City of Tempe Internal Audit Office Tempe Center for the Arts

Survey Responses - Combined Rental and Performance Patrons

How often have you rented or visited a venue at the TCA in the past?

How often have you rented or visited a venue at the TCA in the past? One Time 88 21% Two Times 57 13% Three Times 50 12% Never/NA 4% Four Times 52 12% Five or more 166 39% Five or more 39% Never/NA 15 4% Total 428 100% Four Times 12%

Three Times 12%

Two Times 13%

One Time 21%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

The TCA is currently funded by a voter-approved sales tax. Would you support the continuation of this tax?

Yes 326 77% The TCA is currently funded by a voter-approved sales tax. No 14 3% Would you support the continuation of this tax? Neutral 57 13% 7% Undecided 29 7% 13% Yes Total 426 100% 3% No Neutral

77% Undecided

Do you believe the TCA is effectively utilized?

Yes 178 43% Do you believe the TCA is effectively utilized? No 58 14% Neutral 104 25% 19% Undecided 78 19% Total 418 100% 25% 43%


Yes No Neutral Undecided

If no, please explain why. (The below survey responses are unedited.) When funded by tax Not sure-it is located far More popular events would I'm not sure what events Events staged in the lobby Add Arts education classes dollars, know one truly from my home in North be nice. have been hosted at the needs more seating cares about it carrying it Scottsdale/Phx so we do not main venue. arrangements. own weight. go very often Great venue for Not interested in what they More performances for adults I'm not always aware what could be not familiar with all the features performances not being have to offer. (plays) and a wider range of performances are available. expanded as described above... - will check out the website utilized to it's potential performances More awareness to the community needs to be made.

More events could be You can do 4-5 shows in one More events would be held I think the venue can be more We rarely find something we From what I know, much of the held. Even informal music evening! Some free; others their if Santa Barbara Catering effectively utilized. I'm want to see there. Mesa Art has prime times for scheduling is based events that are free economical. Staff directs foot didn't have an exclusive and surprised higher profile musical more things we like and taken up by Childsplay admission where there are traffic well. All are friendly. ridiculous contract acts are not booked more Scottsdale (which is too far and more food/drink options More than once, I thought I frequently. Acts similar to those what we like is typically not on available for purchase. would only go to Finally Friday booked at the Musical weekends, both making it and ended up buying a ticket Instrument Museum. I difficult so we typically don't go for a show! understand this could be a there). budget constraint.

Weak art programming not enough information There's always room for more. Not enough events. don't know enough to judge don't know how it is used all the I don't think people know The comedy was toilet and Many of the events are too pop I get the feeling it could be Best kept secret in the Valley. It seems limited to small it's there for anything offensively sexual as well oriented and for a very old and busier. Get the word out more and ChildsPlay other than performances. conservative audience.

City of Tempe Internal Audit Office Audit of Tempe Center for the Arts Appendix III - Page 1 CONT'D: Do you believe the TCA is effectively utilized? Living in south Tempe, it I do not know enough about A should not be dark I think staff are doing an OK job Could be more..... workshops it is a fantastic facility, but seems there is not much how it is used besides those more than two nights a week to given the constraints of the for community, lectures (art, underutilized. maybe you want worth the drive. But we do things pertaining to my be profitable. Often there are building, scheduling, and science, political etc.), interface to combine rowing events on drive to MIM for concerts interests to comment on this. many nights a week there is available programming with ASU Tempe townlake for the youth several times a year nothing going on at Tempe resources. PS. I am not a staff with cultural experience at the member :-) TCA Could be utilized more Not completely sure of its use. not enough events Mainly Childsplay Seriously? Where do I begin. Need More Activity

It seems to target primarily added events and more It's too uppity and needs some Honestly, it usually seems to me Arts being made should be a The building was poorly family friendly & kid community involvement more things for the 'every day' that for such a lovely space the part of what's there not just designed. It made no sense to friendly events person and sometimes children quality of the performances and performances spend all that money and end as well. Look at Mesa Center for exhibitions are usually a little up with such a small venue. The the Arts, they have all different underwhelming room where the comedy acts kinds of labs, classes, and are held was poorly designed community projects. TCA is stiff, removed, and not as involved.

Seems they could offer need more events Needs more visibility Haven't attended enough Not too many events that see my other survey more events events interest me

Are you familiar with the types of events or opportunities offered by the TCA, such as meetings, social events, talks, gallery shows, workshops and etc.?

