
An Investigation of Radiofrequency Radiation· Levels. on Healy Heights Portland~ July 28 - August 1, 1986

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Electromagnetics Branch Office of Radiation Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency P.O. Box 18416 Las Vegas, Nevada 89114-8416

January 1987 An Investigation of Radiofrequency Radiation Levels on Healy Heights ·, Portland. Oregon July 28 - August 1, 1986

Prepared for the Office · of Engineering and Technology Federal Communications Commission thrdugh lnterog~ncy Agreement RW27931344-01-0

Electromagnetics Branch Office of Radiation Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - P.O. Box 18416 Las Vegas, Nevada 89114-8416 .,.


Responding to the. concerns of people living near the Healy Heights antenna farm in Portland, Oregon; Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and ·, Environmental Protection Agency personnel conducted an investigation of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation levels in July, 1986. Measurements were made at several locations around Portland including the residential areas of Healy Heights, Windemere, Summit View, Sylv.an Heights, and Happy Valley. Broadband and narrowband measurements were made after· a new FM antenna was installed on Healy Heights. Following this antenna crrange, the highest value measured anywhere on Healy Heights was less_ than 700 µW/cm2. A 500 µW/cm2 contour near the base of the tower was mapped in a publicly accessible area. Power densities of 100 µW/cm2 were found over a large publicly accessible area near the broadcast towers on Healy Heights. Measurements made indoors at homes near the Healy Heights antenna farm found maximum levels approaching 200 µW/cm2, although typical levels were well below 100 µW/cm2. The P01•1er densities found at a few selected locations in other residential areas were below 40 1,1W/cm2. All these data compare favorably with the FCC guide of 1000 1,1W/cm2 at FM frequencies, but some appr.oach or exceed the 200 1,1W/crrl Multnomah County ordinance and the 100 µW/cm 2 Portland Planning Com:nission policy. Magnetic field intensities exceeding the current FCC guide by over an order of mcgriitude were found in restricted areas, near A~1 antennc tuning coils.


·, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...... CONTENTS ...... ; ; BACKGROUND ...... 1 EQUIPMENT ...... 1 PROCEDURE AND RESULTS ...... 3 Healy Heights 3 Spectrum Survey ...... • e • e e • e I • • I e I • e e • • e e e • • e e • 3 FM Band Measurements along Carl Place and Council Crest Drive 3 Spatial Variation of Field 4 Broadband Meter Comparison 4 Outdoor Broadband Measurements ...... 6 Indoor Broadband Measurements 6 Council Crest ...... 7 Community Measurements ...... 7 AM Data ...... 8 K:X-Af~1 and KGW-Ar•1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8


ii BACKGROUND Multnomah County (1) and Portland (2), Oregon have for several years been. developing ordinances to limit pu~lic exposure to radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic radiation. The Healy Heights area of Portland is one of few places in the nation where AM and many FM broadcast antennas (Table 1) can be found in close proximity to one another, with six of the seven FM' s on · a single tower. The Healy Heights tower farm is also unusual because two major towers are located within a residential neighborhood. Calculations made by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),predicted that power density values at ground level near one of the towers \on Healy Heights would exceed the American National Standards Institute Radiofrequency Radiation Protection Guide, now used by the Federal Communications Commission (3) for administrative purposes. So, when the residents of Healy Heights asked the FCC for help in determining power densities in their neighborhood, the FCC responded by requesting that the EPA Electromagnetics Branch come to Portland and investigate the RF levels, primarily in that area. EPA agreed, and under the provisions of an Interagency Agreement with the FCC, Electromagnetics Branch personnel traveled to Portland to conduct a study during the period July 28 to August 1, 1986. As the study began, the FCC approved the KBOO-FM application to begin broadcasting from a new antenna that is higher on the· tower than the old antenna. EPA saw this as an opportunity to examine changes in ~he ground level power density before and after the modification. EQUIPMENT RF field strength is usually measured using broadband isotropic electric ·or magnetic field strength meters, or tunable field strength meters connected to appropriate antennas. Broadband equipment is used to determine the total RF field at a point while narrowband equipment provides details of the RF field intensity at any particular frequency. This study employed both types of equiprne11t. For automated, narrowband measurements, two antennas were used. A NanoFast Fioer Optic lsoiated Spherical Dipole (FOlSD) was used for frequencies from 10 kHz to 700 MHz. A Watkins Johnson omnidirectional biconical antenna (OMNI) was used for frequencies above 500 MHz. Both detect electric fields and both are linearly polarized antennas. The axis of each antenna was oriented at 55° from the axis of its support post. With this orientation, one can place the antenna in each of three orthogonal positions by rotating the support post to three azimuths, 120• apart. Each OMNI and FOISD datum presented in this report is the resu1t of three orthogonal measurements. All OMNI measurements were made with the ·antenna on a fiberglass post above the roof of the measurement vehicle at a height of about 12 feet. Some of the FOI SD measurements were a1 so made at this height, but others were made at various heights between 1 and 8 feet above ground. RF power directly proportional to the electromagnetic wave power density was conveyed via coaxial cable from the OMNI to a Hewlett Packard 8566A spectrum analyzer and from there to a Hewlett Packard 98458 computer. The computer applies antenna factors, combine..s. the three orthogonal spectra and stores the results on disk.

1 In contrast to the Watkins Johnson OMNI antenna, the NanoFast FOISD aoes not conduct ':RF power directly to the analyzer. The conventional RF coaxial cable would act as part of the antenna itself and decrease the accuracy of the information collected by the FOISD at lower frequencies - particularly in the A~ radio band. To avoid this source of error the FOISD does not use electrically conductive coaxial cable but rather a fiber optic cable which conducts light instead of RF power. The voltage that the electric field induces across the two ha 1ves of the FOI SD is used to amp 1itude modu 1ate a light signal. This light is conducted to the inside of the measurement vehicle via a fiber optic cable. The light signal is demodulated back to an RF signal, and fed to the spectrum analyzer via coaxial cable. Then, as with the OMNI antenna, -the analyzer delivers frequency speclfic information to the computer for processing and storage. Two computer programs were used to process the information supplied by the spectrum analyzer. The first, DRIVER has been used for several years by the Electromagnetics Branch for similar field studies. It is especially useful for managing peak spectra like radar and paging systems. Those measurements that were processed with the DRIVER system are identified with 11 file names beginning with "G • The second program, ZOOM, was developed recently to allow more rapid and accurate measurements at predetermined frequencies. The measurements made using ZOOM are identified in the report with file names beginning with K or C. ZOOM was tailored before the study began to look only at the seven FM frequencies that broadcast from ant~nnas on Healy Heights. These frequencies are the main consideration in this study (see Procedures and Results). The data collected with ZOOM are listed in . Appendix A by file name. Some narrowband measurements were made without the use of a computer and spectrum analyzer. These were mag~etic field measurements made with a 1 3/4" diameter, 10-turn shielded loop antenna constructed by EPA that fed a Potomac Instruments FIM-41 field strength meter via a 50 ohm coaxial resistor. Knowledge of the voltage output of the loop for a known incident magnetic field and frequency allowed the voltage reading on the Potomac to be used to infer magnetic field strength. Prior to its use, the Potomac's response was calibrated in the field at the frequency of interest by inserting a known voltage from a Wavetek sweep generator. The output of the sweep generator was checked in the field, in turn, by a Boonton RF millivoltmeter. Several different broadband instruments were brought for the Portland study because Healy Heights presented a complex electromagnetic environment that could affect broadband instruments to extents that were not simple to predict. Bringing a variety of meters whose responses could be evaluated at Healy Heights would allow the study to be completed even if the limitations of some of the instruments made their use impract i ca 1 for the Healy Heights measurements. Two Holaday Industries.Model HI-3001 field strength meters with electric field probes, one Narda magnetic field probe/meter system, one Narda electric field probe/meter system, and one· Instruments for Industry (IF!) electric field meter were used. The Holaday and Narda probes are isotropic. The !FI unit detects only one polarization at a time and must be reoriented if , three othogonal measurements are necessar~~ Tnese systems were calibrated at the Electromagnetics Branch laboratory prior to the Portland study. !.looendix B contains more detailed information on · the equipment and calibrations.

