ERASMUS EXCHANGES Changing lives. Opening minds.

A whole world of opportunities

Brendan Tighe [email protected]


Erasmus Exchange Destinations ______3 Overview of the Erasmus Partners Network ______3 General exchanges ______4 Student Exchange Network ______4 ELAN – European Liberal Arts Network* ______5 Subject-Specific exchanges ______6 Biochemistry ______6 Biomedical Engineering ______6 Business School ______7 Chemistry ______8 Chemistry/Physics ______8 Civil Engineering ______9 Classics ______9 Clinical Speech and Language ______9 Computer and Statistics ______10 Deaf Studies ______10 Dental Science ______11 Drama and Theatre Studies______11 Economics ______11 Education ______12 Electronic & Electrical Engineering ______12 Engineering ______12 Engineering (CLUSTER) ______13 Engineering (UNITECH) ______13 English ______13 Eurolife ______14 European Studies (French) ______15 European Studies (German) ______15 European Studies (Italian) ______15 European Studies (Polish, Russian) ______15 European Studies (Spanish) ______16 Film ______16 French ______16 Geography ______16 Geology ______17 Germanic Studies ______17 Hispanic Studies ______17 History and Archaeology ______18 History of Art and Architecture ______18 Institute of Neuroscience ______18 Irish and Celtic Studies ______19 Italian ______19 Law ______19 Mathematics______20 Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering ______21 Medicine ______21 Music______21 Near and Middle Eastern Studies ______21 Nursing and Midwifery ______22 Pharmacy ______22 Philosophy ______23 Physics ______23 Physiotherapy ______23


Political ______24 Psychology ______24 Religion______24 Russian and Slavonic Studies ______25 Social Work and Social Policy ______25 Sociology ______25

While every effort is made to keep the information in this document up to date, if you do notice something that needs to be changed then please write to [email protected]

Last updated 08/10/2020

Erasmus activities are carried out with the support of the European Commission within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme.


Erasmus Exchange Destinations

This list of our partner institutions and exchange opportunities for 2020/21 is split into two categories: • General exchanges • Subject-Specific exchanges Throughout this document you will see references to some non-EU partner , these are accessible through International Credit Mobility (ICM), a specific type of Erasmus+ exchange to other parts of the world (contact the Coordinator for more info.).

Overview of the Erasmus Partners Network Trinity has Erasmus exchange agreements with around 180 universities in more than 20 countries. On average there are approximately two Subject-Specific exchange agreements with each partner . Country Partnership Agreements Austria 13 Hungary 3 Serbia 1 Belgium 19 Italy 24 Slovenia 1 Cyprus 1 Lithuania 1 36 Czechia 7 Malta 4 15 Denmark 4 Netherlands 25 Switzerland1 12 Finland 9 Norway 5 Turkey 7 76 Poland 7 UK2 30 Germany 71 Portugal 2 Greece 2 Romania 2

1 At the time of writing is not a member of the Erasmus+ Programme but it has a parallel equivalent programme in place, the Swiss-European Mobility Programme (SEMP) which is administered by the Erasmus team in Trinity. 2 At the time of writing the UK is still a full member of the Erasmus+ Programme. It is unclear how the ongoing Brexit negotiations will impact its future participation but our links to the UK will be maintained. 3

General exchanges Exchanges open to almost any student whose degree permits study abroad and who can find a suitable course combination. Restrictions apply.

For more information on each host university please visit the partner university website and contact the listed Outbound Coordinator if necessary.

Students need to ensure that their host university is compatible with their subject combinations and their pathway, whether single or joint honors etc. The Outbound Coordinators will be able to help you check that the host university allows you to take enough credits in all of your subjects.

Please note, the ISCED Code (International Standard Classification of Education Code) is a statistical framework for organizing fields of education and training used in the Erasmus+ Programme and will be needed when completing Erasmus Grant forms and Learning Agreements as will the Erasmus Code.

