 (13.2%) (22.6%) (24.5%) (39.6%) Space and 4 16 14 19 associated amenities for (7.5%) (30.2%) (26.4%) (35.8%) meetings. Improved Mobile Phone 48 4 1 1 coverage and Broadband (88.9%) (7.4%) (1.9%) (1.9%) Speed. Being part of a local business 11 21 9 10 network. (21.6%) (41.2%) (17.6%) (19.6%) Other Please specify: 7 Open ended responses were received – to see these please go to Appendix 19

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Q14. If you think that you may need additional or alternative business premises please indicate below what sort of premises and the time frame when you may need these.

I won’t May be May be May be need needed in needed needed in this 1 -5 years in 6-10 11-20 years years Combined work-space 38 8 1 0 and accommodation of any (80.9%) (17.0%) (2.1%) (0.0%) size Small office space (up to 50m2) 31 13 0 1 (68.9%) (28.9%) (0.0%) (2.2%) Medium office space (51m2 to 42 1 1 0 500m2) (95.5%) (2.3%) (2.3%) (0.0%) Small retail or Commercial unit 38 5 1 0 (up to 50m2) (86.4%) (11.4%) (2.3%) (0.0%) Other - Please specify: 6 Open ended responses were received – to see these please go to Appendix 20

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Q15. How long have you traded from the Parish?

Less than 1 1 -2 years 3 -5 years 6 -10 years Over 10 years year 6 6 5 8 25 (12.0%) (12.0%) (10.0%) (16.0%) (50.0%)

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Section 4: Housing & Infrastructure

Q16. Please indicate your preference for where new housing should be built:

Please tick one option per row Always Sometimes Rarely Never develop this develop this develop this develop this type of land type of land type of land type of land Brownfield sites (land 162 89 12 11 with derelict/unused (59.1%) (32.5%) (4.4%) (4.0%) buildings) Within current built-up 49 141 44 33 area (18.4%) (52.8%) (16.5%) (12.4%) Adjoining current 14 93 86 79 built up area (5.1%) (34.2%) (31.6%) (29.0%) Greenfield sites 1 11 44 211 (0.4%) (4.1%) (16.5%) (79.0%) Conservation Area 0 7 7 254 (0.0%) (7.6%) (2.6%) (94.8%)

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Q17. The Neighbourhood Plan may seek to identify sites as potential for development (housing or something else). Are there any sites which in your opinion, would be appropriate for future development?

Location Type of Development 1. 141 Open ended responses were received – to see these please go to Appendix 21 2. 46 Open ended responses were received – to see these please go to Appendix 22 3. 16 Open ended responses were received – to see these please go to Appendix 23

Type of Development & Location

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Q18. What type(s) of housing should be built in the Parish in the next 15 years? Please tick all that apply

Low cost rental properties under private ownership 47 (18.1%) Housing Association for rent and/or shared ownership 85 (32.7%) Low cost, small houses for owner occupation 171 (65.8%) Family homes for owner occupation 149 (57.3%) Properties suitable for the elderly e.g. retirement homes, bungalows etc. 160 (61.5%) Nursing or residential homes 52 (20.0%) Other: please explain here: 31 (11.9%) 31 Open ended responses were received – to see these please go to Appendix 24 Please note – respondents were able to provide more than one response to the question, consequently percentages relate to the number of responses provided as a proportion of the number of respondents and not the total number of responses for all answer options.

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Q19. How important are the following features for any new development?

Please tick all that apply Very Important Not Don’t important Important Know Design in keeping with nearby 169 69 25 0 houses (64.3%) (26.2%) (9.5%) (0.0%) Has a garden 123 111 23 5 (46.9%) (42.4%) (8.8%) (1.9%) Keeps existing trees and hedges 189 67 12 2 (70.0%) (24.8%) (4.4%) (0.7%) Off-street parking 214 50 4 4 (78.7%) (18.4%) (1.5%) (1.5%)

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Q20. Please identify whether the following services in the Parish meet your current needs?

Yes No If No, please explain why not: Water supply 262 10 10 Open ended responses were (96.3%) (3.7%) received – to see these please go to Appendix 25 Electricity 247 27 33 Open ended responses were (90.1%) (9.9%) received – to see these please go to Appendix 26 Gas/ oil 198 54 54 Open ended responses were (78.6%) (21.4%) received – to see these please go to Appendix 27 Sewerage 229 31 28 Open ended responses were (88.1%) (11.9%) received – to see these please go to Appendix 28 Mobile phone 40 229 205 Open ended responses were reception (14.9%) (85.1%) received – to see these please go to Appendix 29 Broadband speed 113 145 132 Open ended responses were (43.8%) (56.2%) received – to see these please go to Appendix 30 Refuse collection/ 251 18 22 Open ended responses were recycling (93.3%) (6.7%) received – to see these please go to Appendix 31 Drainage 180 84 79 Open ended responses were (68.2%) (31.8%) received – to see these please go to Appendix 32

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Q21. What should we request of future build standards? Please tick all that apply

Solar panels 113 (41.1%) Ground or air source heat pumps 94 (34.2%) At least two off road parking spaces for full sized cars per dwelling 226 (82.2%) Energy efficient homes 233 (84.7%) Contribution to community funds 168 (61.1%) Affordable housing 167 (60.7%) Other – please state 36 (13.1%) 36 Open ended responses were received – to see these please go to Appendix 33 Please note – respondents were able to provide more than one response to the question, consequently percentages relate to the number of responses provided as a proportion of the number of respondents and not the total number of responses for all answer options.

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Q22. Are there any additional elements/infrastructure developments that you and other members of your household like to see delivered in the Parish? Please tick all that apply

Yes No

Cycle parking outside village facilities 112 84 (57.1%) (42.9%) More allotments 80 96 (45.5%) (54.5%) Multisport surface e.g. redevelopment of the 153 57 tennis court and/or basketball area. (72.9%) (27.1%) Redevelopment of the play area to include more 170 43 items for primary school children (79.8%) (20.2%) Teenager/adult outdoor fitness equipment 145 67 (68.4%) (31.6%) Units for small businesses e.g. hairdresser, physio, 121 95 barber, beauty services, doctor, restaurant, (55.0%) (45.0%) launderette … Other, please state below:

61 Open ended responses were received – to see these please go to Appendix 34

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Q23. Is it important that residents brought up in the parish should be able to stay living in the parish?

Very important Quite Important Not Very Important Unimportant 137 95 33 12 (49.5%) (34.3%) (11.9%) (4.3%)

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Q24. Do you have a family member(s), of any age, who would prefer to remain living in the village, but has been unable to do so due to cost and/or suitability?

Yes No 45 223 (16.8%) (83.2%)

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Q25. If yes, please give details:

46 Open ended responses were received – to see these please go to Appendix 35

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Q26. Would you be in favour of a Community Land Trust (CLT) for local people?

Yes No Don’t know 92 21 144 (35.8%) (8.2%) (56.0%)

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Section 5: Heritage & Environment

Q27. The Parish of Itchingfield has a unique and distinctive architectural and rural heritage. Do you:

Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly No opinion / disagree don’t know

117 119 15 1 23 (42.5%) (43.3%) (5.5%) (0.4%) (8.4%)

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Q28. Currently there is a significant green buffer between the main residential areas within the parish and neighbouring build up areas (Horsham, , , ). How important do you feel it is to maintain this?

Very important Quite Important Not Very Important Unimportant 261 11 3 1 (94.6%) (4.0%) (1.1%) (0.4%)

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Q29. Which buildings and man-made features in the Parish do you feel that it is important for the Neighbourhood Plan to seek to preserve?

204 Open ended responses were received – to see these please go to Appendix 36 The parish is home to 28 listed buildings which have clear planning rules protecting them. These therefore do not need to be included in this list.

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Q30. Which natural features in the Parish do you feel that it is important for the Neighbourhood Plan to seek to preserve? This may include locations, flora, fauna, views etc.

229 Open ended responses were received – to see these please go to Appendix 37

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Q31. Itchingfield parish has a comprehensive network of public footpaths and bridleways. How often do you use any of these?

Regularly Quite Often Occasionally Infrequently Never (Daily to (weekly to (fortnightly to (monthly to weekly) fortnightly) monthly) annually) 145 55 38 29 8 (52.7%) (20.0%) (13.8%) (10.5%) (2.9%)

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Q32. Are there any locations in the Parish where you consider parking to be a particular problem or issue? Please give details below:

Location Parking Issue 273 Open ended responses were received – to see these please go to Appendix 38

Parking Issue & Location

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Appendix 1 – Survey Covering Letter

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Appendix 2 - Survey Questionnaire

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Appendix 3 - Q4 If you work outside of the Parish, please identify the location where you work most often

Plus in general area out of Parish. London Billingshurst and . Worthing Chichester Near Gatwick Airport. I work from home. Otherwise meeting in London and overseas visits London. Shipley Sussex and South London. York/London London Leatherhead (1 person) Billingshurst (1 person) Heathrow. London. Guildford and Farnborough Horsham and Richmond Upon Thames. . Worldwide Gatwick Airport. London Crawley / Horsham London Guildford. Horsham. Retired. North Downs. Newdigate. Hove. Leatherhead, Surrey. Five Oaks. Redhill. London Dorking, Surrey London. Cranleigh. Billingshurst and . Crawley London. London Pulborough Action in rural Sussex Page 63 of 186

Crawley / Dorking. West Sussex, East Sussex. London Crawley and surrounding area (South East). Reading Horsham. I work from home in the parish, one in London. London (Docklands) Crawley 1 - Horsham 2 - Goldaming 3 - Brighton and Haywards Heath Crawley/Horsham Horsham Horsham West Sussex Worthing London London Southwater PC London Within Surrey and Sussex Wimbledon Retired Cranleigh. London London. Various in West Sussex. The City. London and work from home. Horsham. Bewbush, Crawley. Southampton. London and home counties. Surrey Hills and Peaslake, Ockley, Guildford, and villages. Crawley. Horsham. Epsom. West Sussex and Surrey. London centre. All over West Sussex. East Grinstead. Kingston Upon Thames. London SO40 9LT Action in rural Sussex Page 64 of 186

Retired. Gatwick. London. 1 person does work in village. 1 person works in Guildford, Surrey. London Surrey London Broadbridge Heath. Redhill. Sometimes work in the Parish. All over South East Leatherhead Christs Hospital Caterham Horsham area. Slinfold. Godalming. London. Brighton. Horsham Crawley (NHS) Worthing Leatherhead Dorking Retired Horsham Billingshurst & Pulborough Horsham retired London London Christs hospital & Broadbridge Heath Lewes Horsham Guildford + London + Crawley Billingshurst Burgess Hill Horsham retired x 2 Pulborough London & Scotland London/West Sussex - 2 incomes Central London Crawley Action in rural Sussex Page 65 of 186

Partridge Green London/work from home BBH N/A Haywards Heath and central London London Heathrow Epson in Surrey Horsham Southwater Shoreham By Sea Retired Billingshurst Sumner Ponds Surrey and West Sussex London Horsham Retired. Horsham Horsham Crawley and Redhill, Surrey. Horsham town centre. Guildford Pulborough Horsham Broadbridge Heath Billingshurst Office near Gatwick South Terminal London Borders Guildford London London Retired. Petworth Horsham Southwater Horsham Horsham South East N/A Horsham. Reigate, Christ Hospital, Horsham, Guildford Horsham area. Sussex, Surrey and London. Banstead, Surrey. Cuckfield London Action in rural Sussex Page 66 of 186

Gatwick Airport.

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Appendix 4 – Q5 What do you value most about living in Itchingfield Parish? Number 1 (top priority) answer

Brilliant scenery, with a lot of quiet spots. Peace and quiet Community Living in a semi-rural environment. Quiet and calm Open spaces, amazing views Rural community. Small village with farming and rural pursuits e.g. fishing, equestrian, camping. The quiet green rural environment. Green fields. Living in the countryside. Rural nature. All the activities provided for children Vibrant Community Rural-ness Itchingfield parish is a traditional country parish with a wonderful restful feeling where a slower pace of life is felt. Rural. Safe and friendly atmosphere. Rural character/relatively unspoilt Peace and quiet. Rural living. Quiet area. Rurality. Rural atmosphere The community activity and neighbours. Community spirit Countryside location. Village Green and Hall. Green fields to look on to. Picturesque rural location Peace and quiet. Community Rural setting. Countryside / rural. Rural environment. Rural setting Rural. Quiet and peaceful environment. Village community. Peace and quiet. Countryside peace and quiet. Action in rural Sussex Page 68 of 186

Safe. The countryside. Rural environment. Rural location. Wildlife - birds, bats and open views. Village life - including lots of walks. Village setting. Close to family. Friendly neighbours. Rural nature of the parish. Rural feel. Village life. Country feel / access to countryside. Availability of a post office Proximity to train, bus and Horsham. Quiet accessible countryside Sense of community. Rural environment. The countryside Countryside. Countryside and the lovely walks Rural environment. Easy access to countryside. Quiet, rural location. Being rural Being close to countryside. Green spaces. Community Still has a village feel and relatively undeveloped. Country life The peace and countryside Quiet, peaceful, rural location. Village life. Sense of community. Safe and low crime levels. Access to countryside, via the numerous footpaths. Rural location Friends Living in small, friendly community. Variety of community activities. Countryside location Small friendly community Rural environment Living within a circle of friends made over the last 25 years. Pleasant environment

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The village community spirit which encourages a volunteering culture supporting a wide variety of interests and activities. The Green Rural location Friendly community where people get involved Countryside Rural location surrounded by green belt Countryside Sense of community Living in the countryside Privacy and safety Quiet village life Community life Rural environment Peaceful, rural location Social club Rural, green open space School Peace and quiet Peaceful rural location Rural living Open countryside Friendly community Rural village feel. Living in an area surrounded by green fields and trees. Community spirit Community. Countryside. Community spirit. Feeling safe (including from speeding traffic). Green countryside. Not too many houses. The quiet and peace. Village life. Living in a village, rural, peaceful environment. Open space and rural countryside. Air quality. Shop, pub, school, village green, post office, in short - all amenities. Peaceful environment friendliness of neighbours. Countryside. Village life. Peaceful environment. Sense of community. Good community with lots of clubs. Peaceful village (was).

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The countryside, footpaths and bridleways. The countryside. Being in the countryside for exercise and quiet. Living in a small community. Rural community. Close friendly community. Community of friends who live here. Rural surrounds including trees and hedges. Quiet location. Countryside. Immediate access to countryside walks. Countryside location and views. Peaceful village in beautiful countryside. Peaceful rural location. The whole of the Parish area is good, we love the countryside. Greenfields. Lovely countryside. Rural location. Open fields around us. I enjoy living in a small village in the countryside. Village community. Restriction of new house build. Rural location. Good school and playgroup. Village community. Sense of community - knowing people from a variety of areas. Strong sense of community. Quiet. Beautiful countryside. Family friends. Community spirit. Lifestyle / environment. Peaceful. Semi rural. Rural environment. Rural environment. Quiet rural environment. Semi rural location. Lack of development - village environment! A working community Rural location Spouse of community The rural nature of the area The friendly feel of a small village community The small size of our village we can befriend and help many people

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Community Quiet Relatively safe area Surrounding country Country life Quiet The village feel, rural nature of the village - village school, playgroup etc. Village life Village Life/feel Community The rurality of the area - footpaths - wildlife Countryside/open space/woodland/bridleways/footpaths Countryside The quietness of the area Friendly Community Small village community Small rural village The community Rural but near facilities Rural village with access to towns Beautiful countryside/greenery Countryside Rural Born & lived here all my life Low population Peace + quiet Rural location Beautiful countryside Quiet rural existence It's a friendly village - not too large - but with plenty going to unite the residents. Peace + quiet Rural landscape and countryside Beauty of surrounding countryside Rural location Open countryside Countryside and rural atmosphere. Village in general upholds older traditional values. Village community spirit. Peace and quiet. It is not over developed. Living in a rural area. Peace and quiet. The countryside Community feel Quiet country village.

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The peace and quiet. Countryside Village feel i.e. small community. Being in the country near to nature Living in a small quiet village. The rural nature of the Parish (quiet, attractive) Lovely surroundings, walks etc. Safe neighbourhood. Close knit community Countryside Quiet rural location The surrounding countryside - with no more large building developments. countryside & nature Location Country living and rural atmosphere. I am closer to my family. The sense of being part of a community. Community. Being in a community that is small enough allow recognise most people Living in a rural area. Country village. Countryside. Low population density. Scenery Rural life, yet access to major towns. A village community Clubs for elderly / retired. Lack of crime. Living in the country Rural setting. Village lifestyle. Keeping the village - country village with friendly people. The friendly people giving a proper village feel. Rural atmosphere. Accessibility to countryside for walking Community spirit The quiet It has a very rural feel that compliments the villages providing the best living environment in today's world. Quiet, rural location and unspoilt countryside Village shop. Small quiet semi rural location Barns Green rural village. Rural location. Rural area.

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Good neighbours. Semi rural surroundings. Rural location. Semi rural appeal. Small community. Countryside. Rural Peaceful. Green / nature. Rural situation and countryside living.

