ISSUE 7 Newsletter W/C 06.05.19

This is the time of year that begins to go very quickly with Year Bake Sale ...... 2 11 students starting their main external exams next week, and Year 8 Spanish ...... 2 Year 13 not far behind. We wish all our students success in Post 16 Chocolate Orange Award ...... 3 their exams, and believe that our new stand down timetable will help them in that crucial preparation before each exam. Sporting Achievements ...... 4 Sporting Achievements ...... 5 It’s great to see so much sporting success in this edition of the World Book Day ...... 6 newsletter; well done to all those students who have joined in Big Bang Science Fair ...... 6 this year, and particularly to the teams who have already won Y9 & Y11 School Notices ...... 7 competitions or who are about to take part in finals. Attendance Matters ...... 8

Once again I am going to mention the importance of attend- Air Ambulance ...... 9 ance—please read the 19 day challenge information on page Fundraising ...... 9 8. I am glad to say that we have seen a reduction in our persis- tent absence figures (student with attendance of 90% or less), as the message about attendance continues to be a priority.

In what is a very short half term (just 4 weeks between the Easter holidays and Spring Bank), we have got a very busy schedule in school no matter which year group students are in. I look forward to feeding back more successes in the next newsletter!

Date Event Time 10th May Year 9 DofE Map Reading Training 3-4pm 11th May Year 9 DofE Practice Expedition 13th May Main GCSE exam period starts 24th May School Closes — Spring Break 3pm @lightcliffeacad

A Message from Nurse Hanson at General Infirmary. Year 8s have worked hard this half term learning all about food. We learnt how to order food in restaurants. Once we The bake sale was a huge success and we would like to had learnt the vocabulary students then wrote a script in thank everyone who helped by baking, selling and buying groups ordering a 3 course meal from entering the restau- the delicious treats, sales were booming with a whopping rant to leaving. £105.55 raised within half an hour! They were very creative with this and performed well. I'm sure everyone will agree it's nerve wracking for some stu- The money will be used to buy items for those in neurosci- dents performing in Drama never mind in a different lan- ences wards, because of the nature of neurological prob- guage. lems many people are transferred as an emergency and can be a long way from home as the LGI ward L52 is a very There were budding waiters/waitresses, tapas dishes and paying specialist department with children coming from all over for their bills in euros. the north of , often being transferred by ambu- Miss Clamp lance and coming by air ambulance. Whilst children are catered for fantastically, funds cannot stretch to supporting families or to providing things like shampoo and conditioner. The emergency packs Team Hei- di provide can help meet those basic needs that can make such a difference to how they feel whilst staying in hospi- tal, and allow families to focus on recovery. We call them “pick me up packs” because we want people to be able to pick them up for free but also because that first shower, often after days of incredible stress, can really give people a lift. Packs include things like toothbrushes and toothpaste, sanitary products, shower and hair prod- ucts, deodorant and combs. Parents and older students can follow team Heidi on Face- book and donations of products can be made. We also want to organise events for people with neurologi- cal conditions such as AVM’s as it is rare to meet others with the same experiences and understanding of life with an acquired brain injury. These conditions have a big im- pact on families too, so we hope to organise some events to support siblings of those who have stayed in L52 as well in the near future.

Heidi had just begun in year 7 a month before she suffered a brain haemorrhage, an AVM was discovered which means that there is too much blood going through some veins and arteries causing them to burst. This is an ex- tremely rare condition and affects her daily life, but she has been able to use her time out of school to set up a charity to help support others. She receives schooling at home and still comes into school each week. She is having specialist surgery in this month, her family would like to thank all her family and friends at Lightcliffe who continue to support her.

A message from Heidi “I can’t believe it, it was just an idea and I was a bit nervous about asking permission for it and now it has happened and it all worked out brilliantly” huge thanks to all the staff and pupils involved.


