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The Ledger and Times, December 24, 1963

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MURRAY POPULATION 10, 100 Vol. LXXXIV No. 304 84th YEAR December 24, 1963 jnited Press International IN OUR Murray, Ky., Tuesday Afternoon, .t )6 .) QOa Jerusalem Is 877 Saved In <2.0C:7 Ship Disaster 0 Crowded With In Atlantic Many Pilgrims JERUSALEM Jordan Ter -Thou- • :alnels of Christian pilgrims con- FUNCHAL. Madeira aria The 0;- veraad on Jerusalem today by foot. 877 survivors of the fire and ex- car. plane ;and evan donkey to cali- ',lesions on the Greek ...raise brier brate Christmas in the Holy Land. 1 akonia headed Yen: this port snit The pilgrimage was somewhat ov- Casablanca today for a girm Chri t- ershadowed this year by the visit ines Eve reliving the horror of their of Pope Paul VI next week. escape. H,Itel owners :aid Christmas in After a day of Intensive search the ancient cit.- promised to be and rescue operations by ships and quieter than usual. apparently be- planes from many flattens. 24 bodies cause hundreds of Christians cliailit- had been recovered and 135 per- ed their reservations so they could • wins remained unaacounted for be here during the Pope's pilgrim- The abandoned 20314-ton ,hip age Jan. 4-6. listina and in danger of further ex- More than 5.00 Christian pil- plosion. drifted 180 miles northeast grims were in Jerusalem. however of these Portuguese islands while and thousands mare were pouring the rt. -au: effort continsect in from other parts of Jordan At first light this morning. U. S. The Mandeb-aim Gate from the 'or Force pilots reported no sign Israeli sector of Jerusalem is schwa- of life aboard the ship or the wa- tiled to open at dawn Welneal v. ters around it nermittApg the entry of more than Madeira was to have been the first 3.ee0 Christian Arabs who live in • stop on the Lakonia's 11-day Christ- The-• are allowed 36-hour ma- v• else from Souitiarripton Eng- visits to relatives fl the Jordanian land, with 8M passengers all but 31 sector at Christmas and Easter. British, and incioding four Ameri- The weather promised to be per- alillia and VS erewnien. feet for Christmas. with bright sun- Rescue Center shMe. cloudless skies and balmy 75• Now, it -WAN the ressue receptian temperatures renter for more than 600 of the Pilgrims strolled around the city survivors. The others were en route in shirt sleeves.. seeing the famous to Casablanca. Mortice. about 560 sights and Setsitioset$ tkuctst shops miles anutheaat .1:: the diameter title Ambulances stood by at dockside and hospitals were prepared for 14 Below At Memphis, burned or injured sunivois Hotels. IContinoed on Page 41 Coldest In Nation

:-II'MPHIS tat - Ohristma.s Eve Power Goes Off In came to this Dixie town tulay with ra:he wonderful thing a frieid blast of air that made it the Paris At 9 Below cildest spot in the nation. each :he US. Weather Bureau here PARIS. Tenn. frn --Residents of about Christmas is that recorded 13 below sero at 3:24 a.m.. this West Tennessee city were with- Cie lowest reading in the 48 oil'--- out heat-eiving power as long as year, without fail, it works cot states and an all-time re( ord. 3's hours earl); today in sub-zero shattering low for the city. temperatures. its miracle over again. With The naval air station at nearby A reading of nine degrees below Millington recorded a low of 14 zero was taken here during the the approach of the Holiday brow zero. Weathermen said it was night, the lowest temperature re- tae first time the Memphis araa corded for a December in Paris. Season, the spirit becomes had been recorded as the coldest Aafew hours later, a power line spat in the nation. in the Tennessee Valley Authority uplifted, Weather Bureau records. which system went out, cutting off heat refreshed, the heart : te laack to 1872. show the previous to the large majority of homes and -- 7ord Vag' to be 11 below zero on imsinesses which use electric heat. and the world suddenly is 7eb. 2. 1951 The Henry County General Hos- The icy chill came to a city with pital switched to an emergency unit full of smiling people, burst- streets laden with 14- of powdery and operated succeasfully during the snow dumped Sunday and Monday. failure Telephones were back in ing with good will towards Ice glazed sane streets and sale- ase after a short time when South- Walks making driving and walking ern Bell switched to Its emergency their fellow-man. hi ir:lous. unit. Radio station WTPR, which us- ually begin.s broadcasting at 5 am. Watermelon For could not get on the air until nearly Bt is in this atmosphere 8 a.m. Christmas Day? The power went Jut about 4 a.m., cheer and brotherly - -- of good Boyd of 1619 Main Street and auxiliary power lines want into B. B. to have watermelon for - action it sotne sections of the city plans love that we wish our friends dessert and will shortly after 5. However, the bulk Christmas dinner probably be the only one in the if homes and businesses were with- Christmas and ta do so. Mr. Boyd grew out power until 7:40 am. a very Merry county - come fine melons this past summer a Rich and Happy New Year. in his garden and put the water- CITY OFFICES CLOSED melon together with some pumpkins in a warm place under his house. All city offices will be closed on He found the melon on Hallo- Christmas Day The Fire Depart- ween and decided to just leave it ment and the Police Department there for awhile The melon weiahs will be open as usual. 35 pounds and looks as though it was picked yesterday. Apparently it COURTHOUSE CLOSED kept just fine during the past months. k AK county offices in the court- At any rate, Mr. Boyd will take house will be closed at noon today a try at it on Christmas Day. He and will reopen for busineas on reports an extra fine garden last Thursday morning, according to SIMInter. County Judge Robert 0. Miller. Year - - Wishes Everyone a Merry Christmas And A Happy New The Staff of The Daily Ledger & Times VVITOR SUNDAY Mr. and Mrs. VV. P. Williams Weather Dan Gatewood Joe Pat Thornton - Mr. and Mrs. James C. Williams Col and Mrs. L J Pardue. and Bobby Cole Samuel Workman Report Charles Oldham children, were the guests of Mr. Smith Bobby Williams and Mrs Dewey Ragsdale Sunday. tonal Edward United Press Int t Mrs. Ben Nix of Mrs R. J. McDougal Jimmy Williams Col Pardue is a nephew has just returned High Yesterday 26° Rid Jobs Greene Wilson Raasdale and ° William Hornbuckle Portugal. Low Yesterday 0 Mrs. J. B. Burkeen from Lisbon. 7:15 Today 5 Donald Burkeen TIMES NEWSPAPER BOYS . . . TO ATTEND GAME Kentucky Lake 7 a.m. 3539'; be- AND THE LEDGER & low dam 301 8. Phil Wilson Tommy Jones Wm. B. Hornbuckle Miss Joyce Yarborugh of Farmer Barkley Dam 302. Ken Lavender — William Ilarvey Kennie Stubblefield Avenue. Murray. is spending Christ- Donnie Miller Ronnie Colson Wilson mas and New Year's holidays visit- Sunset 4:45. sunrise 7108. Phil Williams *44 Greg Allan Grogan Hal -Hanks ing her aunt, Mrs. Buford West in Bill Heise Dwight Moody David Hill New Orleans While there she all. Western Kentucky - Mostly fair Johnny Woods Tommy Resig attend the Sugar Bowl game and warmer today through Wednes- Kennie Colson James Thomas and David Smotherman will return to Murray on January 4 High today in the low 30s Low Mike Harrell day Glenn Hughes Steve Knight tonight upper teens