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Appendix 5 – Q5 What do you value most about living in Itchingfield Parish? Number 2 (middle priority) answer

Incredible and rolling countryside Safety. Good community spirit (other than the Ashmiles having their own Queens 90th Birthday Celebrations). Not like town suburbs - more country Easy access to all other areas Vibrant community. Good community spirit, good facilities, i.e. hall, green, playing fields, shop, post office, pub and the Barns Green Marathon! A vibrant and friendly local community. Space Small village. Local community. The village shop - always open for you. Excellent rural environment Community spirit and parish events The Village Green in Barns Green, the wealth of vibrant societies, the village shop and Queens Head. Not excessively built up. Countryside on our doorstep. Countryside and its flora and fauna Close proximity to services. Shops easily accessible. Good road and rail links The well kept village and countryside. Environment/surroundings Community - Village Green Sports and Social Club. Green space and lakes at Sumners Ponds. Community. Friendly village (Barns Green) with many amenities Views from local area (unspoilt). Countryside Peace. Quietness. Pub and village shop. Active Village Community Countryside. Access to local services (shop, pub and leisure). Access to countryside re paths and cycle routes. Safety and security. Village community. Quiet. Action in rural Sussex Page 75 of 186

The quiet. Feeling of community. Facilities in the village. Quiet and dark - not too much night lighting. Good pub and shop and cafe (Sumners). Small population. Rural countryside. Proximity to Horsham - a good distance! Access to main roads to North and South. Countryside. Small village feel (not a town). Small local businesses Distance to work and schools. Friendly locals Rural environment. Safe existence. Local shop Village community. Mainly friendly people and good local shop Community spirit. Easy to get to amenities in Horsham Being able to walk through fields and lanes without seeing cars / people. Quiet. Friendly. Nice village Low crime rate Local shop and pub and Sumners Ponds. Close to rail links to London. Good range of local services and amenities. Friendly community. The local clubs and groups that cover all interests. Community spirit Village Life Beautiful countryside with many footpaths and walks. Small village feel. Friendly Community Country side for dog walks Countryside walks Friendly active community - thriving clubs and societies in central location No mass development This rural setting allows a safe harmonious and satisfying environment to live Rural dog walks Affordable housing Enough village services eg shop pub cafe Village community

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Quiet village dark at night Trees Great village facilities - school, village hall, social club Wonderful community Community Green space Clubs and societies - large range Open spaces/village green Amenities School Traffic not heavy Shop Feels safe Plenty of footpath countryside walks Low density population Low crime rate Rarely hear of crime Strong community base. Small village community Village location in relation to local area Local shop and post office. Small village. Location good for family. Rural setting. Village feel. Greenfields. Being part of a community. Good new school. Local shop, pub, post office. Low population density. Security. Community spirit and working together. Access to towns and links to London. Relative peace and quiet. Peace / quiet with pleasant walking paths. Community events. Beautiful rural setting. Not overdeveloped. Village Shop. Community spirit. The amenities. The village atmosphere - knowing people, etc. Unspoilt rural setting. Involvement with local affairs. Small village.

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Quiet. Access to wider area by paths, bridleways, etc. Rural location. Friends and family. The rural way of life away from major roads. Extensive footpaths. Strong friendly community. Caring village community. Local amenities are good. Community spirit. Friendly people. Great community. Small community. I am not surrounded by masses of houses. Rural environment. Quiet. Village community. The available facilities: post office, shop, cafe, cafe by the lake, village hall. Lots of footpaths and bridleways. Beautiful setting. Beautiful setting and surroundings. Friendly. Peace and quiet. Community. Size. Community. Great amenities. Community spirit. Green open space. Atmosphere of village community. Variety of interests and organisations. Countryside/wildlife Not a 'rat run' for traffic passing through Green space Safe place to bring up children Comparative peace and quiet (threatened by development) good leisure and sporting facilities Wonderful green spaces with many footpaths A new school small community Quiet Small population proximity to good local shop/post office and public house Green fields

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How much we have going on in the village. It's a small but very busy + sociable village. Quietness Community Location Access to amenities like village green/arboretum/Sumner ponds Community/village life Village Atmosphere Countryside surroundings Good leisure & sports facilities Flat walk to shop Pub, shop, church Friendly Countryside location Community Lack of population/housing Proximity to Horsham and Southwater Village Life Nature + beauty Friendly village life Village school Community Community spirit within Barns Green Its rural atmosphere - A country village. Not being overlooked by lots of other houses Peace and quiet Close sense of community spirit Small village Lack of development Westons Farm Shop Whole family activities. Surrounding countryside Community feel Still has a village feel. Peace and tranquillity. Lots places to exercise dogs. Tranquillity Countryside around us No lorries passing through. Lack of traffic. Small friendly village To develop the village sensibly. Living in a small community Having nice country walks. The services available (clubs etc)

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Friendly people. Friendly people. Rural location Peace and quiet clean Community living Situation, easy to access Horsham. A good village shop and post office. Being in the countryside. Various clubs and sports teams. Having just enough in the way of shops & social life that the balance is predominantly residential Reasonable proximity to a town. Near Horsham. Neighbourhood. Semi rural. Amenities - village shops and pub Barns Green village amenities. New school Social activities in Village Hall (e.g. drama, fitness) Maintenance of roads. Quietness Views of countryside. Close community. Not so much traffic but no more signs. The village shop; the pub and the village hall. Village community. The feeling of community friendly Location e.g. Gatwick, London, coast The village atmosphere It has a very rural community feel supported by a variety of clubs, societies and facilities. Long may it survive! Easily accessible to Horsham Queens Head. Community spirit Barns Green shop and pub. Small community. Relatively quiet. Attractive scenery - peaceful. Village life. Peaceful. Current size of community and facilities. Village life. Community spirit Friendliness.

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Quiet. Friendly community.

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Appendix 6 – Q5 What do you value most about living in Itchingfield Parish? Number 3 (low priority) answer

Beautiful countryside Countryside. Close proximity to London, coast and countryside. Has everything necessary Community atmosphere Village shop. Close enough to major towns, motorways and airport. Community spirit. Community spirit. Quietness. The rural feel. Well organised sports activities. Cleanliness of our environment The network of footpaths, woodland areas and general feeling of peace! Access to pathways / countryside. Just enough facilities (shop, pub, Sumners, etc). Footpath network which is extensive Community. The shop, pub, cafe facilities and good access to Horsham. Tranquillity/peacefulness. Proximity to employment. Village Shop and Pub. Convenient access to Horsham. Great safe place to bring up children. Lovely place to live. Community. Friendly inhabitants. Small village character. Safe and respectable place to bring up our children Little development. Natural environment. Close to pub and shop. Community. Village atmosphere. Village Green. Social amenities. Not built up, congested. Rural yet near to Horsham. Little traffic. Community. Good train links to London. Community events. Action in rural Sussex Page 82 of 186

Lack of development. Community. Surroundings, walks and neighbours. Local facilities, Sumners, village shop and pub Local amenities available. Pace of life. The club Local school and club facilities. Bus services Village Hall. Good access to good schools Village community. Community. Good neighbours Friendly neighbours Easy access to local walks. Proximity to countryside. Rural location. Local amenities (shop, pub, club, etc). St Nicholas Church Lots of social activities available. Access to countryside. A community separate from neighbouring towns and villages Just 'out of town' but not too far out! Natural night time darkness Rural location but close to facilities Horsham etc Ease of movement. Quiet road with no period of restricting traffic. Community activities with appropriate facilities Amenities (shop and pub) Lovely footpaths and green spaces Walks Active social community Employment opportunities and local businesses Peace and quiet Communications links Regular bus service Queens head pub Clubs and societies Community spirit Fields/woods/green spaces Friendly community - village hall and local shop Village club and variety of sports on offer Good community feel Close proximity to good Horsham facilities to supplement the few local facilities. Minimal crime

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Village shop and post office. Activities for all and all ages. Facilities ie village shops, village hall/green - associated activities, local walks for dogs. Green spaces Countryside. Access to some amenities. Peace and quiet. Location. Nice walks. The country environment my children are growing up in. Small friendly community. Good footpath access to the countryside. Footpaths and bridle ways. Safe and responsible environment of like minded people. The flora and fauna of the area - very special. Allotment. Facilities and activities available. Open green spaces. Rural environment. Available facilities - shop - church. Great walks. Village life. Community spirit. The scenery. Being isolated from urban development. Interaction with villagers. Active community. Local amenities (pub, shop, hall, etc) Community that has a lot going on - clubs, sports, good school, etc and some jobs. Easy reach of Horsham. Local church. The absence of overcrowded development (so far). Direct train links to London. Proximity to Horsham - one of the best towns in the South. Village amenities (post office, shop and pub). Central to coast and London. Good recreational facilities. Local shop and pub. I enjoy the community spirit. Off the beaten track. Countryside. General location. Rural location and numerous footpaths and green spaces.

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Local pub and shop. Variety of clubs and societies. Safe. Village amenities - shop, pub, etc. Countryside. Surroundings. Schooling. Friendliness. Safe environment. Easy access to essential shopping - Barns Green shop. Community life. Access to Horsham/station/London A self-sufficient society (school,shop,pub,hall etc) Not built up Being in the countryside The convenience of village facilities not being close to a main road Not close to a major road defib machines available Clean Village atmosphere friendliness Close to town All the local small businesses + facilities (Sumners pond, local shop, pub, school etc.) really add to the village without taking away from that general village/community feel Village shop/amenities Green space Transport links to airports/London Accessible but not a cut through Not over crowded/urban Not being close to a main road Village shop and pub Sports facilities Little pollution Over 18 yrs built up group of friends Unspoilt People Peaceful surrounds in the country side Space Village green Lots going on Although rural, it has fairly easy access to towns and coast, cinemas, theatres etc. Community feel of Barns Green. Good neighbours. Wildlife

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Sense of peace and quiet / relaxing Good school Lack of traffic Rural location. Amenities Rural life Parish Council protects the village. Small community. location to Horsham Friendly people. One shop and one pub. Peace and quiet Keeping green fields within the parish. Feeling of peacefulness. The feeling of security (everyone knows virtually everyone) Excellent primary school. Sumners Ponds. Facilities - pub, club, shop, sumners Good community not over populated Local rail and bus routes. Relative peace and quiet. Knowing at least half of the residents of the Parish. Church. Walking distance to everything Reasonable distance to London, the coast, airport and motorway. New build home in Barns Green. Schools. Quiet roads. Social activities No noise pollution. Peace and quiet Social activities on the Green. Provision of services. Our village shop Low density of housing. Location to towns. Help to keep people and car etc slowing down. Good access to the surrounding countryside, with well-marked footpaths. Access to shops, commercial facilities, social clubs/sports centres in Horsham and Billingshurst. Feeling safe on my own. Transport and communication facilities suit the parish well for the current population. Village Green / play areas.

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Proximity to Horsham, etc and rail links. Safe environment. Limited light pollution. Active and lively village (Barns Green). Wildlife. Peace and quiet. Quiet Countryside. Cosy. Convenient location for local amenities and footpaths.

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Appendix 7 – Q6 What do you most dislike about living in Itchingfield Parish? Number 1 (top priority) answer

Bus service is sporadic and only reliably goes to Horsham. Transport links - specifically compass bus. Speeding - 30mph?? Little public transport. Modern city suburb conversions - people that come in and convert nice places into urban ones. The worry and threat of building developments springing up Increase in volume and speed of traffic in recent years. Lack of footpath in Chapel Lane - from retirement flats right round the level crossing - this is urgently needed. Poor state of local roads and verges. Speeding traffic. Traffic too fast through village. The travellers in the village Very poor mobile phone reception Lack of good infrastructure ie present buses to town especially for college kids. The potential danger caused by drivers travelling too fast along out country lanes. There appears to be an oblivious view of the needs of cyclists, pedestrians and horse riders! Lack of phone reception. Poor quality pot holed roads. Hardly any buses. Heavy lorries damaging verges continually. Broadband is terrible The litter from fast food outlets. Poor transport options Urban sprawl of Broadbridge Heath. Lack of mobile phone signal. Nothing. Public transport good but lacks early enough service to commute to station plus stops too early on a Saturday evening. Problems with travellers Poor internet connection. Speeding traffic. Speed of traffic through Barns Green. Housing development in the area, including reception Development. Poor transport links (public). Speeding vehicles in Two Mile Ash Road. Encroachment of development. Irregularity of public transport. Terrible mobile signal.

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Pot holes in roads. Fear of development. Increasing levels of traffic. Gypsies. Cars travelling too fast in village and around. Bus links to Horsham are poor. Nil No transport. Caravans blocking roads when transported! Ease of granting planning permission: encroachment of 'travellers'. Speeding vehicles. Too many new houses. Poor broadband speed. Much firmer traffic control at top of Hordens (school end) to allow buses through easily Fast roads / dangerous roads. Buses - speeding and destroying verges The increasing level of 'non local' traffic. Inconsiderate litter left by locals. The roads too many potholes Public Transport. People dropping litter Lack of bus service. Traffic speed / noise - especially Sandhills Road. Cannot walk safely along roads, need pathways Influx of traffic, people and noise. Lack of upkeep - roads, pathways. Nothing Speed at which cars drive through the lanes as a cut through to Billingshurst. Development! Poor bus service at weekends Lack of suitable maintenance of roads (potholes). Over development of village. Slight isolation from town based activities Kingfisher travellers site - threatens safety. The continuous traffic through village including numerous HGVs. Poor transport services No available bungalows for sale Poor public transport. Speed of traffic through village, especially commercial vehicles and young drivers. Increasing traffic through the village Bad road surfaces/pot holes/some very narrow roads/bends Decline in public footpaths Poor local transport Lack of public transport

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The occasions when Gatwick flight path is overhead. Speeding cars and vans and no traffic calming in place Lack of parking off road Speed of traffic past Sumners pond entrance and round corner Speeding through the village Increasingly busy roads with speeding vehicles Rubbish thrown from cars in the lanes Narrow pot holey roads - 4 replacement tyres and smashed wing mirror in 3 years. Litter from passing traffic Insufficient housing Amount of gypsy travellers Broadband strength Travellers People who use garden machinery on a Sunday. Lack of train station Governed by HDC planning who are incompetent Village pub Lack of public transport Speeding cars among country lanes. All roads too narrow with speed restriction Lack of frequent 7 day a week public transport No bus service evenings (to attend theatre performances) or on Sundays and bank holidays. Speeding and lack of effective control Volume and speed of through road traffic Heavy traffic through our village. Would like more amenities. Lack of decent bus service. Our awful new 'neighbours' on Bashurst Hill. Threat of future medium / large developments. Very poor mobile phone reception. How fast it is growing. Residential parking in roads. Aircraft noise. Poor internet speed. The threat of expansion at Gatwick. Travellers. Infrequent bus service. Cars driving through village main and side roads too fast. Fast traffic. Insular. Dangerous speeding motorists. Speeding cars. Gypsy camp being allowed (Kingfisher Farm). Speed of traffic in and out of village and outskirts.

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Public services. Increasing traffic. The increase of traffic over the last two years. Limited bus service. Public transport / links. Poor / expensive bus service forces high car ownership. Some on road parking. Train hooters. The over development of Sumners Pond and the noise and traffic it brings. Kingfisher Farm and associated problems. Increasing numbers of traveller's residences. Threat of over development. Fast traffic. Lots of litter. Increasing number of 'traveller' sites on doorstep. I do not feel that we are looked after by Horsham District Council as I would in a town. Increase in traffic. Any new house build. Poor broadband connection. House prices. Muntham House School lighting at night. Like improved transport links. Increase traffic and traffic noise. Parking outside the shop. Litter / overflowing community bins. Traffic intensity. Chapel Road being used as rat run. Poor transport infrastructure. The rainwater drainage. Too much flooding on roads. Poor mobile reception. We love where we live. Speeding vehicles through village. Constant and increasing threat of traveller site. Public transport not available to OAP. Number of traveller sites. Transport links Lack of public transport for older residents. The continued increase taking place on the present size of the gypsy sites. Traveller encroachment The Travellers site getting out of control The travelling community Pot holes at entrance to Finians Field Lack of sunshine N/A

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Litter on street Like many we're concerned about the increasing number of traveller + gypsy sites locally. Access road Lack of pavements I feel misled about the Ashmiles/New school development House prices! Noise from ride on lawn mowers Transport links The encroachment of travelling fraternity Pot holes Traveller sites - too many The traveller community Traffic increase & speed on roads Lack of public transport (one bus every 2 hours!) Speed of cars on Plumtree Cross Lane (too fast) No pavement from Ashmiles to Trout Lane Now getting too large Hardly ever see anyone Poorly maintained country roads Gypsies No doctors, dentist etc. Lack of bus route along the Five Oars road Cars speeding through the village. Recent construction of new housing Lack of mobile phone signal Aircraft noise Nothing but the A264 is bothersome. Established residents lack of giving input to important decisions. Increase in traveller numbers Require a bus service to Billingshurst and surgery. Traffic speed along Chapel Road. People who leave rubbish on the streets. Condition of the roads leading to village. Nothing. Traveller sites Footpaths are very overgrown. Mum's parking outside the school on double yellow lines. Cars travelling too fast. Fast drivers Speed of traffic. None Lack of local doctors surgery A poor bus service. Lack of GP in immediate vicinity

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Poor bus service. I would like a return of the one-hour service. Stray cats. Bus service The worry the HDC is going to allow a large development Condition of roads Pot holes in roads. quality of housing Lack of road/curb cleaning/ litter Bad weather problems, fallen trees, flooding, power cuts. Lack of public transport system. Vehicle speeds through village Uncontrolled caravan site. Narrow country roads - drivers driving too fast. Train line. Caravan sites. Possibly a more frequent bus service Phone signal is weak. People speeding through & around village Litter dropped (i.e. where there are no bins) esp footpaths and bridleways. Too many travellers. People using our lane as a cut through No help from Council with blocked road drain. Expansion. Too much building. The speed of traffic through Barns Green. Speeding traffic. Traffic - lorries - speed - need for path ways (through traffic) rat run. N/A The speeding cars. The threat of the ever expanding Horsham that has now reached an alarming size. Too high a proportion of traveller communities. Travellers site at Kingfisher Farm. Too many new builds Nothing. Lack of public transport. Kingfisher Farm. Feel on the periphery - not quite part of the village. Traffic (A264). Speeding traffic. Gypsy sites. Fast traffic. Nothing People drive far too fast in narrow lanes. Less street light. Increasingly busy roads / fast drivers.