Louise Firth. - Louise consistently demonstrates a varie- ty of our school values every lesson. She demonstrates Friday 7th March award went to Lucas Waterworth for consistent hard work in History. Miss Gledhill. amazing endeavour and always completes all work prior to set deadlines and to the highest standard. She

The Nominees were:- demonstrates service by assisting other students in com- pleting coursework. She also demonstrates resilience by

Evelyn Midgley - for coming into the 6th form centre and never giving up! (LEE) Aaliyah James-Jones for her excellent work and en- seeing a sink full of cups and just voluntarily washing them up!! It’s not even like she was looking for a clean cup!!! deavour in Drama (BCS) Katie Hazel- Katie has been amazing helping out at Yr8 (DRL) 12 Lit class - for enthusiastically getting involved with Options Evening. She is always willing to help out at Breakfast Club, putting up displays, popping into lessons preparations for World Poetry Day. (DMR) Lucas Waterworth - consistent hard work in History. (KGL) for extra support and offering advice. Katie (HWT) Freddie Edkins - always aspiring to achieve higher Lizzie Sparkes - for increasingly challenging herself in dra- ma. (BCS) grades, and challenging himself in Business Studies (KSA) Luke Foxton please. He is putting in hours of work at Year 13 Applied Science - dropdown day amazing! (JAN) Harry Mowl – 77% on his latest half term A Level PE exam home for biology and more importantly, he sings along to the PCR song! He might even give you a rendition if he (ABE) Harrison Knapton - scored a distinction (highest in the wins haha! (NCY) Chris Wilkinson - for consistently showing high levels of year) for his Unit 1 Exam in Business. (LLE) Finlay Stoyles - for being polite and demonstrating our effort and attainment in Physics (he's just got another A on a test!). (ABN and LDS) ‘service’ value by offering everyone in the class a choco- late biscuit. (LLE) Abbie Holmes - for taking advantage of all intervention sessions offered in Sociology (ESY) Toby Whitworth - for being a hardworking business man and role model (KSK) Katie Johnson - for taking advantage of all intervention sessions offered in Sociology (ESY) Toby Whitworth – for approaching O2 for funding to try to launch their work experience challenge idea Josh Rhodes- for taking advantage of all intervention (LHD) sessions offered in Sociology (ESY) Jonas Girdlestone – for approaching O2 for Ellie-Mae Rattigan- has clearly been working hard inde- pendently, and is making great progress (ESY) funding to try to launch their work experi- ence challenge idea (LHD) Kate Broadley- Nominated for their hard work and com- mitment on their NEA. (KWT) Maddie Murray – For reminding me to smile as it was nearly Friday (AFR) Shannon Smith - Nominated for their hard work and commitment on their NEA. (KWT) Jacob Brookes - for consistently showing the school val- ues, in Business he always shows aspiration, endeavour Imahl Williamson - Nominated for their hard work and commitment on their NEA. (KWT) and respect. (DLK) Bayleigh Midwood - Engages with the subject content

each lesson and contributes to class discussions.(CSA)

Ellie-May Rattigan- Proactively and independently Friday 5th April award went to Max Foulds for consist- catching up on work that was covered before she trans- ently demonstrating school values. Throughout the two ferred onto the course. (CSA) year course, Max has consistently demonstrated excel- Katie Johnson - Always engaged during lessons and dur- lent levels of endeavour. He always tries his best with ing intervention sessions, and supports others within the everything he does in Business Studies. He is a pleasure class with the understanding of the information. An all to teach. round really good student! (CSA)

Ellie Walker - Always engages 100% in her The Nominees were:- psychology studies. Contributes to class

discussion and completed all work set. Adam Pilling – Fantastic work in business every lesson, (CSA) uses his frees to stay ahead with coursework too. (DLK) Max Foulds – for being the only boy to attend yoga session before school (AFR)

Sophia W Year 10 was selected for The Girls Rug- Lightcliffe Academy students James W and Harrison P in by U15s squad for the 2nd year running & had the honour Year 10 both play representative football for of captaining her team against Cheshire. Schools U15. The 2018/19 season has so far been a record breaking sea- son with the U15’s recently reaching the Yorkshire Federa- tion Cup semi-finals for the first time with an away fixture against Sheffield Schools. The U15 boys have also made history by being the first Calderdale team to reach the semi-final of the ESFA Inter Association National Cup. In the upcoming semi-final, Cald- erdale will play against Sunderland SFA in a home tie at Town on Sat 6th April. A win earns them a place in the National Cup Final at Stoke City’s Britannia Stadium. Both boys are excellent representatives of Lightcliffe Acad- emy and do the school and Calderdale proud.

Once again a group of students attended the annual com- petition ‘TGBDO’ which took place on Thursday 14th March at the Victoria Theatre in Halifax.

Both teams scored 124 points out of 200. Scoring very highly on creativity, originality and crowd appeal!