Yes 243 59% No 166 41% Are you familiar with the types of events or opportunities offered by the TCA, such as Total 409 100% meetings, social events, talks, gallery shows, workshops and etc.?

41% Yes 59% No

Are there any additional services you would like to see offered? (Check as many as are applicable.)

Are there any additional services you would like to see offered? ATM 54 7% Coffee Shop 152 21% (Check as many as are applicable.) Educational Classes 112 15% Performance Arts Classes 129 18% *Other 4% Restaurant 154 21% Visual Arts Classes 101 14% Visual Arts Classes 14% *Other 30 4% Total 732 100% Restaurant 21%

Performance Arts Classes 18%

Educational Classes 15%

Coffee Shop 21%

ATM 7%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%

*Other (The below survey responses are unedited.) the key to adding many, many more, all about It would be nice to see a coffee A restaurant or lounge that Make a slim profit, so you do Idea: Musician master classes additional services would educationing and cultivating shop and or restaurant there featured live local artists (and squeeze the working man. from well known artists. College be to promote them our youth: science, engineering, but it might ruin the potentially touring acts as well) Because that is who pays taxes. level clinics for Jazz for instance. heavily so that people art, , singing, building, atmosphere there (which is would be great become used to coming movies, Imax etc. currently Arts and there for activities other entertainment) than performances

Classical music from either painting for vets I would help more education arts and music yoga and/or tai chi by the involve more schools within the Mesa arts center has a summer local or very distinguished as am a physical therapist for underprivileged youth fountain or in the lobby when building and take TCA to camp program artists too hot out schools

More notoriety to the Free festivals. Better bus transport to TCA For-sale gallery space Art Walks/Farmers Market Conferences and lectures from public None important people.

outdoor seating areas Theater production classes. wine bar Art and drawing for children drawing, painting Plays for adults.

Orbit Bus Service

City of Tempe Internal Audit Office Audit of Tempe Center for the Arts Appendix III - Page 2 Please identify the purpose of your visit(s) to TCA: (Check as many as are applicable.)

Art After Work 2% 14 Please identify the purpose of your visit(s) to TCA: (Check as many as are applicable.) Art Gallery 9% 68 Childsplay 15% 117 *Other 12% Classical Music 8% 63 Wedding or Social Event 4% Conference/Meeting 5% 52 Walk in Wednesdays 5% Dance Performances 6% 43 Sonoran Chamber Music 2% Finally Friday 3% 26 Theatrical Performances 11% Jazz 6% 46 Tempe Comedy Series 6% Performance with a View 3% 26 Pleasant Place to Relax 4% Pleasant Place to Relax 4% 33 Performance with a View 3% Tempe Comedy Concert Series 6% 50 Jazz 6% Theatrical Performances 11% 108 Finally Friday 3% Sonoran Chamber Music 2% 17 Dance Performances 6% Walk in Wednesdays 5% 35 Conference/Meeting 5% Wedding or Social Event 4% 47 Classical Music 8% *Other 12% 116 Childsplay 15% Total 100% 861 Art Gallery 9% Art After Work 2% 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16%

*Other ( The below survey responses are unedited.) Used to come for Rock shows Wheelchair- Academy drum and bugle corps Professional dance concert that Center Stage for The Academy commercial filming locations lunch...till it closed. Day for accessible restrooms center stage performance integrates individuals with Drum and Bugle Corps Walt, developmental & physical disabilities

Political Event Arizona Awards Walt's showcase The Maine played a show there Drum Core Performance community expo

Arizona Awards Concerts Reckless Kelly poetry readings CD release party Dance recital

Songwriters showcase Ignite Phoenix memorial service for Virginia Michael Pollan was speaking Academy drum corp Commercial Print & Film Tinsley--well done performances Projects

blues concert local music events Arizona awards Collegiate Acapella Competition reception business EVENTS FOR CP

Michael Pollen Tempe Rocks, Showcase, occasional concerts SVP and private party. AZ Cuban musicians concert. Charity Presentation Spotlight humanities

Real wild and woody Songwriters showcase Concert Wild & Woody beer fest Academy drum corps Fundraiser

Tempe Leadership tour gift shop, ASU Michael Pollen Beer Festival Welcome to Night Vale Arizona Wind Symphony guest speaker - high profile

