Present: Councillor T. Hearldon in the Chair Councillors Balding, C. , J. Bolton, M. Hearldon,

Clerk – Mrs. F. McDonald Deputy Clerk – Mrs. C Caddock Business and Finance Officer - Mr. G. Crowe

2 residents

PCSO Wendy Stanley

Apologies: Councillors Evans, Fitzsimmons, Higgins, Nelson and Spencer

(Apologies were also received by email from Councillors Bowden and Allman; which had not been picked up prior to the meeting)

Councillor M. Hearldon proposed, Councillor C. Bolton seconded and it was RESOLVED THAT:

The Minutes of the Meeting of the Council which took place on 24 th February 2015, be approved as an accurate record and signed by the Chair with one amendment requested by Councillor C. Bolton: That the sentence on page 2 of the draft minutes that read, ‘However, to try to assist in alleviating the problem, the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (which owns the land and parking spaces at Hinton House) has arranged to lease some parking spaces at Rutherford House.’ be changed to read, ‘However, to try to assist in alleviating the problem, Limited has arranged to lease some parking spaces at Rutherford House.’

Code of Conduct – Declaration of Interests

The Chair reminded members of their responsibility to declare any personal interest or prejudicial interest which they have in any item of business on the agenda, no later than when the item is reached.

Councillor Balding: Friends of Gorse Covert Mounds

Councillors M. Hearldon and T. Hearldon: Birchwood Carnival Committee

135/2015 RECESS

(a) Draft Minutes

The two residents who attended the meeting thanked the Town Council for publishing the draft minutes on the website prior to the meeting.

(b) Query Regarding Firearms Incident

A resident asked whether the Town Council was aware of any details regarding the type of firearm that was found as a result of warrant executed on Trefoil Close as reported during the Police update at the February meeting.

Whilst PCSO Stanley was not present when this question was first posed, she did arrive a few minutes later in the meeting and was asked about the firearm. 1 PCSO Stanley said that she does not know what sort of firearm was seized. The information she is aware of relating to this matter is that the intelligence about the firearm was received in relation to a burglary and it was only a matter of hours before a warrant was executed and the person involved was remanded.

The resident asked if firearms were becoming an issue in the area would the residents be alerted.

PCSO Stanley reassured those present that as far as the Police are aware there is no issue with firearms in Birchwood, that this was a one-off incident and followed the receipt of a piece of intelligence that was acted on within a couple of hours.

She said that if there were issues that the general public needed to be made aware of, information would be authorised by the Inspector and be issued by the Communications Department.

(c) Gateways into Birchwood

A resident asked if we had received clarification from the Borough Council as to which roads they consider to be ‘gateways’ and if the choice of roads is dictated by the Borough Council or whether the Town Council would be able to have any input.

The ‘gateways’ are to receive more attention from Borough Council in terms of litter picking and landscape maintenance than other roads.

The Clerk confirmed that these areas are selected by the Borough Council. We have been informed that the roads in Birchwood that will be considered as ‘gateways’ are Birchwood Way from Orford Lane to Junction 11, Daten Avenue and Birchwood Park Avenue.

Councillor Balding stated that the gateway scheme is a Warrington-wide project, not just related to Birchwood. The driving force behind it is Warrington Borough Council, with the aim of attracting businesses to, and keeping businesses within, Warrington.

The resident enquired about the frequency of grass cutting that would be taking place and about the schedules that the Borough Council had said would be published on its website.

Councillor Balding confirmed that the Borough has said it will publish its schedules in March or April. He added that the grass cutting last year was poor, although there may have been some extenuating circumstances (regarding equipment).

Action Clerk’s office to enquire about when the schedules will be posted on the Borough’s website.

(d) Police Monthly Update

PCSO Stanley updated Members regarding policing activities that had taken place in the area recently.

She informed those present at the meeting that there had been an increase in the number of shed breaks in the whole of Warrington East, one of the main items being stolen are expensive bicycles. In Birchwood there have been four recent incidents where bicycles have been stolen, two from break-ins, one from the front of Asda and one that was unsecured at the front of a property in Oakwood. 2 Councillor T. Hearldon asked if the more expensive bicycles are those being targeted.

PCSO Stanley said that they do appear to be being targeted and unfortunately not everyone is keeping a note of the serial numbers of their bicycle or security marking it, so it can be difficult to reunite owners with their bicycles if they are recovered.

Councillor J. Bolton said that some cyclists publish the routes they take on certain websites, so it does not take too much initiative to work out the areas where the cyclists may live.

PCSO Stanley said that the PCSOs are trying to arrange an operation to raise awareness of the importance of security marking bicycles and noting serial numbers. They also plan to speak to Lesley McAllister, who coordinates travel planning for the Borough Council, to arrange some bicycle marking events; but they have to try to secure some bike marking kits first.

Councillor Balding asked if the Town Council could help by promoting the bicycle marking events.

PCSO Stanley said that would be helpful once she has details confirmed.

Councillor T. Hearldon suggested having a marking event at Birchwood Carnival.

PCSO Stanley said they would hopefully be able to run them at the shopping centre and the library. She added that the Police are currently stopping cyclists they see in the early hours of the morning and checking details.