2 Althougn all the antennas used in the Portland study sense either electric or magnetic fields, most of the data presented here have been converte~ to conventional units of plane-wave equivalent power density. PROCEDURE AND RESULTS The Portland area measurements can be sorted into three categories: those conducted on Healy Heights, other community measurements in the vicinity of FM, TV, and AM broadcast antennas, and, those measurements made very close to two AM radio antennas. Each will be addressed in turn. Healy Heights Spectrum Survey The driveway at 4422 S.W. Carl Place is one of the highest locations topographically in the Healy Heights residential area, providing a fairly clear path to any RF source that might illuminate the area. Measurements were made at this site in several frequency ranges from the AM radio band to radar in order to establish which bands were major contributors to the power density at Healy Heights. These data are listed in Table 2. All these measurements were made with either the FOISD or OMNI arytenna mounted on top. of the measurement vehicle. All volues except those for radar, land mobile, ana pager bands represent the average power density seen at each frequency. The radar data are peak power density values that must be multiplied by the duty cycle of the pulse and rotation to obtain true average values for comparison · to RF exposure guides. Typically, these duty cycles are 0.001 and 0.01 respectively so average power value is approximately equal to peak power multiplied by 0.00001. Once this factor is incorporated, the radar po1ver densities are among the lowest in Table 2. Similarly, the values for the land mobile and pager b,.r,ds l','u,uld be reduced if the ch,ty c._ycle for sigr,als iri these bands were included. These data were not corrected for duty cycle because even the pe2t, v::bes in these band~ 1-:ere re1ctively 101-:, and bec2••re determining duty cycle would be very time-consuming. The power densities listed in Table 2 confirmed expectations that the FM band dominates the RF environment on Healy Heights, contributing about 100 times as much exposure as the next strongest frequency band (high VHF-TV). This information was useful because it justified deleting several bands from further detailed investigation. Table 2 also provides a quality assurance check that the antennas were operating properly. The power density associated with UHF Channel 49 was measured using both the FOISD and the OMNI antennas. The two power densities thus obtained differed by 0.6 dB, a good comparison for field measurements. FM-Band Measurements along Carl P~ace and Council Crest Drive These data were co 11 ected using the FOI SD mounted on the measurement vehicle. The measurements were made at several locations around the Carl Place/Council Crest Drive area as shown i~.Figure 1. One set of measurements was made while the old KBOO antenna was operating; another set was taken while the new KBOO antenna was operating (Table 3). The locations at which the second set of measurements were made differed from those of the first set by at most 2 to 3 inches horizontally. The height _of both sets was the same. 3 During the time when the tower climber was disconnecting the old KB00 antenna and connecting the new antenna, the FM stations that broadcast from Healy Heights reduced their power significantly as shown in Table 4. These reductions were measured at location I using the F0ISD narrowoand system. Table 3 shows the power density at location I as measured before the K300. antenna change started, during the changeover period, and after all the stations except KB00 had returned to full power. The broadcast engineers decreased the composite FM-band power as measured at location I by 89 percent in an effort to protect the tower climber from excessive RF exposure. The old KB00 antenna consisted of four bays with a'center of radiation 79 feet above the ground. The center of radiation for th-e new 5 bay antenna is 150 feet above the tower base. In addition to replacing the old antenna with a new one at a higher elevation, KB00 was allowed to increase its in the modification. Spatial Variation of Field

As the Carl Place/Council Crest Drive measurements were repeated after the KB00 antenna change, the difficulty in placing the antenna at the exact location where a previous measurement had been made became apparent. This raised the questi~n of how the field might vary from one point to another over a limited volume of space. Additional measurements were made to help answer this question. These measurements were made with the F0ISD mounted on the measurement vehicle· with the veh i c1 e pl aced at ten 1ocation s spaced over a distance of 5 feet {approximately 1/2 wavelength in the FM band). 0ata were .collected for the FM-radio stations that are located on Healy Heights. · Figure 2 shows the variation in FM-band total power density for these 10 locations. Figure 2 also shows how the power density varied for each FM station. The data from which Figure 2 was prepared are included in files KXL-40 to KXL-49. For the 10 locations sampled, the total power density varied from 45.3 1,1W/cm2 to 52.5 1,1W/cm2 for a range of about 0.6 dB. The variation between the high and low values for any individual station ranged from about 0.9 d8 for KXL to about 3.6 dB for KKLI. As one would expect, the relative variation in the total power density is less than the relative variation in the power density for any individual station. A comparison of the total power densities for any two adjacent locations finds a maximum variation of 0.22 dB or abo1,Jt 5 percent. The greatest relative change in power density from one location to'the next for a single station is 1.7 dB (48 percent) for KKLI. Broadband Meter Comparison

The F0ISD antenna provides useful information concerning the particular frequencies that contribute to the power density at any 1ocat ion. However, the F0ISD remains cumbersome to use, 'requiring a heavy base for its support and three orientations for every measurement. It is not a practical instrument for surveying large areas to find locations of elevated power densities. The lightweight, isotropic, broadband instruments meet this need. Broadband instruments are not ideal, however, suffering from inaccuracies that can be significant in the presence of -~ow frequency fields such as ~1 broadcasts, and multiple frequency, strong fields such as the FM spectrum on Healy Heights. Nevertheless, broadband equipment must oe used in order to help evaluate the RF environment in a timely manner. The question is how mucn faith, if any, should the investigator place in the data obtained with broadband equipment. To answer this quesJ;ion, comparisons were made between 4 tne values obtained witn the FOISD and the data collected with a few broadband survey instruments. The FOISO was considered the reference standard for these comparison measurements. After measuring the field with the FOISD, the FOISD was rerr,oved froT, its supporting post and the electric field probe of a broadband instrument was placed where the FOISD had been, with an error· of less than one eighth of an inch. These comparisons were made using the moveable FOISD base which allows measurements to be made close to the ground. Tne locations for the comparison measurements began with a point less than 50 feet from the KXL tower, and extended sever a 1 hundred feet_ northward along Council Crest Drive a~d southward into the parking lot near the KCNR-AM studio and antenna. The FOISD and broadband comparison data are listed in Table 5. None of the meters reported values that -consistently· agreed with the FOISD data. The probable reasons for these errors are the overresponse of diode detectors in the presence of multiple signals of similar intensity (all three of the electric field meters are diode detectors) and the erroneous response from the low-frequency potential sensitivity of the meters tnat are constructed with a probe-cable-meter design (Holaday and Narda). The design of the IFI meter places its antenna directly on the meter box, thus avoiding the potential sensitivity problems. The most consistent finding was that the Holaday meters overresponded to the incident field although even this conclusion is compromised by the response of the 26038 Holaday at location 5. The erroneo~s response of· these broadband meters was expected, but nonitheless frustrating (so~e manufacturers describe low frequeocy or multiple frequency problems in their literature; also see reference 4). In order to avoid the multiple-signal response of diode detectors it would be necessary to ·use a thermocouple based detector. Since all thermocouple detectors are of -the probe-cable-meter design, measurements would have to be made in the absence of low-frequency fields. This meant w.;,iting until the AM station on Healy Heights ceased broadcasting - i.e. waiting until after 9:00 p.m.-to make measurements. To solve this measurement problem the investigators used a Narda, thermocouDle. maanetic field meter and probe. Tnis instrument is of tne probe-cab.le-meter- design, subject to low-frequency errors. An attempt to use this system while KCNR was broadcasting found the meter fluctuating wildly between negative readings and full scale deflections. Hence all measurements with this meter were made after the AM station went off the air. Tne team did not have a magnetic field antenna system that could serve as a reference standard as the FOISD had for electric field data collected with broadband instruments. Instead, the team used the FOISD as the reference as follows. The Holaday meter had shown overresponses but rarely any underresponse. Therefore the maximum electric field in any area of space could be located, albeit not quantified, with the Holaday. Once tne maximum electric field had been found, the FOISD was placed at that location and the true electric field (E-field) was determined. Next, the FOISD was removed, and the area directly above and below the E-field maximum location was probed with the Narda 8616 meter and 8531 magnetic field (H-field) probe. The H-field maximum was found about 5 feet above or below the E-field maximum, confirming expectations that the E and H maxima would be about one-half an FM-frequency wavelength (=10 feet) apart. Comparisons using this pro;:_edure were made in two locations. Table 6 presents these data. The excellent agreement found in these trials led to the decision to use the Narda magnetic field broadband system to surve_y the .. area. 5 Outdoor Broadband\ Measurements EPA's first reliable broadband survey of the tower farm area around Healy Heights was conducted orf·July 30 after the AM station left the air. The Narda magnetic field broadband system was used. The probe was zeroed frequently, particularly when the investigators were determining the locations of contours. The Narda probe was found to be very static sensitive. This problem was identified when a person wearing a nylon wind breaker was unable to zero the meter. The problem was overcome by handing the system to a person wearing clothing with a higher natural fiber content._ Although the primary objective was to determine the field levels Jfter the KBOO antenna change had occurred, data were collected prior to the change for "before and after" comparison purposes •. Table 7 presents 50 to 200 µW/cm2 contour data collected on the evenings of July 30 and 31, before and after the KBOO change (the KBOO antepna change occurred in mid morning on July 31). Five hundred and 1000 µW/ cm contours, al so taken on the evenings of July 30 and 31, are shown in Figure 3. After the KBOO antenna change, the highest lev~l that could be found near the base of the KXL tower was less than 700 µW/cm. One other measurement was made late on the evening of July 31, showing the power density /long Fairmont Boulevard, down the slope from the KXL tower, to be 43 µW/cm. Indoor Broadband Measurements Measurements were made inside several homes near the KXL tower in recognition of the fact that power densities on Healy Heights are higher than : at. most other locations in the nation. · Despite the inconvenience to the residents, data were collected at the KXL house after 9:00 p.m. on July 31 using the Narda magnetic field system. Accurate data were considered particularly important at this location, because the house lies in an area of elevated power densities between the KXL and KCNR towers. The data collected in the KXL residence ~re presented in Table 8, and show some localized values approaching 200 µW/cm', with typical values exceeding 50 µW/cm2. Other homes were surveyed with a Holaday (SN 26046) electric field meter during daylight hours. The inaccuracies that could result from using a diode detector in the presence of multiple FM signals and a probe-cable-meter design near an AM tower were appreciated. However, the investigators knew that the ambient fields near the remaining houses were lower than those at the KXL residence, and comparison measurements said that the Holaday tended to overrespond to the field on . Healy Heights. making the measurements conservative, if not as accurate as they might be. The rationale for accepting this uncertainty was that the relatively low power densities expected inside these homes did not warrant disturbing the residents late at night. The data from these homes· are presented in Table 9. Generally, the reported indoor measurements were made at locations at least 20 centimeters from any conducting object to avoid field-perturbing influences. Exceptions to this rule are data identified in Tables 8 and 9 as localized, meaning the elevated value may exist in a limited area and may be influenced by nearby objects. The data in Table 9 ~how that the.highest typical value found inside these homes was about 35µW/cm , although at two locations, maximum readings were about 100 µW/cm2. ·

