INSIDE Judiciary Committee Named to Avoid
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Judiciary Committee named to avoid New registrar sion , which, except for rulings on may never meet and "We may never ciary-committee assumes the respon- recommendations from last year 's ~% BEN HERBST begins tenure ¦ ¦impeachment processes, will be hear a peep out of them. " sibility of the election committee." He SGA President Cat Welch '05 and NEWS EDITOR ¦ . final." . added that this was part of the SGA's Vice. President Adelih t'ai '05 , and Last year 's SGA presidential elec- "attempt to make a standardized elec- there is no appointment process out- By CARL A JACOBS ¦ The Presidents ' Council unani- tion was marred by controversy over What is different is tion process." lined in the SGA Constitution. _ ¦ . STAFF WRITER mously voted to approve the appoint- two candidates who Were temporaril y Committee-member Hale is excited SGA Vice President Romeo Raugei ments made by Student Government disqualified for that the judiciary about, the task and expects that his col- '06 announced the 2006 election lime- ' Since coming lo canipii 's in Association President Donnie related early, advertisements for their committee leagues will be up to •the' task; "We line on Dec. 2, ancfil was approv ed by 1987 , Beth - Schiller has O'Callaghan '06 to the Judiciary candidacy. Another ticket was also really want to focus on transparency," PC at that time. On Feb. 24 nomina- brought hef passion for com- , Committee during their meeting on temporaril y disqualifi ed for other rea- assumes the ' Hale said. tion sheets will he available at the paters and . information tech- Sunday, Feb. 12. The jive member sons. The fal I SGA constitutional ref- responsibility of O'Callaghan is . pleased that there Student Activiti es O ffice and on. the nology to her ' work in (he committee vvi 11 consist of Todd Dixon erendum made changes that should were no problems ' with his appoint- SGA website. Nomination sli ps and registrar 's offi ce. ¦A fter . work-;. -: . -. '06 (Chair), Francis Chapuredima avoid the confusion . and '¦' . misunder- the election com- ments among PC members. In order SGA Code of Conduct sheets are due ing for 18 years as ' the system '06, Karen Bennett '06, Carolyn standings ' that happ ened last year. mittee. to choose the committee members he in: the Stu-A ' Office on March ° . support person, fo r.- (he-former : Findeisen '06 and Charlie Male '06. "We are already off to a better start met with the. rest of the SGA execu- Campaigning begins at 12:00 '-, on reg istrar George Coleman , she According to' Article VI: Section A than last year," O'Callaghan said. Donnie O'Callaghan '06 tive board and various members of the Marc h 12 , the Presidential Debaters has succeeded him to become of the SGA Constitution , "In matters According to O'Callaghan,. the, SGA President • administration. -' . From the . group of . on March Id ,.and voting is between X the new Colin registrar. - of SGA-related hearings, election dis- committee . will be ready to make a names assembled he made a decision. a.m. .March 19- and S p.m. March 2(h Schiller is. a fia .th e : of ¦ putes, impeachment processes or • ruling if there is a dispute or interpret "We . carne up with a list of names and 'Run-olT elections will. be between Davenport. Iowa and graduated other judicial matt ers, die SGA .election rules as necessary. He added . While there has been a committee, I thought long and hard about the peo- March 22 and 23? .. from the Uiii\ ersit\ of Iowa in Judiciary Committee, shall convene to that if everything goes smoothly for in the past , OTallaghan explained ple." O 'Callaghan said this process Iow a City w ilh a Bachelors adj udicate the issue and render a deci- the rest of the year, the committee that "what .is different is that the judi- . , . .' was:.difficult because he received ho degree in music and' computer science and a'Master 's . degree in fine arts. After .graduation , College to host panel discu ssion Schiller began working in the Vagina Mono logu e so p e n s to a f u II house Management Information on economic future of Waterville Systems' , "department ' of' .ihe ' . Hathaway Shirt Company in By BEN HERBST including Julia .Steubing . "08 , Waterville. which lias ' since ¦ ' ¦ ¦ N EWS EDITOR . Assistant Director . Alice Elliot- and closed. " ; . '¦ . • , ' William R. Kenan Professor of ' llei "lov e -for •the educational Government and Director of the world' .motivated - her lo leave - The Goldfarb Center for Public Goldfarb Center L. Sandy Majsel. her job at the shirt coinpaiw Affairs and Civic Engagement will Among, the items' to be discussed