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Appendix 8 – Q6 What do you most dislike about living in Itchingfield Parish? Number 2 (middle priority) answer

Increase in housing in the area. Sunday noise by bike riders early morning. No plan to address the speeding and other irresponsible driving that occurs frequently. Lack of parking for personal vehicles Drivers not keeping to speed limits or driving with care on the lanes especially on the lanes especially on the main road through Barns Green village. Sparse public transport. Street light shines in 3 windows of our house all night long - it's on the main road through the village, next to shop and not on a time switch. Traditional' street lighting in Chapel Lane shining into rear of house and all rear windows. State of footpaths and roads. Visitors lack of respect for our homes and community. The train line No other dislikes Lack of amenities for teenagers who are not into sport. Speeding traffic, Unofficial caravan sites. No bus service No railway station in Barns Green - really need it. Litter Peak time traffic and litter / dumping. Southern Train Service. Speed of local traffic through village and surrounding roads. Rubbish dumped Poor bus service. Poor roads. Increase in overhead aviation. Traveller Community Loss of countryside. Parking for Primary School. Lorries, etc reversing from railway arch to Trout Lane. Lack of shops. Poor roads. Mobile phone reception. Pot holes in roads. Too many cycle events / large groups of cyclists, I don't see the community benefit of these events. Poor mobile signal. Maintenance of lanes - too many potholes. Lack of speed limit signage.

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Too much traffic. Cars parked on road outside school. No safe paths to train or public transport. Aeroplanes The continued challenges of gypsies. Maintenance of hedgerows (or lack of!) People driving too fast Inconsiderate parking - blocking driveways, etc. Speed of traffic on roads. Continued expansion of Sumners Ponds. Speed that people drive through the village. Seems to be more 'travellers' arriving. Street lights Vehicle speed through village. Traffic. Speed of traffic through village - traffic calming measures please. Too many traveller sites in area (one would be quite sufficient). Poor mobile phone reception No buses stopping up Trout Lane anymore General untidiness of village. Poor maintenance of street footpaths. Lack of regular bus service With a son at college at Shoreham - trains to here are dire on a good day! Progressive development Increased volume and speed of cars along narrow roads accessing the village. Local shop Disrespectful speeding traffic from vehicles just passing through. Uncontrolled traveller growth pot holes in roads No small units for small businesses eg barber/hairdresser Power cuts Uncertain future through over development Fly tipping and too fast speed limits Speed limits - Chapel road is a race track - needs calming Big lorries on unsuitable satnav route (low bridge) Insufficient leisure opportunities Speed of traffic through village Travellers and petty crime eg fly tipping Pot holes Speeding in Chapel Road and Trout Lane Poor road condition Kingfisher farm and impact of travellers. People speeding through village. Noise from planes Overdevelopment in adjacent parish

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Traveller settlement uncontrolled Poor roads. Pot holes etc Constant threat from developers. Poor bus service Thought of any more building homes. Parking. Living next door to a housing estate. Parents obstructing driveways along Two Mile Ash Road. Condition of footpaths. Volume of passive traffic at peak times, driving too fast on country roads. Use of local roads as a cut through for traffic. The threat of over development. Theft, intimidation, driving like maniacs (Irish travellers). Lack of facilities - shops / surgery and poor mobile reception. Lack of a train station in Barns Green. Pavement parking. Lack of public transport. Possibility of flooded roads. Lorries reversing when unable to get under bridge. Rubbish now (litter). Volume of traffic. Development of farm land for housing estate. No train station. Slow broadband. Increasing traffic levels / rat run speeders. Mobile phone reception. Lack of Doctor. The lack of affordable property for resident’s children. Speeding cars down country lanes eg Bashurst Hill. Increasing amount of traffic on unsuitable roads. Cars parked on pavements. Front gardens not taken care of. Increasing amount of speeding traffic. Lack of travellers plan by HDC. Encroachment of building in surrounding areas. Upkeep of road and drainage infrastructure. Poor and expensive bus service. Low height barrier to village car park. Not enough pavements. Lack of co-ordinated transport. Speed at which cars use through village. Lack of high speed internet. The traffic goes too quickly up Bashurst Hill. Should be 40mph max. Poor broadband. The select few' are on all village committees.

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Increasing number of huge vehicles on lanes. No amenities - OP transport to surgeries. Traffic - busy roads Poor broadband Fast traffic past my property. Traffic speed through village Traffic speeding through village speed bumps required Poorly looked after hedges encroaching on footpaths N/A Very poor roads I can't think of anything else I particularly dislike about the village Occasional electricity outage Lack of public transport/ parking at station Speed limits too high in places/fast drivers Bonfires Speeding vehicles who do not keep to the speed limit Road surface collapsing at verges Constant threat of excessive development Lack of facilities for preschoolers Speed of traffic Traveller's site Nowhere to socialise apart from the pub (don't like the pub grotty) Gypsies Few local amenities close by One needs a car for access to surgeries and the station. The roads are becoming very busy The state of the local roads Threat of development Fast driving on roads. Risk of over development Community mini bus - like other villages. Overgrown footpaths. Lack of decent broadband Mum's too lazy to walk to school. Roads with pot holes. Dog mess Infrequent bus service Lack of affordable housing for others Bus service. Speeding Gypsies on Bashurst Hill on-road parking Slow broadband and mobile signals. Power cuts. Speeding on country lanes - 40mph to be imposed.

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Drivers 'tailgating my car'. Poor roads. Lack of eating places Roads are poorly maintained / footpaths. Parking on pavements Too many travellers. Drivers speeding Frightened of all green belt being built n. Temp standing homes being added to. People not taking an interest of village life. The poor mobile phone reception (Barns Green) New school building appearance. Illegal travellers site, plan not in place by HDC after 5 years! The increasing amount of through traffic. Too many horses!! Damage done by huge vehicles bringing static homes to above site. Turning country into town like feel. Litter on the roadside. No public transport within reach. Large number of gypsies and trouble with Kingfisher Farm. Poor broadband. Surprised by air traffic noise. Poor network coverage.

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Appendix 9 – Q6 What do you most dislike about living in Itchingfield Parish? Number 3 (low priority) answer

Failure to upkeep certain resources. Hedges and sides of roads overgrown and scratch vehicles including signs that are in grown in hedges. How HDC do not take any action over travellers in the Parish. School time mums driving. Refuse collection vehicles are too tall and heavy for our roads. They damage trees, knocking branches off and churn up the verges causing traffic holdups and dropping rubbish at random, and bins not replaced properly ie fallen over. Lack of footpaths - from Trout Lane and Two Mile Ash. No housing opportunity for our children to live in Barns Green. Road condition!!! Not being able as a parish to have an influence on the King Fisher farm control. Untrimmed hedges, trees overhanging roads, etc. Bike riding on footpaths and pavements. Expansion of traveller community. Have to pay for garden waste removal. Lack of grass cutting at difficult traffic junctions and through village verges. (The Hordens, smugglers etc) Untidy village green. Speeding through village. Overgrown hedges / trees creating poor visibility for walkers, riders and drivers. The continued threat of further development. Aircraft noise - Gatwick. Road flooding at Five Oaks Road and general drainage issues. Some roads liable to flood after heavy rain. Roads - poor drainage. Low broadband. Poor public transport to Horsham / Billingshurst, cannot make use of subsidised card / cost too much for service provided. Some public footpaths become very overgrown and are not maintained. 40mph limit in areas of horse riding, cyclists and runners. No infrastructure. No central gas, no good broadband exchanges. Expansion of residential caravan sites. The continued threat of further development. Poor bus service. Sub urbanisation - street signs, yellow lines, street furniture, street lighting, etc. Lack of phone signal. Lots of rubbish on lanes and more fly tipping and potholes on roads. Aircraft noise - early am and late pm. Inconsiderate parking, egg on verges. Poor quality roads, including large areas of subsidence.

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Speeding traffic!! Use of grass verge for parking. Possible threat of being swamped by Southwater and Broadbridge Heath. The new development at Barns Green caused too much upset and disturbance to the community - don't mention the parking!! Speeding traffic Dwellings created without planning permission. Poor play park facilities - desperately needs updating. lack of maintenance to pathways Arrival of travellers into parish People not appreciating the countryside machines left on verges while work to railway line Dog bins - only 2 in village. Average schooling Growth of Sumners Pond Pot holes Litter Abuse by some of the travelling community Bus timetable Speed of traffic on Bashurst Hill and A264 (too fast) Lack of street lighting. Lack of pavements Lack of control of traveller sites. Parking outside toat garage, Bashurst Hill is a serious hazard. Parish seen as dumping ground for gypsies. Poor state of pavements and roads Too many caravans and cyclists. Constant building on arable land. Ditches and drains not kept cleaned out so roads flood. Council not cuting verges enough. Train advisory hooter. Limited school bus route service. The junction at toat Hill Garage. A roundabout is needed. Fly tipping (Irish travellers). Parked cars through The Hordens and through main street outside shop. On road parking and parking on pavements. Dogs mess. Lack of suitable housing. Fly tipping. Move cars in and out of village. New residents changing things for their needs. Pot holes in road. Creeping gentrification - waiting for the plastic grass influx.... Broadband speed. The lack of public transport to Billingshurst.

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Litter. Continual threat of more development. Too many parked cars. Uncertainty of new developments. Poor public transport after 5.00pm. Aircraft noise. Transport options. Local' hospital minimum 22 miles away (Redhill) (Horsham and Crawley Hospitals offer minimal service) Unplanned gypsy sites. Playground too small and not enough things for small children to do in there. Poor quality planning local and general. Poor roads. Later bus times. Speed of vehicles of all types on Bashurst Hill. Sumner ponds (in the summer when it gets very very busy!) Poor infrastructure Lack of car parking space for school Parking problems around shop + school No mobile phone competition as only one provider that covers. N/A Poor mobile telephone reception Lack of telecoms/mobile/broadband Road maintenance poor in places/phone signal! Inconsiderate neighbours The local bus service speeding through the Hordens & driving all over the verges. Anti-social behaviour on increase Lack of local facilities ie doctor/dentist Very bad internet very slow + in need of connection to the fibreoptics in the village Gypsies Noise from motorcycles Light pollution of a night time. Local traveller sites Parking on verges. Destruction of the countryside. Litter Narrow roads with no paths. Aircraft noise when busy Travellers State of roads. Aircraft noise. Local traveller site. No police presence 'ever' Too many travellers.

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Roads that are too narrow for HGVs instead of signs saying Not Suitable for HGVs put no HGVs who drive too fast. Poor Doctors service. We are a very good village but need more help. Lack of buses to Billingshurst. Travellers moving in. Friendly but not necessarily welcoming. Occasional aircraft noise. Vehicles parking on Lane by Toat Hill Car Sales by busy junctions with A264. Accident waiting to happen. White vans using Bashurst Hill as 'rat run shortcut'. Increased traffic, being used as a shortcut.

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Appendix 10 – Q8 Please outline how you would like Itchingfield Parish to be in 15 years’ time

Much the same as it is now, focus on nature not an increase of buildings Please let’s not move on too much as we will lose what we have. A few more houses but with buses and Doctors to service them. To still be a rural community - but accept there must be some development - this must be relevant and controlled. We should not be a suburb of Horsham or Southwater. I am very concerned there is no policy in the Parish to address the speeding of cars / others. Whilst 'Village Gates' and 30mph signs on wheelie bins are acknowledged as a step in the right direction, other measures MUST be introduced such as: i. 20mph speed limit in the central park of the village. ii re introduction of Speed Wardens 'SID'. iii. Promotion of Operation Crackdown on Parish Website, and in Big Mag. iv. Solar / mains signs at various locations giving 30 / 20 mph or advising drivers of their speed. v. Ensure ALL signage is cleared of growth and not covered over - on a regular basis. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. Very much still a country field and not a suburb of Horsham or Crawley ie green zone between the villages and development. Not with housing estates springing up on every conceivable field and open space. Of similar size - no more large building development. Expanded ie with moderate housing development, sensitively designed and located to preserve rural nature of village and incorporating a GP surgery. To have grown a little to ensure the continuing viability of local facilities such as village club, hall and green, Queens Head Pub, village shop and post office. Small village community. Small increase in housing with affordable housing available for our children, and their children in the future. To be reasonably the same but have more control over the village. Any future growth must preserve and promote the unique integrated nature of the community. Very similar to now with some increased housing (low cost) and bungalows for elderly people. Still a small well knit community not ruined by mass housing developments. As it is now, no bigger in terms of houses or traveller sites. As it is now. No developer - imposed development Very similar to it is at present. Not over developed, retaining village and community spirit. More buses. More sustainable. Similar, but with better facilities for low income families My understanding is that there are about 100 children in the school. Fewer than this threatens a rural school and this is the hub of the community. Need to build Action in rural Sussex Page 103 of 186

family houses, for young parents, to sustain this 100 - 120 numbers, gradually, organically small sites. Same level of public access to countryside (no less) Greater access to housing for existing residents but no expansion improvement in drainage and greater reliability of power supplies. Continued availability of pub and shop/post office services. Unchanged! Barns Green could take some more houses. The remaining fields should stay green. Itchingfield should stay a hamlet as if it has to have more houses it should also have a 'green area' for children to play and a meeting hall for Sunday School and community events, etc. To have developed at a moderate and sustainable rate in keeping with the rural location and atmosphere of the parish. Maintaining green spaces between us and neighbouring villages. Just as it is now. Still a nice place to live in. Fibre to all homes. Similar - I wouldn't want many more houses built but accept we may have to tolerate some. Pretty similar to now (with small residential development - 50 houses?). No more housing estates. - No more property development - More public transport services - Much more the same as it is now Same as now very little development. Small but sustainable community with improved transport links and services (eg surgery). Keep as rural community. The same. No larger. Better facilities. Still two villages. The same as now. Fast broadband (or whatever may replace broadband). Boring but pretty much the same with more involvement though by all people in the parish. Retaining its rural feel, amenities and social facilities. Without gypsies. Landscaping at entrance to Barns Green to make entrance more welcoming. Walking path between Barns Green and Christs Hospital. No bright lighting - turn off street lighting by midnight. Recreation Ground in use every week by young people. The same! No bigger and village life thriving. More transport, more stops. Retain the rural nature with no further development than those in the system today.

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Having the same values as we have today. More control for local people. Not too different, I like how it is now. Having a Parish which supports its residents and their concerns. 'Kept up with the times', real community feel. Small expansion, house building, no estates. There must be development to keep the village alive and amenities viable - but a similar environment that uses modern technology to our benefit. Not to have too many more houses, we do not have the amenities. A green rural village with a social community and place for older people to live, a safe place for children to grow up and live in, countryside walks a green and pleasant place to live. Stay the same. Remain rural - where people can walk in peace and safety. As it is now. With as little change as possible, any additional housing should be limited. No trees / hedges removed. Remaining predominantly the same, however I would like to see paths along more roads e.g. westons Hill, Itchingfield Road and towards Christs Hospital. Improved condition of the infrastructure of the village. Unchanged. As it is now with no more houses. The same. The same as the statement above. As it is now. A thriving community, maintaining its rural boundaries. Still a village community and atmosphere A thriving village with good transport facilities. Small housing development enabling young people to stay within the village. Much the same as it is now. Very much as now, but increased provision for young and elderly. Better roads, no more houses, better trains to CH As unchanged as possible Would like items mentioned in Q5 preserved and for any new development to be tightly controlled. Exactly as it is today but with public transport. I would like my children to return with their children and be relived nothing has changed from their own childhood being bought up in the village. Thriving with a good mix of ages, community events programme, improved sports facilities at the Green, slower traffic around and through the village. To continue being a rural village Similar to now. A few small developments dotted around the village. The same As it is now with tight control of some small development and management of traffic

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Same as now, only a few more houses, maybe some office/industrial space but only small 'in keeping' with surroundings Like it is now. A vibrant and developed community with more jobs and housing. Small growth of affordable housing for children who have grown up here. Similar population with large green undeveloped countryside. Development to be managed carefully. New houses are inevitable, but needs consideration to location. Pub and village green to be kept. Amenities expanded to meet demand but no large scale development like Ashmiles. No increase in number of residents, new houses or mobile homes. As green and rural. No large developments. School with 7 classes, but small. No noise from aeroplanes. Same size as now. No more houses. Better access to Horsham on public transport. I would like better transport links to Horsham and Billingshurst. I would love to see the parish embrace sustainability. More renewable energy used and aim for carbon neutral status. Green, leafy, well kept, traffic calmed roads, safe. New housing should be compatible with existing properties. The same but with improved roads and transport. Similar to now. To be the same size, more support to local club and parish groups such as youth club, better public transport. Unchanged. No more housing developments. Still continuing to be a desirable place to live. A safe low traffic volume area. The same as it is, we came here to live in a village community. Similar number of houses and green spaces but with extra luxury of coffee shop and more frequent buses. Sustainable growth. Rural. An aspirational location with lovely family homes rather than covered in new build. Not much different from its current community and feel and still with a rural feel. Still have green fields and woods for the wildlife. Much the same. No different. Maintain the village rural environment, maintaining access to the countryside, minimal development, traffic volume on the roads reduced if not thought, not increased. Unchanged - except for internet speed! A dynamic, community led and controlled Parish, with an agreed outlook and vision in the delivery of safe, healthy and environmentally responsible place to live and work. Fairly similar - with a good cross section of ages in all housing - not private estates full of old people waiting to die.