4 PAGE TWO THE LEDGER & TIMES — MURRAY, KENTUCKY TUESDAY DECEMBER 24, 1963 Fisher Not Holding THE LEDGER & TIMES Up Wedding He Says; Paul Flatley Basketball On PUBLISHED by LEDGER a TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY. lac- Comeedation of tee Murray Ledger, The Callossay Tunes, and The Burton Santa Claus Turies-Hera.d, October 20, 11126,' and the Wee Kentuckian. January Is The NFL owling Playoff Game To a lap. LAS VECI.k.S. Nev. tV — Singer Rise, Michigan Fedie Faller opened his. Christmas JAMES C. WILLIAMS, PUBLISHER shoe Monday inght 'beldre an en- Mixed Doubles League We reserve the right to reject any Advertising. Letters to the Editer, eseeiasue audience without a trace Rookie-of-Year Sports Card Dee, If, 1963 or lalbec Voice awns whale. hi our epinion, are not for the beet in- ul :e11N1Ull that earlier in the day __. 33 15 Serail a our readers precipitated a verbal blaet at his Bizzell Bro. Super Mkt Be Played In By MARTIN LADER wile Elizabeth Taylor. and her lov- ThFoteir Klegierst's _ 23'82 2106 N A T/ON AL REPRES ENTATIVES: WALLACE WITMER CO., 1509 UPI Sports Writer er NEW YORK ea — Paul Flatley ILatison Ave., Memphis, Tenn.; Time & Life Bldg., New York. N.Ye Basketball is no kinder a Alt overflow crowd badly Sp- of the Minnesota Vikings, who was Martin Oil 26 73 some- Steieseeson 131die, Detroit. Mich time thing at the pidukievi the singer as he began a only the 444th collegian selected Defenders University of Chevelle's 2232 2625 Michigan and may even become the Eratital at the Post Office. elerray, Kentucky, to: tranearession as tout dunies which tune In the Frigid Weather only thing if the Wolverines make Second Class Matter. nis ticauilful wife plans to obtain a draft one year ago, has been named Story Starters 15 33 a successful invasion of the Mexican divorce to marry Welsh the 1963 NFL rookie-of-the-year by New Carriers 15 33 West 11U13SCRIPTION RATES: By Carrier in Murray, per week Coast later this 20t. Per United Press International. High Team 3 Games He, week. By Month 85e In Caeotvae and adearerg counties, pe- year, $4.50: else- actor Richard Burton. NORMAN MILLER San Diego. The Chargers scored Four If's 2269 As recently as two years ago "mere $8 00. 1 aher sang 15 love songs during The springy-legged. 22-year-old It figures to be a mighty cold the first four times they had pos- Che:vecollenaiers 2266 basketball was of minor importance his awe. but never made a com- former Northwestern star, who N day Saturday when the Boston Pa- session of the ball, yet they led on the UM campus in . 'The Outstanding Civic Asset of a Community la the ment elseut his estranged %lie. as swiftly learned all the tricks of pro- 2339 respect to triots and meet in only 26-17 at halftime. football , Integrity of its Newspaper- lie has kitten done during past peas-catching, won the honor by a High Team Game He. and the team did little to the League's shows one-sided majority in the annual Pour If's 807 enturace its appeal. Eastern Division play-off but the Don Breaux, cookie Denver quar- TUESDAY — DECEMBER 24, 1963 Earlier, alter apologizing for UPI poll of 42 writers who covered New Comers 784 The situatIon is changing rapidey, winner can expect a warm reception terback, hit on eight straight pass breacmg Ins "gentleneues" silence, the NFL regularly three from each Chevelle's 781 however, and Michigan can solid- one weak later in San Diego. attempts during the first half to ly Its Faber unleashed an angry denial city• High Ind, Game He. Men position as one of the na- The San Diego weather should keep his team in the game. However, tion's top basketball that he was holding up the divorce Platley received 25 votes, com- Ronald Lawrence 226 powers when it be sunny and the San Diego Charg- George Biases 28-yard field goal and Quotes From The News eith a demand for a nulhon dollars. pared to 5 for Dun Brumm, the Tommy McClure 225 takes on some more of the bast in ers hot. Lowe's 66-yard touchdown run pull- the Almost at the same tame, Burton St Louis Cardinals' defesive end Jim Livers Tee Los Angeles Classic starting The Chargeres clinched the West- ed the Chargers away in the third By UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL —who plans to play Santa Claus to who was runner's) in the voting High Ind, 3 Games He. Men Dec. 26. The Wolverines' first-round ern Laveison crown Sunday with a period. And wale second-string the needy children of Puerto Val- John Mackey. Baltimore Colts tight George Hodge 631 opponent will be seventh-ranked 68-20 rout against the Denver Bron- quarterback John Hacil taking over tVASHINGTON President Johnson. expressing confi- UCLA. harts, :Steele°. Wednesday — told end. and Lionel Aldridge. Green Bay Jim Livers 624 cos and now have a two-week stret- for mast of the final quarter, they dence that enotieh Democratic House members are back Michigan. rated No reporters during a four-hour drink- Packers defensive end, each re- Tommy McClure 606 2 in the last ch in sun-soaked California to pre- broke the game wide open with al fro* •weekends .it home to assure passat.:e ,tf his foreign aid ratings of the United Press Inter- points. ing bout that he plane to marry ceived two votes High Ind, 3 Games He. Women pare for the AFL's title playoff national board of coaches, gave it- against motley bill: oeiressjm•Tiu.iarykiry pisoo.L%nibieafter the middle ,. The 6-foot-2. 18'7-pound Raney Margaret Morton 516 the Eastern Division win- self a big boost by overpowering ner Four Records Set ;I am just sOrry that some of them wanted to stay over as caught 51 passes for a total of 867 Dell Snow eaa at San Diego, Jan 5. fourth-ranked Duke 83-67 at Ann The an extra day.- Berton said he will sear a Santa varca and 4 touchdowns during the Laverne Cain 6416 Bills and the Patriots, who Mike Mercer of Oakland kicked season Arbor last Saturday It was the Claus suit when he and Miss Taylor past He ranked in a tie for High Ind. Game He, Wows end their regular season last week- a 39-yard field goal with 4:31 re- sixth eteught mocess without de- (iistribiee cies at the town plaza' 1Cth place among NFL pass re- I a verne Csi,ln as end with 7-6-1 records clash next maining to beat the Oilers At least I-.AJS. The Azores --L'S. Air Fort Lsrrv 151;hon, af- feat for the sopiamore dominated .., . The alungly oeivers. Margaret Morton 214 Saturday afternoon at Buffalo in four records were set in the game. ter ;lying over the burnin hulk of the ak,e2sa . . Wolverines. allied Burton at i bar overlooking Raney developed surprisingly fist Helen Hargrove 214 temperature that undoubtedly will In addition to the 101-point total, .It was like a bid dream. They i the survivors) in the -, as a pro Despite his impressive col- Kentucky Wins Sixth be freezing. he beaeh Mondav where he told Top Six Average Men set an APL sea-son credentials. Kentucky is another scnool with war were helpless . . we dropped all the rafts We had but reporters they would not marry be- lege Fealty was not Delmer Brewer 172 Coach and his Charg- rushifig record of 1.006 yards and selected until a lot to be grateful for at this time thee - were not enough. r., a little child - about two or , fore Jan. 16 due to problem, arising the fourth round of GeorgRed Dohe wodeertye 171 ers will be waiting to thaw out the Art Powell caught four touchdown the NFL draft a of year. The third-racked Wildcata, winner three years old in A lifejacket-.1 with nobody near hint." from her divorce with Eddie Fisher. year ago in Jan- 110 paws Daniels gained 158 yards reaming off their worst season in • i .- It was reports reaching Fisher uary Paul Ragsdale 164 High Scoring Game Sunday, giving him two more yards 1 -We figured the 38-year reign of Gooch Atiaolpla ;about the problems over a divorce Flatley was a tie- Lee Roy Barnett 182 The chargers serer's the only hot than the record set last year by 7s1F-MPHIS. Tenn -- Post Office ,.. atety officer M. E. Ac- mendous footbell ROW, also boosted aver record to anmu-ently provoked Use eing- player and he Jim Hargrove 161 team In the league on the final Buffalo's . kearan: explainin g why he believess •• in neurosis" has1 t.ast,-tit---- 6-0 Saturday by trouncing Wake didn't disappoint us.- said Coach Top Ste Average Women Sunday of the regular season. The cau)ed ferociousness, Van Brocklin Forest 98-75 in ars final round of Turn Flores completed six touch- increased among cltsgs• ' I'm not holding things up." he Norm of Minnesota Martha Knott] 154 Oakland Raiders edged the Houston -We are not the University of Kentucky In- doe n passes. one less than the AFL ...The. dog goes out in the morning He's tied up. He can 'said when asked about the reports surprised at the out- Mildred Hodge 150 Oilers. 52-49, in the highest scor- standing vitational. record; George Blunda who hoick; unti muve a few feet Nowhere to use his energy. When the from Mess Taylor that he was hold- season he had." Margaret Morton 146 ing AFL game ever played. Despite Maley himeelf admitted he came Kentucky. paced by the 28 points that mark, threw five TD tosses. ‘scitilsitn arrives, the dog is Mighty bad tempered, aching to togeut for the million dollars Dell Snow 146 the win, the Raiders failed in their a long way in the NFL. vath the Gladys Etherton 143 of Caton Nash, now has captured Oakland paned 40'7 yards by picas- still( his teeth into -I haven't been offered any mon- game try to overtake San Diego. The someone' its O'XII tournament three straight int and 181 by ruerung for a 568- ey And I haven't asked for any- help of Van Brocklin and the Vik- Helen Hargrove 137 Kansas City Chiefs drubbed the - - --- • Lag:6' end coach. Darrel Brewster. pears yard total offense that also was a thing he said. "I don't went any- , 48-0 in the other WASHINGTON Pres.dent in a festive mood UCLA warmed tip for the Los single-game mark. thing trum either of them." "It's hard to believe." Flatley said If you have a baby in Your home, game played. at 11 ceilgressional Christmas party - when advised that he had won the keep an ample disposable Angeles CiELS.SiC by routing Previous- supply of In winaing the Western Division The Raiders, who won only one !*The Cap.'ol H.11 home rookie award "Only a year ago at diapers on hand for use in ly uabeaten Creigbton 95-79. despite is my aeci perhaps one of the emer- e for the third time in four game in 1962, closed out the. '63 this time I'd just been drafted by gencies. an outstandam performance by the eseS'ea • F.,- ! n•ro'! •\ 1.