Instructor Bio: Pierina Fadi Pierina was brought to her first Hatha class many ago (initially for lower back pain) and quickly realized the many benefits that it provided the mind, body and spirit connection, and was hooked ever since! At that point she realized that her life path was leading her to to become a yoga teacher. (After completing a Bachelors of Education, she never felt ‘quite right’ with what the education system provided students and felt that there was something missing in the curriculum that did not encourage the mind, body and spirit connection). Her passion for philosophy and spirituality lead her to write a thesis called Education For Connection; Beyond Linear Learning and she earned a Masters Degree from McGill university in 2003.

Certification and Training: After graduating from the Moksha program in 2004, Pierina realized that teaching yoga was a way of expressing her "thesis in action". Since then, Pierina has studied with a few highly accredited teachers including John Friend, Judith Lasater, David Life, Michael Stone, and Frank Boccio, Partick Creelman, Christine Price Clark, and many others.

With her passion for learning and teaching, Pierina went on to complete Moksha Yoga Teacher Training Level 2 and in 2007, and studied Anusara Yoga from 2012-13. Pierina also became interested in the more subtle forms of the yoga practice by completing Yin level 2 in 2015, and (know as Yoga of Divine sleep) level 1 & 2 in winter of 2016. Pierina's classes integrate her knowledge of Hatha, Yin, Restorative, and Yoga Nida, with an essential knowledge of the yoga practice, she focuses on integrity of alignment, and the ability to move smoothly with breath.