Molecular Psychiatry (2012) 17, 421–432 & 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved 1359-4184/12 ORIGINAL ARTICLE Genome-wide survey implicates the influence of copy number variants (CNVs) in the development of early-onset bipolar disorder L Priebe1,2, FA Degenhardt1,2, S Herms1,2, B Haenisch1,2, M Mattheisen1,2,3, V Nieratschker4, M Weingarten1,2, S Witt4, R Breuer4, T Paul4, M Alblas1,2, S Moebus5, M Lathrop6, M Leboyer7,8,9, S Schreiber10, M Grigoroiu-Serbanescu11, W Maier12, P Propping2, M Rietschel4,MMNo¨then1,2, S Cichon1,2,13,14 and TW Mu¨hleisen1,2,14 1Department of Genomics, Life and Brain Center, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany; 2Institute of Human Genetics, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany; 3Institute for Medical Biometry, Informatics, and Epidemiology, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany; 4Central Institute of Mental Health, Division of Genetic Epidemiology in Psychiatry, Mannheim, Germany; 5Institute for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology, University Clinic Essen, Essen, Germany; 6Centre National de Ge´notypage, Institut Ge´nomique, Evry Cedex, France; 7INSERM U-513, Faculte´ de Me´decine, Cre´teil, France; 8University of Paris, Faculty of Medicine, Cre´teil, France; 9AP-HP, Albert Chenevier and Henri Mondor Hospitals, Department of Psychiatry, Cre´teil, France; 10Institute of Clinical Molecular Biology, Christian Albrechts University, Kiel, Germany; 11Biometric Psychiatric Genetics Research Unit, Alexandru Obregia Clinical Psychiatric Hospital, Bucharest, Romania; 12Department of Psychiatry, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany and 13Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-1), Structural and Functional Organization of the Brain, Genomic Imaging, Research Center Juelich, Juelich, Germany

We used genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data to search for the presence of copy number variants (CNVs) in 882 patients with bipolar disorder (BD) and 872 population- based controls. A total of 291 (33%) patients had an early age-at-onset p21 years (AOp21years). We systematically filtered for CNVs that cover at least 30 consecutive SNPs and which directly affect at least one RefSeq . We tested whether (a) the genome-wide burden of these filtered CNVs differed between patients and controls and whether (b) the frequency of specific CNVs differed between patients and controls. Genome-wide burden analyses revealed that the frequency and size of CNVs did not differ substantially between the total samples of BD patients and controls. However, separate analysis of patients with AOp21years and AO > 21years showed that the frequency of microduplications was significantly higher (P = 0.0004) and the average size of singleton microdeletions was significantly larger (P = 0.0056) in patients with AOp21years compared with controls. A search for specific BD-associated CNVs identified two common CNVs: (a) a 160 kb microduplication on 10q11 was overrepresented in AOp21years patients (9.62%) compared with controls (3.67%, P = 0.0005) and (b) a 248 kb microduplication on 6q27 was overrepresented in the AOp21years subgroup (5.84%) compared with controls (2.52%, P = 0.0039). These data suggest that CNVs have an influence on the development of early-onset, but not later-onset BD. Our study provides further support for previous hypotheses of an etiological difference between early-onset and later-onset BD. Molecular Psychiatry (2012) 17, 421–432; doi:10.1038/mp.2011.8; published online 1 March 2011 Keywords: bipolar disorder; copy number variant; genome-wide burden; early age-at-onset; association

