Shu News Published by the Head Office of Nichiren-shu & NOPPA

No. 179 August 1, 2010 1 Honolulu Myohoji Mission Celebrates 80th Anniversary The occasion also drew the atten- the ancestors of many of the present By Rev. Josho Yamamura tion of guests from Japan. Rev. Shin- members of the temple. This was fol- Honolulu Myohoji celebrated its sho Koyama, representing Minobusan lowed by stage performances by a 80th anniversary on May 16, 2010. Kuonji Temple, Rev. Yuki Koshizuka Japanese dance troop, and I offered a Bishop Giichi Kamikura, head priest of Anryuji Temple, and Rev. Gikyo song. The reception ended with Rev. of Homyoji Temple, was sanctioned Iimori of Renshoji Temple participated Ikenaga a calligraphy demon- by the offices of the chief administra- in the ceremony. Rev. Joyo Ogawa stration. tor of the Nichiren Sect to officiate the also participated as the former bishop The 80th Anniversary celebration 80th anniversary ceremony. Rev. of the Hawaii Nichiren Shu. also marked the retirement of Rev. Kamikura was assisted by Rev. Over 150 members and well-wish- Eijo Ikenaga as the head priest of Hon- Shingyo Imai, who is the Bishop of ers participated in the festivities. The olulu Myohoji. He had served for over the Hawaii Nichiren Shu, and Rev. ceremony was followed by a lunch 50 years from 1958 to 2010. He suc- Eijo Ikenaga of the Myohoji Mission. reception in the social hall of Myohoji. ceeded in building the peace tower They were joined by five other over- Awards were presented to recognize containing the Buddha’s ashes, the seas ministers from Hawaii: Rev. outstanding members of Myohoji who main prayer hall, and the Honolulu Josho Yamamura, Rev. Junsei have offered many years of service to Myohoji Cultural Center. Rev. Ikenaga Nagayoshi, Rev. Tetsudo Takasaki, the temple. A video outlining the his- is succeeded by Rev. Josho Yamamu- Rev. Hosho Sugawara, and Rev. Eisei tory of Myohoji was also shown. It ra, who was installed as the sixth head Rev. Eijo Ikenaga retiring after Ikenaga. showed all the hard work and effort by priest of Myohoji on May 30, 2010. over 50 years of service

Front view of Myohoji

Newly installed Rev. Josho Yamamura Gathered together inside the Hondo of Honolulu Myohoji to celebrate the 80th anniversary

The three-day conference ended Seventh World Missionary Conference Held with many exchanges of ideas, sugges- tions and some changes in ways of dees. The final day started off with a propagation. Moreover, cooperation By Sandra Seki Rev. Chishin Hirai, director of greeting from Chief Administrator among the different temples was The Missionary Department of the Nichiren Buddhist International Center Shobin Watanabe followed by a lecture requested to realize Nichiren Shonin’s Nichiren-shu Headquarters held its gave a lecture on the present and future on Hoshiki and Shomyo. Later individ- wish of spreading the Odaimoku annual World Missionary Conference at of overseas missionary work. He said ual interviews were carried out for all throughout the world for the happiness Shumuin (Nichiren shu Headquarters) that although propagation has been pro- the overseas missionaries. of mankind and for world peace. in Ikegami, Tokyo, from June 29 gressing, the final goal would be when through July 1, 2010. the whole world could chant the Calendar Eighteen overseas missionaries from Odaimoku. Since there are 192 coun- the United States, Korea, Malaysia, Sin- tries registered in the United Nations, he JuneÐJuly 2010 gapore, Canada, Italy, England and hoped that the Odaimoku would spread June 1: Minobusan, Founder’s Hall, change of the Founder’s robes Brazil gathered to exchange their updat- to all of them. June 4: Lecture on the Lotus in Cambodia ed information about their individual The meeting continued for two days June 15Ð17: Minobusan Kaishu-e, commemorating the day when Nichiren Shonin entered Minobusan (May 15, 1274) temples and to confirm the worldwide with all of the 18 missionaries giving June 25: Memorial for Nitcho Shonin campaign of spreading the Odaimoku. reports on their propagation strategy June 28Ð29: Training