, Stories on Candidates lhe Weather

" Cloucb' wiUl --aoa&1 ~ 1 ,· ln AII-Ca~pus Election, Ihowen toda:r. Putl,. dow aad mUd WedDell­ See Page 6 da,.. HlIh WaT, 81; .... 4S. Blah lIIIoDtla,., II; t I low, 45. •

Eat. 1868 - AP Leased Wize - Five Cen~ Iowa City, Iowa, Tuesday, May 5,' 1953 - Vol 97, No.~ l.s~ Assassin's Target Gi"s~ Grants Of! $39,598 Allied Negotiat9~ . ~harges .Reds Given to SUI More than $39,598 in girts am ,Befor~ the nine members of the grants to SUI has been approved Iowa Supreme court, four senior by the fl.nance committee of the 'students of SUI's college of law state board or education, Presi- With 'Smo:ke :· Screen' tactics wUl argue the legality of a con- dent Virgil M. Hanchcr has an- :~:t ~~~~~e/!~e~~o~a:i~Ol.the nO~:~~rgest grant,' $16,618, was R:--,.;-.F-W....:.----~~-- ·--::1T ;-:---I:... --O---'--I-d--M-~--"-...:~-;-;.sd;-:----.!.c..-h--~----- ' ~ees No DeSI're a~~a~:nm~~ . ~~a~~:;~, ~~s:~~~: ~~~nf:~it~ef;~nU~:~~ a~d s~:~~~ '.. agner j FIe a nan, t e Sea,' J A "attorneys" lor the defendaot, ment appropriations for the stut- or rmllsilice will argue ('hat it is legally possi- tering research project currently E S at P d F )lIe in Iowa to · make a contract being conducted by Wendell X- 'P I- "'-nlc., WIn - let A war wllich exempts one from liability Johnson, djrector of the unlver- en 'or , "". u, zer s ~ ( I I for hls own negligence. sHy speech clinic and prolessor. or D' I 75 1,0 '/1 Y ommunls S The other' side of the case will speech pathology. les a NEW YORK (IP)- Ernest Hem------.------be 'presented by Benjamin C. The Natiopal Science founda- . ingway won the first Pulitzer section, "Rev low of the Week." PANMUNJOM (Tuesday) (IP) - Clayton, Chariton" and Marvin R. tion presented $9,000 lor research prize in hJs 30-year career as a Other Puli~!!r awards Included: Tile senior AlUld truce delegate .Adams, Dyersville, "attorneys" lor In the department of,chemistry by NE:W YORK (IP)- Former Sen. rugged, outdoor novelist Monday International Reporting - Aus- said alter today's fruitless meeting till! plaintiff. Charles Tanford, asslStant protes- Robert F. Wagner, author of the for his vivid short novel "The tin Wehrwein ot tbe Mllwaukec with the Reds: "I have nothing to The occasion will be Supreme Pandit Nehru sor of chemistry, The money will New Deal's Wagner Labor Rela- Old Man and the Sea.'" (Wis.) Journal for a series of Indicate 1hat the Communists purt day at the college of law Unawa. re of Bomb be ~d lor Ta!lto~d 's "Physic~- tions act, died Monday. He was 75, The 1953 Pulltzcr drama awar3 articles on Canada. really desire an '/'11llstlce." when scholarship and legal skill ChemIcal ~nv~bgatlOn of Protem ' German born, Wagner was went to WllJlam lnge, Kansas- Cartoon.,... Edward D. Kuekcs Lt. Gen. William K. Harrison belore the bench are recognize.d 'Molecules. brought to tills country as a child. born playwright, for his Broad- of the Cleveland (Ohio) Plain lr. charsed the Communists with annually. The fou~ students who R ./ G d $5,000 For Research A lifelong Democrat, he was a way , "Picnic," a play with a Dealer, for hla sketch of two soi- "smoke screen" tactics in refusin, wlll argue th~ c~e were c,hoscn a, ua r ' Mead JohQSon & Company gave lawyer whose first political post midwest setting. dlers in Korea, commenting un to nominate a neutral nation to trom la s~ year s w~ers of.Junlor . ' $5,000 to be used by Dr. Ro~r\ was as a member of the New There were two repc!at winnerl! the fact that their fallen budd. take custody of prlloners refusin, 'lI~gument.li before dIstrict Judges. Falls AJ.fempt L. Jackson, professor of pediatriCS, York stale ~sembly in 1905. He in this year's lists of awards made was old enbugll to die but tau to go home after a truce in Korea. Chief Justice To Preside "for research in ' infant feeding. ~as a U. S, senator from 1927 uri- by the trustees of Columbia unl- youn, to vote. . . HarrlSC)n told the Reds ngain LO- Friday:s case, presided over by T K./1 N' , h The finance commIttee accept- ttl he resigned in 1949. vcrslty. Nem Photographer - WII!lam day the UN command could not ' Chief J ustice W. A. Smith, Du- a , . e ru ed a $3 ,000 grant from the Bur- III health forced him out of the They were Archibald MacLeish M. Gal1lasher ~~ thhc Flint ~M1Ch.) agree to ""d 48000 such prison- . • ti 1 II h W 11 t t d h . . J ourna for "IS uman mterest ' b uquc, IS one o. na ona as we roug s e come company 0 sena e an e had been an In- 10 the field of poetry and Don i t f Adl lESt era to a neutral Asian nation - as as local significance, explains BOM,BAY India (IP) A po Tuckahoe, N. Y., for research In valid for several years. His son, Whitehead at The 'Associated PDc ure?i dDid l· t evenson, proposed by the Communists ' - - d' b t d t d' 'h d l M h tta B· , emOCr!h e can e or pres i- . De an Ma son .L a dd 0 f th e c? II ege Hceman foiled an attef\lpt to as- la cescon, uc em" e epar - an a n orough PreSident Pres~, in tbe re~lm of national re- dent, campaigning °with a hole in He added that it "in eUed • of.law. A simIlar case occurnng in sassinate Indian prime mmister ~ent of ~edlatrlcs. This researc~ Robert F, Wagner Jr" said death porting. MacLelsh last was hon- the bottom or his shoe means securing the torced repatri- N;mnesota was recently argued Pandit Nehru Monday when ho lS also bemg dOlle under the di- was due to heart fatigue. ored in 1933 and Whitehead in Th d f r j . l' ation of aU tile prlsoncrs " belore the eighth ~ederal circuit picked up a live bomb from 3 rection of Dr. Jackson. Senator Wagner received the 1951.' the $awOoOr 5 °h t ouhrna ISm Ore M • E 1&'- --',. court of appeals WIth the judges ' Th Allied Ch ' I & D I ' wor I, o eac 0 t e winners, us. xp ... De... _ l'tf th ' d'·· raIlway track in the locomotive e emlca ye ast rites of the Roman Catholic The New York Times won its The prize-winning newspapers E H· The general sald that in today's ~p I m~ ell', e~lSlo~, headlight glare ~f the I.ndilln lead- c~rpor.atio,: presented $2,300 for church before his death. Reared a ~ond special Pulitzer citation, get gold medals. Awards in other rnest emmgway session the Reds Insisted that - In thiS week s Imagmary c~s~ a er's own onrushlOg tram. renewmg Its fellowship in chem- Lutheran, Wagner later became a this time lor its Sunday edition tields arc worth $500. Ist in 3O-Ycar Career before agreement coulJi be reachcd lman rented II garage OD,d fll1~g The incident occurred at Kal- I~try . Dr. Alexander I. Popov, as- Melbodist. Still later he joined the on a neutral na\lon - the UN II tation under a contract to which van railroad hub, 35 miles from slSt~nt protessor of chemistry, was Catholic c h u r c h, fulfilling a . command must"explain detailS o( the landlord W?S not to hold the Bombay, at 5 a.m.; a few minutes presented $1,850 by the llesearch pledge he made to a dear friend. 0lfl1el'als Say Bars on Trade 2 Comedl'es To Be how the neutral would ta1 J.\)St/.C~1 sm1.1.U. ~ ~ecogn~ tedera111T10v~ . J>Y ~QP' ~llIha~ M, S~on ~t~t tI~p,l\1 onde the fo\lOwln~ justices wi~ sl~, b -, it at'tl1e nibment M'r: 'what' it wht , The " WestingHoUse EducaU n ernergency 'relief I adrhlnlstratiorl. -.ential ~o u se Republicans to tlolster ~tarltf ,protel;tiPll tor ome s~c- ' t} ~I!(~le r Wo ,p.W! "iU R~(L negotiator. " ....1 a ,FWJ1\la ire i 'WehrU on' froni Borhba1. 1> foumlatiol'i renewed its two lowa He was also q ' sponsor or the )tlons of lnqustry now I. " \ If" '.,W- a· Na)rl II noted that the UN com'" hin~ ,o~ ~llprlel!l(! ~ept A~~ican l'1QU~t~c~~) 1 ~ Ol1c~~ctY , cOITJ.c~y IcqlJ.l'~ , Bc~~h to bear rt ,~tuden~ J N~ "Delli!"b " plane, Iif~lvlJlg , l~tc We.~t,i..'! ih.Of1,e pt;ltic. CJllCnt ,A( h~ .. ~ocial Secu~it'y actl 11 I, • complaining a,runse \, injurlou! Plci'rtes HetJd 'Nome ' ~ , i~~f~ . t~~ l·1p. J \f veJ t,r: J~ In ~d Mopdllr hali nomlnated ;:tr~~~~'o~"\ G_ ~~ lec~ ~Ff in' the diy, una\9'are o.t h,ls na'rtow al·sJl~ '~th ~rKs ot $258 for Bu~ the Wagner act was' hJs best competlUon, from tore.ign ' pro- , 'I' , Iront tact in tui~, ra~ re~n tp Pakistan ~ • neutrlit c}/stodian c)f l , ch v!e P erSb:Um~etha~it~n; ?ohr).~ J!:: Cfcape. · " I ~.~ r : " , :nch ~'I~ 'J 9 prahi. ; ~embered mo~ument in 'the ducts, ., I. With ~ore PQWs , SWlP~t her husband or belng'dls- ~I}t~:~e~n~~~k~t! !e ;:~Id he , Mu'l:oMY, Ft. bodge; William L. ,I I Tfle 1.\dh g6ml!ry CO~l1tr ea th ff~ld ot congressional legl&lation. Secretary of State John Foster ' • I ' , tracted by a Frenc.\l actress. • ~ would a rcc to s n~ thcc;r ~~ Bliss, Mason City; o. K. Thomp- German Ed1lcalor a~d l'~QrCUIOSIsMssoclatJon gave . Dulles and a 'defense department HONOLULU, (IP') - The army Diane . Goodrich, Go' ChiealO' ners (0 the" neutrall:eountl'1~ son, Cedar Rapids; Norman R. U H$ 50 n d t~eb onlona couDity spokesman told the house ways announced Monday that two C-54 and Marjory Dun~avy , A3, Sioux Termed 'Qipraetlcat 1th i SUI Concert Ba nd laJ.lay s 'IKnoxville C't' alJ'ld Rob er.t L T0 Spe 'a k af SUI tionea presentedan u $100,ercu osboth s assoc grants a- land means committee that the mIlitary. . transport planes, each City,Herrmann play theA4 Plavenwives. GermanyWolfgang Harrison said such a movement , rson, owa I y. , to ~ ~ed for research in internal To Play Wednesday Simpson bill would seriously In- carrying 19 repatriated U, S, pri. and Howa'rd Adams, 0, Emporia: was Impractical. The Allies prevl- During the day s observances , medlcme. ' jure national security and the soners were due here from Japan Kun. arc the husbands ousl)' had rejected the Communist I JustiCe Larson will be awarded Germany's positidn in the cur- Couple GivH SU5 'Mond~ nl hi and carl toda Others in the cast In~lude Cole- proposal on this score. an honorary membership to the rent European struggle for power . SUI's 81-piece concert band will anh-Communist alliance. y If y y. man JetIers G Alderson W Va "Moreover," Harrison sa.id "the Qrder or Coif, law colleie honor- will be analyzed for an SUI audl- Carl and Dorothy schnel~r of present Its spring concert Wednes- They urged approval of Presi· The anl).ounccment corrected an and Brad Bur~s AS M~scailne·' prisoners could not be moved' prior ary fraternity, The highest 10 per ence Wednesday evenlng by t~ L1n~o~n, Ne.b gave :21? es- day at.8 p.m, in the Iowa Mem- dent Eisenhower's request lor a earlier army report that a third "Las A celtu na ~" (,rhe OJJves) is to th resolution ot their status ~ent scholastically of the gradu- president of a major Germany tap ~ I : ~Icfb ard Sc n~lder me- orial Union. straight one-year extension of the C-54 was en route to Honolulu a sixteenth century farce of the without force, and many of them aUng class will be named to the university. mor~~ f~~ ~r. re:~ar~ on pant Soloists Wllllam C. Snustad G present Reciprocal Trade act presumably carrying 13 oth(>; type which has enjoyed outstand- will destroy themselves rather t order during Supreme Court day Werner Richter, rector 01 fhe ~~ea~~I:tr~~ a~n Un~ve:~; ~~~_ Hendrum, Minn., and Maurie~ W: '1~h~ut the man~ new trade re- American POWs-tlle last to ob- ing success to this day in the than submit to removal Irom Ko- ceremonies. University of Bonn, will stop over itals. Richard the cou Ie's in- Fahrney, ,A4, Deep ~iver. ~lll 5 riC ons propos by SimPo!o~. tain medical de"rance. Spanish theater. rea." , ___ in Iowa City today through iant son d'ied from the J'lsease ' perform with band accomp9Dl- ~u~e speakler ~QS~Pl\ Yl. M~m '1'he arm,. laid one of the two Graclela Andrade, G: Snntlago, The UN command wants the Thursday on his way to lecture ColleagueS 'and former stude~b rnent.' Sriu~tad, a ba,sS solOist,' w~ ~ ~I a~s.).~ so! ~h th~ ad~cJ;p plan!!&, e~rrylnl 19 ex-prlsq!lers Chile; Norma Hoffman, G, "New neutral na,ijon to. take cuatody of appearapces on the West c9ast. At of the ,)late Blmjamln r. Sham- slllg numl1e!s by Rossini a~d tt:ostl. S~~lsC:.S 51 e , n J e s arp tllr{led ,baQk j)eca~ of Ij1«flan" York city; John Glenn. G, Osceola, the prl6~neri in Korea. , •.