Introduction extreme exaltation (mania) and depression. Mood symptoms are often accompanied by disturbances in Bipolar disorder (BD) is a common, severe mood thinking and behavior. BD has a lifetime risk in the disorder that is characterized by recurring episodes of general population of 0.5-1.5%.1 Twin, family and adoption studies have provided strong evidence for a Correspondence: Professor S Cichon, Department of Genomics, genetic predisposition to BD.2,3 Heritability has been Institute of Human Genetics, Life and Brain Center, University of estimated to be between 60 and 85%.4 Bonn, Sigmund-Freud-Strasse 25, Bonn D-53127, Germany. Changes in the copy number of submicroscopic E-mail: [email protected] chromosomal segments, known as copy number 14These authors contributed equally to this work. Received 22 February 2010; revised 10 January 2011; accepted 19 variants (CNVs), are a major component of the January 2011; published online 1 March 2011 difference between human genomes.5 Based on their SNP-based search for CNVs in bipolar disorder L Priebe et al 422 frequency, rare ( < 1%) and common (X1%) CNVs can burden of CNVs and for all specific common and rare be distinguished. Several recent studies have shown a CNVs that were found to be associated with BD. strong influence of rare CNVs on the development of 6,7 neuropsychiatric phenotypes such as autism and Materials and methods schizophrenia.8–10 To date, only a limited number of studies have been published for BD.11–15 Lachman Sample description et al.11 investigated a mixed cohort of Caucasian Unrelated patients with a clinical history of BD (post patients and controls from the Czech Republic and QC: type I, n = 767; type II, n = 102; not other the United States, and found that microdeletions specified, n = 13) were recruited at two centers: the and microduplications, affecting the gene glycogen Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim and the synthase kinase 3 beta (GSK3B) were significantly Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy of increased in patients. Zhang et al. investigated the University of Bonn. The study was approved by singleton microdeletions (that is, those occurring the Institutional Review Boards, and all patients only once in the total data set of patients and controls) provided written informed consent before inclusion. of > 100 kb in their European American sample of DSM-IV lifetime diagnoses of BD were assigned using 1 001 BD patients and 1 034 controls, and found that a consensus best-estimate procedure that was based they were overrepresented in patients.12 Recently, on all available information including the findings of Yang et al. published a study of a three-generation a structured SCID-I interview.23 The same set of older Amish pedigree with segregating affective instruments was used by both centers.24 Age-at-onset disorder.13 They reported that a set of four CNVs on (AO) was defined as the age at which the first DSM- 6q27, 9q21, 12p13 and 15q11 were IV-criteria episode of either depression or mania had enriched in affected family members, and that these occurred. Post QC, the mean age of patients at the altered the expression of neuronal . Grozeva time of recruitment was 44.03 years with a standard et al.14 screened a sample of 1 868 patients with BD deviation (s.d.) of 13.41, the mean age-at-onset was and 2 938 controls for large ( > 100 kb) and rare (found 27.90 years (s.d. = 11.28; median = 24; mode = 19). The in < 1% of the population) CNVs. No specific CNV AO distribution of the total sample deviated to the was associated with BD, and the authors found no right of the Gaussian distribution (Kolmogorov– increased genome-wide burden of CNVs in patients Smirnov Z = 5.10; P < 0.001; positive skewness = 1.10). compared with controls. The Wellcome Trust Case The male/female ratio was 0.47. Control Consortium (WTCCC15) investigated common CNVs (found in > 5% of the population) of > 0.5 kb in Determining the cutoff point for early age-at-onset a sample of 2 007 patients with BD and 3 000 controls, Despite extensive debate over the past decade, no and found no association between CNVs and the consensus has yet been reached concerning the cutoff disease. point for the definition of early and late AO in BD. In the present study, we screened the genome-wide Authors who have applied the same expectation- single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data of 882 maximization algorithm to different samples have patients with BD and 872 population-based controls described divergent cutoffs for the definition of the for predicted common and rare CNVs using more than early AO. Some have reported that a three-AO-group 540 000 autosomal and X-chromosomal markers. All distribution best fitted their data25,26 and others a study participants were of German descent. We tested two-AO-group distribution.27 This demonstrates that both the overall group of BD patients and a subgroup the results of an admixture analysis are sample with an age-at-onset of p21 years as several studies dependent. have suggested that early-onset BD patients may We therefore performed a commingling analysis in represent a clinically and genetically more homo- the present sample before selecting the cutoff point geneous subtype of BD. Clinical studies have demon- for the definition of early AO. We used the SEGREG- strated that early-onset BD is a more severe form of subroutine of the software S.A.G.E. (version 6.1, the disorder that is characterized by frequent psycho- Commingling analy- tic features, more mixed episodes, greater psychiatric sis reveals the distribution mixture of a trait through co-morbidity and poorer response to prophylactic segregation analysis while allowing for ascertainment lithium treatment.16–18 Familial aggregation is more correction. Class D models are used as the regressive pronounced in relatives of early-onset BD patients models in commingling analysis, which assume that than in relatives of later-onset BD patients.16–20 the trait under investigation in the study probands is Finally, the findings of several studies have suggested not conditional upon the trait in antecedent family the existence of an intra-familial correlation for age- members. The model that fitted the data best was at-onset among bipolar siblings,21,22 and a segregation selected on the basis of the smallest value of the analysis has shown that BD is transmitted differen- Akaike information criterion. tially in early- and later-onset BD families.20 Although the two-AO-group and the three-AO- To control for the number of technical artifacts, we group models had fitted our data equally well in a developed a stringent protocol for quality control preliminary analysis of a larger sample,29 the best (QC) and filtering. On the basis of these data, we model in the present sample was a two-AO-group conducted statistical tests for the genome-wide distribution. Before QC, the mean AO in the early

Molecular Psychiatry SNP-based search for CNVs in bipolar disorder L Priebe et al 423 onset group was 20.67 years (s.d. = 8.40) and the mean two controls); (d) relatedness of individuals AO in the late onset group was 33.20 years (1.6pIBS < 2.0, no individual excluded); and (e) (s.d. = 10.30). To select patients with a clear early population outlier according to multi-dimensional AO, we only selected patients with an AO that was scaling with HapMap phase 2 (one patient and three lower or equal to the rounded mean of the early onset controls were excluded before the present CNV group, that is age 21 (AOp21year). In this AOp21 study). years subgroup, the mean AO was 17.44 years (s.d. = 2.59). CNV detection Before QC, our overall sample consisted of 957 CNVs were predicted using the program QuantiSNP patients and 880 controls. Post QC, this was reduced (version 1.1, to 882 patients and 872 controls. A total of 291 The algorithm implemented in QuantiSNP uses an patients remained in the AOp21years subgroup and Objective Bayes Hidden-Markov Model to estimate for these patients the mean age-at-recruitment was the copy number. To evaluate the presence of a CNV, 38.71 years (s.d. = 12.88), the mean AO was 17.54 QuantiSNP uses the normalized intensity data years (s.d. = 2.52), and the male/female ratio was 0.43. (that is log R ratio) and allele frequency data (i.e. B In the later-onset subgroup with an AO > 21 years allele frequency) of each SNP. Both values were (n = 591), the mean age-at-recruitment was 46.84 years calculated by Illumina’s BeadStudio Genotyping (s.d. = 12.87), and the mean AO was 33.20 years module (version 3.3.7, (s.d. = 10.30), and the male/female ratio was 0.49. pages.ilmn?ID = 169). Individuals were excluded if Controls were drawn from two population-based their s.d. from the log R ratio or their B allele epidemiological studies: (a) Population-based Re- frequency exceeded certain thresholds: log R ratio cruitment of Patients and Controls for the Analysis > 0.36 or B allele frequency > 0.12 (22 patients, six (PopGen, n = 497)30 from Schleswig-Holstein (North- controls). We employed the normalization procedure ern Germany); and (b) the Heinz Nixdorf Recall study for local GC content implemented in QuantiSNP to (risk factors, evaluation of coronary calcification, and improve the accuracy of detection. The log Bayes lifestyle; HNR, n = 383)31 from Essen, Bochum and Factor was computed for each CNV. This factor Mu¨ lheim a. d. Ruhr (Ruhr area). Post QC, the mean indicates the confidence of each predicted CNV, with age at recruitment of the control group was 47.98 higher values indicating higher statistical reliability. (s.d. = 11.42), and the male/female ratio was 0.51. All To minimize the number of false-positive CNV patients and controls reported that they were of calls, we only considered CNVs with a log Bayes German descent. Factor X30, that spanned a minimum of 30 con- secutive SNPs, and which directly affect at least one DNA extraction, genotyping and quality control RefSeq gene.35 After applying these filters, we also Venous blood samples were collected from all excluded individuals with more than seven CNVs, as patients and controls. Lymphocyte DNA was ex- they were extreme outliers in terms of the number of tracted either by salting out with saturated sodium CNV events (27 patients). Following quality control, chloride solution32 or by a Chemagic Magnetic Sepa- 1044 CNV calls from a total of 882 BD patients and ration Module I (Chemagen, Baesweiler, Germany) 872 controls were statistically analyzed. A total of 291 according to the manufacturer0s recommendations. of the patients (33%) had an AOp21 years, and 591 Individuals were genotyped using Illumina’s patients had an AO > 21 years. HumanHap550v3 (HH550) or Human610-Quadv1 To confirm our QuantiSNP-based CNV results, we (H610Q) BeadArrays (San Diego, CA, USA). The additionally screened our data set with PennCNV.36 genotype data had been generated as part of a Both PennCNV and QuantiSNP apply a Hidden- genome-wide association study (GWAS) of BD.33 The Markov Model to estimate the copy number of an H610Q chip contains B60 000 probes and SNPs more individual. They also take the log R ratio and B allele than the HH550 array. The majority of the excess frequency of each SNP into account, and correct for content represents non-polymorphic CNV probes, GC content. The CNV data of both algorithms are which leads to an excess of CNV calls for individuals available upon request. genotyped on the H610Q chip (data not shown). To avoid such a bias, we only analyzed SNPs that are Statistical analysis of CNV burden and specific CNVs present on both chips, that is, a total of 541 524 SNPs All association tests for genome-wide CNV burden (post QC). and association of specific CNVs were performed Before computational CNV prediction, stringent QC using PLINK (version 1.06, http://pngu.mgh.harvard. criteria were applied to the genotype data at both edu/purcell/plink/).37 We conducted the burden tests the marker and the individual level. SNPs with a call for CNV frequency (PROP, RATE) as well as for CNV rate of < 98% were excluded. Individuals were length (TOTKB, AVGKB), that is, the total number of excluded for the following reasons: (a) DNA call rate CNVs in patients vs controls (RATE); proportion of < 97% (20 patients); (b) differences between X- individuals with one or more CNVs in patients vs chromosomally inferred and phenotypic sex (six controls (PROP); total length spanned by CNVs per patients); (c) DNA sample doublets identified by individual in the patient group vs the control group identity-by-state estimates (defined as IBS = 2.0, (TOTKB) and average size of CNVs per individual in