for Korean Followers held at Hodoji, Seoul Rev. Ryokou Koga, director of the and their hopes for the future. Although June 29ÐJuly 1: The 7th World Missionary Conference Missionary Department started off the each temple had different problems and June 30: Special Shingyodojo Completion Ceremony meeting with a prayer service and then difficulties, all the attendees were able July 13Ð15: Bon Festival Rev. Gen’ichi Oikawa, newly appointed to get an overall picture of what kind of July 16: 751st year since the presentation of the Rissho Ankokuron manager of the International Missionary missionary work was being done July 27–30: Nichiren’s doctrine study session at Shumuin by Rev. Tsuoh Yokoi Department, introduced all the atten- throughout the world. 2 No.179, August 1, 2010 Nichiren Shu News

Rev. Ryusho Jeffus wrote details about this peace march in the June New York Peace March and issue of the Nichiren Shu News. What we have to know about this Message from the Chief Administrator year’s peace march is that the Rissho The UN consists of many councils ssho Peace Committee). The commit- Peace Committee presented an offi- By Rev. Chishin Hirai and committees such as the Security tee was established in 1969 and has cial message from the chief adminis- Nichiren Buddhist International Council, and many treaties are signed been working for world peace since trator of Nichiren Shu, Rev. Shobin Center through the UN. One of them is the then. One of their projects is a peace Watanabe, to the Secretary-General There are many marches and Nuclear Proliferation Treaty (NPT). march to take place when the review of the UN through the chairman of parades in New York every year. The NPT is signed by countries which conference is held. The committee the NPT. This is a very important These marches have the power not promise not to have nuclear weapons has walked for peace whenever they thing for us, too. On behalf of the only to say something to New York and countries which promise not to have held the review conference. The entire Nichiren Shu, the chief admin- but also to appeal to the entire United spread the weapons. peace marches are highly evaluated istrator expressed our will for peace States and the world. There was a spe- The UN has a review conference by every Secretary-General of the and our stance against nuclear cial march on May 2, 2010, which had for the NPT every five years. Presi- UN and influence the results of its weapons in public. Of course, we a very important meaning for dent Barack Obama said in Prague, discussion. 20 members of the Rissho have been insisting on world peace. Nichiren Shu. the Czech Republic, that the United Peace Committee (including Rev. However, we seldom make this kind New York is home to the head- States would take concrete steps Shun’ei Kawasaki, the chairman of of public announcement at the center quarters of the United Nations, and it toward a world without nuclear the committee) came all the way of international politics. This mes- is a center for business, art, and cul- weapons. Since the review conference from Japan and joined the march, sage is not only a formal announce- ture in the US. However, New York is discusses the fear of nuclear weapons which totaled about 20,000 people. ment to the world, but it is also not just a city in the US. It is a center against human beings, we all have to At the end of the march, the commit- encouragement for us to make every for international politics because of pay attention to it and it is very impor- tee presented a petition against effort to realize world peace without the UN. The UN is the world’s largest tant for all of us. Nuclear Arms with about 85,000 sig- nuclear weapons. The message of the international organization and consists There is a committee concerning natures to the UN. These were col- chief administrator was also pub- of 192 nations. Many topics are dis- nuclear policy within Nichiren Shu lected by Nichiren Shu from all over lished in the June issue of Nichiren cussed influencing our everyday lives. called the Rissho Heiwa no Kai (Ri- Japan. Shu News.