• I ',-•ft there.- seasons, the Chargers finished with season with eight straight wins and Lhe Vikings and five months ago I losers' Paul Silas, who grebbed 33 an 11-3 record, one genie ahead of a total of 10. came to camp not knowing whether rebounds in addition to scoring 29 A haystack in an open field can Oakland. in their first two playoff 'Ed Brown Is I'd make the points. The Bruins. now 6-0, were team be Protected against radioactive ventures. completed four touch- led by Walt Hazzard's 26 points. in 1960 and '61. the Charg- "I have to give credit to Norm fellout with a canvas or plastic cot - ers careen passes and defensive tackle Butler Drops Toledo lost both times to Houston. Van Brocklin and Darrell Brewster .' el. The fallout will settle on the Jerry Mays ran 58 yards to score Toledo, Ten Years Ago Today Come-Back Of he added "They worked with me cover and can be removed with it tied for 10th place with scored two touchdowns, with a recovered fumble as the ..4114. 1,40. day alter day and taught me moves The protected hay can be used un- Davanion and Oregon State, was On runs of 10 and 66 yards, end Chiefs drubbed the Jets in nine-de- I'd never hal..e Icarned on on o'an niediately. tmended by Butler 442-81 last Satur- mined 183 yards in 17 carries for gree weather. day • :Mr and Mrs. Dan %xis of Miaray Route One are Wm Tite Year.• UPI Eiglath-raoked Texas was a par*nt, of a daughter, weighing seven poitnds'll ounces, born 69-63 victim to Oklahoma State and Davidson we/loped East Carolina, at the Murray Hospital Sunda.y• December - NOILMAN MILLER 105-77 Vanderbilt was a 91-82 vic- Charles $8.7 Million Job Training :Cul R. Magness of Fort Holabird, Md . arrived anted Press International tor over Louisville. and °realm in Murray on Ilecember 20 to spend the Christmas holidays NEW YORK ir Ed Brown, a. State nipped Indiana 56-52. witli his paren6. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Matznes, • supposedly over-the-hill quarterback Michigan. displaying unusual Program Told By Breathitt SARLY AMERICAN FURNITURE ItIr Guy Turner. State Patrolman, reported today that he had who barely mated leading the Pit- poise for a team which stares three tralreled over 1900 betw,eriJ December 23. tsburgh Steelers to heir first Na- es and two juniors. easily tional Football League title. today Duke zone defense to take covtring frtruir2t.000 to 23.000 Miles TinfiCvei-s CaBowaY. By CAROLE MARTIN. they can tie given they training was honored by United Press Inter- a 38- halftime lead. Sophomore Marshall. and Trigg Counties Inked Press Internstionai Iis said. national for the 1963 come-back-of- FRANKFORT, Ky -- Ger Yoaths To Train Carrie Russell paced the Wolverines the-year in the NFL :Mr. and. Mrs Stine Isenhower of Conovcr, N C . are the relward T Breathitt yeaerday an- There will be 362 persons ui epee - with 21 points. all but three of them The 34-year old Brown, complet- corning In the second half. Jeff parent, ui a son. Charlts Randall. born Wednealay, Decemb- nounced an $8 7 nelhon federal job- ial youth groups. Breathitt said .ng his 10th season as a pro quarter- training Program for 44 Mullins led Duke with 22 er 43 Mrs. Ise:alower- .s the former Carolyn Vai.gtm, daught- Kentucky these would be young people from back. won the award by a plurality coueues covered.. by the President's low income families without earths In the consolation game of the er Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Vatignn -of Murray. pf of the votes Clilfa by 42 %Titer, who Appalachian Regional Commission and without the money to tram on Kentucky invitational. Princeton covered the 1963 NFL campaign PARC their own edged Wiseonean 9013 in overtime The panel of three writers from Breathitt annoenced at a faces They will be paid i16 a week as Tiger star Etili Bradley tallied 4'7 each league city cast 14 votes for conference that the program would The governor said ti wrung under pointa for a two-game total of 77. Brown. compared to eight for pass- provide training for 3.296 persons in the program will be limited to one Both marks broke tournament scor- OD THE LEDIali'S CLASSIFIEDS catcher Terry Barr of the Detroit 36 occupational cateaories. year and the training courses v,•411 ing records held by Jerry West, Lions. He Paid it would be -by far the average 44 weeks former Wee Virginia star now' Brown, a bench-warmer of three largest single project." ever con- Many of the trainees already have playing yeah the Los Angeles Lasers. previous season. stepped into one elected under the Manpower De- been recruited and others will be of the largest pairs at quarterback velopment and Training Act" recruited shortly, he said. FIGHT RESULTS shoes in pro football when he took Of the total cost of the program. "Classes will start as rapidly as over the job from Bobby Layne this Breathitt said, more than t'SS mil- poseible. with some beginning ntxt. by United Press International Set16011 lion will be paid as allowances to month.- Breathitt added PARIS 1..11 — Souleyrnaue Given Little Chance those in training He sale in this He said the program was develop- 155a, Senegal. otepointed Don Full- There var.- only a few arourid the wav the reale- would find its way ed largely by the state Department mer, 150t, Salt Lake City, Utah NFL as the start of this season who'into the ecenornies of the counties of Ecommic Security. and 'sell be gave the Steelers much chance of involsed. earned out by the state departments limning the Eastern Conference ti- Mote ef the !asinine will be in at Education and Agriculture tle yet they sere in the race until . the states area vssational schools Breathitt commended state and -he last Sunday csf the season when at Ashland. Pant's" tie. Hazard. Har- federal agencies for their be in STARTS CHRISTMAS v were beaten by the New York lan. Somerset and Lex:mace this effort and gave special thanks SALE DAY ..iete. 33-17 SALE SALE Farm training will be under the to Re.p. Carl D Perkins D-Ky who end mutts of the Stealers' success "a constant and ( ontintioue I i*-ors 1:00 p.m. Thru Saturday direetion oi tlie state director of vo- he said has been. be traced to Brown's capable eational arincultuie strong supporter of job training and melon of a ball-cozarol attack, Pay For Training other eastern Kentucky projects." MOVING! MOVING! MOVING! ground out yardage the yard' Breathe.: said the federal govern- -Nothing is more important to ment wteed pay the commonwealth eastern Kentucky and to Kentucky's SPECIAL LIMITED ENGAGEMENT! aro in was a championship guar- more than $2,8 millian for conduct- fixture than is educational train- reack back in 1956 when he laud- ths .rsinseg ing." .the governor said. Closed December 26th UNCUT! ORIGINAL LENGTH! he Chicago Bears to the Western ' Abort 8300.000 worth of equip- ell3e 1975 the demand for an un- eiference title. He lost the job mi-ro to: the vecational schools will skilled laborer will be practically' Z.eire Bratkowski in 1960, how- be bought with federel funds and' nil Those who are not techencally SALE STARTS 8:30, FRI. DEC. 27 - SAT. DEC. 28 r. and to Billy Wade the follow- will roman as aate property alter trained or academically trained can year. the posjeoi is comPletcd• he said. . expect to find themselves at the We are moving! Sell down to bare walls! All leaded to the Stealers before the "Because of the urgency of the ec- bottom of the jobless heap." Brea- ee season. Braun spent another onomic situation in these counties thitt said: Winter Merchandise Drastically Reduced! aon on the bench as an under- and because of the desperate need edy to Layne. He managed to Platy for training." Breathitt said. -A us- seigh te complete 43 of 84 passes ual requirement of the Manpower COLLEGE BASKETBALL • Ards and fee touchdowns. Training and Development Act that RESI'LTS ALL TODDLERS - GIRLS SUBTEEN Coach Buddy Parker of the Steel- jobs be avalleble fore the trainees convinced Layne to retire at before they can start their classes by United Press International ee close of last sermon. - largely be 'has been waived ' East ate he, felt confident that Brown Army. 100 American U. 70 1/3 'to 1/2 OFF aid do the job. And Brown did Breathitt said. however, the state South fall !Department of Economic situation Louisville 66 Carolina 57 Brown Led omeback in these counties and because of Yale 91 Tueane 85 In seven games this season. the the desperate need Many Suitable For Spring! foe training." Florida State 91 Tulsa 76 Veien• under Brown's leadership Breathitt said, "A usual requirement Midwest ,ttled back in the quarter to of the Manpower Training anti De- New Mexico 63 Purdue 61 • a win or tie. velopment Ace that jobs be availa- Ohio State 79 Houseton 62 Brown completed 168-of 362 paws ble for the trainees before they * GIRLS Skirts - Sweaters - Blouses Cincinnati 72 Kansa., State 70 2,962 yards and 21 teushdowns can start their ceases has been Southwest e was one of only faur quarter- waived." Okla. St .92 lee Angeles St. 68 la in the. league Ishii averaged Amarillo Col 83 Fr Phillips 63 xe than eight yasd. per pa.s.s Breathitt said, however, the state * BOYS Shirts - Pants - Caps - Coats Department of Economic .West 'erupted. He also haisdied the Security Utah 101 Neu Mexico St 72 eelers punting and averaged betieves that jobs for at lease zono of Brie Youne 95 Michigan St. 90 .. hey ;es, than 40 yards for 57 the trainees can be found in the 44-county area and that employ- Utah State 93 Bradley 90 Gloves - Sweaters - PJs - Robes Colorado St 82 Washington 52 Brown and Barr in the ment for the remainder is avertable Seaniern 69 Kansee 64 miceack - ot - tee - year balloting for the remainder elsewhere in Ken- t•icky. Creathical 92 Nevada 63 31:11:111*, Brox it of Cleveland .111 to, votes, defensive tackle Adults who are head, of hare,- - en a of the Beers arid rune heels will comprise about_ Tv per -Lig back Joe Childress of the St (-eta of the trainers ani ' Lad era & Cardinals use, Lassie four Shop votes pea $32 a week while bi ch altO placekicker Jim Martin the governoe said. Among tie : the Balt:more Cone and line- will be more than 300 W110 ".‘ Hazel Highway Phone 753-3456 ease isill Georee of Liu, BCdiS tn bs ta•wht to reed and ye, .L11 alrLt tgal the elements of antluncti, bet

