What to do re Fri Nov 11 section: hold it at usual time and place despite the holiday?

reschedule, e.g. Thurs PM/evening? combine with Nov 18 section (shortening the two readings)? Death of Mazarin in 1661 marks beginning of Louis XIV’s “personal rule”--no reliance on a single principal minister again. Nicolas Fouquet (1615-80) surintendant des finances until the death of Mazarin gives Colbert’s maneuverings more impact with Ls XIV. Arrested 1661; found guilty. House arrest until his death. Vaux-le-Vicomte, 55 km to Southeast of Castle built 1658-61 by Nicolas Fouquet, superintendant of finances 17th engraving of the gardens at Vaux. The reflecting water pools are larger closer to the castle, so that the gardens when viewed from the castle appear larger than they are.

A,B,C: king’s apartments

E,F,G: Fouquet’s apartments

H: bathrm

J: dining rm Floor plan of Vaux-le-Vicomte L: vestibule; D: central salon The grand salon, presumably site of the performance of Molière’s Les Fâcheux in August 1661 at the infamous party

The trompe l’oeil ceiling: peace restoring abundance André Le Nôtre (1613-1700), designed the gardens at Vaux, (1619-1690), then Versailles hired by Fouquet, then Ls XIV Fouquet purchased Belle-Isle in 1658 to use the port for maritime and colonial business; his fortifying of the port was used as evidence that he was plotting against the king. Jean-Baptiste Colbert 1619-1683, son of a merchant; secretary to Michel Le Tellier, chancellor of F; in 1661 replaces Fouquet as intendant, then comptroller of finances until his death.

A “creature” of the king; great rival of son of his first patron. Great administrator! Francois le Tellier, marquis de Louvois (1641-91) minister of war and constant rival of Colbert

for Louis XIV rivalry between ministers allows him better personal control of gvt Broadsides (also almanchs) featuring marriage of Louis XIV with Marie-Therese in 1660 Marie-Thérèse d’Autriche (1638-83), daughter of Philip IV of Spain; with her oldest son Louis the “grand Dauphin” (1661-1711)

She also bore 3 girls and 2 other boys, all of whom died in childhood (due to consanguinity)

Never successful at court; awkward Loius le Grand Dauphin (1661-1711) admitted to Conseil d’En Haut at age 30

and his son: Louis de , 1682-1712 admitted to Conseil at age 20

At his death in 1715 Louis XIV was succeeded by his great grandson, Louis XV, born in 1710 (ergo: regency) Louise de la Vallière (1644-1710), mistress of Louis XIV especially 1661-66, she left the court in 1674 Mme de Montespan (1640-1707) king’s mistress from at least 1669 (first child) to 1683; left court in 1691

She bore 4 boys, 4 girls; 2 of each survived to adulthood; tensions over legitimating them Mme de Maintenon Louis XIV’s final mistress, and morganatic (and secret) wife (i.e. her children had no claim to the throne)

first brought to court to raise Mme de Montespan’s first son Carrousel to celebrate birth of dauphin in 1661 Actors of Italian Commedia dell’Arte and French farce depicted 1670 (Molière as Arnolphe in far left) Jean-Baptiste Poquelin (1622-73), aka Molière actor and playwright

failed in Paris, then 12 years touring the provinces; 1658 settles in Paris 1659 Précieuses ridicules a big success royal commissions from 1668

Ls XIV was godfather to Moliere’s first son! Plaisirs de l’Isle enchantée, 7-14 May 1664 in honor of Anne of Austria and Marie-Thérèse, but really for Mlle de La Vallière Day One: Cavalcade. At Versailles though castle is not done Day Three: fireworks Also : performance of Tartuffe in 3 acts many commemorative medals

moving the equestrian statue of Louis XIV to the Place Louis le Grand, 1691 Apollo theme= sun god

Joseph Werner, Louis as Apollo, 1670 Louis as Alexander visiting the Persian queens after the defeat of Darius; painting by Le Brun, 1661 remediation: copied in a ceiling medallion at Versailles; in a Gobelins tapestry; in an engraving. Louis the Good Shepherd, probably by Pierre Paul Sevin, n.d., on vellum Pierre Mignard, “Louis devant Maastricht,” 1673 Joseph Werner, Louis and Mme de Montespan at a feast, ca. 1670 (Zurich, von Muralt collection)