Coimbra Group Student Exchange Network ISCED Code: 0288 Outbound Coordinator: [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Austria A GRAZ01 Finland SF TURKU01 Finland Abo Akademi University SF TURKU02 France University of F POITIER01 Germany Ruprecht Karis Universität Heidelberg D HEIDELB01 Germany Friedrich Schiller University Jena D JENA01 Germany University of Cologne D KOLN01 Germany University of Wurzburg D WURZBUR01 Hungary Eötvös Loránd University - ELTE HU BUDAPES01 Italy Università delgi Studi di Padova (Padua) I PADOVA01 Italy Università delgi Studi di Pavia I PAVIA01 Italy Università di Siena I SIENA01 Lithuania LT VILNIUS01 Netherlands NL GRONING01 Poland PL KRAKOW01 Portugal Universidade de Coimbra P COIMBRA01 Romania Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași RO IASI02 Russia Saint Petersburg University - Spain Universitat de Barcelona E BARCELO01 Spain Universidad de E GRANADA01 Spain University of E SALAMAN02 Switzerland University of CH GENEVE01 UK UK DURHAM01


ELAN – European Liberal Arts Network* ISCED Code: 0288 Outbound Coordinator: Sean Duffy [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Austria Universität Graz A GRAZ01 Belgium Katholieke Universiteit Leuven B LEUVEN01 Czechia Univerzita Karlova V Praze / Prague CZ PRAHA07 France Ecole Normale Supérieure F PARIS087 Germany Universität Heidelberg D HEIDELB01 Ireland Trinity Dublin IRLDUBLIN01 Italy Università degli Studi di Siena I SIENA01 Netherlands University College Utrecht NL UTRECHT01 Portugal Universidade de Coimbra P COIMBRA01 Spain Universidad de Salamanca E SALAMAN02 Sweden Uppsala Universitet S UPPSALA01 UK UK BRISTOL01 *Restricted to students from the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.


Subject-Specific exchanges Exchanges open to students studying in particular Schools or Departments.

For more information on each host university please visit the partner university website and contact the listed Outbound Coordinator if necessary.

Students need to ensure that their host university is compatible with their subject combinations and their pathway, whether single or joint honors etc. The Outbound Coordinators will be able to help you check that the host university allows you to take enough credits in all of your subjects.

Please note, the ISCED Code (International Standard Classification of Education Code) is a statistical framework for organizing fields of education and training used in the Erasmus+ Programme and will be needed when completing Erasmus Grant forms and Learning Agreements as will the Erasmus Code.

Biochemistry ISCED Code: 0512 Outbound Coordinator: Andrei Budanov [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code France Aix-Marseille University F MARSEIL84 France Université Alpes F GRENOBL51 Germany Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz D MAINZ01 Spain Universidad Complutense de E MADRID03 Spain Universidad de Zaragoza E ZARAGOZ01 Spain Universitat de Barcelona E BARCELO01 UK UK GLASGOW01 UK University of Surrey UK GUILDFO01 Italy University of Florence (Università degli Studi di I FIRENZE01 Firenze)

Biomedical Engineering ISCED Code: 0510 Outbound Coordinator: David Hoey [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Germany RWTH Aachen D AACHEN01 Spain Universitat de Barcelona E BARCELO01


Business School ISCED Code: 0410 Outbound Coordinator: Deirdre Crowe [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Austria JKU - Johannes Kepler Universität Linz A LINZ01 Austria Universität Innsbruck A INNSBRU01 Belgium Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) Solvay Brussels B BRUXEL04 School Finland Hanken School of Economics SF HELSINK03 France ESCP Europe F PARIS100 France ESSEC F CERGY03 France Grenoble School of Management F GRENOBL21 France Neoma Business School F REIMS25 France School of Business F RENNES27 France Université de Strasbourg F STRASBO48 France Université 1 Capitole, Toulouse School of F TOULOUS01 Economics Germany Heinrich Heine University (HHU) Düsseldorf D DUSSELD01 Germany Universität Mannheim D MANNHEI01 Germany Universität Regensburg D REGENSB01 Germany Universität Trier D TRIER01 Germany University of Koblenz and Landau D KOBLENZ02 Germany WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management D KOBLENZ03 Italy Bocconi I MILANO04 Netherlands Erasmus University Rotterdam NL ROTTERD01 Netherlands Maastricht University NL MAASTRI01 Poland Cracow University of Economics PL KRAKOW04 Poland University of Kozminski PL WARSZAW21 Poland PL WARSZAW01 Spain Universidad Carlos III de Madrid E MADRID14 Spain Universidad Complutense de Madrid E MADRID03 Spain Universidad de Alcalá E ALCAL-H01 Spain Universidad de Murcia E MURCIA01 Spain E SALAMAN02 Sweden S UPPSALA01


