
TALKING TO ABOUT ... Cognitive Development

What is cognitive development?

the go, and learn by Resources: moving and doing. As they climb, run, jump, and Call Early Access at 1-888- IAKIDS1 if you have child with toys, they are development questions or busy learning. concerns. Preschoolers learn by asking questions, solving problems and interacting Link to an Area Education with other children and Agency in your region for more child and adults. They also learn information: when they are given a toy www.iowaaea.org. Find a or project to work on contact for your area under alone. the AEA Directory tab. Cognitive development usually follows a pattern, Visit BabyCenter for ideas on and there are milestones encouraging your baby’s Cognitive development life. As a baby grows into a children should reach at cognitive development, and refers to a child’s growth toddler, and then a certain ages. It is useless for fun family activities. in thinking and learning. preschooler, parents should to try to rush a child’s Because success in life is pay attention to all areas of development because ZeroToThree provides tips on built on the foundation of development — physical, every child learns and how to help your child a good education, parents social, communication, and grows at their own pace. develop physical, social, want their children to thinking. Instead, try to nurture language and thinking skills. have all the skills needed Even as babies, children healthy development by to do well in school. learn from every life providing a variety of The National Association for the Education of Young experience. It is important interesting toys and activities. And constantly Children (NAEYC) has a research has found that to talk to your aloud as you do variety of ideas and activities developing good constantly, and to find as activities together. for that want to make thinking and learning many teaching moments as learning fun.

skills depend on whether possible. Simple noises, a child experiences touches, and eye contact This factsheet is part of an healthy development in a will wire a child’s brain for informational series for loving environment from future learning. parents of children ages 0-5, developed by the Iowa the very first months of Toddlers are always on Department of Education Ways to help Early Childhood Services your child: Bureau. (Updated April 2010) Three important facts ONE Nurture language about cognitive development: development by talking learn to interpret words to your child, and and tone of voice, which 1. All development is your child can handle. will eventually lead to important. Pay attention responding to your 3. Language skills are child’s noises, even if it is reading. to all aspects of your key. The basis for most child’s growth — this just babbling. FOUR learning is reading, and TWO Keep track of your child’s includes physical, social, the basis for reading is progress. Ask your doctor Sing simple songs to communication, and language. Children with for a list of milestones thinking. your child — like ‚Itsy well-developed language Bitsy Spider‛— and use your child should be 2. Progress should not be skills and vocabularies motions to make the reaching at certain ages, rushed. Concentrate on will become successful song more exciting. Also, and then check from time simple tasks and skills readers. When your child play peek-a-boo and to time to make sure they are on track. Delays in describe daily activities first. Rushing babbles, coos, points and reaching milestones may out loud to your child. development may reaches, reward those indicate a developmental frustrate your child, and efforts by responding THREE delay. most likely will not help with enthusiasm. Those Read regularly to your your child get ahead. sounds will soon turn child, even to very small Instead, nurture healthy into words! babies. Your voice will development at a pace soothe a fussy infant, and with time, your child will