2G - Second Generation 3G - Third Generation 3GL - Third Generation Language 3GPP - 3G Partnership Project 4GL - Fourth Generation Language

A - Amperes AA - Auto Answer AAAAA - Anonym Association Against Acronym Abus e AAC - Advanced Audio Coding AAL - ATM Adaptation Layer AAL0 - ATM Adaptation Layer Type 0 refers to ra w ATM cells AAL1 - ATM Adaptation Layer Type 1 supports co nstant bit rate, time dependent traffic such as vo ice and video AAL2 - ATM Adaptation Layer Type 2 reserved for variable bit rate video transfer AAL3/4 - ATM Adaptation Layer Type 3/4 support s variable bit rate, delay tolerant data traffic r equiring some sequencing and/or error detection su pport AAL5 - ATM Adaptation Layer Type 5 supports va riable bit rate, delay tolerant connection oriente d data traffic requiring minimal sequencing or err or detection support AALCP - AAL Common Part AALM - AAL Management AAP - Applications Access Point [DEC] AARP - Appletalk ARP AASP - ASCII Asynchronous Support Package AAT - Average Access Time ABATS - Automatic Bit Access Test System ABC - Atanasoff-Berry Computer (First digital c alculating machine that used vacuum tubes) ABEL - Advanced Boolean Expression Language ABEND - Abnormal End ABI - Application Binary Interface ABIOS - Advanced BIOS ABM - Asynchronous Balanced Mode AMB - Accunet Bandwidth Manager ABNF - Augmented Backus-Naur Form ABR - Available Bit Rate ABRD - Automatic Baud Rate Detection ABS - Absolute ABT - Abort AC - Alternating Current ACAP - Application Configuration Access Protoco l ACC - Accumulator ACD - Automatic Call Distributor ACE - Advanced Computing Environment [SCO] ACE - Adverse Channel Enhancements [Microcom] ACE - Automatic Computing Engine ACE - Access Control Entry [] ACF - Advanced Communication Function ACF - Access Control Field ACHEFT - Automated ClearingHouse Electronic Fun ds Transfer ACK - ACKnowledge ACK - ACKnowledgement flag, TCP header ACL - Access Control List ACL - Advanced Cmos Logic ACM - Association for Computing Machinery ACMS - Application Control Management System ACNA - Access Customer Name Abbreviation ACP - Argus Communications Protocol ACP - Ancillary Control Program ACP - Auxillary Control Process ACPI - Advanced Configuration and Power Interfa ce [Microsoft] ACS - Asynchronous Communications Server ACS - Advanced Communications System ACSE - Association Control Service Element (ISO /CCITT layer 7) ACTEF - ACcess TEchnologies Forum ACTS - Advanced Communications Technology Satel lite ACTS - Automatic Coin Telephone Service [Teleph ony] ACUTA - Association of College and University T elecomm ACU - Automatic Calling Unit ACW - Alternating Continuous Waves A/D - Analog to Digital conversion ADA - Automatic Data Acquisitions ADA - (Programming Language named after Agusta Ada Lovelace) ADC - Analog to Digital Converter ADC - Adaptive Data Compression (protocol) ADCCP - Advanced Data Communication Control Pro cedure ADCI - Automatic Display Call Indicator ADF - Adapter Description File (file name exten sion) ADF - Automatic Document Feed ADI - AutoCad Device Interface (driver) ADL - Address Data Latch ADLAT - Adaptive Lattice Filter ADM - Active Device Mount ADMD - ADministrative Management Domain [X.400]

ADN - Advanced Digital Network Service ADO - ActiceX Data Objects ADP - Automatic Data Processing ADPCM - Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modula tion ADPCM - Adaptive Data Pulse Code Modulation ADR - AdDRess ADS - Application Development Solutions [AT&T] ADS - Application Development System ADS - Automatic Distribution System ADSC - Address Status Changed ADSI - Active Directory Service Interface ADSL - Assymetric bit rate Digital Subscriber L ine ADSP - AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol ADSR - Administration of Designed Services Revi ew ADSR - Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release ADT - Application Data Types ADTS - Automated Digital Terminal System ADU - Analog-Digital-Umsetzer ADU - Automatic Dialing Unit AE - Application Entity AE - Account Executivpplication Engineer AE - Above or Equal AEB - Analog Expansion Bus [Dialogic] AEC - Alternate Exchange Carrier AEP - AppleTalk Echo Protocol AES - Advanced Encryption Standard AF - Auxilary carry Flag AFC - Automatic Font Change AFCEA - Armed Forces Communications and Electro nics Association AFD - Automatic File Distribution AFDAS - Accenet Flexible Digital Access Service

AFIWC - Air Force Information Warfare Center AFII - Association for Font Information Interch ange .AFM - Adobe Font Metrics (file name extension) [Adobe Systems] AFNOR - Association Francaise de NOrmalisation AFOSR - Air Force Office of Scientific Research

AFP - AppleTalk Filing Protocol AFP - Apple File Protocol AFS - Andrew File System AFTP - APPC File Transfer Protocol AGC - Automatic Gain Control AGI - Address Generation Interlock AGP - Advanced Port AGU - Address Generation Unit AI - Artificial Intelligence AI - Access Interface AI - Analog Input AIA - Air Intelligence Agency AIA - Applications Integration Architecture [DE C] AIFF - Audio Interchange AIIM - Association for Information and Image Ma nagement AIM - Asynchronous Interface Module AIN - Advanced Intelligent Network AIOD - Automatic Identified Outward Dialing AIS - Alarm Indication Signal AIS - Automatic Intercept System AISB - Association of Imaging Service Bureaus AISP - Association of Information Systems Profe ssionals AISPRT - Automated Information Security Policy Review Team AIX - Advanced Interactive eXecutive (IBM's nam e for UNIX) AL - Artificial Life ALC - Arithmetic and Logic Circuits ALC - Automatic Level Control ALE - Address Latch Enable ALGOL - Algorithmic Oriented Language ALGOL - ALGOrithmic Language ALIT - Automatic Line Insulation Testing [Telep hony] ALR - Advanced Logic Research, Inc. ALSA - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture ALS - Active Line State ALT - ALTernate (mode) ALU - Arithmetic-Logic Unit AM - Amplitude Modulation AMA - Automatic Message Accounting AMANDDA - Automated Messaging and Directory Ass istance AMATPS - Automatic Message Accounting Tele-proc essing System AMD - Active Matrix Display AMD - Administration Management Domain AMD - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. AMEL - Active Matrix Electro-Luminescence AMI - Alternate Mark Inversion (see also NRZ, N RZI, B8ZS) AMI - American Megatrends Inc. AMLCD - Active Matrix LCD AMMA - Advanced Memory Management Architecture [Everex Systems] AMPS - Advanced Mobile Phone System AMR - Audio/Modem Riser AMRL - Adjusted Main Ring Length ANAC - Automatic Number Announcemnt Circuit [Te lephony] ANC - All Number Calling [Telephony] ANCOVA - ANalysis of COVAriance ANI - Automatic Number Identification ANOVA - ANalysis Of VAriance ANPX - Advanced News Picture indeX ANSI - American National Standards Institute ANW - Advanced Netware AO - Analog Output AO/DI - Always Online/Dynamic ISDN AOE - Application Operating Environment [AT&T] AOL - America OnLine AOS - Add Or Subtract AOS - Array Of Structures AP - Application Process AP - Application Processor AP - Adjunct Processor AP - Access Point APA - All Points Addressable APAD - Asynchronous Packet Assembler/Disassembl er APAR - Authorized Program Analysis Report [IBM]

APAREN - Address Parity Enable [IBM] APCUG - Association of PC User Groups APDU - Application Protocol Data Unit APF - AppleTalk Filing Protocol API - Application Programming Interface APIC - Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controll er APL - A Programming Language APM - Advanced Power Management APNIC - Asian Pacific Network Information Cente r APOP - Authenticated POP APP - A PPlication Data APPC - Advanced Program-to-Program Communicatio ns (protocol) [IBM] APPN - Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking [IBM] APT - Advanced Photoscale Technology AQCB - Automated Quote Contract Billing ARA - AppleTalk Remote Access ARB - Architecture Review Board ARC - ATM Research Consortium ARCNET - Attached Resources Computing NETworks ARIN - American Registry for Internet Numbers ARIS - Aggregate Route-based IP-Switching ARL - Adjusted Ring Length ARL - Army Research Laboratory ARM - Asynchronous Response Mode ARMD - ATAPI Removable Media Device ARP - Address Resolution Protocol ARPA - Advanced Research Projects Agency ARPANET - Advanced Research Projects Agency NET work ARQ - Automatic ReQuest to repeat AS - Autonomous System ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange ASD - Automated Software Distribution ASE - Application Service Element ash - Almquist SHell ASI - Adapter Support Interface (IBM) ASIC - Application Specific Integrated Circuit ASIO - Audio Stream I/O ASID - Access, Searching, and Indexing of Direc tories ASIS - American Society for Industrial Security

ASN.1 - Abstract Syntax Notation One ASO - Address Supporting Organization ASP - Apple Session Protocol ASP - Active Server Pages ASP - Applet Security Profile ASO - Address Supporting Organization ASP - AppleTalk Session Protocol ASPI - Advanced SCSI Programming Interface ASR - Access Service Request ASR - Automatic Speech Recognition AT - Advanced Technology AT - ATtention (Modembefehle) ATA - AT-bus Attachment ATAPI - AT-bus Attachment Packet Interface ATCP - AppleTalk Control Protocol ATDM - Asynchronous Time Division Multiplexing ATIP - Absolute Time in Pregroove ATL - Active Template Library ATM - Automatic Teller Machine ATM - Asynchronous Transfer Mode ATMARP - ATM Address Resolution Protocol ATME - Automatic Transmission Measuring Equipme nt ATP - Apple Transaction Protocol ATR - Answer To Reset ATRAC - Adaptive Transform Accoustic Coding ATS - Abstract Test Suite ATT - ATTenuation A/UX - Apple UniX AUI - Attachment Universal Interface AUO - Active User Object AUO - Attachment Unit Interface AUSCERT - Austrialian Computer Emergency Respon se Team AUTODIN - AUTOmatic DIgital Network AUTOVON - AUTOmatic VOice Network ATW - Advanced Windowing Toolkit A/UX - Apple UniX AVI - Audio Video Interleave AWG - American Wire Gauge AVL - Andelson-Velskij/Landis AWM - Advanced Wave Memory AWK - Aho, Weinberger, and Kernighan AWT - Abstract Window Toolkit AXCS - Advanced X.25 Connection Services

B8ZS - Binary 8 Zero Substitution (see also NRZ , NRZI, AMI) BAA - Blanket Authorization Agreemenr BAP/BACP - Bandwidth Allocation Protocol/Bandw idth Allocation Control Protocol (PPP suite) BALUN - BALanced-UNbalanced BAMM - Bidirectional Asymmetric Multipoint-to-M ultipoint BAP - Bandwidth Allocation Protocol (PPP suite)

BAPM - Bidirectional Asymmetric Point-to-Multip oint BAPP - Bidirectional Asymmetric Point-to-Point BAS - Basic Activity Subset bash - Bourne-Again SHell BASIC - Beginners All Symbolic Instruction Code

