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4-20-1989 Spectator 1989-04-20 Editors of The pS ectator

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Non-Profit Org. U.S.POSTAGEPAID Seattle,WA the PermitNo.2783 Spectator April 20, 1989 S E A T r t [ UNIVERSITY Actually Spring? SU100: Back to the old drawing board By KELLY VANDOREN communication between the academic Staff Reporter sectorand the StudentLife sectorabout what's most important for new students here," Experiments surroundinga freshmen coming in said Leary. orientationprogram have beenunderway Leary saidthat although the program long way to go, for more than two years at SU. Some has a he remains to concept. a aspects of the experiment have failed committed the "I'm firm while others have proven successful. believer that this kindof experiencecan bonding happens Still, SV struggles to discover the really facilitate the that correct formula which will foster a between new students and their institution,"he said. "I'm not sure it beneficial program. Perhaps next year's it endeavors willprovemore successful. has the kind of commitment that I to Tim Leary, assistant to the vice needs to succeed. What would like It's been on-again, off-again, but there was actually enough presidentof Student Life,explained that see is that the university fully get sunny weather last week that you could throw a frisbee around behind it... that we have a group of Buhr Lawn without having to wear galoshes. historically, the program beganin 1987 when the Core curriculumprogram was faculty, administrators, Student Life being rethought. Leary explained that people andstudents come together and David Leigh, S.J., director of the really design a first-rate program and Honors Program and Global Studies, give it our best shot. I'm not sure was working with the reorganization we'vedone that yet." S.J., SU student effort toinclude acomponent that would John Topel, vice president of Affairs, to be an orientation to the academic core. Academic is also committed Leigh asked members ofStudentLifeas an improved "Freshmen Experience" wellasa number offaculty members to program. However,Topel said that the come together and attempt to design administration is still unclear as to the attacked something that would be offered for roleStudentLife will playin nextyear's freshmen that would extend an revised program. "As an academic course, to introduction to the new core and life at unless you're going do it SU. entirely different thanthe way in which That introduction first took form as we weredoing ithere,itdoesn't quite fit into theacademic perspective." campus the"CoreLab Experience",according to near the Leary. "That first yearcould have been Topelexplained that by having more organized," said Leary, "There instructors as themain deliverers of the By Hecontinuedafter the woman,Deaver having STEVE CLARKE wasn't alot of training for faculty and course (such as the instructor Editor recalled, when someone began tochoke explain the Learning Center and its him. "I remember going down and staff thatparticipated inthe program and there wasn't aconsensus about what was functions) the instruction received Craig Deaver,released yesterday from grabbing his ankle," before passing out, seemed to be a second-level reflection. hesaid. tobeoffered." Harborview Medical Center yesterday Leary "Much better togetpeople inimmediate The police report filed after the saidthesecond step (this year's and planning on returning to Seattle effort) resulted in SUIOO. The contact with theLearningCenterpeople University Monday, lay in critical incident said three passers-by found and have them explain what they're Deaver laying on the grass near East differences,he explained,included the condition Saturday morning after an combination of an administrator, a doingand what theycanoffer," he said. attack near campus which left him Harrisonand10th AvenueEast. "It seems better to us, to tie it into "Ifeel real lucky," Deaver saidof his faculty person and a student leader in unconscious. each section. The program took on an advising program. What we really Seattle Police contacted Campus speedy recovery. Though his headstill wantisfor freshmen to continue tohave broken, more of a developmental focus and Security in an attempt to contact his pounds and his nose is he said a small group in which they do some he expectstoreturn to classesMonday. attempted to get students to see next of kin shortly after midnight themselves as a "whole person...and bonding, and continue to get an Saturday morning when SU Henoted that surgeons had to drill a orientation to the life of the university. hole inhis skull torelieve the pressure as learners growingand developingin a identification was foundon the 20-year- number ofdifferent areas," saidLeary. But, to have that within the context of old sophomore and Bellarmine Hall from swelling. an advisor that they know, with whom Leary, president Again, the reviews of the program receiveda blow to thehead Tim assistant vice they consult regularly and who resident. He life, were mixed. Leary said some can neartheright temple. for student emphasized students wouldbe with them throughout the first should take care to travel in groupsand weaknesses with SU 100 stemmed from "All Iremember is getting choked the need for a tremendous of year and during the transition to the behind," walkin well-lit areas when out at night. amount from Deaversaid yesterday. training required for faculty, staff and sophomore year...somebody who they He said the attack occurred after the "We'remostconcerned thathe'sdoing can keep coming back to. ." said well and that other students take students involved in a "Freshmen . woman he was returning from a party Experience" class. "We haven't Topel. withFriday nightbegan runningahead precautions whenthey're outafter dark," Topel said that the administration's Leary said. adequately preparedour instructors. We of him. Deaver tried to stop her, he need spend more time helping our feelingwas thatincreasedconcentration said, explaining it was the Deaver,whoplayedbasketball for the to wrongpart instructors become good facilitators. on freshmen advising would be the of town to be alone in at night, when Chieftains earlier in the year, stands twomentoldhim to leaveher alone. over 66" tall. Also, we need to have more Please see 'SU 100' page three

