Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Modules for (DBT)

DBT Mission Cabinet Secretariat Website: hp:// CONTENTS

4 List of Abbreviaons ...... 4

4 Secon 1 - DBT Framework ...... 6

4 Secon 2 - Classificaon of Schemes ...... 9

4 Secon 3 - Standard Operang Procedures (SoPs) for DBT schemes ...... 11

4 Secon 4 - SoP I: Cash Transfer from Government to Individual Beneficiary ...... 14 Illustrave example: MGNREGA ...... 19

4 Secon 5 - SoP II: In-kind transfer from Government to Individual Beneficiary ...... 20 Illustrave example: Food PDS ...... 26

4 Secon 6 - SoP III: Other Transfers ...... 27 Illustrave example: ASHA Workers under JSY ...... 33

4 Secon 7 - Architecture of Fund Transfer under the DBT Framework ...... 34

3 List of Abbreviaons

A/C - Account NPCI - Naonal Payments APBS - Payment Bridge Corporaon of India System NSAP - Naonal Social Assistance ASHA - Accredited Social Health Program Acvist OMMAS - Online Management, BD - Beneficiary Database Monitoring and Accounng System CAS - Common Applicaon Soware PAHAL - Pratyaksh Hastantarit Labh CBS - Core Banking Soluon PAO - Pay and Accounts Office CHC - Community Health Centre PD - Program Division DBT - Direct Benefit Transfer PDS - Public Distribuon System DHS - District Health Society PFMS - Public Financial Management DRD - Department of Rural System Development PHC - Primary Health Centre FMG - Financial Management Group PIP - Program Implementaon Plan ICDS - Integrated Child Development PIU - Program Implemenng Units Services PMGSY - Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak IFD - Integrated Finance Division Yojana IFSC- Indian Financial System Code Pr. AO - Principal Accounts Office IT – Informaon Technology RGI - Registrar General of India JSY - Janani Suraksha Yojana SC - Sub health Centre MGNREGA - Mahatma Gandhi SFDA - State Forest Development Naonal Rural Employment Agency Guarantee Act SFT - Secure File Transfer MIS - Management Informaon SOP - Standard Operang Procedure System SRRDA - State Rural Roads NACH - Naonal Automated Clearing Development Agency House UC - Ulizaon Cerficate NAEB - Naonal Afforestaon and UIDAI - Unique Idenficaon Eco-development Board Authority of India NAP - Naonal Afforestaon Program ULB - Urban Local Body NGO - Non Government Organisaon UT - Union Territory NHM - Naonal Health Mission NIC - Naonal Informacs Centre

4 1. DBT Framework Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) framework has a mul-stakeholder architecture which capitalises on the competencies of various departments and instuons to deliver benefits to beneficiaries in a mely and effecve manner. The figure below explains how different stakeholders work together to facilitate a holisc environment for successful implementaon of DBT system.

Ministries & Departments IT Team Idenficaon & Digisaon of authencaon Beneficiary Database of Beneficiaries

PFMS to act as a plaorm for DBT


Banks/ India Post/ UIDAI Payment Banks RGI

PFMS as a Plaorm for DBT

Ulmate objecve Cash subsidies to be transferred directly to beneficiaries' respecve accounts and in-kind benefits to be delivered directly to beneficiaries aer they have been duly authencated.

Fig.1 Stakeholders Involved in DBT Framework


1. Ministries/Departments · Creaon of a DBT Cell to facilitate smooth transion of different schemes to DBT. . Examinaon of all schemes to idenfy specific schemes and/or their components which are suitable for DBT. · Idenficaon and authencaon of beneficiaries for respecve schemes. · Maintenance of database containing scheme wise beneficiary details. · Seeding of Aadhaar into beneficiary database. · Creaon of payment files for disbursements to end beneficiaries.

2. IT Team of Ministry/Department · Digizaon of verified beneficiary data · Creaon and maintenance of real me MIS portal · Timely update and maintenance of data

3. UIDAI/Registrar General of India · Ensure Aadhaar enrolment · Enable Bio- metric authencaon to establish identy of individual

4. PFMS Ÿ Facilitate mapping of schemes to bank accounts of different stakeholders by Program Divisions involved in fund flow under various schemes. Ÿ Verificaon of bank account details of beneficiaries by maker/checker using PFMS plaorm. Ÿ Processing of payment files to the sponsor bank of Ministry/ State Department/ Implemenng Agency for disbursal of benefits: a) For DBT payments by Ministry/Department- done by DDO/PAO of concerned Ministry/Department b) For DBT payments by implemenng agency- done by maker and payment authority of Implemenng Agency Ÿ Sharing final payment response with the concerned Ministry/State Department/Implemenng Agency within the me limit as prescribed by banks. Ÿ Establishment of reverse feedback loop to Ministries/Departments. Ÿ Issue automac Ulizaon Cerficates (UC) to the Ministries/Departments which have ulised their funds under a scheme. Ÿ Provide training and hand-holding support to user departments. Ÿ Disseminaon of informaon about payments to beneficiaries through SMS alerts based on reverse informaon on credit success from Banks.

5. Banks/ Post Offices Ÿ Opening of bank accounts/postal accounts/Jan Dhan accounts. Ÿ Updang Beneficiary data (Updang bank account numbers and linking them with Aadhaar). Ÿ Carrying out payments to beneficiaries' accounts within the prescribed me limits. Ÿ Generating payment status response files with PFMS. Ÿ Disseminaon of payment informaon to beneficiaries through SMS alerts about credit/debit of the fund transfer under a scheme.

7 2. Classificaon of Government Schemes/Components To facilitate beer understanding of which scheme or component of scheme can be considered as DBT compliant, and to spearhead the transion process of schemes to DBT, the schemes/components can be classified into two broad categories based on the type of benefit given to the beneficiaries:

I) Cash Transfer to Individual Beneficiary – This category includes schemes or components of schemes wherein cash benefits are transferred by Government to individual beneficiaries. For example PAHAL, MGNREGA, NSAP etc. This transfer of cash benefits from Ministry/Department to beneficiaries happens through different routes as given below: a) directly to beneficiaries (from Consolidated Fund of India) b) through State Treasury Account to beneficiaries (from State Consolidated Fund) c) through any Implemenng Agency (as appointed by Centre/State Governments) beneficiaries

II) In-kind Transfer to Individual Beneficiary - This category includes schemes or components of schemes where in-kind benefits are given by the Government to individuals through an intermediate agency. Typically, the Government or its agent incurs internal expenditure to procure goods for public distribuon and to provide services for targeted beneficiaries. Individual beneficiaries receive these goods or services for free or at subsidised rates.