6 Council Crest On July 31, the team surveyed the area on Council Crest in the vi cir, ity of the communications tower. The survey was performed using the Holaday (SN 26046) broadband meter during the time when the KBOO antenna was not connected. The highest value found on Council Crest was about 2 µW/cmZ. It is unlikely that this value would be significantly affected by the addition of the KBOO signal. Earlier in the week an, FM band measurement was made using the FOISD mounted on the measurement veh-icle. That measurement, stored as file name CCDEMO, found the FM band power.'density to be about 3 µW/crr{-. The difference between this value and the Holaday value probably results from the different locations at which the measurements were made and the inaccuracies in reading low levels with the Holaday. Community Measurements Three sets of measurements were made in the Windemere, Summit View, and Sylvan Heights areas. These areas were chosen because each is residential and within a reasonable distance of broadcast towers. Windemere is about 3/8 to 3/4 mile from the broadcast towers on Miller Road and about 1/2 mile from the Barnes Road towers. Summit View is about 1/2 to 1 mile from the former towers and about 3/4 mile from the latter. These data, listed in Ta::ile 10, were collected using the FOISD antenna mounted on the measurement vehicle. Tne data in Table 10 show that FM radio broadcasts are the primary source of the RF exposure at the three sites. This is particularly apparent at Sylvan Heights where the measurement location was within a few hundred feet of the : Barnes Road antennas. The total broadcast band exposure ranged from less than 1 µW/cm2 at Summit View to over 13 µW/cm 2 at Sylvan Heights. Additional measurements were made in a residential area on Mount Scott near Ai·i and FVi broacicast antennas. KUPL-AM and KUPL-FM share the samE:: tower location near Eastview Drive and S.E. Ridgeway. The other FM antenna, KMJK, is lo:~!r~ s~v~~a1 h~~j~e~ feet a~ay in a cluster of c0~~unic2!i~ns 2ntenn2s. A~ IFI survey meter was used near the KUPL antennas because it responds accurately in the presence of M-'i radio signals. Although there is some uncertainty witl1 the IFI response in the presence of a multiple frequency (AM and FM) field, the power densities were low enough that more time consuming narrowband measurements were not deemed necessary. Three measurements were made along Eastview Drive and a fourth inside the KUPL gate. These data are listed in. Table 11. When these measurements were made, KUPL-AM was broadcasting at only 1 kilowatt from the tower closest to the road. Their power was reduced because a fire. had damaged som~ of their equipment. Once the equipment is. repaired, the 10 to 35 µW/cm values listed in Table 11 ·will probably change, but the magnitude of the change is uncertain. The Holaday meter (SN 26046) was used for a series of measurements near the KMJK-FM antenna. KMJK is far enough from KUPL-FM (several hundred feetJ that multiple frequency problems were not expected. In order to confirm this and to check the possibility of low frequency potenttal sensitivity with the probe-cable-meter Holaday system and the Kt/PL-A:'i antenna being several hundred feet away, the KMJK engineer turned the FM transmitter off for a few seconds. While KMJK was off the air, the Holaday read zero, but when KMJK returned to the air, a reasonable power density was noted. Hence it was concluded that

7 the KUPL antennas were far enough away and of low enough power that they would not reduce the accuracy of Ho 1aday measurements near KMJK-FM. Measurements were made at 10 foot intervals along a line moving west from the KMJK tower~ At each location the surveyor recorded the highest value he could find. These data, along with calculated values based on the KMJK antenna parameters, are pictured in Figure 4. Inside the fence at KMJK, there are levels as high as 670 iiW/cm2• Beyond the western edge of the fenced antenna enclosure is a residential area. Surveys made with the Holaday at the nearest r~sidence, 10801 S.E. Ridgeway Drive, found a maximum power density of 70 iiW/cm in the front yard and 23 iiW/cm2 in the backyard. ', . AM Data The final sequence of measurements was made at KEX-AM and KGW-AM, the antennas for both of which are located in nonresidential areas. The reason for making these measurements was to demonstrate the electric and magnetic field levels to which workers can be exposed and to obtain data for eventually validating calculational models for predicting RF fields. Electric field aata were collected with the IFI meter. Magnetic field values were measured with a small 10-turn shielded loop connected via a 50 ohm feed-through to a Potomac Industries FIM-41 field strength meter. KEX-AM. and KGW-AM The KEX antenna is a three tower array with tuning coils at the base of each tower. Electric and magnetic fields were measured near the coils, around 'the base of the towers, and at a few locations between the towers. Unless otherwise specified in the tables, only one polarization was measured for E and H, that corresponding to the maximum E or H field value. For locations between the towers, this was a vertical orientation for E and a horizontal orientation for H. These data are presented in Table 12, and show that 300 V/m electric fields and 10 A/m or greater magnetic fields can be found near AM tuning circuits. While the 300 V/m value is below the 632 V/m FCC guide, the 10 A/m reading far exceeds the 1.6 A/m FCC guide. At KGW, measurements were.made not only near the tower tuning circuits of this single-tower antenna, but also at fixed distances extending from the base of the tower to 800 feet. Electric and magnetic field measurements were made at a height of about 4 feet at each of 22 locations along the radial from the base. Electric field measurements along this radial were made only for the vertical polarization, unless otherwise stated in Table 13. Magnetic field measurements were made only for the horizontal polarization. These single orientation measurements were justified because the other polarizations provided little practical contribution to the total field. To illustrate this point, radial E-field measurements were made at 20 and 30 feet from the KGW-AM tower. By 30 feet from the tower, the radial E-field component was negligible. The data in Table 13 show that elevated magnetic fields near KGW were confined to the area near the tuning coils. Even at short distances from the tower base, both magnetic and electric field values were far below the FCC guide. --

8 - DISCUSSI0I~ After the KB00 antenna change had been completed, no location was found on Healy Heights where the FCC guide was violated. However, the City of Portland has establishes:J, and EPA (5) is considering, RF protection guides that range down to one-tenth of the FCC guide. There are fairly large areas on Healy Heights that are frequented by the public where power densities can be found that exceed the Portland policy value. Inside the several homes close to the Healy Height towers, and those other· selected residential areas around Portland where measurements were made, the power densities were generally below even the most stringent st~ndard being considered. · The KB00 antenna change provided an opportunity to see how a change in FM antenna height and design can affect power densities in the vicinity of the tower. The data presented in Taole 3 show that this change did not alter the power densities significantly at locations some distance from the tower (e.g. greater than 50 or 100 feet from the tower); however from the data presented in Figure 3, one can see that the antenna change had an important effect on the fields at the base of the KXL tower. Before the KB00 antenna change, there were areas at the base of the KXL tower that exceeded the FCC guide. After the change, no location near the tower exceeded the guideline. This illustrates a general rule that changing the height of an FM broadcast antenna will have a greater effect on power densities at ground level locations close to ihe tower than it will at ground level locations farther from the tower. Compliance with the FCC guideline does not preclude interference to ·electronic equipment. Garage door openers, telephones, and stereo systems are all affected by the elevated electromagnetic radiation levels that can be ·found near broadcast antennas. The KB00 antenna change also provided evidence of broadcasters' willingness to protect workers from high RF radiation exposures. Table 4 shows the reduction in power arranged by each FM station on Healy Heights during the time that the tower climber was on the KXL tower connecting the new K200 a:-/.:e:-,r,c, E·,~1, Ki'.d-Fi•:, 'r,:,ich is located on the KCIIR-A:·i tG,,H a fb, hundred feet away, reduced power. After· the KB00 antenna change was completed, the broadcast engineers commented that because all the FM stations reduced power, there was no i ntermodu 1at ion problem, and they doubted th at there was a significant coverage problem while power was down. Certainly the presence of EPA and FCC served as a catalyst, however the engineers decided on the power reductions and _coordinated the effort among themselves. This cooperation among broadcasters seems to be growing. EPA commends the Healy Heights broadcast engineers. Their efforts protect not only the worker on the tower, but also their employers~ The H-field data reported in Tables 12 and 13 should be of interest to broadcast engineers who work near AM tuning coils. The magnetic fields near the coils at both AM stations greatly exceed the FCC guideline of 2.5 A2tm2 (approximately 1.6 A/m) at several · locations. Broadcast engineers should be careful to abide by the time averaging provisions of the FCC guide when they must work near the base of AM towers. Broadcast engineers must also assume the responsibility for ttTforming and protecting others such as tower climbers who are not trained in the area but who perform duties at transmitting installations. 9 The AM···and FM data collected in Portland explain why both electric and magnetic field measurements are necessary near AM towers but either electric or magnetic field measurements alone will suffice near FM sources. The AM data in Tables 12 and 13 show that the magnetic field cannot be predicted reliably {and vice versa) from a knowledge of the electric field using the theoretical relationship E/H • 377 ohms for free space plane waves. In Tables 12 and 13, E/H ranges from 27 to 1200. However, for the FM data in Table 6, E/H is close to the 377 theoretical value and therefore maximum electric field values can be used to predict maximum magnetic field values, and vice versa, at FM frequencies.