Molecular Psychiatry SNP-based search for CNVs in bipolar disorder L Priebe et al 424 the patient group vs the control group (AVGKB). All Analysis of pathways and biological processes P-values were generated using 50 000 permutations. We analyzed whether genes affected by CNVs were We defined three major comparison groups for the enriched in certain pathways or biological processes genome-wide burden analyses: using the web-based program Ingenuity Pathways Analysis platform (IPA, version 8.0, http://www. 1. All patients vs all controls IPA is based on functional annotation 2. AOp21years patients vs controls and molecular interactions. Gene lists were as- 3. AO > 21years patients vs controls. sembled using RefSeq genes that are affected by the We tested each of these three comparison groups for CNVs identified in the burden analysis (microdupli- six different categories of CNVs: cations, singleton microdeletions). Lists were up- loaded into IPA and investigated using the ‘core 1. All CNVs analysis’ function and default settings. In the func- 2. Microduplications tional analysis, biological functions were grouped 3. Microdeletions into different categories from the Ingenuity knowl- 4. All singleton CNVs edge base. To calculate the statistical significance of 5. Singleton microduplications pathways and biological processes assigned to gene 6. Singleton microdeletions. sets, P-values of the Fisher’s exact test were corrected We performed a total of four different burden tests by the Benjamini–Hochberg method. (RATE, PROP, TOTKB and AVGKB) in 18 test groups, that is, three major comparison groups for the six Results different categories of CNVs as described above, resulting in a total of 72 tests for association between We systematically analyzed our samples for signifi- CNV burden and BD. To account for all 72 tests, we cant genome-wide differences in the distribution of also applied Bonferroni’s method, although this all CNVs between patients and controls (genome- procedure may be too conservative given that the wide burden tests) as well as for a significant tests were not independent of each other. overrepresentation of specific CNVs in patients or In addition, we monitored the distribution of controls. CNVs in chromosomal regions 1q21, 2p16, 7q34-36, 15q11, 15q13, 16p11, 17p12 and 22q11, which General description of the CNV data set have previously been reported to be associated with Following the baseline QC of SNP data, QuantiSNP a variety of neuropsychiatric disorders (Table 2). identified a total of 124 146 putative CNVs in the As the borders of these regions are known, we initial sample of 957 patients and 880 controls (an relaxed our filter criteria, that is, we included all average of 67.6 CNVs per individual). Following the CNVs with log Bayes Factor X10, which were application of all QC filters, 1 044 potential CNVs visually inspected by two independent investigators remained in the filtered sample of 882 BD patients regardless of the number of affected SNPs. Associa- and 872 controls (an average of 0.59 CNVs per tion tests for these CNVs were performed using individual). Fisher’s exact test. We examined the distribution of the number of CNVs per individual and identified a total of 27 Verification of specific CNVs extreme outliers in terms of CNV observations, with All CNVs identified by QuantiSNP and PennCNV that more than seven CNVs being detected in each had been found to be associated with neuropsychia- individual. The samples of a total of 24 of these tric disorders in previous studies, or which were individuals were clustered in the outer rows of the located within chromosomal regions associated same 96-well plate, and thus these findings are likely with BD, were visually inspected using Illumina’s to represent plate effects. These individuals were GenomeStudio. excluded from the downstream analyses. The specific CNVs that were found to be associated with BD in the present study (6q27 and 10q11) were Association analysis for genome-wide CNV burden verified by quantitative real-time PCR (quantitative Overall, 10 of the 72 genome-wide burden tests PCR) using TaqMan Copy Number Assays (Applied revealed nominally significant differences in CNV Biosystem, Foster City, CA, USA). We confirmed burden between patients and controls. In the follow- each CNV carrier by quantitative PCR and also tested ing, we provide a detailed description of the most non-CNV carriers (as defined by QuantiSNP and important findings, as outlined in Table 1. PennCNV) to detect possible CNV carriers who had All patients vs controls. In the total sample of 882 not been identified by QuantiSNP and PennCNV. The BD patients and 872 controls, the genome-wide status of all CNV carriers was confirmed by quanti- burden of singleton microdeletions showed nomin- tative PCR, and no CNV carriers were detected among ally significant association for two out of the four tests the putative non-CNV carriers tested. Copy numbers performed. The average total length of all singleton were calculated using the DDCt method implemented microdeletions per individual was 487.6 kb in pa- in the CopyCaller Software (v1.0, http://www. tients compared with 265.1 kb in controls (TOTKB: P = 0.014). The average size per singleton microdeletion