Chemistry ISCED Code: 0531 Outbound Coordinator: Joanna McGouran [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Austria Montanuniversität Leoben A LEOBEN01 Austria TU Vienna A WIEN02 France Sorbonne Université F PARIS468 France Université Grenoble Alpes F GRENOBL51 Germany University of Münster D MUNSTER01 Netherlands University of Groningen NL GRONING01 Spain Universidad Complutense de Madrid E MADRID03 Spain Universidad de Alcalá E ALCAL-H01 France École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Lille (ENSCL) F LILLE13 / National Graduate School of Chemistry France Université de Limoges F LIMOGES01 France Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier F TOULOUS03 Germany Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin D BERLIN13 Germany Philipps-Universität Marburg D MARBURG01 Germany Universität Regensburg D REGENSB01 Italy Università di Bologna I BOLOGNA01 Italy Università di Ferrara I FERRARA01 Netherlands University of Twente NL ENSCHED01 Spain Universidad de Zaragoza E ZARAGOZ01 Switzerland ETH Zurich CH ZURICH07 UK Cardiff University UK CARDIFF01 UK University of Strathclyde UK GLASGOW02

Chemistry/Physics ISCED Code: 0530 Outbound Coordinator: Brian Conor Walls [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Belarus Belarusian State University - Kazakhstan Nazarbayev University - Russia Institute of Solid State Physics - Russia ITMO University -


Civil Engineering ISCED Code: 0732 Outbound Coordinator: Sara Pavia [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Germany Technische Universität Darmstadt D DARMSTA01 Italy Università di Ferrara I FERRARA01 Spain Universidad de Burgos E BURGOS01 Spain Universidad de Granada E GRANADA01 Spain Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech E BARCELO03 (UPC)

Classics ISCED Code: 0288 Outbound Coordinator: Martine Cuypers [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Cyprus CY NICOSIA01 France Montaigne University F BORDEAU03 Germany Freie Universität Berlin D BERLIN01 Italy University of Udine I UDINE01 Switzerland CH FRIBOUR01 Switzerland CH GENEVE01 Turkey Koç University TR ISTANBU17

Clinical Speech and Language ISCED Code: 0231 Outbound Coordinator: Caroline Jagoe [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Belgium Thomas More Mechelen-Antwerp University of Applied B MECHELE14 Sciences Belgium VIVES University of Applied Sciences BE BRUGGE11 Netherlands Fontys University of Applied Sciences (Eindhoven) NL EINDHOV03 Sweden Karolinska Institutet S STOCKHO03


Computer Science and Statistics ISCED Code: 0611 Outbound Coordinator: Carl Vogel [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Belgium Université Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) B LOUVAIN01 France INSA F LYON12 France Université Côte d'Azur [formerly Nice Sophia Antipolis] F NICE42 France Université de Paris [formerly Diderot and Descartes] F PARIS483 France Université de Paris [formerly Diderot and Descartes] F PARIS482 France Université de Rennes 1 F RENNES01 France Université Grenoble Alpes F GRENOBL51 France Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier F TOULOUS03 Germany Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen D TUBINGE01 Germany Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU D MUNCHEN01 Munich) Germany Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg D HEIDELB01 Germany Saarland University D SAARBRU01 Germany Universität Bielefeld D BIELEFE01 Germany Universität Bremen D BREMEN01 Germany Universität Konstanz D KONSTAN01 Germany Universität Stuttgart D STUTTGA01 Germany Universität Trier D TRIER01 Israel Hebrew University of Jerusalem Spain Universidad de Cadiz E CADIZ01 Spain Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech E BARCELO03 (UPC) UK University of Glasgow UK GLASGOW01