Councillor C. Bolton said that it would probably be more likely that stolen bicycles would be put in a van and taken away as many of the expensive bicycles can only be ridden if the correct footwear is being worn.

A resident stated that he has had people knocking on his door to offer various services and sometimes wonders if they might be ‘scouting’ the area.

PCSO Stanley said that if any residents have concerns they should contact the local Police (using the 101 phone number) and they can monitor the areas and check if doorstep callers are genuine.

PCSO Stanley said that other Police matters over the last month have included: • Dealing with travellers, who have now left the Birchwood area. • Two people were arrested following a break in on Birchwood Boulevard. • Two drink drivers have been dealt with in Birchwood. • A Police chase resulted in the arrest of someone driving without a licence. • There was another break-in attempt at the One Stop Shop in Gorse Covert. • Anti-social behaviour incidents in Strawberry Close and Campion Close have resulted in the parents of a group of teenagers, who the Police believe to be responsible, being contacted about their children.

Members thanked PCSO Stanley for attending the meeting.

The most recently available information regarding local Policing priorities and updates can be found on the Police Website: http://www.cheshire.police.uk/my- neighbourhood/warrington-east/birchwood.aspx

The Twitter address is @WarrEastNPU.


(a) Delenty Drive

At the February meeting the Clerk asked PCSO Davies if there was anything that the Police could do with regard to vehicles parking, blocking the footpath/cycle path at the end of Delenty Drive, adjacent to the Youth and Community Centre, especially on Wednesday mornings.

At tonight’s meeting the Clerk reported that PCSO Jones had monitored the area on the day after the February meeting, but on that particular day there had not been any issues.

The Borough Council has also been asked if there are any markings that could be put in this area to indicate that people should not park there.

We are awaiting a reply.

The Clerk added that electricity works to connect the new estate on Delenty Drive to the national grid are causing a few issues with vehicular access at present.

(b) Parking near Birchwood Leisure and Tennis Centre

The Clerk reported that the Borough Council is liaising with Livewire in order to establish what opportunities there are to refer any future event planners to the Event Safety Group for advice. They will report back to the Town Council at a future date.

(c) Parking near the Spar Shop in Risley

The Clerk reported that the Borough has informed us that the works instruction has been issued for the extension to the double yellow lines. This work will be carried out over the next few weeks if not completed already. The Borough is also committed to look at the area directly outside the Spar and also further down Warrington Road, outside Rutherford House, in the new financial year.

At tonight’s meeting, Councillor Balding said that he was unhappy that no effort appears to have been made to find the driver of a Borough Council vehicle that was photographed by a resident parking on the double yellow lines near this area.

Action Clerk’s office to request the date and time that the photograph was taken from the resident and to ask the Borough Council to investigate this issue.

(d) Parking near Williams Garage, Warrington Road, Risley

The Clerk stated that the Borough Council has reported back that, ‘Parking restrictions would not be appropriate at this location due to the infrequency of the parking behaviour and that in most cases, a contravention of the restrictions would not be realised if the vehicles are on private land. have advised that Police officers are monitoring the location.’

(e) Parking near Glover Road and Havisham Close

The Clerk stated that the Borough Council has reported that it is aware of the recent increase in displaced parking taking place in Glover Road. The Borough is considering progressing junction protection restrictions at Glover Road / Havisham Close. However, it wants to fully understand the reasons for the recent increase in parking before progressing any restrictions in isolation.

The Clerk added that we have not received any further complaints.

4 137/2015 DOG MESS

At the February meeting a resident stated that the Village Green, just off Ainscough Road, is becoming an area where there is a lot of dog mess left by people not picking up after their dog.

At tonight’s meeting, the Clerk reported that Your Housing has advised that it is not Your Housing policy to install bins on their green spaces where there is no children’s play equipment. They were going to contact the Borough Council to see if it would supply a bin / bins.

Councillor T. Hearldon says she has seen people letting their dogs off the lead around the old Oliver Plunkett school site and not clearing up after the dog.

Councillor Balding suggested we speak to the PCSOs to ask them to patrol the area.

The Clerk said that the PCSOs tend to find that their presence is possibly a deterrent, encouraging people to pick up the dog mess rather than risk a fine.

Councillor M. Hearldon stated that when she has, in the past, challenged people that she has seen walking away without clearing up after their dog, she has been met with verbal abuse.

Councillor Balding suggested that peer pressure from other dog walkers might be a useful way of getting people to pick the mess up.

The Clerk said that at the Parish Liaison meeting those present were informed that there is a dog fouling campaign starting in . She noticed in The Wire, the Borough Council’s online magazine, there is information regarding a dog fouling campaign: http://thewire.warrington.gov.uk/issue-10-march-2015/latest-news/thoughtless-dog-owners-were-watching-you

The Borough Council is working with Keep Britain Tidy on the ‘We’re watching you’ campaign which encourages dog owners to clean up after their dog. The campaign uses cutting-edge promotional materials, which ‘charge up’ during the day to glow in the dark at night.

Keep Britain Tidy’s research has shown that dog walkers who may not otherwise have done so tend to pick up after their dogs, when they think that they are being watched. Dog fouling often tends to occur at night time and during the winter months, when some dog owners feel that they can’t be seen.

