Cross-cultural management Cultural Spotlight

February, 26th, 2014



Group : Karaoke Masters Tristan Quelin 2B3509, Natsuyo Tokuda 2B2041, Nicole Toledo 2B3210 Aulia Akbar Ramadhan 2B3206, Alimov Isroiljon 2B2003, Yuto Takegami 2B3303 AGENDA

4. Education / 1. Main Features Application

2. 5. Business Communication Structure

6. Business 3. Religion / Food Etiquette

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 2 WHERE ARE “THE PHILIPPINES”

Features  Around 7107 islands located off Southeast Asia  No boundaries

Nearly neighbors  Taiwan (North)  Malaysia & Indonesia (South)  Vietnam (West)  China (Northwest)

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 3 GENERAL STATISTICS

 Area: 300,000 km2 (64th)  Population: 99,000,000 (12th)  Official Language: Filipino-English  Capital:  Government: Unitary presidential constitutional republic  Time Difference: 1 Hrs. behind Japan  Drives on the: Left  Currency: Peso

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 4 HISTORY (1)

Prehistory of the Philippines (pre-900)

Classical Period (900-1521)

Spanish Period (1521–1898)

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 5 HISTORY (2)

American Period (1898–1946)  Japanese (1939-1945)

Independent Philippine (1946–present)

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 6 NATIONAL HEROES OF THE PHILIPPINES

Dr. José Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonzo Realonda (June 19, 1861- December 30, 1896)

 novelist, poet, evolutionist and author of Noli Me Tángere, El Filibusterismo.

Andrés Bonifacio y de Castro (30 November 1863 – 10 May 1897)

 He was the father of the Philippine Revolution.

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 7 NATIONAL HEROES OF THE PHILIPPINES

Emilio Famy Aguinaldo (23 March 1869 – 6 February 1964)

 He was the First President of the Philippines (1899-1901)

Apolinario Mabini y Maranan (July 22, 1864 — May 13, 1903)

 He was a Filipino revolutionist and lawyer who served as its first prime minister until May 1899.

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 8 HOFSTEDE’S CULTURAL DIMENSIONS

Power Distance 89  a hierarchical society Individualism VS Collectivism 66  a collectivistic society Masculinity VS Femininity

42  a masculine society 35 Uncertainty avoidance 31  a low preference for avoiding 20 uncertainty Pragmatism  more normative than Power Distance Individualism Masculinity Uncertainly Pragmatism Indulgence pragmatic Avoidance Indulgence  Philippines is one of restraint 02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 9 HOFSTEDE’S CULTURAL DIMENSIONS


89 81 82


Phlippines 46 47 Japan 42 42 35 31


Power Distance Individualism Masculinity Uncertainly Pragmatism Indulgence Avoidance

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 10 Cross-cultural management Cultural Spotlight



 What kind of culture ?  Languages

 Greeting

 Conversation

 Gesture

 View of time

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 12  CULTURE

High context culture

 emphasize interpersonal relationships

 preferring group harmony

 Words are not so important

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 13 LANGUAGES

• Official Language English / Filipino Since 1901~ 16th 17th 18th Spanish

• Native languages

Q: How many they have ? 175

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 14 GREETING (1)

• To friend : Put up chin, over eyebrow, and smile! it is used for good morning, hi, good bye

• To elder person: Bless : It involves bowing the head, taking the hand of the elder, and placing it on your forehead.

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 15


• Man and Women don’t Touch each other at outside Hug, shake hands

• If you are man, it is better don’t require shake hands to women • If you are women, you can aks shake hands for man

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 16 CONVERSATIONS (1)

• Small talking (chat) is important to good relationship

• After getting good relationship, you are asked

personal matter like marriage, income, religion, etc Sometimes ask the price of you have, but there is no meaning

• Don’t look cross, they don’t like being shamed

• Don’t gaze during conversation because they think you don’t here.

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 17 CONVERSATIONS (2)

• They prefer indirect conversation rather than direct

• DOs : Culture and custom of Philippine, family, festival, Foods sport (Basketball)

• DONTs : Politics, Religion, Criticism of philippine

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 18 GESTURES

• Smile is not only happy, agree

• But also they feel some stress, unsettled, and nervous

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 19 GESTURES

Pout To deliver Their thinking

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 20 VIEW OF TIME

Do you know “ Filipino Time” ?

Q: How long they delay for your meeting time ?

• People often delay the meeting time average 1 hour

• Traffic also not punctual

• TV shows also doesn’t start correct time

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 21 2. RELIGION

Roman Catholics

Other Christians Muslims

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 22 RELIGION

Question : Which percentage of Roman Catholic is there in the Philippines ? 1. 60 % 2. 70 % 3. 80 % 4. 90 %

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 23 RELIGION

Question : Which percentage of Roman Catholic is there in the Philippines ? 1. 60 % 2. 70 % 3. 80 % 4. 90 %

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 24 OVERVIEW

Religion in the Philippines

Roman Catholic 81% Islam 5% other Christian 4,5% Others 9,5%

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 25 ROMAN CATHOLICS

81% of Predominant religion Spanish traditions

Part of the worldwide Catholic Church with its head being the Pope Third largest catholic country in the world (after Brazil and Mexico)

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 26


All Saint’s Day

 Filipinos traditionally observe this day by visiting the graves of family dead, often cleaning and repairing them.