BBS - Bulletin Board Service BCAST - BroadCAST Protocol (Novell protocols) BCC - Block Check Character BCC - Broadcast Call Control BCD - Binary Coded Decimal BCDIC - Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code BCP - Byte Controlled Protocols BCP - Bridging Control Protocol (PPP suite) BCPL - Basic Combined Programming Language BCS - Basic Combined Subset BCVS - Basic Conversational Verb Set BDC - Backup Domain Controller BDS - Basic Data Service BE - Back End BEB - Binary Exponential Backoff BECN - Backward Explicit Congestion Notificatio n BEDO - Burst EDO BER - Bit Error Rate BER - Basic Encoding Rules BERT - Bit Error Rate Test BG - Border Gateway BGA - Ball Grid Array BGP - Border Gateway Protocol(TCP/IP) BHT - Branch History Table BI - Backbone Interface B-ICI - Broadband (BISDN) Inter-Carrier Interfa ce (ATM PNNI Signaling) BiCMOS - Bipolar Complementary Metal-Oxide Semi conductor BIND - Berkeley Internet Name Domain BIP - Bit-Interleaved Parity BIOS - Basic Input/Output System B-ISDN - Broadband ISDN B-ISSI - Broadband Inter-Switching System Inter face BIST - Built-In Self Test BISUP - Broadband ISDN User Part BISYNC - BInary SYNChronous communications prot ocol BIT - BInary digiT BLAM - Binary Logarithmic Arbitration Method BLAST - BLocked ASynchronous Transmission BLERT - BLock Error Rate Test B-LMI - Broadband Local Management Interface BLOB - Binary Large OBject BMP - Burst Mode Protocol (Novell protocols) BMP - BitMaP (Bildformat) BMP - Bean Managed Persistance BMS - Bandwidth Management Services BN - Boundary Node BNA - Burroughs Network Architecture BNC - Bayonet-Neill-Concelman connector BNF - Backus-Naur Form BNI - Broadband-to-Narrowband Interface BOa - Basic Object Adapter BOC - Bell Operating Company BODT - Bunch Of Dumb Terminals BOM - Beginning Of Message BONDING - Bandwidth ON Demand INteroperability Group BOOTP - BOOTstrap Protocol BOP - Byte Oriented Protocol BPAD - Bisynchronous Packet Assembler/Disassemb ler BPF - Berkeley Packet Filter BPDU - Bridge Protocol Data Unit BPI - Bits Per Inch BPS - Bits Per Second BRE - Bridge Relay Encapsulation, proprietary Ascom Timeplex protocol that extends bridging acro ss WAN links by means of encapsulation (Frame Rela y). BRI - Basic Rate Interface BSC - Binary Synchronous Communications BSC - Base Station Controller BSD - Berkeley Software Distribution BSI - British Standards Institute BSIG - Bluetooth Special Interest Group BSMM - Bidirectional Symmetric Multipoint-to Mu ltipoint BSMTP - Batched Simple Mail Transfer Protocol BSPM - Bidirectional Symmetric Point-to Multipo int BSPP - Bidirectional Symmetric Point-to Point BSRAM - Burst Static RAM BSS - Broadband Switching System BT - British Telecom BT - Broadband Terminal BT - Burst Tolerance BTA - Basic Trading Area B-TE - Broadband Terminal Equipment BTAM - Basic Telecommunications Access Method BTS - Base transceiver station BVCP - PPP Banyan VINES Control Protocol (PPP s uite)

C - programming language (successor to B, which was based on BCPL) CA - Collision Avoidance (as in CSMA/CA (q.v.))

CA - Certification Authority CABEB - Capture Aviodance Binary Exponential Ba ckoff CAC - Connection Admission Control CAD - Computer Aided Design CALL - Computer Assisted Language Learning CAM - Computer Aided Manufacturing CAM - Content Addressable Memory CAMAC - Computer Aided Measurement And Controll ing CAN - Content Addressable Memory CAP - Carrierless Amplitude/Phase modulation CAPI - Common Application Programming Interface

CAPI - Crypto API [Microsoft] CAR - Contents of the Address part of the Regis ter (LISP) CAS - Column Access Strobe (siehe auch RAS) CASE - Computer Aided Software Enginering CATV - Community Antenna TeleVision CAU - Controlled Access Unit CAUCE - Coalition Aganinst Unsolicited Commerci al E-mail CAV - Constant Angular Velocity (Umdrehung bei Festplatten) CB - Communications Base CB - Cable Budget CBC - Cipher Block Chain CBNS - Corporate Backbone Network Switch CBR - Constant Bit Rate CBS - Committed Burst Size CBT - Computer-Based Training CBX - Computerized Branch Exchange CC - Cluster Controller CCD - Charge Coupled Device CCF - Configuration Control Element CCFL - Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp CCIA - Computer and Communications Industry Ass ociation CCIS - Common Channel Interoffice Signalling sy stem CCITT - Comite Consultatif International Telegr aphique st Telephonique CCL - Communications Command Language CCM - Common Configuration Method (Novell) CCP - Compression Control Protocol [Microsoft] (PPP suite) CCRL - Computer Crime Research Laboratories CCS - Common Communications Support CCTLD - country code Top Level Domain CCTV - Closed Circuit TeleVision CCU - Communications Control Unit CD - Carrier Detect CD - Compact Disc CD - Connection Director CD - Collision Detection (as in CSMA/CD (q.v.))

CD-DA - CD Digital Audio CDDI - Copper Distributed Data Interface CDE - Cooperative DEvelopment Environment CDE - Common Desktop Environment CDFS - CD File System CDMA - Code Division Multiple Access CDP - CRL Distribution Point [Microsoft] CDPD - Cellular Digital Packet Data CD-R - CD Recordable CDRAM - Cache DRAM CDROM - Compact Disk Read Only Memory CD-RW - CD ReWritable CDS - Current Directory Structure CDSA - Common Data Security Architecture CD-WORM - CD Write Once Read Many CDV - Cell Delay Variation CDVT - Cell Delay Variation Time CE - Compact Edition CeBIT - Centrum f?r B?ro und InformationsTechni k CEG - Continuous Edge Graphics CEN - Comite Europeen de Normalisation CENTR - Council of European National Top level domain Registries CERN - Centre Europ?en de Recherche Nucl?aire CERT - Computer Emrgency Response Team CES - Consumer Electronics Show CFC - Cipher Feedback Chain CFM - ConFiguration Management CGA - Color Graphics Adapter CGI - Common Gateway Interface CGM - Computer Graphics Metafile CHAP - Challenge-Handshake Authentication Proto col (PPP suite) CHARGEN - CHARacter GENerator CHILL - CCITT HIgh-Level Language CHV - Card Holder Value CI - Control Interface CI - Cell Identity CIAC - Computer Incident Advisory Capability CIC - Carrier Identification Code (10XXX codes) [Telephony] CICS - Customer Interface Control System (IBM) CIDR - Classless Inter-Domain Routing CIF - Cells in Frames (ATM over LAN) CIFS - Common Internet File System CIM - Common Information Model CIMOM - CIM Object Manager CIP - Common Indexing Protocol CIR - Committed Information Rate CIRC - Cross-Interleave-Reed-Solomon-Code CIS - Contact Image Sensor CISC - Complex Instruction Set Computing CIX - Commercial Internet eXchange CL - Cache Latency CLA - Carry Lookahead Adder CLF - Common Log Format CLI - Command Line Interpreter CLI - Call Level Interface CLIP - Calling Line Identification Presentation

CLIP - CLassical IP (over ATM) CLIR - Calling Line Identification Restriction CLK - Clock CLNP - Connectionless Network Protocol CLNS - ConnectionLess Network Service (Protocol ) CLP - Cell Loss Priority CLR - Cell Loss Ratio CLR - CLeaR CLS - Cycle Line State CLSID - Class ID CLV - Constant Linear Velocity (Umdrehung bei C D-DA) CMA - Communications Managers Association CMC - Common Mail Calls CMD - Compatibility Mode Drivers CMIP - Common Management Information Protocol CMIS - Common Management Information Services CMISE - Common Management Information Service E lement CMNS - Connection Mode Network Service CMOS - Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor CMOT - CMIS Over TCP/IP CMP - Congestion Monitoring Period CMP - Container Managed Persistance CMS - Code Morphing Software CMT - Connection ManageMent CMYK - Cyan Magenta Yellow blacK CNC - Computerized Numerical Control CNE - Certified NetWare Engineer CNI - Certified Netware Instructor CNM - Customer Network Management CNMS - Communications Network Management System