Lorie Line concert selected events ASU LECTURE TYSO Concerts Concert alumni gathering

VSUW private event Award ceremony Movie I have never attended hands on art for family Late Night Catechism Lecture, Academy concerts Wild & Woody Never went Jonathan Alter Talk holiday party performances

Sketch comedy rock concerts Academy Drum & Bugle Corps Band performance ASU event Memorial Service

music, fashion show Wild & Woody Beer Festival Performing Center Stage - The Academy Fundraiser company awards banquet Welcome to Night Vale Music concert Drum Corp type event photo shoot Welcome to Night Vale orchestra concert

Concerts special lectures Real, Wild and Woody beer fest deaf concert benefit concert for music Corporate Open House therapy Real wild and woody beer Concert Arizona Awards (Youth) Tempe Community Chorus Tempe choir Fundraiser festival Lectures Siam Real, Wild and Woody beerfest Craft beer festival Wind symphony Ballroom/Latin Showcase

Meeting Jewish Expo Walt Richardson's induction ASU Science Beer festival Christmas Party

Graduation Ceremony lecture by Robert Edsel Memorial Service Corporate event Office holiday (Christmas) party Speaker Series before show at TCA.

City of Tempe Internal Audit Office Audit of Tempe Center for the Arts Appendix III - Page 3 Where did you hear about TCA’s rental venues?(Check as many as are applicable.)

Where did you hear about TCA’s rental venues?(Check as many as are applicable.) City of Tempe Website 69 11% Flyer 52 8% *Other 22% Friend/Family Member 188 30% Magazine/Other TCA Website 17% Advertisement 74 12% Magazine/Other Advertisement 12% TCA Website 107 17% *Other 136 22% Friend/Family Member 30% Total 626 100% Flyer 8% City of Tempe Website 11%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

*Other ( The below survey responses are unedited.) Childsplay kjzz Beer Festival Just now in this survey Childsplay board member location scout

Acbg email notifications My daughter's dance group Childsplay email Attended an event there Class at ASU Ignite Phoenix childsplay website email internet search Coworker newspaper mail asu music dept events newspaper email Visible from freeway Email notice Walt Richardson e-mail SMTC email Coworker Childsplay childsplay My daughters dance school facebook Childsplay email. Students at ASU Work/ASU mailings fill a seat kjzz drum corps website been in the valley

Newspaper, local Word of mouth. Walk in Performed in one Emails Performer notices and web sites location scout magazines Wednesdays School not sure East Valley Tribune Childsplay email email Tempe Tourism Office

Show Craft Brewers Guild of AZ Internet Arizona brewing Society emails from TCA partner City water bill, I believe Internet AZCentral Tony Vicich email notifications TCA user group dance studio As I was walking through the email Warner Wrangler News Email notification/Library Prior knowledge in looking at building the first time. I asked to Culture Pass booking concerts speak with someone about possible rentals.

Professor asu theatre companies press release I'm sometimes a performer personal contact there. Email email AZ Craft Brewers Guild e-mail republic Tempe Leadership

Rode by on my bike on the Eventful radio Academy Drum Corp word of mouth TCA employee lake work Emails from presenter Event invites NPR E-mail Partner organization

Childsplay or City of On Ch 3 TV childsplay Email Performer's advertisement Not sure Tempe emails email alerts ASU Childsplay Tempe resident Familiar with TCA Attended another event at TCA

attended a few there School event planners tour attended another event attended events at TCA Friend's Wedding

Wedding wire Tempe resident...user of old During construction Online Work at ASU and work with City Viewing TCA being built TPAC of Tempe Meeting Planners group at Seth Willey research caterers website Childsplay ASU

Would you be interested in seeing performances held at the TCA?

