Clearwell Quarries Ltd, Stowe, St Briavels, Lydney, GL15 6QW
APPLICATION NO: 17/0122/FDMAJM DATED 28th November 2017 AGENT: Land & Mineral Management Ltd, Roundhouse Cottages, Bridge Street, Frome, Somerset, BA11 1BE APPLICANT: Clearwell Quarries Ltd, Stowe, St Briavels, Lydney, GL15 6QW SITE: Stowe and Clearwell Quarries PROPOSAL: Extension of Stowe Hill Quarry & Retention of Mineral Processing Plant at Clearwell Quarry. PARISHIES Newland and SITE AREA: 28.55Ha OF St Briavels GRID 356578 E REF: 206716 N RECOMMENDED: RECOMMENDATION: That planning permission is granted for the reasons set out within this report and summarised at paragraphs 7.333 to 7.347, subject to the prior completion of a S106 planning agreement to secure the long term monitoring and safeguarding of Slade Brook SSSI and subject to the conditions set out in section 8 of this report. 1.0 LOCATION AND APPLICATION SITE 1.1 The quarries of Clearwell and Stowe Hill lie on a Class III highway about 3km south of Coleford. The village of Clearwell lies approximately 1 km to the north of the Clearwell Quarry. The two small hamlets of Stowe and Stowe Green are situated on the local road to the south and north of the quarry access respectively. 1.2 Both quarries are operated as a single operation by Breeden Southern Limited (Breedens) with a connecting tunnel, with a conveyor belt, under the highway. Quarrying takes place in the southern quarry which is called Stowe Hill Quarry. The processing plant is located in the bottom of the northern, worked out, quarry which is Clearwell Quarry. 1.3 The Application Area is 28.55Ha in size which incorporates an extension area (13.56 hectares) to the northeast of existing workings), a haul road to the primary crusher, primary crusher and conveyor in the existing Stowe Hill Quarry and the existing plant, site offices, workshop, staff facilities and weighbridge and wheel wash facilities within Clearwell Quarry.
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