Rev. Kanno Preaches (7) Memorial Service in Palau “When you wish to purchase something nice for your Rev. Kanno has visited Palau sever- parents without having money, you had better smile at By Sandra Seki al times because he was a novice at them a few times a day. ” A group of 15 priests and followers Zuirinji Temple, Yanaka, Tokyo. At the (“Ueno-dono Gohenji” 1275) led by Rev. Nissho Kanno, head priest time, the abbot of this temple was the of Kaichoji Temple, Shizuoka, visited late Rev. Kennei Kobayashi, and Rev. ‘Smile’ the Republic of Palau from June Kanno studied under this abbot. Rev. When we can’t afford to buy the pump,” parents (including par- 14Ð18. Kobayashi had a strong relationship something for our parents as a ges- ents-in-law) should know their smile The main purpose of this visit was with the people of Palau and he often ture of practicing filial piety, we is also sought for. It has long been to conduct memorial services at several visited the islands and donated educa- should greet them with a smile two said that “parents exist although we war memorial sites in Palau. This tional equipment and stationary goods or three times a day. are reluctant to show devotion to country which consists of more than for the children. He was known to the All in all, this is a wise remark. them.” 200 islands, lies in the western Pacific. people of Palau as the “Father of the “Filial duty” has become almost a The day will necessarily come It was also a place where many sol- children of Palau.” The government of dead concept, nowadays, and in that when we become parents and par- diers (more than 20,000) both Japanese Palau honored his achievements and sense, there may be few who admit it ents-in-law. We will then understand and American lost their lives, during presented an island to him for his long as a “wise remark.” However, every- what our Founder meant in those World War II. It became an indepen- years of dedication. The island was for- body will agree with Nichiren Sho- words. His instruction for giving a dent country in 2007. merly owned by the Morei family who nin, thinking of another popularly smile holds true not only in the par- still take care of known remark, “one will become ent and child relationship but in our the island. A spe- grateful for parents after one has social life. We often encounter raised cial monument children.” eyebrows these days. Let us keep in was erected on However, is it right for us to mind these words of our Founder. this island for the demand it one-sidedly from chil- (Rev. Nissho Kanno, head priest late Rev. dren? Thinking of the phrase “prime of Kaichoji Temple, Shizuoka) Kobayashi and every three or four years, Rev. Kanno Another important part of the trip the summer holidays, the group was and Rev. Kenjo was to deliver stationary goods and met by Vice Principal, Ms. Anemary Kobayashi, the sports equipment to the children of Sanbal, and about 15 children. The son of the late Pelelieu Elementary School. Pelelieu is children were excited to see the boxes Rev. take a group one of the larger islands of Palau and a of stationary goods, origami kits, and of priests and fol- place that has had cultural exchange most of all soccer, volleyball, and bas- lowers to pay with Japan from the 1920s. ketball equipment. In return they sang group at Pelelieu Elementary School their respects. Although the school was closed for the anthem of Palau for the group. Hokekyo Lecture in Cambodia Lotus Sutra. First, he reviewed last service, the group did By Rev. Tsuoh Yokoi year’s lecture about the Eternal Buddha angya (march and chant Missionary Department, Shumuin who appears in Chapter 16 of the Lotus the Odaimoku) to the On June 4, 2010, Nichiren Shu held Sutra and then went on to explain the memorial tower at a Hokekyo Lecture in Phnom Penh, differences in the two branches of Bud- Killing Fields, and held Cambodia, through the cooperation of dhism, the and . In a prayer for peace ser- the Ministry of Cults and Religions of Cambodia and most parts of Southeast vice there. Cambodia and the Catuddisa . Asia, Hinayana Buddhism and the faith Prior to this event, Rev. Ikegami giving a lecture at Myohokke-in This lecture was held not only for in the past Buddhas are popular, where- Rev. Kangyo Noda, priests but also the general public, and as in Japan, Mahayana Buddhism is head of the Nichiren Shu about 100 people gathered to listen to predominant. He also explained Southeast Asia New it. “Tangyoraihai,” the way of respecting Propagation Region, The lecturer was Rev. Yosei Ikega- and revering others before oneself. gave a talk on the mi of Minobusan University, who is a In the afternoon, the attendees par- “Effectiveness of Mutu- specialist on Southeast Asian Bud- ticipated in the “World Simultaneous al Help and Cooperation dhism. This has become an annual Service for Peace,” at Myohokke-in in a Community,” in the event for Rev. Ikegami and in the limit- Temple, hosted by the Catuddisa Sang- light of Nichiren Sho- ed amount of time he has, he has been ha. This temple was built by the Sang- nin’s teachings. explaining various chapters of the ha near Killing Fields. After the (Tr. S. S.) Various groups of people gathered to listen to the lecture Nichiren Shu News No.179, August 1, 2010 3