(Subsequent to the meeting we received information which indicates that the campaign is going to be targeted at ‘key areas’ of Warrington, rather than being Borough-wide.)

Councillor Balding suggested compiling a list of ‘hot spots’ and passing on to the PCSOs; which was agreed by other Members.

Action Clerk’s office to compile a list of dog fouling ‘hot spots’ to pass on to the PCSOs.


The Clerk stated that this matter is now dealt with by a special working group set up to discuss the issue. There was a meeting of the group on 12 th March and draft notes have been circulated to those present.

The Clerk added that land ownership maps have been received from the Borough Council, another set will be made available for Your Housing Group. In addition, we have been advised that any complaints must be made via the Borough’s Contact Centre to ensure they are logged.

A walkabout has also been arranged for 1pm on 9 th April, meeting at the Thomas Risley car park.

Action Clerk’s office to email the walkabout details out to Councillors and members of the working group.


At the February meeting a resident asked if the Town Council was aware of changes to the bus routes and times, in particular some of the evening buses which no longer service the Heathfield bus stop. She said she cannot understand why this stop has been taken off the evening routes as it not only services the Heathfield estate, but also the local business park.

At tonight’s meeting, the Clerk reported that, as requested, she had contacted Network Warrington regarding this matter.

The reply from Network Warrington had stated that a review of the evening network was carried out during September and October 2014. The review demonstrated that the evening services to and from Heathfield House were unsustainable due to very low passenger numbers. During September to December 2015 and January 2015 services 26 and 27 averaged two passengers per journey (18 passengers per evening).

Councillor J. Bolton queried whether these figures took into account passengers who may have purchased day rover, return tickets, wayfarer tickets, etc., or whether it was only tickets actually bought on those services. She said the actual bus use might be understated if these ticket users were not included.

Action Clerk’s office to contact Network Warrington to ask if numbers were based on tickets bought on those services or by actual numbers of people using the service.

A comment was made that if the bus ticket prices were dropped considerably, the number of people using the buses would probably increase significantly thereby making the routes more profitable.


At the February meeting a resident commented that they would like to see the Minutes of the previous meeting before coming to the meeting so that they have time to read about what was discussed at the previous meeting in case they wish to comment on it during recess.

A tonight’s meeting the Clerk stated that the draft Minutes will be published on the website.

The Clerk said there are also Community Meetings, arranged by the East Area Board at which residents can raise issues of concern or general queries regarding the community. The Clerk added that the organisers are trying to arrange a future meeting in the evening, for people who cannot attend during the daytime.


At the February meeting the Clerk reported that she had passed the information we had on to the Borough Council about the footpath located on Bickerton Close and are awaiting a response.

At tonight’s meeting, the Clerk stated that we have nothing further to report yet. She added that after the Parish Liaison meeting, she had spoken to the Assistant Chief Executive at Warrington Borough Council about the length of time that it is taking us to receive responses to some of our queries, despite chasing them many times.


The Clerk stated that the Service Level Agreement (SLA) had been received from the Borough Council earlier today; however, there are a number of items that she and the BAFO believe require further clarification.

The Clerk and BAFO consider that more time is needed to consider the SLA properly, and both agree that it needs considerably reworking and rewording to bring it back to how the Town Council had initially been led to believe it would work.

There is also an implication of charging the Town Council for the use of the sweeper. However, the initial thoughts had been that as the Town Council would be supplying the manpower and time and would be sweeping the Borough’s footpaths, the Borough would not charge for the actual use of the equipment.

At the February meeting, it was stated that some sort of financial agreement between the Town Council and Borough Council might strengthen the contract; however, as Councillor J. Bolton stated at tonight’s meeting, this should be a cost neutral arrangement.

Councillor T. Hearldon asked whether it might be worth the Town Council looking into purchasing our own footpath sweeper.

The BAFO replied that, apart from the initial cost of the equipment, there would be significant ongoing maintenance costs that we would then have to incur. From what the Borough Council has told us previously, we understand that their footpath sweeper is underused because of the manpower resources they have to use it, when other seasonal work needs to be done by its operatives. We would therefore be using the equipment when the Borough was not able to, and doing the work they would have to at some other time. It would not make financial sense to buy our own equipment at this point.

Action BAFO and Clerk to continue to liaise with the Borough Council regarding the SLA


The Clerk reported that Inspector Logan has confirmed a replacement battery pack has been ordered for the Town Council’s mobile speed sign. Once delivered, the Police will undertake speed enforcement in the area.

Councillor M. Hearldon stated that she would like to see speed enforcement on Admirals Road.

The Clerk said that the use of the speed sign is dependent on the layout of the road (whether there is a long enough stretch of straight road to deploy the sign).

Action Clerk’s office to enquire if speed enforcement can be undertaken on Admirals Road.


Complaints, going back several years have been received regarding poor sight lines for traffic leaving the shopping centre at this roundabout, known locally as ‘Cotoneaster Island’.

The Clerk confirmed that work on the island, being undertaken at night as part of the LSTF ‘Cycle to Work’ scheme, will soon be completed. It will involve the removal of much of the height of the island, leaving low level planting or grass.


The Clerk reported that the Borough will be undertaking data capture at three locations on Admirals Road and once this had been done, the data will be considered and the areas prioritised in relation to the other locations being considered throughout Warrington.