CNR - Carrier-to-Noise Ratio CNRI - Corporation for National Research Initia tives CO - Central Office COAST - Computer Operations, Audit, and Securit y Technology COBM - Central Office-Based Multiplexing COBOL - Common Business Oriented Language COBRA - Common Object Request Broker Architectu re CODEC - COder-DECoder CODEL - Communications Definition Language COM - Continuation Of Message COM - Component Object Model COM - Computer Output (on) Microfiche COM - Computer Output (on) Microfilm COMSAT - COMmunications SATellite corporation CONS - Connection-Oriented Network Services COPS - Common Open Policy Service CORBA - Common Object Request Broker Architectu re COS - Corporation for Open Systems COS - Class Of Service COSE - Common Open Software Environment CP - Communications Processor CP - Common Part CPAN - Comprehensive Perl Archive Network CPCS - Common Part of Convergence Sublayer CPE - Customer Premises Equipment CPI - Common Programming Interface CPI - Common Part Indicator CPI-C - Common Programming Interface - Communic ations CPN - Customer Premises Node CPS - Characters Per Second CPU - Central Processing Unit CR - Carriage Return (ASCII 15 octal) CRC - Cyclic Redundancy Check CRL - Certificate Revocation List [Microsoft] CRM - Connection Request Mode CRMI - Committed Rate Measurement Interval CRS - Cell Relay Service CRS - Content Replication System CRT - Cathode Ray Tube CS - Convergence Sublayer CS - Circuit switched CSA - Canadian Standards Association CSF - Customer Support Facility CSID - Called Subscriber ID CSLIP - Compressed SLIP CSMA - Carrier Sense Multiple Access CSMA/CA - Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Co llision Avoidance CSMA/CD - Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Co llision Detection CSP - Cryptographic Service Provider CSS - Cascading Style-Sheets CSS1 - Cascading Style-Sheets level 1 CSTC - Computer Security Technology Center CSU - Channel Service Unit CSV - Comma Separated Values CSV - Common Service Verbs CTCP - Client To Client Protocol CTERM - Command TERMinal (DECnet) CTI - Computer/Telephone Integration CTL - Certificate Trust List [Microsoft] CTS - Clear-To-Send CTS - Common Transport Semantics CU - Call UNIX CUA - Common User Access CUG - Closed User Group CUT - Control Unit Terminal D/A - Digital to Analog conversion DA - Directory Agent DAA - Direct Access Arrangement DAB - Digital Audio Broadcasting DAC - Digital Audio Copy DAC - Digital to Analog Converter DAC - Dual Attached Concentrator DACL - Discretionary Access Control List [Micro soft] DACS - Digital Access and Cross-connect System DAE - Distributed Automation Edition DAE - Digital Audio Extraction DAI - Distributed Artificial Intelligence DAML - Digital Added Main Line DAO - Data Access Object DAO - Disc At Once DAP - Directory Access Protocol DAP - Data Access Protocol (DECnet) DARPA - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agen cy DAS - Dual Attached Station DASD - Directly Accessible Storage Device DAT - Digital Audio Tape DATE - Dedicated Access to X.25 Transport Exten sion DAU - Digital-Analog-Umsetzer dB - Decibel DB2 - DataBase 2 DBA - DataBase Administrator DBCS - Double-Byte Character Set DBMS - Data Base Management System DBS - Direct Broadcast Satellite DC - Direct Current (Gleichstrom) DCA - Document Control Architecture DCAP - Data Link Switching Client Access Protoc ol DCC - Data Communication Channel DCC - Direct Client Connection DCD - Data Carrier Detect DCE - Data Carrier Equipment DCE - Data Circuit-terminating Equipment DCE - Distributed Computing Environment DCE - Data Communications Equipment DCI - Display Control Interface DCOM - Distributed Component Object Model DCP - Data Compression Protocol over Frame Rela y DCPCP - DCP Control Protocol DCR - Direct Connecting Receptacle DCS - Digital Cross-connect System DCS - Data Communication Services DCS - Digital Cellular System DCTL - Direct Coupled Transistor Logic DDCMP - Digital Data Communications Message Pro tocol DDA - Digital Differential Analyzer DDC - Display Data Channel DDE - Dynamic Data Exchange DDI - DEvice Driver Interface DDI - Direct Dialing In DDL - Description Definition Language DDM - Distributed Data Management DDN - Defense Data Network DDNS - Dynamic DNS DDO - Dynamic Data Object DDoS - Distributed Denial of Service attack DDP - Distributed Data Processing DDP - Datagram Delivery Protocol DDPT - Disk Drive Parameter Table DDR SDRAM - Double Data Rate SDRAM DDS - Dataphone Digital Service (ATT) DDX - Dialog Data eXchange DE - Discard Eligibility DEC - Digital Equipment Corporation DECT - Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunicat ion DEL - Decode Encode Language DEMS - Digital Electronic Message Service deque - Double-Ended QUEue DES - Data Encryption Standard DET - Directory Entry Table DFA - DXI Frame Address DFP - Digital Flat Panel DFS - Distributed File System DFT - Diskrete Fourier Transformation DFT - Distributed Function Terminal DGA - Direct Graphics Access DGIS - Direct Graphics Interface Standard DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DHTML - Dynamic HTML DIA - Document Interchange Architecture DIA - Directory Information Base DIA - Device Independent Bitmap DIAG - DIAGnostic Responder protocol (Novell) DIB - Dual Independent Bus DID - Direct Inward Dial DIME - DIrect Memory Execute (AGP) DIME - Direct Internet Message Encapsulation DIMM - Dual In-line Memory Module DIN - Deutschen Institut f?r Normunsgwesen DIP - Dual-In-line Package DIPL - Drain Induced Barrier Lowering DIRx - Device Identification Register x (Cyrix CPUs) DISA - Data Interchange Standards Association DISA - Defense Information Systems Agency DISOSS - DIStributed Office Support System DIT - Directory Information Tree DIW - Defensive Information Warfare DIX - DEC/Intel/Xerox standard DLC - Data Link Control DLCI - Data Link Connection Identifier DLL - Dynamic Link Library DLL - Dynamic Load Libraries DLL - Data Link Layer DLPI - Data Link Provider Interface DLSW - Data Link SWitching (IBM SNA) DM - Disconnect Mode DMA - Direct Memory Access DMB - Digital Multipoint Bridge DME - Distributed Management Environment DMI - Digital Multiplexed Interface DMI - Desktop Management Interface DML - Data Manipulation Language DMT - Descrete MultiTone modulation DMT - Direct MultiTone DMTF - Desktop Management Task Force D-MTU - Default Maximum Transmission Unit DN - Distinguished Names DNA - Digital Network Architecture DNA - Downstream Neighbor Address DNCC - Domain Network Control Center DNCP - PPP DECnet Phase IV Control Protocol (PP P suite) DNIC - Data Network Identification Code DNIS - Dialed Number Identification Service DNR - Domain Name Resolver DNS - Domain Name Service DNS - Domain Name System DNSO - Domain Name Supporting Organization DOCSIS - Data Over Cable Service Interface Spec ification DOD - Department Of Defense DOD - Dial On Demand DODIIS - Department Of Defense Intelligence Inf ormation System DOE - Department of Energy DOM - Document Ovject Model DOMF - Distributed Object Management Facility DOR - Digital Optical Recording DOS - Denial of Service attack DOS - Disk Operating System DPG - Dedicated Packet Group DPI - Distributed Protocol Interface DPI - Dots Per Inch DPMI - DOS Protected Mode Interface DPMS - Display Power Management Signaling DPN - Deutsches Provider Netzwerk DPSK - Differential Phase Shift Keying DQDB - Distributed Queue Dual Bus DQDB - Dual Queue Dual Bus DRAM - Dynamic Random Access Memory DRL - Dynamically Reconfigurable Logic DRPA - Defense Research Projects Agency DRPA - Distributed Relational Database Architec ture DRQ - DMA Request DRUMS - Detailed Revision/Update of Message Sta ndards DRx - Debug Register x DS - Dansk Standardiseringsrad DS - Distribution System DSA - Directory System Agents DSA - Destination Sub-Area DSAP - Destination Service Access Point DSC - DiSConnect DSD - Direct Stream Digital DSE - Data Switching Equipment DSL - Digital Subscriber Line DSMON - Differentiated Services MONitoring DSN - Data Source Name DSO - Dynamic Shared Object DSOM - Distributed System Object Model DSMCC - Digital Storage Media Command and Contr ol (Audio Visual over ATM) DSP - Display System Protocol DSP - Directory System Protocol DSP - Digital Signal Processor DSS - Department Store System DSS - Decision Support System DSS - Digital Signature Standard [Microsoft] DSS1 - Digital Subscriber System 1 (normiertes ISDN-Protokoll in Europa) DSSS - Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum DSTN - Double Super Twisted Nematic DSTN - Dual Scan Twisted Nematic DSU - Digital Service Unit DSVD - Digital Simultaneous Voice and Data DTAG - Deutsche Telekom AG DTCP - Digital Transmission Content Protocol DTD - Document Type Definition DTE - Data Terminal Equipment DTE - Domain and Type Enforcement DTIC - Defense Technical Information Center DTMF - Dual-Tone MultiFrequency DTP - Data Transfer Process DTP - DeskTop Publishing DTP - Distributed Transaction Processing DTR - Data-Terminal-Ready DTS - Distributed Time Service DUA - Directory User Agents DUA - Distance Vector Algorithms DUN - Dial-Up Networking DVB - Digital Video Broadcast DVD - Digital Versatile Disc DUA - Digital Video Disc DVD-R - DVD Recordable DVD-RW - DVD ReWritable DVI - DeVice Independent DVI - Digital Visual Interface DVMRP - Distance-Vector Multicast Routing Proto col DWDM - Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing D-WiN - Deutsches WissenschaftsNetz DWMT - Discrete Wavelet MultiTone DXF - Data eXchange File DXF - Drawing eXchange Format

EAB - Extended Attribute Byte EAI - External Authoring Interface EAP - Extensible Authentication Protocol [Micro soft] EAR - Enterprise Application Repository EAX - Environmental Audio eXtension EAX - Extended AX (und EBX, ECX ...) EBCDIC - Extended Binary Coded Decimal Intercha nge Code EBCOT - Embedded Block Coding with Optimized Tr uncation EBI - Extended BIOS Interface EBIM - Ethernet Bridge Interface Module EBONE - European IP backBONE EBS - Excess Burst Size EC - Error Checking ECB - Electronic Code Book ECC - Error Checking and Correction ECF - ECho Frame ECL - Emitter-Coupled Logic ECL - Execution Control List ECM - Error Correction Mode ECM - Entity Coordination Management ECMA - European Computer Manufacturers Associat ion ECML - Electronic Commerce Markup Lamguage ECO - Electronic Commerce Forum (Verband der de utschen Internet-Wirtschaft) ECP - Encryption Control Protocol (PPP suite) ECSA - Exchange Carriers Standards Association ED - Ending Delimiter EDAC - Error Detecting and Correcting EDGE - Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolutions EDI - Electronic Data Interchange EDICUSA - EDI Council of the U.S.A. EDIFACT - EDI For Administration, Commerce, and Transport EDMS - Electronic Document Management System EDO-RAM - Extended Data Out RAM EDP - Electronic Data Processing EDV - Elektronische DatenVerarbeitung EECL - Equivalent Electrical Cable Length EEHLLAPI - Entry Emulator High-Level Language A pplication Programming Interface EELL - Equivalent Electrical Lobe Length EEMRL - Equivalent Electrical Main Ring Length EEMS - Enhanced Expanded Memory Specification EEPROM - Electrically Erasable/Programmable ROM

EFF - Electronic Frontier Foundation EFM - Eight to Fourteen Modulation (Aufzeichnun gsverfahren bei Audio-CDs) EFS - Encrypting File System [Microsoft] EFT - Electronic Funds Transfer EGA - Enhanced Graphics Adapter EGP - Exterior Gateway Protocol EHLLAPI - Emulator High-Level Language Applicat ion Programming Interface EIA - Electronic Industries Association EIDE - Enhanced IDE EIF - European Internet Foundation EIP - Extended Internet Protocol EIR - Equipment Identification Center EIS - Employee Information System EIS - Executive Information System EISA - Extended Industry Standard Architecture EJB - Enterprise JavaBeans ELAN - Emulated Local Area Network ELD - Electro-Luminescence Display (aktives LCD ) ELF - Executable and Linking Format ELF - Extensible Linking Format ELLC - Enhanced Logical Link Control ELSTER - ELektronische STeuerERkl?rung EMA - Enterprise Management Architecture EMACS - Editor MACroS EMC - Explicit Multiplexing Capability EMF - Electro-Magnetic Force EMF - Enhanced Metafile EMI - ElectroMagnetic Interference EMMS - Electronic Media Management System EMP - Excessive Multiple Posting EMS - Expanded Memory Services EMS - Enhanced Memory Services EMSD - Efficient Mail Submission and Delivery EMV - ElekroMagnetische Vertr?glichkeit EN - End Node ENA - Extended Network Addressing ENIAC - Electronic Numerical Integrator And Com puter EOCB - Electrical-Optical Circuit Board EOF - End Of File EOI - End Of Interrupt EOL - End Of Line EOR - End Of Record EOT - End Of Transmission EPIC - Electronic Privacy Information Center EPIC - Explicit Parallel Instruction Computing EPP - Enhanced Parallel Port EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory EPS - Encapsulated PostScript ER - Explicit Route ERP - Emergency Repair Disk [Microsoft] ES - End Systems ESCD - Extended Setup Configuration Data ESCON - Enterprise Systems CONnection ESD - Electro-Static Discharge ESDI - Enhanced Small Device Interface ESDRAM - Enhanced SDRAM ESF - Extended Superframe Format ESF - Extended Servvice Frame ES-IS - End System to Intermediate System (ISO protocols) ESMTP - Extended SMTP ESP - Enterprise Server Platform ESP - Encapsulating Security Payload ESS - Electronic Switching System ESS - Extended Service Set ETP - Extended Thermal Plate ETR - Early Token Release ETSC - European Telecommunications Standardizat ion Institute ETSI - European Telecommunications Standards In stitute EW - Electronic Warfare