Molecular Psychiatry SNP-based search for CNVs in bipolar disorder L Priebe et al 425 Table 1 Association results for genome-wide burden of CNVs in BD


CNV frequency CNV length

Comparison group RATE P PROP P TOTKB P AVGKB P

All pat (n = 882) vs con (n = 872) All CNVs — — — — Microduplications — — — — Microdeletions — — — — Singleton CNVs — — — — Singleton microduplications 0.063 0.053 — — Singleton microdeletions — — 0.014 0.014

AOp21years pat (n = 291) vs con (n = 872) All CNVs 0.087 0.00092 — 0.092 Microduplications 0.024 0.00040a —— Microdeletions — — — — Singleton CNVs 0.045 0.087 0.081 0.094 Singleton microduplications 0.010 0.017 — — Singleton microdeletions — — 0.0084 0.0056

AO > 21years pat (n = 591) vs con (n = 872) All CNVs — — — — Microduplications — — — — Microdeletions — — — — Singleton CNVs — — — — Singleton microduplications — — — — Singleton microdeletions — — — —

Abbreviations: AOp21years, early age-at-onset patients; AO > 21years, patients with an age-at-onset later than 21 years; AVGKB, average size spanned by CNVs; BD, bipolar disorder; CNV, copy number variant; con, controls; P, P-value of which only values < 0.1 are shown; pat, patients; PROP, proportion of individuals with at least one CNV; RATE, number of CNVs per individual; TOTKB, total length spanned by CNVs. a Withstood Bonferroni correction for 72 tests, Padjusted = 0.029.

was 472.6 kb in patients and 249.3 kb in controls this study (n = 72, Padjusted = 0.029). However, there (AVGKB: P = 0.014). The PROP- and RATE-tests gener- were no significant differences in the proportion of ated no significant P-values. individuals who carried either microdeletions or Patients with an early AO vs controls. When singleton microdeletions. comparing the 291 AOp21years patients with all Patients with AO > 21years vs controls. In the third controls, we again found that singleton microdele- test group, we analyzed the burden of CNVs in the tions in patients were, on average, larger (661.7 kb in AO > 21years subgroup (n = 591) vs all controls. These AOp21years patients vs 249.3 kb in controls, AVGKB: tests revealed no significant differences in CNV P = 0.0056) and spanned longer chromosomal regions burden between patients and controls. per individual than in controls (679.6 kb in AOp21- years patients vs 261.2 kb in controls, TOTKB: Association analyses of specific CNVs P = 0.0084). Furthermore, we observed that the total We identified two common microduplications that proportion of individuals with at least one micro- were significantly overrepresented in patients com- duplication (44.3% in AOp21years patients vs 33.1% pared with controls: (a) a 248 kb microduplication on in controls, PROP: P = 0.00040), at least one CNV 6q27 and (b) a 160 kb microduplication (52.9% in AOp21years patients vs 42.3% in controls, on chromosome 10q11 (Figure 1). PROP: P = 0.00092), or at least one singleton micro- The 10q11 microduplication (Figure 1a) was ob- duplication (17.2% in AOp21years patients vs 11.9% served in 53 patients (6.01%) and in 32 controls in controls, PROP: P = 0.017) was significantly higher (3.67%, P = 0.035, odds ratio (OR) (95% confidence in this BD subgroup. The PROP test P-value for interval = 1.53 (1.05–2.72)). Of these 53 patients, 28 microduplications, which was the most significant of belong to the AOp21years subgroup (9.62% in all of the burden analyses, withstood correction for AOp21years patients vs 3.67% in controls, multiple testing with the Bonferroni method, which P = 0.00052, OR (95% confidence interval) = 2.79 accounted for the number of all the tests performed in (1.59–4.89)). Following genome-wide correction

Molecular Psychiatry SNP-based search for CNVs in bipolar disorder L Priebe et al 426 Scale 200 kb chr10: 46.90 Mb 46.95 Mb 47.00 Mb 47.05 Mb 47.10 Mb 47.15 Mb 47.20 Mb 47.25 Mb 47.30 Mb 47.35 Mb 53 microduplications, 28 in AO<=21 Patients 32 microduplications Controls Chromosome Bands Localized by FISH Mapping Clones 10q11.22 RefSeq Genes FAM35B2 ANTXRL ANXA8L2 SNP Genotyping Arrays Illumina 550 Database of Genomic Variants: Structural Variation (CNV, Inversion, In/del) DGV Duplications of >1000 Bases of Non-RepeatMasked Sequence Segmental Dups

