. ·.·

Collection: GRIMESiaBRYAN, Papers P.C 3.1-3.12 Grimes nd,

1778; 1812~1912 •

Physical Description: c. 1500 items; correspondence, accounts, bills of sale,· receipts, passport,-commissions, Confederate passes, orders, reports, dis­ ·patches, muster and pay rolls, affidavits, statements, deeds and indentures, agreements, bridge charter, stock certificates, circulars, broadsides, bro- . chures, pamphlets, prayer book, newspaper clippings, other printed matter, autograph album, genealogical chart, scrapbook, resolutions, reminiscences, $peep~~s, notes, invitations, diplomas, will; etc. AcquiSition: From Biennial Reports: 1908-1910, letters and papers of ­ . General Bryan Grimes, from Mrs. Bryan Grimes, 494 manuscript and printed documents relating to public and military career of Gen. Grimes and general history of state1 and large number.of personal and private papers; 1914-1916, 56 letters presented by Col.· J. Bryan Grimes; 1932-1934, map of Richmond and 26 muster and pay rolls of 4th Regt. N. C. Troops, GSA, 1862-1863, presented by Mrs. Alfred Williams, Raleigh. June 18, 1963, Extracts of Letters of Major-General Bryan Grimes, compiled, by Pulaski Cowper, 1 vol., given by Mrs. Harvey M. Harris, Raleigh. Description: Military and personal papers of Bryan Grimes, 1828--1880. For a bio­ graphical sketch of Grimes, see Ashe, Samuel A., .ed., Biographical Histor;y of North Carolina, v. 6, pp. 250-261. Earliest correspondence in collections includes letters (1847-1848) to and from James Johnston Pettigrew, while Grimes was a student at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, discussing happenings at University, fellow students, and work and life of Pettigrew who was at.the National Observatory, Washington, D. C. There are letters of introduction for Grimes 1 trip to Eii.rope · in 1860 and two letters from· him while in Ireland and Scotland.

Family letters include correspondence with his father (1844-1859), his brothers, William (1847, 1860-1880) and John Gray Blount Bryan (1846, 1861); his daughter Bettie (1861-1864), his wife Charlotte (1865), and deal usually with family matters or war news during the time Grimes was involved in the Civil War. There are also letters from Pulaski Cowper, William S. Battle, William K. Delany, John Y~ers, J. F. King, J. J. Faithful (Grimes' overseer), and F. B. Satterthwaite which discuss business or plantation news. as well as war news and the situation in eastern North. Carolina .during the war. . The collection includes correspondence of Mrs. Grimes (nee Charlotte Bryan), both before her marriage and after, with various members of her family. There are also letters of resolution and sympathy to her on the death of her husband in August 1880, and correspondence with Pulaski Cowper and others re publishing some of her husband's letters which deal with the Civil War.

Civil War papers include printed copy of ordinance to dissolve the union between the ·state of North Carolina and the other states united with her •.•. , June, 1861; commissions of Grimes, as major of the 4th Regt. N. C. Troops . (June 29, 1861), as lt. col. (May 31, 1862), brig; gen. (May 19, 1864), maJ. gen. (February, 1865); affidavit of overseer of Grimes concerning seizure of . . mules, fodder, etc., from farm of Grimes, August 18, 1862; passes; orders;

. ' GRIMES, BRYAN, Papers P.C • .3.1-.3.12 GriJnesland, North carolina

1778;· 1812-1912

dispatches; muster and pay rolls of·4th Regt. N. C. Troops, 1861-186.3; permission for Grimes as paroled prisoner of Army of Northern to go liome,. April 10, 1865, Appomattox Court House; General Order No. !l, farewell order signed by R. E. Lee telling of surrender and telling his men to go home 1 in peace and remain until exchanged, April 10, 1865; GriJnes oath of amnesty1 October 19, 1865; pardon for Grimes signed by Andrew Johnson, June 27, 1866; reminiscences of Grimes re war April 1-9, 1865, written October, 1879; etc.

Papers (1812-1879) relative to Washington Toll Bridge Company which operated toll bridge over Tar River in Washington, N. C. include printed copy of bridge charter, December 24, 1812; copies of correspondence, 1815- 182l.between John Gray~lount and Richard Grist and 1866, 1872-1879 between Grimes and Daniel G. Fowle, dealing with operation of toll bridge; stock certificates for £• 500 shares of stock in. company, 1815-1817; agreements; broadsides giving rates; accounts and receipts; transfers of stock; argument of defense in court suit involving bridge, 1879; etc.

Maps include "Appleton 1 s Railway Map of the and the Canadas," 1860; "Historical and Yrl.litary Map of the Border and Southern states," 1864; map of Virginia, showing the military operations of Generals Grant and BUtler, and map of Richmond, from Harper's Weekl.y, May '21, 1864; "Battlegrounds of the Chl:ckahominy • • • and all other points of interest in Connection with the Siege of Richmond," n.d.