Would you be interested in seeing performances held at the TCA? Yes 295 72% Don’t No 10 2% Know 26% Don’t Know 105 26% Total 410 100% No 2% Yes 72%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

If yes, what type of performances would you like to see? ( The below survey responses are unedited.) I'm partial to folk music... I think that there may be a National touring companies, More mainstream....Debbie I'm fond of Musical Theater and Documentaries, maybe some but has some range. I market for more popular national orchestras and concert Reynolds, Gabby Cabaret. ASU's Gammage tends Broadway shows but not to would promote if I know smaller ensembles (Boston bands other communities are doing to bring in the 'big' touring compete with Gammage; rock you guys to help fill some Brass, etc.) and maybe comedy shows, nice but not my concerts; architecture seats. My husband was the shows such as Capitol Steps or preference all types conferences; Green building promoter and he passed other medium-draw acts stuff away, but in his honor, I would love to do some.

plays, musical more large events Ballet, Modern dance, More Classical Indian (Asian) Ballet, plays, etc. comedy, singers, dancers, bands performances, etc. broadway plays, performances Musicals local plays/musicals Classical Jazz Comedy Comedy, music, events Music Music all types broadway shows More local music. Broadway type shows Comedy shows and more Festivals for wine and beer

More national touring I already frequent the childsplay Wide category: I would just like I am interested in a variety of Italian language similar to what they already theatrical productions. theater performances to see the facility occupied and art: dance, music, theatre and performers/singers; Sri Lankan offer --variety of music and used as much as possible. art displays. and Indian performances entertainment for adults and children us there theater Gallery shows, concert affairs anything! plays, concerts, dances Comedy More Concerts depends on my interest Theater, Dance, music, etc. . . ballets Have seen concerts Comedy and live music

music More dance, and even theater. Plays all types comedians, bands

more variety with more comedy folk music Theater, music Comedy and concerts. Adult entertainment classical music, theater community theaters

City of Tempe Internal Audit Office Audit of Tempe Center for the Arts Appendix III - Page 4 CONT'D: Would you be interested in seeing performances held at the TCA? world class musicians and great soloists, big band jazz, Where productions for children , special guests/speakers, indie rock and folk and chamber Classical music (vocal and more community groups there are a number of rehearsal like ballet for children more circus acts/ things for the kids folk and Americana instrumental) bands in Phoenix give them a theatrical things for children other than Childsplay show a few times a month

Musicians plays musicals music classical Community theater, more Classical music concerts Music more music local and national Musicals more well-known performers As currently offered Classic Rock / Popular music - Comedy We love Childsplay Perhaps to recruit / attract Good, serious theatre and good More singer/songwriter and I love theatre. small children's programs more performing groups from serious jazz, blues and classical more jazz. experimental projects. I also like other countries. music. good improv groups and live jazz. Tribute Bands Not just local, well known musical, pop culture more of the same I like all live entertainment. Charity events using local artists musicians experiences to benefit the community

traditional music, e.g. new national level contemporary there is lots of competition more dance performances and Family friendly performances- chamber music, jazz , Canadian, dance & theater which needs to be considered more professional groups not just specifically europeon when offering more of anything kids...musicals and plays

top-quality community solo classical artists Musical, family entertainment more music in the Theater Musicals chamber music groups in hall or groups outside.

Electronic Music Musicians, international talent Musical, especially featuring more music Folk, bluegrass Broadway productions and local artists. concerts Theatre, music theater plays Musical theatre More music musical, plays,

Theatre, dance, and Theater and concerts Small nationally known More mid-level national musical More higher profile musical acts modern dance, performances in classical music. performers (David Wilcox, John acts like what the MIM draws. - singer/songwriter types. the borderland Gorka, Patty Larkin)

theatre - Shakespeare symphony, plays, singing More comedy performances more jazz, jazz fusion in the More concerts of classic, pop, lessons Lakeshore room blues, jazz, etc.

theater, dance, movies? Contemporary Music, Comedy. More ASU performances More jazz from outside of the musical - theatre Depends on options Lectures area.

Dance. Small theater Dance, Music. performances music, plays, comedy, loved Symphony Dance, Comedy Broadway plays popular music companies Burn's documentary groups

small bands that aren't too plays, musicals, big band, local Music or theater Live music from local bands. Dance and theater blues, acoustic guitar loud talent

music and ted talks Plays, ballets Music concerts - Live music and theatre DANCE ballet A variety of things, music, all mentioned above. explode all types and those not offered Less 'home grown' groups - Rental allowed for school Mid market Jazz groups, A comedy and things for your imagination. youth, youth, by phoenix - diverse nationally known performers performances or small group seasonal series.., blues bands & children. youth, not teaching but performances at reasonable performances also popular acoustic acts. enriching outside of school. prices There is a strong demand think new york.manhattan among the 30's thru 40's age group that TCA could be filling

see other survey Plays, music music larger productions, if the stage Dance Arizona Academy allows see above dance/mus9c music Large community productions Contemporary jazz artists Any really.