• the invitation of the B[itl,sh 'gov- baugh presented $16832 lor tfle F'ahrney will play a clarmet solo !ca~ trouble and that those men and John Altieri, G, 1'fyack, N.Y., The. mpeting adjourtled .after~59 ernment he has lectUp!d at ' Ox- erection of a special bookcase fn from Weber's "Second Concerto.... The speaker's stand - and were transferred to another 0.54. are In the cast. minutes. Another session was thrd, Cambridge and Edinburgh the university's Heritage library. The program Includd: " Dulles' uncomp.rpll1 lslng testimony , . '~la~ for Wednesday. ' . universities. ' For the Suhindra Bose memoflal "Ballet' Suite - 'The Gods: 'Go - Indica~ed enough l\cpu,bllcans Sh·. ' If' I • W The UN co'lu'Qand ~ahled thl1 Belore World War II Richter foundatlctn which supports 8 1l'eC- l\·Begging," by Handel; "Second may fall m line to give the Presl- Ipmen 0 lomle eapons Reds MoOOay that time waS tait taught at th~ I Ulliverslt&' of Berlin. tur~ship ' ~t SUI on Indian ' at- Concerto," by Weber; "Overtur~ dent what he wants. De'!locratlc runl\i~g out, lJl the I)e">\tly ~"'ved He was director of tire German tairs $115 was presented $65 In Springtime," by Goldmark; ''La leaders already .have saId they . Korean armistice neiotiatiotls. miniStry of science art and edu- tr 'M S hi dB' d th calunnia" from "The Barber of prefer an extensIOn of the pres- To E ro • 1953 P d ted In CrlUcall"haae cation from 1925 t~ 1932. ot~: ,;~'fr:m ~h~aTr~~~~:~ Da: Sevi~e," 'by R?ssini; "La Sere- e~t trade pro g r 8 m without ' ' u pe In re Ie' Again the talks appeared head- In 1938 the Nam ousted the foundation. nata,' by Tosh; "Rhapsody for c an&es. . • .' ed into ,a crltlca1 phase whim educator for not cooperating with Dr Harold E Stadler of Indian- Band - Jericho," by Oould; "An_ The SImpson bill, besides put- PARIS (IP) A d t I threatened a new breakdown. The their objectives and Richter came apoli~ presented $50 to be used for dalucia," by Lecuona; "Perpetual ting quotas on oil imports, would - ~e can a om c negotiations were revived only 10 to the United States, During hi~ the establishment of a fund in MoLion," ~y J. Strauss; and speclt~callY raise tarlff~ on .lead cannons and their firing battalions visions, nor of guns. The number days ago a,er a slx-month rup- 10-year stay In this country he memoJ;:y of the late Dr. Philip C, "Headlines, by Colby. and zmc. It would justify raISing probably w1l1 roU Into Europe be- of divisions and planes wiU de- ture. became an American citizen. In Jeans, for.mer professor of pedia- F~ee tickets for the concert are taritCs, or. clamping quotas against fore the end of thj) year _ but pend In part on how many atomic To the Allied negotiators It 1949 hc was invited to teach at des at SUI. The fund will be available at the Union desk, Whet- foreign I~ports, on even the atomic ~x 10slve.l will la far be- weapons - cannons and bombs looked like the n,eds were using Bonn, the famous old un~verslt1 used lor a departmental seminar stones, and the band office. slightest InJury to American pro- ., I . g.. - can be counted on for European the same delaying tactics the,. em- on the Rhine, and the next year room and in the metabolism lab- I . ducers or workers. hind, a relll1b e source saId Mon- defense. ployed last summer. became its pre8ident. ' oratories. State Government day. Oen. Matthew B. Ridgway, "We are really trying to act an .Durlng his three days at SUI, VOUeeUon PreMbted .lce To Charter The ln~rmant outlined some of NATO commander in Europe, is at armistice," Lt. pen. William K. the German educator wl\1 also Ml.as Eunice E. Renz of Toledo, Costs $122 Million the problems - and also some oC present working out a careful Harrison Jr., told neWimen alter talk to German language and Eu- Ohio, presented a collection of Commercial Plane the limitations":'" of the weapon. study of European defense based Monday's 4J·minuto session. "But .:.-______-.:.._ ro_p_e_a_n_h_ls_t_o..,:ry_c_la_ss_e_s_, _,.,.".. __ ,105 volu~es, and manuscripts DES MOINES (IP) _ The 1953 " " Atomic weapons won't just on the usc of atomic weapons. unless we are just dumb, llie cur- r-__--: ______.I and thesIS notes on the English Iowa legislature appropriated for Private Trrp automatically keep the Russians ~nt negotiations BlI they are put- poet, Samuel Taylor Coleridge. $117292981 per year for operat- out of Ilul'ope In event they de- IJ 1,- d P • ., tmgthem on aren9diUerentfrom , I The collcction wa~ made by ,her Ing ~l(p~nses of stale government WASHINGTON lIP) - The c:ide to com,e In he pointed out ay" rlmar.es last summer." brother, the late Metl Renz, who comptroller Glenn D. Sarstleld White House said Monday Presi~ but will make Ul~il' forward move~ OUllawed by Court Harrison, senior Allied nego- World News Briefs stu~led at SUr. said Monday. dent Eisenhower will fiy to New ment tough ",d torturesomc. liator, took \he initiative Monday A Condensation of Late Developments b &~ , v~~rn~ ~f lout-~.:prlnt Capital improvement approprl- York In a chartered commercial To brln, bombs or atomic weap- WASHINGTON (IP) _ The Su- when be nominated Pakistan as . ______--1 00 wr n y t e ate ,lomas atlons on an annual basis of $5- plane to speak at two $lOO-a-plate ons to Europe wlll require among t M d tl d the latest choice of the AWes to Dowler Murphy, Red Oak, found- 073,214, Sarsfield added, r~n total political ' dinners Th.ursday, other things, consent of the coun- ~me cour on" ay ou awe aet as neutral custodian ot ba,lky SEOUL (TuesdllY). (IP) - South Koreons fought North Korean5 er of tile Art Calendar industry, appropriations to $122366 195 for instead of traveling aboard the try which Is ' going to get them _ Jaybird primaries, open only to :Red ~apUves. along the eostern tront Monday, waging war as usual, but hundreds were pr.esented by his son, Thom- , ' , . whltes, in Ft. Bend county, Texas. 01 thousands of AIUed soldiers marked time, The Chinese Commu- as C. Murphy, Red Oak. * The each of thc two years stalling presidential plane, Columbine. France, for Instance. And tbey arc The decision broadened a 1944 .~-.--- nista werc olso quiet during the day, In the air, overcast skies cut books are to be added to the Iowa July 1. . "We do not believe in using the a hot potato. None of the Euro- ruling that Negroes may not be Orthodontists Elect down Allied fighter-bomber rolds over North Korea. American oUl- Authors collection at SUI TftQ \ approprIations on an an- President's plane when he Is going pean countries wanta to have the excluded from any election which H· I cers insist the lull on the battlelront Is not connected with the re- . n~a b~sJ8$fle{~2~1515mIlHonhhlgherl to poUtical meetings," press sec- things around. , is a part of a state's election ma- 19.Y as Director Ilcwed armistice talks at Panmunjom. . t an t e " . 3 of t e 195 retary James C. Hagerty told There Is no fixed quota of di- chinery. . • •• SUI Capl, To View general assembly. newsmen. -- TJw high court ruled the ex- Dr. L. B. Hilley of the SUI I WASIIINO'l'ON (IP) - Tho marine corps Monday made public M. ' C d Th ta ·d th N Mother' Day L h lin [N gr f tli i I college of dentistry elected ihe names of 69 marines who previously had been listed as missln".. In.nesola a els Dental Prof-sor•• , Reveal. Yorke State sccre Republican ry sal committee.e ew • Id unc eon cprimaries us 0 0 conductede oes rom by unothe Jay-c a dlrector of the Americanwas Boarda in action, nnd who now, it Is considered, may be prisoners of war. N 'P' II Is chartering an American Airlines Will Be H. Saturday bird Democratic association in Ft. of Orthodontics at a meettng of The mllrine corps said that on the strength of the reports and broad- Capt. Venice B. Smith, SUI as- ew aln-Less' Fi ing casts bY' the Chloc8e Communist government tbe tamliles of the sistllnt professor ot mllltarY' scl- plane tor the Presldent'A trip. The ' Tickets for the Mother's Day Bend county vioiates the consUtu- the Amerl~"-sociation of Or- ' missing men have been advised they might write letters to them. enco and tactics )las boen named CLEVELAND (IP) - A dental commlt~ee wlll foot the bill 1ch 1 tional guarantee that no pe.rson thodontlsts il) Dallu, Tex., last • •• an Inspecting bUicer lor tho Unl- professor Monday said new plastie Old-timers around the White luncheon, wh wi I be held Sat- may be denied a voto on account week. WA8IUNGTON (IP) _ The agriculture deportment announced versity of Minnesota ROTC fed- fllllngs that can be Installed with HoUIIC said they believe the de- urday at noob bl the malp lounge of race. . Higley wllfJl\el've a seven-year Monday that It will give oway 100 million pounds ot non-tat ~ried eral inspection next week. mueh less drilling pain .were used cision Is without precedent. THey of the Iowa MeMorial Unlok, are . ~e aliSoclation haa been con- term. The board qualifies diplom­ milk bought under a dairy price support program. Eligible to receive Smith and two other officers on 80lJle 10,QOO persons last yl!ar. said fanner President Truman now on sale, Tiley may be pur- ducUng all-whlte primaries since atates (dentists who limit their the milk arc the non-profit school lunch program, Wellare groups arc to Jnspect the detachment for Dr. Fred Slack, associate pro- never traveled by air 'Cxcept In h ed tbro.'JI" rrid t th 1899. The custom Is to put the practice to orthodontics.) and pubHc Institutions in this country and It.s territories and private protl~lency In drill and exceUence tessor of prosthetic research at the presidential planes. cas..... ay noon a e nominees of the "Jaybizd pd- He allo PfU8!1ted a paper to the welfare organizations aldin, the needy abroad. The milk wlll be In cl:lssroorn Instruction /lccord- University of Pennsylvania, des- EI.enhower wLU speak in .New Union ~In deM tor ,1.25. Both maries" on the ballot in the reg- group entitled "Rational Ap­ taken trom atocks now totaling 210 mUllon pounds bouJht during ing to army 'regulations. crlbcd the new filling at a cllnJc York at two political banquets men and women Jltudents are In- ular Democratic primariea. proactll!l\ in QrtbodonUc DiaJnoe- tho past 13 months to carry out a price guarantee to dairymen. Smith Is to complete his tour of of the Cleveland Dental sooJety. sponsored by the State RepubUcan vlted to. brtna paJ'entl, brothers The high court again put off Its is." o •• duty here this spring and wlU Dr. Slack, who developed· the committee. and slsters \0 the luncheon The decision on the legaUt,. of racial Dr. B. H. Hixon, Dr. 8. W. WA8HINGTON (JP)-The Pentagon plans to cut miUtary man- then report to ~e Far East com- method a year a,o, said the plaatk The ' President wUl return to lte b ...... ftlo"R" f· legreaation in public Ichoois and Higley, Dr. D. D. reicher, Dr. G. power \bY arounq' 200,OOO If the Korean war end•• A reduction ot mand, Yokohama, Japan, In July. fillinp appear to Itand up as well Washlnaton by chartered com- II a_ ...... _ ..ed rom the ....thcr to grant a review to Ju- C. Cox, and Dr. C. D. l'redei1ckl, about ,180,000 wQl be mad• .If the coDll1ct COAUDuti on JtI current Thlre '!Ie Is expected to be pro- as other types, but more tlD;1e II merclal plane lmm~tely after RJver room tq the "lain lo~ to IuJa and Ethel Rosenberg. con- aU of the SUI eoUete of denUi\r7, .ta1amate4 buia. . ,. . . _ ._~._ . _ , . ___ ... caMel tot clut1iD)tor... needed lor a lull apprallaL ' the second .peed\. allow mar. \0 a\telid. demaed atomic lpiea, a1Io atteDc:led thO Dallal meetiDl·

---- r "'~e 2-TBE DAfi..V IOWAN-Iowa C"y, la.-Tues., May II, 195:1 • .~ ' , ~ LaHars to the Editor- ~~~~he~~~~~~~~~~~~w~a~n~~Students ~ppose, Endorse Coun~il Candidat~i fWlIJ.labed a.,h. ex"*lIt ~ UI4 ..,.."'. " . : ..., •• Til. lIaII, I.~. ".. .. P ....u. r ••I"'e...... , • JIGn4a,...... wpJ, holJdbs b)' Slud~nt .., ....Il ...... _ •• 1. I. ill••• a." DAILY IOWAN ItDITO ••AL ITArr (...... 1•• 1"'...... , ...... ------,------..:...... :.---.!..------....:.----,---.:.;"------..::.~~,,_~..!....t-::.S l'ubUeaUoll.l lne.. 1141 low. A ..~ 10 ... 01. h ....IIJ ... 1I.la" Dabaq..... J:dIIor WU'~ CI b.... I••• I. 1.11 ... I. n,. 1i.11 ••• All Ieiie.. City. low.. ~nlued u oeconcI ~ ..... au..... , •• , ..... a,lD. I. II ...... , . .... " .... ". ""m a~, ..... 1.01... a ....rllI.. II'...... seeker. Dick Is running for Coun- TERNITYI ma.1I m.lv.. .t the poAloUlce at Iowa .... fr... I •.ID. 'a ...... II'..... Manulnl B41lOr ...... ,' J_pb Meyer ...... rea_ - .,,.wrt.,,,...... il .... A h t t d j b' Of h' I' ib'llt t ClIY, un~ &be acl of ~ of ...., II ..... " ••• '" U ..... N"",. EdJtor " '"'''''''' . JIm FOlk...... ,ee.""". I.""''' N .._ .n" c "",cause e wan s 0 0 a 0 • course IS e Ig I Y 0 M.vch J . 1871. Aut. New. Ullol'1l ... JoAnn Packe, ,r..... , .1 n. hll, ....p. .,.. lower rents, better playgrounds as a Town Man was challenged, Marjorie Brebra. lion VelUnA! I...... n •• IIIe ..." ...11 ...... I h'ld d" tud t Th THURSDAY ' ht M !aMBER TRJ: ASlIOCJATED PRESS Cit, EdItor " "" .. ,, " ''', Ron BuUer •• 1••• r ••,e.nlaU •• 10.1e .... ~ ...... , or your c I ren, an a s en s en on mg, r, or Call 4191 , ...... '" .1.... 111 The ,A,IIOc~tecI P...... entitled ex­ t Allot. City Edltor " ...... Fred Thoma. aa ill...... bje., are ••••1.... •• tir~~" policy for parking space and Darrah's fraternity (by some n • ..•• ~Iu Ivel,. 10 the UN II» .epllblJc. Uon ... Fe,." .... Ill... •..... SPOrll Editor " "." ,,, . J.ck Bender .1t~'.I. 1.1 ...., c.•• rlq.....,. t t SUI thl ti ts t . i ' d ) t d tIt , .. r .u lb. loc.1 ne". printed In \hit IIeJu. .r ""a.uce.... 10 '" Th DaII, .un Sportl EdllOr ...... " . flick M.1l 1I ..lld '" •• 1 •••• ill.... , Ie""" Ia sea s a a e c even . s I ange co nCI ence vo e 0 e lIew.paper •• weU U .u AJ' Dew. I .... n. £dll•• I.1 .meet ... la I'e C.ID· Bodel)' EdiioT ...... S.ran Adam! •• , ....., ...... aD' aII."I. hit A vote for DICK LEVITT TO- Mr_ Darrah drop his fraternity I 1bIpalCbee. 'a_.ie.U.a. Cell"!r. E41lorlll AS8lstanl " ... Vlr,lnla V.vra iII.l. I.IU .. '" III ...... DAY is t f . If b h' I P h M D CAler PholOlI'lpb ••. , .. :." BIU T\lrneJ; O.lal ...... , ••_ru, a vo EI or your own se - mem ers )Jl., er aps r. ar- I --- ..