Vol.LIX No.22(478-800) SU R.O.T.C. honored ASSU workingfor higher numbers of minorities at SU By KIMMEDVEDICH Administration has been looking for StaffReporter top-notch faculty and staff but there's not a lot tochoose from. The lack of students and faculty of SU is working with Seattle Central color at Seattle University is a major Community College, trying to attract concernof SU students,according to the the students of color, according to State of the Student survey report Mirghanbari. compiledby theAssociated Students of Students ofcolor atSU wantpersonal SeattleUniversity (ASSU). support, accordingto areport from the In response to the finding, ASSU university's Office of Minority Affairs. representatives Norma Urena and Mirghanbari stated that these students Shawna Mirghanbari are working with need support from other students. Keith Grate of the university's "Thesepeopleneed to fall into support admissions office tobeef uprecruitment of people like themselves," she said. of students ofcolor in thearea. She expresses that students of color On Wednesday and Sunday nights havedifferent needs than white students Urena, Mirghanbari and other student do. representatives work toward the goal "They'redifferent people. They don't William J. Sullivan, S.J., president of Seattle University, (center) together, the women said. want tobe considered outcasts because and LTC. Roland A. Culver (left), professor of military science "We are going out to high schools, they're not," she said. "They see things in SU's (R.0.T.C.) Reserve Officer's Training Corps program, such as Garfield, on Wednesdays as differentlyand youhave to be sensitive accept the Gen. Douglas MacArthur Foundation Award, presented [student] leaders to get minorities to to theirneeds." by Brig. Gen. Gary L. Brown (right) April 6 in the Casey Building. school," SU's R.O.T.C. was come to our said Mirghanbari. In conjuction with minority presented the Fourth Region's (including 18 recruitment, western states) medium category award for their accomplishments. "Recruitingminorities from the Central thestudentsexpressaneed The award recognizes outstanding accomplishments in recruiting, District is a big concern to the formorescholarship funding. training and selection of future U.S. Army officers. In February, administration because we are in this Students wantmore financial aidand the campus group ranked highly in competition at Ft. Lewis, south district which is basically black- feel thereis inadequatefinancial support of Tacoma. populated," she noted. Most schools for students of color, according to the try to represent the surrounding survey. population, sheadded. ASSU has recommended there be One issue the ASSU considers scholarships for all four ethnic Falkin important isrecruitingNative American backgrounds. "We want minority awarded students. "What's the mascot of SU?" scholarships,but we also want specific Mirghanbari asked. "The Chieftains - ones for each ethnic group," said and we don't have any [American] Mirghanbari. Indianshere." Currently the administration has Fulbright She saidher andUrsena are working increased scholarships for the black with Grate to set uprecruitment from population. Some of the scholarships Indianreservations. are based on sports. "Idon'tlike black On Sunday nights a group of SU students beingidentifiedas jocks," said Scholarship student leaders get together and call Mirghanbari. people who applied for the Sullivan The administration is providing April Falkin, Ph.D., assistant vice acandy store." Scholarships but were not among the Central Area high school students with president for academic affairs,has been Since she will nolonger beaffiliated five finally chosen. These "are still ten additional scholarships for the selected for a Fulbright teaching award with SU, Falkin will go to the Ivory prospective students and they're all coaches' summer basketball camps. in the Ivory Coast during the next Coastasanindependentscholar. leaders,"saidMirghanbari. Theyarealsoproviding academic course year. Falkin, Low numbers of faculty and staff of work for minority students in SU's academic For who also Eshelman, Ph.D., received notice last week that her John executive color were also cited in the ASSU UpwardBoundprogram this summer. president, Falkin's contract at SU has not been renewed, vice said the reason survey. Mirghanbari said that The administration's response to the theaward wasespecially pleasing. contract was notrenewedis because the nationwide (excluding the Asian survey was in complete agreement university felt it should let the new vice population) there arenota lotofpeople concerning the need for recruitingand "It restores my confidence in my president for academic affairs, who has of color getting recruited to schools. scholarship funding for students of professional qualifications," she said not yet been chosen, decide who will Therefore, thereisadeficient number of color. Tuesday. fill the vicepresident'spost. minority teachers. "If you wantto have SUhas been going to high schools, professors ofcolor tomorrow, youhave conducting workshops, and Falkin will be teaching English "It's simply a matterof herpermanent positionbeing on hold,"Eshelman said. to get them into school today," she collaborating with community colleges linguistics in the French-speaking added with high populations of students of African nation at the University of "It was not a decision to not continue According to Mirghanbari, the Please see 'ASSU1page Abidjan. Her doctorate, which she her." ten received from the University ofIllinois in1980, isinFrenchand linguistics. Falkin is theonly SU woman and the "I'm so excited," Falkin said of the only administrator ever tohave received appointment. this award. "Ifeel like a little kid in Publ'shim, $ C RESERVE OFFICERS' TRAINING CORPS -bythehou? SSerWßX START YOURCLIMB TOCAREERSUCCESSTHISSUMMER. Applynowforsix weeksofArmyROTClead- — * ershiptraining. 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'April Spectator 2 20/The NEWS Earth Day FewerJesuits mean events atUofW adjustments for SU The following events By LORIROSS charitable causes. commemorating and exploringEarth StaffReporter Jesuits work in a variety of fields Day 1989 will be held at the worldwide, such as universities,high University of Washington: In the last 25 years Seattle schools,hospitals, missions,and social University's number of Jesuits have research,just toname afew. They also by almostonehalf. work in all corners of the world - from Today: 2:30-4:30 p.m., HUB declined - Presently 34 Jesuits teachand work at Alaska toZimbabwe. 1068. Forum: "IsSeattleBecoming SU but within the next 10 years the The decline puts strains on theJesuit anotherLA.?" - university could have less than 20 society because as fewer men become 6-8 p.m., HUB 200 Music and Jesuits according to StephenSundborg, Jesuitsmore go into retirement,leaving Poetryfor theEarth. S.J., rector of the Jesuit community at the youngerones tocare for theelders. 8:30-10:30 p.m., Savery 239. - In SUandassistant theology professor. Not only is there a declinein Jesuits Defense of the Wild, with David Our society changed very rapidly in but in parish priests as well. Seattle Foreman, controversial founder of the late 1960s and thenumberofJesuits Catholic churches face extreme Earth First! and ex-lobbyist for the decreased worldwide by approximately shortagesin the number ofpriests. Itis Wilderness Society. one-thirdin theprocess,Sundborgsaid. not unusual for one priest to be the "Therapid change left people- unable to parishpriest of twodifferent churches. Tomorrow: 9 a.m.-4 p.m., HUB see theJesuit way oflife unmarried,a The Catholic church has begun to use 1068. Video presentations vow ofcelibacyand alife dependenton lay ministers to perform non- throughout the day dealing with the others - as....attractive,"he noted. sacramental functions within the environment SU's substantial size makes it Fr. Stephen Sundborg church. 9-11:30 a.m., Campus. Campus difficult for the Jesuits to maintain the A Jesuit who wants to teach in a The Catholic Church has no "Clean sweep." character and values of their order's universitymust geta doctorateand then immediate plans to help toward the 10 a.m.-3 p.m., HUB Lobby, tradition. Sundborg said he hopes that interview at theuniversity. After Jesuit decline of eitherJesuits or other priests. the Walker Ames. Environmental "theoverall faculty and staffpickup priests decide where they wouldlike to Eventually the church will probably InformationFair. Jesuitideas andcarry themforward." teach they indicate their preference to allow clergy to marry, according to Jesuit high schools also face the Jesuit Provincial,who Sundborg, but it will take increasing 10:30 a.m.-noon, HUB 1068. their superior,a impact of thedecline. But accordingto thenassigns the Jesuit. pressure for the Catholic Church and Population Growth and Sundborg, the high schools are able to priest's salary equivalent that will take a long time. Brass, A Jesuit is Sustainability. Andrea speaker keep Jesuit valuesand characterbecause faculty they don't The church doesn't plan to let Growth, to that of other but from Zero Population will of the small size of faculty, staff and receive individual checks, Sundborg women into the Jesuit order. The problems talk about cases and of students. noted. The rector of the community Jesuitsareoneof the few groups within overpopulation as wellas solutions. SU cannot compete for Jesuits as it receives all the salariesand out of that the Catholic Church that don't have a 11:30 a.m.-l:30 p.m., HUBHusky does with other faculty and staff each Jesuitreceives alivingallowance. women's branch,heobserved. Den. EarthMusic. shortages. All Jesuits that come to The money left is used to support the Despitethe small number ofJesuits, and work at SU originally come Sundborg finds reason for optimism. noon-l:30pjn., Conference Room, teach Jesuit community,and acertain amount Engineering Sustainability, from the Jesuit Society's Oregon isput towards a retirement fund. They "Our way of life shouldberare. Maybe Annex. of Jesuits Technology andBuckminsterFuller:a Province. The number also donate back to SU or other we're findingfewer isbetter." Gerber, available for a university such as SU or holistic view. Dr. Alex number of authority on the legendary a highschooldependson the Buckminster Fuller,explores issues Jesuits whoarequalified to teach. of sustainability. Wehavewhatyou 1-2:30 p.m.,HUB 1068. Enforce- ment of International Regulations. SU1OO Paul Watson, founder of the Sea needtopasstheHardest SheperdSocietyandGreenpeace. collegetestof 2:30-4:30 p.m., Kane 210.- Mother changes all. EarthandMoon'sPrayer Reversing The testhasonlyone question: Tide JewellJames the ofDestruction. From 'SU 100' page one How inthedickensareyou and KenCooperof theLummi Tribe. goingtopayforit? £f~" 2:30-4:30p.m.,Kane 220. Forum: location and context "in which one isexpensive.Andformany thebest answer to that wouldcontinue todeliver thesamekind Management isaGuaranteedStudent LoanfromWashington Solid Waste Dilemmas. of elements that we had in the SU 100 SavingsBank: Up to$2,625a year forfreshmen % seniors, $7,000for 4-6p.m.,- Savery 239. Saving the program, butinsteadof takinga teacher andsophomores,$4,000for juniorsand and Redor Green? Lance Selfa graduatestudents. _-^ Earth out of English 110 and saying 'you're college sustainability it,' Soletushelp.If youaretrying mV togetthrough will address issues of we want to set aside some people rich uncle,thenextbestthing from a "social ecology" orgraduateschool withouta Rff*** humanistic who will put it in the context of canbe thefriendof the family. view. advising,"headded. Getanapplication fromyourschool's financialaidoffice.Orcall 6-8 p.m., Miller 301. Mobilizing "We hope to change the framework us at(206)4644767. Collect,ifit'sa tollcall. for a Sustainable Future. John to an advising function with more If youdon'tcomeinandpick some up,themoneyis justgoing to Youngfrom the Worldwatch Institute continuity. One thing we're still keeppilinguparoundhere. addresses the influence of working on is integrating. We had an Ill)WashingtonMutual environmental organizations, their awful lot of good help from Student I! r m Thefriend ofthefamily* roles in determining global resource Life and student mentors last yearand useandroadblocks tosuccess. that's something we're justbeginningto work on now," saidTopel.