perfect enlightenment. Then, it is an Small Talk on Various Topics of Buddhism (1) actual repayment to save his parents from the sufferings of life and to lead them to the Buddha’s peaceful world. thought of the doned his position and property, and The “Kyodai-sho” is the letter of By Rev. Gyokai Sekido problem of suffer- he escaped from the castle at the age Nichiren Shonin admiring the deep Motive of Sakyamuni Leaving Home ings in life. of nineteen. faith of the Ikegami brothers. They About 3,000 years ago, Sakyamuni An episode Sakyamuni faced the reality of life overcame their parents’ opposition, was born as a prince at in tells us of his squarely and realized that life did not and carried through their faith. They Nepal near India. The Himalaya motive for leaving turn out the way he thought it should. got their parents’ understanding at last. Mountains could be seen afar from his home when he There are many worries in life, and (to be continued) beautiful birthplace. There was a small went out of the they are immeasurable. He pursued nation of Sakya in the southern part of gates in all direc- them, and called them sufferings. the Indian plain of Nepal. It was a very Rev. tions of the castle, These sufferings can’t be avoided even good place, not so cold, not so hot. Gyokai Sekido and into the city. if we want to avoid them. It is neces- Sakyamuni is said to have been a One day, he met sary for us to know the real aspects of prince born in a castle. As for Sakya- an old man when he went out from the sufferings, and to deepen our experi- muni’s life, there are various views east gate. Another day he met a dis- ence. Then, the Buddha expounds because it was about 3000 years ago. I eased man at the south gate, and met transcendence from there, that is per- want to introduce his biography based the line of a funeral at the west gate. fect enlightenment. on the “Daichido-ron.” His mother, Lastly, he met a priest when he went It is written in the “Kyodai-sho” Queen Maha Maya, died a week or 10 out from the north gate. As a result, he (Writings of Nichiren Shonin Volume days after his birth. Because of that, he met the four types of sufferings. They Six) that King Suddhodana, worried was brought up by his mother’s are the sufferings of birth, old age, about his son, and made 2,000 retain- younger sister, Maha Prajapati. He was sickness, and death. Why does a ers watch the gates in all directions of also brought up by his father, King human being grow old, why does he the castle but, Sakyamuni disobeyed Suddhodana, with great care. Because become sick, and why does a human his father and became a priest. A child he was a Prince of the Sakya nation, being die? He decided to adopt the aim should follow his parents in general he was blessed with a good life. of the priest to pursue the true nature society. But it becomes filial piety with A sitting statue of Sakyamuni Buddha; Kyoto Though he spent a rich daily life, he of sufferings about the mind. He aban- Buddhism when a person realizes the Hompoji Temple

answered. We then closed up the day Day Long Retreat for Theological Seminarians with a short meditation session. This was a fantastic opportunity for that the day would be mostly quiet and options in order to engage in this prac- me to share the Buddha’s teachings By Rev. Ryusho Jeffus that they should refrain from idle con- tice of meditation. There would be an with a very respectful and open group Nichiren of versations to focus their minds on image of the Buddha for those who of people who had perhaps never Charlotte being engaged in the moment. Also it would like to draw the Buddha and we known anything about Buddhism. It Recently I was contacted by was pointed out that they were under would offer a passage from the Bible was also a wonderful opportunity for Samuel Dansokho, a professor at the no obligation to engage in any activity for those who wished to write out me to get to know a group of open, Hood Theological Seminary, a Christ- that they felt would go against their scripture. Again, I was surprised by the respectful, Christians who shared the ian Seminary, located in Salisbury, Christian beliefs so things like offering fact that about half the class chose to day towards a common goal of peace North Carolina. He informed me that incense were not required. Also they draw the image of the Buddha. After and harmony. I hope that I get the he was teaching a summer course on were asked to be respectful of those we completed that we then had every- opportunity to do something like this world religions and was interested in who chose to do those kinds of activi- one sign and dedicate their work and again. Thank you to all the students and