Healy Heights is an unusual site electromagnetically. Not only are there six FM antennas on one tower, but a 1so a few hundred feet away there is another FM antenna mounted on an AM tower. This is a good environment in which to demonstrate the limitations of broadband RF detectors and meters in complex RF environments. Table 5 documents the problems that diode and traditional probe-cable-meter design instruments can have in such complex fields. It is important to know what frequencies contribute to the fields in a given area before trying to use a broadband meter to measure the fields. The Portland area measurements illustrate the problems that reliance on calculated fields may present. Figure 4 shows the discrepancy between measured and calculated values at KMJK-FM. The computer program that generated this calculated curve was designed such that it would not underpredict the highest field that can be found on the groun,:l. At distances of 1 to 20 meters from the tower, where the highest ground level fields exist, =the actual measured curve conforms to the shape of the calculated curve, but the ca 1cu 1ated curve overpredi cts. Beyond about 22 meters from the tower, however, the measured values exceed the calculated values. While the reason for this underprediction is not known with certainty, it is possible that reflections from parts of the complex environ~ent of the antenna farm, particularly as the surveyor approached chain link fencing, caused higher fields than would have been the case in a simple environment. One can also use the measured data in Table 13 and FCC-OST Bulletin No. 65 (6) to illustrate the overprediction that can occur when one uses models designed to provide worst-case estimates. Table 1 of Appendix O of Bulletin No. 65 predicts a 50 V/m electric field or a 0.13 A/m magnetic field for a 5 kW AM station could occur as far as 29 meters (95 ft.) from the tower, in the worst case. The measured data show field strengths similar to these actually occur at about 20 feet from the tower, approximately one-fifth of the calculated distance. The same table of Bulletin No. 65 also states that 25 Vim and 0.06 A/m might be found at a distance of up to 47 meters (154 feet) from the antenna. The measured data show similar field strengths actually occur at about 60 feet from the antenna, less than half the calculated distance. These calculational inaccuracies are the most compelling reason for collecting data, especially when calculations suggest values that are near protection standards. In most cases, however, the values predicted for a given location are far below protection standards. In these situations, even the order of magnitude overestimates of a computer program would not predict values exceeding the standards and would not therefore suggest a· need for measurements. Most programs for predicting field levels are prudently conservative (i.e. overestimate) in order to insure that a problem will not be overlooked.

10 I

CONCLUSIONS 1. After the KBO0-FM antenna change was completed, no area was found near th~ base of the KXL tower where the power density exceeded the 1000 µW/cm 2 FCC guideline for FM frequencies. However, an area does ~xist at the base of the KXL tower where the power density exceeds 500 µW/ cm , and 1arge areas exist where levels in excess of 100 µW/cm2 can be found. exception, the power density levels inside 2. With only minor, localized 2 the homes to the North and Northwest of :tne KXL tower are belo~ 35 µW/cm • found inside the KXL residince are below 70 µW/cnt although a Typical values 2 2 few localized values can be found between 108 µW/cm and 200 µW/cm • 3. Data collected in other selected residential areas around Portland found no power densities approaching the FCC guideline. 4. Electric field values high enough to interfere with the normal operation of electronic devices were found in several of the areas surveyed. 5. Power densities on Healy Heights are dominated by FM-band broadcasting. Even near the base of the KCNR-AM radio tower, FM-band signals contributed over four times the exposure of KCNR-AM. · 6. The broadcast engineers at the Healy Heights H'i stations snou·1ci be commended for their cooperation in reducing power during the KB00 antenna change. Without this cooperation, the tower climber making the antenna change .•would certainly have been exposed to levels in excess of the FCC guideline. 7. At KEX-AM and KGW-AM, magnetic fields exceeding the FCC guideline were fo:.ind near the tuning coils, or the tower bases, but these areas do not appear to be accessible to the public. Because of the highly variable and iriter.~e rr,o.;~,etic. fic.~ds at the tL:niri9 circLoits, deterr,,ir,ation of co:;;;:;1i~:-,:c with the time-average provisions of the FCC guide requires that worker exposcires be m::i..,itore~ b_v the bro2~cast engineer. Similar measurernents were not made at other AM stations.


1. Multnomah County ZoRing Ordinance Section 11.15.7035. 2. Portland Planning Commission 1980 - Interim _Radiofrequency Emissions Standard.

3. Consideration of Biological Effects of Radiofrequency Radiation and the Potential Effects of a Reduction in the Allowable Level of Radiofrequency Radiation; Federal Register, Vol. 50, fie. 54, Wednesday, March 20, 1985; p. 11151. -

4. Randa, J. and Motohisa Kanda, Multiple-Source, Multiple-Frequency Error of an Electric Field Meter. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. AP-33, No. 1, January 1985.

5. Federal Radiation Protection Guidance; Proposed Alternatives for Controlling Public Exposure to Radiofrequency Radiation, Notice of Proposed Recommendations; Federal Register, Vol. 51, No. 146, Wednesday, July 30, 1986; p. 27318.

6. Evaluating Compliance with FCC-Specified Guidelines for Human Exposure to • Radiofrequency Radiation. OST Bulletin No. 65, Federal Commu.nications Commission, October 1985.

12 - . -c > -"' 1)t' r~:~r '. ,. ' Transmitter Bldg

KXL House ( D 4646


/'>KCNR I V Studio -Iv.

Figure 1. Variation in FM Band Power Density Over Short Distance, Healy Heights 55 __ -X-- __ ><---~-- -,<----~ 50 ------x ------~ ------x- 45 - TOTAL -N < E 40 0

~ 35 ...,':l 30 ,t,) ...." Ii 25 "'C G) 0 20 . ----*---~----~---- -w------*---~ '- --.------w-- >+------KWJJ G) ------15 ----*---~ ~---~-----~----- KXL 3 ------~ 0 Cl.. 10 ------w- - - - ~ ------~-- - --.x------M-- - - - x------)E------KPDQ

5 ~ ___ - ~------w----~------)(------M------x- --- - ~ - - --- KKRZ

0 ----====::=----=~---:::=----~==---~=====:=====~====~----- ~~~~KBOO .· A A+l A+l.S A+2 R+2.5 A+3 A+3.5 A+4 A+4.5 A+S Location (feet) Figure 2. - Power Density Contours at KXL Tower Base

I I :::::::::~Ai 0 10 AAA LL LL I AA...--..H I I feet A _J I "1 LJ BUSHIU I .> I N I 2 I O'.' I ~-500 ul,-.l/cm contour q I I ,_ j after KBOO antenna change I I I U) I I LJ KXL I O'.' I I u I I I TOWER I _J I N I I u I / ', ' I 2 z +1000 uW/crn contour J ~- I 0 _ before KBOO antenna change I I u ------. I ~ I I I I I U) I I I I I


Figure 3. Power Densities Inside KMJK~FM Fenced Enclosure


• Measured 1000 ~ • Calculated -N < E 0 3: -':] >- 1~0 +>

-Gt .,C Cl .,'- 3 10 0 0.

1 0 10 20 30 40 Dtstance from Tower (meters) Figure 4.


Tov.•er Call Sign Frequency KXL KBOO 90.7 MHz KGON 92.3 MHz KPDQ 93.7 MHz KXL 95.5 MHz KWJJ 99.5 MHz KKRZ 100.3 MHz

KCNR KCNR 1410 kHz KKLI 97.1 MHz TAt3LE ,. DATA T~KEN AT 4422 SW CARL PLACE Evening of July 31, 1986

Power Density Antenna File Name Frequency Range 'IIW/cm2

FOISD G31Ul9 AM Radio 4.91 X 10-2 FOISD G31V33 43.5 MHz Pagers,(peak) 4.83 x 10-l 2 FOISD G31U30 Low VHF-TV 3.28 X 10- FOISD G31U54 FM Radio 6.38 X 10Q 2 FOISD G31U41 VHF land mobile (peak) 1.13 X 10- FOISD G31U35 High VHF-TV 7.35 X 10-2 FOISD G31V05 UHF land mobile (peak) 4,80 X 10-2 3 FOISD G31V17 UHF-TV Channel 49 9,71 X 10-

OMNI G31W51 UHF-TV Channel 49 (683 MHz) 8,43 X 10-3 OMNI G31Wll 800-1000 MHz 2,30 X 10-3 OMNI G31W35 1.9-2.2 GHz 4.11 X 10-4 . OMNI * 1.332 GHz radar (peak) 1.36 x 10-1 OMNI * 2.815 GHz radar (peak) 4.3 X lOQ OMNI * 2.875 GHz radar (peak) 2.7 X lOO

*The data for radar were collected by reading directly from the screen of the spectrum analyzer as the antenna was positioned in three orthogonal orientations. These data were not processed by the computer and therefore have no file name.


2 Power Densitt in vW/cm Before KBOO File After KBOO File Location Antenna Change Name Antenna Change Name A 53.9 KXL18 49.0 KXL31 B 28.9 KXL19 31.7 KXL32 C 18.1 K);L20 . 20.5 KXL33 0 24.8 KXL21 26.1 KXL34 E 14.5 KXL22 13.3 KXL35 F 42 .4 KXL23 40.6 KXL36 G 8.37 KXL24 7.61 KXL37 H 1.27 KXL25 1.26 KXL38 I 69.0 KXL26 64.1 KXL39 I (during 7.64 KXL27 antenna change) I (all stations 55.4 KXL28 back to full power except KBOO)


Station Percent Power Reduction

KBOO 100 KGON 94.3 KPDQ 96.5 ·· KXL 94.4 KKLI 79 KWJJ 92.5 KKRZ 96.7


Narda 8662 Holaday Holaday IFI E Field Probe FOISD File SN 26046 SN 26038 SN 1060E SN OlOOS 2 2 2 2 2 Location pW/cm Name pW/cm pW/cm pW/cm pW/cr;-, 1. 298 KXL4 439. 500. 348 286 2. 224 KXL5 304 - 306 196 174 3. 116 KXL6 147 151 99.2 205 4. 41.3 KXL7 44.5 37.5 62.0 35.7 5. 16.6 KXL8 17.6 4.17 24.0 6. 191 KXL9 293 278 190 125 7. 83.5 KXLlO 222 236 90.3 8U.4 8. 47.4 KXLll 93.6 72.2 42.7 53.6 10.4 G29029 (AJ-i Band) 9. 575 KXL12 995 1050 612 871 10. 474 KXL14 491 ·.11. 723 KXL15 983 625 TABLE 6. COMPARISON OF E-MAXIMUM DETERMINED WITH THE FOISD . AND THE ASSOCIATED H-MAXIMUM DETERMINED WITH THE NARDA 8616 AND 8631 SYSTEM , ·<


Contour West along North along South along Value Bernard.Drive Council ~rest Drive Council Crest Drive (uh'/crn2) (feet) (f e~t) (feet)