and seek employment at the' be hosting a panel discussion entitled will be the redevelopment of " . the . College, "fhad been in college ' ' "The Economic Future¦ of 1 lathaway Shirt Facto ry .building, the. for 10 years. I olw iously liked -j-- Waterville," today, Feb. 16 at 7 p.m. development of the Head of Falls . the academic environment .'' in Loyejoy 1 00. space , the - revitalization of Main she said. '-.'There are a- lot ol ' The panel features Mayor of Street and other projects. Many of nice things about being on a Waterville Paul LePage, Ken Young these projects came up during the college campus, I hero is more of the Kennebec Valley Council of may oral debate held on campus in forward thinking , here that Governments, and Executive. November of 2005 . doesn 't go nh in business.- : I y' Director of Waterville Maine Street "The panelists are all prominent really like the interaction Shanon Haines of Waterville. Young players in the munici pal ¦government between faculty and students " . is a member ofthe Goldfarb Center 's and economy. They are fantastic . - . -As the ' new reg istrar. Main Liaison Board , : resources to 1 earn froin about business Schiller is-responsible for reg- "The Goldfarb Student Advisory in Waterville and we are lucky to have istrations , ' maintaining student Board had some brainstorm ing meet- them on Campus," Steubing said. records, scheduling' .- cla .s .s- ings and we decided that the future of "The panelists w ill discuss the rooms; g hing oii t transcri pts' Waterville was important to Colby future of Waterville candidl y and all and making sure- .seniors ha\e and we should know what the city 's have genuine excite ment and hope comp leted ' ibeir graduation large projects and goals are ," said for the city. A lot of people want to requirements. She cites record Goldfarb Student Advisory Board know what t hey can do in Waterville , keep ing and data integrity as member, and one of the event 's orga- both in a recreational sense and in a the most important aspects- of nizers Nicholas Cade 'OX said. sense of development and service , her job . especially making sine , ¦ ''¦¦ ' ' . PHOTOS MDCOUAOl. BY NOAli liAl A7S'IHT. COIII'i 11 I'll Cade said that the event was orga- and this could be a great way to learn Eve Ensler s' Vagina Monologues open ed in Page Commons on Tuesday, Feb. 14. nized by Goldfarb Cen ter staff, Ihe answers." Cade added: Continued on Page 2 Maine DOT discusses future possible Renowned speaker, activist to give the change of state roadways near campus keynote address of diversity confe rence By KATI E HAMM issues were examined; a h ypass that Ihe College builds more and more By KATIE HAMM King has lec- EDITOR IN CHUT went below the Colhy (liven was con- across the road from the main campus fOITOR IN CHIEF tured throug hout sidered , bul determined not In be a Ihal there is a safe pedestrian crossing the country and in As I he College iii ul Ilk - cily of good avenue because of the wetlands anil thai il '.s basicall y a safer road lo Liirope , A frica and Waterville look to improve the road- in t hai area. The recommendation travel on ," Koy said. Yolaiula King will he the Asia. She lias also ways around campus, I he Maine came that a bypas s road should be However, there are regulations that keynote speaker at Ihis year 's co-authored a hook Department ol ' Transportation has tv before a new roadway is buill , all diversity con ference, which Avill entitled "Open M y issued a report st aling that a bypass oplions that are less destruclive must take place on Sal unlay, March I I. Lyes , O pen My road that would go behind the north- We want to be exp lored , for illis reason , traffic King is the daughter of Corelta Soul ," thai , ern athletic fields is the Ixst way to calming measures will be taken on Seott King and Dr. Martin Luther according to her alleviate Ual 'lic concerns in the area. make sure...that May flower Hill Drive . According to King, .Jr. website, "demon- This project is still far in the future , there is a safe Murp hy, these include things like "She ' s a very talented and strates her commit- however, and other measure s will he raised sidewalks , raised crosswalks accomp lished person ," said ment lo raise taken first before the hypass road may pedestrian and more t rees close lo ihe road Studen t Government Association awareness and become a reality. crossing and things that would probably cause a Vice I' rcsidenl Romeo Raugei '00. enhance under- Discussions of changing driver lo slow down. "We undcrsland "She 's spoken extensively ahout standing nhiiiil the Mayflower Hill Dri ve have begun that it's basical- |Ihe DO'f'.s reasoning," Murphy .said.