FA - From ARPANET FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions FASL - Fujitsu-AMD Semiconductor Ltd. FAT - File Allocation Table (DOS) FATMA - Frequency And Time Multiple Access FC - Frame Control FCAPS - Faults, Configuration, Accounting, Per formance, Security (Netzwerkmanagement-Gesichtspun kte) FCB - File Control Block [Microsoft] FCC - Federal Communications Commission FCFS - First Come First Served FC-PGA - Flip Chip Pin Grid Array FCRAM - Fast Cycle RAM FCS - Frame Check Sequence FCS - Frame Control Sequence FCS - Fiber Channel Standard FDD - Floppy Disk Drive FDDI - Fiber Distributed Data Interface FDL - Facility Data Link FDM - Frequency Division Multiplexing FDX - Full DupleX operation FDX - Forms Data eXchange FE - Front End FEBE - Far-End Bit Error FEC - Front-End Controller FEC - Forward Error Correction FECN - Forward Explicit Congestion Notification

FED - Field Emission Displays (Konkurrenz zu LC D) FEP - Front End Processor FERF - Far-End Receive Failure FET - Field Effect Transistor FF - Form Feed FFOL - FDDI Follow-On Lan FFT - Fast Fourier Transformation FIF - Fractal Image Format FIFO - First-In First-Out FILO - First-In Last-Out FIPS - Federal Information Processing Standard FIR - Fast InfraRed FIRST - Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams FHSS - Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum FLAG - Fiberoptic Link Around the Globe FLOPS - FLoating point Operations Per Second FM - Frequency Modulation FMD - Function Management Data FMT - Fine grain MultiThreading FO - Fragment Offset FOIRL - Fiber Optic Inter-Repeater Link FOMAU - Fiber Optic Medium Access Unit FOP - Frame Oriented Protocol FORTRAN - Formula Translator FOSSIL - Fido/Opus/Seadog Standard Interface Le vel FOTS - Fiber-Optic Terminal System FPGA - Field Programmable Gate Array FPM-RAM - Fast Page Mode RAM FPS - Fast Packet Switching FPU - Floating Point Unit FQDN - Fully Qualified Domain Name FRAM - Ferroelectric RAM FRBS - Frame Relay Bearer Service FRF - Frame Relay Fragmentation FRICC - Federal Research Internet Coordinating Committee FRMR - FRaMe Reject FRS - File Replication System FRS - File Record Segment FRU - Field Replaceable Unit FS - Frame Status FSAA - Full Screen AntiAliasing FSB - Front Side Bus FSF - Free Software Foundation FSK - Frequency Shift Keying FSMO - Flexible Single Master Operation FSP - File Server Processes FSS - Food Service System FTAM - File Transfer Access and Management FTAM - File Telecommunications Access Method FTP - File Transfer Protocol FUBAR - Fouled Up Beyond All Recognition FUNI - Framebased UNI (User Network Interface) FVF - Flexible Vertex Format FWH - FirmWare Hub FYI - For Your Information FX - Foreign eXchange service FXO - Foreign eXchange Office FXS - Foreign eXchange Subscriber FXS - Foreign eXchange Station

GAL - Generic Array Logic GAN - Global Area Network GART - Graphics Address Remapping Table GAS - Gallium Arsenide Gb - Interface between a SGSN and a BSS GC - Global Catalog GC - Interface between a GGSN and a HLR GCC - Group Call Control GCCS - Global Comand and Control System GCRA - Generic Cell Rate Algorithm Gd - Interface between a SMS-GMSC and a SGSN, a nd between a SMS-IWMSC and a SGSN GDI - Graphical Device Inferface GDS - Graphic Data Syntax Gf - Interface between a SGSN and an EIR GFC - Generic Flow Control GFLOPS - Giga-FLoating point Operations Per Sec ond GFSK - Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying GGP - Gateway-to-Gateway Protocol GGSN - Gateway GPRS Support Node Gi - Reference point between GPRS and an extern al packet data network GIF - Graphics Interchange Format GIS - Graphical Information System GIWU - GSM interWorking Unit GLAN - Global LAN GMM - GPRS Mobility Management GMSC - Gateway Mobile Services switching Center

GMT - Greenwich Mean Time Gn - Interface between two GSNs within the same PLMN GNU - Gnu is Not Unix GOSIP - Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile GPF - General Protection Fault GPRS - General Packet Radio Service GPSC - General Purpose Synchronous Communicatio ns board Gr - Interface between a SGSN and a HLR GREP - Generalized REgular Expression Parser Gs - Interface between a SGSN and a MSC/VLR GSM - Global System for Mobile Communications GSM - GPRS Session Management GSMP - General Switch Management Protocol (IP S witching) GSN - GPRS Support Node (xGSN) GTP - GPRS Tunneling Protocol GUI - Graphical User Interface GUID - Global Unique IDentifier (128 Bit Code) GUUG - GateWay GW - German Unix User Group

HAL - Hardware Abstraction Layer HCL - Hardware Compatibility List [Microsoft] HDD - Hard Disk Drive HDLC - High-level Data Link Control HDSL - High bit rate Digital Subscriber Line HDSL-RA - HDSL Rate Adaptive HDTP - Handheld Device Transport Protocol HDTV - High-Definition TV HDX - Half DupleX HEC - Header Error Control HEL - Hardware Emulation Layer HERF - High Energy Radio Frequency HFS - Hierarchial File System HIPPI - HIgh Performance Parallel Interface HL - Horizontal Length HLLAPI - High-Level Language Application Progra mming Interface HLR - Home Location Register HLS - Halt Line State HMA - High Memory Area HMAC - Hash-based Message Authentication Code HP - Hewlett-Packard HP-UX - Hewlett-Packard's UNIX implementation HPAD - Host PAD HPFS - High Performance File System (OS/2) HPGL - Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language HPPI - High-Performance Parallel Interface HPRAPPN - High Performance Routing Advanced Pe er to Peer Network, IBM network architecture for d ynamic routing across arbitrary network topologies HPUX - Hewlett-Packard UniX HRC - Hybrid Ring Control HSCSD - High-speed Circuit-Switched Data HSM - Hardware-Specific Module HSSI - High-Speed Serial Interface HSTR - High Speed Token Ring HTA - HTml Application HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language HTTP - Hyper Text Transport Protocol HTTPR - Reliable HTTP HZ - HertZ

I - Information IAB - Internet Architecture Board IAB - Internet Activity Board IACR - International Association for Cryptologi c Research IANA - Internet Assigned Number Authority IAS - Information Access Service IASIW - Institute for the Advanced Study of Inf ormation Warfare IBR - Intermediate Bit Rate IC - Interexchange Carrier IC - Integrated Circuit ICA - International Communications Association - Independent Computing Architecture ICC - International Color Consortium ICD - Installable Client Driver ICH - I/O Controller Hub ICI - Interface Control Information ICMP - Internet Control Message Protocol ICMPv6 - revision of ICMP (TCP/IP) ICP - Initial Connection Protocol ICS - Internet Connection Sharing ICSL - Internet Communication Search Language IDAPI - Integrated Database Application Program ming Interface IDC - Insulation Displacement Connector IDE - Integrated Drive Electronics IDEA - International Data Encryption Algorithm IDF - Intermediate Distribution Frame IDF - Intel Developer's Forum IDI - International Development Institute IDL - Interface Definition Language IDN - Integrated Data Network IDP - Internet Datagram Protocol (XNS) IDRP - InterDomain Routing Protocol IE - Information Element IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEN - Internet Experimental Note IESG - Internet Engineering Steering Group IETF - Internet Engineering Task Force IF - InterFace IFMP - Ipsilon Flow Management Protocol (IP Swi tching) IFS - Installable File System IGMP - Internet Group Management Protocol IGP - Interior Gateway Protocol IGRP - Interior Gateway Routing Protocol IHL - Internet Header Length IIOP - Internet Inter-ORB Protocol IIS - Internet Information Server IISP - Interim Interswitch Signalling Protocol (ATM Signalling) ILD - Integrated LAN Driver ILD - Injection Laser Diode ILMI - Interim Local Management Interface ILS - Idle Line State IMAC - Isochronous Medium Access Controller IMAP - Internet Message Access Protocol IMAP2 - Interim Mail Access Protocol, version 2

IMC - Isochronous Maintenance Channel IMC - Internet mail Consortium IME - Input Method Editor [Microsoft] IMP - Interface Message Processor InATMARP - ATM Address Resolution Protocol INF - Interactive Network Facility INMS - Integrated Network Management System INN - Intermediate Network Node INN - InterNet News InterNIC - Internet Network Information Center INXS - InterNet eXchange System IO - Input/Output IOCTL - IO-ConTroL IP - Internet Protocol IPC - Integrated Protocol Converter IPC - InterProcess Communication IPCP - Internet Protocol Control Protocol IPES - Improved Proposed Encryption Standard IPHC - IP Header Compression IPI - Intelligent Peripheral Interface IPL - Information Processing Language (Programm iersprache f?r k?nstliche Intelligenz) IPSec - IP Security IPSO - Internet Protocol Security Options IPX - Internet Packet Exchange IPXCP - Internet Packet eXchange Control Protoc ol IPV6 - revised version of IP (TCP/IP) IPV6CP - IPv6 PPP Control Protocol, responsibl e for configuring, enabling and disabling the IPv6 protocol modules on both ends of a PPP link IRC - Internet Relay Chat IrDA - InfraRed Data Association IrLAP - InfraRed Link Access Protocol IrLMP - InfraRed Link Management Protocol IrOBEX - InfraRed OBject EXchange protocol IRQ - Interrupt ReQuest IRTF - Internet Research Task Force IS - Intermediate System ISA - Industry Standard Architecture ISAPI - Internet Server API ISCA - Intelligent Synchronous Communication Ad apter ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network ISI - Information Sciences Insitute IS-IS - Intermediate System to Intermediate Sys tem protocol ISLAN - Integrated Services Local Area Network ISN - Information Systems Network ISO - International Organization for Standardiz ation ISOC - Internet Society ISOIP - ISO Internetworking Protocol, includes builtin error signalling to aid in routing manage ment ISOSP - ISO Session Protocol, specifies proced ures for a single protocol for the transfer of dat a and control information from one session entity to a peer session entity ISOTP - ISO Transport Protocol ISP - International Standardized Profile ISP - Internet Service Provider ISRC - International Standard Recording Code ISSA - Information Systems Security Association

ISUP - ISDN User Part ISV - Independent Software Vendor IT - Information Technology ITU - International Telecommunications Union IVD - Integrated Voice Data IWF - InterWorking Function IWU - Interworking Unit IXA - Internet eXchange Architecture IXC - IntereXchange Carrier IBM=International Business Machines JAF - JavaBeans Activation Framework JARS - Java Applet Rating Service JAXP - Java API for XML Parsing optional packag e JBIG - Joint Bi-level Image expert Group JCL - Job Control Language JDBC - Java DataBase Connectivity JDK - Java Development Kit JED - Journal of Electronic Defense JEIDA - Japan Electronics Industry Department A ssociation JFIF - JPEG File Intercharge Format JFS - Journaling File System JFT - Job File Table JINI - Java Intelligent Network Infrastructure JISC - Japanese Industrial Standards Committee JIT - Just-In-Time JMS - Java Messaging Service JNDI - Java Naming and Directory service Interf ace JNI - Java Native Interface JNT - Java Network Technology JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group JS - JavaScript JSAPI - Java Speech API JSDK - Java Servlet Development Kit JSP - Java Server Pages JTA - Java Transaction API JTM - Job Transfer and Manipulation JTS - Java Transaction Service JVM - Java Virtual Machine