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'April Spectator 3 20/The EDITORIALS Legal 'remedy' ignores reality

By STEVE CLARKE Editor Making abortions illegal or imposing regulations to make it difficult for poorer women to get them is the wrong wayfor society toaddress theissue. While events in the 26-year period since the Supreme Court made abortions legal in this country have indeed changed the shade of several aspects in the debate, one fact still remains: Legalremedies areunrealistic and unfair,allowing society to disavow responsibility for abortions without dealing with the causes which virtually guarantee their numbers will continue unabated. Three weeksago,TheSpectator ran a letter (whose signatories included Archbishop Raymond G. Hunthausen) which proclaimed that "we cannot engenderrespectfor the world in which we live,if we fail to appreciate thegift of life." The letter went on to notethat Catholic opposition to abortion is but one piece in "a total commitment" to overcoming the contradictions of life, includingpovertyandprejudice. If one could find reason to believe that those in political power who embrace the church's position on abortion werealso committed tocaring for the poor, arguments for legalized abortion would diminish considerably. Butsuch is not the case. Take George Bush, who has repeatedlycalled for anend to therights women gained through the 1973 Court country where safe abortions are legal current presidentislookingout for their who can afford the gender-determining decision, Roe vs. Wade. His stance while poor women take their chances welfare. test are more likely to be able to afford typifies the unreal nature with which with whomever surreptitiously offers Efforts by AmericanCatholic bishops traveling to obtain their abortion. "pro-life" politicians deal with abortion. theserviceintheir neighborhoods. and others tomake the governmentand Also,there isno way of determining During the 1988 debates with Michael Bush's statedcommitment toreducing society in this countrymore responsive what a woman's true motivation for Dukakis, Bush was asked whether he povertyand injustice must be suspect at to the needs of the poor have been terminatinga pregnancyis. supported putting a woman in jail for least and purely nonsense at worst. sincere, consistent and generally argument opting to terminate herpregnancy. When he says we need "kinder Another cited is based on a and unsuccessful. Until a change in the fact that new technologies have Thecandidate's answer waspolitically gentler" nation, he is conceding the attitudes regarding the dignity of the brilliant but side-stepped reality made itpossible to save an infant after previous eight years of government human condition takes place,repeal of only prenatal completely. No,he wouldn't prosecute 25 or 26 weeks of took on a mean nature, exhibiting abortion rights will only result in a existence. theunfortunate woman,Bush said,but shoddy treatment of thecountry's poor. disastrous re-emergence of illegal The is,for the time being, rather the doctor who performed the Was VicePresidentBush unaware of operations. argument irrelevant. No matter what happens in abortion. all this until the 1988 election,or did today's New arguments are seen in expensive hospitals, many pregnant Should such aprogram beeffective in his silence on the issueduring Reagan's couples debate. One is that some are women whoalone must facereality will frightening legitimate physiciansaway two termsplainly amount to bald-faced when apparentlychoosing to abort they choose abortion. If society is not from performing the procedure, Bush cowardice? The question is academic. out they expect not find thechild is of willing to come forth with reasonable will have succeeded inbringing back a In either case, poor women in America the gender they desire. While news of system where women from wealthy cannot, by any stretch of the thisphenomenonis truly disheartening, alternatives for these women,it should families such as his can quietly fly to a imagination, beexpectedto believe the it seems reasonably clear that people atleast not stand intheir way.

Letters The Spectator Seattle University Seattle, WA 98122 for nursing students who work with LaFargue and Kirn Medvedich, who 206-296-6470 Nursing outreach some of these same problems on an wrote the article.) Editorial Department: Editor in Chief: SteveClarke Itis withmixedfeelingthatIread the individual level with patients in the Managing Editor: Mischa Lanyon article, "Nursing School Makes hospital. Copy Editor: Kelly VanDoren Housecalls" (April 13). Iwould like to In Yesler Terrace and Holly Park a A &. EEditor: Monica Alquist Danny Madden put statements social worker or nurse usually Sports Editor: into context some of the Photo Editor: Kelly Shannon to introduces the student nurses to their Notice: and quotations attributed me. The Assl. Mngng Editors: Mike Ligot program,referred to in thearticle is the clients andfamilies. Student nursesare Carolyn Hosac clinical component of the Community seen as extensions of the outreach The deadline Health Nursing course required for all services thesealready-overworkedhealth Business Department: care practitionersprovide. Students are Business Manager: Josh Gotkin senior students in the School of turning in AdvertisingMngr: Seri McClendon Nursing. Two community health not an "in" to families for social for Circulation: Travis Tormanen nursing instructors consistently teach workers. resumes and this course,BettyBadger atHolly Park The article was correctin saying that All letters to the editor must be 500 words or and Iat Yesler Terrace. We offer a Seattle University has made a positive less, typed double-spaced, signed and mailed yes, cover letters or delivered to the Spectator by noon Friday. holistic approach in the nursing care impact in these communities. And All letters must include a telephonenumber students provide toclients and families. more services wouldbe most welcome. and address. Letters will be published on a We do not offer medical care which is This experience has provided nursing for Spectator space available basis and may be edited as students the opportunity to use their needed. the domainof thephysician. as a safety education wisely in the service for positions Letters over500 words may appear guest We are of course mindful of staff editorial. Efforts will be made to contact issues for students, clients and others. writers of these pieces. instructors. However,safety is seldom is noon on Staff Comment features opinions from an issue once the work between client Dr.JanePeterson-LaFargue Spectator staff members. The Spectator's editorial board consists of Steve Clarke, and student has commenced. We have Friday, May Kelly VanDoren, and Mischa Lanyon. referred clients to Child Protective (Editor'sNote: The errors cited were Editorials and commentaries are the Services but NOT often. We do work due to a lack of communication on my 5. responsibilty of the author and may not withboth addictive and abusive family part when editing the story. My express Spectator opinion or that of Seattle systems. However,this is not unusual apologies go out to Dr. Peterson- University or its student body. 'April Spectator 4 20/The STAFF COMMENT Facing homeless isn't easy ByMIKELIGOT Some time ago, Icarpooled with a StaffReporter rich teenaged girl who talked much more than a person of her intelligence There's a certain woman Iseeevery and sensitivity level should. One so often on my daily commute. Ihave morning, she decided toramble on,not no idea where she lives,or if she has a about usual topics like the apparent place to live. She's got a few large multitude of boys chasing after her or Glad trash bags that contain a lot of the difficulties ofgetting adecent canof stuff, most likely her only personal styling mousse, but about a homeless belongings. Even in the hottest family asking for handouts near a weather she wears long, warm coats, suburban grocery store. "Like, I probably because she has nowhere to couldn't believe it when Isaw them put them. She also has this perpetual there," she said, "and Igot so mad! I scowl on her face. Can't say Iblame wanted to go up to them and say,Quit her toomuch for that. Wonder if she's standing here and bothering everyone ever smiled inher entire life,orhashad else! Go outand find yourselves a job! reason to. Like,it's their ownfault that they're out We've come in contact only once. I there! Really!" was lookingout the window of the bus Now, being the socially-conscious and saw her with her trash bags. I Democrat that Iam, Igot steamed. I stared at her,trying to seeif Icould get wanted to slam on thebrakes, look this a better perspective on her life. She air-headed bimbo-in-the-making in the sensed that someone was staring,looked eye,and scream, "WAKEUP!!! Has it me straight in the eye,and gave me a ever dawned on you that it may not frightening lashing out, inaudible only havebeen their fault that they have to because of thebus'smotor humming. I beg for their dinner? DO YOUHAVE quickly turnedmy attention to the back ANYIDEA WHAT IT'SLIKE TOBE of the seat in front of me and held it ONEOFTHESEPEOPLE????" there until thebus turned thecorner and But Ididn't. Because Ihadno idea Iwas safely out of sight. But Istill myself. shivered. Iam by no means rich. Paying the Although I've seen her several times billshas always been a struggle. But I since, she probably doesn't remember have a warm bed. Ihave clothing. "mto "> me; I'm just one of the many people A question of America's homeless t Ktl» Sl»»»»" Plumbing is readily available. When passing her by on their way to lives I'mhungry,the refrigerator or thelocal waiting. Ialways much more comfortable than hers. But for 7-Eleven is And have "They line the downtown streets...When Iwalk by, they might ask somewhere Ican call home. Ihave Istill think about her. And several they might stare at me. But they always leave me handouts. Or never had to face theproblems that that others like her. No matter how many wondering." times Itry to keep lookingat the back family faces. So how can Isay what of thebus seat, they're still there. a jobso thattheycan get theirrear ends and make a detour simply to avoid it's like to be in their shoes in the first off the streetandback intoarespectable having to walk past him. It's the place? Isaid nothing, and she then streets, They line thedowntown some life. On the other hand,youcan't bear easiest thing to do,and it's something wenton about how the tight endon the asking handouts,and sleeping,many for to see another human being living like I've done on occasion, but it doesn't football team was staring at her all some just sitting and staring into this, and you wish you could do solveanything. It's just running away. through second-period geometry. Iwas wondering become nothing, what will everythingin yourpower to help them. Andwhatgoodis that? still lost in thought long after Ihad of them in the next 24 hours. When I Then again,you wonder ifthey gothere The other day, a homeless man droppedher off and was walking to my walk by, they might ask for handouts. their own fault, if they drank or the curb weakly looked up destination, passing by someone else they by sitting on Or they might stare at me. But drugged themselves into the streets. andasked for change whenIwalkedby. asking for sparechange. always leaveme wondering. Then again, you wonder if they were "Sure, why not?" and gave Ino longer carpool with this girl, should be done Ithought, Ihave no idea what just in the wrongplace at the wrong him some. which isperfectly fine withme,butI'm about these people. IfIdid,you would time fell through the cracks. Then thinking this problem. "welfare", and The look in his eyes was one of the still a lot about be reading words like again.... things What can youdo? What shouldyou do? "Democrats", Bush", mostbeautiful I'veever seen. "President and Sure as hell can't turn to the comics it What's theright thing to do? now. And But what willhe spenditon? Was "budget constraints" right page and getaway from itall. sincerely trying And while you think, the problem bored and turn onbreadorbeer? Is he you would probably get So what do Ido when I'm walking work himself back up, or does he remains. Every day, Iexpect to page. Idon't know to to the comics But down the street and see a homeless just want to spend someone else's encountera homeless panhandler. And enoughabout the political ramifications person with a makeshift collection money? whenIdo,Ialways worry about whatI of this problem todiscuss them. basketlooking up atevery otherperson don't give,you feel guilty. If should do when the moment arrives. All Iknow is the feelings that pull by? might a few coins If you passing I toss you do, you feel suspicious. It's a no- And when itpasses,Iwonder if Idid the on me whenIwalk down the streetand into his basket. Other times Imight proposition for you. right thing or not. But no matter what, hear a faint voice calling, "Any spare give only if he asks me. Imight also win But whatabout them? my comfortable little worldfeels jolted. change, sir?" not give even ifhe asks me. Icould So what should Ido nexttime? Emotions jumble in your head. On put my head down and plow right by Couldn't tell you. There's absolutely Somebody help what Istill have no idea. the one hand, you wonder why these him,making sure that my wallet's in a no way for me to understand just meon thisone. peoplearen't up and about,lookingfor safe spot And Icould turn the comer hashappened to theirlives. Halperin wrong on covert actions