To cite an example, in Public Distribuon System (PDS), Food Corporaon of India (FCI) is the Government agent responsible for procurement, movement, storage and distribuon of food grains to Fair Price shops. FCI issues the food grains at subsidised rates, as fixed by the Government. The rates so fixed do not cover the full economic cost incurred by the Corporaon. The difference represents the consumer subsidy for the PDS, and is paid to the Corporaon by the . Similarly, Government incurs internal expenditures for provision of in-kind subsidies on other products like kerosene, ferlisers, books, medicines, vaccines, etc.

Other Transfers

This category includes transfers made in the form of honorariums, incenves, etc. to community workers and NGOs, etc. who are the enablers of government schemes for successful implementaon of the schemes. For example - ASHA workers under NHM, Aanganwadi workers under ICDS, teachers in Aided School, Sanitaon staff in ULBs, etc. are not beneficiaries themselves but they are given wages, training, incenves, etc. for their service to the beneficiaries/community.

9 3. Standard Operang Processes (SOP) for DBT Schemes The process of direct benefit transfer to beneficiaries comprises various sub processes at different levels in the overall structure. These sub processes include:

A. Preparatory Steps

B.R egistraon on PFMS

C. Creaon of Beneficiary Database

D. Validaon of Beneficiary Details (for SOP I and SOP III) / Distribuon of in-kind benefits (for SOP II)

E.P ayment and Feedback Loop

Sub processes A to D are enunciated for two scheme categories, namely Cash Transfer to Individual Beneficiary, In- Kind Transfer to Individual Beneficiary and Other Transfers/Processes within the program design in Secons 5, 6 and 7 respecvely. The sub process 'Payment and Feedback Loop' listed at E is discussed elaborately in Secon 8 tled 'Architecture of Fund Transfer Under the DBT Framework'. Secon 8 is applicable only for SOP I and SOP III.

These sub processes are described with the help of a general process map below:


(A) Preparatory Steps DBT Cell to identify DBT DBT Cell to develop IT based Ministry/ Department to schemes or DBT components System/MIS, create a Grievance create a DBT Cell of schemes and study process/fund flow Redressal Unit and train officials

(B) Registration on Registered Ministry/Department to PD to define hierarchy Ministry/Department/State PD and Pr. AO to approve create PAO/DDO/CDDO, State PFMS and components Department to create treasury users, Department/Implementing and verify Implementing Agency to create two users -Maker of scheme Agency to register on PFMS registration and Checker on PFMS portal

(C ) Beneficiary Database Ministry/Department/State Department/ Ministry/Department/State Ministry/Department/State Field functionaries of Ministry/Department/ Implementing Agency to upload Creation Department/ Implementing Agency State Department/ Implementing Agency to Bank/Postal account and Aadhaar Department/ Implementing to digitise Beneficiary Database collect Bank /Postal A/c & Aadhaar details of beneficiaries on PFMS after manual/ Agency to identify beneficiaries (BD) after verification of Beneficiaries and seed Aadhaar in BD physical verification

(D) Beneficiary's Data and bank A/C Banks and NPCI to share validation PFMS to send Bank/postal A/c and response with PFMS and PFMS Ministry/Department/State Department/ Validation Aadhaar details of beneficiaries to to share the same with Ministry/ Implementing Agency to rectify Department/State Department/ data for unvalidated beneficiaries banks and NPCI for validation Implementing Agency and resend the same to PFMS

(E) Payment & Refer to Section 8 – 'Architecture of fund flow under DBT Framework' Feedback Loop

12 4. SOP I: Cash Transfers from Government to Individual Beneficiaries A. Preparatory Steps

Ministry/Department to create a DBT Cell 1

Each Ministry/Department will create a DBT Cell which will be headed by an officer not below the rank of Joint Secretary and comprise of officials handling the DBT Cell to idenfy DBT schemes or DBT idenfied Schemes, officials from Integrated Financial 2 components of schemes and study process/ Division (IFD), Officers from CCA/CA and IT experts fund flow (NIC). Responsibility of DBT Cell Ministry/Department may consider outsourcing the IT DBT cell will idenfy DBT schemes or DBT soluons as per requirements. components of schemes and classify them in the following categories. DBT Cell to develop IT based System/ MIS, create a Grievance Redressal unit and train officials 3 I) Cash Transfer from Government to Individual Beneficiary DBT cell will develop an IT based System Ulity/MIS for ii) Transfer In-kind from Government to Individual its schemes that will provide a coherent centralized Beneficiary workflow engine for field funconaries, officials and iii) Other Transfers/Processes beneficiaries and enable report generaon, dynamic update of data and daily tracking of progress. It should DBT Cell will study the exisng process flow and fund also be compable with PFMS. The System Ulity/MIS flow under each scheme and reengineer the same may be like NREGA-SOFT of Ministry of Rural wherever necessary. Development which will capture data at process iniaon points and provide an intuive user interface in local Indian languages. Data once entered should be usable in all subsequent operaons to reduce data duplicaon and re-entry at different stages. The system may be designed with funconal modules to enable easy maintenance and provide space for all stake holders for their share of work. Thus, each Ministr y/Department will have in place a comprehensive System Ulity/MIS for effecve monitoring, management and implementaon of schemes. Process re-engineering may be undertaken to simplify procedures wherever necessary.

DBT cell will constute a dedicated body to deal with complaints and grievances of beneficiaries in a fair and mely manner. The grievances may be pertaining to various issues like delays in receiving subsidy amount in the bank account of beneficiaries, incorrect or delayed feedback, incorrect set of entlements received by the end beneficiary, etc. However, suitable grievance redressal mechanisms need to be established at different layers to address grievances pertaining to various stakeholders in the system.

DBT Cell will train all stakeholders including officials of States and UTs on usage of MIS. DBT Cell may provide a user manual/guide and organise workshops/seminars.

14 B. Registraon on PFMS

PD to define hierarchy and components of scheme 1

PD will define hierarchy and components of Ministry/Department/State each scheme on Public Financial Management 2 Department/Implemenng agency System (PFMS). This is a one-me acvity to be to register on PFMS carried out for each scheme to ensure PD will register the concerned Ministry/ monitoring of flow of funds. Components may D e p a r t m e n t / S t a t e D e p a r t m e n t / need to be configured each year, if required. In Implemenng agency along with the details case the hierarchy/components get changed of the sponsor bank. Alternavely, the for a parcular scheme, it is required that the concerned Ministry/Department/State changes be incorporated for the next financial Department/Implemenng agency can year in advance. register itself through the link available on home page of PFMS. Integrity of data c a p t u r e d a n d v e r a c i t y o f b a n k PD and Pr. AO to 3 accounts/IFSC codes, etc. need to be approve and verify registraon ensured. PD will approve the registraon by verifying the 4 d e t a i l s f u r n i s h e d b y t h e Registered Ministry/Department to M i n i s t r y / D e p a r t m e n t / S t a t e create PAO/DDO/CDDO, State Department/Implemenng agency at the me Department to create treasury users, of registraon. The bank account details will be Implemenng agency to create two verified using the PFMS-CBS interface. users - Maker and Checker on PFMS portal Aer approval, PD will send a statement to Pr. AO via PAO acknowledging that it has verified The registered Ministry/Department will the details, and the same may be accepted by create PAO/DDO/CDDO as users on the Pr. AO. In case there are sub-agencies, the PFMS Plaorm. For State Department, M i n i s t r y / D e p a r t m e n t / S t a t e treasury users will be created on PFMS. Department/Implemenng agency will Implemenng Agency will get a login ID and register the sub-agency(ies) whose bank password from the Ministry/Department details will be approved post verificaon by the aer its registraon is approved on PFMS. PFMS-CBS interface. The agency may create two users - Maker and Checker/Authoriser. Maker will be responsible for creang payment files for b e n e fi c i a r i e s ( e - S a n c o n ) a n d Checker/Authoriser will verify the payment files. Checker/Authoriser will use PFMS plaorm for approval of payment file by providing digital signature. The Authoriser will enrol Digital Signature on PFMS and configure it. The Authoriser can also be the PAO or State Nodal Officer. It is imperave that the Integrated Finance Division (IFD)/ PAOs, etc. also process or sele payment files online.