KB - KiloByte KBPS - KiloBits Per Second KCC - Knowledge Consistency Checker KDC - Kerberos key Distribution Center KDE - K Desktop Environment KEA - Key Exchange Algorithm KI - K?nstliche Intelligenz KNI - Katmai New Instructions KSH - Korn SHell KSR - Keyboard Send/Receive

L2F - Layer 2 Forwarding L2TP - Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol LAB - Link Access Procedure (not balanced) LAB - Latency Adjustment Buffer LAI - Location Area Identity LAN - Local Area Network LANA - Local-Area Network Adapter LANE - LAN Emulation LAP - Link Access Procedure LAPB - Link Access Procedure (Balanced) LAPD - Link Access Procedure, D channel LAPF - Link Access Procedure F (Frame Relay), m odified LAPD standard for Frame Relay LAPM - Link Access Procedure for Modems LAPX - Link Access Procedure eXtended LASER - Light Amplification by Stimulated Emiss ion of Radiation LAT - Local Area Terminal LAT - Local Area Transport LATA - Local Access and Transport Area LAVC - Local Area VAX Cluster protocol, commun ications between DEC VAX computers in a cluster (D ECnet) LBA - Logical Block Addressing LCD - Liquid Crystal Display LCD - Loss of Cell Delineation LCG - Linear Congruent Generator LCN - Logical Channel Number LCOS - Liquid Crystal On Silicon LCP - Link Control Protocol (PPP suite) LCR - Least Cost Router LCT - Link Confidence Test LDA - Local Delivery Agent LDAP - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol LDD - Lightly Doped Drain LDIF - LDAP Data Interchange Format LDM - Local Domain Manager LDP - Linux Documentation Project LDP - Label Distribution Protocol LDSL - Low bit rate Digital Subscriber Line LEC - Local Exchange Carrier LEC - LAN Emulation Client LECS - LAN Emulation Configuration Server LED - Light Emitting Diode LEM - Link Error Monitor LEN - Low-Entry Networking LER - Label Edge Router LES - LAN Emulation Server LF - Line Feed LFN - Long FileName LFN - Long Fat Network LFS - Large File Support LFSR - Linear Feedback Shift Register LFV - Logical File Viewer LGPL - Library GPL LGX - Light Guide Cross Connect LIDE - LED Indirect Exposure LIFO - Last In First Out LILO - Last In Last Out LILO - LInux LOader LIM - Lotus/Intel/Microsoft Linux - LInus' UniX LIS - Logical IP Subnetwork LISP - LISt Processing language LISP - LISt Processor LL - Lobe Length LLC - Link Layer Control LLC - Logical Link Control LLNL - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory LLP - Lower-Level Protocol LLTSR - Logs and Tallies Terminate and Stay Res ident program LME - Layer Management Entity LMI - Layer Management Interface LMI - Local Management Interface LMMP - Lan Man Management Protocol LMP - Link Management Protocol LMU - Lan Manager for Unix LNNI - LAN emulation Network to Network Interfa ce LOD - Level Of Detail LOF - Loss Of Frame LON - Local Operation Network LOP - Loss Of Pointer LOS - Loss Of Signal LPC - Local Procedure Call LPCM - Linear Pulse Code Modulation LPD - Line Printer Daemon protocol - Berkeley LPDGWY - Line Printer Daemon Gateway LPI - Lines Per Inch LPM - Line Processing Module LPR - Line Printer Remote LPS - Labeled Switch Path LPT - Line Printer LPNC - Logical Private Network Capability LRC - Logical Redundancy Check LQR - Link Quality Report, specifies the mechan ism for link quality monitoring with PPP LRU - Least Recently Used LSA - Link State Algorithms LSB - Least Significant Byte LSB - Least Significant Bit LSB - Linux Standard Base LSF - Load Sharing Facility LSI - Large Scale Integration LSL - Link Support Layer LSM - Linux Software Map LSU - Line State Unknown LT - Line Termination LTPS - Low Temperature Poly Silicium LU - Logical Unit LUN - Logical Unit Number LUNI - LAN emulation User to Network Interface LVDS - Low Voltage Differential Signaling LVDS - Low Voltage Differential Swing LVM - Logical Volume Manager LVTTL - Low Voltage Transistor Transistor Logic

MAC - Media Access Control MAC - Message Authentication Code MADCAP - Multicast Address Dynamic Client Alloc ation Protocol MAJC - Micro Architecture for Java Computing (g esprochen magic) MAN - Metropolitan-Area Network MAP - Manufacturing Automation Protocol MAP - Management Access Protocol MAPI - Message Application Programming Interfac e (Microsoft) MAPOS - Multiple Access Protocol over SONET / S DH MARS - Multicast Address Resolution Server (TCP /IP) MAU - Medium Attachment Unit (Ethernet) MAU - Multistation Access Unit (Token Ring) MB - MegaByte MBCS - MultiByte Character Set MBONE - Multicast backBONE MBPS - Million Bits Per Second MBR - Master Boot Record MBR - Mail-Based Replication MBS - Maximum Burst Size MC - Micro Channel MC - Motion Compensation MCA - Micro Channel Architecture MCF - Meta Content Format MCGA - Memory Controller Gate Array MCH - Memory Controller Hub MCI - Media Control Interface MCIA - Micro Channel Interface Adapter (NCR) MCM - Multi-Carrier Module MCM - Multi-Chip Module MCR - Minimal Cell Rate MCS - MultiCast Server MCU - MicroController Unit MD5 - Message Digest 5 MDA - Monochrome Display Adapter MDF - Main Distribution Frame MDG - Minimum Delay Generator MDI - Multiple Document Interface MDI - Medium Dependent Interface MDSL - Medium bit rate Digital Subscriber Line MEDEA - Micro-Electronics Development for Europ ean Applications MEGACO - MEdia GAteway COntrol MEMS - Micro-Electrical-Mechanical Systems MESI - Modified-Exclusive-Shared-Invalid (Cache -Protokoll f?r Multiprozessorumgebung) METAL - Machine and Translation of Natural Lang uage MF - MultiFunction MFLOPS - Millions of FLOating Point Operations per Second (MegaFlops) MFM - Modified Frequency Modulation MHS - Message Handling Service MHS - Message Handling System (Novell) MFT - Master File Table MFTP - Multicast File Transfer Protocol MGCP - Media Gateway Control Protocol MHS - Message Handling System MHTML - Mime encapsulation of aggreagte HTML do cument MHz - MegaHertZ MIB - Management Information Base MIC - Management Interface Connector MIC - Media Interface Connector MIC - Message Integrity Check MID - Message IDentification MIDI - Musical Instrument Digital Interface MIF - Management Information Format MIFD - Management Information Format Database MII - Media Independent Interface MILNET - MILitary NETwork MIMD - Multiple-Instruction Multiple-Data MIME - Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension MIMIX - MIniature UniX MIPS - Million Instructions Per Second MIS - Management Information System MISD - Multiple-Instruction Single Data MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology MJ - Modular Jack M-JPEG - Motion JPEG MLAN - Mobile LAN MLD - Multicast Listener Discovery MLID - Multiple Link Interface Driver MLP - Multilink Procedure, added upper sublaye r of the LAPB, operating between the packet layer and a multiplicity of single data link protocol fu nctions (SLPs) in the data link layer (X.25). MLS - Master Line State MM - Mobility management MMC - MultiMedia Card MMDF - Multi-channel Memo Distributing Facility

MMJ - Modified Modular Jack MML - Man-Machine Language MMPM - MultiMedia Presentation Manager MMS - Manufacturing Message Standards MMS - Microsoft Metadirectory Services MMU - Memory Management Unit MMVF - MultiMedia Video Format MMX - MultiMedia eXtension MNP - Microcom Network Protocol MNP4 - Microcom Network Protocol Four MNP5 - Microcom Network Protocol Five MO - Managed Object MODCA - Mixed Object Document Content Architect ure MODEM - MOdulator / DEModulator MOF - Managed Object Format MOM - Manager Of Managers MOM - Message-Oriented Middleware MOP - Maintenance Operation Protocol, utility services such as uploading and downloading system software, remote testing and problem diagnosis (DE Cnet) MOPS - Millions of Operations Per Second MOS - Metal-Oxide Semiconductor MOSPF - Multicast Open Shortest Path First MOSS - MIME Object Security Services MOTIS - Message Oriented Text Interchange Syste m MP - MultiProcessor MP3 - MPEG audio layer 3 MPC - Multimedia PC MPCA - Multi-Protocol Communications Adapter (N CR) MPDU - Message Protocol Data Unit MPEG - Moving Pictures Experts Group MPL - Mozilla Public License MPLS - Multi-Protocol Label Switching MPOA - Multi-Protocol Over ATM MPP - Massively Parallel Processor MPPC - Microsoft PointtoPoint Compression Proto col MPSL - Multi Protocol Label Switching MPTS - Multi Protocol Transport Services MPTN - Multi Protocol Transport Network MPU - MicroProcessor Unit MQI - Message Queuing Interface MRAM - Magnetic RAM MRCI - Microsoft Real-Time Compression Interfac e MRH - Memory Repeater Hub MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRJ - Macintosh Runtime for Java MRL - Main Ring Length MRM - Multi-Resolution-Mesh MR-SDSL - MultiRate SDSL MRSID - Multi Resolution Seamless Image Databas e MRU - Maximum Receive Unit MRX - MagnetoResistive eXtended MS - Message Store MS - Mobile station MSAU - Multi-Station Access Unit MSB - Most Significant Bit MSB - Most Significant Byte MSC - Mobile services Switching Center MS-DOS - Microsoft Disk Operating System MSDP - Multicast Source Discovery Protocol MSDSL - Multirate SDSL MSDTS - Microsoft Distributed Transaction Contr oller [Microsoft] MSE - Microsoft Scripting Engine MSFS - Mail Slot File System MSI - Medium Scale Integration MSL - Maximum Segment Lifetime MSM - Media Support Module MSN - Monitoring cell Sequence NUmber MSN - Multiple Subscriber Numbers MSP - Management Service Provider MSS - Maximum Segment Size MTA - Mail Transfer Agent MTA - Message Transfer Agent MTBF - Mean Time Between Failures MTC - MIDI Time Code MTF - Message Transfer Facility MTH - Memory Translator Hub MTJ-RAM - Magnetic Tunnel Junction RAM MTP - Mail Transfer Part MTP - Message Transfer Part MTP2 - Message Transfer Part, Level 2, signall ing link which together with MTP3 provides reliabl e transfer of signalling messages between two dire ctly connected signalling points (SS7) MTP3 - Message Transfer Part, Level 3, connects Q.SAAL to the users (SS7 suite) MTRR - Memory Type Range Register MTS - Message Transfer System MTS - Microsoft Transaction Server MTTR - Mean Time To Repair MTU - Maximum Transmission Unit MULTICS - MULTiplexed Information and Computing System MUP - Multiple UNC Provider MUX - MUltipleXer MVS - Multiple Virtual Storage