200 p~-,t) (159) 96 (98) 102 (102) 150 154 115 ( 121) 111 100 164 (232) 146 (161) * (*) 50 268 (289) 179 (221) * (*)

*Power Densities greater than 100 \JW/cm2 were found in various locations ex.te~:'.:-.; ove, the area o-; F.c !'.:\~-;_:< P=rkir,; lG', anc' tr,;:. Jc.r.:: c,-; U,<:. l'.>.~ residence, both before and after the KB00 antenna change. TABLE 8. POWER DENSITIES AT THE KXL HOUSE AFTER THE KBOO ANTENNA CHANGE

2 Location µW/cm Yard area 50 to over 100 Near garage door, localized 124 Near garage door 190 closest to front door, localized Living room 38 Kitchen , 38 Bedroom wall facing KXL, localized . up to 200 Main bath 67 Master bedroom 38 Master bath 57 Utility room window, localized 143 Basement 19 Basement room None detected TABLE 9. POWER DENSITIES AT HEALY HEIGHTS HOMES AFTER THE KBOO ANTENNA CHANGE

Range or Typical Maximum 2 Location µW/cm 2 µW/cm 4422 S.W. Carl Place living room window 47 living room seating area 22 living room .12 dining room I bedroo~ facing KXL tower, bed 14 bedroom facing KXL, window surface 117 (localized) bedroom facing KXL, bath 2 35 main bath 7 bedroom facing 2-way tower 1 4444 S.W. Carl Place driveway 2 upper bedroom facing KXL 2-12 12 upper beth 5-14 14 upper bath tub 7-23 upper North bedroom 2-9 sewing room 9 kitchen 2 deck 19 yard 12 work room 6 4449 S.W. Council Crest Drive front yard 70 94 living room 12-35 dining room 12-35 kitchen 12-35 office 12-35 laundry 2-12 basement 1-9 basement bedroom 1 upstairs south bedroom 9-35 bath 1-14 upstairs north bedroom 2-12 47 (localized) 4444 S.W. Council Crest Drive southeast room 9-28 28 window in southeast room 28 living room 12-23 kitchen 7.:.19 bath 2-23 sewing room ~12-23 basement hall 2 lau!"ldry 2-9 northeast bedroom 2-7 southeast bedroom · 5-23 bath 1 storage 1-6 TABLE 9 (continued)

Range or Typical Maximum Location µW/cm 2 µW/cm 2 4316 S.W. Bernard Drive garden area 1-4 front door not detectable living room 'not detectable living room window 2 dining not detect ab 1e kitchen not.detectable breakfast nook not detectable study not detectable upstairs sewing room 1 northwest bedroom 1 northeast bedroom 1 bath not detectable TABLE 10. COMMU~ITY BROAJCAST BAND MEASUREMENTS

Winde;nere S.W. Windemere Loop and S.W. 68th Avenue 2 File Name Frequency Range ,__ .Power Density (µW/cm )

G30N48 AM Radio 9.60 X 10-2 G30M55 Low VHF TV 4.71 X lQ-2 G30N01 FM Radio 6. 33 x 10-l G30N08 High VHF TV 4.54 x 10-l G301H8 UHF-TV Channel 49 3.92 X lQ-2

Summit View Unnamed Streets at Topographically Elevated Point 2 File Name Frequency Range Power Density (µ~/cm )

G30N37 AM Radio 6.57 X lQ-2 G30N44 Low VHF TV 8.29 x- lQ-2 : G30N52 FM Radio 4 .48 x 10-l G30N58 High VHF TV 1.40 x 10-l G30017 UHF-TV Channel 22 1.48 X lQ-3 G30006 UHF-TV Channel 49 4.45 X l0-3

Sylvan Heights S.W. Barnes Road and S.W. 57th Avenue 2 File Name Frequency Range Power Density (µW/cm ) G30035 AM Radio 1. 73 X lQO G30047 Low VHF TV 1.85 x 10-l G30056 FM Radio 1.15 X 101 G30P06 High VHF TV 5.46 X l0-2 G30Pl3 UHF-TV Channel 49 5.95 X lQ-3 TABLE 11. POWER DENSITIES ALONG EASTVIEW DRIVE ON MOUNT SCOTT

Location Power Density (~W/cm2) East side of road across from 34.2 9605 S.E. Eastview Drive

West side of road in front of 21.1 9605 S.E. Eastview Drive

.West side of road in front of 10.9 9725 S.E. Eastview Drive

Inside gate at KUPL enclosure 14.9 TA3LE 12. FIELD STRENGTH VALUES NEAR THE 1190 kHz, K£X-AM; 3 TOWER ANTENNA ARRAY

Electric Field Magnetic Field Location V/m A/m East Tower • maximum at door of tuning shack 0.455 • within 1 m of coils >300 · 1 m from co i 1s 300 1.45 2U7 9 inches from surface of right coil • 13 .6 center coil 10.9 left coi 1 1.95 · 9 inches from top horizontal coil 9.09 • inside picket fence enclosure >100 • 3 feet from base o. 773 · 9 feet from base 300 vertical 0.327 1138 220 radial • 18 feet from base 170 vertical 0.164 1202 100 radial • 53 feet from East Tower toward center tower 0.0609

· Center Tower • door of tuning shack 1.45 • 1 meter from surface of left coils 2.00 · 9 inches from surface of left coil 22.7 • 1 meter from base of tower 1.45 to 1.82 • 67 feet fro~ center tower toward West Tower 45 • 40 to 50 feet from center tower 100 vertical 24 radial • 42 feet from West Tower fence 100 vertical toward Center Tower 25 radial

West Tower • door of tuning shack 1.45 • 1 foot from surface of both left coils along bisecting line 10.0 TABLE 13. FIELD STRENGTH VALUES NEAR THE 620 kHz KGW-AM TOWER

Electric Field Magnetic Field Location Vim A/m E/H Inside tuning shack • 6 inches from metal box containing coils 58.2 2.13 27.3 • near bottom edge, 9 inches from case 2.80 • surface of metal case 9.60 • top of unshielded isolation coil 18.7 • surface of wooden case around isolation coil 34.7 • maximum at door to shack 0.933 • middle of room 35.4 • 2 feet above isolation coil 130 Outside tuning shack at following distances in feet from tower base: 20 50 vertical 0.11 483 18 radial · 30 45 vertical 0.091 494 0 radial 40 38 o. 077 494 50 30 0.068 441 60 26 0.061 426 70 22 0.055 400 80 20 0.050 400 90 17 0.043 395 100 15 o. 041 366 110 14 0.037 378 120 13 0.037 351 130 11 0.034 324 140 10 0.032 313 160 9 0.028 321 180 8 0.027 296 200 7.3 0.024 304 300 5.5 0.016 344 400 4.5 0.013 346 500 4.0 0.011 364 600 3.5 0.010 350 700 3.4 0.0091 374 800 3.0 0.0084 357 APPENDIX A ZOOt'i DATA FILES File NaMe: KXL4,

FOISD Full Scale Setting: 100 (VIM) 07/29/86 10,S6 AM

Total Antenna Electric Power Call Frequency Px Py Pz Power - Factor Field Densi · Sign (HHz) ( dBM) (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) (dB> (dE

KBOO 90.7 -18.68 -12.94 -27.32 _..;11. 79 50.40 14S.61 96. S:'f. KGON 92.3 -20.70 -23.60 -24.89 -f7.93 S0.40 139.47 23.49 l

File NaMe: KXLS

FOISD Full Scale Setting: '.1.00 (VIM) 07/29/86 11:23 AM

Total Antenna Electric Pow£-1r Call Frequency Px Py Pz Power Fac:tor Field Df-!n~; it Sign (HHz) (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) ( r.lBM) (dB) (dBuV/M) (uW/cM"2

KBOO 90.7 -2 j_ . 10 -21. 78 -19.99 -16. 12 50.40 14j_,28 3S.600S KGON 92.3 -22.35 -27.79 -23.68 -19.29 so. 40 138 .11 17 .1566 l

Total Antenna Electric p 01-JPr Call Frequency Px Py Pz , Power Factor Field Den!:; it y Sign (MHz) (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) " (dBM) (dB) (dBuVIM)

File ·NaMe: l

FOISD Full Scale Setting, 100 (JIM) 07/29/86 12:30 PM

To1ol {,:-1 'ten n a ElN. 'ti :i.e. I , Call Frequenc:y Px Py Pz Power Fac:tor Field Dr>n s j_ 1 r Sign (HHz) ( d r.lM) (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) (dB) (dBuVIM) (uW/c:1"','::· l

FOISD Full Scale Setting, 100 (VIM) 07129186 1: 26 PM

Total Antenna Electric Call Frequency Px Py Pz Power Factor Field Sign (MHz> (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) ~ ( dBM) • (dB) ( dBuVh,) I A KBOO 90.7 -40. 43 -41.41 -3?. 07 -34.45 S0.40 ,.22. 95 KGON 92.3 -37.83 -29.52 -3f. 02 -28.30 50.40 129 .10 KPDQ 93.7 -34.04 -2S.98 -3'7.80 -2S. 11 S0.40 132.29 KXL. 95.S -33.28 -33. 03 -2 .97 -25.26 S0.40 132. 14 4.33 l

Total Power Density, 1.6.56

File NaMe: KXL9

FOISD Full Scale Setting: 100

Total Antenna Electric: Power Call Frequency Px Py Pz p OWP.i" Factor Field Denstt Sign (MHz) ( dBM) (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) (dB) (dBuV/M) ( uli.1/cM"