15 C. Beneficiary Database Creaon

Ministry/Department/State Department/ Implemenng Agency to idenfy beneficiaries 1 Ministry/Department/State Department/ Implemenng agency will idenfy beneficiaries for each scheme. State/UT officials or field funconaries will prepare beneficiary files as per Ministry/Department/State Department/ 2 Implemenng Agency to digise Beneficiary prescribed parameters/format provided by Public Database (BD) aer verificaon Financial Management System (PFMS). B a s e d o n t h e b e n e fi c i a r y fi l e s , Ministry/Department will digise BD using MIS Field funconaries of Ministry/Department/State which will have scheme-wise beneficiary details Department/ Implemenng Agency to collect Bank/ 3 such as name, numbers, demographic details of Postal A/c & Aadhaar details of Beneficiaries and beneficiaries, etc. The beneficiary details will be seed Aadhaar in BD verified by concerned authories (State Nodal Aer digisaon of beneficiary database, trained Officer/ Instuons etc.). Digisaon of verified State/UT officials or field funconaries will collect data may be carried out in the System Ulity/MIS the bank/postal account details of the as per the prescribed e-Governance standards beneficiaries and seed them in the database as per incorporated in NIC's Common Applicaon the parameters/format prescribed by PFMS. They Soware (CAS) provided to States/UTs. will also collect the Aadhaar details of beneficiaries and seed them in the database. One-me consent of the individual beneficiaries for use of their Ministry/Department/State Department/ Aadhaar numbers may be obtained. Integrity of 4 Implemenng Agency to upload Bank/Postal data captured and veracity of bank accounts/IFSC account and Aadhaar of beneficiaries on PFMS codes, Aadhaar etc. need to be ensured. Ministry/Department/State Department/ Implemenng Agency will send/upload the beneficiary files to/on PFMS for verificaon of Bank/Postal account details and Aadhaar. Obtaining meaningful data is essenal to reduce the iteraon for account validaon.

16 D. Beneficiary’s Data and Bank A/C Validaon

PFMS to send Bank/postal A/c and Aadhaar details of beneficiaries to banks and NPCI for 1 validaon PFMS, through its automated processes, will send beneficiary files to banks/ India Posts for account validaon and Aadhaar details to NPCI Banks and NPCI to share validaon for verificaon of Aadhaar. 2 response with PFMS

Ministry/ Department/ State Department/ Banks and NPCI will share the validaon Implemenng Agency to recfy data for responses for the beneficiary files with PFMS. unvalidated beneficiaries and resend the 3 These response files will contain informaon on same to PFMS account holder's name as per record. PFMS will M i n i s t r y / D e p a r t m e n t / S t a t e send these response files for all beneficiaries Department/Implemenng Agency will check (both for those whose details are validated and the response files and recfy beneficiaries' data not validated) to Ministry/Department/State wherever required and send the recfied files to Department/Implemenng Agency. PFMS again. Several rounds of data pushing may occur ll data is 100% correct. This will connue ll data of all beneficiaries is accepted/ validated from Banks /NPCI. However, the M i n i s t r y / D e p a r t m e n t / S t a t e Department/Implemenng Agency can sll prepare payment files for paral list of validated beneficiaries.

17 An Illustrave Example of SOP I: MGNREGS, Ministry of Rural Development

NREGA MIS/NREGA-soft developed by NIC (A) team. The central team trains the State NIC team who will act as master trainers for Preparatory Steps District NIC team and District NREGA staff. Central NIC team in Ministry of Rural Development The District NIC team has trained Block may be considered as the DBT Cell - Technical Identification of schemes by NREGA staff and Data entry staff. Feedback option on NREGA portal available for Directors, Project coordinator, Officials of Ministry of Rural Development NIC-DRD Informatics Cell, State/District NIC Centres grievance redressal from all stakeholders

(B) Registration on Approval of agency PD to define Field functionaries appointed PFMS hierarchy and Registration of by PD, verification as Maker and Checker. components of scheme agency on PFMS by Pr. AO

(C ) Beneficiary

Database Worker database maintained on Field functionaries collect Ministry sends Aadhaar + Bank a/c Creation Beneficiaries NREGA-soft. Data entered is sent by Bank A/c and Aadhaar files of beneficiaries to PFMS after offline/ online mechanism to the details of workers and seed them verification by higher level field identified central server at New Delhi. in the database officials

(D) Beneficiary's Data As MGNREGS entails payments to beneficiaries on a daily basis, validation of the Beneficiary's data and Bank Account and bank A/C details are done by field functionaries themselves to save time. However, validation of beneficiary details including bank Validation accounts are to be done through PFMS, as illustrated in the generic diagram on 'Processes for DBT' for 'Cash Transfers from Government to Individual Beneficiary on page 9.

(E) Payment & Refer to Section 8 – 'Architecture of fund flow under DBT Framework' Feedback Loop


(A) Preparatory Steps DBT Cell to identify DBT DBT Cell to develop IT based Ministry/ Department to schemes or DBT components System/MIS, create a Grievance create a DBT Cell of schemes and study process/ flow Redressal unit and train officials

(B) Registration on PD to define hierarchy Ministry/Department/State PD and Pr. AO to approve PFMS and components Department/Implementing and verify of scheme Agency to register on PFMS registration

(C ) Beneficiary

Database Field functionaries of Ministry/Department/ Ministry/Department/State Ministry/Department/State State Department/Implementing Agency Creation Department/ Implementing Department/ Implementing Agency to digitise Beneficiary Database to collect Aadhaar details of Beneficiaries Agency to identify beneficiaries (BD) after verification and seed Aadhaar in BD

(D) Distribution of In-kind benefits Ministry/Department/State Delivery of In-kind benefits to Allocation of in kind benefits Department/Implementing Agency beneficiaries after authentication at to States/ UTs to develop mechanism for distribution of goods PoS (preferably Aadhaar enabled)