Deaf Studies ISCED Code: 0231 Outbound Coordinator: John Conama [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Belgium KU Leuven B LEUVEN01 Finland Diaconia University of Applied Sciences SF HELSINK19 Germany Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences D MAGDEBU04 Netherlands HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht NL UTRECHT24 Spain E VIGO01 Sweden University S STOCKHO01


Dental Science ISCED Code: 0911 Outbound Coordinator: Mary Clarke [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Norway N OSLO01 Sweden Karolinska Institutet S STOCKHO03 UK University of Leeds UK LEEDS01

Drama and Theatre Studies ISCED Code: 0215 Outbound Coordinator: Miranda Fay Thomas [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code France Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 F PARIS003 Germany Freie Universität Berlin D BERLIN01 Germany Universität Konstanz D KONSTAN01 Greece National and Kapodistran University of Athens G ATHINE01 Malta MT MALTA01 Turkey Kadir Has Uni (KHU) TR ISTANBU16 UK Goldsmiths, University of London UK LONDON012 UK Rose Bruford College UK SIDCUP01 UK Royal Holloway UK LONDON097 UK University of Warwick UK COVENTR01

Economics ISCED Code: 0311 Outbound Coordinator: Joseph Kopecky [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Belgium Université Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) B LOUVAIN01 France HEC Paris F JOUY-JO02 France F PARIS014 France Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, Toulouse School of F TOULOUS01 Economics Germany University of Cologne D KOLN01 Netherlands Tilburg University NL TILBURG01


Education ISCED Code: 0111 Outbound Coordinator: Erika Piazzoli [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Austria Salzburg University of Education Stefan Zweig A SALZBUR03 Austria Universität Klagenfurt A KLAGENF01 Germany Technische Universität München D MUNCHEN02 Norway University of South-Eastern Norway [formerly N KONGSBE02 Hogskolen I Buskerud Og Vestfold] Spain Universidad Autonoma de Madrid E MADRID04 Spain Universitat Autònoma De Barcelona (UAB) E BARCELO02 UK Royal Conservatoire of Scotland UK GLASGOW05

Electronic & Electrical Engineering ISCED Code: 0714 Outbound Coordinator: Justin King [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Austria Universität Klagenfurt A KLAGENF01 France INSA Lyon F LYON12 Germany Technische Universität Darmstadt D DARMSTA01 Switzerland ETH Zurich CH ZURICH07

Engineering ISCED Code: 0710 Outbound Coordinator: Ashley Sullivan [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Belgium KU Leuven B LEUVEN01 Finland Aalto University SF ESPOO12 France Groupe ICAM (Toulouse) F LILLE16 France Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble (Grenoble INP) F GRENOBL22 Italy Politecnico di Torino I TORINO02 Netherlands Eindhoven University of Technology NL EINDHOV17 Netherlands Technical University Delft NL DELFT01 Spain Universitat de Barcelona E BARCELO01 Sweden Chalmers University of Technology S GOTEBOR02 Switzerland Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (Swiss CH LAUSANN06 Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne)


UK Loughborough University UK LOUGHBO01 Italy Politecnico di Milano I MILANO02

Engineering (CLUSTER) ISCED Code: 0710 Outbound Coordinator: Ashley Sullivan [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Belgium KU Leuven B LEUVEN01 Belgium Université Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) B LOUVAIN01 Finland Aalto University SF ESPOO12 France Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble (Grenoble INP) F GRENOBL22 Germany Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) D KARLSRU01 Germany Technische Universität Darmstadt D DARMSTA01 Italy Politecnico di Torino I TORINO02 Netherlands Eindhoven University of Technology NL EINDHOV17 Portugal - IST P LISBOA109 Spain Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech E BARCELO03 (UPC) Sweden KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm S STOCKHO04 Switzerland Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (Swiss CH LAUSANN06 Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne)

Engineering (UNITECH) ISCED Code: 0710 Outbound Coordinator: Ashley Sullivan [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code France INSA Lyon F LYON12 Germany RWTH Aachen D AACHEN01 Italy Politecnico di Milano I MILANO02