exposing his class to the Buddhist faith. ties and not judge others in terms of we put them on the walls of the Hondo. the professor at the Hood Theological Over several weeks we exchanged e- their own faith, but to be open to At the morning orientation, each Seminary. mail and visits to iron out the details of respecting each other. person had been given a chore. After this activity. We started with a formal service Shakyo/Shabutsu everybody cleaned Finally it was decided that the class consisting of shomyo and sutra recita- the temple, set the table, and prepared would spend a day at Myoshoji engag- tion, chanting the Odaimoku and lunch. ing in a variety of traditional Buddhist incense offerings. I had some reserva- After the meal we had time for services and activities. The class that tions not knowing how the group everyone to share their impressions, he would be bringing would consist of would actually respond to Buddhist make comments, and ask questions for 12 students and himself, all of whom practice. I was put at ease right away, me to answer during the afternoon. are either already Christian ministers because I heard so many people recit- Each person was allowed three minutes or finishing up their ministerial train- ing the passages and chanting along to speak. Most people did not take their ing. with me. Many even chose to offer entire three minutes but we all sat qui- On the morning of June 15, they all incense. What a wonderful experience etly respecting each persons time even arrived here at Myoshoji. The first that we could all celebrate together if they didn’t use it. thing they all did was to sit through a with openness and respect the wonder- After lunch and clean up, we set the Participants in Day Long Retreat, Front row, brief orientation about what the day’s ful . chairs up in the Hondo for the remain- L. to R.: Randall Manser, Jeremiah Pegram, activities would be like and what to After the service we did Shakyo ing activities in the afternoon. Ryusho Jeffus, Sandra Ireson; Mid. row, L. to R.: Linda Velto, Tonja Thorpe, Ruth Brown, expect. Also they were instructed to and Shabutsu. I had made prior The afternoon session was com- Freddie Fox, Essie May; Back row, L. to R.: pay particular attention to how they arrangements with Prof. Dansokho that posed of a lecture during which the Samuel Dansokho, Roy Miller, Fredna Grim- treated each other. They were also told we would offer the students two questions the students posed were mett, William Dyer, Chuck Ireson

Daimokuji, said in his speech: “The guides the Otonowakai to develop Final 5th Year Event Held Gagaku concert was a very big project. gagaku skills and its spirit. The However, through the fifth anniversary Otonowakai has shown their achieve- Daimokuji Temple. During the ceremo- events, Daimokuji has confirmed mem- ment at annual concerts and overseas By Rev. Chitoku Kawaguchi ny, many shomyo and one piece of bers’ unity and has been growing the performances in Toronto, Boston, Singapore Daimokuji gagaku music were offered to the heart of ‘Itai Doshin (Different Bodies India, and Sydney. And they have Singapore Daimokuji welcomed the Triple Gems. At the end of the ceremo- but One Heart).’ By listening to the opened gagaku classes at local schools Otonowakai based in Kyoto and ny, a gagaku dance, “Nasori,” was per- gagaku performance, I was able to to transmit Japanese traditional music Nichiren Shu priests from Japan to hold formed for members of Singapore visualize the scene of Chapter 16, ‘The to the next generation. their final fifth year event. Otonowakai Daimokuji. This was the final event for gods are beating heavenly drums, mak- Rev. Chikou Kawaguchi, chairman performed gagaku music and dance on the Singapore Daimokuji’s fifth year ing various kinds of music, and raining of the Otonowakai, commented about Sunday, April 18. There were two per- anniversary celebration. mandarava flowers on the great multi- the overseas performances. “I wish that formances, one in the afternoon and the A welcome party was held in the tude and me.’ All members had an many people in the world could experi- other in the evening at the Japanese afternoon, at which, among other enjoyable time.” ence the gracefulness of gagaku music Association Auditorium. Gagaku things, the participants could deepen On April 19, the Otonowakai visit- and feel the world of the Buddha. Our music, Shomyo and dance expressed a their friendship. The Chairman and ed two local kindergartens. They intro- sound spreads the peaceful heart to the solemn world and spread the grace of members of Daimokuji and many duced the to the world. And I hope that this helps prop- traditional music and the heart of priests from Japan presented their kindergarteners. agate Nichiren Shu.” peacefulness to around 500 Singapore- impression about gagaku, faith, and The Otomowakai was established Peaceful winds blew throughout ans. differences between Japanese and Sin- in the ancient capital, Kyoto, in 1996. Singapore as the events for the fifth On the same day, a Ceremony of gaporean members. Since then, the Musical Group of the anniversary of Daimokuji came to an Offering Gagaku was conducted at Mr. Chua Guan Chew, chairman of Imperial Household Agency intensely end. 4 No.179, August 1, 2010 Nichiren Shu News 平成22年8月1日 第179号