20 A. Preparatory Steps

Ministry/ Department to create a DBT Cell 1

Each Ministry/Department will create a DBT Cell which will be headed by an officer not below the rank of Joint Secretary, and will comprise officials handling the DBT Cell to idenfy DBT schemes or DBT idenfied schemes, officials from Integrated Financial 2 components of schemes and study process/ D i v i s i o n ( I F D ) a n d I T e x p e r t s ( N I C ) . fund flow Ministry/Department may consider outsourcing the IT Responsibility of DBT Cell soluons as per requirements. DBT cell will idenfy DBT schemes or DBT components of schemes and classify them in the following categories. DBT Cell to develop IT based System/ MIS, create a Grievance Redressal Unit and train officials 3 I) Cash Transfer from Government to Individual Beneficiary DBT cell will develop an IT based System Ulity/MIS for ii) In-kind transfer from Government to its schemes that will provide a coherent centralized Individual Beneficiary workflow engine for field funconaries, officials and iii) Other Transfers/Processes beneficiaries and enable report generaon, dynamic update of data and daily tracking of progress. It should DBT Cell will study the exisng process flow and fund also be compable with PFMS. The System Ulity/MIS flow under each scheme and re-engineer the same may be like NREGA-SOFT of Ministry of Rural wherever necessary. Development which will capture data at process iniaon points and provide an intuive user interface in local Indian languages. Data once entered should be usable in all subsequent operaons to reduce data duplicaon and re-entry at different stages. The system may be designed with funconal modules to enable easy maintenance and provide space for all stake holders for their share of work. Thus, each Ministr y/Department will have in place a comprehensive System Ulity/MIS for effecve monitoring, management and implementaon of schemes. Process reengineering may be undertaken to simplify procedures wherever necessary.

DBT cell will constute a dedicated body to deal with complaints and grievances of beneficiaries in a fair and mely manner. The grievances may be pertaining to various issues like delays in receiving entlements, incorrect or delayed feedback received by the end beneficiary, incorrect set of entlements received by the end beneficiary, etc. However, suitable grievance redressal mechanisms need to be established at different layers to address grievances pertaining to various stakeholders in the system.

DBT Cell will train all stakeholders including officials of States and UTs on usage of MIS.

DBT Cell may provide a user manual/guide and organise workshops/seminars.

21 B. Registraon on PFMS

PD to define hierarchy and components of scheme 1

PD will define hierarchy and components of Ministry/Department/State e a c h s c h e m e o n P u b l i c F i n a n c i a l 2 Department/Implemenng Agency Management System (PFMS). This is a one- to register on PFMS me acvity to be carried out for each PD will register the concerned Ministry/ scheme to monitor the flow of funds. D ep a rt ment / State D ep a rt ment / Components may need to be configured Implemenng agency along with the each year, if required. details of the sponsor bank. Alternavely, the concerned Ministry/Department/ State Department/Implemenng Agency PD and Pr. AO to can register itself through the link approve and verify registraon 3 available on home page of PFMS. Integrity of data captured and veracity of bank accounts/IFSC codes, etc. need to PD will approve the registraon by verifying be ensured. t h e d e t a i l s f u r n i s h e d b y t h e M i n i s t r y / D e p a r t m e n t / S t a t e Department/Implemenng Agency at the me of registraon. Bank account details will be verified using the PFMS-CBS interface.

Aer approval, PD will send a statement to Pr. AO via PAO acknowledging that it has verified the details and the same may be accepted by Pr. AO. In case there are sub- agencies, Ministry/Department/State Department/Implemenng Agency will register the sub-agency(ies) whose bank details will be approved post verificaon by PFMS-CBS interface.

22 C. Beneficiary Database Creaon

Ministry/Department/State Department/ Implemenng agency to idenfy beneficiaries 1 Ministry/Department/State Department/ Implemenng Agency will idenfy beneficiaries for each scheme. State/UT officials or field Ministry/Department/State Department/ funconaries will prepare beneficiary database 2 Implemenng Agency to digise Beneficiary in a standard format, as decided by the DBT Cell of Database (BD) aer verificaon the Ministry/Department. B a s e d o n t h e b e n e fi c i a r y fi l e s , Ministry/Department will digise BD using MIS Field funconaries of Ministry/Department/State which will have Scheme-wise beneficiary Department/Implemenng Agency to collect 3 Aadhaar details of Beneficiaries and seed details like name, numbers, demographic Aadhaar in BD details of beneficiaries, etc. The beneficiary details will be verified by concerned Aer digisaon of beneficiary database, trained authories (State Nodal Officer/Instuons State/UT officials or field funconaries will etc.). Digisaon of verified data may be collect the Aadhaar details of beneficiaries and carried out in the System Ulity/MIS as per the seed them in their bank accounts. One-me prescribed e-Governance standards consent of the individual beneficiaries for use of incorporated in NIC's Common Applicaon their Aadhaar numbers may be obtained. Soware (CAS) provided to States/UTs. Integrity of data about beneficiaries including Aadhaar need to be ensured.

23 D. Distribuon Of In-Kind Benefits

Allocaon of In-kind benefits to States/UTs 1 As per spulated regulaons under each scheme, the Central Government will allocate fixed quanes of goods for public distribuon to Ministry/Department/State Department/ States/UTs. 2 Implemenng Agency to develop mechanism for distribuon of goods The Ministry/ Department/ State Department/ Implemenng Agency will develop a robust infrastructure/ mechanism to distribute goods Delivery of In-kind benefits to beneficiaries aer 3 authencaon to channels/outlets from where they can be easily delivered to the end beneficiary.

The beneficiary will approach the nearest outlet and receive the entled quanty aer authencaon, preferably Aadhaar enabled, at the point of sale/distribuon.

24 An Illustrave Example of SOP II: Food PDS, Department of Food & Public Distribuon

(A) Preparatory Steps

Department of Food and Public DBT Cell to study process/fund DBT Cell to develop MIS for State/ Distribution to create a DBT cell flow of Food-PDS UTs, create Grievance Redressal Unit & train officials

(B) Registration on PFMS PD to define hierarchy Agency appointed for PD and Pr. AO (proposed) and components of implementation of PDS to approve and verify Food PDS to register on PFMS the registration

(C ) Beneficiary Database Field functionaries to collect State/UT to identify Beneficiary database maintained on Creation Aadhaar details and seed them Regular review of RC details for beneficiaries as per MIS. (RC) details updation by State/UT eligibility to be digitised in the database

(D) Distribution of Food Grains Food grains allocation to FCI to deliver food grains to Fair Price Shops distribute States/UTs designated depots in States/ UTs and then to Fair Price Shops ration as per entitlement

Food grains delivered to beneficiaries based on ration amount after PoS device to be installed at authentication, preferably Fair Price Shops Aadhaar based authentication.