Scale 200 kb chr6: 167.95 Mb 168.00 Mb 168.05 Mb 168.10 Mb 168.15 Mb 168.20 Mb 168.25 Mb 168.30 Mb 168.35 Mb 168.40 Mb 168.45 Mb 168.50 Mb 1 microduplication in AO<=21 Patients_1 2 microduplications in AO<=21 Patients_2 4 microduplications in AO<=21 Patients_3 4 microduplications in AO<=21 Patients_4 5 microduplications in AO<=21 Patients_5 1 microduplication in AO<=21 Patients_6 1 microduplication Controls_1 1 microduplication Controls_2 2 microduplications Controls_3 10 microduplications Controls_4 7 microduplications Controls_5 1 microduplication Controls_6 shared sequence of microduplications Shared Chromosome Bands Localized by FISH Mapping Clones 6q27 RefSeq Genes C6orf123 HGC6.3 KIF25 DACT2 C6orf124 KIF25 MLLT4 FRMD1 MLLT4 FRMD1 MLLT4 SNP Genotyping Arrays Illumina 550 Database of Genomic Variants: Structural Variation (CNV, Inversion, In/del) DGV Duplications of >1000 Bases of Non-RepeatMasked Sequence Segmental Dups Figure 1 Common specific microduplications. (a) On 10q11, each microduplication had the same putative 50 and 30 breakpoints in patients and controls, resulting in a length of around 160 kb. They were observed in 53 of 882 bipolar disorder (BD) patients (blue bars), including 28 from the AOp21years subgroup. A total of 32 of 872 controls also carried this duplication (green bars). This copy number variant (CNV) completely covers the gene ANTXRL.(b) On 6q27, the microduplications were characterized by six different possible breakpoints in early-onset BD patients (AOp21years, blue bars) and controls (green bars), leading to a shared sequence of nearly 248 kb (gray bar). These duplications were observed in 17 of 291 AOp21years patients and in 22 of 872 controls. The 6q27 CNVs overlapped with the 30 terminus of MLLT4 as well as with the complete sequences of KIF25 and FRMD1. DACT2, a WNT signaling pathway gene, is located around 115 kb downstream of this CNV. CNVs in patients and controls were sorted according to their length. Schematic drawings were generated using UCSC Genome browser (NCBI Build 36.1).

using permutation, this P-value remained significant subgroup (5.84%) and in 22 controls (2.52%,

(n = 50 000; Padjusted = 0.032). In view of the genetic P = 0.0039, OR (95% confidence interval) = 2.40 marker resolution provided by our approach, all (1.18–4.80)). There were no significant differences in observed microduplications at the 10q11 appear distribution when all BD patients were compared to have the same breakpoints (length B160 kb, chr10: with controls. In CNV carriers, slight differences in 47.01–47.17 Mb, NCBI build 36), and carry 30 con- CNV size were observed, with a shared overlap of secutive SNPs. This CNV covers the complete gene around 248 kb (chr6: 168.09–168.33 Mb, NCBI build anthrax toxin receptor-like gene (ANTXRL). 36) that was due to 110 adjacent SNPs. Three genes The microduplication on chromosome 6q27 (Figure are affected by this microduplication: (a) kinesin 1b) was detected in 17 patients from the AOp21 years family member 25 (KIF25), (b) FERM domain

Molecular Psychiatry SNP-based search for CNVs in bipolar disorder L Priebe et al 427 containing 1 (FRMD1) and (c) parts of the 30 terminus functional relationships between genes covered by of mixed-lineage leukemia translocated to 4 (MLLT4). either microduplications or singleton microdeletions. The gene dapper, antagonist of beta-catenin, homolog In the analysis of the 46 genes hit by singleton 2(DACT2) lies around 115 kb downstream from this microdeletions, the significant first five top hits for common microduplication. DACT2 participates in the biological processes (that’s is, ‘drug metabolism’, WNT signaling pathway,38,39 which is known to ‘lipid metabolism’, ‘molecular transport’, ‘small mo- regulate neurogenesis and neuroprotection. lecular ’ and ‘endocrine system devel- In a follow-up analysis, we tested whether patients opment and function’) were enriched by the presence carrying either the common CNVs on 6q27 or the CNV of the genes SLCO1B1 and SLCO1B3, which are both on 10q11 showed differences in sex distribution or located on 12p12. These were covered by a singleton family history of psychiatric disorder compared with microdeletion in one AOp21years patient. These patients who were non-carriers. No significant asso- categories were therefore omitted from data interpre- ciations were observed for either phenotypic item tation. Further top process categories that were (data not shown). significantly overrepresented due to several input genes being hit by singleton microdeletions included Specific CNVs at loci previously associated with ‘endocrine system disorder’, ‘genetic disorder’, ‘meta- psychiatric disorder bolic disease’, ‘immunological disease,’ and ‘infec- We tested whether CNVs in one of eight genomic tious disease’ (Table 3). The same functional regions that have previously been reported to be categories were found to be enriched when analyzing associated with neuropsychiatric disorders (1q21, the 287 genes affected by microduplications in 2p16, 7q34-36, 15q11, 15q13, 16p11, 17p12 and AOp21years patients (Table 4), although there was 22q11) were overrepresented in our BD patients. no overlap in affected genes between the two gene CNVs in these regions were not significantly over- lists, except for MAD1L1. represented (Table 2). However, the power of our No significant result was obtained for canonical sample to find significant association with these rare pathways in IPA after correction for multiple testing CNVs was low. (data not shown). This was probably due to the limited number of genes introduced into the analysis. Pathways and biological processes impacted by CNVs in early-onset patients Discussion To further characterize the two top association findings of our burden analyses in AOp21years In the present study, we investigated a large sample of patients (Table 1), we used IPA to explore possible patients and controls of German descent for the

Table 2 Association results for specific CNVs in BD at loci with previous evidence for association with psychiatric disorders

Previous studies Present study

CNV (frequency)

Locus Type (n) Associated Reference Type (n) In 882 patients In 872 controls P (OR, 95%CI) disorder

1q21 Microdel ASD, MR, 8,44 Microdel (1) 0 CNV (0%) 1 Microdel (0.11%) 0.49 (0.99 SCZ (0.01-77.56)) 2p16 Microdel ASD, SCZ 45,46 Microdel (8) 5 Microdel (0.56%) 3 Microdel (0.34%) 0.73 (1.65 (0.32-10.67)) 7q34-36 Microdel SCZ 47 Micordel (15), 11 Microdel (1.25%), 4 Microdel (0.45%), 0.36 (1.70 microdup (4) 1 microdup (0.11%) 3 Microdup (0.34%) (0.62-5.13)) 15q11 Microdel SCZ 8 Microdel (4), 1 Microdel (0.11%), 3 Microdel (0.34%), 0.77 (1.39 microdup (8) 6 microdup (0.56%) 2 Microdup (0.57%) (0.38-5.56)) 15q13 Microdel ASD, EP, 8,48,49 Microdel (35), 15 Microdel (1.25%), 20 Microdel (2.29%), 0.90 (1.05 MR, SCZ microdup (31) 19 microdup (1.70%) 12 Microdup (1.38%) (0.62-1.78) 16p11 Microdel, ASD 7 Microdel (0), 0 Microdel (0%), 0 CNV (0%) 0.25 (2.97 Microdup microdup (3) 3 microdup (0,23%) (0.24-156.29)) 17p12 Microdel SCZ 50 Microdel (1), 1 Microdel (0.11%), 0 Microdel (0%), 1 (1.24 microdup (8) 4 microdup (0.45%) 4 Microdup (0.45%) (0.27-6.26)) 22q11 Microdel ASD, BD, 9,51,52 Microdel (16), 10 Microdel (1.13%), 6 Microdel (0.69%), 0.67 (1.16 MR, SCZ microdup (36) 18 microdup (2.04%) 18 Microdup (2.18%) (0.64-2.11))