.:,. . File NaMe: KXL10 . FOISD Full Scale Setting, 100 (VIM) 07/29/86 2: OB PM

'._Total Antenna Elec:tric Power Call Frequency Px Py Pz ·Powe..- f.:ac: tor F,.eld Densi. t y Sign (MHz) (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) . C-OBM) (dB> (dBuVl,,1) (uW/cM"2) KBOO 90. 7 -32.44 -36.80 -19.22 -18.9S S0.40 138.45 18.S8GL KGON 92.3 -26.88 -2S. OS -30.61 -22. 19 so. 40 135.21 8.8133( l

To'tcil p 01,,!P.i' _Density, 83. s~ 7:: r·

File NaMe: KXL1i FOISD Full"Scale Setting: 100

Total Antenna Electric PowPr Call Frequency Px Py Pz Power Factor Field Density Sign (MHz) (dBM) ( dBM) (dBM) ( dBM) (dB) (dBuV/M)

j_ . 53~ 0 ll l(f.<00 90.'7 -35.'70 -31. S9 -40.SO -29.?8 S0.40 127.62 KGON 92.3 -34 .1S -38.76 -34.70 -30. 67 S0.40 126.73 1.24847 KPDQ 93.7 -37.49 -34.48 -49.SS -32.63 S0.40 124.77 .79SS7 KXL 95.S -27. 16 -31. 34 -37.47 -2S.47 so. 40 131.93 4 .13492 KKLI 97.1 -22.39 -23.41 -3S.4B -19.74 S0.40 137.66 ~.S. 46?5> KWJ.T 99.S -19.70 -23.S1 -33.23 -18. 06 S0.40 139.34 22.808:07 S0.40 127.26 14j2H l

FOISD Full Scale Setting, 100 (VIM) 07129/86 · 4: 43 PH

Total Antenna Electric Powe Call Frequency Px Py Pz Power Factor Field Den1:;j_ Sign (MHz) (dBM) (dBM) , ( dBM) (dB) (dBuV/r-1) (ulJlcM l

File ·NaMe: l

FOISD Full Sr.ale Setting: 100 (VIM) 07129186 S:47 PM

Total Antenna Electric Power Call Frequency Px Py Pz Power Factor Field Deris:i. '\ Sign (HHz) (dBM) ( dBM) (dBM) (dBM) (dB) (dBuV/M) (uW/cM"'

KBOO 90.7 -28.04 -i.7.S8 -14.95 -12.92 50.40 i.44. 48 74·.366 l

Total Power Density, 473. S?J6

1 File NaMe, KXL15 F0ISD Full Scale Setting, 100 (VIM) 07129186 6 :17 Ph

Total Antenna Electric p O loJE't' Call Frequency Px Py P7 Power Factor Field Den~;:i t y Sign (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) (dB) (dBuV/M) (u1JIC:M"2)


File ·NaMe, KXL16

FOISD Full Scale Setting, 100 (VIM) 07130186 ii:09 PM

Tot.:; 1 (.; ; I ~ f: ~ ;-, C ElFc:tric r '' Call Frequenr.y Px Py Pz Power Factor Field Density Sign (MHz> (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) ( cl Bl"1) (dB) ( dBLl\-1IM) ( uWlc,.-,'·2.

KBOO 90.7 -8.44 -B.63 -s. 03 -2.26 so. 40 155.14 866.3764( KGON 92.3 -22.Bi -35.69 -21 . 9 0 -19.22 so. 40 1.38. 18 17. ,'; 3 7 :. . KPf>Q 93.7 -t5.78 -10.98 -6.73 -4.97 50.40 152.43 464. '2d~,;_,t KXL 95.S -33. OS -26.27 -26.34 -22.86 50.40 134.S4 7.S4876 KKLI 97.t -3S.47 -27.90 -36.83 -26.75 50.40 130. 6S 3.080jS KWJJ 99.S -16.68 -1S.42 -10.67 -8.67 50.40 148.?3 198.082:37 -19. 3j_ 50.40 14 0. ?O . 3t. j_ 624:· KKRZ 100.3 -20. 41 -32.S4 -16.70 ------Tota 1 Power Densj_ty, 1S88 . O?I\Si File NaMe: KXL17

FOISD Full- Scale Setting:~100 (VIM) 07/30/86 11:29 PM

Total Antenna Electr;.c Pow. Call Frequency Px Py Pz Power Factor Field Denr:,.· Sign (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) ' ( dBM) (dB) (dBuV/M) (uW/c

KF.100 90.7 -7.49 -8. 06 ~1 O. 6S -3.76- 50.40 153.64 613.17 l KKLI 97.1 -37.62 -30.53 -34.44 -28.48 S0.40 j,28. 92 2. 06 Kli.lJJ 99.S -13.94 -16.S8 -11. 06 -8.52 50.40 148.88 205.07 KKRZ 100.3 -16.79 -27.92 -21.9S -15.39 S0.40 142.01 42. 1.8 ------Total Power Density: 1281.S6

File NaMe: KXL1B

FOISD Full Scale Setting: 100 (V/M) 07 /31/86 9:48 AM

Total Antenna Elec:tric Powp- Call Frequency Px Py Pz Power Factor Field Denstt Sign (HH1) (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) (dF.


Total Powe,r Density, 53.861 File NaMe: KXL19 fOISD Full Scale Setting: 100 (VIM) 07/31/86 9:59 AM

Total Antenna Electric: p OW£>r Call Frequenc:y Px Py Pz · Po1,,1e::,r Far.tor Field T>enc;,:i. 't y Sign (MHz) ( dBM) (dBM) (dBM) -( d BM) (dB) (dBuV/M) (lJlJ/C.M"2~


File NaMe: KXL20

FOISD Full Scale Setting: 100 (V/M) 07/31/86 i O, 0 3 A1•1

Total Antenna Electric p 1)1-,IE'r' Call Frequency Px Py Pz Power Factor Field Densi t >' Sign (MHz) (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) (dBuV/M) (uW/c:M"2'.

KBOO 90.7 -34.58 -46.26 -35.90 -32.01 so. 40 12S.39 .916'7': l

FOISD Full Scale Setting,~100 (VIM) 07/31/86 10:0S AH

Total Antenna Electric Cc111 Frequency Px Py Pz PowP.r Factor Field Sign (MHz) ( dBM) (dBM) (df

~ KBOO 90. 7 -33.88 -43.98 -34.99 -3,.. 16 50.40 ,.26. 24 .Lii KGON 92.3 -44.32 -40. 98 -43.66 -37.96 50.40 119.44 KPDQ 93.7 -24.43 -3S.94 -2S.31 -21.67 S0.40 135.73 KXL 9S.S -38.32 -3S.37 -40.44 -32.77 50.40 124.63 l

File NaMe: KXL22

FOISD Full Scale Setting: 100 ('JIM) 07/31/86 10:07 AM

Tot.il Antenna Electric Power Call Frequency Px Py Pz Power F.ictor Field Den:; it· Sign (MHz) ( dtlM) (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) (dB) (dBuV/M) (uW/cM"

KBOO 90.7 -52.34 -47.87 -Si. 14 -45.25 so. 40 112. 15 . 043 KCON 92.3 -39.86 -38.64 -48.S2 -3S.9S 50.40 121.45 .370 KPDQ 93.7 -28 .19 -27.74 -37. 12 -24.69 S0.40 132.71 4. 947( KXL. 95.5 -34.89 -2S. 07 -41. 66 -24.SS 50.40 132.BS S. 108 KKLI 97.1 -37. 13 -35.41 -44.64 -32.88 S0.40 124.52 . 751. KWJJ 99.S -36.02 -28.61 -37.21 -27.41 50.40 129.99 2.6491 KKRZ 100.3 -43.73 -34.26 -so. 12 -33.70 50.40 123.70 . 622. --·------Tota 1 Power DE:.•nsi t y, 14.4924 File NaMe= KXL23

FOISD Full Scale Setting: 100 (VIM) 07/31/86 i0:09 AM

Total Antenna Electric Po~f'r Call Frequency Px Py Pz Po1,,.1er Fac:tor Field Density Sign (MHz) (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) (dB~,> (dB) (dP.uV/M) (uW/c:1"!"2) . KBOO 90. 7 -S0.99 -47.Si -49.98 -"44.47 S0.40 112. 93 . os: j '. l

File ·NaMe: KXL24

FOISD Full Scale Setting, 100

Tot2l Antennci El F C, 1 r }, c. r '. Call Frequency Px Py p7. Power Fac:tor Field Densi. t y Sign (MHz) (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) (dB) (dBl!V/M) (uW/cr--,"~:.