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Similar but with a few more shops and better public transport. Better parking facilities. No more house builds. Maintain and conserve the countryside. Not a lot different. Maybe a few more dwellings but no more than the Ashmiles development - no more. More activities for teenagers - bigger playground with equipment for older children. More housing on a small scale. Not a great deal different from now. A few small developments similar to Ashmiles would not be an over concentration of houses. Similar to now, but with single house development, rather than an estate like the Ashmiles. More of a village feel to it. No more building new houses or campsites. It has to increase but new developments need to be in small pockets so people can integrate into the village and we need to maintain our rural green spaces, and beautiful views. As it is now with no further development. Some new housing but largely as it is at present. Up to 50 more houses, provision for a Doctors surgery. A multi sports court at the top of the green behind village hall. Slightly bigger, with high end technological advancement with same village community ethos. Still small and rural but moving with the times as not to stagnate. Good start is evident already in developing village hall, strong club / society membership, school etc. Much as it is now! Amenities need to keep pace with developments. A rural community with facilities for small businesses including farming. Small scattered development suitable for both the ageing village residents and young people of the village. Small rural community not swallowed up by Broadbridge Heath or Southwater. Limited new housing development. Keep the Green protected. Popular successful village school. Very much the same as now - but without as many travellers. Limited housing development to safeguard the peaceful rural environment. No more changes. About the same. Bus service retained - very important. Speed of traffic through the village somehow controlled. Those who have gravel drives to keep pavements clear of gravel - a hazard to pedestrians! If housing has to increase keep developments small and integrated into community, eg 10 - 12 houses at a time. Would like the parish to remain rural. There are very few villages left.

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Still with a rural feel and access to the countryside, with more facilities and better roads. A small village in West Sussex. Unchanged. Same as now. Vibrant community which maintains its rural village aspect alongside some controlled localised development. Remain rural. Quiet, small, independent village - not with any other community. Similar to what it is now. A viable village with shop, school and pub. Similar to now but realise that some small scale evolutionary development is needed for that to happen. Basically unchanged to maintain character as a true village. All children walking to school. Increase in small farms selling local food. Local windmill and a local baker. Still like a country village. Almost exactly the same - just a few more small affordable houses / small shops. The same. Same. Ideally to stay as it is at present but realise some development will take place - hopefully controlled. No more houses to be built. Very much like present day allowing for affordable housing for local young people. Ideally to remain the same. Still a thriving, working parish, not just a dormitory. Up to date infrastructure but still rural. As far as possible the same as it is now. As unchanged as possible very similar to how it is now Much the same! Move with the times but trying to keep it in line with the statement above. No bigger Much the same as now but better prospects for kids As is not overdevelopment Little changed I'd like to think the village could grow in size but keep its rural + sociable nature at the heart of any progress. Growth can benefit local business + support services like playgroup but I'd like it to be controlled by locals. I also think a healthy community benefits from a diverse community, children, families, elderly etc also from different backgrounds. Continue as a rural village with improvements to road access and telephone mobile leverage The same! Action in rural Sussex Page 108 of 186

Strong rural community Mainly unchanged Relatively unchanged for future generations to enjoy - not over-developed! "Green" To remain a rural area. More affordable properties for young people. No difference! Similar small village as it is now. Exactly the same as it is now Amenities maintained with some modest residential development Still rural but open to some development with thriving pub shop & local enterprise Pretty much as it is, with 5% development but appropriate traffic calming measures. Not a tourist hotspot. Still as beautiful + green with perhaps better transport + a few more amenities. Pretty much the same. No more houses. Same no more expansion I would like to see the pub modified to encourage there socialising more young people + hopefully no more housing. More on our high street. Good internet with high speed. Still rural Maintain village feel Gypsy free A vibrant thriving community of all ages To retain its rural character but to have a controlled expansion suitable for the needs of the people as and when needed. Not too dissimilar to now Essentially the same, carefully managed but providing homes and facilities required by local people. The same Same as it is now. The same - but realise this is impossible. As much as it is now as possible - whilst accepting fair proportion of development. As is, with affordable for families within the village to stay close. Similar Not much different to now. Same as now. Same as it is now. Ideally the same, but with decent broadband access. The same as it is now but with cars going slower. Same as now Expansion in a controlled, attractive manner. To stay as it is now. Very little change. Just as it is now - but with more frequent buses.

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Still rural, but with minimal extra housing. Still a village but with improved services e.g. Doctors, increased use of village hall. The same, with fewer stray cats. Very little change. Restricted growth but see the need for limited and controlled development. To remain as a quiet rural community Not much change The same size it is now - with a village feel. The same, not an oversized/overpopulated village Thrilling, with school places for all. With sensible + sensitive building plans, well maintained public areas. Unchanged apart from low intensity additional housing to meet needs. As unlike Broadbridge Heath as possible. As it is now but with improvements to local amenities - hall, social club, tennis courts, and playground. Not to be as isolated as far as public transport is concerned. Recognisable, balanced development with ?????????? infrastructure Acton taken in regard to Q6 (uncontrolled caravan site, speeding on country lanes - 40mph to be imposed and aircraft noise) otherwise no change. Much the same as now. No further development. Unchanged. The same as it is now Keep the rural feel but improve infrastructure such as roads and rail and telecommunications. The same - no more building Still a small compact village. No more houses. No further development only small buildings. Rural still. Same - no larger volume of homes. A real country life village and friendly. That it has not become a building site and the local amenities are still in place. As it was 15 years ago. As a place to be appreciated by people who live in the areas being built in the surrounding metropolis. A place that still holds the countryside. Dear and represents good values lead by example. Not too many more houses The same. Exactly as it is now. There's plenty for every one of all ages to make life pretty much ideal. Essentially as it is now, with only very minor growth for local people. No travellers site which is completely unregulated. Hopefully not too different but with more for youngsters to do. Very similar, albeit allowing for some small incremental growth. Just the same as it is now. Action in rural Sussex Page 110 of 186

Rural with modest development. Not very different from the way it is now. A few more houses - but not too many. Limited change - particularly in terms of development. No bigger than it is now. The same size and not more gypsy sites. Quiet tranquil village atmosphere. Rural countryside, community village spirit. Same The same if possible - no big building projects although I realise I am NIMBY - but nevertheless hope it stays the same. Reserve the green. Not much different from today! - and NO train stop.

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Appendix 11 – Q9 Are the following groups currently adequately catered for by facilities in the Parish? Facilities for children under 5 years old

Play park could be improved. Improve playground facilities. Need a new playground. Childrens play area very poor - needs replacing. Swimming, parks. An enclosed playground under cover Play area to be updated. More groups at village hall But could do with being able to offer all afternoons. Poor play area New playground I think a community bus would be a great improvement for all age groups Need larger population Local park next to village hall needs updating. Better playground would be great Playground needs replacing. Ticked only. Playground in desperate need of renovation. Ticked only. Playground needs updating. Needs a bigger playground for all the children. More access to the village hall. Nursery session for under 2s Better playground or a soft play good playgroup More play equipment - bigger playground. New playground. new play area needed

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Appendix 12 – Q9 Are the following groups currently adequately catered for by facilities in the Parish? School age (5 – 16 years)

No football or tennis coaching within the parish. Organised activities. Youth centre Yes under 11 but teenagers are not catered for Youth Shelter - skate facilities. Childrens play area is very poor. Ticked only Ticked only Ticked only Tennis, basketball, skate park (updated). Paths so they can get about more Better playground Transport issues Poor play park, no visiting library Improved playground Recreation facilities I think a community bus would be a great improvement for all age groups Need larger population Adventure playground. Football club. Better playground would be great Safely accessible public transport links. Ticked only Go Ape style challenge. More buses. Multi sports court. All ok if in one of the sports clubs - less so if not. Playground in desperate need of renovation. Ticked only Adventure playground, skate park. Ticked only Needs a bigger playground for all the children. More youth funding. Improvements needed for playground. Youth club? good school Could have more young sports developments. Ticked only More play equipment - bigger playground. New playground. Possibly a problem, but difficult! Ticked only Action in rural Sussex Page 113 of 186

Appendix 13 – Q9 Are the following groups currently adequately catered for by facilities in the Parish? Young Adults (16-25 years)

More frequent buses. If you don't play rugby or football there is nothing to do! Fix the wonky basketball court. Provide services to older kids. These groups have transport and tend to look to Horsham and Crawley. More entertainment - or public transport. Ticked only Lack of housing and employment opportunities. No way to get to town easily - bus timings are poor. More accessibility to Horsham/surrounding towns. Poor transport - improved bus service. Better transport into town. Youth Shelter - skate facilities Public transport, free subsidised card. Nothing for older teens. Ticked only None - the rural nature is not really conducive to cater for the age group. Ticked only They have stopped this. Greater range of activities. Transport issues Better transport Need a skateboard park or something Outdoor equipment I think a community bus would be a great improvement for all age groups Need larger population Safely accessible public transport links. Public transport till late Ticked only Nothing close by for under 18's who can't drink alcohol. No public transport. Ticked only Affordable housing - not 200k + for a box. Quad biking practical skills. More buses. Multi sports court. Film club, showings. All ok if in one of the sports clubs - less so if not. A meeting place other than the club or pub. Evening buses to Horsham, improved. Ticked only Better transport links. Needs improving. Action in rural Sussex Page 114 of 186

If sporty. Need own community hall sessions. Social club access? buses that get college students to lessons on time modify the pub, more local groups Mobile phone mast. Ticked only cross only Ticked only

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Appendix 14 – Q9 Are the following groups currently adequately catered for by facilities in the Parish? Adults 25+

Adults can entertain themselves but between 14-22 is woefully under appreciated. Film nights? These groups have transport and tend to look to Horsham and Crawley. Cheaper housing. Lack of affordable housing. Ticked only Ticked only Ticked only Improved sport facilities. I think a community bus would be a great improvement for all age groups With my own car I am happy Public transport until late Ticked only Multi sports court. Film club, showings. Sporting facilities. More classes in village hall This should have been split. 25 - 65 - 40yr span, want different things. modify the pub, more local groups show films in village hall Further use of village hall for classes e.g. exercise More GP services. Accommodation.

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Appendix 15 – Q9 Are the following groups currently adequately catered for by facilities in the Parish? Older people (Aged 65+)

Nursing/care home needed. Provision of bungalows in future development. Bus service. Better bus services required. Better homes for older people. Poor transport - improved bus service. Better public transport. Better local buses. Mobile services. More facilities needed locally. Local transport not sufficient Better transport I think a community bus would be a great improvement for all age groups Bus service to Horsham on Sundays and bank holidays and one or two evenings a week (Saturday perhaps) Public transport til late plus community transport. Care home / daytime activities. But the older people speak to seem very happy with the village. Poor public transport links. Suitable housing for those that have to rent. Improved bus service. Ticked only. At the moment but future bleak! Better transport. Improved bus service. More classes in village hall Coffee shop Poor bus transport - needs bus to Billingshurst to dr. surgery etc. Why is Barns Green excluded from the W.Sussex minibus?? Sheltered housing Further use of village hall for classes e.g. exercise Village minibus / better transport facilities. venue for socialising with neighbours More GP services. Ticked only. Pathways to be lowered and maintained. More daytime clubs e.g. lunch club

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Appendix 16 – Q9 Are the following groups currently adequately catered for by facilities in the Parish? Those with a disability or impairment

A frequent bus to Billingshurst. Facilities in halls, churches, shop, pub etc, ramps etc. Provision of medical centre in the parish, if only part time. Access to buildings - pub village hall, sports club. Accessibility to Village Hall and Green. No disabled Public Toilets. Better/regular maintenance of pavements in village. Would be good to have a small bus for shopping trips, etc door to door. Relying on the driver scheme is an imposition on the drivers (however willing) and does not facilitate socialising (on the bus!) Poor transport - improved bus service. Conditions of pavements very poor and need replacing, make wider by removing grass verge. Ticked only. Meeting with other people who have similar problems. Improve pathways. Maybe more pavements ie to Sumners Better transport I think a community bus would be a great improvement for all age groups Needs investment It's a shame that the minibus proposal fell through Ticked only. Ticked only But could do with a few more connected bridle paths that take wheelchairs (and pushchairs). Poor public transport links. Small buses instead of huge empty ones. Ticked only. Better pavements / roads. parking and access Ticked only. Better footpaths. Further use of village hall for classes e.g. exercise With uneven pavements not very accessible for wheelchairs. tick only Craft workshops, More daytime clubs eg lunch club Pavements very uneven (tree roots surfacing). Ticked only.

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Appendix 17 – Q11 What is the nature of your business?

Outdoors - Land Developing and organising professional training programmes which are run elsewhere. Consultancy. Medical equipment sales. Events, weddings, anniversaries talks - interest groups - am thinking about exhibitions, art, textiles, etc. Small engineering. Bookkeeper TV production Complementary therapy centre. Loss Adjusters (Insurance). Marketing. Internet marketing Bookkeeping. Consultancy Internet Sole trader - language services Professional Business services Consultancy Pet nutrition IT Trading on the telephone Photography Consultancy Farming. n/a Internet retail. Carpentry and joinery. Vehicle electronics. Body Shop at Home / retail and child care and seamstress. Event support. Counselling / psychotherapy. Financial advice. Selling local food nationwide. Childminding. Curtain makers. Secretarial and minor book keeping gardening Health clinic Financial Services although I have retired. Catering Shop/PO

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Agricultural and domestic landscaping. Estate Maintenance Independent financial adviser 1 retired 1 working in Petworth Farming. Construction.

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Appendix 18 – Q12 How many people including yourself work within the parish?

3 plus more sometimes. 1 2 2 10 - mix of full time, part time, occasional, regular evening per week. 1 2 2 Myself and 5 part time people. 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 One 2 One, plus one part time and seasonal casual labour. 2 2 1 2 1 If you mean 'in my business' the answer is two. 1 2 Don't know. 1 2 Just me, part time. one Action in rural Sussex Page 121 of 186

1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 None 2 No

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Appendix 19 – Q13. Which of the following elements would be of benefit to your business and facilitate its growth?

Can offer space and associated amenities for meeting to others. Business Services Hub (colour printer, courier pick-up, drop off). More available talent Less interference by legislation. Better policing to stop theft of just about anything that is not bolted down. Local business fair. Central information hub.

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Appendix 20 - Q14. If you think that you may need additional or alternative business premises please indicate below what sort of premises and the time frame when you may need these.

Can offer all of the above to others. Combined warehouse / office units. Light assembly in an existing workshop. Agricultural building. Not expecting my business to expand Better internet speed + better mobile reception

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Appendix 21 – Q17 The Neighbourhood Plan may seek to identify sites as potential for development (housing or something else). Are there any sites which in your opinion, would be appropriate for future development? Answer 1

Itchingfield Juniors site Housing. Itchingfield old school. Houses / Church car park. The Itchingfield site of the old school. Residential - mixture of owner occupier and housing association. Old Itchingfield school site Housing Old Junior School site, Itchingfield. Retirement housing. Redundant Junior School site, Low density properties in keeping with Itchingfield. existing dwellings. Land North of Wellcross Grange. General housing. Village field opposite shop. 1/2 bedroom flats (affordable housing). Village field (opposite the shop) Mix of housing including surgery, dentist, shared equity. The old Itchingfield school site Small exclusive development Field adjacent to railway line Low cost housing / bungalows. bouding Emms Lane, just over crossing. No Redundant farm buildings. Live work units. Itchingfield School. Conversion of old buildings. Old school site near the church. Split into 4 units? Keep the main school building. Old School site Adult education centre, nursing home, small office space for local business. n/.a Old Itchingfield School. A community space for clubs, group etc. Barns Green. Infilling. Small field behind Two Mile Ash Housing - 1-2 bedroom build for young Road. adults. There are many areas / large gardens throughout the parish which could easily accommodate 1 or 2 houses. Each should be given consideration. NOT just large developments. Areas south of railway line should be considered too. Would not like to see any further development in Barns Green. Already sufficient housing in Southwater and Broadbridge Heath. No ? Shops. No more housing - we've had out quota (Ashmiles). Don't know. No - I do not believe there are any sites in the parish for development. No Itchingfield School. Low density housing. Action in rural Sussex Page 125 of 186

Difficult to determine. Emms Lane, railway line to caravan Family homes, small homes for owner sheet occupation Field opposite shop / pub. Residential. No No development needed. We are a village - please keep it as a village - don't ruin the quality of life. Itchingfield school site. Sympathetic conversion of existing building into housing and small scale on playing field. None! Old school and playing field at Housing or leisure. Itchingfield. Wellcross Grange Residential. No suitable sites. Field opposite Trout Lane Houses Mixed Old school field, Itchingfield. Housing. Space at entry to Sumners Ponds Residential Opposite house row Trout Lane Housing Fields and land adjacent to village For use as extra sports fields/pitches. Stool green ball pitch required. Colts cricket pitch, training facilities, football and rugby. First half of the field opposite the 1 and 2 bed homes or bungalow village shop. Old school site Starter homes, care for elderly. A recent application was turned down for 60ish houses - I think this was a good area for a few more houses but the access was all wrong - needs to be accessed via Ashmiles Extend Broadbridge Heath Housing, leisure and business Old school site Housing Area of Valewood Lane, public 2-4 family homes footpath (between Greenfield farm and path) Old Itchingfield School Housing - family owned car required. Field other side of railway line next to Housing Ashmiles The road to (illegible) near border of Low cost, small houses for rent/owner parish, close to station. occupation No idea Nowhere unless we get more infrastructure ie more doctor surgeries and another hospital! Field opposite the village shop Housing Itchingfield school Low density housing Itchingfield School Small development in keeping with local houses The old Itchingfield School. Retirement homes or bungalows. Action in rural Sussex Page 126 of 186