NAC - Null Attachment Concentrator NACS - Network Asynchronous Communications Serv ices NAIC - National Air Intelligence Center NAK - Negative AcKnowledgement NANP - North American Numbering Plan NAP - Network Access Points NAS - Network Attached Storage NAS - Network access server NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administr ation NAT - Network Address Translation NAU - Network-Addressable Unit NAVCERT - Naval Computer Incident Response Team NBFCP - NetBios Frames Control Protocol NBMA - NonBroadcast, MultiAccess NBP - AppleTalk Name Binding Protocol, manages the use of names on AppleTalk networks NBS - National Bureau of Standards NC - Network Computer NC - Norton Commander N/C - No Connect NCC - Network Control Center NCM - Network Control and Management NCP - NetWare Core Protocol NCP - Network Control Program NCS - National Communications Systems NCS - Network Computing System NCSA - National Computer Security Association NCSC - National Computer Security Center NCTA - National Cable Television Association NDIS - Network Driver Interface Specification ( IBM/Microsoft) NDL - Network Database Language NDM - Netlabs Dual Manager NDPS - Novell Distributed Print Services NDS - NetWare Directory Services NDS - Novell Directory Services NE - Network Element NE - Name Error NEC - National Electric Code NEMA - National Electric Manufacturers Associat ion NetBEUI - NetBIOS Extended User Interface NetBIOS - NETwork Basic Input/Output System NETPRC - NetRemote Procedure Call, used to acc ess VINES applications such as StreetTalk and VINE S Mail (Banyan). NEXT - Near End crossTalk NFR - Near Field Recording NFS - Network File System (Sun) NHBU - Networking Hardware Business Unit NHC - Next Hop Client NHDR - Network layer HeaDeR, begins the frame u sed by RTP nodes NHRP - Next Hop Resolution Protocol NHS - Next Hop Server NI - Network Interface NIAS - Novell Internet Access Server NIC - Network Interface Card NIC - Network Information Center NIDL - Network Interface Definition Language NIF - Neighbor Information Frame NIP - Non-Impact Printer NIST - National Institute for Standards and Tec hnology NIT - Network Interface Tap NIU - Network Interface Unit NIUF - North-american ISDN User Forum NLM - Netware Loadable Module NLS - Noise Line State NLS - Native Language Support NLSP - Netware Link Services Protocol NMAS - Network Management Alert System NMAS - Novell Modular Authentication Service NMC - Network Management Center NMI - Non-Maskable Interrupt NMIB - Network Management Information Base NMMP - Network Management Manager Process NMOS - Negatively doped Metal-Oxide Semiconduct or NMP - Network Management Protocol NMPE - Network Management Protocol Entry NMS - Network Management System NMUP - Network Management User Process NMVT - Network Management Vector Transport NN - Network Node NN - Next Node NNI - Nederlands Normalisatie-Instituut NNI - Network-Node Interface NNI - Network to Network Interface NNS - Netware Name Service (Novell) NNTP - Network News Transfer Protocol NOP - No OPeration NOS - Network Operating System NPA - Numbering Plan Area NPAD - Non PAD NPD - Network Products Division (NCR) NPFS - Named Pipes File System NPSI - NCP Packet Switching Interface NREM - National Research and Engineering Networ k NRM - Normal Response Mode NSA - Next Station Addressing NSA - National Security Agency NSAI - National Standards Authority Of Ireland NSAP - Network Service Access Point NSAPI - Netscape Server API NSC - National Semiconductor Corporation NSF - National Science Foundation NSFNET - National Science Foundation NETwork NSP - Network Services Protocol, provides reli able virtual connection services with flow control to the network layer Routing Protocol (DECnet) NSP - Name Service Protocol NSS - Netware Storage Services NSS - Network and Switching Subsystem NT - New Technology NT - Network Termination NT1 - Network Termination 1 NT2 - Network Termination 2 NTFS - NT File System (NT) NTP - Network Time Protocol, time synchronizat ion system for computer clocks through the Interne t network (TCP/IP) NTRI - NCP Token-Ring Interface NTS - Network Time Protocol NTS - New Typesetting System NTSC - National Television Systems Committee NUA - Network User Address NUI - Network User Identification NUMA - Non-Unified Memory Architecture NURBS - Non Uniform Rational B-Splines NVFS - Network Virtual File System NVP - Network Voice Protocol NVP - Nominal Velocity of Propagation NVRAM - Non Volatile RAM NVT - Netware Virtual Terminal NVT - Network Virtual Terminal NWOC - New Way Of Computing

OAM - Operations, Administration and Maintenanc e OAM - Operations, Administration and Management

OCC - Open, Cooperative Computing OCCA - Open, Cooperative Computing Architecture

OCD - Out-of-Cell Delineation OCR - Optical Character Recognition OCU - Office Channel Unit ODA - Office Document Architecture ODBC - Open Data Base Connectivity (Microsoft) ODBMS - Object Database Management System ODETTE - Organization for Data Exchange by Tele Transmission in Europe ODI - Open Data-Link Interface ODI - Open Driver Interface (Novell) ODIF - Office Document Interchange Format ODL - Object Definition Language ODSI - Open Directory Services Interface OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer OLAP - OnLine Analytical Processing OLE - Object Linking and Embedding OMF - Open Modeling Forum OMF - Object Management Facility OMG - Open Management Group OML - Object Manipulayion Language ONC - Open Network Computing ONE - Open Network Environment ONR - Office of Naval Research ONU - Optical Network Unit OOF - Out Of Frame OOP - Object Orientated Programming OOT - Object-Oriented Technology OOUI - Object Oriented User Interface OPTIS - Overlapped PAM Transmission with Interl ocking Spectra OPX - Off-Premises eXtension OQL - Object Query Language ORB - Object Request Broker OS - Operating System OSE - Office Server Extensions OSF - Open Software Foundation OSF - Open Systems Foundation OSI - Open Systems Interconnection OSI - Open Source Initiative OSINLCP - OSI Network Layer Control Protocol, responsible for configuring, enabling and disablin g the OSI protocol modules on both ends of the PPP link OSIRM - Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model OSPF - Open Shortest Path First, linkstate rou ting protocol used for routing IP (TCP/IP) OSS - Operations Support System OTLF - One-Time License Fee OU - Organizational Unit

PABX - Private Automatic Branch Exchange PAD - Packet Assembly/Disassembler PAL - Phase Alternating Line PAL - Programmable Array Logic PAM - Pulse Amplitude Modulation PAP - Printer Access Protocol PAP - Password Authentication Protocol PAWS - Protection Against Wrapped Sequence numb ers PBX - Private Branch Exchange PC - Personal Computer PCB - Printed Circuit Board PCI - Peripheral Component Interface PCI - Protocol Control Information PCL - Printer Control Language PCM - Pulse Code Modulation PCM - Physical Connection Management PCMCIA - People Can't Memorize Computer Industr y Acronyms PCMCIA - Personal Computer Memory Card Internat ional Association PCR - Peak Cell Rate PCS - Personal Communications Services PCSA - Personal Computing System Architecture PCSN - Private Circuit Switching Networks PCTA - Personal Computer Terminal Adapter PCU - Packet Control Unit PDA - Personal Digital Assistant PDC - Primary Domain Controller PDE - Page Directory Entry PDF - Portable Document Format PDL - Page Description Language PDN - Packet data network PDN - Public Data Network PDS - Premises Distribution System PDS - Persistent Data Services PDP - Packet Data Protocol PDU - Protocol Data Unit PDV - Path Delay Values PEM - Privacy Enhanced Mail PEP - Packet Exchange Protocol, provides a sem ireliable packet delivery service that orients tow ards singlepacket exchanges (XNS) PERL - Practical Extraction and Report Language

PERM - Parallele Elektronische Rechenmaschine M ?nchen PES - Proposed Encryption Standard PET - Personal Electronic Transactor PET - Privacy Enhancement Technology PFF - Page Fault Frequency PGA - Pin Grid Array PGA - Professional Graphics Adapter (IBM-Standa rd mit max. 640x480) PGP - Pretty Good Privacy PHY - PHYsical layer medium independent PICS - Protocol Implementation Conformance Stat ement PID - Process IDentifier[Microsoft] PIF - Program Information File PIM - Personal Information Manager PIM - Protocol Independent Multicast PIM-DM - Protocol Independent Multicast/Dense M ode PIM-SM - Protocol Independent Multicast/Sparse Mode PIN - Personal Identification Number PING - Packet INternet Groper PIO - Programmed I/O PIU - Path Information Unit pixel - picture cell pixel - picture element PIXIT - Protocol Implementation eXtra Informati on for Testing PJL - Printer Job Language PKCS - Public Key Cryptography Standards PKI - Public Key Infrastructure PKZIP - Phil Katz ZIP PL1 - Programming Language 1 PLA - Programmable Logic Array PLC - PowerLine Communication PLCC - Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier PLCP - Physical Layer Convergence Protocol PLD - Programmable Logic Device PLIP - Parallel Line IP PLL - Phase Locked Loop PLL - Programming Language for Linguistics PLMN - Public Land Mobile Network PLP - Packet Layer Protocol PM - Presenation Manager PMA - Physical Medium Attachment PMAP - Port Mapper protocol, manages the alloc ation of transport layer ports to network server a pplications (Sun) PMD - Physical Media Dependent (Token Ring) PMD - Product Marketing Division PMF - Parameter Management Frame PMOS - Positively doped Metal-Oxide Semiconduct or PMP - Point to MultiPoint PNG - Portable Network Graphics PNNI - Private NetworktoNetwork Interface, hie rarchial, dynamic linkstate routing protocol (ATM) PnP - Plug'n'Play PO - Persistent Object POF - Plastic Optical Fiber POI - Path Overhead Identifier POM - Persistent Object Manager POP - POint Of Presence POP - Post Office Protocol POP3 - Post Office Protocol version 3 POS - Point Of Sale POS - Programmable Option Select POSIX - Portable Operating System Interface for computer environments POST - Power-on Self Test POTS - Plain Old Telephone Service POTS - Point of Termination Station PP - ISO Presentation Protocol, performs conte xt negotiation and management between open systems PPC - Power PC PPD - Postscript Printer Definition PPGA - Plastic Pin Grid Array PPP - Point to Point Protocol PPPBPDU - PPP Bridge Protocol Data Unit, used t o connect remote bridges PPPMultilink - Multilink PointtoPoint Protocol , permits a system to indicate to its peer that it is capable of combining multiple physical links i nto a "bundle" PPPoE - PPP Over Ethernet PPS - Packets Per Second PPTP - Point to Point Tunneling Protocol, allo ws PPP to be channeled through an IP network (PPP) PRECOMP - write PRECOMPensation PRI - Primary Rate Interface (ISDN) PROFS - PRofessional OFfice System PROLOG - PROgramming in LOGic PROM - Programmable Read-Only Memory PS - Post Script PS/2 - Personal System/2 PSDN - Packet-Switched Data Network PSPDN - Packet Switched Public Data Network PSK - Phase Shift Keying PSN - Private Switching Networks PSTN - Public Switched Telephone Network PTE - Page Table Entry PTI - Payload Type Indicator PTT - Postal, Telephone, and Telegraph Agency PTT - Prenegotiated Target Time PU - Physical Unit PUK - Personal Unblocking Key PUP - PARC Universal Packet protocol PVC - Permanent Virtual Circuit PVC - Permanent Virtual Connection PVC - PolyVinyl Chloride PVT - Permanent Virtual Terminal PWM - Pulse Width Modulation

QAM - Quadrature Amplitude Modulation QBE - Query By Example QFP - Quad-FlatPack QIC - Quarter Inch Cartridge QLLC - Qualified Logical Link Control QLS - Quiet Line State QOS - Quality Of Service QPSX - Queued Packet Switch eXchange QSM - Queued Serial Module