Rock, jazz and blues. musical music Jazz, Concerts, plays,lectures any

rock concerts Political Discussions/Learning music jazz, local music, blues, local Concerts, plays, comedy acts, Concerts, benefit performances Opportunities/Theater Events music orchestra

plays, comedians music, theater music Jazz Concerts...... Musical Concerts, comedy. All types Theater Rock Concerts Music, plays Singers or Musical Plays jazz concerts Music, comedy Avant Garde Plays; musicals. play, musical Local vocal, dance, and theater jazz concerts and musicals All kinds. groups of all genres. Plays, small musical Music, art exhibit, theater local indie bands Jazz CONCERTs Acoustic artists. groups. Concerts concert band, small ensemble community theatre

City of Tempe Internal Audit Office Audit of Tempe Center for the Arts Appendix III - Page 5 What does the TCA do best?

( The below survey responses are unedited.) It is open and friendly. I worked with …., and he was Many friends & coworkers have TCA provides a professional- ………. are assets to your Bridge the gap between Well organized. Even when terrific. Efficient, true to his commented that they had a quality atmosphere for organization. They are so extravaganza's for larger venues there are multiple events, word, helpful and I was great time seeing a band or performers who are not helpful.. All the staff that and elevate artist's that suit an they run smoothly. Always completely stressed as it was music artist there. Many have professionals. It remains an worked on our event are very intimate setting rather than a easy to settle in. not an event I wanted to be stated they wish TCA would do accessible place for community- professional. Overall we are bar or club. coordinating. more 'mature' music acts - Jazz - based performers in my very happy with TCA . We love Blues or Acoustic types experience. the way theater is setup.

Great location for all in the picturesque beautiful and place provide beautiful facilities a It's staff and service to the Excellent venue and views Not sure - great wedding valley to hold events great rates to renters community. ambiance coordinate and maintain Provides a great atmosphere Jazz music weddings Provide an extraordinary Put on a great show! Keep up the facility at a very high for all events showplace for Tempe the good work with Childsplay! level Provides a great venue for Wonderful theater - great for providing quality local Flexibility and variability with soup to nuts offerings and staff Provides a stage cultural arts certain events performances different venues. is excellent

The space is amazing host arts events From out of state see other survey excellent customer service music

unsure Childsplay Not sure childsplay Childsplay No idea All that its doing now. provides a reputable Take care of its renters! We Has enough restrooms! Good TCA staff has been VERY helpful Nice theater, not too big. Easy However I do love the entertainment destination at have had a really wonderful crowd control. Always makes in accommodating our event to get in & out. Can see stage AFFORDIBILITY of affordable pricing experience both times that we me feel welcomed! needs -even for large groups. OK. CLASSICAL MUSIC there. rented the facility, and we will definitely be back! Works with quality groups. Provides a great venue at Provide the community with a great staff, outstanding facility, Very clean and welcoming The facility is extraordinary and Can depend on decent reasonable price to performers. consummate our venue Walk-in Wednesdays. facility; friendly staff - especially really creates just an incredible performances. when I show up with two atmosphere for being there... younger kids

Provide local access to have only had one real provide a gorgeous setting for Great facility for every event I Provide a beautiful facility for brings a diverse array of art to quality performance and experience and it was just great. wonderful experiences have attended there everyone to enjoy Tempe exhibitions. nice facility Childsplay looks unique Childs Play Child's theater venue provide quality Provide something different for Music, Plays, Concerts, Art great acoustics, beautiful facility It is an easy place to get to, and I don't have enough entertainment at a a Tempe residents than (gallery). It does all very well - it always feel good to be there it is visually appealing inside information reasonable ticket price Gammage and out Variety Look pretty Look beautiful Child's play us fantastic childs play performances Hosting musical concerts

Uses the WHOLE facility. good performances in a great Can't think of anything that is Fund raising events. Good venue at a fair price Host performances setting going on right now

Unsure accommodate people Its sheer quality is a marker for front new talent Childs Play Walk-In Wednesdays. others. unsure Presenting the arts It's a beautiful place. Finally Fridays Jazz Unknown

offers convenient Plays - Childs Play It performs it's purpose well - expose people to the beauty the venue is so stunning it's I love it overall. I enjoy coming accessibility to the east that's what it does best and importance of the arts always a pleasure to go there. here for any and all events. valley unknown performances for kids, jazz market Excellent theatre space bring in a crowd Classical Music Open mic - Walt is the best performance hall It is convenient for me Excellent aesthetics and Bring art to the public Childsplay!! ever. architecture