English ISCED Code: 0232 Outbound Coordinator: Björn Quiring [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Austria University of Salzburg A SALZBUR01 Belgium KU Leuven B LEUVEN01


Belgium Université de Liège B LIEGE01 Belgium University of Antwerp B ANTWERP01 Czechia Charles University (Prague) CZ PRAHA07 Czechia Palacký University Olomouc CZ OLOMOUC01 Denmark DK ARHUS01 France Sorbonne Université F PARIS468 France Université Côte d'Azur [formerly Nice Sophia Antipolis] F NICE42 France Université de Paris [formerly Diderot and Descartes] F PARIS484 France Université François-Rabelais de Tours F TOURS01 Germany Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg D HEIDELB01 Germany Universität Hamburg D HAMBURG01 Germany University of Flensburg D FLENSBU01 Italy Università degli Studi Roma Tre I ROMA16 Romania Babeș-Bolyai University RO CLUJNAPO01 Romania Universitatea din Craiova RO CRAIOVA01 Switzerland CH LAUSANN01 UK Birmingham University UK BIRMING02 UK University of Aberdeen UK ABERDEE01 UK University of East Anglia UK NORWICH01 UK University of St Andrews UK ST-ANDR01

Eurolife ISCED Code: 0912 Outbound Coordinator: Ross McManus [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Austria Medical University of Innsbruck A INNSBRU21 Belgium Université Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) B LOUVAIN01 France Université de Strasbourg F STRASBO48 Germany Georg-August-Universität Göttingen D GOTTING01 Hungary Semmelweis University HU BUDAPES08 Netherlands Medical Centre NL LEIDEN01 Sweden Karolinska Institutet S STOCKHO03 UK UK EDINBUR01


European Studies (French) ISCED Code: 0388 Outbound Coordinator: Edward Arnold [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code France Institut d’Etudes Politiques Bordeaux F BORDEAU37 France Institut d’Etudes Politiques Grenoble F GRENOBL23 France Sciences Po F PARIS014 France Université de Paris [formerly Diderot and Descartes] F PARIS485 France Université de Strasbourg F STRASBO48 France Université Grenoble Alpes F GRENOBL51 France Université Rennes 2 F RENNES02

European Studies (German) ISCED Code: 0388 Outbound Coordinator: Clemens Ruthner [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Germany Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg D FREIBUR01 Germany Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen D TUBINGE01 Germany Universität Hamburg D HAMBURG01

European Studies (Italian) ISCED Code: 0388 Outbound Coordinator: Clodagh Brook [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Italy Università di Siena I SIENA01 Italy Università degli Studi di Milano I MILANO01 Italy Università degli Studi di Pavia I PAVIA01

European Studies (Polish, Russian) ISCED Code: 0388 Outbound Coordinator: Justin Doherty [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Czechia University of Hradec Králové CZ HRADEC01 Poland Jagiellonian University PL KRAKOW01


European Studies (Spanish) ISCED Code: 0388 Outbound Coordinator: Ciara O'Hagan [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Spain Universidad De Sevilla (Seville) E SEVILLA01 Spain Universidad de Zaragoza E ZARAGOZ01 Spain University of Salamanca E SALAMAN02

Film ISCED Code: 0211 Outbound Coordinator: Jennifer O'Meara [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code France Université Rennes 2 F RENNES02 France Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 F PARIS003

French ISCED Code: 0230 Outbound Coordinator: Alexandra Lukes [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code France Bordeaux Montaigne University F BORDEAU03 France Sorbonne Université F PARIS468 France Université d'Orleans F ORLEANS01 France Université Grenoble Alpes F GRENOBL51 France Université Lumière Lyon 2 F LYON02 France Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 F PARIS003 France Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès Le Mirail F TOULOUS02 Switzerland University of Geneva CH GENEVE01

Geography ISCED Code: 0532 Outbound Coordinator: Mark Hennessy [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Czechia Charles University (Prague) CZ PRAHA07 France Bordeaux Montaigne University F BORDEAU03 France Sorbonne Université F PARIS468 France Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne F PARIS001