RAD - Rapid Application Development RADIUS - Remote Authentication Dial-In User Ser vice RAF - Resource Allocation Frame RAID - Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks RAM - Random Access Memory RAPID - Reusable Application Specific Intellect ul Property Developers RARP - Reverse ARP RAS - Remote Access Service RBOC - Regional Bell Operating Company RCP - Remote Communications Processor RCP - Remote Copy Program RDA - Remote Database Access protocol RDBMS - Relational Data Base Management System RDF - Request Denied Frame RDF - Resource Description Format RDF - Resource Description Framework RDI - REmote DEfect Indicator RDO - Remote Data Object RDP - Reliable Datagram protocol RDP - Remote Desktop Protocol RDS - Remote Data Service REJ - REJect RES - Robots Exclusion Standard (robots.txt) REXX - REstructured eXtended eXecutor RF - Radio Frequency RFB - Remote Frame Buffer RFC - Request For Comment RFI - Radio Frequency Interference RFI - Request For Information RFP - Request For Proposal RFS - Remote File Service RFS - Remote File System RGB - Red Green Blue RI - Ring In RIAA - Recording Industry Association of Americ a RIF - Routing Information Field RIP - Routing Information Protocol RIP - Routing Interface Protocol RISC - Reduced Instruction Set Computing RJE - Remote Job Entry RL - Reconfigurable Logic RLE - Run Length Encoding RLL - Run Length Limited RLOGIN - Remote Login RLP - Radio Link Protocol RMA - Return Merchandise Authorization RMA - Revolution in Military Affairs RMF - Remote Management Facility RMF - Rich Music Format RMI - Remote Method Invocation RMI-IIOP - Remote Method Invocation Internet In ter-ORB Protocol RMM - Read Mostly Memory RMON - Remote MONitoring RMS - Root Mean Squared RMW - Read Modify Write RNG - Random Number Generator RMN - Remote Multiplexer Node RMON - Remote Monitoring RMT - Ring ManageMent RNR - Receive Not Ready ROM - Read Only Memory RPC - Remote Procedure Call ROLC - Routing Over Large Clouds ROM - Read Only Memory ROS - Remote Operations Service ROSE - Remote Operations Service Element RP - Routing Protocol, distributes routing info rmation among DECnet hosts RPC - Remote Procedure Call RPM - Rotations Per Minute RPOA - Recognized Private Operating Agencies RPSL - Routing Policy Specification Language RR - Receive Ready RR - Resource Record RRAS - Routing and Remote Access Service RSA - Rives/Shamir/Adleman RSAC - Recreational Software Advisory Council RSDL - Reverse Spiral Dual Layer RSE - Remote Streams Environment RSL - Registry Size Limit[Microsoft] RST - ReSeT RSVP - resource ReSerVation Protocol RTC - Real Time Clock RTD - Round Trip Delay RTF - Rich Text Format RTFM - Read The Flaming Manual RTM - Response Time Monitor RTMP - Routing Table Maintenance Protocol, man ages routing information for AppleTalk networks RTO - Retransmission Time Out RTP - Routing Update Protocol, used to distribu te network topology (Banyan). RTS - Request To Send RTSE - Reliable Transfer Service Element RTT - Round Trip Time RUDP - Reliable UDP rt-VBR - Real Time Variable Bit Rate RVD - Remote Virtual Disk Protocol RVP - Remote Voice Protocol RW - Read/Write RWIN - Receive WINdow

S/MIME - Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Exte nsions SA - Security Association SA - Service Agent SAA - Systems Application Architecture SAA - System Application Architecture (IBM) SAA - Standards Association of Australia SAAL - Signaling ATM Adaption Layer SABM - Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode SAC - Single Attached Concentrator SACD - Super Audio CD SACK - Selective Acknowledgement SACL - System Access Control List [Microsoft] SAG - SQL Access Group SALI - Subnetwork Adjacent Layer Interface SAM - Scalable ADSL Modem SAM - Security Accounts Manager SAM - Sequential Access Memory SAN - Storage Area Network SANE - Scanner Access Now Easy SAP - Service Advertising Protocol SAP - Service Access Point SAR - Segmentation And Reassembly sublayer SARM - Set Asynchronous Response Mode SAS - Single Attached Station (FDDI) SASE - Specific Application Service Elements SASI - Shugart Associates Standard Interface (S eagate) SASO - Saudi Arabian Standards Organization SBA - Synchronous Bandwidth Allocation SBA - Side Band Addressing SCAM - SCSI Configured AutoMagically SCART - Syndicat des Constructeurs d'Appareils Radio receteurs et T?l?viseurs SCCP - Signalling Connection Control Part SCEP - Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol SCHWAFEL - Self Constructing Hyper Wavelet Algo rithms For Extrapolating Linguistics SCI - Scalable Coherent Interface SCM - Service Control Manager SCO - Santa Cruz Operations SCP - Session Control Protocol, manages logical links for DECnet connections SCR - Sustainable Cell Rate SCS - SNA Character String SCSI - Small Computer System Interface SCTP - Stream Control Transmission Protocol SD - Starting Delimiter SDCP - PPP Serial Data Control Protocol, respo nsible for configuring, enabling and disabling the SDTP modules on both ends of the pointtopoint link SDDS - Sony Dynamic Digital Sound SDF - Sub Distribution Frame SDF - Shortest Delay First SDH - Synchronous Digital Hierarchy SDI - Serial Digital Interface SDI - Single Document Interface SDIF - Standard Document Interchange Format SDK - Software Development Kit SDL - System Description Language SDLC - Service Data Link Control SDLC - Synchronous Data Link Control SDM - Sub-rate Data Multiplexer SDMI - Secure Digital Music Initiative SDP - Session Description Protocol SDRAM - Synchronous DRAM SDSL - Single line Digital Subscriber Line SDSL - Single pair Digital Subscriber Line SDSL - Symmetrical bit rate Digital Subscriber Line SDSL - Symmetrical single pair Digital Subscrib er Line SDT - Structured Data Transfer SDU - Satellite Delay Units SDU - Service Data Unit SEAL - Simple and Efficient Adaptation Layer SEAL - Software-optimized Encryption ALgorithm SECC - Single Edge Contact Cartridge SED - Stream EDitor SEF - Source-Explicit Forwarding SEI - Software Engineering Institute SEPP - Single Edge Processor Package SEK - Swedish Electrical Commission SER - Serialization packet, ensures that a sin gle version of NetWare is not being loaded on mult iple servers SES - Smart Energy System SET - Secure Electronic Transaction SF - Superframe Format SFD - Start Frame Delimiter SFS - Suomem Standardisoimisliitto SFP - System File Protection SFT - System Fault Tolerance SFT - System File Table SFTP - Simple File Transfer Protocol SGI - Silicon Graphics Inc. SGML - Standard Generalized Markup Language SGMP - Simple Gateway Monitoring Port SGRAM - Static Graphics RAM SGRAM - Synchronous Graphic RAM SGSN - Serving GPRS Support Node SHA - Secure Hash Algorithm SHARP - Self-Healing Alternate Route Protection

SHAZAM - Semi-Heuristic Algorithm by Zemel And Miller SHTML - SSI HTML (Kennzeichnung f?r HTML-Dateie n mit SSI) S-HTTP - Secure HTTP SIA - Systems Interconnect Architecture SIB - Security Information Base SID - Security ID SID - Society for Information Displays SIF - Status Information Frame SIF - Source Input Format SIG - Special Interest Group SIGINT - SIGnal INTelligence SIIA - Software and Information Industry Associ ation SIM - Synchronous Interface Module SIM - Subscriber Identity Module SIMD - Single-Instruction Multiple-Data SIMD-FP - Single Instruction, Multiple Data-Flo ating Point SIMM - Single In-line Memory Module SINIX - SIemens unIX SIP - Serial Interface Protocol SIP - Single In-line Package SIP - SMDS Interface Protocol, threelevel prot ocol that controls access to the network SIPP - Single In-Line Pin Package SIR - Serial InfraRed SIR - Standard InfraRed SIS - Standardiseringskommissionen I Sverige SISD - Single-Instruction Single-Data SLA - Service-Level Agreement SLC - Simple Line Code SLD - Second Level Domain SLDRAM - SyncLink DRAM SLFP - Serial Line Framing Protocol SLI - Scan Line Interleaving SLIP - Serial Line Internet Protocol SLM - Service Level Management SLP - Service Locator Protocol SMART - Self Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology SMB - Service Message Block SMB - System Management Bus SMD - Surface Mount Device SMDS - Switched Multi-megabit Data Service SMI - Structure of Management Information S/MIME - Secure MIME SMM - System Management Mode SMNP - Simple Network Management Protocol SMP - Symmetric Multi-Processor SMP - Simple Management Protocol SMS - Selective Multicast Server SMS - Short Message Service SMS - System Management Server SMSC - Short Message Service Center SMT - Simultanous MultiThreading SMT - Station ManagemenT SMT - Surface Mount Technology SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SNA - System Network Architecture SNACP - SubNetwork ACcess Protocol SNAPDS - SNA Distribution Services SNAP - SubNetwork Access Protocol SNI - SNA Network Interconnect SNI - Subscriber Network Interface SNICP - Subnetwork Independent Convergence Prot ocol SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol SNP - Sub-Network Protocol SNPA - Sub-Network Point of Attachment SNR - Signal to Noise Ratio SOA - Start Of Authentication SOA - Start Of Authority SOA - Structure Of Arrays SOA - Semiconductor Optical Amplifier SOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol SOAP-DSIG - SOAP Security Extensions: Digital S ignature SODIMM - Small Outline DIMM SOHO - Small Office/Home Office SOI - Silicon-On-Isolator SOIC - Small Outline Integrated Circuit SOL - Small OutLine SOL - System on a Chip SOM - System Object Model SOM - Start Of Message SONET - Synchronous Optical Network SP - Service Pack SPAG - Standards Promotion and Applications Gro up SPANS - Simple Protocol for ATM Network Signal ling, developed by FORE Systems for use in ATM net works SPARC - Scalable Performance ARChitecture SPC - Stored Program Control SPD-EEPROM - Serial Presence Detect EEPROM S/P-DIF - Sony/Philips Digital InterFace SPE - Synchronous Payload Envelope SPI - Syncronization Programming Interface SPID - Service Profile IDentifier SPKAC - Signed Public Key And Challenge SPM - SONET Physical layer Mapping SPMD - Single Program Multiple Data SPP - Sequenced Packet Protocol, provides reli able transport delivery with flow control (XNS) SPOOL - Simultaneous Peripheral Operation On Li ne SPT - Sectors Per Track SPX - Sequenced Packet Exchange SQE - Signal Quality Error SQL - Structured Query Language SRAM - Static RAM SRB - Source Routing Bridging, proprietary hea der of Bay Networks which passes Token Ring inform ation over WAN lines SRDC - SubRate Data Cross-connect SRDM - SubRate Data Multiplexer SRF - Status Report Frame SRI - Stanford Research Institute SRMU - SubRate Multiplexer Unit SRPI - Server-Requester Programming Interface SRTS - Synchronous Residual Time Stamp SRV - SeRVice resource SS7 - Signaling System Number 7 SSAP - Source Service Access Point SSCF - Service-Specific Coordination Function SSCOP - Service-Specific Connection-Oriented Pr otocol SSCP - System Service Control Point SSI - Server Side Includes SSL - Secure Sockets Layer SSNC - StarGROUP Server for Netware Clients SSP - Servvice-Specific Part SST - Spread-Spectrum Technology SST - Silicon Storage Technology SSTL_2 - Stab Series Terminated Logic for 2,5 V