We have had a RIDICULOUS amount of houses built locally. NO MORE PLEASE! Land facing village store (if any!) Senior homes 55+ / care home. Not a specific location but land with 1 or 2. stables or barns for small housing development ie no more large scale. Southwater. Housing. Old school at Itchingfield. Family homes. Near to the railway station at Christs Mixed use. Hospital, in the adjoining Parish. Valewood Lane Small houses. Brownfield sites at Sumners Ponds. Small offices. Some land opposite the village shop. Small cluster of houses. Field opposite shop. Low cost houses. The odd house in any gaps in village or surrounding area. None. Needs to be spread out to Itchingfield area and towards Cooper / the Wedges and not just the main part of Barns Green. Opposite village shop. Housing. Old Itchingfield School Site. Housing up to 50 houses. Old school? Refurb? Outer half of field by new fishing Small houses / flats in low concentration lake, adjacent to Muntham Drive hill. (ha ha as if!) The former Junior School and playing Village type properties for the over fifties. field at Itchingfield. Land behind Christ's Hospital station Further car parking facilities for station. in Itchingfield Parish. Would also need an approach road alongside the railway line. Old Junior School site and adjoining Housing. field. None. Land to the side and to the rear of Housing Association bungalows for the Bennetts, Barns Green. elderly. Greenfield Farm. Housing. The old Itchingfield school site - only A few houses. the building. NONE Fields in Two Mile Ash Road opposite Individual family homes in keeping with Trout Lane junction. existing looking homes. School site - Itchingfield. Housing. No Wellcross Grange Housing Keep The Green, hall and club Eco homes built by local trades individually central and develop to North and available. East only. Itchingfield old school site. Mixed housing. Action in rural Sussex Page 127 of 186

None. None. Old school area Itchingfield. Family. The old school site of Itchingfield - mixed Old Itchingfield School site Housing. 2 bedrooms. To include some shared ownership family homes. Itchingfield school Some kind of community centre No None In village Barns Green Fallow field adjacent new car park Additional sporting facilities Old school site Residential None Vacant/derelict building next to CH Similar to existing at CH station (unsure if in plan area) No No The old school land at Itchingfield Housing I don't have any land for sale & therefore I can't comment on what's available. I would be pro-active in any development project. Old Itchingfield school 3 or 4 larger character houses The high street needs more life other businesses such as cafes + shops, this would be good for the community people would meet more often + there would be more buss on the high street Where the gypsies are Anything to get rid of them Fields opp. pub/shop Old Itchingfield primary school Residential Industrial area near to Horsham Housing station Disused primary school Housing Old school buildings, playing fields - Rugby club? Field and apartments. Itchingfield. Old school site Private Itchingfield Village Housing Infill fields between existing property. Small scale. Itchingfield school playing field (old Selection of 1/2/3 bedroomed units school) (affordable) energy efficient None Don't know area well enough No more in our area. The field opposite the shop residential Before considering any further development the road to the A264 needs significant upgrading (dangerous bends) No No The gypsy site toward Billingshurst Action in rural Sussex Page 128 of 186

Wardecot, Fulfords Hill, Itchingfield, Redundant farm buildings for house, RH13 0NX holiday let. Old school Itchingfield Houses Railway - Emms lane - cross lane - residential (at periphery of area only) mount lane - two mile ash polygon Schools sports field at Itchingfield Small social housing, affordable housing. School No None - already too much The old primary school site in Convert into 1 or 2 houses. Itchingfield (Glebe Land). The only building I would Small 2 bedroom homes as starter homes recommend is affordable homes for which are affordable the young Nothing in Parish. This will surely be decided by the Housing or small business park. building companies who have bought up land already and who press for planning in those areas until they get. Shoreham The old cement works. Its an eyesore. Opposite village shop Housing, when demonstrably needed. The old primary school site. Mixed housing with affordable homes included. No more. Only been living here for 12 months so can't be much help on this one.

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Appendix 22 - Q17 The Neighbourhood Plan may seek to identify sites as potential for development (housing or something else). Are there any sites which in your opinion, would be appropriate for future development? Answer 2

Wellcross Grange. Residential - mixture of owner occupier and housing association. Small holding land in Muntham Lane. Low cost, small houses for owner occupier / or rent - shared ownership. Land recently vacated by Itchingfield Housing in keeping with local area. Junior School. Not high density. Small parcels of private land on fringe of Bungalows. village. Sumners Ponds Farm Barns - when the Small scale housing and business new sheds are built. opportunities. Reynolds ironmongers if it ever comes up Houses in keeping with all surrounds for sale Land bounded by Muntham Drive. Houses. Land the other side of the railway near to Railway Halt - ? platform. new development. Southern side of railway line. Housing. Valewood Lane village to caravan site Family homes, small homes for owner occupation Sumners Ponds. Small business units. Wellcross Grange. Affordable. Field opposite Village Hall with access off Housing and limited small business use, Muntham Drive. eg shops. Old school site at Itchingfield High - quality housing Various fill in plots, Two Mile Ash Road Housing Emms lane opposite the existing house Family homes or a row of 1 and 2 bed homes or bungalow. Opposite Toyota garage Housing Land near Broadbridge Heath Family homes, small starter homes. Engineering works in centre of village if it Low cost housing. were ever to close Trout Lane, fields opposite current houses Family houses Old school site in Itchingfield. Individual, small family homes. Gypsy camps. Proper tax paying houses. Around Broadbridge Heath in the Mixed use. adjoining Parish. Land opposite houses in Trout Lane. Small houses. Wellcross area. Small cluster of houses. Trout Lane no comment made. Emms Lane adjacent to Parsons Brook. Housing.

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Itchingfield School site (now closed). Small units NOT millionaire dwellings please. Portion of garden adjoining Housing - 2 chalet bungalows. Coombedale. The old Itchingfield school site - field. Could move the tennis courts to here or football or rugby. Fields in 2 Mile Ash Road opposite Trout Sports pitch if needed. Lane junction. Itchingfield school (old site) Housing Keep The Green, hall and club central Parish list of people who would like to and develop to North and East only. build own house. Garages at Tue end of Salt Box close Social Housing. The roads in most of the parish are not good enough to support much development whether it were housing or commercial No Within village boundary Affordable housing, housing association Itchingfield Old School Housing Field on left just past Marlands Affordable housing/energy efficient smaller units No No Behind the Ashmile adjacent to the railway line Itchingfield School, Fulfords Hill, RH13 0NT Conversion to dwelling in keeping with local intensity. Trout lane area Houses Cross lane - owens lane - rout lane to Residential and light industrial/combo caravan park units. Primary school playing fields (Glebe Small development including Land) affordable housing, infill. Some large gardens might become Housing. available.

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Appendix 23 – Q17 The Neighbourhood Plan may seek to identify sites as potential for development (housing or something else). Are there any sites which in your opinion, would be appropriate for future development? Answer 3

Itchingfield Primary School site and Mix of private housing not requiring public playing field. transport. Land between to bungalows on Small housing estate with low cost homes. entrance to village. Coney Hurst Lane. Parish boundary Family homes, small homes for owner to Caravan site. occupation Farm at North of village where Small business units. Key is to ensure balance farm shop is located. and integration not a predominance of one type! Field opposite end of Trout Lane at Housing. T junction with Tow Mile Ash Road. Old forge/blacksmiths Retail North of Barns Green Low cost family homes. Around Southwater in the Mixed use. adjoining Parish. Opposite the village shop. Mixed housing and parking. Adjacent to Ash Miles Housing. Paddock adjacent to Rye Farm on Housing Two Mile Ash Road. Tennis courts in Barns Green. Children's playground. Keep The Green, hall and club Mix of house sizes, retain trees and natural central and develop to North and features. East only. Field on right just past Marlands Affordable housing/energy efficient smaller units No No Field opposite The Queens Head Small development including affordable pub (ie infilling) housing.

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Appendix 24 - Q18. What type(s) of housing should be built in the Parish in the next 15 years? Other

Shared ownership not housing association. Shared equity housing for low paid people to gain a step on the housing ladder. 2 storey flats like they did in ash miles to help 1st time buyers. None A suitable mixture of above. Should be able to develop disused farm, etc buildings for residential - easily and quickly. No more housing please. Horsham area already has been over developed, more population more demand for new housing wasn't born yesterday. This survey is just another way to trick local communities to allow more development. My children have no intention to stay in the area. Flats in small block as starter homes. None. Limited number of family homes - say 10. Social housing. No houses or other development required. This is a lovely area with beautiful, aspirational homes. I don't want to live next door to gypsies or low cost box houses! Single plot developments spread across parish - not large developments. All the above and others if needed. Mixed housing with genuine low cost housing to purchase NOT London centric 'low cost' £375,000 boxes for sale. How can people on average wages afford these? Low cost less than £150k (1 - 2 bed) How about flats that look like a home rather than a block. Anything to let young offspring to stay where they feel home is, and older people to remain their home village. I feel development for the elderly (ie retired) would have a reduced impact on an already very stressed railway infrastructure. There's VERY limited parking at both Horsham and Christs Hospital Stations. None. Bungalows. none none None None No opinion - too little knowledge. live/work combined units GP or dentist. We have enough. No more. None

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Appendix 25 – Q20 Please identify whether the following services in the Parish meet your current needs? Water supply

Pressure very very low. Low water pressure. I would prefer not to share supply pipe with my neighbour. Not always good quality We have had a couple of wet years but if it is dry we have water restrictions Low pressure low pressure feed Low water pressure. But if no rain what happens. Pressure low.

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Appendix 26 – Q20 Please identify whether the following services in the Parish meet your current needs? Electricity

Power cuts Frequent power cuts - unacceptable in this modern age. Cables should be under not over ground. Power cuts are frequent Occasionally unreliable Occasional drop outs. Quite a lot of interruptions make working from home unreliable, especially if weather is bad. Too many powercuts. Experience several power cuts / year. Regular power cuts have resulted in disruption to services. Frequent short power cuts Power cuts Frequent power cuts As long as power cuts are dealt with Frequent power cuts. Frequent power cuts could be reduced. Becoming less reliable again. Too many power cuts. Although supply can be variable. We still get what I'd consider to be more than are p cuts Occasional outage Often get power cuts though. Frequent power cuts. Power lines not kept free of vegetation. No option for alternative supplier Too many outages. We have to use a generator Lights dim when appliances turned on. Power outages. Except when we have power cuts. storms can cause disruption Frequent power cuts. We do have quite a few power cuts. unacceptable rate of blackouts Occasionally low voltage. too many power cuts always going off

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Appendix 27 – Q20 Please identify whether the following services in the Parish meet your current needs? Gas/Oil

No gas in our road. This is not an in-parish service. No gas. Would like mains gas. No gas pipe. Use oil and Calor. We have no access to mains gas. None supplied to the whole parish. No gas!! ( Emms Lane). There is no choice but t use oil. Large price fluctuations and generally expensive. No gas in street. N/A N/A Oil okay but gas not available. No gas available. Ticked only. Ticked only. No gas side of railway. No gas in lane. No supply. No mains service No gas pipeline Gas not available No available gas No mains gas in Trout Lane No gas connection. Not available No mains gas Gas not supplied as we live across manual railway crossing - but not a problem! N/A No gas. No gas outside village. No natural gas outside village centre. Not used. Not applicable. No mains gas. No gas available where we live. No gas supply. Ticked only. I would like to have gas but have to use oil. Ticked only. No gas available haven't got any Action in rural Sussex Page 136 of 186

No gas supply N/A No gas supply available No gas at Valewood no gas Not on mains gas No gas supply here No gas main in our area Don't have access to gas No gas supply but we use oil instead. not connected to gas No gas.

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Appendix 28 – Q20 Please identify whether the following services in the Parish meet your current needs? Sewerage

The present sewerage system is frequently overwhelmed causing severe pollution. Would like mains. We have a septic tank. n/a - own sewerage. Septic tank. No mains sewerage Property has own Septic tank only No mains drainage Current sewerage at peak capacity Keeps getting blocked. Suggest existing system needs updating to cope. Own sewerage plant. Off mains drainage. 4" pipes inadequate - not fit for purpose. I have a Klargester. No mains sewer N/A No sewerage access The sewage system does not cope with all the new loos OK but have shared access agreement Not on main waste water off mains No mains drainage Backs up during periods of heavy rain and floods garden with sewage. Have to have own sewerage system. No main. Overflow into Parsons Brook not uncommon.

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Appendix 29 – Q20 Please identify whether the following services in the Parish meet your current needs? Mobile phone reception

Basically none for BT as far as I can find. Very poor Needs upgrading in all areas around the village. None or little reception for Vodafone. Bit dodgy Varied reception, depends where you live and are situated often you need to use mobiles. Very poor throughout Parish. Practically none existent. There is no reliable reception in centre of Barns Green. Rubbish! Poor reception. There is never any signal in the village itself Very poor reception Poor mobile reception. Worrying if landline is out of order as difficult to contact emergency services. Phone network is poor across all networks. No Vodafone coverage. I need booster. No reception. No reception in my house. Extremely poor reception, particularly inside. Ticked only. It is not too bad on vodafone with our sure signal box and it is better than it was but still very poor. This is a massive hindrance, especially for people who need to be contactable for work. No phone reception for any network at home. Vodafone. Non existent, EE and O2 also not good. Poor reception. Very very poor. We are in a black spot. One operator with poor reception. No EE reception. Ticked only. My mobile doesn't work in my house, I have to walk around in the rain looking for reception. Very bad. Very limited. We have extremely poor reception. Hard to get signal. Cannot rely on mobile must always have a landline which can be inconvenient and added cost. Action in rural Sussex Page 139 of 186

None at home, little in village. There isn't any. None! Intermittent signal with Vodafone. Poor reception area. Ticked only. Very poor What mobile coverage. Ticked only. Poor reception. Need a signal or need a better signal in areas. Very poor coverage at Bashurst Hill. Very poor in most areas. Ticked only. Dreadful. Poor. No reception! Poor signal No signal for most networks. Not very good coverage in Smugglers Way Zero reception on all suppliers. Poor reception. I have had BT and EE - neither very good Virtually non existent! Village needs signal booster urgently. Poor Ticked only. Middle - we have to have a booster supplied by otherwise no signal Mobile reception terrible Very poor reception I am using the wrong supplier if i change it would be adequate. Poor coverage Poor phone connection, have to rely on wifi. No reception Poor reception Bad reception in many parts of the village Very poor reception Do not have any neither Vodafone or Orange Poor in village Little reception at green/shop/pub Reception in Barns Green is very poor Little phone reception in Bashurst Hill area - have to use landlines. Non-existent Awful. None in area Sporadic though Non existent No signal

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Signal poor Signal very sporadic Very poor reception in our area! Generally poor reception Have no reception. Very rarely have signal. No service from any mobile service provider. No mobile reception at property only through wifi. Cannot get a signal very often. Well known as the Barns Green Triangle! Ticked only. Poor signal strength. Poor reception on Bashurst Hill. Ticked only. Awful. Ticked only. Very poor reception. None. No reception. Ticked only. Bad reception. We have no signal most of the time. but limited. Poor cellphone coverage (Vodafone) With booster at home is ok. Out and about is less so. Non existent for most providers. Very poor or non - existent. Lack of signal. This is an issue - smart meters do not work. Only certain spots in garden do we get a signal. None. Ticked only. Poor / patchy signal. Bad reception. No reception. No Vodafone reception. Poor reception. Mobile reception is patchy, enough occasionally for a text message. Ticked only. Could do with better reception. No reception in village centre. Ticked only. Struggle to get any phone signal. Not reliable. Intermittent reception.

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Ticked only. No signal despite 69 new houses being built. Poor Non existent. Ticked only. Phone mast required. No signal in our area. Ticked only. Patchy - not good Often lacking reception with vodaphone and its awful only one half decent provider very poor signal very bad reception mobile signal is notoriously bad - big focus for improvement poor reception Poor Not found at network that works well in BG Booster required Very little reception except hanging out of a window! I haven’t got a clue Very slow in places No reception! Very poor from village all way across area sporadic no EE signal in Barns Green poor signal The reception is very poor very poor reception rubbish v. poor very poor It is impossible to get a signal Poor reception No reception at The Ashmiles development. Very poor reception. Intermittent by location. None!! Could be better Terrible reception. Reception very poor. O2 coverage patchy. Poor reception Very poor Ticked only.

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Poor reception most networks Ticked only. very poor ad-hoc (we knew this when we moved in) Signal poor We cannot get any signal. No reception in village. None! Ticked only. Many phones have no mobile signal in Barns Green. little reception At home yes but not in Barns Green Village. no signal in Barns Green None at all tick only Zero phone signal. Poor coverage. Limited signal with Vodafone / EE within Barns Green. absolute waste of time never any signal terrible reception Very poor at Farm Close and neighbouring area. No reception in village. No reception possible most of the time for any network. Forced to use landline. Unless you go through wifi the reception is very poor. They don't work in two mile ash road, but i never use mine. Very poor indeed even though mast is local. Network supplies should be addressing this urgently. Appalling - almost non existent! Very poor in some areas Dead spots within village. Poor. Totally inadequate - can rarely send or receive calls. Poor reception. Ticked only. No reception at homes. Very poor out and about. with O2 and only get minimal reception in one upstairs room.

