Congratulations on your purchase of ULTIMA Vil The Black Gate. Th e following instructions describe how to get Ultima Vll f rom the floppy di sks onto your hard di sk drive. Don't worry if you've never done this before. You can safely stop the installation process at any time. You ca n also re-run the install program at any time. If you have any trouble installing the game, see the Troubleshooting section. Remember, you may saf ely quit and start over at any time!


1. Turn on your computer and wait for the DOS prompt. 2. Insert disk 1 into a floppy drive. 3. Type the letter of that drive followed by a colon and hit IEnter I. (For exampl e, ~ ) 4. Type "INSTALL" and hit IEn ter I. 5. Follow the instruction s provided b y the installation program . For m o re d etails, see Installation Options, below .

an y part of Ultima VIl's sp eech, sound INSTALLATION OPTIONS effects or music, you must have a sound The install program asks you where to board. (PC sound has no effect.) Use the put the program on your hard disk , and up and down arrow keys to select among: about any sound cards you have in your • No sound card computer. Hit ~ at any time to safely • Ad Lib cancel the installation process. • Sound Blaster • Sound Blaster Pro 1. Choosing a Disk Drive • Roland MT-32 (Select this if you have Firs t, a w indow appears to tell you both Roland and Sound Blaster) which disk drives can contain Ultima VII. (lf no di k drive has at least 21 megabytes Hit IEnter I when your choice is highlighted . available, you cannot install the game until 4. Assigning IRQ and DMA Numbers you fr ee m ore s p ace). Hit the le tte r (Sound Blaster only) corresponding to the hard drive of your Only if you ch ose Sound Blaster or choice. Sound Blaster Pro, you have to tell the in­ 2. Creating a Directory stall ati on program the "IRQ" and "DMA" A second window ask s in w hich numbers for your sound card. If you're not directory to put Ultima VII. If you want a sure what they are, use the d efault set­ directory n ame other than "ULT I MA7", tings that are suggested by the install ati on backspace and type a new name. Hit !Enter! p rogram. (See Troublesh ooting if you when you have the name you want. need more information . lf any difficulties arise later from a wrong setting (such as 3 . Selecting Music and Sound Cards silent or stuttered speech ), you may re-run Next you are asked about sound cards the installation program at any time.) that might be in your computer. To hear a 5 . Confirming Your Configuration VOODOO AVAILABLE MEMORY RE-INSTALLING Next , a window appears comparing your configuration with that required to U ltima VII u ses a s p ecia l m e m o r y Your computer must have at least 640K At some time you may want to re ­ run Ultima VII. 1f the two are compatible, manager called "Voodoo." This manager, o f RAM plus one m egabyte o f extended install the game (generally, to change or the window indicates such with an "OK. " created b y ORI GIN, com es w ith your memory to play ULTIMA VII The Blach Gate. add a sound card , o r to adjust the However , if your configuration d oes Ultima VII game. Voodoo will run on any Regardless o f the amou n t of RAM your IRQ/OMA settings). F o llow thes e not match that required by the game, you 386SX or hig h e r IBM PC compa tible com p uter possesses, the re mus t b e directions. (You won 't n eed to use the may need to m ake some changes. The two computer. It uses , so it 524,000 bytes free to run the game. Sound floppy disks that came with the game ; most common problem s are not enough can co-exist with the HIMEM. SYS driver. and speech options can push this total to you'll b e r e -ins talling fro m the data DOS m emory (see Available Memory) However, HIMEM. SYS is not necessary for 561,144 bytes of DOS memory. already on your hard disk. ) and incompatible memory m anagers (see Voodoo memory to function. To find out how much free RAM your 1. Type the letter of your hard drive Voodoo). Problem areas (if any) are noted (e.g., QEMM, computer has before installation , run the followed by a colon and hit IEnter I (for with the words "NOT OK". If this hap­ 386"MAX or EMM386). The other pop­ DOS p rogra m , CHKDSK, b y typing example, ~[]Enter )). pens