Theatre - childsplay theatre Jazz Efficiency and cleanliness cater to Childs Play Childsplay Plays

top quality service, offers lots of activities during It is a wonderful facility for the Currently doing a pretty good Beautiful setting for any Childsplay and social ambiance drama the week arts in our community. job number of occasions events/meetings

Offer a wide variety of classical and chamber music It is a beautiful venue to see don't know Be inviting and exciting comfortable enjoyment of the entertainment performances arts. The number of facilitators Has the space that I love the gift shop and Walt not sure since I haven't An easily accessible venue with a beautiful venue, very available to provide accommodates venues for a Richardson events attended every possible event. I great parking and location comfortable, assistance. wide variety of events, both like childsplay. facility is really indoor and outdoor. nice.

what it's doing now. promote quality artists Don't know Do not know Art ?? support artists from Art exhibits I like that it is so child friendly. Creates a very pleasant Nothing out of the ordinary. seems to do a good job of what Tempe, giving them a atmosphere it is already doing venue

The facility is beautiful not sure I don't know. Concerts art Childsplay All well not sure I don't know

City of Tempe Internal Audit Office Audit of Tempe Center for the Arts Appendix III - Page 6 What can the TCA do to improve your experience at TCA?

( The below survey responses are unedited.) My experience with the Higher standards need to be Maybe this is a start, but Forcing a catering company on During the booking process my Don't prefer that there is no TCA event staff was met within the listening to people that support family sponsored events is salesperson left TCA and my opening from the mid-balcony subpar. They averaged production/theater and box the functions...I spent 25 years making it financially impossible many questions had to go seating area to the floor over a week to reply to e- office in order to stay in sales and marketing and to host events like ours in TCA. through Suzanne, who was seating. When we attended a mails, return phone calls, competitive with other venues learned to never say that won't There are many families who wonderful but clearly benefit for the Phoenix etc. Furthermore, there in town. It seems as if the work here...Suggestions should love the theater but decide not overworked with production, Children's Hospital , it was were three people that I theater is understaffed and never be dismissed...I think to host in TCA becoz of etc. Hopefully if the goal is to ridiculous that we had to wind worked with, which lead to overworked and the support people in general have a desire astronomical catering rates. I continue to sell as event space down thru the same isles and some confusion and a staff are unmotivated to to be a part of something...You hope TCA allows family events they have brought in a bother those choosing not to serious booking problem. I operate on a truly professional have a special place there and it to at least distribute a box of dedicated salesperson to participate in the animal think it would be better if level. I think more funding and could be simply awesome...My food at the exit of the hall that represent and sell the space. parade. Feet were stepped on.... all their employees were time needs to given to make wife and I reside just south of we can source economically. full time, and they had sure all equipment is working at there and plan to be into TCA should take the lead of clearly delineated 100% and each time a renter Tempe because of the Chandler Arts and allow Family responsibilities. comes in, the theater has been investment the city has made sponsored event a different restored completely. I've also into this general area... option to bring their own received complaints from catering but distribute the food patrons about their treatment only on exit so premises are as when interacting with box office clean as it is now. staff ... disorganized and ill- informed.

TCA does a great job--can't I wish you had bigger venue Improve booking event Haven't had the event yet. Have lesser pricing for other Do not know think of anything spaces non-profits

The process of booking our assist ALL renters advertising of Expand caterer options, The customer service staff and I think there is room to expand Would like it to be a place event was unorganized. their 'product/shows', assist in recognize that local businesses the event day technical staff commercial performances at where we could go for a casual We had to continually selling much more, assist and might want to utilize the need to be overhauled. They TCA of a certain variety, but TCA meal and enjoy the view of the follow up with TCA staff get POSITIVE technicians (we facilities and offer more are not supportive at all. is not, and should not aim to be water, perhaps take in a theater members regarding our felt we were bothering them equipment (speaker phone, Lighting panel have to be another commercial music and performance. We go to event. with our simple performance), etc.) for corporate events. improved. theater venue. Something performances several times a would be lost of all available year. We would go to the time was booked by shows that facility just to hand out if there are profit centers and there was were kore food/seating options. nothing left for residents/smaller groups

initiate a will call window Keep evolving with the changes ………. was fabulous to work I would like more catering Everyone has been very good to Continue to offer more variety for performances so that around Tempe, without falling with great service and quality options available for selection work with. Thank you! of artistic performances and patrons don't have to wait into trite commercialism. food. Atlasta was not flexible in visual displays outside longer than style of service or beverage necessary. items offered.