ByJOSEPHFOUNTAIN Constitution. Mr.Halperin is guilty of debate publicly on some 800 covertoperations." Period. IntelligenceResearch Team destructive over-reaction. His blanket operations? The American citizen is This assertion would be easier to statement, "Allcovertoperationsshould hardly disciplined enough to stay address,making the issue anacademic, for over- be disallowed unless approved by informed on the way his or her notpolitically trendy,one. Intelligence Americans are famous staying reacting when their constitutionalrights Congress," demonstrates an unexpected representatives vote, let alone operations theory and practice could are threatened. This is, for the most ignorance of the role of and debate aware of the complex and detailed then be studied and debated inrealistic terms. part, a thing that has ensured our high surroundingcovert operations. concerns of intelligence operations. degree of respect for human dignity in In obvious reaction to not-so-recent Americans are much more content to Covert operations are necessary. such a socially diverse nation as the transgressions from the responsible use have glossy magazines, with their They fill the broad spacebetween soft- United States. We transfer powereasily of covert operations (the Oliver North sensationalizedpropagandaabout "secret spoken diplomacy and the nuclear non- - there have been nocoups or political Loose Cannon), Halperin asserts that government," satisfy their curious option. This is an assertion that I assassinations in recent history. And the Executive Branch must notengage nature. wouldlove to argue. It is both realistic our tendency to yell "foul" at the in covertoperations "before aperiodof To let Congress regulate covert andacademic. constitutional violation public debate and with(out) consent of operations is equally myopic. Senators slightest hint of applaud History hasmade us strong. Congress." and representativeshave demonstrated We the and Political With this well-intentioned free flow again they Sciencedepartments on their sponsoring This is what Teddy Roosevelt called time and that cannot lecture, often,however, we of information,could the "actions" still responsibly- handle sensitive of a valuable and thank Mr. "our audacity." Too Halperin for his effort. forget this audacity can be just as be termed covert? There are 160-odd information. Leaks are the unfortunate Any attention that given to worthy praise. countries in our world and,as nearlyas rule, not exception,in our government this issue is of destructive asconstructive. however, Halperin the Washington, we can guess, an average of five personal and provincial interests are Weurge, that the treatmentis Mort of as moderate, D.C., office of the American Civil intelligence operations in each. Does served through favorablemedia and the intelligentandapolitical, not LibertiesUnion was on campus March Halperin believe the American voter, or developmentof a"crusader" image. a trendy,ideologically-motivated over- 31 to speak on covert action and the Congress for that matter, is ready to Halperin should state, "Disallow reaction. 'April Spectator 5 20/The FEATURES Latin America news update Compiled by ARTHURFISHER Pinochet Opponent Leading Chilean Presidential Race HistoryDepartment Santiago,Chile,4/2. The candidate representing the coalition of opposition parties, Christian Democrat Patricio Aylwin, holds a stronglead in the Chilean presidential Ortega Seeks European Money race,accordingto Gemines S.A.,arespectedLatin American pollingorganization. If Managua,Nicaragua, 4/6. Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega hopes to be leaving the election were held tomorrow, Aylwin would receive 55.5 percent of the votes to shortly for Europe in searchof economic assistance,either from banks or from foreign 39.3 percentfor the government candidate,Hernan Buchi. In other news,the current governments,according to FinanceMinister Luis Carrion. Details are not yet firm,but president,General AugustoPinochet announced thatregardless of the election outcome, Ortega plans to visit Spain, France, Italy, Greece,England, Sweden, Norway and he will remain as head of the Chilean armed forces. When asked about Aylwin's Finland. The governmentofSweden isready to act asan intermediary inNicaragua's reportedlead, Pinochet replied, "I have the impression that things could change." behalf,said Carrion,adding that since JanuaryNicaragua has foreseen aneed for some Amongother steps now under consideration by the governmentisaredistricting under $250 million in foreign credits. Austerity measures taken early in the year are now which Santiago, with approximately 40 percent of the nation's population, would be working,he said. Inflation is reported to have dropped from 92 percent inJanuary to limited to 15percentof the seatsin the Chamber ofDeputies. 46 percentinFebruary and20 percentinMarch,whichitself would beanannual rateof 1000 percent,versus aninflation of over 20,000percentin1988. "Politics" the Leading Cause of Violent Death in Peru. Lima,Peru. 3/31. Political violence caused 218 deaths in the first 29 days of March, World Bank Adds Honduras to "No Credit" List the governmentannounced,bringing the total for the year to date to 570. In contrast, D.C., Washington, 4/3. The World Bankannounced today thatit wasaddingHonduras only 215 peoplelost their lives in other violence, such as autoaccidents,etc. Of the to the listof nations whose badrecord ofrepaymentdisqualifies themfor any further 570 Peruvians killed in political clashes, 287 were ordinary citizens, 192 were international credit. Others on the list are Syria,Nicaragua,Panama,Peru, Guyana, presumed guerillas and other subversives and 91 were members of the police or the Liberia,SierraLeone and Zambia. Honduras, the Bank said,has made nopayments armed forces. during the last six months. Students Riot Again in Caracas Chinese President to Visit Mexico Caracas,Venezuela,4/5. Three cars were set aflame andseveralstudents werearrested MexicoCity,Mexico,3/31. The president of the People'sRepublic of China,Yang today as demonstrators clashed withpolice for thesecond day in protestsagainst the ShangKun,will make an unprecedentedtrip to Mexicoon May 30 as part ofa tourof government's austerity measures. In the first day of disturbances,students erected severalLatin American countries,the MexicanForeignMinistry announced today. barriers of burning tires at intersections and hurled objects at pedestrians. Gunfire eruptedandone student waskilled,one policemaninjured. Inother news aVenezuelan military court released 19 officials of the army and police who had been held in connection with theshooting deathslast October of 14 fishermen thata patrol claimed Class committees sought to havemistaken for guerillasnear the Colombianborder. The Associated Students of Seattle turn generate more funds, Cummins Two Women in Race for Mexican Governorship University hopes to see freshmen, explained. He speculated the initial Tijuana,Mexico,4/5. Marta Maldonado Sosa, an economist and thedaughter of the sophomores and juniors form class budgetsmight be around $1000. first governor of the state, willbe theoppositionpartycandidate to become governorof committees, according to Steve Any events sponsored by the class Lower California,party officials announced today. The election is July 2. The Cummins, theorganization's executive committees would be open to all nomination ofMaldonado Sosa virtually guaranteesthat theoffice willgo to a woman, vicepresident students. since thesemi-official Institutional Revolutionary (PRI) has already nominated Party "Thepurpose is to see if we can get involved in forming one of Margarita Ortega Villa, who currently serves in the Mexican senate. Victory is Students bigger groups putting on more events groups drop by considered very important to the PRI, both for reasons of credibility following last the can the ASSU and around campus," Cummins said. A leave theirnameandphone number. year'sclosest-everpresidential race,andbecause traditionally theposthasbeen rumored senior class committee which holds to offer extraordinary opportunities for self-enrichment. Given that background, eventsalreadyexists. "The only way this is going to oppositionleaders arereportedlyconsideringdefectingto the PRIto provide theneeded The new committees would be given happen is ifpeople express interest to marginof victory. abudget to work with,which would be me," Cummins noted. "If the interest used to finance activities that could in is there,we'll gofor it." $5.99 LUNCH- Mlkwf^A-% Monday CONCERNED ABOUT /( oP3Xw*' - Friday HISf\}h/tf^j£^^*^ 12 p.m. 3 p.m. SEATTLE US FUTURE? AND Dave Paulis too! Right now,you can discoverhow the best W^\ \T^t\ r^ justgot a little better. Enjoy special VfWPVWQBfII savings from Domino's Pizza® with these fcL coupons. You'll see why more people call us for pizza delivery than all the rest combined. 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Spectator 6 20/The ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT

Boomslang rocks local clubs By STEVECLARKE

Seattle music fans have the opportunity to catch Boomslang, a lynamic new group marked by driving brce, as they tour clubs in the area in >reparation for a six-song,mid-summer recordrelease. Namedfor apoisonous African snake mown to.drop its victims inan instant, this band's venom is, if not deadly, certainly very addictive. Made up of three veteransof the Seattle rock scene and one transplantedkeyboardist from Yorkshire, England, Boomslang possesses, in addition to their lively stagepresence,tunes well worthy ofhit

Theirmaterial, rock solidand rich in melody, provides the four with ample opportunity to show their stuff. During ashow last weekend at the Backstagein Ballard,thebandquicklycaptivatedtheir audience. Rick Dean,leadsinger and theband's guitarist, belted out lyrics with conviction and clarity. The rest of the band joined him with tight harmonies in songs that rangedin subject matter from the topical(electronic evangelism, for instance) to thepersonal. Dean, formerly of the Bombardiers, played aggressive but tasteful leads, alternating rhythmresponsibilities with keyboardist Michael Trow. The guitar solos grinded and soared, always with definite direction. Dean's varied rhythms weredistinctive and catchy. Trow's minimalist style and apt use of a well-stocked array of sampled deftly added color to each sounds Boomslang members (left to right) Zakos, Jack Hanan, Rick Dean and Michael Trow. selection. '80s, During vocals, the two played with undeniable authority. His acts for several yearsin the early The combination of experience and Dean's highlight thatched a tightinterplay withdrummer popping snare and resonant toms, Hanan's bass lines freshness that marks this band should Zakos and bassist Jack Hanan. The accentuated by well-timed cymbal Boomslang's melodies and add new carry themalong way. solos while next band comfortably transformed from crashes,mixedinprecision with asolid dimension to Dean's Boomslang will play this to pop rock inan instant, with the kick drum. keepingasolidbeat with Zakos. Monday night at the Ballard Firehouse. iping of Zakos' snare providing The recentaddition of Hanan onbass The four musicians exude an On Saturday, May 6, they play much tinuity. has cemented the band's strengths. unassuming confidence on stage which closer to Seattle University with an preliminary kos, who wielded the sticks for Formerly of theCowboys, whoreigned is also reflected in the appearance at Squid Row on Belmont Pt**H ence Dredge in their early days, as one of Seattle's most popular club tracks from their work in the studio. and East Pine. classy What's McLachlan has 'Touch' Happening ByMONICA ALQUIST hopes, wishes and the search for the questions. Arts &Entertainment Editor truthand answers to her The lastlines of her song, "Trust," say, "I've never questioned the answers given to CONCERTS find the faith that's lostwithin." Bangles, Paramount, It's music not commonly heard April 20th, 8 pm among the new female singers, but Her voiceis incredible,reflectingany Canadian Sarah McLachlan brings mood she wants. Her voice can be together classical music and soft rock, mysterious as it fades and dies out and New Order, Paramount creating a sound allher own. Twenty- other times it is quite ethereal, in fact, May 3rd, 8 pm one year old McLachlan has just eerie as if she's a spirit. Also releasedher firstalbum, titled,"Touch." throughout her songs she gives a cry THEATRE that touches the root of emotion. Other The Servant of Two Shegrew up inNovaScotia,Canada, songs are very meditative,as one song, Masters, and became interested in music at a "Uphill Battle," is because it's purely young age, having studied 12 years of instrumental. Throughout the entire Seattle Repertory classical guitar, eight years of classical record theinstrumental tone isuplifting, Theatre, April 26-May piano,and five years of vocal lessons. withthepercussions,and the mixtureof 20th She began playing in a band at 17. classical andelectric guitar. Twoyears later she went to Vancouver, Raisin in the Sun, B.C. and began working on a project. Her album cover portrays an She Her album "Touch" reveals her interesting medieval setting with sun Jane Addams Theatre, debut in songwriting. reflecting through trees and anovercast April 27-May 14th. haze. McLachlan is also dressed in Sarah McLachlan released medieval style clothing. The inner her first album titled, This album is hot off the press. "Touch." Angry Housewives, of in sleeve cover of thealbum hasblack and Most the songs were completed Pioneer Square the summer of 1988, and song, white drawings of spirits or mythical- that sound unreal. It's anew voice, that the Theatre, "Trust" was completed in January of typecreatures, whicharealsodrawn by will be difficult to miss or replace and extended thru this year. McLachlan. it's promising that McLachlan will May 28th "Touch" people withher music. OPERA Many of McLachan's songs areabout McLachlan displays a variety of personal experiences. The lyrics seem talent in her singing, songwriting and Madama Butterfly, to reflect her thoughts which comprise her ability to draw upon her talents into Seattle Opera, by of strong emotions of anger, joy, one composite. Her voice has definite Giacomo Puccini, April sorrow and confusion. Hersongs discuss characteristics, able to climb octaves 29-May 10th /April 7 20/TheSpectator SPORTS & RECREATION

