inside the perimeter summer 2011 p.7 p.13 p.28 ““I’mI’m tthankfulhankful fforor thethe sstabilitytability ofof thethe proton."proton." p.14 p.13 p.27 p.3 iinn tthishis iissuessue 05/ PI Welcomes Renewed Federal and Provincial Investments 06/ Three New Faculty Appointed 08/ Eight New Distinguished Research Chairs Announced 10/ Primordial Beryllium May Shed Light on Particle Physics Stephen Hawking Centre Grand Opening The offi cial launch of the new Stephen Hawking Centre at Perimeter 12/ Gottesman-Chuang Scheme Institute will take place over three exciting days, from September 16 to 18, 2011. To celebrate the expansion, the Institute’s award-winning Realized Experimentally outreach team is planning a number of activities. To learn more, go to Departments 03/ Neil’s Notes 04/ PI News IInsidenside tthehe PPerimetererimeter iiss ppublishedublished bbyy tthehe 17/ Publications PPerimetererimeter IInstitutenstitute fforor TTheoreticalheoretical PPhysicshysics 19/ Conferences 3311 CCarolinearoline SStreettreet NNorth,orth, WWaterloo,aterloo, OOntario,ntario, CCanadaanada 24/ Global Outlook pp:: 5519.569.760019.569.7600 26/ Outreach ff:: 5519.569.761119.569.7611 30/ Culture@PI CContactontact uuss aatt
[email protected] On June 18, PI celebrated the sucessful completion of the second class of the Perimeter Scholars International (PSI) Masters program. 02From leftSUMMER to right: 2011 Tibra Ali, Denis Dalidovich, Callum Durnford, Robert Spekkens, Lucien Hardy, Ruth Gregory, Jeff Chen, Neil Turok, John Berlinsky, Heather Russell, and Antti Karlsson. Up, Up and Away e recently learned the unexpected ways during their extended research visits wonderful news that both each year.