- -- ...... ,~. DaU, I...... ) interest. r~h, the ' mess-cleaner-u p peT, I' ---.-.-... Subocrlpflon rale. - b, c.,rler In low. DAILY IOWAN 1Kl11101I8 ITA'1' "'IIDIT ouallAlI CIty. J5 , ...11 wed.!, or $8 p~ year In David M. Stanley, L4, should start with his own ques- or' Idvlnce; .Lx mQnlbe. "'J5; Ibreo Bu.ln... Mana,or . Char!~. R. Goodner TO THB EDITOR: 509 E. Benton tionable candidacy. His glass macULATION. monlbe. fi2 .I5O , B7 maU In low .... pee Asst. Bua. Mil'• . , . . • ,' Bam A, ~$ton yea.; ILx mouth., $5; Ibr ... monthl'l CUlIIWed ManD"er , . • " B:lrbnra Boyd Th' I tt lith t t --- house is II rather vulnerable tar- e all '" 2 151 II , •••a ••• _In $3: All olller mall .ubsttlpUolU. $10.00 • -- IS e er 8 n e suppor 0 TO THE V>ITOR' get, ; ••, 0.11, ...... , 1 • .m. "to,... per ye.r; .ll< lIIonu... " .10; Ibr.e DAILY 10"AN OlaOULATION 8r"" llle candidacy of K. B. Rao, for a • This somewhat tarnished cru- _-_._~_b_r_~_._._._._~_._u_._~_._-_n__ m_o_ D_Ibe_._J5_~_.______c_~_u_~_U_o_n_M_~~p_'_ ._. _._.._ R_O_~_~_~_o_~_~®~ 1~~~~~~~ ~~QI-hM~a~d~H~d~ru=~~~m~ cil as a meJ1lber.atrlarge. which read: think Town Men are very gun- I I.. -~~------... I Mr. Rao, a graduate student "Let's Clean Up the Mess ible. I -.ang from India, possesses ul\usually DICK DARRAH BILL LUKE Virgil M. Hancher Jr., A4, J i.t , 0 r ; a Interpret fine qua)jfjcations for our student Your lPwn Men Candidates 102 Church st. body. He has been a leader in the tor Student Council" ,I Student Union of his university in My impression is that the Stu- TO THE EDITOR: New Pension Plan- t e ews India tor several years, exercising dent Council has worked out a Last year several students were J ," I h N a far greater measure of responsi- very satisfactory solution of the able to secure representation on ~ The new stat supplemental pension plan, one of the more B, I. II. BOBEIlTS 18. bility in university affairs than recent elections dispute. However, the Student Council for the mar- controvt!rsial issue to face the recent state legislature, is still our students possess at SUI. it Mr. Darrah knd Mr. LUke be- ried student group on campus, 1 AIaocla~d Preaa In addition, he organized and lieve they are divinely ordained This year, nearly a thousand stu- I raising p Ien ty 0 f commellt as it awaits approva I , or rejection, b New. Ana"I' was first president oi the Asian to don the shining armor and go dent families may realize a large ~ Cov. William . Beardsley. youth Forum, a group of over forth heroically to ~lay a mythical rent reduction due to 'the efforts The go\'emor's office said ~ , Ionda that hundreds of letters Europe began producing steel 5,000 student leaders from the dragon, that is their prIvilege. of their representatives, Thursday under its new commu- free nations of Asia. In this en- But whom are Mr. Darrah and If further progress is to be c concerning the new plall hav~ been received at the state capital nity plan creating a tree tr!ll:ie deavor he had the active Ilupport Mr. Liike trying to fool? When made for our well being, we, the t - \ ith a majority of a pprOXimately 2·to·1 favoring th measure. area. At the same time European oJ Indian Prime Minister Nehru Mr, Darrah filed his Certitioate married students, must elect an While the governor's offic(' did not indicate wi a t was the officials were reported doubtful and U,S, Ambassador Bowles, and o~ Candidacy last Wednesday, experienced and capable person the Uniled States would adopt worked elosely with these leaders. April 30, he stated that he was a to represent us. Therefore, I biO'ge, t 0 bJ 'cction to t h new l)cl1sion s.ys tem, t h ere .seems to he TOW N ~ anything like similar principles, K, B. Rao has been on Our cam- N MA . Yet on Wednes- strongly urge that you vote for little doubt that the mandatory provision of I'~he p,I.Vl is th cau , e which ~he urged so strongly ~pon pus during the last ~ear and has day, Mr. Darrah was an ACTIVE Dick Levitt for ,Studlnt ,Counci,l. of most of th oppo ·ition. This c1ags~ PI' vides t1mt very state them, In her own trade tlractJces. actively interested himself in MEMBER OF A SOCIAL FRA- The election Will ,be held thiS emplo)c, except those participatlhg ,.ldgmg the dollar gap. , \ . n I evenue I [ 1uUI • I'I wever, we WOl! ( e Isappolll ec see le govern • .r I ~ d M: Ie George S. Felwe I, L4 trom the state oleomargarine tax " I· "I /, ern v,cto th new plan merely becalls of this clause. To clo i;b wo u~d - Ire s a e ltnJlresslon . , 714 E. Washington , . ' r' ,A~ the same tin:'e, Russia had which the 1953 legislature repeal- IS 'F t-ler 0f USO ' tunl -t ' m an that state employes would have to fall back on the pres!.' t made a strong impression with her TO THE EDITOR: cd effective next July 4, is run- ron I • . '.ppor •Y .Del ~ and wholly uns~lCcessfu l Old Age Survivor's Insurancc (OASJ) eHorts to arrange a resumpti~n of The Student Council dQ,es not ning considerably behind last year, Wi syslem, I ~ast-?,est tradc ?n the contment endorse any candidate or candi~ the state department of agricul- JUNEAU Alaska (JP) _ The ______-.,... ____ I 'SI) b b' t b I In spite 01 Amel'lcan and Amerl- dates for Council olCice. Due to the t t d Md ' . ' O .''1. IllS een proven y cxpel'lence 0 a camp e can-inspired embargoes. l' t f thO ure repor e on ay. sheriff dnves an auto now. The expressed skepticism about Alas- ent in Anchorage explained it thJJ 'l It ' , II I I ." d ~ unusua clrcums ances 0 IS F th fl t f th ' this prospector hunts folding money" . fal me. I actuana y 1111 ounc ane at present It IS estimate Russia now seems Inclined to campaign however it is felt that or e rs our mon S o ~ . ka s readiness ,Jor the big move. way: " 11 t· f th 5 The stagecoach has become an Th t 't' R b1' "w ' l r 't some that it will evC'ntuall y cost Iowa taxpayers approximately back down from h.er cust?mary the Council's at~ltude toward ,K. year, co ec Ions rom e cents airplane and it you hear anybody go ee err! °Bry SF nckw H ,CPt u !Can ere a yloun g ~e rOP?III.s WI , (03" 000 000 demands for strategIc materials In B Rao Ted Seldm and Bill Skaafe a pound tax amounted to $158453 v rnor, . ran em zeman,l young peop e, Were WI mg LO 'I' -, , ' ., , t ' . say "mush" the chances are also has expressed doubt Alaska's take a g bl h th I return for her exports, and to be should be presented 0 S.U.I. stu- This compares with a tolal of ' .'. . I am e on a c ange tI 0111.' ()f the tligg st gripes against OASI, though. is the fact more willing to take what other dents. . they re dlSCussmg breakfast food. governor is appointed by the we're sure would -be for the bel- that many stat employes who quit b fore retirement lose all they Couhtl'ies are willing to sell. At the meeting in which new $.246,717 for the corresponding Wlt~ ~11 the c ha~ge s in Alaska, President. ter.". . . . . I . t Ih f ) Th . I II I That I'S close k' t h t Eu eltcions were voted unseatin" time last year. America s prospective 50th . state Yo. u can start an argument anY- I The opposItion to Immedlale have PlIIC 111 0 e lIn(. e new pan a ows SUC1 persons tn In 0 W a - ,.. . I'll' f l' fA ' h fr K h'k K . . . • T ro!~ ij skin, 'the US to do T\l ~ ~hese three men the ~ol.jncil un- The tax brought In nearly $620,- s I IS a ron ler 0 mencan were om etc I an to otz- statehood ,.lS cel')tered lin the old, ohtam ~Il he~r payments plus two Iler. ~ent ~lIterest. , U. ~ )j ,nape no d~F iJljon.' ,J"usl af\~m~~~r pas ~~ 1 'th~ " -IolIowlllf OOfr I.n pq lendar 1952. Propollents oj;lpo.rtunity -. and t~o~andS ar~ eb~e over t~e issue of ~tateho~d. \!Stablished I to\'o\I}S of I/lCl\lt,heasl . T.hIS SIXlt\on o£ the Jlt'W measur should be particularly ae· w~! hI /TloH11 \>fl. .\Ilq. '(! ~e.~~l r~r:!lutIPll: '" . , of the fliX. -repeal blll said that th cashmg [il'!. 6n It. I . ' . . F~r Alas~a IS I a land divided OIl). A. laska., Most QPJilon~t~ ( s~y they r ptabl to llUlny SUI rrnplo e~ who nrc working for the univer- mlf~ 9~! HI n I I1ro'~e tl~1 ~ New electiOh~ have p~ voted $620000 ' a year wou!d be mor~ If , the ~h~st~ o~ thgse w,ho, ~\ed t e questIon. , ' d wll~t , ts.~iltct,J.09d , ultuWltel¥, , ~lIt .' ill ' I nqri , 1I!3f,' ,,' tie Pouncil for, disputed 'seats tlulh offset b collection of the 2 In the frenZied gold rush mfo. the ~he cen~et df the . statch oq dalp\ !t, wou14 qe" to~ ElXpen~lVC ~~ t . lint. ~ey gradllal" . . 1 , . , I :;1" hl\ I" I ~n ~ 1'111 roml J!r1arried . Students and e Ide 1 y t~ ' bn oleo. Their Klondi~e , in '9~ <;o~ld f}itQvrr \M movement IS .t,j1e b~sth~g Anch-.nq':'!'l nral;\ces/ in, fact. Iqrl1'\ ,.the " We hope thnt th~ ne\ ' .penslon plan receive l~e , ~o~nor's I . , , t" I I { • :tb.'w~(¥en. This results in un-- ~o~ten~o~i !~ ,.thllt many border fartta~lc' bhom citJe~ ; ~ Aqchor..! ~'ragl:! area which clDlm'!! Ii popula- !OJ'lJ,! baSIS t fQr I l'll rgu(lll\ots_ approvnJ. \\1(. ' 'th'ink that any effort to change ,btl.' {AAiJ, atory 'I~t t~r~lr;./ltf~ir~~&,\;ry\1tq~_ , j;~tii; Ted Seldip: 13111. Skaife . res,isl~ntS ' hjlve ,4tone . to near.bY a~e . iihd Falrban¥ nq~, th«:sf!. are luln '. ot about 44,00.0 -L. ~o. re thanJfg;;!.iJ?$,t ~tat~o~d 1 ~'rV" r , r. " I \ . , " W ', ~f' C,I \~'1 f(~~ 'fJ1 '. fi I ~d . Rao ·· -I stafes~-to J bn ' €016red--'Oleo" a d Some of the SIghts they'd '9\ee: a third of the temi\ aTl~ · n , ,iood; legalized by 1t'te 1'953' 1'e isl~ture: Y9 g ~en who opened ~ttle ' 'I I d , I s·/ l, ," Ir, J ~~ (S ~ 'ifj.s apd ql,l9tas Is la~t~1 ~~IYing or rulIngs at t~e tor Iowa p~;ng ~ If.xI eIuly 4, corner , qus~nesses 11m ' ~hoe.stftngs I - 1, ' . N r SI I k," 1 C)I' I.' H " , . b sin' t 1 fn Coupell s Electb>11 Confmlttee., ancl flit,Lfe f)uqEp' fiJf . pro atter Ihe,war now -paYlng mcome ronwor Jers rl e ,on Inues IJr. , ~ e f l\~ cl,:::rie~~ '?!h~el. :1'- Al1r fault is t~e Council's, not pone1it§ ~f t e btlls expe~t ali taxes iI), li1(~ figures. " 'r I. , 1. . .' GENERAL NOTICES IIho\lul be deJ)Osited with the elb editor 0' pro~~ of th i revisionists in this these students . business.tq imptove)'ot ijorder re- .' Fourteen.. s~ory modern apart- A .C .,. t· A " ;'hl/ Ir F. II " '!be DaUy Iowan In,lohe newlrl'Om ,m the Communications CenterJ counlry.. toward whom the admi~- ~~r~~s~~~~'gA:eCTetal'''' tailers, Once the oleo tax.goes off, ment. bulldmgs overshildowlng S' one I la Ion Itempt al S NoLius must be aubmltted by Z p.m. the day preeedln& first publl- istration appear~. to be lean.ing, IS SUI Student Council r the sales tax goes .on. sha~hes., ' , " cation; tber will NOT be aecep~d by phone, and must be TYPED that some saCrifices may mdeed 3 E Daven ort Oleo tax collections last month Five 0 clock traffiC lams as ex- or LEGmLY WRITTEN and SIGNED by a responsIble person. have to be made on the basis of . ___ p totaled $29,211, compared with asperating as any ill the states. DES MOINES (JP) - No pro- I t ALL VETERANS USING PUB- on Wednesday, May 6 t 8 what is best tor the general wel- TO THE EDITOR' $40,838 for the Same m'lnth last An airport near Anchorage gress was Teported hEjre Monday and 7 11 cents more for a welfare . ' a ' fare. . . year. • which averages more daily flights afternoon following the first meet- fund, lIc law 550 must c~mplete a p.m. 10 the sen.ate cham~er. . As a married student, I ~an than New York's huge LaGuardia in between Istrildn AFL lron- Painters are asking a 26-cen change of address notice at the Students enrolJed In the forelgn It IS only natural tor Europ , speak frankly to other marrled field g k d th Mgt . B 'ld raise from thejz- $250 wage Th Veterans Service office between studies program (area: Germany) behind the financial .elght ball .al- sludents. There are three big rea- LeMars Man Gets .. .. . " wor ~rs. an e as et Ul ers lumbers want a lO-cent raise to May 1 and May 5 If their ad- are requested to attend the lec- most all the time smce the tlrst sons why you should elect DIC~ Ghtter Culch, a mile-long association. P3 h d 71/ t If ' dresses wl11 be ch~ged on June ture. I .' world war, to be impatient. But LEVITT as your married student. array of neon lights on Anchor- _ Robert E. Hall, federal media- $ an ou~ ~n a ,J-cen we are 10, 1953. This action will prevent ___ r Cor years, now, th e h ea It h of th e representl\tive to Student Council. _ ear en ence. age'F sour th s.t were h th ere pro b - t'Ion an d conci·u a IIon' service. com- fundT' provid' Ion ' . II delay in the receipt of theIr American econpmy has been just (I) You want lower rents in 5 Y S I ably are more bars per block than missioner, said "there were no luck flvers are demand 109 a subsistence checks for May and ~ H E VETER.ANS SERVICE as vital to these counb'les as their SUI housing. . . In any city of comparable size proposals made by the builders." 20-c~~t h.ourly boost, a $2 weekly June. office has been m/ormed by lhe own. And their proposed solution (2) You want fair treatment by .DES MOI~ . (JP)-Fed~ral Dls- anywhere.· • No date for a second eting contllbutIon to ~~alth and welfare Veterans Administration that an is, after all, a theory only, though SUI with fewer arbitrary rullngs trlct ,JUdge· Willian}" F. ~l\ey .sen- Gold is not the cause of today's was set HaU said. I'IlIO.