Miscellaneous papers include 2 pages from journal of Grimes while in college; diploma on graduation from University of North Carolina, June, 1848; manuscript copy of will of Bryan Grimes, June 1.3, 1859; accounts .of Grimes, inclUding account with the State National Bank of Raleigh, ·1868-1878; descrip­ tion of GriJnesland Plantation, n.d.; typed sketch of Gen. Grimes, .n.d.; pic­ ture and detailed description of Gen. Grimes r monument in Trinity Cemetery, Beaufort County; program of unveiling of Grimes 1 monument at Appomattox, April 10, 1905; and other miscellaneous items.

Volumes include autograph album of Grimes, 1848, signed by college friends; prayer book of General Grimes, including prayers for-the Confederate States of America; scrapbook of contemporary newspaper clippings re General Grimes r mur­ der aiid the trial and lynching of his alledged assassin; bound copy of Extract of Letters of Major-General Bryan Grimes to His Wife ••• with Some Personal Recollections of~ War ••• _£ompiled by Pulaski Cowper, 1884.

Arrangement of Papers: P.C • .3.1 Papers, April 10, l844:..Febrilary 9, 186.3 (mounted volume) .3.2 Papers, March 9, 186.3-August ll, 1870 (mounted volume) 3.3 Papers, February 8, 1872-March 22, 1883 (mounted volume) 3.4 Papers, April 11, 188.3-July 16, 191.2 (mounted volume) 3.5 ·correspondence, 1840-1861 3.6 Correspondence, 1862-1908, n.d. ) .3. 7 Washington Toll Bridge Company- Papers, 1812-1879 ...

GRIMES, BRYAN, Papers P.C. 3.1-.3.12 Grlmesland; North Carolina

1778; 1812-1912

Arrangement of Papers (Cont•d)z .3,8 Muster and Pay Rolls, 4th Regt. N, C. Troops, 1861-186.3 .3.9 Maps Pamphlets

:Brochures 1 leaflets and other printed material .3.10 Journal Pictures Diplomas Accounts, bills, receipts, etc., 1851-187.3 State National Bank, 1868-1878 Miscellaneous, Civil War Miscellaneous, Legal papers Miscellaneous 3 .ll Y.iscell.aneous, Envelopes .3 .12 Volumes

Finding Aids: Ca1endar, Bryan Grlmes Papers, Vola. I-IV, 1844-1912 (Bound, tyPed, • uriindexed calendar covering papers in the mounted volumes.) · · . Main Entry Card Autograph Cards Anderson, G[eorge] B[urgwin] Cole, Hugh L.

Andrews 1 G. A. Connor, H[enry] G[roves] Atkinson, Edw[ar]d Cook, Philip Bahnson, Henry T. Cooper, S[amuel] Baird, E. R. Coward, D. G. Baker, L[aurence] S[immons] v-Cowper, Pulaski

Ballard, R. E. Cowper 1 R. B. G. Barnes, David A. Cox, W[illia]m R[uffin] Barnes, William S. Craige, Kerr · Barringer, Victor C[lay]. Creekman, L. B. Battle, Kemp P[lummer] Daves, Graham /Battle, W[illiaJn S. Davis, Geo[rge] Bennett, R[isden] T[yler] Davis, Jefferson Blacknall, 0. W. Davis, Jos[eph] J. vBlount, J[ohn] G[ray] /Delany, W[illia]m K. Blount, T[homas] Mutter Denson, C[laud] B. Blow, D. s. Devereaux, J. Browne, W[illia]m Gar1 Dewey, Tho[mas] W. [Bryan], George Donnell, R. s. Bryan, Henry R[avenscroft] Dortch, W[illia]m T. Bryan, W[illia]m Shepard Early, J[ubal] A[n_derson] ·I) \• Cameron, Paul C[arrington] &!mons, A. H. f ·. '' '\ l Capehart, B. A. Engelhard, Jos[eph] A. . ·-~,.-~•J.'r l Carr, Elias Fish, W. 10..-v·· 'l Carter, D[avid] M[iller] vFowle, Dan[je]l G. Chilton, R. H. · Gales, Seaton C13ngman, T[homas] L[anier] Gallagher, Cha[rle]s K. ... i