Abbreviations: ASD, autism spectrum disorder; BD, bipolar disorder; CI, confidence interval; CNV, copy number variant; EP, epilepsy; microdel, microdeletions of variable size; microdup, microduplications of variables size; MR, mental retardation; n, number of observed CNVs; OR, odds ratio; SCZ, schizophrenia. P-values are from Fisher’s exact test.

Molecular Psychiatry SNP-based search for CNVs in bipolar disorder L Priebe et al 428 Table 3 Functional categoriesa significantly enriched by several genes affected by singleton microdeletions in the AOp21years subgroup

Category Genes in CNV P-valueb Adjusted P-valuec

Endocrine system ARHGAP26, CHRNA9, CNTN4, EEF1D, ERBB2IP, KLRG1, LINGO2, 1.38 Â 10À4– 2.09 Â 10À3– disorders MAD1L1, MSRA, NAALADL2, NKAIN2, NLGN1, PDGFRL, PRKG2, 4.36 Â 10À3 1.99 Â 10À2 SLCO1B1, SPATA16, UNC13C Metabolic disease ARHGAP26, CHRNA9, CNTN4, EEF1D, ERBB2IP, KLRG1, LINGO2, 1.38 Â 10À4– 2.09 Â 10À3– MAD1L1, MSRA, NAALADL2, NKAIN2, NLGN1, PDGFRL, PRKG2, 4.36 Â 10À3 1.99 Â 10À2 SLCO1B1, SPATA16, UNC13C Genetic disorder ADAMTS19, ARHGAP26, BMP3, C4ORF22, CCDC102B, CHRNA9, 1.38 Â 10À4– 2.09 Â 10À3– CNTN4, ERBB2IP, GCNT2, LINGO2, MAD1L1, MAK, MBTPS1, MSRA, 4.42 Â 10À2 9.02 Â 10À2 MTMR7, NAALADL2, NKAIN2, NLGN1, PDGFRL, PRKG2, RASGEF1B, RBM47, SLC7A2, SLCO1B1, SLCO1B3, SPATA16, TRAPPC9, UNC13C Immunological C4ORF22, CCDC102B, CNTN4, EEF1D, ERBB2IP, KLRG1, LINGO2, 1.54 Â 10À4– 2.09 Â 10À3– disease MAD1L1, MSRA, NAALADL2, NKAIN2, NLGN1, SLCO1B1, UNC13C 9.54 Â 10À3 3.02 Â 10À2

Infectious disease CCDC102B, CNTN4, MAD1L1, NAALADL2, UNC13C 1.54 Â 10À4d 2.09 Â 10À3d

Abbreviation: CNV, copy number variant. aIngenuity pathway analysis was performed using the ‘core analysis’ function and default settings. bSingle test P-value range within high level function (Fisher’s exact test). cMultiple test-corrected P-value range using Benjamini–Hochberg correction. dThe genes were assigned to only one subcategory yielding only one P-value.

presence of CNVs that may be involved in the controls (265.1 kb; AVGKB P = 0.014). Separate ana- development of BD. Our analyses included tests to lyses of the AOp21years subgroup and the AO > 21- monitor the genome-wide burden of CNVs (frequency years subgroup demonstrated that this effect was and size) between patients and controls as well as mainly attributable to the AOp21years subgroup, tests to detect specific common and rare CNVs that in which the average size of microdeletions was were significantly overrepresented in either patients 679.6 kb (AVGKB P = 0.0056), and to a lesser extent to or controls. As clinical and formal genetic studies the AO > 21years subgroup, in which the average size have suggested that BD with an AOp21years may be of singleton microdeletions (348 kb) was not signifi- genetically distinct from BD with an AO > 21 years,16–22 cantly larger than in controls (AVGKB P = 0.17; data we also analyzed these subgroups separately. The not shown). The most significant finding of our basis for the statistical analyses was provided by high- burden analyses was that the total number of patients quality CNV prediction (QuantiSNP) using the SNP with at least one microduplication (both common as intensity data of 1 754 individuals and verification well as singleton microduplications) was signifi- (PennCNV, visual inspection and TaqMan for specific cantly higher in the AOp21years group, but not in CNVs). Parameters were specified to ensure that only the AO > 21years subgroup (PROP, P = 0.0004). The relatively large CNVs (detected by X30 consecutive burden results suggest that both a higher CNV load SNPs) with high statistical confidence (QuantiSNP: and a larger CNV size are associated with BD in log Bayes factor X30; PennCNV: confidence value patients with an AOp21years. The effect in the early- X30) passed QC. Using such stringent criteria is onset group was attributable to longer singleton always a trade-off between sensitivity and quality of deletions as well as to a higher frequency of data. We have chosen our criteria to reduce type I microduplications (common and rare). Analysis of error and are aware that this may lead to an increase either the overall sample or the AO > 21years sample of type II error at the same time. alone produced only marginal evidence that the Our genome-wide burden tests (RATE and PROP) genome-wide burden of CNVs has a role in disease provided no evidence that the overall number of development. singleton CNVs (both microdeletions and microdu- These results show a similar trend to those of Zhang plications) overlapping with RefSeq genes was en- et al.12 who reported a significant overrepresentation riched in the total sample of BD patients compared of singleton deletions of more than 100 kb in their BD with controls. The TOTKB and AVGKB tests demon- cases (16.2%) compared with controls (12.3%; strated that the length of singleton microdeletions P = 0.007). Interestingly, they also found that this differed significantly between patients and controls effect was more pronounced in an early AO form of (Table 1). Singleton microdeletions in patients were BD (age of mania onset p18 years). This is consistent approximately twice the size (487.6 kb) of those in with our observation of the presence of longer