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Appendix 30 – Q20 Please identify whether the following services in the Parish meet your current needs? Broadband Speed

Needs upgrading in all areas around the village. Only because of fibre optic connection Could be better. Fibre optic cabling has not yet reached my address in Barns Green. Rubbish! Slow internet. There is never any signal in the village itself Higher speed required later Could be improved. Ticked only. Slow. Bashurst Hill has very slow speeds Ticked only. Awful. On end of spur. Useless 4pm - 11pm. Since the introduction of FO cables, it is better and you get what you pay for. This is appalling and reduces our access to services such as streaming. Appalling. Very very poor. Low broadband - No fibre speeds down our road. Was promised with recent development broadband would be improved. Ticked only. Still on basic, can't get fast. To set adequate speeds need to upgrade to fibre which is costly. Ticked only. Ticked only. Service poor. Ticked only. Far too slow. Very slow Poor and no action from BT despite continued requests! Ticked only. Poor. Could be better. Poor - less than 10mbps. Very slow Improved but historically has been very slow. Soooo slow. Slow Poor Ticked only. Slow Action in rural Sussex Page 144 of 186

Sometimes good, sometimes bad Slow and patchy broadband Very slow Extremely poor Could be faster Slow Very poor speed Too slow Very poor speeds Needs speeding up Poor away from village. Poor Broadband speed in Trout lane is poor. Too slow Too slow! Far too slow Could be better Very poor, slow Signal very sporadic Should be improved! High fibre optic speeds cannot actually be provided. Very slow. Can't get enough providers speeds fluctuates and unreliable. n/a Well known as the Barns Green Triangle! Below 2 mbps on Bashurst Hill. Ticked only. Slow at times. Ticked only. Slow. Ticked only. Cannot comment - don't have. Very slow and varies at peak time. Slow - even with fibre. Unusable at peak times. Terrible on Bashurst Hill. This needs improvement. Very slow. Ticked only. Always need better bandwidth. Poor. Only JUST good enough for streaming. Ticked only. Very slow. Ticked only.

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Would like more broadband companies to be able to serve. Not great even after update. Too slow. Ticked only. Abysmal. Current line speed 0.79 mbps Ticked only. Poor speed 0.14mbs at the end of the line and it is so slow slow, only basic speeds Low speed I've tried various suppliers and find services slow & liable to drop out. Well below national average. Appalling speed at Valewood Lane rubbish - on Southwater exchange poor We struggle to run a business our speed is so slow it has to be constantly rebooted. Sometimes it comes to a complete standstill. We would like to connect to the fibreoptics in Barns Green. rubbish v. poor We do not have broadband as there is no connection Exceptionally poor. Poor compared to outer London. Could be better Very slow. Extremely low broadband speeds. Very poor Ticked only. slowish ad-hoc - changing modem to faster speed. Don't know. Ticked only. Slow is using more than one needing broadband. Snail like too frequently disconnects Very slow. too slow very bad area Only get 1.4MB!! Sometimes very poor - depends on weather conditions. Slow Slower and intermittent than promised. We are on the limits of broadband capability. Why can't BT just sort out this simple problem. dreadful - no plans to introduce fibre

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Very slow Very low speed 1MB. Just not good enough (Bashurst Hill). Dreadful! Ticked only.

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Appendix 31 – Q20 Please identify whether the following services in the Parish meet your current needs? Refuse collection/recycling

Must get better not withdrawn. Acorn Plus trucks are too large for many local roads and are too noisy. Need a small recycling point I would insist it is maintained at a weekly collection though. Garden waste only every 2 weeks. No recycling collection. Large bin central. More dog poo bins needed. But i know HDC are about to reduce refuse collection to fortnightly Garden waste (brown bin) should be free of charge Yes- refuse No - Recycling Doorstep food waste collection needed. Ticked only. Would like food waste collection. No recycling collected. Take out own to amenity tip. excellent service always leave a mess No recycling at all Excellent Could be better bottle bank was in pub - now gone watching brief' changes being planned to cut. Collection yes but need to clear up after. Dumping and litter evident more in winter. Recycle bins should be weekly.

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Appendix 32 – Q20 Please identify whether the following services in the Parish meet your current needs? Drainage

Improvement still needed with this. Especially near to village green in Barns Green Lack of maintenance by some landowners and by West Sussex County Council causes flash flooding. Seems to flood easily. Road and garden flood with heavy rain. Congested drains. Bashurst Hill often awash. Vastly improved since the flooding to the shop in December 2013 but still a lot of field run off and standing water. Roadside ditches need to be cleared more frequently. Roads flood too often when there has been very little rain. Flooding at Parsons Brook. Road drainage is poor. Some roads flood. Road drainage poor. Too much water going into Parsons Brook. Roads to the village can be dangerous when we have had rain making entry difficult. Much improved though will this be maintained. Could be improved in places. Ticked only. Ticked only. Surface water drainage on Sandhills Road - poor. had to put in own drainage Ticked only. Blocked drains. Effect of putting drains on field have led to extensive problems elsewhere in the village. Can be bad down Valewood Lane. Drains inadequate in heavy rain. Can be problems if gullies, drains and ditches are not cleared regularly. Flooding from surface water is a problem Persistent flooding Flooding Threat of flooding each year. Drains quickly overflow after heavy rain Still could be improved. Too much surface water None on private road, Bashurst Hill frequently overwhelmed. Very poor Roads flood - ditches blocked - system not maintained. Local road drainage needs maintenance/improvement Ticked only. Still some flooding. Main road never used to flood. Sometimes difficult to get out of village. Action in rural Sussex Page 149 of 186

Terrible on Bashurst Hill. Could be an issue if further development goes ahead. Not applicable as not on main drainage but we have no problem. Drainage doesn't work well with prolonged rainfall. Flooding issues. It was improved recently, but still the village floods in heavy rainfall. Off main drainage systems. Often flooding in village due to over burdened system. Ditch and drain maintenance. Insufficient capacity at peak rainfall. I deal with my own. Parts of village flood. Current drainage from traveller site across lane and into New Lane - serious potential hazard in winter conditions. Can be a problem still too much flooding and surface water Some of our roads are regularly flooded Just about OK but new buildings are overloading the system flooding Trout Lane & Two Mile Ash rd. Lots of surface water during rain roads always flood current issues under investigation by Southern Water Roads flood easily and a lot of surface water on roads Poor - flooding garden. If heavy rain A264 inadequate. Flooding off Chapel Road, still. Poor in places. Flooding area is mainly clay Lanes flood frequently. Roads flood whenever we have heavy rainfall. but must remain fit for growing population Tennancy to flood. not connected Floods. Following winter flood drains were cleared - not since. Flooding on roads. Still get bad road flood in village and surrounding areas and likely to get worse with more building. Roadside drains need to be cleared regularly Drains on Bashurst Hill are not cleared regularly enough. Affects pavements - puddling and soil on surface. Flooding when storm.

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Appendix 33 – Q21 What should we request of future building standards? Other responses

Parking, parking, parking - NOT on roads or blocking up streets with heavy use. Emergency vehicles, vehicles with trailers and lorries never get through at school time since new school and parking!! Affordable Housing - for rent. Bungalows so that elderly and infirm can remain in the parish. Travellers - where is the Policy!! More and more arriving! Further infrastructure for those who cannot drive. Infrastructure to support development Contribution to funds = no, because the cost MUST be covered by the sale of the properties, which make them more expensive. Those developing in the parish should put back a large percentage of their profit into the community. Grey/rainwater re-use. That utilities are able to service new developments. Off road parking - please in a village with no local transport all family will have a car so at least four space for a typical family house. Of course this will add even more traffic to very poorly maintained roads. Improve infrastructure ie roads before any building. At least one off road parking space. None ? Affordable housing - please define. TPOs on mature trees Social housing. No new development. Bungalows Must be low density Definitely not! This is a smart area. Affordable housing = Crawley! Develop school if more children live here. Home Quality Mark. Affordable houses, affordable houses, affordable houses. Not like the Ashmiles - sorry cashmiles. Off road parking spaces depends on size of dwelling. Rainwater harvesting. Low concentration - sustain the rural nature of the village by recognising spaces between are important. Preserve existing trees and hedges - chopping mature ones down and planting sapling decoratives is no good for existing wildlife or scenery. Affordable housing for young people to stay in village. Contribution to community funds only on high price developments. *Off road parking depending on size of property. NOT closing existing footpaths. At least four off road parking spaces for full sized cars per dwelling. All houses should be affordable.

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Any energy saving/efficient measures that make financial sense are a good addition. Whilst I wouldn't 'request' affordable housing, it's only fair we might have a proportion of what's required for Horsham District. children's play areas gardens Bungalows for the elderly that have lived in Barns Green all of their lives. Don't want more housing in Barns Green. None Affordable housing for young people brought up in the Parish - proof of the right to residency.

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Appendix 34 – Q22 Are there any additional elements/infrastructure developments that you would like to see delivered in the Parish? Other responses

Transport links ie Compass bus Units for small businesses for hairdresser, physio, barber, doctor. Medical Centre, if only part time. A visible police presence Upgrade and surface footpaths around village for people to run and walk, ie Sumners Ponds and Muntham. Attracting more businesses to create more employment Railway 'Halt' or stop, with some parking - close so most can walk to it. Recycle facilities for cans etc Parking outside the village shop - it's dangerous and too busy. Multisport surface if you keep tennis court too. This is a village please keep it the same. That's why most people chose to live here. Gated entrance to Barns Green and speed control. Maintaining local bus services. Stop the bus going up The Hordens!! Path (cycle / walking) between Barns Green and Christs Hospital Station with low level lighting. Traffic calming. Permanent information board for visitors to village. Business service centre / parish office combined. The big mag should cater for people not on the internet. Planning applications should be in there. They used to be!! Access to toilet facilities for people visiting the village. Improved bus service or private service to Billingshurst - all my elderly neighbours have doctors in Billi but can't get there! Traffic calming - village gateways Either use the phone box for something useful (e.g. library or advertising) or move it out of the way. Older children’s adventure play area. Doctors surgery essential. Speed limits and active cameras Some hedges have grown much too wide and should be cut back to the original boundary line. Maintenance of footpaths, currently non existent. Units for small businesses - Yes but where? Not a cheap and nasty shopping parade please (like at Billingshurst) Mobile chip van - brilliant!! A roundabout where West Chiltington Lane / Bashurst Hill joins the A264 at Toat Hill / Garage. A speed camera on the road into the village. £100 fine 50/50 parish / police and £200 if you live in the village - you should know better.

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Maybe more allotments and units for small businesses. Basketball ring in tennis club car park never used. Football goal never used. Multisport surface - not enough enthusiasm -nobody wants to run it at present. Redevelopment of play area - ongoing. We would like to see a pathway around the Village Green on its outer boundary. Swimming pool. A few small units for low rent. Would support measures or facilities that assist our village shop to remain live and kicking. Maybe a swimming pool including a toddlers paddling pool. Doctors Surgery. Rugby pitch in village, on field above the Green. Redevelopment of changing facilities at village club. Traffic control measures for Chapel Road / Sandhills Road. Skate parks. Cycle Paths. Need a pavement to go all the way up to Sumners Pond and get some traffic calming islands, as traffic flies through the village. Community office within the village hall for use by the village / police /NHS, etc. Units for small businesses on a limited scale. pitch within village for rugby club For us personally, a new + improved play area would be our 1st choice. Some of the other would be beneficial but we'd utilise them less. Business units developed on Brownfield sites The changing facilities at the sports club need extending and renovation. Move play area it is dangerous where it is. Doctors, dentist, pharmacy, pavements! rugby pitch within village broadband, drainage Better car parking outside village store Vet, Dr, Nurse walk in. Traffic chicanes on Chapel Road. No opinion. community swimming pool 40mph limit on road to Barns Green from Horsham. A stand at the rugby ground. doctors surgery Simple car park, layby outside village shop. Pavement from Farm Close to Sumners Pond entrance - very dangerous at present. Speed limits lowered through lanes. Speed cameras.

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Appendix 35 – Q25 Do you have a family member, of any age, who would prefer to remain living in the village, but has been unable to do so due to cost and/or suitability. If yes, please give details

24 year old, out of university working in the area, living under parents roof, would like to move on with own family here or in a similar area but cannot because of housing prices generally. My children did not want to live in the village when they grew up. 22 year old NHS employee, essential emergency employee cannot afford to buy presently. Too expensive for low income. Two 20 year olds who cannot currently afford to get on the housing ladders. One is an emergency services worker and Community First Aid Responder. Brother would love to live here but is unable as no rental. My two children will never be able to afford to live here as price of new houses and existing are too expensive compared to jobs available. N/A Son unable to afford housing. New estate far too expensive. Couldn't afford to buy house here Son and daughter both seeking rental / and or owned small apartment accommodation. Too expensive No social housing available. No affordable small housing or flats. My daughter and her husband lived (and met) in Barns Green, but have not been able to afford to live in the village with their children. 36 year old son Daughter who moved away. Granddaughter who is moving out owing to transport Cost of first time buyers property. Our children are saving to purchase their own home, but probably can't afford Barns Green. Members of the family who are married House prices too expensive for first time buyers Lack of suitable, affordable housing Both have moved out due to cost of buildings in Ash miles Nothing affordable Too expensive for my Mum to come and live near us. Not yet. Living at home, but can't afford new housing for own flat / small house. No affordable housing. Too expensive moved out of Horsham to get cheaper house. Children now in their 30's unable to afford property. One of our children has bought a property outside the parish due to house prices being lower but would like to come back and buy in the parish. Action in rural Sussex Page 155 of 186

Two adult sons living rent free to save up for independence but very unlikely to afford this village, their home, as most properties are family sized and car ownership essential for number of commuters to work. We have a grown up child with our grandchild who cannot afford a mortgage and is too old to get one now anyway. We need affordable rented property for village people only. Daughter unable to buy due to cost of housing. Daughter born in village and family needs affordable starter home. 1 son and daughter Daughter and son both moved out of village due to the lack of affordable accommodation. Sibling aged 26 looking at Billingshurst as less expensive. children, grandchildren A son who will start looking at property. More flats needed. Sons cannot afford cost of housing. In a previous plan there was a question around affordable housing, that young people of the village could move into. Sadly the Ashmiles development has not provided sufficient housing that is affordable for most people, let alone young people. Instead there are 4/5 bed houses & little choice for most people as these are not affordable. Bungalows - for elderly / disabled - but not in complex like Farm Close. There are no small low cost houses and transport links into town are very poor. But may have in the future. Two grandchildren who would like to buy in the area but the only buildings are large homes. We need starter homes. New houses too expensive.

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Appendix 36 – Q29 Which buildings and man-made features in the Parish do you feel that it is important for the Neighbourhood Plan to seek to preserve?

Itchingfield Church Arboretum Literally just keep all of the surrounding forest/fields/shrub don't compromise what makes this area so pleasant. Village Green / Hall. All tree areas. Church Shop Pub The green and Barns Green Village Green. Village Hall. Club building. Footpaths and bridleways. Village Green and facilities around it. Protection for unlisted traditional / historic dwellings and buildings Recreational areas. To ensure that larger estates and properties in the parish are not broken down and overdeveloped. The old Itchingfield School - not listed. SSSI historic, important, interesting buildings. Protection of the public footpaths and bridlepaths. Old Itchingfield School Community buildings on village green Muntham House. The church and houses leading up to it. The pub and shop. The Village Hall. The Church. The Village Shop. The Queens Head. Footpaths with public right of way. Bridlepaths with same, verges flanking lanes/roads in parish. All hedgerows, bridges over downs link/disused rail line. Muntham House. Village Green. Sumners Pond, Anything along Chapel Road. Anything along Two Mile Ash Road. Itchingfield Church and surrounding buildings. All listed properties. Church, Itchingfield School. Action in rural Sussex Page 157 of 186

Local church. Village Hall and Social Club. Recreation area. Barns Green pub Listed sufficient. The old school - main hall. The pub. The shop. The Jubilee Hall and parking. The Social Club. Lots of older houses - cottages: not listed but characterful. Arboretum Village Green Access to Downs link Village pub The old school building in Itchingfield. The Church. Itchingfield village. Green Village Hall Social Club Pub Shop Sumners Ponds Green recreational spaces, village hall. Itchingfield school as it is part of the hamlets history. Church. Village Green. Village Hall (Barns Green) Older houses. Pub. Village Hall. Club. Old original village school at Itchingfield. Pub, all listed properties and their outlook. All natural protected land and woodland. All church related properties and land. Any building made before 1960. Rural approach to village from all directions. The Church. Itchingfield School (old school). Village Hall and Recreation Ground. The Village Green. Itchingfield School (old). Re use as training centre or recreation centre. The Green.