S/STP - Screened Shielded Twisted Pair S/UTP - Screened Unshielded Twisted Pair STA - Spanning Tree Algorithm STD - STandarD STDM - Synchronous Time Division Multiplexing STE - Signaling Terminal Equipment STM - Synchronous Transport Module STN - SuperTwist Nematic STP - Shielded Twisted Pair STP - Signal Transfer Point STP - Spanning Tree Protocol, prevents the for mation of logical looping in the network (DECnet) STS - Synchronous Transport Signal level STU - Streaming Tape Unit STUN - Serial TUNnel SUS - Single Unix Specification SVC - Switched Virtual Circuit SVD - Simultaneous Voice over Data SVG - Scalable SVGA - Super Video Graphics Array SVID - System V Interface Definition SVR4 - System V Release 4 SWA - SOAP Messages with Attachments SWAP - Shared Wireless Access Protocol SWDS - SoftWare Distribution System SWS - Silly Window Syndrome SYNC - SYNChronous SYSV - SYStem V (= roman 5)

TA - Terminal Adapter TAC - Terminal Access Controller TALI - Transfer Adjacent Layer Interface TAN - TransAction Number TAO - Track At Once TAP - Telocator Alphanumeric Protocol TAPI - Telephony API TASI - Time Assignment Speech Interpolation TBR - Technical Basis for REgulations TCA - Tele-Communications Association TCAP - Transaction Capabilities Application Par t TCE - Targeted Client Environment TCL - Tool Command Language TCM - Trellis Code Modulation TCNS - Thomas Conrad Network System TCP - Transmission Control Protocol TCP/IP - Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol TDCC - Transportation Data Coordinating Committ ee TDF - Tab Delimited Files TDM - Time Division Multiplex TDMA - Time Division Multiple Access TDP - Tag Distribution Protocol, a two party p rotocol that runs over a connection oriented trans port layer with guaranteed sequential delivery TDR - Time Domain Reflectometer TDS - TeX Directory Structure TE - ISDN Terminal Equipment TEI - Terminal Endpoint Identifier TEI - Text Encoding Initiative TELNET - TELecommunications NETwork TFT - Thin Film Transistor TFTP - Trivial File Transfer Protocol TGA - TarGA TGS - Ticker-Granting Service TGT - Ticker-Granting Ticket THT - Token Holding Frame TIA - Telecommunications Industry Association TIC - Token-ring Interface Coupler TIFF - Tagged Image File Format TIGA - Texas Instruments Graphics Architecture TI-RCP - Transport-Independent Remote Procedure Call TK - Tool Kit TL - Total Length TLB - Translation-Lookaside Buffer TLD - Top Level Domain TLI - Transport Layer Interface TLP - Thread Level Parallelism TLV - Tag/Length/Value TSL - Transport Layer Security TM - Terminal Multiplexer TMAX - Maximum TTRT TMDS - Transition Minimized Differential Signal ing TMN - Telecommunications Management Network TMSI - Temporary Mobule Subscriber Identity TN - Twisted Nematic TNA - Taskbar Notification Area TOP - Technical and Office Protocol TOS - Type Of Service TP - Transaction Program TPAD - Terminal PAD TPDU - Transport Protocol Data Unit TPI - Tracks Per Inch TPON - Telephony Passive Optical Networks TPS - Transactions Per Second (Bus) TPS - Triangles Per Second TPU - Time Processing Unit TREQ - Requested TTRT TRFS - Transparent Remote File System TRN - Token-Ring Network TRT - Token Rotation Time TRx - Test Register x TS - Time slot TSC - Time Stamp Counter TSI - Time Slice Intervals TSMC - Taiwan Semiconductor Manufactoring Compa ny TSO - Time Sharing Option TSR - Terminate and Stay Resident TTCN - Tree and Tabular Combined Notation TTF - TrueType Font TTL - Time To Live TTL - Transistor-Transistor Logic TTML - Tagged Text Markup Language TTRT - Target Token Rotation Time TTS - Transaction Tracking System TTY - TeleTYpe TUBA - TCP and UDP with Bigger Addresses TUC - Total User Cell TUG - TeX Users Group Tux - Torvald's UniX TWA - Two Way Alternate TWAIN - Technology Without An Interesting Name (Scannerschnittstelle) TwinVQ - Transform-domain Weighted Interleave V ector Quantization (Soundkompression) TWIP - TWentIeth of a Point TWS - Two Way Simultaneous

UA - User Agent UA - Unnumbered Acknowledgement UA - Unbalance Asynchronous UART - Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmit ter UAWG - Universal ADSL Working Group UBR - Unspecified Bit Rate UCI - User Class Identifier UCITA - Uniform Computer Information Transactio n Act UCP - Universal Computer Protocol UCS - Universal Component System UDC - Universal Digital Channel UDDI - Universal Description, Discovery and Int egration UDF - Universal Disk Format UDMA - Ultra-DMA UDP - User Datagram Protocol UDT - Unstructurede Data Transfer UE - User Elements UIP - Update In Progress UL - Underwriters Laboratories ULP - Upper Level Protocol UM - Interface between the MS and the GPRS fixe d network part UMA - Unified Memory Architecture UMA - Universal Mainboard Architecture UMB - Upper Memory Block UME - UNI Management Entity UML - Unified Modeling Language UML-RT - UML RealTime UMM - Unidirectional Multipoint-to-Multipoint UMS - Unified Messaging Services UMTS - Universal Mobile Telecommunications Syst ems UN - Unbalanced Normal UNA - Upstream Neighbor Address UNC - Universal Naming Convention UNI - User Network Interface UNIX - From UNICS, a pun on its predecessor MUL TICS UNMA - Unified Network Management Architecture UP - User Plane UPC - Usage Parameter Control UPC - Universal Product Code UPM - Unidirectional Point-to Multipoint UPnP - Universal Plug and Play UPP - Unidirectional Point-to-Point UPS - Uninterruptible Power System URI - Universal Resource Identifier URL - Uniform Resource Locator URM - Universal Retention Module URN - Uniform Resource Name URT - Utah Raster Toolkit USART - Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Rece iver Transmitter USB - Universal Serial Bus USDC - US Display Consortium USENET - USEr NETwork USL - Unix System Labs USM - User-based Security Model USML - UDDI Search Markup Language USTA - United States Telephone Association UTC - Universal Coordinated Time UTP - Unshielded Twisted Pair UUCP - UNIX to UNIX Copy Program UUNET - Unix to Unix NETwork UUX - Unix to Unix eXecute

Vac - Volts of Alternating Current VACM - View-based Access Control Model VAN - Value Added Network VAP - Value Added Process VAR - Value Added Reseller VAR - Volt Amp Reactive VARP - VINES Address Resolution Protocol, used for finding the node Data Link Control address fr om the node IP address (Banyan) VAS - Value-added services VAT - Virtual Allocation Table VAX - Virtual Address eXtension VB - Visual Basic VBA - Visual Basic for Applications VBE - VESA BIOS Extension VBR - Variable Bit Rate VBS - Visual Basic Script VC - Virtual Circuit VC - Virtual Channel VC - Virtual Call VC-SDRAM - Virtual Channel SDRAM VCC - Virtual Channel Connection VCI - Virtual Channel Identifier VCL - Virtual Channel Link VCM - Virtual Channel Memory VCPI - Virtual Control Programming Interface VCR - Video Cassette Recorder Vdc - Volts of Direst Current VDM - Vienna Development Method VDT - Visual Display Terminal VDSL - Very high bit rate Digital Subscriber Li ne VDU - Visual Display Unit VESA - Video Electronics Standards Association VF - Voice Frequency VFAT - Virtual File Allocation Table VGA - Video Graphics Array VGCS - Voice Group Call Service VHDL - Virtual Hardware Description Language VIBE - Virtual Bass Enhancement technology VIM - Vendor Independent Messaging VINCE - Vendor Independent Network Control Enti ty VINES - VIrtual NEtworking Software VL - VESA Local Bus VLAN - Virtual LAN VLB - VESA Local Bus VLIW - Very Long Instruction Word VLIW - VVery Long Instruction Words VLM - Very Large Memory VLR - Visitor location register VLSI - Very Large Scale Integration VLSIC - Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit VM - Virtual Machine VM - Virtual Memory VME - VersaModule Eurocard VML - Vector Markup Language VMM - Virtual Memory Manager VMS - Virtual Memory System VMS - Voice Mail Server VMSC - Voice Mail Service Center VMTP - Versatile Message Transaction Protocol VNC - Virtual Network Computer VPS - Video Programming System VOB - Video OBject VOFDM - Vector Orthogonal Frequency Division Mu ltiplexing VOIP - Voice-Over-IP VP - Virtual Path VPC - Virtual Path Connection VPE - Virtual Private Network VPI - Virtual Path Identifier VPL - Virtual Path Link VPN - Virtual Private Network VR - Virtual Reality VR - Voltage Regulated VRAM - Video RAM VRE - Voltage Regulated Extended (CPU) VRML - Virtual Reality Modeling Language VRRP - Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol VRT - Voltage Reduction Technology (CPU) VSAT - Very Small Aperture Terminal VSB - Vestigial Side Band VSB - VME Subsystem Bus VSE - Virtual Storage Extended VSIA - Virtual Socket Interface Alliance VT - Virtual Terminal VTAM - Virtual Telecom Access Method (IBM) VTAM - Virtual Terminal Access Method VTC - Volume Texture Compression VTS - Virtual Terminal Support VUI - Video User Interface

W3C - World Wide Web Consortium WAE - Wireless Application Environment WAIS - Wide Area Information Server WAN - Wide-Area Network WAP - Wireless Access Protocol WAPI - Windows Application Binary Interface WATS - Wide Area Telephone Service WBC - WideBand Channel WCAT - Web Capacity Analaysis Tool WDM - Wavelength Division Multiplexing WDOG - WatchDOG protocol (Novell) WFW - Windows For Workgroups WIMPS - Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointers, Scroll bars WIN-TCP - Wollongong Integrated Networking/TCP WMI - Windows Management Instrumentation WML - Wireless Markup Language WOFTBO - Watch Out For The Burn Out WORM - Write Once Read Many WOS - Workstation Operating System WOSA - Window Open Services Architecture (Micro soft) WS-Inspection - Web Services Inspection Languag e WS-License - Web Services License Language WS-Referral - Web Services Referral Protocol WS-Routing - Web Services Routing Protocol WS-Security - Web Services Security Language WSCL - Web Services Conversation Language WSCM - Web Services Component Model WSDL - Web Services Description Language WSEL - Web Services Endpoint Language WSFL - Web Services Flow Language WSML - Web Services Meta Language WSP - Wireless Session Protocol WSXL - Web Services Experience Language WTLS - Wireless Transport Layer Security WTP - Wireless Transaction Protocol WSUI - Web Services for Business Process Design

WWW - World Wide Web WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get

XBM - X BitMap XDMCP - X Display Manager Control protocol XENIX - XENos unIX XML - eXtensible Markup Language XNS - Xerox Network Services XOM - X/Open Management XOT - Cisco Systems' X.25 over TCP XPM - X Pixel Map XTI - X/Open Transport layer Interface YAHU - Yet Another Header Utility

ZIP - Zone Information Protocol