t't 'se

HER 24, 1963 0 •

TUESDAY — DECEMBER THE 24, 1963 LEDGER & TIMES — MURRAY,, KENTUCKY PAO '. • g i. while the two were returning home. tuicky's new Department of Mental iP He was taken immediately to the Health. To WISH ME I'M ON MY WAY TO THE PTA Legislator hospital but was dead on arrival. The unanimous choice of the capi- LUCKCHARLIE CHRISTMAS PROGRAM... I'M Moloney would have been unop- tal press corps as the legislature's Aftc BROWN.. 60IN6 TO 5IN6'',JINELE BEU_S".. posed for the position of House ma- "most valuable member," Moloney Dies Monday jority leader when the 1964 Ken- often took the press to task, but, tucky General Assembly convenes had the respect of newsmen and Christma. In January. a position he held in had developed excellent rapport with 6 After Attack the last session them. In 1960, Moloney was elected vice' He had had two heart attacks be- president of the Legislative Re- SALE fore. One came in 1960, the year he search Commission. served as Democratic caucus lead- LEXINGTON, Ky. UPV — R. 'P. Moloney was a partner in the Lex- ler Sr, er in the House. The other came Moloney Kentucky legislator ington law firm of Moloney es Mo- early this year when the General GIRLS COATS PI .11N t 1 w who never received his high school loney, along with his son, Lexing- YOU KNOW Assembly was working on the re- MAKE HIM TAKE PART IN diploma but went on to handle two ton Police Judge R. P. Moloney Jr "Aiargers HOW TO DESTROY districting bill. CAR COATS scored A CHRISTMAS PRO6RAM! THAT'S 140W TO of the most important p3i3e in the and a cousin. Donald P. Moloney ; they had A CHILDS HOLIDA.? But Moloney never let his heart pos- TELL HIM HE'S 6011'46 TO HAVE state, is dead today at the age of Besides his two sons, the younger 1, yet 5EASON DESTROY A CHILD'S condition stop him. He was one of 25% Off they led TO SING 'JINGLE BELLS IN 61. of whom is a student at the Uni- ime. the most active and most respected FRONT OF THE WHOLE PTA! HOLIDAY SEASON!!! versity of Kentucky, Adoloney is j Moloney died about 2:35 p. m. legislators in Frankfort, and widely survived by his wife; two daughters, ! le Denver (mar- Monday on his way to St. Joseph counted on to help bring legislation Boys Mrs. Jack Lucas and Mrs. John ht straight pass Hospital here after suffering a heart to a favorable vote. Mangione, Lexington; two brothers le first half to attack. He had been in downtown Unopposed for House William, Lexington, and John, of thi- OVERCOATS t game. However, Lexington with a son. Michael, and Unopposed in his race for a House LT. S. Coast Guard; and a sister, rd field goal and complained of a shortness of breath seat last November. his election Mrs. Mary' M. Moore, Lexington. CAR COATS hdown run pull- marked the third time he had been His body is at W. R. Milward vay in the third voted to represent Kentuckians in Broadway mortuary in Lexington. second-string F7'5; the House of Representatives. ALL PURPOSE lad' FOLLOW taking Over W1-"-' DON'T YOU Before that, he spent a dozen till quarter, they ME, Flag Is Ordered 25% Off YO1 I',:: THINGS years in the Kentucky Senate, 10 To le open sveth 72 s PLEASE of them as majority leader. Fly At Half Mast WHERE He served in the Senate from 1944 THEY rds Set through the 1954 term. FRANKFORT. Ky. WI — Gov. BOYS PANTS BELONG In 1959 he filed for election to Edward T. Breathitt today ordered Oakland kicked L the House and was re-elected in the flag over the state Capitol to 25% Off sl with 4:32 re- 1961 and 1963. be flown at half-staff through Oilers At least Although he left high school with- Thursday in memory of Rep. R. P. outh a ;et in the game. diploma, he qualified legally Moloney, D-Fayette, who died Mon- Boys 101-point total, as a lawyer, passing the Kentucky day of a heart attack. bar exam an A.10'L season in 1926 while still in law The flag was to have been raised SUITS, 1.098 yards and school. to full staff Monday. marking the In 1924, four touchdown while at the University end of the 30-day mourning period of Kentucky, SPORT COATS Lined 156 yards he passed the pharma- for President Kennedy, but actually ceutical exam, although he was not two more yards was not raised at all because of the et last year by enrolled in pharmacy school 1-nowstorm. 25% Off iilchrtst Fresh from law school in 1977, where he studied without receiv- sleted six touch- ing a degree, Moloney made his se than the AFL POLO & COTTON US KIDS ARE ALL ilts'eVse.eressEls first bid in Kentucky politics in anda who holds WALKING ON CLOUDS the state primary, but was defeated five I'D bosses. SHIRTS TODAY for the House of Representatives DR. V. W. ETHERTON 7 yards by pass- nomination by John Young Brown stung for a 386- by 92 votes. CHIROPRACTOR 25% Off that also was a In 1934-35. he served as Fayette • County probate oomrnissioner. Will not be in his office • Leader In Mental Health Boys o won only one from SCHOOL In 1964. Moloney received an a- sed out the '63 WILL BE ward for outstanding service to December 21 HATS & CAPS traight wins and CLOSED Kentucky in the field of mental FOR THE health He was a director and chart- to 25% Off ileted four touch- er member of the Kent I•sky A. so-ia- ENTIRE January 4. 1964 defensive tackle non of Mental Health and intro- Boys El yards to score HOL IDAY chiced the bill winch created Ken fumble as the WEEK Jets in nine-de- CROSSWORD rtRZLE Ao` to ••.^ SWEATERS I- two a S • 001 —AN .0,, to...4 lb., by W.* Foot*. ACROSS 11-1.1,1,st In Water COO ROM, G 0010 25% Off 1-Shoemaker's 7-Animal's ROO 000 , ,MOO 0 tool coat MOOMMORANAMMO 1-14) olbol for 11-Cre vats Boys fro,. 9-Teutonic mom oomm 6-1-strr dell, ammo MMUOLIMM r • (4104600,000 THIS (GROAN) AND THE NAME OF EPIS I t- !dusk al In- Nientl MR30 ammo am THING COST,' IF "SALOME • EPIC WILL RANK WITH BENEDICT Instrument 12- French mini Algoma _um RAINCOATS CUT!! WELL, THAT WAS THE ta- Pa iter article FAILS AT THE BOX ARNOLD AS A TRAITOR TO HIS toensur• 30 EIMMOEF nom FINAL SCENE IN YOUR GREATEST 14- Indian Regular $3.99 OFFICE, I GO BACK CLASS- THE pl soldier In mgmamog AMMO EPIC, MR. EPIC.' rrot tvr's 13rt t Leh MUCIO 70 UPHOLSTERING,') HOLLYWOOD tneasur• service Mg= 5. PRODUCER.' 16-Act of 17-Heavenly MMUMM 0007102iO Now $2.99 eraming braIN' OEM ROOM dOU 111-11eitrew 26- i e out MArl BlIAWW letter 23 -Conjunction T414 15-Preposition 24- Exclamation All Girls 21 -Girl's name • 22-Cleaning 38-111,,,, i r a Rh 4e-Consea rat. mut.ta nc• 27- Itictnish • mark 51- Part of 24-1 tree. 31,- ItolooesOut 39- Mistalees choryh DRESSES edroom borders tribesmen 41 - Pertaining to 63- Mother of 26-Consumes 32- liarra coda th• laity A Polio 1 3 6Itig Room 29-Spanish for 35- \lot hert> 43-Irascible 67-Tier Off "river" a 63-Prefix-'owt, 29 - Rat. window omen 44-Pronoun 60- Employ • ling Room 31-Tears 37-caudal 46-0Id 62-Pronoun Girls 33 Hell.ay appendage Pronoun 64 -Coolest'Is va and Boys (abbr. tDilly Koos 34- A thietio group ROBES 36 - Nst lye FRY plian 1 2 3 43 iiiiimi moin,4: 38-Compass ,, 25% Off 'w-te point mil 40-Clock far. is 17 11,6 :aif • 42-Instruct a 45-A I tempt !.... ,9 201121 Xi.22 GIRLS SLACKS, V E GOT S10 0 ,0 00 , 47-Pierce 000 BUT YOU PROMISED- 49- Weary 11 ;Ng INVESTED IN THIS PICTURE IT'S IN THE CONTRACT- 541-Region 25 23UI24 52 Small brook SLACK SETS AND YOU CAN'T DESTROY THAT Mt0.' • • WE COULD GET 54-Note of scale THE IMAGE MARRIED.' 55-A state 29111io -szka lattbr.) e.,..,... "mil 25% Off WE PROMISED EFIS EPIC,C 54-410 somilim3.5 in 36 III37 OUR PRODUCER, THAI' 59-Creek letter no WE —1( - fl -Jail a39 Ilai. 41 gs 43 44 WOULD POSTPONE OUR 616-Cuts of meat 40 MARRIAGE UNTIL er Cooke slowly 42II G4-Conjunction IN 46 a:47 um GIRLS SKIRTS "SALE' WAS 67-Affirmative 49Ill FINISHED,' vote 50 '15414':I....!:.• ::e. 52 53 WO 54 SWEATERS WELL, IT IS. DOWN UI AND NOW— 55 wawa 25% Off 1 -Nall' lu" 2-Season 61 111 63 3. Behold MI 4 -Confiners- •vreN65 ii Non MC. ma• iiamiii•••16 • 5-Growing out v.... GIRLS SKIRTS of Intr. by United Feature Syndicate. lag.21 BLOUSES

S Per 01/ ,, C.., t96.1 t,..• •• Answer to Saturday's Putotte 25% CROSSWORD PUZZLE Off ACROSS S-A *tat. .645Flf -THE BUT-??- ;T'S TOSS IT ABOARD —AN'LE'S Gil- (abbr.) Girls 28 ourA 71-T'S JEST 1-Everyone 4-Flock rsir GOT A -Os Vet:2f- JUST A Fair, fa A KITTEN— IT TO TH'WORLD'S FAIR, FAST— 4-Ex( lamatIon I- S'''UDDERr-SHArcEff KITTrINM 4-Strip of "The RAINCOATS -.‘VdAY NOW Pr Vis-4 ILE 11 'S A KITTEN!, leather Tempest" 'PRODUCT"ALIYE.!! STILL 11 -Thinner I-Endorse Regular $4.99 12- Ached 7-Sunburn 15-Postscript 8-Ascend f•bbr.1 11-Indefinite 111- Pra ers article Now $3.50 IA -Conjunction 10-Pounding 19-A continent Instrument (a bbr 12- Nega live -Oa ve 21-College 14 GirLs /WORLD'S official medicine to 22- Dines 17- District In 24 - Pro vtd• food Germany HATS FAIR 26- Final 10-Danish island 28-Beverage 23-Cooled lava 28- Urges oa 11 - Mack 25% 29-Eagle's nest 24-Note of scale 29-Come into El-Girl's name Off SPECIAL N -Space 25-Force view 57-flees' „--44_irea 23-14an'• 37- instrument 41 -14ecorat• 6S-Babylonlao N. tONI nIcknam• 30-Weird 42-Lower in deity 34- Units 82-Cries lik• ,,rank 110- Worm I Group of 36- Under- row 44-Compass 42-French grarind part 25-Periods of point article of plant year 44 -Conjunction 64-Candle powet Girls and Boys 28-A state 87- I to meat]eat • 48 -7Evanora led abbr. 40- Allowance 8 9 0 ss:e DIAPER SETS for a ast• i 2 3 W.4 3 .114, • 7 se. es 42-Burdens t%..:4' .0.• 25% Off 45-New Deal 1 i i 2 • 13 14 DO YOU THINK GASP.'r- agencY • • - (abbr I e,.• $ MEANWHILE ARRIVED!! .1S YOU HAVE ONE rri-E.'!- ONE.PT - 47 - Dletance 15 %06 17 -BACK HE measure 4:,•:;:,_,_ , COME SEE OUR Its MORE LEFT Ikl BUT, WE'D 49-Pintail duck 20 t .;-;121 22 23 SO • Part of X 19 AT THE AUVE? YOU, MAESTRO? BETTER church ..2::•:0„... WORLD'S LIKE 52-Father 24 25 t. .26 27 e"25 $1 BARGAIN THIS? HURRY!! PrInter's (4. ' . FAIR- measure 29 30' ‘47.;, 31 33 55-Prefix down : VALUE A 50-Platitude '.e 19 Iolanda 36 PLANE Irlwind -:, 48a 37 e$: It -T ern 311 39 •ao 41 l'e 42 43 44 — Values Up To $2.99 ROARS 83 7-2 es Into • • ... ' IN 45 46 •X. 47 65- I-eases % - 41 .::::e 9 For $1.00 FROM 44- DItttrict Attorney 50 51 .•.• 52 331 .,,-es,:a. ,' :74,4. „: 5,.4 9 ...... ‘ ...: 1.. VENICE (abbr.) •X 412-FontlIk• 55 pv36 57 Dart A: 64 DOWN 61 ,%•'',' 63 11(IDDIES ., 1 -High W616 •5 • •66 'y7 mountain .44 2• Holder of as lease Distr. by Unit.d Feature Syndiat., Inc. 23 nORNER W