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Parish Church - though probably listed. Queens Head - though probably listed. Village Shop - Post Office. Church Public House Barns Green Village Green Village Shop Allotments Village Club Village Hall Village Pub Smithy Village Shop Do not allow pub or house names to change. Telephone box. Reinstate old style lamp posts. Wells. Footpaths and bridleways. All listed buildings. Itchingfield Church and churchyard. All listed buildings. Village Pub. Fishing / campsite. It's in the name Barns Green!!! I don't know enough to answer this fully. Any building of historical value and any feature of relevance and character. Happy with current list. Sumners Ponds. Church, playing field, school, club, footpaths, shop, Sumner pond. Local pub and village hall and club. Village Hall and club Village Hall Itchingfield Church / Priest House. Pub / shop. Sumners Ponds. The hamlet of Itchingfield to remain a hamlet Victorian school, obviously the church, the old house at Muntham School. Queens Head, Village Shop, Christs Hospital School and land surrounding. Church, village hall and green. Pub and shop. All of the housing along the main roads in / out of the village. The church and old primary school Village Shop Pub Church buildings. The old school

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The village hall Arboretum The Church - Itchingfield Village. The Pub Shop. Church, Village Green, Village Hall, Village Club. Village shop Pub Water tower on Sharpenhurst Hill (Christs Hospital). Village Hall. Queens Head. Village Hall Village Club Queens Head. Local Shop. Old school building in Itchingfield. Facilities at Sumners ponds. The old junior school in Itchingfield Village green and surrounds. Village Hall All building of architectural interest also the church The old disused school at Itchingfield. D. Reynolds forge Church, village hall, social club Preserve the village green, arboretum, footpath. Make sure the meadow is preserved where possible. Ensure future of village hall and club plus pub. ponds Open agricultural land surrounding the village I don't know which ones are listed. Church, village hall, village green, village shop, village pub, village school (listed buildings) The train station at christs hospital and access to the A24/A29 Arboretum Public footpaths Ancient woodland Village green/Arboretum Village green and arboretum. Barns Green sign on the green Wild service tree by village hall All amenities, The green, village hall, sports club, pub, shop, sumners pond, church and school. The old school site. The church. Village club - needs investment in changing rooms and storage Village Hall - but don't extend. Invest money in club instead Itchingfield Church Don't know Village green

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Village hall and social club. Sun clock on the green. Itchingfield church and graveyard I) Village green (ii) Arboretum (III) Village club and hall (IV) Village shop and pub (V) All listed buildings (VI) Muntham House (VII) Blacksmiths Church/pub/primary school/village hall/social club/shop/village green/arboretum/tennis courts/sumners ponds Village green and hall, social club, arboretum, Queens Head pub, village shop. The old building of the Itchingfield School could be refurbished and reused. Itchingfield Church Queens Head, Barns Green Sumners Pond Barns Green Village Store Barns Green Sports Club Barns Green Village Hall. The Church. The old school at Itchingfield. Hangmans Barn. Village Hall, pub, shop, forge, sports club, Sumners Ponds. Itchingfield Church. Queens Head Pub. The 28 listed buildings including the Church and Priests House, should be sufficient. The Priest House Itchingfield Church. Listed buildings. Public House Shop Village Green Village Hall. Muntham House. Arboretum. Itchingfield Parish Church. Shop, pub, old unlisted buildings, arboretum, WI sign on Village Green. Sundial. Village hall, Church, Priests House, Sandhills, Reynolds Forge, Village Shop. Village Green. Church, views, cricket field, fields, bridlepaths. Village Green, Village Hal, Church, Footpaths, Bridleways. The main road opposite Green down to Ponds. All. Tennis courts little used but needed as a village amenity. The Old Chapel, Chapel Road. Village Shop. Itchingfield Church.

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Trees and hedges - these are the result of field security and for boundary marking in many cases. Village Hall, Green, arboretum, paths, minor roads. St Nicholas Church. The church, Priest House, village hall, social club and village green and arboretum. The village shop. The village sign on the green. All the footpaths and bridleways and existing railway crossings. Itchingfield Church. The pub. Pub, listed buildings, Village Green, arboretum, shop, club. The bus shelter. Church, Priests House, Social Club, Village Hall, Village Green Public footpaths, ancient woodland. Church, pub, sportsfield / green. Shop, pub, club, village hall, Sumners Ponds. Benches on Green, bus shelter, village hall, social club, arboretum. Village Green and surrounding areas. Village Green. Itchingfield Church and area around it. All buildings more than 50 years old, The Green, the Arboretum. Pub Village shop Church and pub (if not already listed). The blacksmith shop, village shop, Sumners Ponds, older character houses, church. Village hall, cricket club. Shop, village hall, club, Sumners Ponds, village sign - sign posts, school, village car park, Muntham House School. Always maintain the village feel. The church at Itchingfield (St Nicholas) and the cottages. Village Green. Church, school, village shop, village hall, public house, village club. Village Green. St Michaels Church area. Church and outbuildings listed buildings The Millennium Field and Arboretum The old junior school, Itchingfield Shop, pub, village hall Green spaces - verges - trees - ditches - hedges The church, Sandhills, The shop Itchingfield church Itchingfield school Village green, hall and club The green Church Action in rural Sussex Page 162 of 186

Sporting facilities Shop/club and public house all feature in village life pub, shop, church Sumners ponds Church, village hall/green, school, social club, pub, village shop, sumners ponds, downs link, childrens play area, tennis courts Village Hall Shop and post office Pub The village hall and the club Church, shop, pub Church (Itchingfield) Club & Village Hall Pub. All listed buildings Footpaths Bridleways Church & churchyard Village Green keep Sumners Ponds Everything except the gypsy camp Village Hall. Shop. Pub. Sumners Ponds. Church The Arboretum The tennis court and car park area which could be landscaped. The lakes sumners ponds for wildfowl. Itchingfield church and the old school Village green, field with view of Horsham/Itchingfield. Muntham School-> Summers pond area, bluebell wood. Queens Head Pub Village Hall Village Club The Church Footpaths Roads Church Pub All houses older than 1920 Church, C-H, sportsground, Queens Head Domestic buildings near Church. Older buildings with character. Local pub, club, church, shop. Unfortunately none come to mind. Village Hall Village Club Village Shop

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All of them. Church Pub Green Village Hall Shop School The Village Green. Church Village Hall Community / cricket club. Village Green Itchingfield church. The Queens head pub. Not sure which buildings are listed. Village Hall Social Club Green Local Shop Church. Sumners Ponds and café The Queens Head Village hall Itchingfield school Church, old school, pub, shop The old school at Itchingfield. The church Priest House at Parish Church. Parish Church Redundant school building retained and converted to dwelling or similar. village green/hall footpaths church shop public house social club The old Junior School in Itchingfield. The Priest House at the church. Itchingfield school Church Priest House Shop Pub Schools. Village green. Properties with character. St Nicholas Church - Itchingfield. No opinion.

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Church Village Hall Shop Green Village Hall Social Club Train Station (but improved) The church, old school, village hall The old primary school in Itchingfield (ie convert to dwelling(s). Summers Pond it is an asset to the village, it has been developed tastefully by the owner for all village people. Christ Hospital site Itchingfield school site Greenbelt Church Village club, hall Pub The Memorial Garden rear of cricket field (Barns Green) - (manually created). Church Pub Village Hall Social Club Low rise buildings no more than 2 storeys high. The shop/post office The green The bus The pub The church The old school 1) Cleary the village green and immediate environs. 2) The timeless hamlet of Itchingfield on the hill. Concentrate on 28. Itchingfield Old School A village shop, but not necessarily the current architecture. All of them. Village Hall. Social Club. Sumners Pond. Itchingfield school. Sorry not sure as we are new here. Don't know.

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Appendix 37 – Q30 Which natural features in the Parish do you feel that it is important for the Neighbourhood Plan to seek to preserve?

ALL OF IT, do not do any unnecessary building on any of our beautiful countryside. Village Green and local views from areas around that direction, Sumners Ponds views from the top and a lot of footpath views and the surrounding area. Definitely the flora, fauna and outstanding views which surround this parish. Woodland areas, roadside hedges and trees. The existing and ancient field boundaries, woodland and particularly ancient woodlands. Existing farmland must not be allowed to be downgraded and its use for viable agriculture must be encouraged. Sharpenhurst Hill Parsons Brook Village Green and Jubilee Field Sumners Fields Marlands Estate. Protection of rural outlook, Sharpenhurst Hill, Jubilee Field arboretum. Flora and Fauna! Woodland; streams; view from sharpenhurst Hill; other unique views of North and South Downs, open areas around village green. The Arboretum and field next to it. The green must not change. Sumners lakes and all the buildings Sharpenhurst Hill The lime tree on the green Trees end of six acres. The Village Green. All trees and hedgerows. Village Green Arboretum Sumners Lakes. Woodland, Hedgerows. Trees standing in hedges, ponds, all veteran trees, verges, streams. Stripwoods/shaws-defining/enclosing fields. All of these are vital for our flora and fauna. Gulleys carved out by streams. All of it. Green Arboretum Sumners Ponds Muntham Grounds Allotments. Downslink should be opened from CH to the old tip encouraging W Green residents to cycle to station and keep cyclists off the roads. Trees and greenery. Views from the Mount FP1624 and from FP 1620 at Bashurst Hill.

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All the trees. Wooded areas. The Green. The width of the roads to keep the rural nature. The hedgerows. Encourage the natural 'corridors' for fauna. Substantial areas of ancient woodland Meadows Large individual trees/more TPO's Hedgerows The Downslink area. The Village Green and arboretum. Shelleys Wood and surrounding area. View from Itchingfield village. Village Green Arboretum Ponds Views from local hills. Ancient woodland, hedge rows/wildlife corridors. The views from Itchingfield hamlet towards Christs Hospital and Wellcross Nursing Home. All of it. The Village Green and adjoining field. Arboretum. Village Green. All natural protected woodland, all other woods, footpaths and agricultural and follow land. The green arboretum, upper field. Everything as is really. Arboretum. Village Green. All the green fields around the village. Village Green. Paths, woodlands and views and green area behind Recreation Ground. All woodland. Village Green Arboretum. Woodlands around Muntham House. Bluebell woods towards Billingshurst. All of them. View from Parish Church. View of Downs as you leave village towards A264. Village Green. Views from top of Sharpenhurst Hill towards North Downs. Footpaths Existing areas of woodland. Village Green. Footpaths and bridleways - to be cleared of jungle of weeds.

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Fields and woods. Green areas - parks - village green. Sumners Ponds. Views, flora, fauna. All existing woodland (there is not much left!) Footpaths. Bridleways. Rural settings - Sumners Ponds. All greenfield sites. Village Green. Surrounding fields / woods. Village green and trees on grass Downs link, ponds, ancient woodland, bridle paths. Mature/ancient woodland and individual trees Village Green and field above. Top of Muntham Drive (preserve views). Sharpenhurst Hill - beacon location and field. Church, playing field, school, club, footpaths, shop, Sumner pond. Village Green, Footpaths, bridleways, woodland, field and greens, in Muntham and surround. Village Green. The village green and woods leading to Itchingfield. Local woods and hedges. Views to the South Downs. Open fields with mature hedgerows. Wild birds. The views from the top of Westons Hill, Itchingfield Road and hundred acre field, The Village Green. All the surrounding farm land and footpaths, the area around the church and Victorian school. Views - the school has adversely affected the view of the village from the arboretum. Why paint it white? It stands out like a sore thumb! Woodland, footpaths, bridleways Village Green, Arboretum and adjoining open spaces. Village green Fields opposite the shop The village green Good walks, cycle paths. View as you drive over the bridge leaving Christs Hospital. Village Green and Jubilee Field and woods. Field opposite shop. Village green - used for cricket etc, focal feature of village. Village Green and surrounding area. Shelley Wood. Village Green Jubilee Field Arboretum Action in rural Sussex Page 168 of 186

Trust field and woodland and The Arboretum Village Green Nature trees. Views to South Downs from high ground. View from Westons Hill to North Downs The Arboretum/Village Green Established pathways and woodland Shelley's Wood Sharpenhurst Hill Downs link All local Flora Doxins link. All footpaths and Bridleways. Village Green The Green ( but developed to provide better play parks for our youngsters age 4 to 16 Arboretum, Meadow, village green. Village green Open agricultural land surrounding the village Ancient woodland Village green and arboretum Greenfields on outskirts of village Wild service trees in village. View from Arboretum over surrounding land. Local woodlands View from Arboretum Seek to get help improve surfaces of some bridleways so walkers can still use them View from Sharpenhurst Hill. Churchyard and adjacent fields are important. Habitat for Flora and wildlife. Village Green All green fields, woodlands, view from Itchingfield over towards Broadbridge Heath, Downs link. Village green! Arboretum Field above the village green Green buffer as above Bluebell woodland Lanes and hedgerows, Bluebell woods, Mature trees view from church. Public footpaths and bridleways. The view from High Muntham Lane to Chanctonbury Ring. All Bluebell Woods. Village Green, Ropers and cheffing field (ancient woodland) Jubilee Field. Parsons Brook, view from Beacon - All Barns Green. Fields/woodlands/wild flowers and associated wildlife eg deer, birds Sharpenhurst and all other green/wooded areas in parish as a whole. The Arboretum, public walks and pathways. Rolling countryside. Sharpenhurst. View from Fulfords Hill / old Itchingfield School. Itchingfield doesn't need development - that's what Horsham and Crawley are for. Action in rural Sussex Page 169 of 186

Ancient woodlands. Ropers and Cheffins Fields (Barns Green). Greenfields between Sandhills Road, Plumtree Cross Lane and rail tracks. Fields and woodland. Jubilee Field, Aboretum, The Green. Woodlands, public footpaths, Sumners Ponds. Village green, footpath network, ancient woodland. All existing woodland and agricultural land. Ancient bluebell woods. Farmland bird populations. The ancient woodlands, hedgerows and as much pasture as possible. Rivers, streams and man-made ditches and flood defences. Absolutely NO pylons or wind turbines. All footpaths, mature trees, the Village Green. Sumners Pond Muntham Drive Village Green Pathways Fields, etc. Arboretum. Itchingfield Parish Church. Views from the arboretum looking to the South Downs. Village woodland. Arboretum. Village Green. All footpaths without diversion. The ? (un-readable). Church, views, cricket field, fields, bridlepaths. More bridlepaths that don't have machinery in a dangerous place! All countryside. The Village Green and surrounding field. Tree tunnel into village from North. Village Green, view to North Downs from top of hill as drive out of village, view to South Downs from Marlands / Sharpenhurst. Bluebell woods of Shelleys Wood and Vale Wood. All. Village Green Arboretum. Village Green. Arboretum. trees and hedges, green grass, wildflowers could be encouraged in top field around car park, good for bees. River presumably important for drainage, the general rural scenery. Oak trees, ancient woodland, streams. The trees lining Sandhills Road and the pines bordering the green and the bottom of Tulfords Hill. The views of the Downs from Marlands and Sharpenhurst and from Itchingfield towards the North Downs. Fields for grazing cattle rather than horses.

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Village Green. Itchingfield views and Sharpenhurst Hill and Bashurst Hill. It's predominantly rural ambiance. Anything that promotes further urbanisation and extra traffic should be resisted. There are plenty of urban and semi urban places in the surrounding area for those who wish to live somewhere like that. Village Green and adjoining green space. Field facing village shop and pub. All existing footpaths and bridleways. Sharpenhurst bluebell wood and surrounding area. Downs Link. Shelleys Wood. Arboretum and Village Green, pathways and bridleways. Playing field and arboretum. Woodland on Sumners Farm, Shelleys Wood, Sharpenhurst. Hedgerows and trees. All the open fields, old trees. All. Jubilee Field (top village Green), footpaths, hedgerows, narrow lanes, Sharpenhurst Hill, Shelley Woods, copses (deer), local brooks. All trees / verges, etc. Village Green. View from Sharpenhurst Hill. Streams across parish. Vale wood. All the woodlands, all trees, the bluebells. Village Green Farmland View of and from Village Green. Fields and footpaths in and around village. Woodlands. Village Green, arboretum field behind the Green. Village Green, Jubilee Field, Arboretum. Wooded areas around the village. Always maintain the village feel. Village Green. Village Green and Jubilee Field, footpaths. Village Green. Surrounding woodland. Village green. Jubilee fields/Arboretum Surrounding farm lands/fields/woodland. Remaining Woodland. The few dear that are still surviving. The village green The green and surrounds with all flora and fauna The green All woodland Action in rural Sussex Page 171 of 186

The village green The arboretum Arboretum local walks The green, trees All trees The green Plenty of green space Very rural nature of the village should be preserved by only very limited development. Village green - arboretum - footpaths Woodland - Two Mile Ash/Trout Lane to Southwater. At Itchingfield. View from near Muntham and by Marlands. Open fields, Downs Link. Protect wildlife, deer, buzzards etc Village green Arboretum Footpaths The green, the arboretum. Sharpenhurst Hill The green Jubilee field and Village Green Village Green Arboretum Surrounding woodland All footpaths behind Ashmiles + to keep the field/view behind the development. Village Green + arboretum Woodland Sharpenhurst farm fields Marlands park Trees Everything except the gypsy camp The green. Wooded areas in parish. Hedges. Green 'corridor' as you come down sandhills rd past storries etc. Ancient woodland, streams, wealth of wildlife must be preserved views: Sharpenhurst, top of village green to the downs, Fulford Hill, Westons Hill. Entrance to village, village green as centre of village life. Village green, field with view of Horsham/Itchingfield. Muntham School-> Summers pond area, bluebell wood. Rural feel and landscaping. The new developments at Broadbridge Heath are a disgrace. The field where 63 dwellings were proposed and rejected, the view of Leith Hill as you drive down Westons Hill. All existing open space. Farm land. Village Green and meadow and surrounding green. Green areas in built up areas eg Finians Field and Snugglers - all public footpaths.

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As much as possible. Every part of the surrounding area is outstanding, difficult I know. Arboretum Sumner Ponds. Village Green and arboretum. Verges and woodland Footpaths with natural fauna & flora. Views over to surrey Hills. Good for the health of the community & visitors. Marlpost Woods Views / footpaths around Sumner Ponds. Views behind Mile Ash Road. Open spaces and public footpaths. The countryside in and around the villages of Barns Green and Itchingfield. Sumners Ponds. Arboretum Views from Itchingfield and Sharperhurst. Night Skies - no light pollution. Flora, fauna and views to maintain the village atmosphere. Sumners Ponds. green space Village Green Public spaces. Rural image. footpaths Open spaces and public footpaths. Shelleys Wood and mainly all the green spaces, woodland we have in the parish. Woods, rivers surrounding public footpaths and surroundings Footpaths Woodland. The fundamental rural environment with no further development. The Green at Barns Green. No opinion. Hedgerows Flora - wild flowers. Open views. Woodland. Barns Green - village green Greenbelt. Village Green in Barns Green. Rugby pitch. The Arboretum All oaks! - and other mature trees - should check first for Tree Preservation Orders before automatic felling! all footpaths & bridle paths Greenbelt.