\! p,lf~ns ~nd aTrevlSllon. of wage clas· b PH Y SIC S COLLOQUIUM enrollment by prOJected. regis- one w hIC' h h as b een ga inlOg' sup- an d' Iess red t ape. tenced ) Hu ert M.Rolhnger, . 59- prosper'lt' 'y . '"na. 4her, the"rus h" has The Ironworkers" of local 67 Sl !Cations.' hed g aZlers t askf ¥ h16· I : ., port ever since the U.S. became (3) Dick Levitt will do more to year-o d LeMars turkey raiser, sprung' from government spend- make up one qt five union groups cent raise an 7 cen s or t e r ;o~~d~~'l."M;~yS~~S a~u~~~n:'-";t;: ~fl~IO~O d~~~r J1 b:u=~~e~~~ the world's great creditor. get these t~ings for you than any ~~~::t pt~is~~vef::v~n~oeamr: intaxa ing of I h~nC\r~~ of mllli~ns . of th~t began a building strike fast welfllre fund. .. ' ~ .... U · it t ti -''<' "t " .... t ' '-h other candIdate dollars to! military constluctI')n Friday About 4000 workers were H' b en E , File d s 0 .. >,Ie DIvers y 0 con n..., ..... I. ,rammg wr ea~ s. .' evasion . thO A ' . t 't t ., Istory Must Stress Wisconsin Physics department Therefore: I~ IfN U bl\ neces6a~y "Err Taxpayers Objed ThiS year's St dent Council has : . '. ' " ,In :s men<;an ern ory neares idle in Des Moines Monday as a will discuss "T~ Neutron-Proton aU ~achers to b~ ' iff reSide won the battl,e: sur . has finan,. T?e Judge overruled Rollinger s RUSSia. result of the labor dls~te-many Deeds, Educator , Says " C S tl tIM d t I] thO . d t To County ASNssments offered Templm park residents 0 motion for a new trial. Since 1940 ,the federal govern- because they would not cross pick- T otal ross- ec on a ev. an ra n ng . IS summer 10 or 0 , t d t· f ., 65 tRill ' ment has been "iving the Ala ka "Play down where men have at 25 Mev" retain their elltKJeJllent ..del' PERRY (IDI A..... P ren re uc 101) rom .,4. 0 0 0 nger was convIcted of the ~ , s n et Jines set up by the strikers, t th 'th t d I \, . . ' " ""- 6'OUP of erry $22,50 per mortth. But It will bf' government charge by a jury last e~ollDmy shots In the arr)1, In the , . cu one ano ers roa s an p a, - .-- Public law 346. . , tqx~ayers. w~nt to Adel Monday a tough fight to get this offer Tuesday night. 'fpe government form of military expenditutes av- . Sev~al malor construcllon pro- up where they have adde.d to ,~he l'REE TICKErS FO~ rHE , ~- ... to Jile obJecti~n forms. from about (which will save you more than charged Rotlinger with non-pay- eraging $~14 million a year,! An- Jects al e ,at a halt. sum, total of human hapPiness, Ba~d concert to be ,iiven by the PH.D. i'RENCpr ItEADlNG EX- 550 Perry I'eludenti With the Dal- $150 per year) extended to ml ment of federal income tax for ehorage and Fairbanks have be- H ~l said he ,,:",ould try Tuesday Hlstor->: bo?~s shOUld eo;phpSlze Umverslty Concert band n. Wed- amJnation will be given Thur las cou~ty board of assessment other SUI married housing areas. 19iB. come the big: boom cities because to atrange me e lln~s betwe~n local men's sClent~flc, cnglneermg ' and nesday, May 6" are a.vah,,')le "l day, May 28, !rom 3 to 5 p.m. in and re.vlew. Dick Levitt will carryon this FederaL attorneys contended he of the co,nstruc.tion. ~f. three huge 90 of the Truc~ Dtlv~r s umon and c~l!ural achievements Instead ot the Iowa Mem,orlal Uplon desk or room 221A Schaetfer hall. Ontf' Th~ taxpayers are protesting an fight. He is the only candidate t 11 d 16805 h t . airbases In their VICinity. the M~ster BUilders, local 246. of glYI,ng so much SJ;lace to ,,:",ars and Whetstone.'!' Tickets !hay be held those will be admitted to the e ' increase of about 10 per cent in who has worked with the. itu- ~~n~~cri:naw~tt ':dia~o~d )'~:~I~? Some miners complain that it Is the Pamters an~ Decorat~ rs umon military heroes, a Canadian . ~d u- by calling x2322. amination who make applicatioD the valuation on nearly all Perry dent Council's hOUSing commit.. Ith M CI Mi 68 this government-induced. boom and tre Des Momes Painting Con- ca tor stressed at a reglOnal --- by signing the sheet posted outside property in connection with the tee in its Investigation of married ~d Le¥~rs a~sura~~~' andY~~~i that has toppleil ,gold from the tractors association; lo~al 33 of !he UNESCO conference at SUI last ~E I~T~RNATIONAL CLUB 307 Schaeffer hall before Tues- assessQr's four-year revaluation housing rents. Dick Is one ot the estate dealer throne of Alaskan econqmy. BUIl- Plumbers and ~teamfl~lers umon weeke~d. cordIally mVltes aIL interested stu- day, May 26. The next examina- schedule. hardest-working persons I ' 'hav!:' . I dozer drivers and machmists who a.nd the Des MOines Pamtlng C,on- NeVille Scarfe, University of dents, faculty and townspeople to lion will be during the second A public hearing on the objec- ever known. In 1949 Rollinge! was sentence~ got $15 a day in mining operations taon; and local 1075 of ~he glazlers Manitoba ~ean 01 educatlo?, Us annual awards banquet on week of summer session. tions was set for May 21 at Pe ry, Above all he isn't a glory- to a two-year priSon term after a lew years ago now are lured to and four glass compames. hoped that increasing geographl, Saturday, May 9, at 6:30 p,m, at ,,~ r ' pleading guilty to e~tortl~g about $30 or $35 a day jobs, plus over- The five locals have about 1,0\)0 cal know.ledge might help improve the Mayflower club. 'The Seashore $400 from Mrs. Mler~s 111 whal time, on government construction members. the condition of fellow human and Bose awards for the 1952-58 ~~PLlCATIO!",S FOR ~E she termed "phony diamond or Rrojects. Officials said the ironworkers beings harassed by floods, fnmln:-r school year will be presented at pOSitIOns of edItor. and busln~ss zircon" purchases. A ghostlike symbol of gold's de- seek an hourly raise of 25 cents and droughts, rather than to In- this time. Reservations may be manage: of Magazme ~ for ttle cline In the economy lies against from their present $2,62 1/.. wage crease the accuracy of bombing. made at $1.71 per plate in the ac~demJc ~ear 1953-54 Will be ~:e- WSUI PROGRAM, Ihe ste.ep mountainside behind the office of student affairs not later celved until Ii p,m:, May 7, in room territorial capital of Juneau, than Friday, May 8. 205, Communications' Centel'.. ;Pit- There stantis the idle plant of the Former Miner Heads U.S. C. of C. sltions are open to aU upper-~lass- CALaJDAR Alaska-Juneau comJjany. It W3S ...... I • SANXAY PRIZE: THE UNt- men, and each cirries a salary. . m closed by government order dur- versity awards annually the San- Applicati.ons should CQt)t~i~ aut~, U N I V E.I 5 I T yeA LEN PAR ing the last war because gold was xay prize of $500 to the senior in biographical data, ' prevIous ex- " •••••,. M., 5. leas not considered an essential metal the college of liberal arts, a na- ~rlence , and a statement of appli- TUESDAY. !\IAY 5, 1953 VOL. XXIX, NO. 155 8:00 Momln, Chap.1 It never was reopened. live or resident ot Iowa, who gives cant's editorial or business phtl UNIVIBSITY CALENDAR r..... are ...... n: ~::reY.1 En,land Ini;:rest has turned toward the the highest ' promise of achieve- osophy. Applications should be' ac,~ ill Ule ...... &'. ellIce. OW Cap1W ' :20 Penn~ ,"or Your Thoughts pros6eets ot developing such basIc m~nt in graduate work. Applica- companied by a letter from the ' :30 ~~~~~~ , Industrial metals as tin and iron tions must be filed. with depart- registrar certifying good scholastic Tllesday, May 5 8:30 p.m. - Supreme Court day I:;: New. and toward explorations for 011. ment recofllmendatioll4, In the standing and stating the student's 7:30 p.m. - Society for Ex~eri- banquet, Iowa Union. !Q :II Klu:hen K1atlC!l\ And as the once fabulous graduate college office betore May cumulative grade point. Prefer- mental. Biology and Medicine 8:00 p.m, - University play, :U:: M.uolc You Wn.,t salmon runs of the sout~east dl- 10, 1953. ence will be given to students with meeting, room 179 Med. lab. "Brother Rat," Theatre.. 11:15 ~~':'u~~n:oom mlnl.'lh, a new industrial rainbow previous experience on Magazine 7:3~ p.m. - Debate: University Saiunla,.... ", • ll:atI AdvelltUJ'e. In Research Is on the ascent. The first big TH~ NAVAL AVIATION CA- X or comparable publications, but of lLhnols vs. Iowa, senate, Ol,d 1:30 p.m. - Bueball double- :1;:: ~"r':';e:::~p:':lc.1 S""let~ pulp millis being built to tap un- det procurement team from the all Interested students a(e Invited Capitol. header: Indiana, her-e." II:qG Rb,.Uun Ram.bles limited forest resources and there NlI'val air station Clenvlew Ill. to apply, Pinal selections will be Wedllhda" May 6 8:00 p.1n .- University play, 1:;30 ~~:~al'e. ar~ plallS f9r one or 'two more wiU visit the ca~pus on Tues~ announced May 14, 1953. Further t" 8:00 p.m. - Humanities society "Brother Rat," Theatre. II;: MUlIe.1 CIulII There are hlih hopes for an alum~ day, May 5, to interview details on application procedures lnd graduate co\le~ lecture by M..... '. May 11 ~~ Tte •• ur'!* 01 Iklene~ lnUm plant that would dwarf th" men between 18 and 27 years old. may be optained trom Miss Lo'ie Prot. W,. Rlchter, rtfetor of /UnI. 8:00 p.m. - University play. ,:30 ~~~:ll~,I1::::.a;' biggest in the United States, Inquire of the team about re- Randall, room 205, Communi.ca- ~rs"y of Bonn (Germany), on "Brother Rat," Theatre. .;00 Tell; Ben.lee Show tn fact, about tho only thing quirements, length of service, Hons Center. German~, and Current World . r.e.u" "a, 11 :=1 5 £Un,l", Americana which does not alve Alaskans high pay and other benefits of t. h.is .... . Problems. senate, Old Capitol. 4:10 p.m. - UnlyerlUy cOUDell al!: ~~:'In Hollywood _ . hopes this ye/lr is the jssue of program at the Iowa Memorial Thanday. Ma:v , meetinf, board room, Old Capitol.• ;00 l\lWa Union Radio Hour IItlltepood. Even Its most IIrdent Union main lo~y between 9 a.m. ALPH~ DELTA SIG~ WILL 9:00 a.m."-The University club, 6:30 p.m. - Colleilate Chamber ::: ~1cI,%,::~ MK~~lel • I\uppor~rs airee statehood for and 5 p.m. on Tue.day, May 5. have a~ Important meeting Thuft- May breakfast, 10,1IIa Union. of Commerce banquet, River .;311 New. ' All18ka hdd a bt!tter chance in day, May 7, at 7:30 p.m. in th~ " FrldaJ..... , • room, Iowa Union. ,. ':u Sporia TIllie 19~1 wtten the house voted for it J,",ROF. WEBNEIt RICHTER, senate chamber of Old Capitol. 2;00 p.m, -Supreme C!ourt :lay 7:30 p.m. - Univer.lt, alpb, :;: ~,:,.er Hour and the senate came within a director ot the University ot Bonn, arguments, senate, Old Capitol. cllrd party, lo~a union. . . ,:~ W ....,..n V~... ~. br!!ath of doing "he same. PresL- Germany, wfil . speak on "Ger- THETA SIGMA PHIIIESTI_ 3:30 p.m. 1.- Baseball: PUrdue, ,,8:QO p.~. ';' ,UI1lversIty Pia3', ~~: :~~~r~~~J::I:nd Iv.nll dent Truman was thumping for It RtCIIARD L. BOWDITCH (rl~Iot), 80stnn In!lnr' many and r Current World Prob- Wednesday, May 6, at 4:10 In the here: Brother Rat, Theatre. I:/: M~IOI\ 00uI4 Pr.aentll thqn and so was the JovWnor at ed u a boy mfner, recelvel the ravel .1 pre.ld ~ nt of Ute U.S, lema" betore Ora. ,Humanities so- newsroom. Election of of1icers will (For b.lwnD&&lDa repNtnr date. be,.ad UaI8 lOW.... ::'5 . ~<:"nll and .Iau the time, Ernest Gruenlng. ()hamber of Commerce from Laurcnee ... Lee, J .LltsonvlUe, clety and the ardduate college be held. Me ....erva&lo .. ill Ul ••moe .f &lao Prllldea&, OW ea..... ) 10;00 SION otr Now President Eisenhower has reUl'l1l&' IIrelldent a' the convention In Wuhlnrton, / 'I1I:E DAILY IOWAN- I .... Clb . Ia.-Tad .• l\1a, 5. lt5l-Pap I