. GRIMES, BRYAN, Papers P,C. J,l-.3.12 Grimesland, North Carolina

1778; 1812-191.2

Finding Aids (Cont 1d): Autograph Cards ( cont r d) GiDiam, H. A. QXBrian, John · Gordon, A. Osborne, E[dwin]'A. Gordon, J[ohn] B[rown] Palmer, Geo[rge] s. Green, W[harton] J[ackson] · Palmer, Hartsook and Colllp!l.ey Grandy, A. s. Palmer, W. Ben[jamin] Parker, F[rancis] ·M[arion] g~::: !,~nBryan (\"';1-- /?vt'M"•f Peebles, W. H.· Guion, B. S. Pender, James Harding, Israel Perry, Belmont Haywood, Ed[ward] Graham Perry, T[homas] L. Herndon, H. C. · vrPettigrew, J[ames] J[ohnston] Hill, D[aniel] H[arvey] Pettigrew, William s. Hill, Tho[ma]s H. Peyton, G. Hines, A. J. Philips, Fred[erick] • Hoke, R[obert] F[rederick] Polk, L[eonidas] L[afayette] Hoyt, E. M. B. Ramseur, Ellen Hyman, John D. Ransom, M(att] W[hitaker] Johnson, Ch[arle]s E[arl] Ransom, R[obert] Johnson, L. J. Rayner, K[eimeth] Jones, Charles C. Redding, E. T. Jones, Tho[ma]s G. Rodes, R[obert] E[mmett] vKing, J. F(?). Rodman, Will[iam] B[lo\mt] Latham', J. F. Ruffin, Tho[mas] Lee, R[obert] E[dward] ~tchwell, S .. S . Lewis, B. ...,··~tterthwaite, F. B. London, H[enry] A[rmand], Jr. ~unders, W[illiam] L(aurence] Longstreet, [James] Scales, A(lfred] M[oore] McCarthy, Carlton Scharf, J. Thomas McCarthy, W. D. Schenck, D[avid] McDaniel, David Schofield, J(ohn] M•. McKenzie W. W. Shaffner, J. F. Marsh, wfnlla]m T. Shepard, F(rederick] B(lount]. Martiil, J[ames] G[reen] Sherwood, Jno. D. ''layo, P. H., Shober, Cha(rle]s E. Mikell, Mrs. Waring Simms, P. H. Mitchell, W. S. Singletary, R. W. Moore, J[ohn] W[heeler] Sloan,· John A. Moore, S. J. C. Stevenson, W. L•. Mooring, Edwin W. Sticlmey, Joseph B. Morehead, J[ames] T[urner] Stikeleather, J. A. Morris, J. W. Styron, D[avid] C. Murray, Hugh F. Taylor, W. H. Myers, E. T. D. Vance, Z(ebulon] B(aird] Myers, F. H. B. Venable, C(harles] S[cott] .../M;rers, John Von Eberstein, W(illia]m H. Myers, R. S. Waddell, A[lfred] M[oore] Myers. W. B. Warren, L. H, Norwood, J •. W. Wherry, W[illia ]m M. ,. I

i!; l GRIMES, BRYAN, Papers P.C. J,l-,3.12 Grimesland, North Carolina '' 1778; 1812-1912

Finding Aids (Cont 1d): Autograph Cards (cont 1d) Whitfield, Nathan B. Whitfield, W. C. '· Wilcox, C. M. Winder, J[ohn] C. l[' · Winston, John R• .1 ·.; Witcher, F. ,; w. I Wood, James H. ~ i Wood, Thomas F. Wright, Marcus J[oseph] Young, Jno. A. Date Card 1860-1866 Geographic Card Grimesland, North Carolina Subject Cards · Civil War - letters Civil War - 4th Regt. N. C. Troops Civil War - eastern N. C. Civil War - maps Civil War - reminiscences 4'nch.,i ng, 1888 - Wil J 1 am Parker, ailedged assassin o! General . Bryan Grimes National Observatory, Washington, D. C. University o! North Carolina, 1847-1848 Washington Toll Bridge Company

Fiilding Aid completed March 9, 1966, by Betsy Fleshman.

l .i i' I ...

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'3 I I~

WORK SHEET mnrnER: ----~p~·~C,~3~(~A~d~d~i~t1~·o~n~)--~---

NAME OF COLLECTION: --~B~r2y~a~n~G~r~im~e~s~P~a~p~e~r~s~------~---

DATES: 1864-1939

ACQUISITION INFORHATION: Gift of Mrs. Charlotte. Russell, ••••Troy, NC Accessioned April 23, 1980,

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: ca •. 200 items, including 1 volume

- HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION: Photographs, recipe book, newspaper clippings •


NUMBER: PC .3 .10 (Addition)

NAME OF COLLECTION: ------=B~rLy~a~n_G~r~tm~·e~s~P~a~p~e~r~s------~-----

DATES: 1918

ACQUISITION.INFORMATION: Gift of Mrs.·Daisy ~ •. Hall, Oxford, N,C,, with concurrence of Ms. Catherine W. Cooper, Chevy Chase, "MD, and John B. Grimes, Fairfax· Station, VA; 1995.

. . HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION:· ·z6.page transcription .of· a typed memoir of Charlotte Em·ily Bryan Grimes, refle.cting on·her girlhood in Raleigh,. her marriage· to General·: Grimes, her- 'life·· auring :·the"war, and afterwardii. at Grimesland uv•·to• the ·death of.- the ·general···in. ·18.80. :Includes family data on het.familjr imd· her·children.c .Written in 1918.

Subject card: Grimes,. Charlotte Emily (Btyan)