Christmas Holy Week  Businesses in the Philippines  World’s longest Christmas either shut down operations season, with Christmas carols or have later opening and heard as early as September earlier closing and lasting until Epiphany  Many communities observe  Official observance : from 16 Spanish-influenced Catholic December to Epiphany rituals such as processions with pre-Hispanic

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 27 ISLAM

Majority of Sunnites with a Shiite minority Oldest monotheistic religion in the Philippines : 14th century Decline during the Spanish conquest Only the southern Filipo tribes resisted to Spanish rules and conversions to Roman Catholism

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 28 OTHER CHRISTIANS

(Church of Christ)  Third largest religion denomination  Proclams to be the one true church, as the restoration of the original Church founded by Jesus (all others would be apostolates)


 Filipino Catholic Church  Jesuit  Apostolic Catholic Church  Orthodox Church  Protestantism  Dominican

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 29 3. PHILIPPINE CUISINE


Breakfast Main Dishes Snacks Desserts

Fiesta Food

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 30 CHARACTERISTICS

 General : bold combinaison of sweet, sour and salty flavors  Famous cooking method : "/Dinaing/Padaing" − marinated with garlic, , and black peppers.

 Common dishes : staple food is rice, most often steamed. Fruits, vegetables, coconuts. Chicken, pork, beef, fish  Breads and pastries : , ensaymada

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 31

Regular Breakfast

 Pandesal, , , sinangag and meat  Coffee

Most Popular

 Tapsilog  Longsilog

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 32 MAIN DISHES


Adobo Raw food in a vinegar, garlic and paprika sauce Stewed oxtail


Crispy Pata Deep fried pig with a soy of meat in a rich spicy vinegar dip sauce

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 33 SNACKS

 Merienda : light meal or snack especially in the afternoon

 Pulutan : appetizers in Philippine cuisine that goes with liquor

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 34 DESSERTS

Game : attribute a dessert

Mais con yelo Halo-Halo Saba con yelo

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 35 FIESTA FOOD

 Filipino prepare more sophisticated dishes for celebrations   Christmas ham and Edam keso de bola

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 36 4. MUSIC

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 37 MUSIC

Influences from all over the world Traditional music : filipino folk music Kulintang

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 38 Cross-cultural management Cultural Spotlight



Q.1 : Before 2010, which school was NOT existed in Philippines? 1. Elementary school 2. Junior high school 3. High school 4. University

Q.2 : Which is common interview question? 1. What is your expected salary? 2. Are you married? 3. Do you have children? 4. What are your reasons for leaving your previous employment?

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 40 QUIZZ 1

Q.1 : Before 2010, which school was NOT existed in Philippines? 1. Elementary school 2. Junior high school 3. High school 4. University

Q.2 : Which is common interview question? 1. What is your expected salary? 2. Are you married? 3. Do you have children? 4. What are your reasons for leaving your previous employment?

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 41 EDUCATION

 Before 2010:  Primary School -> High School -> College  No middle school or Junior High School  Kindergarten is optional  2010-Onwards:  Implemented K-12 system  Kindergarten until Year 12

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 42 EDUCATION (BEFORE AND AFTER)

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 43 EDUCATION

 Getting into the top schools are important to get a good job  Getting good grades in a good school is even better

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 44 APPLICATION

 No need to have a business card if unemployed  People with professional jobs (e.g. Doctor, Lawyer) or possible higher management (e.g. VP Public relations) or those with their own company  Exception: Those with a online portfolio (e.g. Graphic designers, photographers, etc)  Sometimes you need to bring your Transcript of Records  You can apply to a company anytime as long as there are openings

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 45 INTERVIEWS

Common Interview Questions

 What is your expected salary?  Are you married?  These are asked for your plans or your priorities  Do you have children?  These are asked for your plans or priorities  What are your reasons for leaving your previous employment?  Never badmouth your previous employer

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 46 QUIZZ 2

Q.3 : What is Philippines Biggest Industry Sector ? 1. “Food” 2. “Service” 3. “Tourism” 4. “Agricultural”

Q.4 : Which island have the most Moeslim population in Philippines? 1. 2. 3. 4. Kuching

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 47 QUIZZ 2

Q.3 : What is Philippines Biggest Industry Sector? 1. “Food” 2. “Service” 3. “Tourism” 4. “Agricultural”

Q.4 : Which island have the most Moeslim population in Philippines? 1. Luzon 2. Visayas 3. Mindanao 4. Kuching

