Present: Mike Beevers, Angela Clewlow, Ingrid Credgington , Len Harvey, Janet Haynes, Barbara Sear, Lorraine Smith, Rev Paul Wilkinson (Chairman)

Apologies: Bernard Doyle, Joan Griffiths, Geraldine Smith, Christine Tonge, Jayne Wilkinson

1. The meeting opened with a shortened service of Holy Communion.

2. In the absence of Geraldine Smith, Lorraine Smith volunteered to take the minutes of the meeting.

3. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

4. Matters arising from the previous minutes: a. Drains: Faculty application for this work has been submitted. A Fabric Committee meeting on 23rd January discussed this work as a reply to a letter from the loss adjusters is required. David Clowes is going through the loss adjuster’s contractor’s report with a fine toothcomb. b. Our insurers have now paid our claim for theft of lead flashing in full - £1, 390. c. The Bishop of has approved an extension of Bernard Doyle’s permission to administer the chalice at services of Holy Communion. d. Angela has not yet contacted the British Waterways Board. She has discovered a notice board by the Barley Mow which she thinks Declan (the landlord of the Barley Mow) may allow us to use. Mike said that he thinks there is a board belonging to British Waterways on the other side of the footpath. It was generally agreed that the board by the Barley Mow would be better as it would be seen by more people. Paul said the notice should include opening times of the church and times of services. e. Mike Beevers has uploaded photographs of the Newbold war memorial on to the appropriate website and suggested that it would be good if someone could do the same for the Long Lawford memorial.

5. Correspondence

None received

6. Treasurer’s Report:

Angela reported that the Christmas collections were greater than anticipated and so she had paid an extra £5.101 to our 2012 Share, leaving a shortfall at the end of 2012 of exactly £10,000. Paul said that this meant we had paid 25% more quota in 1012 compared to 2011 and that this was good. Angela hopes to be able to pay £3,000 as a first instalment on the 2013 Share shortly. Janet Haynes reported that she understood the PCC had been left £2,000 in Henry Boughton-Leigh’s will and that Joanna (his widow) had said that she would add another £1,000 to this. Angela said that we would need a new auditor for the PCC Accounts as David Waite is now too ill to do this job. David thought he had been auditor for 37 years. Paul said that Christine Tonge had offered to audit the Accounts and he had accepted her offer but had subsequently wondered whether there was a conflict of interests as she was a member of the PCC. It was suggested that’s he would be auditing the Treasurer rather than the PCC. Paul said he would ask the Diocese for advice. Angela had approached Victoria Flockhart as she is an accountant but she had said that because of her job she would need to take out liability insurance to protect her if she failed to pick up any problems with the Accounts, so she had declined.

7. Fabric Committee Report

Mike reported that the Restoration Fund target had now been reached and final plans were in hand to begin the work at St Botolph’s. Because the final estimates for the work were lower than anticipated it had now been possible, with the agreement of English Heritage, to include additional stonework repairs.

A faculty application will be considered by the Diocesan Advisory Committee on 31st January to cover the restoration work and also work on the drains and the removal of eth cedar tree outside the north-east corner of St Botolph’s.

The clock auto-winding mechanism has now been fitted and refurbishment of the clock will be done when the clock face is restored.

12 new infra red heaters have been bought for St Botolph’s and will be fitted shortly. The cost will be about £5,000.

We plan to have someone to look at the leak in the north aisle of St Botolph’s shortly.

8. Deanery Synod Report:

The Synod met at St Matthew’s and St Oswald’s on 29th November. It was Martin Saxby’s last meeting as Area Dean. The Parish Shares for 2013 were confirmed. There was a presentation on the work of the Mother’s Union.