Action Clerk’s office to continue to liaise with the Borough Council regarding the above.


The Clerk reported that we are still waiting for the two remaining waste bins and the benches to be installed. The ground, at the originally proposed locations for the bins, was too water-logged to put them in, it was therefore suggested to the Borough Council, as requested, that they be placed in alternative locations.

Councillor Balding expressed his frustration at the length of time it is taking for this work to be completed. He suggested that the Borough Councillors might need to chase this matter up.

The Clerk said this is another example of an issue to be raised with the Assistant Chief Executive at the Borough, as Town Council Officers share Members’ frustrations about the time it takes for some actions to be completed. She added that we have been told several times the benches would be collected from us for installing, but the contractors never came.

Action To continue to liaise with the Borough Council regarding bins and benches.


The Clerk reported that we had received an email from a resident stating that they were pleased that the Town Council was trying to get some funding to have some improvement works done on the Brook Footpath.

Action Clerk’s office to continue to liaise with the Borough Council regarding this matter.


The Clerk stated at the last meeting held with Borough Council Officers, we had been informed that they were going to put pressure on the Borough’s Legal Department to contact the landowners to try to compel them to undertake much needed maintenance work on the area.

The Clerk informed Members that we had been informed that a resident had fallen as a result of tripping on some raised block paving. Fortunately no serious injury was sustained although the resident had been left bruised and shaken.

Councillor T. Hearldon asked if the Town Council could write a letter to Birchwood Primary School to remind them that the issues that have been raised have not been forgotten.

Councillor C. Bolton commented that we have to be careful that the Town Council does not appear to be taking responsibility for Admirals Square and sorting out the ongoing issues (which is entirely outside of our remit).

It was agreed the Town Council will write to the school to update them regarding this matter.

Action Clerk’s office to write to Birchwood Primary School regarding this matter.


The Clerk stated that there is nothing further to report regarding this matter at the present time. The most recent information we have, from November 2014, is that the Borough Council was going to check if wiring was still in place and, if so, if it could be reinstated for the lighting.

A brief discussion took place about who technically owns the statue at the present time; which is unclear.


The Clerk reported that we are still awaiting updates from Warrington Borough Council regarding stencilling.

Councillor Balding asked if we have a stencil yet. He asked if the footpath around Gorse Covert Road, an area that we have received some complaints about, still has stencils on it.

The Deputy Clerk stated that the stencils she saw last week were practically faded away.

The Clerk said that we need to ask to borrow the stencil from the Borough, buy the paint and obtain permission to spray on their land.

Councillor Balding declared an interest as he undertakes volunteer work with the Woodland Trust.

Councillor Balding stated that there is a part of the pavement on Gorse Covert Road that is owned by the Woodland Trust and asked if we could get the stencil from the Borough Council and he would go and stencil the pavement.

The Clerk said that she would ask the Borough Council if this would be possible.

Action Clerk’s office to contact the Borough Council about the stencil and stencilling the foopaths.


The Clerk reported that on 21 st May there is a walkabout, meeting at Your Housing offices on Benson Road at 10am to walk around the Forbes Close, Layton Close, etc. part of the estate. On 11 th June there is another walkabout planned, meeting at 10am, at the corner of Dunnock Grove to walk around the other parts of the estate.

152/2015 TREE ROOTS

The Clerk informed Members that, we had received one complaint via our Facebook page reporting tree roots on Stonecrop Close lifting the pavement. This was passed to the Borough Council.

The Borough Council has informed us that it investigated the complaint, however, the defect(s) are not currently actionable within their parameters. However, should the condition of the footway deteriorate further, then the Borough Council will raise a work order to deal with the defect.

Councillor T. Hearldon said that when she made a similar complaint about a tree in another area in the past, she was informed that some roots cannot be removed as they are main tree roots and if they were taken away the tree would die and possibly fall.


The defibrillator has been installed at the Police Station.


The Clerk reported that a meeting has been arranged for 31 st March, 10.30am at Parkers Farm with Susan Spibey from Birchwood Forum and Ruth Whitworth from the East Area Board. Councillor J. Bolton also hopes to be able to attend.

The Clerk said that she has spoken to Mr. Wakefield from Fujitsu about potential volunteering opportunities.

Councillor Balding raised the point that consideration needs to be given to ongoing maintenance work that would be needed once any rejuvenation scheme might be completed.

The Clerk said that the Forum has become interested as the Walled Garden is an area that might provide ongoing volunteering opportunities for several of the businesses on the business park.

Councillor J. Bolton reminded Members that the Borough Council (the landowner of the Walled Garden) had originally undertaken quite a lot of work a few years ago, in partnership with the Town Council and the Birchwood Partnership, planning a rejuvenation scheme; which was, at that time costed at around £100,000. WREN funding of £50,000 was secured, but the additional £50,000 match funding could not be found as none of the local businesses were prepared to part-fund the project.

Councillor Balding reiterated that he believes a guarantee, rather than just an offer of ongoing support for maintenance work, should be included in any proposed works on the Walled Garden.

Action Clerk’s office to continue to liaise with all relevant parties regarding the above.


The Clerk reported that she attended the Parish Liaison meeting held on 23 rd March 2015.