you have one of two options: ular m em ory m anager , called Expanded "CHKDSK" at the root directory prompt 2. Type "CD" fo llowed by Ultima VII's • If you have EMS, you can le t the Mem o ry (EMS), is not compatible with (e.g., C:\>CHKDSK). On some machines, directo ry n am e, then hit !Enter ). ins tall program m ake a "bootable Vood oo . If you are using an expanded CHKDSK may be located inside the \DOS ("CD\ULTIMA7", if you ch ose the floppy" for you . If this fails, or if you m em o r y m an ager (su c h as Q EMM, directory. When you run the program , the default directory.) don't have enough memory, you can 386"MAX or EMM386) you must remove last line of the information presented tells 3. Type "INSTALL" and hit IEnter) . m ake a bootable floppy yourself. A it to run Ultima VII. If you do not know you h ow much fr ee RAM there is. For 4 . F o llow the i n s tr u c tions under bootable fl oppy is a fl oppy disk with h ow to d o this (an d if the foll owing example, the last line might tell you that Installation Options, above. a good configuration on it (s ee instructions don't help you ), please call the system has 565,239 bytes free. When you re-install the game from the Making a New Floppy Boot Disk). ORI GIN Customer Service fo r assistance. If you have less than the require d original fl oppies, you h ave the op­ Booting from this disk lets you avoid If you a1·e fa miliar with this p rocess, amount of free RAM , you will not be able portunity to "DELETE" the games you have changing your system configuration . d isable the EMS m e m o ry m an ager . to run the game until additional memory is already saved , or "SAVE" them. Selecting • You may alter your computer's con­ The acceptable minimum configuratio n fre ed . If you are not familiar with this pro­ the second option will not overwrite any fi guration yourself. The foll owing is an e mpty AU TOEXEC.BAT and a cess, please call ORIGIN Customer Service. saved games, maintaining them for your sections suggest ways to d o this. If CONFIG.SYS with the lines: continued adventuring. Freeing Ram you are unfa miliar w ith DOS, b e FILES=20 If you are familiar w ith this process, care ful about altering your config­ MAKING A NEW FLOPPY BUFFERS=2 5 you can : urati on yourself: Always consult you r DEVlCE=C:\MOUSE\MOUSE.SYS* BOOT DISK DOS m anual before changing you r • Rem ove any TSRs and disk cach es If you wish to retain your original If you don't want to reconfigure your system configuration. from your configuration . CON FIG.SYS fil e, r e fer to your DOS • Use the DOS=HIGH command in your system , you can m ake a bootable DOS manual for how to copy it to another file CONFIG.SYS, if you use DOS 5. 0. system floppy disk to start your computer VOODOO AND 386 name before m aking the changes. • Rem ove from your AUTOEXEC.BAT prior to play. The install program might (OR HIGHER) SYSTEMS HIMEM.SYS or XMM . As m entioned and CONFI G.SYS start-up files an y give you this option . To create a bootable ab ove, an extended m e m or y m anager floppy yourself, insert a blank floppy into Once again ORIGIN is p us hing the edge of mem ory-resident programs that are your A: drive. From the DOS prompt, type: computer technology, and only processors as (XMM) su c h as HI MEM .SYS (which is unnecessary for system usage. You can powerful as the 386 are capable of handli ng a game compatible with MS-DOS 3.3 or higher) is alter these files with the text editors FORMAT A: /S IEnter) as advanced and complex as Ulli ma VII. The land of compatible with Voodoo, and d oes not included with MS-DOS, called Edlin or When the format is complete and you are Britannia is more detail ed than ever, requiri ng more require disabling. Edit. back to the DOS prompt, type: and faster access LO all system memory. Expanded Disk Caches. If you have m ore than COPY CON A:\CONFIG.SYS IEnter) Memory Specifica tio n (EMS) has limitations we have Consult your DOS manual for in fo rmation two megabytes of RAM, a disk cache will FILES=25 IEnter) overcome with Voodoo technology , and ORI GIN is on how to do any of these. now able LO ta ke full advantage of the power locked improve upon extended m em o ry and BUFFERS=25 IEnter) inside your 386 or 486 system. increase