25 6. SOP III : Other Transfers SOP III: OTHER TRANSFERS

(A) Preparatory Steps DBT Cell to develop IT based System/ DBT Cell to identify DBT schemes or Ministry/ Department to DBT components of schemes and MIS, create Grievance Redressal Unit and create a DBT Cell study process/fund flow train officials


Registration on Registered Ministry/Department to PD and Pr. AO to PFMS PD to define Ministry/Department/State create PAO/DDO/CDDO, State hierarchy and Department/Implementing approve and verify Department to create treasury users, Implementing Agency to create components of scheme Agency to register on PFMS registration two users -Maker and Checker on PFMS portal

(C ) Service provider Ministry/Department/State Ministry/Department/State Department/ Database Ministry/Department/State Field functionaries of Ministry/Department/State Implementing Agency to upload Bank/ Department/Implementing Agency Department/ Implementing Department/Implementing Agency Postal account and Aadhaar of Service to digitise Service Provider Database to collect Bank/Postal A/c & Aadhaar details Creation Agency to identify service providers Providers on PFMS after manual/ (SD) after verification of Service Providers and seed Aadhaar in BD physical verification

(D) Service Provider's Data and bank PFMS to send Bank/postal A/c and Banks and NPCI to share validation response Ministry/Department/State Department/ Aadhaar details of Service Providers with PFMS and PFMS to share the same with Implementing Agency to rectify data A/C Validation Ministry/Department/State Department/ for unvalidated Service Providers and resend to banks and NPCI for validation Implementing Agency the same to PFMS

(D) Payment & Refer to Section 8 – 'Architecture of fund flow under DBT Framework' Feedback Loop

27 A. Preparatory Steps

Ministry/ Department to create a DBT Cell 1

Each Ministry/Department will create a DBT Cell which will be headed by an officer not below the rank of Joint Secretary, and comprise officials handling the idenfied DBT Cell to idenfy DBT schemes or DBT schemes, officials from Integrated Financial Division 2 components of schemes and study process/ (IFD) and IT experts (NIC). fund flow

Responsibility of DBT Cell Ministry/Department may consider outsourcing the IT soluons as per requirements. DBT cell will idenfy DBT schemes or DBT components of schemes and classify them in the following categories. DBT Cell to develop IT based System/ MIS, create Grievance Redressal Unit and train officials 3 I) Cash Transfer from Government to Individual Beneficiary DBT cell will develop an IT based System Ulity/MIS for ii) In-kind transfer from Government to Individual its schemes that will provide a coherent centralized Beneficiary workflow engine for field funconaries, officials and iii) Other Transfers/Processes beneficiaries and enable report generaon, dynamic update of data and daily tracking of progress. It should DBT Cell will study the exisng process flow and fund also be compable with PFMS. The System Ulity/MIS flow under each scheme and re-engineer the same may be like NREGA-SOFT of Ministry of Rural wherever necessary. Development which will capture data at process iniaon points and provide an intuive user interface in local Indian languages. Data once entered should be usable in all subsequent operaons to reduce data duplicaon and re-entry at different stages. The system may be designed with funconal modules to enable easy maintenance and provide space for all stake holders for their share of work. Thus, each Ministr y/Department will have in place a comprehensive System Ulity/MIS for effecve monitoring, management and implementaon of schemes. Process re-engineering may be undertaken to simplify procedures wherever necessary.

DBT cell will constute a dedicated body to deal with complaints and grievances of beneficiaries in a fair and mely manner. The grievances may be pertaining to various issues like delays in receiving subsidy amount in the bank account of beneficiaries, incorrect or delayed feedback received by the end beneficiary, incorrect set of entlements received by the end beneficiary, etc. However, suitable grievance redressal mechanisms need to be established at different layers to address grievances pertaining to various stakeholders in the system.

DBT Cell will train all stakeholders including officials of States and UTs on usage of MIS.

DBT Cell may provide a user manual/guide and organise workshops/seminars.

28 B. Registraon on PFMS

PD to define hierarchy and components of scheme 1

PD will define hierarchy and components of Ministry/Department/State e a c h s c h e m e o n P u b l i c F i n a n c i a l 2 Department/Implemenng Agency Management System (PFMS). This is a one- to register on PFMS me acvity to be carried out for each PD will register the concerned Ministry/ scheme to monitor the flow of funds. D ep a rt ment / State D ep a rt ment / Components may need to be configured Implemenng agency along with the each year, if required. details of the sponsor bank. Alternavely, the concerned Ministry/Department/ State Department/Implemenng Agency PD and Pr. AO to can register itself through the link approve and verify registraon 3 4 available on the home page of PFMS website. Integrity of data captured and veracity of bank accounts/IFSC codes, PD will approve the registraon by verifying etc. need to be ensured. t h e d e t a i l s f u r n i s h e d b y t h e M i n i s t r y / D e p a r t m e n t / S t a t e Registered Ministry/Department to Department/Implemenng Agency at the create PAO/DDO/CDDO, State me of registraon. The bank account Department to create treasury users, details will be verified using the PFMS-CBS Implemenng Agency to create two interface. users -Maker and Checker on PFMS portal Aer approval, PD will send a statement to Pr. AO via PAO acknowledging that it has The registered Ministry/Department will verified the details and the same may be create PAO/DDO/CDDO as users on PFMS accepted by Pr. AO. In case there are sub- Plaorm. For State Department, treasury agencies, Ministry/Department/State users will be created on PFMS. Maker will Department/Implemenng Agency will be responsible for creang payment files register the sub-agency(ies) whose bank for Service providers (e-Sancon) and details will be approved post verificaon by Checker/Authoriser will verify the PFMS-CBS interface. payment files. Checker/Authoriser will use PFMS plaorm for approval of payment file by providing digital signature. The Authoriser will enrol the Digital Signature on PFMS and configure it. The Authoriser can also be the PAO or State Nodal Officer. It is imperave that the Integrated Finance Division (IFD)/ PAOs, etc. also process or sele payment files online.