Is Not Perfect,· Medical Professors Overholtzer Installed As Miss .Vanclehouten AI b -C k tt V ! I · Presented Awards . Elected Sweetheart m erg roc e ows 'S tu dent FInds At Annual Frolic Delta Tap Delta Head Of Acacia Dance Scheduled for June 13 Caryl Vondehouten. A3, Mar­ Plaques were presented to Cout Bob Overhollter, C3. Ida engo. Ill.. reigned as "Acacia Mr. and Mrs. lver Theodore medical profcssors chosen by a has been instaUed president Sweetheart" at the formal da Aimberg, of Chicago. III., an­ class vote as the most valuable Tau De lta social fraternity. Friday. given by Acacia social nounce the enaagement professors. Saturday night at the Other new ofCicers arc Wesley [raternity. daughter. Margaret. to Stewart annual Aesculapian Frolic. Harker. A2. Denison. vice-presi­ Honored were: Prof. Walter R. dent; Roger Mendenhall. E3. Delsena Kahler. Ai. Oxford and Crockett. Ingram. head of the anatomy de' tumwa. recording secretary; Shirley Johnson, leacher at Mr. Crockelt is the son 01 the partment. by the freshman old H"ver. A I, Sioux City. ion. were chosen os attendants. Rev. and Mrs. Barney C. Crockett Prof. Emory D. Warner. head responding secr etary; Ken The dance was held from 9 p.m. of the First Congregational church the pathology department. by the A2, Ida G r ov~. treasurer to 1 a.m. in the Rose room of sophomore class; Prof. Ad61ph L. Stover. E I, Iowa City, JeUerson hotel. Larry Barrett'~ in Onawa. Sahs. head of the neurology de- ~t - arm s, and J oe Howe, A I , Iowa orchestra provided music. MIss Almberg, a senIor major- partment. by the junior class. and City, guide. Mrs. Blanche Hegg. lng in psychology, will be gr adu- Prof. Rubin H. Flocks. head of the Committee chairmen are house dIrector, and Mrs. E . ated in J une. She Is a member 01 urology department. by t~e senior Brown. E3. Sioux City, house Burkhart were chaperones. Delta Zeta social sorority. class. . grounds; Chuck Dinwiddie, Dave Koerner. PI, Mr. Crockett received a B.A. In Prescnta~lOns were made by Bedford, scholarship; Dea n was In charge of the dance ocloJogy from Grinnell eollege class presl~ents at the wood. A3, Hedrick. alUmni; Ger- rangements. Mem~rs of Grinnell, in 1950 and dJd gra d uat~ da~ce held 111 the Io~a aid Lewis. EI. Rochester, N.Y dan~e eommltt~ Jnclu~ed Hal 'Nork in the SUI school of social Umon. Les Burford S athletics' Dick Keehn Al Schlmmelpten~Lg. P2. Sigourney; work from 1950 to J 952. He is now played 10r the ~ance. The Med Rapids publicity. • , Henry Frederickson. A3. Edw . Student council sponsored the • ville. III.; Allen Thomas. P I, l county welfare worker 111 Bu- dance and arrangements were ~r~ Schellinger. C3. Brons~n , bard. and Ed Carlson. P2, chanan county. made by the jun ior class. a~tlV l ties; John Seay, A3, Fall'- The couple wUl be married J une Class presidents arc J ohn Fen- flcld. Ala .• pledg.e trainer; Byron IS In Iowa City. They plan to live ton, MI. Iowa City. freshman Beck . A2. Elk ~Olnt. ~. D .. and :Sill MarjorIe Frank. A3. in lndependence. Margaret Almberg class; Charles Bean. M2, Des Erknen, A2. SIOUX City. rushmg:I------M()ines. sophomore class; J ohn Bob Ballantyne, AS . Iowa C TO ENTERTAIN CHAPERONES Mo., has been named chairman 0 Parks, M3, Iowa City. junior and Bob Berg. P3. Cedar Mrs. Sonia Sands. housemother the UWA activity card file eom- class. and Ray Light, M4. Brook- social; J ohn Creger. A3. or Phi Epsilon Pi social fraternity, ittee. Thf' chairmanship or lyn, senior dass. set. rules. and Dean Harwood, A wlil entertain the Chaperones club committee, which eompiles the ac- Hedrick, song leader. at a dessert bridge party today at tivlty cards of every university Pledge otficers for the 1:3 0 p.m. a t the chapter house. 322 woman. Is a UW A council posl- are Dean Polton. A I, Ellis ave. 1 lion. A HANDMADE IRANIAN WOOL RUG valued at $600 Is one of Rettenmaier Elected president; Bob Boshart. AI. Mus-l liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii___ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii __iliiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ ,the prized posseSSions of Mqhammed H. Khallli. E4. Shlraz. Iran. catine, vice-president and social I" .-~ SPECIAL~ . The rur was made by 12-year-old girls and dyed with homemade Province Treasurer chail'm,lI1. and Bill Durst, A2 , For the Finest in Foods ~ 5 . KbaJili brought the rug with hhn from his homeland to show Danbury, secretary-treasurer. • tbe American people the beauty ot I - 311la11 rugs. Bob Rettenmaier, AI. Ft. Dodge. Always ShOD at the I ------has been elected treasurer of, the ALUMNI SPEAKS Stylish leather and plastic is Is the twenty-first In a. central states province of th L H ' k t· SELF-SERVE -GROCERY (th times. They will probably have to Catholic Newman student club. oren IC erson. execu Ive sec- bill!olds In both natural and I.erlts of interviews with foreign Iace even more serious problems Rettenmaier was elected to retary of the SUI alumni associa pastel shades. Pink, blue. ltudents attendJnr S.U.I.) m. the future, but they should not post at the central'states' foI n. spok e M on da y 1\ t an. green, yellow and rose. b d' d th"'l If ' symposium ,lMld at i () ~it> "I had always understood the e lscourage . as IS mise , IS lion held last weekend at "t Hi k from Sl.OO U ni~ed States ~as an ideal. perfect a war against communism. Louis. Mo. uDiverSI y. . c, er~ol). ,Wfs P.1ace _ something next to para- Accepted Oll Nationallza.tion Other officers elected to three alumm ~e()retarles to se I had 'always heard the The people knew at the begin- provincial posts were from at the sYf"~oslUm. held. a~ I P}lr~1 . r I h k' 1 State college, Utu·verJl·t.l of. 1111'- the . 58th :tnnuaI. meetmg of lh.e Summer straws. Milan P I ~ were very onest, the md ning of oi nationalization that it ~ " N t 1 A i t f St t u and Guatemalan. All ' peop1e who could live peace- 'would be a great blow to the coun- nois and University of Nebraska. a lona ssoc a Ion 0 .a e 01- fully and orderly without a gov- try but they accepted it. The Eightelm Catholic students Crom verslUes. The conference IS sched- , styles and sh~s In­ crnmcllt. • treaty signed by Great Britain and SUI attended the con\\ention. The I1led to close today. cludjng basket~, boxes. "But Americans are only human [ran in 1949 for oil rights, stated Right Rev. Francis Conway, pas- nnd shoulder strap mo­ .beings. and they are nol perfect. that Iran would receive 43 per tor of St. Thomas More chapel. We Serve dels. Natural ond pas­ With that ideal in mind when I cent of the net oil profits. and the ~v. Robert J. Welch. i~­ tel colors. carne here, in 1949. I was to some "Iran.didn't have the power and s:ructor ID the ~U [ school of rell- The Bf i d~ from S1.95 extent oisappointed." management so we never knew glOn, accompamed the students. These were the words oC Mo- how much oil was produced or jlaIDmad H. KhaliJi, a senior stu- how much profit the British were Dance Workshop dellt ' In civil engineering from actually getting," he said. "Sta­ S)tiraz. Iran. tistics showed we were only get- Slated for Toda.y See our complete stock of purses A modern dance workshop In comparison with other coun- ting about 15 pel' cent. Henry and handbags. 'Plastic. leather. and tries however he feels Americans Grady. former American ambassa- opens today with a demonstration arc ~onderful' people. dol' to Iran once said, 'The British of techniques by members of the faille in many dlfterent styles. Chang'ed Major n.a~y and air force are being sub- mOdern dance class and Orchesis Spring and summer colors. " ' , ~Id lzed at the expense of Iran.' He club, at 8 p.m, in the mil'l:or room b'om S1.9$ KhlllIh had ong11lally planned had heard the British say ~ Let t\1e of the women's g'ymnasium. ' H re's a very special gilt. 1.ll · to ":I ajor in hydraulic engineer- beggars need money bad cl)ough. A movie . ot, th~ It, , ., mdlal framc jewel boxes ~ith In., ?ut when he came t? the U.S. that ¥fill bring them to. their danyc t~l levlsjo.n . satin or rayon volvot linings. • and . f o~nd so many baSIC ~ourses knces.' I fee\ the American people shown. Betty' Kanz.ell. Te~ol covered in !¥lturql colors Yqrk. 'N.Y. . ~'iU .;.".,fn.~II~~· that ne h~d to ~ake'.M deCided to have never l1Cal)y) been informed or imported brocade. study ciVil engmeenng and take of the facts _ every~hing has been is the 'first a mnnllHV 'ThIS !n l I thom lUO . byor\lullc engmee,rmg as graduate so revised.'1 series. ' N~ a~misslpn ! }y I, " " I I .1 I t rI w~ . charged. t ' After he gets his degree he Feoels British Unfair A gUt that's urb to be app~ecl- ",ould like to remain here f~r at Khalili feels the British have FRENCH OLUB '1'0, MEEt' aled. Our manicure sets all have r. least two years to get experience, been u~fair to everyone. including The French ' ~Iub . will 1m·eet· f(ne. Germ.an steel implements, but he will have to get permission the United States. 7:30 p.m. 'today at the home .. from the immigration officials, "They have taken the mone?, )?rot. and Mrs. Alexandel' ~U· purse slt,es up t(1 laJWe' r,:sscr sOts. .11 I lito plans to return to Ir~n and eiven to them by the U.S., apd 409 E. 'Market. ( Paulene As . cO~ue his work in hydrauJics. used it to prom themselves," he University high language· teacher, from $2.~ Iran is a very mountainous coun- said. will do s~leetive French readings 127 So. Dubuque ".- •• try; 'many hydraulic projocts can He feels Americans want to help :o:.:n_t:.:h:::e:....::to~p::i:c.:....-.. :::L:..::'A:::m~it:::ie::._.. ___ ...!:==*======:==~I SaVf{ tUn.e and bother, we de­ FREE For a gift Bhc'll truly appreciate. be developed. Although this will IrtUl and that they have been very be very expensive, he hopes that honest. · ThE!!r hard work and et­ liver twice daily. Just phone in DELIVERY in the ncar future. the Iranian Iorts have been to provide oppor­ , ovtmlment will be able to de- tunity and equality for everyone. STORE HOURS: your order. We'll deliver it to SERVICE •velop the country's natural re- "In short. I can say a greater MONDAY - 9 to 9 your door. Dial 8-1141 I sources with profits from the oil economic help to Iran will not DAILY - 9to 5 5,."au!j 4ndustry, their major source of jn- only save one of the oldest coun- come. . tries from falling. but by the sur- the Btore with the leatheMloor Iran Needs Aid vival ot this nation, the future of Self-Serve Grocery Khalil! feels that his country the world may be altered," said 302 Eo Bloomlnqton 4 S. Dubuque St. \Dust have more financial help Khalili. :from America in order to save l::.::.::.='· =-::· ======~I Iran fTom falUng into Communis! hands. With Iran'S vast oil re- Give MOM a recognized ~ources and its location. it is vital to every country. He feels Iran {. . deserves more financial assistance BODleUiUlg different campus than It has received. this year . .. "The United States has done a favorite • • • remarkable job in l1elping Iran. G@t This ·Certili@d· I although their projects have been on a small scale." he continued. "Their agricultural developments Floor Lu",p For have been very helpful. even , though the Americans have faced the faded-blue Communist OPPOSition numerous denim jacket $1.00 BOWD•• Talae 12· Months t~ p"uy $2~95 69 ~ Swllli Ana • 3 Motel Choose either a popular swing arm model or the Motorola A real sportswear val­ $29.95 ue trom our men's de­ standard senior floor lamp show~. Products of Co- PinU partment! The faded­ ' Ionia} Premier, each is availabIe"in your chojce of blue Oenlm jacket with CIoek~io contrasting navy blue gleaming antique silver or Flemish brass finish, Puls yo ur 'minutes t o music all knit waist, cuffs and with shades in red, chartreuse, eggbell, maiu or through t he day-and auto­ • "un.",. Sizes S-M-L. IDllticaJly turns on ~u ~ fa vor· beige. To merit the blue-and-orange Certified tag, ite radio program. For kitchen, these lamps measure up to 105 requirements con­ 1 DON'T FORGET ba throom, r umpul room or porch. cerning safety, durability and light efieieney. SELECt" )t)U R In cherry, leaf aree n. oft'· for carefree m whi le or citron . Pal· ented plug adj.u8lS Come in-arrange to buy the lamp of four choice HALLMARK cord t o reqUi red $3995 wear ••• denim MOTHERS DAY length . Golden Voice on these budget-easy terms! ( . - - - ...... tone. M1401 new slacks CARDS AT R IE S' 100·200·. ",.U bulb wIth 5·111'.' 11fHe•• Rand·sewn, w• • hable rayoD talleCa ...... SEE OUR MANY . . Appropriat. GUts Certified reflector bow' 'or er""AI, ...tar. !\cuff·pI'OQI. tarnillb proo' ~lymerIJI Iaq.. ,. ~----- Blue sport denim box­ Blbl .., ROlarl .. Brinq In any old clock. In er slacks for sport or • Reavy dJe·cast bue with Doa·tlp fMlve. any condition and you'll leisure. Neatly tailor­ • ~ . t1,bt conltruetlo_lamp eaaot .... wHII ...... Statlon.ry, Bookl, b. allowed $3.00 trad.1n ~d - easy to launder. P.n and P.ncll toward a PIn·Up Clock Ra­ All around e I a 5 tic • VL approved earcl· ud JIIuI .11 ....,. dio. waist. 4 patch pockets. s.ts , Sanforized. Sizes S-M- .. ------WooDBURI L. • RIES IOWA SOUND SERVICE BOOK SrORE B E. CoO. Dial 8-0151