Molecular Psychiatry SNP-based search for CNVs in bipolar disorder L Priebe et al 429 Table 4 Functional categoriesa significantly enriched by several genes affected by microduplications in the AOp21years subgroup

Category Genes in CNV P-valueb Adjusted P-valuec

Immunological ACACB, ALKBH1, ATP10A, CD209, CDC16, CDH12, CDH13, CLEC4M, 1.01 Â 10À6– 1.34 Â 10À3– disease CSMD1, CYFIP1, DEPDC6, DGKB, DOC2A, FAT1, GPC5, GPR158, HCP5, 2.65 Â 10À2 1.38 Â 10À1 KDM4C, LYN, MAD1L1, MAMDC2, MICA, MTHFD1L, NEGR1, NXN, NXPH1, PARK2, PDE8A, PDE8B, RBP3, RSPO4, TAOK2 Infectious ACACB, CD209, CD36, CDH12, CHRNA7, CLEC4G, CLEC4M, CSMD1, 1.01 Â 10À6– 1.34 Â 10À3– disease CTSL1, CYFIP1, DEPDC6, DGKB, EGFR, F2, FAT1, GPC5, HCP5, KDM4C, 2.65 Â 10À2 1.38 Â 10À1 LILRA3, LILRB5, LYN, MAD1L1, MPHOSPH6, NXN, PARK2, PDE8A, RSPO4, SEC61G, SNW1, STXBP2, TOP3B, TRIM58, XAB2, ZNF254, ZNF354A Endocrine ABCA4, ACACB, ALKBH1, AMBRA1, APBA1, ATP10A, BTBD3, 1.06 Â 10À5– 7.04 Â 10À3– system C14ORF166B, CD36, CDC16, CDH12, CDH13, CHRNA7, CLK4, COL23A1, 2.65 Â 10À2 1.38 Â 10À1 disorders COLEC12, CSMD1, CTSL1, CYP2E1, DAPK1, DEPDC6, DGKB, DOC2A, FAT1, GPC5, GPR115, GPR158, HCP5, IMMP2L, KCNT2, KDM4C, KIF25, MAD1L1, MAMDC2, MICA, MLLT4, MTHFD1L, NEGR1, NXPH1, PARK2, PDE8A, PDE8B, PTGER3, PTPRT, RCAN1, RETN, RSPO4, SYT10, TAF2, TAOK2, TNR, ZNF350, ZNF613, ZNF615, ZNF649 Genetic ABCA4, ABCB10, ALDOA, ALG10, AMBRA1, APBA1, ATXN7L1, BTBD3, 1.06 Â 10À5– 7.04 Â 10À3– disorder C14ORF156, C14ORF166B, C3ORF20, CD209, CD36, CDH12, CDH13, CFH, 3.94 Â 10À2 1.59 Â 10À1 CHRNA7, CLK4, COL23A1, COLEC12, CRYZ, CSMD1, CTH, CTSL1, CUL2, CYFIP1, CYP2E1, DAPK1, DEPDC6, DGKB, DOCK4, DOCK8, DSCC1, E2F1, EGFR, F2, FAT1, FOLH1, GDAP1, GLDC, GPC5, GPR115, GPR158, GPRC5C, GRIP2, HYDIN, IMMP2L, JPH1, KCNE1, KCNE2, KCTD13, KDM4C, KIF25, LILRA3, LILRB5, LYN, MAD1L1, MAMDC2, MLLT4, MPHOSPH6, MTHFD1L, MTNR1A, NEGR1, NIPA1, NLRP12, NXN, NXPH1, PARK2, PDE8A, PDE8B, PDPN, PLEKHG1, PPP1R9B, PRKCG, PSMF1, PTGER3, PTPRT, RBP3, RCAN1, RETN, RNASE1, RSPO4, SEC61G, SLC22A23, SNX25, SPTLC3, SYT10, TAF2, TAOK2, THOC1, TNR, TSPO, TTYH2, TUBGCP5, UPF3A, WDR41, YWHAE, ZNF254, ZNF331, ZNF350, ZNF557, ZNF613, ZNF614, ZNF615, ZNF649, ZNF828 Metabolic ABCA4, ACACB, ALKBH1, AMBRA1, APBA1, ATP10A, BTBD3, C14ORF166B, 1.06 Â 10À5– 7.04 Â 10À3– disease CD36, CDC16, CDH12, CDH13, CHRNA7, CLK4, COL23A1, COLEC12, CSMD1, 3.94 Â 10À2 1.59 Â 10À1 CTH, CTSL1, CYP2E1, DAPK1, DEPDC6, DGKB, DOC2A, F2, FAT1, GLDC, GPC5, GPR115, GPR158, HCP5, IMMP2L, KCNT2, KDM4C, KIF25, MAD1L1, MAMDC2, MAZ, MICA, MLLT4, MTHFD1L, NEGR1, NXPH1, PARK2, PDE8A, PDE8B, PTGER3, PTPRT, RCAN1, RETN, RSPO4, SYT10, TAF2, TAOK2, TNR, ZNF350, ZNF613, ZNF615, ZNF649

Abbreviation: CNV, copy number variant. aIngenuity pathway analysis was performed using the ‘core analysis’ function and default settings. bSingle test P-value range within high-level function (Fisher’s Exact Test). cMultiple test-corrected P-value range using Benjamini–Hochberg correction. singleton deletions in early-onset BD patients. How- Another recent study by Yang et al.13 found no ever, Zhang et al.12 found no evidence of a higher evidence for any significant association between the frequency of microduplications in their early-onset average number and size of CNVs and affective mania subsample. Unfortunately, a more exact disorders (including BD and major depression). comparison of our data with that of Zhang et al.12 is However, their study investigated a single three- limited by the methodological differences between generation old order Amish family, and their main the two studies: Zhang et al.12 used Affymetrix 6.0 focus was upon the identification of CNVs that arrays (Santa Clara, CA, USA) whereas we used co-segregated with disease status across generations. Illumina HH550/H610Q arrays; Zhang et al.12 per- The limited number of affected (n = 19) and unaf- formed CNV detection with Birdsuite whereas we fected family members (n = 32) and their genetic used QuantiSNP and PennCNV; Zhang et al.12 took all relatedness, as well as the broader phenotype defini- CNVs above a certain size threshold into account tion used may have resulted in limited power to whereas we filtered for CNVs that overlapped with at investigate the genome-wide burden aspects of CNVs least 30 consecutive SNPs and RefSeq genes. in BD.