9. Christmas Tree Festival It was generally agreed that the 2012 Festival had gone well and been a great success. Janet Haynes was disappointed with the Rugby Advertiser’s coverage of the festival and would complain to them about this. She felt that the lack of proper coverage had resulted in attendance on the second weekend being poor. Janet said that the wheelchair access was terrible and that a lady had told her of her disappointment at this. Paul said that there had been problems at weddings, funerals and baptisms. Mike said that he was surprised as he had seen someone come into church via this access very well. He said that what we have works well at National Trust car parks. Paul agreed and was equally puzzled. Mike suggested that perhaps the pathway has sunk and he will ask David Clowes to look at it. Barbara Sear said that we need to highlight the fact that there is a pathway there. Angela said that a gentleman had fallen over the security post whilst it was down. Janet said she was very fed up with the post. Janet said that the children’s books by the Gideons tree were very popular and that it was a very good idea. Mike asked the PCC to consider whether tree decorators should not pay to view trees, as someone had let him know that they were very upset at having to pay when dressing a tree had cost £15. The general opinion was that they should pay as they have done for the last few years.

10. Forthcoming Events 2013

Janet said that Christmas Tree Festival preparations were well under way – dates: December 7th, 8th, 14th and 15th. The choir has been booked. The theme will be “Famous People” and a list of suggestions will be provided, but people will be able to choose their own person as well.

Fete – June 15th – preparations are well under way. Craft stalls as last year and dancers as usual. Janet has arranged for her cousin, a children’s entertainer, to be there and suggested that the young 3-piece band who played at the Macmillan evening could be there. A dog show has also been suggested, round the back of the church – perhaps Mary Rae and the dog club in the village could be asked to support this. Len said that if the scaffolding was still up around then tower this might cause problems. The dog show will be considered further.

Wake Sunday will be 16th June Church Open: St Botolph’s will be open during British Summer Time. Janet suggested that it could be open for Holy Week, the week before BST this year. Opening times given to English Heritage – at least from 10.00am until 4.00pm Monday to Friday. A “church open” noticeboard will be placed in the lay-by.

Easter chicks are being knitted by a number of people. Janet has knitted over 500. Lesley Morris from The Rugby Funeral Home has paid for the eggs to go in the chicks. 500 eggs have been bought. Chicks will be sold for general church funds and we can decide later where the money will be spent.

English Heritage Weekend: 14th and 15th September – there will be a “History of Newbold” exhibition. Janet said it needs to be in Roundabout fairly soon so that people can provide photos/information etc.. Mike said he knows where Martin Turner’s archives are and he will ask pat to ask to see them. The Edwards’ are currently researching The Manor House and perhaps they may organise the history information.

Harvest Supper – it was suggested that we may not have one in 2013 as it will be too close to the English Heritage Open Weekend and people may be too busy. This will be confirmed at a later date.

Mike said that he had been asked what the Church of was doing for summer events for children. Paul said that we support what the Methodists are dong. Angela said it is very difficult working with children as so many checks are now required.

11. Newbold-on-Avon Community Partnership.

Martin Green, a Community Development Officer at Rugby Borough Council, has Newbold within his area. He wants to use Council community regeneration money in Newbold. He has got together representatives of the Rugger Club, the Village Hall, the Methodist Church and St Botolph’s to see how they could work together to allow this money to be spent. An open meeting will be held in February, but before this a questionnaire will be delivered to all houses in the village asking for suggestions as to what people think the village needs. If this idea develops, the PCC will need to agree formally to us taking part. The amount of money available has not been disclosed and Paul is not optimistic!

12. Any Other Business

Ray Reynolds is not well and Paul thinks that his churchyard maintenance days are over. Ingrid said that martin Ogden may know of someone who might be able to help. Mike suggested that Martin and Laurence get together as they may be able to draw other volunteers in. jennet suggested that perhaps one individual could look after the flowerbed. Ray is not just involved in the churchyard. He performs verger duties at funerals – Paul now has someone else to do this work. Janet suggested that a verger could attend weddings, especially to supervise the collection plate! Paul said that Ray has had a huge input into church life – it has been suggested that we show our recognition of Ray and his work. Paul said that this was very difficult to do, as Ray is a very humble and simple soul who has never wanted reward or thanks for his deeds. Len suggested some form of certificate.

The Bishop has sent round details of the Diocesan Lent Appeal, but Mike suggested that it would be better for us to support Susan Essam in Jos. This was agreed and Paul will contact her to see if she needs anything in particular which we could fund. The Harvest sale money has not yet gown to Susan so this could be added to our Lent appeal.

10. Date of next meeting: Monday 25th February at 7.30pm in St John’s

11. The meeting closed with a prayer. and Paul thanked Mike for allowing us to meet in his home.