, • Pal"e 4-TlfE DAlLY IOWAN-Iowa City, Ia.-Tues., May 5, 1953 - - He~~~s the Surprise berby Finish - Last Place Phi/lies, lake' Tigers Beal NATIONAL LEAOUE ' w 1, P et. 08 W (, Pet. on Phllidelphia 12 r. .71NJ 1st Spot Again Yan kees . r 10 • 8 ~~.~tI!:~k .: .:: .. ::: 6 :::::; , ~ ?;..~,~~~ .: :. .I! ~ :~: ~ PHILADELPHIA (,4»-The big (JP)- The last-place::!~~~O I Phll . I:. :~~ ,~'~ ~,'I~~:::rkr~e .: .. : 1~ :Z~! bat of Del Ennis boosted the the Dodgers' six-game wlnnt , getting a big and Cbl.I,. . . .. 10 .n~ n ~ Cblco'u., ...... 5 8 .a8~ 'l d I h' Phill' b kit unexpected boost from relief SI. Loul. ., M I~ .111 ~1~ New Yo,ltt . . ' H II .11.'" Ph1 a e p la les ac n 0 un- streak \villi a 9-4 victory. The Art Houtteman, slammed Washfn.loh . •. " ~ .:{:i.t II Cincinnati . .• . 14 JO .tal disputed first place In the Nation- dropped Brooklyn out of a four Yankee hurlers lor 18 hit:l O.lroll ...... 4 111 .~ II 81> MlIw.u ... :'\'II~n:~!:·k l ~~·:I I . alleaeue Monday night as he bat- place tie in the Natignal league. and a 10-8 victory Monday whicl. M onda)·', Rr.u lh .'hlladolph •• ft, ChlcOlo ~ ted in five runs in the Phil lies' Milwaukee jumpl!d to a knocked the New Yorkers out 01 ~:!~: : : "IO·S~e;':'.u~.~r~,.~, ~I~: ' ;,u~:k G'lt~~I~~~~f!'n:1I '1-0 8·4 win over the Chicago Cubs. lead in the top of the first undisputed possession of lirst 10nly ,"mo. sch.duled) , Ennis hit a bases·empty homer, the Dodgers came back for place in the . Today', Pilch... Today'. Pltche.. a t~ree-run double and a r~n- . th ' half. Th Braves tied Pounding Yankee ace Vic Ras- New York .1 Cloyeiand (nl!rhl) _ Ford orSI.~r~::;· (~~Orn~~.ur~:O Ij;t tM II(I ~~o,c·: !! scorIng ground out In the third. m etr e . chi and three relielers, the Tl- (1 - 11) vs. l.emon (3-1), Friend (1-1), Willie Jones also homered tor the in t?~ second a~d added five more gers drooped New York into ~ Roslon at Chl ....o (nl,M) - Fr.emon Clnolnnatl al New York - J • • ••• 'nners. d,ecldmg runs In the top of the • 10-~) v •. Ro,ov.n 10-3), ( O-Il .s, Connelly (0-(' •. wl h first-place tie with Cleveland and Phlladelpbla . II St. Loals (nl,bl) - Chloar. al l'hll.delphla _ Low. (0-1) Ennis' filth homer of the ye:lr SIlI:t . set up a battle for the league lead ill.bop (I-Il VI. Trucks 12-1), '·s. J)rewl (2-1), ' fourth helped JI'm Del Crandell had a t 'gh' h th' t t Washln,'." al Oelroll - Porlorlfeld Milwaukee al Dr•• k lyn - Blc".rd and Jones om • w en e .wo eams mee (I-S) .,s. Wlchl (11-0). (0-2) v . , Erskine (~-O), Konstanty register his second win batted in thrIimefb.z. Th e game was Ioose 1y p1 aye d ger:;.- runnllll' of the Kentucky Derby 4 t Churchill DOWDS. Behind the fl ying leaders come Invigorator and Three Tigers-Freddie Hatfield, . '). , T .iI'U~ER I'I all the way with the Phils com- Royal Bay Gem. Dark Star broke in [root and as never headed as he won hls stretch duel with Bob Nieman and ~on Lund _ ' ~ I,. mltling three errors and the Cubs NaUve Dancer before a lun-bathed crowd or more than 100,000. each had three hits, while Matt A hila rious moTion picture satire that,ribs ~~e.comrad~,~ two, Batts knocked in four runs with till you how" T'he best of its kind since Nmotchka, The first Phil delphia run came PITTSBURGH (JP) - W t k R ° NL P tt · a pair of two-run singles. ~ In when Johnny Wyrostek was hit (Vinegar Bend) Mizell, 22-year- yros e emalns acese er- , Yanks "'Iall ~1 . Vivera. by hurler Jonny Klippstein with old st. Louis Cardinal southpaw, The Yankees came into the i !:o " Lindfors K TkO ALB L d ~ II t itnd the bags tull ot Phillies in the hurled a brilliant two-hitler Mon- e a es ver a eo eighth trailing by five. A single by • ~ I third. Del Ennis then grounded to day night to blank Pittsburgh 5-0 Mantle, an error, and a singJe by r--~-C: " Paul Serena and Bob Ram a z z 0 t I and stop the Pit'ales' ' Gil McDougald brought in one ~- . ChrisUan dropped the throw to second, al- strc:lk at five games. Solly Hemus NEW YORK (JP)-, run, Irv Noren batted for Billy L__ -'-PJ lowing Ryan to score. homerrd tor the Cards In the se,'- a sparkplug in the surprising still is the pace-setter, at ,451. last week. Martin and drilled a home run in- - T':" Ramazzoti was removed from enth. Ray Jablonski banged OUI early season showing of the Records include games played Duke Snider of the Brook . to t?e lower rightfield stands, "Why don" you get tid 0' I the game In the third and taken two singles and a triple and Sunday. ~ Dodgers and Hank Sauer of Chl- leavmg the New Yorkers one run Ko" th. wait.r? EverTone to Temple Univer ity hospital. scored two Cardinal runs. fourth-place , has Woodling, sidelined with an eye cago are deadlocked for third with behind, knows It. i, a spy." .371. "Why ,hould 11 Th. next spy Doctors there said he had sus- Mizell, who struck out nine t;lken over, as . the American inflammation last week. dropped Next come Milwaukee's Bill When pinch-hitter Bill Renna might not b. half OJ good taincd fractures of two bones in walked five, didn't allow a hit un- league's leadmg hitter. to second in the American league Bruton with .368, and Carlos followed with a Single, Houtte- a woit.rI" the middle fingl!r ot his right til the Sixt:l In:1ing, Carlos 8er- The SO-year-old third baseman, at .408. The Yankee flychaser nier, Pi ttsburgh, with .367, man was called on to replace hand-apparently when hit by the Iller, the fleet-footed Cuban, who led th.e junior circuit In bat- only three hits in 13 at bats. Five players share the Ameri- Dave Madison, who eventually got thrown ball he dropped In that brok. uP MIze ll'S bid for a no- ting In 1949, has collected 27 hits Dave Philley lot the Philadel- can league lead In home runs the win. Bo~ Cerv becllme the Inning. • hitter with a r;nging single to lett. In 65 at bats for a .415 mark. Kell phia Athletics and Cleveland's four apiece. They are Yan Yanks' third straight pinchhltter, The rinal Chicago run was Frank Thoma~ Singled to leit 1n picked up 20 points last week as Rosen are tide for third 'at ,380, Mickey Mantle, Vic Wertz batting for Phil Rizzuto, and was scored in the ninth. Eddie Miksls the ninth fer (hI' other hit. . he shot past Gene Woodling of the fitt.h place. comc.s Pete Suder ' Dick Kryhoski of St. Louis, the ~irst to fail, lifting an easy fly i singled aCter Phil Cavaretta had On,y ~\-. O F.':ates reached fIrst . PhiladelphIa with .366. Zernial, Philadelphia and Dick to nght. walked. Gene Hermanski also in five frames-both on walks. In the Natiollil league, Johnny Cincinnati's Jim Gernert of Boston. The veteran Then, in the nillth, Houtteman "No Time For Flowers" singled and Cavaretta was out Paul Smith walked m the first Wyrostek ot the Philadelphia zoomed into second place in Bob Elliott of St. Louis is retired the Yankee power men - AND trying to score. Then Sauer and was issued a PhUlies, although he was unable National league with .405. pace-setter in runs batted in with Johnny Mize, Gene Woodling and Sorry comrocJ., we',. all ouf doubled Mlksls home. pass in the fourth. to maintain last week's .500 pace, rookie outfielder had 18. Mantle. of sugar, bread and LuH.rI" * * * Mizell . helpe~ his own cause in I~ the National league, . Miz~ h~d hit a home run. in lhe uT~en peace b. witft you.': MR. MAGOO the fOUllh ,WIt? a bases-loaded Mathews of Milwaukee, with six, Sixth JOnJOg as the bed thel "Sorry, we',. oil OU' of Braves Beat Bums H kT W. 3 15 Yan~ 'haf# foof" CARTOON REVIEW Si ngle to drIve In a pair of runs. aw eams In 0 is the home run leader and score, 3-3. It was the fIrst homel' , BROOKLYN (JP) _ The Mil- Bob Hall th,en relieved Bue start- • Brooklyn's Roy Campanella o.f the s~ason for the 40-year-old 3 MR. MAGOO and 2 JOLLY FROLIC CARTOONS waukee Braves went on the war- er Murry Di ckson. tops in runs batted in with 22, fIrst baseman, ~lli~llia15~itMb~ap~d * * * ~Mb~ITRm~ahMich~anTwk~BarnM MiI~uk"~ M~ su;r~k~o~n~ I ;~~~~~i~ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lheir old jinx team, the BI'Qoklyn Giants Split Tips Ranking PI Hazlett 2d in NAAU heads the National league pi STARTS , TO~DA __ Dodgers, Monday night and ended while Mel Parnell, Boston NEW YORK (IP)-A grand slam Hawkeye athletes won Iowa Saturday in a dual Wynn, Cleveland; and ... Oh blo h home run by outfielder Gus five ,contests over the meet at Bloomingion. Stuart, S1. Louis, are ., tied . 1 /lENDS SATURDAYII f5 z Sa 19 To Pu IS in the .sevent/1 lnhing after the baseball team Ted Wheeler tUl'ned in an- Am~l'jeaJ'\ le.~ue honbrs. Each , I ... 0 C"?3P Ted had and the tennis team standing performance for '· wQrt three anq\l!)St I I ' CD 0 M~ Kl4~zewskj g~mc.s 'R h ilh Ih' d ., C -fh th . 1 New$paper Aft e r doutcd a first innIng, ~br,ee-run match'. ' The goIter! and Hawks by copping ~he mile , oug w . e a.m . eS.I .~I"Ugll WI , ,e gUyS.~.I~ \1 .: VJ ° I ' hotndt helped the Cihcinnatl Reds were defeated. , ' while Rich Y .. ..., I Pr1soll Re ease to ~ 9-~ Ivjctory ,!lyer lt9-e New 'Iowa moved up' to a con under doctor's orders ' to " : ,I , 1'1" '1 '"" I, '. '/' , '.' fl )f .. :"; .I 1 ST_ LOUI~ ;1P):"'Fre~ ~. ~aigh, X~~~u!~~~~rj~~~j~~~~~;~a~~~~ race Sat~~d:~~yB!!.e~~~ng n ~\~~~~:I:o ~i~:g~e~a~~iin~OJ\la f.l.~.::.QP.. :~,.· ',:~~ ~I "Z I 'e • E tormer St. Louis caf'dtMl owner won the opener, 12-4. The bl~ .header from 'Michigan" lap spurt. . who surrender.ed Monday to pegin umph ended an eight-game The Hawks also captured 'i~'i 0 a pr;'on terl;'/\. (or income tax tl'eak for the Re~g6. 220-yard clash 'and mile l:elay, the _ evasion, was quOted as saying he Dell's thl'ee-rlU}- 1 homer ot! EVANSTON, Ill, (JP) _ tn Indiana had far too much "Battlel!'round ~ plan~ to publish a St. Ji.,oui~ news- Larry Jan$~n w nt, to waste in trt aD~r r olf meet a.t for the invaders. of ~ paper upon his release. the opener, but the slugging out- the Iowa. team lost to * * * 1953 ~ Saigh, who will serve hls 15- fielder came through a grand and Northwestern . Towa's- trampoline ace Bob Tonite & Wednesday! ~ month sentence in the ~erre sl~m homer ,and thr~e slngl~s to elrlgan hea. the H awks 24-l i lett, competing unattached, p~ced I The Funniest Thing .-=z Haute, Ind., federnl penltentJary, drive home live runs m the D1gh~- the WI~ won , 21.15. In the second Saturday in the nahonal I Evc;r to Happen To was quoted by Sports Editor Ellis cap. Kluszewski matched Bell s third match Mlchlgan beat North- AAU gymnastics meet at Chicago. The Wes t! IIEW >. Veech of the Easl Sl. Louis, Ill., (ive-hit total and balted in four wesiem , 21: 15. *' * * BOB HOPE n Journal as saying: runs, HI four-baggrr with Indiana university's golf team ~il of "African 'Queen" z: Upon his release he and asso· matl!s aboard .off lose~ Jim Hearn. . topped Iowa, 15-12, Saturday ~t \ In ".demy Award Star! ~ eiates plan to publish an after- In the opening ,Inning of the str~$ title favorite winch was Bloomington. 'FANOY PANTS' ~ Mon newspaper backed by cap- nightcap gave the Redlegs an pre~ l ou sly unbeaten to top the Winning singles matches for tile . ital sufficient to withstand com pc- early 3-0 lea<;l. action. , Hawks were Richard Wells and Technlcolor tltion lor four years. He declined Bubba Church was staked to an The Hawkeyes won the fIrst Donald Kneeter, Doubles victories with to Identify his associates but said 1-0 lead in the second game but game, 4-2, behind Ron Schae,fer went to Ed McCardell and Kneel- LuciJIe Ball negotiations already were under- wilted in the seventh and and took the second, 5-3, . beh1!ld er and Wells and Richard Bell- way to buy a buildini_ routed in the eighth when Merle J ensen. Iowa gave Its ~tt- inger. I jiiiiiiiiii~ii Giants scored all their runs. chers fine fielding support, gettmg l '_~=====;~:;:;:~ _ _ ------__----....., I------_=----ifive double plays in the twin bill. A 0 V E R T I S E ~ E NT Don Waldron was Iowa's lead-:7 If} ree Book on Arthritis Ing hitter for the day with four l ~ lu\;1.A hits. Jack Lundquist, Iowa's lead- ~ ___ ::;: __ - _.- 40U HafJI Rheumatism ing hitler and RBI man, had only St t TODAY' Do IJOW to AVOID one hit in , even tries, but boosted a r s • CRIPPLING DEFORMITIES his runs-batted-in total to 27 In An amazing newly enl arged 44- 17 games with three for the day. a ea~ee '1 Plan? oage book entitled "Rheumatism" * * * will be sent free to anyone who The Hawk tennis team took a will write for it. rather unexpected victory It re eals w.hy drugs and medl- N t D ' th J h cines give only temporary relief 0 re arne In e on y ome '.nd fail to remove the causes of test tor Iowa athletes over the trouble; exolalns a specia1Jzed weekend, 5-4. Norman Barnes cal, non - medical treat- Iowa, ' he No. 1 Big Ten singles which has proven successful titlist, defeated Wa lly Clarke, [or the past 33 years. U_ S. seventh-ranked juruor play- You incur no obligation in send- er of 1951, and Harold ing for this instructive book. It whipped the No 2 Irish ODe of the mOlt lJU.r.. tlng may be lhe mean~ of savi~g you years of untold misery. Wnte to- Indiana *sweeps '* in *th e and profltabl. eare.n In jay to The Ball Olinic, Dept. 1428, Excelsior Springs Missouri. ump and low hurdles hel,ped wlllch • young Am.rlelD , to an 83-48 WID C.D IDY.. t hll future II ' POSITIV,EL Y ENDS FOREIGN TRADE in a timely or BIG ·THURSDAY love·story ripped 2 HITS from todayls FOREIGN SERVIa This Enragement - living drama I ADULTS &Ie Matinees to 5:30 - on the blazing , \ NIGHTS - 85c I battlefront! OBiLDREN - ANYTIME-35c ~ Two GrMI SIan till.1.ir Grtdltll! REX , UU.I . TIl. I AmerlcaD IialtUul. For HARRISON· PALMER For.lgn Trad. oU.,.. you THE LO,. gr.du... ·lenl trainIng fw SIIOWS a taUlfylng aDd lucraUY. AT - DARK, HALL ) :30 :I : ~II car•• r abroa'" Adyanc.d ~, S~ dear". off.,.d. ' ~: IIO 9: ~~ IIFeatlire OKfJedti9afe ~:~." Writ. 101 Th. RegIItru } AmerlclD Iutltul. For FonlgD Tracie EARTH' I -8pecjal­ - KEENANWVNN P. O. Box 191 Coloftooll - I.¢e News 1 Phoehe, Amona Add - Basketball IIIr hUr h&a - All Stars Late.~ I 'HOUle or Wax' - New. ... •