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 48 BUSINESS STRUCTURE

Most large Filipino companies are controlled by the members of a small number of key families. Companies Extremely hierarchical with power residing in the hands of a few senior managers (family members) M ost decisions are made at the top

Jaime Ayala, First Social Entrepreneur of the Year Ben Chan, Entrepreneur of the Year (2013) Entrepreneurs Tony Tan Caktiong, World Entrepreneur of the Year 2004

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 49


 Agricultural sector Sugarcane, coconuts, Industry rice, corn, bananas, 15.2% cassavas, pineapples, mangoes Agriculture Services 31.4% 53.4%  Industry sector Electronics assembly, garments, footwear, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, wood products

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 50 PHILIPPINES GDP

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 51 COMMERCIAL EXCHANGES

Question 1 : Which country does Philippines export most ? 1. China 2. US 3. Japan 4. Spain

Question 2 : Which country does Philippines import most ? 1. Indonesia 2. US 3. Japan 4. China

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 52 COMMERCIAL EXCHANGES

Q.5 : Which country does Philippines export most ? 1. China 2. US 3. Japan 4. Spain

Q.6 : Which country does Philippines import most ? 1. Indonesia 2. US 3. Japan 4. China

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 53 COMMERCIAL TRADE

(2012) Exports Imports Scale $46.28 billion $61.49 billion

commodities • semiconductors and • electronic products electronic products • mineral fuels • transport equipment • machinery and transport • garments equipment • copper products • iron and steel • petroleum products • textile fabrics • coconut oil • grains • fruits • chemicals • plastic partners 1. Japan 19% 1. US 11.5% 2. US 14.2% 2. China 10.8% 3. China 11.8% 3. Japan 10.4% 4. Singapore 9.3% 4. South Korea 7.3% 5. Hong Kong 9.2% 5. Singapore 7.1%,

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 54 ENTREPRENEURS’ OPPORTUNITIES

 Filipinos shift to a healthier, organic and more traditional diet food. Food industry  prioritize the “VAST” opportunities in the industry, “value, affordability, safety, and technology.”

 Home to home services Service industry  Health, wellness and beauty, home maintenance and hospitality

 Entrepreneurs should take advantage not only Tourism just the popular tourist spots, but also the country’s industry medical and wellness tourism, eco-adventure, educational and cultural activities, and talents.

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 55 BUSINESS ETIQUETTE

Q.1 : What does Pakikisama mean? 1. “Getting along with others” 2. “Idle time at the office” 3. “Missed Opportunity” 4. “Giddy feeling of the idea of love”

Q.2 : What is the formal business language? 1. Filipino 2. Bisaya 3. Ilonggo 4. English

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 56 BUSINESS ETIQUETTE

Q.1 : What does Pakikisama mean? 1. “Getting along with others” 2. “Idle time at the office” 3. “Missed Opportunity” 4. “Giddy feeling of the idea of love”

Q.2 : What is the formal business language? 1. Filipino 2. Bisaya 3. Ilonggo 4. English

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 57 BUSINESS ETIQUETTE

 Do present and receive Introductions business cards using both hands. Upon reception, examine them with interest.  Use honorifics when addressing business partners and those of higher rank (Miss or Mister) unless told otherwise. (Especially on the first meeting)  Dress appropriately

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 58 BUSINESS ETIQUETTE


 Always confirm the date a few days prior  English is the formal language for business

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 59 BUSINESS ETIQUETTE

Attire  Personal appearance is extremely important for Filipinos and great care should be taken to be as well groomed and smart as possible at all times

 Men are advised to dress conservatively with suit and tie (For Formal Business meetings)

 Women should, likewise, dress conservatively and modestly. Trousers are acceptable in the office. If invited out in the evening, check in advance the dress code

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 60 BUSINESS ETIQUETTE

 Pakikisama means getting The concept of Pakikisama along with others

 Words or Action that might hurt another’s feelings and that also shows disrespect must be avoided at all cost

 It can seriously damage business relationships

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 61 BUSINESS ETIQUETTE

– this is a gift from Pasalubong the Filipino traveller who went abroad that the person gives to his friends or family.  In business settings, it’s a custom to bring home pasalubong from business trips to the office when they return.  Foreigners who are meeting Filipinos for the first time may bring a small gift from their home country as a pasalubong.

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 62 BUSINESS ETIQUETTE

 Filipinos place a premium on  Titles are very harmonious important and it is interpersonal best to use them relationships, so it is when addressing Titles Relationships best to avoid people and business confrontational partners. behavior such as scolding in public.

 Do wear  Filipinos place less appropriate clothing of an emphasis on Schedules Clothing for business, especially strict adherence to during initial meetings. schedules. Denim jeans or business casual attire ar not recommended.

02/26/2014 Cultural Spotlight : The Philippines 63 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS

Thank you !!!

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