unsure things have improved Nothing marketing events Cheaper drinks I don't know

Start a committee (even I had TCA play my music, what I Become more user friendly - I thought the ticket prices were Process entry lines faster. it The access to seating was a bit though I dislike found out that they were busy support 'partners' as if we are too high for a very short took 20 minutes to enter the awkward. There is not much committees) of outside talking too each other and actually partners and NOT just a community theater building for a 4 hour festival. room to walk when people are people that would utilize missed many marks during the way to make the TCA more $ - performance. The performance the amount of attendees was sitting and if you enter on the your space and get some show. At the same time I hired a work with 'Partners' on special quality was great, but it cost known prior to the festival, as wrong side you can't easily get events going. The video person and he had to events - don't be so rigid with more for a 1 hour show than I all tickets were purchased at to the other side! momentum will build. redo the music because they groups that are a 'main-stay' of pay for seats to the opera! least a week prior. planning were talking the whole time. So the building! WORK WITH US Make it less cost prohibitive could have been better on entry to improve would be to train please! time. staff to give the customer 100%

keep offering arts events make elevator faster and easier Cheaper prices, but I realize this n/a- I had a great experience. TCA staff was above and Improve top management to find for people who cannot is not always feasible. beyond expectations of programming/support use stairs excellent. philosophy

Have some flexibility in I honestly can't think of More seating in the lobby area We donate to TCA because we We had an issue w/ parking at Change the sign-up process for their pricing structure and anything except maybe reduce for when you are waiting for the believe it's an asset for our one event, the lot was full and 'Walk-in Wednesday Open Mic'. arrangements with the rental charge for use of start of your performance. I community. We seldom attend we had paid for our ticket and It's convoluted, has you sitting caterers pianos check out the gallery and gift events there because my left because another event was idly in line for way too long. It's shop but some place to sit perception is that it's a giant taking place. frustrating and it sucks. would be nice too. hassle to go to downtown Tempe.

What can the TCA do to coffee shop, reasonable Nothing I can think of, I haven't more songwriters showcases I feel they are doing a good job, Not give purchased seats away improve your experience concessions prices had a bad experience there. as is... to staff friends and family at TCA?

consider shuttle to better signage in the parking lot - Higher quality art performances More signage as exiting beautiful venue, but please Some days, I wish there were a downtown particularly the entry/drop off & experiences, professional freeways, better concession lower rates to make more shuttle or a moving sidewalk area marketing choices affordable to the public from the parking lot!

work out how to get a Parking was very difficult when Cooperate with other Valley Discounts for City of Tempe I can't think of anything right Can think of none crowd through the door we visited. Centers for the Arts residents. now

No improvement needed not much Perhaps better advertising. More seats I am good Bring in more professional theatre and musicians.

City of Tempe Internal Audit Office Audit of Tempe Center for the Arts Appendix III - Page 7 CONT'D: What can the TCA do to improve your experience at TCA? When I called to buy offer more services around the Better customer service, be part Offer better entertainment. It as mentioned before I am box office by phone is tickets for Childsplay I was focus experience, such as hands of the City transportation seems to be geared towards the resident of Paradise valley and infuriating. Staff often left on hold forever, turns on drama class, hand on clay system, be easier to walk or college age generation but I most cultural activities we use unavailable. Too much out they were closed building, and resto bike to from the neighborhood suppose that is because it is Phoenix and Scottsdale Childsplay and nothing else. or Mill Avenue. located in a college town.

Nothing Offer more programming No improvement needed unknown more shows Can't think of anything.