The agenda had included information regarding ‘purdah’ which occurs after the dissolution of parliament on 30 th March 2015; with an updated guide to communications during the pre-election period.

The Clerk said it was reported at the meeting that a decision is still awaited regarding the proposal for ‘all-out’ elections every four years. In addition the Borough Council is waiting for a decision from the Boundary Commission regarding the number of ward Councillors; whether this will become 58 within Warrington.

Other information at the meeting included the growing use of new technology and the increasing use of the internet for access to information and online transactions. As some residents do not, or cannot use the internet, the Borough Council is leading a cross partnership group to promote digital inclusion across the borough. The group has recruited a team of Digital Champions who are available to support anyone who wants to develop their online skills or help a complete beginner to use the internet. If anyone would like the support of a Digital Champion you can visit: www.warrington.gov.uk/getonline

Another discussion was regarding litter and speeding, with most Parish Councils experiencing the same ongoing issues that Birchwood does. A comment was also made by a Parish Council about the new lighting columns; that it was unclear whether they would be able to take the weight of hanging baskets as they believe the weight allowed would be 4kg.

The time it takes for the Contact Centre to answer calls was also raised. It was explained that a number of the calls are complex calls, such as from residents who have queries regarding benefits, and these may be lengthy which is why some telephone callers find themselves’ on hold’ for a long period of time. The Borough Council is aiming to reduce the length of time people have to wait for calls to be answered to a maximum of 10 minutes.

10 The other main point from the meeting is that it is now deemed to be best practice for Councillors to complete their Register of Interests forms annually rather than every four years.


The Clerk stated that we have received a response from Mark Tune at the Borough Council regarding various traffic issues.

The Borough Council is currently assessing a number of roads in Birchwood regarding speed limits and any potential changes will be considered for inclusion in Local Transport Plan in the new financial year. The investigations carried out so far by Warrington Borough Council utilising a Speed Limit appraisal tool released by the Department of Transport identified: • Birchwood Way (Orford Road to Woolston Grange) – the existing 50mph speed limit is correct. • Birchwood Way (Faraday Street to Woolston Grange dual carriageway) – existing 70mph speed limit – considering a reduction to 60mph. • Birchwood Way (Faraday Street to M62) – existing 60mph speed limited – considering a reduction to 50mph • Daten Avenue – existing 60mph speed limit – considering a reduction to 40mph • Birchwood Park Avenue – will review but not expected to reduce the 50mph speed limit.

In addition, the Borough Council proposes to reduce the 40mph speed limit of the A574 Warrington Road from Daten Avenue roundabout to a point approximately 168m north of Silver Lane to 30mph.

The Clerk stated that if these reductions are implemented, this would possibly allow our teams to re-start cleansing works on both sides of Daten Avenue (we can currently only litter pick on the footpath side).


We do not have any further information regarding this matter at the present time.


We do not have any further information regarding this matter at the present time.


The Clerk updated Members on a number of other issues that were originally discussed with Borough Council Officers at a meeting held in November 2014.

(a) Footpath down the side of Bet Fred (previously Spectrum Arena)

The Clerk said that Borough Council Officers have met to discuss the issues at the side of Spectrum Arena. We will request an update from them once a plan to progress the matter has been agreed.

The Town Council has offered to undertake some of the shrub cutting if we can access the area.

(b) Wildflowers 2015

This was moved to Finance Part I, later in the meeting. 11 (c) Block Paving outside Gorse Covert Shop

The Clerk informed Members that we have written to the Borough Council’s Estates department regarding this ongoing matter. We are awaiting a reply.

Action Clerk’s office to chase the Estates Team at the Borough regarding this matter.

(d) Land ownership

We have recently received some land ownership maps from Warrington Borough Council and they appear to show the ownership of the section of a footpath running from Birchwood Park Avenue to Chadwick House as belonging to the Borough Council’s Highways department; more specific detail is still required as to who has the responsibility for street furniture and shrubbery/trees adjacent to the actual footpath.

Councillor T. Hearldon asked if we could find out who has the responsibility for a section of the Spinal Path, in an area where there are broken flags.

The Clerk said it depended on whereabouts on the path the flags are located.

Action Clerk to arrange to meet on site with Councillor T. Hearldon to pinpoint the location of the flags.


At the February meeting, the Clerk reported that the Clerk’s office has completed and returned the questionnaire as instructed by Members, supporting the implementation of double yellow lines that would operate on a permanent basis.

At tonight’s meeting, the Clerk reported that we received a late update regarding the Leacroft Road proposals. A small amendment has been made to the proposed location of the street trader on Leacroft Road and also the proposed restrictions have been extended very slightly. The Borough Council now intends to formally advertise this proposal within the next month or so.

Councillor Balding queried whether it had been considered what impact the proposals might have on local residents who have to travel to the Post Office Collection Depot to collect parcels.

This was briefly discussed by those Councillors present.

Councillor J. Bolton said that she is expecting to attend the next Traffic Committee meeting in April, so if it was to be an item on that agenda she could raise the matter at that point.

Action Clerk’s office to ask the Borough Council if the proposed new restrictions are likely to impact on residents visiting the Post Office depot.