• 111113111A714 aswevosir TUESDAY — DECEMBER 24, 1963 • E FOUR TIER LIDGIII TIMIS — and 0 A. sununer camping program for boys and girls. In 753-1916 Students To Approximately 14,000 Baptist stu- Languages Mrs. J. B. Burkeen - Dear Abby .. . dents are enrolled in all colleges and or 753-4417 mnverettes in Kentucky. Cg this Participate number, 3,000 attend Baptist Lower Grades schools. Are Urged She'll Regret It Later! In Services • Mesh toilets cannot be used when

avde Every owaree4/ water service Is raterrupted almost every col- Abigail Van Buren Students from family should know emergency me- Kentucky are expected to By DAVID NTDICK lege in I participate in the Sunday evening UPI Education Specialist li'edding Plans services on December 29 in Baptist for This LS the Sunday tra- There is an nactearang d SOCIAL CALLNDAR 877 Saved .. . DEAR ABBY: My beat friend are *hurt" The girl's hostilities are churches. thods of waste disposal For Couple Are aside each year for the teactung of foreign landUaglit I sork together There ass a good-; ransting out of her mouth. She ditionally set Keep a battery-powered radio and is (Continued Frown Page 11 Night at Christmas, when in the elementary mbar& This Friday, Janwary 3rd .4 nflounced Today looking policeman who used to tale probably would resent any woman Student extra batteries on hand at all times. ease boarding houses, and private homes churches recognise their due in part to the bacreming A call meeting will be held for to us on our break, mind my girl wile manias her father, so don't Baptist In case of natural disaster .or en- offered free lodging to passengers who are home for the holi- of travel and international SIMOI- the purpose of an initiation by Mur- Maas Carol Quertermous and Jer- friend fell in love with this man. He take It perennially. Continue to be students emy attack, you will get emergency t and crewmen, who were to have ask days. phere of recent years. ray Saar Chapter No 433 Order of ry Don Neale haive completed plans Is married and has several children. the best mother possible, and instructions in this way. spent a day and a night here. in- During World War II great sue- the Eastern Star at the Masonic for their wedding which will be He and his family are moving ott your husbead's mirk* on this thorny cluding Christmas Eve. At these services, students give cesa am achieved In Use Insidung Koh at 7 30 p_m_ solenuused on Sunday. December M. the city, and now my girl friend problem. In Casablanca. the city's gov- of • • • Christian testimonies, bring special of tureign languages by the *Mel at 2.30 o'clock. at the First Baptist plaiming to quit her jun and try ernor. Gen Ores Ben Omar, said as music, and describe the Baptist ac- forcer. %Vahan a neater of months aster of a language must leans Church. Dr H C. Chiles will per- to find one where he is going. She DEAR ABBY: I am sitting home -we a-ant these unfortunate people tivities in Which they partictpate on personnel+ were often able to speak form the double-rug ceremony. he is not free again tonight while my husband is . to think in tnat language He cannot says she realizes that their college campuses. DR, EARLE E.TISDALE1 to be treated here as they would over- and understalai a foreign lAhltullec! anderstand its real meaning 11 he A program of nuptial music will to marry her, but she can't live at his garage, five mine away, be in their own famihee." works every The public schools rarely achieved' must constantly- translate it into his be presented by Mrs. John Boater, without being near him. I ans trying hauling his hot rod. He The event is sponsored annually CHIROPRACTOR As the blackened hull of the ship In the wanner results even after eineral mother tongue organist. and Mrs Charlie Elder of to talk her out of it but am not night until two and three by the Baptist Student Union De- Hours: Dial 437-5131 rolled with the waves. officiate of the l' years of courses. Marion, Kentucky. vocalist. having very much luck. I hate to morning. He won't let me go to partment of the Kentucky Baptist Mon. - Wed. 'Trt. 14.12 N. 2-us the line sought an explanation for Of course the armed forces pro- In line with these facts, it is dif- The bride-elect has chosen Mias her hurt. If I send you her ad- garage with him because he says Convention, of which J. Chester Toes & Sat. 9-12 N., Sun 1-6 P the fire that broke out late Suriday see gram wa.s highly concentrated and ficult to master a language when • Sally Sprunger to be maid of honor. dress, will you write to her and tell the boys" come over and he doesn't Durham is secretary. In announcing MASONIC BLDG. HARDIN. By. night and rescue stupo and planes downtown [hit-hair intoned many more hours per week student is only exposed to it during Bridesmaids will be Miss Brenda her she is heading for trouble? want me there. I work this year's ensphasia. Dr. "A UOLDEN RULZ 0121,1Cit" still at the scene ens.s-croased the than the normal public school pro- a single period in the school day. Smith and Moe Sandy Fair. A FRIEND six days a week Meet of the time pointed out that program materials area locking for possible survivors dinner gram An additional niajor differ- Be really needs additional exposure! The flower girl will be little Miss FRIEND: If she won't he doesn't come home for ots the Christian Education Advance A U. S Air Force report of sight- DEAR of teaching. and practice. Kentucky, and and I never get to see him. We get are available from his office in ence vino the method Jim Elder of Marion, life jackets listen to you, the won't listen to me. ing about 100 bodies in when we're together and -n. The Christian Educe The armed foresee used a converse- Barry Trans, brother of the bride- Some people have to learn the hard along fine Middletoe What are the implications of ! Monday danmened hope that many very much. He is Kentucky Baptists' tioeal appnuch The student act- elect, will be ring bearer. tragedy of this kind we love each other tion Advance For Your Every teactung a ionagn language in the, more mould be found aloe. way. id the Thts is will have his brother. would just rather work on his hot efforts to raise $9 million for capital uary hied the language no Mr. Neale Arrive at Scene of learning Is that so many Innocent elementary school' There is than be with me. He's not a needs at their seven schools and OIL comparable to the traveler in a Bob Neale of Huntsville. Alabama, people must pay the tuition. rod HEATING 'doubt that young children can learn The British liner St ralfieden. 26 and I am 23. student centers on non- foreign country who picks up the as has best man. Grooinsmennwill teen-ager He is colleges, Need - Call a second language. It has been ac- which has hosnital facilities. arrived and their R. A. larignage very qurckly due to neces- be Joe David Duke of Benton, Ken- What should I do? Baptist campuses, oomphshed in many other nations. at the scene Monday night, and the The Vaughn and Billy DEAR ABBY: I married a man LONEISOME sity and constant exposure. both tucky. Robert carrier Dentaur. co-"T"ee• As an example. Amide teaches British airendt who had a 14-year old daughter. DEAR LONESOME: You had bet- public schooLs used a reading and Kavanaugh of Mw-ray, and Ronnie was order- French and English in the elemen- with 21 aircraft aboard, before.) your marriage grammar approach. Christopher of Lexunguyn. Kentucky. His wife died two years ter start overhauling % tary schools. Elementary children ed to steam toward the area, Inter Rod FOR CORRECT Only. out of town invitations are We've been married a year and this before It conks out. Tell "Hot an to an aptitude for unite- its journey to the Far East. Sr...... ••••••• The logic of the onnearsational tend have nen= my STEP- unless be budgets his at- sell being sent Friends and relatives of girla.ddreases me as - 26" that g•••••' ting sounds and aLso are less Iii London. the ship's agents said TIME and approach is based on the way a the mother." Kith the most emphatic tention better between you and his :he couple are invited to attend although newly chid in the Vested Etatin learns conscious tnan older children and' that the Lakonta. and insulting accent on the "step" other love. It's the checkered flag TEMPERATURE 4 ekid1114( and reception which will of $840.000, had English He learned to mutate sound b,st refitted at a con that you could ever imagine. When for your marriage-go-round. DAY OR NIGHT adults. Opinions differ as to the lu held at the church to hears and then identifies no automatic gsnnkler system • • • which he a • • • she speaks of me to others, she re- grade level to start procriun douse fires in its cabins. these sounds with objects and mean- fers to me as "my father's wife." What's on your mind, For a per- 75-u6363 the feeling tends towards the explained that the 33-year- ing He IS later taught reading and Pi' Open Howse Field It was tell me how I am supposed DIAL CO Please sonal reply, send a self-addreeeed, real mary erodes. old vessel. a former Dutch namely- KENTUCKY LAKE gm:rimer It is also true that a to feel. I have bent over backwards stamped envelope to Abby, Box 3365, For Pastor Poplar to line ship. was built long before trying to be a good mother. Beierly Hills, Calif. OIL CO. such sprinkler safeguards Were re- Springs Church HURT • • • quired by law. PEOPLES BANK There was an open house held in DEAR HURT: Small wonder you New Concord Road Assw•r to Yesterday's Puaale in 1959 the owners in- PUZZLE Pottertown Sunday afternoon f or 'However. For Abby's booklet. "How To Have of Phone 753-1323 CROSSWORD stalled a fire detecting system in Weding," send 50 cents to members and friends of Poplar BEARD A Lovely Murray, Ky. compartments and this is ton- SINGES SANTA'S _ ACROSS Spruigs Baptist Church at the home all Abby, Box Oita, Beverly Hills, Calif. ' sitered standard safety eqinenent 1-Vessel of their pastor. Jerrell White. on older ships," a apokestnan for baby Rev. Jerrell S. White and his wife careless 11-serva,,t MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. ini) —San- C- Limb 9-I -lure-I Oonnie moved to Pottertown No- °"nue ShiPCIng ssjd' • n•mo Lak• This system uses fuses to ring ta Clam' beard was singed Monday ember 9 where he R-ietttned his CHRISTIvLAS ti-s a.rtn alarm bells when the temperature while he a-us ringing has bell on a flannels duties as pastor. r.• 114, er.reader 16-Wears ..&y firiire.a room gets too high, indicating street corner. T1 • • rnlle -,ternose Mrs. White. wearing a dark green C- 1,- i.e velvet dress with dyed to match Robert Amorist, volunteer Santa •..•7 -sit it nth 23. ti-d shoes and a Christmas corsage of Claus for the Volunteers of America, II-Tropoal 36-woota red carnations, along with Bro. for fr. 2.7.-Pr-nron Kennedy mid he was ringing his bell 23-Tie:red 26.. ,w.r• White greeted about eighty-five Mrs. contributions when a man milked St,-11...atinft to persons between the hours of 2:00 It 1.•• H•IT,11111 tr.* stnelr,g Prepares For A by. lit a cigarette lighter and put 43-C.:Impale 86-Co id to and 5-30 pm. to Amonags beard. 11- Ma' • 32-illastsr pots t t,•.rer, Members of the Quiet Chirstmas nl, s:.ardel 33- Innowitly• 45.Pmnosts 67-Soperbitly• Intermediate (C0110.4 ire, ending Sunday Sehool class presided at the Arzona's chin was singed before VC• r • lest )6.111Ines. Is 4. ..'olor 16-1,ren,h of PALM BEACH, Fla 17.1) -- Mrs. he could shed the false beard. - refreahment table serving green V•.Nellanv• is . Garden tool the Kennedy. buoyed by the IS-, ,nenworit fl-CS Unbleached 61-A eta," punch and dentate homemade Jacqueline rabri, 1,•-• •• r.od• she good wishes of her country-men, 41-La tads cookies frorn the lace covered table the youngsters, Atty. Gen, Robert 41v IRePared .a quiet but bountiful 4:-CT.1141 611 :. )0 11 • that was covered with a sitter and IP. Kennedy. and Secret Service 44 7-4, rer •tded Christmas today for her chtidren. •. t. .1 '3 3 4 il green srrarigement and green can- men. Mrs Kennedy went into two She planned a private Miles with 4, cbr ad . 13 dles. shops but when people began re- 12 of the late President the children cognizing her she climbed into a Is 0 the home of has toreros. former • at car with the children and drove .yf ) Three Tiny Reindeer Ambarerador and Mrs Joheph P. SO • •: .31 n away. Y.::: -.-O.:::...'• Kennedy. Sr- 4414•••••,1 Loose Near Lexington %.,77 • r' spokesman said Mrs Kennedy Kennedy winter '...; 2a 25 4 A Christmas at the and the youngsters. Caroline. 6. and home will not be the mine as in 73t:C.--' 31 LEXINGTON. Kr tpt -- Three HOLIDAY TO ALL OUR FRIENDS 21I 3. would also eat Christ- whets a gathering of the HAPPY 'k3129 '';'..•'.1 tiny reindeer were on the loose John Jr.. other years IT ..O.,18 1 mas dinner in the evening at the clan had been traditional. This year. ie •:::115 36 ' somewhere in Payette County to- i'...... home of the elder Ken- will be Mrs. Kennedy. the day after vandais snipped a wire Oceanside there Barber Shop loo'. 41 41 Chestnut Street it30 40 V.:: I nedy, about a mile from the mansion Keruiedys, the former First fence around a Christmas display elder of C. Michael Paul v, here Mrs Ken- Lady's sister. Princess Lee Radio- - Don Chapman - 0. L. Hale - Reid Hale .7:l ilt/ 1...... 1.46 47 to let them ascape Totsy Morsanti and her family have been and her two children, and Their owner. Doug McMeeking nedy will I staying. one or two other family as leii...: of the Bird and Animal Forest, was perhaps The former First Ladv has been members or close associates. 1 37'.4:' worried that they might be shot Si .:.: 3 ::::: 3 secInsion since arriving here last DOWII . by hunters, killed by dogs or hit Wednesday. but ventured out on a The atomey general and the other Z. 0 by automobiles. :Lir 'z,li-4 th Avenue- When a crowd gathered here during the weekend, but plan- Festore roduaa, Inc. reindeer tearn, which is scheduled to y trted she cut the trip short. ned to return to their own families spring into action tonight. Accompariying Mrs Kennedy were in Washington today. Christmas Island Several police officers chased the -nor for almost four hours and at C point had them in oorraied DISCOVERED BY ENGLISH MURRAY LOAN CO. --hind a shopping center —but CAPTAIN JAMES COOK IN MONEY HEADQUARTERS nesthing frightened the de'- - lo•'. 1777, IT IS THE LARGEST ey took off over the I. ATM. IN THE PACIFIC. IT IS 506 W. Main Street Phone 753-2)321 :-rice in best Donner and Bolo o NOW A U S POSSESSION sane. LYING ABOUT 1000 PARES DUE SOUTH Of HAWAII! NOW TOE' KNOW The color of most gems is due to • -14' preenee of chemicals such a.s YOU DON'T EXPECT elf 1170e111C oxides in amounts so small MISSPEND eijo MY TIME NOW OPEN '.ey are runt incloded in chemical AT THE NORTH POLE! • omulas. accordine to Science Di- ,•,t BOONE'S New Gin-Operated Laundn I'll soon be on my 1204 Story Avenue way. Merry Christmas to all! * 32 WASHERS (3 Sizes) ,WE'LL BANISH * 10 LARGE DRYERS THEM FOR GOOD * 1 PRESS MACHINE Is the persistent presence 1 DOLLAR BILL & COIN CHANGER of silverfish getting you down? We'll get them out Sincere good wishes for a of your house or apart- ment to STAY gut! ....- , MRS. AUDREY MOORE, ATTENDANT • GET OUR FREE joyous Nweason DOWNTOWN BRANCH MAIN OFFICE Fifth & Poplar Fourth & Main DRIVE-IN WINDOW: Leave and Pickup cleaning ESTI MATE and Finished Laundry Bundles. We exterminate pests of and many thanks for all kinds at low cost WASH- 15,20,25,50e DRY - 10` allowing us to serve you. Bank of Murray KELLEY'S PEST • Laundry horn's Grocery "The Friendly Bank" Boone's Coin CONTROL Mayfield Highway MR. & MRS. LLOYD HORN, Owners — 1204 Story Avenue — Phone 753-3914 -TOIREL-11 _