29 C. Service Provider Database Creaon

Ministry/Department/State Department/ Implemenng Agency to idenfy beneficiaries 1 Ministry/Department/State Department/ Implemenng Agency will idenfy beneficiaries for each scheme. State/UT officials or field funconaries will prepare beneficiary files as per Ministry/Department/State Department/ 2 Implemenng Agency to digize Beneficiary prescribed parameters/format provided by Public Database (BD) aer verificaon Financial Management System (PFMS). B a s e d o n t h e b e n e fi c i a r y fi l e s , Ministry/Department will digise BD using MIS Field funconaries of Ministry/Department/State which will have scheme-wise beneficiary details Department/ Implemenng Agency to collect Bank/ Postal A/c & Aadhaar details of Beneficiaries and 3 like name, numbers, demographic details of seed Aadhaar in BD beneficiaries, etc. The beneficiary details will be verified by concerned authories (State Nodal Aer digisaon of Service Provider database, Officer/Instuons etc.). Digisaon of verified trained State/UT officials or field funconaries will data may be carried out in the System collect the bank/postal account details of the Ulity/MIS as per the prescribed e-Governance Service Providers and seed them in the database as standards incorporated in NIC's Common per the parameters/format prescribed by PFMS. Applicaon Soware (CAS) provided to They will also collect the Aadhaar details of Service States/UTs. Providers and seed them in the database. One- me consent of the individual beneficiaries for use Ministry/Department/State Department/ of their Aadhaar numbers may be obtained. 4 Implemenng Agency to upload Bank/Postal Integrity of data captured and veracity of bank account and Aadhaar of beneficiaries on PFMS accounts/IFSC codes, Aadhaar etc. need to be Ministry/Department/State Department/ ensured. Implemenng Agency will send/upload the beneficiary files to/on PFMS for verificaon of Bank/Postal account details and Aadhaar. Obtaining meaningful data is essenal to reduce the iteraon for account validaon.

30 D. Service Provider’s Data and Bank A/C Validaon

PFMS to send Bank/postal A/c and Aadhaar details of beneficiaries to banks and NPCI for 1 validaon PFMS will send beneficiary files to banks/posts for account validaon and Aadhaar details to NPCI for verificaon of Aadhaar. Banks and NPCI to share validaon 2 response with PFMS

Ministry/ Department/ State Department/ Banks and NPCI will share the validaon Implemenng Agency to recfy data for responses for the beneficiary files with PFMS. unvalidated beneficiaries and resend the 3 These response files will contain informaon on same to PFMS account holder's name as per record. PFMS will M i n i s t r y / D e p a r t m e n t / S t a t e send these response files for all beneficiaries Department/Implemenng Agency will check (both for those whose details are validated and the response files and recfy beneficiaries' data not validated) to Ministry/Department/State wherever required and send the recfied files to Department/Implemenng Agency. PFMS again. Several rounds of data pushing may occur ll data is 100% correct. This will connue ll data of all beneficiaries is accepted/ validated from Banks /NPCI. Step D.1 repeats. However, the Ministry/Department/State Department/Implemenng Agency can sll prepare payment files for paral list of validated beneficiaries.


(A) Preparatory Steps Creation of DBT Cell in Identification of JSY DBT Cell to develop an Ministry of Women & scheme by Ministry of MIS and train officials Child Development Health and Family Welfare

(B) Registration on Agency to create two users -Maker PFMS PD to define hierarchy Registration of Agency Approval of Agency by PD, and Checker. Maker can be State and components of ICDS verification by Pr. AO Program Officers/District Program on PFMS Officers/Block CDPO

(C ) Service providers' Database Creation Collection of Identification of AWWs Digitise AWWs' Send Aadhaar + Bank/Postal database after verification Bank A/c/Postal A/c + Aadhaar details a/c to PFMS after verification

(D) Service Provider's Data and bank Verification of A/c Rectification of AWW's A/C Validation and Aadhaar details Identification of discrepancies data and resending for validation in name and A/c of AWWs to PFMS

(E) Payment & Refer to Section 8 – 'Architecture of fund flow under DBT Framework' Feedback Loop

32 7. Architecture of Fund Transfer Under the DBT Framework Almost all schemes of the Government of India involve transfer of benefits, in either cash or kind to the idenfied beneficiaries. This necessitates the flow of funds from a parent Ministry/Department to the beneficiaries through different routes. A structured and well- defined fund transfer mechanism is thus, important to ensure not only the successful implementaon of schemes on the DBT plaorm, but also compliance with accounng requirements.

The previous secons 5, 6 and 7 focussed on the DBT processes to be established. This secon explains the fund flow mechanism to be followed under DBT. It is to be observed that this fund flow mechanism is parcularly applicable to schemes involving Cash Transfers to Individual Beneficiaries (SOP I) and Other Transfers to enablers of Government schemes (SOP III). With regard to In-Kind Transfers (SOP II), the Ministry/Department must ensure that fund transfers, if any, at various levels are captured on the PFMS plaorm, while disbursement of In-kind benefits to beneficiaries is done post authencaon, which preferably should be Aadhaar enabled.

In general, there are three different routes through which fund transfers can take place under various schemes, viz.

I. Fund transfer from parent Ministry/Department to the accounts of beneficiaries directly e.g. MGNREGS, scholarships by different Ministries/Departments. ii. Fund transfer through State Treasury Account to beneficiaries, for e.g. old age pension in UP. iii. Fund transfer through any implemenng agency (as appointed by Centre/State Governments) to beneficiaries. For e.g. Schemes of the D/o Sports through SAI, Scholarships of the D/o Higher Educaon through UGC. Implemenng agencies may also include Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) created by Ministries/Departments for disbursement of benefits (in cash or kind) to intended beneficiaries.

The architecture of fund flow process under the DBT framework is illustrated in the diagram below followed by a detailed descripon of each step.



Payment & Authorizer appointed by Ministry/ Maker of Ministry/Department/State Department/State Feedback Loop Department/Implementing Agency Department/Implementing Agency PFMS to validate and send payment files to create payment files after verification to approve the payment files to the corresponding sponsor bank of Ministry/ and place on PFMS and digitally sign them on PFMS Department/State Department/Implementing Agency

All transactions to be routed through NPCI.

All Aadhaar based transactions to Non Aadhaar based transactions be routed through NPCI's APBS to be routed through NPCI's Bank of Ministry/Department/ Amount transferred to all (Aadhaar Payment Bridge NACH (National Automated State Department/Implementing System) Clearing House) individual accounts of Agency to transfer payments to beneficiaries beneficiaries' accounts

Feedback Bank of Ministry/Department/ PFMS to share the payment response I) Feedback to beneficiaries Loop State Department/Implementing file status with respective Ministry/ through SMS alerts-credit/debit Agency to share payment status information by corresponding Bank Department/State Department/ ii) Scheme wise information response file with PFMS Implementing Agency by PFMS/PD

Your bank account credited for PDS Subsidy on 03 May 2016 for Rs. 120.25 for the period 01 May 2016 to Payment for failed transactions to 31 May 2016. be re-initiated by Ministry/Department/ Screenshot of SMS alert State Department/Implementing Agency from PFMS to beneficiary after rectification. Repeat Steps 1 to 6.