Molecular Psychiatry SNP-based search for CNVs in bipolar disorder L Priebe et al 430 Two recent genome-wide studies of CNVs in BD MAD1L1 is a mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint have been published (Grozeva et al.,14 WTCCC15), . Homozygous knockout of MAD1L1 in mice con which investigated common and rare CNVs. They fers embryonic lethality, indicating that MAD1L1 has an tested for association between BD and specific CNVs essential role during embryonic development.39 and CNVs at previously reported loci, as well as for Two genes affected by microduplications in early genome-wide burden. Neither of these two studies AO patients, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR, found evidence for the involvement of CNVs in 7p11.2, one patient) and nucleoredoxin (NXN, disease development. The majority of patients and 17p13.3, one patient, two controls), were identified controls investigated by Grozeva et al.14 were also as susceptibility genes for BD by two recent analyzed by the WTCCC,15 and thus the results of the GWAS.41,42 Epidermal growth factor receptor two studies are not entirely independent of each rs17172438 (P = 3.26 Â 10À5, OR = 1.32) and epidermal other. Major methodological differences exist between growth factor receptor rs729969 (P = 3.30 Â 10À5, these two studies and our study, which hamper any OR = 1.36) were ranked among the top 20 findings in direct comparison of the results. Firstly, different the GWAS by Sklar et al.41 Epidermal growth factor arrays were used to screen for CNVs (Grozeva et al.:14 receptor and its ligands are cell signaling molecules Affymetrix’ Genechip Human Mapping 500 K Array that mediate diverse downstream cellular functions, Set; WTCCC:15 Agilent Comparative Genomic Hybri- including cell proliferation and differentiation. In a dization arrays). Secondly, Grozeva et al.14 searched further GWAS, Baum et al.42 found that NXN for rare CNVs (MAF < 1%) only, whereas the rs2360111 (P = 0.0003, OR = 1.23) were associated WTCCC15 investigated common CNVs (MAF > 5%) with BD. The NXN gene encodes the protein only. The present study did not have any restrictions nucleoredoxin, which is involved in the inhibition with regard to CNV frequency, and the frequencies of of the WNT signaling pathway.43 the two specific BD-associated CNVs on 10q11 (3.68% Another aim of the present study was to identify in controls) and 6q27 (2.53% in controls) are within a specific BD-associated CNVs. We found that the frequency range that was not investigated by Grozeva frequency of two relatively common CNVs on 6q27 et al.14 or the WTCCC.15 Another important difference and 10q11 differed significantly between patients and is the separate analyses of AO subgroups in the controls. Common microduplications located on present study, which suggest that CNVs have a role in chromosome 10q11 showed association in the overall early onset, but not in later onset BD. As the sample (P = 0.035, OR = 1.53). Again, this effect was aforementioned studies did not take AO into account, much stronger in the AOp21years subgroup it is unclear whether such an effect was present in (P = 0.00052, OR = 2.79). The other microduplication their BD samples. Nonetheless, all studies, including on chromosome 6q27 was overrepresented in the the present study, are in agreement that CNVs do not AOp21years subgroup (P = 0.0039, OR = 2.40), but not appear to influence BD when AO is not taken into in the overall sample. account. Interestingly, the 6q27 CNV region was implicated In a subsequent step of our genome-wide burden in BD in a three-generation old order Amish pedi- analysis, we performed an IPA to investigate whether gree.13 The 6q27 region was one of four regions that the genes affected by microduplications (n = 287) or were enriched in affected pedigree members and singleton microdeletions (n = 46) in AOp21years which had an effect on the expression of genes within patients were significantly enriched for biological or near the rearrangement. The identification of the processes or pathways. When removing single gene- 6q27 region in two independent studies is clearly of based enriched categories, the top five significantly interest, although further independent studies are overrepresented biological function categories were required to support this finding. One limitation the same for both the microduplications and the which prevents stronger conclusions being drawn microdeletions gene lists, that is, the disorder and from the Yang et al. study is that there was only disease processes ‘endocrine system disorder’, ‘genet- modest co-segregation of the 6q27 CNV with BD. Thus ic disorder’, ‘metabolic disease’, ‘immunological the possibility that this relatively common variant disease,’ and ‘infectious disease’. Follow-up studies segregated within the family independent of disease in independent samples are clearly necessary to cannot be excluded. confirm that biological functions within these disease In summary, the present study found evidence for a categories are involved in the pathophysiology of significant association between early AO BD and (early-onset) BD. One interesting gene with previous singleton microdeletions and microduplications. suggestive evidence for association with BD, mitotic Although the frequency of microdeletions was not arrest deficient-like 1 (MAD1L1, 7p22.3), was affected significantly higher in patients compared with con- by a singleton microdeletion as well as a singleton trols, the size of singleton microdeletions was microduplication in early-onset BD patients. Support significantly larger. Our data also suggest that a for the involvement of this locus was provided by a higher frequency of microduplications is implicated recent GWAS of BD,33 in which two MAD1L1 SNPs in disease development. We found both the genome- (rs11764590 and rs10278591; r2 = 0.7) were the wide burden of microduplications as well as common second and third best results in the meta-analysis specific microduplications on 6q27 and 10q11 to be step (P = 1.28 Â 10À7 and P = 1.81 Â 10À5, respectively). enriched in BD patients. A further important finding

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Molecular Psychiatry