r camping program No hurry-up activity is in eight To protect livestock feed, place Food will keep in home freezers this year or next The conservative a cover over it. Fresh fallout is late Baptist stu- Democrats who preside over most 14,000 coarse dust; a cover will prevent it for varying periods after the power d in all oolleges and of the committees of Congress will from coming into contact or Kentucky. Of this determine the Washington political mix- is shut off attend Baptist climate during the next several ing with the feed. months. The forecast is: cold, clo- udy, rain and snow 1111E1 WILL MS BE CURED? annot be used when o tisterrupted. Every Keeping vermin under control now Say when.., with your dollars! loW emergency rne- PUPPIES, TOY TERRIERS AND doors on South Ninth. would lessen the health danger MILL. P1OHT MULTIPLE BOLEROS* —c0It SALE Ohilmahtass. Ideal Xmas gift. Cy- 2 BEDROOM WITH UTILITY gas NOTICt from insects and rodents during an C retie W. Hall Coldwater Rd, 1 mile furnace, in Alm°. Only $5,775. from Five Points, 753-1420. dafic 3 BEDROOM BLOCK AND frame THE AMAZING BLUE LUSTRE BEAUTY SCHOOL WILL -PIA-RUTBID itaposal. combination, wall to %all carpet. by Charles AL SibuliT radio and will leave your upholstery neautifully cloted December 24th and 25th. Also apowered Carport in liazdin, puissesision with tunes. soft and esean. nein electric sham- on December 30th and 31st and n hand at all FOR SALE deed. disaster...or en- pooer 81. Crass Furniture. d.28c January 1st. d24c iral 2 71-ACRE FARMS NEAR New / YOU Ink.11)6+IT YOU THOUSKIT YOU COULD 60 THOU SPEA,EST HARSH emergencyt 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, ELECTRIC will get 8 CIOAREITE VENDORS IN oper- WU COULD PULL OUT THERE IN FRONT OF Tiy2 WORDS AT heat, utility, storage and carport on Concord. YEAR END SALE, ALL TRAILERS A YuLETICE! this way. 4 ation in Murray. FAST ONE, WHOLE PTA AND SUP IN A Excellent oppor- an acre and a half lot, $1,000 down LA.KE CABIN NEAR NEW Con- greatly reduced, cleaeing out used DIDN'T YOU? tunity for boy to earn money. Inter- $75.00 per month. mud, on blacktop $S,200. stock. 35 model, $850; 36' model, LITTLE SERMON, T YOU ? ested persons write Box 341, Cadiz. 3 BEDROOM WITH ALUMINUM 3 EtKOROO/vi BRICK. FIJ.3"TRIC $845; 1963 model 37', $l25, 1968 Ky. (1.26p siding, gas heat. storm windows and Seat, hardwooci more, on Sunny model 35, $1,595; 1957 model, 35', P(. ELTISDALE t Lane. 41,595. Many more to choose from. 3 BEDROOM, WITH GARAGE, in Matthews Trailer Bali, Highway 45 Alma North, Mayfield, Ky. j18c IPRACTOR 2 Dial 437-5131 BEDROOM, LARGE UNFINISH- WILL KEEP ELDERLY PERSONS 0-12 N. 2-0 PM. ed upetarra. electric Matt on Wood- in my home. Phone 7a3-1268. d27c 12 N., Sun. 1-5 PM lawn. HARDIN. alt. 2 BEDROOM FRAME, ELECTRIC TOMORROW IS THE DAY 4 RULE oriicia" heat, one car garage, on South 8th Christmas with "The Wonderful NEXT ON OUR BEFJRE I BE6iN i'D LIKE TO SH\Y Extended. World at The Brothers Grimm" PROSRAM WILL 6E A FEW WORDS ABOUT HOW PROERAMS SING,YOU at the Capitol, our Christmas pres- LINUS VAN PELT LIKE THIS CAN RUIN A CHILD'S ent to you!!!! . ltc WHO WILL SING HOLIDAY SEASON BY CAUSINb Wilson Insurance "JiN6LE uJORRiE5 A;40 TENSIONS THAT... 13LOCK1-EAD! our Every & Real Estate FREE DOGS, COME BY AND GET one at 500 North 7th. d2 'MG OIL Wayne Wilson, Realtor, Sam Bea- man, assiStant, phone 753-3263. -V ri - Call WANTED d24c SELLSliii - - WANTED - 2 MEN 20 - 39 WITH eg SIX MONIHS OLD °OLLIE PUP. cars to dlatribute catalogs and pick Call 753-18 &Mac up orders frees established Fuller DAN rtiskois by Don Sherwood - Brush customers. No peddling. Av- SHELL Cs erage $85.00 weekly to start. Write — 7.35Siness Opportunities BOX 7&.1, Mayfield, Ky. Phone 247- I 6038. j7c THE CHICC*15 HALT A5 THE COMMIE THEIR CHARGE! HUMBLE OIL A N D REFINING ' STORMS Ms RAPICXY, FLAGG Cort1Parly. America's WANTED TO BUY HorivE leading energy THE SMALL. FIRES A FLARE .IT -Jefferson Davis, company. We are now THE SIGNAL FOR CHIMP'S KIDNEYS IN HIM 44. gives the vic- interviewing INDIAN OUTPOST, I tory sign for reporters at Tulane Medical School, New pm ospective operators. fe0S41550LDIER5 LAKE Or- Call collect 500 DAN RAC'S ICKY BARRELS OF PICKER Picked TO leans, La., six weeks after a pair of chimpanzee kidneys Was concerning our new service stations SOUNDS THE COUNTERATTACK 71.%4 4-4 porn delivered. Paying beter than L CO. transplanted into his own ailing system. Drugs see.n to be in the Murray area. Two months CH!NESE CALL market prima. Calloway County Soil TO RETREAT... I winning the battle against the body's natural rejection of paid training program beginning ens Road • Improvement Association. Phone oncord such transplantation. This is the second such operation A December- 30. Financial assistance if 753-2942, tfc le 153-1323 wernan received rhesus monkey kidneys on Oct. 8, but the needed. Other benefits Humble Oil g anti-rejection drugs failed and they were removed. She died. and Refining Company, Box 1242, ...Ana sea/I s WW 1 Paducah, Ky., phone 143-6541. d28c AUCTION SALE I 6' -wee- 7,/14 •-• •' SAT., DEC. 28, 10:00 A.M. Russell Tense New Watson Farm, 4 miles; North of of the 1 b, Archie Ooldwater near Backwirurg. Offer- ing the following: bedroom suit, oil Western . Ian - . — Anadia Sousa heater, washer, chairs, tables, dishes, nag Feature, Joscelyn A F.:W ZINUTES LA'.- Eg...... -„,..-.4,, . Syndicate. kitchen cabinet, Oliver tractor 60, SOMERSET, 11011 MIN9) ' V.'HY ALL • YOUR OWN SU:INESS r-_ t SECSaCY It' • CH ^TF7 1 noMea. It struck Joitriny' &sew Into the roots and destroy a plow, disc, cultivator, rubber tire FOR A OwANGE! VP WELL, I DON'T ',NENE NO CHOCE . ' r a IN seasse : see. grizzled ne nad become, range, the tact that cattle won't wagon, trailer type mosser, rotary LIKE A WORD Wall KNOW-. IT'S A JUST ea SAE THAT I sa'yebruah .tinied ii the rawhiding eflect of a year graze where sheep have run. tiller, power mower and other items. .YMCOLiNONEPRLIV.ATEs LONG SHOT, GUNG-Ii0 GAL ;' driven os a prankish wind John or steam. 11 anyone had suggesaa to me. Joe Pat Lamb, Auctioneer. d27c MAJOR FLAGG STAYS Gyr! Malcolm a tong laws were' Denning was big, troubled by even halt a veal ago, that I'd — •- coldly bedewed, tits lean frame an old Injury to his left leg ever turn sheepman myself. I'd shivering. despite his Slicker which gave a list to als walk have called nim crazy - and May was a spring month. oat Once in the saddle, he was as probably worse. In Wyoming It collie be rawly good as ever, bid getting on and "But lately I've been doing a dank In • larger sense, the oft a nurse was a painful chore. I lot ea Dunking, and I've made weather was like 'that part of For trie past year. -IMO/ done up. my mind that nangarg onto the country-beguiling, bull of less and less riding, teavins made and cattle and soing the • promise. But somehow the responsibility In Johnny 0 deepef broke each year is the promise was never quite ft- hands. Way 01 a tool, especially when Johnny slid into his own there s a good chance that with For the past ten days, the place, accepted the bowl Of sheep i can mese tne sort of crew of Wagon Wheel had been stew which Cy Robbins shoved money I've got to nave. So Inn busy voth roundup During all • toward him, helped himself Choosing sheep." NANCY- by Ernie Boshiniller that period the clouds had from a heaped platter oh Dii- A year before. Ma Denning loaered, promising rain cults, and downed a scalding had been hurt when a team 'mad Rainfall haa been insufficient cup of coffee, He could feel its run away, spinal:: Ma onto th2 HERE --- YOU every year since Malcolm had bite all the way down. icy ground At first. turning P HOLD ONE ICE coins to Last range a decade be- He ate silently, catching up grimace into a grin as - ley MMM—THIS ICE COURSE IT A CREAM BAR--- LITTLE BANDIT tore He nao grown from scrag- with the others. Hungry men lifted her, she'd fuelaal then it CREAM BAR IS MINUTE gly youth to iean-fieshed man- had no time tor talk. Only 300 not herself. GOOD—ARE YOU doo,. but the Linda promise re- when Dinty Toole, his red face Her injury train't to CA LORI ES mained ant Ladled. matcning his stubble of beard, amount to much fa.. GOING TO EAT insteaa ca springing rich and started to scrape back from the her to town :Ind toe YOURS ? fuls-tedied, the grass curled table did Dentung's heavy Saws making tier as Lona, as Lac Le thin and sparse, and the rains check him. possible. pickling ti1 us. ,,a1 L. Which might have made the "I'd like for everybody to with nay and tiffard:••ts. ditterence between leanness and stay.- he requested. "I've a Everyone. incliethe ' piospersty stopped snort at the word for the ears 01 every tot, had figured taiii Big Holm. a day's ride to the back in net own ivictlen w,"•- DIET Dusty looked surprised, a west 8 matter of len 68V11 or iWO BOOK 11 additional p roo f was quick glint coming arc going weees. as good as ever. needed, the roundup had fur- in nis eyes It lasted only an Instead. six aeries eater. sbe a rindica It. Howerd Denning. instant: then Canty reached ton had made the mind:ad-mac