We also lighted 61 candles val were held on Saturday, find a better place for propa- on the ground around the June 12, 2010. The Bon Ser- gation in a rural area outside Temple Events Shimmachi Tsunami Monu- vice had prayers offered by, Milan this year. ment as a memorial to all the Rev. Eisei Ikenaga of the Hon- human being.” The action is to victims. I gave a short speech olulu Betsuin, Rev. Junsei Since moving from the Toronto Nichiren realize “the dignity of others,” for the victims and those in Nagayoshi of the Wahiawa suburbs of Milan to the Pied- Buddhist Temple and to respect them regardless attendance. In the speech, I Nichiren Mission and Rev. monte region (area between of their background, age, gen- said, “It is the everlasting and Hosho Sugawara of the Hilo Torino and Milan) our temple By Rev. Kenno Fukushima der, belief, or if they are rich unchanging rule of this world Nichiren Mission. activities have begun to take Recently, there was a man or poor. You should not be that everything is created by a “Hatsu-Bon” is the first on a new energy. Many peo- that I had met at a language able to kill the person you series of causes and conditions Bon season for newly ple have begun to work hard school. He had escaped from look up to, start a war or ter- and everything changes, noth- deceased spirits. At the ser- in many areas to propagate the Afghanistan with his wife and rorize other countries, or dis- ing remains constant. This vice, we particularly prayed Dharma, help out in transla- two children. He speaks Eng- criminate against them. place is a park. Some people for the newly deceased spirits tions, membership statistics, lish much better than I do, but In today’s world, people do are enjoying sports, some peo- of those who had passed away and many other things. at times, he asks me some not realize their “own digni- ple are fishing. As time passes, this year. Besides our weekly Sun- questions about vocabulary. ty,” nor “the dignity of oth- people start to forget the dam- After the service, a Bon day services, which begin Each time he asks me, I use ers.” It seems I am still far-off age of the Tsunami. Those Dance was held from 8 p.m. to with a spiritual preparation of my electronic dictionary to in the distance to learn this as gathered here this evening are 10 p.m. Many people came meditation followed by sutra search for the vocabulary. One well. very small in number. Let’s and continued to dance for recitation, each week we day, I asked him if he did not have this Tsunami Memorial two hours. Members and study from the Three Fold have his own dictionary. He Portland Nichiren Ceremony every year from friends of the Puunene Lotus Sutra, Nichiren Shon- replied, “I would like to have now on. The heart of our Nichiren Mission took two in’s writings, and other facets an English dictionary but it is Buddhist Temple prayers will reach not only the weeks to prepare much food of basic Buddhist concepts too expensive.” I felt sorry for By Rev. Myosho Obata victims but also everyone in for sale at the food booth and and values. him and gave him an old dic- the world.” we sold lima beans manju, The membership has tionary I had at home. He was Celebration of Beiju This service’s article was sushi rolls, chow-fun noodles, begun to grow and expand very happy. (88th birthday) in the local newspaper “Tri- nishime (nimono), shoyu into neighboring countries, However, he still contin- On this sacred occasion, bune Herald” on Friday, June chicken, roast pork, curry rice, with Nichiren Shu practition- ued to ask me questions so I we held a celebration for Mrs. 4. baked cakes, shaved ice, and ers in all parts of Italy, North- asked him what had happened Emiko Fujimoto and Mr. Secondly, as one of our cold drinks. All the food we ern and Southern France, to the dictionary I gave him, Noboru Okazaki who both biggest tasks, we are holding a prepared was sold out. This Spain (primarily Barcelona), or if he had forgotten it at turned 88 this year. They have gathering to show the movie year, we had a new plan. We Portugal, Belgium, Luxem- home. “At school, if I ask you dedicated themselves to our “GATE.” This is a documen- played the song “Hokey- burg, Greece, Poland, and a question, you help me out. temple since they were young. tary film that was related to the Pokey” for the kids before the now even in far-away However, my wife and chil- We were very happy to cele- atomic bombs that were Bon Dance started, and we French-speaking Congo in the dren, left at home, do not have brate their 88th birthdays. The dropped on Hiroshima and gave a free ticket to play Yo- African continent. Notwith- anyone to teach them. That’s honored