!J TH DA.ILY IOWAN-l ows City. ra.-Tu~ .. Ma S. 195&:-P ac~ 5 2 Students Hurt City Hospitals To Hold I,fisenhower, .Coeds Fo Vote FriCla Y,; Travel (ourse I t " " . AF Cadets Get Summer Camp Assig'oments Open House Sunday n A u 0 C0 IIISlon Summer eamp assignments tori S~I General . and Children's Wallace Rees. G, LeMars. and 17,000 air force reserve officers the four-week encampments. bOSp.lt~ ls, .Mercy and . v.eterans For 'Mr. Formal, SUI' To Be Offered Robert J. Meyer, M2. Cedar Rap- training corps cadets from 46 The cadets will be gwen a 188- admlrustration hospitals WIll hold SfateLea~ers ids. were injured when their cars states were completed last week, hour training prolJ'am as the ap- open bouse Sunday aftern~n, the collided on highway 218. north ot tbe Air university, Montgomery, plicatiQn ot three years of class ltrst day of t.he n~Uon-wlde ?b­ 1SCUSS Peace Coeds who were candidates for • In Europe Iowa City about 4:30 a.m. Sun- Ala., announced Monday. work in preparing for commis- servance of Nahonal Hospital the "Miss SUI" contest are to vote ltered in the nallotlal contest to DI day. Of th t 144 SUI A~_ sions as second lieutenants. week. WASHINGTON (JP)- The gov- Friday to decide the winner ot the select a "Mr. Formal, U.S.A." The The sixth annual European sem­ HI'"h .... way pat ro1m an J . L . S ml·th dets a group are - _ University students will serve crnors of 44 states and five terri- "Mr. Formal, SUI" title. The win- wi.nner of that title wJll receive a inar, sponsored by a national said the Meyer car was parked on . T ABLE TENN WINNERS as guides to the medical areas tories consulted with President n~r is to be announced Friday $500 defense bond, a week In council. will give students the a turn-around spot wben Rees' The 60 ail"' force bases ea.pable Lee Ratermanis, AI, Iowa City, where scientific progress hlis Eisenhower and his lieutenants nIght. Hollywood with expenses paid. opportunity to study the religious car struck It. Rees said he was ot handling the camps are pnmar- won the singles championship at brought life expectancy to an all­ Monday on "the overriding .ques- The Miss SUI candidates will and a screen test with the Alex and social situation in Europe, to forced to the lett by an approach- ily in the south and sout.l\~est. the state tennIs cbampionshlps time high. tion of the peace and secunty of represent each women's housing Gottlieb productions. become acquainted with European ing car. Therefore. most of SUT's :uslgn- contest held last Saturday and One out 61 eight Americans will d'Llr country." . .. unit.. . The SUI winner will be judged sttJdents. and to consider our role Rees received cuts on his knee menls are to Texas, California, Sunday in the Community build- be hospital patients in 1953. " It was the (I:st time 10 20 years .The wmner of the contellt Will by photograph. Votes will be based In building a more peaceful world. and Meyer suffered knee. tont Oklahoma and southern Illinois. ing. Be~nard Stoll and Jim Hom- Nineteen million people will see that an Amencan President has wm a sll~mer. form~1 outfit trom on each man's appearance in a The program for this summer and head injuries. patrolman Most student cadets will travel burg placed second in the dou- the inside of hospitals in the .•r SOUg.ht the counsel. of stale lead- "Alter SI.X." mcludmg. a white dinner jacket. The photographs will include visits to England. Smith said. about 750 miles to reach bases tor bles. course of treatment this year. ers m such a m~etmg. djnner Jacket. midmgh.t blue will be pJaced in a window at Scotland, Germany. Italy, Swit. There were signs that the gov- trouser' , cummerbund, tie. and B zerland Yugoslavia Spain and ernors not only are being given a dress shirt. He will also receive a remers. .. France' •• first hand picture of_~he state ?f white bowl formal p~pe, a lighter. Each men's housmg unit ca~ In addition to lectures and dis- the world but are bemg told, m and a set oC men's tOIletries select a contestant to represent It. . h' h 'U b part at least. what the U.S. pro- The campus wmner. W.'ill be en- mea. th 11 -co II ege con t es.t D ea dllne cusslond t meetmgs d th h w IC th WI . e poses to do about it. ' for entry in the contest has been con uc e . roug out .e semtn· All sessions of the two-day con· set for 5 p.m. Wednesday. ar~ there Will be ample time allot. ference which ends today are be· Poll"ce Offl"cer Hurt Housing .units which have en- te? for Sightseeing tri?s. Students It WANT AD RATES House for Sale Instruction ing held behind closed doors t d d'dl t Th t X' will have an opportumty to make Apartment for Rent What goes on at the extl'aordl'-' Derelta Ucan'l a eQs adre I e aT I. some choices regardlng speci!ic t . ,------______Pi n u ng e 1- LET us TRANSFER your furniture 18[e- BALL '100M d3nce leuon •. Mlmf YOU4e it e · PSI o. a ra • own Iti nd g One ..... -- .... -orcl lu Wltb our modern ~ulpmen' 10 vour W I 01 I ~ •• nary meeting will be held strictly Men HI'llcrest Sl'gma Chi' Beta nerary a pro ram. U J ...... _ ... "" ..... - ,-~ " UT U. • ...... S C I S 0 ., Tbr" 10 d MOVING 1 N TO AN APARTMENT? new home. Maher Droo. Tnmlfer. Dial confidential, James C. Hagerty. A ar H e Theta Pi, Aca~ja, Sigma Phi Ep- T~e cost for the two-month ee u.y...... 0 per wor Leave the responsibility of makin, lonll 1______the President's press secretary. P r ff J es J D lton silon Sigma Nu' Alpha Epsilon semmar will. be approximately Five dayl ...... l 5e per word or .hor! haul. with your furniture to Miscellaneous for Sale Loans told reporters. 0 l ce 0 Icer am . a .' . G • $900. This price will Include all Ten day._...... 20t1 per word ~~ m",::mlY ~UIPpeO ~~"~ Service. ______y nd 1------But Eisenhower permitted some was lflJured Satutda night when PI, a. Phi amma Delta. transportation costs, meals. lodg. One month ...... 390 per worcl FORe:en;,o:hone-::'. o:e roo~ fW'n- A.K.C. Cocke". Dial teOO. _ L~~rll!!:l. d1a~ndJ~ndlJlUl~h"":.'t: of his ooening remarks to be made the patr?1 car . e was drlvmgthe ings. accident insurance. and the Minimum oharre sOe Ilhtd apartme~ Ont bloc:k from A'I"I'ENTION R.O.T.C. StudenllJ OUke ...... \(!h ... Hoc:k-Eye Loan. public, -including the reason for crashed tlnBtol a !Jghtt pOled aDt d Director of WSUI programs In each country. buslneu dlltrlc\' Desirable (or one or .umme. dnsa unlfonn. Iz,.o nnd of- his inviting the state and terri· corner 0 oomtng on an 0 ge . The coupci! on student travel. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY two boys. $39 per month with uUIIUe tl""r'l overcoat. For ..Ie. Phone 371M . Work Wanted torial executives to Washington. sts· It . 1 d composed of the YMCA. YWCA, '" I t' 98 paid. THOR j 0 Llk Ph 8 210« D Returns from TV II-Ut2. LA-- UNDRl---=.:~ ES. -.;;;.;;~;;;..----6778. I "As chief executives of the state . a on. was pursumgth'd wo spee - •• and 35 national educational and Jne nser Ion...... c per FOR RENT : Phone one bloe.k rner. e new. one - . Phon.______'I and nation. you and I have a tre- mg crsHwhen. ed acc~ ent ~~- Meet in CalIfornIa religious organizations. has ob- qve ins~rtion~ per month, 1.~~~m.~~:;;,~~td!:~CLpr~:t r~mU,'~d W~ur~~?u~ !1J:°~~:u~:rcr~n~~l=e.!':. r~?T ",.u •••hm.. pa,* cleo.nlnof mendous responsibility for the curre . d e rechelvde cdU hlon IS tained three ships for use In Euro· per IDserhon ...... 88c per Ineb utlllUe. furnlahed. ~5 per month. Maher Brol. Traml .. r. Dial 96t6. • ·t d If f nOlle an t ore ea an p an d r i t· h TINY Tot PreschooL 01.1 8-S'711. secufl y an we are 0 our peo- k b' Carl Menzer. station director oC pean seminars. conferences. and en nser Ions per mont, FURN ISHED onortm"ni"or rent. Down. LUGGAGE. trunk,. wardrobe., root loe- I I It · f'tt"t t nee rU Lses. ~ _..... __ ~ ______p e. IS I mg. I seems 0 me, D It sal'd h tt t'LDg WSUI and KSUI has returned projects. The council also reserves per insertion ...... 80c per Inch town. lnQulre Royal Caf~. kera. Hock-Ere-Lolln. I 0'1 ' I that'd' we ~hould. consultf th on the ov-d t 0 over a on t a k e th ee twaswo carsa emp w hen from Los Angel~..., Calif where. .~pace on these ships for students. al Y losert Ions' d ur ng mon th • .parlmenll. 804 N. Dubuque ern mg questIOn 0 e peace an II d t t th I ft f . he was chall'man of a committee and teachers who plan on gomg rer Insertion .... _.. 70c per incb Dlnl 8-2"'.. ·t f • t" one pu e ou 0 e e orcmg ~ecufl y 0 our coun ry. h' t d' , th 'b t appOinted by the National Asso- abroad. . rt D~ A'YHUoe•• a!a .. ------ONE.wheel trailer. $5). Phone 0813. WANTED ------Jm 0 rive over e CUI o. 1'0 f Ed l' 1 B d a t Pd" th T - avoid a collision. cia I Mn 0 • uca Lona troia c s - h' ersons. heslnnlg Phassage on the Th Dall,. Iowan 1I.llnol. or".. ypmg c.s AlIGUS. We.tern 111M meier plu. 'Ellsworth Elected The front end of the police car ers. . enzer s group me n con- SIPS. whlc sal t roughou~ e B.lemu' E.I' " .11 • • ______. 1 aec SIOrie •. Phon 7814 t><,lween 4 and ( was damaged i and the frame was junctlO~ with the c~nference ?f summer and fall. should write to notary public. mimeograph nfl. 0 p.m. Day Bell Boy , bent. police said. The light pole the Nabon.a~ AssociatIon of RadiO the Council on Studcnt Travel. 179 • • Ca II 4191 v. Burns. 601 Iowa Slate Bank. COM8lNATION 3 ,peed record cutter. oLibrary CommiHee was cracked about eight feet and TeleVISion Broadcasters. Broadway, New York 7, N.Y. ______phonolTapb and radio. MUJt 11 . 311 Full time. T 3bove the ground. The committee was appOinted Person~ interested in .the Euro- ty»tnC. 8-3877. Jim Youn,. 414Q. D' R I h E Ell th dl t The cars Dalton was chasing to study and discuss new devel- pean semmar shOUld wnte to Miss ------1 8~~;;~?,'1~v~;;:i: J~::hl~r'p~on~· 6~t I. II p .' "swor • rec o~ were not caught. opments in and planning for edu- Timmie Woodward. 600 Lexington ------,..,...c. ___ Hotel Jefferson of the SUI l~bral1es. ~as clectea Dalton was taken to Univer- calional television. The work was Ave., New York 22. N.Y. Inlor- ...... ______II!:XPERT typing. 6713. ~OJ.,F balls. Hock -li!ye-Lo/In. Apply to Manager to the executIve committee of the 't h . 1ft t t d made possible by a grant fro"' the mation ma" also be obtained at 1942 CHEVROLET. Phone 2350. EXPERIENCED typln,. 7834. b ar d f d' t C th l'd t 51 y osplta s or rea men an ,.. ~ CANARIES. Parakeets. Calle •. S edt. D LaI or .ot l'Ob Irec orts 0 t .~ mb wed? later released. He was on duty Fund for Adult E~ucatlon. the studcnt YMCA or YWCA of- 2Il62. In e~~ J r~ry cf~.n er a F ide oar s Monday. The newly-appolOted cpmmit- fice located in the Iowa Memorial ____R..;.oo_m_s'--fo_T_R_8_n_t ___ Bell Captain mee 109 m Icago ray. . tee. meeting for fire days. studied Union. ROOMS _ 'P'a(Juate Itudenll. Pbon. Help Wanted Automobiles Wanted_ El!sworth was eiect7d vice· d the problems of educational tele- 1------WANT junk CheVTololl. Pbone 8-1861. preSident of the execul1ve com- 21niure as Car d : ion and discussed develop- IOWA ())TY CnOSEN room (or IIIr1l on bUB line. Call WANTfi'D: Responsible man with 1IjI1.1,~ ______STUDENTS - MALE mittee at the same meeting tor a - ments techniques and equipmcnt Iowa City was chosen as the experience 10 mn"oge on Important, · th t 0c/ • t 8·d ' I f h f . departmenl In a well utabltshod bUlln •• ree. y~ar . erm. Sk IS' no" ge in the television art. meeting p ace or. t e all sessIOn ROO;\{ And garage. Near Veteran'. In Jowa ClIy. All application. will bp We will pay you cash SUMMER OR ThiS IS hIS second term on the Onc of the tasks of the commit- of the Iowa ASSOCiated Press Tel- pltal. Dial 3461. kept confldenUal. Your preocnl ~mployet for your Used Cars executive committee. He served a Alvin W. Wiseman. 19. and tee was to prepare a report of Ptlraph Editors. at their session in ~OOM lor - m-en-.-P- r-Iv-.-le entrance. Dial D!lil ynf~w~~. contacled. Write Box 70. CAREER WORK All makes and models three year term from 1949 until Harold Roberts,. ~6. both of Sig- their findings for the NAEB. Thc Perry Sunday. 7485. Sell hospitalization and med­ ]951. ourney, were JolIJured when the report is expected to be a gUide ' I ::======": , I ---~----~----- 1 KENNEDY AUTO MARl cal insurance for Iowa's The • inter-library center is ~ car Wiseman was driving skidded for educatlonal institutions and 708 RIverside Drive leading comp:lny in its field. group of 18 large research libra· off the road and struck a bridge other organizations interested !11 RADtO. tel.vlllon, appliance Dial 7373 We offer: ries of the midwest whiph llre:)O highway 1. seven miles soUth ha\li~ television. See J.cklon Electric Compony. 1-:--;----":", ., I working together on. central stor- of Iowa City Saturd ay a b ou t 7 Co mittee membEJrs inspected 1. Paid training, ° • • I Ignition age, central acqulslt/on of rc- p.m. I the latest eQ\li~metJt in ~he tele- • , . II Personal Services 2. G\.l~CIJlleed m. I ~ , ~1JD;l zo I ~al'_cb material <\nd preservlltion Wiseman received cuts about vision lndus{ry and examined the noI : RADIO' o qC bews~aper files. the face apd Roberts received fa~e pp¥ jeal I!l~nt of th n~w educa- V,.:)t. b 01 rn T~e main body is g6verned by :. lpc;\ s~l1l\1 .cut.cj and severe dbra~ t'i~l televisIOn ~ atlbft at th .arrUnls'I .j.' . ~$ ~ boati:l oq directors'. one tnerri· slons on hiS knees and forehead. University of SouthJrn California. II ith weele.I • ..,'I .~ I II bet' YrtJ r4 each univf;fsity. The Ill(' highway patrq!man ,1. L. l'Icrtram- -_ ' 3. Work ~ your ocallfy if ecu t iv~ fommitte~ i$ I~~ed rom .e'll said. I' . • McCAlltHY ESl'IFJES the board. WIseman was attemptln, to desired. , I _---_..... 1 ~. _____ t pass anoth~ car when the ca WASHINGToN (~- Sen. 