Postcards from Russia
MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING MAGAZINE CurrentsVOLUME 3 • NUMBER 1 • SUMMER 2003 Postcards from Russia Engineering Students Study Abroad in Volgograd Photo by Darren E. Mason Photo by from the dean here in the world do with our colleagues and friends back in the United States. Both you find our faculty, Webcasts have been archived in their entirety; to view them, to see staff, and alums? photos, or for more information about FRIGID 2003, go to http:// WEverywhere. The College of Engineering One goal of the trip was to encourage more students to choose has connections all over the careers in engineering, technology, math, and science. Schoolteachers, world, including collaborations especially those who participated in this experience, play an incredibly and partnerships with interna- important role in providing our nation with a science-literate public. tional corporations and universi- K–12 science and technology literacy should be a high priority for ties. Our researchers work in all of us in the engineering profession. It is up to my colleagues and Pakistan, Egypt, China, Japan, me to nurture the next generation of scientists and engineers. In the Russia, Mexico, Portugal, United States, we’ve been one of the central countries for innovation Germany, and many other places. and creativity for most of the last 150 years. This is the underpinning Successful alums are all around the globe. Our students are involved of a strong economy. If we’re going to sustain it, we must have a popu- in international competitions. They study abroad in programs in lation of people who really understand basic principles of science and England, Germany, China, Singapore, and Thailand—and with one of math.
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