turning as Kneen.° as summer another biscuit. journey to We raiaoad. thee, I US Pe. Off —All revarnool C'25 gr ass, was a cattleman by in- • • • to St Paw and a Dees of - Cepr 106) by Unood Nog,* 1.1 stinct as well as oy training: Denning placed cialists, she had written" bait with all the range which was ixan nands on tile table, that they clustered around he by Baebutr, Wan blares at n:s disposal. the la agor shoving his bulk partially aback like chieks moan° an old nen AftItIE AN' SLATS Wheci shou!d nave been rolling out not rising This was the Something was wrona a least as on a downhill grade in ; second time in ten years that and a hidden injury. st,ad. it was a hard scrabble. I fled made any general an. Now, a year r'nt wns TO CRETE A NEW IMAGE and its groaning., and squeal: I nouncement to the whole crew still in St. Paul, etili iseerseine FDR YOU. I WANT 'IOU TWO 'TO ings could almost be heard The last previous occasion treatment awl operations, with lalE CONTRACT SAYS YOU CAN LEAD A NORMAL SMALL- fhe calf crop of the ranch had been seven years before. the result still in doubt. GET MARRIED -Six McrITPS AFTER. TOWN LIFE So THAT WHEN was always Short. the winter when he'd informed them that The one thing ausut which THE COMPLETION OF "SALOME "! "SALOME• IS RELEASED Kiss heaviet than could be twenty-yeas-ea sseney Mal- there was no doubt was the I FIGURE I'LL NEED ALL THAT THE LITTLE PEOPLE borne It was demanding coun- , cone was their new foreman. cost. The next operation which TiME OF THE WORLD WILL try, giving little in retuin "I've something to say that was to be tried would ticerry REGARD YOU NOT Smoke rose from the Chinn- you may not like." Denning be- Costly. Hoe ard had AS TWO EXOTIC ney of the cook house, whipped 'gen, and the muscles of his face told the, doctors to go ahead, PERFORMERS - back upon itself by the bluster- I knotted. "And the devil of it but Johnny had wondered pri- BUT AS ONE, ing wind He was late tor the I don't much like it myself. But vately where the money was OF THEM first undercover meal in nearly hear me out, and afterward coming from. This time, How- two weeks. As Malcolm stabled each of you can make up your arc couldn't afford to go to St. his horse, the disconsolate low- minds as to what you wish to Paul. He'd made the trip itwice. mg of the herd' drifted-4mm do. Whatever you decide, there He went on, his voice flat. the corrals, should be no hard feelings." "1 made Use same mistake, Jihad/00N On Denning's order, they They eyed him expectanUy. coming in here, a lot of others had held all the gather- -calves, Intrigued. His face again have-1 supposed this was cattle LI 1 O. ••••••• cows, yearlings, prime beet twisted in what might have country. It's not. What do we rile herd was behind bars. in- been a runts,' smile. Then, blunt have? Broken range gullies and ea always, he gave it to them a few small hills. A lot of brush stead of being permitted to Fprt ;pd. TyAJCaPP race hack to the range, as was Without preamble. and sagebrush. a SC:ilti.rldg of LIL' ABNER ,•11416.11SLI, customary, once the branding -I'm ,going into the sheep scrub trees. The hills to tie was finished. Their voices business." west of us are too tar away T-1-iAR'S A-M-27 FUNNY!!---TH' TI-I4SS 11-CHLX-K-TE- fr- THET AIRCRAFT ERRY' mourned in never-ending pro- They started, doubting the do us any good Of winter shel- PEE KOOLYAR MIPE AIR TRAFFIC BECUZ -4E•/ DON'T evidence of their ears, looking ter. The rains stop at those DON'T GIVE A HOOT test. FT FLY I N REPOT DAST ADMIT THEY CHRISTMAS Denning had not explained at one another and back at same hills." AI RC RA IF FOLKS BELIEVES BELIEVE IN IT..' the (lifter, even to his forernan. That was trite This Was rh ON OUR COURSE rf DON'T S.,Af' IN IT OR NOT!! I I TO ALL!! He mid always made his own -You heard me right," Den- rim of good rangeland. NOT H I N"BOUT [ JEST COMES EVA1 decisions and kept his own ning grunted. "I'm quitting -Vnith plenty of range Y'AR,iRRFGARDLESS.r.r counsel. cattle and going Into the busi- figured to make it. but tarsi ness of factors are against cattle. The Johnny pushed open the door, raising sheep. I know how you grass grows scant and thin Our shucking his slicker. The crew feel," he went on. "So do I, beef, when we market ie is tar Were at the table, most of them I've been born and raised a from prime---it's a long drive looking as rough as a steer In cattleman, and cattlemen to the railroad and shrinkage March. Bowls ot stew were hate sheep and sheepmen. I all the arguments: the all the way to Chicago. In short along the big table, while a know stink of it's a losing game, hecause thus pudding cooled on the stove's sheep, their eternal Is not high oven. bleating that can drive a man cattle country." crazy, the way they eat grass (To Re Continurd Tomorrow) The men looked up at the foreman's approach ,9ind went This story is fiction. An, aimilarities fit frames, chifroeters or on eating. Howard Dermans menfents to actual persons co event; are unintention4L, + -." ..**" •"7:'