'LTERATION'. repaJr on men •• wom'en" I behind him started to pass, patroI- seph McCarthy (R-Wis.) said Qlp\l1.l",. The Family Tollor 'ShoPP4 • , I You must have a car. be IlQIi .:C. ColleRe. Dtal Q · 40~1. • , Apptoved J ~yCees Receive man Bertramsen said. Wiseman Monday some ship <,Jwners ot . prepared tP I travel .away tried to pull back into the line 6f Amerlc~'s Westllm i1)lles a~e en.' S~W :NG. d~ .. makl"l. Dial '-Qi70. 'tHESis PAPER , Convention Honors traffic. As he applied his brakes gaging tn an "unholy dual trade" I from honie four nights a ALSO Baby Sitting i •. L first place awards and a the car skidqcd. went off the road .with Red China and. tl'le United 'and week. ~~ond. place in activities for the l\lld struck the bridge. States, taking money from boW I A.M. b.,by IltUnll In my home. For an interview write a ret­ y(!ar were won by the Iowa City The car was nearly totally de- sides. McCartqy made the state) Good Selecrtion of Used 8-1707. THESIS SUPPLIES Junior Chamber of Commerce at Bertramsen said. ment !IS testimony at a nearing tel' of application to Mr. Pow­ stro~M, Table Sets and Portables ------~------~------ell. Box 192, Des Moines, giv­ the three-day state convention before his Senate Investigations I LAFF-A-DAY RIES IOWA ing age, Bvallabl date, per­ which ended Sunday at Cedar Newspaper Circulation _S U::.:b:.:c:.::.o:.:.m:.:.m:.::.i:.::.tt:.::.ee=. ______~::;::===_======I' sonal qualifications and refer­ Rapids. Forty local members at· - - -- BOOK STORE ences. tcnded sessions at the convention. Short Course Ends Bernard Kozik of'R.R. 4, Iowa The 1953 Iowa short course on City - the farmer nominated by newspaper circulation. sponsored the local JayCees-won the award by the school of journalism. ended greater as Iowa's outstanding young farm· Monday with the third session cr. highHghted by the commencement Ii's - ri First place awards were wJn by banquet. held in the River room, dr~leaning the local group in agriculture. Towa Memorial Union. Christmas activities. public aC· The two-day session was at· MAGICAL fairs. publications, traffic ~a tety. tended by about 60 newspapermen value and youth welfare. The second ' "~ ~ 1 n stat"• . Renrespnted were I place award was in sports. ICallfornia, Colorado. 111lnois, In­ Robert LaBarre of Algona was ciJRna, Nebl'aska. Nevada. New . • • the way Iowan . named state president. York. Ohio, Wisconsin. and Iowa. " Want Ads get RESULTSI

Yes, Iowan classlfied users tell CITY RECORD us every day about the "amaz· MOTHPROOfiNG ing" results they have received from their want adsl DEATHS Mercy hospital. NOW WII" .....Nq:m. Mrs. Annie Cockshoot. 61. Wi!· · To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schne­ Let the "magical" Iowan classi­ ton Junction. Sunday at Mercy berger. Route 6, a boy Saturday at ~i'l'h fleds work tor you ton. Call 4191 hospital. Mercy hospital. . free with your cleaning! Results Every Dayl today, and let our friendly ad Samuel D. Whiting, 77. 8101 To Mr. and Mrs. John .Rummel· taker help you word an ad that Your ad may create or meet Whiting ave.. Suniioy at Mercy hart. 601'~ S. Gilbert, a girl Sun­ NO MORE PACKING I NO MORE WRAPPING I will get you "amazing" results! UIe desire of IOmeone on .ny hospital. day at Mercy hospital. NO MORE SPRAYINGt NO MORE MOTHS I To Mr. and Mrs. William Hopp. da, 01 the week! BIRTHS 26·N. Governor, a gi rl ·Monday at For Quick Economlc.l Result. To Mr. and Mrs. James Manary. Mercy hospital. 522 E. Colleg~, a boy Thursday at To Mr. and Mrs. Richard Calla. 218 E. Washington REMEMBER CAlL 4191 TODAY Mercy pospita I. han. 610 'N. Johnson, a girl Mon- T6 Mr. and Mrs. James L. Pur~ qay at M er~y hospital. 1 S. Dubuque vis. DavcnpoI't, a boy Friday ilt To Mr. and Mrs. Lee Zaruba. Mercy h01pital. Columbus Junction, a girl Monday ,I To Mr. and Mrs. John White. at Mercy hospital. 256 Hawkeye V lIJage. a gJ r I F riday 1 ~;:;;;;;;;;;:;' iOiiii_;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'" at Me rcy hospital. aRENME·.AN'S !IIIIIIlatJ_-W ANT E D--~ To Mr. and Mrs. John Ruppert, . National concern member of CHAM· 225 Iowa ave., a girl Saturday ot TASTEE CREME CO~ Mercy hospItal. BER/OF COMMERCE, BANKS. ETC .. To Mr. and Mrs. John Young. DELIO IOU S Is 1~Jdn9 for ambltloua. rellahle men 1513 Finkbine, a boy Saturday a,t or women who have tlJne (and d.. TASTEE HOME aire) to own--cnd IUpervise a bu- CREME MADE W Reliable In... requlrin9 OolI' 3 to 4 hours a W RENT AOAR week. , ICE Men HERn • Cones CREAM NO HEADACHES. NO SELLING. A and Phyalcal C:OIldillon or education not DRIV~·UR.SELF pints • Sundaes Women lmportanL Bualn ... paya you a pro- SYSTEM quarts • Malts V2 qal. N Who 8t Itcrtlnq the ~t day. 9al. MAHER BROS. • 31e Qt. Can THIS IS .NOT A GET·RICH·QUICK 304 S: GIU;.,rt T .cheme. But. people in lDany walks OPEN 'T!LL 11100 P,M. QUClllfy of We • today maldnq a Iteady JUlt Phon. 9696 EVERYHITE Corner of Dubuque " ClIllteD mabie laeome from th1a bualneu­ E and are dam proud of IU You must have a car. referencea and $600,00 Cash. La- D Key to the future - . Dcatio.. for theM new, naIonall)'CIciyertlaed eoin mer­ Glbp. Tralnlnq chandlalDq maehlne. are obtained lor you. You m.ely OIbb. It


, - . ------_._---- •

Pap 5-TIIE DAILY IOWAN-low_ City, Ia.-Tues.• )"7 5. It5! Campus ElectioQs For Student Council Posts 10' Be Wedn esda, '

Publication Positions the increased use of the racilitles at football g:lples, ana full Student Council, recommends dis- C I I' A" at the Union, gotion of the student. parki tributi~rt of , appointments of ons ruc Ion cllVlly . Hero Waves to Worshippers To Be Filled Also; * * * problem. COUDCII committee members to all ""':::::; TV Schooltime Show Jackie Lewis. N2, Burlington, ele~tor~tes of. the student body to Increases I'n ' Iowa candidate for Student Council AS mamtam a high level of interest , To · Polling Places Lisfed delegate-at-Iarge, recommends el- in student government. , Feature Foods, igibility for all SUI st.udents to S~ldin also advocates increased Report Dala Shows SUI students will" elect run as delegates..at-Iarge for po- seatmg for SUI football and bas- Nutrition, Exercise delel:ates-at-Iarge, two town sitions on the Student Council. ketbaU games, a survey to Investl- and one married student to Miss Lewis also advocates sub- gate student parking facilities and Construction showed the most Foods, nutritiotl and exercise dent Council seats Wednesday, , titution of the numerous drives the parking fine system to accom- marked increase of the "Iowa will be featured Wednesday at 10 One lnter-Fraternity seat on tit on campus such as cancer, polio, pUsh a mOl'e equitable plan, and Trends" reported in the new issue a.m. over the WOI-TV, Ames, "TV Council will also be filled. Heart disease, and campus chest support of the new married stu- of the Iowa Business Digest. Polling wlll be in Currier, Hill. with one all-campus drive In the dent housing reduced 'rental plan. Mueh of the building activity is Schooltimc" telecast. e I est, Quadrangle, fall for the purpose of allocating * * * seasonal - like the 315.6 per Designed primarily for studcnts Schaeffer hall, University b a certain percentage 10 each !t1YtrB Bill Skaife, Ll, .Dubuque, Stu- cen1 increase of residential build- in the upper grades, the show is the Jowa Memorial Union and Charles E, Newcomer, dent Council delegate-at-large, ing trom February to March - part of the "Guideposts" series medical laboratories. bUrg, Student .Council advocates im- but it is encouragingly significant, presented each Wcdnesday by the at-large. urges Ihat the t f th th d·t t th t t t' Three students wlll also. of the Council lind its provemen 0 e eel ors no e, a cons ruc Lon SUI television division, elhn.nd to the board of election code and contracts for the fi:rst three Thc ImpOl'tancc of exercise and tion"'""'s In the all-campus ~hould be published in better co-opera- mon th s 0 f 1953 ttl0 a e d 265,p er n:ports in The Daily I lion cent bore than the valuation for posture will be shown by use Two students will be elected to Newcomer would also the same period of 1952. descriptive visual aIds, ex­ two-year tcrms and one to a one- , a constitutlol)al revision, f year term. Sales of li.fe insurance or the Lng to the students that the delegate-at-Iarge e Icc t first three months of this year 'beauty is health." The Council has established membcrs representative of were 9,2 per cent higher than in Entitled "Stone A~c Bodies with fOUr campaign rules: total student body rather than tht! r i I.' d student the 1952 period, reports the (1) Candidates will be permlt- transient stud,en~ who have nel- housing, and also ' monthly publication of the SUI 1.M.'LOn"C Minds," the show was ted to campaign from April 30 ~her an organlzalion nor problems working for a · bureau of business and economic written by Jan Wilson. A4, EI.Dor­ through May 0, but not within 50 In common. stronger Student research. Kan., with Dr, Robert A. Wil­ feet of any polling place. Moines Married Students' candl Other .planks in ,Newcomer's Council as well as making the Prices received by Iowa farmers cox, physician in the SUI stUdent (2) Each candidate can spen'd date !~r Student Council recom - platform m~lude: havmg the cal- Student Council more representa- advanced only a fraction of one no mOrC! than eJieves to at tho state music contest in Pella 1952, the Digest reports. State Teachers college and count (Ill "bullet" ballots In this Other reforms proposed by to the advantage of the Saturday. " ,The lead article for the May is- All, Force (hl·ded on Buyllng sl.ate department of public in- el~ction, and voted to re-run the vitt include: the establishment body anti Council. ,Seyeral ?rgamzahons made the sue is "The Department,l Ap- I J n t e r-Fraternlty r presentative a, St.udent ,Council public reI tn? lDc1udmg the band, orchestra, proach to Marketing Manage- election bc.tween Jack Lowry hons, com m~t,tee and string orchestra, mixed chorus, ment" by Prof. Wendell R. Smith, WASHINGTON (IP) -A manu------"---'-'----:-- Mike Mulroney. parking faCilities for stUdents and bors. glee club, all of which head of the SUI marketing dc- facturer testified Monday he has testimony. Journalism Classes Wednesday's elections will be the SUI campus. ratt:? dlvlsio~ I; .the girls glee club partment. made 110000 airplane gun heaters S lth 'd th h t received a dIvisIOn II rating ,m. sal e ea er To Hear Editor be run according to a 17-page Bill Liike* E3 *Knoxville * A roximatel 200 CJt 'hi h t~at burn out r~adJly and that the w~ich the air force insisted election code passed ;II the M' 'd 'd 't f ' I lP ttl ~ t P 11 ~ bi M t W d air force won t let him makc bUild up temperatures to John McWethy, assistant man- 17 Council meeting, c:~n~il, C;~o~l:e~ toO~erve . ~o~ tehne scO:;:ti~lon~ Ot~e; cl~ss u~ . on gomery ar better ones, , . . degrees .Fahrenheit, suffici~nt. to a,ging editor ot the millwest edi- Stephen J. Greenbcrg, AS, linison between the Coun~ll schools entered were Ottumwa, Manager To Move Rob~rt L. Sml~h, vlcC-p'resldent cook away petroleum lubncation tJ?n o.t, the Wall Street ~ournal, Omaha, Neb" who was listed tnQ Town Men's ol'ganization, Bloomfield, Chariton, and Center- ' of Bonch Products corpolation of and melt tapc. . wlll VISit ,91e campus and JOlirhal- a candidate for a transient sending to each m~mbe~ vi1Je. .' I \' To Nebraska Job Beacon, N.Y., told the , Eenll)c He added, !hat, 'tIe, kpe\f ..c.h!.SIIes Wednesday. on tho St.udent Council hils bcen !Y circular \¥l\h a Making the trip with the group ' '. ' .small busmess subb?mmltee iJls least one inst.3hee.*here he lrtcWClby wlll talk to th~. intro- deelarctl .lhellglble. " Gquncll's a lifTitlCllO ,,' \f~1! tf. ~1'h. ~ci11 Jl\U~tcttepch- J. W.' Helscher,533 S. Summlt, air force order to bUIld the h.eat- ~eating burned out tire ~ptirc to mass c9mmunlcatlons Grcenbet'~, w~~ rcsld!;~ in tI e 1Uilt t~llt~!>s~ .' . .. :pes ers, ,. .Lfi. y~ft!e Winfermey!r, Celi!, mall:iger of the Montgomery Warde~s ~as hal,ted. onc.e on the Q~SIS of lUg sy~tem, of i.\n _. F-86 lei, at in room 308 Communications p Quaarangle, notified' t.he Coun II ~~tl~f ill lUlcil . candl- ~k~Y; ' &14nnJ,U!)10 slit ii1~Ubli1 stbre, received notification 'Friday hiS com lall1ts. . j, cost \ 10 an'pIane da'Wlge of at ~'3p' ;I.m. 1I~ also will of his intentions to JIve in th e a~tl4:idn ' ty will (l,lIte rq~pm- Green. 6lher c;hal>eron~ ipcluded th"Bt he wi1l be , transferr!!d, to But art.,er he ol~er~d a new gun least $15,000... .' ', ' , , thq, aci~~'nc~d Jt e~rtillg j:,lass Qu~d next year. !!y ta~ing this lenged. Prombtln,f me~ds " adfllml~- Mfs, • Win~~~eyer and Ralph Nerth Platte, Neb., where he twill heater With a bUlltrlll th~rmostat. ~catel.'s !l:e r~l!lrc4 b,n :10 p~. ) al1d the ~p~r¢!I'dlrtg Botton .hc ldlflqual1flecLh)mselt sttlt\(!M int~test I." tratl tpc tuden! Urlon; with ~4nbrCflpe~ SUllerlpien,~ent oJ take- .over the managershiP lof.the to ?reve~t , lt fr~~ burruru: o~~" chme guns In airplanes to eJif i"' t 2'10 ,II 11''1 11 tranSient, tbeJ:oby becoming in- Couhcll which Will empj1asls on caf!'!terla prices and sCh06ls BUford VI, Gar'1er ~nH his }Y.arq stare th~re Smith saldl' the ,aIr fOl;ce told, hgn the glms f110m rreCre 'the To To It at