Netherlands NL UTRECHT01 Sweden Stockholm University S STOCKHO01 Sweden Uppsala University S UPPSALA01 UK University of Exeter UK EXETER01

Geology ISCED Code: 0532 Outbound Coordinator: Sean McClenaghan [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Belgium Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) Brussels B BRUXEL04 France Université Clermont Auvergne [formerly Université F CLERMON48 Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand II] Norway N BERGEN01 Norway University of Tromsø, UiT - The Arctic University of N TROMSO01 Norway UK Birmingham University UK BIRMING02

Germanic Studies ISCED Code: 0230 Outbound Coordinator: Caitriona Leahy [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Austria Universität Wien (Vienna) A WIEN01 Germany Georg-August-Universität Göttingen D GOTTING01 Germany Universität zu Köln (Cologne) D KOLN01

Hispanic Studies ISCED Code: 0230 Outbound Coordinator: Katerina Garcia [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Spain Universidad de Alcalá E ALCAL-H01 Spain Universidad de Granada E GRANADA01 Spain Universidad De León E LEON01 Spain Universidad De Oviedo E OVIEDO01 Spain Universidad De Sevilla (Seville) E SEVILLA01 Spain Universidad de Zaragoza E ZARAGOZ01 Spain Universidad Rey Juan Carlos E MADRID26 Spain Universitat de Barcelona E BARCELO01


Spain University of Salamanca E SALAMAN02

History and Archaeology ISCED Code: 0222 Outbound Coordinator: Sean Duffy [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Austria Universität Wien (Vienna) A WIEN01 Czechia Charles University (Prague) CZ PRAHA07 France Sorbonne Université F PARIS468 Germany Universität Konstanz D KONSTAN01 Hungary Eötvös Loránd University - ELTE HU BUDAPES01 Italy University of Florence (Università degli Studi di I FIRENZE01 Firenze) Netherlands Leiden University NL LEIDEN01 Netherlands Utrecht University NL UTRECHT01 Spain Universitat Autònoma De Barcelona (UAB) E BARCELO02 Spain University of Salamanca E SALAMAN02 UK The University of Manchester UK MANCHES01 UK University of Edinburgh UK EDINBUR01 UK University of St Andrews UK ST-ANDR01

History of Art and Architecture ISCED Code: 0213 Outbound Coordinator: Peter Cherry [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code France Sorbonne Université F PARIS468 Germany Freie Universität Berlin D BERLIN01 Italy University of Pisa I PISA01 Spain Universidad Complutense de Madrid E MADRID03 Spain University of Salamanca E SALAMAN02 Turkey Koç University TR ISTANBU17

Institute of Neuroscience ISCED Code: 0912 Outbound Coordinator: Kumlesh Dev [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Switzerland ETH Zurich CH ZURICH07


Turkey Koç University TR ISTANBU17

Irish and Celtic Studies ISCED Code: 0230 Outbound Coordinator: Jürgen Uhlich [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Germany Philipps-Universität Marburg D MARBURG01 Netherlands Utrecht University NL UTRECHT01 UK Aberystwyth University UK ABERYST01 UK University of Glasgow UK GLASGOW01

Italian ISCED Code: 0230 Outbound Coordinator: Giuliana Adamo [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Italy Università di Bologna I BOLOGNA01 Italy Università di Trieste I TRIESTE01 Italy Università degli Studi di Pavia I PAVIA01 Italy Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" I ROMA01 Italy University of Pisa I PISA01

Law ISCED Code: 0421 Outbound Coordinator: Laura Mc Loughlin [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Belgium KU Leuven B LEUVEN01 Belgium Université Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) B LOUVAIN01 Denmark DK KOBENHA01 Finland SF HELSINK01 France Sciences Po F PARIS014 France Université de Bordeaux F BORDEAU58 France Université de F MONTPEL54 France Université de Strasbourg F STRASBO48 France Université Montesquieu - Bordeaux IV F BORDEAU41 France Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas F PARIS002 France Université Paris-Saclay [formerly Paris Sud University] F PARIS481 France Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès Le Mirail F TOULOUS02 France Université Toulouse 1 Capitole F TOULOUS01