Better advertising of Offer more opportunities to can't think of anything more outdoor seating have a variety of venues better publicity about events!!! visit TCA performances

Offer healthier food Offer more food choices and organized entry or air condition More food choices that are Give Walk-In Wednesdays an More performances of wider options at the Childsplay more performances van so we don't have to wait in appealing to/good for children additional hour; i.e., 6-11. variety events. the AZ heat

This questionnaire is Every event I have gone to had advertise venues more, (1) Eliminate ticket surcharges; provide quality entertainment Train volunteers and staff more. extremely difficult to problems with the ticket office. especially to Tempe area high (2) Improve parking and access at a reasonable ticket price Many were rude. More food answer with its unfriendly Both the Will Call lines and the school alumni who are always during Mill Avenue events. more frequently options software lines to purchase tickets were so looking for new venues for long and so slow that events quarterly mixers & class started late. Happens every reunions time I have been there. Maybe send me more more events like the ones I Get the word out about what More art/gallery experience for 'Free gin and tonics' Allow events/renters that do emails with upcoming describe above you offer. walk ins for people cruising not have to utilize …..Catering events. I don't seem to get Tempe Beach Park them Take the burden off the somehow needs more energy Maybe more outdoor N/A it was a pleasure from start Expand amount of bands you I'm at a loss, we always enjoy tax payers performances in the fall, winter, to finish book. How about a Jazz series going to TCA. spring More visibility food is terrible More tables in the lobby! Expand your offerings additional shows for adults provide more of the same

I wish there were more shuttle for handicap and elderly Easier to buy tickets on phone Seems good to me already. Provide chairs for large butted Include me on their web mailing gallery space. and over internet individual. list of events

Let me know more see other survey provide food keep growing see my earlier comments. email event Improve drink offerings at Make purchasing tickets easier. Email purchaser with ticket Open up the catering process. Entice me to visit more often! remove the comedy instructor comedy performances. information and add to Google Current caterers are price Calendar. gouging

Enlarge art gallery area, ?? programs available for ALL ??? more musical performance patrons

City of Tempe Internal Audit Office Audit of Tempe Center for the Arts Appendix III - Page 8 Please enter your zip code.

Please enter your zip code. County Count (Referenced by County) Arapahoe 1 Yavapai County 1 Buchanan 1 Canada 1 Unknown 1 Cook 1 Tuolumne 1 Genesee 1 Santa Barbara 1 Genesee 1 San Francisco Jackson 1 1 Los Angeles 2 Pinal 5 Maricopa 359 Pima 1 Montgomery 2 Oakland 1 Oakland 1 Pima 1 Montgomery 2 Pinal 5 Maricopa 359 San Francisco 1 Los Angeles 2 Santa Barbara 1 Jackson 1 Tuolumne 1 Unknown 1 Genesee 1 Yavapai County 1 Genesee 1 Cook 1 Total by County 382 Canada 1 Buchanan 1 Arapahoe 1

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Please enter your zip code. City Count Apache Junction 1 (Referenced by City) Youngtown Avondale 1 1 Bapchule 1 Tuolumne 1 Bethesda 1 Tucson 1 Buckeye 1 Tempe 118 Casa Grande 1 Surprise 1 Cave Creek 2 Skokie 1 Chandler 35 Scottsdale 35 Claremont 1 San Tan Valley 1 Clarksville 1 San Francisco 1 Flint 1 Saint Joseph 1 Florence 1 Royal Oak 1 Fountain Hills 3 Queen Creek 2 Gilbert 17 Prescott 1 Glendale 4 Phoenix 98 Globe 1 Peoria 2 Goleta 1 Paradise Valley 3 Goodyear 3 Ontario 1 Kansas City 1 New River 2 Kansas City 1 Mesa 30 Laveen 1 Los Angeles 1 Littleton 1 Littleton 1 Los Angeles 1 Laveen 1 Mesa 30 Kansas City 1 New River 2 Kansas City Ontario 1 1 Paradise Valley 3 Goodyear 3 Peoria 2 Goleta 1 Phoenix 98 Globe 1 Prescott 1 Glendale 4 Queen Creek 2 Gilbert 17 Royal Oak 1 Fountain Hills 3 Saint Joseph 1 Florence 1 San Francisco 1 Flint 1 San Tan Valley 1 Clarksville 1 Scottsdale 35 Claremont 1 Skokie 1 Chandler 35 Surprise 1 Cave Creek 2 Tempe 118 Casa Grande 1 Tucson 1 Buckeye 1 Tuolumne 1 Bethesda 1 Youngtown 1 Bapchule 1 Avondale 1 Total by City 382 Apache Junction 1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

City of Tempe Internal Audit Office Audit of Tempe Center for the Arts Appendix III - Page 9