Action Clerk’s office to ask the Borough Council if the proposals will be put before the Traffic Committee at the April meeting.


The Clerk is still awaiting availability dates from the Police with regards to arranging an evening walkabout in Locking Stumps to identify problem lighting columns. She informed Members that the Borough Council do a two-weekly check in the winter months and a four-weekly check in the summer months. However, because this is done as a one man operation, the Borough Council is only able to check the main routes, not side roads and footpaths. Councillor C. Bolton stated that he was recently speaking to some students from the Padgate Campus of the University of who asked about lighting on the cycleway route from the campus to the shopping centre. They considered it inadequate.

Councillor J. Bolton suggested that perhaps this route could be considered as part of the walkabout.


At the February meeting the Clerk reported that we had sent an email to the Borough Council following a query from a resident regarding the removal of trees on Gorse Covert Road and Killingworth Lane – asking if the trees on Gorse Covert Road will be replaced to prevent people parking on the grass verges, as they are now being damaged by vehicles. Some trees on Killingworth Lane had already been replaced.

We are still awaiting a reply.


At the February meeting, the Clerk reported that we had received information from the Borough Council relating to some tree felling that needs to be undertaken as part of the works for the Birchwood Pinchpoint Project.

At tonight’s meeting, the Clerk reported that we have received a number of queries regarding the severe tree cutting, which we have responded to with an explanation of the ongoing works.

Also complaints were received as a lot of previously inaccessible litter was exposed once the trees and surrounding shrubbery were removed. Our teams have been out and litter picked in the areas we are allowed to.

A concern was also raised about the removal of trees leaving Birchwood Forest Park potentially vulnerable to traveller incursions.

This was passed on to the Borough Council which undertook an immediate site visit. The Clerk showed those present photographs of the area of concern and stated that the Borough had advised: ‘ at the location you specifically mentioned, it would be very difficult for a normal vehicle to gain access to the Birchwood Forest playing fields. I attached two photos I took on site which shows the views from the road. As you can see on the left there is a mound and ditch which would be very difficult to cross even in a 4x4. Pulling a caravan would be impossible. On the right there are the remains of sharp edged tree stumps which would create a puncture hazard and again would make access by a 4x4 very difficult.

Notwithstanding the difficulty of access to the fields, I accept that the tree clearance has made the fields much more visible and potentially attractive to anyone wishing to gain access to it. I have therefore put steps in place to investigate the possibility of doing some temporary works to block off the site. This could involve extending the mound across the site with a ditch behind it to make the fields even more impassable. We are checking the feasibility of such work and will keep the Town Council informed of progress.’


Councillor J. Bolton had attended the recent Risley Liaison meeting and site visit and gave those present a brief update on the progress of the Biffa Site re-landscaping and associated issues.

Councillor J. Bolton said that there is still a significant amount of land settlement that needs to be allowed before the main part of the site can be made fully safe and be opened to the public. As the land settles it is exposing some items, such as sharp metal objects that could be a hazard and will be removed. It is expected that this could take up to another three years.

13 The Borough Council and Biffa are in the final stages regarding the stopping up of Silver Lane, although there has apparently been one objection to the plans; this will therefore now go before the Borough Council’s Traffic Committee for consideration and a decision.

Councillor J. Bolton said that if the stopping up is approved, it is hoped that Risley 3 will be open by the autumn.


At the February meeting, the Clerk reported that we had been trying to establish who owned some land in relation to a resident’s concerns regarding some trees adjacent to the rear of his property on Redshank Lane.

At tonight’s meeting the Clerk reported that we have been informed that the small piece of land that the trees are on is not registered, therefore no one actually has responsibility for maintaining the trees. However, as a matter of courtesy, Your Housing sent someone out to assess the trees in question and they reported that they do not consider that they would fall within their criteria for work required.

Councillor Balding commented that if it is important to residents, perhaps the Borough Council could adopt this land.


Application No. 2015/25242 1 Dewhurst Road, Birchwood, WA3 7PG Application for erection of a ‘Click & Collect’ canopy within the store’s customer car park.

The Clerk reported that, as requested she had written to the Planning Department regarding this application.

The Clerk also wrote to the shopping centre about the reallocation of the red spaces to white spaces, making it clearer to customers where they are now allowed to park, especially if parking spaces might be lost as a result of this planning application.

The shopping centre has confirmed that this re-marking will be done once the Network Rail cabins, currently on site, have been removed. The shopping centre management was not aware, locally of the planning application, although it might have been sent directly to the landlord’s head office. We have given the application link to the Shopping Centre Manager for information.



(a) Received – Warrington Rights of Way Forum Minutes – December 2015 and details of next meeting; 23rd April 2015, 10 am to 12 noon, New Town House.

(b) Received/sent – Emails re: a 50m length of the mown grass footpath running south from Rockingham Close (in a corridor of land between nos. 82 and 88). The Borough is resurfacing this with ‘golden gravel’. More accessible gated control will also be installed in keeping with Equality Act requirements.

(c) Received – East Board Minutes and details of next meeting.

14 (d) Received – Notification that the Families and Wellbeing Directorate has been renamed Early Help Division. Early Help Division e-book also received.

(e) Received – Posters for the March 2015 Birchwood Ward Community Meeting.