France F POITIER01 Germany Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg D FREIBUR01 Germany Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen D TUBINGE01 Germany Friedrich Schiller University Jena D JENA01 Germany Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (FAU) Erlangen- D ERLANGE01 Nürnberg Germany Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin D BERLIN13 Germany Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz D MAINZ01 Germany Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU D MUNCHEN01 Munich) Germany Philipps-Universität Marburg D MARBURG01 Germany Universität Hamburg D HAMBURG01 Germany University of Wurzburg D WURZBUR01 Italy Università di Bologna I BOLOGNA01 Italy Università degli Studi di Genova (Genoa) I GENOVA01 Italy Università degli Studi di Padova (Padua) I PADOVA01 Netherlands Leiden University NL LEIDEN01 Netherlands University of Groningen NL GRONING01 Spain Ramon Llull University - Esade E BARCELO16 Spain Universidad de Granada E GRANADA01 Sweden Uppsala University S UPPSALA01 Switzerland CH ZURICH01

Mathematics ISCED Code: 0541 Outbound Coordinator: Kirk Soodhalter [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Austria JKU - Johannes Kepler Universität Linz A LINZ01 France Sorbonne Université F PARIS468 France Université de Paris [formerly Diderot and Descartes] F PARIS482 France Université Grenoble Alpes F GRENOBL51 France Université Lille 1 F LILLE103 Germany Chemnitz University of Technology D CHEMNIT01 Germany Goethe-Universität Frankfurt D FRANKFU01 Germany Technische Universität München D MUNCHEN02 Spain E TENERIF01 UK Durham University UK DURHAM01 France Université d'Orleans F ORLEANS01 France Université de Nantes F NANTES01 France University of Western Brittany (Bretagne Occidentale) F BREST01


Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering ISCED Code: 0715 Outbound Coordinator: Tim Persoons [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Belgium Université Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) B LOUVAIN01 France INSA Lyon F LYON12 Germany Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) D KARLSRU01 Germany Technische Universität Darmstadt D DARMSTA01 Poland Politechnika Śląska (Silesian University of PL GLIWICE01 Technology) Portugal University of Lisbon - IST P LISBOA109 Sweden KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm S STOCKHO04

Medicine ISCED Code: 0912 Outbound Coordinator: Rita Keane [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code France Université de Nantes F NANTES01 Italy Università degli Studi di Modena I MODENA01 Italy University of Catania I CATANIA01

Music ISCED Code: 0215 Outbound Coordinator: Simon Trezise [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Hungary Franz Liszt (Liszt Ferenc) Academy of Music, Budapest HU BUDAPES25 UK Newcastle University UK NEWCAST01

Near and Middle Eastern Studies ISCED Code: 0388 Outbound Coordinator: Zuleika Rodgers [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Czechia Charles University (Prague) CZ PRAHA07 France Sciences Po F PARIS014 Germany Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (FAU) Erlangen- D ERLANGE01 Nürnberg


Israel Hebrew University of Jerusalem Turkey Bogazici University TR ISTANBU01

Nursing and Midwifery ISCED Code: 0913 Outbound Coordinator: Frances O'Brien [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Denmark University College of Northern Denmark (UCN) DK ALBORG02 Finland Turku University of Applied Sciences SF TURKU05 Greece University of West Attica [formerly Technological G EGALEO02 Educational Institute of Athens] Malta University of Malta MT MALTA01 Netherlands Hanze University of Applied Sciences NL GRONING03 Netherlands Zuyd University of Applied Sciences [Academy of NL HEERLEN14 Obstetrics Maastricht (Academie Verloskunde Maastricht)] Portugal Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Catholic University P LISBOA01 of Portugal) Slovenia SI LJUBLJA01 Sweden S LUND01 UK University of Nottingham UK NOTTING01 UK University of South Wales UK PONTYPR02 UK University of Wolverhampton UK WOLVERH01