Maker of Ministry/Department/ State Department/Implemenng Agency to create payment files aer verificaon 1 and send to PFMS Authoriser to approve the payment files 2 and digitally sign them on PFMS Maker appointed by Ministry/Department/State Department/Implemenng Agency will create Authoriser will verify and approve the payment payment files on PFMS for beneficiaries and send files by digitally signing either through Ministry them to Checker using PFMS with or without digital Portal interfaced with PFMS or or directly on signature. The payment files will be processed in PFMS. In case of any error or inaccuracy in the mulple batches. payment files, the Authoriser will reject the enre payment file (batch) by cing the appropriate reason from the drop down list of reasons for PFMS to validate and send payment files rejecon. There can be mulple Authorisers for to the corresponding sponsor bank of 3 approval of payment. Ministry/Department/State Department/ Bank of Ministry/ Department/ State Implemenng Agency Department/Implemenng Agency to Once approved and digitally signed by the transfer payments to beneficiaries' Authoriser, the payment files will be sent by PFMS accounts through an automated process to the 4 Amount will be debited from the sponsor bank of c o r r e s p o n d i n g s p o n s o r b a n k o f Ministry/Department and beneficiaries' bank M i n i s t r y / D e p a r t m e n t / S t a t e accounts will be credited through the appropriate Department/Implemenng Agency. payment bridges.

All transacons to be routed through Bank of Ministry/Department/State NPCI 5 Department/Implemenng Agency to share payment status response file with PFMS The sponsor bank will route all transacons through NPCI. All Aadhaar based transacons will Through an automated process, the sponsor bank be routed through Aadhaar Payment Bridge 6a of Ministry/ Department/ State Department/ System (APBS) of NPCI and all non-Aadhaar based Implemenng Agency will share the payment transacons will be routed through Naonal status response files with PFMS. Automated Clearing House (NACH) of NPCI. On-us and off-us transacon charges laid down by NPCI 6b PFMS to share the payment response file status will be accounted for. An On-us (intrabank) with respecve Ministry/ Department/ State transacon is one where an Aadhaar iniated Department/ Implemenng Agency transacon has effects only in accounts within one and the same Bank and does not necessitate an PFMS will then share the payment status response interbank selement. An Off-us (interbank) files with Ministry/ Department/ State transacon is one where there is movement of Department/Implemenng Agency. These funds from one Bank to another necessitang an response files will contain the details of successful interbank selement. and failed transacons along with reasons for the failure. This informaon on payment status will also be readily available in PFMS reports on DBT. Payment for failed transacons to be re-iniated by aer recficaon. Steps 1 I) Feedback to beneficiaries through SMS to 6 repeat. alerts-credit/debit informaon by 6c corresponding Bank ii) Scheme wise Payment for failed transacons will be re-iniated informaon by PFMS/PD b y t h e M i n i s t r y / D e p a r t m e n t / S t a t e Department/Implemenng Agency aer carrying Establishment of feedback loop has to be an out the required modificaon / recficaon. The 7 integral part of the IT plaorm. Feedback will be whole process from Steps 1 to 6 will be repeated. given to the beneficiaries through SMS alerts The above menoned Steps 1 to 6 can be further regarding transacon by corresponding bank. elucidated for each of the three routes of fund Scheme wise payment amount details will be transfer, the details of which are explained below. inmated to beneficiaries by PFMS/Program Division through SMS. Reverse informaon loop i)Directly from Ministry/Department to on failed/successful transacons will be b e n efi c i a r i e s - U n d e r t h i s c h a n n e l o f important for generang electronic Ulizaon disbursement, funds would be transferred directly C e r fi c a t e s ( U C s ) / a c c o u n n g to the bank/postal accounts of beneficiaries from purpose/informaon loop to beneficiaries, etc. the Ministry/Department and there shall be no intermediary accounts. The funds will be maintained at the Central level. 36 An illustrave example: NeFMS project under MGNREGS

Naonal Electronic Fund Management System (NeFMS) is a pilot project launched by the Central government on 01.04.2016. This has been implemented in 11 states, namely Assam, , Haryana, Karnataka, Kerala, , Punjab, Rajasthan, Tripura, Uarakhand and Uar Pradesh for direct and faster disbursal of wages (excluding material component and administrave component) under the Mahatma Gandhi Naonal Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS). The expenditure on wage component is debited to the Major Head of Account 2505 – Rural Employment while the expenditure on material cost and administrave component are debitable to the Head of Account 3601 - Grants-in-aid to State Govt. (Major Head). The fund flow process under N-eFMS takes place as follows:

Ÿ Department of Rural Development sends Fund Transfer Orders (FTOs) for wage component to PFMS daily.

Ÿ PFMS sends the FTOs to respecve Bank/ India Post Accounts.

Ÿ Banks/India Posts will send response files to PFMS.

Ÿ These response files will be subsequently shared with the Department.

Ÿ Payment for validated beneficiaries will be transferred directly into the accounts of the beneficiaries.

Ÿ Payment for failed transacons will be re-iniated.


Illustrave example- DESIRED FUND FLOW PROCESS NeFMS project (MGNREGS)

Under N-eFMS, the Department of Rural STEP Maker appointed by Ministry/ Development ( DoRD) creates Fund Department to create payment files Transfer Orders (FTOs) i.e. payment files 01 aer verificaon and place them on PFMS for wage component and sends them to PFMS daily

PFMS validates the NREGA workers’ details STEP Authoriser appointed by Ministry/ with the respecve Banks/Postal Accounts, Department to approve the payment shares the same with DoRD which is approved and digitally signed by the files and digitally sign them on PFMS 02 Authoriser. Validaon of a new beneficiary bank account for a scheme is a one-me acvity

STEP PFMS to validate and send payment Sending of payment file by PFMS to files to the sponsor bank of sponsor bank of DoRD 03 Ministry/ Department

STEP Sponsor Bank to transfer payment Transfer of amount by sponsor bank 04 to beneficiaries' accounts of DoRD into NREGA workers' accounts

Sponsor bank to route all transacons STEP through NPCI. All Aadhaar based Sharing of payment status response transacons to be routed through APBS (success/failure back to PFMS server) file and all Non Aadhaar based transacons by sponsor bank of Ministry/Department 05 with PFMS to be routed through NACH

Sponsor bank to share payment status response STEP file with PFMS. PFMS to share the response files with Ministry/Department i.Feedback to Payment for failed transacons to be beneficiaries through SMS alerts-credit/debit re-iniated by Ministry aer recficaon 06 informaon by beneficiary's bank ii. Scheme wise informaon by PFMS/PD

STEP Payment for failed transacons to be re-iniated by Ministry/ Department 07 aer recficaon and repeat Steps 1 to 6.

*The illustrave example may not follow the desired fund flow process exactly 38 ii) Through State Treasury Account

Under this channel of disbursement, funds from the Central Government will be transferred to beneficiaries' accounts through the State Treasury Account. This route is generally adopted in Centrally Sponsored Schemes which are largely funded by the Central Government with a defined share of State Government. Aer receipt of Central share in the State Consolidated Fund and matching State share, funds are transferred to Districts/Panchayats from the State Consolidated Fund and then to the beneficiaries. However, it may also be possible that the State may use an electronic Fund Management System of its own for payments in which case the funds will be transferred from the State Consolidated Fund directly into the beneficiaries' accounts.