• •


•014114ft .1•11Mo •11•1•••••,11. •.0•4•1••••••••• ••••••••• paid forbidding terrain man the face from the booming ports of Montrea set ap a 00111.1111461011 on ba-cultural- '- We have many think': :r -marital! of the earth and Vancouver ism to study this problem and come to build upon in Canada, perhaps Canada Has Great Split In French Ask Recognition up wah some plan for unity. more than we' know. RAD LMEH'S CLASSIFIES Its plains regions art flat and And increasingly, leaders of the anchanging as the Great Plains of The cry front Quebec for more Eng.ish-speasing society are uriguig -One is the proverbs our heritage Personality; Language Cause the United States, The Canadian recognition of the French Canadians their fellows to seek a meeting of hzs brought down t both cultures, Rockies are among the world's most - indeed, even for the separation ininas with the French and one of them is especially ap- majestic mountains. of the province from the rest of propriate today. In French it is By LEON BURNETT ada puts the great bulk of its econ- Canada - has not gone unheeded Editor How. discussing the prob- a'auloir c'est pou-voir.' In English Murray Lumber Co. Inc. United Preis International oink dependence on forests and The sleepy fishing villages of the Prime Minister Lester B Pearson lem in a speech last June, put it it's 'where there's a will therea a OLDEST AND LARGEST LUMBER CO IN MURRAY MONTREAL -- "A country grain fields MartUmes provinces are ages away shortly after his election this year this way: way'." larger than any other except Russia — 104 Maple St Tel 753-3161 hss found itself feeling at times as It's alrr ast unbeL:vable expanses of woodland have made pulp, paper small as Luxembourg and as signi- and other forest produisas as pri- EVERY FOOT A SQUARE DEAL ficant as Outer Mongolia " mary industry. country Canada The speak- The 'uSllNfo47ffulpye 41.10011.1111111M1111111111111111111111.111.111111111111111111r er Douglas How a native Canadian Petroleum and natural gas he in purl ufftMovui auoiv who is managing editor of the tremendous reserve supply under imf nolo aaffuot ou pry. Readers' Digest Association of Can- Canadian aail But US dollars have I slu ada financed much of the tapping of W.{uva 'hp it So Bucys THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS How's remark was in reference to this so far the chief characteriatic of Canada ruvIPLIF15 "4; Fularquieuzati Physically, Canada is a land of 7441 do mis Black & Decker —the deep and biding split in her aopuarts ill Fulupis Building national personality contrasts am° 7 1 4- POWER SAW . $46.95 Her personality is splintered, act- 'sualtrry tnoul savackis Black & Decker Its big cities of Montreal. Toronto iiurprus awls ualla But the big breach, the big- ulna: Supply i i" ELECTRIC DRILL „ $10.45 and Vancouver are as modern asi barrier to a cohesive national any anywhere Its Northwest ter- spirit is between the French and 623 S. 4th Street - - - - Phone 753-5712 ritories and Hudson Bay region en- the English-peaking Csaruidians Nowhere is this schism m or e compass some of the meat remote marked than :r. Montreal. the sec- ond largest French-speaking city in . ., . . ,b a. a • - • 4 I world .> - .` t / * •PAO j., A • 4 jlt *4 ' • 4, the .. lc, lit,/, •,,....., A 0 4 ,• •-• MC'01, * * $ If • t. .. , ••• Occupying an oblong island in the t.t,'",„'4,y;k1•„kfi ir Jr- $ 'tP • 04:-.***.1 - L'e'°lava' ...... "44, li • ...foes. '*t• 10 .**;11:till.'..e*it, '411‘ •Prv„,, - St Lawrence River. this metropolis `,80%.f. -"*. ,,,,,.. 4416•'*:.)i'lene4111."1°Nikg. li % 11.4-• • a ,:et*: r . .*- . k is divided squarely in the. middle _se .,- sfr—t*....#7.q NA. ;;t: 0: .e__A."...":*1 *);.--w.* r" ;11Wli ti :fre"6:1, ode* :4111 .... • } al• ,,mt 4 • r* ti '44 —English-speakine conclaves to the . ai, lio**".',' T.*. ?*....400,. , s's' -.4* •lEfe 4 •• .k-r ; 4* .west. French to the east with a IL*Iihn1%.$ "*- '' . • *14:4 11., V. s'• • • taatistat iasee iii a4•Z.B. * thorough mixture in the center Ile. e$ faetl a.I. 41I' O't$ V le About 90 per cent of the nation's 4 population is Of French orunn the big majority living in Quebec Prov- ince STARTS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26th - 9 a.m. Add to this all across the country. a heavy flavoring of practically ev- ery other ethnic group y-ou can OUR GREAT PRE-INVENTORY name - many of them reluctant to break away from the languages, customs and loYalties of their re- speCtlia hOrnelands - and you base the potpaurr, that is Canada Loyalties Divided

There are other complications. English - speaking Canadians have retained a seire of brother- hood with Great Britain while act- ing and speaking much more like CLEARANCE their neighbors in the United States This nation of 3 560 000 square Our entire stock of Fall and Winter Fabrics must be cleared to the bare walls . . . miles n land area is peopled by only costs are forgotten! Be there when the door opens Thursday, 9 a.m. sharp, for the fab- 19 million — and the vast majority of these live in a narrow crosa- ric buys of a lifetime. countri band of land hard by the S birder This, along with a pee- Canadian reluctance to lay our risk capital has severely ham- 2.99 to 15.95 Yd. Val '6.99 to 112.95 yd. Val. perk! exploitation of the country's ENTIRE STOCK OF WORLD'S FINEST tremendous wealth in natural re- ' OUR sources --Many Canadians are complain- ing that the federal government has under both the Liberal and Censers alive partaes. faded to pro- WOOLENS vide the leadership neeessary for national unity and progress Despite these problems. Canadi- finest Fall and Winter Woolens now an., in general are happy. friendly No Exceptions!! Our entire stock of people, deeply devoted to hockey. at these low, low clearance priers. Values to S12.99, choose from thousands Menne weekends and the prop-altan Yd. of Yards. Hurry for best selection!! Yd. thet puttow things off until tomor- row is not necessarily the worst thing m the world They also have al happy at- tribute of being able to laugh at themselves India-MusD': they hat.. hos- * # tility toward the United States or •• • # •• # it, people They express consider- e • • • able riesentrnent, though, when they feel that US government officials • are trying to manipulate Canadian • ii'!: • Vi,e,d Products Primary US .nyeatments here aside. Can- -- ENTIRE STOCK! ENTIRE STOCK! Regular '1. to '2.49 OV r- 4000 YARDS Regular '2.49 to '4.99 yd. ular 79' to '1.49 Yd. BETTER FALL LUXURY FABRICS FABRICS Brocade s, velve- En:1re stuck of fine I.)re..s Fabric: FABRICS Filiest Holiday teens, pure silk3, and many, many now at one low, low price! Thous- It's unbelleveable, but here are luxury fabrics in this group: ands of yards to choose from. Come 'ine quality Fabrics at a sensa- other Hurry for -these wonderful fabric early for this sem2..,tional fabric tional low, low price. At lr per buys. buy! inch you can buy first quality fabrics that sold up to c1.49 a .ard Hurry for best selection!

Yd. Yd. Per Inch

ENTIRE STOCK! REGULAR $7.95 to $15.95 Imported Brocades

Here are the World's most ex- pensive Imported Brocades, pure Silk Satins, Cut Velvet on Silks and many, many others now at fraction of regular prices! $31k8


ANXIOUS — Deaden/ laivaa, la. is LLILICIollf for the "Mum France" finals to Patti on New Year's eve. She repre- sents Provence, Marseilles.