(f) Received – Neighbourhoods Monthly Bulletin.

(g) Received – Information regarding the Birchwood Station Frontage Improvements.

The Clerk reported that the row of trees adjacent to Dewhurst Road will be removed from the verge to allow the creation of a new footpath/cycleway and accommodate the installation of a new crossing to the shopping centre. One row of station parking will be unusable whilst the work is ongoing; however, the shopping centre has agreed that cars that would normally park at the station can park on car park 3 until the station parking is reinstated, as long as they ‘pay and display’.

(h) Received – Documents relating to the Parish Liaison meeting (23 rd March 2015).

The Clerk reported that she had attended this meeting last night (Minute 155/2015).

(i) Sent – Details of lighting not working in the Lowes Farm underpass and the walkway leading to the Asda petrol station.

(j) Received – Invitation to the Chair regarding the Anzac Day commemorations, 26 th April.

(k) Received – Link to The Wire – the borough Council’s online newsletter.


(a) Received – Invitation to Forum meeting (19 th March 2015).

(b) Received – Invitation to presentation by Cheshire Connect.

(c) Received – Invitation to Warrington Property Review 2015.


(a) Received - Various updates/consultations/ information emails from Warrington Voluntary Action .

(b) Received – Birchwood Park’s March 2015 issues of ‘Parklife’.

(c) Received/sent – email correspondence between Councillor Bowden and a resident re: the Birchwood environment; particularly litter on the stretches of high speed roads which the Town Council is unable to litter pick, landscaping (where trees are being removed re: Birchwood Pinchpoint works at the current roundabout junction of Moss Gate and the A574 and the Council Tax (which the resident has said they would be happy to see increased if it would enable the area to be ‘cared for’ more).

(d) Received/sent – emails relating to several residents’ queries about the tree cutting in the Forest Park and at the current roundabout junction of Moss Gate and the A574 (see also Minute 163/2015 above).

15 (e) Received – Email introducing the ‘Urban Community Energy Fund’.

(f) Received – Invitation for the Chair to attend Walton Parish Council’s Civic Service.

(g) Received – Details of a charity walk for the John Holt Cancer Support Foundation.

(h) Received – Details regarding the National Plant Monitoring Scheme.

(i) Received – Cheshire Community Action Annual Review 2013 – 2014.

(j) Telephone call made to Your Housing alerting them to some potentially dangerous damage to play equipment at The Birches in Locking Stumps.

Your Housing informed us that a repair order had been issued regarding this matter.

(k) Sent – Emails regarding a phone call from a local resident who was unsure if a caller to her door offering free cavity wall insulation was legitimate or not.

(l) Received – Local Government News – March’s weekly e-newsletters.

(m) Received – Email re: Cheshire Fire Authority Draft Five Year Strategy Consultation; with a reminder that the consultation closes on 27 th March 2015.

(n) Received/sent – email correspondence relating to increased dog fouling problems in Gorse Covert.

This was discussed earlier in the meeting (see Minutes 137/2015 and 150/2015).

Action Clerk’s office to contact the resident regarding this matter.

(o) Received/sent – Correspondence with Your Housing relating to an area of litter outside some Your Housing properties.

The Clerk reported that this waste is hidden from the road and not on the verges where our teams normally litter pick.

From the land ownership maps we have received, the litter appears to be on Your Housing land. There are, what appears to be, a significant number of used nappy sacks amongst the waste and from photographs sent to us; it is a possibility that for the waste to be where it is, it may have been thrown of a window of a nearby property.

170/2015 ICAN ALERTS

Full details regarding the iCAN alerts below and details of free membership to the service can be found at http://www.tswarrington.co.uk/ican

(a) Scam – computer support is doing the rounds again. (b) Tax rebate scam is doing the rounds again. (c) Residents are warned not to buy items from the back of a van as they may be stolen and/or faulty with no recourse for the buyer. (d) Warning of fake phishing emails, trying to obtain names, addresses and bank details.


(a) Received – Alerts (already circulated; hard copies available to view in the office ):

(i) Rugby World Cup – advice to avoid bogus ticket websites/sellers (ii) Blog – ‘Working together with our communities’ (iii) How to avoid being a victim of online auction scams (iv) Blog – ‘Investment in tackling domestic abuse’ (v) Details of Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Day (vi) Details of Cheshire Police Business Crime Conference (vii) Blog – ‘My Commitment to Victims’ (viii) Warning – Adobe and Linkedin Phishing emails

(b) Received – March 2015 Birchwood Newsletter.

(c) Received – Details of arrest of male in Cinnamon Brow.

(d) Received – Correspondence from Cheshire Constabulary regarding some criminal damage done to the lock on our car park barrier.


(a) Received – E-news bulletins – 02/03/15 and 18/03/2015.

(b) Received – Details of ‘larger Council’s Conference’.


(a) Received – ChALC News – March 2015.

(b) Received – Link to 4 th Edition of Good Councillors Guide – available online.


Copies of various articles from local publications of relevance/interest to Birchwood.


LGC Magazine – LGC Special Report February 2015, 26/02/15, 05/03/15, 12/03/15, 19/03/15, LGC Awards Winners 2015 The Clerk – March 2015 Clerk’s and Councils Direct – March 2015 LCR – Spring 2015


Councillor Nelson – Speed of traffic near Fern Close and Locking Stumps Primary School at times when children are going to/coming home from school.