Illustrave Example: Indira Gandhi Naonal Old Age Pension Scheme in Uar Pradesh

The Indira Gandhi Naonal Old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS) is a non-contributory old age pension scheme that covers Indians who are 60 years and above and live below the poverty line. The pension scheme is part of the Naonal Social Assistance Programme (NSAP) that was launched by the Ministry of Rural Development in August, 1995.

Presently, on the basis of Socio-Economic Caste Census (SECC) data, funds are allocated to the States / Uts.

Funds for IGNOAPS are released to the Consolidated Fund of the State Government of U.P. Aer receiving the share from the centre, the state withholds its share and transfers the fund to individual beneficiaries from the State treasury. The detailed fund flow is explained henceforth.

The fund flow from the Ministry to the State treasury and from the State treasury to the end beneficiary is mapped enrely to the centralized PFMS. The bank/postal account details of the end beneficiaries are sent to PFMS for validaon of bank accounts.

The payment files are electronically generated by the Department of Rural Development of the State government and placed on PFMS for payment. The payment file is then digitally authorised by the concerned finance officer and nodal officer of the State department. Finally, this file is sent to the State Treasury, where the payment file is verified and based on availability of funds under the appropriate head to which the old age pension corresponds, funds are released directly into the account of the beneficiary through PFMS.



STEP Maker appointed by State Department of Rural Development, U.P (U.P DoRD), electronically Department to create payment files generates payment files. The payment aer verificaon and place on PFMS 01 files are sent to be placed on PFMS

STEP PFMS sends e-files to banks for Authoriser appointed by State validaon. Verified files are sent to Department to approve the payment the concerned finance officer and 02 files and digitally sign them on PFMS nodal officer of U.P, DoRD for digital authorisaon

STEP PFMS to validate and send payment State Treasury of U.P receives payment files to the sponsor bank of files from the department via PFMS 03 State Department and digitally signs the payment files

STEP On receiving payment files, sponsor Sponsor Bank to transfer payment bank of State Department of U.P will to beneficiaries' accounts iniate payments to beneficiaries' 04 accounts

Sponsor bank to route all transacons STEP through NPCI. All Aadhaar based Sharing of payment status response file transacons to be routed through APBS by sponsor bank of State treasury of U.P 05 and all Non Aadhaar based transacons with PFMS to be routed through NACH

Sponsor bank to share payment status response STEP file with PFMS. PFMS to share the response Payment for failed transacons to be files with Ministry/Department. i. Feedback to beneficiaries through SMS alerts-credit/ re-iniated by State Treasury of U.P. aer 06 debit informaon by beneficiary's bank recficaon ii. Scheme wise informaon by PFMS/PD

STEP Payment for failed transacons to be re-iniated by Ministry/ Department 07 aer recficaon and repeat Steps 1 to 6

*The illustrave example may not follow the desired fund flow process exactly 40 iii) Fund Transfer through Implemenng Agency

Under this channel of disbursement, funds will be transferred by Ministry/Department to an idenfied implemenng agency as nominated by Ministry/Department as per the budget allocated to such implemenng agencies. These implemenng agencies will be responsible for further transfer of funds to banks/postal accounts of the idenfied beneficiaries.

Example:- UGC as an implemenng agency for various scholarship/fellowship schemes

UGC is an implemenng agency for various government schemes relang to scholarship programs. The fund flow mechanism is as under:

Ÿ UGC receives the amount of funds allocated for scholarships under the department's budget.

Ÿ UGC idenfies the beneficiaries/scholarship holders. The list of such idenfied beneficiaries is uploaded on the web portal maintained by UGC.

Ÿ Aer validaon of beneficiary list by PFMS, payment files are generated by the UGC's sponsor bank.

Ÿ These payment files are digitally signed by authoriser appointed by UGC and then sent to PFMS through the UGC portal.

Ÿ The sponsor bank, on the receipt of payment files from PFMS, iniates the process of fund transfer.

Ÿ Payment status response file of the fund transfer is shared by the sponsor bank with PFMS which in turn shares the same with UGC.

Ÿ Payment for failed transacons to be re-iniated by UGC aer recficaon.


Illustrave example- DESIRED FUND FLOW PROCESS UGC Scholarship Schemes*

STEP Maker appointed by State UGC, the Implemenng Agency Department to create payment files electronically generates payment files 01 aer verificaon and place on PFMS which are then placed on PFMS

STEP Authoriser appointed by State Authorising officer of UGC to approve Department to approve the payment the payment files and digitally sign them 02 files and digitally sign them on PFMS on PFMS

STEP PFMS sends validated payment PFMS to send validated payment files to the sponsor bank of files to sponsor bank of UGC 03 Implemenng Agency

STEP Sponsor Bank of Implemenng Sponsor Bank transfers scholarship Agency to transfer payment to amounts to scholarship holders' accounts 04 beneficiaries' accounts

Sponsor bank to route all transacons STEP through NPCI. All Aadhaar based Sponsor Bank shares payment status transacons to be routed through APBS response files with PFMS. 05 and all Non Aadhaar based transacons PFMS shares the same with UGC to be routed through NACH

Sponsor bank to share payment status response STEP file with PFMS. PFMS to share the response Payment for failed transacons to file with Ministry/Department. i. Feedback to beneficiaries through SMS alerts-credit/ be re-iniated by UGC aer 06 debit informaon by beneficiary's bank recficaon ii. Scheme wise informaon by PFMS/PD

STEP Payment for failed transacons to be re-iniated by Ministry/ Department 07 aer recficaon and repeat Steps 1 to 6

*The illustrave example may not follow the desired fund flow process exactly 42 Transacon Charges to Financial Agencies for DBT Transacons

The banking and postal networks in the country have a pivotal role to play in the successful implementaon of schemes on the DBT plaorm. The banks and post offices not only provide financial facilies in terms of bank/postal accounts to the beneficiaries of schemes, but also bear the responsibility of ensuring last mile connecvity and accessibility to benefits provided in the bank accounts of beneficiaries. They are thus required to devote addional resources in terms of financial, physical and human resources for this purpose.

To ensure an adequate incenve mechanism for the financial intermediaries, the Ministry of Finance has issued a Government Order (No. 32(07) /PF-II /2011- Vol. II) dated 26.02.2016 spulang transacon charges/cash out incenves for DBT transacons carried out by banks and post offices. As per the Government Order, this commission is paid in two parts, as described below: i) Transacon charges

A transacon cost of Rs. 0.50/- would be payable for every transacon that happens between the sponsor banks, desnaon enes and NPCI in accordance with the extant NPCI circular. ii) Cash out incenves

For MGNREGA, Maternity Benefits (ICDS) and Pension Schemes, a fixed component of Rs. 5/- per transacon and an available component of Rs. 0.50/- per Rs. 100 (transacon amount rounded up to the next hundred) subject to a maximum of Rs. 5/- would be payable. This incenve is provided to promote last mile delivery of financial services.

These transacon charges are however subject to changes in future as per requirements.