the speed of the game. However, Never delete your AUTOEXEC.BAT DEVlCE=C:\MOUSE\MOUSE. SYSIEnter) * To delive r the best gaming worl ds into this if you have a disk caching program that or CONFIG.SYS files completely, C:IEnter) worl d, ORIGIN has p ushed the limits o f game technology. In the future, as the 386 becomes the caches the floppy drive, we recommend for without them, your computer will Whenever you wish to play Ultima VII , base model PC, the EMS standard wil l go the way of that you disable the fl oppy caching before not function. insert this disk in drive A: and then turn its predecessors - s till accep ta bl e for some installing or running the game. your computer on . From the DOS prompt, applications, but nm for the best in gaming! change to your hard drive (for example, Here at ORIGIN, we welcome you LO the futu re ... * Your mouse driver may be located on another path. by typing l~EnterJ) and run the game as Replace C:\ MOUSE with the correct path ir necessary. described on the Reference Card. The mouse pointer doesn't respond TROUBLESHOOTING properly. Listed here are a few common prob­ Ultima VII supports the Mouse lems and their solutions. and Microsoft Mouse Driver, version 7.0. Some other mouse brands may not be Speech fails to work after playing for compatible. only a short while. You may have chosen an incorrect IRQ The game runs too slowly. setting during installation. See your Sound • Your hard drive may be fragmented. Blaster manual for the correct setting. Re­ Run an optimization program. See install the game from you hard disk to your retailer about an optimization change the IRQ. (See Re-Installing.) program if you don't have one. • Your computer may not be fast enough to Speech skips lines of dialogue. run the game effectively. The minimum You may have an IRQ conflict. This configuration is a 16 megahertz means that anothe.r card is operating 386-based IBM PC or 100 percent on the same IRQ level (e.g., both the compatible machine. Some older sound card and the printer are set at "7"). and/or slower machines may not be · See your Sound Blaster manual to change powerful enough. your jumper settings. Then re-install the • You may be able to use a disk caching game from the hard disk and change the program. If you have 4+ megabytes on IRQ to a non-conflicting number. (See Re­ your machine, a disk caching pro­ installing.) gram can speed up your game. See Viti ma VII fails to load or run properly. your retailer about su ch a program. • You may not have enough free RAM. Run CHKDSK to determine your None of the above suggestions seem to computer's available RAM. Free up help. RAM if necessary. (See Available lf you cannot solve a problem with Memory.) Ultima VII, please call ORIGIN Customer Service at (512) 328-0282 , Monday • You may have a memory resident TSR through Friday, between 9 a .m . and program that conflicts with the game. 5 p.m., Central time. Have the following Boot the computer from a DOS information ready, if possible: system floppy disk or remove memory-resident programs before • which version of DOS you use, running the game. (See Voodoo and • free RAM (from the last line of Making a New Floppy Boot Disk.) CHKDSK info), • You may need to remove your Expanded • your mouse and mouse driver type, Memory Manager. (See Expanded • your graphics card, Memory in the Voodoo section.) • your machine type, • your sound board(s), • You may have filled all free space on the • the content of your CONFIG.SYS and active disk drive. At the DOS prompt AUTOEXEC.BAT files, (e.g., "C: " ), type "DIR" to check • whether you use Windows, Desqview available hard drive space. This lists a or a DOS shell . directory of your drive's contents and, following the directory, states how many bytes are free. Remember, you need at least 21 megabytes on your hard drive to load Ultima VII 0 Copyright 1992, ORIGIN Systems, Inc. All rights i-c: s crvcd. and 524,000 to 561,144 bytes of free Ultima and lord British arc rcgistt:rc:d trademarks of Richard RAM to run the game. Garriott. The distinctive ORIGIN logo, The Black Gate and Avatar arc trademarks o f ORIGIN Systems, Inc. We Create Worlds is a rcgistc=rcd tradcmarkofORIGIN Systems. Inc.

U71G/OSV192/12 a ORl-3366A