As Councillor Nelson was unable to attend tonight’s meeting the Clerk explained to Members that she had been asked by a resident to enquire if ‘Slow’ could be painted on the stretch of road that leads between Glover Road and the entrance to Locking Stumps Primary School. The resident is concerned that vehicles are travelling too fast along this stretch of road. 17 Councillors asked who uses this stretch of road.

The Clerk said it is most likely to be people accessing the school and car park at the front of Thomas Risley Church.

Councillor Balding suggested deferring a fuller discussion until Councillor Nelson was able to speak on the matter.

Councillor J. Bolton suggested that we could also discuss the matter with the Police.


(a) Warrington Borough Council

(i) Received – Notification re: the Planning Application Sub-Committee meeting on 11 th March 2015 – There is nothing of specific relevance to Birchwood on the agenda for discussion at this meeting.

(ii) Received – Notification re: the Development Management Committee on 12 th March 2015. There is nothing of specific relevance to Birchwood on the agenda for discussion at this meeting.


(a) Lists of enforcement cases recently opened/closed have been received.


(a) Application No. 2014/25014 3 Delenty Drive, WA3 6AN. Proposed demolition of existing building with the erection of 9 dwellings. Withdrawn

The Clerk stated that from the documents online, it appears that the reason the application was withdrawn was due to there being concerns from the Borough Council’s Highways Department which needed to be addressed.

(b) Application No. 2015/25041 15 Kinsale Drive, WA3 6LX. Proposed single storey extension to front and side elevation and relocation of boundary wall. Approved with conditions

(c) Application No. 2015/25149 Mossgate junction at Birchwood Way and Daten Avenue. Lawful development certificate (Section 192) Proposed construction of new carriageway to existing A574 on north-east side of Mossgate junction, as part of the conversion of the existing roundabout to a fully signalised junction. Approved

(d) Application No. 2015/25087 825 Birchwood Boulevard, WA3 7QZ . Proposed change of use of self-contained B1 office suite to a mix of B1 office and D1 treatment and rehabilitation rooms (resubmission of 2014/24050). Approved with conditions

(e) Application No. 2015/25107 1000, Birchwood Boulevard. Proposed 2.4m high fencing and gates to form security barrier to car parking area, additional to existing fencing and gates to adjacent car parking area. Approved with conditions

18 (f) Application No. 2015/25204 The Quadrant, Cavendish Avenue, Birchwood Park. Non- material amendment to elevations and internal layout of units 711 – 713. Approved

(g) Application 2014/24823 128 Rockingham Close, WA3 6XA Lawful development certificate (Section 192) Proposed dog sitting business for a maximum of three dogs. Approved


All plans can be viewed via the Borough Council’s website: http://www.warrington.gov.uk/home/transport_planning_and_environment/Planning/Search_pla nning_applications/

Certain applications are not Planning Applications; therefore there is no statutory opportunity to allow 21 days for comments, e.g: Non material amendment applications, Lawful development certificates (S192) and 28 day prior approval/determination applications. These types of applications would be received on an information basis only.

(a) Application No. 2015/25295 39 Woolmer Close, WA3 6TT. Proposed single storey extension to side of dwelling and new porch to front.

(b) Application No. 2015/25393 25 Sandicroft Close, WA3 7LY. Proposed single storey rear extension to extend by 5m from the rear wall, maximum height of the extension is to be less than 3950mm and the height of the extension to the eaves is to be 2300mm.

(c) Application No. 2015/25371 82 Rockingham Close, WA3 6UY. Proposed two storey extension. (Resubmission of 2014/23822).

(d) Application No. 2015/25391 3 Delenty Drive, WA3 6AN. Proposed demolition of an existing building and the construction of 9 new houses/bungalow.

Plans are best viewed online as it is possible to ‘zoom in’ on highly detailed pages which are ‘a blur’ when printed out. Full documents are available to view in the office.

The Clerk stated that the new plans appear to show that a corner of the land currently occupied by the Police Station (car park) would need to be acquired for the new plans to adhere to terms of consent and be considered for approval.

She has spoken to Maureen at the Police Station and asked if their Estates Department is aware of the plans.

Councillor J. Bolton said that she believes that there are a few issues regarding this site from a developer’s point of view including tree protection orders on two oak trees on the site, drainage that runs through the centre of the site which might need re-routing and that it might not be economically viable as a plot of land as it stands to build on.

See also Minute 179/2015 (a) above.

(e) Application No. 2015/25497 Allday House, Birchwood Park Avenue, WA3 6GR. Application for a non-material amendment following application 2012/20778.

19 (f) Application No. 2015/25196 Oakwood Gate Service Statement, Oakwood Gate, WA3 6RW. Proposed extension of existing garage shop, new petrol canopy and pump islands, partial reconfiguration of forecourt and parking arrangements, 24 hours (re- registered application).

The Clerk reported that this appears to be a ‘scaled down’ version of a previous application that had included plans for a coffee shop, which are not now included.


Sent/received – Emails to Planning Enforcement regarding an unauthorised banner attached to a footbridge.

This part of the meeting concluded at 8.35pm