elders were dressed Nagasaki at the end of World Yo for the kids who danced to standing the distance, many why I left the dictionary at in festive red and they War II. Following the 2005 the music. Many small kids believers come to Renkoji home so that we can all use it received commemorative gifts videotaping of a 1,600-mile also enjoyed the Bon Dance from all over Italy and other together. I come here directly and many cheers for the cele- walk by Buddhist monks from this time because of this event. countries. I also try to travel to after work so if I have the dic- bration. San Francisco to Trinity Test Members of the Puunene many of those areas by either tionary with me, they cannot Site in New Mex- Nichiren Mission and the resi- car or plane in order to visit use it,” he said apologetically. ico, the location dent minister, Rev. Tetsudo the believers. We have come I felt ashamed for not realizing of the first atomic Takasaki, expressed their up with some not-so-tradition- his feelings, and to think that bomb detonation, appreciation to all the helpers al but creative ways to keep he was a forgetful person. I the movie was and visitors. people informed and help had forgotten that he was made in Japan by them feel more connected to struggling to make a living an American Italy-Renkoji their temple, such as e-mail- and could not afford a dictio- director who was ing sermons, news and vari- nary for his family. In fact, I adopted into a By Rev. Shoryo Tarabini ous translations or by believe the thought did not Japanese family Editor’s Note: Rev. - conducting study lectures or even occur to me since I am in Hiroshima and bini first started Renkoji in the discussion meetings via skype stained with the Japanese raised in Japan. city of Villasanta in the or pre-recorded videos. sense of having great econom- “GATE” is province of Milan in 2005. We are now discussing and ic power. obviously nothing Though he had many coopera- making preparations for fur- Normally, I spend a much Celebrating their ‘Beiju’ (88th) birthday, L. to R.: like the hitherto tive members in the group, ther translations, study materi- simpler life compared to gen- Mrs. Emiko Fujimoto and Mr. Noboru Okazaki known movie there were many conflicts als, videos, the grand (official) eral Japanese people. Yet, I related to the which ended up in a court opening of Renkoji and a may have been feeling arro- atomic bomb. It is not only case with some neighbors future “Thank you pilgrim- gant by thinking that I am Hilo Nichiren Mission about the dismal state of who were against his prac- age” to Kuonji, Minobusan, practicing hard living my life affairs, but also having knowl- tices. With support from and other principle temples in this way. Perhaps I may have By Rev. Hosho Sugawara edge of the nuclear power or Nichiren Shu, he was able to Japan. forgotten to be considerate. It It has been over four the history of the Pacific War. I is not that I cannot buy some- months since I arrived here in hope more people in Hawaii thing. I am just making a liv- Hilo, Hawaii. will watch this movie, because ing without buying. Thus, I During this period, my this movie is a great opportu- am not under pressure. biggest task was to hold a nity to realize the immense I had forgotten that people Tsunami memorial service at destruction of nuclear who have escaped from their the State Park. We held the weapons and wars. poverty-stricken or conflict- 50th Tsunami Memorial Ser- This article about the ridden country could not vice on Sunday, May 23, at the movie showing was also cov- afford to buy certain things, Wailoa River State Recreation ered by all the local newspa- even if they wished to do so. I Area in our Nichiren Buddhist pers on Friday, May 7. must say that the moment a style by chanting with drums reverend becomes arrogant, it and offering incense to all the is when they are to be disqual- victims. President Nakagawa Puunene ified. of our church and I, made the Nichiren Mission In the Lotus Sutra, it says special Ihai, with the victims’ “Anokutara Sanmyaku Sanbo- names written on it. We placed By Rev. Tetsudo Takasaki dai.” The base of this teaching the Ihai at the altar and prayed The annual Hatsu-Bon is “our own dignity as a in front of it. Service and Bon Dance Festi- Renkoji, new location in the Piemonte region

Nichiren Shu News c/o NICHIREN-SHU Shumuin Editorial Board: 1-32-15, Ikegami, Ota-ku, Tokyo 146-8544, Japan Tel. 03-3751-7181~3 Editor: Sandra Seki, Supervisor-Editor: Kyotsu Hori Board of Trustees: Shobin Watanabe, Chief Administrator, Nichiren-shu; Bungyo Yoshida, President, Chief Advisor: Keiryu Shima, Layout Advisor: Kanjo Bassett Kaigai Fukyo Koenkai; Taiko Sekiya, Executive Director, Missionary Department; Kyogen Komano, Staff Writers: Kanshu Naito, Gyokai Sekido, Kanji Tamura, Gen’ichi Oikawa Executive Director, General Affairs Department; Ryokou Koga, Director, Missionary Department, Nichiren-shu (overseas) Chishin Hirai, Shingyo Imai; Advisor: Hoyu Maruyama