To: Churchwardens in the Archdeaconries of Worcester and

Visitations, and Admission Services 2021

Firstly, a huge thank you for all that you do. We are very grateful for the commitment, dedication and service that we see among people in parishes the length and breadth of the diocese, and look forward to meeting with you as part of this process to thank you in person, and to hear how things are going in your parishes. We are sending this letter by email to all Churchwardens, to ensure everyone is in the loop, but ask that you co-ordinate your responses so we receive just one set of completed paperwork.

The Visitation

The Deanery Leadership Team will be in touch with you about the location of your visitation and booking slots. Dates are set out on the reverse of this letter. If you are unable to attend on this date your leadership team may be able to arrange for you to attend another visitation in your archdeaconry, or to meet with the archdeacon separately. We do not have details of all of the locations at present, but will send an update when we do.

Articles of Enquiry

This year, instead of the usual Articles of Enquiry, we simply want to have a conversation with you to see how things have been and hear about any plans you may have to navigate your way out of the lockdown.

Church Office Holders’ Form

We are including with this letter the church office holders’ form. Please could you complete this form and bring it with you to hand in at the visitation.

Other forms which will be required to be handed in or sent electronically to the Archdeacons’ offices are:

• One copy of PCC accounts independently examined or, if necessary, audited for diocesan records • One copy of the PCC’s Annual Report to include a Statement on Safeguarding (please see guidance sent out with Toolkit) please note this requirement. A guidance sheet from the Safeguarding team is attached for your information.

All the forms you need for the visitations can be downloaded from . Hopefully someone in your parish will be able to help with this if you don’t have access, but if you have problems, please contact the archdeacons’ PA who can arrange for hard copies to be sent out to you. Additional safeguarding information and forms can be found on The toolkit option is not being offered this year, as the Dashboard is the preferred audit method.

The Admission Services and Archdeacon’s Charge Please note that re-elected churchwardens are also required to be re-admitted every year.

This year we are holding the admissions services in each deanery, to enable you to get to know your new deanery colleagues. Whilst we anticipate the visitations can be held safely in person, we are unsure at the moment whether the admissions services will be in person or on zoom. This will depend on the numbers involved and where we are in the process of emerging from lockdown. We will update you as soon as we can.

With much appreciation and gratitude for all that you undertake as churchwardens.

Yours sincerely

Robert Jones Archdeacon of Worcester

Visitation and Admission Service Dates 2021

Worcester Archdeaconry

Malvern & Upton Deanery – Area Dean: The Rev’d Mark Badger Tuesday 1st and Wednesday 2nd June. Admission service: evening of Wednesday 2nd June

Worcester Deanery – Area Dean: The Rev’d Diane Cooksey Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th June. Admission service : evening of Thursday 3rd June

Kidderminster & Stourport Deanery – Area Dean: The Rev’d Tim Williams Thursday 10th and Friday 11th June. Admission service evening of Thursday 10th June

Pershore & Deanery – Area Dean: The Rev’d Sarah Dangerfield Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th June . Admission service: evening of Tuesday 29th June

Dudley Archdeaconry

Greater Dudley Deanery – Area Dean: The Rev’d Canon David Hoskin Monday 14th, Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th June. Admission service: evening of Wednesday 16th June

Redditch & Bromsgrove Deanery – Area Dean: The Rev’d Paul Lawlor Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th June. Admission service: evening of Tuesday 29th June.