New blood to enter Crack! NFL ranks Sunday ByROB CIMTNO Staff Reporter Well, football fans itis finally here,National Football LeagueDraft Day, the much needed lull between the ProBowl and Spring Mini- camp. This is a day when football fans get a taste of the new blood which willimpact their favoritepro team. The 1989 draft presents us with a plethora of wide receivers and offensive linemen,but it just falls short of any "franchise players." Analysis There are no John Elways, Eric Dickersons or Reggie Whites. But names such as , and will make adifference to teams thisyear. The following is an analysis of which teams willpick who Sunday. I TheRedskins,Raiders, Eagles andBills willnot pickinthe first round due to previous deals.Thedraft will be televised, startingat9:00 a.m., | onESPN,andupdates can becaughton KIRO. 1. - The Cowboys 4. Kansas City- The Chiefs A.J. Morgan follows through on a solid hit. The most popular Spring have nothadarealquarterback since the upgradedtheir defenselastyear with the sport, Softball is in full swing. grand daysofRoger Staubach.They are acquisition of DE Neil Smith. But in not as bad as their 1986 3-13 record order to be competitive in the AFC 13. Denver- The Broncos have never indicated,all theyneed isaleader. Also, Pittsburgh- West they need to take one more step 7. Chuck Noll has not amounted to WR Michael Irvin is itching for a hada defensiveline which toward improving their defense. The had the pleasure of watching a pure Theygot draft daylast to toss him the long ball. much. burnedon Chiefs won't pass on Butkus Award running-back on his teamsince Franco year by picking no-name NT Ted Dallas will notpass up Troy Aikman. winningLB . Harris. The Steelers will be all smiles Pick: Troy Aikman Gregory. They won't make a similar Pick:Derrick Thomas to see Georgia RB still mistake when theychoose Auburn's DT available. 1. Green Bay Packers- Lately, the TracyRocker. Pick: Tim Worley Rocker "Pack Attack" hasn't done jack. If 5. Atlanta- The Falcons would love a Pick: Tracy Aikman was there they'dnabhim...but huge offensive lineman, such as he won't be. They are going to stick Mandarich,but a hard hitting defensive 8. San Diego- As Dan Fouts sits in 14. NY .lets- A once brilliant with veteran QB DonMajkowski, and back is also a primary need. Florida therecordbooks, theChargershave not Freeman McNeil is now battered and they need size on the line to protect State's Deion Sanders,clockedin with a found an adequatereplacement.USC's beat up. The Jets crave a multiple-use him. They will beef it up with 4.24 40, will fill in nicely in the versatile QB Rodney Peete will help runningback in order to open up the Michigan State's TonyMandarich. Atlanta secondary. them back into contention. offense. Texas' "Mr. Everyting", RB Pick: TonyMandarich Pick:DeionSanders ¥ick: RodneyPeete can run,catch and return kicks. He'll be on his way to New patched 3. - Having the 27th Tampa Bay- 9. Miami- Don Shula York. a. The Bucs need help together ratedrunning game in 1988, the Lions are adefense whichranked 26th in Pick:Eric just about everywhere, but they 1988. They will ease their woes by Metcalf Tiave no choice but to go offensive. especially concerned withthe slot, choosing Pitt's giant DE Burt Picking in the number three and secondary positions. If Sanders is 15. Seattle- The 1988 AFC West Detroit will be happy to snatch Grossman. not there they will be glad to add Pick:BurtGrossman champs would pluckRocker,Grossman Oklahoma State's All-World running LB BroderickThomas. or Armstrong tobeef up their defensive Barry Nebraska back Sanders. Pick: 10. Phoenix- The Cardinals' primary line, but will instead settle for a Pick:BarrySanders needs are inthesecondary anddefensive workhorse to replace a tiring Curt line. They can'tpass up Clemson'sDB Warner. John L. Williams will love to , who will make an block for Florida State's explosiveRB DRN(;EIHE NIGHIRWRY immediate impact Sammic Smith. Fri.April 21 & Sat.April 22- THERETAILERS Pick:DonnellWoolford. Pick NOWHERE FAST Thur. April 20th- 11. Chicago- The Bears managed a $1 to 16. New England- With and & Rainier Dry and Becks for grabboth the 1lth and 12th spots in the impending Quarterback problem on draft. They can't believe Michigan their hands,the Patriots will be looking Twn fnr one dinners evervdav State's WR, is still for someone to take over the helm. Sunday - AllYou CanEat Spaghettiincluding salad$3.95 around. They need to fill the long ball Quarterback Mike Elkins of Wake $1 Strohs. receiver spot vacatedby Willie Gault Foresthas the size and guns to lead the and Pick:AndreRison Pats'offensive charge. Draughts, 21Bottled Beers, Great Selection of Wines.Soups, Pick:Mike Elkins 14 Chicago- Salads, Sandwiches- Good Food at a Great Price 12. A once dominant pass Burgers, rushhas diminished vastly. The Bears 17. Phoenix- The Cardinals filled The Attic Alehouse & Eatery will think longandhardand finally grab theirprimary need in pick number 10, 4226 E.Madison 323-3131 DE to fill their need and a quality defensive lineman is no GoEast onMadison to Lake Washington on the line. longer available. They are shocked to Pick: Trace Armstrong Please see 'Draft' page nine

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April Spectator 8 f 20/The SPORTS Draft offers a wealth of talent for '89 From Blood' eight 'New page would seeOklahoma State's highly touted WR 21. Cleveland- The departure of Chip Florida's OT David Williams will add athlete whocouldrush thepasser Hart LeeDykesstillon the board. They Banks left the Browns weak at outside someneededbeef. be ideal. The Rams would welcome will snatch him and count their linebacker. They need a "blue chip" Pick:DavidWilliams Texas A & M'srangy LB John Roper. blessings. player there to plug the outside. Pick:JohnRoper Pick:HartLeeDykes Eric Hill is still Louisiana State's LB 24. Minnesota- The Vikes need on the chart and the Browns can't Wilson, 27. Cincinnati- The Bengals will 18. NY Giants- secondary good protection for Wade arunning The is due believe their fortune. have a strong 1989 season, but Tim for shake-upin the "BigApple." Hill back, and a fullback. They'd trade up Pick:Eric they may Krumrie needs helpalong the defensive Terry Kinard is on his way out after for Worely,but think have a gem with John L. Williams prototype, line. With tfie loss of Ray Horton, they being burned time after time.Florida's 22. LA Rams- The Rams were couldusea DB.They reachand go with safety is a big guy and FB fromMiami. overpoweredlast year on the defensive Pick: ClevelandGary a homeboy, Cincinnati's DE Andre will lay somebighits for the Giants. sideof theball.They aredesperatefor a Pick: Stewart. Louis Oliver player who can add some size on the Pick: Andre Stewart 19. New Orleans- After a defensive line. Pass rush specialist, 25. Chicago- After filling his holes disappointing 1988 season the Saints Miami's DE Bill Hawkins can step atreceiver anddefensiveline withpicks 28. San Francisco- The Super Bowl need to reevaluate their needs. A right in. 11 and 12,Ditka would welcomea 300 Pick:BillHawkins Champs need to fill a spot vacated by defensiveback is needed,but theSaints pound offensive lineman. Mike need not oldcenter,RandyCross. Thebest center will opt for the best athlete available. look any further than the looming bad,considering 40, 23. Houston- The Oilers will pick isn't heruns a4.8 They'll strengthen the receiver corpsby figure of Pitt'sOT TomRicketts. weighinginat 295 pounds. Minnesota's adding Auburn's WRLawyerTillman. the best athlete available with a Pick: TomRicketts offensive linemen. center would be a Pick:LawyerTillman concentration on welcomed addition to an otherwise They'llhave their choice sinceonly one 16 I,A Rams- The Rams will 20. Indianapolis- Chris Chandler ailingoffensiveline. offensive tackle has been selected. focusedon thedefensive. A good wants a big play receiver to toss the remain Pick:Brian Williams rock to, something the Colts lack. The likes of Virginia's WR John Ford will be a welcomed piece to Coach Meyer's puzzle. Pick:JohnFord Lady racket- teers win big one By CHRIS THOMAS StaffReporter

This past weekend the Seattle University women's tennis teamkicked butt and took names at the Fourth Annual Whitworth Invitational Tennis Tournament. The women showed theyarea young balanced team on the rise as they grabbed a first-place trophy over Whitworth, Gonzaga, and Central Washington during a two-day tournamentin Spokane.