Tota 1 f'0"7f-'f' Den~ity, 8.36K:'. File NaMe: KXL25

FOISD Full Sr.ale Setting, 100 (VIM) 07131/86 10:12 AM

, Total Antenna Electric Call Frequency Px Py Pz -Powe;-- Factor Field Sign (HHz) (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) (dB>

KBOO 90.? -Si. 40 -4S.OO .;.43_2s -40.65 so. 40 H6.?S KGON 92.3 -42.22 -S0.31 -43.88 -39.S8 S0.40 117. 82 KPDQ 93.7 -43.52 -46.30 -4S.2S -40. 10 50.40 117. 30 KXL. 9S.S -S2.23 -44.23 -46.96 -41. 9S S0.40 11 S. 4S KKL.I 97.1 -39.24 -so. 08 -44.24 -37.78 so. 40 119. 62 .24 KWJJ 99.S -42.41 -42.86 -38.88 -36.22 S0.40 121.18 .34 KKRZ 100.3 -4S .16 -S3.37 -41.44 -39.71 S0.40 117. 69 . 1S ------

Total Power Den5ity, 1.26

File NaMe: KXL26

FOISD Full Scale Setting: 100 (VIM) 07131/86 10, 1 S AM

Total Antenna Eler.:tric Power Call Frequency Px Py Pz Power Factor Field Densit Sign (HHz) (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) (dB) (dBuV/M) ( uW/r.M"

K.BOO 90.7 -28.35 -42.77 -28 .16 -25 .17 50.40 132.23 4. 43'::i KGON 92.3 -34.76 -34.86 -34.43 -29.91 S0.40 127.49 1.488 KPDQ 93.7 -31.21 -34.46 -32.26 -27.67 so. 40 129.73 2.49l KXI.. 9S.S -40.51 -38. 08 -34 .12 -3:l.9<) S0.40 125.41 .9?0 KKL.I 97.1 -20. 65 -30. 07 -21.83 -17.92 50.40 139.48 23.549 l

Total Antenna Electric: Power Call Frequency Px Py Pz Power Factor Field Den~, i. t y Sign (MHz> (dBM) (dBM) (dF

KBOO 90.7 -64.19 -63. 0 0 -64.63 ·-S9. ii so.40 98.29 .00i7S KGON 92.3 -47.26 -47.24 -46.89 -42.36 so. 40 HS.04 .0847~ KPDQ 93.7 -49.SD -49. f6 -44.37 -42.28 so. 40 11 S. 12 . OR.6~, ICXL 9S.S -S2.46 -S1.2S -46.60 -44.SS S0.40 112. BS . osi re- KKLI 97.1 -27.3S -3S.81 -28.93 -24.i'i S0.40 132.69 -4.93°?" KliJJJ 99.5 -37. j 9 -33.43 -30.26 -27.99 S0.40 129.41 C.3~?)",r_ -44. 9j_ -44. 03 -43.U -39. 18 so. 40 UB.22 . 17S'S'? KKRZ 100.3 ------

Total P 01o.1er Density, 7.64~'."'

File ·NaMe= KXL28 FOISD Full Scale Setting, 100 (VIM) 07/31/86 10,Si AM

Totc-l ~nte:,: El€c~: ic r r: ... C.. J. l Frequency Px Py Pz Power· Factor Field Dens i 't >' Sign (MHz) (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) (dB) (dBuV/M) (uW/r:r--.~::-

KE KPDQ 93.7 -31. 12 -35.S1 -31. 88 -27.69 50.40 129.71 2. 48H,S ICXL. 95.S -39.43 -39.28 -32.74 -31 .17 S0.40 126.23 i .113c;-r l

FOISD Full Scale Setting: 100 (V/M) 07/31/86 6:59 PM

Total Antenna Electric Call Frequency Px Py Pz Poi.ier Factor Field Sign (MHz) (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) (dB) (dBuV/M)


Total Power Density,

File ·NaMe: KXL32

FOISD Full Scale Setting, 100

Total Antenna Electric Power Call Frequency Px Py p7. Power Fcictor Field Dens it Sign (MHz) (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) (dB) (dE

ltal Power Density: 31. 679, File NaMe: KXL33

FOISD Full Scale SPtting, 100 CV/M) 07/31/86 7:04 PM

Total Antenna Electric Powf'r Cc311 Frequrncy Px Py Pz Po"'er Fc3c:tor Fifil.d Den~; :i '{ > Sign (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) • (dB) (dBuV/M) (uW/t:M"2)

KBOO 90.7 -29.93 -41 . 18 -30. 27 -26.92 50.40 f30.48 2. 9t,~)?.f KGON 92.3 -30.56 -38.84 -31.90 -27.81 S0.40 129.S9 2.4i2b, KPDQ 93.7 -42.68 -41.93 -37. 19 -3S.iO S0.40 . 122.30 .4'SOS\ KXL 9~J. S -35.70 -29. 13 -27.47 -24.84 S0.40 .132.S6 4. 78:~ .. , KKLI 97. f -43.26 -34.00 -28.76 -27.S1 50.40 129.89 2,.~\8f:.~, KWJ J 99.S -30. 9fJ -31.99 -25.95 -24. 0 i S0.40 133.39 S. 794::,:. KKRZ 100.3 -34.56 -39.6S -32.SS -29.94 S0.40 127.46 5. . 4'/8..;: ------·

Total Power Density: 20.4702:

File NaMe: KXL34

FOISD Full Scale Setting, 100 (VIM) 07/31/86 7,P9 PM

To1al Antenna Electric PowP.r' Cc311 Frequency Px Py Pz Power Factor Field Den"' i 't > Sign (MHz> (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) (dB) (dBuV/M) ( ul,,.1(cM"2)

KBOO 90.7 -3 0. 4S -45.21 -32.71 -28.33 50.40 129.07 2.13'/j: KGON 92.3 . -44. 82 -41. 19 -44;98 -38.52 S0.40 118. 88 . 205i r KPDQ 93.7 -24.S9 -3S.74 -2S.29 -21.74 so. 40 13S.66 9.7664(: KXI. .. 95.S -39.25 -34.91 -44 .10 -33 .18 so. 40 124.22. .'700Sf KKLI 97. :i. -31.16 -33.58 -25.99 -24.29 50.40 133. 11 S. 42~d f KWJJ 99.S -27.45 -29.95 -27.69 -23.46 so. 40 133.94 6.5'7785 -34.22 -30. so 126.90 j_. 299?!: Kf

FOISD Full Scale Setting, 100 (V/M) 07/31/86 7: 13 PM

Total Antenna Elec:tric Call Frequency Px Py Pz Power Factor Field Sign (MHz> (dBM) ( dBM) (dBM) (dBM) (dB) (dBuV/M)


Total Power Density: j_3. 2E(:

File NaMe: KXL36

FOISD Pull Scale Setting, 100 (VIM) 07/31/86 7: 18 PM

Total Antenna Electric Power Call Frequency Px Py Pz Power· Fc1ctor Fteld Densit Sign (MHz) ( dBM) (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) (dB) (dBuV/M) (uW/cM"

KBOO 90.7 -3S.48 -35.82 -36.70 -31.20 so. 40 126.20 1:106 KGON 92.3 -42.10 -30.34 -37.92 -29.40 so. 40 128. 0 0 1. 673. KPDQ 93.7 -29.20 -24.97 -29.56 -22.60 50.40 134.80 8.007 KXL 95.S -30.42 -26.49 -32.74 -24.34 S0.40 133. 06 S.369 KKLI 97.1 -:-36.68 -28 .16 -32.63 -26. 4j_ 50.40 130.99 3.335 l

Totc1l Antenna Electric Power Call Frequency Px Py Pz " Power Factor Fj_e.,J.d Den c; it~· Sign (MHz) (dBM) (dBM) (dI


Total Power DEnsJ.ty, 7.6126c

File NaMe: KXL38

FOISD FulJ Sc:a1e Setting, 100 (VIM) 07131186 7:28 PM

Total Antenna Electrl.C Power Call Frequency Px Py Pz Power Fac::tor Fie.1 lci Den r; j if Sign (MHz> (dBM) ( dBM) (dBM) ( d I!M) (dB> (dBuVIM) (uW/cM"2)

KBOO 90.7 -S6.71 -42.42 -43.93 -40. 01 50.40 117. 39 . 14 ~. ~. KGON 92.3 -43.07 -S0.41 -45.76 -40. 71 so. 40 116. 69 . 123~:' KPDQ 93.7 -43.85 -45.63 -4S.34 -40.10 so. 40 117. 30 . 1.4?S: KXL 95.S -S3.51 -44.02 -46.41 -41. 74 50.40 11 S. 66 .097St KKLI 97.1 -39.40 -48.f9 -46.74 -38.21 S0.40 119.,.9 .2203~ KWJJ 99.S -42.00 -43. 71. -38.41 -36. (12 50.40 121.38 . 364 2;- KKRZ 100.3 -46.53 -51.28 -40.Bj. -39.48 S0.40 U.7.92 .H,42: -·------Total Power De·ns:i.ty, 1.2S8~1 File NaMe: KXL39

FOISD Full Scale Setting,~100 (VIM) 07131/86 7:34 PM

Total Antenna Electric Call Frequency Px Py Pz Power Factor Field Sign (MHz> (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) , ' ( d BM) (dB> (dBuV/M)

~ KBOO 90.7 -33.28 -49.54 -29.67 -28. 07 S0.40 129.33 l

Total Power Densj_t~,,

File NaMe: KXL40

FOISD Full Sc.ale Setting, :1.00 (VIM) 07131/86 7,41 PM

Total Antenna Electric: Powe:.1 r Call Frequency Px Py Pz Power Factor Field Deni:;:i. t Sign (MHz) (dBM) (df (d'BuVIM) (uWltM"'

l(f.100 90.7 -49.87 -32. 06 -34. 13 -29.92 so. 40 127.48 1.485 l

Total Power Density, 46.312 File NaMe, KXL.41

FOISD Full Scale Setting,_100 (VIM) 07/31/86 7, 44 Ph

Total Antenna Electrj.c Po~r>r Call Frequency Px Py Pz , Power Fac.tor F j,eld Den!:.it>, Sign l

Total Power De::•ns j_ t y, 4 fl . 1 '? r~ ~

FOISD Full Scale Setting, 100

To1al t,,1 't e ,1 n a EJEc.tr ic. I i, •. Call Frequency Px Py Pz Power Factor Field Dens;ity Sign (MHz> (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) (dB) (dBuV/M) (uW/cM"'~ l?: KXL 95.S -33.28 -26. 16 -20. 37 -19.18 so .40 138.22 17.6002{ KKLI 97 .1 -S6.71 -40.91 -36.24 -34.94 S0.40 122.46 .46'i"7f Klo.lJJ 99.S -30.95 -30.21 -20. 73 -19.9j, S0.40 137.49 14.B81S( l

Total POI.IE'T' DensHy, S0.723C: Fil~ NaMe: KXL43

FOISD Full Scale Setting:~100 (VIM) 07/31/86 7: SO PM

Total Antenna Elec:tric Call Frequency. Px Py Pz Po1,,,1er Factor Field Sign (MHz) (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) , ( d BM) (dB) (dBuV/M) - l

Total Power Density, St. :n;.