Key stage 3 performed a dance from around the world! Key stage 4 performed pop icons! Mrs Farthing Kaye


7th March 2019

This week the U15 girls football season ended in style with a 2nd place finish for a ‘new look’ Lightcliffe Acad- emy side in the first 5-a-side festival of the year held at Brooksbank.

The girls started the tournament in style with a 2-1 victory over rivals Brooksbank with goals from Niamh Timmins and Maisie Blackhall.

Game 2 also ended in victory for the Lightcliffe girls with a 3-2 victory over Crossley Heath. Goals from Timmins, Blackhall and Bush secured the win, in what was a memorable game for both Emma Worley and Mia Harris who shared goalkeeping responsibilities and both performed a variety of outstanding saves throughout the game.

The final game ended in a 3-1 defeat against an expe- rienced Trinity Academy side who won the tourna- ment overall, however the girls were gracious in de- feat and look forward to the next instalment of foot- ball coming soon. Mr Worsnop

5 A review by Tia Jones and Evie Sandland Y7 On Thursday 7th March we celebrated World Book Day, the theme this year was ‘Share a Story’. Various activities took place throughout the day and at lunchtime, Mr Norden the Principal shared a story with students in the library. He read an extract from ‘The Book Thief’ which everyone en- joyed.

Many students of Lightcliffe Academy attended the Big Bang Science fair in Birmingham this term. During their visit, the students gathered information and freebies as they enjoyed activities throughout the day. Around the convention, they learned that anyone could be an engineer, and travel to countries developing items that could be used by the 6 million people in the world with no access to electricity or electrical items such as television and mobile phones. All students have been given a book token which they can exchange for a free book or use to claim £1 off a book of their choice in participating bookshops and supermarkets. Please encourage your children to use their voucher. Happy Reading!!!

Students had the chance to see what it’s like to be a mid- wife and take part in midwife training activities, using weighted dolls that are similar to human babies.

There were lots of other stands. The Royal Society of Biology had choices of radish or marigolds to plant. The “Slime Station” allowed students to take tubs of slime away and many students were interest- ed in learning about “Your Digital Self”, which had a photo booth and props to use whilst taking your pictures.


Y11 leavers’ hoodies 2019 are available in Navy, Red, Black, Grey, Baby Blue and Baby Pink at a cost of £18. These are available to purchase via the “ParentPay Shop” which is accessed via the school website. Year 11 Prom will take place at The Arches, Dean Clough, Halifax. Thursday 11th July 2019

All forms need to be handed in by 1st May.

Students are able to try one on for size and see the colours that are on offer, please see Mr A photographer will be on the premises as Simpson students arrive to have a professional photo Please note, the deadline for orders is 10th May should they require, at an additional cost. 2019. Miss Wiliams Mr Simpson

DofE Bronze reminder. Please make sure your son/daughter has returned their permission slip to Ms Perfect and that the expe- dition has been paid for on ParentPay by the end of this week. Also all DofE students are required to attend the Ex- pedition training before the practice walk on Sat 11th May. The final date for this has changed to Friday 10th May 3-4pm in the Science department. Miss Perfect



Please support the Yorkshire Air Ambulance Back in December we invited Students and staff to service by donating your old stamps. wear a Christmas jumper/T-Shirt on the last day of All kinds of stamps are welcome, on or off paper. school in support of Overgate Hospice. We raised a You just need to leave no more than a 5mm total of £189.50 single thickness border around them, and the perforations should not be damaged. Freepost envelopes available from: [email protected] Send to: Air Ambulance Stamp Appeal, Xchange Master, 272 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4JR M Ingall

It may surprise you to know that the Yorkshire Air Ambulance Charity relies on the generosity of individuals and organisations to help save lives across Yorkshire.

In fact as a Charity we only receive help through secondment of paramedics from the NHS, through Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust. To keep both of Yorkshire’s air ambulances in the air we need to raise £12,000 per day. The swift medical interventions provided by our Air Ambulance crews have a major impact on a patient’s chance of survival and subsequent quality of life.

Yorkshire has a vast topography that not only includes remote, rural and densely populated areas but also This Easter we ran a Easter Hamper Raffle for includes major motorways and road networks such as the Overgate Hospice. Details of the winners has been M62, M1, A1 and M18. posted outside the reception office. M Ingall