Doubles partnersPetra Gagnon and Jenny Adkisson pushed their wayinto the finals in their singles brackets. Both players sat out of thefinal to save their energy for the Doubles final, which they won. Junior Cynthia Goldsworthy set up Alaska Airlineshas a littlefinancial aidfor studenti.d. to yourtravel agentor Alaska Airlines, competition by moving an intra-team to from college. And show yourparents how wellyou've done into the semi-finals where she fell to studentstraveling and Adkisson. For a limited time,you can save 35%off thefull ineconomics. Defending champion Lita Peranzi coachfare onany Alaska onewayorroundtripflight, \~-^-7T/ won her first match, but couldn't hold betweenhomeand school.(This offer alsoapplies j DJT/0D IUDtIN I DIbUJUINI on to her title,losing a closeone in the to many Horizon connecting flightsas well.) i semi-finals. Air Name | discount is good for travel from Stillanother success story of the day, Thisstudent . School Kristina Petgravemade it as far as the May1 to June15; andfrom August 25through ! semi-finals before falling. Hannah September 30,(goahead,make reservationsfor Home Address j Kunz showed up in the finals of the theFallnow-there'sno penalty for changing the " consolation bracket, but couldn't pull Qty stete zip off the win. datesof yourflight.) This coupon,plusyour studenti.d. entitle youto a 35%discountto school Alaska Airlinesand | Coach Janet Adkisson and her team AllYOU have todo is buyyour ticketby May15, | andfrom on ... \ *.* , ..■ ' HorizonAir connections.__— Somerestrictions—— —apply.— —— ■ were very happy with the win. "We fill out thecoupon below andtake..italong with your __- I showed them who's boss," said team captain Peranzi. The Lady Chieftains hope the win will help their chances in AlaskatAirlines the District Tournament. The next day the women continued This offer is validfor full-timestudents,age17-26 attendingaccreditedschools,collegesand universities.Valid onall AlaskaAirlines jet their torrid pace as they trounced on flights (numbers0-799) and onHorizonAir flights whenconnectedto AlaskaAirlines, exceptwhenHorizon Air canprovide through service.Fareis capacitycontrolled and subject toavailabilityTravelmust becompleted fromMay1 through June15,1989 orfrom Gonzaga for an 8-1 team victory. The boarding.Fares as August25 throughSeptember 30, 1989.Studentsmayberequiredto showproofof full-time student statusprior to men didn't share the women's success subject tochangewithoutnotice. theyfell toa 7-2 loss.

/April Spectator 9 20/The FEATURES Speaker callsfor shift in outlook plants By we must begin to relate to plants and animals and arenotseparate from DARCIEJORGENSEN me," he says. "Actually, it's a lot like StaffReporter animals in an analogous way.How do you put a price on a sea otter? Is it intimacy." worthless because its pelt only gets Zimmerman says that the "You and Ihave been taught that our Anthropocentric deeply salvation, about $50on thestreet?" attitude is rooted life's goal ispersonal to Hell culture,primarily Creation," This trend of human apathy towards in our due to Greek withthe restof saysMichael andRoman thought, which dictates that Zimmerman, spoke standing- nature is now boomeranging back on who to a humans are superior to the animals the Seattle us,he says. "Now we're ingesting our room only audience in save because we contain reason,and that "as University Engineering Auditorium own pollution, and in order to ourselves we must begin to feel a a result of the Enlightenment April 12. rationality has taken theplace ofGod." Modem society is selfishly using the kinship with the Earth. We must shift to Ecocentrism, the idea that life itself He says he feels hope for the future, earth to achieve personal gain, says however,noting that "we are evolving Zimmerman, professor is the most important thing, that the a philosophy at to a greater consciousness...We are TulaneUniversity inNew Orleans. He earth is alivingorganism." Our present state, what he calls guilty,but in a way it may be possible added we seem to have an interest in opposite of that we are moving toward a more personal salvation rather thanheavenly Anthropocentrism, is the Ecocentrism,and places human beings integratedexistence." space for all. All the while we are Zimmerman,the authorof resources, said, at the only position of importance. twobooks depleting ournatural he and over 40 articles on the subject of on the rights of plants "The way togo from Anthropocentrism and infringing is shift form Dualism continental thought focusing on andanimals. to Ecocentrism a to Non-Dualism." Such a shift would technology and the environment,spoke Zimmerman asserts that the modern Michael Zimmerman require that humankind go from a "me on behalf of theTenth Annual Michael use of animals for the testing of Toulouse, S.J., Memorial Philosophy of soundrustymachinerymakes." versus you,object-subjectmentality" to cosmetics "is an example either lecture program. unbelievable human arrogance and We must begin to value life above a "God-like awareness" by identify nature nonsense," and likened it to Descartes' economics, he says. "You could not coming to with or put a price on your child, should realizing that we are just empty spaces 500-year-old claim that "the scream of Non-Dualism, an experimentalanimalis muchlike the someone offer to buy him or her, and to be filled by God. "In &&> jCHRISTIANU. ASSU g **30R6*NI2AT10N) Candidates line works to up for positions increase FindouthowGodcanuse your minority workskillsintheU.S. andoverseas. Call now at 1-800-426-1342. numbers (206-546-7330inWA,HIandCanada) From 'Minority' page two BUSINESS/MRRKETING color . The University saysit wants to reach out tootherminority backgrounds MfIJDRS besides that of the Central Area LISTEN UP population, but will have to work on oneethnic groupata time. The dministration plans to hire more Blier & Associates is now faculty of color to teach courses in hiring for the best part- Black Literature, Afro-American History, and Black Religious time job in the city. Experiencenextyear. Work afternoons and The University has stated a evenings promoting 22 commitment for additional scholarship funding. One step toward this of SEATTLE'S FINEST understanding is the Regent's restaurants. While Tom Chapman (exec, v.p.), Dave Paul (pres.), Tom Potter (pres.), Scholarship program and the William working on Chris Thomas (act. v.p.), Benes Aldana (pres.), Levin Karovsky (act. Sullivan Scholarship. The University primarily the v.p.), Janet Schorr (exec, v.p.), and Steve Cummins (pres.). added it will study the other phone you'll earn recommendations of the students. $5.00/hour, + Until further notice,ASSU plans to + bonuses, follow up on the administration commission, responsesandrespondback. while gaining valuable "It's not a one-way thing. We're experience. Call John gonna keep going back and forth on this,"Mirghanbariconcluded. Barmon at 282-8542 for an interview. THEREARETWO SIDESTO BECOMINGANURSEINTHEARMY. 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Spectator 10 20/The ■ ■