Pharmacy ISCED Code: 0916 Outbound Coordinator: Fabio Boylan [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Austria Universität Wien (Vienna) A WIEN01 France Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 F LYON01 France Université de Montpellier F MONTPEL54 France Université Paris-Saclay [formerly Paris Sud University] F PARIS481 Germany Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU D MUNCHEN01 Munich) Serbia RS BELGRAD02 UK University of Bath UK BATH01


Philosophy ISCED Code: 0233 Outbound Coordinator: Ben White [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Germany Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU D MUNCHEN01 Munich) Turkey Koç University TR ISTANBU17 UK Durham University UK DURHAM01

Physics ISCED Code: 0533 Outbound Coordinator: Graham Cross [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Belgium Université de Mons B MONS21 France Sorbonne Université F PARIS468 France Université Grenoble Alpes F GRENOBL51 Germany Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin D BERLIN13 Germany Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) D KARLSRU01 Germany Universität Regensburg D REGENSB01 Germany University of Würzburg D WURZBUR01 Poland Adam Mickiewicz University PL POZNAN01 Switzerland ETH Zurich CH ZURICH07 Turkey Istanbul Technical University TR ISTANBU04

Physiotherapy ISCED Code: 0915 Outbound Coordinator: Cillin Condon [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Malta University of Malta MT MALTA01 Norway Western Norway University of Applied Sciences N BERGEN14 (Høgskulen på Vestlandet) Spain Universitat Autònoma De Barcelona (UAB) E BARCELO02 Sweden Karolinska Institutet S STOCKHO03


Political Sciences ISCED Code: 0312 Outbound Coordinator: Dino Hadzic [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Finland University of Helsinki SF HELSINK01 France Sciences Po F PARIS014 France Université de Strasbourg F STRASBO48 Germany Universität Mannheim D MANNHEI01 Italy Università di Bologna I BOLOGNA01 Netherlands Leiden University NL LEIDEN01 Switzerland University of Geneva CH GENEVE01 Switzerland University of Zurich CH ZURICH01

Psychology ISCED Code: 0313 Outbound Coordinator: Michael Gormley [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Belgium KU Leuven B LEUVEN01 Finland University of Helsinki SF HELSINK01 France Université de Bordeaux F BORDEAU58 France Université de Paris [formerly Diderot and Descartes] F PARIS482 France Université de Paris [formerly Diderot and Descartes] F PARIS483 France Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès Le Mirail F TOULOUS02 Germany Freie Universität Berlin D BERLIN01 Netherlands Erasmus University Rotterdam NL ROTTERD01 Netherlands Radboud University NL NIJMEGE01 Netherlands University of Groningen NL GRONING01 UK Swansea University UK SWANSEA01 UK University of East Anglia UK NORWICH01 UK University of Edinburgh UK EDINBUR01

Religion ISCED Code: 0221 Outbound Coordinator: Benjamin Wold [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Belgium KU Leuven B LEUVEN01 Germany Georg-August-Universität Göttingen D GOTTING01


Israel Bar Ilan University - Israel Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Poland Nicolaus Copernicus University PL TORUN01 UK Birmingham University UK BIRMING02

Russian and Slavonic Studies ISCED Code: 0230 Outbound Coordinator: Justin Doherty [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Poland University of Warsaw PL WARSZAW01

Social Work and Social Policy ISCED Code: 0319 Outbound Coordinator: Erin Paullin [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Finland Tampere University SF TAMPERE17 Germany Catholic Foundation of Applied Sciences Munich D MUNCHEN07 (Katholische Stiftungshochschule München) Germany University of Oldenburg D OLDENBU01 Sweden Stockholm University S STOCKHO01

Sociology ISCED Code: 0314 Outbound Coordinator: David Ralph [email protected]

Country University Erasmus Code Czechia Charles University (Prague) CZ PRAHA07 Denmark University of Copenhagen DK KOBENHA01 Finland University of Helsinki SF HELSINK01 France Sorbonne Université F PARIS468 France Université Lille 1 F LILLE103 Germany Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU D MUNCHEN01 Munich) Malta University of Malta MT MALTA01 Netherlands Utrecht University NL UTRECHT01 Sweden Umeå University S UMEA01 Turkey Bogazici University TR ISTANBU01