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Village Green Top field. All fields towards Southwater, , Billingshurst, Horsham. Country open land for wildlife and flora, fauna. The 'Literary Pathway' which goes through great countryside in the local area. Village green. The green and trees Road access to restrict large vehicles Uninterrupted views of the downs N + S No road widening or new access roads. Views The Green - The fields opposite the village shop. This is a key feature making the village feel a rural village. - Ditto fast of railway line - Ditto around Itchingfield itself. all areas of ancient woodland, but basically all the farmland outside tightly controlled planning envelope. Keep roadside ditches running and roadside hedges cut back to improve visibility. All of Barns Green and Itchingfield are beautiful as they are. Barns Green arboretum. All of them. Woodland. Sharpenhurst (view). Woodland at rear of the church - Bashust Hall. Arboretum. Cricket / football field (the green) Footpaths All of the above (locations, flora, fauna, views,etc). The whole thing except where the gypsy sites are. View across farmland, indigenous fauna and flora. Leave everything as is. All the above - and all the wide open spaces - that's why we moved here. Public footpaths and bridleways need more maintenance!! Don't know. Playing fields Arboretum Mature deciduous and coniferous trees.

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Appendix 38 – Q32 Are there any locations in the Parish where you consider parking to be a particular problem or issue? Please give details:

Itchingfield School The Howdens is just full of 4x4s and Compass bus insist on sending a bus down there. Outside the school on The Hordens and People just dump vehicles without main road. thinking. Start a one way system as it was at Itchingfield. No one WALKS from the Village Club car park. Just too lazy!!. It will not be long before a child or adult gets killed or badly hurt, then everyone will do something. Plum tree cross cars parked on this main road to BG outside two houses cause significant accident risk. Main road by shop and Queens Head. Very difficult for cars to drive through. 2 Mile Ash Road. Barns Green School Parking very limited. Parking is all over the place Outside village shop. Often a long line of parked cars outside shop making it dangerous and difficult to pass along the road safely. Outside shop. Delivery vehicles at peak hours, competing with private cars for parking spaces. Adjacent to school in Two Mile Ash and Not respecting designated areas for the The Hordens. school. School Would like lay by to be used by school - coaches, drop off, etc. Outside the village shop. Sandhills road between tennis courts Pavement parking hazard; risk of and crossroads. incidents between vehicles, restricted visibility. School - The Hordens it is dire! Parents do not care about driving over grass verges and destroying the look of our village. Valewood Lane. Reduce speed limit for safety reasons. Village Shop. Difficult to see when pulling out of The Hordens. The school. Ruined verges. Centre of Barns Green Street parking creating issues. Village Shop. Passing can be difficult. Outside Jubilee Hall - on event nights. I believe this is being resolved. The Hordens Very congested with limited width and visibility Action in rural Sussex Page 175 of 186

Parking around the church. During services there is very limited parking. The Hordens - close to the school. Narrow to pass and verges churned up. No Shop. No spaces allocated - dangerous. The Hordens and new development. Builders use nearby roads to park in. School drop off and pick up - inconsiderate parking. Village shop Outside village shop. ticked only. New Barns Green School. Parents collecting, and dropping off and school entry along Two Mile Ash. Since the new drop off area was made the visibility is very poor. Due to the road incline difficult to see oncoming traffic. The road will allow only single line traffic at busy times. Will only get worse when population increases in the new estate. Outside primary school. Double parking at peak times. Local shop. None at moment. Outside the shop. People park in the passing place. Two Mile Ash Road opposite new Lack of provision for parental and school. school related staff. Post Office ` Parking to close to junctions or opposite Dangerous to negotiate junction due to junctions. cars obscuring view. No The Hordens. Congested. Outside village store. Restricts road use. Hazard to horse riders. New school?? Parking across the drive!! Outside the shop People visiting the shop cannot park off the road. Station. Not enough, cars everywhere. Outside shop. Distance along for passing traffic and speed of traffic. Shop and club Club has been sorted now. People drive fast by the shop. Level crossing. On house side cars blocking level crossing! Top of the Hordens onto Two mile ash Cars outside school occasionally bus road cannot get past. Been better since signs and road markings have appeared. School Inconsiderate parking during 'school rush' - cars are abandoned.

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Village Green area around the school. Green should be preserved for villagers not cars. Too many people park here without consideration. Salt Box Close - roads and paths. Parking on verges, wrecking the grass. Road very narrow and paths often blocked by cars! everywhere Outside village shop Lack of parking space. Provide layby opposite. Outside village shop. Obstructed view turning right out of The Hordens. Outside the school Park on pavement across drives Smugglers Way Inadequate parking for visitors. Near school. Congestion! Outside shop Often lots of cars and no-one in shop! Imposes one way lane. Congestion. Outside Village Stores, Chapel Road. No car park for shoppers therefore road blocked. Outside Village Stores. Poor visibility when exiting The Hordens. Church, school, shop Not enough spaces Village shop Junction with Hordens to pub restricted to one lane plus some vehicles parked in layby. Speed of vehicles. Outside Village Shop Parking causes traffic By the shop sometimes Too many vehicles/lorries Primary School Crowded and dangerous for pick up and drop off. Outside village shop Leaving one way traffic with little view or on-coming vehicles Outside the school - there is nowhere allocated for parents to park - therefore very difficult for parents and local residents. The Hordens On road parking Outside the shop Lots of cars making single file traffic New school no space The Hardings Bus can't pass Chapel Road - If there is an event at the pub the road is chocca - preventing customers accessing the shop - we have a lovely new village car park that isn't being used! The Hordens (on a bus route) Bus can't get through - damaged verges. Outside shop Needs to have pinch points and no parking areas Village shop at peak times. Visibility Village shop Visibility can be an issue By the school Insufficient parking provided for the school and parents stop anywhere! Action in rural Sussex Page 177 of 186

Village shop Difficult to pass when busy School Drop off bay in lay by should be put in place and not used by residents to park. Should have 15 minute max wait time between 8:30-9:30 and 2:30-4:00 Toat garage. Bashurst Hill. Barns Green Cars parked in road layby to small and Village shop. muddy. Outside village shop Trying to turn right out of the hordens without a periscope. Salt box close (at times) Road is narrow and could be a problem in the event of a serious fire. I commend the new parking area for the village hall! Village shop Parking in the road can be dangerous Roads around the school. Even with the new lines people park too close and opposite the school. Hard for buses, etc to get through! Outside Barns Green Village Primary Too congested, can't get through. School. Bashurst Hill. Once again can we raise the issue of speeding cars on Bashurst Hill which means cyclists, riders and pedestrians are not safe. Traffic calming PLEASE before someone is killed. Two Mile Ash Road. Parents parking across my drive so I cannot get in or out. Parking opposite the junction and right by the corner as you turn into the road. Outside the school. Tow Mile Ash Road residents are parking in the school drop off zones. Smugglers Way. Parking not being considerate by some people. Barns Green Village Shop. More spaces needed. Outside the shop / pub. Busy - speeding cars add to the problem. The Hordens - by side of school. Parked both sides of road. Very difficult to get through. The Hordens. Pavement parking, grass verges left muddy. Outside school on Two Mile Ash Road. Morning and afternoon - double parking and parking on double yellow lines on pavements. Barns Green Village Stores. People park too close to the junction. The Hordens. Parking on both sides of the road. Difficulty for the bus to get through.

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Just before going under the bridge in Its a blind bend, so could cause a head Two Mile Ash Road where the new on collision. builds are. Village Green was but now resolved with car park. The Hordens. School time. Hordens since new school was built. Outside village shop. Most times one way only in Chapel Road, HGV vehicles now using The Hordens. Now much improved with new village car park adjacent to village hall. The Hordens Many houses do not have garages so too many cars are parked on the road. Outside front of shop. Too many. Twice a school day around the school. Daft, selfish parking. All areas in The Hordens estate, Inconsiderate on road parking. particularly by the school. Outside St Nicholas Church. Not enough room. Outside the village shop and pub. Not enough space for the number of vehicles and the pavement being damaged. Grass verges consequently churned up. Christs Hospital Station - on parish Inadequate spaces. boundary but directly affects commuters from the parish. Technically not in the parish but it It is now virtually impossible to park at affects parish residents. A lot more car the station to catch a train after parking is needed at Christs Hospital 08.35am on weekdays. Railway Station. Perhaps there is land within our parish that could be used? Outside village shop. This could become a greater issue if village expands. Sandhills Road Parking on pavements on Green. Around the school. Careless parking on opposite sides of road. Difficult for buses and for residents. Outside shop. Makes turning out of The Hordens difficult. Narrows road to single lane. Cars drive too fast past parked cars. None. St Nicholas Church Insufficient space, resulting in congestion along road. Around Christs Hospital. Rail station. Outside school. Not enough space for picking up. Two Mile Ash Road - outside new During school drop off and pick up school. times residents cannot safely exit drives. Church. Not enough parking space.

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Outside the village shop. Cars and lorries park right along from the pub to Hordens Road, so when trying to get out it is impossible to see. Shop. Overcrowded at times. Outside shop. No provision for parking safely anywhere. The Hordens. Inadequate for bus services. Barns Green School. School run - parking on pavement and blocking road. Parking in Hordens. Too congested often affecting buses. etc. Village Shop. Cannot see oncoming traffic when coming out of the Hordens. Church. Narrow road - no parking. The Hordens - Two Mile Ash Road Parking is inconsiderate and restricts access for buses/refuse collection and emergency vehicles. Outside the shop Layby needed school & shop need off road parking Finians Field People not using their reserved car park spaces No Baystone Lane Bridge Dog walkers cars Outside of village shop Double parking times Two mile Ash Road - outside school People park on pavements so you have to walk into the road to get around them. Railway station/ Christs hospital Road Inadequate facilities Parish church - Itchingfield Not enough space Barns Green village Contractors on new development parking in dangerous places. School and Ashmiles Dangerous parking and driving. The Hordens The Church On road parking not great at busy times eg xmas Outside the local shop Bad parking, lorries and cars turning round in the Hordens Outside villages stores inadequate parking Outside the school. Bays opposite the shop would be a Traffic snarls outside the shop good idea extending the existing unofficial bay Christs hosp. railway station Illegal parking Outside the new school during pick Not enough spaces dangerous up/drop off Village shop Action in rural Sussex Page 180 of 186

The Hordens, Barns Green This is a bus route - very restricted due to parked vehicles. Village shop shop popular so crowded. Need more parking. School People parking in corners and on pavements Outside shop in Barns Green No safe off street parking Finians Field People parking on verges and ruining grass areas. School Encourage parents to park further from the school so removing traffic jams. Outside shop Outside the shop Visibility issues at busy times. Outside village shop. Dangerous Next to the pub and shop in Barns Always very crowded and hard to get Green past Outside village school Cars banned from parking on grass verges. Barns Green village store Accident waiting to happen Hordens - near local school Bus 74 cannot get through easily on occasions Outside the village store Difficult to see past parked cars as road is narrow. The Hordens Parking both sides of the road makes it difficult for buses to get through. The Ashmiles (our development) Not enough spaces available (and we are only a 1 car household!) Chapel Rd & speeding No. Outside village shop. Unable to see traffic coming towards you, if travelling from Horsham, if long line of cars parked outside the shop. Ashmiles Not enough private spaces - residents treating visitor spaces as their own personal driveway St Nicholas Church, Itchingfield no comment made The Hordens - older end near the Lots of cars and people putting cones school. out to 'save a space'. outside school peak management Village shop When busy road has hold ups and aggravates some drivers. Road from Horsham to Barns Green Road too narrow to safely allow parking especially before entering Barns Green. on the roadway. No Rugby pitch No designated parking. Smugglers Way On pavements Action in rural Sussex Page 181 of 186

Fulfords Hill - from old school to Church Single lane for church use (suggest Approach. paving - grass through on verge to allow overtaking) our village shop the next door pub patrons don't park in the car park. We can't park to shop. The Hordens Difficult to drive down this road due to parking of cars and bus use. By new houses and school. Parking issue. The Hordens Parking restricts passage of buses and larger vehicles. School Picking up and dropping off times chaos. The Hordens, Smugglers Way, Finians Too many cars owners/drivers now live Field in houses built in a time when 1 car was enough. Lack of care and use of some grassed areas/roads by people who have 4/5/6 vehicles. With no consideration to neighbours or the upkeep of their area. White vans park outside my home daily when park space exists. Outside school Collecting and dropping off children. The Ashmiles People do not abide by the visitor spaces. They use them for their 2nd car. Village shop Just provide a simple layby opposite shop Outside the village shop. There can be minor inconveniences when single file traffic is caused by many customers at one time. Bottom of Toat Hill on Bashurst Hill Commercial vehicles - dangerous. (previously mentioned) At Barns Green School. Parents parking on pavement opposite school blocking access for pedestrians. Outside Pub and shop. On road parking makes it difficult to see to exit The Hordens. Outside the village shop. Affects traffic flow. Outside Primary School. Congestion. Shop. Can be very busy. In my housing estate - The Ashmiles Not enough spaces.

The Hordens. On road parking makes this difficult to drive through. Outside 2 cottages in Sandhill Road - parked cars cause obstruction to sight line in both directions. Outside village shop. Victim of its success!

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Outside the school. Drop off layby been taken over for parking by residents living opposite the new school. Contractor parking. During Ashmiles and school development. Bottom of Bashurst Hill. Too many garage cars. Old school area. Since the old school closed, the frenetic driving and parking up the hill between Barns Green and I has ceased. Brilliant. Don't know if parking at the new school is ok? Presumably a lot of folk walk there. Excellent planning if that is so. Village Hall. People don't use the new car park but simply park at the side of the new fence. Two Mile Ash Road. Parking on Two Mile Ash Road near bridge is dangerous. Village school New school. Not enough. Village shop. Road not wide enough. Top of the Hordens Stop parking at school end of Hordens. Church. Not enough. Increasingly outside Ash Miles around Not volume at peak time but school. considerate parking. Outside shop. Inconsiderate parking during 'school rush' - cars are abandoned. School end of The Hordens. Parking both sides makes it difficult to navigate (particularly the bus). The Hordens Buses not able to get by. New housing development. Congestion! School end of The Hordens. Difficult for bus and refuse vehicles to drive through. Village pu. Junction with Hordens to pub restricted to one lane plus some vehicles parked in layby. Speed of vehicles. Station Lack of parking. Access road narrow with parked cars. The Hordens because of the school Inconsiderate parking Hordens and school Leaving one way traffic with little view or on-coming vehicles Four miles On road parking Outside the church Lots of cars making single file traffic Village shop Muntham Drive People park on both sides of the road which makes it very difficult for emergency vehicles. We, and our

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neighbours, have learnt this from experience! School Not enough dedicated parking. The Hordens. Too congested, can't get through. Outside shop. Cars come through too fast despite 30mph limit. Lorries parking and generally too congested. Sandhills Road - on pavements. Double parking and parking on yellow lines on pavements. Village Store. Busy, can be dangerous for a child the speed cars pass. Outside shop. School time. At school. Road blocked for some time at picking up time. Outside Barns Green Primary School. Congestion at times. Elsewhere in country. Recognise 'slalem' parking is actually an effective traffic calming measure, free of charge. The Hordens and Two Mile Ash by the Not enough space for the number of school. vehicles and the pavement being damaged. Grass verges consequently churned up. Outside school - new building. No new parking!! Parking problems outside the shop. Sometimes making it very dangerous. It is often impossible to tell if a car is coming in the opposite direction when driving past the shop. Outside village school. This could become a greater issue if village expands. Muntham Drive Parking on pavements / double parking. Through The Hordens Careless parking on opposite sides of road. Difficult for buses and for residents. Coming down Sandhill Road. Cars parked outside the semi detached cottages on left. Poor vision as slight bend - to see oncoming traffic. Outside shop. Congestion. School. Overcrowded at times. Church No provision for parking safely anywhere. Church. Car park not big enough. Village shop. Lay by could be bigger opposite. The Hordens No parking restrictions Throughout village People parking on pavement 30mph from Summers pond to crossroad should be downgraded to 20mph

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Around the new school top of the Cars abandoned & parked everywhere Hordens at school time. Ashmiles development Seriously inadequate parking. Shop When cars parked in line by shop - no room to swing round. School entrance The Hordens Sometimes an obstacle course to drive down. The Hordens People parking on verges and ruining grass areas. Out village shop Cars banned from parking on grass verges. Main road between Itchingfield & Barns Houses using the main road as a Green parking space creating a blind corner on a 60mph road. School (Barns Green) no comment made Muntham Drive When football / cricket is on - lots of cars some double parked. precinct area insufficient for residents Outside shop. No parking. Outside school Dangerous Muntham Drive Just keep the grass parking with grasscrete. Don't block off any grass area as it makes a pleasant parking spot. Very easy to do. Outside village store, Barns Green Few spaces and is a hazard to through traffic / pedestrians

Christs Hospital Station Totally inadequate parking provision leading to potentially dangerous and obstructive parking in local roads. Opposite Village Green. cars parked and hindering progress. Village Hall. Not enough. Within village. Consideration should be given to traffic flow within the village - not just speed! Parking outside shop creates increasing traffic flow congestion. As does 'sat nav use along Valewood Lane despite 'not suitable for lorries' sign. Finians Field - just before T junction with Obstructed view of T junction and one The Hordens. side of road is constantly worn with potholes. Outside the shop. Congestion! Itchingfield church Leaving one way traffic with little view or on-coming vehicles

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The area of Finians Field around the Not enough space for the number of large and open green. vehicles and the pavement being damaged. Grass verges consequently churned up. Two Mile Ash Road. Parking on pavements / double parking. The Hordens. The school end - parked cars narrow road - may make it difficult for emergency vehicles. All roads to The Hordens, Smugglers No provision for parking safely Way, Finians Field. anywhere. The school chaos when dropping children Maybe consideration given to a zebra crossing club/ school crossroads Railway station at CH (maybe outside not comment made. parish) outside shop peak management

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