The Page A*S*S*U% HawaiianClub Apaidadvertisement Events

S.U's 28th Annual I ASSUPresents: I HAWAIIAN CLUB I THE SPRING SEMI-FORMAL DANCE I LUAU I aboard the 1928 Skansonia ferry! I May 6,1989, 6 pm I Friday, April 21,9:00-12:30am. I CampionBallroom I Get a hot date for this event and dance I Come andenjoy the I away your spring fever tothe music of livehawaiianband I "SPLITIMAGE" I andhula dancing. I Tickets: $10 per couple, $6 per person. I Tickets are: (pre-sold only) I $12 Adults, I $9 Children. I Buyyour tickets in the Chieftainfrom I 11:30-1:00,M-F, or I inBellarmine lobby I The ASSU I from 11:30-1:00 pm. I EXECUTIVE ELECTION I HAWAIIAN CLUB I SCHEDULE I PLATE LUNCH I April 26,1989, I April 24: "Candidates forum, Wyckoff Auditorrium, I 11:30 am, on the I EngineeringBuilding Buhr HallLawn I "Primary absenteeballots available,ASSU (SUB 203) Lunchincludes office chicken, April25: "Primary election teriyaki April26: "Finalelectionabsenteeballots available, rice,macaroni ASSU office (SUB 203) salad,and fruit I "Nominationsopen for constituencyseats punch. (Sign up at theC.A.C.) April27: "Finalelection $3.00 per plate. I May9: "Nominations close for constituency seats "Mandatorycandidatesmeeting, (SUB 208)

STUDENT RECOGNITIONAWARDS NOMINATIONS Nominations for StudentRecognition Awards arebeing accepted now through April 20 at 4:00pm.For info and nomination forms, contact the Office for StudentLeadership

BE A PART OF ANEXCITING TEAM AT THE I VOLUNTEER CENTER! I Student Coordinatorpositions are now openat the Volunteer I Center. Applications are available nowand due April24 at I 12:00 pm.Interviews willbeheldApril26 at 6:30 pm. I

Aprilf Spectator 11 20/The Kiwanis at SU ■ By SHERIRHODES StaffReporter Looking Ahead Circle X, a campus organization committed to community service, recently opened a Seattle University chapter. The groupisaffiliated with the Loss and Grief: A Holistic Approach. EarlyGerman Cinema. "Nosferatu,"by Kiwanis Club. Each of us has experienced grief on Friedrich Murnau, 1922. Showtime: Circle X just recently joined SU's some level. Join us for a panel Wednesday, April 26, 1:00 p.m. in the immunity. The group, which was discussion with Hutch Haney, of the Lcmicux Library Auditorium. German Eternational withEnglish subtitles.Presentedby the organized last November on campus, Rehabilitation Dept., Neil Young, of became a charter member of the the Psychology Dept., and Patricia DepartmentofForeignLanguages. International Circle X Club on March Wismer, of the Religious Studies Dept. 17. The chapter currently lists 20 They will share their insights on members. Monday,April 24, at 7:20 p.m., in the Short Story Contest! If you have a The club provides its members with EngineeringAuditorium. fetish for fiction,this is the chance for "contacts in the business community," you to try yourhand andpossibly wina said Laarin McFadden, $50 prize. Rules: 3000 word limit, lieutenant "Life in Central America: Personal governor for the club's Snoqualmie typed double-spaced, one entry per Division. Circle X is a sponsored Reflections." SUgrad SerenaCosgrove, student. Please put your name on a service youth group of the Kiwanis an MRC student, has spent over two Club. McFadden explains that "the Laarin McFadden years living in Nicaragua with the separate title page only and turn in at retardation," saidMcFadden. program Kiwanis act asadvisors to thegroup and witness for peace andhas been Casey 104 (Honors Office) by Friday, holding Spring its members. We want a group [of Circle X is their inElSalvador for thepast five months. May 12. Sponsored by the Honors meeting experiences students] that is really committed to Board meeting in April. "The She will speak on her on Student Council. 25, community services and to helping provides thegroup with a chance to set Tuesday, April noon-1:00 p.m. in saidMcFadden. their agenda for the coming year's theLemieuxLibrary Auditorium. rple,"The Snoqualmie division includes events," says McFadden. "There will Seattle University Anonymous Singers SU, University of Washington, Seattle also be about 60 students from all of Say Cheese!! The SUPhoto Club will meet every Monday at noon in Buhr Pacific University, and South Seattle Washington, Oregon, the panhandle of April 26, 4:15 Officer Hall 119. Singers of all types are meet at p.m. welcomeandencouraged. With famous immunity College . Idaho andBritish Columbia." elections for the'89-'9Oschool year will All students and staff are welcome to and fearless director Marilyn Hurly- McFadden explained that Circle X be.held.New members are welcome to Bimstein. ffers from the Volunteer Center in attend the Circle X Spring Board attend! For more information call 328- E Meeting. The group is meeting Friday, their community services in that "we 0553. April 28, p.m., in like to do things that take a bignumber from 8 a.m.-5 the StimsonRoom in the library. EveningDegreePrograms.Information people togetout and work." of SU's new undergraduate evening The Circle X Club meets every Campus Information Assistants needed The SU group is currently doing degreeprograms willbe presentedatan nstruction working at the Boyer Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Upper at the Campus AssistanceCenter for the openhouse on Tuesday,April25,5:30- t 205. Everyoneis welcome to '89-'9O academic year. Applications Service Clinic. "The clinic is for Chieftain p.m. Casey Building attend. 7:00 in the on the children with head injuries and mental available April 24 at the CAC. Work SU Campus, 12th and Columbia. For StudyPreferred. A fun job with a team more info.,pleasecall 296-5700. of greatpeople! CLASSIFIEDS History Forum: The Wansee The Moral Dilemmas of Leading On-Campus Conference. A minute-by-minute re- German Physicist in theThirdReich. A Heilbron, Resume Service Summer creation of the infamous meeting of speech given by John Nazileaders in 1942 which laid out the Professor of History and Director of the at a very reasonable rate. Employment 'Final Solution. Such films beg the History ofScience Research Institute at Professionally edited typeset opportunites available May question, can any film, however theUniversityofCalifornia atBerkeley. and laserprinted at a through September. Write meticulously researched, re-create Thursday, April 27, at 4:00p.m. in the Nora today for more reality? Wednesday, April 26, 2-4:30 Engineering Auditorium. Any fraction of the off-campus theEngineeringBldg. questions,pleasecallLinat 296-5470. services cost. Call Seri 296- information. Holiday Inn 6470. Resort, PO Box 1468 Estes Park, CO 80517 (303) 586- LOOKINGFOR 2332. A SUMMER JOB? THURSDAY IS Attend Seattle University's SECURITY full-time and i&^/f^L Bth Annual Summer Job part-time. Flexible hours. SU NIGHT Fair Wednesday April 19th Study time on site possible. wfifflMil^ Noon-2:oopm in the library Call N.W.S.S. 365-0760. In the Loft at Piecora's foyer. M^^^^/ Quality Word Processing Summer Cruise Ship Jobs Resumes,letters, theses, and (817) 626-6136ext.C-7. reports accurately and quickly typed.Storage/revis- Make $300 or more at one ion service available. group meeting. Student Student rates. Satisfaction Organization needed to guaranteed. Conveniently conduct marketing project located in Capitol Hill. 329- at your next meeting. Call 1- 2688. 800-950-8472.ext.150. EVERY THURSDAY Government Homes! $1.00 The Amazing Micro Diet: (URepair) Foreclosures, Tax 8:00-MIDNIGHT Europes #1 diet now in the Delinquent Property. Now U.S.A. Convenient, afford- Selling. This area! Call *OFFER GOOD WITH VALID STUDENTIDCARD able, nutritious, delicious, (refundable) 1-518-459-3546 fast and safe. Decide if it is ext.H7O72AC for listings. right for you! For free 14th & E. Madison information (low key, no WANTED: CUSTOMERS 322-9411 pressure) from an on I'm Lonely! Enquire at the campus Independent Uni- coffee cart at the south end Free ParkingIn Rear Vite Advisor call Francis at of Bannon. Ask for David 325-1563. evenings.

'April Spectator 12 20/The