File NaMe: KXL44

FOISD Full Sr.ale Setting, 100 (VIM) 07/31/86 7,S3 PM

Total Antenna Elec:tric Power Call Frequency Px Py Pz Power Factor Fh,J.d Den~;;i t Sign (MHz) ( dBM) ( dBM) ( dBM) (dBM) (dB) (dBuV/M) < ul.J/cM" KBOO 90.7 -S4. 02 -31.92 ...;34. BO -30.10 so. 40 127.30 1.42S, :

F• ISD Full Scale Setting: 100 (VIM) 0'7/31/86 7,SS P~

Toul Antenna Electric F'o1,,1e>r Call Freq11ency Px Py Pz Power Factor Fi~)ld Den°;i·ty Sign (MHz) (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) ( dBM) (dBuV/M) (uW/cM"2)

f<:BOO 90.7 -S3.27 -32.28 -35.31 --;rn. so so. 40 126.90 1 . 2903/ KGON 92.3 -3S. 16 -30.39 -33.71 -27.84 S0.40 129.56 2.3971. 1· !

File NaMe• l

FOISD Full Scale Settjng, 100 (V/M) 07/31/86 '7:59 PM

Total Antenn,3 Electrjc pr, 1,,,,.- Call Frequency Px Py Pz Power Factor Field Density Sign (MHz) ( dBM) ( dBM) (df!M) (dBM) (dB) (dBuV/M) < 11 W/c"' "2 \

KF.<00 90.'7 -S3.27 -32.52 -3S.36 -30.68 50.40 126.'72 i,2470S KGON 92.3 -3S. 18 -30.99 -34.00 -28.25 S0.40 i 29. j S 2 .183( l7 C ------Total Power Density: ~;o . SS>?i O' File NaMe: KXL47

FOISD Full Scale Setting, 100

Total Antenna Electric Call Frequency Px Py Pz ' p OWP.r' Factor Field Sign (MHz) (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) '(dBM) '(dB> (dBuV/M)


Total Power Density, 49.3:";

File NaMe: KXL48

.FOISD Full Scale Setting, 100 (V/M) 07 /31/86 8:05 PM

Total Antenna Eh~r.tric Power· Call Frequency Px Py Pz Power Factor fj.eJ.d Densit Bign (MHz) (dBM) (dBM) (dBM) ( d BM) (dB) (dBuV/M) ( uW/c:M'"

;,BOO 98.7 -'55.72 -33.64 -3S. H -31.28 S0.40 1?6. 12 1 . 0 El 4 KGON 92.3 -35.20 -32.58 -34.57 -29.20 S0.40 128.20 1.753 l

FOISD Full Scale Setting 100

Total Antenna Electric Power Ca 11 Frequency Px Py Pz Powei" Factor Field Deni, :i. 1 >' S:i.gn



The equipment us!d during the Portland study is listed below. Calibration data are detailed for each instrument in the following pages. Broadband Equipment Holaday Industries Model 3001, S/N 26038 Meter S/(086GR Electric Field Probe S/N 26046 Meter· S/N l02GR Electric Field Probe Narda Model 8616, S/N 20049 Meter Model 8631, SIN 03026 Magnetic Field Probe Model 8662, S/N 01008 Electric Field Probe Instruments for Industry (IFI) Model EFS-1, S/N l060E Electric Field Sensor

•arrowband Equipment NanoFast Fiber Optic Isolated Spherical Dipole System Model EFS-2, S/N 2927 Watkins Johnson Omnidirectional Antenna Model 8549, S/N 17 Hewlett Packard 8566A Spectrum Analyzer, S/N 1918A00220 (analyzer) with S/N 1918A00731 (display)

6 Hewlett Pac~ard 9845S Desktop Computer, S/N l838A04524, with a 98780 . Display, S/N 1838A04524 EPA 1 3/4'' shie·1aed loop, S/N 5 Potomac Instruments Model FIM-41, S/N 933 Boonton RF ~illivoltmeter Model 92A-S2, S/N 666 with Model 91-12F RF Probe and 50 ohm adapter Wavetek Sweep Generator Model 135, S/N 130298 dB Error

I I I\) - m

mi -0. 9 l I 61 I -0. 42 -11.741 e, I -1.2? ,~ -1!1.SBI 9 I -el.~ ~i -~.ssl e I rl.D2 Q.°' -0.581 9 I 0.02 p, -0.571 '3 I 0.03 "< ~1 -0.SBI e I 0.02 :c -0 .-t:JI g I 0.03 ~ I -e.i:tl 9 I e,.l!)i w -m -a.s11 e, 0.03 m I ~ -0.44 I 9 0,0B ~ ""1 I .., -0.571 e I 0. Ja4 (11 - -(.) -B.431 e 0.16 . .n m I ' C -'1."te I 0 I 1!'1.,16 (D :, -0.431 e I 0. J6 I~ 0 -OJ -0.431 e 0,0B m I ru "< -0.431 • I 0. 16 01 r-.. -Ci.421 e I Ill. 16 CS) ~ - w -

.. ~

) I . ·-. w r1) - •J (I/ ,t" ''"• i:.1 . T !"T) C'I ~ l"'"I • ('") (£1 (f) ' <:'"J .. ~ ((, r;:, l,;'I ('.'J • ~1 C•J • N r'\I J, ('I.I (ti • L. l"J 0 • . - Q.1 e.1 c.i!::; '·' r··· 1.:,.1 L - 1_,, - !. ! -. - (1 1::1 - (::.1 0 CI, ~I I ,I [;1 {t.l• ITI r•. ,:;, G c:,, ;., ! I ,_, (;) . "' I 'f • (I') I r:;i I ~ I

I •. I - .l I iJ 40 7[1 10~1 130 lEif;~ l 9 0 2 r.·O 250 280 S 10 Frcque:ne:y (MHz) dB Error

I I N - z OJ CSl • 7B f e -l, 31 , -e.2O1 ~ I 0.09 SJ.. OJ ... -0.101 Qi I . e,. JJ ro -e:i.0J I ~ I 0,37 m -0.071 e I 0.32 01 -0.061 e I 0.31 "'\J -01 uJ -111.0'.l t e I 0.35 -0. 01 I ~ I 0.38 U1 -0.011 9 I 0.35 z CSl -0.021 e I 0,37 ~ N -0.031 e, 0. 35 ISi "Tl I ., -fiJ.031 e I 0.36 0 ~ ID -<..> -0.041 e I 0.38 . ..D CSl I , lO ' C -0. e,sl ;;, 1!1.39 ID :, -0.011 ~ I 0.3S :r: 0 m 051 e 0,37 ro -0. I 7J '< -0.071 1119 I 0.34 , -0. ll I e I G.29 0 -~ 0- ::r: -(J) -fl. lSI G I • 1:.1.2B .... c;J CD ..., -1!1. 181 0 I 0,25 -B.181 ~ 0.24 ro N I ru -0 .21:t-- e I 0.22 01 (I) w -li!L 23 I e I 0.21 t-,.a ~ n, -0.241 I 0.23 (f) UI -ei.201 e I ~-23 --,, ~ -0.351 Et I 0. 19 '- -e.3e.l e, 0.22 (SI N I Q) -0.]91 e I 0.21 w 0 tSl -0.451 e, I 0.32 ru . w -r:J.521 e I o. 2i en -e. 62 I (I)

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Calibrated in Electromagnetics Branch TEM cell at 100 MHz using high scale, medium length antennas. Applied Field Reported Field

80 V/m 80 V/m ELECTRIC FIELD PARALLEL TO ANTENNA 49 Fiber Optic Isolated Spherical Dipole S/N 2927 100 V/m Full Scale

50 0 0 ooo

0 -Ol 51 -0 0 - 0 L 0 +> u ro . 52 L.. ~

"'C C Q) +> C 53 a:



CS) CS) CS) CS) CS) CS) CS) lf) lf) (S) lf) lf) in lf) ru M ~ in lO



L. 30 0 +' u ,0 L. .Ii ,0 C C 35 Q) +' ccC


45 l...J...... 1-.L.L....L.1-L._!_1.--1.:....1-.1.....J...... 1-.L..L...L.JL...J..._(_l-J...... L.L..J..-1-L..l...... 1-L.1....L..1-L-L-.L....L....l-.L..J.-'-~-- . -.;r. lO co N lO m N N. ~. lO - - N N C'\J . . RANDOM ANALYSIS - THREE DIMENSIONAL SYNTHESIZED PATTERN Applied Field 10 V/m·C140 dBuV/m) 40 WJ 8549 Antenna with Gore cable S/N 121096 . ,. The received ,. voltage fol lows a normal distribution r,,. 45 .. .. L.•

.... ,..

50 ; ]'" ..· -O'l ,[ .. -0 ,. ...., 55 ~· J '- 0 .. +> - u ... ,. I'd . 60 u. ~ j ...... I ~• .. . ,. , I'd ~" .. r;- .. 10 ,, ... C I ,. p. ,.,. ._.1.· I ~ ~ C r-11,,.. ~ I•,- I .. I• Q) ~ ~. ..' ... 0 . 65 , ~ ..., .. ... ) l ) C ~ ... ~' . I) ,.~~ a: .. , I .. ~.,j~ . , I I~ . . I 0 70 . . I ...... 75 - ... - Frequency (GHz) EPA 10-TURN 1 3/4" SHIELDED LOOP ANTENNA, S/N 5

Calibrated into SO ohms in the Electromagnetics Branch TEM cell • ..• Freguenc.z: MHz Aeelied Field {A/m) Loop Voltage (mV) . 0.62 0.1 7.50 1.00 0.1 10.2 1.19 0.1 11.0